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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * spgist.h
4  * Public header file for SP-GiST access method.
5  *
6  *
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
9  *
10  * src/include/access/spgist.h
11  *
12  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13  */
14 #ifndef SPGIST_H
15 #define SPGIST_H
17 #include "access/amapi.h"
18 #include "access/xlogreader.h"
19 #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
22 /* SPGiST opclass support function numbers */
30 #define SPGISTNRequiredProc 5
31 #define SPGISTNProc 7
33 /*
34  * Argument structs for spg_config method
35  */
36 typedef struct spgConfigIn
37 {
38  Oid attType; /* Data type to be indexed */
41 typedef struct spgConfigOut
42 {
43  Oid prefixType; /* Data type of inner-tuple prefixes */
44  Oid labelType; /* Data type of inner-tuple node labels */
45  Oid leafType; /* Data type of leaf-tuple values */
46  bool canReturnData; /* Opclass can reconstruct original data */
47  bool longValuesOK; /* Opclass can cope with values > 1 page */
50 /*
51  * Argument structs for spg_choose method
52  */
53 typedef struct spgChooseIn
54 {
55  Datum datum; /* original datum to be indexed */
56  Datum leafDatum; /* current datum to be stored at leaf */
57  int level; /* current level (counting from zero) */
59  /* Data from current inner tuple */
60  bool allTheSame; /* tuple is marked all-the-same? */
61  bool hasPrefix; /* tuple has a prefix? */
62  Datum prefixDatum; /* if so, the prefix value */
63  int nNodes; /* number of nodes in the inner tuple */
64  Datum *nodeLabels; /* node label values (NULL if none) */
67 typedef enum spgChooseResultType
68 {
69  spgMatchNode = 1, /* descend into existing node */
70  spgAddNode, /* add a node to the inner tuple */
71  spgSplitTuple, /* split inner tuple (change its prefix) */
74 typedef struct spgChooseOut
75 {
76  spgChooseResultType resultType; /* action code, see above */
77  union
78  {
79  struct /* results for spgMatchNode */
80  {
81  int nodeN; /* descend to this node (index from 0) */
82  int levelAdd; /* increment level by this much */
83  Datum restDatum; /* new leaf datum */
85  struct /* results for spgAddNode */
86  {
87  Datum nodeLabel; /* new node's label */
88  int nodeN; /* where to insert it (index from 0) */
90  struct /* results for spgSplitTuple */
91  {
92  /* Info to form new upper-level inner tuple with one child tuple */
93  bool prefixHasPrefix; /* tuple should have a prefix? */
94  Datum prefixPrefixDatum; /* if so, its value */
95  int prefixNNodes; /* number of nodes */
96  Datum *prefixNodeLabels; /* their labels (or NULL for no
97  * labels) */
98  int childNodeN; /* which node gets child tuple */
100  /* Info to form new lower-level inner tuple with all old nodes */
101  bool postfixHasPrefix; /* tuple should have a prefix? */
102  Datum postfixPrefixDatum; /* if so, its value */
107 /*
108  * Argument structs for spg_picksplit method
109  */
110 typedef struct spgPickSplitIn
111 {
112  int nTuples; /* number of leaf tuples */
113  Datum *datums; /* their datums (array of length nTuples) */
114  int level; /* current level (counting from zero) */
117 typedef struct spgPickSplitOut
118 {
119  bool hasPrefix; /* new inner tuple should have a prefix? */
120  Datum prefixDatum; /* if so, its value */
122  int nNodes; /* number of nodes for new inner tuple */
123  Datum *nodeLabels; /* their labels (or NULL for no labels) */
125  int *mapTuplesToNodes; /* node index for each leaf tuple */
126  Datum *leafTupleDatums; /* datum to store in each new leaf tuple */
129 /*
130  * Argument structs for spg_inner_consistent method
131  */
132 typedef struct spgInnerConsistentIn
133 {
134  ScanKey scankeys; /* array of operators and comparison values */
135  ScanKey orderbys; /* array of ordering operators and comparison
136  * values */
137  int nkeys; /* length of scankeys array */
138  int norderbys; /* length of orderbys array */
140  Datum reconstructedValue; /* value reconstructed at parent */
141  void *traversalValue; /* opclass-specific traverse value */
142  MemoryContext traversalMemoryContext; /* put new traverse values here */
143  int level; /* current level (counting from zero) */
144  bool returnData; /* original data must be returned? */
146  /* Data from current inner tuple */
147  bool allTheSame; /* tuple is marked all-the-same? */
148  bool hasPrefix; /* tuple has a prefix? */
149  Datum prefixDatum; /* if so, the prefix value */
150  int nNodes; /* number of nodes in the inner tuple */
151  Datum *nodeLabels; /* node label values (NULL if none) */
154 typedef struct spgInnerConsistentOut
155 {
156  int nNodes; /* number of child nodes to be visited */
157  int *nodeNumbers; /* their indexes in the node array */
158  int *levelAdds; /* increment level by this much for each */
159  Datum *reconstructedValues; /* associated reconstructed values */
160  void **traversalValues; /* opclass-specific traverse values */
161  double **distances; /* associated distances */
164 /*
165  * Argument structs for spg_leaf_consistent method
166  */
167 typedef struct spgLeafConsistentIn
168 {
169  ScanKey scankeys; /* array of operators and comparison values */
170  ScanKey orderbys; /* array of ordering operators and comparison
171  * values */
172  int nkeys; /* length of scankeys array */
173  int norderbys; /* length of orderbys array */
175  Datum reconstructedValue; /* value reconstructed at parent */
176  void *traversalValue; /* opclass-specific traverse value */
177  int level; /* current level (counting from zero) */
178  bool returnData; /* original data must be returned? */
180  Datum leafDatum; /* datum in leaf tuple */
183 typedef struct spgLeafConsistentOut
184 {
185  Datum leafValue; /* reconstructed original data, if any */
186  bool recheck; /* set true if operator must be rechecked */
187  bool recheckDistances; /* set true if distances must be rechecked */
188  double *distances; /* associated distances */
192 /* spgutils.c */
193 extern bytea *spgoptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
195 /* spginsert.c */
197  struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
198 extern void spgbuildempty(Relation index);
199 extern bool spginsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
200  ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
201  IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
202  bool indexUnchanged,
203  struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
205 /* spgscan.c */
206 extern IndexScanDesc spgbeginscan(Relation rel, int keysz, int orderbysz);
207 extern void spgendscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
208 extern void spgrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys,
209  ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys);
210 extern int64 spggetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm);
211 extern bool spggettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir);
212 extern bool spgcanreturn(Relation index, int attno);
214 /* spgvacuum.c */
216  IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
218  void *callback_state);
220  IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats);
222 /* spgvalidate.c */
223 extern bool spgvalidate(Oid opclassoid);
224 extern void spgadjustmembers(Oid opfamilyoid,
225  Oid opclassoid,
226  List *operators,
227  List *functions);
229 #endif /* SPGIST_H */
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:150
bool(* IndexBulkDeleteCallback)(ItemPointer itemptr, void *state)
Definition: genam.h:87
Definition: genam.h:116
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
static const struct fns functions
Definition: regcomp.c:356
Definition: sdir.h:25
IndexScanDesc spgbeginscan(Relation rel, int keysz, int orderbysz)
Definition: spgscan.c:304
struct spgInnerConsistentOut spgInnerConsistentOut
bytea * spgoptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate)
Definition: spgutils.c:752
struct spgPickSplitIn spgPickSplitIn
bool spgcanreturn(Relation index, int attno)
Definition: spgscan.c:1081
struct spgConfigOut spgConfigOut
bool spggettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
Definition: spgscan.c:1024
struct spgLeafConsistentIn spgLeafConsistentIn
void spgendscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
Definition: spgscan.c:427
Definition: spgist.h:68
@ spgMatchNode
Definition: spgist.h:69
@ spgAddNode
Definition: spgist.h:70
@ spgSplitTuple
Definition: spgist.h:71
bool spgvalidate(Oid opclassoid)
Definition: spgvalidate.c:39
IndexBulkDeleteResult * spgvacuumcleanup(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
Definition: spgvacuum.c:947
struct spgChooseOut spgChooseOut
void spgbuildempty(Relation index)
Definition: spginsert.c:154
bool spginsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull, ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel, IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique, bool indexUnchanged, struct IndexInfo *indexInfo)
Definition: spginsert.c:183
struct spgPickSplitOut spgPickSplitOut
struct spgInnerConsistentIn spgInnerConsistentIn
void spgadjustmembers(Oid opfamilyoid, Oid opclassoid, List *operators, List *functions)
Definition: spgvalidate.c:332
void spgrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
Definition: spgscan.c:380
struct spgConfigIn spgConfigIn
IndexBuildResult * spgbuild(Relation heap, Relation index, struct IndexInfo *indexInfo)
Definition: spginsert.c:73
IndexBulkDeleteResult * spgbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats, IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
Definition: spgvacuum.c:916
int64 spggetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
Definition: spgscan.c:940
struct spgChooseIn spgChooseIn
struct spgLeafConsistentOut spgLeafConsistentOut
Definition: pg_list.h:54
Definition: type.h:95
Datum * nodeLabels
Definition: spgist.h:64
bool hasPrefix
Definition: spgist.h:61
Datum prefixDatum
Definition: spgist.h:62
int nNodes
Definition: spgist.h:63
Datum datum
Definition: spgist.h:55
int level
Definition: spgist.h:57
Datum leafDatum
Definition: spgist.h:56
bool allTheSame
Definition: spgist.h:60
bool postfixHasPrefix
Definition: spgist.h:101
int childNodeN
Definition: spgist.h:98
spgChooseResultType resultType
Definition: spgist.h:76
int levelAdd
Definition: spgist.h:82
struct spgChooseOut::@48::@50 addNode
Datum nodeLabel
Definition: spgist.h:87
Datum * prefixNodeLabels
Definition: spgist.h:96
Datum postfixPrefixDatum
Definition: spgist.h:102
union spgChooseOut::@48 result
struct spgChooseOut::@48::@49 matchNode
struct spgChooseOut::@48::@51 splitTuple
Datum restDatum
Definition: spgist.h:83
int prefixNNodes
Definition: spgist.h:95
int nodeN
Definition: spgist.h:81
Datum prefixPrefixDatum
Definition: spgist.h:94
bool prefixHasPrefix
Definition: spgist.h:93
Oid attType
Definition: spgist.h:38
Oid leafType
Definition: spgist.h:45
bool longValuesOK
Definition: spgist.h:47
bool canReturnData
Definition: spgist.h:46
Oid labelType
Definition: spgist.h:44
Oid prefixType
Definition: spgist.h:43
Datum reconstructedValue
Definition: spgist.h:140
void * traversalValue
Definition: spgist.h:141
ScanKey scankeys
Definition: spgist.h:134
ScanKey orderbys
Definition: spgist.h:135
MemoryContext traversalMemoryContext
Definition: spgist.h:142
Datum * nodeLabels
Definition: spgist.h:151
void ** traversalValues
Definition: spgist.h:160
double ** distances
Definition: spgist.h:161
Datum * reconstructedValues
Definition: spgist.h:159
ScanKey scankeys
Definition: spgist.h:169
Datum reconstructedValue
Definition: spgist.h:175
ScanKey orderbys
Definition: spgist.h:170
void * traversalValue
Definition: spgist.h:176
double * distances
Definition: spgist.h:188
Datum * datums
Definition: spgist.h:113
bool hasPrefix
Definition: spgist.h:119
int * mapTuplesToNodes
Definition: spgist.h:125
Datum * nodeLabels
Definition: spgist.h:123
Datum * leafTupleDatums
Definition: spgist.h:126
Datum prefixDatum
Definition: spgist.h:120
Definition: c.h:678
static void callback(struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr *mask, void *unused)
Definition: test_ifaddrs.c:46