Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- x -
- x : Complex, NDBOX, PGP_PubKey, Point
- x_fmt : lc_time_T
- X_fmt : lc_time_T
- xact_commit : PgStat_StatDBEntry
- xact_depth : ConnCacheEntry
- xact_rollback : PgStat_StatDBEntry
- xact_state : ParallelApplyWorkerShared
- xact_subxid : SimpleEcontextStackEntry
- xact_time : ReorderBufferTXN, xl_xact_abort, xl_xact_commit, xl_xact_parsed_abort, xl_xact_parsed_commit
- xact_ts : FixedParallelState
- xact_wrote_changes : TestDecodingTxnData
- xactCompletionCount : TransamVariablesData
- xactDeferrable : SerializedTransactionState
- xactIsoLevel : SerializedTransactionState
- xactRecord : TwoPhasePredicateRecord
- xacts : PredicateLockData
- xactStartedInRecovery : IndexScanDescData
- xactStatus : pg_conn
- xcdepth : core_yy_extra_type, PsqlScanStateData
- xcnt : RunningTransactionsData, SerializedSnapshotData, SnapBuild, SnapshotData, xl_running_xacts
- xcnt_space : SnapBuild
- xdbuf : syncrep_yy_extra_type
- xexpr : ExprEvalStep
- xid : AsyncQueueEntry, GlobalTransactionData, LogicalRepBeginData, LogicalRepCommitPreparedTxnData, LogicalRepPreparedTxnData, LogicalRepRollbackPreparedTxnData, LogicalRepStreamAbortData, MultiXactMember, ParallelApplyWorkerEntry, ParallelApplyWorkerShared, PGPROC, RecoveryLockXidEntry, ReorderBufferTXN, ReorderBufferTXNByIdEnt, RewriteMappingFile, SERIALIZABLEXIDTAG, SpGistDeadTupleData, SubXactInfo, xl_standby_lock, xl_xact_prepare, xl_xact_twophase
- xid_value : ListCell
- xidLastCommit : CommitTimestampShared
- xids : PROC_HDR, RunningTransactionsData, XidCache, xl_running_xacts
- xidStopLimit : TransamVariablesData
- xidVacLimit : TransamVariablesData
- xidWarnLimit : TransamVariablesData
- xidWrapLimit : TransamVariablesData
- xinfo : xl_xact_parsed_abort, xl_xact_parsed_commit, xl_xact_xinfo
- xip : pg_snapshot, SnapBuild, SnapshotData
- xl_crc : XLogRecord
- xl_info : XLogRecord
- xl_prev : XLogRecord
- xl_rmid : XLogRecord
- xl_tot_len : XLogRecord
- xl_xid : XLogRecord
- xlblocks : XLogCtlData
- xlocators : xl_xact_parsed_abort, xl_xact_parsed_commit, xl_xact_relfilelocators
- xlog : logstreamer_param
- xlog_blcksz : ControlFileData
- xlog_seg_size : ControlFileData
- XLogCacheBlck : XLogCtlData
- xlogid : PageXLogRecPtr
- xlp_info : XLogPageHeaderData
- xlp_magic : XLogPageHeaderData
- xlp_pageaddr : XLogPageHeaderData
- xlp_rem_len : XLogPageHeaderData
- xlp_seg_size : XLogLongPageHeaderData
- xlp_sysid : XLogLongPageHeaderData
- xlp_tli : XLogPageHeaderData
- xlp_xlog_blcksz : XLogLongPageHeaderData
- xmax : HeapTupleFreeze, pg_snapshot, SerializedSnapshotData, SnapBuild, SnapshotData, TM_FailureData, xl_heap_delete, xl_heap_lock, xl_heap_lock_updated, xlhp_freeze_plan
- xmin : pg_snapshot, PGPROC, ReplicationSlotPersistentData, SERIALIZABLEXACT, SerializedSnapshotData, SnapBuild, SnapshotData, TidHashKey, TwoPhasePredicateXactRecord
- xmlexpr : ExprEvalStep
- xmloption : XmlSerialize
- xpn : AnyArrayType
- xpr : Aggref, ArrayCoerceExpr, ArrayExpr, BooleanTest, CaseExpr, CaseTestExpr, CaseWhen, CoalesceExpr, CoerceToDomain, CoerceToDomainValue, CoerceViaIO, CollateExpr, ConvertRowtypeExpr, CurrentOfExpr, FieldSelect, FieldStore, FuncExpr, GroupingFunc, InferenceElem, JsonConstructorExpr, JsonExpr, MergeSupportFunc, MinMaxExpr, NamedArgExpr, NextValueExpr, NullTest, OpExpr, Param, RelabelType, ReturningExpr, RowCompareExpr, RowExpr, ScalarArrayOpExpr, SetToDefault, SQLValueFunction, SubLink, SubscriptingRef, TargetEntry, Var, WindowFunc, WindowFuncRunCondition, XmlExpr
- xrecoff : PageXLogRecPtr
- xs_base : IndexFetchHeapData
- xs_cbuf : IndexFetchHeapData
- xs_heap_continue : IndexScanDescData
- xs_heapfetch : IndexScanDescData
- xs_heaptid : IndexScanDescData
- xs_hitup : IndexScanDescData
- xs_hitupdesc : IndexScanDescData
- xs_itup : IndexScanDescData
- xs_itupdesc : IndexScanDescData
- xs_orderbynulls : IndexScanDescData
- xs_orderbyvals : IndexScanDescData
- xs_recheck : IndexScanDescData
- xs_recheckorderby : IndexScanDescData
- xs_snapshot : IndexScanDescData
- xs_temp_snap : IndexScanDescData
- xs_want_itup : IndexScanDescData
- xsub : xl_xact_assignment
- xtop : xl_xact_assignment