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1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * ginxlog.h
3  * header file for postgres inverted index xlog implementation.
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2006-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
6  *
7  * src/include/access/ginxlog.h
8  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9  */
10 #ifndef GINXLOG_H
11 #define GINXLOG_H
13 #include "access/ginblock.h"
14 #include "access/itup.h"
15 #include "access/xlogreader.h"
16 #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
17 #include "storage/off.h"
19 #define XLOG_GIN_CREATE_PTREE 0x10
22 {
24  /* A compressed posting list follows */
27 /*
28  * The format of the insertion record varies depending on the page type.
29  * ginxlogInsert is the common part between all variants.
30  *
31  * Backup Blk 0: target page
32  * Backup Blk 1: left child, if this insertion finishes an incomplete split
33  */
35 #define XLOG_GIN_INSERT 0x20
37 typedef struct
38 {
39  uint16 flags; /* GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF and/or GIN_INSERT_ISDATA */
41  /*
42  * FOLLOWS:
43  *
44  * 1. if not leaf page, block numbers of the left and right child pages
45  * whose split this insertion finishes, as BlockIdData[2] (beware of
46  * adding fields in this struct that would make them not 16-bit aligned)
47  *
48  * 2. a ginxlogInsertEntry or ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf struct, depending
49  * on tree type.
50  *
51  * NB: the below structs are only 16-bit aligned when appended to a
52  * ginxlogInsert struct! Beware of adding fields to them that require
53  * stricter alignment.
54  */
57 typedef struct
58 {
60  bool isDelete;
61  IndexTupleData tuple; /* variable length */
65 typedef struct
66 {
69  /* Variable number of 'actions' follow */
72 /*
73  * Note: this struct is currently not used in code, and only acts as
74  * documentation. The WAL record format is as specified here, but the code
75  * uses straight access through a Pointer and memcpy to read/write these.
76  */
77 typedef struct
78 {
79  uint8 segno; /* segment this action applies to */
80  char type; /* action type (see below) */
82  /*
83  * Action-specific data follows. For INSERT and REPLACE actions that is a
84  * GinPostingList struct. For ADDITEMS, a uint16 for the number of items
85  * added, followed by the items themselves as ItemPointers. DELETE actions
86  * have no further data.
87  */
90 /* Action types */
91 #define GIN_SEGMENT_UNMODIFIED 0 /* no action (not used in WAL records) */
92 #define GIN_SEGMENT_DELETE 1 /* a whole segment is removed */
93 #define GIN_SEGMENT_INSERT 2 /* a whole segment is added */
94 #define GIN_SEGMENT_REPLACE 3 /* a segment is replaced */
95 #define GIN_SEGMENT_ADDITEMS 4 /* items are added to existing segment */
97 typedef struct
98 {
103 /*
104  * Backup Blk 0: new left page (= original page, if not root split)
105  * Backup Blk 1: new right page
106  * Backup Blk 2: original page / new root page, if root split
107  * Backup Blk 3: left child, if this insertion completes an earlier split
108  */
109 #define XLOG_GIN_SPLIT 0x30
111 typedef struct ginxlogSplit
112 {
114  BlockNumber rrlink; /* right link, or root's blocknumber if root
115  * split */
116  BlockNumber leftChildBlkno; /* valid on a non-leaf split */
118  uint16 flags; /* see below */
121 /*
122  * Flags used in ginxlogInsert and ginxlogSplit records
123  */
124 #define GIN_INSERT_ISDATA 0x01 /* for both insert and split records */
125 #define GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF 0x02 /* ditto */
126 #define GIN_SPLIT_ROOT 0x04 /* only for split records */
128 /*
129  * Vacuum simply WAL-logs the whole page, when anything is modified. This
130  * is functionally identical to XLOG_FPI records, but is kept separate for
131  * debugging purposes. (When inspecting the WAL stream, it's easier to see
132  * what's going on when GIN vacuum records are marked as such, not as heap
133  * records.) This is currently only used for entry tree leaf pages.
134  */
135 #define XLOG_GIN_VACUUM_PAGE 0x40
137 /*
138  * Vacuuming posting tree leaf page is WAL-logged like recompression caused
139  * by insertion.
140  */
144 {
148 /*
149  * Backup Blk 0: deleted page
150  * Backup Blk 1: parent
151  * Backup Blk 2: left sibling
152  */
153 #define XLOG_GIN_DELETE_PAGE 0x50
155 typedef struct ginxlogDeletePage
156 {
159  TransactionId deleteXid; /* last Xid which could see this page in scan */
162 #define XLOG_GIN_UPDATE_META_PAGE 0x60
164 /*
165  * Backup Blk 0: metapage
166  * Backup Blk 1: tail page
167  */
168 typedef struct ginxlogUpdateMeta
169 {
174  int32 ntuples; /* if ntuples > 0 then metadata.tail was
175  * updated with that many tuples; else new sub
176  * list was inserted */
177  /* array of inserted tuples follows */
182 typedef struct ginxlogInsertListPage
183 {
186  /* array of inserted tuples follows */
189 /*
190  * Backup Blk 0: metapage
191  * Backup Blk 1 to (ndeleted + 1): deleted pages
192  */
196 /*
197  * The WAL record for deleting list pages must contain a block reference to
198  * all the deleted pages, so the number of pages that can be deleted in one
199  * record is limited by XLR_MAX_BLOCK_ID. (block_id 0 is used for the
200  * metapage.)
201  */
202 #define GIN_NDELETE_AT_ONCE Min(16, XLR_MAX_BLOCK_ID - 1)
204 {
209 extern void gin_redo(XLogReaderState *record);
210 extern void gin_desc(StringInfo buf, XLogReaderState *record);
211 extern const char *gin_identify(uint8 info);
212 extern void gin_xlog_startup(void);
213 extern void gin_xlog_cleanup(void);
214 extern void gin_mask(char *pagedata, BlockNumber blkno);
216 #endif /* GINXLOG_H */
uint32 BlockNumber
Definition: block.h:31
unsigned short uint16
Definition: c.h:505
unsigned int uint32
Definition: c.h:506
signed int int32
Definition: c.h:494
unsigned char uint8
Definition: c.h:504
uint32 TransactionId
Definition: c.h:652
struct ginxlogDeleteListPages ginxlogDeleteListPages
void gin_desc(StringInfo buf, XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: gindesc.c:72
struct ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage
const char * gin_identify(uint8 info)
Definition: gindesc.c:180
void gin_redo(XLogReaderState *record)
Definition: ginxlog.c:726
void gin_mask(char *pagedata, BlockNumber blkno)
Definition: ginxlog.c:793
struct ginxlogInsertListPage ginxlogInsertListPage
void gin_xlog_startup(void)
Definition: ginxlog.c:775
void gin_xlog_cleanup(void)
Definition: ginxlog.c:783
struct ginxlogUpdateMeta ginxlogUpdateMeta
struct ginxlogCreatePostingTree ginxlogCreatePostingTree
struct ginxlogSplit ginxlogSplit
struct ginxlogDeletePage ginxlogDeletePage
uint16 OffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:24
static char * buf
Definition: pg_test_fsync.c:73
GinMetaPageData metadata
Definition: ginxlog.h:205
TransactionId deleteXid
Definition: ginxlog.h:159
OffsetNumber parentOffset
Definition: ginxlog.h:157
BlockNumber rightLink
Definition: ginxlog.h:158
OffsetNumber offset
Definition: ginxlog.h:99
IndexTupleData tuple
Definition: ginxlog.h:61
OffsetNumber offset
Definition: ginxlog.h:59
BlockNumber rightlink
Definition: ginxlog.h:184
uint16 flags
Definition: ginxlog.h:39
uint16 flags
Definition: ginxlog.h:118
BlockNumber leftChildBlkno
Definition: ginxlog.h:116
BlockNumber rrlink
Definition: ginxlog.h:114
RelFileLocator locator
Definition: ginxlog.h:113
BlockNumber rightChildBlkno
Definition: ginxlog.h:117
RelFileLocator locator
Definition: ginxlog.h:170
BlockNumber prevTail
Definition: ginxlog.h:172
GinMetaPageData metadata
Definition: ginxlog.h:171
BlockNumber newRightlink
Definition: ginxlog.h:173
ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf data
Definition: ginxlog.h:145