PostgreSQL Source Code git master
Definition at line 82 of file gistbuild.c.
GistBuildMode GISTBuildState::buildMode |
Definition at line 90 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), and gistInitBuffering().
BulkWriteState* GISTBuildState::bulkstate |
Definition at line 110 of file gistbuild.c.
Size GISTBuildState::freespace |
Definition at line 88 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by calculatePagesPerBuffer(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), and gistInitBuffering().
GISTBuildBuffers* GISTBuildState::gfbb |
Definition at line 100 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistBufferingBuildInsert(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), gistEmptyAllBuffers(), gistInitBuffering(), gistProcessEmptyingQueue(), and gistProcessItup().
GISTSTATE* GISTBuildState::giststate |
Definition at line 86 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), gistEmptyAllBuffers(), gistProcessEmptyingQueue(), gistProcessItup(), and gistSortedBuildCallback().
Relation GISTBuildState::heaprel |
Definition at line 85 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), and gistBuildCallback().
Relation GISTBuildState::indexrel |
Definition at line 84 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistBufferingFindCorrectParent(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistInitBuffering(), gistProcessItup(), and gistSortedBuildCallback().
int64 GISTBuildState::indtuples |
Definition at line 92 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by calculatePagesPerBuffer(), gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), gistInitBuffering(), and gistSortedBuildCallback().
int64 GISTBuildState::indtuplesSize |
Definition at line 99 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by calculatePagesPerBuffer(), gistbuild(), gistBuildCallback(), and gistInitBuffering().
BlockNumber GISTBuildState::pages_allocated |
Definition at line 108 of file gistbuild.c.
HTAB* GISTBuildState::parentMap |
Definition at line 101 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistGetParent(), gistInitParentMap(), and gistMemorizeParent().
Tuplesortstate* GISTBuildState::sortstate |
Definition at line 106 of file gistbuild.c.
Referenced by gistbuild(), and gistSortedBuildCallback().