PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
WalSnd Struct Reference

#include <walsender_private.h>

Data Fields

pid_t pid
WalSndState state
XLogRecPtr sentPtr
bool needreload
XLogRecPtr write
XLogRecPtr flush
XLogRecPtr apply
TimeOffset writeLag
TimeOffset flushLag
TimeOffset applyLag
int sync_standby_priority
slock_t mutex
TimestampTz replyTime
ReplicationKind kind

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file walsender_private.h.

Field Documentation

◆ apply

◆ applyLag

TimeOffset WalSnd::applyLag

◆ flush

◆ flushLag

TimeOffset WalSnd::flushLag

◆ kind

ReplicationKind WalSnd::kind

Definition at line 78 of file walsender_private.h.

Referenced by InitWalSenderSlot(), and WalSndWait().

◆ mutex

◆ needreload

bool WalSnd::needreload

Definition at line 47 of file walsender_private.h.

Referenced by InitWalSenderSlot(), WalSndRqstFileReload(), and XLogSendPhysical().

◆ pid

◆ replyTime

◆ sentPtr

◆ state

◆ sync_standby_priority

int WalSnd::sync_standby_priority

◆ write

◆ writeLag

TimeOffset WalSnd::writeLag

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: