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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * tstoreReceiver.c
4  * An implementation of DestReceiver that stores the result tuples in
5  * a Tuplestore.
6  *
7  * Optionally, we can force detoasting (but not decompression) of out-of-line
8  * toasted values. This is to support cursors WITH HOLD, which must retain
9  * data even if the underlying table is dropped.
10  *
11  * Also optionally, we can apply a tuple conversion map before storing.
12  *
13  *
14  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
15  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
16  *
18  * src/backend/executor/tstoreReceiver.c
19  *
20  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
21  */
23 #include "postgres.h"
25 #include "access/detoast.h"
26 #include "access/tupconvert.h"
30 typedef struct
31 {
33  /* parameters: */
34  Tuplestorestate *tstore; /* where to put the data */
35  MemoryContext cxt; /* context containing tstore */
36  bool detoast; /* were we told to detoast? */
37  TupleDesc target_tupdesc; /* target tupdesc, or NULL if none */
38  const char *map_failure_msg; /* tupdesc mapping failure message */
39  /* workspace: */
40  Datum *outvalues; /* values array for result tuple */
41  Datum *tofree; /* temp values to be pfree'd */
42  TupleConversionMap *tupmap; /* conversion map, if needed */
43  TupleTableSlot *mapslot; /* slot for mapped tuples */
44 } TStoreState;
47 static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_notoast(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self);
48 static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_detoast(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self);
49 static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_tupmap(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self);
52 /*
53  * Prepare to receive tuples from executor.
54  */
55 static void
56 tstoreStartupReceiver(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo)
57 {
58  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
59  bool needtoast = false;
60  int natts = typeinfo->natts;
61  int i;
63  /* Check if any columns require detoast work */
64  if (myState->detoast)
65  {
66  for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
67  {
68  Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i);
70  if (attr->attisdropped)
71  continue;
72  if (attr->attlen == -1)
73  {
74  needtoast = true;
75  break;
76  }
77  }
78  }
80  /* Check if tuple conversion is needed */
81  if (myState->target_tupdesc)
82  myState->tupmap = convert_tuples_by_position(typeinfo,
83  myState->target_tupdesc,
84  myState->map_failure_msg);
85  else
86  myState->tupmap = NULL;
88  /* Set up appropriate callback */
89  if (needtoast)
90  {
91  Assert(!myState->tupmap);
93  /* Create workspace */
94  myState->outvalues = (Datum *)
95  MemoryContextAlloc(myState->cxt, natts * sizeof(Datum));
96  myState->tofree = (Datum *)
97  MemoryContextAlloc(myState->cxt, natts * sizeof(Datum));
98  myState->mapslot = NULL;
99  }
100  else if (myState->tupmap)
101  {
103  myState->outvalues = NULL;
104  myState->tofree = NULL;
105  myState->mapslot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(myState->target_tupdesc,
106  &TTSOpsVirtual);
107  }
108  else
109  {
111  myState->outvalues = NULL;
112  myState->tofree = NULL;
113  myState->mapslot = NULL;
114  }
115 }
117 /*
118  * Receive a tuple from the executor and store it in the tuplestore.
119  * This is for the easy case where we don't have to detoast nor map anything.
120  */
121 static bool
123 {
124  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
126  tuplestore_puttupleslot(myState->tstore, slot);
128  return true;
129 }
131 /*
132  * Receive a tuple from the executor and store it in the tuplestore.
133  * This is for the case where we have to detoast any toasted values.
134  */
135 static bool
137 {
138  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
139  TupleDesc typeinfo = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
140  int natts = typeinfo->natts;
141  int nfree;
142  int i;
143  MemoryContext oldcxt;
145  /* Make sure the tuple is fully deconstructed */
146  slot_getallattrs(slot);
148  /*
149  * Fetch back any out-of-line datums. We build the new datums array in
150  * myState->outvalues[] (but we can re-use the slot's isnull array). Also,
151  * remember the fetched values to free afterwards.
152  */
153  nfree = 0;
154  for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
155  {
156  Datum val = slot->tts_values[i];
157  Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i);
159  if (!attr->attisdropped && attr->attlen == -1 && !slot->tts_isnull[i])
160  {
162  {
164  DatumGetPointer(val)));
165  myState->tofree[nfree++] = val;
166  }
167  }
169  myState->outvalues[i] = val;
170  }
172  /*
173  * Push the modified tuple into the tuplestore.
174  */
175  oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(myState->cxt);
176  tuplestore_putvalues(myState->tstore, typeinfo,
177  myState->outvalues, slot->tts_isnull);
178  MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
180  /* And release any temporary detoasted values */
181  for (i = 0; i < nfree; i++)
182  pfree(DatumGetPointer(myState->tofree[i]));
184  return true;
185 }
187 /*
188  * Receive a tuple from the executor and store it in the tuplestore.
189  * This is for the case where we must apply a tuple conversion map.
190  */
191 static bool
193 {
194  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
196  execute_attr_map_slot(myState->tupmap->attrMap, slot, myState->mapslot);
197  tuplestore_puttupleslot(myState->tstore, myState->mapslot);
199  return true;
200 }
202 /*
203  * Clean up at end of an executor run
204  */
205 static void
207 {
208  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
210  /* Release workspace if any */
211  if (myState->outvalues)
212  pfree(myState->outvalues);
213  myState->outvalues = NULL;
214  if (myState->tofree)
215  pfree(myState->tofree);
216  myState->tofree = NULL;
217  if (myState->tupmap)
218  free_conversion_map(myState->tupmap);
219  myState->tupmap = NULL;
220  if (myState->mapslot)
222  myState->mapslot = NULL;
223 }
225 /*
226  * Destroy receiver when done with it
227  */
228 static void
230 {
231  pfree(self);
232 }
234 /*
235  * Initially create a DestReceiver object.
236  */
237 DestReceiver *
239 {
240  TStoreState *self = (TStoreState *) palloc0(sizeof(TStoreState));
242  self->pub.receiveSlot = tstoreReceiveSlot_notoast; /* might change */
243  self->pub.rStartup = tstoreStartupReceiver;
244  self->pub.rShutdown = tstoreShutdownReceiver;
245  self->pub.rDestroy = tstoreDestroyReceiver;
246  self->pub.mydest = DestTuplestore;
248  /* private fields will be set by SetTuplestoreDestReceiverParams */
250  return (DestReceiver *) self;
251 }
253 /*
254  * Set parameters for a TuplestoreDestReceiver
255  *
256  * tStore: where to store the tuples
257  * tContext: memory context containing tStore
258  * detoast: forcibly detoast contained data?
259  * target_tupdesc: if not NULL, forcibly convert tuples to this rowtype
260  * map_failure_msg: error message to use if mapping to target_tupdesc fails
261  *
262  * We don't currently support both detoast and target_tupdesc at the same
263  * time, just because no existing caller needs that combination.
264  */
265 void
267  Tuplestorestate *tStore,
268  MemoryContext tContext,
269  bool detoast,
270  TupleDesc target_tupdesc,
271  const char *map_failure_msg)
272 {
273  TStoreState *myState = (TStoreState *) self;
275  Assert(!(detoast && target_tupdesc));
277  Assert(myState->pub.mydest == DestTuplestore);
278  myState->tstore = tStore;
279  myState->cxt = tContext;
280  myState->detoast = detoast;
281  myState->target_tupdesc = target_tupdesc;
282  myState->map_failure_msg = map_failure_msg;
283 }
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:849
@ DestTuplestore
Definition: dest.h:93
struct varlena * detoast_external_attr(struct varlena *attr)
Definition: detoast.c:45
const TupleTableSlotOps TTSOpsVirtual
Definition: execTuples.c:84
void ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: execTuples.c:1341
TupleTableSlot * MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleDesc tupdesc, const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops)
Definition: execTuples.c:1325
long val
Definition: informix.c:689
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
void * MemoryContextAlloc(MemoryContext context, Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1181
FormData_pg_attribute * Form_pg_attribute
Definition: pg_attribute.h:209
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:322
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
static Pointer DatumGetPointer(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:312
Tuplestorestate * tstore
MemoryContext cxt
const char * map_failure_msg
TupleTableSlot * mapslot
Datum * tofree
TupleDesc target_tupdesc
DestReceiver pub
TupleConversionMap * tupmap
Datum * outvalues
AttrMap * attrMap
Definition: tupconvert.h:28
TupleDesc tts_tupleDescriptor
Definition: tuptable.h:123
bool * tts_isnull
Definition: tuptable.h:127
Datum * tts_values
Definition: tuptable.h:125
bool(* receiveSlot)(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self)
Definition: dest.h:118
CommandDest mydest
Definition: dest.h:128
Definition: c.h:678
static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_detoast(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self)
static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_tupmap(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self)
DestReceiver * CreateTuplestoreDestReceiver(void)
static void tstoreStartupReceiver(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo)
static void tstoreShutdownReceiver(DestReceiver *self)
void SetTuplestoreDestReceiverParams(DestReceiver *self, Tuplestorestate *tStore, MemoryContext tContext, bool detoast, TupleDesc target_tupdesc, const char *map_failure_msg)
static void tstoreDestroyReceiver(DestReceiver *self)
static bool tstoreReceiveSlot_notoast(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self)
TupleConversionMap * convert_tuples_by_position(TupleDesc indesc, TupleDesc outdesc, const char *msg)
Definition: tupconvert.c:59
TupleTableSlot * execute_attr_map_slot(AttrMap *attrMap, TupleTableSlot *in_slot, TupleTableSlot *out_slot)
Definition: tupconvert.c:192
void free_conversion_map(TupleConversionMap *map)
Definition: tupconvert.c:299
#define TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:92
void tuplestore_puttupleslot(Tuplestorestate *state, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuplestore.c:742
void tuplestore_putvalues(Tuplestorestate *state, TupleDesc tdesc, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: tuplestore.c:784
static void slot_getallattrs(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuptable.h:368
Definition: varatt.h:289