PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
test_integerset.c File Reference
#include "postgres.h"
#include "common/pg_prng.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "lib/integerset.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/bitmapset.h"
#include "storage/block.h"
#include "storage/itemptr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"
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Data Structures

struct  test_spec


 PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (test_integerset)
static void test_pattern (const test_spec *spec)
static void test_empty (void)
static void test_single_value (uint64 value)
static void check_with_filler (IntegerSet *intset, uint64 x, uint64 value, uint64 filler_min, uint64 filler_max)
static void test_single_value_and_filler (uint64 value, uint64 filler_min, uint64 filler_max)
static void test_huge_distances (void)
Datum test_integerset (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)


static const bool intset_test_stats = false
static const test_spec test_specs []

Function Documentation

◆ check_with_filler()

static void check_with_filler ( IntegerSet intset,
uint64  x,
uint64  value,
uint64  filler_min,
uint64  filler_max 

Definition at line 470 of file test_integerset.c.

472 {
473  bool expected;
474  bool actual;
476  expected = (x == value || (filler_min <= x && x < filler_max));
478  actual = intset_is_member(intset, x);
480  if (actual != expected)
481  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
482 }
Datum intset(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: _int_op.c:179
#define UINT64_FORMAT
Definition: c.h:540
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
static struct @157 value
bool intset_is_member(IntegerSet *intset, uint64 x)
Definition: integerset.c:554
int x
Definition: isn.c:71

References elog, ERROR, intset(), intset_is_member(), UINT64_FORMAT, value, and x.

Referenced by test_single_value_and_filler().


PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 ( test_integerset  )

◆ test_empty()

static void test_empty ( void  )

Definition at line 488 of file test_integerset.c.

489 {
491  uint64 x;
493  elog(NOTICE, "testing intset with empty set");
495  intset = intset_create();
497  /* Test intset_is_member() */
498  if (intset_is_member(intset, 0) != false)
499  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member on empty set returned true");
500  if (intset_is_member(intset, 1) != false)
501  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member on empty set returned true");
502  if (intset_is_member(intset, PG_UINT64_MAX) != false)
503  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member on empty set returned true");
505  /* Test iterator */
508  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next on empty set returned a value (" UINT64_FORMAT ")", x);
509 }
#define PG_UINT64_MAX
Definition: c.h:584
#define NOTICE
Definition: elog.h:35
IntegerSet * intset_create(void)
Definition: integerset.c:284
void intset_begin_iterate(IntegerSet *intset)
Definition: integerset.c:624
bool intset_iterate_next(IntegerSet *intset, uint64 *next)
Definition: integerset.c:643

References elog, ERROR, intset(), intset_begin_iterate(), intset_create(), intset_is_member(), intset_iterate_next(), NOTICE, PG_UINT64_MAX, UINT64_FORMAT, and x.

Referenced by test_integerset().

◆ test_huge_distances()

static void test_huge_distances ( void  )

Definition at line 519 of file test_integerset.c.

520 {
522  uint64 values[1000];
523  int num_values = 0;
524  uint64 val = 0;
525  bool found;
526  uint64 x;
528  elog(NOTICE, "testing intset with distances > 2^60 between values");
530  val = 0;
531  values[num_values++] = val;
533  /* Test differences on both sides of the 2^60 boundary. */
534  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) - 1; /* 2^60 - 1 */
535  values[num_values++] = val;
537  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) - 1; /* 2^60 - 1 */
538  values[num_values++] = val;
540  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976); /* 2^60 */
541  values[num_values++] = val;
543  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976); /* 2^60 */
544  values[num_values++] = val;
546  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976); /* 2^60 */
547  values[num_values++] = val;
549  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) + 1; /* 2^60 + 1 */
550  values[num_values++] = val;
552  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) + 1; /* 2^60 + 1 */
553  values[num_values++] = val;
555  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) + 1; /* 2^60 + 1 */
556  values[num_values++] = val;
558  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) + 2; /* 2^60 + 2 */
559  values[num_values++] = val;
561  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976) + 2; /* 2^60 + 2 */
562  values[num_values++] = val;
564  val += UINT64CONST(1152921504606846976); /* 2^60 */
565  values[num_values++] = val;
567  /*
568  * We're now very close to 2^64, so can't add large values anymore. But
569  * add more smaller values to the end, to make sure that all the above
570  * values get flushed and packed into the tree structure.
571  */
572  while (num_values < 1000)
573  {
575  values[num_values++] = val;
576  }
578  /* Create an IntegerSet using these values */
579  intset = intset_create();
580  for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++)
583  /*
584  * Test intset_is_member() around each of these values
585  */
586  for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++)
587  {
588  uint64 y = values[i];
589  bool expected;
590  bool result;
592  if (y > 0)
593  {
594  expected = (values[i - 1] == y - 1);
595  result = intset_is_member(intset, y - 1);
596  if (result != expected)
597  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, y - 1);
598  }
600  result = intset_is_member(intset, y);
601  if (result != true)
602  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, y);
604  expected = (i != num_values - 1) ? (values[i + 1] == y + 1) : false;
605  result = intset_is_member(intset, y + 1);
606  if (result != expected)
607  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, y + 1);
608  }
610  /*
611  * Test iterator
612  */
614  for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++)
615  {
616  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
617  if (!found || x != values[i])
618  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
619  }
620  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
621  if (found)
622  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
623 }
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:150
long val
Definition: informix.c:689
void intset_add_member(IntegerSet *intset, uint64 x)
Definition: integerset.c:370
int y
Definition: isn.c:72
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
uint32 pg_prng_uint32(pg_prng_state *state)
Definition: pg_prng.c:227
pg_prng_state pg_global_prng_state
Definition: pg_prng.c:34

References elog, ERROR, i, intset(), intset_add_member(), intset_begin_iterate(), intset_create(), intset_is_member(), intset_iterate_next(), NOTICE, pg_global_prng_state, pg_prng_uint32(), UINT64_FORMAT, val, values, x, and y.

Referenced by test_integerset().

◆ test_integerset()

Datum test_integerset ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 107 of file test_integerset.c.

108 {
109  /* Tests for various corner cases */
110  test_empty();
116  test_single_value_and_filler(0, 1000, 2000);
117  test_single_value_and_filler(1, 1000, 2000);
118  test_single_value_and_filler(1, 1000, 2000000);
122  /* Test different test patterns, with lots of entries */
123  for (int i = 0; i < lengthof(test_specs); i++)
124  {
126  }
129 }
#define lengthof(array)
Definition: c.h:779
#define PG_RETURN_VOID()
Definition: fmgr.h:349
static void test_pattern(const test_spec *spec)
static void test_single_value(uint64 value)
static void test_empty(void)
static const test_spec test_specs[]
static void test_single_value_and_filler(uint64 value, uint64 filler_min, uint64 filler_max)
static void test_huge_distances(void)

References i, lengthof, PG_RETURN_VOID, PG_UINT64_MAX, test_empty(), test_huge_distances(), test_pattern(), test_single_value(), test_single_value_and_filler(), and test_specs.

◆ test_pattern()

static void test_pattern ( const test_spec spec)

Definition at line 135 of file test_integerset.c.

136 {
138  MemoryContext intset_ctx;
140  TimestampTz starttime;
141  TimestampTz endtime;
142  uint64 n;
143  uint64 last_int;
144  int patternlen;
145  uint64 *pattern_values;
146  uint64 pattern_num_values;
148  elog(NOTICE, "testing intset with pattern \"%s\"", spec->test_name);
149  if (intset_test_stats)
150  fprintf(stderr, "-----\ntesting intset with pattern \"%s\"\n", spec->test_name);
152  /* Pre-process the pattern, creating an array of integers from it. */
153  patternlen = strlen(spec->pattern_str);
154  pattern_values = palloc(patternlen * sizeof(uint64));
155  pattern_num_values = 0;
156  for (int i = 0; i < patternlen; i++)
157  {
158  if (spec->pattern_str[i] == '1')
159  pattern_values[pattern_num_values++] = i;
160  }
162  /*
163  * Allocate the integer set.
164  *
165  * Allocate it in a separate memory context, so that we can print its
166  * memory usage easily. (intset_create() creates a memory context of its
167  * own, too, but we don't have direct access to it, so we cannot call
168  * MemoryContextStats() on it directly).
169  */
171  "intset test",
173  MemoryContextSetIdentifier(intset_ctx, spec->test_name);
174  old_ctx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(intset_ctx);
175  intset = intset_create();
178  /*
179  * Add values to the set.
180  */
181  starttime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
183  n = 0;
184  last_int = 0;
185  while (n < spec->num_values)
186  {
187  uint64 x = 0;
189  for (int i = 0; i < pattern_num_values && n < spec->num_values; i++)
190  {
191  x = last_int + pattern_values[i];
194  n++;
195  }
196  last_int += spec->spacing;
197  }
199  endtime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
201  if (intset_test_stats)
202  fprintf(stderr, "added " UINT64_FORMAT " values in %d ms\n",
203  spec->num_values, (int) (endtime - starttime) / 1000);
205  /*
206  * Print stats on the amount of memory used.
207  *
208  * We print the usage reported by intset_memory_usage(), as well as the
209  * stats from the memory context. They should be in the same ballpark,
210  * but it's hard to automate testing that, so if you're making changes to
211  * the implementation, just observe that manually.
212  */
213  if (intset_test_stats)
214  {
215  uint64 mem_usage;
217  /*
218  * Also print memory usage as reported by intset_memory_usage(). It
219  * should be in the same ballpark as the usage reported by
220  * MemoryContextStats().
221  */
222  mem_usage = intset_memory_usage(intset);
223  fprintf(stderr, "intset_memory_usage() reported " UINT64_FORMAT " (%0.2f bytes / integer)\n",
224  mem_usage, (double) mem_usage / spec->num_values);
226  MemoryContextStats(intset_ctx);
227  }
229  /* Check that intset_get_num_entries works */
231  if (n != spec->num_values)
232  elog(ERROR, "intset_num_entries returned " UINT64_FORMAT ", expected " UINT64_FORMAT, n, spec->num_values);
234  /*
235  * Test random-access probes with intset_is_member()
236  */
237  starttime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
239  for (n = 0; n < 100000; n++)
240  {
241  bool b;
242  bool expected;
243  uint64 x;
245  /*
246  * Pick next value to probe at random. We limit the probes to the
247  * last integer that we added to the set, plus an arbitrary constant
248  * (1000). There's no point in probing the whole 0 - 2^64 range, if
249  * only a small part of the integer space is used. We would very
250  * rarely hit values that are actually in the set.
251  */
252  x = pg_prng_uint64_range(&pg_global_prng_state, 0, last_int + 1000);
254  /* Do we expect this value to be present in the set? */
255  if (x >= last_int)
256  expected = false;
257  else
258  {
259  uint64 idx = x % spec->spacing;
261  if (idx >= patternlen)
262  expected = false;
263  else if (spec->pattern_str[idx] == '1')
264  expected = true;
265  else
266  expected = false;
267  }
269  /* Is it present according to intset_is_member() ? */
272  if (b != expected)
273  elog(ERROR, "mismatch at " UINT64_FORMAT ": %d vs %d", x, b, expected);
274  }
275  endtime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
276  if (intset_test_stats)
277  fprintf(stderr, "probed " UINT64_FORMAT " values in %d ms\n",
278  n, (int) (endtime - starttime) / 1000);
280  /*
281  * Test iterator
282  */
283  starttime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
286  n = 0;
287  last_int = 0;
288  while (n < spec->num_values)
289  {
290  for (int i = 0; i < pattern_num_values && n < spec->num_values; i++)
291  {
292  uint64 expected = last_int + pattern_values[i];
293  uint64 x;
295  if (!intset_iterate_next(intset, &x))
296  break;
298  if (x != expected)
299  elog(ERROR, "iterate returned wrong value; got " UINT64_FORMAT ", expected " UINT64_FORMAT, x, expected);
300  n++;
301  }
302  last_int += spec->spacing;
303  }
304  endtime = GetCurrentTimestamp();
305  if (intset_test_stats)
306  fprintf(stderr, "iterated " UINT64_FORMAT " values in %d ms\n",
307  n, (int) (endtime - starttime) / 1000);
309  if (n < spec->num_values)
310  elog(ERROR, "iterator stopped short after " UINT64_FORMAT " entries, expected " UINT64_FORMAT, n, spec->num_values);
311  if (n > spec->num_values)
312  elog(ERROR, "iterator returned " UINT64_FORMAT " entries, " UINT64_FORMAT " was expected", n, spec->num_values);
314  MemoryContextDelete(intset_ctx);
315 }
Definition: _int_op.c:259
TimestampTz GetCurrentTimestamp(void)
Definition: timestamp.c:1644
int64 TimestampTz
Definition: timestamp.h:39
uint64 intset_memory_usage(IntegerSet *intset)
Definition: integerset.c:359
uint64 intset_num_entries(IntegerSet *intset)
Definition: integerset.c:350
int b
Definition: isn.c:70
MemoryContext CurrentMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:143
void MemoryContextStats(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:814
void MemoryContextDelete(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:454
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317
void MemoryContextSetIdentifier(MemoryContext context, const char *id)
Definition: mcxt.c:612
#define AllocSetContextCreate
Definition: memutils.h:129
Definition: memutils.h:170
uint64 pg_prng_uint64_range(pg_prng_state *state, uint64 rmin, uint64 rmax)
Definition: pg_prng.c:144
#define fprintf
Definition: port.h:242
RT_SCOPE RT_RADIX_TREE *MemoryContext old_ctx
Definition: radixtree.h:1824
uint64 num_values
uint64 spacing
char * pattern_str
char * test_name
static const bool intset_test_stats

References ALLOCSET_SMALL_SIZES, AllocSetContextCreate, b, CurrentMemoryContext, elog, ERROR, fprintf, GetCurrentTimestamp(), i, idx(), intset(), intset_add_member(), intset_begin_iterate(), intset_create(), intset_is_member(), intset_iterate_next(), intset_memory_usage(), intset_num_entries(), intset_test_stats, MemoryContextDelete(), MemoryContextSetIdentifier(), MemoryContextStats(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NOTICE, test_spec::num_values, old_ctx, palloc(), test_spec::pattern_str, pg_global_prng_state, pg_prng_uint64_range(), test_spec::spacing, test_spec::test_name, UINT64_FORMAT, and x.

Referenced by test_integerset().

◆ test_single_value()

static void test_single_value ( uint64  value)

Definition at line 321 of file test_integerset.c.

322 {
324  uint64 x;
325  uint64 num_entries;
326  bool found;
328  elog(NOTICE, "testing intset with single value " UINT64_FORMAT, value);
330  /* Create the set. */
331  intset = intset_create();
334  /* Test intset_get_num_entries() */
335  num_entries = intset_num_entries(intset);
336  if (num_entries != 1)
337  elog(ERROR, "intset_num_entries returned " UINT64_FORMAT ", expected 1", num_entries);
339  /*
340  * Test intset_is_member() at various special values, like 0 and maximum
341  * possible 64-bit integer, as well as the value itself.
342  */
343  if (intset_is_member(intset, 0) != (value == 0))
344  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for 0");
345  if (intset_is_member(intset, 1) != (value == 1))
346  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for 1");
348  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for PG_UINT64_MAX");
349  if (intset_is_member(intset, value) != true)
350  elog(ERROR, "intset_is_member failed for the tested value");
352  /*
353  * Test iterator
354  */
356  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
357  if (!found || x != value)
358  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
360  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
361  if (found)
362  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
363 }

References elog, ERROR, intset(), intset_add_member(), intset_begin_iterate(), intset_create(), intset_is_member(), intset_iterate_next(), intset_num_entries(), NOTICE, PG_UINT64_MAX, UINT64_FORMAT, value, and x.

Referenced by test_integerset().

◆ test_single_value_and_filler()

static void test_single_value_and_filler ( uint64  value,
uint64  filler_min,
uint64  filler_max 

Definition at line 377 of file test_integerset.c.

378 {
380  uint64 x;
381  bool found;
382  uint64 *iter_expected;
383  uint64 n = 0;
384  uint64 num_entries = 0;
385  uint64 mem_usage;
387  elog(NOTICE, "testing intset with value " UINT64_FORMAT ", and all between " UINT64_FORMAT " and " UINT64_FORMAT,
388  value, filler_min, filler_max);
390  intset = intset_create();
392  iter_expected = palloc(sizeof(uint64) * (filler_max - filler_min + 1));
393  if (value < filler_min)
394  {
396  iter_expected[n++] = value;
397  }
399  for (x = filler_min; x < filler_max; x++)
400  {
402  iter_expected[n++] = x;
403  }
405  if (value >= filler_max)
406  {
408  iter_expected[n++] = value;
409  }
411  /* Test intset_get_num_entries() */
412  num_entries = intset_num_entries(intset);
413  if (num_entries != n)
414  elog(ERROR, "intset_num_entries returned " UINT64_FORMAT ", expected " UINT64_FORMAT, num_entries, n);
416  /*
417  * Test intset_is_member() at various spots, at and around the values that
418  * we expect to be set, as well as 0 and the maximum possible value.
419  */
421  value, filler_min, filler_max);
423  value, filler_min, filler_max);
424  check_with_filler(intset, filler_min - 1,
425  value, filler_min, filler_max);
426  check_with_filler(intset, filler_min,
427  value, filler_min, filler_max);
428  check_with_filler(intset, filler_min + 1,
429  value, filler_min, filler_max);
431  value, filler_min, filler_max);
433  value, filler_min, filler_max);
435  value, filler_min, filler_max);
436  check_with_filler(intset, filler_max - 1,
437  value, filler_min, filler_max);
438  check_with_filler(intset, filler_max,
439  value, filler_min, filler_max);
440  check_with_filler(intset, filler_max + 1,
441  value, filler_min, filler_max);
443  value, filler_min, filler_max);
445  value, filler_min, filler_max);
448  for (uint64 i = 0; i < n; i++)
449  {
450  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
451  if (!found || x != iter_expected[i])
452  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed for " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
453  }
454  found = intset_iterate_next(intset, &x);
455  if (found)
456  elog(ERROR, "intset_iterate_next failed " UINT64_FORMAT, x);
458  mem_usage = intset_memory_usage(intset);
459  if (mem_usage < 5000 || mem_usage > 500000000)
460  elog(ERROR, "intset_memory_usage() reported suspicious value: " UINT64_FORMAT, mem_usage);
461 }
static void check_with_filler(IntegerSet *intset, uint64 x, uint64 value, uint64 filler_min, uint64 filler_max)

References check_with_filler(), elog, ERROR, i, intset(), intset_add_member(), intset_begin_iterate(), intset_create(), intset_iterate_next(), intset_memory_usage(), intset_num_entries(), NOTICE, palloc(), PG_UINT64_MAX, UINT64_FORMAT, value, and x.

Referenced by test_integerset().

Variable Documentation

◆ intset_test_stats

const bool intset_test_stats = false

Definition at line 36 of file test_integerset.c.

Referenced by test_pattern().



Definition at line 38 of file test_integerset.c.

◆ test_specs

const test_spec test_specs[]

Definition at line 54 of file test_integerset.c.

Referenced by test_integerset().