PostgreSQL Source Code git master
NUMDesc Struct Reference

Data Fields

int pre
int post
int lsign
int flag
int pre_lsign_num
int multi
int zero_start
int zero_end
int need_locale

Detailed Description

Definition at line 285 of file formatting.c.

Field Documentation

◆ flag

int NUMDesc::flag

Definition at line 290 of file formatting.c.

Referenced by NUM_cache(), NUM_processor(), and NUMDesc_prepare().

◆ lsign

int NUMDesc::lsign

◆ multi

◆ need_locale

int NUMDesc::need_locale

Definition at line 295 of file formatting.c.

Referenced by NUM_cache(), NUM_prepare_locale(), and NUMDesc_prepare().

◆ post

◆ pre

◆ pre_lsign_num

int NUMDesc::pre_lsign_num

Definition at line 291 of file formatting.c.

Referenced by NUM_cache(), NUM_processor(), and NUMDesc_prepare().

◆ zero_end

int NUMDesc::zero_end

Definition at line 294 of file formatting.c.

Referenced by NUM_cache(), NUM_processor(), and NUMDesc_prepare().

◆ zero_start

int NUMDesc::zero_start

Definition at line 293 of file formatting.c.

Referenced by NUM_cache(), NUM_numpart_to_char(), NUM_processor(), and NUMDesc_prepare().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: