PostgreSQL Source Code git master
PLyProcedure Struct Reference

#include <plpy_procedure.h>

Data Fields

MemoryContext mcxt
char * proname
char * pyname
TransactionId fn_xmin
ItemPointerData fn_tid
bool fn_readonly
bool is_setof
bool is_procedure
bool is_trigger
PLyObToDatum result
PLyDatumToOb result_in
char * src
char ** argnames
int nargs
Oid langid
PyObject * code
PyObject * statics
PyObject * globals
long calldepth

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Field Documentation

◆ argnames

char** PLyProcedure::argnames

◆ args

PLyDatumToOb* PLyProcedure::args

Definition at line 41 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_function_build_args(), and PLy_procedure_create().

◆ argstack

PLySavedArgs* PLyProcedure::argstack

◆ calldepth

long PLyProcedure::calldepth

◆ code

PyObject* PLyProcedure::code

◆ fn_readonly

bool PLyProcedure::fn_readonly

◆ fn_tid

ItemPointerData PLyProcedure::fn_tid

Definition at line 32 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_procedure_create(), and PLy_procedure_valid().

◆ fn_xmin

TransactionId PLyProcedure::fn_xmin

Definition at line 31 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_procedure_create(), and PLy_procedure_valid().

◆ globals

◆ is_procedure

bool PLyProcedure::is_procedure

◆ is_setof

bool PLyProcedure::is_setof

Definition at line 34 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_exec_function(), and PLy_procedure_create().

◆ is_trigger

bool PLyProcedure::is_trigger

Definition at line 36 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_function_save_args(), and PLy_procedure_create().

◆ langid

Oid PLyProcedure::langid

◆ mcxt

◆ nargs

int PLyProcedure::nargs

◆ proname

char* PLyProcedure::proname

◆ pyname

char* PLyProcedure::pyname

◆ result

◆ result_in

PLyDatumToOb PLyProcedure::result_in

Definition at line 38 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_exec_trigger(), PLy_procedure_create(), and PLy_trigger_build_args().

◆ src

char* PLyProcedure::src

Definition at line 39 of file plpy_procedure.h.

Referenced by PLy_procedure_compile(), PLy_procedure_create(), and PLy_traceback().

◆ statics

PyObject* PLyProcedure::statics

◆ trftypes

List* PLyProcedure::trftypes

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: