Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- j -
- j : TmFromChar
- jbc : JsonBaseObjectInfo
- jcstate : ExprEvalStep
- jd_relids : JoinDomain
- jdomain : JoinTreeItem
- jf_cleanMap : JunkFilter
- jf_cleanTupType : JunkFilter
- jf_resultSlot : JunkFilter
- jf_targetList : JunkFilter
- jit_deform_count : Counters
- jit_deform_time : Counters
- jit_emission_count : Counters
- jit_emission_time : Counters
- jit_flags : FixedParallelExecutorState
- jit_functions : Counters
- jit_generation_time : Counters
- jit_inlining_count : Counters
- jit_inlining_time : Counters
- jit_instr : SharedJitInstrumentation
- jit_instrumentation : ParallelExecutorInfo
- jit_optimization_count : Counters
- jit_optimization_time : Counters
- jitFlags : PlannedStmt
- jmpbuf : PromptInterruptContext
- jobs : AmcheckOptions, UserOpts
- join : HashJoin, MergeJoin, NestLoop
- join_cur_level : PlannerInfo
- join_domains : PlannerInfo
- join_info_list : PlannerInfo
- join_rel : JoinHashEntry
- join_rel_list : PlannerInfo
- join_relids : JoinHashEntry
- joinclause_sel : PgFdwRelationInfo
- joinclauses : PgFdwRelationInfo
- joinCondition : MergeStmt
- joininfo : RelOptInfo
- joinqual : Join, JoinState
- joinrel : Clump
- joinrestrictinfo : JoinPath
- jointree : Query
- jointype : Join, JoinExpr, JoinPath, JoinState, PgFdwRelationInfo, RangeTblEntry, SpecialJoinInfo, SupportRequestSelectivity
- jpath : HashPath, MergePath, NestPath
- js : HashJoinState, MergeJoinState, NestLoopState
- jsestate : ExprEvalStep
- jsexpr : JsonExprState
- json : JsValue
- json_coercion_cache : ExprEvalStep
- json_constructor : ExprEvalStep
- json_hash : JsObject, PopulateRecordsetState
- jsonb : JsValue
- jsonb_cont : JsObject
- jsonexpr : ExprEvalStep
- jsonexpr_coercion : ExprEvalStep
- jsonlogFile : SysloggerStartupData
- JsonObject : oauth_server.OAuthHandler
- jt : JsonTableParseContext
- jti_parent : JoinTreeItem
- jtnode : JoinTreeItem
- jumble : JumbleState
- jumble_args : VariableSetStmt
- jumble_len : JumbleState
- jump : ExprEvalStep
- jump_empty : JsonExprState
- jump_end : JsonExprState
- jump_error : JsonExprState
- jump_eval_coercion : JsonExprState
- jumpdistinct : ExprEvalStep
- jumpdone : ExprEvalStep
- jumpnull : ExprEvalStep
- junkFilter : ExprEvalStep, SQLFunctionCache
- just_dirtied : ReplicationSlot
- just_saw_decl : parser_state