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2 *
3 * pg_dump.h
4 * Common header file for the pg_dump utility
5 *
6 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2025, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8 *
9 * src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h
10 *
11 *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 */
14#ifndef PG_DUMP_H
15#define PG_DUMP_H
17#include "pg_backup.h"
18#include "catalog/pg_publication_d.h"
21#define oidcmp(x,y) ( ((x) < (y) ? -1 : ((x) > (y)) ? 1 : 0) )
24 * The data structures used to store system catalog information. Every
25 * dumpable object is a subclass of DumpableObject.
26 *
27 * NOTE: the structures described here live for the entire pg_dump run;
28 * and in most cases we make a struct for every object we can find in the
29 * catalogs, not only those we are actually going to dump. Hence, it's
30 * best to store a minimal amount of per-object info in these structs,
31 * and retrieve additional per-object info when and if we dump a specific
32 * object. In particular, try to avoid retrieving expensive-to-compute
33 * information until it's known to be needed. We do, however, have to
34 * store enough info to determine whether an object should be dumped and
35 * what order to dump in.
36 */
38typedef enum
40 /* When modifying this enum, update priority tables in pg_dump_sort.c! */
62 DO_FK_CONSTRAINT, /* see note for ConstraintInfo */
88 DO_SUBSCRIPTION_REL, /* see note for SubRelInfo */
94 * DumpComponents is a bitmask of the potentially dumpable components of
95 * a database object: its core definition, plus optional attributes such
96 * as ACL, comments, etc.
97 *
98 * The NONE and ALL symbols are convenient shorthands for assigning values,
99 * but be careful about using them in tests. For example, a test like
100 * "if (dobj->dump == DUMP_COMPONENT_NONE)" is probably wrong; you likely want
101 * "if (!(dobj->dump & DUMP_COMPONENT_DEFINITION))" instead. This is because
102 * we aren't too careful about the values of irrelevant bits, as indeed can be
103 * seen in the definition of DUMP_COMPONENT_ALL. It's also possible that an
104 * object has only subsidiary bits such as DUMP_COMPONENT_ACL set, leading to
105 * unexpected behavior of a test against NONE.
106 */
108#define DUMP_COMPONENT_NONE (0)
110#define DUMP_COMPONENT_DATA (1 << 1)
111#define DUMP_COMPONENT_COMMENT (1 << 2)
112#define DUMP_COMPONENT_SECLABEL (1 << 3)
113#define DUMP_COMPONENT_ACL (1 << 4)
114#define DUMP_COMPONENT_POLICY (1 << 5)
115#define DUMP_COMPONENT_USERMAP (1 << 6)
120 * component types which require us to obtain a lock on the table
121 *
122 * Note that some components only require looking at the information
123 * in the pg_catalog tables and, for those components, we do not need
124 * to lock the table. Be careful here though- some components use
125 * server-side functions which pull the latest information from
126 * SysCache and in those cases we *do* need to lock the table.
127 *
128 * We do not need locks for the COMMENT and SECLABEL components as
129 * those simply query their associated tables without using any
130 * server-side functions. We do not need locks for the ACL component
131 * as we pull that information from pg_class without using any
132 * server-side functions that use SysCache. The USERMAP component
133 * is only relevant for FOREIGN SERVERs and not tables, so no sense
134 * locking a table for that either (that can happen if we are going
135 * to dump "ALL" components for a table).
136 *
137 * We DO need locks for DEFINITION, due to various server-side
138 * functions that are used and POLICY due to pg_get_expr(). We set
139 * this up to grab the lock except in the cases we know to be safe.
140 */
147typedef struct _dumpableObject
150 CatalogId catId; /* zero if not a cataloged object */
151 DumpId dumpId; /* assigned by AssignDumpId() */
152 char *name; /* object name (should never be NULL) */
153 struct _namespaceInfo *namespace; /* containing namespace, or NULL */
154 DumpComponents dump; /* bitmask of components requested to dump */
155 DumpComponents dump_contains; /* as above, but for contained objects */
156 DumpComponents components; /* bitmask of components available to dump */
157 bool ext_member; /* true if object is member of extension */
158 bool depends_on_ext; /* true if object depends on an extension */
159 DumpId *dependencies; /* dumpIds of objects this one depends on */
160 int nDeps; /* number of valid dependencies */
161 int allocDeps; /* allocated size of dependencies[] */
165 * Object types that have ACLs must store them in a DumpableAcl sub-struct,
166 * which must immediately follow the DumpableObject base struct.
167 */
168typedef struct _dumpableAcl
170 char *acl; /* the object's actual ACL string */
171 char *acldefault; /* default ACL for the object's type & owner */
172 /* these fields come from the object's pg_init_privs entry, if any: */
173 char privtype; /* entry type, 'i' or 'e'; 0 if no entry */
174 char *initprivs; /* the object's initial ACL string, or NULL */
177/* Generic struct that can be used to access any object type having an ACL */
184typedef struct _namespaceInfo
188 bool create; /* CREATE SCHEMA, or just set owner? */
189 Oid nspowner; /* OID of owner */
190 const char *rolname; /* name of owner */
193typedef struct _extensionInfo
196 char *namespace; /* schema containing extension's objects */
199 char *extconfig; /* info about configuration tables */
203typedef struct _typeInfo
208 /*
209 * Note: is the raw pg_type.typname entry. ftypname is the
210 * result of format_type(), which will be quoted if needed, and might be
211 * schema-qualified too.
212 */
213 char *ftypname;
214 const char *rolname;
218 char typrelkind; /* 'r', 'v', 'c', etc */
219 char typtype; /* 'b', 'c', etc */
220 bool isArray; /* true if auto-generated array type */
221 bool isMultirange; /* true if auto-generated multirange type */
222 bool isDefined; /* true if typisdefined */
223 /* If needed, we'll create a "shell type" entry for it; link that here: */
224 struct _shellTypeInfo *shellType; /* shell-type entry, or NULL */
225 /* If it's a domain, we store links to its constraints here: */
230typedef struct _shellTypeInfo
234 TypeInfo *baseType; /* back link to associated base type */
237typedef struct _funcInfo
241 const char *rolname;
243 int nargs;
246 bool postponed_def; /* function must be postponed into post-data */
249/* AggInfo is a superset of FuncInfo */
250typedef struct _aggInfo
253 /* we don't require any other fields at the moment */
256typedef struct _oprInfo
259 const char *rolname;
264typedef struct _accessMethodInfo
267 char amtype;
271typedef struct _opclassInfo
274 const char *rolname;
277typedef struct _opfamilyInfo
280 const char *rolname;
283typedef struct _collInfo
286 const char *rolname;
289typedef struct _convInfo
292 const char *rolname;
295typedef struct _tableInfo
297 /*
298 * These fields are collected for every table in the database.
299 */
302 const char *rolname;
304 char relpersistence; /* relation persistence */
305 bool relispopulated; /* relation is populated */
306 char relreplident; /* replica identifier */
307 char *reltablespace; /* relation tablespace */
308 char *reloptions; /* options specified by WITH (...) */
309 char *checkoption; /* WITH CHECK OPTION, if any */
310 char *toast_reloptions; /* WITH options for the TOAST table */
311 bool hasindex; /* does it have any indexes? */
312 bool hasrules; /* does it have any rules? */
313 bool hastriggers; /* does it have any triggers? */
314 bool hascolumnACLs; /* do any columns have non-default ACLs? */
315 bool rowsec; /* is row security enabled? */
316 bool forcerowsec; /* is row security forced? */
317 bool hasoids; /* does it have OIDs? */
318 uint32 frozenxid; /* table's relfrozenxid */
319 uint32 minmxid; /* table's relminmxid */
320 Oid toast_oid; /* toast table's OID, or 0 if none */
321 uint32 toast_frozenxid; /* toast table's relfrozenxid, if any */
322 uint32 toast_minmxid; /* toast table's relminmxid */
323 int ncheck; /* # of CHECK expressions */
324 Oid reltype; /* OID of table's composite type, if any */
325 Oid reloftype; /* underlying type for typed table */
326 Oid foreign_server; /* foreign server oid, if applicable */
327 /* these two are set only if table is a sequence owned by a column: */
328 Oid owning_tab; /* OID of table owning sequence */
329 int owning_col; /* attr # of column owning sequence */
331 int32 relpages; /* table's size in pages (from pg_class) */
332 int toastpages; /* toast table's size in pages, if any */
334 bool interesting; /* true if need to collect more data */
335 bool dummy_view; /* view's real definition must be postponed */
336 bool postponed_def; /* matview must be postponed into post-data */
337 bool ispartition; /* is table a partition? */
338 bool unsafe_partitions; /* is it an unsafe partitioned table? */
340 int numParents; /* number of (immediate) parent tables */
341 struct _tableInfo **parents; /* TableInfos of immediate parents */
343 /*
344 * These fields are computed only if we decide the table is interesting
345 * (it's either a table to dump, or a direct parent of a dumpable table).
346 */
347 int numatts; /* number of attributes */
348 char **attnames; /* the attribute names */
349 char **atttypnames; /* attribute type names */
350 int *attstattarget; /* attribute statistics targets */
351 char *attstorage; /* attribute storage scheme */
352 char *typstorage; /* type storage scheme */
353 bool *attisdropped; /* true if attr is dropped; don't dump it */
356 int *attlen; /* attribute length, used by binary_upgrade */
357 char *attalign; /* attribute align, used by binary_upgrade */
358 bool *attislocal; /* true if attr has local definition */
359 char **attoptions; /* per-attribute options */
360 Oid *attcollation; /* per-attribute collation selection */
361 char *attcompression; /* per-attribute compression method */
362 char **attfdwoptions; /* per-attribute fdw options */
363 char **attmissingval; /* per attribute missing value */
364 char **notnull_constrs; /* NOT NULL constraint names. If null,
365 * there isn't one on this column. If
366 * empty string, unnamed constraint
367 * (pre-v17) */
368 bool *notnull_noinh; /* NOT NULL is NO INHERIT */
369 bool *notnull_islocal; /* true if NOT NULL has local definition */
370 struct _attrDefInfo **attrdefs; /* DEFAULT expressions */
371 struct _constraintInfo *checkexprs; /* CHECK constraints */
372 bool needs_override; /* has GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY */
373 char *amname; /* relation access method */
375 /*
376 * Stuff computed only for dumpable tables.
377 */
378 int numIndexes; /* number of indexes */
379 struct _indxInfo *indexes; /* indexes */
380 struct _tableDataInfo *dataObj; /* TableDataInfo, if dumping its data */
381 int numTriggers; /* number of triggers for table */
382 struct _triggerInfo *triggers; /* array of TriggerInfo structs */
385typedef struct _tableAttachInfo
388 TableInfo *parentTbl; /* link to partitioned table */
389 TableInfo *partitionTbl; /* link to partition */
392typedef struct _attrDefInfo
394 DumpableObject dobj; /* note: is name of table */
395 TableInfo *adtable; /* link to table of attribute */
396 int adnum;
397 char *adef_expr; /* decompiled DEFAULT expression */
398 bool separate; /* true if must dump as separate item */
401typedef struct _tableDataInfo
404 TableInfo *tdtable; /* link to table to dump */
405 char *filtercond; /* WHERE condition to limit rows dumped */
408typedef struct _indxInfo
411 TableInfo *indextable; /* link to table the index is for */
412 char *indexdef;
413 char *tablespace; /* tablespace in which index is stored */
414 char *indreloptions; /* options specified by WITH (...) */
415 char *indstatcols; /* column numbers with statistics */
416 char *indstatvals; /* statistic values for columns */
417 int indnkeyattrs; /* number of index key attributes */
418 int indnattrs; /* total number of index attributes */
419 Oid *indkeys; /* In spite of the name 'indkeys' this field
420 * contains both key and nonkey attributes */
424 Oid parentidx; /* if a partition, parent index OID */
425 SimplePtrList partattaches; /* if partitioned, partition attach objects */
427 /* if there is an associated constraint object, its dumpId: */
431typedef struct _indexAttachInfo
434 IndxInfo *parentIdx; /* link to index on partitioned table */
435 IndxInfo *partitionIdx; /* link to index on partition */
438typedef struct _relStatsInfo
444 char relkind; /* 'r', 'm', 'i', etc */
446 /*
447 * indAttNames/nindAttNames are populated only if the relation is an index
448 * with at least one expression column; we don't need them otherwise.
449 */
450 char **indAttNames; /* attnames of the index, in order */
451 int32 nindAttNames; /* number of attnames stored (can be 0) */
452 bool postponed_def; /* stats must be postponed into post-data */
455typedef struct _statsExtInfo
458 const char *rolname; /* owner */
459 TableInfo *stattable; /* link to table the stats are for */
460 int stattarget; /* statistics target */
463typedef struct _ruleInfo
466 TableInfo *ruletable; /* link to table the rule is for */
470 bool separate; /* true if must dump as separate item */
471 /* separate is always true for non-ON SELECT rules */
474typedef struct _triggerInfo
477 TableInfo *tgtable; /* link to table the trigger is for */
480 char *tgdef;
483typedef struct _evttriggerInfo
486 char *evtname;
487 char *evtevent;
488 const char *evtowner;
489 char *evttags;
490 char *evtfname;
495 * struct ConstraintInfo is used for all constraint types. However we
496 * use a different objType for foreign key constraints, to make it easier
497 * to sort them the way we want.
498 *
499 * Note: condeferrable and condeferred are currently only valid for
500 * unique/primary-key constraints. Otherwise that info is in condef.
501 */
502typedef struct _constraintInfo
505 TableInfo *contable; /* NULL if domain constraint */
506 TypeInfo *condomain; /* NULL if table constraint */
508 char *condef; /* definition, if CHECK or FOREIGN KEY */
509 Oid confrelid; /* referenced table, if FOREIGN KEY */
510 DumpId conindex; /* identifies associated index if any */
511 bool condeferrable; /* true if constraint is DEFERRABLE */
512 bool condeferred; /* true if constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED */
513 bool conperiod; /* true if the constraint is WITHOUT OVERLAPS */
514 bool conislocal; /* true if constraint has local definition */
515 bool separate; /* true if must dump as separate item */
518typedef struct _procLangInfo
526 const char *lanowner;
529typedef struct _castInfo
539typedef struct _transformInfo
548/* InhInfo isn't a DumpableObject, just temporary state */
549typedef struct _inhInfo
551 Oid inhrelid; /* OID of a child table */
552 Oid inhparent; /* OID of its parent */
555typedef struct _prsInfo
565typedef struct _dictInfo
568 const char *rolname;
573typedef struct _tmplInfo
580typedef struct _cfgInfo
583 const char *rolname;
587typedef struct _fdwInfo
591 const char *rolname;
597typedef struct _foreignServerInfo
601 const char *rolname;
603 char *srvtype;
608typedef struct _defaultACLInfo
612 const char *defaclrole;
617 * LoInfo represents a group of large objects (blobs) that share the same
618 * owner and ACL setting. dobj.components has the DUMP_COMPONENT_COMMENT bit
619 * set if any blob in the group has a comment; similarly for sec labels.
620 * If there are many blobs with the same owner/ACL, we can divide them into
621 * multiple LoInfo groups, which will each spawn a BLOB METADATA and a BLOBS
622 * (data) TOC entry. This allows more parallelism during restore.
623 */
624typedef struct _loInfo
628 const char *rolname;
634 * The PolicyInfo struct is used to represent policies on a table and
635 * to indicate if a table has RLS enabled (ENABLE ROW SECURITY). If
636 * polname is NULL, then the record indicates ENABLE ROW SECURITY, while if
637 * it's non-NULL then this is a regular policy definition.
638 */
639typedef struct _policyInfo
643 char *polname; /* null indicates RLS is enabled on rel */
644 char polcmd;
646 char *polroles;
647 char *polqual;
652 * The PublicationInfo struct is used to represent publications.
653 */
654typedef struct _PublicationInfo
657 const char *rolname;
664 PublishGencolsType pubgencols_type;
668 * The PublicationRelInfo struct is used to represent publication table
669 * mapping.
670 */
681 * The PublicationSchemaInfo struct is used to represent publication schema
682 * mapping.
683 */
692 * The SubscriptionInfo struct is used to represent subscription.
693 */
694typedef struct _SubscriptionInfo
697 const char *rolname;
715 * The SubRelInfo struct is used to represent a subscription relation.
716 *
717 * XXX Currently, the subscription tables are added to the subscription after
718 * enabling the subscription in binary-upgrade mode. As the apply workers will
719 * not be started in binary_upgrade mode the ordering of enable subscription
720 * does not matter. The order of adding the subscription tables to the
721 * subscription and enabling the subscription should be taken care of if this
722 * feature will be supported in a non-binary-upgrade mode in the future.
723 */
724typedef struct _SubRelInfo
730 char *srsublsn;
734 * common utility functions
735 */
737extern TableInfo *getSchemaData(Archive *fout, int *numTablesPtr);
739extern void AssignDumpId(DumpableObject *dobj);
740extern void recordAdditionalCatalogID(CatalogId catId, DumpableObject *dobj);
741extern DumpId createDumpId(void);
742extern DumpId getMaxDumpId(void);
745extern void getDumpableObjects(DumpableObject ***objs, int *numObjs);
747extern void addObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId);
748extern void removeObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId);
750extern TableInfo *findTableByOid(Oid oid);
751extern TypeInfo *findTypeByOid(Oid oid);
752extern FuncInfo *findFuncByOid(Oid oid);
753extern OprInfo *findOprByOid(Oid oid);
754extern CollInfo *findCollationByOid(Oid oid);
760extern void recordExtensionMembership(CatalogId catId, ExtensionInfo *ext);
763extern void parseOidArray(const char *str, Oid *array, int arraysize);
765extern void sortDumpableObjects(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs,
766 DumpId preBoundaryId, DumpId postBoundaryId);
767extern void sortDumpableObjectsByTypeName(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs);
770 * version specific routines
771 */
772extern void getNamespaces(Archive *fout);
773extern ExtensionInfo *getExtensions(Archive *fout, int *numExtensions);
774extern void getTypes(Archive *fout);
775extern void getFuncs(Archive *fout);
776extern void getAggregates(Archive *fout);
777extern void getOperators(Archive *fout);
778extern void getAccessMethods(Archive *fout);
779extern void getOpclasses(Archive *fout);
780extern void getOpfamilies(Archive *fout);
781extern void getCollations(Archive *fout);
782extern void getConversions(Archive *fout);
783extern TableInfo *getTables(Archive *fout, int *numTables);
784extern void getOwnedSeqs(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
785extern InhInfo *getInherits(Archive *fout, int *numInherits);
786extern void getPartitioningInfo(Archive *fout);
787extern void getIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
788extern void getExtendedStatistics(Archive *fout);
789extern void getConstraints(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
790extern void getRules(Archive *fout);
791extern void getTriggers(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
792extern void getProcLangs(Archive *fout);
793extern void getCasts(Archive *fout);
794extern void getTransforms(Archive *fout);
795extern void getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables);
796extern bool shouldPrintColumn(const DumpOptions *dopt, const TableInfo *tbinfo, int colno);
797extern void getTSParsers(Archive *fout);
798extern void getTSDictionaries(Archive *fout);
799extern void getTSTemplates(Archive *fout);
800extern void getTSConfigurations(Archive *fout);
801extern void getForeignDataWrappers(Archive *fout);
802extern void getForeignServers(Archive *fout);
803extern void getDefaultACLs(Archive *fout);
804extern void getExtensionMembership(Archive *fout, ExtensionInfo extinfo[],
805 int numExtensions);
806extern void processExtensionTables(Archive *fout, ExtensionInfo extinfo[],
807 int numExtensions);
808extern void getEventTriggers(Archive *fout);
809extern void getPolicies(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables);
810extern void getPublications(Archive *fout);
811extern void getPublicationNamespaces(Archive *fout);
812extern void getPublicationTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[],
813 int numTables);
814extern void getSubscriptions(Archive *fout);
815extern void getSubscriptionTables(Archive *fout);
817#endif /* PG_DUMP_H */
Definition: c.h:434
int32_t int32
Definition: c.h:498
uint32_t uint32
Definition: c.h:502
const char * str
int DumpId
Definition: pg_backup.h:278
void getConstraints(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7946
struct _collInfo CollInfo
void recordAdditionalCatalogID(CatalogId catId, DumpableObject *dobj)
Definition: common.c:696
struct _transformInfo TransformInfo
ExtensionInfo * getExtensions(Archive *fout, int *numExtensions)
Definition: pg_dump.c:5866
void recordExtensionMembership(CatalogId catId, ExtensionInfo *ext)
Definition: common.c:1022
void getPublicationNamespaces(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4527
struct _opfamilyInfo OpfamilyInfo
void getPartitioningInfo(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7448
struct _indxInfo IndxInfo
struct _fdwInfo FdwInfo
struct _triggerInfo TriggerInfo
struct _tmplInfo TSTemplateInfo
struct _tableInfo TableInfo
FuncInfo * findFuncByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:895
InhInfo * getInherits(Archive *fout, int *numInherits)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7392
TableInfo * findTableByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:840
void getForeignDataWrappers(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9854
struct _aggInfo AggInfo
void getPolicies(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4036
ExtensionInfo * findExtensionByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:967
struct _castInfo CastInfo
void getExtensionMembership(Archive *fout, ExtensionInfo extinfo[], int numExtensions)
Definition: pg_dump.c:18846
CollInfo * findCollationByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:931
struct _tableDataInfo TableDataInfo
struct _cfgInfo TSConfigInfo
SubscriptionInfo * findSubscriptionByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:1003
void getTypes(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:5941
struct _dumpableObject DumpableObject
struct _accessMethodInfo AccessMethodInfo
struct _attrDefInfo AttrDefInfo
void getOwnedSeqs(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7327
void getOpclasses(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6362
void getForeignServers(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9938
void getFuncs(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6625
OprInfo * findOprByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:913
void getTSDictionaries(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9670
struct _ruleInfo RuleInfo
void getPublicationTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4607
NamespaceInfo * findNamespaceByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:949
struct _relStatsInfo RelStatsInfo
void getCasts(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8679
void getIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7508
void addObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId)
Definition: common.c:795
void getTSConfigurations(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9795
DumpableObject * findObjectByDumpId(DumpId dumpId)
Definition: common.c:742
struct _foreignServerInfo ForeignServerInfo
void parseOidArray(const char *str, Oid *array, int arraysize)
Definition: common.c:1070
struct _inhInfo InhInfo
struct _indexAttachInfo IndexAttachInfo
struct _SubRelInfo SubRelInfo
struct _procLangInfo ProcLangInfo
void getAccessMethods(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6300
void getConversions(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6238
void getRules(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8224
ExtensionInfo * findOwningExtension(CatalogId catalogId)
Definition: common.c:1046
void getTableAttrs(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8873
struct _prsInfo TSParserInfo
struct _policyInfo PolicyInfo
TableInfo * getSchemaData(Archive *fout, int *numTablesPtr)
Definition: common.c:97
struct _PublicationInfo PublicationInfo
void getSubscriptionTables(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:5076
void getCollations(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6176
struct _namespaceInfo NamespaceInfo
void getAggregates(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6484
struct _shellTypeInfo ShellTypeInfo
void getNamespaces(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:5734
void getPublications(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4321
void getTSParsers(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9596
TypeInfo * findTypeByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:876
struct _dumpableObjectWithAcl DumpableObjectWithAcl
struct _defaultACLInfo DefaultACLInfo
DumpId createDumpId(void)
Definition: common.c:722
TableInfo * getTables(Archive *fout, int *numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6868
struct _loInfo LoInfo
DumpableObject * findObjectByCatalogId(CatalogId catalogId)
Definition: common.c:755
void AssignDumpId(DumpableObject *dobj)
Definition: common.c:634
struct _evttriggerInfo EventTriggerInfo
void getExtendedStatistics(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:7867
struct _dumpableAcl DumpableAcl
void processExtensionTables(Archive *fout, ExtensionInfo extinfo[], int numExtensions)
Definition: pg_dump.c:18939
DumpId getMaxDumpId(void)
Definition: common.c:731
void getDefaultACLs(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:10026
uint32 DumpComponents
Definition: pg_dump.h:107
struct _typeInfo TypeInfo
void getSubscriptions(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4878
void sortDumpableObjects(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs, DumpId preBoundaryId, DumpId postBoundaryId)
Definition: pg_dump_sort.c:334
struct _SubscriptionInfo SubscriptionInfo
struct _extensionInfo ExtensionInfo
struct _dictInfo TSDictInfo
struct _funcInfo FuncInfo
struct _opclassInfo OpclassInfo
void getDumpableObjects(DumpableObject ***objs, int *numObjs)
Definition: common.c:774
struct _statsExtInfo StatsExtInfo
void getTriggers(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8321
void getTransforms(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8789
void getEventTriggers(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8517
Definition: pg_dump.h:39
Definition: pg_dump.h:80
Definition: pg_dump.h:81
Definition: pg_dump.h:82
Definition: pg_dump.h:64
Definition: pg_dump.h:73
Definition: pg_dump.h:78
Definition: pg_dump.h:63
Definition: pg_dump.h:43
Definition: pg_dump.h:56
Definition: pg_dump.h:51
Definition: pg_dump.h:76
Definition: pg_dump.h:71
Definition: pg_dump.h:47
Definition: pg_dump.h:62
Definition: pg_dump.h:61
Definition: pg_dump.h:87
Definition: pg_dump.h:74
Definition: pg_dump.h:72
Definition: pg_dump.h:88
Definition: pg_dump.h:86
Definition: pg_dump.h:66
Definition: pg_dump.h:55
Definition: pg_dump.h:84
Definition: pg_dump.h:54
Definition: pg_dump.h:49
Definition: pg_dump.h:57
Definition: pg_dump.h:70
Definition: pg_dump.h:58
Definition: pg_dump.h:45
Definition: pg_dump.h:79
Definition: pg_dump.h:77
Definition: pg_dump.h:50
Definition: pg_dump.h:75
Definition: pg_dump.h:48
Definition: pg_dump.h:85
Definition: pg_dump.h:52
Definition: pg_dump.h:60
Definition: pg_dump.h:59
Definition: pg_dump.h:67
Definition: pg_dump.h:69
Definition: pg_dump.h:68
Definition: pg_dump.h:42
Definition: pg_dump.h:65
Definition: pg_dump.h:83
Definition: pg_dump.h:53
Definition: pg_dump.h:41
Definition: pg_dump.h:46
Definition: pg_dump.h:44
struct _PublicationRelInfo PublicationRelInfo
PublicationInfo * findPublicationByOid(Oid oid)
Definition: common.c:985
void sortDumpableObjectsByTypeName(DumpableObject **objs, int numObjs)
Definition: pg_dump_sort.c:190
struct _convInfo ConvInfo
struct _constraintInfo ConstraintInfo
void getTSTemplates(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9736
void getProcLangs(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:8595
bool shouldPrintColumn(const DumpOptions *dopt, const TableInfo *tbinfo, int colno)
Definition: pg_dump.c:9581
struct _tableAttachInfo TableAttachInfo
void removeObjectDependency(DumpableObject *dobj, DumpId refId)
Definition: common.c:820
void getOperators(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6108
void getOpfamilies(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:6422
struct _oprInfo OprInfo
struct _PublicationSchemaInfo PublicationSchemaInfo
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:32
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:657
bool puballtables
Definition: pg_dump.h:658
bool pubtruncate
Definition: pg_dump.h:662
PublishGencolsType pubgencols_type
Definition: pg_dump.h:664
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:656
TableInfo * pubtable
Definition: pg_dump.h:675
PublicationInfo * publication
Definition: pg_dump.h:674
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:673
NamespaceInfo * pubschema
Definition: pg_dump.h:688
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:686
PublicationInfo * publication
Definition: pg_dump.h:687
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:726
char * srsublsn
Definition: pg_dump.h:730
SubscriptionInfo * subinfo
Definition: pg_dump.h:727
TableInfo * tblinfo
Definition: pg_dump.h:728
char srsubstate
Definition: pg_dump.h:729
char * suboriginremotelsn
Definition: pg_dump.h:711
bool subpasswordrequired
Definition: pg_dump.h:703
char * suborigin
Definition: pg_dump.h:710
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:697
char * subsynccommit
Definition: pg_dump.h:708
char * subpublications
Definition: pg_dump.h:709
bool subdisableonerr
Definition: pg_dump.h:702
bool subrunasowner
Definition: pg_dump.h:704
char * subslotname
Definition: pg_dump.h:707
char subtwophasestate
Definition: pg_dump.h:701
char * subconninfo
Definition: pg_dump.h:706
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:696
char * amhandler
Definition: pg_dump.h:268
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:266
FuncInfo aggfn
Definition: pg_dump.h:252
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:394
char * adef_expr
Definition: pg_dump.h:397
TableInfo * adtable
Definition: pg_dump.h:395
bool separate
Definition: pg_dump.h:398
char castmethod
Definition: pg_dump.h:536
Oid casttarget
Definition: pg_dump.h:533
char castcontext
Definition: pg_dump.h:535
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:531
Oid castsource
Definition: pg_dump.h:532
Oid castfunc
Definition: pg_dump.h:534
Oid cfgparser
Definition: pg_dump.h:584
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:582
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:583
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:286
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:285
TypeInfo * condomain
Definition: pg_dump.h:506
TableInfo * contable
Definition: pg_dump.h:505
bool condeferred
Definition: pg_dump.h:512
bool conperiod
Definition: pg_dump.h:513
bool conislocal
Definition: pg_dump.h:514
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:504
DumpId conindex
Definition: pg_dump.h:510
bool condeferrable
Definition: pg_dump.h:511
char * condef
Definition: pg_dump.h:508
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:291
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:292
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:610
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:611
const char * defaclrole
Definition: pg_dump.h:612
char defaclobjtype
Definition: pg_dump.h:613
char * dictinitoption
Definition: pg_dump.h:570
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:567
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:568
Oid dicttemplate
Definition: pg_dump.h:569
char privtype
Definition: pg_dump.h:173
char * acldefault
Definition: pg_dump.h:171
char * acl
Definition: pg_dump.h:170
char * initprivs
Definition: pg_dump.h:174
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:181
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:180
DumpComponents dump
Definition: pg_dump.h:153
char * name
Definition: pg_dump.h:152
DumpId * dependencies
Definition: pg_dump.h:159
DumpId dumpId
Definition: pg_dump.h:151
bool ext_member
Definition: pg_dump.h:157
DumpComponents components
Definition: pg_dump.h:156
DumpableObjectType objType
Definition: pg_dump.h:149
CatalogId catId
Definition: pg_dump.h:150
DumpComponents dump_contains
Definition: pg_dump.h:155
bool depends_on_ext
Definition: pg_dump.h:158
char * evtevent
Definition: pg_dump.h:487
char * evtfname
Definition: pg_dump.h:490
char evtenabled
Definition: pg_dump.h:491
char * evtname
Definition: pg_dump.h:486
const char * evtowner
Definition: pg_dump.h:488
char * evttags
Definition: pg_dump.h:489
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:485
bool relocatable
Definition: pg_dump.h:196
char * extversion
Definition: pg_dump.h:198
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:195
char * extcondition
Definition: pg_dump.h:200
char * extconfig
Definition: pg_dump.h:199
char * fdwhandler
Definition: pg_dump.h:592
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:591
char * fdwvalidator
Definition: pg_dump.h:593
char * fdwoptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:594
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:590
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:589
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:600
char * srvoptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:605
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:599
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:601
char * srvversion
Definition: pg_dump.h:604
bool postponed_def
Definition: pg_dump.h:246
Oid lang
Definition: pg_dump.h:242
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:241
Oid * argtypes
Definition: pg_dump.h:244
Oid prorettype
Definition: pg_dump.h:245
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:239
int nargs
Definition: pg_dump.h:243
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:240
IndxInfo * partitionIdx
Definition: pg_dump.h:435
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:433
IndxInfo * parentIdx
Definition: pg_dump.h:434
bool indisreplident
Definition: pg_dump.h:422
int indnkeyattrs
Definition: pg_dump.h:417
char * indstatvals
Definition: pg_dump.h:416
char * indstatcols
Definition: pg_dump.h:415
int indnattrs
Definition: pg_dump.h:418
TableInfo * indextable
Definition: pg_dump.h:411
Oid parentidx
Definition: pg_dump.h:424
Oid * indkeys
Definition: pg_dump.h:419
char * indreloptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:414
DumpId indexconstraint
Definition: pg_dump.h:428
bool indisclustered
Definition: pg_dump.h:421
SimplePtrList partattaches
Definition: pg_dump.h:425
char * tablespace
Definition: pg_dump.h:413
bool indnullsnotdistinct
Definition: pg_dump.h:423
char * indexdef
Definition: pg_dump.h:412
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:410
Oid inhparent
Definition: pg_dump.h:552
Oid inhrelid
Definition: pg_dump.h:551
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:628
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:626
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:627
Definition: pg_dump.h:630
int numlos
Definition: pg_dump.h:629
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:186
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:187
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:190
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:273
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:274
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:280
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:279
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:258
char oprkind
Definition: pg_dump.h:260
Oid oprcode
Definition: pg_dump.h:261
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:259
TableInfo * poltable
Definition: pg_dump.h:642
char * polqual
Definition: pg_dump.h:647
char polcmd
Definition: pg_dump.h:644
char * polroles
Definition: pg_dump.h:646
char * polwithcheck
Definition: pg_dump.h:648
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:641
bool polpermissive
Definition: pg_dump.h:645
char * polname
Definition: pg_dump.h:643
Oid lanvalidator
Definition: pg_dump.h:525
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:521
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:520
Oid laninline
Definition: pg_dump.h:524
const char * lanowner
Definition: pg_dump.h:526
Oid lanplcallfoid
Definition: pg_dump.h:523
bool lanpltrusted
Definition: pg_dump.h:522
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:557
Oid prstoken
Definition: pg_dump.h:559
Oid prslextype
Definition: pg_dump.h:562
Oid prsheadline
Definition: pg_dump.h:561
Oid prsstart
Definition: pg_dump.h:558
Oid prsend
Definition: pg_dump.h:560
int32 nindAttNames
Definition: pg_dump.h:451
char relkind
Definition: pg_dump.h:444
char ** indAttNames
Definition: pg_dump.h:450
int32 relpages
Definition: pg_dump.h:441
bool postponed_def
Definition: pg_dump.h:452
char * reltuples
Definition: pg_dump.h:442
int32 relallvisible
Definition: pg_dump.h:443
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:440
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:465
bool separate
Definition: pg_dump.h:470
char ev_enabled
Definition: pg_dump.h:469
bool is_instead
Definition: pg_dump.h:468
TableInfo * ruletable
Definition: pg_dump.h:466
char ev_type
Definition: pg_dump.h:467
TypeInfo * baseType
Definition: pg_dump.h:234
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:232
TableInfo * stattable
Definition: pg_dump.h:459
int stattarget
Definition: pg_dump.h:460
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:458
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:457
TableInfo * partitionTbl
Definition: pg_dump.h:389
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:387
TableInfo * parentTbl
Definition: pg_dump.h:388
TableInfo * tdtable
Definition: pg_dump.h:404
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:403
char * filtercond
Definition: pg_dump.h:405
char * attidentity
Definition: pg_dump.h:354
char * reltablespace
Definition: pg_dump.h:307
char ** notnull_constrs
Definition: pg_dump.h:364
int ncheck
Definition: pg_dump.h:323
bool ispartition
Definition: pg_dump.h:337
struct _indxInfo * indexes
Definition: pg_dump.h:379
bool * attislocal
Definition: pg_dump.h:358
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:300
bool is_identity_sequence
Definition: pg_dump.h:330
Oid reloftype
Definition: pg_dump.h:325
int numParents
Definition: pg_dump.h:340
bool interesting
Definition: pg_dump.h:334
char * toast_reloptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:310
struct _tableInfo ** parents
Definition: pg_dump.h:341
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:301
bool relispopulated
Definition: pg_dump.h:305
char * attgenerated
Definition: pg_dump.h:355
int * attlen
Definition: pg_dump.h:356
Oid reltype
Definition: pg_dump.h:324
char ** attfdwoptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:362
bool hasoids
Definition: pg_dump.h:317
Oid toast_oid
Definition: pg_dump.h:320
Oid foreign_server
Definition: pg_dump.h:326
bool hasrules
Definition: pg_dump.h:312
struct _triggerInfo * triggers
Definition: pg_dump.h:382
bool * attisdropped
Definition: pg_dump.h:353
bool needs_override
Definition: pg_dump.h:372
struct _constraintInfo * checkexprs
Definition: pg_dump.h:371
int * attstattarget
Definition: pg_dump.h:350
bool * notnull_islocal
Definition: pg_dump.h:369
uint32 frozenxid
Definition: pg_dump.h:318
char * typstorage
Definition: pg_dump.h:352
int owning_col
Definition: pg_dump.h:329
char * checkoption
Definition: pg_dump.h:309
int numatts
Definition: pg_dump.h:347
bool hastriggers
Definition: pg_dump.h:313
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:302
struct _attrDefInfo ** attrdefs
Definition: pg_dump.h:370
char ** attoptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:359
char relreplident
Definition: pg_dump.h:306
int numTriggers
Definition: pg_dump.h:381
uint32 minmxid
Definition: pg_dump.h:319
Oid * attcollation
Definition: pg_dump.h:360
bool * notnull_noinh
Definition: pg_dump.h:368
char * attstorage
Definition: pg_dump.h:351
int toastpages
Definition: pg_dump.h:332
Oid owning_tab
Definition: pg_dump.h:328
struct _tableDataInfo * dataObj
Definition: pg_dump.h:380
char * amname
Definition: pg_dump.h:373
bool dummy_view
Definition: pg_dump.h:335
int32 relpages
Definition: pg_dump.h:331
bool forcerowsec
Definition: pg_dump.h:316
bool hascolumnACLs
Definition: pg_dump.h:314
char ** atttypnames
Definition: pg_dump.h:349
char ** attmissingval
Definition: pg_dump.h:363
char relpersistence
Definition: pg_dump.h:304
char ** attnames
Definition: pg_dump.h:348
char relkind
Definition: pg_dump.h:303
bool hasindex
Definition: pg_dump.h:311
bool unsafe_partitions
Definition: pg_dump.h:338
char * reloptions
Definition: pg_dump.h:308
int numIndexes
Definition: pg_dump.h:378
uint32 toast_frozenxid
Definition: pg_dump.h:321
uint32 toast_minmxid
Definition: pg_dump.h:322
char * attalign
Definition: pg_dump.h:357
char * attcompression
Definition: pg_dump.h:361
bool postponed_def
Definition: pg_dump.h:336
bool rowsec
Definition: pg_dump.h:315
Oid tmpllexize
Definition: pg_dump.h:577
Oid tmplinit
Definition: pg_dump.h:576
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:575
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:541
Oid trffromsql
Definition: pg_dump.h:544
TableInfo * tgtable
Definition: pg_dump.h:477
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:476
char tgenabled
Definition: pg_dump.h:478
char * tgdef
Definition: pg_dump.h:480
bool tgispartition
Definition: pg_dump.h:479
bool isMultirange
Definition: pg_dump.h:221
struct _constraintInfo * domChecks
Definition: pg_dump.h:227
DumpableAcl dacl
Definition: pg_dump.h:206
DumpableObject dobj
Definition: pg_dump.h:205
bool isDefined
Definition: pg_dump.h:222
char * ftypname
Definition: pg_dump.h:213
char typrelkind
Definition: pg_dump.h:218
Oid typarray
Definition: pg_dump.h:217
Oid typelem
Definition: pg_dump.h:215
struct _shellTypeInfo * shellType
Definition: pg_dump.h:224
int nDomChecks
Definition: pg_dump.h:226
char typtype
Definition: pg_dump.h:219
const char * rolname
Definition: pg_dump.h:214
Oid typrelid
Definition: pg_dump.h:216
bool isArray
Definition: pg_dump.h:220