Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- k -
- k : CombinationGenerator, DependencyGeneratorData
- k_hash_funcs : bloom_filter
- k_ipad : pg_hmac_ctx
- k_opad : pg_hmac_ctx
- keep_connections : ConnCacheEntry
- keep_indicator : DisableTimeoutParams
- keepalives : pg_cancel, pg_conn
- keepalives_count : pg_cancel, pg_conn, Port
- keepalives_idle : pg_cancel, pg_conn, Port
- keepalives_interval : pg_cancel, pg_conn, Port
- keeporig : DictSyn
- keepsynonyms : DictSyn
- ket : SN_env
- key : AttoptCacheEntry, BlockRefTableEntry, BufferLookupEnt, cachedesc, ComboCidEntryData, ConnCacheEntry, FormatNode, GinBuffer, GinEntryAccumulator, GISTENTRY, IntRBTreeNode, JsonbPair, JsonKeyValue, JsonUniqueHashEntry, LocalBufferLookupEnt, MemoizeEntry, OldToNewMappingData, OprCacheEntry, OprProofCacheEntry, OSSLCipher, Pairs, PartitionDispatchData, PGP_S2K, pgssEntry, PgStat_EntryRefHashEntry, PgStat_SnapshotEntry, PgStatShared_HashEntry, plpgsql_CastExprHashEntry, plpgsql_CastHashEntry, plpgsql_hashent, PLyProcedureEntry, PostingItem, RecoveryLockEntry, RelfilenumberMapEntry, ReorderBufferTupleCidEnt, RI_CompareHashEntry, RI_QueryHashEntry, RT_ITER, ScalarArrayOpExprHashEntry, SearchPathCacheEntry, SharedRecordTableEntry, ShippableCacheEntry, shm_toc_entry, ShmemIndexEnt, Syn, TrackItem, UnresolvedTupData, xl_invalid_page
- key_category : JsonAggState, JsonbAggState
- key_expr : IndexRuntimeKeyInfo
- key_id : PGP_PubKey
- key_len : cipher_info, JsonUniqueHashEntry, PGP_S2K
- key_length : fe_scram_state, scram_state
- key_output_func : JsonAggState, JsonbAggState
- key_size : dshash_parameters, px_cipher
- key_toastable : IndexRuntimeKeyInfo
- keyColIdx : SubPlanState, TupleHashTableData
- keycopy : HASHCTL, HTAB
- keyCtx : GinScanOpaqueData
- keyData : BTScanOpaqueData, IndexScanDescData, SpGistScanOpaqueData
- keylen : GinBuffer, GinTuple, HOldEntry, Pairs
- keyName : JsonPathGinPathItem
- keyno : PartClauseInfo
- keyparamids : Memoize, MemoizeState
- keys : catclist, catctup, Constraint, GinScanOpaqueData, KeyArray, pgp_armor_headers_state, StatisticExtInfo
- keysQueue : TrgmNFA
- keystate : PartitionDispatchData
- keysz : BTScanInsertData
- keyword : _internalPQconninfoOption, _PQconninfoOption, core_YYSTYPE, JsonPathKeyword, parser_state, PgFdwOption
- keyword_tokens : core_yy_extra_type
- keywordlist : core_yy_extra_type
- kill_prior_tuple : IndexScanDescData
- killedItems : BTScanOpaqueData, GISTScanOpaqueData, HashScanOpaqueData
- kind : A_Expr, AllocateDesc, AlterSubscriptionStmt, AlterTSConfigurationStmt, CreateReplicationSlotCmd, DefineStmt, dropmsgstrings, ExprEvalStep, ManyTestResource, PartitionBoundInfoData, PartitionRangeBound, PartitionRangeDatum, PgStat_HashKey, PLpgSQL_diag_item, ReindexStmt, ResourceElem, RT_NODE, StartReplicationCmd, StatisticExtInfo, TransactionStmt, VariableSetStmt, WalSnd, WithCheckOption, xl_xact_stats_item
- kinds : relopt_gen
- klen : OSSLCipher
- known_attached_workers : ParallelContext
- known_desc : ExprEvalStep
- knowndeletable : TM_IndexStatus
- krb_realm : HbaLine
- krbsrvname : pg_conn
- kw_offsets : ScanKeywordList
- kw_string : ScanKeywordList