PostgreSQL Source Code git master
#include <libpq-int.h>
Definition at line 378 of file libpq-int.h.
AddrInfo* pg_conn::addr |
Definition at line 522 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), release_conn_addrinfo(), and store_conn_addrinfo().
uint32 pg_conn::allowed_auth_methods |
Definition at line 506 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), and pqConnectOptions2().
uint8 pg_conn::allowed_enc_methods |
Definition at line 584 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by init_allowed_encryption_methods(), PQconnectPoll(), and select_next_encryption_method().
char* pg_conn::appname |
Definition at line 395 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), and PQconnectPoll().
PGAsyncStatusType pg_conn::asyncStatus |
Definition at line 454 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by canChangeResultMode(), getCopyDataMessage(), getCopyResult(), getRowDescriptions(), handleSyncLoss(), pqAppendCmdQueueEntry(), pqClosePGconn(), PQconnectPoll(), pqEndcopy3(), PQenterPipelineMode(), PQexecStart(), PQexitPipelineMode(), PQfn(), PQgetCopyData(), pqGetline3(), pqGetlineAsync3(), PQgetResult(), PQisBusy(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqParseInput3(), pqPipelineProcessQueue(), pqPipelineSyncInternal(), PQputCopyData(), PQputCopyEnd(), pqRowProcessor(), PQsendFlushRequest(), PQsendQueryStart(), and PQtransactionStatus().
bool pg_conn::auth_req_received |
Definition at line 496 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by internal_ping(), PQconnectPoll(), and pqDropServerData().
bool pg_conn::auth_required |
Definition at line 504 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), and pqConnectOptions2().
int pg_conn::be_key |
Definition at line 532 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQcancelCreate(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), PQgetCancel(), and pqParseInput3().
int pg_conn::be_pid |
Definition at line 531 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQbackendPID(), PQcancelCreate(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), PQgetCancel(), and pqParseInput3().
bool pg_conn::cancelRequest |
Definition at line 436 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqClosePGconn(), pqConnectDBComplete(), pqConnectDBStart(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), and sendTerminateConn().
char* pg_conn::channel_binding |
Definition at line 403 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_client_final_message(), build_client_first_message(), check_expected_areq(), freePGconn(), pg_SASL_init(), and pqConnectOptions2().
int pg_conn::client_encoding |
Definition at line 534 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQclientEncoding(), pqDropServerData(), PQescapeInternal(), PQescapeStringConn(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), PQmakeEmptyPGresult(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
char* pg_conn::client_encoding_initial |
Definition at line 393 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
bool pg_conn::client_finished_auth |
Definition at line 508 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), pg_fe_sendauth(), and pqDropServerData().
PGcmdQueueEntry* pg_conn::cmd_queue_head |
Definition at line 480 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by canChangeResultMode(), getRowDescriptions(), pqAppendCmdQueueEntry(), pqCommandQueueAdvance(), pqDropConnection(), pqEndcopy3(), PQescapeByteaConn(), PQescapeInternal(), PQescapeStringConn(), PQexecStart(), PQexitPipelineMode(), PQfn(), pqGetErrorNotice3(), pqParseInput3(), pqPipelineProcessQueue(), PQputCopyEnd(), PQsendQueryStart(), and PQsetnonblocking().
PGcmdQueueEntry* pg_conn::cmd_queue_recycle |
Definition at line 487 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqAllocCmdQueueEntry(), pqDropConnection(), and pqRecycleCmdQueueEntry().
PGcmdQueueEntry* pg_conn::cmd_queue_tail |
Definition at line 481 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqAppendCmdQueueEntry(), pqCommandQueueAdvance(), and pqDropConnection().
char* pg_conn::connect_timeout |
Definition at line 391 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectDBComplete().
pg_conn_host* pg_conn::connhost |
Definition at line 473 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by emitHostIdentityInfo(), initialize_SSL(), pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_SASL_init(), pgpassfileWarning(), pgtls_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_guts(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_ip(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_name(), PQcancelCreate(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), PQhost(), PQhostaddr(), PQpass(), PQport(), and pqReleaseConnHosts().
char* pg_conn::connip |
Definition at line 474 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQconnectPoll(), and PQhostaddr().
int pg_conn::copy_already_done |
Definition at line 466 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqGetlineAsync3(), and pqParseInput3().
char pg_conn::copy_is_binary |
Definition at line 465 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getCopyStart(), and pqGetline3().
char pg_conn::current_auth_response |
Definition at line 510 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pg_password_sendauth(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), and pqTraceOutputMessage().
uint8 pg_conn::current_enc_method |
Definition at line 586 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by connection_failed(), init_allowed_encryption_methods(), open_client_SSL(), PQconnectPoll(), and select_next_encryption_method().
char* pg_conn::dbName |
Definition at line 397 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQdb(), and PQsetdbLogin().
PGTernaryBool pg_conn::default_transaction_read_only |
Definition at line 536 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
bool pg_conn::error_result |
Definition at line 576 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqClearAsyncResult(), pqGetErrorNotice3(), pqParseInput3(), pqPrepareAsyncResult(), and pqSaveErrorResult().
PQExpBufferData pg_conn::errorMessage |
Definition at line 652 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_client_final_message(), connectFailureMessage(), connectOptions1(), emitHostIdentityInfo(), freePGconn(), getAnotherTuple(), getParamDescriptions(), getRowDescriptions(), libpq_append_conn_error(), pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_GSS_error(), pg_GSS_write(), pg_SASL_init(), pgtls_read(), pgtls_write(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate(), PQcancelPoll(), pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqCheckOutBufferSpace(), pqConnectDBStart(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), PQconnectStartParams(), pqEndcopy3(), PQerrorMessage(), pqGetErrorNotice3(), pqGetNegotiateProtocolVersion3(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), PQmakeEmptyPGresult(), pqPipelineSyncInternal(), pqPrepareAsyncResult(), PQrequestCancel(), pqSaveWriteError(), pqsecure_open_gss(), read_server_final_message(), and read_server_first_message().
int pg_conn::errorReported |
Definition at line 653 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPrepareAsyncResult(), and PQrequestCancel().
int pg_conn::eventArraySize |
Definition at line 450 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQregisterEventProc().
PGEvent* pg_conn::events |
Definition at line 448 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQinstanceData(), PQmakeEmptyPGresult(), PQregisterEventProc(), PQreset(), PQresetPoll(), and PQsetInstanceData().
uint8 pg_conn::failed_enc_methods |
Definition at line 585 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by connection_failed(), and PQconnectPoll().
char* pg_conn::fbappname |
Definition at line 396 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), and PQconnectPoll().
bool pg_conn::gssapi_used |
Definition at line 498 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectionUsedGSSAPI(), pqDropServerData(), and pqsecure_open_gss().
char* pg_conn::gssdelegation |
Definition at line 427 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqsecure_open_gss().
char* pg_conn::gssencmode |
Definition at line 423 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), init_allowed_encryption_methods(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), and select_next_encryption_method().
char* pg_conn::gsslib |
Definition at line 425 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pg_fe_sendauth().
PGTernaryBool pg_conn::in_hot_standby |
Definition at line 537 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
char* pg_conn::inBuffer |
Definition at line 545 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), getAnotherTuple(), pg_password_sendauth(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqGetc(), pqGetCopyData3(), pqGetInt(), pqGetlineAsync3(), pqGetnchar(), pqGets_internal(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqParseDone(), and pqReadData().
int pg_conn::inBufSize |
Definition at line 546 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqReadData().
int pg_conn::inCursor |
Definition at line 548 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getAnotherTuple(), getCopyDataMessage(), getParamDescriptions(), getRowDescriptions(), pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqConnectDBStart(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropConnection(), pqFunctionCall3(), pqGetc(), pqGetCopyData3(), pqGetInt(), pqGetlineAsync3(), pqGetnchar(), pqGets_internal(), pqParseInput3(), pqReadData(), and pqSkipnchar().
int pg_conn::inEnd |
Definition at line 549 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getCopyDataMessage(), pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqConnectDBStart(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropConnection(), pqFunctionCall3(), pqGetc(), pqGetInt(), pqGetnchar(), pqGets_internal(), pqParseInput3(), pqReadData(), and pqSkipnchar().
int pg_conn::inStart |
Definition at line 547 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getAnotherTuple(), getCopyDataMessage(), getParamDescriptions(), getRowDescriptions(), pg_password_sendauth(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), pqCheckInBufferSpace(), pqConnectDBStart(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropConnection(), pqFunctionCall3(), pqGetlineAsync3(), pqParseDone(), pqParseInput3(), and pqReadData().
char* pg_conn::keepalives |
Definition at line 405 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQgetCancel(), and useKeepalives().
char* pg_conn::keepalives_count |
Definition at line 409 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQgetCancel(), and setKeepalivesCount().
char* pg_conn::keepalives_idle |
Definition at line 406 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQgetCancel(), and setKeepalivesIdle().
char* pg_conn::keepalives_interval |
Definition at line 407 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQgetCancel(), and setKeepalivesInterval().
char* pg_conn::krbsrvname |
Definition at line 424 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pg_GSS_load_servicename().
SockAddr pg_conn::laddr |
Definition at line 492 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll().
bool pg_conn::last_read_was_eof |
Definition at line 593 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pgconn_bio_ctrl(), and pgconn_bio_read().
char pg_conn::last_sqlstate[6] |
Definition at line 456 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by internal_ping(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), and pqGetErrorNotice3().
char* pg_conn::load_balance_hosts |
Definition at line 432 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
PGLoadBalanceType pg_conn::load_balance_type |
Definition at line 516 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectOptions2(), and PQconnectPoll().
PGlobjfuncs* pg_conn::lobjfuncs |
Definition at line 540 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by lo_close(), lo_creat(), lo_create(), lo_initialize(), lo_lseek(), lo_lseek64(), lo_open(), lo_read(), lo_tell(), lo_tell64(), lo_truncate(), lo_truncate64(), lo_unlink(), lo_write(), and pqDropServerData().
int pg_conn::maxChunkSize |
Definition at line 463 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPipelineProcessQueue(), pqRowProcessor(), PQsendQueryStart(), PQsetChunkedRowsMode(), and PQsetSingleRowMode().
int pg_conn::naddr |
Definition at line 520 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), and store_conn_addrinfo().
int pg_conn::nconnhost |
Definition at line 471 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), and pqReleaseConnHosts().
int pg_conn::nEvents |
Definition at line 449 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQinstanceData(), PQmakeEmptyPGresult(), PQregisterEventProc(), PQreset(), PQresetPoll(), and PQsetInstanceData().
bool pg_conn::nonblocking |
Definition at line 458 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqClosePGconn(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and PQsetnonblocking().
PGNoticeHooks pg_conn::noticeHooks |
Definition at line 445 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqEndcopy3(), pqGetInt(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), PQmakeEmptyPGresult(), pqParseInput3(), pqPutInt(), PQsetNoticeProcessor(), and PQsetNoticeReceiver().
PGnotify* pg_conn::notifyHead |
Definition at line 467 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getNotify(), pqDropServerData(), and PQnotifies().
PGnotify* pg_conn::notifyTail |
Definition at line 468 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getNotify(), pqDropServerData(), and PQnotifies().
bool pg_conn::options_valid |
Definition at line 457 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by internal_ping(), pqConnectDBStart(), pqConnectOptions2(), and pqMakeEmptyPGconn().
char* pg_conn::outBuffer |
Definition at line 552 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pqCheckOutBufferSpace(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqPutMsgBytes(), pqPutMsgEnd(), pqPutMsgStart(), and pqSendSome().
int pg_conn::outBufSize |
Definition at line 553 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqCheckOutBufferSpace(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and PQputCopyData().
int pg_conn::outCount |
Definition at line 554 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectDBStart(), pqDropConnection(), pqFlush(), pqPipelineFlush(), PQputCopyData(), pqPutMsgEnd(), pqPutMsgStart(), and pqSendSome().
int pg_conn::outMsgEnd |
Definition at line 559 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPutMsgBytes(), pqPutMsgEnd(), and pqPutMsgStart().
int pg_conn::outMsgStart |
Definition at line 557 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPutMsgEnd(), and pqPutMsgStart().
bool pg_conn::partialResMode |
Definition at line 461 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPipelineProcessQueue(), pqRowProcessor(), PQsendQueryStart(), PQsetChunkedRowsMode(), and PQsetSingleRowMode().
bool pg_conn::password_needed |
Definition at line 497 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_SASL_init(), pgpassfileWarning(), PQconnectionNeedsPassword(), PQconnectionUsedPassword(), and pqDropServerData().
FILE* pg_conn::Pfdebug |
Definition at line 441 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pg_password_sendauth(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), PQconnectPoll(), pqFlush(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqParseDone(), pqPutMsgEnd(), PQsetTraceFlags(), PQtrace(), pqTraceOutputCharResponse(), pqTraceOutputMessage(), pqTraceOutputNoTypeByteMessage(), and PQuntrace().
char* pg_conn::pghost |
Definition at line 381 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pqConnectOptions2(), and PQsetdbLogin().
char* pg_conn::pghostaddr |
Definition at line 385 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::pgoptions |
Definition at line 394 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), PQoptions(), and PQsetdbLogin().
char* pg_conn::pgpass |
Definition at line 401 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_SASL_init(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQpass(), and PQsetdbLogin().
char* pg_conn::pgpassfile |
Definition at line 402 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pgpassfileWarning(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::pgport |
Definition at line 389 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pqConnectOptions2(), and PQsetdbLogin().
char* pg_conn::pgservice |
Definition at line 399 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQservice().
char* pg_conn::pgtcp_user_timeout |
Definition at line 392 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), PQgetCancel(), and setTCPUserTimeout().
char* pg_conn::pguser |
Definition at line 400 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), freePGconn(), pg_password_sendauth(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQsetdbLogin(), and PQuser().
PGpipelineStatus pg_conn::pipelineStatus |
Definition at line 460 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqAppendCmdQueueEntry(), pqClosePGconn(), PQconnectPoll(), PQenterPipelineMode(), PQexecStart(), PQexitPipelineMode(), PQfn(), pqFunctionCall3(), pqGetErrorNotice3(), PQgetResult(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqParseInput3(), pqPipelineFlush(), pqPipelineProcessQueue(), PQpipelineStatus(), pqPipelineSyncInternal(), PQsendFlushRequest(), PQsendPrepare(), PQsendQueryGuts(), PQsendQueryInternal(), PQsendQueryStart(), and PQsendTypedCommand().
pg_prng_state pg_conn::prng_state |
Definition at line 541 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by libpq_prng_init(), pqConnectOptions2(), and PQconnectPoll().
pgParameterStatus* pg_conn::pstatus |
Definition at line 533 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqDropServerData(), PQparameterStatus(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
ProtocolVersion pg_conn::pversion |
Definition at line 494 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), PQconnectPoll(), PQfullProtocolVersion(), pqGetNegotiateProtocolVersion3(), and PQprotocolVersion().
SockAddr pg_conn::raddr |
Definition at line 493 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by connectFailureMessage(), emitHostIdentityInfo(), getHostaddr(), init_allowed_encryption_methods(), PQcancelCreate(), PQconnectPoll(), and PQgetCancel().
char* pg_conn::replication |
Definition at line 398 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), and freePGconn().
char* pg_conn::require_auth |
Definition at line 431 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::requirepeer |
Definition at line 422 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and PQconnectPoll().
PGresult* pg_conn::result |
Definition at line 575 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getAnotherTuple(), getCopyResult(), getCopyStart(), getParamDescriptions(), getRowDescriptions(), pgpassfileWarning(), pqClearAsyncResult(), pqFunctionCall3(), pqGetErrorNotice3(), PQgetResult(), pqParseInput3(), pqPipelineProcessQueue(), pqPrepareAsyncResult(), and pqRowProcessor().
PGdataValue* pg_conn::rowBuf |
Definition at line 562 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), getAnotherTuple(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqRowProcessor().
int pg_conn::rowBufLen |
Definition at line 563 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getAnotherTuple(), and pqMakeEmptyPGconn().
const pg_fe_sasl_mech* pg_conn::sasl |
Definition at line 580 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), and pqDropConnection().
void* pg_conn::sasl_state |
Definition at line 581 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_SASL_continue(), pg_SASL_init(), and pqDropConnection().
PGresult* pg_conn::saved_result |
Definition at line 577 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqClearAsyncResult(), pqPrepareAsyncResult(), and pqRowProcessor().
char* pg_conn::scram_client_key |
Definition at line 433 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
void* pg_conn::scram_client_key_binary |
Definition at line 526 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pg_SASL_init(), and pqConnectOptions2().
size_t pg_conn::scram_client_key_len |
Definition at line 525 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::scram_server_key |
Definition at line 434 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
void* pg_conn::scram_server_key_binary |
Definition at line 528 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectOptions2().
size_t pg_conn::scram_server_key_len |
Definition at line 527 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectOptions2().
int pg_conn::scram_sha_256_iterations |
Definition at line 582 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqDropServerData(), PQencryptPasswordConn(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
bool pg_conn::send_appname |
Definition at line 524 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_startup_packet(), and PQconnectPoll().
PGContextVisibility pg_conn::show_context |
Definition at line 539 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqGetErrorNotice3(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and PQsetErrorContextVisibility().
bool pg_conn::sigpipe_flag |
Definition at line 500 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), and pqsecure_raw_write().
bool pg_conn::sigpipe_so |
Definition at line 499 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll().
bool pg_conn::singleRowMode |
Definition at line 462 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqPipelineProcessQueue(), pqRowProcessor(), PQsendQueryStart(), PQsetChunkedRowsMode(), and PQsetSingleRowMode().
pgsocket pg_conn::sock |
Definition at line 490 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by connectNoDelay(), PQcancelCreate(), PQconnectPoll(), pqDropConnection(), PQfn(), PQgetCancel(), pqGetline3(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), pqReadData(), PQrequestCancel(), pqsecure_raw_read(), pqsecure_raw_write(), pqSendSome(), PQsocket(), pqSocketCheck(), sendTerminateConn(), setKeepalivesCount(), setKeepalivesIdle(), setKeepalivesInterval(), and setTCPUserTimeout().
bool pg_conn::ssl_cert_requested |
Definition at line 591 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq().
bool pg_conn::ssl_cert_sent |
Definition at line 592 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq().
bool pg_conn::ssl_handshake_started |
Definition at line 590 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pgconn_bio_read(), and pgtls_close().
bool pg_conn::ssl_in_use |
Definition at line 589 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by build_client_final_message(), build_client_first_message(), initialize_SSL(), pg_SASL_init(), pgtls_close(), PQconnectPoll(), pqReadData(), pqsecure_read(), pqsecure_write(), pqSocketCheck(), and PQsslInUse().
char* pg_conn::ssl_max_protocol_version |
Definition at line 429 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), initialize_SSL(), open_client_SSL(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::ssl_min_protocol_version |
Definition at line 428 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), initialize_SSL(), open_client_SSL(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::sslcert |
Definition at line 415 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
char* pg_conn::sslcertmode |
Definition at line 417 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by check_expected_areq(), freePGconn(), initialize_SSL(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::sslcompression |
Definition at line 413 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
char* pg_conn::sslcrl |
Definition at line 419 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
char* pg_conn::sslcrldir |
Definition at line 420 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
char* pg_conn::sslkey |
Definition at line 414 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
char* pg_conn::sslmode |
Definition at line 411 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), init_allowed_encryption_methods(), initialize_SSL(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate(), pqConnectOptions2(), and select_next_encryption_method().
char* pg_conn::sslnegotiation |
Definition at line 412 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), open_client_SSL(), pqConnectOptions2(), and PQconnectPoll().
char* pg_conn::sslpassword |
Definition at line 416 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), initialize_SSL(), and PQdefaultSSLKeyPassHook_OpenSSL().
char* pg_conn::sslrootcert |
Definition at line 418 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), initialize_SSL(), open_client_SSL(), and pqConnectOptions2().
char* pg_conn::sslsni |
Definition at line 421 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and initialize_SSL().
ConnStatusType pg_conn::status |
Definition at line 453 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by connectOptions1(), getCopyResult(), handleSyncLoss(), internal_ping(), PQbackendPID(), PQcancelPoll(), PQclientEncoding(), pqClosePGconn(), PQconnectdb(), pqConnectDBComplete(), PQconnectdbParams(), pqConnectDBStart(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), PQconnectStart(), PQconnectStartParams(), PQexecFinish(), PQexecStart(), PQflush(), PQfullProtocolVersion(), PQisBusy(), PQisnonblocking(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), PQprotocolVersion(), pqReadData(), PQsendFlushRequest(), PQsendQueryStart(), PQserverVersion(), PQsetClientEncoding(), PQsetdbLogin(), PQsetnonblocking(), PQstatus(), PQtransactionStatus(), and sendTerminateConn().
bool pg_conn::std_strings |
Definition at line 535 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqDropServerData(), PQescapeByteaConn(), PQescapeStringConn(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqSaveParameterStatus().
int pg_conn::sversion |
Definition at line 495 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQconnectPoll(), pqDropServerData(), PQescapeByteaConn(), pqSaveParameterStatus(), and PQserverVersion().
PGTargetServerType pg_conn::target_server_type |
Definition at line 515 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectDBStart(), pqConnectOptions2(), and PQconnectPoll().
char* pg_conn::target_session_attrs |
Definition at line 430 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), and pqConnectOptions2().
int pg_conn::traceFlags |
Definition at line 442 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by PQsetTraceFlags(), PQtrace(), pqTraceOutputCharResponse(), pqTraceOutputMessage(), pqTraceOutputNoTypeByteMessage(), and PQuntrace().
bool pg_conn::try_next_addr |
Definition at line 518 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectDBComplete(), pqConnectDBStart(), and PQconnectPoll().
bool pg_conn::try_next_host |
Definition at line 519 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectDBStart(), and PQconnectPoll().
PGVerbosity pg_conn::verbosity |
Definition at line 538 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqGetErrorNotice3(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and PQsetErrorVerbosity().
int pg_conn::whichaddr |
Definition at line 521 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqConnectDBComplete(), PQconnectPoll(), and store_conn_addrinfo().
int pg_conn::whichhost |
Definition at line 472 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by emitHostIdentityInfo(), initialize_SSL(), pg_fe_sendauth(), pg_SASL_init(), pgpassfileWarning(), pgtls_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_guts(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_ip(), pq_verify_peer_name_matches_certificate_name(), PQcancelCreate(), pqConnectDBComplete(), pqConnectDBStart(), pqConnectOptions2(), PQconnectPoll(), PQhost(), PQpass(), and PQport().
PQExpBufferData pg_conn::workBuffer |
Definition at line 656 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), getNotify(), getParameterStatus(), getRowDescriptions(), pqGetNegotiateProtocolVersion3(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and pqParseInput3().
char* pg_conn::write_err_msg |
Definition at line 502 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by freePGconn(), pqDropServerData(), pqSaveWriteError(), pqsecure_raw_write(), and pqSendSome().
bool pg_conn::write_failed |
Definition at line 501 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by pqDropServerData(), PQgetResult(), pqsecure_raw_write(), and pqSendSome().
PGTransactionStatusType pg_conn::xactStatus |
Definition at line 455 of file libpq-int.h.
Referenced by getReadyForQuery(), pqClosePGconn(), PQconnectPoll(), pqMakeEmptyPGconn(), and PQtransactionStatus().