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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * heapam.c
4  * heap access method code
5  *
6  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8  *
9  *
11  * src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
12  *
13  *
15  * heap_beginscan - begin relation scan
16  * heap_rescan - restart a relation scan
17  * heap_endscan - end relation scan
18  * heap_getnext - retrieve next tuple in scan
19  * heap_fetch - retrieve tuple with given tid
20  * heap_insert - insert tuple into a relation
21  * heap_multi_insert - insert multiple tuples into a relation
22  * heap_delete - delete a tuple from a relation
23  * heap_update - replace a tuple in a relation with another tuple
24  *
25  * NOTES
26  * This file contains the heap_ routines which implement
27  * the POSTGRES heap access method used for all POSTGRES
28  * relations.
29  *
30  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  */
32 #include "postgres.h"
34 #include "access/bufmask.h"
35 #include "access/heapam.h"
36 #include "access/heapam_xlog.h"
37 #include "access/heaptoast.h"
38 #include "access/hio.h"
39 #include "access/multixact.h"
40 #include "access/parallel.h"
41 #include "access/relscan.h"
42 #include "access/subtrans.h"
43 #include "access/syncscan.h"
44 #include "access/sysattr.h"
45 #include "access/tableam.h"
46 #include "access/transam.h"
47 #include "access/valid.h"
48 #include "access/visibilitymap.h"
49 #include "access/xact.h"
50 #include "access/xlog.h"
51 #include "access/xloginsert.h"
52 #include "access/xlogutils.h"
53 #include "catalog/catalog.h"
54 #include "commands/vacuum.h"
55 #include "miscadmin.h"
56 #include "pgstat.h"
57 #include "port/atomics.h"
58 #include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
59 #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
60 #include "storage/freespace.h"
61 #include "storage/lmgr.h"
62 #include "storage/predicate.h"
63 #include "storage/procarray.h"
64 #include "storage/standby.h"
65 #include "utils/datum.h"
66 #include "utils/inval.h"
67 #include "utils/relcache.h"
68 #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
69 #include "utils/spccache.h"
72 static HeapTuple heap_prepare_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup,
73  TransactionId xid, CommandId cid, int options);
74 static XLogRecPtr log_heap_update(Relation reln, Buffer oldbuf,
75  Buffer newbuf, HeapTuple oldtup,
76  HeapTuple newtup, HeapTuple old_key_tuple,
77  bool all_visible_cleared, bool new_all_visible_cleared);
79  Bitmapset *interesting_cols,
80  Bitmapset *external_cols,
81  HeapTuple oldtup, HeapTuple newtup,
82  bool *has_external);
83 static bool heap_acquire_tuplock(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid,
84  LockTupleMode mode, LockWaitPolicy wait_policy,
85  bool *have_tuple_lock);
87  BlockNumber block,
88  ScanDirection dir);
90  ScanDirection dir);
91 static void compute_new_xmax_infomask(TransactionId xmax, uint16 old_infomask,
92  uint16 old_infomask2, TransactionId add_to_xmax,
93  LockTupleMode mode, bool is_update,
94  TransactionId *result_xmax, uint16 *result_infomask,
95  uint16 *result_infomask2);
97  ItemPointer ctid, TransactionId xid,
99 static void GetMultiXactIdHintBits(MultiXactId multi, uint16 *new_infomask,
100  uint16 *new_infomask2);
102  uint16 t_infomask);
103 static bool DoesMultiXactIdConflict(MultiXactId multi, uint16 infomask,
104  LockTupleMode lockmode, bool *current_is_member);
105 static void MultiXactIdWait(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactStatus status, uint16 infomask,
106  Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper,
107  int *remaining);
108 static bool ConditionalMultiXactIdWait(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactStatus status,
109  uint16 infomask, Relation rel, int *remaining);
110 static void index_delete_sort(TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate);
111 static int bottomup_sort_and_shrink(TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate);
112 static XLogRecPtr log_heap_new_cid(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup);
113 static HeapTuple ExtractReplicaIdentity(Relation relation, HeapTuple tp, bool key_required,
114  bool *copy);
117 /*
118  * Each tuple lock mode has a corresponding heavyweight lock, and one or two
119  * corresponding MultiXactStatuses (one to merely lock tuples, another one to
120  * update them). This table (and the macros below) helps us determine the
121  * heavyweight lock mode and MultiXactStatus values to use for any particular
122  * tuple lock strength.
123  *
124  * Don't look at lockstatus/updstatus directly! Use get_mxact_status_for_lock
125  * instead.
126  */
127 static const struct
128 {
132 }
135 {
136  { /* LockTupleKeyShare */
139  -1 /* KeyShare does not allow updating tuples */
140  },
141  { /* LockTupleShare */
142  RowShareLock,
144  -1 /* Share does not allow updating tuples */
145  },
146  { /* LockTupleNoKeyExclusive */
150  },
151  { /* LockTupleExclusive */
155  }
156 };
158 /* Get the LOCKMODE for a given MultiXactStatus */
159 #define LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(status) \
160  (tupleLockExtraInfo[TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus((status))].hwlock)
162 /*
163  * Acquire heavyweight locks on tuples, using a LockTupleMode strength value.
164  * This is more readable than having every caller translate it to lock.h's
165  * LOCKMODE.
166  */
167 #define LockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode) \
168  LockTuple((rel), (tup), tupleLockExtraInfo[mode].hwlock)
169 #define UnlockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode) \
170  UnlockTuple((rel), (tup), tupleLockExtraInfo[mode].hwlock)
171 #define ConditionalLockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode) \
172  ConditionalLockTuple((rel), (tup), tupleLockExtraInfo[mode].hwlock)
174 #ifdef USE_PREFETCH
175 /*
176  * heap_index_delete_tuples and index_delete_prefetch_buffer use this
177  * structure to coordinate prefetching activity
178  */
179 typedef struct
180 {
181  BlockNumber cur_hblkno;
182  int next_item;
183  int ndeltids;
184  TM_IndexDelete *deltids;
185 } IndexDeletePrefetchState;
186 #endif
188 /* heap_index_delete_tuples bottom-up index deletion costing constants */
192 /*
193  * heap_index_delete_tuples uses this when determining which heap blocks it
194  * must visit to help its bottom-up index deletion caller
195  */
196 typedef struct IndexDeleteCounts
197 {
198  int16 npromisingtids; /* Number of "promising" TIDs in group */
199  int16 ntids; /* Number of TIDs in group */
200  int16 ifirsttid; /* Offset to group's first deltid */
203 /*
204  * This table maps tuple lock strength values for each particular
205  * MultiXactStatus value.
206  */
208 {
209  LockTupleKeyShare, /* ForKeyShare */
210  LockTupleShare, /* ForShare */
211  LockTupleNoKeyExclusive, /* ForNoKeyUpdate */
212  LockTupleExclusive, /* ForUpdate */
213  LockTupleNoKeyExclusive, /* NoKeyUpdate */
214  LockTupleExclusive /* Update */
215 };
217 /* Get the LockTupleMode for a given MultiXactStatus */
218 #define TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus(status) \
219  (MultiXactStatusLock[(status)])
221 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
222  * heap support routines
223  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
224  */
226 /*
227  * Streaming read API callback for parallel sequential scans. Returns the next
228  * block the caller wants from the read stream or InvalidBlockNumber when done.
229  */
230 static BlockNumber
232  void *callback_private_data,
233  void *per_buffer_data)
234 {
235  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) callback_private_data;
238  Assert(scan->rs_base.rs_parallel);
240  if (unlikely(!scan->rs_inited))
241  {
242  /* parallel scan */
244  scan->rs_parallelworkerdata,
247  /* may return InvalidBlockNumber if there are no more blocks */
249  scan->rs_parallelworkerdata,
251  scan->rs_inited = true;
252  }
253  else
254  {
257  scan->rs_base.rs_parallel);
258  }
260  return scan->rs_prefetch_block;
261 }
263 /*
264  * Streaming read API callback for serial sequential and TID range scans.
265  * Returns the next block the caller wants from the read stream or
266  * InvalidBlockNumber when done.
267  */
268 static BlockNumber
270  void *callback_private_data,
271  void *per_buffer_data)
272 {
273  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) callback_private_data;
275  if (unlikely(!scan->rs_inited))
276  {
278  scan->rs_inited = true;
279  }
280  else
282  scan->rs_prefetch_block,
283  scan->rs_dir);
285  return scan->rs_prefetch_block;
286 }
288 /* ----------------
289  * initscan - scan code common to heap_beginscan and heap_rescan
290  * ----------------
291  */
292 static void
293 initscan(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanKey key, bool keep_startblock)
294 {
295  ParallelBlockTableScanDesc bpscan = NULL;
296  bool allow_strat;
297  bool allow_sync;
299  /*
300  * Determine the number of blocks we have to scan.
301  *
302  * It is sufficient to do this once at scan start, since any tuples added
303  * while the scan is in progress will be invisible to my snapshot anyway.
304  * (That is not true when using a non-MVCC snapshot. However, we couldn't
305  * guarantee to return tuples added after scan start anyway, since they
306  * might go into pages we already scanned. To guarantee consistent
307  * results for a non-MVCC snapshot, the caller must hold some higher-level
308  * lock that ensures the interesting tuple(s) won't change.)
309  */
310  if (scan->rs_base.rs_parallel != NULL)
311  {
313  scan->rs_nblocks = bpscan->phs_nblocks;
314  }
315  else
318  /*
319  * If the table is large relative to NBuffers, use a bulk-read access
320  * strategy and enable synchronized scanning (see syncscan.c). Although
321  * the thresholds for these features could be different, we make them the
322  * same so that there are only two behaviors to tune rather than four.
323  * (However, some callers need to be able to disable one or both of these
324  * behaviors, independently of the size of the table; also there is a GUC
325  * variable that can disable synchronized scanning.)
326  *
327  * Note that table_block_parallelscan_initialize has a very similar test;
328  * if you change this, consider changing that one, too.
329  */
330  if (!RelationUsesLocalBuffers(scan->rs_base.rs_rd) &&
331  scan->rs_nblocks > NBuffers / 4)
332  {
333  allow_strat = (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_STRAT) != 0;
334  allow_sync = (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_SYNC) != 0;
335  }
336  else
337  allow_strat = allow_sync = false;
339  if (allow_strat)
340  {
341  /* During a rescan, keep the previous strategy object. */
342  if (scan->rs_strategy == NULL)
344  }
345  else
346  {
347  if (scan->rs_strategy != NULL)
349  scan->rs_strategy = NULL;
350  }
352  if (scan->rs_base.rs_parallel != NULL)
353  {
354  /* For parallel scan, believe whatever ParallelTableScanDesc says. */
355  if (scan->rs_base.rs_parallel->phs_syncscan)
356  scan->rs_base.rs_flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
357  else
358  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
359  }
360  else if (keep_startblock)
361  {
362  /*
363  * When rescanning, we want to keep the previous startblock setting,
364  * so that rewinding a cursor doesn't generate surprising results.
365  * Reset the active syncscan setting, though.
366  */
367  if (allow_sync && synchronize_seqscans)
368  scan->rs_base.rs_flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
369  else
370  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
371  }
372  else if (allow_sync && synchronize_seqscans)
373  {
374  scan->rs_base.rs_flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
375  scan->rs_startblock = ss_get_location(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, scan->rs_nblocks);
376  }
377  else
378  {
379  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
380  scan->rs_startblock = 0;
381  }
384  scan->rs_inited = false;
385  scan->rs_ctup.t_data = NULL;
387  scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;
390  /*
391  * Initialize to ForwardScanDirection because it is most common and
392  * because heap scans go forward before going backward (e.g. CURSORs).
393  */
397  /* page-at-a-time fields are always invalid when not rs_inited */
399  /*
400  * copy the scan key, if appropriate
401  */
402  if (key != NULL && scan->rs_base.rs_nkeys > 0)
403  memcpy(scan->rs_base.rs_key, key, scan->rs_base.rs_nkeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
405  /*
406  * Currently, we only have a stats counter for sequential heap scans (but
407  * e.g for bitmap scans the underlying bitmap index scans will be counted,
408  * and for sample scans we update stats for tuple fetches).
409  */
410  if (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_TYPE_SEQSCAN)
412 }
414 /*
415  * heap_setscanlimits - restrict range of a heapscan
416  *
417  * startBlk is the page to start at
418  * numBlks is number of pages to scan (InvalidBlockNumber means "all")
419  */
420 void
422 {
423  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
425  Assert(!scan->rs_inited); /* else too late to change */
426  /* else rs_startblock is significant */
427  Assert(!(scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_SYNC));
429  /* Check startBlk is valid (but allow case of zero blocks...) */
430  Assert(startBlk == 0 || startBlk < scan->rs_nblocks);
432  scan->rs_startblock = startBlk;
433  scan->rs_numblocks = numBlks;
434 }
436 /*
437  * Per-tuple loop for heap_prepare_pagescan(). Pulled out so it can be called
438  * multiple times, with constant arguments for all_visible,
439  * check_serializable.
440  */
442 static int
444  Page page, Buffer buffer,
445  BlockNumber block, int lines,
446  bool all_visible, bool check_serializable)
447 {
448  int ntup = 0;
449  OffsetNumber lineoff;
451  for (lineoff = FirstOffsetNumber; lineoff <= lines; lineoff++)
452  {
453  ItemId lpp = PageGetItemId(page, lineoff);
454  HeapTupleData loctup;
455  bool valid;
457  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lpp))
458  continue;
460  loctup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lpp);
461  loctup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lpp);
462  loctup.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(scan->rs_base.rs_rd);
463  ItemPointerSet(&(loctup.t_self), block, lineoff);
465  if (all_visible)
466  valid = true;
467  else
468  valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&loctup, snapshot, buffer);
470  if (check_serializable)
472  &loctup, buffer, snapshot);
474  if (valid)
475  {
476  scan->rs_vistuples[ntup] = lineoff;
477  ntup++;
478  }
479  }
481  Assert(ntup <= MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
483  return ntup;
484 }
486 /*
487  * heap_prepare_pagescan - Prepare current scan page to be scanned in pagemode
488  *
489  * Preparation currently consists of 1. prune the scan's rs_cbuf page, and 2.
490  * fill the rs_vistuples[] array with the OffsetNumbers of visible tuples.
491  */
492 void
494 {
495  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
496  Buffer buffer = scan->rs_cbuf;
497  BlockNumber block = scan->rs_cblock;
498  Snapshot snapshot;
499  Page page;
500  int lines;
501  bool all_visible;
502  bool check_serializable;
504  Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer) == block);
506  /* ensure we're not accidentally being used when not in pagemode */
508  snapshot = scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot;
510  /*
511  * Prune and repair fragmentation for the whole page, if possible.
512  */
513  heap_page_prune_opt(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, buffer);
515  /*
516  * We must hold share lock on the buffer content while examining tuple
517  * visibility. Afterwards, however, the tuples we have found to be
518  * visible are guaranteed good as long as we hold the buffer pin.
519  */
520  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
522  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
523  lines = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
525  /*
526  * If the all-visible flag indicates that all tuples on the page are
527  * visible to everyone, we can skip the per-tuple visibility tests.
528  *
529  * Note: In hot standby, a tuple that's already visible to all
530  * transactions on the primary might still be invisible to a read-only
531  * transaction in the standby. We partly handle this problem by tracking
532  * the minimum xmin of visible tuples as the cut-off XID while marking a
533  * page all-visible on the primary and WAL log that along with the
534  * visibility map SET operation. In hot standby, we wait for (or abort)
535  * all transactions that can potentially may not see one or more tuples on
536  * the page. That's how index-only scans work fine in hot standby. A
537  * crucial difference between index-only scans and heap scans is that the
538  * index-only scan completely relies on the visibility map where as heap
539  * scan looks at the page-level PD_ALL_VISIBLE flag. We are not sure if
540  * the page-level flag can be trusted in the same way, because it might
541  * get propagated somehow without being explicitly WAL-logged, e.g. via a
542  * full page write. Until we can prove that beyond doubt, let's check each
543  * tuple for visibility the hard way.
544  */
545  all_visible = PageIsAllVisible(page) && !snapshot->takenDuringRecovery;
546  check_serializable =
549  /*
550  * We call page_collect_tuples() with constant arguments, to get the
551  * compiler to constant fold the constant arguments. Separate calls with
552  * constant arguments, rather than variables, are needed on several
553  * compilers to actually perform constant folding.
554  */
555  if (likely(all_visible))
556  {
557  if (likely(!check_serializable))
558  scan->rs_ntuples = page_collect_tuples(scan, snapshot, page, buffer,
559  block, lines, true, false);
560  else
561  scan->rs_ntuples = page_collect_tuples(scan, snapshot, page, buffer,
562  block, lines, true, true);
563  }
564  else
565  {
566  if (likely(!check_serializable))
567  scan->rs_ntuples = page_collect_tuples(scan, snapshot, page, buffer,
568  block, lines, false, false);
569  else
570  scan->rs_ntuples = page_collect_tuples(scan, snapshot, page, buffer,
571  block, lines, false, true);
572  }
575 }
577 /*
578  * heap_fetch_next_buffer - read and pin the next block from MAIN_FORKNUM.
579  *
580  * Read the next block of the scan relation from the read stream and save it
581  * in the scan descriptor. It is already pinned.
582  */
583 static inline void
585 {
586  Assert(scan->rs_read_stream);
588  /* release previous scan buffer, if any */
589  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
590  {
591  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf);
592  scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;
593  }
595  /*
596  * Be sure to check for interrupts at least once per page. Checks at
597  * higher code levels won't be able to stop a seqscan that encounters many
598  * pages' worth of consecutive dead tuples.
599  */
602  /*
603  * If the scan direction is changing, reset the prefetch block to the
604  * current block. Otherwise, we will incorrectly prefetch the blocks
605  * between the prefetch block and the current block again before
606  * prefetching blocks in the new, correct scan direction.
607  */
608  if (unlikely(scan->rs_dir != dir))
609  {
610  scan->rs_prefetch_block = scan->rs_cblock;
612  }
614  scan->rs_dir = dir;
616  scan->rs_cbuf = read_stream_next_buffer(scan->rs_read_stream, NULL);
617  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
618  scan->rs_cblock = BufferGetBlockNumber(scan->rs_cbuf);
619 }
621 /*
622  * heapgettup_initial_block - return the first BlockNumber to scan
623  *
624  * Returns InvalidBlockNumber when there are no blocks to scan. This can
625  * occur with empty tables and in parallel scans when parallel workers get all
626  * of the pages before we can get a chance to get our first page.
627  */
630 {
631  Assert(!scan->rs_inited);
632  Assert(scan->rs_base.rs_parallel == NULL);
634  /* When there are no pages to scan, return InvalidBlockNumber */
635  if (scan->rs_nblocks == 0 || scan->rs_numblocks == 0)
636  return InvalidBlockNumber;
638  if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
639  {
640  return scan->rs_startblock;
641  }
642  else
643  {
644  /*
645  * Disable reporting to syncscan logic in a backwards scan; it's not
646  * very likely anyone else is doing the same thing at the same time,
647  * and much more likely that we'll just bollix things for forward
648  * scanners.
649  */
650  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
652  /*
653  * Start from last page of the scan. Ensure we take into account
654  * rs_numblocks if it's been adjusted by heap_setscanlimits().
655  */
656  if (scan->rs_numblocks != InvalidBlockNumber)
657  return (scan->rs_startblock + scan->rs_numblocks - 1) % scan->rs_nblocks;
659  if (scan->rs_startblock > 0)
660  return scan->rs_startblock - 1;
662  return scan->rs_nblocks - 1;
663  }
664 }
667 /*
668  * heapgettup_start_page - helper function for heapgettup()
669  *
670  * Return the next page to scan based on the scan->rs_cbuf and set *linesleft
671  * to the number of tuples on this page. Also set *lineoff to the first
672  * offset to scan with forward scans getting the first offset and backward
673  * getting the final offset on the page.
674  */
675 static Page
677  OffsetNumber *lineoff)
678 {
679  Page page;
681  Assert(scan->rs_inited);
682  Assert(BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf));
684  /* Caller is responsible for ensuring buffer is locked if needed */
685  page = BufferGetPage(scan->rs_cbuf);
687  *linesleft = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) - FirstOffsetNumber + 1;
689  if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
690  *lineoff = FirstOffsetNumber;
691  else
692  *lineoff = (OffsetNumber) (*linesleft);
694  /* lineoff now references the physically previous or next tid */
695  return page;
696 }
699 /*
700  * heapgettup_continue_page - helper function for heapgettup()
701  *
702  * Return the next page to scan based on the scan->rs_cbuf and set *linesleft
703  * to the number of tuples left to scan on this page. Also set *lineoff to
704  * the next offset to scan according to the ScanDirection in 'dir'.
705  */
706 static inline Page
708  OffsetNumber *lineoff)
709 {
710  Page page;
712  Assert(scan->rs_inited);
713  Assert(BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf));
715  /* Caller is responsible for ensuring buffer is locked if needed */
716  page = BufferGetPage(scan->rs_cbuf);
718  if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
719  {
720  *lineoff = OffsetNumberNext(scan->rs_coffset);
721  *linesleft = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) - (*lineoff) + 1;
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  /*
726  * The previous returned tuple may have been vacuumed since the
727  * previous scan when we use a non-MVCC snapshot, so we must
728  * re-establish the lineoff <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) invariant
729  */
730  *lineoff = Min(PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page), OffsetNumberPrev(scan->rs_coffset));
731  *linesleft = *lineoff;
732  }
734  /* lineoff now references the physically previous or next tid */
735  return page;
736 }
738 /*
739  * heapgettup_advance_block - helper for heap_fetch_next_buffer()
740  *
741  * Given the current block number, the scan direction, and various information
742  * contained in the scan descriptor, calculate the BlockNumber to scan next
743  * and return it. If there are no further blocks to scan, return
744  * InvalidBlockNumber to indicate this fact to the caller.
745  *
746  * This should not be called to determine the initial block number -- only for
747  * subsequent blocks.
748  *
749  * This also adjusts rs_numblocks when a limit has been imposed by
750  * heap_setscanlimits().
751  */
752 static inline BlockNumber
754 {
755  Assert(scan->rs_base.rs_parallel == NULL);
757  if (likely(ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)))
758  {
759  block++;
761  /* wrap back to the start of the heap */
762  if (block >= scan->rs_nblocks)
763  block = 0;
765  /*
766  * Report our new scan position for synchronization purposes. We don't
767  * do that when moving backwards, however. That would just mess up any
768  * other forward-moving scanners.
769  *
770  * Note: we do this before checking for end of scan so that the final
771  * state of the position hint is back at the start of the rel. That's
772  * not strictly necessary, but otherwise when you run the same query
773  * multiple times the starting position would shift a little bit
774  * backwards on every invocation, which is confusing. We don't
775  * guarantee any specific ordering in general, though.
776  */
777  if (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_SYNC)
778  ss_report_location(scan->rs_base.rs_rd, block);
780  /* we're done if we're back at where we started */
781  if (block == scan->rs_startblock)
782  return InvalidBlockNumber;
784  /* check if the limit imposed by heap_setscanlimits() is met */
785  if (scan->rs_numblocks != InvalidBlockNumber)
786  {
787  if (--scan->rs_numblocks == 0)
788  return InvalidBlockNumber;
789  }
791  return block;
792  }
793  else
794  {
795  /* we're done if the last block is the start position */
796  if (block == scan->rs_startblock)
797  return InvalidBlockNumber;
799  /* check if the limit imposed by heap_setscanlimits() is met */
800  if (scan->rs_numblocks != InvalidBlockNumber)
801  {
802  if (--scan->rs_numblocks == 0)
803  return InvalidBlockNumber;
804  }
806  /* wrap to the end of the heap when the last page was page 0 */
807  if (block == 0)
808  block = scan->rs_nblocks;
810  block--;
812  return block;
813  }
814 }
816 /* ----------------
817  * heapgettup - fetch next heap tuple
818  *
819  * Initialize the scan if not already done; then advance to the next
820  * tuple as indicated by "dir"; return the next tuple in scan->rs_ctup,
821  * or set scan->rs_ctup.t_data = NULL if no more tuples.
822  *
823  * Note: the reason nkeys/key are passed separately, even though they are
824  * kept in the scan descriptor, is that the caller may not want us to check
825  * the scankeys.
826  *
827  * Note: when we fall off the end of the scan in either direction, we
828  * reset rs_inited. This means that a further request with the same
829  * scan direction will restart the scan, which is a bit odd, but a
830  * request with the opposite scan direction will start a fresh scan
831  * in the proper direction. The latter is required behavior for cursors,
832  * while the former case is generally undefined behavior in Postgres
833  * so we don't care too much.
834  * ----------------
835  */
836 static void
838  ScanDirection dir,
839  int nkeys,
840  ScanKey key)
841 {
842  HeapTuple tuple = &(scan->rs_ctup);
843  Page page;
844  OffsetNumber lineoff;
845  int linesleft;
847  if (likely(scan->rs_inited))
848  {
849  /* continue from previously returned page/tuple */
851  page = heapgettup_continue_page(scan, dir, &linesleft, &lineoff);
852  goto continue_page;
853  }
855  /*
856  * advance the scan until we find a qualifying tuple or run out of stuff
857  * to scan
858  */
859  while (true)
860  {
861  heap_fetch_next_buffer(scan, dir);
863  /* did we run out of blocks to scan? */
864  if (!BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
865  break;
867  Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(scan->rs_cbuf) == scan->rs_cblock);
870  page = heapgettup_start_page(scan, dir, &linesleft, &lineoff);
871 continue_page:
873  /*
874  * Only continue scanning the page while we have lines left.
875  *
876  * Note that this protects us from accessing line pointers past
877  * PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(); both for forward scans when we resume the
878  * table scan, and for when we start scanning a new page.
879  */
880  for (; linesleft > 0; linesleft--, lineoff += dir)
881  {
882  bool visible;
883  ItemId lpp = PageGetItemId(page, lineoff);
885  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lpp))
886  continue;
888  tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lpp);
889  tuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lpp);
890  ItemPointerSet(&(tuple->t_self), scan->rs_cblock, lineoff);
892  visible = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(tuple,
893  scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot,
894  scan->rs_cbuf);
897  tuple, scan->rs_cbuf,
898  scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot);
900  /* skip tuples not visible to this snapshot */
901  if (!visible)
902  continue;
904  /* skip any tuples that don't match the scan key */
905  if (key != NULL &&
906  !HeapKeyTest(tuple, RelationGetDescr(scan->rs_base.rs_rd),
907  nkeys, key))
908  continue;
911  scan->rs_coffset = lineoff;
912  return;
913  }
915  /*
916  * if we get here, it means we've exhausted the items on this page and
917  * it's time to move to the next.
918  */
920  }
922  /* end of scan */
923  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
924  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf);
926  scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;
929  tuple->t_data = NULL;
930  scan->rs_inited = false;
931 }
933 /* ----------------
934  * heapgettup_pagemode - fetch next heap tuple in page-at-a-time mode
935  *
936  * Same API as heapgettup, but used in page-at-a-time mode
937  *
938  * The internal logic is much the same as heapgettup's too, but there are some
939  * differences: we do not take the buffer content lock (that only needs to
940  * happen inside heap_prepare_pagescan), and we iterate through just the
941  * tuples listed in rs_vistuples[] rather than all tuples on the page. Notice
942  * that lineindex is 0-based, where the corresponding loop variable lineoff in
943  * heapgettup is 1-based.
944  * ----------------
945  */
946 static void
948  ScanDirection dir,
949  int nkeys,
950  ScanKey key)
951 {
952  HeapTuple tuple = &(scan->rs_ctup);
953  Page page;
954  int lineindex;
955  int linesleft;
957  if (likely(scan->rs_inited))
958  {
959  /* continue from previously returned page/tuple */
960  page = BufferGetPage(scan->rs_cbuf);
962  lineindex = scan->rs_cindex + dir;
963  if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
964  linesleft = scan->rs_ntuples - lineindex;
965  else
966  linesleft = scan->rs_cindex;
967  /* lineindex now references the next or previous visible tid */
969  goto continue_page;
970  }
972  /*
973  * advance the scan until we find a qualifying tuple or run out of stuff
974  * to scan
975  */
976  while (true)
977  {
978  heap_fetch_next_buffer(scan, dir);
980  /* did we run out of blocks to scan? */
981  if (!BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
982  break;
984  Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(scan->rs_cbuf) == scan->rs_cblock);
986  /* prune the page and determine visible tuple offsets */
988  page = BufferGetPage(scan->rs_cbuf);
989  linesleft = scan->rs_ntuples;
990  lineindex = ScanDirectionIsForward(dir) ? 0 : linesleft - 1;
992  /* lineindex now references the next or previous visible tid */
993 continue_page:
995  for (; linesleft > 0; linesleft--, lineindex += dir)
996  {
997  ItemId lpp;
998  OffsetNumber lineoff;
1000  lineoff = scan->rs_vistuples[lineindex];
1001  lpp = PageGetItemId(page, lineoff);
1002  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(lpp));
1004  tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lpp);
1005  tuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lpp);
1006  ItemPointerSet(&(tuple->t_self), scan->rs_cblock, lineoff);
1008  /* skip any tuples that don't match the scan key */
1009  if (key != NULL &&
1010  !HeapKeyTest(tuple, RelationGetDescr(scan->rs_base.rs_rd),
1011  nkeys, key))
1012  continue;
1014  scan->rs_cindex = lineindex;
1015  return;
1016  }
1017  }
1019  /* end of scan */
1020  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
1021  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf);
1022  scan->rs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;
1023  scan->rs_cblock = InvalidBlockNumber;
1025  tuple->t_data = NULL;
1026  scan->rs_inited = false;
1027 }
1030 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
1031  * heap access method interface
1032  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
1033  */
1037 heap_beginscan(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot,
1038  int nkeys, ScanKey key,
1039  ParallelTableScanDesc parallel_scan,
1040  uint32 flags)
1041 {
1042  HeapScanDesc scan;
1044  /*
1045  * increment relation ref count while scanning relation
1046  *
1047  * This is just to make really sure the relcache entry won't go away while
1048  * the scan has a pointer to it. Caller should be holding the rel open
1049  * anyway, so this is redundant in all normal scenarios...
1050  */
1053  /*
1054  * allocate and initialize scan descriptor
1055  */
1056  scan = (HeapScanDesc) palloc(sizeof(HeapScanDescData));
1058  scan->rs_base.rs_rd = relation;
1059  scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot = snapshot;
1060  scan->rs_base.rs_nkeys = nkeys;
1061  scan->rs_base.rs_flags = flags;
1062  scan->rs_base.rs_parallel = parallel_scan;
1063  scan->rs_strategy = NULL; /* set in initscan */
1064  scan->rs_vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
1065  scan->rs_empty_tuples_pending = 0;
1067  /*
1068  * Disable page-at-a-time mode if it's not a MVCC-safe snapshot.
1069  */
1070  if (!(snapshot && IsMVCCSnapshot(snapshot)))
1073  /*
1074  * For seqscan and sample scans in a serializable transaction, acquire a
1075  * predicate lock on the entire relation. This is required not only to
1076  * lock all the matching tuples, but also to conflict with new insertions
1077  * into the table. In an indexscan, we take page locks on the index pages
1078  * covering the range specified in the scan qual, but in a heap scan there
1079  * is nothing more fine-grained to lock. A bitmap scan is a different
1080  * story, there we have already scanned the index and locked the index
1081  * pages covering the predicate. But in that case we still have to lock
1082  * any matching heap tuples. For sample scan we could optimize the locking
1083  * to be at least page-level granularity, but we'd need to add per-tuple
1084  * locking for that.
1085  */
1087  {
1088  /*
1089  * Ensure a missing snapshot is noticed reliably, even if the
1090  * isolation mode means predicate locking isn't performed (and
1091  * therefore the snapshot isn't used here).
1092  */
1093  Assert(snapshot);
1094  PredicateLockRelation(relation, snapshot);
1095  }
1097  /* we only need to set this up once */
1098  scan->rs_ctup.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
1100  /*
1101  * Allocate memory to keep track of page allocation for parallel workers
1102  * when doing a parallel scan.
1103  */
1104  if (parallel_scan != NULL)
1106  else
1107  scan->rs_parallelworkerdata = NULL;
1109  /*
1110  * we do this here instead of in initscan() because heap_rescan also calls
1111  * initscan() and we don't want to allocate memory again
1112  */
1113  if (nkeys > 0)
1114  scan->rs_base.rs_key = (ScanKey) palloc(sizeof(ScanKeyData) * nkeys);
1115  else
1116  scan->rs_base.rs_key = NULL;
1118  initscan(scan, key, false);
1120  scan->rs_read_stream = NULL;
1122  /*
1123  * Set up a read stream for sequential scans and TID range scans. This
1124  * should be done after initscan() because initscan() allocates the
1125  * BufferAccessStrategy object passed to the streaming read API.
1126  */
1127  if (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_TYPE_SEQSCAN ||
1129  {
1132  if (scan->rs_base.rs_parallel)
1134  else
1138  scan->rs_strategy,
1139  scan->rs_base.rs_rd,
1141  cb,
1142  scan,
1143  0);
1144  }
1147  return (TableScanDesc) scan;
1148 }
1150 void
1151 heap_rescan(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanKey key, bool set_params,
1152  bool allow_strat, bool allow_sync, bool allow_pagemode)
1153 {
1154  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1156  if (set_params)
1157  {
1158  if (allow_strat)
1159  scan->rs_base.rs_flags |= SO_ALLOW_STRAT;
1160  else
1161  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_STRAT;
1163  if (allow_sync)
1164  scan->rs_base.rs_flags |= SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
1165  else
1166  scan->rs_base.rs_flags &= ~SO_ALLOW_SYNC;
1168  if (allow_pagemode && scan->rs_base.rs_snapshot &&
1171  else
1173  }
1175  /*
1176  * unpin scan buffers
1177  */
1178  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
1179  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf);
1181  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_vmbuffer))
1182  {
1183  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_vmbuffer);
1184  scan->rs_vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
1185  }
1187  Assert(scan->rs_empty_tuples_pending == 0);
1189  /*
1190  * The read stream is reset on rescan. This must be done before
1191  * initscan(), as some state referred to by read_stream_reset() is reset
1192  * in initscan().
1193  */
1194  if (scan->rs_read_stream)
1197  /*
1198  * reinitialize scan descriptor
1199  */
1200  initscan(scan, key, true);
1201 }
1203 void
1205 {
1206  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1208  /* Note: no locking manipulations needed */
1210  /*
1211  * unpin scan buffers
1212  */
1213  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_cbuf))
1214  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_cbuf);
1216  if (BufferIsValid(scan->rs_vmbuffer))
1217  ReleaseBuffer(scan->rs_vmbuffer);
1219  Assert(scan->rs_empty_tuples_pending == 0);
1221  /*
1222  * Must free the read stream before freeing the BufferAccessStrategy.
1223  */
1224  if (scan->rs_read_stream)
1227  /*
1228  * decrement relation reference count and free scan descriptor storage
1229  */
1232  if (scan->rs_base.rs_key)
1233  pfree(scan->rs_base.rs_key);
1235  if (scan->rs_strategy != NULL)
1238  if (scan->rs_parallelworkerdata != NULL)
1241  if (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_TEMP_SNAPSHOT)
1244  pfree(scan);
1245 }
1247 HeapTuple
1249 {
1250  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1252  /*
1253  * This is still widely used directly, without going through table AM, so
1254  * add a safety check. It's possible we should, at a later point,
1255  * downgrade this to an assert. The reason for checking the AM routine,
1256  * rather than the AM oid, is that this allows to write regression tests
1257  * that create another AM reusing the heap handler.
1258  */
1260  ereport(ERROR,
1262  errmsg_internal("only heap AM is supported")));
1264  /*
1265  * We don't expect direct calls to heap_getnext with valid CheckXidAlive
1266  * for catalog or regular tables. See detailed comments in xact.c where
1267  * these variables are declared. Normally we have such a check at tableam
1268  * level API but this is called from many places so we need to ensure it
1269  * here.
1270  */
1272  elog(ERROR, "unexpected heap_getnext call during logical decoding");
1274  /* Note: no locking manipulations needed */
1276  if (scan->rs_base.rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE)
1277  heapgettup_pagemode(scan, direction,
1278  scan->rs_base.rs_nkeys, scan->rs_base.rs_key);
1279  else
1280  heapgettup(scan, direction,
1281  scan->rs_base.rs_nkeys, scan->rs_base.rs_key);
1283  if (scan->rs_ctup.t_data == NULL)
1284  return NULL;
1286  /*
1287  * if we get here it means we have a new current scan tuple, so point to
1288  * the proper return buffer and return the tuple.
1289  */
1293  return &scan->rs_ctup;
1294 }
1296 bool
1298 {
1299  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1301  /* Note: no locking manipulations needed */
1303  if (sscan->rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE)
1304  heapgettup_pagemode(scan, direction, sscan->rs_nkeys, sscan->rs_key);
1305  else
1306  heapgettup(scan, direction, sscan->rs_nkeys, sscan->rs_key);
1308  if (scan->rs_ctup.t_data == NULL)
1309  {
1310  ExecClearTuple(slot);
1311  return false;
1312  }
1314  /*
1315  * if we get here it means we have a new current scan tuple, so point to
1316  * the proper return buffer and return the tuple.
1317  */
1321  ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple(&scan->rs_ctup, slot,
1322  scan->rs_cbuf);
1323  return true;
1324 }
1326 void
1328  ItemPointer maxtid)
1329 {
1330  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1331  BlockNumber startBlk;
1332  BlockNumber numBlks;
1333  ItemPointerData highestItem;
1334  ItemPointerData lowestItem;
1336  /*
1337  * For relations without any pages, we can simply leave the TID range
1338  * unset. There will be no tuples to scan, therefore no tuples outside
1339  * the given TID range.
1340  */
1341  if (scan->rs_nblocks == 0)
1342  return;
1344  /*
1345  * Set up some ItemPointers which point to the first and last possible
1346  * tuples in the heap.
1347  */
1348  ItemPointerSet(&highestItem, scan->rs_nblocks - 1, MaxOffsetNumber);
1349  ItemPointerSet(&lowestItem, 0, FirstOffsetNumber);
1351  /*
1352  * If the given maximum TID is below the highest possible TID in the
1353  * relation, then restrict the range to that, otherwise we scan to the end
1354  * of the relation.
1355  */
1356  if (ItemPointerCompare(maxtid, &highestItem) < 0)
1357  ItemPointerCopy(maxtid, &highestItem);
1359  /*
1360  * If the given minimum TID is above the lowest possible TID in the
1361  * relation, then restrict the range to only scan for TIDs above that.
1362  */
1363  if (ItemPointerCompare(mintid, &lowestItem) > 0)
1364  ItemPointerCopy(mintid, &lowestItem);
1366  /*
1367  * Check for an empty range and protect from would be negative results
1368  * from the numBlks calculation below.
1369  */
1370  if (ItemPointerCompare(&highestItem, &lowestItem) < 0)
1371  {
1372  /* Set an empty range of blocks to scan */
1373  heap_setscanlimits(sscan, 0, 0);
1374  return;
1375  }
1377  /*
1378  * Calculate the first block and the number of blocks we must scan. We
1379  * could be more aggressive here and perform some more validation to try
1380  * and further narrow the scope of blocks to scan by checking if the
1381  * lowestItem has an offset above MaxOffsetNumber. In this case, we could
1382  * advance startBlk by one. Likewise, if highestItem has an offset of 0
1383  * we could scan one fewer blocks. However, such an optimization does not
1384  * seem worth troubling over, currently.
1385  */
1386  startBlk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumberNoCheck(&lowestItem);
1388  numBlks = ItemPointerGetBlockNumberNoCheck(&highestItem) -
1389  ItemPointerGetBlockNumberNoCheck(&lowestItem) + 1;
1391  /* Set the start block and number of blocks to scan */
1392  heap_setscanlimits(sscan, startBlk, numBlks);
1394  /* Finally, set the TID range in sscan */
1395  ItemPointerCopy(&lowestItem, &sscan->rs_mintid);
1396  ItemPointerCopy(&highestItem, &sscan->rs_maxtid);
1397 }
1399 bool
1401  TupleTableSlot *slot)
1402 {
1403  HeapScanDesc scan = (HeapScanDesc) sscan;
1404  ItemPointer mintid = &sscan->rs_mintid;
1405  ItemPointer maxtid = &sscan->rs_maxtid;
1407  /* Note: no locking manipulations needed */
1408  for (;;)
1409  {
1410  if (sscan->rs_flags & SO_ALLOW_PAGEMODE)
1411  heapgettup_pagemode(scan, direction, sscan->rs_nkeys, sscan->rs_key);
1412  else
1413  heapgettup(scan, direction, sscan->rs_nkeys, sscan->rs_key);
1415  if (scan->rs_ctup.t_data == NULL)
1416  {
1417  ExecClearTuple(slot);
1418  return false;
1419  }
1421  /*
1422  * heap_set_tidrange will have used heap_setscanlimits to limit the
1423  * range of pages we scan to only ones that can contain the TID range
1424  * we're scanning for. Here we must filter out any tuples from these
1425  * pages that are outside of that range.
1426  */
1427  if (ItemPointerCompare(&scan->rs_ctup.t_self, mintid) < 0)
1428  {
1429  ExecClearTuple(slot);
1431  /*
1432  * When scanning backwards, the TIDs will be in descending order.
1433  * Future tuples in this direction will be lower still, so we can
1434  * just return false to indicate there will be no more tuples.
1435  */
1436  if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction))
1437  return false;
1439  continue;
1440  }
1442  /*
1443  * Likewise for the final page, we must filter out TIDs greater than
1444  * maxtid.
1445  */
1446  if (ItemPointerCompare(&scan->rs_ctup.t_self, maxtid) > 0)
1447  {
1448  ExecClearTuple(slot);
1450  /*
1451  * When scanning forward, the TIDs will be in ascending order.
1452  * Future tuples in this direction will be higher still, so we can
1453  * just return false to indicate there will be no more tuples.
1454  */
1455  if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
1456  return false;
1457  continue;
1458  }
1460  break;
1461  }
1463  /*
1464  * if we get here it means we have a new current scan tuple, so point to
1465  * the proper return buffer and return the tuple.
1466  */
1469  ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple(&scan->rs_ctup, slot, scan->rs_cbuf);
1470  return true;
1471 }
1473 /*
1474  * heap_fetch - retrieve tuple with given tid
1475  *
1476  * On entry, tuple->t_self is the TID to fetch. We pin the buffer holding
1477  * the tuple, fill in the remaining fields of *tuple, and check the tuple
1478  * against the specified snapshot.
1479  *
1480  * If successful (tuple found and passes snapshot time qual), then *userbuf
1481  * is set to the buffer holding the tuple and true is returned. The caller
1482  * must unpin the buffer when done with the tuple.
1483  *
1484  * If the tuple is not found (ie, item number references a deleted slot),
1485  * then tuple->t_data is set to NULL, *userbuf is set to InvalidBuffer,
1486  * and false is returned.
1487  *
1488  * If the tuple is found but fails the time qual check, then the behavior
1489  * depends on the keep_buf parameter. If keep_buf is false, the results
1490  * are the same as for the tuple-not-found case. If keep_buf is true,
1491  * then tuple->t_data and *userbuf are returned as for the success case,
1492  * and again the caller must unpin the buffer; but false is returned.
1493  *
1494  * heap_fetch does not follow HOT chains: only the exact TID requested will
1495  * be fetched.
1496  *
1497  * It is somewhat inconsistent that we ereport() on invalid block number but
1498  * return false on invalid item number. There are a couple of reasons though.
1499  * One is that the caller can relatively easily check the block number for
1500  * validity, but cannot check the item number without reading the page
1501  * himself. Another is that when we are following a t_ctid link, we can be
1502  * reasonably confident that the page number is valid (since VACUUM shouldn't
1503  * truncate off the destination page without having killed the referencing
1504  * tuple first), but the item number might well not be good.
1505  */
1506 bool
1508  Snapshot snapshot,
1509  HeapTuple tuple,
1510  Buffer *userbuf,
1511  bool keep_buf)
1512 {
1513  ItemPointer tid = &(tuple->t_self);
1514  ItemId lp;
1515  Buffer buffer;
1516  Page page;
1517  OffsetNumber offnum;
1518  bool valid;
1520  /*
1521  * Fetch and pin the appropriate page of the relation.
1522  */
1523  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid));
1525  /*
1526  * Need share lock on buffer to examine tuple commit status.
1527  */
1528  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
1529  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
1531  /*
1532  * We'd better check for out-of-range offnum in case of VACUUM since the
1533  * TID was obtained.
1534  */
1535  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
1536  if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber || offnum > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
1537  {
1538  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
1539  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1540  *userbuf = InvalidBuffer;
1541  tuple->t_data = NULL;
1542  return false;
1543  }
1545  /*
1546  * get the item line pointer corresponding to the requested tid
1547  */
1548  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
1550  /*
1551  * Must check for deleted tuple.
1552  */
1553  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
1554  {
1555  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
1556  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1557  *userbuf = InvalidBuffer;
1558  tuple->t_data = NULL;
1559  return false;
1560  }
1562  /*
1563  * fill in *tuple fields
1564  */
1565  tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
1566  tuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
1567  tuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
1569  /*
1570  * check tuple visibility, then release lock
1571  */
1572  valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(tuple, snapshot, buffer);
1574  if (valid)
1575  PredicateLockTID(relation, &(tuple->t_self), snapshot,
1576  HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data));
1578  HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, relation, tuple, buffer, snapshot);
1580  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
1582  if (valid)
1583  {
1584  /*
1585  * All checks passed, so return the tuple as valid. Caller is now
1586  * responsible for releasing the buffer.
1587  */
1588  *userbuf = buffer;
1590  return true;
1591  }
1593  /* Tuple failed time qual, but maybe caller wants to see it anyway. */
1594  if (keep_buf)
1595  *userbuf = buffer;
1596  else
1597  {
1598  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1599  *userbuf = InvalidBuffer;
1600  tuple->t_data = NULL;
1601  }
1603  return false;
1604 }
1606 /*
1607  * heap_hot_search_buffer - search HOT chain for tuple satisfying snapshot
1608  *
1609  * On entry, *tid is the TID of a tuple (either a simple tuple, or the root
1610  * of a HOT chain), and buffer is the buffer holding this tuple. We search
1611  * for the first chain member satisfying the given snapshot. If one is
1612  * found, we update *tid to reference that tuple's offset number, and
1613  * return true. If no match, return false without modifying *tid.
1614  *
1615  * heapTuple is a caller-supplied buffer. When a match is found, we return
1616  * the tuple here, in addition to updating *tid. If no match is found, the
1617  * contents of this buffer on return are undefined.
1618  *
1619  * If all_dead is not NULL, we check non-visible tuples to see if they are
1620  * globally dead; *all_dead is set true if all members of the HOT chain
1621  * are vacuumable, false if not.
1622  *
1623  * Unlike heap_fetch, the caller must already have pin and (at least) share
1624  * lock on the buffer; it is still pinned/locked at exit.
1625  */
1626 bool
1628  Snapshot snapshot, HeapTuple heapTuple,
1629  bool *all_dead, bool first_call)
1630 {
1631  Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
1632  TransactionId prev_xmax = InvalidTransactionId;
1633  BlockNumber blkno;
1634  OffsetNumber offnum;
1635  bool at_chain_start;
1636  bool valid;
1637  bool skip;
1638  GlobalVisState *vistest = NULL;
1640  /* If this is not the first call, previous call returned a (live!) tuple */
1641  if (all_dead)
1642  *all_dead = first_call;
1644  blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid);
1645  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
1646  at_chain_start = first_call;
1647  skip = !first_call;
1649  /* XXX: we should assert that a snapshot is pushed or registered */
1651  Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer) == blkno);
1653  /* Scan through possible multiple members of HOT-chain */
1654  for (;;)
1655  {
1656  ItemId lp;
1658  /* check for bogus TID */
1659  if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber || offnum > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
1660  break;
1662  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
1664  /* check for unused, dead, or redirected items */
1665  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
1666  {
1667  /* We should only see a redirect at start of chain */
1668  if (ItemIdIsRedirected(lp) && at_chain_start)
1669  {
1670  /* Follow the redirect */
1671  offnum = ItemIdGetRedirect(lp);
1672  at_chain_start = false;
1673  continue;
1674  }
1675  /* else must be end of chain */
1676  break;
1677  }
1679  /*
1680  * Update heapTuple to point to the element of the HOT chain we're
1681  * currently investigating. Having t_self set correctly is important
1682  * because the SSI checks and the *Satisfies routine for historical
1683  * MVCC snapshots need the correct tid to decide about the visibility.
1684  */
1685  heapTuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
1686  heapTuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
1687  heapTuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
1688  ItemPointerSet(&heapTuple->t_self, blkno, offnum);
1690  /*
1691  * Shouldn't see a HEAP_ONLY tuple at chain start.
1692  */
1693  if (at_chain_start && HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(heapTuple))
1694  break;
1696  /*
1697  * The xmin should match the previous xmax value, else chain is
1698  * broken.
1699  */
1700  if (TransactionIdIsValid(prev_xmax) &&
1701  !TransactionIdEquals(prev_xmax,
1702  HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(heapTuple->t_data)))
1703  break;
1705  /*
1706  * When first_call is true (and thus, skip is initially false) we'll
1707  * return the first tuple we find. But on later passes, heapTuple
1708  * will initially be pointing to the tuple we returned last time.
1709  * Returning it again would be incorrect (and would loop forever), so
1710  * we skip it and return the next match we find.
1711  */
1712  if (!skip)
1713  {
1714  /* If it's visible per the snapshot, we must return it */
1715  valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(heapTuple, snapshot, buffer);
1716  HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, relation, heapTuple,
1717  buffer, snapshot);
1719  if (valid)
1720  {
1721  ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(tid, offnum);
1722  PredicateLockTID(relation, &heapTuple->t_self, snapshot,
1723  HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(heapTuple->t_data));
1724  if (all_dead)
1725  *all_dead = false;
1726  return true;
1727  }
1728  }
1729  skip = false;
1731  /*
1732  * If we can't see it, maybe no one else can either. At caller
1733  * request, check whether all chain members are dead to all
1734  * transactions.
1735  *
1736  * Note: if you change the criterion here for what is "dead", fix the
1737  * planner's get_actual_variable_range() function to match.
1738  */
1739  if (all_dead && *all_dead)
1740  {
1741  if (!vistest)
1742  vistest = GlobalVisTestFor(relation);
1744  if (!HeapTupleIsSurelyDead(heapTuple, vistest))
1745  *all_dead = false;
1746  }
1748  /*
1749  * Check to see if HOT chain continues past this tuple; if so fetch
1750  * the next offnum and loop around.
1751  */
1752  if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(heapTuple))
1753  {
1755  blkno);
1756  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&heapTuple->t_data->t_ctid);
1757  at_chain_start = false;
1758  prev_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(heapTuple->t_data);
1759  }
1760  else
1761  break; /* end of chain */
1762  }
1764  return false;
1765 }
1767 /*
1768  * heap_get_latest_tid - get the latest tid of a specified tuple
1769  *
1770  * Actually, this gets the latest version that is visible according to the
1771  * scan's snapshot. Create a scan using SnapshotDirty to get the very latest,
1772  * possibly uncommitted version.
1773  *
1774  * *tid is both an input and an output parameter: it is updated to
1775  * show the latest version of the row. Note that it will not be changed
1776  * if no version of the row passes the snapshot test.
1777  */
1778 void
1780  ItemPointer tid)
1781 {
1782  Relation relation = sscan->rs_rd;
1783  Snapshot snapshot = sscan->rs_snapshot;
1784  ItemPointerData ctid;
1785  TransactionId priorXmax;
1787  /*
1788  * table_tuple_get_latest_tid() verified that the passed in tid is valid.
1789  * Assume that t_ctid links are valid however - there shouldn't be invalid
1790  * ones in the table.
1791  */
1792  Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(tid));
1794  /*
1795  * Loop to chase down t_ctid links. At top of loop, ctid is the tuple we
1796  * need to examine, and *tid is the TID we will return if ctid turns out
1797  * to be bogus.
1798  *
1799  * Note that we will loop until we reach the end of the t_ctid chain.
1800  * Depending on the snapshot passed, there might be at most one visible
1801  * version of the row, but we don't try to optimize for that.
1802  */
1803  ctid = *tid;
1804  priorXmax = InvalidTransactionId; /* cannot check first XMIN */
1805  for (;;)
1806  {
1807  Buffer buffer;
1808  Page page;
1809  OffsetNumber offnum;
1810  ItemId lp;
1811  HeapTupleData tp;
1812  bool valid;
1814  /*
1815  * Read, pin, and lock the page.
1816  */
1817  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&ctid));
1818  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
1819  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
1821  /*
1822  * Check for bogus item number. This is not treated as an error
1823  * condition because it can happen while following a t_ctid link. We
1824  * just assume that the prior tid is OK and return it unchanged.
1825  */
1826  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&ctid);
1827  if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber || offnum > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
1828  {
1829  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1830  break;
1831  }
1832  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
1833  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
1834  {
1835  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1836  break;
1837  }
1839  /* OK to access the tuple */
1840  tp.t_self = ctid;
1841  tp.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
1842  tp.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
1843  tp.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
1845  /*
1846  * After following a t_ctid link, we might arrive at an unrelated
1847  * tuple. Check for XMIN match.
1848  */
1849  if (TransactionIdIsValid(priorXmax) &&
1851  {
1852  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1853  break;
1854  }
1856  /*
1857  * Check tuple visibility; if visible, set it as the new result
1858  * candidate.
1859  */
1860  valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&tp, snapshot, buffer);
1861  HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, relation, &tp, buffer, snapshot);
1862  if (valid)
1863  *tid = ctid;
1865  /*
1866  * If there's a valid t_ctid link, follow it, else we're done.
1867  */
1868  if ((tp.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID) ||
1872  {
1873  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1874  break;
1875  }
1877  ctid = tp.t_data->t_ctid;
1878  priorXmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tp.t_data);
1879  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
1880  } /* end of loop */
1881 }
1884 /*
1885  * UpdateXmaxHintBits - update tuple hint bits after xmax transaction ends
1886  *
1887  * This is called after we have waited for the XMAX transaction to terminate.
1888  * If the transaction aborted, we guarantee the XMAX_INVALID hint bit will
1889  * be set on exit. If the transaction committed, we set the XMAX_COMMITTED
1890  * hint bit if possible --- but beware that that may not yet be possible,
1891  * if the transaction committed asynchronously.
1892  *
1893  * Note that if the transaction was a locker only, we set HEAP_XMAX_INVALID
1894  * even if it commits.
1895  *
1896  * Hence callers should look only at XMAX_INVALID.
1897  *
1898  * Note this is not allowed for tuples whose xmax is a multixact.
1899  */
1900 static void
1902 {
1904  Assert(!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI));
1906  if (!(tuple->t_infomask & (HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED | HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)))
1907  {
1908  if (!HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(tuple->t_infomask) &&
1911  xid);
1912  else
1913  HeapTupleSetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMAX_INVALID,
1915  }
1916 }
1919 /*
1920  * GetBulkInsertState - prepare status object for a bulk insert
1921  */
1924 {
1925  BulkInsertState bistate;
1927  bistate = (BulkInsertState) palloc(sizeof(BulkInsertStateData));
1929  bistate->current_buf = InvalidBuffer;
1930  bistate->next_free = InvalidBlockNumber;
1931  bistate->last_free = InvalidBlockNumber;
1932  bistate->already_extended_by = 0;
1933  return bistate;
1934 }
1936 /*
1937  * FreeBulkInsertState - clean up after finishing a bulk insert
1938  */
1939 void
1941 {
1942  if (bistate->current_buf != InvalidBuffer)
1943  ReleaseBuffer(bistate->current_buf);
1944  FreeAccessStrategy(bistate->strategy);
1945  pfree(bistate);
1946 }
1948 /*
1949  * ReleaseBulkInsertStatePin - release a buffer currently held in bistate
1950  */
1951 void
1953 {
1954  if (bistate->current_buf != InvalidBuffer)
1955  ReleaseBuffer(bistate->current_buf);
1956  bistate->current_buf = InvalidBuffer;
1958  /*
1959  * Despite the name, we also reset bulk relation extension state.
1960  * Otherwise we can end up erroring out due to looking for free space in
1961  * ->next_free of one partition, even though ->next_free was set when
1962  * extending another partition. It could obviously also be bad for
1963  * efficiency to look at existing blocks at offsets from another
1964  * partition, even if we don't error out.
1965  */
1966  bistate->next_free = InvalidBlockNumber;
1967  bistate->last_free = InvalidBlockNumber;
1968 }
1971 /*
1972  * heap_insert - insert tuple into a heap
1973  *
1974  * The new tuple is stamped with current transaction ID and the specified
1975  * command ID.
1976  *
1977  * See table_tuple_insert for comments about most of the input flags, except
1978  * that this routine directly takes a tuple rather than a slot.
1979  *
1980  * There's corresponding HEAP_INSERT_ options to all the TABLE_INSERT_
1981  * options, and there additionally is HEAP_INSERT_SPECULATIVE which is used to
1982  * implement table_tuple_insert_speculative().
1983  *
1984  * On return the header fields of *tup are updated to match the stored tuple;
1985  * in particular tup->t_self receives the actual TID where the tuple was
1986  * stored. But note that any toasting of fields within the tuple data is NOT
1987  * reflected into *tup.
1988  */
1989 void
1991  int options, BulkInsertState bistate)
1992 {
1994  HeapTuple heaptup;
1995  Buffer buffer;
1996  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
1997  bool all_visible_cleared = false;
1999  /* Cheap, simplistic check that the tuple matches the rel's rowtype. */
2001  RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation));
2003  /*
2004  * Fill in tuple header fields and toast the tuple if necessary.
2005  *
2006  * Note: below this point, heaptup is the data we actually intend to store
2007  * into the relation; tup is the caller's original untoasted data.
2008  */
2009  heaptup = heap_prepare_insert(relation, tup, xid, cid, options);
2011  /*
2012  * Find buffer to insert this tuple into. If the page is all visible,
2013  * this will also pin the requisite visibility map page.
2014  */
2015  buffer = RelationGetBufferForTuple(relation, heaptup->t_len,
2016  InvalidBuffer, options, bistate,
2017  &vmbuffer, NULL,
2018  0);
2020  /*
2021  * We're about to do the actual insert -- but check for conflict first, to
2022  * avoid possibly having to roll back work we've just done.
2023  *
2024  * This is safe without a recheck as long as there is no possibility of
2025  * another process scanning the page between this check and the insert
2026  * being visible to the scan (i.e., an exclusive buffer content lock is
2027  * continuously held from this point until the tuple insert is visible).
2028  *
2029  * For a heap insert, we only need to check for table-level SSI locks. Our
2030  * new tuple can't possibly conflict with existing tuple locks, and heap
2031  * page locks are only consolidated versions of tuple locks; they do not
2032  * lock "gaps" as index page locks do. So we don't need to specify a
2033  * buffer when making the call, which makes for a faster check.
2034  */
2037  /* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */
2040  RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, buffer, heaptup,
2041  (options & HEAP_INSERT_SPECULATIVE) != 0);
2043  if (PageIsAllVisible(BufferGetPage(buffer)))
2044  {
2045  all_visible_cleared = true;
2047  visibilitymap_clear(relation,
2048  ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(heaptup->t_self)),
2050  }
2052  /*
2053  * XXX Should we set PageSetPrunable on this page ?
2054  *
2055  * The inserting transaction may eventually abort thus making this tuple
2056  * DEAD and hence available for pruning. Though we don't want to optimize
2057  * for aborts, if no other tuple in this page is UPDATEd/DELETEd, the
2058  * aborted tuple will never be pruned until next vacuum is triggered.
2059  *
2060  * If you do add PageSetPrunable here, add it in heap_xlog_insert too.
2061  */
2063  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
2065  /* XLOG stuff */
2066  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
2067  {
2068  xl_heap_insert xlrec;
2069  xl_heap_header xlhdr;
2070  XLogRecPtr recptr;
2071  Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
2072  uint8 info = XLOG_HEAP_INSERT;
2073  int bufflags = 0;
2075  /*
2076  * If this is a catalog, we need to transmit combo CIDs to properly
2077  * decode, so log that as well.
2078  */
2080  log_heap_new_cid(relation, heaptup);
2082  /*
2083  * If this is the single and first tuple on page, we can reinit the
2084  * page instead of restoring the whole thing. Set flag, and hide
2085  * buffer references from XLogInsert.
2086  */
2087  if (ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&(heaptup->t_self)) == FirstOffsetNumber &&
2089  {
2090  info |= XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE;
2091  bufflags |= REGBUF_WILL_INIT;
2092  }
2094  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&heaptup->t_self);
2095  xlrec.flags = 0;
2096  if (all_visible_cleared)
2102  /*
2103  * For logical decoding, we need the tuple even if we're doing a full
2104  * page write, so make sure it's included even if we take a full-page
2105  * image. (XXX We could alternatively store a pointer into the FPW).
2106  */
2107  if (RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation) &&
2109  {
2111  bufflags |= REGBUF_KEEP_DATA;
2113  if (IsToastRelation(relation))
2115  }
2117  XLogBeginInsert();
2118  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapInsert);
2120  xlhdr.t_infomask2 = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask2;
2121  xlhdr.t_infomask = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask;
2122  xlhdr.t_hoff = heaptup->t_data->t_hoff;
2124  /*
2125  * note we mark xlhdr as belonging to buffer; if XLogInsert decides to
2126  * write the whole page to the xlog, we don't need to store
2127  * xl_heap_header in the xlog.
2128  */
2129  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD | bufflags);
2130  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &xlhdr, SizeOfHeapHeader);
2131  /* PG73FORMAT: write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */
2133  (char *) heaptup->t_data + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
2134  heaptup->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
2136  /* filtering by origin on a row level is much more efficient */
2139  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, info);
2141  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
2142  }
2146  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
2147  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
2148  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
2150  /*
2151  * If tuple is cachable, mark it for invalidation from the caches in case
2152  * we abort. Note it is OK to do this after releasing the buffer, because
2153  * the heaptup data structure is all in local memory, not in the shared
2154  * buffer.
2155  */
2156  CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(relation, heaptup, NULL);
2158  /* Note: speculative insertions are counted too, even if aborted later */
2159  pgstat_count_heap_insert(relation, 1);
2161  /*
2162  * If heaptup is a private copy, release it. Don't forget to copy t_self
2163  * back to the caller's image, too.
2164  */
2165  if (heaptup != tup)
2166  {
2167  tup->t_self = heaptup->t_self;
2168  heap_freetuple(heaptup);
2169  }
2170 }
2172 /*
2173  * Subroutine for heap_insert(). Prepares a tuple for insertion. This sets the
2174  * tuple header fields and toasts the tuple if necessary. Returns a toasted
2175  * version of the tuple if it was toasted, or the original tuple if not. Note
2176  * that in any case, the header fields are also set in the original tuple.
2177  */
2178 static HeapTuple
2180  CommandId cid, int options)
2181 {
2182  /*
2183  * To allow parallel inserts, we need to ensure that they are safe to be
2184  * performed in workers. We have the infrastructure to allow parallel
2185  * inserts in general except for the cases where inserts generate a new
2186  * CommandId (eg. inserts into a table having a foreign key column).
2187  */
2188  if (IsParallelWorker())
2189  ereport(ERROR,
2191  errmsg("cannot insert tuples in a parallel worker")));
2193  tup->t_data->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XACT_MASK);
2194  tup->t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~(HEAP2_XACT_MASK);
2196  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(tup->t_data, xid);
2200  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmin(tup->t_data, cid);
2201  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tup->t_data, 0); /* for cleanliness */
2202  tup->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
2204  /*
2205  * If the new tuple is too big for storage or contains already toasted
2206  * out-of-line attributes from some other relation, invoke the toaster.
2207  */
2208  if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
2209  relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
2210  {
2211  /* toast table entries should never be recursively toasted */
2213  return tup;
2214  }
2215  else if (HeapTupleHasExternal(tup) || tup->t_len > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD)
2216  return heap_toast_insert_or_update(relation, tup, NULL, options);
2217  else
2218  return tup;
2219 }
2221 /*
2222  * Helper for heap_multi_insert() that computes the number of entire pages
2223  * that inserting the remaining heaptuples requires. Used to determine how
2224  * much the relation needs to be extended by.
2225  */
2226 static int
2227 heap_multi_insert_pages(HeapTuple *heaptuples, int done, int ntuples, Size saveFreeSpace)
2228 {
2229  size_t page_avail = BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData - saveFreeSpace;
2230  int npages = 1;
2232  for (int i = done; i < ntuples; i++)
2233  {
2234  size_t tup_sz = sizeof(ItemIdData) + MAXALIGN(heaptuples[i]->t_len);
2236  if (page_avail < tup_sz)
2237  {
2238  npages++;
2239  page_avail = BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData - saveFreeSpace;
2240  }
2241  page_avail -= tup_sz;
2242  }
2244  return npages;
2245 }
2247 /*
2248  * heap_multi_insert - insert multiple tuples into a heap
2249  *
2250  * This is like heap_insert(), but inserts multiple tuples in one operation.
2251  * That's faster than calling heap_insert() in a loop, because when multiple
2252  * tuples can be inserted on a single page, we can write just a single WAL
2253  * record covering all of them, and only need to lock/unlock the page once.
2254  *
2255  * Note: this leaks memory into the current memory context. You can create a
2256  * temporary context before calling this, if that's a problem.
2257  */
2258 void
2259 heap_multi_insert(Relation relation, TupleTableSlot **slots, int ntuples,
2260  CommandId cid, int options, BulkInsertState bistate)
2261 {
2263  HeapTuple *heaptuples;
2264  int i;
2265  int ndone;
2266  PGAlignedBlock scratch;
2267  Page page;
2268  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
2269  bool needwal;
2270  Size saveFreeSpace;
2271  bool need_tuple_data = RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation);
2272  bool need_cids = RelationIsAccessibleInLogicalDecoding(relation);
2273  bool starting_with_empty_page = false;
2274  int npages = 0;
2275  int npages_used = 0;
2277  /* currently not needed (thus unsupported) for heap_multi_insert() */
2280  needwal = RelationNeedsWAL(relation);
2281  saveFreeSpace = RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation,
2284  /* Toast and set header data in all the slots */
2285  heaptuples = palloc(ntuples * sizeof(HeapTuple));
2286  for (i = 0; i < ntuples; i++)
2287  {
2288  HeapTuple tuple;
2290  tuple = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slots[i], true, NULL);
2291  slots[i]->tts_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
2292  tuple->t_tableOid = slots[i]->tts_tableOid;
2293  heaptuples[i] = heap_prepare_insert(relation, tuple, xid, cid,
2294  options);
2295  }
2297  /*
2298  * We're about to do the actual inserts -- but check for conflict first,
2299  * to minimize the possibility of having to roll back work we've just
2300  * done.
2301  *
2302  * A check here does not definitively prevent a serialization anomaly;
2303  * that check MUST be done at least past the point of acquiring an
2304  * exclusive buffer content lock on every buffer that will be affected,
2305  * and MAY be done after all inserts are reflected in the buffers and
2306  * those locks are released; otherwise there is a race condition. Since
2307  * multiple buffers can be locked and unlocked in the loop below, and it
2308  * would not be feasible to identify and lock all of those buffers before
2309  * the loop, we must do a final check at the end.
2310  *
2311  * The check here could be omitted with no loss of correctness; it is
2312  * present strictly as an optimization.
2313  *
2314  * For heap inserts, we only need to check for table-level SSI locks. Our
2315  * new tuples can't possibly conflict with existing tuple locks, and heap
2316  * page locks are only consolidated versions of tuple locks; they do not
2317  * lock "gaps" as index page locks do. So we don't need to specify a
2318  * buffer when making the call, which makes for a faster check.
2319  */
2322  ndone = 0;
2323  while (ndone < ntuples)
2324  {
2325  Buffer buffer;
2326  bool all_visible_cleared = false;
2327  bool all_frozen_set = false;
2328  int nthispage;
2332  /*
2333  * Compute number of pages needed to fit the to-be-inserted tuples in
2334  * the worst case. This will be used to determine how much to extend
2335  * the relation by in RelationGetBufferForTuple(), if needed. If we
2336  * filled a prior page from scratch, we can just update our last
2337  * computation, but if we started with a partially filled page,
2338  * recompute from scratch, the number of potentially required pages
2339  * can vary due to tuples needing to fit onto the page, page headers
2340  * etc.
2341  */
2342  if (ndone == 0 || !starting_with_empty_page)
2343  {
2344  npages = heap_multi_insert_pages(heaptuples, ndone, ntuples,
2345  saveFreeSpace);
2346  npages_used = 0;
2347  }
2348  else
2349  npages_used++;
2351  /*
2352  * Find buffer where at least the next tuple will fit. If the page is
2353  * all-visible, this will also pin the requisite visibility map page.
2354  *
2355  * Also pin visibility map page if COPY FREEZE inserts tuples into an
2356  * empty page. See all_frozen_set below.
2357  */
2358  buffer = RelationGetBufferForTuple(relation, heaptuples[ndone]->t_len,
2359  InvalidBuffer, options, bistate,
2360  &vmbuffer, NULL,
2361  npages - npages_used);
2362  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
2364  starting_with_empty_page = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) == 0;
2366  if (starting_with_empty_page && (options & HEAP_INSERT_FROZEN))
2367  all_frozen_set = true;
2369  /* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */
2372  /*
2373  * RelationGetBufferForTuple has ensured that the first tuple fits.
2374  * Put that on the page, and then as many other tuples as fit.
2375  */
2376  RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, buffer, heaptuples[ndone], false);
2378  /*
2379  * For logical decoding we need combo CIDs to properly decode the
2380  * catalog.
2381  */
2382  if (needwal && need_cids)
2383  log_heap_new_cid(relation, heaptuples[ndone]);
2385  for (nthispage = 1; ndone + nthispage < ntuples; nthispage++)
2386  {
2387  HeapTuple heaptup = heaptuples[ndone + nthispage];
2389  if (PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page) < MAXALIGN(heaptup->t_len) + saveFreeSpace)
2390  break;
2392  RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, buffer, heaptup, false);
2394  /*
2395  * For logical decoding we need combo CIDs to properly decode the
2396  * catalog.
2397  */
2398  if (needwal && need_cids)
2399  log_heap_new_cid(relation, heaptup);
2400  }
2402  /*
2403  * If the page is all visible, need to clear that, unless we're only
2404  * going to add further frozen rows to it.
2405  *
2406  * If we're only adding already frozen rows to a previously empty
2407  * page, mark it as all-visible.
2408  */
2409  if (PageIsAllVisible(page) && !(options & HEAP_INSERT_FROZEN))
2410  {
2411  all_visible_cleared = true;
2412  PageClearAllVisible(page);
2413  visibilitymap_clear(relation,
2414  BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer),
2416  }
2417  else if (all_frozen_set)
2418  PageSetAllVisible(page);
2420  /*
2421  * XXX Should we set PageSetPrunable on this page ? See heap_insert()
2422  */
2424  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
2426  /* XLOG stuff */
2427  if (needwal)
2428  {
2429  XLogRecPtr recptr;
2430  xl_heap_multi_insert *xlrec;
2432  char *tupledata;
2433  int totaldatalen;
2434  char *scratchptr =;
2435  bool init;
2436  int bufflags = 0;
2438  /*
2439  * If the page was previously empty, we can reinit the page
2440  * instead of restoring the whole thing.
2441  */
2442  init = starting_with_empty_page;
2444  /* allocate xl_heap_multi_insert struct from the scratch area */
2445  xlrec = (xl_heap_multi_insert *) scratchptr;
2446  scratchptr += SizeOfHeapMultiInsert;
2448  /*
2449  * Allocate offsets array. Unless we're reinitializing the page,
2450  * in that case the tuples are stored in order starting at
2451  * FirstOffsetNumber and we don't need to store the offsets
2452  * explicitly.
2453  */
2454  if (!init)
2455  scratchptr += nthispage * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
2457  /* the rest of the scratch space is used for tuple data */
2458  tupledata = scratchptr;
2460  /* check that the mutually exclusive flags are not both set */
2461  Assert(!(all_visible_cleared && all_frozen_set));
2463  xlrec->flags = 0;
2464  if (all_visible_cleared)
2466  if (all_frozen_set)
2469  xlrec->ntuples = nthispage;
2471  /*
2472  * Write out an xl_multi_insert_tuple and the tuple data itself
2473  * for each tuple.
2474  */
2475  for (i = 0; i < nthispage; i++)
2476  {
2477  HeapTuple heaptup = heaptuples[ndone + i];
2478  xl_multi_insert_tuple *tuphdr;
2479  int datalen;
2481  if (!init)
2482  xlrec->offsets[i] = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&heaptup->t_self);
2483  /* xl_multi_insert_tuple needs two-byte alignment. */
2484  tuphdr = (xl_multi_insert_tuple *) SHORTALIGN(scratchptr);
2485  scratchptr = ((char *) tuphdr) + SizeOfMultiInsertTuple;
2487  tuphdr->t_infomask2 = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask2;
2488  tuphdr->t_infomask = heaptup->t_data->t_infomask;
2489  tuphdr->t_hoff = heaptup->t_data->t_hoff;
2491  /* write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */
2492  datalen = heaptup->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
2493  memcpy(scratchptr,
2494  (char *) heaptup->t_data + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
2495  datalen);
2496  tuphdr->datalen = datalen;
2497  scratchptr += datalen;
2498  }
2499  totaldatalen = scratchptr - tupledata;
2500  Assert((scratchptr - < BLCKSZ);
2502  if (need_tuple_data)
2505  /*
2506  * Signal that this is the last xl_heap_multi_insert record
2507  * emitted by this call to heap_multi_insert(). Needed for logical
2508  * decoding so it knows when to cleanup temporary data.
2509  */
2510  if (ndone + nthispage == ntuples)
2511  xlrec->flags |= XLH_INSERT_LAST_IN_MULTI;
2513  if (init)
2514  {
2515  info |= XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE;
2516  bufflags |= REGBUF_WILL_INIT;
2517  }
2519  /*
2520  * If we're doing logical decoding, include the new tuple data
2521  * even if we take a full-page image of the page.
2522  */
2523  if (need_tuple_data)
2524  bufflags |= REGBUF_KEEP_DATA;
2526  XLogBeginInsert();
2527  XLogRegisterData((char *) xlrec, tupledata -;
2528  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD | bufflags);
2530  XLogRegisterBufData(0, tupledata, totaldatalen);
2532  /* filtering by origin on a row level is much more efficient */
2535  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP2_ID, info);
2537  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
2538  }
2542  /*
2543  * If we've frozen everything on the page, update the visibilitymap.
2544  * We're already holding pin on the vmbuffer.
2545  */
2546  if (all_frozen_set)
2547  {
2548  Assert(PageIsAllVisible(page));
2549  Assert(visibilitymap_pin_ok(BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer), vmbuffer));
2551  /*
2552  * It's fine to use InvalidTransactionId here - this is only used
2553  * when HEAP_INSERT_FROZEN is specified, which intentionally
2554  * violates visibility rules.
2555  */
2556  visibilitymap_set(relation, BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer), buffer,
2557  InvalidXLogRecPtr, vmbuffer,
2560  }
2562  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
2563  ndone += nthispage;
2565  /*
2566  * NB: Only release vmbuffer after inserting all tuples - it's fairly
2567  * likely that we'll insert into subsequent heap pages that are likely
2568  * to use the same vm page.
2569  */
2570  }
2572  /* We're done with inserting all tuples, so release the last vmbuffer. */
2573  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
2574  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
2576  /*
2577  * We're done with the actual inserts. Check for conflicts again, to
2578  * ensure that all rw-conflicts in to these inserts are detected. Without
2579  * this final check, a sequential scan of the heap may have locked the
2580  * table after the "before" check, missing one opportunity to detect the
2581  * conflict, and then scanned the table before the new tuples were there,
2582  * missing the other chance to detect the conflict.
2583  *
2584  * For heap inserts, we only need to check for table-level SSI locks. Our
2585  * new tuples can't possibly conflict with existing tuple locks, and heap
2586  * page locks are only consolidated versions of tuple locks; they do not
2587  * lock "gaps" as index page locks do. So we don't need to specify a
2588  * buffer when making the call.
2589  */
2592  /*
2593  * If tuples are cachable, mark them for invalidation from the caches in
2594  * case we abort. Note it is OK to do this after releasing the buffer,
2595  * because the heaptuples data structure is all in local memory, not in
2596  * the shared buffer.
2597  */
2598  if (IsCatalogRelation(relation))
2599  {
2600  for (i = 0; i < ntuples; i++)
2601  CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(relation, heaptuples[i], NULL);
2602  }
2604  /* copy t_self fields back to the caller's slots */
2605  for (i = 0; i < ntuples; i++)
2606  slots[i]->tts_tid = heaptuples[i]->t_self;
2608  pgstat_count_heap_insert(relation, ntuples);
2609 }
2611 /*
2612  * simple_heap_insert - insert a tuple
2613  *
2614  * Currently, this routine differs from heap_insert only in supplying
2615  * a default command ID and not allowing access to the speedup options.
2616  *
2617  * This should be used rather than using heap_insert directly in most places
2618  * where we are modifying system catalogs.
2619  */
2620 void
2622 {
2623  heap_insert(relation, tup, GetCurrentCommandId(true), 0, NULL);
2624 }
2626 /*
2627  * Given infomask/infomask2, compute the bits that must be saved in the
2628  * "infobits" field of xl_heap_delete, xl_heap_update, xl_heap_lock,
2629  * xl_heap_lock_updated WAL records.
2630  *
2631  * See fix_infomask_from_infobits.
2632  */
2633 static uint8
2634 compute_infobits(uint16 infomask, uint16 infomask2)
2635 {
2636  return
2637  ((infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI) != 0 ? XLHL_XMAX_IS_MULTI : 0) |
2638  ((infomask & HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY) != 0 ? XLHL_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY : 0) |
2639  ((infomask & HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK) != 0 ? XLHL_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK : 0) |
2640  /* note we ignore HEAP_XMAX_SHR_LOCK here */
2641  ((infomask & HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK) != 0 ? XLHL_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK : 0) |
2642  ((infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED) != 0 ?
2644 }
2646 /*
2647  * Given two versions of the same t_infomask for a tuple, compare them and
2648  * return whether the relevant status for a tuple Xmax has changed. This is
2649  * used after a buffer lock has been released and reacquired: we want to ensure
2650  * that the tuple state continues to be the same it was when we previously
2651  * examined it.
2652  *
2653  * Note the Xmax field itself must be compared separately.
2654  */
2655 static inline bool
2656 xmax_infomask_changed(uint16 new_infomask, uint16 old_infomask)
2657 {
2658  const uint16 interesting =
2661  if ((new_infomask & interesting) != (old_infomask & interesting))
2662  return true;
2664  return false;
2665 }
2667 /*
2668  * heap_delete - delete a tuple
2669  *
2670  * See table_tuple_delete() for an explanation of the parameters, except that
2671  * this routine directly takes a tuple rather than a slot.
2672  *
2673  * In the failure cases, the routine fills *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid,
2674  * t_xmax (resolving a possible MultiXact, if necessary), and t_cmax (the last
2675  * only for TM_SelfModified, since we cannot obtain cmax from a combo CID
2676  * generated by another transaction).
2677  */
2678 TM_Result
2680  CommandId cid, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait,
2681  TM_FailureData *tmfd, bool changingPart)
2682 {
2683  TM_Result result;
2685  ItemId lp;
2686  HeapTupleData tp;
2687  Page page;
2688  BlockNumber block;
2689  Buffer buffer;
2690  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
2691  TransactionId new_xmax;
2692  uint16 new_infomask,
2693  new_infomask2;
2694  bool have_tuple_lock = false;
2695  bool iscombo;
2696  bool all_visible_cleared = false;
2697  HeapTuple old_key_tuple = NULL; /* replica identity of the tuple */
2698  bool old_key_copied = false;
2700  Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(tid));
2702  /*
2703  * Forbid this during a parallel operation, lest it allocate a combo CID.
2704  * Other workers might need that combo CID for visibility checks, and we
2705  * have no provision for broadcasting it to them.
2706  */
2707  if (IsInParallelMode())
2708  ereport(ERROR,
2710  errmsg("cannot delete tuples during a parallel operation")));
2712  block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid);
2713  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, block);
2714  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
2716  /*
2717  * Before locking the buffer, pin the visibility map page if it appears to
2718  * be necessary. Since we haven't got the lock yet, someone else might be
2719  * in the middle of changing this, so we'll need to recheck after we have
2720  * the lock.
2721  */
2722  if (PageIsAllVisible(page))
2723  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
2727  lp = PageGetItemId(page, ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid));
2728  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(lp));
2730  tp.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
2731  tp.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
2732  tp.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
2733  tp.t_self = *tid;
2735 l1:
2737  /*
2738  * If we didn't pin the visibility map page and the page has become all
2739  * visible while we were busy locking the buffer, we'll have to unlock and
2740  * re-lock, to avoid holding the buffer lock across an I/O. That's a bit
2741  * unfortunate, but hopefully shouldn't happen often.
2742  */
2743  if (vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page))
2744  {
2745  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
2746  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
2748  }
2750  result = HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate(&tp, cid, buffer);
2752  if (result == TM_Invisible)
2753  {
2754  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
2755  ereport(ERROR,
2757  errmsg("attempted to delete invisible tuple")));
2758  }
2759  else if (result == TM_BeingModified && wait)
2760  {
2761  TransactionId xwait;
2762  uint16 infomask;
2764  /* must copy state data before unlocking buffer */
2765  xwait = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tp.t_data);
2766  infomask = tp.t_data->t_infomask;
2768  /*
2769  * Sleep until concurrent transaction ends -- except when there's a
2770  * single locker and it's our own transaction. Note we don't care
2771  * which lock mode the locker has, because we need the strongest one.
2772  *
2773  * Before sleeping, we need to acquire tuple lock to establish our
2774  * priority for the tuple (see heap_lock_tuple). LockTuple will
2775  * release us when we are next-in-line for the tuple.
2776  *
2777  * If we are forced to "start over" below, we keep the tuple lock;
2778  * this arranges that we stay at the head of the line while rechecking
2779  * tuple state.
2780  */
2781  if (infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
2782  {
2783  bool current_is_member = false;
2785  if (DoesMultiXactIdConflict((MultiXactId) xwait, infomask,
2786  LockTupleExclusive, &current_is_member))
2787  {
2788  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
2790  /*
2791  * Acquire the lock, if necessary (but skip it when we're
2792  * requesting a lock and already have one; avoids deadlock).
2793  */
2794  if (!current_is_member)
2796  LockWaitBlock, &have_tuple_lock);
2798  /* wait for multixact */
2800  relation, &(tp.t_self), XLTW_Delete,
2801  NULL);
2804  /*
2805  * If xwait had just locked the tuple then some other xact
2806  * could update this tuple before we get to this point. Check
2807  * for xmax change, and start over if so.
2808  *
2809  * We also must start over if we didn't pin the VM page, and
2810  * the page has become all visible.
2811  */
2812  if ((vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page)) ||
2813  xmax_infomask_changed(tp.t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
2815  xwait))
2816  goto l1;
2817  }
2819  /*
2820  * You might think the multixact is necessarily done here, but not
2821  * so: it could have surviving members, namely our own xact or
2822  * other subxacts of this backend. It is legal for us to delete
2823  * the tuple in either case, however (the latter case is
2824  * essentially a situation of upgrading our former shared lock to
2825  * exclusive). We don't bother changing the on-disk hint bits
2826  * since we are about to overwrite the xmax altogether.
2827  */
2828  }
2829  else if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xwait))
2830  {
2831  /*
2832  * Wait for regular transaction to end; but first, acquire tuple
2833  * lock.
2834  */
2835  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
2837  LockWaitBlock, &have_tuple_lock);
2838  XactLockTableWait(xwait, relation, &(tp.t_self), XLTW_Delete);
2841  /*
2842  * xwait is done, but if xwait had just locked the tuple then some
2843  * other xact could update this tuple before we get to this point.
2844  * Check for xmax change, and start over if so.
2845  *
2846  * We also must start over if we didn't pin the VM page, and the
2847  * page has become all visible.
2848  */
2849  if ((vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page)) ||
2850  xmax_infomask_changed(tp.t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
2852  xwait))
2853  goto l1;
2855  /* Otherwise check if it committed or aborted */
2856  UpdateXmaxHintBits(tp.t_data, buffer, xwait);
2857  }
2859  /*
2860  * We may overwrite if previous xmax aborted, or if it committed but
2861  * only locked the tuple without updating it.
2862  */
2863  if ((tp.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID) ||
2866  result = TM_Ok;
2867  else if (!ItemPointerEquals(&tp.t_self, &tp.t_data->t_ctid))
2868  result = TM_Updated;
2869  else
2870  result = TM_Deleted;
2871  }
2873  /* sanity check the result HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate() and the logic above */
2874  if (result != TM_Ok)
2875  {
2876  Assert(result == TM_SelfModified ||
2877  result == TM_Updated ||
2878  result == TM_Deleted ||
2879  result == TM_BeingModified);
2881  Assert(result != TM_Updated ||
2882  !ItemPointerEquals(&tp.t_self, &tp.t_data->t_ctid));
2883  }
2885  if (crosscheck != InvalidSnapshot && result == TM_Ok)
2886  {
2887  /* Perform additional check for transaction-snapshot mode RI updates */
2888  if (!HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&tp, crosscheck, buffer))
2889  result = TM_Updated;
2890  }
2892  if (result != TM_Ok)
2893  {
2894  tmfd->ctid = tp.t_data->t_ctid;
2896  if (result == TM_SelfModified)
2897  tmfd->cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tp.t_data);
2898  else
2899  tmfd->cmax = InvalidCommandId;
2900  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
2901  if (have_tuple_lock)
2902  UnlockTupleTuplock(relation, &(tp.t_self), LockTupleExclusive);
2903  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
2904  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
2905  return result;
2906  }
2908  /*
2909  * We're about to do the actual delete -- check for conflict first, to
2910  * avoid possibly having to roll back work we've just done.
2911  *
2912  * This is safe without a recheck as long as there is no possibility of
2913  * another process scanning the page between this check and the delete
2914  * being visible to the scan (i.e., an exclusive buffer content lock is
2915  * continuously held from this point until the tuple delete is visible).
2916  */
2917  CheckForSerializableConflictIn(relation, tid, BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer));
2919  /* replace cid with a combo CID if necessary */
2920  HeapTupleHeaderAdjustCmax(tp.t_data, &cid, &iscombo);
2922  /*
2923  * Compute replica identity tuple before entering the critical section so
2924  * we don't PANIC upon a memory allocation failure.
2925  */
2926  old_key_tuple = ExtractReplicaIdentity(relation, &tp, true, &old_key_copied);
2928  /*
2929  * If this is the first possibly-multixact-able operation in the current
2930  * transaction, set my per-backend OldestMemberMXactId setting. We can be
2931  * certain that the transaction will never become a member of any older
2932  * MultiXactIds than that. (We have to do this even if we end up just
2933  * using our own TransactionId below, since some other backend could
2934  * incorporate our XID into a MultiXact immediately afterwards.)
2935  */
2940  xid, LockTupleExclusive, true,
2941  &new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
2945  /*
2946  * If this transaction commits, the tuple will become DEAD sooner or
2947  * later. Set flag that this page is a candidate for pruning once our xid
2948  * falls below the OldestXmin horizon. If the transaction finally aborts,
2949  * the subsequent page pruning will be a no-op and the hint will be
2950  * cleared.
2951  */
2952  PageSetPrunable(page, xid);
2954  if (PageIsAllVisible(page))
2955  {
2956  all_visible_cleared = true;
2957  PageClearAllVisible(page);
2958  visibilitymap_clear(relation, BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer),
2960  }
2962  /* store transaction information of xact deleting the tuple */
2965  tp.t_data->t_infomask |= new_infomask;
2966  tp.t_data->t_infomask2 |= new_infomask2;
2968  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tp.t_data, new_xmax);
2969  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(tp.t_data, cid, iscombo);
2970  /* Make sure there is no forward chain link in t_ctid */
2971  tp.t_data->t_ctid = tp.t_self;
2973  /* Signal that this is actually a move into another partition */
2974  if (changingPart)
2977  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
2979  /*
2980  * XLOG stuff
2981  *
2982  * NB: heap_abort_speculative() uses the same xlog record and replay
2983  * routines.
2984  */
2985  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
2986  {
2987  xl_heap_delete xlrec;
2988  xl_heap_header xlhdr;
2989  XLogRecPtr recptr;
2991  /*
2992  * For logical decode we need combo CIDs to properly decode the
2993  * catalog
2994  */
2996  log_heap_new_cid(relation, &tp);
2998  xlrec.flags = 0;
2999  if (all_visible_cleared)
3001  if (changingPart)
3004  tp.t_data->t_infomask2);
3006  xlrec.xmax = new_xmax;
3008  if (old_key_tuple != NULL)
3009  {
3010  if (relation->rd_rel->relreplident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL)
3012  else
3014  }
3016  XLogBeginInsert();
3017  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapDelete);
3019  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
3021  /*
3022  * Log replica identity of the deleted tuple if there is one
3023  */
3024  if (old_key_tuple != NULL)
3025  {
3026  xlhdr.t_infomask2 = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_infomask2;
3027  xlhdr.t_infomask = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_infomask;
3028  xlhdr.t_hoff = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_hoff;
3030  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlhdr, SizeOfHeapHeader);
3031  XLogRegisterData((char *) old_key_tuple->t_data
3033  old_key_tuple->t_len
3035  }
3037  /* filtering by origin on a row level is much more efficient */
3040  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_DELETE);
3042  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
3043  }
3047  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3049  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
3050  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
3052  /*
3053  * If the tuple has toasted out-of-line attributes, we need to delete
3054  * those items too. We have to do this before releasing the buffer
3055  * because we need to look at the contents of the tuple, but it's OK to
3056  * release the content lock on the buffer first.
3057  */
3058  if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
3059  relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
3060  {
3061  /* toast table entries should never be recursively toasted */
3063  }
3064  else if (HeapTupleHasExternal(&tp))
3065  heap_toast_delete(relation, &tp, false);
3067  /*
3068  * Mark tuple for invalidation from system caches at next command
3069  * boundary. We have to do this before releasing the buffer because we
3070  * need to look at the contents of the tuple.
3071  */
3072  CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(relation, &tp, NULL);
3074  /* Now we can release the buffer */
3075  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
3077  /*
3078  * Release the lmgr tuple lock, if we had it.
3079  */
3080  if (have_tuple_lock)
3081  UnlockTupleTuplock(relation, &(tp.t_self), LockTupleExclusive);
3083  pgstat_count_heap_delete(relation);
3085  if (old_key_tuple != NULL && old_key_copied)
3086  heap_freetuple(old_key_tuple);
3088  return TM_Ok;
3089 }
3091 /*
3092  * simple_heap_delete - delete a tuple
3093  *
3094  * This routine may be used to delete a tuple when concurrent updates of
3095  * the target tuple are not expected (for example, because we have a lock
3096  * on the relation associated with the tuple). Any failure is reported
3097  * via ereport().
3098  */
3099 void
3101 {
3102  TM_Result result;
3103  TM_FailureData tmfd;
3105  result = heap_delete(relation, tid,
3107  true /* wait for commit */ ,
3108  &tmfd, false /* changingPart */ );
3109  switch (result)
3110  {
3111  case TM_SelfModified:
3112  /* Tuple was already updated in current command? */
3113  elog(ERROR, "tuple already updated by self");
3114  break;
3116  case TM_Ok:
3117  /* done successfully */
3118  break;
3120  case TM_Updated:
3121  elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently updated");
3122  break;
3124  case TM_Deleted:
3125  elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently deleted");
3126  break;
3128  default:
3129  elog(ERROR, "unrecognized heap_delete status: %u", result);
3130  break;
3131  }
3132 }
3134 /*
3135  * heap_update - replace a tuple
3136  *
3137  * See table_tuple_update() for an explanation of the parameters, except that
3138  * this routine directly takes a tuple rather than a slot.
3139  *
3140  * In the failure cases, the routine fills *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid,
3141  * t_xmax (resolving a possible MultiXact, if necessary), and t_cmax (the last
3142  * only for TM_SelfModified, since we cannot obtain cmax from a combo CID
3143  * generated by another transaction).
3144  */
3145 TM_Result
3147  CommandId cid, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait,
3148  TM_FailureData *tmfd, LockTupleMode *lockmode,
3149  TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
3150 {
3151  TM_Result result;
3153  Bitmapset *hot_attrs;
3154  Bitmapset *sum_attrs;
3155  Bitmapset *key_attrs;
3156  Bitmapset *id_attrs;
3157  Bitmapset *interesting_attrs;
3158  Bitmapset *modified_attrs;
3159  ItemId lp;
3160  HeapTupleData oldtup;
3161  HeapTuple heaptup;
3162  HeapTuple old_key_tuple = NULL;
3163  bool old_key_copied = false;
3164  Page page;
3165  BlockNumber block;
3166  MultiXactStatus mxact_status;
3167  Buffer buffer,
3168  newbuf,
3169  vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer,
3170  vmbuffer_new = InvalidBuffer;
3171  bool need_toast;
3172  Size newtupsize,
3173  pagefree;
3174  bool have_tuple_lock = false;
3175  bool iscombo;
3176  bool use_hot_update = false;
3177  bool summarized_update = false;
3178  bool key_intact;
3179  bool all_visible_cleared = false;
3180  bool all_visible_cleared_new = false;
3181  bool checked_lockers;
3182  bool locker_remains;
3183  bool id_has_external = false;
3184  TransactionId xmax_new_tuple,
3185  xmax_old_tuple;
3186  uint16 infomask_old_tuple,
3187  infomask2_old_tuple,
3188  infomask_new_tuple,
3189  infomask2_new_tuple;
3191  Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(otid));
3193  /* Cheap, simplistic check that the tuple matches the rel's rowtype. */
3195  RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation));
3197  /*
3198  * Forbid this during a parallel operation, lest it allocate a combo CID.
3199  * Other workers might need that combo CID for visibility checks, and we
3200  * have no provision for broadcasting it to them.
3201  */
3202  if (IsInParallelMode())
3203  ereport(ERROR,
3205  errmsg("cannot update tuples during a parallel operation")));
3207  /*
3208  * Fetch the list of attributes to be checked for various operations.
3209  *
3210  * For HOT considerations, this is wasted effort if we fail to update or
3211  * have to put the new tuple on a different page. But we must compute the
3212  * list before obtaining buffer lock --- in the worst case, if we are
3213  * doing an update on one of the relevant system catalogs, we could
3214  * deadlock if we try to fetch the list later. In any case, the relcache
3215  * caches the data so this is usually pretty cheap.
3216  *
3217  * We also need columns used by the replica identity and columns that are
3218  * considered the "key" of rows in the table.
3219  *
3220  * Note that we get copies of each bitmap, so we need not worry about
3221  * relcache flush happening midway through.
3222  */
3223  hot_attrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relation,
3225  sum_attrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relation,
3227  key_attrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relation, INDEX_ATTR_BITMAP_KEY);
3228  id_attrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relation,
3230  interesting_attrs = NULL;
3231  interesting_attrs = bms_add_members(interesting_attrs, hot_attrs);
3232  interesting_attrs = bms_add_members(interesting_attrs, sum_attrs);
3233  interesting_attrs = bms_add_members(interesting_attrs, key_attrs);
3234  interesting_attrs = bms_add_members(interesting_attrs, id_attrs);
3236  block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(otid);
3237  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, block);
3238  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
3240  /*
3241  * Before locking the buffer, pin the visibility map page if it appears to
3242  * be necessary. Since we haven't got the lock yet, someone else might be
3243  * in the middle of changing this, so we'll need to recheck after we have
3244  * the lock.
3245  */
3246  if (PageIsAllVisible(page))
3247  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
3251  lp = PageGetItemId(page, ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(otid));
3252  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(lp));
3254  /*
3255  * Fill in enough data in oldtup for HeapDetermineColumnsInfo to work
3256  * properly.
3257  */
3258  oldtup.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
3259  oldtup.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
3260  oldtup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
3261  oldtup.t_self = *otid;
3263  /* the new tuple is ready, except for this: */
3264  newtup->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
3266  /*
3267  * Determine columns modified by the update. Additionally, identify
3268  * whether any of the unmodified replica identity key attributes in the
3269  * old tuple is externally stored or not. This is required because for
3270  * such attributes the flattened value won't be WAL logged as part of the
3271  * new tuple so we must include it as part of the old_key_tuple. See
3272  * ExtractReplicaIdentity.
3273  */
3274  modified_attrs = HeapDetermineColumnsInfo(relation, interesting_attrs,
3275  id_attrs, &oldtup,
3276  newtup, &id_has_external);
3278  /*
3279  * If we're not updating any "key" column, we can grab a weaker lock type.
3280  * This allows for more concurrency when we are running simultaneously
3281  * with foreign key checks.
3282  *
3283  * Note that if a column gets detoasted while executing the update, but
3284  * the value ends up being the same, this test will fail and we will use
3285  * the stronger lock. This is acceptable; the important case to optimize
3286  * is updates that don't manipulate key columns, not those that
3287  * serendipitously arrive at the same key values.
3288  */
3289  if (!bms_overlap(modified_attrs, key_attrs))
3290  {
3291  *lockmode = LockTupleNoKeyExclusive;
3292  mxact_status = MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate;
3293  key_intact = true;
3295  /*
3296  * If this is the first possibly-multixact-able operation in the
3297  * current transaction, set my per-backend OldestMemberMXactId
3298  * setting. We can be certain that the transaction will never become a
3299  * member of any older MultiXactIds than that. (We have to do this
3300  * even if we end up just using our own TransactionId below, since
3301  * some other backend could incorporate our XID into a MultiXact
3302  * immediately afterwards.)
3303  */
3305  }
3306  else
3307  {
3308  *lockmode = LockTupleExclusive;
3309  mxact_status = MultiXactStatusUpdate;
3310  key_intact = false;
3311  }
3313  /*
3314  * Note: beyond this point, use oldtup not otid to refer to old tuple.
3315  * otid may very well point at newtup->t_self, which we will overwrite
3316  * with the new tuple's location, so there's great risk of confusion if we
3317  * use otid anymore.
3318  */
3320 l2:
3321  checked_lockers = false;
3322  locker_remains = false;
3323  result = HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate(&oldtup, cid, buffer);
3325  /* see below about the "no wait" case */
3326  Assert(result != TM_BeingModified || wait);
3328  if (result == TM_Invisible)
3329  {
3330  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
3331  ereport(ERROR,
3333  errmsg("attempted to update invisible tuple")));
3334  }
3335  else if (result == TM_BeingModified && wait)
3336  {
3337  TransactionId xwait;
3338  uint16 infomask;
3339  bool can_continue = false;
3341  /*
3342  * XXX note that we don't consider the "no wait" case here. This
3343  * isn't a problem currently because no caller uses that case, but it
3344  * should be fixed if such a caller is introduced. It wasn't a
3345  * problem previously because this code would always wait, but now
3346  * that some tuple locks do not conflict with one of the lock modes we
3347  * use, it is possible that this case is interesting to handle
3348  * specially.
3349  *
3350  * This may cause failures with third-party code that calls
3351  * heap_update directly.
3352  */
3354  /* must copy state data before unlocking buffer */
3355  xwait = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(oldtup.t_data);
3356  infomask = oldtup.t_data->t_infomask;
3358  /*
3359  * Now we have to do something about the existing locker. If it's a
3360  * multi, sleep on it; we might be awakened before it is completely
3361  * gone (or even not sleep at all in some cases); we need to preserve
3362  * it as locker, unless it is gone completely.
3363  *
3364  * If it's not a multi, we need to check for sleeping conditions
3365  * before actually going to sleep. If the update doesn't conflict
3366  * with the locks, we just continue without sleeping (but making sure
3367  * it is preserved).
3368  *
3369  * Before sleeping, we need to acquire tuple lock to establish our
3370  * priority for the tuple (see heap_lock_tuple). LockTuple will
3371  * release us when we are next-in-line for the tuple. Note we must
3372  * not acquire the tuple lock until we're sure we're going to sleep;
3373  * otherwise we're open for race conditions with other transactions
3374  * holding the tuple lock which sleep on us.
3375  *
3376  * If we are forced to "start over" below, we keep the tuple lock;
3377  * this arranges that we stay at the head of the line while rechecking
3378  * tuple state.
3379  */
3380  if (infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
3381  {
3382  TransactionId update_xact;
3383  int remain;
3384  bool current_is_member = false;
3386  if (DoesMultiXactIdConflict((MultiXactId) xwait, infomask,
3387  *lockmode, &current_is_member))
3388  {
3389  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3391  /*
3392  * Acquire the lock, if necessary (but skip it when we're
3393  * requesting a lock and already have one; avoids deadlock).
3394  */
3395  if (!current_is_member)
3396  heap_acquire_tuplock(relation, &(oldtup.t_self), *lockmode,
3397  LockWaitBlock, &have_tuple_lock);
3399  /* wait for multixact */
3400  MultiXactIdWait((MultiXactId) xwait, mxact_status, infomask,
3401  relation, &oldtup.t_self, XLTW_Update,
3402  &remain);
3403  checked_lockers = true;
3404  locker_remains = remain != 0;
3407  /*
3408  * If xwait had just locked the tuple then some other xact
3409  * could update this tuple before we get to this point. Check
3410  * for xmax change, and start over if so.
3411  */
3413  infomask) ||
3415  xwait))
3416  goto l2;
3417  }
3419  /*
3420  * Note that the multixact may not be done by now. It could have
3421  * surviving members; our own xact or other subxacts of this
3422  * backend, and also any other concurrent transaction that locked
3423  * the tuple with LockTupleKeyShare if we only got
3424  * LockTupleNoKeyExclusive. If this is the case, we have to be
3425  * careful to mark the updated tuple with the surviving members in
3426  * Xmax.
3427  *
3428  * Note that there could have been another update in the
3429  * MultiXact. In that case, we need to check whether it committed
3430  * or aborted. If it aborted we are safe to update it again;
3431  * otherwise there is an update conflict, and we have to return
3432  * TableTuple{Deleted, Updated} below.
3433  *
3434  * In the LockTupleExclusive case, we still need to preserve the
3435  * surviving members: those would include the tuple locks we had
3436  * before this one, which are important to keep in case this
3437  * subxact aborts.
3438  */
3440  update_xact = HeapTupleGetUpdateXid(oldtup.t_data);
3441  else
3442  update_xact = InvalidTransactionId;
3444  /*
3445  * There was no UPDATE in the MultiXact; or it aborted. No
3446  * TransactionIdIsInProgress() call needed here, since we called
3447  * MultiXactIdWait() above.
3448  */
3449  if (!TransactionIdIsValid(update_xact) ||
3450  TransactionIdDidAbort(update_xact))
3451  can_continue = true;
3452  }
3453  else if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xwait))
3454  {
3455  /*
3456  * The only locker is ourselves; we can avoid grabbing the tuple
3457  * lock here, but must preserve our locking information.
3458  */
3459  checked_lockers = true;
3460  locker_remains = true;
3461  can_continue = true;
3462  }
3463  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(infomask) && key_intact)
3464  {
3465  /*
3466  * If it's just a key-share locker, and we're not changing the key
3467  * columns, we don't need to wait for it to end; but we need to
3468  * preserve it as locker.
3469  */
3470  checked_lockers = true;
3471  locker_remains = true;
3472  can_continue = true;
3473  }
3474  else
3475  {
3476  /*
3477  * Wait for regular transaction to end; but first, acquire tuple
3478  * lock.
3479  */
3480  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3481  heap_acquire_tuplock(relation, &(oldtup.t_self), *lockmode,
3482  LockWaitBlock, &have_tuple_lock);
3483  XactLockTableWait(xwait, relation, &oldtup.t_self,
3484  XLTW_Update);
3485  checked_lockers = true;
3488  /*
3489  * xwait is done, but if xwait had just locked the tuple then some
3490  * other xact could update this tuple before we get to this point.
3491  * Check for xmax change, and start over if so.
3492  */
3493  if (xmax_infomask_changed(oldtup.t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
3494  !TransactionIdEquals(xwait,
3496  goto l2;
3498  /* Otherwise check if it committed or aborted */
3499  UpdateXmaxHintBits(oldtup.t_data, buffer, xwait);
3500  if (oldtup.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)
3501  can_continue = true;
3502  }
3504  if (can_continue)
3505  result = TM_Ok;
3506  else if (!ItemPointerEquals(&oldtup.t_self, &oldtup.t_data->t_ctid))
3507  result = TM_Updated;
3508  else
3509  result = TM_Deleted;
3510  }
3512  /* Sanity check the result HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate() and the logic above */
3513  if (result != TM_Ok)
3514  {
3515  Assert(result == TM_SelfModified ||
3516  result == TM_Updated ||
3517  result == TM_Deleted ||
3518  result == TM_BeingModified);
3519  Assert(!(oldtup.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID));
3520  Assert(result != TM_Updated ||
3521  !ItemPointerEquals(&oldtup.t_self, &oldtup.t_data->t_ctid));
3522  }
3524  if (crosscheck != InvalidSnapshot && result == TM_Ok)
3525  {
3526  /* Perform additional check for transaction-snapshot mode RI updates */
3527  if (!HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(&oldtup, crosscheck, buffer))
3528  result = TM_Updated;
3529  }
3531  if (result != TM_Ok)
3532  {
3533  tmfd->ctid = oldtup.t_data->t_ctid;
3534  tmfd->xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(oldtup.t_data);
3535  if (result == TM_SelfModified)
3536  tmfd->cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(oldtup.t_data);
3537  else
3538  tmfd->cmax = InvalidCommandId;
3539  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
3540  if (have_tuple_lock)
3541  UnlockTupleTuplock(relation, &(oldtup.t_self), *lockmode);
3542  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
3543  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
3544  *update_indexes = TU_None;
3546  bms_free(hot_attrs);
3547  bms_free(sum_attrs);
3548  bms_free(key_attrs);
3549  bms_free(id_attrs);
3550  bms_free(modified_attrs);
3551  bms_free(interesting_attrs);
3552  return result;
3553  }
3555  /*
3556  * If we didn't pin the visibility map page and the page has become all
3557  * visible while we were busy locking the buffer, or during some
3558  * subsequent window during which we had it unlocked, we'll have to unlock
3559  * and re-lock, to avoid holding the buffer lock across an I/O. That's a
3560  * bit unfortunate, especially since we'll now have to recheck whether the
3561  * tuple has been locked or updated under us, but hopefully it won't
3562  * happen very often.
3563  */
3564  if (vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page))
3565  {
3566  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3567  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
3569  goto l2;
3570  }
3572  /* Fill in transaction status data */
3574  /*
3575  * If the tuple we're updating is locked, we need to preserve the locking
3576  * info in the old tuple's Xmax. Prepare a new Xmax value for this.
3577  */
3579  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask,
3580  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2,
3581  xid, *lockmode, true,
3582  &xmax_old_tuple, &infomask_old_tuple,
3583  &infomask2_old_tuple);
3585  /*
3586  * And also prepare an Xmax value for the new copy of the tuple. If there
3587  * was no xmax previously, or there was one but all lockers are now gone,
3588  * then use InvalidTransactionId; otherwise, get the xmax from the old
3589  * tuple. (In rare cases that might also be InvalidTransactionId and yet
3590  * not have the HEAP_XMAX_INVALID bit set; that's fine.)
3591  */
3592  if ((oldtup.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID) ||
3594  (checked_lockers && !locker_remains))
3595  xmax_new_tuple = InvalidTransactionId;
3596  else
3597  xmax_new_tuple = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(oldtup.t_data);
3599  if (!TransactionIdIsValid(xmax_new_tuple))
3600  {
3601  infomask_new_tuple = HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
3602  infomask2_new_tuple = 0;
3603  }
3604  else
3605  {
3606  /*
3607  * If we found a valid Xmax for the new tuple, then the infomask bits
3608  * to use on the new tuple depend on what was there on the old one.
3609  * Note that since we're doing an update, the only possibility is that
3610  * the lockers had FOR KEY SHARE lock.
3611  */
3612  if (oldtup.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
3613  {
3614  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(xmax_new_tuple, &infomask_new_tuple,
3615  &infomask2_new_tuple);
3616  }
3617  else
3618  {
3619  infomask_new_tuple = HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK | HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY;
3620  infomask2_new_tuple = 0;
3621  }
3622  }
3624  /*
3625  * Prepare the new tuple with the appropriate initial values of Xmin and
3626  * Xmax, as well as initial infomask bits as computed above.
3627  */
3628  newtup->t_data->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XACT_MASK);
3629  newtup->t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~(HEAP2_XACT_MASK);
3630  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(newtup->t_data, xid);
3631  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmin(newtup->t_data, cid);
3632  newtup->t_data->t_infomask |= HEAP_UPDATED | infomask_new_tuple;
3633  newtup->t_data->t_infomask2 |= infomask2_new_tuple;
3634  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(newtup->t_data, xmax_new_tuple);
3636  /*
3637  * Replace cid with a combo CID if necessary. Note that we already put
3638  * the plain cid into the new tuple.
3639  */
3640  HeapTupleHeaderAdjustCmax(oldtup.t_data, &cid, &iscombo);
3642  /*
3643  * If the toaster needs to be activated, OR if the new tuple will not fit
3644  * on the same page as the old, then we need to release the content lock
3645  * (but not the pin!) on the old tuple's buffer while we are off doing
3646  * TOAST and/or table-file-extension work. We must mark the old tuple to
3647  * show that it's locked, else other processes may try to update it
3648  * themselves.
3649  *
3650  * We need to invoke the toaster if there are already any out-of-line
3651  * toasted values present, or if the new tuple is over-threshold.
3652  */
3653  if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
3654  relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
3655  {
3656  /* toast table entries should never be recursively toasted */
3657  Assert(!HeapTupleHasExternal(&oldtup));
3658  Assert(!HeapTupleHasExternal(newtup));
3659  need_toast = false;
3660  }
3661  else
3662  need_toast = (HeapTupleHasExternal(&oldtup) ||
3663  HeapTupleHasExternal(newtup) ||
3664  newtup->t_len > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD);
3666  pagefree = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
3668  newtupsize = MAXALIGN(newtup->t_len);
3670  if (need_toast || newtupsize > pagefree)
3671  {
3672  TransactionId xmax_lock_old_tuple;
3673  uint16 infomask_lock_old_tuple,
3674  infomask2_lock_old_tuple;
3675  bool cleared_all_frozen = false;
3677  /*
3678  * To prevent concurrent sessions from updating the tuple, we have to
3679  * temporarily mark it locked, while we release the page-level lock.
3680  *
3681  * To satisfy the rule that any xid potentially appearing in a buffer
3682  * written out to disk, we unfortunately have to WAL log this
3683  * temporary modification. We can reuse xl_heap_lock for this
3684  * purpose. If we crash/error before following through with the
3685  * actual update, xmax will be of an aborted transaction, allowing
3686  * other sessions to proceed.
3687  */
3689  /*
3690  * Compute xmax / infomask appropriate for locking the tuple. This has
3691  * to be done separately from the combo that's going to be used for
3692  * updating, because the potentially created multixact would otherwise
3693  * be wrong.
3694  */
3696  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask,
3697  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2,
3698  xid, *lockmode, false,
3699  &xmax_lock_old_tuple, &infomask_lock_old_tuple,
3700  &infomask2_lock_old_tuple);
3702  Assert(HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask_lock_old_tuple));
3706  /* Clear obsolete visibility flags ... */
3707  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
3708  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
3709  HeapTupleClearHotUpdated(&oldtup);
3710  /* ... and store info about transaction updating this tuple */
3711  Assert(TransactionIdIsValid(xmax_lock_old_tuple));
3712  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(oldtup.t_data, xmax_lock_old_tuple);
3713  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask |= infomask_lock_old_tuple;
3714  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2 |= infomask2_lock_old_tuple;
3715  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(oldtup.t_data, cid, iscombo);
3717  /* temporarily make it look not-updated, but locked */
3718  oldtup.t_data->t_ctid = oldtup.t_self;
3720  /*
3721  * Clear all-frozen bit on visibility map if needed. We could
3722  * immediately reset ALL_VISIBLE, but given that the WAL logging
3723  * overhead would be unchanged, that doesn't seem necessarily
3724  * worthwhile.
3725  */
3726  if (PageIsAllVisible(page) &&
3727  visibilitymap_clear(relation, block, vmbuffer,
3729  cleared_all_frozen = true;
3731  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
3733  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
3734  {
3735  xl_heap_lock xlrec;
3736  XLogRecPtr recptr;
3738  XLogBeginInsert();
3739  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
3741  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&oldtup.t_self);
3742  xlrec.xmax = xmax_lock_old_tuple;
3744  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2);
3745  xlrec.flags =
3746  cleared_all_frozen ? XLH_LOCK_ALL_FROZEN_CLEARED : 0;
3747  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapLock);
3748  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_LOCK);
3749  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
3750  }
3754  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3756  /*
3757  * Let the toaster do its thing, if needed.
3758  *
3759  * Note: below this point, heaptup is the data we actually intend to
3760  * store into the relation; newtup is the caller's original untoasted
3761  * data.
3762  */
3763  if (need_toast)
3764  {
3765  /* Note we always use WAL and FSM during updates */
3766  heaptup = heap_toast_insert_or_update(relation, newtup, &oldtup, 0);
3767  newtupsize = MAXALIGN(heaptup->t_len);
3768  }
3769  else
3770  heaptup = newtup;
3772  /*
3773  * Now, do we need a new page for the tuple, or not? This is a bit
3774  * tricky since someone else could have added tuples to the page while
3775  * we weren't looking. We have to recheck the available space after
3776  * reacquiring the buffer lock. But don't bother to do that if the
3777  * former amount of free space is still not enough; it's unlikely
3778  * there's more free now than before.
3779  *
3780  * What's more, if we need to get a new page, we will need to acquire
3781  * buffer locks on both old and new pages. To avoid deadlock against
3782  * some other backend trying to get the same two locks in the other
3783  * order, we must be consistent about the order we get the locks in.
3784  * We use the rule "lock the lower-numbered page of the relation
3785  * first". To implement this, we must do RelationGetBufferForTuple
3786  * while not holding the lock on the old page, and we must rely on it
3787  * to get the locks on both pages in the correct order.
3788  *
3789  * Another consideration is that we need visibility map page pin(s) if
3790  * we will have to clear the all-visible flag on either page. If we
3791  * call RelationGetBufferForTuple, we rely on it to acquire any such
3792  * pins; but if we don't, we have to handle that here. Hence we need
3793  * a loop.
3794  */
3795  for (;;)
3796  {
3797  if (newtupsize > pagefree)
3798  {
3799  /* It doesn't fit, must use RelationGetBufferForTuple. */
3800  newbuf = RelationGetBufferForTuple(relation, heaptup->t_len,
3801  buffer, 0, NULL,
3802  &vmbuffer_new, &vmbuffer,
3803  0);
3804  /* We're all done. */
3805  break;
3806  }
3807  /* Acquire VM page pin if needed and we don't have it. */
3808  if (vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page))
3809  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
3810  /* Re-acquire the lock on the old tuple's page. */
3812  /* Re-check using the up-to-date free space */
3813  pagefree = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page);
3814  if (newtupsize > pagefree ||
3815  (vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page)))
3816  {
3817  /*
3818  * Rats, it doesn't fit anymore, or somebody just now set the
3819  * all-visible flag. We must now unlock and loop to avoid
3820  * deadlock. Fortunately, this path should seldom be taken.
3821  */
3822  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
3823  }
3824  else
3825  {
3826  /* We're all done. */
3827  newbuf = buffer;
3828  break;
3829  }
3830  }
3831  }
3832  else
3833  {
3834  /* No TOAST work needed, and it'll fit on same page */
3835  newbuf = buffer;
3836  heaptup = newtup;
3837  }
3839  /*
3840  * We're about to do the actual update -- check for conflict first, to
3841  * avoid possibly having to roll back work we've just done.
3842  *
3843  * This is safe without a recheck as long as there is no possibility of
3844  * another process scanning the pages between this check and the update
3845  * being visible to the scan (i.e., exclusive buffer content lock(s) are
3846  * continuously held from this point until the tuple update is visible).
3847  *
3848  * For the new tuple the only check needed is at the relation level, but
3849  * since both tuples are in the same relation and the check for oldtup
3850  * will include checking the relation level, there is no benefit to a
3851  * separate check for the new tuple.
3852  */
3853  CheckForSerializableConflictIn(relation, &oldtup.t_self,
3854  BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer));
3856  /*
3857  * At this point newbuf and buffer are both pinned and locked, and newbuf
3858  * has enough space for the new tuple. If they are the same buffer, only
3859  * one pin is held.
3860  */
3862  if (newbuf == buffer)
3863  {
3864  /*
3865  * Since the new tuple is going into the same page, we might be able
3866  * to do a HOT update. Check if any of the index columns have been
3867  * changed.
3868  */
3869  if (!bms_overlap(modified_attrs, hot_attrs))
3870  {
3871  use_hot_update = true;
3873  /*
3874  * If none of the columns that are used in hot-blocking indexes
3875  * were updated, we can apply HOT, but we do still need to check
3876  * if we need to update the summarizing indexes, and update those
3877  * indexes if the columns were updated, or we may fail to detect
3878  * e.g. value bound changes in BRIN minmax indexes.
3879  */
3880  if (bms_overlap(modified_attrs, sum_attrs))
3881  summarized_update = true;
3882  }
3883  }
3884  else
3885  {
3886  /* Set a hint that the old page could use prune/defrag */
3887  PageSetFull(page);
3888  }
3890  /*
3891  * Compute replica identity tuple before entering the critical section so
3892  * we don't PANIC upon a memory allocation failure.
3893  * ExtractReplicaIdentity() will return NULL if nothing needs to be
3894  * logged. Pass old key required as true only if the replica identity key
3895  * columns are modified or it has external data.
3896  */
3897  old_key_tuple = ExtractReplicaIdentity(relation, &oldtup,
3898  bms_overlap(modified_attrs, id_attrs) ||
3899  id_has_external,
3900  &old_key_copied);
3902  /* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */
3905  /*
3906  * If this transaction commits, the old tuple will become DEAD sooner or
3907  * later. Set flag that this page is a candidate for pruning once our xid
3908  * falls below the OldestXmin horizon. If the transaction finally aborts,
3909  * the subsequent page pruning will be a no-op and the hint will be
3910  * cleared.
3911  *
3912  * XXX Should we set hint on newbuf as well? If the transaction aborts,
3913  * there would be a prunable tuple in the newbuf; but for now we choose
3914  * not to optimize for aborts. Note that heap_xlog_update must be kept in
3915  * sync if this decision changes.
3916  */
3917  PageSetPrunable(page, xid);
3919  if (use_hot_update)
3920  {
3921  /* Mark the old tuple as HOT-updated */
3922  HeapTupleSetHotUpdated(&oldtup);
3923  /* And mark the new tuple as heap-only */
3924  HeapTupleSetHeapOnly(heaptup);
3925  /* Mark the caller's copy too, in case different from heaptup */
3926  HeapTupleSetHeapOnly(newtup);
3927  }
3928  else
3929  {
3930  /* Make sure tuples are correctly marked as not-HOT */
3931  HeapTupleClearHotUpdated(&oldtup);
3932  HeapTupleClearHeapOnly(heaptup);
3933  HeapTupleClearHeapOnly(newtup);
3934  }
3936  RelationPutHeapTuple(relation, newbuf, heaptup, false); /* insert new tuple */
3939  /* Clear obsolete visibility flags, possibly set by ourselves above... */
3940  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
3941  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
3942  /* ... and store info about transaction updating this tuple */
3943  Assert(TransactionIdIsValid(xmax_old_tuple));
3944  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(oldtup.t_data, xmax_old_tuple);
3945  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask |= infomask_old_tuple;
3946  oldtup.t_data->t_infomask2 |= infomask2_old_tuple;
3947  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(oldtup.t_data, cid, iscombo);
3949  /* record address of new tuple in t_ctid of old one */
3950  oldtup.t_data->t_ctid = heaptup->t_self;
3952  /* clear PD_ALL_VISIBLE flags, reset all visibilitymap bits */
3953  if (PageIsAllVisible(BufferGetPage(buffer)))
3954  {
3955  all_visible_cleared = true;
3957  visibilitymap_clear(relation, BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer),
3959  }
3960  if (newbuf != buffer && PageIsAllVisible(BufferGetPage(newbuf)))
3961  {
3962  all_visible_cleared_new = true;
3964  visibilitymap_clear(relation, BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf),
3965  vmbuffer_new, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
3966  }
3968  if (newbuf != buffer)
3969  MarkBufferDirty(newbuf);
3970  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
3972  /* XLOG stuff */
3973  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
3974  {
3975  XLogRecPtr recptr;
3977  /*
3978  * For logical decoding we need combo CIDs to properly decode the
3979  * catalog.
3980  */
3982  {
3983  log_heap_new_cid(relation, &oldtup);
3984  log_heap_new_cid(relation, heaptup);
3985  }
3987  recptr = log_heap_update(relation, buffer,
3988  newbuf, &oldtup, heaptup,
3989  old_key_tuple,
3990  all_visible_cleared,
3991  all_visible_cleared_new);
3992  if (newbuf != buffer)
3993  {
3994  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(newbuf), recptr);
3995  }
3996  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buffer), recptr);
3997  }
4001  if (newbuf != buffer)
4002  LockBuffer(newbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
4003  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
4005  /*
4006  * Mark old tuple for invalidation from system caches at next command
4007  * boundary, and mark the new tuple for invalidation in case we abort. We
4008  * have to do this before releasing the buffer because oldtup is in the
4009  * buffer. (heaptup is all in local memory, but it's necessary to process
4010  * both tuple versions in one call to inval.c so we can avoid redundant
4011  * sinval messages.)
4012  */
4013  CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(relation, &oldtup, heaptup);
4015  /* Now we can release the buffer(s) */
4016  if (newbuf != buffer)
4017  ReleaseBuffer(newbuf);
4018  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
4019  if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer_new))
4020  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer_new);
4021  if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
4022  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
4024  /*
4025  * Release the lmgr tuple lock, if we had it.
4026  */
4027  if (have_tuple_lock)
4028  UnlockTupleTuplock(relation, &(oldtup.t_self), *lockmode);
4030  pgstat_count_heap_update(relation, use_hot_update, newbuf != buffer);
4032  /*
4033  * If heaptup is a private copy, release it. Don't forget to copy t_self
4034  * back to the caller's image, too.
4035  */
4036  if (heaptup != newtup)
4037  {
4038  newtup->t_self = heaptup->t_self;
4039  heap_freetuple(heaptup);
4040  }
4042  /*
4043  * If it is a HOT update, the update may still need to update summarized
4044  * indexes, lest we fail to update those summaries and get incorrect
4045  * results (for example, minmax bounds of the block may change with this
4046  * update).
4047  */
4048  if (use_hot_update)
4049  {
4050  if (summarized_update)
4051  *update_indexes = TU_Summarizing;
4052  else
4053  *update_indexes = TU_None;
4054  }
4055  else
4056  *update_indexes = TU_All;
4058  if (old_key_tuple != NULL && old_key_copied)
4059  heap_freetuple(old_key_tuple);
4061  bms_free(hot_attrs);
4062  bms_free(sum_attrs);
4063  bms_free(key_attrs);
4064  bms_free(id_attrs);
4065  bms_free(modified_attrs);
4066  bms_free(interesting_attrs);
4068  return TM_Ok;
4069 }
4071 /*
4072  * Check if the specified attribute's values are the same. Subroutine for
4073  * HeapDetermineColumnsInfo.
4074  */
4075 static bool
4076 heap_attr_equals(TupleDesc tupdesc, int attrnum, Datum value1, Datum value2,
4077  bool isnull1, bool isnull2)
4078 {
4079  Form_pg_attribute att;
4081  /*
4082  * If one value is NULL and other is not, then they are certainly not
4083  * equal
4084  */
4085  if (isnull1 != isnull2)
4086  return false;
4088  /*
4089  * If both are NULL, they can be considered equal.
4090  */
4091  if (isnull1)
4092  return true;
4094  /*
4095  * We do simple binary comparison of the two datums. This may be overly
4096  * strict because there can be multiple binary representations for the
4097  * same logical value. But we should be OK as long as there are no false
4098  * positives. Using a type-specific equality operator is messy because
4099  * there could be multiple notions of equality in different operator
4100  * classes; furthermore, we cannot safely invoke user-defined functions
4101  * while holding exclusive buffer lock.
4102  */
4103  if (attrnum <= 0)
4104  {
4105  /* The only allowed system columns are OIDs, so do this */
4106  return (DatumGetObjectId(value1) == DatumGetObjectId(value2));
4107  }
4108  else
4109  {
4110  Assert(attrnum <= tupdesc->natts);
4111  att = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, attrnum - 1);
4112  return datumIsEqual(value1, value2, att->attbyval, att->attlen);
4113  }
4114 }
4116 /*
4117  * Check which columns are being updated.
4118  *
4119  * Given an updated tuple, determine (and return into the output bitmapset),
4120  * from those listed as interesting, the set of columns that changed.
4121  *
4122  * has_external indicates if any of the unmodified attributes (from those
4123  * listed as interesting) of the old tuple is a member of external_cols and is
4124  * stored externally.
4125  */
4126 static Bitmapset *
4128  Bitmapset *interesting_cols,
4129  Bitmapset *external_cols,
4130  HeapTuple oldtup, HeapTuple newtup,
4131  bool *has_external)
4132 {
4133  int attidx;
4134  Bitmapset *modified = NULL;
4135  TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
4137  attidx = -1;
4138  while ((attidx = bms_next_member(interesting_cols, attidx)) >= 0)
4139  {
4140  /* attidx is zero-based, attrnum is the normal attribute number */
4142  Datum value1,
4143  value2;
4144  bool isnull1,
4145  isnull2;
4147  /*
4148  * If it's a whole-tuple reference, say "not equal". It's not really
4149  * worth supporting this case, since it could only succeed after a
4150  * no-op update, which is hardly a case worth optimizing for.
4151  */
4152  if (attrnum == 0)
4153  {
4154  modified = bms_add_member(modified, attidx);
4155  continue;
4156  }
4158  /*
4159  * Likewise, automatically say "not equal" for any system attribute
4160  * other than tableOID; we cannot expect these to be consistent in a
4161  * HOT chain, or even to be set correctly yet in the new tuple.
4162  */
4163  if (attrnum < 0)
4164  {
4165  if (attrnum != TableOidAttributeNumber)
4166  {
4167  modified = bms_add_member(modified, attidx);
4168  continue;
4169  }
4170  }
4172  /*
4173  * Extract the corresponding values. XXX this is pretty inefficient
4174  * if there are many indexed columns. Should we do a single
4175  * heap_deform_tuple call on each tuple, instead? But that doesn't
4176  * work for system columns ...
4177  */
4178  value1 = heap_getattr(oldtup, attrnum, tupdesc, &isnull1);
4179  value2 = heap_getattr(newtup, attrnum, tupdesc, &isnull2);
4181  if (!heap_attr_equals(tupdesc, attrnum, value1,
4182  value2, isnull1, isnull2))
4183  {
4184  modified = bms_add_member(modified, attidx);
4185  continue;
4186  }
4188  /*
4189  * No need to check attributes that can't be stored externally. Note
4190  * that system attributes can't be stored externally.
4191  */
4192  if (attrnum < 0 || isnull1 ||
4193  TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, attrnum - 1)->attlen != -1)
4194  continue;
4196  /*
4197  * Check if the old tuple's attribute is stored externally and is a
4198  * member of external_cols.
4199  */
4200  if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(value1)) &&
4201  bms_is_member(attidx, external_cols))
4202  *has_external = true;
4203  }
4205  return modified;
4206 }
4208 /*
4209  * simple_heap_update - replace a tuple
4210  *
4211  * This routine may be used to update a tuple when concurrent updates of
4212  * the target tuple are not expected (for example, because we have a lock
4213  * on the relation associated with the tuple). Any failure is reported
4214  * via ereport().
4215  */
4216 void
4218  TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
4219 {
4220  TM_Result result;
4221  TM_FailureData tmfd;
4222  LockTupleMode lockmode;
4224  result = heap_update(relation, otid, tup,
4226  true /* wait for commit */ ,
4227  &tmfd, &lockmode, update_indexes);
4228  switch (result)
4229  {
4230  case TM_SelfModified:
4231  /* Tuple was already updated in current command? */
4232  elog(ERROR, "tuple already updated by self");
4233  break;
4235  case TM_Ok:
4236  /* done successfully */
4237  break;
4239  case TM_Updated:
4240  elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently updated");
4241  break;
4243  case TM_Deleted:
4244  elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently deleted");
4245  break;
4247  default:
4248  elog(ERROR, "unrecognized heap_update status: %u", result);
4249  break;
4250  }
4251 }
4254 /*
4255  * Return the MultiXactStatus corresponding to the given tuple lock mode.
4256  */
4257 static MultiXactStatus
4259 {
4260  int retval;
4262  if (is_update)
4263  retval = tupleLockExtraInfo[mode].updstatus;
4264  else
4265  retval = tupleLockExtraInfo[mode].lockstatus;
4267  if (retval == -1)
4268  elog(ERROR, "invalid lock tuple mode %d/%s", mode,
4269  is_update ? "true" : "false");
4271  return (MultiXactStatus) retval;
4272 }
4274 /*
4275  * heap_lock_tuple - lock a tuple in shared or exclusive mode
4276  *
4277  * Note that this acquires a buffer pin, which the caller must release.
4278  *
4279  * Input parameters:
4280  * relation: relation containing tuple (caller must hold suitable lock)
4281  * tid: TID of tuple to lock
4282  * cid: current command ID (used for visibility test, and stored into
4283  * tuple's cmax if lock is successful)
4284  * mode: indicates if shared or exclusive tuple lock is desired
4285  * wait_policy: what to do if tuple lock is not available
4286  * follow_updates: if true, follow the update chain to also lock descendant
4287  * tuples.
4288  *
4289  * Output parameters:
4290  * *tuple: all fields filled in
4291  * *buffer: set to buffer holding tuple (pinned but not locked at exit)
4292  * *tmfd: filled in failure cases (see below)
4293  *
4294  * Function results are the same as the ones for table_tuple_lock().
4295  *
4296  * In the failure cases other than TM_Invisible, the routine fills
4297  * *tmfd with the tuple's t_ctid, t_xmax (resolving a possible MultiXact,
4298  * if necessary), and t_cmax (the last only for TM_SelfModified,
4299  * since we cannot obtain cmax from a combo CID generated by another
4300  * transaction).
4301  * See comments for struct TM_FailureData for additional info.
4302  *
4303  * See README.tuplock for a thorough explanation of this mechanism.
4304  */
4305 TM_Result
4307  CommandId cid, LockTupleMode mode, LockWaitPolicy wait_policy,
4308  bool follow_updates,
4309  Buffer *buffer, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
4310 {
4311  TM_Result result;
4312  ItemPointer tid = &(tuple->t_self);
4313  ItemId lp;
4314  Page page;
4315  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
4316  BlockNumber block;
4317  TransactionId xid,
4318  xmax;
4319  uint16 old_infomask,
4320  new_infomask,
4321  new_infomask2;
4322  bool first_time = true;
4323  bool skip_tuple_lock = false;
4324  bool have_tuple_lock = false;
4325  bool cleared_all_frozen = false;
4327  *buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid));
4328  block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid);
4330  /*
4331  * Before locking the buffer, pin the visibility map page if it appears to
4332  * be necessary. Since we haven't got the lock yet, someone else might be
4333  * in the middle of changing this, so we'll need to recheck after we have
4334  * the lock.
4335  */
4336  if (PageIsAllVisible(BufferGetPage(*buffer)))
4337  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
4341  page = BufferGetPage(*buffer);
4342  lp = PageGetItemId(page, ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid));
4343  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(lp));
4345  tuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
4346  tuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
4347  tuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
4349 l3:
4350  result = HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate(tuple, cid, *buffer);
4352  if (result == TM_Invisible)
4353  {
4354  /*
4355  * This is possible, but only when locking a tuple for ON CONFLICT
4356  * UPDATE. We return this value here rather than throwing an error in
4357  * order to give that case the opportunity to throw a more specific
4358  * error.
4359  */
4360  result = TM_Invisible;
4361  goto out_locked;
4362  }
4363  else if (result == TM_BeingModified ||
4364  result == TM_Updated ||
4365  result == TM_Deleted)
4366  {
4367  TransactionId xwait;
4368  uint16 infomask;
4369  uint16 infomask2;
4370  bool require_sleep;
4371  ItemPointerData t_ctid;
4373  /* must copy state data before unlocking buffer */
4374  xwait = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple->t_data);
4375  infomask = tuple->t_data->t_infomask;
4376  infomask2 = tuple->t_data->t_infomask2;
4377  ItemPointerCopy(&tuple->t_data->t_ctid, &t_ctid);
4379  LockBuffer(*buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
4381  /*
4382  * If any subtransaction of the current top transaction already holds
4383  * a lock as strong as or stronger than what we're requesting, we
4384  * effectively hold the desired lock already. We *must* succeed
4385  * without trying to take the tuple lock, else we will deadlock
4386  * against anyone wanting to acquire a stronger lock.
4387  *
4388  * Note we only do this the first time we loop on the HTSU result;
4389  * there is no point in testing in subsequent passes, because
4390  * evidently our own transaction cannot have acquired a new lock after
4391  * the first time we checked.
4392  */
4393  if (first_time)
4394  {
4395  first_time = false;
4397  if (infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
4398  {
4399  int i;
4400  int nmembers;
4401  MultiXactMember *members;
4403  /*
4404  * We don't need to allow old multixacts here; if that had
4405  * been the case, HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate would have returned
4406  * MayBeUpdated and we wouldn't be here.
4407  */
4408  nmembers =
4409  GetMultiXactIdMembers(xwait, &members, false,
4410  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask));
4412  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
4413  {
4414  /* only consider members of our own transaction */
4415  if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(members[i].xid))
4416  continue;
4418  if (TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus(members[i].status) >= mode)
4419  {
4420  pfree(members);
4421  result = TM_Ok;
4422  goto out_unlocked;
4423  }
4424  else
4425  {
4426  /*
4427  * Disable acquisition of the heavyweight tuple lock.
4428  * Otherwise, when promoting a weaker lock, we might
4429  * deadlock with another locker that has acquired the
4430  * heavyweight tuple lock and is waiting for our
4431  * transaction to finish.
4432  *
4433  * Note that in this case we still need to wait for
4434  * the multixact if required, to avoid acquiring
4435  * conflicting locks.
4436  */
4437  skip_tuple_lock = true;
4438  }
4439  }
4441  if (members)
4442  pfree(members);
4443  }
4444  else if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xwait))
4445  {
4446  switch (mode)
4447  {
4448  case LockTupleKeyShare:
4449  Assert(HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(infomask) ||
4450  HEAP_XMAX_IS_SHR_LOCKED(infomask) ||
4451  HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask));
4452  result = TM_Ok;
4453  goto out_unlocked;
4454  case LockTupleShare:
4455  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_SHR_LOCKED(infomask) ||
4456  HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask))
4457  {
4458  result = TM_Ok;
4459  goto out_unlocked;
4460  }
4461  break;
4463  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask))
4464  {
4465  result = TM_Ok;
4466  goto out_unlocked;
4467  }
4468  break;
4469  case LockTupleExclusive:
4470  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask) &&
4471  infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
4472  {
4473  result = TM_Ok;
4474  goto out_unlocked;
4475  }
4476  break;
4477  }
4478  }
4479  }
4481  /*
4482  * Initially assume that we will have to wait for the locking
4483  * transaction(s) to finish. We check various cases below in which
4484  * this can be turned off.
4485  */
4486  require_sleep = true;
4487  if (mode == LockTupleKeyShare)
4488  {
4489  /*
4490  * If we're requesting KeyShare, and there's no update present, we
4491  * don't need to wait. Even if there is an update, we can still
4492  * continue if the key hasn't been modified.
4493  *
4494  * However, if there are updates, we need to walk the update chain
4495  * to mark future versions of the row as locked, too. That way,
4496  * if somebody deletes that future version, we're protected
4497  * against the key going away. This locking of future versions
4498  * could block momentarily, if a concurrent transaction is
4499  * deleting a key; or it could return a value to the effect that
4500  * the transaction deleting the key has already committed. So we
4501  * do this before re-locking the buffer; otherwise this would be
4502  * prone to deadlocks.
4503  *
4504  * Note that the TID we're locking was grabbed before we unlocked
4505  * the buffer. For it to change while we're not looking, the
4506  * other properties we're testing for below after re-locking the
4507  * buffer would also change, in which case we would restart this
4508  * loop above.
4509  */
4510  if (!(infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED))
4511  {
4512  bool updated;
4514  updated = !HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask);
4516  /*
4517  * If there are updates, follow the update chain; bail out if
4518  * that cannot be done.
4519  */
4520  if (follow_updates && updated)
4521  {
4522  TM_Result res;
4524  res = heap_lock_updated_tuple(relation, tuple, &t_ctid,
4526  mode);
4527  if (res != TM_Ok)
4528  {
4529  result = res;
4530  /* recovery code expects to have buffer lock held */
4532  goto failed;
4533  }
4534  }
4538  /*
4539  * Make sure it's still an appropriate lock, else start over.
4540  * Also, if it wasn't updated before we released the lock, but
4541  * is updated now, we start over too; the reason is that we
4542  * now need to follow the update chain to lock the new
4543  * versions.
4544  */
4545  if (!HeapTupleHeaderIsOnlyLocked(tuple->t_data) &&
4546  ((tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED) ||
4547  !updated))
4548  goto l3;
4550  /* Things look okay, so we can skip sleeping */
4551  require_sleep = false;
4553  /*
4554  * Note we allow Xmax to change here; other updaters/lockers
4555  * could have modified it before we grabbed the buffer lock.
4556  * However, this is not a problem, because with the recheck we
4557  * just did we ensure that they still don't conflict with the
4558  * lock we want.
4559  */
4560  }
4561  }
4562  else if (mode == LockTupleShare)
4563  {
4564  /*
4565  * If we're requesting Share, we can similarly avoid sleeping if
4566  * there's no update and no exclusive lock present.
4567  */
4568  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask) &&
4569  !HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask))
4570  {
4573  /*
4574  * Make sure it's still an appropriate lock, else start over.
4575  * See above about allowing xmax to change.
4576  */
4577  if (!HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(tuple->t_data->t_infomask) ||
4579  goto l3;
4580  require_sleep = false;
4581  }
4582  }
4583  else if (mode == LockTupleNoKeyExclusive)
4584  {
4585  /*
4586  * If we're requesting NoKeyExclusive, we might also be able to
4587  * avoid sleeping; just ensure that there no conflicting lock
4588  * already acquired.
4589  */
4590  if (infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
4591  {
4592  if (!DoesMultiXactIdConflict((MultiXactId) xwait, infomask,
4593  mode, NULL))
4594  {
4595  /*
4596  * No conflict, but if the xmax changed under us in the
4597  * meantime, start over.
4598  */
4600  if (xmax_infomask_changed(tuple->t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
4602  xwait))
4603  goto l3;
4605  /* otherwise, we're good */
4606  require_sleep = false;
4607  }
4608  }
4609  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(infomask))
4610  {
4613  /* if the xmax changed in the meantime, start over */
4614  if (xmax_infomask_changed(tuple->t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
4616  xwait))
4617  goto l3;
4618  /* otherwise, we're good */
4619  require_sleep = false;
4620  }
4621  }
4623  /*
4624  * As a check independent from those above, we can also avoid sleeping
4625  * if the current transaction is the sole locker of the tuple. Note
4626  * that the strength of the lock already held is irrelevant; this is
4627  * not about recording the lock in Xmax (which will be done regardless
4628  * of this optimization, below). Also, note that the cases where we
4629  * hold a lock stronger than we are requesting are already handled
4630  * above by not doing anything.
4631  *
4632  * Note we only deal with the non-multixact case here; MultiXactIdWait
4633  * is well equipped to deal with this situation on its own.
4634  */
4635  if (require_sleep && !(infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI) &&
4637  {
4638  /* ... but if the xmax changed in the meantime, start over */
4640  if (xmax_infomask_changed(tuple->t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
4642  xwait))
4643  goto l3;
4645  require_sleep = false;
4646  }
4648  /*
4649  * Time to sleep on the other transaction/multixact, if necessary.
4650  *
4651  * If the other transaction is an update/delete that's already
4652  * committed, then sleeping cannot possibly do any good: if we're
4653  * required to sleep, get out to raise an error instead.
4654  *
4655  * By here, we either have already acquired the buffer exclusive lock,
4656  * or we must wait for the locking transaction or multixact; so below
4657  * we ensure that we grab buffer lock after the sleep.
4658  */
4659  if (require_sleep && (result == TM_Updated || result == TM_Deleted))
4660  {
4662  goto failed;
4663  }
4664  else if (require_sleep)
4665  {
4666  /*
4667  * Acquire tuple lock to establish our priority for the tuple, or
4668  * die trying. LockTuple will release us when we are next-in-line
4669  * for the tuple. We must do this even if we are share-locking,
4670  * but not if we already have a weaker lock on the tuple.
4671  *
4672  * If we are forced to "start over" below, we keep the tuple lock;
4673  * this arranges that we stay at the head of the line while
4674  * rechecking tuple state.
4675  */
4676  if (!skip_tuple_lock &&
4677  !heap_acquire_tuplock(relation, tid, mode, wait_policy,
4678  &have_tuple_lock))
4679  {
4680  /*
4681  * This can only happen if wait_policy is Skip and the lock
4682  * couldn't be obtained.
4683  */
4684  result = TM_WouldBlock;
4685  /* recovery code expects to have buffer lock held */
4687  goto failed;
4688  }
4690  if (infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
4691  {
4694  /* We only ever lock tuples, never update them */
4695  if (status >= MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate)
4696  elog(ERROR, "invalid lock mode in heap_lock_tuple");
4698  /* wait for multixact to end, or die trying */
4699  switch (wait_policy)
4700  {
4701  case LockWaitBlock:
4702  MultiXactIdWait((MultiXactId) xwait, status, infomask,
4703  relation, &tuple->t_self, XLTW_Lock, NULL);
4704  break;
4705  case LockWaitSkip:
4707  status, infomask, relation,
4708  NULL))
4709  {
4710  result = TM_WouldBlock;
4711  /* recovery code expects to have buffer lock held */
4713  goto failed;
4714  }
4715  break;
4716  case LockWaitError:
4718  status, infomask, relation,
4719  NULL))
4720  ereport(ERROR,
4722  errmsg("could not obtain lock on row in relation \"%s\"",
4723  RelationGetRelationName(relation))));
4725  break;
4726  }
4728  /*
4729  * Of course, the multixact might not be done here: if we're
4730  * requesting a light lock mode, other transactions with light
4731  * locks could still be alive, as well as locks owned by our
4732  * own xact or other subxacts of this backend. We need to
4733  * preserve the surviving MultiXact members. Note that it
4734  * isn't absolutely necessary in the latter case, but doing so
4735  * is simpler.
4736  */
4737  }
4738  else
4739  {
4740  /* wait for regular transaction to end, or die trying */
4741  switch (wait_policy)
4742  {
4743  case LockWaitBlock:
4744  XactLockTableWait(xwait, relation, &tuple->t_self,
4745  XLTW_Lock);
4746  break;
4747  case LockWaitSkip:
4748  if (!ConditionalXactLockTableWait(xwait))
4749  {
4750  result = TM_WouldBlock;
4751  /* recovery code expects to have buffer lock held */
4753  goto failed;
4754  }
4755  break;
4756  case LockWaitError:
4757  if (!ConditionalXactLockTableWait(xwait))
4758  ereport(ERROR,
4760  errmsg("could not obtain lock on row in relation \"%s\"",
4761  RelationGetRelationName(relation))));
4762  break;
4763  }
4764  }
4766  /* if there are updates, follow the update chain */
4767  if (follow_updates && !HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask))
4768  {
4769  TM_Result res;
4771  res = heap_lock_updated_tuple(relation, tuple, &t_ctid,
4773  mode);
4774  if (res != TM_Ok)
4775  {
4776  result = res;
4777  /* recovery code expects to have buffer lock held */
4779  goto failed;
4780  }
4781  }
4785  /*
4786  * xwait is done, but if xwait had just locked the tuple then some
4787  * other xact could update this tuple before we get to this point.
4788  * Check for xmax change, and start over if so.
4789  */
4790  if (xmax_infomask_changed(tuple->t_data->t_infomask, infomask) ||
4792  xwait))
4793  goto l3;
4795  if (!(infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI))
4796  {
4797  /*
4798  * Otherwise check if it committed or aborted. Note we cannot
4799  * be here if the tuple was only locked by somebody who didn't
4800  * conflict with us; that would have been handled above. So
4801  * that transaction must necessarily be gone by now. But
4802  * don't check for this in the multixact case, because some
4803  * locker transactions might still be running.
4804  */
4805  UpdateXmaxHintBits(tuple->t_data, *buffer, xwait);
4806  }
4807  }
4809  /* By here, we're certain that we hold buffer exclusive lock again */
4811  /*
4812  * We may lock if previous xmax aborted, or if it committed but only
4813  * locked the tuple without updating it; or if we didn't have to wait
4814  * at all for whatever reason.
4815  */
4816  if (!require_sleep ||
4817  (tuple->t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID) ||
4820  result = TM_Ok;
4821  else if (!ItemPointerEquals(&tuple->t_self, &tuple->t_data->t_ctid))
4822  result = TM_Updated;
4823  else
4824  result = TM_Deleted;
4825  }
4827 failed:
4828  if (result != TM_Ok)
4829  {
4830  Assert(result == TM_SelfModified || result == TM_Updated ||
4831  result == TM_Deleted || result == TM_WouldBlock);
4833  /*
4834  * When locking a tuple under LockWaitSkip semantics and we fail with
4835  * TM_WouldBlock above, it's possible for concurrent transactions to
4836  * release the lock and set HEAP_XMAX_INVALID in the meantime. So
4837  * this assert is slightly different from the equivalent one in
4838  * heap_delete and heap_update.
4839  */
4840  Assert((result == TM_WouldBlock) ||
4841  !(tuple->t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID));
4842  Assert(result != TM_Updated ||
4843  !ItemPointerEquals(&tuple->t_self, &tuple->t_data->t_ctid));
4844  tmfd->ctid = tuple->t_data->t_ctid;
4845  tmfd->xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tuple->t_data);
4846  if (result == TM_SelfModified)
4847  tmfd->cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tuple->t_data);
4848  else
4849  tmfd->cmax = InvalidCommandId;
4850  goto out_locked;
4851  }
4853  /*
4854  * If we didn't pin the visibility map page and the page has become all
4855  * visible while we were busy locking the buffer, or during some
4856  * subsequent window during which we had it unlocked, we'll have to unlock
4857  * and re-lock, to avoid holding the buffer lock across I/O. That's a bit
4858  * unfortunate, especially since we'll now have to recheck whether the
4859  * tuple has been locked or updated under us, but hopefully it won't
4860  * happen very often.
4861  */
4862  if (vmbuffer == InvalidBuffer && PageIsAllVisible(page))
4863  {
4864  LockBuffer(*buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
4865  visibilitymap_pin(relation, block, &vmbuffer);
4867  goto l3;
4868  }
4870  xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple->t_data);
4871  old_infomask = tuple->t_data->t_infomask;
4873  /*
4874  * If this is the first possibly-multixact-able operation in the current
4875  * transaction, set my per-backend OldestMemberMXactId setting. We can be
4876  * certain that the transaction will never become a member of any older
4877  * MultiXactIds than that. (We have to do this even if we end up just
4878  * using our own TransactionId below, since some other backend could
4879  * incorporate our XID into a MultiXact immediately afterwards.)
4880  */
4883  /*
4884  * Compute the new xmax and infomask to store into the tuple. Note we do
4885  * not modify the tuple just yet, because that would leave it in the wrong
4886  * state if multixact.c elogs.
4887  */
4888  compute_new_xmax_infomask(xmax, old_infomask, tuple->t_data->t_infomask2,
4889  GetCurrentTransactionId(), mode, false,
4890  &xid, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
4894  /*
4895  * Store transaction information of xact locking the tuple.
4896  *
4897  * Note: Cmax is meaningless in this context, so don't set it; this avoids
4898  * possibly generating a useless combo CID. Moreover, if we're locking a
4899  * previously updated tuple, it's important to preserve the Cmax.
4900  *
4901  * Also reset the HOT UPDATE bit, but only if there's no update; otherwise
4902  * we would break the HOT chain.
4903  */
4904  tuple->t_data->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_BITS;
4905  tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
4906  tuple->t_data->t_infomask |= new_infomask;
4907  tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 |= new_infomask2;
4908  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(new_infomask))
4910  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tuple->t_data, xid);
4912  /*
4913  * Make sure there is no forward chain link in t_ctid. Note that in the
4914  * cases where the tuple has been updated, we must not overwrite t_ctid,
4915  * because it was set by the updater. Moreover, if the tuple has been
4916  * updated, we need to follow the update chain to lock the new versions of
4917  * the tuple as well.
4918  */
4919  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(new_infomask))
4920  tuple->t_data->t_ctid = *tid;
4922  /* Clear only the all-frozen bit on visibility map if needed */
4923  if (PageIsAllVisible(page) &&
4924  visibilitymap_clear(relation, block, vmbuffer,
4926  cleared_all_frozen = true;
4929  MarkBufferDirty(*buffer);
4931  /*
4932  * XLOG stuff. You might think that we don't need an XLOG record because
4933  * there is no state change worth restoring after a crash. You would be
4934  * wrong however: we have just written either a TransactionId or a
4935  * MultiXactId that may never have been seen on disk before, and we need
4936  * to make sure that there are XLOG entries covering those ID numbers.
4937  * Else the same IDs might be re-used after a crash, which would be
4938  * disastrous if this page made it to disk before the crash. Essentially
4939  * we have to enforce the WAL log-before-data rule even in this case.
4940  * (Also, in a PITR log-shipping or 2PC environment, we have to have XLOG
4941  * entries for everything anyway.)
4942  */
4943  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
4944  {
4945  xl_heap_lock xlrec;
4946  XLogRecPtr recptr;
4948  XLogBeginInsert();
4949  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, *buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
4951  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&tuple->t_self);
4952  xlrec.xmax = xid;
4953  xlrec.infobits_set = compute_infobits(new_infomask,
4954  tuple->t_data->t_infomask2);
4955  xlrec.flags = cleared_all_frozen ? XLH_LOCK_ALL_FROZEN_CLEARED : 0;
4956  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapLock);
4958  /* we don't decode row locks atm, so no need to log the origin */
4960  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_LOCK);
4962  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
4963  }
4967  result = TM_Ok;
4969 out_locked:
4970  LockBuffer(*buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
4972 out_unlocked:
4973  if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
4974  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
4976  /*
4977  * Don't update the visibility map here. Locking a tuple doesn't change
4978  * visibility info.
4979  */
4981  /*
4982  * Now that we have successfully marked the tuple as locked, we can
4983  * release the lmgr tuple lock, if we had it.
4984  */
4985  if (have_tuple_lock)
4986  UnlockTupleTuplock(relation, tid, mode);
4988  return result;
4989 }
4991 /*
4992  * Acquire heavyweight lock on the given tuple, in preparation for acquiring
4993  * its normal, Xmax-based tuple lock.
4994  *
4995  * have_tuple_lock is an input and output parameter: on input, it indicates
4996  * whether the lock has previously been acquired (and this function does
4997  * nothing in that case). If this function returns success, have_tuple_lock
4998  * has been flipped to true.
4999  *
5000  * Returns false if it was unable to obtain the lock; this can only happen if
5001  * wait_policy is Skip.
5002  */
5003 static bool
5005  LockWaitPolicy wait_policy, bool *have_tuple_lock)
5006 {
5007  if (*have_tuple_lock)
5008  return true;
5010  switch (wait_policy)
5011  {
5012  case LockWaitBlock:
5013  LockTupleTuplock(relation, tid, mode);
5014  break;
5016  case LockWaitSkip:
5017  if (!ConditionalLockTupleTuplock(relation, tid, mode))
5018  return false;
5019  break;
5021  case LockWaitError:
5022  if (!ConditionalLockTupleTuplock(relation, tid, mode))
5023  ereport(ERROR,
5025  errmsg("could not obtain lock on row in relation \"%s\"",
5026  RelationGetRelationName(relation))));
5027  break;
5028  }
5029  *have_tuple_lock = true;
5031  return true;
5032 }
5034 /*
5035  * Given an original set of Xmax and infomask, and a transaction (identified by
5036  * add_to_xmax) acquiring a new lock of some mode, compute the new Xmax and
5037  * corresponding infomasks to use on the tuple.
5038  *
5039  * Note that this might have side effects such as creating a new MultiXactId.
5040  *
5041  * Most callers will have called HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate before this function;
5042  * that will have set the HEAP_XMAX_INVALID bit if the xmax was a MultiXactId
5043  * but it was not running anymore. There is a race condition, which is that the
5044  * MultiXactId may have finished since then, but that uncommon case is handled
5045  * either here, or within MultiXactIdExpand.
5046  *
5047  * There is a similar race condition possible when the old xmax was a regular
5048  * TransactionId. We test TransactionIdIsInProgress again just to narrow the
5049  * window, but it's still possible to end up creating an unnecessary
5050  * MultiXactId. Fortunately this is harmless.
5051  */
5052 static void
5054  uint16 old_infomask2, TransactionId add_to_xmax,
5055  LockTupleMode mode, bool is_update,
5056  TransactionId *result_xmax, uint16 *result_infomask,
5057  uint16 *result_infomask2)
5058 {
5059  TransactionId new_xmax;
5060  uint16 new_infomask,
5061  new_infomask2;
5065 l5:
5066  new_infomask = 0;
5067  new_infomask2 = 0;
5068  if (old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)
5069  {
5070  /*
5071  * No previous locker; we just insert our own TransactionId.
5072  *
5073  * Note that it's critical that this case be the first one checked,
5074  * because there are several blocks below that come back to this one
5075  * to implement certain optimizations; old_infomask might contain
5076  * other dirty bits in those cases, but we don't really care.
5077  */
5078  if (is_update)
5079  {
5080  new_xmax = add_to_xmax;
5081  if (mode == LockTupleExclusive)
5082  new_infomask2 |= HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
5083  }
5084  else
5085  {
5086  new_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY;
5087  switch (mode)
5088  {
5089  case LockTupleKeyShare:
5090  new_xmax = add_to_xmax;
5091  new_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK;
5092  break;
5093  case LockTupleShare:
5094  new_xmax = add_to_xmax;
5095  new_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_SHR_LOCK;
5096  break;
5098  new_xmax = add_to_xmax;
5099  new_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK;
5100  break;
5101  case LockTupleExclusive:
5102  new_xmax = add_to_xmax;
5103  new_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK;
5104  new_infomask2 |= HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
5105  break;
5106  default:
5107  new_xmax = InvalidTransactionId; /* silence compiler */
5108  elog(ERROR, "invalid lock mode");
5109  }
5110  }
5111  }
5112  else if (old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
5113  {
5114  MultiXactStatus new_status;
5116  /*
5117  * Currently we don't allow XMAX_COMMITTED to be set for multis, so
5118  * cross-check.
5119  */
5120  Assert(!(old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED));
5122  /*
5123  * A multixact together with LOCK_ONLY set but neither lock bit set
5124  * (i.e. a pg_upgraded share locked tuple) cannot possibly be running
5125  * anymore. This check is critical for databases upgraded by
5126  * pg_upgrade; both MultiXactIdIsRunning and MultiXactIdExpand assume
5127  * that such multis are never passed.
5128  */
5129  if (HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(old_infomask))
5130  {
5131  old_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI;
5132  old_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
5133  goto l5;
5134  }
5136  /*
5137  * If the XMAX is already a MultiXactId, then we need to expand it to
5138  * include add_to_xmax; but if all the members were lockers and are
5139  * all gone, we can do away with the IS_MULTI bit and just set
5140  * add_to_xmax as the only locker/updater. If all lockers are gone
5141  * and we have an updater that aborted, we can also do without a
5142  * multi.
5143  *
5144  * The cost of doing GetMultiXactIdMembers would be paid by
5145  * MultiXactIdExpand if we weren't to do this, so this check is not
5146  * incurring extra work anyhow.
5147  */
5148  if (!MultiXactIdIsRunning(xmax, HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask)))
5149  {
5150  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask) ||
5152  old_infomask)))
5153  {
5154  /*
5155  * Reset these bits and restart; otherwise fall through to
5156  * create a new multi below.
5157  */
5158  old_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI;
5159  old_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
5160  goto l5;
5161  }
5162  }
5164  new_status = get_mxact_status_for_lock(mode, is_update);
5166  new_xmax = MultiXactIdExpand((MultiXactId) xmax, add_to_xmax,
5167  new_status);
5168  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
5169  }
5170  else if (old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED)
5171  {
5172  /*
5173  * It's a committed update, so we need to preserve him as updater of
5174  * the tuple.
5175  */
5176  MultiXactStatus status;
5177  MultiXactStatus new_status;
5179  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5180  status = MultiXactStatusUpdate;
5181  else
5182  status = MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate;
5184  new_status = get_mxact_status_for_lock(mode, is_update);
5186  /*
5187  * since it's not running, it's obviously impossible for the old
5188  * updater to be identical to the current one, so we need not check
5189  * for that case as we do in the block above.
5190  */
5191  new_xmax = MultiXactIdCreate(xmax, status, add_to_xmax, new_status);
5192  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
5193  }
5194  else if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(xmax))
5195  {
5196  /*
5197  * If the XMAX is a valid, in-progress TransactionId, then we need to
5198  * create a new MultiXactId that includes both the old locker or
5199  * updater and our own TransactionId.
5200  */
5201  MultiXactStatus new_status;
5202  MultiXactStatus old_status;
5203  LockTupleMode old_mode;
5205  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask))
5206  {
5207  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5208  old_status = MultiXactStatusForKeyShare;
5209  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_SHR_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5210  old_status = MultiXactStatusForShare;
5211  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5212  {
5213  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5214  old_status = MultiXactStatusForUpdate;
5215  else
5216  old_status = MultiXactStatusForNoKeyUpdate;
5217  }
5218  else
5219  {
5220  /*
5221  * LOCK_ONLY can be present alone only when a page has been
5222  * upgraded by pg_upgrade. But in that case,
5223  * TransactionIdIsInProgress() should have returned false. We
5224  * assume it's no longer locked in this case.
5225  */
5226  elog(WARNING, "LOCK_ONLY found for Xid in progress %u", xmax);
5227  old_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
5228  old_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY;
5229  goto l5;
5230  }
5231  }
5232  else
5233  {
5234  /* it's an update, but which kind? */
5235  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5236  old_status = MultiXactStatusUpdate;
5237  else
5238  old_status = MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate;
5239  }
5241  old_mode = TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus(old_status);
5243  /*
5244  * If the lock to be acquired is for the same TransactionId as the
5245  * existing lock, there's an optimization possible: consider only the
5246  * strongest of both locks as the only one present, and restart.
5247  */
5248  if (xmax == add_to_xmax)
5249  {
5250  /*
5251  * Note that it's not possible for the original tuple to be
5252  * updated: we wouldn't be here because the tuple would have been
5253  * invisible and we wouldn't try to update it. As a subtlety,
5254  * this code can also run when traversing an update chain to lock
5255  * future versions of a tuple. But we wouldn't be here either,
5256  * because the add_to_xmax would be different from the original
5257  * updater.
5258  */
5259  Assert(HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask));
5261  /* acquire the strongest of both */
5262  if (mode < old_mode)
5263  mode = old_mode;
5264  /* mustn't touch is_update */
5266  old_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
5267  goto l5;
5268  }
5270  /* otherwise, just fall back to creating a new multixact */
5271  new_status = get_mxact_status_for_lock(mode, is_update);
5272  new_xmax = MultiXactIdCreate(xmax, old_status,
5273  add_to_xmax, new_status);
5274  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
5275  }
5276  else if (!HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask) &&
5277  TransactionIdDidCommit(xmax))
5278  {
5279  /*
5280  * It's a committed update, so we gotta preserve him as updater of the
5281  * tuple.
5282  */
5283  MultiXactStatus status;
5284  MultiXactStatus new_status;
5286  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5287  status = MultiXactStatusUpdate;
5288  else
5289  status = MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate;
5291  new_status = get_mxact_status_for_lock(mode, is_update);
5293  /*
5294  * since it's not running, it's obviously impossible for the old
5295  * updater to be identical to the current one, so we need not check
5296  * for that case as we do in the block above.
5297  */
5298  new_xmax = MultiXactIdCreate(xmax, status, add_to_xmax, new_status);
5299  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
5300  }
5301  else
5302  {
5303  /*
5304  * Can get here iff the locking/updating transaction was running when
5305  * the infomask was extracted from the tuple, but finished before
5306  * TransactionIdIsInProgress got to run. Deal with it as if there was
5307  * no locker at all in the first place.
5308  */
5309  old_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
5310  goto l5;
5311  }
5313  *result_infomask = new_infomask;
5314  *result_infomask2 = new_infomask2;
5315  *result_xmax = new_xmax;
5316 }
5318 /*
5319  * Subroutine for heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec.
5320  *
5321  * Given a hypothetical multixact status held by the transaction identified
5322  * with the given xid, does the current transaction need to wait, fail, or can
5323  * it continue if it wanted to acquire a lock of the given mode? "needwait"
5324  * is set to true if waiting is necessary; if it can continue, then TM_Ok is
5325  * returned. If the lock is already held by the current transaction, return
5326  * TM_SelfModified. In case of a conflict with another transaction, a
5327  * different HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate return code is returned.
5328  *
5329  * The held status is said to be hypothetical because it might correspond to a
5330  * lock held by a single Xid, i.e. not a real MultiXactId; we express it this
5331  * way for simplicity of API.
5332  */
5333 static TM_Result
5336  bool *needwait)
5337 {
5338  MultiXactStatus wantedstatus;
5340  *needwait = false;
5341  wantedstatus = get_mxact_status_for_lock(mode, false);
5343  /*
5344  * Note: we *must* check TransactionIdIsInProgress before
5345  * TransactionIdDidAbort/Commit; see comment at top of heapam_visibility.c
5346  * for an explanation.
5347  */
5349  {
5350  /*
5351  * The tuple has already been locked by our own transaction. This is
5352  * very rare but can happen if multiple transactions are trying to
5353  * lock an ancient version of the same tuple.
5354  */
5355  return TM_SelfModified;
5356  }
5357  else if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(xid))
5358  {
5359  /*
5360  * If the locking transaction is running, what we do depends on
5361  * whether the lock modes conflict: if they do, then we must wait for
5362  * it to finish; otherwise we can fall through to lock this tuple
5363  * version without waiting.
5364  */
5366  LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(wantedstatus)))
5367  {
5368  *needwait = true;
5369  }
5371  /*
5372  * If we set needwait above, then this value doesn't matter;
5373  * otherwise, this value signals to caller that it's okay to proceed.
5374  */
5375  return TM_Ok;
5376  }
5377  else if (TransactionIdDidAbort(xid))
5378  return TM_Ok;
5379  else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xid))
5380  {
5381  /*
5382  * The other transaction committed. If it was only a locker, then the
5383  * lock is completely gone now and we can return success; but if it
5384  * was an update, then what we do depends on whether the two lock
5385  * modes conflict. If they conflict, then we must report error to
5386  * caller. But if they don't, we can fall through to allow the current
5387  * transaction to lock the tuple.
5388  *
5389  * Note: the reason we worry about ISUPDATE here is because as soon as
5390  * a transaction ends, all its locks are gone and meaningless, and
5391  * thus we can ignore them; whereas its updates persist. In the
5392  * TransactionIdIsInProgress case, above, we don't need to check
5393  * because we know the lock is still "alive" and thus a conflict needs
5394  * always be checked.
5395  */
5396  if (!ISUPDATE_from_mxstatus(status))
5397  return TM_Ok;
5400  LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(wantedstatus)))
5401  {
5402  /* bummer */
5403  if (!ItemPointerEquals(&tup->t_self, &tup->t_data->t_ctid))
5404  return TM_Updated;
5405  else
5406  return TM_Deleted;
5407  }
5409  return TM_Ok;
5410  }
5412  /* Not in progress, not aborted, not committed -- must have crashed */
5413  return TM_Ok;
5414 }
5417 /*
5418  * Recursive part of heap_lock_updated_tuple
5419  *
5420  * Fetch the tuple pointed to by tid in rel, and mark it as locked by the given
5421  * xid with the given mode; if this tuple is updated, recurse to lock the new
5422  * version as well.
5423  */
5424 static TM_Result
5427 {
5428  TM_Result result;
5429  ItemPointerData tupid;
5430  HeapTupleData mytup;
5431  Buffer buf;
5432  uint16 new_infomask,
5433  new_infomask2,
5434  old_infomask,
5435  old_infomask2;
5436  TransactionId xmax,
5437  new_xmax;
5438  TransactionId priorXmax = InvalidTransactionId;
5439  bool cleared_all_frozen = false;
5440  bool pinned_desired_page;
5441  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
5442  BlockNumber block;
5444  ItemPointerCopy(tid, &tupid);
5446  for (;;)
5447  {
5448  new_infomask = 0;
5449  new_xmax = InvalidTransactionId;
5450  block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&tupid);
5451  ItemPointerCopy(&tupid, &(mytup.t_self));
5453  if (!heap_fetch(rel, SnapshotAny, &mytup, &buf, false))
5454  {
5455  /*
5456  * if we fail to find the updated version of the tuple, it's
5457  * because it was vacuumed/pruned away after its creator
5458  * transaction aborted. So behave as if we got to the end of the
5459  * chain, and there's no further tuple to lock: return success to
5460  * caller.
5461  */
5462  result = TM_Ok;
5463  goto out_unlocked;
5464  }
5466 l4:
5469  /*
5470  * Before locking the buffer, pin the visibility map page if it
5471  * appears to be necessary. Since we haven't got the lock yet,
5472  * someone else might be in the middle of changing this, so we'll need
5473  * to recheck after we have the lock.
5474  */
5476  {
5477  visibilitymap_pin(rel, block, &vmbuffer);
5478  pinned_desired_page = true;
5479  }
5480  else
5481  pinned_desired_page = false;
5485  /*
5486  * If we didn't pin the visibility map page and the page has become
5487  * all visible while we were busy locking the buffer, we'll have to
5488  * unlock and re-lock, to avoid holding the buffer lock across I/O.
5489  * That's a bit unfortunate, but hopefully shouldn't happen often.
5490  *
5491  * Note: in some paths through this function, we will reach here
5492  * holding a pin on a vm page that may or may not be the one matching
5493  * this page. If this page isn't all-visible, we won't use the vm
5494  * page, but we hold onto such a pin till the end of the function.
5495  */
5496  if (!pinned_desired_page && PageIsAllVisible(BufferGetPage(buf)))
5497  {
5499  visibilitymap_pin(rel, block, &vmbuffer);
5501  }
5503  /*
5504  * Check the tuple XMIN against prior XMAX, if any. If we reached the
5505  * end of the chain, we're done, so return success.
5506  */
5507  if (TransactionIdIsValid(priorXmax) &&
5509  priorXmax))
5510  {
5511  result = TM_Ok;
5512  goto out_locked;
5513  }
5515  /*
5516  * Also check Xmin: if this tuple was created by an aborted
5517  * (sub)transaction, then we already locked the last live one in the
5518  * chain, thus we're done, so return success.
5519  */
5521  {
5522  result = TM_Ok;
5523  goto out_locked;
5524  }
5526  old_infomask = mytup.t_data->t_infomask;
5527  old_infomask2 = mytup.t_data->t_infomask2;
5528  xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(mytup.t_data);
5530  /*
5531  * If this tuple version has been updated or locked by some concurrent
5532  * transaction(s), what we do depends on whether our lock mode
5533  * conflicts with what those other transactions hold, and also on the
5534  * status of them.
5535  */
5536  if (!(old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID))
5537  {
5538  TransactionId rawxmax;
5539  bool needwait;
5541  rawxmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(mytup.t_data);
5542  if (old_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
5543  {
5544  int nmembers;
5545  int i;
5546  MultiXactMember *members;
5548  /*
5549  * We don't need a test for pg_upgrade'd tuples: this is only
5550  * applied to tuples after the first in an update chain. Said
5551  * first tuple in the chain may well be locked-in-9.2-and-
5552  * pg_upgraded, but that one was already locked by our caller,
5553  * not us; and any subsequent ones cannot be because our
5554  * caller must necessarily have obtained a snapshot later than
5555  * the pg_upgrade itself.
5556  */
5559  nmembers = GetMultiXactIdMembers(rawxmax, &members, false,
5560  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask));
5561  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
5562  {
5563  result = test_lockmode_for_conflict(members[i].status,
5564  members[i].xid,
5565  mode,
5566  &mytup,
5567  &needwait);
5569  /*
5570  * If the tuple was already locked by ourselves in a
5571  * previous iteration of this (say heap_lock_tuple was
5572  * forced to restart the locking loop because of a change
5573  * in xmax), then we hold the lock already on this tuple
5574  * version and we don't need to do anything; and this is
5575  * not an error condition either. We just need to skip
5576  * this tuple and continue locking the next version in the
5577  * update chain.
5578  */
5579  if (result == TM_SelfModified)
5580  {
5581  pfree(members);
5582  goto next;
5583  }
5585  if (needwait)
5586  {
5588  XactLockTableWait(members[i].xid, rel,
5589  &mytup.t_self,
5591  pfree(members);
5592  goto l4;
5593  }
5594  if (result != TM_Ok)
5595  {
5596  pfree(members);
5597  goto out_locked;
5598  }
5599  }
5600  if (members)
5601  pfree(members);
5602  }
5603  else
5604  {
5605  MultiXactStatus status;
5607  /*
5608  * For a non-multi Xmax, we first need to compute the
5609  * corresponding MultiXactStatus by using the infomask bits.
5610  */
5611  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(old_infomask))
5612  {
5613  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5614  status = MultiXactStatusForKeyShare;
5615  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_SHR_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5616  status = MultiXactStatusForShare;
5617  else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(old_infomask))
5618  {
5619  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5620  status = MultiXactStatusForUpdate;
5621  else
5623  }
5624  else
5625  {
5626  /*
5627  * LOCK_ONLY present alone (a pg_upgraded tuple marked
5628  * as share-locked in the old cluster) shouldn't be
5629  * seen in the middle of an update chain.
5630  */
5631  elog(ERROR, "invalid lock status in tuple");
5632  }
5633  }
5634  else
5635  {
5636  /* it's an update, but which kind? */
5637  if (old_infomask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
5638  status = MultiXactStatusUpdate;
5639  else
5640  status = MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate;
5641  }
5643  result = test_lockmode_for_conflict(status, rawxmax, mode,
5644  &mytup, &needwait);
5646  /*
5647  * If the tuple was already locked by ourselves in a previous
5648  * iteration of this (say heap_lock_tuple was forced to
5649  * restart the locking loop because of a change in xmax), then
5650  * we hold the lock already on this tuple version and we don't
5651  * need to do anything; and this is not an error condition
5652  * either. We just need to skip this tuple and continue
5653  * locking the next version in the update chain.
5654  */
5655  if (result == TM_SelfModified)
5656  goto next;
5658  if (needwait)
5659  {
5661  XactLockTableWait(rawxmax, rel, &mytup.t_self,
5663  goto l4;
5664  }
5665  if (result != TM_Ok)
5666  {
5667  goto out_locked;
5668  }
5669  }
5670  }
5672  /* compute the new Xmax and infomask values for the tuple ... */
5673  compute_new_xmax_infomask(xmax, old_infomask, mytup.t_data->t_infomask2,
5674  xid, mode, false,
5675  &new_xmax, &new_infomask, &new_infomask2);
5678  visibilitymap_clear(rel, block, vmbuffer,
5680  cleared_all_frozen = true;
5684  /* ... and set them */
5685  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(mytup.t_data, new_xmax);
5686  mytup.t_data->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_BITS;
5688  mytup.t_data->t_infomask |= new_infomask;
5689  mytup.t_data->t_infomask2 |= new_infomask2;
5693  /* XLOG stuff */
5694  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
5695  {
5696  xl_heap_lock_updated xlrec;
5697  XLogRecPtr recptr;
5698  Page page = BufferGetPage(buf);
5700  XLogBeginInsert();
5703  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&mytup.t_self);
5704  xlrec.xmax = new_xmax;
5705  xlrec.infobits_set = compute_infobits(new_infomask, new_infomask2);
5706  xlrec.flags =
5707  cleared_all_frozen ? XLH_LOCK_ALL_FROZEN_CLEARED : 0;
5709  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapLockUpdated);
5711  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP2_ID, XLOG_HEAP2_LOCK_UPDATED);
5713  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
5714  }
5718 next:
5719  /* if we find the end of update chain, we're done. */
5720  if (mytup.t_data->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID ||
5722  ItemPointerEquals(&mytup.t_self, &mytup.t_data->t_ctid) ||
5724  {
5725  result = TM_Ok;
5726  goto out_locked;
5727  }
5729  /* tail recursion */
5730  priorXmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(mytup.t_data);
5731  ItemPointerCopy(&(mytup.t_data->t_ctid), &tupid);
5733  }
5735  result = TM_Ok;
5737 out_locked:
5740 out_unlocked:
5741  if (vmbuffer != InvalidBuffer)
5742  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
5744  return result;
5745 }
5747 /*
5748  * heap_lock_updated_tuple
5749  * Follow update chain when locking an updated tuple, acquiring locks (row
5750  * marks) on the updated versions.
5751  *
5752  * The initial tuple is assumed to be already locked.
5753  *
5754  * This function doesn't check visibility, it just unconditionally marks the
5755  * tuple(s) as locked. If any tuple in the updated chain is being deleted
5756  * concurrently (or updated with the key being modified), sleep until the
5757  * transaction doing it is finished.
5758  *
5759  * Note that we don't acquire heavyweight tuple locks on the tuples we walk
5760  * when we have to wait for other transactions to release them, as opposed to
5761  * what heap_lock_tuple does. The reason is that having more than one
5762  * transaction walking the chain is probably uncommon enough that risk of
5763  * starvation is not likely: one of the preconditions for being here is that
5764  * the snapshot in use predates the update that created this tuple (because we
5765  * started at an earlier version of the tuple), but at the same time such a
5766  * transaction cannot be using repeatable read or serializable isolation
5767  * levels, because that would lead to a serializability failure.
5768  */
5769 static TM_Result
5772 {
5773  /*
5774  * If the tuple has not been updated, or has moved into another partition
5775  * (effectively a delete) stop here.
5776  */
5778  !ItemPointerEquals(&tuple->t_self, ctid))
5779  {
5780  /*
5781  * If this is the first possibly-multixact-able operation in the
5782  * current transaction, set my per-backend OldestMemberMXactId
5783  * setting. We can be certain that the transaction will never become a
5784  * member of any older MultiXactIds than that. (We have to do this
5785  * even if we end up just using our own TransactionId below, since
5786  * some other backend could incorporate our XID into a MultiXact
5787  * immediately afterwards.)
5788  */
5791  return heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(rel, ctid, xid, mode);
5792  }
5794  /* nothing to lock */
5795  return TM_Ok;
5796 }
5798 /*
5799  * heap_finish_speculative - mark speculative insertion as successful
5800  *
5801  * To successfully finish a speculative insertion we have to clear speculative
5802  * token from tuple. To do so the t_ctid field, which will contain a
5803  * speculative token value, is modified in place to point to the tuple itself,
5804  * which is characteristic of a newly inserted ordinary tuple.
5805  *
5806  * NB: It is not ok to commit without either finishing or aborting a
5807  * speculative insertion. We could treat speculative tuples of committed
5808  * transactions implicitly as completed, but then we would have to be prepared
5809  * to deal with speculative tokens on committed tuples. That wouldn't be
5810  * difficult - no-one looks at the ctid field of a tuple with invalid xmax -
5811  * but clearing the token at completion isn't very expensive either.
5812  * An explicit confirmation WAL record also makes logical decoding simpler.
5813  */
5814 void
5816 {
5817  Buffer buffer;
5818  Page page;
5819  OffsetNumber offnum;
5820  ItemId lp = NULL;
5821  HeapTupleHeader htup;
5823  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid));
5825  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
5827  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
5828  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
5829  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
5831  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
5832  elog(ERROR, "invalid lp");
5834  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
5836  /* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */
5841  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
5843  /*
5844  * Replace the speculative insertion token with a real t_ctid, pointing to
5845  * itself like it does on regular tuples.
5846  */
5847  htup->t_ctid = *tid;
5849  /* XLOG stuff */
5850  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
5851  {
5852  xl_heap_confirm xlrec;
5853  XLogRecPtr recptr;
5855  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
5857  XLogBeginInsert();
5859  /* We want the same filtering on this as on a plain insert */
5862  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapConfirm);
5863  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
5865  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_CONFIRM);
5867  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
5868  }
5872  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
5873 }
5875 /*
5876  * heap_abort_speculative - kill a speculatively inserted tuple
5877  *
5878  * Marks a tuple that was speculatively inserted in the same command as dead,
5879  * by setting its xmin as invalid. That makes it immediately appear as dead
5880  * to all transactions, including our own. In particular, it makes
5881  * HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty() regard the tuple as dead, so that another backend
5882  * inserting a duplicate key value won't unnecessarily wait for our whole
5883  * transaction to finish (it'll just wait for our speculative insertion to
5884  * finish).
5885  *
5886  * Killing the tuple prevents "unprincipled deadlocks", which are deadlocks
5887  * that arise due to a mutual dependency that is not user visible. By
5888  * definition, unprincipled deadlocks cannot be prevented by the user
5889  * reordering lock acquisition in client code, because the implementation level
5890  * lock acquisitions are not under the user's direct control. If speculative
5891  * inserters did not take this precaution, then under high concurrency they
5892  * could deadlock with each other, which would not be acceptable.
5893  *
5894  * This is somewhat redundant with heap_delete, but we prefer to have a
5895  * dedicated routine with stripped down requirements. Note that this is also
5896  * used to delete the TOAST tuples created during speculative insertion.
5897  *
5898  * This routine does not affect logical decoding as it only looks at
5899  * confirmation records.
5900  */
5901 void
5903 {
5905  ItemId lp;
5906  HeapTupleData tp;
5907  Page page;
5908  BlockNumber block;
5909  Buffer buffer;
5910  TransactionId prune_xid;
5912  Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(tid));
5914  block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid);
5915  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, block);
5916  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
5920  /*
5921  * Page can't be all visible, we just inserted into it, and are still
5922  * running.
5923  */
5924  Assert(!PageIsAllVisible(page));
5926  lp = PageGetItemId(page, ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid));
5927  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(lp));
5929  tp.t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(relation);
5930  tp.t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
5931  tp.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
5932  tp.t_self = *tid;
5934  /*
5935  * Sanity check that the tuple really is a speculatively inserted tuple,
5936  * inserted by us.
5937  */
5938  if (tp.t_data->t_choice.t_heap.t_xmin != xid)
5939  elog(ERROR, "attempted to kill a tuple inserted by another transaction");
5940  if (!(IsToastRelation(relation) || HeapTupleHeaderIsSpeculative(tp.t_data)))
5941  elog(ERROR, "attempted to kill a non-speculative tuple");
5944  /*
5945  * No need to check for serializable conflicts here. There is never a
5946  * need for a combo CID, either. No need to extract replica identity, or
5947  * do anything special with infomask bits.
5948  */
5952  /*
5953  * The tuple will become DEAD immediately. Flag that this page is a
5954  * candidate for pruning by setting xmin to TransactionXmin. While not
5955  * immediately prunable, it is the oldest xid we can cheaply determine
5956  * that's safe against wraparound / being older than the table's
5957  * relfrozenxid. To defend against the unlikely case of a new relation
5958  * having a newer relfrozenxid than our TransactionXmin, use relfrozenxid
5959  * if so (vacuum can't subsequently move relfrozenxid to beyond
5960  * TransactionXmin, so there's no race here).
5961  */
5963  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(TransactionXmin, relation->rd_rel->relfrozenxid))
5964  prune_xid = relation->rd_rel->relfrozenxid;
5965  else
5966  prune_xid = TransactionXmin;
5967  PageSetPrunable(page, prune_xid);
5969  /* store transaction information of xact deleting the tuple */
5973  /*
5974  * Set the tuple header xmin to InvalidTransactionId. This makes the
5975  * tuple immediately invisible everyone. (In particular, to any
5976  * transactions waiting on the speculative token, woken up later.)
5977  */
5980  /* Clear the speculative insertion token too */
5981  tp.t_data->t_ctid = tp.t_self;
5983  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
5985  /*
5986  * XLOG stuff
5987  *
5988  * The WAL records generated here match heap_delete(). The same recovery
5989  * routines are used.
5990  */
5991  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
5992  {
5993  xl_heap_delete xlrec;
5994  XLogRecPtr recptr;
5996  xlrec.flags = XLH_DELETE_IS_SUPER;
5998  tp.t_data->t_infomask2);
6000  xlrec.xmax = xid;
6002  XLogBeginInsert();
6003  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapDelete);
6004  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
6006  /* No replica identity & replication origin logged */
6008  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_DELETE);
6010  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
6011  }
6015  LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
6017  if (HeapTupleHasExternal(&tp))
6018  {
6019  Assert(!IsToastRelation(relation));
6020  heap_toast_delete(relation, &tp, true);
6021  }
6023  /*
6024  * Never need to mark tuple for invalidation, since catalogs don't support
6025  * speculative insertion
6026  */
6028  /* Now we can release the buffer */
6029  ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
6031  /* count deletion, as we counted the insertion too */
6032  pgstat_count_heap_delete(relation);
6033 }
6035 /*
6036  * heap_inplace_update - update a tuple "in place" (ie, overwrite it)
6037  *
6038  * Overwriting violates both MVCC and transactional safety, so the uses
6039  * of this function in Postgres are extremely limited. Nonetheless we
6040  * find some places to use it.
6041  *
6042  * The tuple cannot change size, and therefore it's reasonable to assume
6043  * that its null bitmap (if any) doesn't change either. So we just
6044  * overwrite the data portion of the tuple without touching the null
6045  * bitmap or any of the header fields.
6046  *
6047  * tuple is an in-memory tuple structure containing the data to be written
6048  * over the target tuple. Also, tuple->t_self identifies the target tuple.
6049  *
6050  * Note that the tuple updated here had better not come directly from the
6051  * syscache if the relation has a toast relation as this tuple could
6052  * include toast values that have been expanded, causing a failure here.
6053  */
6054 void
6056 {
6057  Buffer buffer;
6058  Page page;
6059  OffsetNumber offnum;
6060  ItemId lp = NULL;
6061  HeapTupleHeader htup;
6062  uint32 oldlen;
6063  uint32 newlen;
6065  /*
6066  * For now, we don't allow parallel updates. Unlike a regular update,
6067  * this should never create a combo CID, so it might be possible to relax
6068  * this restriction, but not without more thought and testing. It's not
6069  * clear that it would be useful, anyway.
6070  */
6071  if (IsInParallelMode())
6072  ereport(ERROR,
6074  errmsg("cannot update tuples during a parallel operation")));
6076  buffer = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(tuple->t_self)));
6078  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
6080  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&(tuple->t_self));
6081  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
6082  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
6084  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
6085  elog(ERROR, "invalid lp");
6087  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
6089  oldlen = ItemIdGetLength(lp) - htup->t_hoff;
6090  newlen = tuple->t_len - tuple->t_data->t_hoff;
6091  if (oldlen != newlen || htup->t_hoff != tuple->t_data->t_hoff)
6092  elog(ERROR, "wrong tuple length");
6094  /* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */
6097  memcpy((char *) htup + htup->t_hoff,
6098  (char *) tuple->t_data + tuple->t_data->t_hoff,
6099  newlen);
6101  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
6103  /* XLOG stuff */
6104  if (RelationNeedsWAL(relation))
6105  {
6106  xl_heap_inplace xlrec;
6107  XLogRecPtr recptr;
6109  xlrec.offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&tuple->t_self);
6111  XLogBeginInsert();
6112  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapInplace);
6114  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD);
6115  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) htup + htup->t_hoff, newlen);
6117  /* inplace updates aren't decoded atm, don't log the origin */
6119  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, XLOG_HEAP_INPLACE);
6121  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
6122  }
6126  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
6128  /*
6129  * Send out shared cache inval if necessary. Note that because we only
6130  * pass the new version of the tuple, this mustn't be used for any
6131  * operations that could change catcache lookup keys. But we aren't
6132  * bothering with index updates either, so that's true a fortiori.
6133  */
6135  CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(relation, tuple, NULL);
6136 }
6138 #define FRM_NOOP 0x0001
6139 #define FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX 0x0002
6140 #define FRM_RETURN_IS_XID 0x0004
6141 #define FRM_RETURN_IS_MULTI 0x0008
6142 #define FRM_MARK_COMMITTED 0x0010
6144 /*
6145  * FreezeMultiXactId
6146  * Determine what to do during freezing when a tuple is marked by a
6147  * MultiXactId.
6148  *
6149  * "flags" is an output value; it's used to tell caller what to do on return.
6150  * "pagefrz" is an input/output value, used to manage page level freezing.
6151  *
6152  * Possible values that we can set in "flags":
6153  * FRM_NOOP
6154  * don't do anything -- keep existing Xmax
6156  * mark Xmax as InvalidTransactionId and set XMAX_INVALID flag.
6158  * The Xid return value is a single update Xid to set as xmax.
6160  * Xmax can be marked as HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED
6162  * The return value is a new MultiXactId to set as new Xmax.
6163  * (caller must obtain proper infomask bits using GetMultiXactIdHintBits)
6164  *
6165  * Caller delegates control of page freezing to us. In practice we always
6166  * force freezing of caller's page unless FRM_NOOP processing is indicated.
6167  * We help caller ensure that XIDs < FreezeLimit and MXIDs < MultiXactCutoff
6168  * can never be left behind. We freely choose when and how to process each
6169  * Multi, without ever violating the cutoff postconditions for freezing.
6170  *
6171  * It's useful to remove Multis on a proactive timeline (relative to freezing
6172  * XIDs) to keep MultiXact member SLRU buffer misses to a minimum. It can also
6173  * be cheaper in the short run, for us, since we too can avoid SLRU buffer
6174  * misses through eager processing.
6175  *
6176  * NB: Creates a _new_ MultiXactId when FRM_RETURN_IS_MULTI is set, though only
6177  * when FreezeLimit and/or MultiXactCutoff cutoffs leave us with no choice.
6178  * This can usually be put off, which is usually enough to avoid it altogether.
6179  * Allocating new multis during VACUUM should be avoided on general principle;
6180  * only VACUUM can advance relminmxid, so allocating new Multis here comes with
6181  * its own special risks.
6182  *
6183  * NB: Caller must maintain "no freeze" NewRelfrozenXid/NewRelminMxid trackers
6184  * using heap_tuple_should_freeze when we haven't forced page-level freezing.
6185  *
6186  * NB: Caller should avoid needlessly calling heap_tuple_should_freeze when we
6187  * have already forced page-level freezing, since that might incur the same
6188  * SLRU buffer misses that we specifically intended to avoid by freezing.
6189  */
6190 static TransactionId
6192  const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs, uint16 *flags,
6193  HeapPageFreeze *pagefrz)
6194 {
6195  TransactionId newxmax;
6196  MultiXactMember *members;
6197  int nmembers;
6198  bool need_replace;
6199  int nnewmembers;
6200  MultiXactMember *newmembers;
6201  bool has_lockers;
6202  TransactionId update_xid;
6203  bool update_committed;
6204  TransactionId FreezePageRelfrozenXid;
6206  *flags = 0;
6208  /* We should only be called in Multis */
6209  Assert(t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI);
6211  if (!MultiXactIdIsValid(multi) ||
6212  HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(t_infomask))
6213  {
6214  *flags |= FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX;
6215  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6216  return InvalidTransactionId;
6217  }
6218  else if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, cutoffs->relminmxid))
6219  ereport(ERROR,
6221  errmsg_internal("found multixact %u from before relminmxid %u",
6222  multi, cutoffs->relminmxid)));
6223  else if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, cutoffs->OldestMxact))
6224  {
6225  TransactionId update_xact;
6227  /*
6228  * This old multi cannot possibly have members still running, but
6229  * verify just in case. If it was a locker only, it can be removed
6230  * without any further consideration; but if it contained an update,
6231  * we might need to preserve it.
6232  */
6233  if (MultiXactIdIsRunning(multi,
6234  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(t_infomask)))
6235  ereport(ERROR,
6237  errmsg_internal("multixact %u from before multi freeze cutoff %u found to be still running",
6238  multi, cutoffs->OldestMxact)));
6240  if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(t_infomask))
6241  {
6242  *flags |= FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX;
6243  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6244  return InvalidTransactionId;
6245  }
6247  /* replace multi with single XID for its updater? */
6248  update_xact = MultiXactIdGetUpdateXid(multi, t_infomask);
6249  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(update_xact, cutoffs->relfrozenxid))
6250  ereport(ERROR,
6252  errmsg_internal("multixact %u contains update XID %u from before relfrozenxid %u",
6253  multi, update_xact,
6254  cutoffs->relfrozenxid)));
6255  else if (TransactionIdPrecedes(update_xact, cutoffs->OldestXmin))
6256  {
6257  /*
6258  * Updater XID has to have aborted (otherwise the tuple would have
6259  * been pruned away instead, since updater XID is < OldestXmin).
6260  * Just remove xmax.
6261  */
6262  if (TransactionIdDidCommit(update_xact))
6263  ereport(ERROR,
6265  errmsg_internal("multixact %u contains committed update XID %u from before removable cutoff %u",
6266  multi, update_xact,
6267  cutoffs->OldestXmin)));
6268  *flags |= FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX;
6269  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6270  return InvalidTransactionId;
6271  }
6273  /* Have to keep updater XID as new xmax */
6274  *flags |= FRM_RETURN_IS_XID;
6275  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6276  return update_xact;
6277  }
6279  /*
6280  * Some member(s) of this Multi may be below FreezeLimit xid cutoff, so we
6281  * need to walk the whole members array to figure out what to do, if
6282  * anything.
6283  */
6284  nmembers =
6285  GetMultiXactIdMembers(multi, &members, false,
6286  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(t_infomask));
6287  if (nmembers <= 0)
6288  {
6289  /* Nothing worth keeping */
6290  *flags |= FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX;
6291  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6292  return InvalidTransactionId;
6293  }
6295  /*
6296  * The FRM_NOOP case is the only case where we might need to ratchet back
6297  * FreezePageRelfrozenXid or FreezePageRelminMxid. It is also the only
6298  * case where our caller might ratchet back its NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid
6299  * or NoFreezePageRelminMxid "no freeze" trackers to deal with a multi.
6300  * FRM_NOOP handling should result in the NewRelfrozenXid/NewRelminMxid
6301  * trackers managed by VACUUM being ratcheting back by xmax to the degree
6302  * required to make it safe to leave xmax undisturbed, independent of
6303  * whether or not page freezing is triggered somewhere else.
6304  *
6305  * Our policy is to force freezing in every case other than FRM_NOOP,
6306  * which obviates the need to maintain either set of trackers, anywhere.
6307  * Every other case will reliably execute a freeze plan for xmax that
6308  * either replaces xmax with an XID/MXID >= OldestXmin/OldestMxact, or
6309  * sets xmax to an InvalidTransactionId XID, rendering xmax fully frozen.
6310  * (VACUUM's NewRelfrozenXid/NewRelminMxid trackers are initialized with
6311  * OldestXmin/OldestMxact, so later values never need to be tracked here.)
6312  */
6313  need_replace = false;
6314  FreezePageRelfrozenXid = pagefrz->FreezePageRelfrozenXid;
6315  for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
6316  {
6317  TransactionId xid = members[i].xid;
6319  Assert(!TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid));
6321  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->FreezeLimit))
6322  {
6323  /* Can't violate the FreezeLimit postcondition */
6324  need_replace = true;
6325  break;
6326  }
6327  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, FreezePageRelfrozenXid))
6328  FreezePageRelfrozenXid = xid;
6329  }
6331  /* Can't violate the MultiXactCutoff postcondition, either */
6332  if (!need_replace)
6333  need_replace = MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, cutoffs->MultiXactCutoff);
6335  if (!need_replace)
6336  {
6337  /*
6338  * vacuumlazy.c might ratchet back NewRelminMxid, NewRelfrozenXid, or
6339  * both together to make it safe to retain this particular multi after
6340  * freezing its page
6341  */
6342  *flags |= FRM_NOOP;
6343  pagefrz->FreezePageRelfrozenXid = FreezePageRelfrozenXid;
6344  if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, pagefrz->FreezePageRelminMxid))
6345  pagefrz->FreezePageRelminMxid = multi;
6346  pfree(members);
6347  return multi;
6348  }
6350  /*
6351  * Do a more thorough second pass over the multi to figure out which
6352  * member XIDs actually need to be kept. Checking the precise status of
6353  * individual members might even show that we don't need to keep anything.
6354  * That is quite possible even though the Multi must be >= OldestMxact,
6355  * since our second pass only keeps member XIDs when it's truly necessary;
6356  * even member XIDs >= OldestXmin often won't be kept by second pass.
6357  */
6358  nnewmembers = 0;
6359  newmembers = palloc(sizeof(MultiXactMember) * nmembers);
6360  has_lockers = false;
6361  update_xid = InvalidTransactionId;
6362  update_committed = false;
6364  /*
6365  * Determine whether to keep each member xid, or to ignore it instead
6366  */
6367  for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
6368  {
6369  TransactionId xid = members[i].xid;
6370  MultiXactStatus mstatus = members[i].status;
6372  Assert(!TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid));
6374  if (!ISUPDATE_from_mxstatus(mstatus))
6375  {
6376  /*
6377  * Locker XID (not updater XID). We only keep lockers that are
6378  * still running.
6379  */
6382  {
6383  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin))
6384  ereport(ERROR,
6386  errmsg_internal("multixact %u contains running locker XID %u from before removable cutoff %u",
6387  multi, xid,
6388  cutoffs->OldestXmin)));
6389  newmembers[nnewmembers++] = members[i];
6390  has_lockers = true;
6391  }
6393  continue;
6394  }
6396  /*
6397  * Updater XID (not locker XID). Should we keep it?
6398  *
6399  * Since the tuple wasn't totally removed when vacuum pruned, the
6400  * update Xid cannot possibly be older than OldestXmin cutoff unless
6401  * the updater XID aborted. If the updater transaction is known
6402  * aborted or crashed then it's okay to ignore it, otherwise not.
6403  *
6404  * In any case the Multi should never contain two updaters, whatever
6405  * their individual commit status. Check for that first, in passing.
6406  */
6407  if (TransactionIdIsValid(update_xid))
6408  ereport(ERROR,
6410  errmsg_internal("multixact %u has two or more updating members",
6411  multi),
6412  errdetail_internal("First updater XID=%u second updater XID=%u.",
6413  update_xid, xid)));
6415  /*
6416  * As with all tuple visibility routines, it's critical to test
6417  * TransactionIdIsInProgress before TransactionIdDidCommit, because of
6418  * race conditions explained in detail in heapam_visibility.c.
6419  */
6422  update_xid = xid;
6423  else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xid))
6424  {
6425  /*
6426  * The transaction committed, so we can tell caller to set
6427  * HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED. (We can only do this because we know the
6428  * transaction is not running.)
6429  */
6430  update_committed = true;
6431  update_xid = xid;
6432  }
6433  else
6434  {
6435  /*
6436  * Not in progress, not committed -- must be aborted or crashed;
6437  * we can ignore it.
6438  */
6439  continue;
6440  }
6442  /*
6443  * We determined that updater must be kept -- add it to pending new
6444  * members list
6445  */
6446  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin))
6447  ereport(ERROR,
6449  errmsg_internal("multixact %u contains committed update XID %u from before removable cutoff %u",
6450  multi, xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin)));
6451  newmembers[nnewmembers++] = members[i];
6452  }
6454  pfree(members);
6456  /*
6457  * Determine what to do with caller's multi based on information gathered
6458  * during our second pass
6459  */
6460  if (nnewmembers == 0)
6461  {
6462  /* Nothing worth keeping */
6463  *flags |= FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX;
6464  newxmax = InvalidTransactionId;
6465  }
6466  else if (TransactionIdIsValid(update_xid) && !has_lockers)
6467  {
6468  /*
6469  * If there's a single member and it's an update, pass it back alone
6470  * without creating a new Multi. (XXX we could do this when there's a
6471  * single remaining locker, too, but that would complicate the API too
6472  * much; moreover, the case with the single updater is more
6473  * interesting, because those are longer-lived.)
6474  */
6475  Assert(nnewmembers == 1);
6476  *flags |= FRM_RETURN_IS_XID;
6477  if (update_committed)
6478  *flags |= FRM_MARK_COMMITTED;
6479  newxmax = update_xid;
6480  }
6481  else
6482  {
6483  /*
6484  * Create a new multixact with the surviving members of the previous
6485  * one, to set as new Xmax in the tuple
6486  */
6487  newxmax = MultiXactIdCreateFromMembers(nnewmembers, newmembers);
6488  *flags |= FRM_RETURN_IS_MULTI;
6489  }
6491  pfree(newmembers);
6493  pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6494  return newxmax;
6495 }
6497 /*
6498  * heap_prepare_freeze_tuple
6499  *
6500  * Check to see whether any of the XID fields of a tuple (xmin, xmax, xvac)
6501  * are older than the OldestXmin and/or OldestMxact freeze cutoffs. If so,
6502  * setup enough state (in the *frz output argument) to enable caller to
6503  * process this tuple as part of freezing its page, and return true. Return
6504  * false if nothing can be changed about the tuple right now.
6505  *
6506  * Also sets *totally_frozen to true if the tuple will be totally frozen once
6507  * caller executes returned freeze plan (or if the tuple was already totally
6508  * frozen by an earlier VACUUM). This indicates that there are no remaining
6509  * XIDs or MultiXactIds that will need to be processed by a future VACUUM.
6510  *
6511  * VACUUM caller must assemble HeapTupleFreeze freeze plan entries for every
6512  * tuple that we returned true for, and then execute freezing. Caller must
6513  * initialize pagefrz fields for page as a whole before first call here for
6514  * each heap page.
6515  *
6516  * VACUUM caller decides on whether or not to freeze the page as a whole.
6517  * We'll often prepare freeze plans for a page that caller just discards.
6518  * However, VACUUM doesn't always get to make a choice; it must freeze when
6519  * pagefrz.freeze_required is set, to ensure that any XIDs < FreezeLimit (and
6520  * MXIDs < MultiXactCutoff) can never be left behind. We help to make sure
6521  * that VACUUM always follows that rule.
6522  *
6523  * We sometimes force freezing of xmax MultiXactId values long before it is
6524  * strictly necessary to do so just to ensure the FreezeLimit postcondition.
6525  * It's worth processing MultiXactIds proactively when it is cheap to do so,
6526  * and it's convenient to make that happen by piggy-backing it on the "force
6527  * freezing" mechanism. Conversely, we sometimes delay freezing MultiXactIds
6528  * because it is expensive right now (though only when it's still possible to
6529  * do so without violating the FreezeLimit/MultiXactCutoff postcondition).
6530  *
6531  * It is assumed that the caller has checked the tuple with
6532  * HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum() and determined that it is not HEAPTUPLE_DEAD
6533  * (else we should be removing the tuple, not freezing it).
6534  *
6535  * NB: This function has side effects: it might allocate a new MultiXactId.
6536  * It will be set as tuple's new xmax when our *frz output is processed within
6537  * heap_execute_freeze_tuple later on. If the tuple is in a shared buffer
6538  * then caller had better have an exclusive lock on it already.
6539  */
6540 bool
6542  const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs,
6543  HeapPageFreeze *pagefrz,
6544  HeapTupleFreeze *frz, bool *totally_frozen)
6545 {
6546  bool xmin_already_frozen = false,
6547  xmax_already_frozen = false;
6548  bool freeze_xmin = false,
6549  replace_xvac = false,
6550  replace_xmax = false,
6551  freeze_xmax = false;
6552  TransactionId xid;
6554  frz->xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);
6555  frz->t_infomask2 = tuple->t_infomask2;
6556  frz->t_infomask = tuple->t_infomask;
6557  frz->frzflags = 0;
6558  frz->checkflags = 0;
6560  /*
6561  * Process xmin, while keeping track of whether it's already frozen, or
6562  * will become frozen iff our freeze plan is executed by caller (could be
6563  * neither).
6564  */
6565  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple);
6566  if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
6567  xmin_already_frozen = true;
6568  else
6569  {
6570  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid))
6571  ereport(ERROR,
6573  errmsg_internal("found xmin %u from before relfrozenxid %u",
6574  xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid)));
6576  /* Will set freeze_xmin flags in freeze plan below */
6577  freeze_xmin = TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin);
6579  /* Verify that xmin committed if and when freeze plan is executed */
6580  if (freeze_xmin)
6582  }
6584  /*
6585  * Old-style VACUUM FULL is gone, but we have to process xvac for as long
6586  * as we support having MOVED_OFF/MOVED_IN tuples in the database
6587  */
6588  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);
6589  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
6590  {
6592  Assert(TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin));
6594  /*
6595  * For Xvac, we always freeze proactively. This allows totally_frozen
6596  * tracking to ignore xvac.
6597  */
6598  replace_xvac = pagefrz->freeze_required = true;
6600  /* Will set replace_xvac flags in freeze plan below */
6601  }
6603  /* Now process xmax */
6604  xid = frz->xmax;
6605  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
6606  {
6607  /* Raw xmax is a MultiXactId */
6608  TransactionId newxmax;
6609  uint16 flags;
6611  /*
6612  * We will either remove xmax completely (in the "freeze_xmax" path),
6613  * process xmax by replacing it (in the "replace_xmax" path), or
6614  * perform no-op xmax processing. The only constraint is that the
6615  * FreezeLimit/MultiXactCutoff postcondition must never be violated.
6616  */
6617  newxmax = FreezeMultiXactId(xid, tuple->t_infomask, cutoffs,
6618  &flags, pagefrz);
6620  if (flags & FRM_NOOP)
6621  {
6622  /*
6623  * xmax is a MultiXactId, and nothing about it changes for now.
6624  * This is the only case where 'freeze_required' won't have been
6625  * set for us by FreezeMultiXactId, as well as the only case where
6626  * neither freeze_xmax nor replace_xmax are set (given a multi).
6627  *
6628  * This is a no-op, but the call to FreezeMultiXactId might have
6629  * ratcheted back NewRelfrozenXid and/or NewRelminMxid trackers
6630  * for us (the "freeze page" variants, specifically). That'll
6631  * make it safe for our caller to freeze the page later on, while
6632  * leaving this particular xmax undisturbed.
6633  *
6634  * FreezeMultiXactId is _not_ responsible for the "no freeze"
6635  * NewRelfrozenXid/NewRelminMxid trackers, though -- that's our
6636  * job. A call to heap_tuple_should_freeze for this same tuple
6637  * will take place below if 'freeze_required' isn't set already.
6638  * (This repeats work from FreezeMultiXactId, but allows "no
6639  * freeze" tracker maintenance to happen in only one place.)
6640  */
6641  Assert(!MultiXactIdPrecedes(newxmax, cutoffs->MultiXactCutoff));
6642  Assert(MultiXactIdIsValid(newxmax) && xid == newxmax);
6643  }
6644  else if (flags & FRM_RETURN_IS_XID)
6645  {
6646  /*
6647  * xmax will become an updater Xid (original MultiXact's updater
6648  * member Xid will be carried forward as a simple Xid in Xmax).
6649  */
6650  Assert(!TransactionIdPrecedes(newxmax, cutoffs->OldestXmin));
6652  /*
6653  * NB -- some of these transformations are only valid because we
6654  * know the return Xid is a tuple updater (i.e. not merely a
6655  * locker.) Also note that the only reason we don't explicitly
6656  * worry about HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED is because it lives in
6657  * t_infomask2 rather than t_infomask.
6658  */
6659  frz->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_BITS;
6660  frz->xmax = newxmax;
6661  if (flags & FRM_MARK_COMMITTED)
6663  replace_xmax = true;
6664  }
6665  else if (flags & FRM_RETURN_IS_MULTI)
6666  {
6667  uint16 newbits;
6668  uint16 newbits2;
6670  /*
6671  * xmax is an old MultiXactId that we have to replace with a new
6672  * MultiXactId, to carry forward two or more original member XIDs.
6673  */
6674  Assert(!MultiXactIdPrecedes(newxmax, cutoffs->OldestMxact));
6676  /*
6677  * We can't use GetMultiXactIdHintBits directly on the new multi
6678  * here; that routine initializes the masks to all zeroes, which
6679  * would lose other bits we need. Doing it this way ensures all
6680  * unrelated bits remain untouched.
6681  */
6682  frz->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_BITS;
6683  frz->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
6684  GetMultiXactIdHintBits(newxmax, &newbits, &newbits2);
6685  frz->t_infomask |= newbits;
6686  frz->t_infomask2 |= newbits2;
6687  frz->xmax = newxmax;
6688  replace_xmax = true;
6689  }
6690  else
6691  {
6692  /*
6693  * Freeze plan for tuple "freezes xmax" in the strictest sense:
6694  * it'll leave nothing in xmax (neither an Xid nor a MultiXactId).
6695  */
6696  Assert(flags & FRM_INVALIDATE_XMAX);
6697  Assert(!TransactionIdIsValid(newxmax));
6699  /* Will set freeze_xmax flags in freeze plan below */
6700  freeze_xmax = true;
6701  }
6703  /* MultiXactId processing forces freezing (barring FRM_NOOP case) */
6704  Assert(pagefrz->freeze_required || (!freeze_xmax && !replace_xmax));
6705  }
6706  else if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
6707  {
6708  /* Raw xmax is normal XID */
6709  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid))
6710  ereport(ERROR,
6712  errmsg_internal("found xmax %u from before relfrozenxid %u",
6713  xid, cutoffs->relfrozenxid)));
6715  /* Will set freeze_xmax flags in freeze plan below */
6716  freeze_xmax = TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->OldestXmin);
6718  /*
6719  * Verify that xmax aborted if and when freeze plan is executed,
6720  * provided it's from an update. (A lock-only xmax can be removed
6721  * independent of this, since the lock is released at xact end.)
6722  */
6723  if (freeze_xmax && !HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(tuple->t_infomask))
6725  }
6726  else if (!TransactionIdIsValid(xid))
6727  {
6728  /* Raw xmax is InvalidTransactionId XID */
6729  Assert((tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI) == 0);
6730  xmax_already_frozen = true;
6731  }
6732  else
6733  ereport(ERROR,
6735  errmsg_internal("found raw xmax %u (infomask 0x%04x) not invalid and not multi",
6736  xid, tuple->t_infomask)));
6738  if (freeze_xmin)
6739  {
6740  Assert(!xmin_already_frozen);
6742  frz->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_FROZEN;
6743  }
6744  if (replace_xvac)
6745  {
6746  /*
6747  * If a MOVED_OFF tuple is not dead, the xvac transaction must have
6748  * failed; whereas a non-dead MOVED_IN tuple must mean the xvac
6749  * transaction succeeded.
6750  */
6751  Assert(pagefrz->freeze_required);
6752  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED_OFF)
6753  frz->frzflags |= XLH_INVALID_XVAC;
6754  else
6755  frz->frzflags |= XLH_FREEZE_XVAC;
6756  }
6757  if (replace_xmax)
6758  {
6759  Assert(!xmax_already_frozen && !freeze_xmax);
6760  Assert(pagefrz->freeze_required);
6762  /* Already set replace_xmax flags in freeze plan earlier */
6763  }
6764  if (freeze_xmax)
6765  {
6766  Assert(!xmax_already_frozen && !replace_xmax);
6768  frz->xmax = InvalidTransactionId;
6770  /*
6771  * The tuple might be marked either XMAX_INVALID or XMAX_COMMITTED +
6772  * LOCKED. Normalize to INVALID just to be sure no one gets confused.
6773  * Also get rid of the HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED bit.
6774  */
6775  frz->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_BITS;
6776  frz->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
6777  frz->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_HOT_UPDATED;
6778  frz->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
6779  }
6781  /*
6782  * Determine if this tuple is already totally frozen, or will become
6783  * totally frozen (provided caller executes freeze plans for the page)
6784  */
6785  *totally_frozen = ((freeze_xmin || xmin_already_frozen) &&
6786  (freeze_xmax || xmax_already_frozen));
6788  if (!pagefrz->freeze_required && !(xmin_already_frozen &&
6789  xmax_already_frozen))
6790  {
6791  /*
6792  * So far no previous tuple from the page made freezing mandatory.
6793  * Does this tuple force caller to freeze the entire page?
6794  */
6795  pagefrz->freeze_required =
6796  heap_tuple_should_freeze(tuple, cutoffs,
6797  &pagefrz->NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid,
6798  &pagefrz->NoFreezePageRelminMxid);
6799  }
6801  /* Tell caller if this tuple has a usable freeze plan set in *frz */
6802  return freeze_xmin || replace_xvac || replace_xmax || freeze_xmax;
6803 }
6805 /*
6806  * heap_execute_freeze_tuple
6807  * Execute the prepared freezing of a tuple with caller's freeze plan.
6808  *
6809  * Caller is responsible for ensuring that no other backend can access the
6810  * storage underlying this tuple, either by holding an exclusive lock on the
6811  * buffer containing it (which is what lazy VACUUM does), or by having it be
6812  * in private storage (which is what CLUSTER and friends do).
6813  */
6814 static inline void
6816 {
6817  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tuple, frz->xmax);
6819  if (frz->frzflags & XLH_FREEZE_XVAC)
6822  if (frz->frzflags & XLH_INVALID_XVAC)
6825  tuple->t_infomask = frz->t_infomask;
6826  tuple->t_infomask2 = frz->t_infomask2;
6827 }
6829 /*
6830  * Perform xmin/xmax XID status sanity checks before actually executing freeze
6831  * plans.
6832  *
6833  * heap_prepare_freeze_tuple doesn't perform these checks directly because
6834  * pg_xact lookups are relatively expensive. They shouldn't be repeated by
6835  * successive VACUUMs that each decide against freezing the same page.
6836  */
6837 void
6839  HeapTupleFreeze *tuples, int ntuples)
6840 {
6841  Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
6843  for (int i = 0; i < ntuples; i++)
6844  {
6845  HeapTupleFreeze *frz = tuples + i;
6846  ItemId itemid = PageGetItemId(page, frz->offset);
6847  HeapTupleHeader htup;
6849  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
6851  /* Deliberately avoid relying on tuple hint bits here */
6853  {
6857  if (unlikely(!TransactionIdDidCommit(xmin)))
6858  ereport(ERROR,
6860  errmsg_internal("uncommitted xmin %u needs to be frozen",
6861  xmin)));
6862  }
6864  /*
6865  * TransactionIdDidAbort won't work reliably in the presence of XIDs
6866  * left behind by transactions that were in progress during a crash,
6867  * so we can only check that xmax didn't commit
6868  */
6870  {
6874  if (unlikely(TransactionIdDidCommit(xmax)))
6875  ereport(ERROR,
6877  errmsg_internal("cannot freeze committed xmax %u",
6878  xmax)));
6879  }
6880  }
6881 }
6883 /*
6884  * Helper which executes freezing of one or more heap tuples on a page on
6885  * behalf of caller. Caller passes an array of tuple plans from
6886  * heap_prepare_freeze_tuple. Caller must set 'offset' in each plan for us.
6887  * Must be called in a critical section that also marks the buffer dirty and,
6888  * if needed, emits WAL.
6889  */
6890 void
6892 {
6893  Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
6895  for (int i = 0; i < ntuples; i++)
6896  {
6897  HeapTupleFreeze *frz = tuples + i;
6898  ItemId itemid = PageGetItemId(page, frz->offset);
6899  HeapTupleHeader htup;
6901  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
6902  heap_execute_freeze_tuple(htup, frz);
6903  }
6904 }
6906 /*
6907  * heap_freeze_tuple
6908  * Freeze tuple in place, without WAL logging.
6909  *
6910  * Useful for callers like CLUSTER that perform their own WAL logging.
6911  */
6912 bool
6914  TransactionId relfrozenxid, TransactionId relminmxid,
6915  TransactionId FreezeLimit, TransactionId MultiXactCutoff)
6916 {
6917  HeapTupleFreeze frz;
6918  bool do_freeze;
6919  bool totally_frozen;
6920  struct VacuumCutoffs cutoffs;
6921  HeapPageFreeze pagefrz;
6923  cutoffs.relfrozenxid = relfrozenxid;
6924  cutoffs.relminmxid = relminmxid;
6925  cutoffs.OldestXmin = FreezeLimit;
6926  cutoffs.OldestMxact = MultiXactCutoff;
6927  cutoffs.FreezeLimit = FreezeLimit;
6928  cutoffs.MultiXactCutoff = MultiXactCutoff;
6930  pagefrz.freeze_required = true;
6931  pagefrz.FreezePageRelfrozenXid = FreezeLimit;
6932  pagefrz.FreezePageRelminMxid = MultiXactCutoff;
6933  pagefrz.NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid = FreezeLimit;
6934  pagefrz.NoFreezePageRelminMxid = MultiXactCutoff;
6936  do_freeze = heap_prepare_freeze_tuple(tuple, &cutoffs,
6937  &pagefrz, &frz, &totally_frozen);
6939  /*
6940  * Note that because this is not a WAL-logged operation, we don't need to
6941  * fill in the offset in the freeze record.
6942  */
6944  if (do_freeze)
6945  heap_execute_freeze_tuple(tuple, &frz);
6946  return do_freeze;
6947 }
6949 /*
6950  * For a given MultiXactId, return the hint bits that should be set in the
6951  * tuple's infomask.
6952  *
6953  * Normally this should be called for a multixact that was just created, and
6954  * so is on our local cache, so the GetMembers call is fast.
6955  */
6956 static void
6958  uint16 *new_infomask2)
6959 {
6960  int nmembers;
6961  MultiXactMember *members;
6962  int i;
6963  uint16 bits = HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI;
6964  uint16 bits2 = 0;
6965  bool has_update = false;
6966  LockTupleMode strongest = LockTupleKeyShare;
6968  /*
6969  * We only use this in multis we just created, so they cannot be values
6970  * pre-pg_upgrade.
6971  */
6972  nmembers = GetMultiXactIdMembers(multi, &members, false, false);
6974  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
6975  {
6978  /*
6979  * Remember the strongest lock mode held by any member of the
6980  * multixact.
6981  */
6982  mode = TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus(members[i].status);
6983  if (mode > strongest)
6984  strongest = mode;
6986  /* See what other bits we need */
6987  switch (members[i].status)
6988  {
6992  break;
6995  bits2 |= HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
6996  break;
6999  has_update = true;
7000  break;
7002  case MultiXactStatusUpdate:
7003  bits2 |= HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
7004  has_update = true;
7005  break;
7006  }
7007  }
7009  if (strongest == LockTupleExclusive ||
7010  strongest == LockTupleNoKeyExclusive)
7011  bits |= HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK;
7012  else if (strongest == LockTupleShare)
7013  bits |= HEAP_XMAX_SHR_LOCK;
7014  else if (strongest == LockTupleKeyShare)
7015  bits |= HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK;
7017  if (!has_update)
7018  bits |= HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY;
7020  if (nmembers > 0)
7021  pfree(members);
7023  *new_infomask = bits;
7024  *new_infomask2 = bits2;
7025 }
7027 /*
7028  * MultiXactIdGetUpdateXid
7029  *
7030  * Given a multixact Xmax and corresponding infomask, which does not have the
7031  * HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY bit set, obtain and return the Xid of the updating
7032  * transaction.
7033  *
7034  * Caller is expected to check the status of the updating transaction, if
7035  * necessary.
7036  */
7037 static TransactionId
7039 {
7040  TransactionId update_xact = InvalidTransactionId;
7041  MultiXactMember *members;
7042  int nmembers;
7044  Assert(!(t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY));
7045  Assert(t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI);
7047  /*
7048  * Since we know the LOCK_ONLY bit is not set, this cannot be a multi from
7049  * pre-pg_upgrade.
7050  */
7051  nmembers = GetMultiXactIdMembers(xmax, &members, false, false);
7053  if (nmembers > 0)
7054  {
7055  int i;
7057  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
7058  {
7059  /* Ignore lockers */
7060  if (!ISUPDATE_from_mxstatus(members[i].status))
7061  continue;
7063  /* there can be at most one updater */
7064  Assert(update_xact == InvalidTransactionId);
7065  update_xact = members[i].xid;
7068  /*
7069  * in an assert-enabled build, walk the whole array to ensure
7070  * there's no other updater.
7071  */
7072  break;
7073 #endif
7074  }
7076  pfree(members);
7077  }
7079  return update_xact;
7080 }
7082 /*
7083  * HeapTupleGetUpdateXid
7084  * As above, but use a HeapTupleHeader
7085  *
7086  * See also HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid, which can be used without previously
7087  * checking the hint bits.
7088  */
7091 {
7093  tuple->t_infomask);
7094 }
7096 /*
7097  * Does the given multixact conflict with the current transaction grabbing a
7098  * tuple lock of the given strength?
7099  *
7100  * The passed infomask pairs up with the given multixact in the tuple header.
7101  *
7102  * If current_is_member is not NULL, it is set to 'true' if the current
7103  * transaction is a member of the given multixact.
7104  */
7105 static bool
7107  LockTupleMode lockmode, bool *current_is_member)
7108 {
7109  int nmembers;
7110  MultiXactMember *members;
7111  bool result = false;
7112  LOCKMODE wanted = tupleLockExtraInfo[lockmode].hwlock;
7114  if (HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(infomask))
7115  return false;
7117  nmembers = GetMultiXactIdMembers(multi, &members, false,
7118  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask));
7119  if (nmembers >= 0)
7120  {
7121  int i;
7123  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
7124  {
7125  TransactionId memxid;
7126  LOCKMODE memlockmode;
7128  if (result && (current_is_member == NULL || *current_is_member))
7129  break;
7131  memlockmode = LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(members[i].status);
7133  /* ignore members from current xact (but track their presence) */
7134  memxid = members[i].xid;
7136  {
7137  if (current_is_member != NULL)
7138  *current_is_member = true;
7139  continue;
7140  }
7141  else if (result)
7142  continue;
7144  /* ignore members that don't conflict with the lock we want */
7145  if (!DoLockModesConflict(memlockmode, wanted))
7146  continue;
7148  if (ISUPDATE_from_mxstatus(members[i].status))
7149  {
7150  /* ignore aborted updaters */
7151  if (TransactionIdDidAbort(memxid))
7152  continue;
7153  }
7154  else
7155  {
7156  /* ignore lockers-only that are no longer in progress */
7157  if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(memxid))
7158  continue;
7159  }
7161  /*
7162  * Whatever remains are either live lockers that conflict with our
7163  * wanted lock, and updaters that are not aborted. Those conflict
7164  * with what we want. Set up to return true, but keep going to
7165  * look for the current transaction among the multixact members,
7166  * if needed.
7167  */
7168  result = true;
7169  }
7170  pfree(members);
7171  }
7173  return result;
7174 }
7176 /*
7177  * Do_MultiXactIdWait
7178  * Actual implementation for the two functions below.
7179  *
7180  * 'multi', 'status' and 'infomask' indicate what to sleep on (the status is
7181  * needed to ensure we only sleep on conflicting members, and the infomask is
7182  * used to optimize multixact access in case it's a lock-only multi); 'nowait'
7183  * indicates whether to use conditional lock acquisition, to allow callers to
7184  * fail if lock is unavailable. 'rel', 'ctid' and 'oper' are used to set up
7185  * context information for error messages. 'remaining', if not NULL, receives
7186  * the number of members that are still running, including any (non-aborted)
7187  * subtransactions of our own transaction.
7188  *
7189  * We do this by sleeping on each member using XactLockTableWait. Any
7190  * members that belong to the current backend are *not* waited for, however;
7191  * this would not merely be useless but would lead to Assert failure inside
7192  * XactLockTableWait. By the time this returns, it is certain that all
7193  * transactions *of other backends* that were members of the MultiXactId
7194  * that conflict with the requested status are dead (and no new ones can have
7195  * been added, since it is not legal to add members to an existing
7196  * MultiXactId).
7197  *
7198  * But by the time we finish sleeping, someone else may have changed the Xmax
7199  * of the containing tuple, so the caller needs to iterate on us somehow.
7200  *
7201  * Note that in case we return false, the number of remaining members is
7202  * not to be trusted.
7203  */
7204 static bool
7206  uint16 infomask, bool nowait,
7207  Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper,
7208  int *remaining)
7209 {
7210  bool result = true;
7211  MultiXactMember *members;
7212  int nmembers;
7213  int remain = 0;
7215  /* for pre-pg_upgrade tuples, no need to sleep at all */
7216  nmembers = HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(infomask) ? -1 :
7217  GetMultiXactIdMembers(multi, &members, false,
7218  HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask));
7220  if (nmembers >= 0)
7221  {
7222  int i;
7224  for (i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
7225  {
7226  TransactionId memxid = members[i].xid;
7227  MultiXactStatus memstatus = members[i].status;
7230  {
7231  remain++;
7232  continue;
7233  }
7236  LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(status)))
7237  {
7238  if (remaining && TransactionIdIsInProgress(memxid))
7239  remain++;
7240  continue;
7241  }
7243  /*
7244  * This member conflicts with our multi, so we have to sleep (or
7245  * return failure, if asked to avoid waiting.)
7246  *
7247  * Note that we don't set up an error context callback ourselves,
7248  * but instead we pass the info down to XactLockTableWait. This
7249  * might seem a bit wasteful because the context is set up and
7250  * tore down for each member of the multixact, but in reality it
7251  * should be barely noticeable, and it avoids duplicate code.
7252  */
7253  if (nowait)
7254  {
7255  result = ConditionalXactLockTableWait(memxid);
7256  if (!result)
7257  break;
7258  }
7259  else
7260  XactLockTableWait(memxid, rel, ctid, oper);
7261  }
7263  pfree(members);
7264  }
7266  if (remaining)
7267  *remaining = remain;
7269  return result;
7270 }
7272 /*
7273  * MultiXactIdWait
7274  * Sleep on a MultiXactId.
7275  *
7276  * By the time we finish sleeping, someone else may have changed the Xmax
7277  * of the containing tuple, so the caller needs to iterate on us somehow.
7278  *
7279  * We return (in *remaining, if not NULL) the number of members that are still
7280  * running, including any (non-aborted) subtransactions of our own transaction.
7281  */
7282 static void
7284  Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper,
7285  int *remaining)
7286 {
7287  (void) Do_MultiXactIdWait(multi, status, infomask, false,
7288  rel, ctid, oper, remaining);
7289 }
7291 /*
7292  * ConditionalMultiXactIdWait
7293  * As above, but only lock if we can get the lock without blocking.
7294  *
7295  * By the time we finish sleeping, someone else may have changed the Xmax
7296  * of the containing tuple, so the caller needs to iterate on us somehow.
7297  *
7298  * If the multixact is now all gone, return true. Returns false if some
7299  * transactions might still be running.
7300  *
7301  * We return (in *remaining, if not NULL) the number of members that are still
7302  * running, including any (non-aborted) subtransactions of our own transaction.
7303  */
7304 static bool
7306  uint16 infomask, Relation rel, int *remaining)
7307 {
7308  return Do_MultiXactIdWait(multi, status, infomask, true,
7309  rel, NULL, XLTW_None, remaining);
7310 }
7312 /*
7313  * heap_tuple_needs_eventual_freeze
7314  *
7315  * Check to see whether any of the XID fields of a tuple (xmin, xmax, xvac)
7316  * will eventually require freezing (if tuple isn't removed by pruning first).
7317  */
7318 bool
7320 {
7321  TransactionId xid;
7323  /*
7324  * If xmin is a normal transaction ID, this tuple is definitely not
7325  * frozen.
7326  */
7327  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple);
7328  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7329  return true;
7331  /*
7332  * If xmax is a valid xact or multixact, this tuple is also not frozen.
7333  */
7334  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
7335  {
7336  MultiXactId multi;
7338  multi = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);
7339  if (MultiXactIdIsValid(multi))
7340  return true;
7341  }
7342  else
7343  {
7344  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);
7345  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7346  return true;
7347  }
7349  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED)
7350  {
7351  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);
7352  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7353  return true;
7354  }
7356  return false;
7357 }
7359 /*
7360  * heap_tuple_should_freeze
7361  *
7362  * Return value indicates if heap_prepare_freeze_tuple sibling function would
7363  * (or should) force freezing of the heap page that contains caller's tuple.
7364  * Tuple header XIDs/MXIDs < FreezeLimit/MultiXactCutoff trigger freezing.
7365  * This includes (xmin, xmax, xvac) fields, as well as MultiXact member XIDs.
7366  *
7367  * The *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid and *NoFreezePageRelminMxid input/output
7368  * arguments help VACUUM track the oldest extant XID/MXID remaining in rel.
7369  * Our working assumption is that caller won't decide to freeze this tuple.
7370  * It's up to caller to only ratchet back its own top-level trackers after the
7371  * point that it fully commits to not freezing the tuple/page in question.
7372  */
7373 bool
7375  const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs,
7376  TransactionId *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid,
7377  MultiXactId *NoFreezePageRelminMxid)
7378 {
7379  TransactionId xid;
7380  MultiXactId multi;
7381  bool freeze = false;
7383  /* First deal with xmin */
7384  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple);
7385  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7386  {
7388  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid))
7389  *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid = xid;
7390  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->FreezeLimit))
7391  freeze = true;
7392  }
7394  /* Now deal with xmax */
7395  xid = InvalidTransactionId;
7396  multi = InvalidMultiXactId;
7397  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
7398  multi = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);
7399  else
7400  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);
7402  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7403  {
7405  /* xmax is a non-permanent XID */
7406  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid))
7407  *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid = xid;
7408  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->FreezeLimit))
7409  freeze = true;
7410  }
7411  else if (!MultiXactIdIsValid(multi))
7412  {
7413  /* xmax is a permanent XID or invalid MultiXactId/XID */
7414  }
7415  else if (HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(tuple->t_infomask))
7416  {
7417  /* xmax is a pg_upgrade'd MultiXact, which can't have updater XID */
7418  if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, *NoFreezePageRelminMxid))
7419  *NoFreezePageRelminMxid = multi;
7420  /* heap_prepare_freeze_tuple always freezes pg_upgrade'd xmax */
7421  freeze = true;
7422  }
7423  else
7424  {
7425  /* xmax is a MultiXactId that may have an updater XID */
7426  MultiXactMember *members;
7427  int nmembers;
7429  Assert(MultiXactIdPrecedesOrEquals(cutoffs->relminmxid, multi));
7430  if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, *NoFreezePageRelminMxid))
7431  *NoFreezePageRelminMxid = multi;
7432  if (MultiXactIdPrecedes(multi, cutoffs->MultiXactCutoff))
7433  freeze = true;
7435  /* need to check whether any member of the mxact is old */
7436  nmembers = GetMultiXactIdMembers(multi, &members, false,
7439  for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
7440  {
7441  xid = members[i].xid;
7443  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid))
7444  *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid = xid;
7445  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, cutoffs->FreezeLimit))
7446  freeze = true;
7447  }
7448  if (nmembers > 0)
7449  pfree(members);
7450  }
7452  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED)
7453  {
7454  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);
7455  if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
7456  {
7458  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid))
7459  *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid = xid;
7460  /* heap_prepare_freeze_tuple forces xvac freezing */
7461  freeze = true;
7462  }
7463  }
7465  return freeze;
7466 }
7468 /*
7469  * Maintain snapshotConflictHorizon for caller by ratcheting forward its value
7470  * using any committed XIDs contained in 'tuple', an obsolescent heap tuple
7471  * that caller is in the process of physically removing, e.g. via HOT pruning
7472  * or index deletion.
7473  *
7474  * Caller must initialize its value to InvalidTransactionId, which is
7475  * generally interpreted as "definitely no need for a recovery conflict".
7476  * Final value must reflect all heap tuples that caller will physically remove
7477  * (or remove TID references to) via its ongoing pruning/deletion operation.
7478  * ResolveRecoveryConflictWithSnapshot() is passed the final value (taken from
7479  * caller's WAL record) by REDO routine when it replays caller's operation.
7480  */
7481 void
7483  TransactionId *snapshotConflictHorizon)
7484 {
7485  TransactionId xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple);
7487  TransactionId xvac = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);
7489  if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED)
7490  {
7491  if (TransactionIdPrecedes(*snapshotConflictHorizon, xvac))
7492  *snapshotConflictHorizon = xvac;
7493  }
7495  /*
7496  * Ignore tuples inserted by an aborted transaction or if the tuple was
7497  * updated/deleted by the inserting transaction.
7498  *
7499  * Look for a committed hint bit, or if no xmin bit is set, check clog.
7500  */
7501  if (HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted(tuple) ||
7503  {
7504  if (xmax != xmin &&
7505  TransactionIdFollows(xmax, *snapshotConflictHorizon))
7506  *snapshotConflictHorizon = xmax;
7507  }
7508 }
7510 #ifdef USE_PREFETCH
7511 /*
7512  * Helper function for heap_index_delete_tuples. Issues prefetch requests for
7513  * prefetch_count buffers. The prefetch_state keeps track of all the buffers
7514  * we can prefetch, and which have already been prefetched; each call to this
7515  * function picks up where the previous call left off.
7516  *
7517  * Note: we expect the deltids array to be sorted in an order that groups TIDs
7518  * by heap block, with all TIDs for each block appearing together in exactly
7519  * one group.
7520  */
7521 static void
7522 index_delete_prefetch_buffer(Relation rel,
7523  IndexDeletePrefetchState *prefetch_state,
7524  int prefetch_count)
7525 {
7526  BlockNumber cur_hblkno = prefetch_state->cur_hblkno;
7527  int count = 0;
7528  int i;
7529  int ndeltids = prefetch_state->ndeltids;
7530  TM_IndexDelete *deltids = prefetch_state->deltids;
7532  for (i = prefetch_state->next_item;
7533  i < ndeltids && count < prefetch_count;
7534  i++)
7535  {
7536  ItemPointer htid = &deltids[i].tid;
7538  if (cur_hblkno == InvalidBlockNumber ||
7539  ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid) != cur_hblkno)
7540  {
7541  cur_hblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid);
7542  PrefetchBuffer(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, cur_hblkno);
7543  count++;
7544  }
7545  }
7547  /*
7548  * Save the prefetch position so that next time we can continue from that
7549  * position.
7550  */
7551  prefetch_state->next_item = i;
7552  prefetch_state->cur_hblkno = cur_hblkno;
7553 }
7554 #endif
7556 /*
7557  * Helper function for heap_index_delete_tuples. Checks for index corruption
7558  * involving an invalid TID in index AM caller's index page.
7559  *
7560  * This is an ideal place for these checks. The index AM must hold a buffer
7561  * lock on the index page containing the TIDs we examine here, so we don't
7562  * have to worry about concurrent VACUUMs at all. We can be sure that the
7563  * index is corrupt when htid points directly to an LP_UNUSED item or
7564  * heap-only tuple, which is not the case during standard index scans.
7565  */
7566 static inline void
7568  Page page, OffsetNumber maxoff,
7569  ItemPointer htid, TM_IndexStatus *istatus)
7570 {
7571  OffsetNumber indexpagehoffnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(htid);
7572  ItemId iid;
7576  if (unlikely(indexpagehoffnum > maxoff))
7577  ereport(ERROR,
7579  errmsg_internal("heap tid from index tuple (%u,%u) points past end of heap page line pointer array at offset %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
7581  indexpagehoffnum,
7582  istatus->idxoffnum, delstate->iblknum,
7583  RelationGetRelationName(delstate->irel))));
7585  iid = PageGetItemId(page, indexpagehoffnum);
7586  if (unlikely(!ItemIdIsUsed(iid)))
7587  ereport(ERROR,
7589  errmsg_internal("heap tid from index tuple (%u,%u) points to unused heap page item at offset %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
7591  indexpagehoffnum,
7592  istatus->idxoffnum, delstate->iblknum,
7593  RelationGetRelationName(delstate->irel))));
7595  if (ItemIdHasStorage(iid))
7596  {
7597  HeapTupleHeader htup;
7599  Assert(ItemIdIsNormal(iid));
7600  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, iid);
7603  ereport(ERROR,
7605  errmsg_internal("heap tid from index tuple (%u,%u) points to heap-only tuple at offset %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
7607  indexpagehoffnum,
7608  istatus->idxoffnum, delstate->iblknum,
7609  RelationGetRelationName(delstate->irel))));
7610  }
7611 }
7613 /*
7614  * heapam implementation of tableam's index_delete_tuples interface.
7615  *
7616  * This helper function is called by index AMs during index tuple deletion.
7617  * See tableam header comments for an explanation of the interface implemented
7618  * here and a general theory of operation. Note that each call here is either
7619  * a simple index deletion call, or a bottom-up index deletion call.
7620  *
7621  * It's possible for this to generate a fair amount of I/O, since we may be
7622  * deleting hundreds of tuples from a single index block. To amortize that
7623  * cost to some degree, this uses prefetching and combines repeat accesses to
7624  * the same heap block.
7625  */
7628 {
7629  /* Initial assumption is that earlier pruning took care of conflict */
7630  TransactionId snapshotConflictHorizon = InvalidTransactionId;
7633  Page page = NULL;
7635  TransactionId priorXmax;
7636 #ifdef USE_PREFETCH
7637  IndexDeletePrefetchState prefetch_state;
7638  int prefetch_distance;
7639 #endif
7640  SnapshotData SnapshotNonVacuumable;
7641  int finalndeltids = 0,
7642  nblocksaccessed = 0;
7644  /* State that's only used in bottom-up index deletion case */
7645  int nblocksfavorable = 0;
7646  int curtargetfreespace = delstate->bottomupfreespace,
7647  lastfreespace = 0,
7648  actualfreespace = 0;
7649  bool bottomup_final_block = false;
7651  InitNonVacuumableSnapshot(SnapshotNonVacuumable, GlobalVisTestFor(rel));
7653  /* Sort caller's deltids array by TID for further processing */
7654  index_delete_sort(delstate);
7656  /*
7657  * Bottom-up case: resort deltids array in an order attuned to where the
7658  * greatest number of promising TIDs are to be found, and determine how
7659  * many blocks from the start of sorted array should be considered
7660  * favorable. This will also shrink the deltids array in order to
7661  * eliminate completely unfavorable blocks up front.
7662  */
7663  if (delstate->bottomup)
7664  nblocksfavorable = bottomup_sort_and_shrink(delstate);
7666 #ifdef USE_PREFETCH
7667  /* Initialize prefetch state. */
7668  prefetch_state.cur_hblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
7669  prefetch_state.next_item = 0;
7670  prefetch_state.ndeltids = delstate->ndeltids;
7671  prefetch_state.deltids = delstate->deltids;
7673  /*
7674  * Determine the prefetch distance that we will attempt to maintain.
7675  *
7676  * Since the caller holds a buffer lock somewhere in rel, we'd better make
7677  * sure that isn't a catalog relation before we call code that does
7678  * syscache lookups, to avoid risk of deadlock.
7679  */
7680  if (IsCatalogRelation(rel))
7681  prefetch_distance = maintenance_io_concurrency;
7682  else
7683  prefetch_distance =
7686  /* Cap initial prefetch distance for bottom-up deletion caller */
7687  if (delstate->bottomup)
7688  {
7689  Assert(nblocksfavorable >= 1);
7690  Assert(nblocksfavorable <= BOTTOMUP_MAX_NBLOCKS);
7691  prefetch_distance = Min(prefetch_distance, nblocksfavorable);
7692  }
7694  /* Start prefetching. */
7695  index_delete_prefetch_buffer(rel, &prefetch_state, prefetch_distance);
7696 #endif
7698  /* Iterate over deltids, determine which to delete, check their horizon */
7699  Assert(delstate->ndeltids > 0);
7700  for (int i = 0; i < delstate->ndeltids; i++)
7701  {
7702  TM_IndexDelete *ideltid = &delstate->deltids[i];
7703  TM_IndexStatus *istatus = delstate->status + ideltid->id;
7704  ItemPointer htid = &ideltid->tid;
7705  OffsetNumber offnum;
7707  /*
7708  * Read buffer, and perform required extra steps each time a new block
7709  * is encountered. Avoid refetching if it's the same block as the one
7710  * from the last htid.
7711  */
7712  if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber ||
7713  ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid) != blkno)
7714  {
7715  /*
7716  * Consider giving up early for bottom-up index deletion caller
7717  * first. (Only prefetch next-next block afterwards, when it
7718  * becomes clear that we're at least going to access the next
7719  * block in line.)
7720  *
7721  * Sometimes the first block frees so much space for bottom-up
7722  * caller that the deletion process can end without accessing any
7723  * more blocks. It is usually necessary to access 2 or 3 blocks
7724  * per bottom-up deletion operation, though.
7725  */
7726  if (delstate->bottomup)
7727  {
7728  /*
7729  * We often allow caller to delete a few additional items
7730  * whose entries we reached after the point that space target
7731  * from caller was satisfied. The cost of accessing the page
7732  * was already paid at that point, so it made sense to finish
7733  * it off. When that happened, we finalize everything here
7734  * (by finishing off the whole bottom-up deletion operation
7735  * without needlessly paying the cost of accessing any more
7736  * blocks).
7737  */
7738  if (bottomup_final_block)
7739  break;
7741  /*
7742  * Give up when we didn't enable our caller to free any
7743  * additional space as a result of processing the page that we
7744  * just finished up with. This rule is the main way in which
7745  * we keep the cost of bottom-up deletion under control.
7746  */
7747  if (nblocksaccessed >= 1 && actualfreespace == lastfreespace)
7748  break;
7749  lastfreespace = actualfreespace; /* for next time */
7751  /*
7752  * Deletion operation (which is bottom-up) will definitely
7753  * access the next block in line. Prepare for that now.
7754  *
7755  * Decay target free space so that we don't hang on for too
7756  * long with a marginal case. (Space target is only truly
7757  * helpful when it allows us to recognize that we don't need
7758  * to access more than 1 or 2 blocks to satisfy caller due to
7759  * agreeable workload characteristics.)
7760  *
7761  * We are a bit more patient when we encounter contiguous
7762  * blocks, though: these are treated as favorable blocks. The
7763  * decay process is only applied when the next block in line
7764  * is not a favorable/contiguous block. This is not an
7765  * exception to the general rule; we still insist on finding
7766  * at least one deletable item per block accessed. See
7767  * bottomup_nblocksfavorable() for full details of the theory
7768  * behind favorable blocks and heap block locality in general.
7769  *
7770  * Note: The first block in line is always treated as a
7771  * favorable block, so the earliest possible point that the
7772  * decay can be applied is just before we access the second
7773  * block in line. The Assert() verifies this for us.
7774  */
7775  Assert(nblocksaccessed > 0 || nblocksfavorable > 0);
7776  if (nblocksfavorable > 0)
7777  nblocksfavorable--;
7778  else
7779  curtargetfreespace /= 2;
7780  }
7782  /* release old buffer */
7783  if (BufferIsValid(buf))
7786  blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid);
7787  buf = ReadBuffer(rel, blkno);
7788  nblocksaccessed++;
7789  Assert(!delstate->bottomup ||
7790  nblocksaccessed <= BOTTOMUP_MAX_NBLOCKS);
7792 #ifdef USE_PREFETCH
7794  /*
7795  * To maintain the prefetch distance, prefetch one more page for
7796  * each page we read.
7797  */
7798  index_delete_prefetch_buffer(rel, &prefetch_state, 1);
7799 #endif
7803  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
7804  maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
7805  }
7807  /*
7808  * In passing, detect index corruption involving an index page with a
7809  * TID that points to a location in the heap that couldn't possibly be
7810  * correct. We only do this with actual TIDs from caller's index page
7811  * (not items reached by traversing through a HOT chain).
7812  */
7813  index_delete_check_htid(delstate, page, maxoff, htid, istatus);
7815  if (istatus->knowndeletable)
7816  Assert(!delstate->bottomup && !istatus->promising);
7817  else
7818  {
7819  ItemPointerData tmp = *htid;
7820  HeapTupleData heapTuple;
7822  /* Are any tuples from this HOT chain non-vacuumable? */
7823  if (heap_hot_search_buffer(&tmp, rel, buf, &SnapshotNonVacuumable,
7824  &heapTuple, NULL, true))
7825  continue; /* can't delete entry */
7827  /* Caller will delete, since whole HOT chain is vacuumable */
7828  istatus->knowndeletable = true;
7830  /* Maintain index free space info for bottom-up deletion case */
7831  if (delstate->bottomup)
7832  {
7833  Assert(istatus->freespace > 0);
7834  actualfreespace += istatus->freespace;
7835  if (actualfreespace >= curtargetfreespace)
7836  bottomup_final_block = true;
7837  }
7838  }
7840  /*
7841  * Maintain snapshotConflictHorizon value for deletion operation as a
7842  * whole by advancing current value using heap tuple headers. This is
7843  * loosely based on the logic for pruning a HOT chain.
7844  */
7845  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(htid);
7846  priorXmax = InvalidTransactionId; /* cannot check first XMIN */
7847  for (;;)
7848  {
7849  ItemId lp;
7850  HeapTupleHeader htup;
7852  /* Sanity check (pure paranoia) */
7853  if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber)
7854  break;
7856  /*
7857  * An offset past the end of page's line pointer array is possible
7858  * when the array was truncated
7859  */
7860  if (offnum > maxoff)
7861  break;
7863  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
7864  if (ItemIdIsRedirected(lp))
7865  {
7866  offnum = ItemIdGetRedirect(lp);
7867  continue;
7868  }
7870  /*
7871  * We'll often encounter LP_DEAD line pointers (especially with an
7872  * entry marked knowndeletable by our caller up front). No heap
7873  * tuple headers get examined for an htid that leads us to an
7874  * LP_DEAD item. This is okay because the earlier pruning
7875  * operation that made the line pointer LP_DEAD in the first place
7876  * must have considered the original tuple header as part of
7877  * generating its own snapshotConflictHorizon value.
7878  *
7879  * Relying on XLOG_HEAP2_PRUNE_VACUUM_SCAN records like this is
7880  * the same strategy that index vacuuming uses in all cases. Index
7881  * VACUUM WAL records don't even have a snapshotConflictHorizon
7882  * field of their own for this reason.
7883  */
7884  if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
7885  break;
7887  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
7889  /*
7890  * Check the tuple XMIN against prior XMAX, if any
7891  */
7892  if (TransactionIdIsValid(priorXmax) &&
7893  !TransactionIdEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(htup), priorXmax))
7894  break;
7897  &snapshotConflictHorizon);
7899  /*
7900  * If the tuple is not HOT-updated, then we are at the end of this
7901  * HOT-chain. No need to visit later tuples from the same update
7902  * chain (they get their own index entries) -- just move on to
7903  * next htid from index AM caller.
7904  */
7905  if (!HeapTupleHeaderIsHotUpdated(htup))
7906  break;
7908  /* Advance to next HOT chain member */
7909  Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&htup->t_ctid) == blkno);
7910  offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&htup->t_ctid);
7911  priorXmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(htup);
7912  }
7914  /* Enable further/final shrinking of deltids for caller */
7915  finalndeltids = i + 1;
7916  }
7920  /*
7921  * Shrink deltids array to exclude non-deletable entries at the end. This
7922  * is not just a minor optimization. Final deltids array size might be
7923  * zero for a bottom-up caller. Index AM is explicitly allowed to rely on
7924  * ndeltids being zero in all cases with zero total deletable entries.
7925  */
7926  Assert(finalndeltids > 0 || delstate->bottomup);
7927  delstate->ndeltids = finalndeltids;
7929  return snapshotConflictHorizon;
7930 }
7932 /*
7933  * Specialized inlineable comparison function for index_delete_sort()
7934  */
7935 static inline int
7937 {
7938  ItemPointer tid1 = &deltid1->tid;
7939  ItemPointer tid2 = &deltid2->tid;
7941  {
7945  if (blk1 != blk2)
7946  return (blk1 < blk2) ? -1 : 1;
7947  }
7948  {
7952  if (pos1 != pos2)
7953  return (pos1 < pos2) ? -1 : 1;
7954  }
7956  Assert(false);
7958  return 0;
7959 }
7961 /*
7962  * Sort deltids array from delstate by TID. This prepares it for further
7963  * processing by heap_index_delete_tuples().
7964  *
7965  * This operation becomes a noticeable consumer of CPU cycles with some
7966  * workloads, so we go to the trouble of specialization/micro optimization.
7967  * We use shellsort for this because it's easy to specialize, compiles to
7968  * relatively few instructions, and is adaptive to presorted inputs/subsets
7969  * (which are typical here).
7970  */
7971 static void
7973 {
7974  TM_IndexDelete *deltids = delstate->deltids;
7975  int ndeltids = delstate->ndeltids;
7976  int low = 0;
7978  /*
7979  * Shellsort gap sequence (taken from Sedgewick-Incerpi paper).
7980  *
7981  * This implementation is fast with array sizes up to ~4500. This covers
7982  * all supported BLCKSZ values.
7983  */
7984  const int gaps[9] = {1968, 861, 336, 112, 48, 21, 7, 3, 1};
7986  /* Think carefully before changing anything here -- keep swaps cheap */
7987  StaticAssertDecl(sizeof(TM_IndexDelete) <= 8,
7988  "element size exceeds 8 bytes");
7990  for (int g = 0; g < lengthof(gaps); g++)
7991  {
7992  for (int hi = gaps[g], i = low + hi; i < ndeltids; i++)
7993  {
7994  TM_IndexDelete d = deltids[i];
7995  int j = i;
7997  while (j >= hi && index_delete_sort_cmp(&deltids[j - hi], &d) >= 0)
7998  {
7999  deltids[j] = deltids[j - hi];
8000  j -= hi;
8001  }
8002  deltids[j] = d;
8003  }
8004  }
8005 }
8007 /*
8008  * Returns how many blocks should be considered favorable/contiguous for a
8009  * bottom-up index deletion pass. This is a number of heap blocks that starts
8010  * from and includes the first block in line.
8011  *
8012  * There is always at least one favorable block during bottom-up index
8013  * deletion. In the worst case (i.e. with totally random heap blocks) the
8014  * first block in line (the only favorable block) can be thought of as a
8015  * degenerate array of contiguous blocks that consists of a single block.
8016  * heap_index_delete_tuples() will expect this.
8017  *
8018  * Caller passes blockgroups, a description of the final order that deltids
8019  * will be sorted in for heap_index_delete_tuples() bottom-up index deletion
8020  * processing. Note that deltids need not actually be sorted just yet (caller
8021  * only passes deltids to us so that we can interpret blockgroups).
8022  *
8023  * You might guess that the existence of contiguous blocks cannot matter much,
8024  * since in general the main factor that determines which blocks we visit is
8025  * the number of promising TIDs, which is a fixed hint from the index AM.
8026  * We're not really targeting the general case, though -- the actual goal is
8027  * to adapt our behavior to a wide variety of naturally occurring conditions.
8028  * The effects of most of the heuristics we apply are only noticeable in the
8029  * aggregate, over time and across many _related_ bottom-up index deletion
8030  * passes.
8031  *
8032  * Deeming certain blocks favorable allows heapam to recognize and adapt to
8033  * workloads where heap blocks visited during bottom-up index deletion can be
8034  * accessed contiguously, in the sense that each newly visited block is the
8035  * neighbor of the block that bottom-up deletion just finished processing (or
8036  * close enough to it). It will likely be cheaper to access more favorable
8037  * blocks sooner rather than later (e.g. in this pass, not across a series of
8038  * related bottom-up passes). Either way it is probably only a matter of time
8039  * (or a matter of further correlated version churn) before all blocks that
8040  * appear together as a single large batch of favorable blocks get accessed by
8041  * _some_ bottom-up pass. Large batches of favorable blocks tend to either
8042  * appear almost constantly or not even once (it all depends on per-index
8043  * workload characteristics).
8044  *
8045  * Note that the blockgroups sort order applies a power-of-two bucketing
8046  * scheme that creates opportunities for contiguous groups of blocks to get
8047  * batched together, at least with workloads that are naturally amenable to
8048  * being driven by heap block locality. This doesn't just enhance the spatial
8049  * locality of bottom-up heap block processing in the obvious way. It also
8050  * enables temporal locality of access, since sorting by heap block number
8051  * naturally tends to make the bottom-up processing order deterministic.
8052  *
8053  * Consider the following example to get a sense of how temporal locality
8054  * might matter: There is a heap relation with several indexes, each of which
8055  * is low to medium cardinality. It is subject to constant non-HOT updates.
8056  * The updates are skewed (in one part of the primary key, perhaps). None of
8057  * the indexes are logically modified by the UPDATE statements (if they were
8058  * then bottom-up index deletion would not be triggered in the first place).
8059  * Naturally, each new round of index tuples (for each heap tuple that gets a
8060  * heap_update() call) will have the same heap TID in each and every index.
8061  * Since these indexes are low cardinality and never get logically modified,
8062  * heapam processing during bottom-up deletion passes will access heap blocks
8063  * in approximately sequential order. Temporal locality of access occurs due
8064  * to bottom-up deletion passes behaving very similarly across each of the
8065  * indexes at any given moment. This keeps the number of buffer misses needed
8066  * to visit heap blocks to a minimum.
8067  */
8068 static int
8069 bottomup_nblocksfavorable(IndexDeleteCounts *blockgroups, int nblockgroups,
8070  TM_IndexDelete *deltids)
8071 {
8072  int64 lastblock = -1;
8073  int nblocksfavorable = 0;
8075  Assert(nblockgroups >= 1);
8076  Assert(nblockgroups <= BOTTOMUP_MAX_NBLOCKS);
8078  /*
8079  * We tolerate heap blocks that will be accessed only slightly out of
8080  * physical order. Small blips occur when a pair of almost-contiguous
8081  * blocks happen to fall into different buckets (perhaps due only to a
8082  * small difference in npromisingtids that the bucketing scheme didn't
8083  * quite manage to ignore). We effectively ignore these blips by applying
8084  * a small tolerance. The precise tolerance we use is a little arbitrary,
8085  * but it works well enough in practice.
8086  */
8087  for (int b = 0; b < nblockgroups; b++)
8088  {
8089  IndexDeleteCounts *group = blockgroups + b;
8090  TM_IndexDelete *firstdtid = deltids + group->ifirsttid;
8091  BlockNumber block = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&firstdtid->tid);
8093  if (lastblock != -1 &&
8094  ((int64) block < lastblock - BOTTOMUP_TOLERANCE_NBLOCKS ||
8095  (int64) block > lastblock + BOTTOMUP_TOLERANCE_NBLOCKS))
8096  break;
8098  nblocksfavorable++;
8099  lastblock = block;
8100  }
8102  /* Always indicate that there is at least 1 favorable block */
8103  Assert(nblocksfavorable >= 1);
8105  return nblocksfavorable;
8106 }
8108 /*
8109  * qsort comparison function for bottomup_sort_and_shrink()
8110  */
8111 static int
8112 bottomup_sort_and_shrink_cmp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
8113 {
8114  const IndexDeleteCounts *group1 = (const IndexDeleteCounts *) arg1;
8115  const IndexDeleteCounts *group2 = (const IndexDeleteCounts *) arg2;
8117  /*
8118  * Most significant field is npromisingtids (which we invert the order of
8119  * so as to sort in desc order).
8120  *
8121  * Caller should have already normalized npromisingtids fields into
8122  * power-of-two values (buckets).
8123  */
8124  if (group1->npromisingtids > group2->npromisingtids)
8125  return -1;
8126  if (group1->npromisingtids < group2->npromisingtids)
8127  return 1;
8129  /*
8130  * Tiebreak: desc ntids sort order.
8131  *
8132  * We cannot expect power-of-two values for ntids fields. We should
8133  * behave as if they were already rounded up for us instead.
8134  */
8135  if (group1->ntids != group2->ntids)
8136  {
8137  uint32 ntids1 = pg_nextpower2_32((uint32) group1->ntids);
8138  uint32 ntids2 = pg_nextpower2_32((uint32) group2->ntids);
8140  if (ntids1 > ntids2)
8141  return -1;
8142  if (ntids1 < ntids2)
8143  return 1;
8144  }
8146  /*
8147  * Tiebreak: asc offset-into-deltids-for-block (offset to first TID for
8148  * block in deltids array) order.
8149  *
8150  * This is equivalent to sorting in ascending heap block number order
8151  * (among otherwise equal subsets of the array). This approach allows us
8152  * to avoid accessing the out-of-line TID. (We rely on the assumption
8153  * that the deltids array was sorted in ascending heap TID order when
8154  * these offsets to the first TID from each heap block group were formed.)
8155  */
8156  if (group1->ifirsttid > group2->ifirsttid)
8157  return 1;
8158  if (group1->ifirsttid < group2->ifirsttid)
8159  return -1;
8161  pg_unreachable();
8163  return 0;
8164 }
8166 /*
8167  * heap_index_delete_tuples() helper function for bottom-up deletion callers.
8168  *
8169  * Sorts deltids array in the order needed for useful processing by bottom-up
8170  * deletion. The array should already be sorted in TID order when we're
8171  * called. The sort process groups heap TIDs from deltids into heap block
8172  * groupings. Earlier/more-promising groups/blocks are usually those that are
8173  * known to have the most "promising" TIDs.
8174  *
8175  * Sets new size of deltids array (ndeltids) in state. deltids will only have
8176  * TIDs from the BOTTOMUP_MAX_NBLOCKS most promising heap blocks when we
8177  * return. This often means that deltids will be shrunk to a small fraction
8178  * of its original size (we eliminate many heap blocks from consideration for
8179  * caller up front).
8180  *
8181  * Returns the number of "favorable" blocks. See bottomup_nblocksfavorable()
8182  * for a definition and full details.
8183  */
8184 static int
8186 {
8187  IndexDeleteCounts *blockgroups;
8188  TM_IndexDelete *reordereddeltids;
8189  BlockNumber curblock = InvalidBlockNumber;
8190  int nblockgroups = 0;
8191  int ncopied = 0;
8192  int nblocksfavorable = 0;
8194  Assert(delstate->bottomup);
8195  Assert(delstate->ndeltids > 0);
8197  /* Calculate per-heap-block count of TIDs */
8198  blockgroups = palloc(sizeof(IndexDeleteCounts) * delstate->ndeltids);
8199  for (int i = 0; i < delstate->ndeltids; i++)
8200  {
8201  TM_IndexDelete *ideltid = &delstate->deltids[i];
8202  TM_IndexStatus *istatus = delstate->status + ideltid->id;
8203  ItemPointer htid = &ideltid->tid;
8204  bool promising = istatus->promising;
8206  if (curblock != ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid))
8207  {
8208  /* New block group */
8209  nblockgroups++;
8211  Assert(curblock < ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid) ||
8212  !BlockNumberIsValid(curblock));
8214  curblock = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(htid);
8215  blockgroups[nblockgroups - 1].ifirsttid = i;
8216  blockgroups[nblockgroups - 1].ntids = 1;
8217  blockgroups[nblockgroups - 1].npromisingtids = 0;
8218  }
8219  else
8220  {
8221  blockgroups[nblockgroups - 1].ntids++;
8222  }
8224  if (promising)
8225  blockgroups[nblockgroups - 1].npromisingtids++;
8226  }
8228  /*
8229  * We're about ready to sort block groups to determine the optimal order
8230  * for visiting heap blocks. But before we do, round the number of
8231  * promising tuples for each block group up to the next power-of-two,
8232  * unless it is very low (less than 4), in which case we round up to 4.
8233  * npromisingtids is far too noisy to trust when choosing between a pair
8234  * of block groups that both have very low values.
8235  *
8236  * This scheme divides heap blocks/block groups into buckets. Each bucket
8237  * contains blocks that have _approximately_ the same number of promising
8238  * TIDs as each other. The goal is to ignore relatively small differences
8239  * in the total number of promising entries, so that the whole process can
8240  * give a little weight to heapam factors (like heap block locality)
8241  * instead. This isn't a trade-off, really -- we have nothing to lose. It
8242  * would be foolish to interpret small differences in npromisingtids
8243  * values as anything more than noise.
8244  *
8245  * We tiebreak on nhtids when sorting block group subsets that have the
8246  * same npromisingtids, but this has the same issues as npromisingtids,
8247  * and so nhtids is subject to the same power-of-two bucketing scheme. The
8248  * only reason that we don't fix nhtids in the same way here too is that
8249  * we'll need accurate nhtids values after the sort. We handle nhtids
8250  * bucketization dynamically instead (in the sort comparator).
8251  *
8252  * See bottomup_nblocksfavorable() for a full explanation of when and how
8253  * heap locality/favorable blocks can significantly influence when and how
8254  * heap blocks are accessed.
8255  */
8256  for (int b = 0; b < nblockgroups; b++)
8257  {
8258  IndexDeleteCounts *group = blockgroups + b;
8260  /* Better off falling back on nhtids with low npromisingtids */
8261  if (group->npromisingtids <= 4)
8262  group->npromisingtids = 4;
8263  else
8264  group->npromisingtids =
8266  }
8268  /* Sort groups and rearrange caller's deltids array */
8269  qsort(blockgroups, nblockgroups, sizeof(IndexDeleteCounts),
8271  reordereddeltids = palloc(delstate->ndeltids * sizeof(TM_IndexDelete));
8273  nblockgroups = Min(BOTTOMUP_MAX_NBLOCKS, nblockgroups);
8274  /* Determine number of favorable blocks at the start of final deltids */
8275  nblocksfavorable = bottomup_nblocksfavorable(blockgroups, nblockgroups,
8276  delstate->deltids);
8278  for (int b = 0; b < nblockgroups; b++)
8279  {
8280  IndexDeleteCounts *group = blockgroups + b;
8281  TM_IndexDelete *firstdtid = delstate->deltids + group->ifirsttid;
8283  memcpy(reordereddeltids + ncopied, firstdtid,
8284  sizeof(TM_IndexDelete) * group->ntids);
8285  ncopied += group->ntids;
8286  }
8288  /* Copy final grouped and sorted TIDs back into start of caller's array */
8289  memcpy(delstate->deltids, reordereddeltids,
8290  sizeof(TM_IndexDelete) * ncopied);
8291  delstate->ndeltids = ncopied;
8293  pfree(reordereddeltids);
8294  pfree(blockgroups);
8296  return nblocksfavorable;
8297 }
8299 /*
8300  * Perform XLogInsert for a heap-visible operation. 'block' is the block
8301  * being marked all-visible, and vm_buffer is the buffer containing the
8302  * corresponding visibility map block. Both should have already been modified
8303  * and dirtied.
8304  *
8305  * snapshotConflictHorizon comes from the largest xmin on the page being
8306  * marked all-visible. REDO routine uses it to generate recovery conflicts.
8307  *
8308  * If checksums or wal_log_hints are enabled, we may also generate a full-page
8309  * image of heap_buffer. Otherwise, we optimize away the FPI (by specifying
8310  * REGBUF_NO_IMAGE for the heap buffer), in which case the caller should *not*
8311  * update the heap page's LSN.
8312  */
8313 XLogRecPtr
8314 log_heap_visible(Relation rel, Buffer heap_buffer, Buffer vm_buffer,
8315  TransactionId snapshotConflictHorizon, uint8 vmflags)
8316 {
8317  xl_heap_visible xlrec;
8318  XLogRecPtr recptr;
8319  uint8 flags;
8321  Assert(BufferIsValid(heap_buffer));
8322  Assert(BufferIsValid(vm_buffer));
8324  xlrec.snapshotConflictHorizon = snapshotConflictHorizon;
8325  xlrec.flags = vmflags;
8328  XLogBeginInsert();
8329  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapVisible);
8331  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, vm_buffer, 0);
8333  flags = REGBUF_STANDARD;
8334  if (!XLogHintBitIsNeeded())
8335  flags |= REGBUF_NO_IMAGE;
8336  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, heap_buffer, flags);
8338  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP2_ID, XLOG_HEAP2_VISIBLE);
8340  return recptr;
8341 }
8343 /*
8344  * Perform XLogInsert for a heap-update operation. Caller must already
8345  * have modified the buffer(s) and marked them dirty.
8346  */
8347 static XLogRecPtr
8349  Buffer newbuf, HeapTuple oldtup, HeapTuple newtup,
8350  HeapTuple old_key_tuple,
8351  bool all_visible_cleared, bool new_all_visible_cleared)
8352 {
8353  xl_heap_update xlrec;
8354  xl_heap_header xlhdr;
8355  xl_heap_header xlhdr_idx;
8356  uint8 info;
8357  uint16 prefix_suffix[2];
8358  uint16 prefixlen = 0,
8359  suffixlen = 0;
8360  XLogRecPtr recptr;
8361  Page page = BufferGetPage(newbuf);
8362  bool need_tuple_data = RelationIsLogicallyLogged(reln);
8363  bool init;
8364  int bufflags;
8366  /* Caller should not call me on a non-WAL-logged relation */
8367  Assert(RelationNeedsWAL(reln));
8369  XLogBeginInsert();
8371  if (HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(newtup))
8372  info = XLOG_HEAP_HOT_UPDATE;
8373  else
8374  info = XLOG_HEAP_UPDATE;
8376  /*
8377  * If the old and new tuple are on the same page, we only need to log the
8378  * parts of the new tuple that were changed. That saves on the amount of
8379  * WAL we need to write. Currently, we just count any unchanged bytes in
8380  * the beginning and end of the tuple. That's quick to check, and
8381  * perfectly covers the common case that only one field is updated.
8382  *
8383  * We could do this even if the old and new tuple are on different pages,
8384  * but only if we don't make a full-page image of the old page, which is
8385  * difficult to know in advance. Also, if the old tuple is corrupt for
8386  * some reason, it would allow the corruption to propagate the new page,
8387  * so it seems best to avoid. Under the general assumption that most
8388  * updates tend to create the new tuple version on the same page, there
8389  * isn't much to be gained by doing this across pages anyway.
8390  *
8391  * Skip this if we're taking a full-page image of the new page, as we
8392  * don't include the new tuple in the WAL record in that case. Also
8393  * disable if wal_level='logical', as logical decoding needs to be able to
8394  * read the new tuple in whole from the WAL record alone.
8395  */
8396  if (oldbuf == newbuf && !need_tuple_data &&
8397  !XLogCheckBufferNeedsBackup(newbuf))
8398  {
8399  char *oldp = (char *) oldtup->t_data + oldtup->t_data->t_hoff;
8400  char *newp = (char *) newtup->t_data + newtup->t_data->t_hoff;
8401  int oldlen = oldtup->t_len - oldtup->t_data->t_hoff;
8402  int newlen = newtup->t_len - newtup->t_data->t_hoff;
8404  /* Check for common prefix between old and new tuple */
8405  for (prefixlen = 0; prefixlen < Min(oldlen, newlen); prefixlen++)
8406  {
8407  if (newp[prefixlen] != oldp[prefixlen])
8408  break;
8409  }
8411  /*
8412  * Storing the length of the prefix takes 2 bytes, so we need to save
8413  * at least 3 bytes or there's no point.
8414  */
8415  if (prefixlen < 3)
8416  prefixlen = 0;
8418  /* Same for suffix */
8419  for (suffixlen = 0; suffixlen < Min(oldlen, newlen) - prefixlen; suffixlen++)
8420  {
8421  if (newp[newlen - suffixlen - 1] != oldp[oldlen - suffixlen - 1])
8422  break;
8423  }
8424  if (suffixlen < 3)
8425  suffixlen = 0;
8426  }
8428  /* Prepare main WAL data chain */
8429  xlrec.flags = 0;
8430  if (all_visible_cleared)
8432  if (new_all_visible_cleared)
8434  if (prefixlen > 0)
8436  if (suffixlen > 0)
8438  if (need_tuple_data)
8439  {
8441  if (old_key_tuple)
8442  {
8443  if (reln->rd_rel->relreplident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL)
8445  else
8447  }
8448  }
8450  /* If new tuple is the single and first tuple on page... */
8453  {
8454  info |= XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE;
8455  init = true;
8456  }
8457  else
8458  init = false;
8460  /* Prepare WAL data for the old page */
8461  xlrec.old_offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&oldtup->t_self);
8462  xlrec.old_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(oldtup->t_data);
8464  oldtup->t_data->t_infomask2);
8466  /* Prepare WAL data for the new page */
8467  xlrec.new_offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&newtup->t_self);
8468  xlrec.new_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(newtup->t_data);
8470  bufflags = REGBUF_STANDARD;
8471  if (init)
8472  bufflags |= REGBUF_WILL_INIT;
8473  if (need_tuple_data)
8474  bufflags |= REGBUF_KEEP_DATA;
8476  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, newbuf, bufflags);
8477  if (oldbuf != newbuf)
8478  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
8480  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapUpdate);
8482  /*
8483  * Prepare WAL data for the new tuple.
8484  */
8485  if (prefixlen > 0 || suffixlen > 0)
8486  {
8487  if (prefixlen > 0 && suffixlen > 0)
8488  {
8489  prefix_suffix[0] = prefixlen;
8490  prefix_suffix[1] = suffixlen;
8491  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &prefix_suffix, sizeof(uint16) * 2);
8492  }
8493  else if (prefixlen > 0)
8494  {
8495  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &prefixlen, sizeof(uint16));
8496  }
8497  else
8498  {
8499  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &suffixlen, sizeof(uint16));
8500  }
8501  }
8503  xlhdr.t_infomask2 = newtup->t_data->t_infomask2;
8504  xlhdr.t_infomask = newtup->t_data->t_infomask;
8505  xlhdr.t_hoff = newtup->t_data->t_hoff;
8506  Assert(SizeofHeapTupleHeader + prefixlen + suffixlen <= newtup->t_len);
8508  /*
8509  * PG73FORMAT: write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data
8510  *
8511  * The 'data' doesn't include the common prefix or suffix.
8512  */
8513  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &xlhdr, SizeOfHeapHeader);
8514  if (prefixlen == 0)
8515  {
8517  ((char *) newtup->t_data) + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
8518  newtup->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader - suffixlen);
8519  }
8520  else
8521  {
8522  /*
8523  * Have to write the null bitmap and data after the common prefix as
8524  * two separate rdata entries.
8525  */
8526  /* bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] */
8527  if (newtup->t_data->t_hoff - SizeofHeapTupleHeader > 0)
8528  {
8530  ((char *) newtup->t_data) + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
8531  newtup->t_data->t_hoff - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
8532  }
8534  /* data after common prefix */
8536  ((char *) newtup->t_data) + newtup->t_data->t_hoff + prefixlen,
8537  newtup->t_len - newtup->t_data->t_hoff - prefixlen - suffixlen);
8538  }
8540  /* We need to log a tuple identity */
8541  if (need_tuple_data && old_key_tuple)
8542  {
8543  /* don't really need this, but its more comfy to decode */
8544  xlhdr_idx.t_infomask2 = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_infomask2;
8545  xlhdr_idx.t_infomask = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_infomask;
8546  xlhdr_idx.t_hoff = old_key_tuple->t_data->t_hoff;
8548  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlhdr_idx, SizeOfHeapHeader);
8550  /* PG73FORMAT: write bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */
8551  XLogRegisterData((char *) old_key_tuple->t_data + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
8552  old_key_tuple->t_len - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
8553  }
8555  /* filtering by origin on a row level is much more efficient */
8558  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP_ID, info);
8560  return recptr;
8561 }
8563 /*
8564  * Perform XLogInsert of an XLOG_HEAP2_NEW_CID record
8565  *
8566  * This is only used in wal_level >= WAL_LEVEL_LOGICAL, and only for catalog
8567  * tuples.
8568  */
8569 static XLogRecPtr
8571 {
8572  xl_heap_new_cid xlrec;
8574  XLogRecPtr recptr;
8575  HeapTupleHeader hdr = tup->t_data;
8578  Assert(tup->t_tableOid != InvalidOid);
8580  xlrec.top_xid = GetTopTransactionId();
8581  xlrec.target_locator = relation->rd_locator;
8582  xlrec.target_tid = tup->t_self;
8584  /*
8585  * If the tuple got inserted & deleted in the same TX we definitely have a
8586  * combo CID, set cmin and cmax.
8587  */
8588  if (hdr->t_infomask & HEAP_COMBOCID)
8589  {
8590  Assert(!(hdr->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID));
8592  xlrec.cmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(hdr);
8593  xlrec.cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(hdr);
8595  }
8596  /* No combo CID, so only cmin or cmax can be set by this TX */
8597  else
8598  {
8599  /*
8600  * Tuple inserted.
8601  *
8602  * We need to check for LOCK ONLY because multixacts might be
8603  * transferred to the new tuple in case of FOR KEY SHARE updates in
8604  * which case there will be an xmax, although the tuple just got
8605  * inserted.
8606  */
8607  if (hdr->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID ||
8609  {
8610  xlrec.cmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(hdr);
8611  xlrec.cmax = InvalidCommandId;
8612  }
8613  /* Tuple from a different tx updated or deleted. */
8614  else
8615  {
8616  xlrec.cmin = InvalidCommandId;
8617  xlrec.cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(hdr);
8618  }
8619  xlrec.combocid = InvalidCommandId;
8620  }
8622  /*
8623  * Note that we don't need to register the buffer here, because this
8624  * operation does not modify the page. The insert/update/delete that
8625  * called us certainly did, but that's WAL-logged separately.
8626  */
8627  XLogBeginInsert();
8628  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHeapNewCid);
8630  /* will be looked at irrespective of origin */
8632  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HEAP2_ID, XLOG_HEAP2_NEW_CID);
8634  return recptr;
8635 }
8637 /*
8638  * Build a heap tuple representing the configured REPLICA IDENTITY to represent
8639  * the old tuple in an UPDATE or DELETE.
8640  *
8641  * Returns NULL if there's no need to log an identity or if there's no suitable
8642  * key defined.
8643  *
8644  * Pass key_required true if any replica identity columns changed value, or if
8645  * any of them have any external data. Delete must always pass true.
8646  *
8647  * *copy is set to true if the returned tuple is a modified copy rather than
8648  * the same tuple that was passed in.
8649  */
8650 static HeapTuple
8651 ExtractReplicaIdentity(Relation relation, HeapTuple tp, bool key_required,
8652  bool *copy)
8653 {
8654  TupleDesc desc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
8655  char replident = relation->rd_rel->relreplident;
8656  Bitmapset *idattrs;
8657  HeapTuple key_tuple;
8658  bool nulls[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
8661  *copy = false;
8663  if (!RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation))
8664  return NULL;
8666  if (replident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_NOTHING)
8667  return NULL;
8669  if (replident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL)
8670  {
8671  /*
8672  * When logging the entire old tuple, it very well could contain
8673  * toasted columns. If so, force them to be inlined.
8674  */
8675  if (HeapTupleHasExternal(tp))
8676  {
8677  *copy = true;
8678  tp = toast_flatten_tuple(tp, desc);
8679  }
8680  return tp;
8681  }
8683  /* if the key isn't required and we're only logging the key, we're done */
8684  if (!key_required)
8685  return NULL;
8687  /* find out the replica identity columns */
8688  idattrs = RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(relation,
8691  /*
8692  * If there's no defined replica identity columns, treat as !key_required.
8693  * (This case should not be reachable from heap_update, since that should
8694  * calculate key_required accurately. But heap_delete just passes
8695  * constant true for key_required, so we can hit this case in deletes.)
8696  */
8697  if (bms_is_empty(idattrs))
8698  return NULL;
8700  /*
8701  * Construct a new tuple containing only the replica identity columns,
8702  * with nulls elsewhere. While we're at it, assert that the replica
8703  * identity columns aren't null.
8704  */
8705  heap_deform_tuple(tp, desc, values, nulls);
8707  for (int i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++)
8708  {
8710  idattrs))
8711  Assert(!nulls[i]);
8712  else
8713  nulls[i] = true;
8714  }
8716  key_tuple = heap_form_tuple(desc, values, nulls);
8717  *copy = true;
8719  bms_free(idattrs);
8721  /*
8722  * If the tuple, which by here only contains indexed columns, still has
8723  * toasted columns, force them to be inlined. This is somewhat unlikely
8724  * since there's limits on the size of indexed columns, so we don't
8725  * duplicate toast_flatten_tuple()s functionality in the above loop over
8726  * the indexed columns, even if it would be more efficient.
8727  */
8728  if (HeapTupleHasExternal(key_tuple))
8729  {
8730  HeapTuple oldtup = key_tuple;
8732  key_tuple = toast_flatten_tuple(oldtup, desc);
8733  heap_freetuple(oldtup);
8734  }
8736  return key_tuple;
8737 }
8739 /*
8740  * Replay XLOG_HEAP2_PRUNE_* records.
8741  */
8742 static void
8744 {
8745  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
8746  char *maindataptr = XLogRecGetData(record);
8747  xl_heap_prune xlrec;
8748  Buffer buffer;
8749  RelFileLocator rlocator;
8750  BlockNumber blkno;
8753  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &rlocator, NULL, &blkno);
8754  memcpy(&xlrec, maindataptr, SizeOfHeapPrune);
8755  maindataptr += SizeOfHeapPrune;
8757  /*
8758  * We will take an ordinary exclusive lock or a cleanup lock depending on
8759  * whether the XLHP_CLEANUP_LOCK flag is set. With an ordinary exclusive
8760  * lock, we better not be doing anything that requires moving existing
8761  * tuple data.
8762  */
8763  Assert((xlrec.flags & XLHP_CLEANUP_LOCK) != 0 ||
8764  (xlrec.flags & (XLHP_HAS_REDIRECTIONS | XLHP_HAS_DEAD_ITEMS)) == 0);
8766  /*
8767  * We are about to remove and/or freeze tuples. In Hot Standby mode,
8768  * ensure that there are no queries running for which the removed tuples
8769  * are still visible or which still consider the frozen xids as running.
8770  * The conflict horizon XID comes after xl_heap_prune.
8771  */
8772  if ((xlrec.flags & XLHP_HAS_CONFLICT_HORIZON) != 0)
8773  {
8774  TransactionId snapshot_conflict_horizon;
8776  /* memcpy() because snapshot_conflict_horizon is stored unaligned */
8777  memcpy(&snapshot_conflict_horizon, maindataptr, sizeof(TransactionId));
8778  maindataptr += sizeof(TransactionId);
8780  if (InHotStandby)
8781  ResolveRecoveryConflictWithSnapshot(snapshot_conflict_horizon,
8782  (xlrec.flags & XLHP_IS_CATALOG_REL) != 0,
8783  rlocator);
8784  }
8786  /*
8787  * If we have a full-page image, restore it and we're done.
8788  */
8790  (xlrec.flags & XLHP_CLEANUP_LOCK) != 0,
8791  &buffer);
8792  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
8793  {
8794  Page page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
8795  OffsetNumber *redirected;
8796  OffsetNumber *nowdead;
8797  OffsetNumber *nowunused;
8798  int nredirected;
8799  int ndead;
8800  int nunused;
8801  int nplans;
8802  Size datalen;
8803  xlhp_freeze_plan *plans;
8804  OffsetNumber *frz_offsets;
8805  char *dataptr = XLogRecGetBlockData(record, 0, &datalen);
8808  &nplans, &plans, &frz_offsets,
8809  &nredirected, &redirected,
8810  &ndead, &nowdead,
8811  &nunused, &nowunused);
8813  /*
8814  * Update all line pointers per the record, and repair fragmentation
8815  * if needed.
8816  */
8817  if (nredirected > 0 || ndead > 0 || nunused > 0)
8818  heap_page_prune_execute(buffer,
8819  (xlrec.flags & XLHP_CLEANUP_LOCK) == 0,
8820  redirected, nredirected,
8821  nowdead, ndead,
8822  nowunused, nunused);
8824  /* Freeze tuples */
8825  for (int p = 0; p < nplans; p++)
8826  {
8827  HeapTupleFreeze frz;
8829  /*
8830  * Convert freeze plan representation from WAL record into
8831  * per-tuple format used by heap_execute_freeze_tuple
8832  */
8833  frz.xmax = plans[p].xmax;
8834  frz.t_infomask2 = plans[p].t_infomask2;
8835  frz.t_infomask = plans[p].t_infomask;
8836  frz.frzflags = plans[p].frzflags;
8837  frz.offset = InvalidOffsetNumber; /* unused, but be tidy */
8839  for (int i = 0; i < plans[p].ntuples; i++)
8840  {
8841  OffsetNumber offset = *(frz_offsets++);
8842  ItemId lp;
8843  HeapTupleHeader tuple;
8845  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offset);
8846  tuple = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
8847  heap_execute_freeze_tuple(tuple, &frz);
8848  }
8849  }
8851  /* There should be no more data */
8852  Assert((char *) frz_offsets == dataptr + datalen);
8854  /*
8855  * Note: we don't worry about updating the page's prunability hints.
8856  * At worst this will cause an extra prune cycle to occur soon.
8857  */
8859  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
8860  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
8861  }
8863  /*
8864  * If we released any space or line pointers, update the free space map.
8865  *
8866  * Do this regardless of a full-page image being applied, since the FSM
8867  * data is not in the page anyway.
8868  */
8869  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
8870  {
8871  if (xlrec.flags & (XLHP_HAS_REDIRECTIONS |
8874  {
8875  Size freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(BufferGetPage(buffer));
8877  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
8879  XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(rlocator, blkno, freespace);
8880  }
8881  else
8882  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
8883  }
8884 }
8886 /*
8887  * Replay XLOG_HEAP2_VISIBLE record.
8888  *
8889  * The critical integrity requirement here is that we must never end up with
8890  * a situation where the visibility map bit is set, and the page-level
8891  * PD_ALL_VISIBLE bit is clear. If that were to occur, then a subsequent
8892  * page modification would fail to clear the visibility map bit.
8893  */
8894 static void
8896 {
8897  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
8898  xl_heap_visible *xlrec = (xl_heap_visible *) XLogRecGetData(record);
8899  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
8900  Buffer buffer;
8901  Page page;
8902  RelFileLocator rlocator;
8903  BlockNumber blkno;
8906  Assert((xlrec->flags & VISIBILITYMAP_XLOG_VALID_BITS) == xlrec->flags);
8908  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 1, &rlocator, NULL, &blkno);
8910  /*
8911  * If there are any Hot Standby transactions running that have an xmin
8912  * horizon old enough that this page isn't all-visible for them, they
8913  * might incorrectly decide that an index-only scan can skip a heap fetch.
8914  *
8915  * NB: It might be better to throw some kind of "soft" conflict here that
8916  * forces any index-only scan that is in flight to perform heap fetches,
8917  * rather than killing the transaction outright.
8918  */
8919  if (InHotStandby)
8922  rlocator);
8924  /*
8925  * Read the heap page, if it still exists. If the heap file has dropped or
8926  * truncated later in recovery, we don't need to update the page, but we'd
8927  * better still update the visibility map.
8928  */
8929  action = XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 1, &buffer);
8930  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
8931  {
8932  /*
8933  * We don't bump the LSN of the heap page when setting the visibility
8934  * map bit (unless checksums or wal_hint_bits is enabled, in which
8935  * case we must). This exposes us to torn page hazards, but since
8936  * we're not inspecting the existing page contents in any way, we
8937  * don't care.
8938  */
8939  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
8941  PageSetAllVisible(page);
8943  if (XLogHintBitIsNeeded())
8944  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
8946  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
8947  }
8948  else if (action == BLK_RESTORED)
8949  {
8950  /*
8951  * If heap block was backed up, we already restored it and there's
8952  * nothing more to do. (This can only happen with checksums or
8953  * wal_log_hints enabled.)
8954  */
8955  }
8957  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
8958  {
8959  Size space = PageGetFreeSpace(BufferGetPage(buffer));
8961  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
8963  /*
8964  * Since FSM is not WAL-logged and only updated heuristically, it
8965  * easily becomes stale in standbys. If the standby is later promoted
8966  * and runs VACUUM, it will skip updating individual free space
8967  * figures for pages that became all-visible (or all-frozen, depending
8968  * on the vacuum mode,) which is troublesome when FreeSpaceMapVacuum
8969  * propagates too optimistic free space values to upper FSM layers;
8970  * later inserters try to use such pages only to find out that they
8971  * are unusable. This can cause long stalls when there are many such
8972  * pages.
8973  *
8974  * Forestall those problems by updating FSM's idea about a page that
8975  * is becoming all-visible or all-frozen.
8976  *
8977  * Do this regardless of a full-page image being applied, since the
8978  * FSM data is not in the page anyway.
8979  */
8980  if (xlrec->flags & VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS)
8981  XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(rlocator, blkno, space);
8982  }
8984  /*
8985  * Even if we skipped the heap page update due to the LSN interlock, it's
8986  * still safe to update the visibility map. Any WAL record that clears
8987  * the visibility map bit does so before checking the page LSN, so any
8988  * bits that need to be cleared will still be cleared.
8989  */
8990  if (XLogReadBufferForRedoExtended(record, 0, RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR, false,
8991  &vmbuffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
8992  {
8993  Page vmpage = BufferGetPage(vmbuffer);
8994  Relation reln;
8995  uint8 vmbits;
8997  /* initialize the page if it was read as zeros */
8998  if (PageIsNew(vmpage))
8999  PageInit(vmpage, BLCKSZ, 0);
9001  /* remove VISIBILITYMAP_XLOG_* */
9002  vmbits = xlrec->flags & VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS;
9004  /*
9005  * XLogReadBufferForRedoExtended locked the buffer. But
9006  * visibilitymap_set will handle locking itself.
9007  */
9008  LockBuffer(vmbuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
9010  reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9011  visibilitymap_pin(reln, blkno, &vmbuffer);
9013  visibilitymap_set(reln, blkno, InvalidBuffer, lsn, vmbuffer,
9014  xlrec->snapshotConflictHorizon, vmbits);
9016  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9017  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9018  }
9019  else if (BufferIsValid(vmbuffer))
9020  UnlockReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9021 }
9023 /*
9024  * Given an "infobits" field from an XLog record, set the correct bits in the
9025  * given infomask and infomask2 for the tuple touched by the record.
9026  *
9027  * (This is the reverse of compute_infobits).
9028  */
9029 static void
9030 fix_infomask_from_infobits(uint8 infobits, uint16 *infomask, uint16 *infomask2)
9031 {
9032  *infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI | HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY |
9034  *infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9036  if (infobits & XLHL_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
9037  *infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI;
9038  if (infobits & XLHL_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY)
9039  *infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY;
9040  if (infobits & XLHL_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK)
9041  *infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK;
9042  /* note HEAP_XMAX_SHR_LOCK isn't considered here */
9043  if (infobits & XLHL_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK)
9044  *infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK;
9046  if (infobits & XLHL_KEYS_UPDATED)
9047  *infomask2 |= HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9048 }
9050 static void
9052 {
9053  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9054  xl_heap_delete *xlrec = (xl_heap_delete *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9055  Buffer buffer;
9056  Page page;
9057  ItemId lp = NULL;
9058  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9059  BlockNumber blkno;
9060  RelFileLocator target_locator;
9061  ItemPointerData target_tid;
9063  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &target_locator, NULL, &blkno);
9064  ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&target_tid, blkno);
9065  ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(&target_tid, xlrec->offnum);
9067  /*
9068  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9069  * already up-to-date.
9070  */
9072  {
9073  Relation reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(target_locator);
9074  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9076  visibilitymap_pin(reln, blkno, &vmbuffer);
9077  visibilitymap_clear(reln, blkno, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
9078  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9079  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9080  }
9082  if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9083  {
9084  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9086  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= xlrec->offnum)
9087  lp = PageGetItemId(page, xlrec->offnum);
9089  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < xlrec->offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9090  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9092  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9094  htup->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
9095  htup->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9098  &htup->t_infomask, &htup->t_infomask2);
9099  if (!(xlrec->flags & XLH_DELETE_IS_SUPER))
9100  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(htup, xlrec->xmax);
9101  else
9103  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(htup, FirstCommandId, false);
9105  /* Mark the page as a candidate for pruning */
9106  PageSetPrunable(page, XLogRecGetXid(record));
9109  PageClearAllVisible(page);
9111  /* Make sure t_ctid is set correctly */
9112  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_DELETE_IS_PARTITION_MOVE)
9114  else
9115  htup->t_ctid = target_tid;
9116  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9117  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9118  }
9119  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9120  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9121 }
9123 static void
9125 {
9126  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9127  xl_heap_insert *xlrec = (xl_heap_insert *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9128  Buffer buffer;
9129  Page page;
9130  union
9131  {
9132  HeapTupleHeaderData hdr;
9133  char data[MaxHeapTupleSize];
9134  } tbuf;
9135  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9136  xl_heap_header xlhdr;
9137  uint32 newlen;
9138  Size freespace = 0;
9139  RelFileLocator target_locator;
9140  BlockNumber blkno;
9141  ItemPointerData target_tid;
9144  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &target_locator, NULL, &blkno);
9145  ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&target_tid, blkno);
9146  ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(&target_tid, xlrec->offnum);
9148  /*
9149  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9150  * already up-to-date.
9151  */
9153  {
9154  Relation reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(target_locator);
9155  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9157  visibilitymap_pin(reln, blkno, &vmbuffer);
9158  visibilitymap_clear(reln, blkno, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
9159  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9160  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9161  }
9163  /*
9164  * If we inserted the first and only tuple on the page, re-initialize the
9165  * page from scratch.
9166  */
9167  if (XLogRecGetInfo(record) & XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE)
9168  {
9169  buffer = XLogInitBufferForRedo(record, 0);
9170  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9171  PageInit(page, BufferGetPageSize(buffer), 0);
9173  }
9174  else
9175  action = XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer);
9176  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9177  {
9178  Size datalen;
9179  char *data;
9181  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9183  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) + 1 < xlrec->offnum)
9184  elog(PANIC, "invalid max offset number");
9186  data = XLogRecGetBlockData(record, 0, &datalen);
9188  newlen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;
9189  Assert(datalen > SizeOfHeapHeader && newlen <= MaxHeapTupleSize);
9190  memcpy((char *) &xlhdr, data, SizeOfHeapHeader);
9193  htup = &tbuf.hdr;
9194  MemSet((char *) htup, 0, SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
9195  /* PG73FORMAT: get bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */
9196  memcpy((char *) htup + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
9197  data,
9198  newlen);
9199  newlen += SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
9200  htup->t_infomask2 = xlhdr.t_infomask2;
9201  htup->t_infomask = xlhdr.t_infomask;
9202  htup->t_hoff = xlhdr.t_hoff;
9203  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(htup, XLogRecGetXid(record));
9205  htup->t_ctid = target_tid;
9207  if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) htup, newlen, xlrec->offnum,
9208  true, true) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
9209  elog(PANIC, "failed to add tuple");
9211  freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page); /* needed to update FSM below */
9213  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9216  PageClearAllVisible(page);
9218  /* XLH_INSERT_ALL_FROZEN_SET implies that all tuples are visible */
9219  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_INSERT_ALL_FROZEN_SET)
9220  PageSetAllVisible(page);
9222  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9223  }
9224  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9225  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9227  /*
9228  * If the page is running low on free space, update the FSM as well.
9229  * Arbitrarily, our definition of "low" is less than 20%. We can't do much
9230  * better than that without knowing the fill-factor for the table.
9231  *
9232  * XXX: Don't do this if the page was restored from full page image. We
9233  * don't bother to update the FSM in that case, it doesn't need to be
9234  * totally accurate anyway.
9235  */
9236  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO && freespace < BLCKSZ / 5)
9237  XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(target_locator, blkno, freespace);
9238 }
9240 /*
9241  * Handles MULTI_INSERT record type.
9242  */
9243 static void
9245 {
9246  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9247  xl_heap_multi_insert *xlrec;
9248  RelFileLocator rlocator;
9249  BlockNumber blkno;
9250  Buffer buffer;
9251  Page page;
9252  union
9253  {
9254  HeapTupleHeaderData hdr;
9255  char data[MaxHeapTupleSize];
9256  } tbuf;
9257  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9258  uint32 newlen;
9259  Size freespace = 0;
9260  int i;
9261  bool isinit = (XLogRecGetInfo(record) & XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE) != 0;
9264  /*
9265  * Insertion doesn't overwrite MVCC data, so no conflict processing is
9266  * required.
9267  */
9268  xlrec = (xl_heap_multi_insert *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9270  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &rlocator, NULL, &blkno);
9272  /* check that the mutually exclusive flags are not both set */
9274  (xlrec->flags & XLH_INSERT_ALL_FROZEN_SET)));
9276  /*
9277  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9278  * already up-to-date.
9279  */
9281  {
9282  Relation reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9283  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9285  visibilitymap_pin(reln, blkno, &vmbuffer);
9286  visibilitymap_clear(reln, blkno, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
9287  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9288  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9289  }
9291  if (isinit)
9292  {
9293  buffer = XLogInitBufferForRedo(record, 0);
9294  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9295  PageInit(page, BufferGetPageSize(buffer), 0);
9297  }
9298  else
9299  action = XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer);
9300  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9301  {
9302  char *tupdata;
9303  char *endptr;
9304  Size len;
9306  /* Tuples are stored as block data */
9307  tupdata = XLogRecGetBlockData(record, 0, &len);
9308  endptr = tupdata + len;
9310  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
9312  for (i = 0; i < xlrec->ntuples; i++)
9313  {
9314  OffsetNumber offnum;
9315  xl_multi_insert_tuple *xlhdr;
9317  /*
9318  * If we're reinitializing the page, the tuples are stored in
9319  * order from FirstOffsetNumber. Otherwise there's an array of
9320  * offsets in the WAL record, and the tuples come after that.
9321  */
9322  if (isinit)
9323  offnum = FirstOffsetNumber + i;
9324  else
9325  offnum = xlrec->offsets[i];
9326  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) + 1 < offnum)
9327  elog(PANIC, "invalid max offset number");
9329  xlhdr = (xl_multi_insert_tuple *) SHORTALIGN(tupdata);
9330  tupdata = ((char *) xlhdr) + SizeOfMultiInsertTuple;
9332  newlen = xlhdr->datalen;
9333  Assert(newlen <= MaxHeapTupleSize);
9334  htup = &tbuf.hdr;
9335  MemSet((char *) htup, 0, SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
9336  /* PG73FORMAT: get bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data */
9337  memcpy((char *) htup + SizeofHeapTupleHeader,
9338  (char *) tupdata,
9339  newlen);
9340  tupdata += newlen;
9342  newlen += SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
9343  htup->t_infomask2 = xlhdr->t_infomask2;
9344  htup->t_infomask = xlhdr->t_infomask;
9345  htup->t_hoff = xlhdr->t_hoff;
9346  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(htup, XLogRecGetXid(record));
9348  ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(&htup->t_ctid, blkno);
9349  ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(&htup->t_ctid, offnum);
9351  offnum = PageAddItem(page, (Item) htup, newlen, offnum, true, true);
9352  if (offnum == InvalidOffsetNumber)
9353  elog(PANIC, "failed to add tuple");
9354  }
9355  if (tupdata != endptr)
9356  elog(PANIC, "total tuple length mismatch");
9358  freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page); /* needed to update FSM below */
9360  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9363  PageClearAllVisible(page);
9365  /* XLH_INSERT_ALL_FROZEN_SET implies that all tuples are visible */
9366  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_INSERT_ALL_FROZEN_SET)
9367  PageSetAllVisible(page);
9369  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9370  }
9371  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9372  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9374  /*
9375  * If the page is running low on free space, update the FSM as well.
9376  * Arbitrarily, our definition of "low" is less than 20%. We can't do much
9377  * better than that without knowing the fill-factor for the table.
9378  *
9379  * XXX: Don't do this if the page was restored from full page image. We
9380  * don't bother to update the FSM in that case, it doesn't need to be
9381  * totally accurate anyway.
9382  */
9383  if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO && freespace < BLCKSZ / 5)
9384  XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(rlocator, blkno, freespace);
9385 }
9387 /*
9388  * Handles UPDATE and HOT_UPDATE
9389  */
9390 static void
9391 heap_xlog_update(XLogReaderState *record, bool hot_update)
9392 {
9393  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9394  xl_heap_update *xlrec = (xl_heap_update *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9395  RelFileLocator rlocator;
9396  BlockNumber oldblk;
9397  BlockNumber newblk;
9398  ItemPointerData newtid;
9399  Buffer obuffer,
9400  nbuffer;
9401  Page page;
9402  OffsetNumber offnum;
9403  ItemId lp = NULL;
9404  HeapTupleData oldtup;
9405  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9406  uint16 prefixlen = 0,
9407  suffixlen = 0;
9408  char *newp;
9409  union
9410  {
9411  HeapTupleHeaderData hdr;
9412  char data[MaxHeapTupleSize];
9413  } tbuf;
9414  xl_heap_header xlhdr;
9415  uint32 newlen;
9416  Size freespace = 0;
9417  XLogRedoAction oldaction;
9418  XLogRedoAction newaction;
9420  /* initialize to keep the compiler quiet */
9421  oldtup.t_data = NULL;
9422  oldtup.t_len = 0;
9424  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &rlocator, NULL, &newblk);
9425  if (XLogRecGetBlockTagExtended(record, 1, NULL, NULL, &oldblk, NULL))
9426  {
9427  /* HOT updates are never done across pages */
9428  Assert(!hot_update);
9429  }
9430  else
9431  oldblk = newblk;
9433  ItemPointerSet(&newtid, newblk, xlrec->new_offnum);
9435  /*
9436  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9437  * already up-to-date.
9438  */
9440  {
9441  Relation reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9442  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9444  visibilitymap_pin(reln, oldblk, &vmbuffer);
9445  visibilitymap_clear(reln, oldblk, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
9446  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9447  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9448  }
9450  /*
9451  * In normal operation, it is important to lock the two pages in
9452  * page-number order, to avoid possible deadlocks against other update
9453  * operations going the other way. However, during WAL replay there can
9454  * be no other update happening, so we don't need to worry about that. But
9455  * we *do* need to worry that we don't expose an inconsistent state to Hot
9456  * Standby queries --- so the original page can't be unlocked before we've
9457  * added the new tuple to the new page.
9458  */
9460  /* Deal with old tuple version */
9461  oldaction = XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, (oldblk == newblk) ? 0 : 1,
9462  &obuffer);
9463  if (oldaction == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9464  {
9465  page = BufferGetPage(obuffer);
9466  offnum = xlrec->old_offnum;
9467  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
9468  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
9470  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9471  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9473  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9475  oldtup.t_data = htup;
9476  oldtup.t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
9478  htup->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
9479  htup->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9480  if (hot_update)
9482  else
9485  &htup->t_infomask2);
9486  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(htup, xlrec->old_xmax);
9487  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(htup, FirstCommandId, false);
9488  /* Set forward chain link in t_ctid */
9489  htup->t_ctid = newtid;
9491  /* Mark the page as a candidate for pruning */
9492  PageSetPrunable(page, XLogRecGetXid(record));
9495  PageClearAllVisible(page);
9497  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9498  MarkBufferDirty(obuffer);
9499  }
9501  /*
9502  * Read the page the new tuple goes into, if different from old.
9503  */
9504  if (oldblk == newblk)
9505  {
9506  nbuffer = obuffer;
9507  newaction = oldaction;
9508  }
9509  else if (XLogRecGetInfo(record) & XLOG_HEAP_INIT_PAGE)
9510  {
9511  nbuffer = XLogInitBufferForRedo(record, 0);
9512  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(nbuffer);
9513  PageInit(page, BufferGetPageSize(nbuffer), 0);
9514  newaction = BLK_NEEDS_REDO;
9515  }
9516  else
9517  newaction = XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &nbuffer);
9519  /*
9520  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9521  * already up-to-date.
9522  */
9524  {
9525  Relation reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9526  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9528  visibilitymap_pin(reln, newblk, &vmbuffer);
9529  visibilitymap_clear(reln, newblk, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_VALID_BITS);
9530  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9531  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9532  }
9534  /* Deal with new tuple */
9535  if (newaction == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9536  {
9537  char *recdata;
9538  char *recdata_end;
9539  Size datalen;
9540  Size tuplen;
9542  recdata = XLogRecGetBlockData(record, 0, &datalen);
9543  recdata_end = recdata + datalen;
9545  page = BufferGetPage(nbuffer);
9547  offnum = xlrec->new_offnum;
9548  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) + 1 < offnum)
9549  elog(PANIC, "invalid max offset number");
9551  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_UPDATE_PREFIX_FROM_OLD)
9552  {
9553  Assert(newblk == oldblk);
9554  memcpy(&prefixlen, recdata, sizeof(uint16));
9555  recdata += sizeof(uint16);
9556  }
9557  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_UPDATE_SUFFIX_FROM_OLD)
9558  {
9559  Assert(newblk == oldblk);
9560  memcpy(&suffixlen, recdata, sizeof(uint16));
9561  recdata += sizeof(uint16);
9562  }
9564  memcpy((char *) &xlhdr, recdata, SizeOfHeapHeader);
9565  recdata += SizeOfHeapHeader;
9567  tuplen = recdata_end - recdata;
9568  Assert(tuplen <= MaxHeapTupleSize);
9570  htup = &tbuf.hdr;
9571  MemSet((char *) htup, 0, SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
9573  /*
9574  * Reconstruct the new tuple using the prefix and/or suffix from the
9575  * old tuple, and the data stored in the WAL record.
9576  */
9577  newp = (char *) htup + SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
9578  if (prefixlen > 0)
9579  {
9580  int len;
9582  /* copy bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] from WAL record */
9583  len = xlhdr.t_hoff - SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
9584  memcpy(newp, recdata, len);
9585  recdata += len;
9586  newp += len;
9588  /* copy prefix from old tuple */
9589  memcpy(newp, (char *) oldtup.t_data + oldtup.t_data->t_hoff, prefixlen);
9590  newp += prefixlen;
9592  /* copy new tuple data from WAL record */
9593  len = tuplen - (xlhdr.t_hoff - SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
9594  memcpy(newp, recdata, len);
9595  recdata += len;
9596  newp += len;
9597  }
9598  else
9599  {
9600  /*
9601  * copy bitmap [+ padding] [+ oid] + data from record, all in one
9602  * go
9603  */
9604  memcpy(newp, recdata, tuplen);
9605  recdata += tuplen;
9606  newp += tuplen;
9607  }
9608  Assert(recdata == recdata_end);
9610  /* copy suffix from old tuple */
9611  if (suffixlen > 0)
9612  memcpy(newp, (char *) oldtup.t_data + oldtup.t_len - suffixlen, suffixlen);
9614  newlen = SizeofHeapTupleHeader + tuplen + prefixlen + suffixlen;
9615  htup->t_infomask2 = xlhdr.t_infomask2;
9616  htup->t_infomask = xlhdr.t_infomask;
9617  htup->t_hoff = xlhdr.t_hoff;
9619  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(htup, XLogRecGetXid(record));
9621  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(htup, xlrec->new_xmax);
9622  /* Make sure there is no forward chain link in t_ctid */
9623  htup->t_ctid = newtid;
9625  offnum = PageAddItem(page, (Item) htup, newlen, offnum, true, true);
9626  if (offnum == InvalidOffsetNumber)
9627  elog(PANIC, "failed to add tuple");
9630  PageClearAllVisible(page);
9632  freespace = PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page); /* needed to update FSM below */
9634  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9635  MarkBufferDirty(nbuffer);
9636  }
9638  if (BufferIsValid(nbuffer) && nbuffer != obuffer)
9639  UnlockReleaseBuffer(nbuffer);
9640  if (BufferIsValid(obuffer))
9641  UnlockReleaseBuffer(obuffer);
9643  /*
9644  * If the new page is running low on free space, update the FSM as well.
9645  * Arbitrarily, our definition of "low" is less than 20%. We can't do much
9646  * better than that without knowing the fill-factor for the table.
9647  *
9648  * However, don't update the FSM on HOT updates, because after crash
9649  * recovery, either the old or the new tuple will certainly be dead and
9650  * prunable. After pruning, the page will have roughly as much free space
9651  * as it did before the update, assuming the new tuple is about the same
9652  * size as the old one.
9653  *
9654  * XXX: Don't do this if the page was restored from full page image. We
9655  * don't bother to update the FSM in that case, it doesn't need to be
9656  * totally accurate anyway.
9657  */
9658  if (newaction == BLK_NEEDS_REDO && !hot_update && freespace < BLCKSZ / 5)
9659  XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(rlocator, newblk, freespace);
9660 }
9662 static void
9664 {
9665  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9666  xl_heap_confirm *xlrec = (xl_heap_confirm *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9667  Buffer buffer;
9668  Page page;
9669  OffsetNumber offnum;
9670  ItemId lp = NULL;
9671  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9673  if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9674  {
9675  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9677  offnum = xlrec->offnum;
9678  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
9679  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
9681  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9682  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9684  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9686  /*
9687  * Confirm tuple as actually inserted
9688  */
9689  ItemPointerSet(&htup->t_ctid, BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer), offnum);
9691  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9692  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9693  }
9694  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9695  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9696 }
9698 static void
9700 {
9701  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9702  xl_heap_lock *xlrec = (xl_heap_lock *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9703  Buffer buffer;
9704  Page page;
9705  OffsetNumber offnum;
9706  ItemId lp = NULL;
9707  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9709  /*
9710  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9711  * already up-to-date.
9712  */
9713  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_LOCK_ALL_FROZEN_CLEARED)
9714  {
9715  RelFileLocator rlocator;
9716  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9717  BlockNumber block;
9718  Relation reln;
9720  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &rlocator, NULL, &block);
9721  reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9723  visibilitymap_pin(reln, block, &vmbuffer);
9724  visibilitymap_clear(reln, block, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_ALL_FROZEN);
9726  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9727  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9728  }
9730  if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9731  {
9732  page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
9734  offnum = xlrec->offnum;
9735  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
9736  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
9738  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9739  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9741  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9743  htup->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
9744  htup->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9746  &htup->t_infomask2);
9748  /*
9749  * Clear relevant update flags, but only if the modified infomask says
9750  * there's no update.
9751  */
9753  {
9755  /* Make sure there is no forward chain link in t_ctid */
9756  ItemPointerSet(&htup->t_ctid,
9757  BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer),
9758  offnum);
9759  }
9760  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(htup, xlrec->xmax);
9761  HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(htup, FirstCommandId, false);
9762  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9763  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9764  }
9765  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9766  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9767 }
9769 static void
9771 {
9772  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9773  xl_heap_lock_updated *xlrec;
9774  Buffer buffer;
9775  Page page;
9776  OffsetNumber offnum;
9777  ItemId lp = NULL;
9778  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9780  xlrec = (xl_heap_lock_updated *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9782  /*
9783  * The visibility map may need to be fixed even if the heap page is
9784  * already up-to-date.
9785  */
9786  if (xlrec->flags & XLH_LOCK_ALL_FROZEN_CLEARED)
9787  {
9788  RelFileLocator rlocator;
9789  Buffer vmbuffer = InvalidBuffer;
9790  BlockNumber block;
9791  Relation reln;
9793  XLogRecGetBlockTag(record, 0, &rlocator, NULL, &block);
9794  reln = CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(rlocator);
9796  visibilitymap_pin(reln, block, &vmbuffer);
9797  visibilitymap_clear(reln, block, vmbuffer, VISIBILITYMAP_ALL_FROZEN);
9799  ReleaseBuffer(vmbuffer);
9800  FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(reln);
9801  }
9803  if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9804  {
9805  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9807  offnum = xlrec->offnum;
9808  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
9809  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
9811  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9812  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9814  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9816  htup->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XMAX_BITS | HEAP_MOVED);
9817  htup->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED;
9819  &htup->t_infomask2);
9820  HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(htup, xlrec->xmax);
9822  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9823  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9824  }
9825  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9826  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9827 }
9829 static void
9831 {
9832  XLogRecPtr lsn = record->EndRecPtr;
9833  xl_heap_inplace *xlrec = (xl_heap_inplace *) XLogRecGetData(record);
9834  Buffer buffer;
9835  Page page;
9836  OffsetNumber offnum;
9837  ItemId lp = NULL;
9838  HeapTupleHeader htup;
9839  uint32 oldlen;
9840  Size newlen;
9842  if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(record, 0, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO)
9843  {
9844  char *newtup = XLogRecGetBlockData(record, 0, &newlen);
9846  page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
9848  offnum = xlrec->offnum;
9849  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) >= offnum)
9850  lp = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
9852  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) < offnum || !ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
9853  elog(PANIC, "invalid lp");
9855  htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(page, lp);
9857  oldlen = ItemIdGetLength(lp) - htup->t_hoff;
9858  if (oldlen != newlen)
9859  elog(PANIC, "wrong tuple length");
9861  memcpy((char *) htup + htup->t_hoff, newtup, newlen);
9863  PageSetLSN(page, lsn);
9864  MarkBufferDirty(buffer);
9865  }
9866  if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
9867  UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
9868 }
9870 void
9872 {
9873  uint8 info = XLogRecGetInfo(record) & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;
9875  /*
9876  * These operations don't overwrite MVCC data so no conflict processing is
9877  * required. The ones in heap2 rmgr do.
9878  */
9880  switch (info & XLOG_HEAP_OPMASK)
9881  {
9882  case XLOG_HEAP_INSERT:
9883  heap_xlog_insert(record);
9884  break;
9885  case XLOG_HEAP_DELETE:
9886  heap_xlog_delete(record);
9887  break;
9888  case XLOG_HEAP_UPDATE:
9889  heap_xlog_update(record, false);
9890  break;
9893  /*
9894  * TRUNCATE is a no-op because the actions are already logged as
9895  * SMGR WAL records. TRUNCATE WAL record only exists for logical
9896  * decoding.
9897  */
9898  break;
9900  heap_xlog_update(record, true);
9901  break;
9903  heap_xlog_confirm(record);
9904  break;
9905  case XLOG_HEAP_LOCK:
9906  heap_xlog_lock(record);
9907  break;
9909  heap_xlog_inplace(record);
9910  break;
9911  default:
9912  elog(PANIC, "heap_redo: unknown op code %u", info);
9913  }
9914 }
9916 void
9918 {
9919  uint8 info = XLogRecGetInfo(record) & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;
9921  switch (info & XLOG_HEAP_OPMASK)
9922  {
9926  heap_xlog_prune_freeze(record);
9927  break;
9928  case XLOG_HEAP2_VISIBLE:
9929  heap_xlog_visible(record);
9930  break;
9932  heap_xlog_multi_insert(record);
9933  break;
9935  heap_xlog_lock_updated(record);
9936  break;
9937  case XLOG_HEAP2_NEW_CID:
9939  /*
9940  * Nothing to do on a real replay, only used during logical
9941  * decoding.
9942  */
9943  break;
9944  case XLOG_HEAP2_REWRITE:
9945  heap_xlog_logical_rewrite(record);
9946  break;
9947  default:
9948  elog(PANIC, "heap2_redo: unknown op code %u", info);
9949  }
9950 }
9952 /*
9953  * Mask a heap page before performing consistency checks on it.
9954  */
9955 void
9956 heap_mask(char *pagedata, BlockNumber blkno)
9957 {
9958  Page page = (Page) pagedata;
9959  OffsetNumber off;
9963  mask_page_hint_bits(page);
9964  mask_unused_space(page);
9966  for (off = 1; off <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); off++)
9967  {
9968  ItemId iid = PageGetItemId(page, off);
9969  char *page_item;
9971  page_item = (char *) (page + ItemIdGetOffset(iid));
9973  if (ItemIdIsNormal(iid))
9974  {
9975  HeapTupleHeader page_htup = (HeapTupleHeader) page_item;
9977  /*
9978  * If xmin of a tuple is not yet frozen, we should ignore
9979  * differences in hint bits, since they can be set without
9980  * emitting WAL.
9981  */
9982  if (!HeapTupleHeaderXminFrozen(page_htup))
9983  page_htup->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XACT_MASK;
9984  else
9985  {
9986  /* Still we need to mask xmax hint bits. */
9987  page_htup->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
9988  page_htup->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED;
9989  }
9991  /*
9992  * During replay, we set Command Id to FirstCommandId. Hence, mask
9993  * it. See heap_xlog_insert() for details.
9994  */
9995  page_htup->t_choice.t_heap.t_field3.t_cid = MASK_MARKER;
9997  /*
9998  * For a speculative tuple, heap_insert() does not set ctid in the
9999  * caller-passed heap tuple itself, leaving the ctid field to
10000  * contain a speculative token value - a per-backend monotonically
10001  * increasing identifier. Besides, it does not WAL-log ctid under
10002  * any circumstances.
10003  *
10004  * During redo, heap_xlog_insert() sets t_ctid to current block
10005  * number and self offset number. It doesn't care about any
10006  * speculative insertions on the primary. Hence, we set t_ctid to
10007  * current block number and self offset number to ignore any
10008  * inconsistency.
10009  */
10010  if (HeapTupleHeaderIsSpeculative(page_htup))
10011  ItemPointerSet(&page_htup->t_ctid, blkno, off);
10013  /*
10014  * NB: Not ignoring ctid changes due to the tuple having moved
10015  * (i.e. HeapTupleHeaderIndicatesMovedPartitions), because that's
10016  * important information that needs to be in-sync between primary
10017  * and standby, and thus is WAL logged.
10018  */
10019  }
10021  /*
10022  * Ignore any padding bytes after the tuple, when the length of the
10023  * item is not MAXALIGNed.
10024  */
10025  if (ItemIdHasStorage(iid))
10026  {
10027  int len = ItemIdGetLength(iid);
10028  int padlen = MAXALIGN(len) - len;
10030  if (padlen > 0)
10031  memset(page_item + len, MASK_MARKER, padlen);
10032  }
10033  }
10034 }
10036 /*
10037  * HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut
10038  * We are reading a tuple. If it's not visible, there may be a
10039  * rw-conflict out with the inserter. Otherwise, if it is visible to us
10040  * but has been deleted, there may be a rw-conflict out with the deleter.
10041  *
10042  * We will determine the top level xid of the writing transaction with which
10043  * we may be in conflict, and ask CheckForSerializableConflictOut() to check
10044  * for overlap with our own transaction.
10045  *
10046  * This function should be called just about anywhere in heapam.c where a
10047  * tuple has been read. The caller must hold at least a shared lock on the
10048  * buffer, because this function might set hint bits on the tuple. There is
10049  * currently no known reason to call this function from an index AM.
10050  */
10051 void
10053  HeapTuple tuple, Buffer buffer,
10054  Snapshot snapshot)
10055 {
10056  TransactionId xid;
10057  HTSV_Result htsvResult;
10059  if (!CheckForSerializableConflictOutNeeded(relation, snapshot))
10060  return;
10062  /*
10063  * Check to see whether the tuple has been written to by a concurrent
10064  * transaction, either to create it not visible to us, or to delete it
10065  * while it is visible to us. The "visible" bool indicates whether the
10066  * tuple is visible to us, while HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum checks what else
10067  * is going on with it.
10068  *
10069  * In the event of a concurrently inserted tuple that also happens to have
10070  * been concurrently updated (by a separate transaction), the xmin of the
10071  * tuple will be used -- not the updater's xid.
10072  */
10073  htsvResult = HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(tuple, TransactionXmin, buffer);
10074  switch (htsvResult)
10075  {
10076  case HEAPTUPLE_LIVE:
10077  if (visible)
10078  return;
10079  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data);
10080  break;
10083  if (visible)
10084  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tuple->t_data);
10085  else
10086  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data);
10089  {
10090  /* This is like the HEAPTUPLE_DEAD case */
10091  Assert(!visible);
10092  return;
10093  }
10094  break;
10096  xid = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data);
10097  break;
10098  case HEAPTUPLE_DEAD:
10099  Assert(!visible);
10100  return;
10101  default:
10103  /*
10104  * The only way to get to this default clause is if a new value is
10105  * added to the enum type without adding it to this switch
10106  * statement. That's a bug, so elog.
10107  */
10108  elog(ERROR, "unrecognized return value from HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum: %u", htsvResult);
10110  /*
10111  * In spite of having all enum values covered and calling elog on
10112  * this default, some compilers think this is a code path which
10113  * allows xid to be used below without initialization. Silence
10114  * that warning.
10115  */
10116  xid = InvalidTransactionId;
10117  }
10122  /*
10123  * Find top level xid. Bail out if xid is too early to be a conflict, or
10124  * if it's our own xid.
10125  */
10127  return;
10128  xid = SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(xid);
10130  return;
10132  CheckForSerializableConflictOut(relation, xid, snapshot);
10133 }
int16 AttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:21
int bms_next_member(const Bitmapset *a, int prevbit)
Definition: bitmapset.c:1306
void bms_free(Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:239
bool bms_is_member(int x, const Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:510
Bitmapset * bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x)
Definition: bitmapset.c:815
Bitmapset * bms_add_members(Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b)
Definition: bitmapset.c:917
bool bms_overlap(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b)
Definition: bitmapset.c:582
#define bms_is_empty(a)
Definition: bitmapset.h:118
uint32 BlockNumber
Definition: block.h:31
#define InvalidBlockNumber
Definition: block.h:33
static bool BlockNumberIsValid(BlockNumber blockNumber)
Definition: block.h:71
static int32 next
Definition: blutils.c:221
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:152
int Buffer
Definition: buf.h:23
#define InvalidBuffer
Definition: buf.h:25
void mask_page_lsn_and_checksum(Page page)
Definition: bufmask.c:31
void mask_unused_space(Page page)
Definition: bufmask.c:71
void mask_page_hint_bits(Page page)
Definition: bufmask.c:46
Definition: bufmask.h:24
BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:3667
PrefetchBufferResult PrefetchBuffer(Relation reln, ForkNumber forkNum, BlockNumber blockNum)
Definition: bufmgr.c:638
void ReleaseBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4850
void UnlockReleaseBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4867
void MarkBufferDirty(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:2474
void LockBuffer(Buffer buffer, int mode)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5085
int maintenance_io_concurrency
Definition: bufmgr.c:157
Buffer ReadBuffer(Relation reln, BlockNumber blockNum)
Definition: bufmgr.c:745
Definition: bufmgr.h:36
Definition: bufmgr.h:38
Definition: bufmgr.h:197
Definition: bufmgr.h:198
#define RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(reln)
Definition: bufmgr.h:281
static Page BufferGetPage(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:408
static Size BufferGetPageSize(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:397
Definition: bufmgr.h:199
Definition: bufmgr.h:50
Definition: bufmgr.h:45
static bool BufferIsValid(Buffer bufnum)
Definition: bufmgr.h:359
Size PageGetHeapFreeSpace(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.c:991
void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize)
Definition: bufpage.c:42
Size PageGetFreeSpace(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.c:907
Pointer Page
Definition: bufpage.h:78
static Item PageGetItem(Page page, ItemId itemId)
Definition: bufpage.h:351
static void PageClearAllVisible(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:436
#define SizeOfPageHeaderData
Definition: bufpage.h:213
static void PageSetAllVisible(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:431
static ItemId PageGetItemId(Page page, OffsetNumber offsetNumber)
Definition: bufpage.h:240
static bool PageIsNew(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:230
static bool PageIsAllVisible(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:426
static void PageSetFull(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:415
static void PageSetLSN(Page page, XLogRecPtr lsn)
Definition: bufpage.h:388
static OffsetNumber PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:369
#define PageSetPrunable(page, xid)
Definition: bufpage.h:444
#define PageAddItem(page, item, size, offsetNumber, overwrite, is_heap)
Definition: bufpage.h:468
#define InvalidCommandId
Definition: c.h:669
unsigned short uint16
Definition: c.h:505
unsigned int uint32
Definition: c.h:506
#define pg_noinline
Definition: c.h:250
#define Min(x, y)
Definition: c.h:1004
#define likely(x)
Definition: c.h:310
signed short int16
Definition: c.h:493
Definition: c.h:811
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:858
TransactionId MultiXactId
Definition: c.h:662
#define FirstCommandId
Definition: c.h:668
#define pg_attribute_always_inline
Definition: c.h:234
Definition: c.h:807
#define pg_unreachable()
Definition: c.h:296
#define unlikely(x)
Definition: c.h:311
#define lengthof(array)
Definition: c.h:788
unsigned char uint8
Definition: c.h:504
#define MemSet(start, val, len)
Definition: c.h:1020
#define StaticAssertDecl(condition, errmessage)
Definition: c.h:936
uint32 CommandId
Definition: c.h:666
uint32 TransactionId
Definition: c.h:652
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
bool IsToastRelation(Relation relation)
Definition: catalog.c:145
bool IsCatalogRelation(Relation relation)
Definition: catalog.c:103
void HeapTupleHeaderAdjustCmax(HeapTupleHeader tup, CommandId *cmax, bool *iscombo)
Definition: combocid.c:153
CommandId HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(HeapTupleHeader tup)
Definition: combocid.c:104
CommandId HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(HeapTupleHeader tup)
Definition: combocid.c:118
bool datumIsEqual(Datum value1, Datum value2, bool typByVal, int typLen)
Definition: datum.c:223
int errmsg_internal(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1159
int errdetail_internal(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1232
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:859
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1072
#define WARNING
Definition: elog.h:36
#define PANIC
Definition: elog.h:42
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:224
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
TupleTableSlot * ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleTableSlot *slot, Buffer buffer)
Definition: execTuples.c:1479
HeapTuple ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot, bool materialize, bool *shouldFree)
Definition: execTuples.c:1731
BufferAccessStrategy GetAccessStrategy(BufferAccessStrategyType btype)
Definition: freelist.c:541
void FreeAccessStrategy(BufferAccessStrategy strategy)
Definition: freelist.c:681
void XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(RelFileLocator rlocator, BlockNumber heapBlk, Size spaceAvail)
Definition: freespace.c:211
int NBuffers
Definition: globals.c:139
static bool DoesMultiXactIdConflict(MultiXactId multi, uint16 infomask, LockTupleMode lockmode, bool *current_is_member)
Definition: heapam.c:7106
void heap_finish_speculative(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid)
Definition: heapam.c:5815
void heap_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup, CommandId cid, int options, BulkInsertState bistate)
Definition: heapam.c:1990
static XLogRecPtr log_heap_new_cid(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: heapam.c:8570
XLogRecPtr log_heap_visible(Relation rel, Buffer heap_buffer, Buffer vm_buffer, TransactionId snapshotConflictHorizon, uint8 vmflags)
Definition: heapam.c:8314
static void compute_new_xmax_infomask(TransactionId xmax, uint16 old_infomask, uint16 old_infomask2, TransactionId add_to_xmax, LockTupleMode mode, bool is_update, TransactionId *result_xmax, uint16 *result_infomask, uint16 *result_infomask2)
Definition: heapam.c:5053
void heap_redo(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9871
static void heap_xlog_prune_freeze(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:8743
struct IndexDeleteCounts IndexDeleteCounts
static void heap_fetch_next_buffer(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
Definition: heapam.c:584
bool heap_fetch(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot, HeapTuple tuple, Buffer *userbuf, bool keep_buf)
Definition: heapam.c:1507
static bool Do_MultiXactIdWait(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactStatus status, uint16 infomask, bool nowait, Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper, int *remaining)
Definition: heapam.c:7205
Definition: heapam.c:190
static HeapTuple heap_prepare_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup, TransactionId xid, CommandId cid, int options)
Definition: heapam.c:2179
static BlockNumber heap_scan_stream_read_next_parallel(ReadStream *stream, void *callback_private_data, void *per_buffer_data)
Definition: heapam.c:231
int updstatus
Definition: heapam.c:131
static int bottomup_sort_and_shrink(TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate)
Definition: heapam.c:8185
void heap_mask(char *pagedata, BlockNumber blkno)
Definition: heapam.c:9956
static int heap_multi_insert_pages(HeapTuple *heaptuples, int done, int ntuples, Size saveFreeSpace)
Definition: heapam.c:2227
static pg_attribute_always_inline int page_collect_tuples(HeapScanDesc scan, Snapshot snapshot, Page page, Buffer buffer, BlockNumber block, int lines, bool all_visible, bool check_serializable)
Definition: heapam.c:443
void simple_heap_delete(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid)
Definition: heapam.c:3100
static BlockNumber heap_scan_stream_read_next_serial(ReadStream *stream, void *callback_private_data, void *per_buffer_data)
Definition: heapam.c:269
static void GetMultiXactIdHintBits(MultiXactId multi, uint16 *new_infomask, uint16 *new_infomask2)
Definition: heapam.c:6957
TM_Result heap_delete(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, CommandId cid, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait, TM_FailureData *tmfd, bool changingPart)
Definition: heapam.c:2679
void HeapTupleHeaderAdvanceConflictHorizon(HeapTupleHeader tuple, TransactionId *snapshotConflictHorizon)
Definition: heapam.c:7482
bool heap_getnextslot(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: heapam.c:1297
#define LOCKMODE_from_mxstatus(status)
Definition: heapam.c:159
void heap_endscan(TableScanDesc sscan)
Definition: heapam.c:1204
static void heap_xlog_insert(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9124
TransactionId HeapTupleGetUpdateXid(HeapTupleHeader tuple)
Definition: heapam.c:7090
static void index_delete_check_htid(TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate, Page page, OffsetNumber maxoff, ItemPointer htid, TM_IndexStatus *istatus)
Definition: heapam.c:7567
Definition: heapam.c:6140
#define TUPLOCK_from_mxstatus(status)
Definition: heapam.c:218
void heap_rescan(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanKey key, bool set_params, bool allow_strat, bool allow_sync, bool allow_pagemode)
Definition: heapam.c:1151
static int index_delete_sort_cmp(TM_IndexDelete *deltid1, TM_IndexDelete *deltid2)
Definition: heapam.c:7936
TM_Result heap_update(Relation relation, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple newtup, CommandId cid, Snapshot crosscheck, bool wait, TM_FailureData *tmfd, LockTupleMode *lockmode, TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
Definition: heapam.c:3146
#define ConditionalLockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode)
Definition: heapam.c:171
static void fix_infomask_from_infobits(uint8 infobits, uint16 *infomask, uint16 *infomask2)
Definition: heapam.c:9030
bool heap_tuple_needs_eventual_freeze(HeapTupleHeader tuple)
Definition: heapam.c:7319
static TransactionId FreezeMultiXactId(MultiXactId multi, uint16 t_infomask, const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs, uint16 *flags, HeapPageFreeze *pagefrz)
Definition: heapam.c:6191
static HeapTuple ExtractReplicaIdentity(Relation relation, HeapTuple tp, bool key_required, bool *copy)
Definition: heapam.c:8651
void heap_inplace_update(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: heapam.c:6055
static pg_noinline BlockNumber heapgettup_initial_block(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
Definition: heapam.c:629
#define LockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode)
Definition: heapam.c:167
bool heap_tuple_should_freeze(HeapTupleHeader tuple, const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs, TransactionId *NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid, MultiXactId *NoFreezePageRelminMxid)
Definition: heapam.c:7374
static void heap_xlog_update(XLogReaderState *record, bool hot_update)
Definition: heapam.c:9391
bool heap_freeze_tuple(HeapTupleHeader tuple, TransactionId relfrozenxid, TransactionId relminmxid, TransactionId FreezeLimit, TransactionId MultiXactCutoff)
Definition: heapam.c:6913
static BlockNumber heapgettup_advance_block(HeapScanDesc scan, BlockNumber block, ScanDirection dir)
Definition: heapam.c:753
static TransactionId MultiXactIdGetUpdateXid(TransactionId xmax, uint16 t_infomask)
Definition: heapam.c:7038
static bool heap_acquire_tuplock(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, LockTupleMode mode, LockWaitPolicy wait_policy, bool *have_tuple_lock)
Definition: heapam.c:5004
static TM_Result heap_lock_updated_tuple(Relation rel, HeapTuple tuple, ItemPointer ctid, TransactionId xid, LockTupleMode mode)
Definition: heapam.c:5770
Definition: heapam.c:189
void ReleaseBulkInsertStatePin(BulkInsertState bistate)
Definition: heapam.c:1952
static void MultiXactIdWait(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactStatus status, uint16 infomask, Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper, int *remaining)
Definition: heapam.c:7283
Definition: heapam.c:6142
#define FRM_NOOP
Definition: heapam.c:6138
HeapTuple heap_getnext(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction)
Definition: heapam.c:1248
bool heap_hot_search_buffer(ItemPointer tid, Relation relation, Buffer buffer, Snapshot snapshot, HeapTuple heapTuple, bool *all_dead, bool first_call)
Definition: heapam.c:1627
void simple_heap_update(Relation relation, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple tup, TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
Definition: heapam.c:4217
int lockstatus
Definition: heapam.c:130
void heap_freeze_prepared_tuples(Buffer buffer, HeapTupleFreeze *tuples, int ntuples)
Definition: heapam.c:6891
static void heap_execute_freeze_tuple(HeapTupleHeader tuple, HeapTupleFreeze *frz)
Definition: heapam.c:6815
bool heap_getnextslot_tidrange(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: heapam.c:1400
static void heap_xlog_delete(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9051
void heap_set_tidrange(TableScanDesc sscan, ItemPointer mintid, ItemPointer maxtid)
Definition: heapam.c:1327
static void heap_xlog_lock_updated(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9770
static void heap_xlog_lock(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9699
static void heap_xlog_multi_insert(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9244
void heap_abort_speculative(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid)
Definition: heapam.c:5902
static void heap_xlog_visible(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:8895
TableScanDesc heap_beginscan(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, ScanKey key, ParallelTableScanDesc parallel_scan, uint32 flags)
Definition: heapam.c:1037
static void heapgettup(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, int nkeys, ScanKey key)
Definition: heapam.c:837
static Page heapgettup_continue_page(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, int *linesleft, OffsetNumber *lineoff)
Definition: heapam.c:707
static uint8 compute_infobits(uint16 infomask, uint16 infomask2)
Definition: heapam.c:2634
Definition: heapam.c:6141
static void heap_xlog_inplace(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9830
Definition: heapam.c:129
Definition: heapam.c:6139
static void heap_xlog_confirm(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9663
static bool ConditionalMultiXactIdWait(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactStatus status, uint16 infomask, Relation rel, int *remaining)
Definition: heapam.c:7305
static bool heap_attr_equals(TupleDesc tupdesc, int attrnum, Datum value1, Datum value2, bool isnull1, bool isnull2)
Definition: heapam.c:4076
static void index_delete_sort(TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate)
Definition: heapam.c:7972
void heap_prepare_pagescan(TableScanDesc sscan)
Definition: heapam.c:493
static Bitmapset * HeapDetermineColumnsInfo(Relation relation, Bitmapset *interesting_cols, Bitmapset *external_cols, HeapTuple oldtup, HeapTuple newtup, bool *has_external)
Definition: heapam.c:4127
static const int MultiXactStatusLock[MaxMultiXactStatus+1]
Definition: heapam.c:207
void simple_heap_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: heapam.c:2621
static bool xmax_infomask_changed(uint16 new_infomask, uint16 old_infomask)
Definition: heapam.c:2656
void heap2_redo(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: heapam.c:9917
#define UnlockTupleTuplock(rel, tup, mode)
Definition: heapam.c:169
static TM_Result test_lockmode_for_conflict(MultiXactStatus status, TransactionId xid, LockTupleMode mode, HeapTuple tup, bool *needwait)
Definition: heapam.c:5334
bool heap_prepare_freeze_tuple(HeapTupleHeader tuple, const struct VacuumCutoffs *cutoffs, HeapPageFreeze *pagefrz, HeapTupleFreeze *frz, bool *totally_frozen)
Definition: heapam.c:6541
static XLogRecPtr log_heap_update(Relation reln, Buffer oldbuf, Buffer newbuf, HeapTuple oldtup, HeapTuple newtup, HeapTuple old_key_tuple, bool all_visible_cleared, bool new_all_visible_cleared)
Definition: heapam.c:8348
TransactionId heap_index_delete_tuples(Relation rel, TM_IndexDeleteOp *delstate)
Definition: heapam.c:7627
void heap_multi_insert(Relation relation, TupleTableSlot **slots, int ntuples, CommandId cid, int options, BulkInsertState bistate)
Definition: heapam.c:2259
static void initscan(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanKey key, bool keep_startblock)
Definition: heapam.c:293
static int bottomup_nblocksfavorable(IndexDeleteCounts *blockgroups, int nblockgroups, TM_IndexDelete *deltids)
Definition: heapam.c:8069
static void heapgettup_pagemode(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, int nkeys, ScanKey key)
Definition: heapam.c:947
TM_Result heap_lock_tuple(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple, CommandId cid, LockTupleMode mode, LockWaitPolicy wait_policy, bool follow_updates, Buffer *buffer, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
Definition: heapam.c:4306
static void UpdateXmaxHintBits(HeapTupleHeader tuple, Buffer buffer, TransactionId xid)
Definition: heapam.c:1901
static int bottomup_sort_and_shrink_cmp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
Definition: heapam.c:8112
void heap_get_latest_tid(TableScanDesc sscan, ItemPointer tid)
Definition: heapam.c:1779
void heap_setscanlimits(TableScanDesc sscan, BlockNumber startBlk, BlockNumber numBlks)
Definition: heapam.c:421
void HeapCheckForSerializableConflictOut(bool visible, Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple, Buffer buffer, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: heapam.c:10052
static Page heapgettup_start_page(HeapScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir, int *linesleft, OffsetNumber *lineoff)
Definition: heapam.c:676
static MultiXactStatus get_mxact_status_for_lock(LockTupleMode mode, bool is_update)
Definition: heapam.c:4258
void heap_pre_freeze_checks(Buffer buffer, HeapTupleFreeze *tuples, int ntuples)
Definition: heapam.c:6838
BulkInsertState GetBulkInsertState(void)
Definition: heapam.c:1923
void FreeBulkInsertState(BulkInsertState bistate)
Definition: heapam.c:1940
static TM_Result heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, TransactionId xid, LockTupleMode mode)
Definition: heapam.c:5425
static const struct @15 tupleLockExtraInfo[MaxLockTupleMode+1]
Definition: heapam.h:38
Definition: heapam.h:137
struct HeapScanDescData * HeapScanDesc
Definition: heapam.h:109
Definition: heapam.h:124
Definition: heapam.h:127
Definition: heapam.h:128
Definition: heapam.h:126
Definition: heapam.h:129
Definition: heapam.h:125
Definition: heapam.h:36
Definition: heapam.h:136
Definition: heapam.h:37
#define MaxLockTupleMode
Definition: heapam.h:48
struct BulkInsertStateData * BulkInsertState
Definition: heapam.h:44
const TableAmRoutine * GetHeapamTableAmRoutine(void)
void HeapTupleSetHintBits(HeapTupleHeader tuple, Buffer buffer, uint16 infomask, TransactionId xid)
bool HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(HeapTuple htup, Snapshot snapshot, Buffer buffer)
bool HeapTupleIsSurelyDead(HeapTuple htup, GlobalVisState *vistest)
HTSV_Result HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(HeapTuple htup, TransactionId OldestXmin, Buffer buffer)
bool HeapTupleHeaderIsOnlyLocked(HeapTupleHeader tuple)
TM_Result HeapTupleSatisfiesUpdate(HeapTuple htup, CommandId curcid, Buffer buffer)
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:75
#define SizeOfHeapMultiInsert
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:187
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:63
#define SizeOfHeapUpdate
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:232
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:339
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:86
#define SizeOfHeapVisible
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:445
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:36
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:33
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:73
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:316
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:58
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:392
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:103
#define SizeOfHeapInplace
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:431
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:35
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:89
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:72
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:78
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:41
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:338
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:34
#define SizeOfHeapPrune
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:295
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:388
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:101
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:87
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:331
#define SizeOfHeapNewCid
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:465
#define SizeOfHeapLockUpdated
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:414
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:385
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:329
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:71
#define SizeOfHeapHeader
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:156
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:60
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:105
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:84
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:386
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:39
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:64
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:91
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:90
#define SizeOfMultiInsertTuple
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:198
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:387
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:59
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:65
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:308
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:102
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:330
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:38
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:61
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:32
#define SizeOfHeapInsert
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:167
#define SizeOfHeapDelete
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:120
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:104
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:88
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:389
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:62
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:298
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:74
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:46
#define SizeOfHeapConfirm
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:422
#define SizeOfHeapLock
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:403
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:37
void heap_xlog_deserialize_prune_and_freeze(char *cursor, uint8 flags, int *nplans, xlhp_freeze_plan **plans, OffsetNumber **frz_offsets, int *nredirected, OffsetNumber **redirected, int *ndead, OffsetNumber **nowdead, int *nunused, OffsetNumber **nowunused)
Definition: heapdesc.c:104
void heap_toast_delete(Relation rel, HeapTuple oldtup, bool is_speculative)
Definition: heaptoast.c:43
HeapTuple heap_toast_insert_or_update(Relation rel, HeapTuple newtup, HeapTuple oldtup, int options)
Definition: heaptoast.c:96
HeapTuple toast_flatten_tuple(HeapTuple tup, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
Definition: heaptoast.c:350
Definition: heaptoast.h:48
HeapTuple heap_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1116
void heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc, Datum *values, bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1345
void heap_freetuple(HeapTuple htup)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1434
void RelationPutHeapTuple(Relation relation, Buffer buffer, HeapTuple tuple, bool token)
Definition: hio.c:35
Buffer RelationGetBufferForTuple(Relation relation, Size len, Buffer otherBuffer, int options, BulkInsertState bistate, Buffer *vmbuffer, Buffer *vmbuffer_other, int num_pages)
Definition: hio.c:502
HeapTupleHeaderData * HeapTupleHeader
Definition: htup.h:23
#define HEAP_XMAX_IS_EXCL_LOCKED(infomask)
Definition: htup_details.h:261
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetXminFrozen(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:348
Definition: htup_details.h:211
Definition: htup_details.h:200
Definition: htup_details.h:206
static Datum heap_getattr(HeapTuple tup, int attnum, TupleDesc tupleDesc, bool *isnull)
Definition: htup_details.h:792
#define HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(infomask)
Definition: htup_details.h:227
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:529
#define SizeofHeapTupleHeader
Definition: htup_details.h:185
#define HEAP_XMAX_IS_KEYSHR_LOCKED(infomask)
Definition: htup_details.h:263
Definition: htup_details.h:275
#define HeapTupleHeaderIsHeapOnly(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:499
Definition: htup_details.h:276
#define HeapTupleHeaderIndicatesMovedPartitions(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:444
#define HeapTupleSetHotUpdated(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:677
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:411
Definition: htup_details.h:279
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(tup, xid)
Definition: htup_details.h:315
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tup, xid)
Definition: htup_details.h:376
Definition: htup_details.h:197
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:309
Definition: htup_details.h:267
Definition: htup_details.h:202
#define HeapTupleHasExternal(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:671
#define HeapTupleHeaderClearHotUpdated(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:494
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetCmin(tup, cid)
Definition: htup_details.h:393
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetHotUpdated(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:489
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetXvac(tup, xid)
Definition: htup_details.h:419
#define HEAP_MOVED
Definition: htup_details.h:213
Definition: htup_details.h:209
Definition: htup_details.h:207
Definition: htup_details.h:195
#define HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:683
Definition: htup_details.h:215
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmin(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:304
#define HeapTupleHeaderXminFrozen(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:331
Definition: htup_details.h:196
Definition: htup_details.h:208
#define HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:320
#define MaxHeapAttributeNumber
Definition: htup_details.h:48
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetMovedPartitions(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:447
#define HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:674
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:371
#define MaxHeapTuplesPerPage
Definition: htup_details.h:572
#define HeapTupleSetHeapOnly(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:686
#define HEAP_XMAX_IS_SHR_LOCKED(infomask)
Definition: htup_details.h:259
#define HeapTupleClearHeapOnly(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:689
Definition: htup_details.h:210
Definition: htup_details.h:194
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:361
#define HeapTupleClearHotUpdated(tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:680
#define HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:387
#define MaxHeapTupleSize
Definition: htup_details.h:558
#define HEAP_LOCKED_UPGRADED(infomask)
Definition: htup_details.h:249
#define HeapTupleHeaderIsSpeculative(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:428
#define HeapTupleHeaderIsHotUpdated(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:482
#define HeapTupleHeaderXminInvalid(tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:325
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax(tup, cid, iscombo)
Definition: htup_details.h:401
#define IsParallelWorker()
Definition: parallel.h:60
int remaining
Definition: informix.c:673
void CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple, HeapTuple newtuple)
Definition: inval.c:1204
int b
Definition: isn.c:70
int init
Definition: isn.c:75
int j
Definition: isn.c:74
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
Definition: isn.c:77
Pointer Item
Definition: item.h:17
#define ItemIdGetLength(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:59
#define ItemIdIsNormal(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:99
#define ItemIdGetOffset(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:65
struct ItemIdData ItemIdData
#define ItemIdGetRedirect(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:78
#define ItemIdIsUsed(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:92
#define ItemIdIsRedirected(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:106
#define ItemIdHasStorage(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:120
int32 ItemPointerCompare(ItemPointer arg1, ItemPointer arg2)
Definition: itemptr.c:51
bool ItemPointerEquals(ItemPointer pointer1, ItemPointer pointer2)
Definition: itemptr.c:35
static void ItemPointerSet(ItemPointerData *pointer, BlockNumber blockNumber, OffsetNumber offNum)
Definition: itemptr.h:135
static void ItemPointerSetInvalid(ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:184
static void ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(ItemPointerData *pointer, OffsetNumber offsetNumber)
Definition: itemptr.h:158
static void ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(ItemPointerData *pointer, BlockNumber blockNumber)
Definition: itemptr.h:147
static OffsetNumber ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(const ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:124
static BlockNumber ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(const ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:103
static BlockNumber ItemPointerGetBlockNumberNoCheck(const ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:93
static void ItemPointerCopy(const ItemPointerData *fromPointer, ItemPointerData *toPointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:172
static bool ItemPointerIsValid(const ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:83
void XactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid, Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper)
Definition: lmgr.c:667
bool ConditionalXactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid)
Definition: lmgr.c:740
Definition: lmgr.h:25
@ XLTW_None
Definition: lmgr.h:26
@ XLTW_Lock
Definition: lmgr.h:29
@ XLTW_Delete
Definition: lmgr.h:28
@ XLTW_LockUpdated
Definition: lmgr.h:30
@ XLTW_Update
Definition: lmgr.h:27
bool DoLockModesConflict(LOCKMODE mode1, LOCKMODE mode2)
Definition: lock.c:570
Definition: lockdefs.h:26
#define AccessExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:43
#define AccessShareLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:36
#define ExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:42
#define RowShareLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:37
Definition: lockoptions.h:37
@ LockWaitSkip
Definition: lockoptions.h:41
@ LockWaitBlock
Definition: lockoptions.h:39
@ LockWaitError
Definition: lockoptions.h:43
Definition: lockoptions.h:50
@ LockTupleExclusive
Definition: lockoptions.h:58
@ LockTupleNoKeyExclusive
Definition: lockoptions.h:56
@ LockTupleShare
Definition: lockoptions.h:54
@ LockTupleKeyShare
Definition: lockoptions.h:52
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1520
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1316
#define IsBootstrapProcessingMode()
Definition: miscadmin.h:454
Definition: miscadmin.h:149
Definition: miscadmin.h:122
Definition: miscadmin.h:151
MultiXactId MultiXactIdExpand(MultiXactId multi, TransactionId xid, MultiXactStatus status)
Definition: multixact.c:445
bool MultiXactIdPrecedes(MultiXactId multi1, MultiXactId multi2)
Definition: multixact.c:3260
bool MultiXactIdPrecedesOrEquals(MultiXactId multi1, MultiXactId multi2)
Definition: multixact.c:3274
bool MultiXactIdIsRunning(MultiXactId multi, bool isLockOnly)
Definition: multixact.c:557
void MultiXactIdSetOldestMember(void)
Definition: multixact.c:631
MultiXactId MultiXactIdCreateFromMembers(int nmembers, MultiXactMember *members)
Definition: multixact.c:773
MultiXactId MultiXactIdCreate(TransactionId xid1, MultiXactStatus status1, TransactionId xid2, MultiXactStatus status2)
Definition: multixact.c:392
int GetMultiXactIdMembers(MultiXactId multi, MultiXactMember **members, bool from_pgupgrade, bool isLockOnly)
Definition: multixact.c:1252
#define MultiXactIdIsValid(multi)
Definition: multixact.h:28
Definition: multixact.h:38
@ MultiXactStatusForShare
Definition: multixact.h:40
@ MultiXactStatusForNoKeyUpdate
Definition: multixact.h:41
@ MultiXactStatusNoKeyUpdate
Definition: multixact.h:44
@ MultiXactStatusUpdate
Definition: multixact.h:46
@ MultiXactStatusForUpdate
Definition: multixact.h:42
@ MultiXactStatusForKeyShare
Definition: multixact.h:39
#define ISUPDATE_from_mxstatus(status)
Definition: multixact.h:52
#define InvalidMultiXactId
Definition: multixact.h:24
#define MaxMultiXactStatus
Definition: multixact.h:49
#define InvalidOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:26
#define OffsetNumberIsValid(offsetNumber)
Definition: off.h:39
#define OffsetNumberNext(offsetNumber)
Definition: off.h:52
uint16 OffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:24
#define FirstOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:27
#define OffsetNumberPrev(offsetNumber)
Definition: off.h:54
#define MaxOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:28
Operator oper(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId, bool noError, int location)
Definition: parse_oper.c:370
int16 attlen
Definition: pg_attribute.h:59
FormData_pg_attribute * Form_pg_attribute
Definition: pg_attribute.h:209
Definition: pg_basebackup.c:41
static uint32 pg_nextpower2_32(uint32 num)
Definition: pg_bitutils.h:189
static PgChecksumMode mode
Definition: pg_checksums.c:56
static const struct exclude_list_item skip[]
Definition: pg_checksums.c:108
const void size_t len
const void * data
static char * buf
Definition: pg_test_fsync.c:73
#define pgstat_count_heap_getnext(rel)
Definition: pgstat.h:615
#define pgstat_count_heap_scan(rel)
Definition: pgstat.h:610
void pgstat_count_heap_update(Relation rel, bool hot, bool newpage)
void pgstat_count_heap_delete(Relation rel)
void pgstat_count_heap_insert(Relation rel, PgStat_Counter n)
#define qsort(a, b, c, d)
Definition: port.h:449
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
static Oid DatumGetObjectId(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:242
static Pointer DatumGetPointer(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:312
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:36
void CheckForSerializableConflictOut(Relation relation, TransactionId xid, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: predicate.c:4008
void CheckForSerializableConflictIn(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, BlockNumber blkno)
Definition: predicate.c:4321
void PredicateLockTID(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, Snapshot snapshot, TransactionId tuple_xid)
Definition: predicate.c:2606
void PredicateLockRelation(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: predicate.c:2561
bool CheckForSerializableConflictOutNeeded(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: predicate.c:3976
GlobalVisState * GlobalVisTestFor(Relation rel)
Definition: procarray.c:4091
bool TransactionIdIsInProgress(TransactionId xid)
Definition: procarray.c:1390
void heap_page_prune_opt(Relation relation, Buffer buffer)
Definition: pruneheap.c:193
void heap_page_prune_execute(Buffer buffer, bool lp_truncate_only, OffsetNumber *redirected, int nredirected, OffsetNumber *nowdead, int ndead, OffsetNumber *nowunused, int nunused)
Definition: pruneheap.c:1540
ReadStream * read_stream_begin_relation(int flags, BufferAccessStrategy strategy, Relation rel, ForkNumber forknum, ReadStreamBlockNumberCB callback, void *callback_private_data, size_t per_buffer_data_size)
Definition: read_stream.c:410
void read_stream_reset(ReadStream *stream)
Definition: read_stream.c:773
Buffer read_stream_next_buffer(ReadStream *stream, void **per_buffer_data)
Definition: read_stream.c:570
void read_stream_end(ReadStream *stream)
Definition: read_stream.c:800
BlockNumber(* ReadStreamBlockNumberCB)(ReadStream *stream, void *callback_private_data, void *per_buffer_data)
Definition: read_stream.h:48
Definition: read_stream.h:35
#define RelationGetRelid(relation)
Definition: rel.h:505
#define RelationIsLogicallyLogged(relation)
Definition: rel.h:701
#define RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation, defaultff)
Definition: rel.h:378
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
#define RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation)
Definition: rel.h:511
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
#define RelationIsAccessibleInLogicalDecoding(relation)
Definition: rel.h:684
#define RelationNeedsWAL(relation)
Definition: rel.h:628
#define RelationUsesLocalBuffers(relation)
Definition: rel.h:637
Definition: rel.h:349
void RelationDecrementReferenceCount(Relation rel)
Definition: relcache.c:2173
void RelationIncrementReferenceCount(Relation rel)
Definition: relcache.c:2160
Bitmapset * RelationGetIndexAttrBitmap(Relation relation, IndexAttrBitmapKind attrKind)
Definition: relcache.c:5231
Definition: relcache.h:61
Definition: relcache.h:64
Definition: relcache.h:65
Definition: relcache.h:63
Definition: relpath.h:50
struct ParallelBlockTableScanDescData * ParallelBlockTableScanDesc
Definition: relscan.h:85
void heap_xlog_logical_rewrite(XLogReaderState *r)
Definition: rewriteheap.c:1073
#define ScanDirectionIsForward(direction)
Definition: sdir.h:64
#define ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction)
Definition: sdir.h:50
Definition: sdir.h:25
@ ForwardScanDirection
Definition: sdir.h:28
ScanKeyData * ScanKey
Definition: skey.h:75
TransactionId RecentXmin
Definition: snapmgr.c:99
void UnregisterSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: snapmgr.c:836
TransactionId TransactionXmin
Definition: snapmgr.c:98
#define SnapshotAny
Definition: snapmgr.h:33
#define InitNonVacuumableSnapshot(snapshotdata, vistestp)
Definition: snapmgr.h:48
#define IsMVCCSnapshot(snapshot)
Definition: snapmgr.h:62
#define InvalidSnapshot
Definition: snapshot.h:123
int get_tablespace_maintenance_io_concurrency(Oid spcid)
Definition: spccache.c:229
void ResolveRecoveryConflictWithSnapshot(TransactionId snapshotConflictHorizon, bool isCatalogRel, RelFileLocator locator)
Definition: standby.c:467
BlockNumber last_free
Definition: hio.h:49
BufferAccessStrategy strategy
Definition: hio.h:31
uint32 already_extended_by
Definition: hio.h:50
BlockNumber next_free
Definition: hio.h:48
Buffer current_buf
Definition: hio.h:32
MultiXactId NoFreezePageRelminMxid
Definition: heapam.h:219
TransactionId FreezePageRelfrozenXid
Definition: heapam.h:207
bool freeze_required
Definition: heapam.h:181
MultiXactId FreezePageRelminMxid
Definition: heapam.h:208
TransactionId NoFreezePageRelfrozenXid
Definition: heapam.h:218
Buffer rs_vmbuffer
Definition: heapam.h:101
BufferAccessStrategy rs_strategy
Definition: heapam.h:70
ScanDirection rs_dir
Definition: heapam.h:85
OffsetNumber rs_coffset
Definition: heapam.h:65
bool rs_inited
Definition: heapam.h:64
Buffer rs_cbuf
Definition: heapam.h:67
ParallelBlockTableScanWorkerData * rs_parallelworkerdata
Definition: heapam.h:92
BlockNumber rs_startblock
Definition: heapam.h:59
HeapTupleData rs_ctup
Definition: heapam.h:72
OffsetNumber rs_vistuples[MaxHeapTuplesPerPage]
Definition: heapam.h:107
BlockNumber rs_numblocks
Definition: heapam.h:60
BlockNumber rs_nblocks
Definition: heapam.h:58
ReadStream * rs_read_stream
Definition: heapam.h:75
int rs_empty_tuples_pending
Definition: heapam.h:102
BlockNumber rs_prefetch_block
Definition: heapam.h:86
BlockNumber rs_cblock
Definition: heapam.h:66
TableScanDescData rs_base
Definition: heapam.h:55
ItemPointerData t_self
Definition: htup.h:65
uint32 t_len
Definition: htup.h:64
HeapTupleHeader t_data
Definition: htup.h:68
Oid t_tableOid
Definition: htup.h:66
TransactionId t_xmin
Definition: htup_details.h:124
uint8 frzflags
Definition: heapam.h:146
uint16 t_infomask2
Definition: heapam.h:144
TransactionId xmax
Definition: heapam.h:143
OffsetNumber offset
Definition: heapam.h:151
uint8 checkflags
Definition: heapam.h:149
uint16 t_infomask
Definition: heapam.h:145
ItemPointerData t_ctid
Definition: htup_details.h:161
HeapTupleFields t_heap
Definition: htup_details.h:157
union HeapTupleHeaderData::@48 t_choice
int16 ifirsttid
Definition: heapam.c:200
int16 npromisingtids
Definition: heapam.c:198
TransactionId xid
Definition: multixact.h:58
MultiXactStatus status
Definition: multixact.h:59
const struct TableAmRoutine * rd_tableam
Definition: rel.h:189
RelFileLocator rd_locator
Definition: rel.h:57
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111
bool takenDuringRecovery
Definition: snapshot.h:184
TransactionId xmax
Definition: tableam.h:151
CommandId cmax
Definition: tableam.h:152
ItemPointerData ctid
Definition: tableam.h:150
TM_IndexStatus * status
Definition: tableam.h:255
int bottomupfreespace
Definition: tableam.h:250
Relation irel
Definition: tableam.h:247
TM_IndexDelete * deltids
Definition: tableam.h:254
BlockNumber iblknum
Definition: tableam.h:248
ItemPointerData tid
Definition: tableam.h:213
bool knowndeletable
Definition: tableam.h:220
bool promising
Definition: tableam.h:223
int16 freespace
Definition: tableam.h:224
OffsetNumber idxoffnum
Definition: tableam.h:219
Relation rs_rd
Definition: relscan.h:34
ItemPointerData rs_mintid
Definition: relscan.h:40
ItemPointerData rs_maxtid
Definition: relscan.h:41
uint32 rs_flags
Definition: relscan.h:47
struct ScanKeyData * rs_key
Definition: relscan.h:37
struct SnapshotData * rs_snapshot
Definition: relscan.h:35
struct ParallelTableScanDescData * rs_parallel
Definition: relscan.h:49
Oid tts_tableOid
Definition: tuptable.h:130
TransactionId FreezeLimit
Definition: vacuum.h:277
TransactionId OldestXmin
Definition: vacuum.h:267
TransactionId relfrozenxid
Definition: vacuum.h:251
MultiXactId relminmxid
Definition: vacuum.h:252
MultiXactId MultiXactCutoff
Definition: vacuum.h:278
MultiXactId OldestMxact
Definition: vacuum.h:268
XLogRecPtr EndRecPtr
Definition: xlogreader.h:207
Definition: c.h:687
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:419
TransactionId xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:114
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:115
uint8 infobits_set
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:116
uint16 t_infomask
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:152
uint16 t_infomask2
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:151
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:427
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:161
TransactionId xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:408
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:409
uint8 infobits_set
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:399
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:398
TransactionId xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:397
OffsetNumber offsets[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:184
CommandId cmin
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:454
CommandId combocid
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:456
ItemPointerData target_tid
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:462
TransactionId top_xid
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:453
CommandId cmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:455
RelFileLocator target_locator
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:461
TransactionId new_xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:223
uint8 old_infobits_set
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:221
TransactionId old_xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:219
OffsetNumber old_offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:220
OffsetNumber new_offnum
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:224
TransactionId snapshotConflictHorizon
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:441
TransactionId xmax
Definition: heapam_xlog.h:343
TransactionId SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(TransactionId xid)
Definition: subtrans.c:163
void ss_report_location(Relation rel, BlockNumber location)
Definition: syncscan.c:289
BlockNumber ss_get_location(Relation rel, BlockNumber relnblocks)
Definition: syncscan.c:254
#define FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber
Definition: sysattr.h:27
#define TableOidAttributeNumber
Definition: sysattr.h:26
void table_block_parallelscan_startblock_init(Relation rel, ParallelBlockTableScanWorker pbscanwork, ParallelBlockTableScanDesc pbscan)
Definition: tableam.c:421
BlockNumber table_block_parallelscan_nextpage(Relation rel, ParallelBlockTableScanWorker pbscanwork, ParallelBlockTableScanDesc pbscan)
Definition: tableam.c:491
bool synchronize_seqscans
Definition: tableam.c:49
Definition: tableam.h:58
Definition: tableam.h:53
Definition: tableam.h:65
Definition: tableam.h:62
Definition: tableam.h:51
Definition: tableam.h:60
Definition: tableam.h:49
Definition: tableam.h:118
@ TU_Summarizing
Definition: tableam.h:126
@ TU_All
Definition: tableam.h:123
@ TU_None
Definition: tableam.h:120
Definition: tableam.h:80
@ TM_Ok
Definition: tableam.h:85
@ TM_BeingModified
Definition: tableam.h:107
@ TM_Deleted
Definition: tableam.h:100
@ TM_WouldBlock
Definition: tableam.h:110
@ TM_Updated
Definition: tableam.h:97
@ TM_SelfModified
Definition: tableam.h:91
@ TM_Invisible
Definition: tableam.h:88
bool TransactionIdDidCommit(TransactionId transactionId)
Definition: transam.c:126
bool TransactionIdPrecedes(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2)
Definition: transam.c:280
bool TransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2)
Definition: transam.c:299
bool TransactionIdDidAbort(TransactionId transactionId)
Definition: transam.c:188
bool TransactionIdFollows(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2)
Definition: transam.c:314
bool TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2)
Definition: transam.c:329
#define FrozenTransactionId
Definition: transam.h:33
#define InvalidTransactionId
Definition: transam.h:31
#define TransactionIdEquals(id1, id2)
Definition: transam.h:43
#define TransactionIdIsValid(xid)
Definition: transam.h:41
#define TransactionIdIsNormal(xid)
Definition: transam.h:42
#define TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:92
static TupleTableSlot * ExecClearTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuptable.h:454
char data[BLCKSZ]
Definition: c.h:1119
static bool HeapKeyTest(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc, int nkeys, ScanKey keys)
Definition: valid.h:28
Definition: varatt.h:289
void visibilitymap_set(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer heapBuf, XLogRecPtr recptr, Buffer vmBuf, TransactionId cutoff_xid, uint8 flags)
bool visibilitymap_pin_ok(BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer vmbuf)
bool visibilitymap_clear(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer vmbuf, uint8 flags)
void visibilitymap_pin(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer *vmbuf)
TransactionId GetTopTransactionId(void)
Definition: xact.c:423
bool bsysscan
Definition: xact.c:98
TransactionId CheckXidAlive
Definition: xact.c:97
TransactionId GetTopTransactionIdIfAny(void)
Definition: xact.c:438
bool TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(TransactionId xid)
Definition: xact.c:938
bool IsInParallelMode(void)
Definition: xact.c:1086
TransactionId GetCurrentTransactionId(void)
Definition: xact.c:451
CommandId GetCurrentCommandId(bool used)
Definition: xact.c:826
Definition: xlog.h:152
#define XLogHintBitIsNeeded()
Definition: xlog.h:118
uint64 XLogRecPtr
Definition: xlogdefs.h:21
#define InvalidXLogRecPtr
Definition: xlogdefs.h:28
void XLogRegisterData(char *data, uint32 len)
Definition: xloginsert.c:364
XLogRecPtr XLogInsert(RmgrId rmid, uint8 info)
Definition: xloginsert.c:474
bool XLogCheckBufferNeedsBackup(Buffer buffer)
Definition: xloginsert.c:1027
void XLogSetRecordFlags(uint8 flags)
Definition: xloginsert.c:456
void XLogRegisterBufData(uint8 block_id, char *data, uint32 len)
Definition: xloginsert.c:405
void XLogRegisterBuffer(uint8 block_id, Buffer buffer, uint8 flags)
Definition: xloginsert.c:242
void XLogBeginInsert(void)
Definition: xloginsert.c:149
Definition: xloginsert.h:34
Definition: xloginsert.h:32
Definition: xloginsert.h:35
Definition: xloginsert.h:33
bool XLogRecGetBlockTagExtended(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id, RelFileLocator *rlocator, ForkNumber *forknum, BlockNumber *blknum, Buffer *prefetch_buffer)
Definition: xlogreader.c:1997
void XLogRecGetBlockTag(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id, RelFileLocator *rlocator, ForkNumber *forknum, BlockNumber *blknum)
Definition: xlogreader.c:1971
char * XLogRecGetBlockData(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id, Size *len)
Definition: xlogreader.c:2025
#define XLogRecGetInfo(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:410
#define XLogRecGetData(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:415
#define XLogRecGetXid(decoder)
Definition: xlogreader.h:412
Definition: xlogrecord.h:62
void FreeFakeRelcacheEntry(Relation fakerel)
Definition: xlogutils.c:629
XLogRedoAction XLogReadBufferForRedo(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id, Buffer *buf)
Definition: xlogutils.c:314
Buffer XLogInitBufferForRedo(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id)
Definition: xlogutils.c:326
Relation CreateFakeRelcacheEntry(RelFileLocator rlocator)
Definition: xlogutils.c:582
XLogRedoAction XLogReadBufferForRedoExtended(XLogReaderState *record, uint8 block_id, ReadBufferMode mode, bool get_cleanup_lock, Buffer *buf)
Definition: xlogutils.c:351
#define InHotStandby
Definition: xlogutils.h:57
Definition: xlogutils.h:70
Definition: xlogutils.h:73
Definition: xlogutils.h:71