PostgreSQL Source Code git master
cnfa Struct Reference

#include <regguts.h>

Data Fields

int nstates
int ncolors
int flags
int pre
int post
color bos [2]
color eos [2]
char * stflags
struct carc ** states
struct carcarcs
int minmatchall
int maxmatchall

Detailed Description

Definition at line 406 of file regguts.h.

Field Documentation

◆ arcs

struct carc* cnfa::arcs

Definition at line 423 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), and freecnfa().

◆ bos

color cnfa::bos[2]

Definition at line 417 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), longest(), matchuntil(), pg_reg_colorisbegin(), and shortest().

◆ eos

color cnfa::eos[2]

Definition at line 418 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), longest(), matchuntil(), pg_reg_colorisend(), and shortest().

◆ flags

int cnfa::flags

Definition at line 410 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), longest(), matchuntil(), miss(), pg_regprefix(), and shortest().

◆ maxmatchall

int cnfa::maxmatchall

Definition at line 426 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), longest(), matchuntil(), and shortest().

◆ minmatchall

int cnfa::minmatchall

Definition at line 425 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), longest(), matchuntil(), and shortest().

◆ ncolors

int cnfa::ncolors

Definition at line 409 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), lacon(), miss(), newdfa(), and traverse_lacons().

◆ nstates

◆ post

int cnfa::post

Definition at line 416 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), initialize(), miss(), pg_reg_getfinalstate(), and traverse_lacons().

◆ pre

int cnfa::pre

Definition at line 415 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), initialize(), and pg_reg_getinitialstate().

◆ states

struct carc** cnfa::states

Definition at line 421 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), findprefix(), freecnfa(), miss(), and traverse_lacons().

◆ stflags

char* cnfa::stflags

Definition at line 419 of file regguts.h.

Referenced by compact(), freecnfa(), and miss().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: