PostgreSQL Source Code git master
_connParams Struct Reference

#include <pg_backup.h>

Data Fields

char * dbname
char * pgport
char * pghost
char * username
trivalue promptPassword
char * override_dbname
const char * dbname
const char * pghost
const char * pgport
const char * pguser
enum trivalue prompt_password
const char * override_dbname

Detailed Description

Definition at line 82 of file pg_backup.h.

Field Documentation

◆ dbname [1/2]

char* _connParams::dbname

◆ dbname [2/2]

const char* _connParams::dbname

Definition at line 28 of file connect_utils.h.

◆ override_dbname [1/2]

char* _connParams::override_dbname

◆ override_dbname [2/2]

const char* _connParams::override_dbname

Definition at line 35 of file connect_utils.h.

◆ pghost [1/2]

char* _connParams::pghost

Definition at line 87 of file pg_backup.h.

Referenced by ConnectDatabase(), connectDatabase(), dumpOptionsFromRestoreOptions(), and main().

◆ pghost [2/2]

const char* _connParams::pghost

Definition at line 29 of file connect_utils.h.

◆ pgport [1/2]

char* _connParams::pgport

Definition at line 86 of file pg_backup.h.

Referenced by ConnectDatabase(), connectDatabase(), dumpOptionsFromRestoreOptions(), and main().

◆ pgport [2/2]

const char* _connParams::pgport

Definition at line 30 of file connect_utils.h.

◆ pguser

const char* _connParams::pguser

Definition at line 31 of file connect_utils.h.

Referenced by connectDatabase(), and main().

◆ prompt_password

enum trivalue _connParams::prompt_password

Definition at line 32 of file connect_utils.h.

Referenced by connectDatabase(), and main().

◆ promptPassword

trivalue _connParams::promptPassword

Definition at line 89 of file pg_backup.h.

Referenced by ConnectDatabase(), dumpOptionsFromRestoreOptions(), and main().

◆ username

char* _connParams::username

Definition at line 88 of file pg_backup.h.

Referenced by ConnectDatabase(), dumpOptionsFromRestoreOptions(), and main().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: