Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- v -
- v : colormap, nfa
- v_size : BipartiteMatchState
- va_4byte : varattrib_4b
- va_cols : VacuumRelation
- va_compressed : varattrib_4b
- va_data : varattrib_1b, varattrib_1b_e, varattrib_4b
- va_extinfo : varatt_external
- va_header : GistInetKey, varattrib_1b, varattrib_1b_e, varattrib_4b
- va_rawsize : varatt_external
- va_tag : varattrib_1b_e
- va_tcinfo : varattrib_4b
- va_toastrelid : varatt_external
- va_valueid : varatt_external
- vacattrstat : AnlExprData
- vacattrstats : AnlIndexData
- vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor : BTOptions
- vacuum_cost_delay : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_cost_limit : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_count : PgStat_StatTabEntry
- vacuum_index_cleanup : StdRdOptions
- vacuum_ins_scale_factor : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_ins_threshold : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_max_eager_freeze_failure_rate : StdRdOptions
- vacuum_max_threshold : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_scale_factor : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_threshold : AutoVacOpts
- vacuum_truncate : StdRdOptions
- vacuum_truncate_set : StdRdOptions
- vacuums : BTVacInfo
- val : _internalPQconninfoOption, _PQconninfoOption, A_Const, AffixNodeData, config_enum_entry, config_var_value, ITEM, JsObject, JsonArgument, JsonbValue, JsonHashEntry, JsonPathGinNode, JsonPathKeyword, JsonPathParseItem, JsonPathString, JsValue, lquery_variant, NODE, option, Pairs, PLAssignStmt, RangeBound, ResTarget, semun, SimpleActionListCell, SimpleOidListCell, SimpleStringListCell, SPNodeData, TestDSMRegistryStruct
- val_category : JsonAggState, JsonbAggState
- val_output_func : JsonAggState, JsonbAggState
- valcrc : QueryOperand
- valid : DCHCacheEntry, GlobalTransactionData, NUMCacheEntry, opclasscacheent, RI_CompareHashEntry, RI_ConstraintInfo
- valid_link : RI_ConstraintInfo
- valid_toast_index : HeapCheckContext
- validate_cb : OAuthValidatorCallbacks, relopt_string
- validate_default : AlteredTableInfo
- validators : local_relopts
- valisnull : HOldEntry
- vallen : HOldEntry, Pairs
- valnode : NODE, QTNode
- vals : CreateEnumStmt, SPITupleTable
- valstate : TSQueryParserStateData
- value : _defines, _variable, assignment, CompoundAffixFlag, ConfigVariable, datetkn, DistanceValue, ExprEvalStep, FullTransactionId, IndexOrderByDistance, JsonbPair, JsonbValue, JsonKeyValue, JsonPathItem, JsonPathParseItem, JsonPathVariable, JsonTablePath, JsonTablePlanRowSource, JsonValueListIterator, missing_cache_key, NullableDatum, ParamExecData, ParamExternData, PartitionListValue, PartitionRangeDatum, pg_atomic_uint32, pg_atomic_uint64, pgDataValue, pgParameterStatus, pgresAttValue, PLpgSQL_var, priv_map, ReturningOption, ScalarItem, SpGistSearchItem, Syn, timerCA, Variable, variable
- values : AttStatsSlot, CHKVAL, ExprEvalStep, int2vector, intset_internal_node, MCVItem, MergeWhenClause, oidvector, pgp_armor_headers_state, Ranges, relopt_value, SortItem, StatsBuildData
- values_arr : AttStatsSlot
- values_end : PgFdwModifyState
- values_lists : RangeTblEntry, ValuesScan
- valuesLists : SelectStmt
- valuesPerRange : MinMaxMultiOptions
- valuetype : AttStatsSlot
- var : ExprEvalStep, GroupVarInfo, PLpgSQL_stmt_dynfors, PLpgSQL_stmt_forc, PLpgSQL_stmt_fori, PLpgSQL_stmt_forq, PLpgSQL_stmt_fors, RangeQueryClause, VariableStatData
- var_location : locate_var_of_level_context
- varattno : tlist_vinfo, Var
- varattnos : pull_varattnos_context
- varcharsize : variable
- varexprs : JsonPathMutableContext
- variable : arguments, assignment, config_bool, config_enum, config_int, config_real, config_string, PgBenchExpr
- variables : CState
- variants : lquery_level
- varInOrderBy : deparse_context
- varlena_header_ : BTOptions, HashOptions, SpGistOptions
- varlevelsup : Var
- varlist : pull_var_clause_context
- varname : PgBenchExpr
- varName : rendezvousHashEntry
- varname : StackElem
- varnames : JsonPathMutableContext
- varno : PLpgSQL_stmt_assign, PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a, pull_varattnos_context, pullup_replace_vars_context, substitute_phv_relids_context, tlist_vinfo, Var
- varnos : PLpgSQL_row, pull_varnos_context
- varnullingrels : tlist_vinfo
- varprefix : Command, deparse_context
- varRelid : SupportRequestSelectivity
- varreturningtype : ExprEvalStep, Var
- vars : _psqlSettings, indexed_tlist, JsonPathExecContext, pull_vars_context, Variables
- vars_sorted : Variables
- vartype : config_generic, ExprEvalStep, VariableStatData
- varValue : rendezvousHashEntry
- vector : BrinSpecialSpace, GistEntryVector, radius_packet
- vectorpos : HeadlineParsedText
- ver : PGP_PubKey
- verbose : _param, _restoreOptions, AmcheckOptions, Archive, ExplainState, LogOpts, LVRelState, vacuumingOptions
- verbosity : _psqlSettings, pe_test_config, pg_conn
- verification_uri : _PGpromptOAuthDevice, device_authz
- verification_uri_complete : _PGpromptOAuthDevice, device_authz
- verify_checksum : astreamer_verify
- verify_control_data : astreamer_verify
- verify_new_notnull : AlteredTableInfo
- version : _archiveHandle, AlterForeignServerStmt, BTIndexStat, CreateForeignServerStmt, GinIndexStat, HashIndexStat, manifest_data, Pg_magic_struct, ReplicationSlotOnDisk, SnapBuildOnDisk, xl_brin_createidx, xl_btree_metadata
- version_cb : JsonManifestParseContext
- version_hook : DataTypesUsageChecks
- vertical : unicodeStyleBorderFormat, unicodeStyleColumnFormat
- vertical_and_horizontal : unicodeStyleColumnFormat
- vertical_and_left : unicodeStyleRowFormat
- vertical_and_right : unicodeStyleRowFormat
- vfd : RewriteMappingFile, TXNEntryFile
- view : ViewStmt
- viewoid : LockViewRecurse_context
- views : CreateSchemaStmtContext
- visibility_cutoff_xid : PruneState
- visible : PortalData
- vistest : LVRelState, PruneState, SnapshotData
- vl_dat : varlena
- vl_len_ : ArrayType, AttributeOpts, BloomFilter, BloomOptions, BrinOptions, DummyIndexOptions, ExpandedObjectHeader, GinOptions, GistHstoreOptions, GISTIntArrayBigOptions, GISTIntArrayOptions, GiSTOptions, GistTsVectorOptions, GISTTYPE, HStore, inet, int2vector, Jsonb, JsonPath, lquery, ltree, ltree_gist, LtreeGistOptions, ltxtquery, MinMaxMultiOptions, MultirangeType, NDBOX, NumericData, oidvector, PATH, POLYGON, QUERYTYPE, RangeType, SerializedRanges, SignTSVector, StdRdOptions, TableSpaceOpts, toast_compress_header, TRGM, TrgmGistOptions, TSQueryData, TSVectorData, VarBit, varlena, ViewOptions
- vm_conflict_horizon : PruneFreezeResult
- vm_new_frozen_pages : LVRelState
- vm_new_visible_frozen_pages : LVRelState
- vm_new_visible_pages : LVRelState
- vmbuffer : collect_corrupt_items_read_stream_private
- volatile_defexprs : CopyFromStateData
- vxid : LockInstanceData, PGPROC, SERIALIZABLEXACT