PostgreSQL Source Code git master
nfa Struct Reference

#include <regguts.h>

Data Fields

struct statepre
struct stateinit
struct statefinal
struct statepost
int nstates
struct statestates
struct stateslast
struct statefreestates
struct arcfreearcs
struct statebatchlastsb
struct arcbatchlastab
size_t lastsbused
size_t lastabused
struct colormapcm
color bos [2]
color eos [2]
int flags
int minmatchall
int maxmatchall
struct varsv
struct nfaparent

Detailed Description

Definition at line 348 of file regguts.h.

Field Documentation

◆ bos

color nfa::bos[2]

Definition at line 364 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by checkmatchall(), compact(), dumpnfa(), makesearch(), newnfa(), pullback(), and specialcolors().

◆ cm

struct colormap* nfa::cm

Definition at line 363 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by checkmatchall(), combine(), compact(), createarc(), dumpnfa(), freearc(), newnfa(), and specialcolors().

◆ eos

color nfa::eos[2]

Definition at line 365 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by checkmatchall(), compact(), dumpnfa(), newnfa(), pushfwd(), and specialcolors().

◆ final

struct state* nfa::final

Definition at line 352 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by newnfa(), nfanode(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ flags

int nfa::flags

◆ freearcs

struct arc* nfa::freearcs

Definition at line 358 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by allocarc(), freearc(), and newnfa().

◆ freestates

struct state* nfa::freestates

Definition at line 357 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by freestate(), newnfa(), and newstate().

◆ init

struct state* nfa::init

Definition at line 351 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by newnfa(), nfanode(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ lastab

struct arcbatch* nfa::lastab

Definition at line 360 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by allocarc(), freenfa(), and newnfa().

◆ lastabused

size_t nfa::lastabused

Definition at line 362 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by allocarc(), and newnfa().

◆ lastsb

struct statebatch* nfa::lastsb

Definition at line 359 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by freenfa(), newnfa(), and newstate().

◆ lastsbused

size_t nfa::lastsbused

Definition at line 361 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by newnfa(), and newstate().

◆ maxmatchall

int nfa::maxmatchall

Definition at line 368 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by checkmatchall(), compact(), dumpnfa(), makesearch(), and newnfa().

◆ minmatchall

int nfa::minmatchall

Definition at line 367 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by checkmatchall(), compact(), dumpnfa(), and newnfa().

◆ nstates

int nfa::nstates

◆ parent

struct nfa* nfa::parent

Definition at line 370 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by createarc(), dumpnfa(), freearc(), newnfa(), and specialcolors().

◆ post

struct state* nfa::post

◆ pre

struct state* nfa::pre

Definition at line 350 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by analyze(), checkmatchall(), cleanup(), compact(), dumpnfa(), makesearch(), newnfa(), and pullback().

◆ slast

struct state* nfa::slast

Definition at line 356 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by freestate(), newnfa(), and newstate().

◆ states

◆ v

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: