PostgreSQL Source Code git master
vars Struct Reference

Data Fields

const chrnow
const chrstop
int err
int cflags
int lasttype
int nexttype
chr nextvalue
int lexcon
int nsubexp
struct subre ** subs
size_t nsubs
struct subresub10 [10]
struct nfanfa
struct colormapcm
color nlcolor
struct statewordchrs
struct subretree
struct subretreechain
struct subretreefree
int ntree
struct cveccv
struct cveccv2
struct subrelacons
int nlacons
size_t spaceused
struct gutsg
int eflags
size_t nmatch
struct dfa ** subdfas
struct dfa ** ladfas
struct sset ** lblastcss
chr ** lblastcp
struct smalldfa dfa1
struct smalldfa dfa2

Detailed Description

Definition at line 281 of file regcomp.c.

Field Documentation

◆ cflags

◆ cm

◆ cv

struct cvec* vars::cv

Definition at line 304 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), getcvec(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ cv2

struct cvec* vars::cv2

Definition at line 305 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ details

rm_detail_t* vars::details

Definition at line 113 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cfind(), find(), and pg_regexec().

◆ dfa1

struct smalldfa vars::dfa1

Definition at line 122 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cfind(), and find().

◆ dfa2

struct smalldfa vars::dfa2

Definition at line 123 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cfind().

◆ eflags

int vars::eflags

Definition at line 110 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by longest(), matchuntil(), newdfa(), pg_regexec(), and shortest().

◆ err

int vars::err

◆ g

struct guts* vars::g

◆ lacons

struct subre* vars::lacons

Definition at line 306 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), newlacon(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ ladfas

struct dfa** vars::ladfas

Definition at line 119 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by getladfa(), and pg_regexec().

◆ lasttype

int vars::lasttype

Definition at line 288 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by next().

◆ lblastcp

chr** vars::lblastcp

Definition at line 121 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by lacon(), and pg_regexec().

◆ lblastcss

struct sset** vars::lblastcss

Definition at line 120 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by lacon(), and pg_regexec().

◆ lexcon

int vars::lexcon

Definition at line 291 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by next().

◆ nexttype

int vars::nexttype

Definition at line 289 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by brackpart(), lexstart(), next(), and parseqatom().

◆ nextvalue

chr vars::nextvalue

Definition at line 290 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by brackpart(), parseqatom(), and scannum().

◆ nfa

◆ nlacons

int vars::nlacons

Definition at line 307 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), newlacon(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ nlcolor

color vars::nlcolor

Definition at line 298 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by cbracket(), parseqatom(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ nmatch

size_t vars::nmatch

Definition at line 111 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cfindloop(), find(), longest(), pg_regexec(), shortest(), and subset().

◆ now

const chr* vars::now

Definition at line 284 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by brackpart(), brenext(), lexdigits(), lexescape(), next(), pg_regcomp(), prefixes(), scanplain(), and skip().

◆ nsubexp

int vars::nsubexp

Definition at line 292 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by parseqatom(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ nsubs

size_t vars::nsubs

Definition at line 294 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by moresubs(), parseqatom(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ ntree

int vars::ntree

Definition at line 303 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by pg_regcomp().

◆ pmatch

regmatch_t* vars::pmatch

◆ re

◆ search_start

chr* vars::search_start

Definition at line 115 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cfindloop(), find(), and pg_regexec().

◆ spaceused

size_t vars::spaceused

Definition at line 309 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by allocarc(), freenfa(), newstate(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ start

chr* vars::start

Definition at line 114 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by cbrdissect(), dfa_backref(), find(), lastcold(), longest(), matchuntil(), pg_regexec(), and shortest().

◆ stop [1/2]

const chr* vars::stop

Definition at line 285 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by cfind(), cfindloop(), find(), lacon(), longest(), matchuntil(), pg_regcomp(), pg_regexec(), and shortest().

◆ stop [2/2]

chr* vars::stop

Definition at line 116 of file regexec.c.

◆ sub10

struct subre* vars::sub10[10]

Definition at line 295 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), moresubs(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ subdfas

struct dfa** vars::subdfas

Definition at line 118 of file regexec.c.

Referenced by getsubdfa(), and pg_regexec().

◆ subs

struct subre** vars::subs

Definition at line 293 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), moresubs(), parseqatom(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ tree

struct subre* vars::tree

Definition at line 300 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by freev(), and pg_regcomp().

◆ treechain

struct subre* vars::treechain

Definition at line 301 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by cleanst(), freesrnode(), freev(), pg_regcomp(), and subre().

◆ treefree

struct subre* vars::treefree

Definition at line 302 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by cleanst(), freesrnode(), pg_regcomp(), and subre().

◆ wordchrs

struct state* vars::wordchrs

Definition at line 299 of file regcomp.c.

Referenced by nonword(), pg_regcomp(), word(), and wordchrs().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: