PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
sequence.h File Reference
#include "access/xlogreader.h"
#include "catalog/objectaddress.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "parser/parse_node.h"
#include "storage/relfilelocator.h"
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Data Structures

struct  FormData_pg_sequence_data
struct  xl_seq_rec


#define SEQ_COL_LASTVAL   1
#define SEQ_COL_LOG   2
#define SEQ_COL_CALLED   3
#define XLOG_SEQ_LOG   0x00


typedef struct FormData_pg_sequence_data FormData_pg_sequence_data
typedef FormData_pg_sequence_dataForm_pg_sequence_data
typedef struct xl_seq_rec xl_seq_rec


int64 nextval_internal (Oid relid, bool check_permissions)
Datum nextval (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Listsequence_options (Oid relid)
ObjectAddress DefineSequence (ParseState *pstate, CreateSeqStmt *seq)
ObjectAddress AlterSequence (ParseState *pstate, AlterSeqStmt *stmt)
void SequenceChangePersistence (Oid relid, char newrelpersistence)
void DeleteSequenceTuple (Oid relid)
void ResetSequence (Oid seq_relid)
void ResetSequenceCaches (void)
void seq_redo (XLogReaderState *record)
void seq_desc (StringInfo buf, XLogReaderState *record)
const char * seq_identify (uint8 info)
void seq_mask (char *page, BlockNumber blkno)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SEQ_COL_CALLED   3

Definition at line 40 of file sequence.h.



Definition at line 42 of file sequence.h.



Definition at line 43 of file sequence.h.


#define SEQ_COL_LASTVAL   1

Definition at line 38 of file sequence.h.


#define SEQ_COL_LOG   2

Definition at line 39 of file sequence.h.


#define XLOG_SEQ_LOG   0x00

Definition at line 46 of file sequence.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Form_pg_sequence_data

Definition at line 32 of file sequence.h.

◆ FormData_pg_sequence_data

◆ xl_seq_rec

typedef struct xl_seq_rec xl_seq_rec

Function Documentation

◆ AlterSequence()

ObjectAddress AlterSequence ( ParseState pstate,
AlterSeqStmt stmt 

Definition at line 437 of file sequence.c.

438 {
439  Oid relid;
440  SeqTable elm;
441  Relation seqrel;
442  Buffer buf;
443  HeapTupleData datatuple;
444  Form_pg_sequence seqform;
445  Form_pg_sequence_data newdataform;
446  bool need_seq_rewrite;
447  List *owned_by;
448  ObjectAddress address;
449  Relation rel;
450  HeapTuple seqtuple;
451  HeapTuple newdatatuple;
453  /* Open and lock sequence, and check for ownership along the way. */
454  relid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(stmt->sequence,
456  stmt->missing_ok ? RVR_MISSING_OK : 0,
458  NULL);
459  if (relid == InvalidOid)
460  {
461  ereport(NOTICE,
462  (errmsg("relation \"%s\" does not exist, skipping",
463  stmt->sequence->relname)));
464  return InvalidObjectAddress;
465  }
467  init_sequence(relid, &elm, &seqrel);
469  rel = table_open(SequenceRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
470  seqtuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(SEQRELID,
471  ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
472  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(seqtuple))
473  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for sequence %u",
474  relid);
476  seqform = (Form_pg_sequence) GETSTRUCT(seqtuple);
478  /* lock page buffer and read tuple into new sequence structure */
479  (void) read_seq_tuple(seqrel, &buf, &datatuple);
481  /* copy the existing sequence data tuple, so it can be modified locally */
482  newdatatuple = heap_copytuple(&datatuple);
483  newdataform = (Form_pg_sequence_data) GETSTRUCT(newdatatuple);
487  /* Check and set new values */
488  init_params(pstate, stmt->options, stmt->for_identity, false,
489  seqform, newdataform,
490  &need_seq_rewrite, &owned_by);
492  /* If needed, rewrite the sequence relation itself */
493  if (need_seq_rewrite)
494  {
495  /* check the comment above nextval_internal()'s equivalent call. */
496  if (RelationNeedsWAL(seqrel))
499  /*
500  * Create a new storage file for the sequence, making the state
501  * changes transactional.
502  */
503  RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(seqrel, seqrel->rd_rel->relpersistence);
505  /*
506  * Ensure sequence's relfrozenxid is at 0, since it won't contain any
507  * unfrozen XIDs. Same with relminmxid, since a sequence will never
508  * contain multixacts.
509  */
510  Assert(seqrel->rd_rel->relfrozenxid == InvalidTransactionId);
511  Assert(seqrel->rd_rel->relminmxid == InvalidMultiXactId);
513  /*
514  * Insert the modified tuple into the new storage file.
515  */
516  fill_seq_with_data(seqrel, newdatatuple);
517  }
519  /* Clear local cache so that we don't think we have cached numbers */
520  /* Note that we do not change the currval() state */
521  elm->cached = elm->last;
523  /* process OWNED BY if given */
524  if (owned_by)
525  process_owned_by(seqrel, owned_by, stmt->for_identity);
527  /* update the pg_sequence tuple (we could skip this in some cases...) */
528  CatalogTupleUpdate(rel, &seqtuple->t_self, seqtuple);
530  InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(RelationRelationId, relid, 0);
532  ObjectAddressSet(address, RelationRelationId, relid);
535  sequence_close(seqrel, NoLock);
537  return address;
538 }
void sequence_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: sequence.c:58
int Buffer
Definition: buf.h:23
void UnlockReleaseBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4867
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:858
static void fill_seq_with_data(Relation rel, HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: sequence.c:338
static void init_sequence(Oid relid, SeqTable *p_elm, Relation *p_rel)
Definition: sequence.c:1122
static Form_pg_sequence_data read_seq_tuple(Relation rel, Buffer *buf, HeapTuple seqdatatuple)
Definition: sequence.c:1183
static void process_owned_by(Relation seqrel, List *owned_by, bool for_identity)
Definition: sequence.c:1583
static void init_params(ParseState *pstate, List *options, bool for_identity, bool isInit, Form_pg_sequence seqform, Form_pg_sequence_data seqdataform, bool *need_seq_rewrite, List **owned_by)
Definition: sequence.c:1250
FormData_pg_sequence_data * Form_pg_sequence_data
Definition: sequence.h:32
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:224
#define NOTICE
Definition: elog.h:35
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
HeapTuple heap_copytuple(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: heaptuple.c:776
#define HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)
Definition: htup.h:78
Definition: htup_details.h:653
#define stmt
Definition: indent_codes.h:59
void CatalogTupleUpdate(Relation heapRel, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: indexing.c:313
#define NoLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:34
#define ShareRowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:41
#define RowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:38
#define InvalidMultiXactId
Definition: multixact.h:24
Oid RangeVarGetRelidExtended(const RangeVar *relation, LOCKMODE lockmode, uint32 flags, RangeVarGetRelidCallback callback, void *callback_arg)
Definition: namespace.c:426
Definition: namespace.h:72
#define InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objectId, subId)
Definition: objectaccess.h:197
const ObjectAddress InvalidObjectAddress
#define ObjectAddressSet(addr, class_id, object_id)
Definition: objectaddress.h:40
FormData_pg_sequence * Form_pg_sequence
Definition: pg_sequence.h:40
static char * buf
Definition: pg_test_fsync.c:73
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:252
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:36
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
#define RelationNeedsWAL(relation)
Definition: rel.h:628
void RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(Relation relation, char persistence)
Definition: relcache.c:3726
ItemPointerData t_self
Definition: htup.h:65
Definition: pg_list.h:54
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111
int64 cached
Definition: sequence.c:83
int64 last
Definition: sequence.c:82
#define SearchSysCacheCopy1(cacheId, key1)
Definition: syscache.h:86
void table_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:126
Relation table_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:40
void RangeVarCallbackOwnsRelation(const RangeVar *relation, Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg)
Definition: tablecmds.c:18533
#define InvalidTransactionId
Definition: transam.h:31
TransactionId GetTopTransactionId(void)
Definition: xact.c:423

References Assert, buf, SeqTableData::cached, CatalogTupleUpdate(), elog, ereport, errmsg(), ERROR, fill_seq_with_data(), GETSTRUCT, GetTopTransactionId(), heap_copytuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, init_params(), init_sequence(), InvalidMultiXactId, InvalidObjectAddress, InvalidOid, InvalidTransactionId, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, SeqTableData::last, NoLock, NOTICE, ObjectAddressSet, ObjectIdGetDatum(), process_owned_by(), RangeVarCallbackOwnsRelation(), RangeVarGetRelidExtended(), RelationData::rd_rel, read_seq_tuple(), RelationNeedsWAL, RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(), RowExclusiveLock, RVR_MISSING_OK, SearchSysCacheCopy1, sequence_close(), ShareRowExclusiveLock, stmt, HeapTupleData::t_self, table_close(), table_open(), and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ DefineSequence()

ObjectAddress DefineSequence ( ParseState pstate,
CreateSeqStmt seq 

Definition at line 121 of file sequence.c.

122 {
123  FormData_pg_sequence seqform;
124  FormData_pg_sequence_data seqdataform;
125  bool need_seq_rewrite;
126  List *owned_by;
128  Oid seqoid;
129  ObjectAddress address;
130  Relation rel;
131  HeapTuple tuple;
132  TupleDesc tupDesc;
134  bool null[SEQ_COL_LASTCOL];
135  Datum pgs_values[Natts_pg_sequence];
136  bool pgs_nulls[Natts_pg_sequence];
137  int i;
139  /*
140  * If if_not_exists was given and a relation with the same name already
141  * exists, bail out. (Note: we needn't check this when not if_not_exists,
142  * because DefineRelation will complain anyway.)
143  */
144  if (seq->if_not_exists)
145  {
147  if (OidIsValid(seqoid))
148  {
149  /*
150  * If we are in an extension script, insist that the pre-existing
151  * object be a member of the extension, to avoid security risks.
152  */
153  ObjectAddressSet(address, RelationRelationId, seqoid);
156  /* OK to skip */
157  ereport(NOTICE,
159  errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists, skipping",
160  seq->sequence->relname)));
161  return InvalidObjectAddress;
162  }
163  }
165  /* Check and set all option values */
166  init_params(pstate, seq->options, seq->for_identity, true,
167  &seqform, &seqdataform,
168  &need_seq_rewrite, &owned_by);
170  /*
171  * Create relation (and fill value[] and null[] for the tuple)
172  */
173  stmt->tableElts = NIL;
174  for (i = SEQ_COL_FIRSTCOL; i <= SEQ_COL_LASTCOL; i++)
175  {
176  ColumnDef *coldef = NULL;
178  switch (i)
179  {
180  case SEQ_COL_LASTVAL:
181  coldef = makeColumnDef("last_value", INT8OID, -1, InvalidOid);
182  value[i - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqdataform.last_value);
183  break;
184  case SEQ_COL_LOG:
185  coldef = makeColumnDef("log_cnt", INT8OID, -1, InvalidOid);
186  value[i - 1] = Int64GetDatum((int64) 0);
187  break;
188  case SEQ_COL_CALLED:
189  coldef = makeColumnDef("is_called", BOOLOID, -1, InvalidOid);
190  value[i - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false);
191  break;
192  }
194  coldef->is_not_null = true;
195  null[i - 1] = false;
197  stmt->tableElts = lappend(stmt->tableElts, coldef);
198  }
200  stmt->relation = seq->sequence;
201  stmt->inhRelations = NIL;
202  stmt->constraints = NIL;
203  stmt->options = NIL;
204  stmt->oncommit = ONCOMMIT_NOOP;
205  stmt->tablespacename = NULL;
206  stmt->if_not_exists = seq->if_not_exists;
208  address = DefineRelation(stmt, RELKIND_SEQUENCE, seq->ownerId, NULL, NULL);
209  seqoid = address.objectId;
210  Assert(seqoid != InvalidOid);
212  rel = sequence_open(seqoid, AccessExclusiveLock);
213  tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
215  /* now initialize the sequence's data */
216  tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupDesc, value, null);
217  fill_seq_with_data(rel, tuple);
219  /* process OWNED BY if given */
220  if (owned_by)
221  process_owned_by(rel, owned_by, seq->for_identity);
223  sequence_close(rel, NoLock);
225  /* fill in pg_sequence */
226  rel = table_open(SequenceRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
227  tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
229  memset(pgs_nulls, 0, sizeof(pgs_nulls));
231  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqrelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(seqoid);
232  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqtypid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(seqform.seqtypid);
233  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqstart - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqform.seqstart);
234  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqincrement - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqform.seqincrement);
235  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqmax - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqform.seqmax);
236  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqmin - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqform.seqmin);
237  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqcache - 1] = Int64GetDatumFast(seqform.seqcache);
238  pgs_values[Anum_pg_sequence_seqcycle - 1] = BoolGetDatum(seqform.seqcycle);
240  tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupDesc, pgs_values, pgs_nulls);
241  CatalogTupleInsert(rel, tuple);
243  heap_freetuple(tuple);
246  return address;
247 }
Relation sequence_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: sequence.c:37
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:775
Definition: sequence.h:38
Definition: sequence.h:40
Definition: sequence.h:43
#define SEQ_COL_LOG
Definition: sequence.h:39
Definition: sequence.h:42
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:857
Datum Int64GetDatum(int64 X)
Definition: fmgr.c:1807
HeapTuple heap_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1116
void heap_freetuple(HeapTuple htup)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1434
void CatalogTupleInsert(Relation heapRel, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: indexing.c:233
static struct @155 value
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
List * lappend(List *list, void *datum)
Definition: list.c:339
#define AccessExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:43
ColumnDef * makeColumnDef(const char *colname, Oid typeOid, int32 typmod, Oid collOid)
Definition: makefuncs.c:492
Oid RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(RangeVar *relation, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid *existing_relation_id)
Definition: namespace.c:724
#define makeNode(_type_)
Definition: nodes.h:155
void checkMembershipInCurrentExtension(const ObjectAddress *object)
Definition: pg_depend.c:257
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
Definition: pg_sequence.h:33
#define Int64GetDatumFast(X)
Definition: postgres.h:554
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
static Datum BoolGetDatum(bool X)
Definition: postgres.h:102
Definition: primnodes.h:57
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
bool is_not_null
Definition: parsenodes.h:731
bool if_not_exists
Definition: parsenodes.h:3135
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3132
RangeVar * sequence
Definition: parsenodes.h:3131
char * relname
Definition: primnodes.h:82
ObjectAddress DefineRelation(CreateStmt *stmt, char relkind, Oid ownerId, ObjectAddress *typaddress, const char *queryString)
Definition: tablecmds.c:702

References AccessExclusiveLock, Assert, BoolGetDatum(), CatalogTupleInsert(), checkMembershipInCurrentExtension(), DefineRelation(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), fill_seq_with_data(), CreateSeqStmt::for_identity, FormData_pg_sequence, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), i, CreateSeqStmt::if_not_exists, init_params(), Int64GetDatum(), Int64GetDatumFast, InvalidObjectAddress, InvalidOid, ColumnDef::is_not_null, lappend(), FormData_pg_sequence_data::last_value, makeColumnDef(), makeNode, NIL, NoLock, NOTICE, ObjectAddressSet, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, ONCOMMIT_NOOP, CreateSeqStmt::options, CreateSeqStmt::ownerId, process_owned_by(), RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(), RelationGetDescr, RangeVar::relname, RowExclusiveLock, SEQ_COL_CALLED, SEQ_COL_FIRSTCOL, SEQ_COL_LASTCOL, SEQ_COL_LASTVAL, SEQ_COL_LOG, CreateSeqStmt::sequence, sequence_close(), sequence_open(), stmt, table_close(), table_open(), and value.

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ DeleteSequenceTuple()

void DeleteSequenceTuple ( Oid  relid)

Definition at line 563 of file sequence.c.

564 {
565  Relation rel;
566  HeapTuple tuple;
568  rel = table_open(SequenceRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
570  tuple = SearchSysCache1(SEQRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
571  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
572  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for sequence %u", relid);
574  CatalogTupleDelete(rel, &tuple->t_self);
576  ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
578 }
void CatalogTupleDelete(Relation heapRel, ItemPointer tid)
Definition: indexing.c:365
void ReleaseSysCache(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: syscache.c:266
HeapTuple SearchSysCache1(int cacheId, Datum key1)
Definition: syscache.c:218

References CatalogTupleDelete(), elog, ERROR, HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum(), ReleaseSysCache(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1(), HeapTupleData::t_self, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by doDeletion().

◆ nextval()

Datum nextval ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 586 of file sequence.c.

587 {
588  text *seqin = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
589  RangeVar *sequence;
590  Oid relid;
594  /*
595  * XXX: This is not safe in the presence of concurrent DDL, but acquiring
596  * a lock here is more expensive than letting nextval_internal do it,
597  * since the latter maintains a cache that keeps us from hitting the lock
598  * manager more than once per transaction. It's not clear whether the
599  * performance penalty is material in practice, but for now, we do it this
600  * way.
601  */
602  relid = RangeVarGetRelid(sequence, NoLock, false);
604  PG_RETURN_INT64(nextval_internal(relid, true));
605 }
int64 nextval_internal(Oid relid, bool check_permissions)
Definition: sequence.c:616
#define PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:309
#define PG_RETURN_INT64(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:368
RangeVar * makeRangeVarFromNameList(const List *names)
Definition: namespace.c:3539
#define RangeVarGetRelid(relation, lockmode, missing_ok)
Definition: namespace.h:80
Definition: c.h:687
List * textToQualifiedNameList(text *textval)
Definition: varlena.c:3399

References makeRangeVarFromNameList(), nextval_internal(), NoLock, PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP, PG_RETURN_INT64, RangeVarGetRelid, and textToQualifiedNameList().

Referenced by autoinc(), and ttdummy().

◆ nextval_internal()

int64 nextval_internal ( Oid  relid,
bool  check_permissions 

Definition at line 616 of file sequence.c.

617 {
618  SeqTable elm;
619  Relation seqrel;
620  Buffer buf;
621  Page page;
622  HeapTuple pgstuple;
623  Form_pg_sequence pgsform;
624  HeapTupleData seqdatatuple;
626  int64 incby,
627  maxv,
628  minv,
629  cache,
630  log,
631  fetch,
632  last;
633  int64 result,
634  next,
635  rescnt = 0;
636  bool cycle;
637  bool logit = false;
639  /* open and lock sequence */
640  init_sequence(relid, &elm, &seqrel);
642  if (check_permissions &&
645  ereport(ERROR,
647  errmsg("permission denied for sequence %s",
648  RelationGetRelationName(seqrel))));
650  /* read-only transactions may only modify temp sequences */
651  if (!seqrel->rd_islocaltemp)
652  PreventCommandIfReadOnly("nextval()");
654  /*
655  * Forbid this during parallel operation because, to make it work, the
656  * cooperating backends would need to share the backend-local cached
657  * sequence information. Currently, we don't support that.
658  */
659  PreventCommandIfParallelMode("nextval()");
661  if (elm->last != elm->cached) /* some numbers were cached */
662  {
663  Assert(elm->last_valid);
664  Assert(elm->increment != 0);
665  elm->last += elm->increment;
666  sequence_close(seqrel, NoLock);
667  last_used_seq = elm;
668  return elm->last;
669  }
671  pgstuple = SearchSysCache1(SEQRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
672  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pgstuple))
673  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for sequence %u", relid);
674  pgsform = (Form_pg_sequence) GETSTRUCT(pgstuple);
675  incby = pgsform->seqincrement;
676  maxv = pgsform->seqmax;
677  minv = pgsform->seqmin;
678  cache = pgsform->seqcache;
679  cycle = pgsform->seqcycle;
680  ReleaseSysCache(pgstuple);
682  /* lock page buffer and read tuple */
683  seq = read_seq_tuple(seqrel, &buf, &seqdatatuple);
684  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
686  last = next = result = seq->last_value;
687  fetch = cache;
688  log = seq->log_cnt;
690  if (!seq->is_called)
691  {
692  rescnt++; /* return last_value if not is_called */
693  fetch--;
694  }
696  /*
697  * Decide whether we should emit a WAL log record. If so, force up the
698  * fetch count to grab SEQ_LOG_VALS more values than we actually need to
699  * cache. (These will then be usable without logging.)
700  *
701  * If this is the first nextval after a checkpoint, we must force a new
702  * WAL record to be written anyway, else replay starting from the
703  * checkpoint would fail to advance the sequence past the logged values.
704  * In this case we may as well fetch extra values.
705  */
706  if (log < fetch || !seq->is_called)
707  {
708  /* forced log to satisfy local demand for values */
709  fetch = log = fetch + SEQ_LOG_VALS;
710  logit = true;
711  }
712  else
713  {
714  XLogRecPtr redoptr = GetRedoRecPtr();
716  if (PageGetLSN(page) <= redoptr)
717  {
718  /* last update of seq was before checkpoint */
719  fetch = log = fetch + SEQ_LOG_VALS;
720  logit = true;
721  }
722  }
724  while (fetch) /* try to fetch cache [+ log ] numbers */
725  {
726  /*
727  * Check MAXVALUE for ascending sequences and MINVALUE for descending
728  * sequences
729  */
730  if (incby > 0)
731  {
732  /* ascending sequence */
733  if ((maxv >= 0 && next > maxv - incby) ||
734  (maxv < 0 && next + incby > maxv))
735  {
736  if (rescnt > 0)
737  break; /* stop fetching */
738  if (!cycle)
739  ereport(ERROR,
741  errmsg("nextval: reached maximum value of sequence \"%s\" (%lld)",
742  RelationGetRelationName(seqrel),
743  (long long) maxv)));
744  next = minv;
745  }
746  else
747  next += incby;
748  }
749  else
750  {
751  /* descending sequence */
752  if ((minv < 0 && next < minv - incby) ||
753  (minv >= 0 && next + incby < minv))
754  {
755  if (rescnt > 0)
756  break; /* stop fetching */
757  if (!cycle)
758  ereport(ERROR,
760  errmsg("nextval: reached minimum value of sequence \"%s\" (%lld)",
761  RelationGetRelationName(seqrel),
762  (long long) minv)));
763  next = maxv;
764  }
765  else
766  next += incby;
767  }
768  fetch--;
769  if (rescnt < cache)
770  {
771  log--;
772  rescnt++;
773  last = next;
774  if (rescnt == 1) /* if it's first result - */
775  result = next; /* it's what to return */
776  }
777  }
779  log -= fetch; /* adjust for any unfetched numbers */
780  Assert(log >= 0);
782  /* save info in local cache */
783  elm->increment = incby;
784  elm->last = result; /* last returned number */
785  elm->cached = last; /* last fetched number */
786  elm->last_valid = true;
788  last_used_seq = elm;
790  /*
791  * If something needs to be WAL logged, acquire an xid, so this
792  * transaction's commit will trigger a WAL flush and wait for syncrep.
793  * It's sufficient to ensure the toplevel transaction has an xid, no need
794  * to assign xids subxacts, that'll already trigger an appropriate wait.
795  * (Have to do that here, so we're outside the critical section)
796  */
797  if (logit && RelationNeedsWAL(seqrel))
800  /* ready to change the on-disk (or really, in-buffer) tuple */
803  /*
804  * We must mark the buffer dirty before doing XLogInsert(); see notes in
805  * SyncOneBuffer(). However, we don't apply the desired changes just yet.
806  * This looks like a violation of the buffer update protocol, but it is in
807  * fact safe because we hold exclusive lock on the buffer. Any other
808  * process, including a checkpoint, that tries to examine the buffer
809  * contents will block until we release the lock, and then will see the
810  * final state that we install below.
811  */
814  /* XLOG stuff */
815  if (logit && RelationNeedsWAL(seqrel))
816  {
817  xl_seq_rec xlrec;
818  XLogRecPtr recptr;
820  /*
821  * We don't log the current state of the tuple, but rather the state
822  * as it would appear after "log" more fetches. This lets us skip
823  * that many future WAL records, at the cost that we lose those
824  * sequence values if we crash.
825  */
826  XLogBeginInsert();
829  /* set values that will be saved in xlog */
830  seq->last_value = next;
831  seq->is_called = true;
832  seq->log_cnt = 0;
834  xlrec.locator = seqrel->rd_locator;
836  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, sizeof(xl_seq_rec));
837  XLogRegisterData((char *) seqdatatuple.t_data, seqdatatuple.t_len);
839  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SEQ_ID, XLOG_SEQ_LOG);
841  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
842  }
844  /* Now update sequence tuple to the intended final state */
845  seq->last_value = last; /* last fetched number */
846  seq->is_called = true;
847  seq->log_cnt = log; /* how much is logged */
853  sequence_close(seqrel, NoLock);
855  return result;
856 }
Definition: acl.h:183
AclResult pg_class_aclcheck(Oid table_oid, Oid roleid, AclMode mode)
Definition: aclchk.c:4093
static int32 next
Definition: blutils.c:221
void MarkBufferDirty(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:2474
static Page BufferGetPage(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:408
Pointer Page
Definition: bufpage.h:78
static void PageSetLSN(Page page, XLogRecPtr lsn)
Definition: bufpage.h:388
static XLogRecPtr PageGetLSN(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:383
static SeqTableData * last_used_seq
Definition: sequence.c:97
#define SEQ_LOG_VALS
Definition: sequence.c:58
#define XLOG_SEQ_LOG
Definition: sequence.h:46
Definition: miscadmin.h:149
Definition: miscadmin.h:151
Oid GetUserId(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:514
#define ACL_USAGE
Definition: parsenodes.h:84
#define ACL_UPDATE
Definition: parsenodes.h:78
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
uint32 t_len
Definition: htup.h:64
HeapTupleHeader t_data
Definition: htup.h:68
bool rd_islocaltemp
Definition: rel.h:61
RelFileLocator rd_locator
Definition: rel.h:57
bool last_valid
Definition: sequence.c:81
int64 increment
Definition: sequence.c:85
RelFileLocator locator
Definition: sequence.h:50
void PreventCommandIfReadOnly(const char *cmdname)
Definition: utility.c:404
void PreventCommandIfParallelMode(const char *cmdname)
Definition: utility.c:422
XLogRecPtr GetRedoRecPtr(void)
Definition: xlog.c:6393
uint64 XLogRecPtr
Definition: xlogdefs.h:21
void XLogRegisterData(char *data, uint32 len)
Definition: xloginsert.c:364
XLogRecPtr XLogInsert(RmgrId rmid, uint8 info)
Definition: xloginsert.c:474
void XLogRegisterBuffer(uint8 block_id, Buffer buffer, uint8 flags)
Definition: xloginsert.c:242
void XLogBeginInsert(void)
Definition: xloginsert.c:149
Definition: xloginsert.h:33

References ACL_UPDATE, ACL_USAGE, ACLCHECK_OK, Assert, buf, BufferGetPage(), SeqTableData::cached, elog, END_CRIT_SECTION, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GetRedoRecPtr(), GETSTRUCT, GetTopTransactionId(), GetUserId(), HeapTupleIsValid, SeqTableData::increment, init_sequence(), FormData_pg_sequence_data::is_called, SeqTableData::last, last_used_seq, SeqTableData::last_valid, FormData_pg_sequence_data::last_value, xl_seq_rec::locator, FormData_pg_sequence_data::log_cnt, MarkBufferDirty(), next, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum(), PageGetLSN(), PageSetLSN(), pg_class_aclcheck(), PreventCommandIfParallelMode(), PreventCommandIfReadOnly(), RelationData::rd_islocaltemp, RelationData::rd_locator, read_seq_tuple(), REGBUF_WILL_INIT, RelationGetRelationName, RelationNeedsWAL, ReleaseSysCache(), SeqTableData::relid, SearchSysCache1(), SEQ_LOG_VALS, sequence_close(), START_CRIT_SECTION, HeapTupleData::t_data, HeapTupleData::t_len, UnlockReleaseBuffer(), XLOG_SEQ_LOG, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by ExecEvalNextValueExpr(), nextval(), and nextval_oid().

◆ ResetSequence()

void ResetSequence ( Oid  seq_relid)

Definition at line 262 of file sequence.c.

263 {
264  Relation seq_rel;
265  SeqTable elm;
267  Buffer buf;
268  HeapTupleData seqdatatuple;
269  HeapTuple tuple;
270  HeapTuple pgstuple;
271  Form_pg_sequence pgsform;
272  int64 startv;
274  /*
275  * Read the old sequence. This does a bit more work than really
276  * necessary, but it's simple, and we do want to double-check that it's
277  * indeed a sequence.
278  */
279  init_sequence(seq_relid, &elm, &seq_rel);
280  (void) read_seq_tuple(seq_rel, &buf, &seqdatatuple);
282  pgstuple = SearchSysCache1(SEQRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(seq_relid));
283  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pgstuple))
284  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for sequence %u", seq_relid);
285  pgsform = (Form_pg_sequence) GETSTRUCT(pgstuple);
286  startv = pgsform->seqstart;
287  ReleaseSysCache(pgstuple);
289  /*
290  * Copy the existing sequence tuple.
291  */
292  tuple = heap_copytuple(&seqdatatuple);
294  /* Now we're done with the old page */
297  /*
298  * Modify the copied tuple to execute the restart (compare the RESTART
299  * action in AlterSequence)
300  */
301  seq = (Form_pg_sequence_data) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
302  seq->last_value = startv;
303  seq->is_called = false;
304  seq->log_cnt = 0;
306  /*
307  * Create a new storage file for the sequence.
308  */
309  RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(seq_rel, seq_rel->rd_rel->relpersistence);
311  /*
312  * Ensure sequence's relfrozenxid is at 0, since it won't contain any
313  * unfrozen XIDs. Same with relminmxid, since a sequence will never
314  * contain multixacts.
315  */
316  Assert(seq_rel->rd_rel->relfrozenxid == InvalidTransactionId);
317  Assert(seq_rel->rd_rel->relminmxid == InvalidMultiXactId);
319  /*
320  * Insert the modified tuple into the new storage file.
321  */
322  fill_seq_with_data(seq_rel, tuple);
324  /* Clear local cache so that we don't think we have cached numbers */
325  /* Note that we do not change the currval() state */
326  elm->cached = elm->last;
328  sequence_close(seq_rel, NoLock);
329 }

References Assert, buf, SeqTableData::cached, elog, ERROR, fill_seq_with_data(), GETSTRUCT, heap_copytuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, init_sequence(), InvalidMultiXactId, InvalidTransactionId, FormData_pg_sequence_data::is_called, SeqTableData::last, FormData_pg_sequence_data::last_value, FormData_pg_sequence_data::log_cnt, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum(), RelationData::rd_rel, read_seq_tuple(), RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(), ReleaseSysCache(), SearchSysCache1(), sequence_close(), and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by ExecuteTruncateGuts().

◆ ResetSequenceCaches()

void ResetSequenceCaches ( void  )

Definition at line 1864 of file sequence.c.

1865 {
1866  if (seqhashtab)
1867  {
1869  seqhashtab = NULL;
1870  }
1872  last_used_seq = NULL;
1873 }
static HTAB * seqhashtab
Definition: sequence.c:91
void hash_destroy(HTAB *hashp)
Definition: dynahash.c:865

References hash_destroy(), last_used_seq, and seqhashtab.

Referenced by DiscardAll(), and DiscardCommand().

◆ seq_desc()

void seq_desc ( StringInfo  buf,
XLogReaderState record 

Definition at line 21 of file seqdesc.c.

22 {
23  char *rec = XLogRecGetData(record);
24  uint8 info = XLogRecGetInfo(record) & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;
25  xl_seq_rec *xlrec = (xl_seq_rec *) rec;
27  if (info == XLOG_SEQ_LOG)
28  appendStringInfo(buf, "rel %u/%u/%u",
29  xlrec->locator.spcOid, xlrec->locator.dbOid,
30  xlrec->locator.relNumber);
31 }
unsigned char uint8
Definition: c.h:504
void appendStringInfo(StringInfo str, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: stringinfo.c:97
RelFileNumber relNumber
#define XLogRecGetInfo(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:410
#define XLogRecGetData(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:415
Definition: xlogrecord.h:62

References appendStringInfo(), buf, RelFileLocator::dbOid, xl_seq_rec::locator, RelFileLocator::relNumber, RelFileLocator::spcOid, XLOG_SEQ_LOG, XLogRecGetData, XLogRecGetInfo, and XLR_INFO_MASK.

◆ seq_identify()

const char* seq_identify ( uint8  info)

Definition at line 34 of file seqdesc.c.

35 {
36  const char *id = NULL;
38  switch (info & ~XLR_INFO_MASK)
39  {
40  case XLOG_SEQ_LOG:
41  id = "LOG";
42  break;
43  }
45  return id;
46 }


◆ seq_mask()

void seq_mask ( char *  page,
BlockNumber  blkno 

Definition at line 1879 of file sequence.c.

1880 {
1883  mask_unused_space(page);
1884 }
void mask_page_lsn_and_checksum(Page page)
Definition: bufmask.c:31
void mask_unused_space(Page page)
Definition: bufmask.c:71

References mask_page_lsn_and_checksum(), and mask_unused_space().

◆ seq_redo()

void seq_redo ( XLogReaderState record)

Definition at line 1811 of file sequence.c.

1812 {
1813  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
1814  uint8 info = XLogRecGetInfo(record) & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;
1815  Buffer buffer;
1816  Page page;
1817  Page localpage;
1818  char *item;
1819  Size itemsz;
1820  xl_seq_rec *xlrec = (xl_seq_rec *) XLogRecGetData(record);
1821  sequence_magic *sm;
1823  if (info != XLOG_SEQ_LOG)
1824  elog(PANIC, "seq_redo: unknown op code %u", info);
1826  buffer = XLogInitBufferForRedo(record, 0);
1827  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
1829  /*
1830  * We always reinit the page. However, since this WAL record type is also
1831  * used for updating sequences, it's possible that a hot-standby backend
1832  * is examining the page concurrently; so we mustn't transiently trash the
1833  * buffer. The solution is to build the correct new page contents in
1834  * local workspace and then memcpy into the buffer. Then only bytes that
1835  * are supposed to change will change, even transiently. We must palloc
1836  * the local page for alignment reasons.
1837  */
1838  localpage = (Page) palloc(BufferGetPageSize(buffer));
1840  PageInit(localpage, BufferGetPageSize(buffer), sizeof(sequence_magic));
1841  sm = (sequence_magic *) PageGetSpecialPointer(localpage);
1842  sm->magic = SEQ_MAGIC;
1844  item = (char *) xlrec + sizeof(xl_seq_rec);
1845  itemsz = XLogRecGetDataLen(record) - sizeof(xl_seq_rec);
1847  if (PageAddItem(localpage, (Item) item, itemsz,
1848  FirstOffsetNumber, false, false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
1849  elog(PANIC, "seq_redo: failed to add item to page");
1851  PageSetLSN(localpage, lsn);
1853  memcpy(page, localpage, BufferGetPageSize(buffer));
1854  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
1855  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1857  pfree(localpage);
1858 }
static Size BufferGetPageSize(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:397
void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize)
Definition: bufpage.c:42
static char * PageGetSpecialPointer(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:336
#define PageAddItem(page, item, size, offsetNumber, overwrite, is_heap)
Definition: bufpage.h:468
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
#define SEQ_MAGIC
Definition: sequence.c:63
struct xl_seq_rec xl_seq_rec
#define PANIC
Definition: elog.h:42
Pointer Item
Definition: item.h:17
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1520
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1316
#define InvalidOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:26
#define FirstOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:27
XLogRecPtr EndRecPtr
Definition: xlogreader.h:207
uint32 magic
Definition: sequence.c:67
#define XLogRecGetDataLen(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:416
Buffer XLogInitBufferForRedo(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id)
Definition: xlogutils.c:326

References BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), elog, XLogReaderState::EndRecPtr, FirstOffsetNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber, sequence_magic::magic, MarkBufferDirty(), PageAddItem, PageGetSpecialPointer(), PageInit(), PageSetLSN(), palloc(), PANIC, pfree(), SEQ_MAGIC, UnlockReleaseBuffer(), XLOG_SEQ_LOG, XLogInitBufferForRedo(), XLogRecGetData, XLogRecGetDataLen, XLogRecGetInfo, and XLR_INFO_MASK.

◆ sequence_options()

List* sequence_options ( Oid  relid)

Definition at line 1697 of file sequence.c.

1698 {
1699  HeapTuple pgstuple;
1700  Form_pg_sequence pgsform;
1701  List *options = NIL;
1703  pgstuple = SearchSysCache1(SEQRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
1704  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(pgstuple))
1705  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for sequence %u", relid);
1706  pgsform = (Form_pg_sequence) GETSTRUCT(pgstuple);
1708  /* Use makeFloat() for 64-bit integers, like gram.y does. */
1710  makeDefElem("cache", (Node *) makeFloat(psprintf(INT64_FORMAT, pgsform->seqcache)), -1));
1712  makeDefElem("cycle", (Node *) makeBoolean(pgsform->seqcycle), -1));
1714  makeDefElem("increment", (Node *) makeFloat(psprintf(INT64_FORMAT, pgsform->seqincrement)), -1));
1716  makeDefElem("maxvalue", (Node *) makeFloat(psprintf(INT64_FORMAT, pgsform->seqmax)), -1));
1718  makeDefElem("minvalue", (Node *) makeFloat(psprintf(INT64_FORMAT, pgsform->seqmin)), -1));
1720  makeDefElem("start", (Node *) makeFloat(psprintf(INT64_FORMAT, pgsform->seqstart)), -1));
1722  ReleaseSysCache(pgstuple);
1724  return options;
1725 }
#define INT64_FORMAT
Definition: c.h:548
DefElem * makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg, int location)
Definition: makefuncs.c:564
static char ** options
char * psprintf(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: psprintf.c:46
Definition: nodes.h:129
Boolean * makeBoolean(bool val)
Definition: value.c:49
Float * makeFloat(char *numericStr)
Definition: value.c:37

References elog, ERROR, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, INT64_FORMAT, lappend(), makeBoolean(), makeDefElem(), makeFloat(), NIL, ObjectIdGetDatum(), options, psprintf(), ReleaseSysCache(), and SearchSysCache1().

Referenced by transformTableLikeClause().

◆ SequenceChangePersistence()

void SequenceChangePersistence ( Oid  relid,
char  newrelpersistence 

Definition at line 541 of file sequence.c.

542 {
543  SeqTable elm;
544  Relation seqrel;
545  Buffer buf;
546  HeapTupleData seqdatatuple;
548  init_sequence(relid, &elm, &seqrel);
550  /* check the comment above nextval_internal()'s equivalent call. */
551  if (RelationNeedsWAL(seqrel))
554  (void) read_seq_tuple(seqrel, &buf, &seqdatatuple);
555  RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(seqrel, newrelpersistence);
556  fill_seq_with_data(seqrel, &seqdatatuple);
559  sequence_close(seqrel, NoLock);
560 }

References buf, fill_seq_with_data(), GetTopTransactionId(), init_sequence(), NoLock, read_seq_tuple(), RelationNeedsWAL, RelationSetNewRelfilenumber(), sequence_close(), and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by ATRewriteTables().