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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * execnodes.h
4  * definitions for executor state nodes
5  *
6  * Most plan node types declared in plannodes.h have a corresponding
7  * execution-state node type declared here. An exception is that
8  * expression nodes (subtypes of Expr) are usually represented by steps
9  * of an ExprState, and fully handled within execExpr* - but sometimes
10  * their state needs to be shared with other parts of the executor, as
11  * for example with SubPlanState, which nodeSubplan.c has to modify.
12  *
13  * Node types declared in this file do not have any copy/equal/out/read
14  * support. (That is currently hard-wired in, rather
15  * than being explicitly represented by pg_node_attr decorations here.)
16  * There is no need for copy, equal, or read support for executor trees.
17  * Output support could be useful for debugging; but there are a lot of
18  * specialized fields that would require custom code, so for now it's
19  * not provided.
20  *
21  *
22  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
23  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
24  *
25  * src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
26  *
27  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
28  */
29 #ifndef EXECNODES_H
30 #define EXECNODES_H
32 #include "access/tupconvert.h"
33 #include "executor/instrument.h"
34 #include "fmgr.h"
35 #include "lib/ilist.h"
36 #include "lib/pairingheap.h"
37 #include "nodes/miscnodes.h"
38 #include "nodes/params.h"
39 #include "nodes/plannodes.h"
40 #include "nodes/tidbitmap.h"
41 #include "partitioning/partdefs.h"
43 #include "utils/hsearch.h"
44 #include "utils/queryenvironment.h"
45 #include "utils/reltrigger.h"
46 #include "utils/sharedtuplestore.h"
47 #include "utils/snapshot.h"
48 #include "utils/sortsupport.h"
49 #include "utils/tuplesort.h"
50 #include "utils/tuplestore.h"
52 struct PlanState; /* forward references in this file */
54 struct ExecRowMark;
55 struct ExprState;
56 struct ExprContext;
57 struct RangeTblEntry; /* avoid including parsenodes.h here */
58 struct ExprEvalStep; /* avoid including execExpr.h everywhere */
60 struct LogicalTapeSet;
63 /* ----------------
64  * ExprState node
65  *
66  * ExprState represents the evaluation state for a whole expression tree.
67  * It contains instructions (in ->steps) to evaluate the expression.
68  * ----------------
69  */
70 typedef Datum (*ExprStateEvalFunc) (struct ExprState *expression,
71  struct ExprContext *econtext,
72  bool *isNull);
74 /* Bits in ExprState->flags (see also execExpr.h for private flag bits): */
75 /* expression is for use with ExecQual() */
76 #define EEO_FLAG_IS_QUAL (1 << 0)
78 typedef struct ExprState
79 {
82  uint8 flags; /* bitmask of EEO_FLAG_* bits, see above */
84  /*
85  * Storage for result value of a scalar expression, or for individual
86  * column results within expressions built by ExecBuildProjectionInfo().
87  */
89  bool resnull;
93  /*
94  * If projecting a tuple result, this slot holds the result; else NULL.
95  */
99  /*
100  * Instructions to compute expression's return value.
101  */
104  /*
105  * Function that actually evaluates the expression. This can be set to
106  * different values depending on the complexity of the expression.
107  */
110  /* original expression tree, for debugging only */
113  /* private state for an evalfunc */
116  /*
117  * XXX: following fields only needed during "compilation" (ExecInitExpr);
118  * could be thrown away afterwards.
119  */
121  int steps_len; /* number of steps currently */
122  int steps_alloc; /* allocated length of steps array */
125  struct PlanState *parent; /* parent PlanState node, if any */
126  ParamListInfo ext_params; /* for compiling PARAM_EXTERN nodes */
134  /*
135  * For expression nodes that support soft errors. Should be set to NULL
136  * before calling ExecInitExprRec() if the caller wants errors thrown.
137  */
142 /* ----------------
143  * IndexInfo information
144  *
145  * this struct holds the information needed to construct new index
146  * entries for a particular index. Used for both index_build and
147  * retail creation of index entries.
148  *
149  * NumIndexAttrs total number of columns in this index
150  * NumIndexKeyAttrs number of key columns in index
151  * IndexAttrNumbers underlying-rel attribute numbers used as keys
152  * (zeroes indicate expressions). It also contains
153  * info about included columns.
154  * Expressions expr trees for expression entries, or NIL if none
155  * ExpressionsState exec state for expressions, or NIL if none
156  * Predicate partial-index predicate, or NIL if none
157  * PredicateState exec state for predicate, or NIL if none
158  * ExclusionOps Per-column exclusion operators, or NULL if none
159  * ExclusionProcs Underlying function OIDs for ExclusionOps
160  * ExclusionStrats Opclass strategy numbers for ExclusionOps
161  * UniqueOps These are like Exclusion*, but for unique indexes
162  * UniqueProcs
163  * UniqueStrats
164  * Unique is it a unique index?
165  * OpclassOptions opclass-specific options, or NULL if none
166  * ReadyForInserts is it valid for inserts?
167  * CheckedUnchanged IndexUnchanged status determined yet?
168  * IndexUnchanged aminsert hint, cached for retail inserts
169  * Concurrent are we doing a concurrent index build?
170  * BrokenHotChain did we detect any broken HOT chains?
171  * Summarizing is it a summarizing index?
172  * ParallelWorkers # of workers requested (excludes leader)
173  * Am Oid of index AM
174  * AmCache private cache area for index AM
175  * Context memory context holding this IndexInfo
176  *
177  * ii_Concurrent, ii_BrokenHotChain, and ii_ParallelWorkers are used only
178  * during index build; they're conventionally zeroed otherwise.
179  * ----------------
180  */
181 typedef struct IndexInfo
182 {
184  int ii_NumIndexAttrs; /* total number of columns in index */
185  int ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs; /* number of key columns in index */
187  List *ii_Expressions; /* list of Expr */
188  List *ii_ExpressionsState; /* list of ExprState */
189  List *ii_Predicate; /* list of Expr */
191  Oid *ii_ExclusionOps; /* array with one entry per column */
192  Oid *ii_ExclusionProcs; /* array with one entry per column */
193  uint16 *ii_ExclusionStrats; /* array with one entry per column */
194  Oid *ii_UniqueOps; /* array with one entry per column */
195  Oid *ii_UniqueProcs; /* array with one entry per column */
196  uint16 *ii_UniqueStrats; /* array with one entry per column */
197  bool ii_Unique;
207  void *ii_AmCache;
211 /* ----------------
212  * ExprContext_CB
213  *
214  * List of callbacks to be called at ExprContext shutdown.
215  * ----------------
216  */
219 typedef struct ExprContext_CB
220 {
226 /* ----------------
227  * ExprContext
228  *
229  * This class holds the "current context" information
230  * needed to evaluate expressions for doing tuple qualifications
231  * and tuple projections. For example, if an expression refers
232  * to an attribute in the current inner tuple then we need to know
233  * what the current inner tuple is and so we look at the expression
234  * context.
235  *
236  * There are two memory contexts associated with an ExprContext:
237  * * ecxt_per_query_memory is a query-lifespan context, typically the same
238  * context the ExprContext node itself is allocated in. This context
239  * can be used for purposes such as storing function call cache info.
240  * * ecxt_per_tuple_memory is a short-term context for expression results.
241  * As the name suggests, it will typically be reset once per tuple,
242  * before we begin to evaluate expressions for that tuple. Each
243  * ExprContext normally has its very own per-tuple memory context.
244  *
245  * CurrentMemoryContext should be set to ecxt_per_tuple_memory before
246  * calling ExecEvalExpr() --- see ExecEvalExprSwitchContext().
247  * ----------------
248  */
249 typedef struct ExprContext
250 {
253  /* Tuples that Var nodes in expression may refer to */
261  /* Memory contexts for expression evaluation --- see notes above */
265  /* Values to substitute for Param nodes in expression */
266  ParamExecData *ecxt_param_exec_vals; /* for PARAM_EXEC params */
267  ParamListInfo ecxt_param_list_info; /* for other param types */
269  /*
270  * Values to substitute for Aggref nodes in the expressions of an Agg
271  * node, or for WindowFunc nodes within a WindowAgg node.
272  */
274  Datum *ecxt_aggvalues; /* precomputed values for aggs/windowfuncs */
276  bool *ecxt_aggnulls; /* null flags for aggs/windowfuncs */
278  /* Value to substitute for CaseTestExpr nodes in expression */
284  /* Value to substitute for CoerceToDomainValue nodes in expression */
290  /* Link to containing EState (NULL if a standalone ExprContext) */
293  /* Functions to call back when ExprContext is shut down or rescanned */
297 /*
298  * Set-result status used when evaluating functions potentially returning a
299  * set.
300  */
301 typedef enum
302 {
303  ExprSingleResult, /* expression does not return a set */
304  ExprMultipleResult, /* this result is an element of a set */
305  ExprEndResult, /* there are no more elements in the set */
306 } ExprDoneCond;
308 /*
309  * Return modes for functions returning sets. Note values must be chosen
310  * as separate bits so that a bitmask can be formed to indicate supported
311  * modes. SFRM_Materialize_Random and SFRM_Materialize_Preferred are
312  * auxiliary flags about SFRM_Materialize mode, rather than separate modes.
313  */
314 typedef enum
315 {
316  SFRM_ValuePerCall = 0x01, /* one value returned per call */
317  SFRM_Materialize = 0x02, /* result set instantiated in Tuplestore */
318  SFRM_Materialize_Random = 0x04, /* Tuplestore needs randomAccess */
319  SFRM_Materialize_Preferred = 0x08, /* caller prefers Tuplestore */
322 /*
323  * When calling a function that might return a set (multiple rows),
324  * a node of this type is passed as fcinfo->resultinfo to allow
325  * return status to be passed back. A function returning set should
326  * raise an error if no such resultinfo is provided.
327  */
328 typedef struct ReturnSetInfo
329 {
331  /* values set by caller: */
332  ExprContext *econtext; /* context function is being called in */
333  TupleDesc expectedDesc; /* tuple descriptor expected by caller */
334  int allowedModes; /* bitmask: return modes caller can handle */
335  /* result status from function (but pre-initialized by caller): */
336  SetFunctionReturnMode returnMode; /* actual return mode */
337  ExprDoneCond isDone; /* status for ValuePerCall mode */
338  /* fields filled by function in Materialize return mode: */
339  Tuplestorestate *setResult; /* holds the complete returned tuple set */
340  TupleDesc setDesc; /* actual descriptor for returned tuples */
343 /* ----------------
344  * ProjectionInfo node information
345  *
346  * This is all the information needed to perform projections ---
347  * that is, form new tuples by evaluation of targetlist expressions.
348  * Nodes which need to do projections create one of these.
349  *
350  * The target tuple slot is kept in ProjectionInfo->pi_state.resultslot.
351  * ExecProject() evaluates the tlist, forms a tuple, and stores it
352  * in the given slot. Note that the result will be a "virtual" tuple
353  * unless ExecMaterializeSlot() is then called to force it to be
354  * converted to a physical tuple. The slot must have a tupledesc
355  * that matches the output of the tlist!
356  * ----------------
357  */
358 typedef struct ProjectionInfo
359 {
361  /* instructions to evaluate projection */
363  /* expression context in which to evaluate expression */
367 /* ----------------
368  * JunkFilter
369  *
370  * This class is used to store information regarding junk attributes.
371  * A junk attribute is an attribute in a tuple that is needed only for
372  * storing intermediate information in the executor, and does not belong
373  * in emitted tuples. For example, when we do an UPDATE query,
374  * the planner adds a "junk" entry to the targetlist so that the tuples
375  * returned to ExecutePlan() contain an extra attribute: the ctid of
376  * the tuple to be updated. This is needed to do the update, but we
377  * don't want the ctid to be part of the stored new tuple! So, we
378  * apply a "junk filter" to remove the junk attributes and form the
379  * real output tuple. The junkfilter code also provides routines to
380  * extract the values of the junk attribute(s) from the input tuple.
381  *
382  * targetList: the original target list (including junk attributes).
383  * cleanTupType: the tuple descriptor for the "clean" tuple (with
384  * junk attributes removed).
385  * cleanMap: A map with the correspondence between the non-junk
386  * attribute numbers of the "original" tuple and the
387  * attribute numbers of the "clean" tuple.
388  * resultSlot: tuple slot used to hold cleaned tuple.
389  * ----------------
390  */
391 typedef struct JunkFilter
392 {
400 /*
401  * OnConflictSetState
402  *
403  * Executor state of an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE operation.
404  */
405 typedef struct OnConflictSetState
406 {
409  TupleTableSlot *oc_Existing; /* slot to store existing target tuple in */
410  TupleTableSlot *oc_ProjSlot; /* CONFLICT ... SET ... projection target */
411  ProjectionInfo *oc_ProjInfo; /* for ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET */
412  ExprState *oc_WhereClause; /* state for the WHERE clause */
415 /* ----------------
416  * MergeActionState information
417  *
418  * Executor state for a MERGE action.
419  * ----------------
420  */
421 typedef struct MergeActionState
422 {
425  MergeAction *mas_action; /* associated MergeAction node */
426  ProjectionInfo *mas_proj; /* projection of the action's targetlist for
427  * this rel */
428  ExprState *mas_whenqual; /* WHEN [NOT] MATCHED AND conditions */
431 /*
432  * ResultRelInfo
433  *
434  * Whenever we update an existing relation, we have to update indexes on the
435  * relation, and perhaps also fire triggers. ResultRelInfo holds all the
436  * information needed about a result relation, including indexes.
437  *
438  * Normally, a ResultRelInfo refers to a table that is in the query's range
439  * table; then ri_RangeTableIndex is the RT index and ri_RelationDesc is
440  * just a copy of the relevant es_relations[] entry. However, in some
441  * situations we create ResultRelInfos for relations that are not in the
442  * range table, namely for targets of tuple routing in a partitioned table,
443  * and when firing triggers in tables other than the target tables (See
444  * ExecGetTriggerResultRel). In these situations, ri_RangeTableIndex is 0
445  * and ri_RelationDesc is a separately-opened relcache pointer that needs to
446  * be separately closed.
447  */
448 typedef struct ResultRelInfo
449 {
452  /* result relation's range table index, or 0 if not in range table */
455  /* relation descriptor for result relation */
458  /* # of indices existing on result relation */
461  /* array of relation descriptors for indices */
464  /* array of key/attr info for indices */
467  /*
468  * For UPDATE/DELETE result relations, the attribute number of the row
469  * identity junk attribute in the source plan's output tuples
470  */
473  /* For UPDATE, attnums of generated columns to be computed */
476  /* Projection to generate new tuple in an INSERT/UPDATE */
478  /* Slot to hold that tuple */
480  /* Slot to hold the old tuple being updated */
482  /* Have the projection and the slots above been initialized? */
485  /* triggers to be fired, if any */
488  /* cached lookup info for trigger functions */
491  /* array of trigger WHEN expr states */
494  /* optional runtime measurements for triggers */
497  /* On-demand created slots for triggers / returning processing */
498  TupleTableSlot *ri_ReturningSlot; /* for trigger output tuples */
499  TupleTableSlot *ri_TrigOldSlot; /* for a trigger's old tuple */
500  TupleTableSlot *ri_TrigNewSlot; /* for a trigger's new tuple */
502  /* FDW callback functions, if foreign table */
505  /* available to save private state of FDW */
506  void *ri_FdwState;
508  /* true when modifying foreign table directly */
511  /* batch insert stuff */
512  int ri_NumSlots; /* number of slots in the array */
513  int ri_NumSlotsInitialized; /* number of initialized slots */
514  int ri_BatchSize; /* max slots inserted in a single batch */
515  TupleTableSlot **ri_Slots; /* input tuples for batch insert */
518  /* list of WithCheckOption's to be checked */
521  /* list of WithCheckOption expr states */
524  /* array of constraint-checking expr states */
527  /* arrays of stored generated columns expr states, for INSERT and UPDATE */
531  /* number of stored generated columns we need to compute */
535  /* list of RETURNING expressions */
538  /* for computing a RETURNING list */
541  /* list of arbiter indexes to use to check conflicts */
544  /* ON CONFLICT evaluation state */
547  /* for MERGE, lists of MergeActionState (one per MergeMatchKind) */
550  /* for MERGE, expr state for checking the join condition */
553  /* partition check expression state (NULL if not set up yet) */
556  /*
557  * Map to convert child result relation tuples to the format of the table
558  * actually mentioned in the query (called "root"). Computed only if
559  * needed. A NULL map value indicates that no conversion is needed, so we
560  * must have a separate flag to show if the map has been computed.
561  */
565  /*
566  * As above, but in the other direction.
567  */
571  /*
572  * Information needed by tuple routing target relations
573  *
574  * RootResultRelInfo gives the target relation mentioned in the query, if
575  * it's a partitioned table. It is not set if the target relation
576  * mentioned in the query is an inherited table, nor when tuple routing is
577  * not needed.
578  *
579  * PartitionTupleSlot is non-NULL if RootToChild conversion is needed and
580  * the relation is a partition.
581  */
585  /* for use by copyfrom.c when performing multi-inserts */
588  /*
589  * Used when a leaf partition is involved in a cross-partition update of
590  * one of its ancestors; see ExecCrossPartitionUpdateForeignKey().
591  */
595 /* ----------------
596  * AsyncRequest
597  *
598  * State for an asynchronous tuple request.
599  * ----------------
600  */
601 typedef struct AsyncRequest
602 {
603  struct PlanState *requestor; /* Node that wants a tuple */
604  struct PlanState *requestee; /* Node from which a tuple is wanted */
605  int request_index; /* Scratch space for requestor */
606  bool callback_pending; /* Callback is needed */
607  bool request_complete; /* Request complete, result valid */
608  TupleTableSlot *result; /* Result (NULL or an empty slot if no more
609  * tuples) */
612 /* ----------------
613  * EState information
614  *
615  * Working state for an Executor invocation
616  * ----------------
617  */
618 typedef struct EState
619 {
622  /* Basic state for all query types: */
623  ScanDirection es_direction; /* current scan direction */
624  Snapshot es_snapshot; /* time qual to use */
625  Snapshot es_crosscheck_snapshot; /* crosscheck time qual for RI */
626  List *es_range_table; /* List of RangeTblEntry */
627  Index es_range_table_size; /* size of the range table arrays */
628  Relation *es_relations; /* Array of per-range-table-entry Relation
629  * pointers, or NULL if not yet opened */
630  struct ExecRowMark **es_rowmarks; /* Array of per-range-table-entry
631  * ExecRowMarks, or NULL if none */
632  List *es_rteperminfos; /* List of RTEPermissionInfo */
633  PlannedStmt *es_plannedstmt; /* link to top of plan tree */
634  const char *es_sourceText; /* Source text from QueryDesc */
636  JunkFilter *es_junkFilter; /* top-level junk filter, if any */
638  /* If query can insert/delete tuples, the command ID to mark them with */
641  /* Info about target table(s) for insert/update/delete queries: */
642  ResultRelInfo **es_result_relations; /* Array of per-range-table-entry
643  * ResultRelInfo pointers, or NULL
644  * if not a target table */
645  List *es_opened_result_relations; /* List of non-NULL entries in
646  * es_result_relations in no
647  * specific order */
649  PartitionDirectory es_partition_directory; /* for PartitionDesc lookup */
651  /*
652  * The following list contains ResultRelInfos created by the tuple routing
653  * code for partitions that aren't found in the es_result_relations array.
654  */
657  /* Stuff used for firing triggers: */
658  List *es_trig_target_relations; /* trigger-only ResultRelInfos */
660  /* Parameter info: */
661  ParamListInfo es_param_list_info; /* values of external params */
662  ParamExecData *es_param_exec_vals; /* values of internal params */
664  QueryEnvironment *es_queryEnv; /* query environment */
666  /* Other working state: */
667  MemoryContext es_query_cxt; /* per-query context in which EState lives */
669  List *es_tupleTable; /* List of TupleTableSlots */
671  uint64 es_processed; /* # of tuples processed during one
672  * ExecutorRun() call. */
673  uint64 es_total_processed; /* total # of tuples aggregated across all
674  * ExecutorRun() calls. */
676  int es_top_eflags; /* eflags passed to ExecutorStart */
677  int es_instrument; /* OR of InstrumentOption flags */
678  bool es_finished; /* true when ExecutorFinish is done */
680  List *es_exprcontexts; /* List of ExprContexts within EState */
682  List *es_subplanstates; /* List of PlanState for SubPlans */
684  List *es_auxmodifytables; /* List of secondary ModifyTableStates */
686  /*
687  * this ExprContext is for per-output-tuple operations, such as constraint
688  * checks and index-value computations. It will be reset for each output
689  * tuple. Note that it will be created only if needed.
690  */
693  /*
694  * If not NULL, this is an EPQState's EState. This is a field in EState
695  * both to allow EvalPlanQual aware executor nodes to detect that they
696  * need to perform EPQ related work, and to provide necessary information
697  * to do so.
698  */
701  bool es_use_parallel_mode; /* can we use parallel workers? */
703  /* The per-query shared memory area to use for parallel execution. */
706  /*
707  * JIT information. es_jit_flags indicates whether JIT should be performed
708  * and with which options. es_jit is created on-demand when JITing is
709  * performed.
710  *
711  * es_jit_worker_instr is the combined, on demand allocated,
712  * instrumentation from all workers. The leader's instrumentation is kept
713  * separate, and is combined on demand by ExplainPrintJITSummary().
714  */
719  /*
720  * Lists of ResultRelInfos for foreign tables on which batch-inserts are
721  * to be executed and owning ModifyTableStates, stored in the same order.
722  */
728 /*
729  * ExecRowMark -
730  * runtime representation of FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clauses
731  *
733  * an ExecRowMark for each non-target relation in the query (except inheritance
734  * parent RTEs, which can be ignored at runtime). Virtual relations such as
735  * subqueries-in-FROM will have an ExecRowMark with relation == NULL. See
736  * PlanRowMark for details about most of the fields. In addition to fields
737  * directly derived from PlanRowMark, we store an activity flag (to denote
738  * inactive children of inheritance trees), curCtid, which is used by the
739  * WHERE CURRENT OF code, and ermExtra, which is available for use by the plan
740  * node that sources the relation (e.g., for a foreign table the FDW can use
741  * ermExtra to hold information).
742  *
743  * EState->es_rowmarks is an array of these structs, indexed by RT index,
744  * with NULLs for irrelevant RT indexes. es_rowmarks itself is NULL if
745  * there are no rowmarks.
746  */
747 typedef struct ExecRowMark
748 {
749  Relation relation; /* opened and suitably locked relation */
750  Oid relid; /* its OID (or InvalidOid, if subquery) */
751  Index rti; /* its range table index */
752  Index prti; /* parent range table index, if child */
753  Index rowmarkId; /* unique identifier for resjunk columns */
754  RowMarkType markType; /* see enum in nodes/plannodes.h */
755  LockClauseStrength strength; /* LockingClause's strength, or LCS_NONE */
756  LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy; /* NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED */
757  bool ermActive; /* is this mark relevant for current tuple? */
758  ItemPointerData curCtid; /* ctid of currently locked tuple, if any */
759  void *ermExtra; /* available for use by relation source node */
762 /*
763  * ExecAuxRowMark -
764  * additional runtime representation of FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clauses
765  *
766  * Each LockRows and ModifyTable node keeps a list of the rowmarks it needs to
767  * deal with. In addition to a pointer to the related entry in es_rowmarks,
768  * this struct carries the column number(s) of the resjunk columns associated
769  * with the rowmark (see comments for PlanRowMark for more detail).
770  */
771 typedef struct ExecAuxRowMark
772 {
773  ExecRowMark *rowmark; /* related entry in es_rowmarks */
774  AttrNumber ctidAttNo; /* resno of ctid junk attribute, if any */
775  AttrNumber toidAttNo; /* resno of tableoid junk attribute, if any */
776  AttrNumber wholeAttNo; /* resno of whole-row junk attribute, if any */
780 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
781  * Tuple Hash Tables
782  *
783  * All-in-memory tuple hash tables are used for a number of purposes.
784  *
785  * Note: tab_hash_funcs are for the key datatype(s) stored in the table,
786  * and tab_eq_funcs are non-cross-type equality operators for those types.
787  * Normally these are the only functions used, but FindTupleHashEntry()
788  * supports searching a hashtable using cross-data-type hashing. For that,
789  * the caller must supply hash functions for the LHS datatype as well as
790  * the cross-type equality operators to use. in_hash_funcs and cur_eq_func
791  * are set to point to the caller's function arrays while doing such a search.
792  * During LookupTupleHashEntry(), they point to tab_hash_funcs and
793  * tab_eq_func respectively.
794  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
795  */
799 typedef struct TupleHashEntryData
800 {
801  MinimalTuple firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple in this group */
802  void *additional; /* user data */
803  uint32 status; /* hash status */
804  uint32 hash; /* hash value (cached) */
807 /* define parameters necessary to generate the tuple hash table interface */
808 #define SH_PREFIX tuplehash
809 #define SH_ELEMENT_TYPE TupleHashEntryData
810 #define SH_KEY_TYPE MinimalTuple
811 #define SH_SCOPE extern
812 #define SH_DECLARE
813 #include "lib/simplehash.h"
815 typedef struct TupleHashTableData
816 {
817  tuplehash_hash *hashtab; /* underlying hash table */
818  int numCols; /* number of columns in lookup key */
819  AttrNumber *keyColIdx; /* attr numbers of key columns */
820  FmgrInfo *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
821  ExprState *tab_eq_func; /* comparator for table datatype(s) */
822  Oid *tab_collations; /* collations for hash and comparison */
823  MemoryContext tablecxt; /* memory context containing table */
824  MemoryContext tempcxt; /* context for function evaluations */
825  Size entrysize; /* actual size to make each hash entry */
826  TupleTableSlot *tableslot; /* slot for referencing table entries */
827  /* The following fields are set transiently for each table search: */
828  TupleTableSlot *inputslot; /* current input tuple's slot */
829  FmgrInfo *in_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for input datatype(s) */
830  ExprState *cur_eq_func; /* comparator for input vs. table */
831  uint32 hash_iv; /* hash-function IV */
832  ExprContext *exprcontext; /* expression context */
835 typedef tuplehash_iterator TupleHashIterator;
837 /*
838  * Use InitTupleHashIterator/TermTupleHashIterator for a read/write scan.
839  * Use ResetTupleHashIterator if the table can be frozen (in this case no
840  * explicit scan termination is needed).
841  */
842 #define InitTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
843  tuplehash_start_iterate(htable->hashtab, iter)
844 #define TermTupleHashIterator(iter) \
845  ((void) 0)
846 #define ResetTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
847  InitTupleHashIterator(htable, iter)
848 #define ScanTupleHashTable(htable, iter) \
849  tuplehash_iterate(htable->hashtab, iter)
852 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
853  * Expression State Nodes
854  *
855  * Formerly, there was a separate executor expression state node corresponding
856  * to each node in a planned expression tree. That's no longer the case; for
857  * common expression node types, all the execution info is embedded into
858  * step(s) in a single ExprState node. But we still have a few executor state
859  * node types for selected expression node types, mostly those in which info
860  * has to be shared with other parts of the execution state tree.
861  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
862  */
864 /* ----------------
865  * WindowFuncExprState node
866  * ----------------
867  */
868 typedef struct WindowFuncExprState
869 {
871  WindowFunc *wfunc; /* expression plan node */
872  List *args; /* ExprStates for argument expressions */
873  ExprState *aggfilter; /* FILTER expression */
874  int wfuncno; /* ID number for wfunc within its plan node */
878 /* ----------------
879  * SetExprState node
880  *
881  * State for evaluating a potentially set-returning expression (like FuncExpr
882  * or OpExpr). In some cases, like some of the expressions in ROWS FROM(...)
883  * the expression might not be a SRF, but nonetheless it uses the same
884  * machinery as SRFs; it will be treated as a SRF returning a single row.
885  * ----------------
886  */
887 typedef struct SetExprState
888 {
890  Expr *expr; /* expression plan node */
891  List *args; /* ExprStates for argument expressions */
893  /*
894  * In ROWS FROM, functions can be inlined, removing the FuncExpr normally
895  * inside. In such a case this is the compiled expression (which cannot
896  * return a set), which'll be evaluated using regular ExecEvalExpr().
897  */
900  /*
901  * Function manager's lookup info for the target function. If func.fn_oid
902  * is InvalidOid, we haven't initialized it yet (nor any of the following
903  * fields, except funcReturnsSet).
904  */
907  /*
908  * For a set-returning function (SRF) that returns a tuplestore, we keep
909  * the tuplestore here and dole out the result rows one at a time. The
910  * slot holds the row currently being returned.
911  */
915  /*
916  * In some cases we need to compute a tuple descriptor for the function's
917  * output. If so, it's stored here.
918  */
920  bool funcReturnsTuple; /* valid when funcResultDesc isn't NULL */
922  /*
923  * Remember whether the function is declared to return a set. This is set
924  * by ExecInitExpr, and is valid even before the FmgrInfo is set up.
925  */
928  /*
929  * setArgsValid is true when we are evaluating a set-returning function
930  * that uses value-per-call mode and we are in the middle of a call
931  * series; we want to pass the same argument values to the function again
932  * (and again, until it returns ExprEndResult). This indicates that
933  * fcinfo_data already contains valid argument data.
934  */
937  /*
938  * Flag to remember whether we have registered a shutdown callback for
939  * this SetExprState. We do so only if funcResultStore or setArgsValid
940  * has been set at least once (since all the callback is for is to release
941  * the tuplestore or clear setArgsValid).
942  */
943  bool shutdown_reg; /* a shutdown callback is registered */
945  /*
946  * Call parameter structure for the function. This has been initialized
947  * (by InitFunctionCallInfoData) if func.fn_oid is valid. It also saves
948  * argument values between calls, when setArgsValid is true.
949  */
953 /* ----------------
954  * SubPlanState node
955  * ----------------
956  */
957 typedef struct SubPlanState
958 {
960  SubPlan *subplan; /* expression plan node */
961  struct PlanState *planstate; /* subselect plan's state tree */
962  struct PlanState *parent; /* parent plan node's state tree */
963  ExprState *testexpr; /* state of combining expression */
964  List *args; /* states of argument expression(s) */
965  HeapTuple curTuple; /* copy of most recent tuple from subplan */
966  Datum curArray; /* most recent array from ARRAY() subplan */
967  /* these are used when hashing the subselect's output: */
968  TupleDesc descRight; /* subselect desc after projection */
969  ProjectionInfo *projLeft; /* for projecting lefthand exprs */
970  ProjectionInfo *projRight; /* for projecting subselect output */
971  TupleHashTable hashtable; /* hash table for no-nulls subselect rows */
972  TupleHashTable hashnulls; /* hash table for rows with null(s) */
973  bool havehashrows; /* true if hashtable is not empty */
974  bool havenullrows; /* true if hashnulls is not empty */
975  MemoryContext hashtablecxt; /* memory context containing hash tables */
976  MemoryContext hashtempcxt; /* temp memory context for hash tables */
977  ExprContext *innerecontext; /* econtext for computing inner tuples */
978  int numCols; /* number of columns being hashed */
979  /* each of the remaining fields is an array of length numCols: */
980  AttrNumber *keyColIdx; /* control data for hash tables */
981  Oid *tab_eq_funcoids; /* equality func oids for table
982  * datatype(s) */
983  Oid *tab_collations; /* collations for hash and comparison */
984  FmgrInfo *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
985  FmgrInfo *tab_eq_funcs; /* equality functions for table datatype(s) */
986  FmgrInfo *lhs_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for lefthand datatype(s) */
987  FmgrInfo *cur_eq_funcs; /* equality functions for LHS vs. table */
988  ExprState *cur_eq_comp; /* equality comparator for LHS vs. table */
991 /*
992  * DomainConstraintState - one item to check during CoerceToDomain
993  *
994  * Note: we consider this to be part of an ExprState tree, so we give it
995  * a name following the xxxState convention. But there's no directly
996  * associated plan-tree node.
997  */
999 {
1005 {
1007  DomainConstraintType constrainttype; /* constraint type */
1008  char *name; /* name of constraint (for error msgs) */
1009  Expr *check_expr; /* for CHECK, a boolean expression */
1010  ExprState *check_exprstate; /* check_expr's eval state, or NULL */
1013 /*
1014  * State for JsonExpr evaluation, too big to inline.
1015  *
1016  * This contains the information going into and coming out of the
1017  * EEOP_JSONEXPR_PATH eval step.
1018  */
1019 typedef struct JsonExprState
1020 {
1021  /* original expression node */
1024  /* value/isnull for formatted_expr */
1027  /* value/isnull for pathspec */
1030  /* JsonPathVariable entries for passing_values */
1033  /*
1034  * Output variables that drive the EEOP_JUMP_IF_NOT_TRUE steps that are
1035  * added for ON ERROR and ON EMPTY expressions, if any.
1036  *
1037  * Reset for each evaluation of EEOP_JSONEXPR_PATH.
1038  */
1040  /* Set to true if jsonpath evaluation cause an error. */
1043  /* Set to true if the jsonpath evaluation returned 0 items. */
1046  /*
1047  * Addresses of steps that implement the non-ERROR variant of ON EMPTY and
1048  * ON ERROR behaviors, respectively.
1049  */
1053  /*
1054  * Address of the step to coerce the result value of jsonpath evaluation
1055  * to the RETURNING type. -1 if no coercion if JsonExpr.use_io_coercion
1056  * is true.
1057  */
1060  /*
1061  * Address to jump to when skipping all the steps after performing
1062  * ExecEvalJsonExprPath() so as to return whatever the JsonPath* function
1063  * returned as is, that is, in the cases where there's no error and no
1064  * coercion is necessary.
1065  */
1068  /*
1069  * RETURNING type input function invocation info when
1070  * JsonExpr.use_io_coercion is true.
1071  */
1074  /*
1075  * For error-safe evaluation of coercions. When the ON ERROR behavior is
1076  * not ERROR, a pointer to this is passed to ExecInitExprRec() when
1077  * initializing the coercion expressions or to ExecInitJsonCoercion().
1078  *
1079  * Reset for each evaluation of EEOP_JSONEXPR_PATH.
1080  */
1085 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
1086  * Executor State Trees
1087  *
1088  * An executing query has a PlanState tree paralleling the Plan tree
1089  * that describes the plan.
1090  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
1091  */
1093 /* ----------------
1094  * ExecProcNodeMtd
1095  *
1096  * This is the method called by ExecProcNode to return the next tuple
1097  * from an executor node. It returns NULL, or an empty TupleTableSlot,
1098  * if no more tuples are available.
1099  * ----------------
1100  */
1101 typedef TupleTableSlot *(*ExecProcNodeMtd) (struct PlanState *pstate);
1103 /* ----------------
1104  * PlanState node
1105  *
1106  * We never actually instantiate any PlanState nodes; this is just the common
1107  * abstract superclass for all PlanState-type nodes.
1108  * ----------------
1109  */
1110 typedef struct PlanState
1111 {
1112  pg_node_attr(abstract)
1114  NodeTag type;
1116  Plan *plan; /* associated Plan node */
1118  EState *state; /* at execution time, states of individual
1119  * nodes point to one EState for the whole
1120  * top-level plan */
1122  ExecProcNodeMtd ExecProcNode; /* function to return next tuple */
1123  ExecProcNodeMtd ExecProcNodeReal; /* actual function, if above is a
1124  * wrapper */
1126  Instrumentation *instrument; /* Optional runtime stats for this node */
1127  WorkerInstrumentation *worker_instrument; /* per-worker instrumentation */
1129  /* Per-worker JIT instrumentation */
1132  /*
1133  * Common structural data for all Plan types. These links to subsidiary
1134  * state trees parallel links in the associated plan tree (except for the
1135  * subPlan list, which does not exist in the plan tree).
1136  */
1137  ExprState *qual; /* boolean qual condition */
1138  struct PlanState *lefttree; /* input plan tree(s) */
1141  List *initPlan; /* Init SubPlanState nodes (un-correlated expr
1142  * subselects) */
1143  List *subPlan; /* SubPlanState nodes in my expressions */
1145  /*
1146  * State for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
1147  */
1148  Bitmapset *chgParam; /* set of IDs of changed Params */
1150  /*
1151  * Other run-time state needed by most if not all node types.
1152  */
1153  TupleDesc ps_ResultTupleDesc; /* node's return type */
1154  TupleTableSlot *ps_ResultTupleSlot; /* slot for my result tuples */
1155  ExprContext *ps_ExprContext; /* node's expression-evaluation context */
1156  ProjectionInfo *ps_ProjInfo; /* info for doing tuple projection */
1158  bool async_capable; /* true if node is async-capable */
1160  /*
1161  * Scanslot's descriptor if known. This is a bit of a hack, but otherwise
1162  * it's hard for expression compilation to optimize based on the
1163  * descriptor, without encoding knowledge about all executor nodes.
1164  */
1167  /*
1168  * Define the slot types for inner, outer and scanslots for expression
1169  * contexts with this state as a parent. If *opsset is set, then
1170  * *opsfixed indicates whether *ops is guaranteed to be the type of slot
1171  * used. That means that every slot in the corresponding
1172  * ExprContext.ecxt_*tuple will point to a slot of that type, while
1173  * evaluating the expression. If *opsfixed is false, but *ops is set,
1174  * that indicates the most likely type of slot.
1175  *
1176  * The scan* fields are set by ExecInitScanTupleSlot(). If that's not
1177  * called, nodes can initialize the fields themselves.
1178  *
1179  * If outer/inneropsset is false, the information is inferred on-demand
1180  * using ExecGetResultSlotOps() on ->righttree/lefttree, using the
1181  * corresponding node's resultops* fields.
1182  *
1183  * The result* fields are automatically set when ExecInitResultSlot is
1184  * used (be it directly or when the slot is created by
1185  * ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo() /
1186  * ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo()). If no projection is necessary
1187  * ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo() defaults those fields to the scan
1188  * operations.
1189  */
1204 /* ----------------
1205  * these are defined to avoid confusion problems with "left"
1206  * and "right" and "inner" and "outer". The convention is that
1207  * the "left" plan is the "outer" plan and the "right" plan is
1208  * the inner plan, but these make the code more readable.
1209  * ----------------
1210  */
1211 #define innerPlanState(node) (((PlanState *)(node))->righttree)
1212 #define outerPlanState(node) (((PlanState *)(node))->lefttree)
1214 /* Macros for inline access to certain instrumentation counters */
1215 #define InstrCountTuples2(node, delta) \
1216  do { \
1217  if (((PlanState *)(node))->instrument) \
1218  ((PlanState *)(node))->instrument->ntuples2 += (delta); \
1219  } while (0)
1220 #define InstrCountFiltered1(node, delta) \
1221  do { \
1222  if (((PlanState *)(node))->instrument) \
1223  ((PlanState *)(node))->instrument->nfiltered1 += (delta); \
1224  } while(0)
1225 #define InstrCountFiltered2(node, delta) \
1226  do { \
1227  if (((PlanState *)(node))->instrument) \
1228  ((PlanState *)(node))->instrument->nfiltered2 += (delta); \
1229  } while(0)
1231 /*
1232  * EPQState is state for executing an EvalPlanQual recheck on a candidate
1233  * tuples e.g. in ModifyTable or LockRows.
1234  *
1235  * To execute EPQ a separate EState is created (stored in ->recheckestate),
1236  * which shares some resources, like the rangetable, with the main query's
1237  * EState (stored in ->parentestate). The (sub-)tree of the plan that needs to
1238  * be rechecked (in ->plan), is separately initialized (into
1239  * ->recheckplanstate), but shares plan nodes with the corresponding nodes in
1240  * the main query. The scan nodes in that separate executor tree are changed
1241  * to return only the current tuple of interest for the respective
1242  * table. Those tuples are either provided by the caller (using
1243  * EvalPlanQualSlot), and/or found using the rowmark mechanism (non-locking
1244  * rowmarks by the EPQ machinery itself, locking ones by the caller).
1245  *
1246  * While the plan to be checked may be changed using EvalPlanQualSetPlan(),
1247  * all such plans need to share the same EState.
1248  */
1249 typedef struct EPQState
1250 {
1251  /* These are initialized by EvalPlanQualInit() and do not change later: */
1252  EState *parentestate; /* main query's EState */
1253  int epqParam; /* ID of Param to force scan node re-eval */
1254  List *resultRelations; /* integer list of RT indexes, or NIL */
1256  /*
1257  * relsubs_slot[scanrelid - 1] holds the EPQ test tuple to be returned by
1258  * the scan node for the scanrelid'th RT index, in place of performing an
1259  * actual table scan. Callers should use EvalPlanQualSlot() to fetch
1260  * these slots.
1261  */
1262  List *tuple_table; /* tuple table for relsubs_slot */
1265  /*
1266  * Initialized by EvalPlanQualInit(), may be changed later with
1267  * EvalPlanQualSetPlan():
1268  */
1270  Plan *plan; /* plan tree to be executed */
1271  List *arowMarks; /* ExecAuxRowMarks (non-locking only) */
1274  /*
1275  * The original output tuple to be rechecked. Set by
1276  * EvalPlanQualSetSlot(), before EvalPlanQualNext() or EvalPlanQual() may
1277  * be called.
1278  */
1282  /* Initialized or reset by EvalPlanQualBegin(): */
1284  EState *recheckestate; /* EState for EPQ execution, see above */
1286  /*
1287  * Rowmarks that can be fetched on-demand using
1288  * EvalPlanQualFetchRowMark(), indexed by scanrelid - 1. Only non-locking
1289  * rowmarks.
1290  */
1293  /*
1294  * relsubs_done[scanrelid - 1] is true if there is no EPQ tuple for this
1295  * target relation or it has already been fetched in the current scan of
1296  * this target relation within the current EvalPlanQual test.
1297  */
1300  /*
1301  * relsubs_blocked[scanrelid - 1] is true if there is no EPQ tuple for
1302  * this target relation during the current EvalPlanQual test. We keep
1303  * these flags set for all relids listed in resultRelations, but
1304  * transiently clear the one for the relation whose tuple is actually
1305  * passed to EvalPlanQual().
1306  */
1309  PlanState *recheckplanstate; /* EPQ specific exec nodes, for ->plan */
1313 /* ----------------
1314  * ResultState information
1315  * ----------------
1316  */
1317 typedef struct ResultState
1318 {
1319  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1321  bool rs_done; /* are we done? */
1322  bool rs_checkqual; /* do we need to check the qual? */
1325 /* ----------------
1326  * ProjectSetState information
1327  *
1328  * Note: at least one of the "elems" will be a SetExprState; the rest are
1329  * regular ExprStates.
1330  * ----------------
1331  */
1332 typedef struct ProjectSetState
1333 {
1334  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1335  Node **elems; /* array of expression states */
1336  ExprDoneCond *elemdone; /* array of per-SRF is-done states */
1337  int nelems; /* length of elemdone[] array */
1338  bool pending_srf_tuples; /* still evaluating srfs in tlist? */
1339  MemoryContext argcontext; /* context for SRF arguments */
1343 /* flags for mt_merge_subcommands */
1344 #define MERGE_INSERT 0x01
1345 #define MERGE_UPDATE 0x02
1346 #define MERGE_DELETE 0x04
1348 /* ----------------
1349  * ModifyTableState information
1350  * ----------------
1351  */
1352 typedef struct ModifyTableState
1353 {
1354  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1355  CmdType operation; /* INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE */
1356  bool canSetTag; /* do we set the command tag/es_processed? */
1357  bool mt_done; /* are we done? */
1358  int mt_nrels; /* number of entries in resultRelInfo[] */
1359  ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo; /* info about target relation(s) */
1361  /*
1362  * Target relation mentioned in the original statement, used to fire
1363  * statement-level triggers and as the root for tuple routing. (This
1364  * might point to one of the resultRelInfo[] entries, but it can also be a
1365  * distinct struct.)
1366  */
1369  EPQState mt_epqstate; /* for evaluating EvalPlanQual rechecks */
1370  bool fireBSTriggers; /* do we need to fire stmt triggers? */
1372  /*
1373  * These fields are used for inherited UPDATE and DELETE, to track which
1374  * target relation a given tuple is from. If there are a lot of target
1375  * relations, we use a hash table to translate table OIDs to
1376  * resultRelInfo[] indexes; otherwise mt_resultOidHash is NULL.
1377  */
1378  int mt_resultOidAttno; /* resno of "tableoid" junk attr */
1379  Oid mt_lastResultOid; /* last-seen value of tableoid */
1380  int mt_lastResultIndex; /* corresponding index in resultRelInfo[] */
1381  HTAB *mt_resultOidHash; /* optional hash table to speed lookups */
1383  /*
1384  * Slot for storing tuples in the root partitioned table's rowtype during
1385  * an UPDATE of a partitioned table.
1386  */
1389  /* Tuple-routing support info */
1392  /* controls transition table population for specified operation */
1395  /* controls transition table population for INSERT...ON CONFLICT UPDATE */
1398  /* Flags showing which subcommands are present INS/UPD/DEL/DO NOTHING */
1401  /* For MERGE, the action currently being executed */
1404  /*
1405  * For MERGE, if there is a pending NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] action to be
1406  * performed, this will be the last tuple read from the subplan; otherwise
1407  * it will be NULL --- see the comments in ExecMerge().
1408  */
1411  /* tuple counters for MERGE */
1417 /* ----------------
1418  * AppendState information
1419  *
1420  * nplans how many plans are in the array
1421  * whichplan which synchronous plan is being executed (0 .. n-1)
1422  * or a special negative value. See nodeAppend.c.
1423  * prune_state details required to allow partitions to be
1424  * eliminated from the scan, or NULL if not possible.
1425  * valid_subplans for runtime pruning, valid synchronous appendplans
1426  * indexes to scan.
1427  * ----------------
1428  */
1430 struct AppendState;
1431 typedef struct AppendState AppendState;
1432 struct ParallelAppendState;
1434 struct PartitionPruneState;
1437 {
1438  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1439  PlanState **appendplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
1442  bool as_begun; /* false means need to initialize */
1443  Bitmapset *as_asyncplans; /* asynchronous plans indexes */
1444  int as_nasyncplans; /* # of asynchronous plans */
1445  AsyncRequest **as_asyncrequests; /* array of AsyncRequests */
1446  TupleTableSlot **as_asyncresults; /* unreturned results of async plans */
1447  int as_nasyncresults; /* # of valid entries in as_asyncresults */
1448  bool as_syncdone; /* true if all synchronous plans done in
1449  * asynchronous mode, else false */
1450  int as_nasyncremain; /* # of remaining asynchronous plans */
1451  Bitmapset *as_needrequest; /* asynchronous plans needing a new request */
1452  struct WaitEventSet *as_eventset; /* WaitEventSet used to configure file
1453  * descriptor wait events */
1454  int as_first_partial_plan; /* Index of 'appendplans' containing
1455  * the first partial plan */
1456  ParallelAppendState *as_pstate; /* parallel coordination info */
1457  Size pstate_len; /* size of parallel coordination info */
1459  bool as_valid_subplans_identified; /* is as_valid_subplans valid? */
1461  Bitmapset *as_valid_asyncplans; /* valid asynchronous plans indexes */
1462  bool (*choose_next_subplan) (AppendState *);
1463 };
1465 /* ----------------
1466  * MergeAppendState information
1467  *
1468  * nplans how many plans are in the array
1469  * nkeys number of sort key columns
1470  * sortkeys sort keys in SortSupport representation
1471  * slots current output tuple of each subplan
1472  * heap heap of active tuples
1473  * initialized true if we have fetched first tuple from each subplan
1474  * prune_state details required to allow partitions to be
1475  * eliminated from the scan, or NULL if not possible.
1476  * valid_subplans for runtime pruning, valid mergeplans indexes to
1477  * scan.
1478  * ----------------
1479  */
1480 typedef struct MergeAppendState
1481 {
1482  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1483  PlanState **mergeplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
1486  SortSupport ms_sortkeys; /* array of length ms_nkeys */
1487  TupleTableSlot **ms_slots; /* array of length ms_nplans */
1488  struct binaryheap *ms_heap; /* binary heap of slot indices */
1489  bool ms_initialized; /* are subplans started? */
1494 /* ----------------
1495  * RecursiveUnionState information
1496  *
1497  * RecursiveUnionState is used for performing a recursive union.
1498  *
1499  * recursing T when we're done scanning the non-recursive term
1500  * intermediate_empty T if intermediate_table is currently empty
1501  * working_table working table (to be scanned by recursive term)
1502  * intermediate_table current recursive output (next generation of WT)
1503  * ----------------
1504  */
1505 typedef struct RecursiveUnionState
1506 {
1507  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1512  /* Remaining fields are unused in UNION ALL case */
1513  Oid *eqfuncoids; /* per-grouping-field equality fns */
1514  FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* per-grouping-field hash fns */
1515  MemoryContext tempContext; /* short-term context for comparisons */
1516  TupleHashTable hashtable; /* hash table for tuples already seen */
1517  MemoryContext tableContext; /* memory context containing hash table */
1520 /* ----------------
1521  * BitmapAndState information
1522  * ----------------
1523  */
1524 typedef struct BitmapAndState
1525 {
1526  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1527  PlanState **bitmapplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
1528  int nplans; /* number of input plans */
1531 /* ----------------
1532  * BitmapOrState information
1533  * ----------------
1534  */
1535 typedef struct BitmapOrState
1536 {
1537  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1538  PlanState **bitmapplans; /* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
1539  int nplans; /* number of input plans */
1542 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
1543  * Scan State Information
1544  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
1545  */
1547 /* ----------------
1548  * ScanState information
1549  *
1550  * ScanState extends PlanState for node types that represent
1551  * scans of an underlying relation. It can also be used for nodes
1552  * that scan the output of an underlying plan node --- in that case,
1553  * only ScanTupleSlot is actually useful, and it refers to the tuple
1554  * retrieved from the subplan.
1555  *
1556  * currentRelation relation being scanned (NULL if none)
1557  * currentScanDesc current scan descriptor for scan (NULL if none)
1558  * ScanTupleSlot pointer to slot in tuple table holding scan tuple
1559  * ----------------
1560  */
1561 typedef struct ScanState
1562 {
1563  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1569 /* ----------------
1570  * SeqScanState information
1571  * ----------------
1572  */
1573 typedef struct SeqScanState
1574 {
1575  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1576  Size pscan_len; /* size of parallel heap scan descriptor */
1579 /* ----------------
1580  * SampleScanState information
1581  * ----------------
1582  */
1583 typedef struct SampleScanState
1584 {
1586  List *args; /* expr states for TABLESAMPLE params */
1587  ExprState *repeatable; /* expr state for REPEATABLE expr */
1588  /* use struct pointer to avoid including tsmapi.h here */
1589  struct TsmRoutine *tsmroutine; /* descriptor for tablesample method */
1590  void *tsm_state; /* tablesample method can keep state here */
1591  bool use_bulkread; /* use bulkread buffer access strategy? */
1592  bool use_pagemode; /* use page-at-a-time visibility checking? */
1593  bool begun; /* false means need to call BeginSampleScan */
1594  uint32 seed; /* random seed */
1595  int64 donetuples; /* number of tuples already returned */
1596  bool haveblock; /* has a block for sampling been determined */
1597  bool done; /* exhausted all tuples? */
1600 /*
1601  * These structs store information about index quals that don't have simple
1602  * constant right-hand sides. See comments for ExecIndexBuildScanKeys()
1603  * for discussion.
1604  */
1605 typedef struct
1606 {
1607  struct ScanKeyData *scan_key; /* scankey to put value into */
1608  ExprState *key_expr; /* expr to evaluate to get value */
1609  bool key_toastable; /* is expr's result a toastable datatype? */
1612 typedef struct
1613 {
1614  struct ScanKeyData *scan_key; /* scankey to put value into */
1615  ExprState *array_expr; /* expr to evaluate to get array value */
1616  int next_elem; /* next array element to use */
1617  int num_elems; /* number of elems in current array value */
1618  Datum *elem_values; /* array of num_elems Datums */
1619  bool *elem_nulls; /* array of num_elems is-null flags */
1622 /* ----------------
1623  * IndexScanState information
1624  *
1625  * indexqualorig execution state for indexqualorig expressions
1626  * indexorderbyorig execution state for indexorderbyorig expressions
1627  * ScanKeys Skey structures for index quals
1628  * NumScanKeys number of ScanKeys
1629  * OrderByKeys Skey structures for index ordering operators
1630  * NumOrderByKeys number of OrderByKeys
1631  * RuntimeKeys info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
1632  * NumRuntimeKeys number of RuntimeKeys
1633  * RuntimeKeysReady true if runtime Skeys have been computed
1634  * RuntimeContext expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
1635  * RelationDesc index relation descriptor
1636  * ScanDesc index scan descriptor
1637  *
1638  * ReorderQueue tuples that need reordering due to re-check
1639  * ReachedEnd have we fetched all tuples from index already?
1640  * OrderByValues values of ORDER BY exprs of last fetched tuple
1641  * OrderByNulls null flags for OrderByValues
1642  * SortSupport for reordering ORDER BY exprs
1643  * OrderByTypByVals is the datatype of order by expression pass-by-value?
1644  * OrderByTypLens typlens of the datatypes of order by expressions
1645  * PscanLen size of parallel index scan descriptor
1646  * ----------------
1647  */
1648 typedef struct IndexScanState
1649 {
1650  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1664  /* These are needed for re-checking ORDER BY expr ordering */
1675 /* ----------------
1676  * IndexOnlyScanState information
1677  *
1678  * recheckqual execution state for recheckqual expressions
1679  * ScanKeys Skey structures for index quals
1680  * NumScanKeys number of ScanKeys
1681  * OrderByKeys Skey structures for index ordering operators
1682  * NumOrderByKeys number of OrderByKeys
1683  * RuntimeKeys info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
1684  * NumRuntimeKeys number of RuntimeKeys
1685  * RuntimeKeysReady true if runtime Skeys have been computed
1686  * RuntimeContext expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
1687  * RelationDesc index relation descriptor
1688  * ScanDesc index scan descriptor
1689  * TableSlot slot for holding tuples fetched from the table
1690  * VMBuffer buffer in use for visibility map testing, if any
1691  * PscanLen size of parallel index-only scan descriptor
1692  * NameCStringAttNums attnums of name typed columns to pad to NAMEDATALEN
1693  * NameCStringCount number of elements in the NameCStringAttNums array
1694  * ----------------
1695  */
1696 typedef struct IndexOnlyScanState
1697 {
1698  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1717 /* ----------------
1718  * BitmapIndexScanState information
1719  *
1720  * result bitmap to return output into, or NULL
1721  * ScanKeys Skey structures for index quals
1722  * NumScanKeys number of ScanKeys
1723  * RuntimeKeys info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
1724  * NumRuntimeKeys number of RuntimeKeys
1725  * ArrayKeys info about Skeys that come from ScalarArrayOpExprs
1726  * NumArrayKeys number of ArrayKeys
1727  * RuntimeKeysReady true if runtime Skeys have been computed
1728  * RuntimeContext expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
1729  * RelationDesc index relation descriptor
1730  * ScanDesc index scan descriptor
1731  * ----------------
1732  */
1733 typedef struct BitmapIndexScanState
1734 {
1735  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1749 /* ----------------
1750  * BitmapHeapScanInstrumentation information
1751  *
1752  * exact_pages total number of exact pages retrieved
1753  * lossy_pages total number of lossy pages retrieved
1754  * ----------------
1755  */
1757 {
1758  uint64 exact_pages;
1759  uint64 lossy_pages;
1762 /* ----------------
1763  * SharedBitmapState information
1764  *
1765  * BM_INITIAL TIDBitmap creation is not yet started, so first worker
1766  * to see this state will set the state to BM_INPROGRESS
1767  * and that process will be responsible for creating
1768  * TIDBitmap.
1769  * BM_INPROGRESS TIDBitmap creation is in progress; workers need to
1770  * sleep until it's finished.
1771  * BM_FINISHED TIDBitmap creation is done, so now all workers can
1772  * proceed to iterate over TIDBitmap.
1773  * ----------------
1774  */
1775 typedef enum
1776 {
1782 /* ----------------
1783  * ParallelBitmapHeapState information
1784  * tbmiterator iterator for scanning current pages
1785  * prefetch_iterator iterator for prefetching ahead of current page
1786  * mutex mutual exclusion for the prefetching variable
1787  * and state
1788  * prefetch_pages # pages prefetch iterator is ahead of current
1789  * prefetch_target current target prefetch distance
1790  * state current state of the TIDBitmap
1791  * cv conditional wait variable
1792  * ----------------
1793  */
1795 {
1805 /* ----------------
1806  * Instrumentation data for a parallel bitmap heap scan.
1807  *
1808  * A shared memory struct that each parallel worker copies its
1809  * BitmapHeapScanInstrumentation information into at executor shutdown to
1810  * allow the leader to display the information in EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
1811  * ----------------
1812  */
1814 {
1819 /* ----------------
1820  * BitmapHeapScanState information
1821  *
1822  * bitmapqualorig execution state for bitmapqualorig expressions
1823  * tbm bitmap obtained from child index scan(s)
1824  * tbmiterator iterator for scanning current pages
1825  * tbmres current-page data
1826  * pvmbuffer buffer for visibility-map lookups of prefetched pages
1827  * stats execution statistics
1828  * prefetch_iterator iterator for prefetching ahead of current page
1829  * prefetch_pages # pages prefetch iterator is ahead of current
1830  * prefetch_target current target prefetch distance
1831  * prefetch_maximum maximum value for prefetch_target
1832  * initialized is node is ready to iterate
1833  * shared_tbmiterator shared iterator
1834  * shared_prefetch_iterator shared iterator for prefetching
1835  * pstate shared state for parallel bitmap scan
1836  * sinstrument statistics for parallel workers
1837  * ----------------
1838  */
1839 typedef struct BitmapHeapScanState
1840 {
1841  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1859 /* ----------------
1860  * TidScanState information
1861  *
1862  * tidexprs list of TidExpr structs (see nodeTidscan.c)
1863  * isCurrentOf scan has a CurrentOfExpr qual
1864  * NumTids number of tids in this scan
1865  * TidPtr index of currently fetched tid
1866  * TidList evaluated item pointers (array of size NumTids)
1867  * ----------------
1868  */
1869 typedef struct TidScanState
1870 {
1871  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1879 /* ----------------
1880  * TidRangeScanState information
1881  *
1882  * trss_tidexprs list of TidOpExpr structs (see nodeTidrangescan.c)
1883  * trss_mintid the lowest TID in the scan range
1884  * trss_maxtid the highest TID in the scan range
1885  * trss_inScan is a scan currently in progress?
1886  * ----------------
1887  */
1888 typedef struct TidRangeScanState
1889 {
1890  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1897 /* ----------------
1898  * SubqueryScanState information
1899  *
1900  * SubqueryScanState is used for scanning a sub-query in the range table.
1901  * ScanTupleSlot references the current output tuple of the sub-query.
1902  * ----------------
1903  */
1904 typedef struct SubqueryScanState
1905 {
1906  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1910 /* ----------------
1911  * FunctionScanState information
1912  *
1913  * Function nodes are used to scan the results of a
1914  * function appearing in FROM (typically a function returning set).
1915  *
1916  * eflags node's capability flags
1917  * ordinality is this scan WITH ORDINALITY?
1918  * simple true if we have 1 function and no ordinality
1919  * ordinal current ordinal column value
1920  * nfuncs number of functions being executed
1921  * funcstates per-function execution states (private in
1922  * nodeFunctionscan.c)
1923  * argcontext memory context to evaluate function arguments in
1924  * ----------------
1925  */
1928 typedef struct FunctionScanState
1929 {
1930  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1931  int eflags;
1933  bool simple;
1934  int64 ordinal;
1935  int nfuncs;
1936  struct FunctionScanPerFuncState *funcstates; /* array of length nfuncs */
1940 /* ----------------
1941  * ValuesScanState information
1942  *
1943  * ValuesScan nodes are used to scan the results of a VALUES list
1944  *
1945  * rowcontext per-expression-list context
1946  * exprlists array of expression lists being evaluated
1947  * exprstatelists array of expression state lists, for SubPlans only
1948  * array_len size of above arrays
1949  * curr_idx current array index (0-based)
1950  *
1951  * Note: is used to evaluate any qual or projection
1952  * expressions attached to the node. We create a second ExprContext,
1953  * rowcontext, in which to build the executor expression state for each
1954  * Values sublist. Resetting this context lets us get rid of expression
1955  * state for each row, avoiding major memory leakage over a long values list.
1956  * However, that doesn't work for sublists containing SubPlans, because a
1957  * SubPlan has to be connected up to the outer plan tree to work properly.
1958  * Therefore, for only those sublists containing SubPlans, we do expression
1959  * state construction at executor start, and store those pointers in
1960  * exprstatelists[]. NULL entries in that array correspond to simple
1961  * subexpressions that are handled as described above.
1962  * ----------------
1963  */
1964 typedef struct ValuesScanState
1965 {
1966  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1974 /* ----------------
1975  * TableFuncScanState node
1976  *
1977  * Used in table-expression functions like XMLTABLE.
1978  * ----------------
1979  */
1980 typedef struct TableFuncScanState
1981 {
1982  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
1983  ExprState *docexpr; /* state for document expression */
1984  ExprState *rowexpr; /* state for row-generating expression */
1985  List *colexprs; /* state for column-generating expression */
1986  List *coldefexprs; /* state for column default expressions */
1987  List *colvalexprs; /* state for column value expressions */
1988  List *passingvalexprs; /* state for PASSING argument expressions */
1989  List *ns_names; /* same as TableFunc.ns_names */
1990  List *ns_uris; /* list of states of namespace URI exprs */
1991  Bitmapset *notnulls; /* nullability flag for each output column */
1992  void *opaque; /* table builder private space */
1993  const struct TableFuncRoutine *routine; /* table builder methods */
1994  FmgrInfo *in_functions; /* input function for each column */
1995  Oid *typioparams; /* typioparam for each column */
1996  int64 ordinal; /* row number to be output next */
1997  MemoryContext perTableCxt; /* per-table context */
1998  Tuplestorestate *tupstore; /* output tuple store */
2001 /* ----------------
2002  * CteScanState information
2003  *
2004  * CteScan nodes are used to scan a CommonTableExpr query.
2005  *
2006  * Multiple CteScan nodes can read out from the same CTE query. We use
2007  * a tuplestore to hold rows that have been read from the CTE query but
2008  * not yet consumed by all readers.
2009  * ----------------
2010  */
2011 typedef struct CteScanState
2012 {
2013  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2014  int eflags; /* capability flags to pass to tuplestore */
2015  int readptr; /* index of my tuplestore read pointer */
2016  PlanState *cteplanstate; /* PlanState for the CTE query itself */
2017  /* Link to the "leader" CteScanState (possibly this same node) */
2019  /* The remaining fields are only valid in the "leader" CteScanState */
2020  Tuplestorestate *cte_table; /* rows already read from the CTE query */
2021  bool eof_cte; /* reached end of CTE query? */
2024 /* ----------------
2025  * NamedTuplestoreScanState information
2026  *
2027  * NamedTuplestoreScan nodes are used to scan a Tuplestore created and
2028  * named prior to execution of the query. An example is a transition
2029  * table for an AFTER trigger.
2030  *
2031  * Multiple NamedTuplestoreScan nodes can read out from the same Tuplestore.
2032  * ----------------
2033  */
2035 {
2036  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2037  int readptr; /* index of my tuplestore read pointer */
2038  TupleDesc tupdesc; /* format of the tuples in the tuplestore */
2039  Tuplestorestate *relation; /* the rows */
2042 /* ----------------
2043  * WorkTableScanState information
2044  *
2045  * WorkTableScan nodes are used to scan the work table created by
2046  * a RecursiveUnion node. We locate the RecursiveUnion node
2047  * during executor startup.
2048  * ----------------
2049  */
2050 typedef struct WorkTableScanState
2051 {
2052  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2056 /* ----------------
2057  * ForeignScanState information
2058  *
2059  * ForeignScan nodes are used to scan foreign-data tables.
2060  * ----------------
2061  */
2062 typedef struct ForeignScanState
2063 {
2064  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2065  ExprState *fdw_recheck_quals; /* original quals not in */
2066  Size pscan_len; /* size of parallel coordination information */
2067  ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo; /* result rel info, if UPDATE or DELETE */
2068  /* use struct pointer to avoid including fdwapi.h here */
2070  void *fdw_state; /* foreign-data wrapper can keep state here */
2073 /* ----------------
2074  * CustomScanState information
2075  *
2076  * CustomScan nodes are used to execute custom code within executor.
2077  *
2078  * Core code must avoid assuming that the CustomScanState is only as large as
2079  * the structure declared here; providers are allowed to make it the first
2080  * element in a larger structure, and typically would need to do so. The
2081  * struct is actually allocated by the CreateCustomScanState method associated
2082  * with the plan node. Any additional fields can be initialized there, or in
2083  * the BeginCustomScan method.
2084  * ----------------
2085  */
2086 struct CustomExecMethods;
2088 typedef struct CustomScanState
2089 {
2091  uint32 flags; /* mask of CUSTOMPATH_* flags, see
2092  * nodes/extensible.h */
2093  List *custom_ps; /* list of child PlanState nodes, if any */
2094  Size pscan_len; /* size of parallel coordination information */
2099 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
2100  * Join State Information
2101  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
2102  */
2104 /* ----------------
2105  * JoinState information
2106  *
2107  * Superclass for state nodes of join plans.
2108  * ----------------
2109  */
2110 typedef struct JoinState
2111 {
2114  bool single_match; /* True if we should skip to next outer tuple
2115  * after finding one inner match */
2116  ExprState *joinqual; /* JOIN quals (in addition to ps.qual) */
2119 /* ----------------
2120  * NestLoopState information
2121  *
2122  * NeedNewOuter true if need new outer tuple on next call
2123  * MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer tuple
2124  * NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
2125  * ----------------
2126  */
2127 typedef struct NestLoopState
2128 {
2129  JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2135 /* ----------------
2136  * MergeJoinState information
2137  *
2138  * NumClauses number of mergejoinable join clauses
2139  * Clauses info for each mergejoinable clause
2140  * JoinState current state of ExecMergeJoin state machine
2141  * SkipMarkRestore true if we may skip Mark and Restore operations
2142  * ExtraMarks true to issue extra Mark operations on inner scan
2143  * ConstFalseJoin true if we have a constant-false joinqual
2144  * FillOuter true if should emit unjoined outer tuples anyway
2145  * FillInner true if should emit unjoined inner tuples anyway
2146  * MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer tuple
2147  * MatchedInner true if found a join match for current inner tuple
2148  * OuterTupleSlot slot in tuple table for cur outer tuple
2149  * InnerTupleSlot slot in tuple table for cur inner tuple
2150  * MarkedTupleSlot slot in tuple table for marked tuple
2151  * NullOuterTupleSlot prepared null tuple for right outer joins
2152  * NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
2153  * OuterEContext workspace for computing outer tuple's join values
2154  * InnerEContext workspace for computing inner tuple's join values
2155  * ----------------
2156  */
2157 /* private in nodeMergejoin.c: */
2160 typedef struct MergeJoinState
2161 {
2162  JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2164  MergeJoinClause mj_Clauses; /* array of length mj_NumClauses */
2182 /* ----------------
2183  * HashJoinState information
2184  *
2185  * hashclauses original form of the hashjoin condition
2186  * hj_OuterHashKeys the outer hash keys in the hashjoin condition
2187  * hj_HashOperators the join operators in the hashjoin condition
2188  * hj_HashTable hash table for the hashjoin
2189  * (NULL if table not built yet)
2190  * hj_CurHashValue hash value for current outer tuple
2191  * hj_CurBucketNo regular bucket# for current outer tuple
2192  * hj_CurSkewBucketNo skew bucket# for current outer tuple
2193  * hj_CurTuple last inner tuple matched to current outer
2194  * tuple, or NULL if starting search
2195  * (hj_CurXXX variables are undefined if
2196  * OuterTupleSlot is empty!)
2197  * hj_OuterTupleSlot tuple slot for outer tuples
2198  * hj_HashTupleSlot tuple slot for inner (hashed) tuples
2199  * hj_NullOuterTupleSlot prepared null tuple for right/right-anti/full
2200  * outer joins
2201  * hj_NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left/full outer joins
2202  * hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot first tuple retrieved from outer plan
2203  * hj_JoinState current state of ExecHashJoin state machine
2204  * hj_MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer
2205  * hj_OuterNotEmpty true if outer relation known not empty
2206  * ----------------
2207  */
2209 /* these structs are defined in executor/hashjoin.h: */
2213 typedef struct HashJoinState
2214 {
2215  JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2217  List *hj_OuterHashKeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
2218  List *hj_HashOperators; /* list of operator OIDs */
2236 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
2237  * Materialization State Information
2238  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
2239  */
2241 /* ----------------
2242  * MaterialState information
2243  *
2244  * materialize nodes are used to materialize the results
2245  * of a subplan into a temporary file.
2246  *
2247  * ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
2248  * ----------------
2249  */
2250 typedef struct MaterialState
2251 {
2252  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2253  int eflags; /* capability flags to pass to tuplestore */
2254  bool eof_underlying; /* reached end of underlying plan? */
2258 struct MemoizeEntry;
2259 struct MemoizeTuple;
2260 struct MemoizeKey;
2263 {
2264  uint64 cache_hits; /* number of rescans where we've found the
2265  * scan parameter values to be cached */
2266  uint64 cache_misses; /* number of rescans where we've not found the
2267  * scan parameter values to be cached. */
2268  uint64 cache_evictions; /* number of cache entries removed due to
2269  * the need to free memory */
2270  uint64 cache_overflows; /* number of times we've had to bypass the
2271  * cache when filling it due to not being
2272  * able to free enough space to store the
2273  * current scan's tuples. */
2274  uint64 mem_peak; /* peak memory usage in bytes */
2277 /* ----------------
2278  * Shared memory container for per-worker memoize information
2279  * ----------------
2280  */
2281 typedef struct SharedMemoizeInfo
2282 {
2287 /* ----------------
2288  * MemoizeState information
2289  *
2290  * memoize nodes are used to cache recent and commonly seen results from
2291  * a parameterized scan.
2292  * ----------------
2293  */
2294 typedef struct MemoizeState
2295 {
2296  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2297  int mstatus; /* value of ExecMemoize state machine */
2298  int nkeys; /* number of cache keys */
2299  struct memoize_hash *hashtable; /* hash table for cache entries */
2300  TupleDesc hashkeydesc; /* tuple descriptor for cache keys */
2301  TupleTableSlot *tableslot; /* min tuple slot for existing cache entries */
2302  TupleTableSlot *probeslot; /* virtual slot used for hash lookups */
2303  ExprState *cache_eq_expr; /* Compare exec params to hash key */
2304  ExprState **param_exprs; /* exprs containing the parameters to this
2305  * node */
2306  FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* lookup data for hash funcs nkeys in size */
2307  Oid *collations; /* collation for comparisons nkeys in size */
2308  uint64 mem_used; /* bytes of memory used by cache */
2309  uint64 mem_limit; /* memory limit in bytes for the cache */
2310  MemoryContext tableContext; /* memory context to store cache data */
2311  dlist_head lru_list; /* least recently used entry list */
2312  struct MemoizeTuple *last_tuple; /* Used to point to the last tuple
2313  * returned during a cache hit and the
2314  * tuple we last stored when
2315  * populating the cache. */
2316  struct MemoizeEntry *entry; /* the entry that 'last_tuple' belongs to or
2317  * NULL if 'last_tuple' is NULL. */
2318  bool singlerow; /* true if the cache entry is to be marked as
2319  * complete after caching the first tuple. */
2320  bool binary_mode; /* true when cache key should be compared bit
2321  * by bit, false when using hash equality ops */
2322  MemoizeInstrumentation stats; /* execution statistics */
2323  SharedMemoizeInfo *shared_info; /* statistics for parallel workers */
2324  Bitmapset *keyparamids; /* Param->paramids of expressions belonging to
2325  * param_exprs */
2328 /* ----------------
2329  * When performing sorting by multiple keys, it's possible that the input
2330  * dataset is already sorted on a prefix of those keys. We call these
2331  * "presorted keys".
2332  * PresortedKeyData represents information about one such key.
2333  * ----------------
2334  */
2335 typedef struct PresortedKeyData
2336 {
2337  FmgrInfo flinfo; /* comparison function info */
2338  FunctionCallInfo fcinfo; /* comparison function call info */
2339  OffsetNumber attno; /* attribute number in tuple */
2342 /* ----------------
2343  * Shared memory container for per-worker sort information
2344  * ----------------
2345  */
2346 typedef struct SharedSortInfo
2347 {
2352 /* ----------------
2353  * SortState information
2354  * ----------------
2355  */
2356 typedef struct SortState
2357 {
2358  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2359  bool randomAccess; /* need random access to sort output? */
2360  bool bounded; /* is the result set bounded? */
2361  int64 bound; /* if bounded, how many tuples are needed */
2362  bool sort_Done; /* sort completed yet? */
2363  bool bounded_Done; /* value of bounded we did the sort with */
2364  int64 bound_Done; /* value of bound we did the sort with */
2365  void *tuplesortstate; /* private state of tuplesort.c */
2366  bool am_worker; /* are we a worker? */
2367  bool datumSort; /* Datum sort instead of tuple sort? */
2368  SharedSortInfo *shared_info; /* one entry per worker */
2371 /* ----------------
2372  * Instrumentation information for IncrementalSort
2373  * ----------------
2374  */
2376 {
2377  int64 groupCount;
2382  bits32 sortMethods; /* bitmask of TuplesortMethod */
2385 typedef struct IncrementalSortInfo
2386 {
2391 /* ----------------
2392  * Shared memory container for per-worker incremental sort information
2393  * ----------------
2394  */
2396 {
2401 /* ----------------
2402  * IncrementalSortState information
2403  * ----------------
2404  */
2405 typedef enum
2406 {
2413 typedef struct IncrementalSortState
2414 {
2415  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2416  bool bounded; /* is the result set bounded? */
2417  int64 bound; /* if bounded, how many tuples are needed */
2418  bool outerNodeDone; /* finished fetching tuples from outer node */
2419  int64 bound_Done; /* value of bound we did the sort with */
2422  Tuplesortstate *fullsort_state; /* private state of tuplesort.c */
2423  Tuplesortstate *prefixsort_state; /* private state of tuplesort.c */
2424  /* the keys by which the input path is already sorted */
2429  /* slot for pivot tuple defining values of presorted keys within group */
2432  bool am_worker; /* are we a worker? */
2433  SharedIncrementalSortInfo *shared_info; /* one entry per worker */
2436 /* ---------------------
2437  * GroupState information
2438  * ---------------------
2439  */
2440 typedef struct GroupState
2441 {
2442  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2443  ExprState *eqfunction; /* equality function */
2444  bool grp_done; /* indicates completion of Group scan */
2447 /* ---------------------
2448  * per-worker aggregate information
2449  * ---------------------
2450  */
2452 {
2453  Size hash_mem_peak; /* peak hash table memory usage */
2454  uint64 hash_disk_used; /* kB of disk space used */
2455  int hash_batches_used; /* batches used during entire execution */
2458 /* ----------------
2459  * Shared memory container for per-worker aggregate information
2460  * ----------------
2461  */
2462 typedef struct SharedAggInfo
2463 {
2468 /* ---------------------
2469  * AggState information
2470  *
2471  * ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
2472  *
2473  * Note: contains ecxt_aggvalues and
2474  * ecxt_aggnulls arrays, which hold the computed agg values for the current
2475  * input group during evaluation of an Agg node's output tuple(s). We
2476  * create a second ExprContext, tmpcontext, in which to evaluate input
2477  * expressions and run the aggregate transition functions.
2478  * ---------------------
2479  */
2480 /* these structs are private in nodeAgg.c: */
2487 typedef struct AggState
2488 {
2489  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2490  List *aggs; /* all Aggref nodes in targetlist & quals */
2491  int numaggs; /* length of list (could be zero!) */
2492  int numtrans; /* number of pertrans items */
2493  AggStrategy aggstrategy; /* strategy mode */
2494  AggSplit aggsplit; /* agg-splitting mode, see nodes.h */
2495  AggStatePerPhase phase; /* pointer to current phase data */
2496  int numphases; /* number of phases (including phase 0) */
2497  int current_phase; /* current phase number */
2498  AggStatePerAgg peragg; /* per-Aggref information */
2499  AggStatePerTrans pertrans; /* per-Trans state information */
2500  ExprContext *hashcontext; /* econtexts for long-lived data (hashtable) */
2501  ExprContext **aggcontexts; /* econtexts for long-lived data (per GS) */
2502  ExprContext *tmpcontext; /* econtext for input expressions */
2504  ExprContext *curaggcontext; /* currently active aggcontext */
2505  AggStatePerAgg curperagg; /* currently active aggregate, if any */
2507  AggStatePerTrans curpertrans; /* currently active trans state, if any */
2508  bool input_done; /* indicates end of input */
2509  bool agg_done; /* indicates completion of Agg scan */
2510  int projected_set; /* The last projected grouping set */
2512  int current_set; /* The current grouping set being evaluated */
2513  Bitmapset *grouped_cols; /* grouped cols in current projection */
2514  List *all_grouped_cols; /* list of all grouped cols in DESC order */
2515  Bitmapset *colnos_needed; /* all columns needed from the outer plan */
2516  int max_colno_needed; /* highest colno needed from outer plan */
2517  bool all_cols_needed; /* are all cols from outer plan needed? */
2518  /* These fields are for grouping set phase data */
2519  int maxsets; /* The max number of sets in any phase */
2520  AggStatePerPhase phases; /* array of all phases */
2521  Tuplesortstate *sort_in; /* sorted input to phases > 1 */
2522  Tuplesortstate *sort_out; /* input is copied here for next phase */
2523  TupleTableSlot *sort_slot; /* slot for sort results */
2524  /* these fields are used in AGG_PLAIN and AGG_SORTED modes: */
2525  AggStatePerGroup *pergroups; /* grouping set indexed array of per-group
2526  * pointers */
2527  HeapTuple grp_firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple of current group */
2528  /* these fields are used in AGG_HASHED and AGG_MIXED modes: */
2529  bool table_filled; /* hash table filled yet? */
2531  MemoryContext hash_metacxt; /* memory for hash table itself */
2532  struct LogicalTapeSet *hash_tapeset; /* tape set for hash spill tapes */
2533  struct HashAggSpill *hash_spills; /* HashAggSpill for each grouping set,
2534  * exists only during first pass */
2535  TupleTableSlot *hash_spill_rslot; /* for reading spill files */
2536  TupleTableSlot *hash_spill_wslot; /* for writing spill files */
2537  List *hash_batches; /* hash batches remaining to be processed */
2538  bool hash_ever_spilled; /* ever spilled during this execution? */
2539  bool hash_spill_mode; /* we hit a limit during the current batch
2540  * and we must not create new groups */
2541  Size hash_mem_limit; /* limit before spilling hash table */
2542  uint64 hash_ngroups_limit; /* limit before spilling hash table */
2543  int hash_planned_partitions; /* number of partitions planned
2544  * for first pass */
2545  double hashentrysize; /* estimate revised during execution */
2546  Size hash_mem_peak; /* peak hash table memory usage */
2547  uint64 hash_ngroups_current; /* number of groups currently in
2548  * memory in all hash tables */
2549  uint64 hash_disk_used; /* kB of disk space used */
2550  int hash_batches_used; /* batches used during entire execution */
2552  AggStatePerHash perhash; /* array of per-hashtable data */
2553  AggStatePerGroup *hash_pergroup; /* grouping set indexed array of
2554  * per-group pointers */
2556  /* support for evaluation of agg input expressions: */
2558  AggStatePerGroup *all_pergroups; /* array of first ->pergroups, than
2559  * ->hash_pergroup */
2560  SharedAggInfo *shared_info; /* one entry per worker */
2563 /* ----------------
2564  * WindowAggState information
2565  * ----------------
2566  */
2567 /* these structs are private in nodeWindowAgg.c: */
2571 /*
2572  * WindowAggStatus -- Used to track the status of WindowAggState
2573  */
2574 typedef enum WindowAggStatus
2575 {
2576  WINDOWAGG_DONE, /* No more processing to do */
2577  WINDOWAGG_RUN, /* Normal processing of window funcs */
2578  WINDOWAGG_PASSTHROUGH, /* Don't eval window funcs */
2579  WINDOWAGG_PASSTHROUGH_STRICT, /* Pass-through plus don't store new
2580  * tuples during spool */
2583 typedef struct WindowAggState
2584 {
2585  ScanState ss; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2587  /* these fields are filled in by ExecInitExpr: */
2588  List *funcs; /* all WindowFunc nodes in targetlist */
2589  int numfuncs; /* total number of window functions */
2590  int numaggs; /* number that are plain aggregates */
2592  WindowStatePerFunc perfunc; /* per-window-function information */
2593  WindowStatePerAgg peragg; /* per-plain-aggregate information */
2594  ExprState *partEqfunction; /* equality funcs for partition columns */
2595  ExprState *ordEqfunction; /* equality funcs for ordering columns */
2596  Tuplestorestate *buffer; /* stores rows of current partition */
2597  int current_ptr; /* read pointer # for current row */
2598  int framehead_ptr; /* read pointer # for frame head, if used */
2599  int frametail_ptr; /* read pointer # for frame tail, if used */
2600  int grouptail_ptr; /* read pointer # for group tail, if used */
2601  int64 spooled_rows; /* total # of rows in buffer */
2602  int64 currentpos; /* position of current row in partition */
2603  int64 frameheadpos; /* current frame head position */
2604  int64 frametailpos; /* current frame tail position (frame end+1) */
2605  /* use struct pointer to avoid including windowapi.h here */
2606  struct WindowObjectData *agg_winobj; /* winobj for aggregate fetches */
2607  int64 aggregatedbase; /* start row for current aggregates */
2608  int64 aggregatedupto; /* rows before this one are aggregated */
2609  WindowAggStatus status; /* run status of WindowAggState */
2611  int frameOptions; /* frame_clause options, see WindowDef */
2612  ExprState *startOffset; /* expression for starting bound offset */
2613  ExprState *endOffset; /* expression for ending bound offset */
2614  Datum startOffsetValue; /* result of startOffset evaluation */
2615  Datum endOffsetValue; /* result of endOffset evaluation */
2617  /* these fields are used with RANGE offset PRECEDING/FOLLOWING: */
2618  FmgrInfo startInRangeFunc; /* in_range function for startOffset */
2619  FmgrInfo endInRangeFunc; /* in_range function for endOffset */
2620  Oid inRangeColl; /* collation for in_range tests */
2621  bool inRangeAsc; /* use ASC sort order for in_range tests? */
2622  bool inRangeNullsFirst; /* nulls sort first for in_range tests? */
2624  /* these fields are used in GROUPS mode: */
2625  int64 currentgroup; /* peer group # of current row in partition */
2626  int64 frameheadgroup; /* peer group # of frame head row */
2627  int64 frametailgroup; /* peer group # of frame tail row */
2628  int64 groupheadpos; /* current row's peer group head position */
2629  int64 grouptailpos; /* " " " " tail position (group end+1) */
2631  MemoryContext partcontext; /* context for partition-lifespan data */
2632  MemoryContext aggcontext; /* shared context for aggregate working data */
2633  MemoryContext curaggcontext; /* current aggregate's working data */
2634  ExprContext *tmpcontext; /* short-term evaluation context */
2636  ExprState *runcondition; /* Condition which must remain true otherwise
2637  * execution of the WindowAgg will finish or
2638  * go into pass-through mode. NULL when there
2639  * is no such condition. */
2641  bool use_pass_through; /* When false, stop execution when
2642  * runcondition is no longer true. Else
2643  * just stop evaluating window funcs. */
2644  bool top_window; /* true if this is the top-most WindowAgg or
2645  * the only WindowAgg in this query level */
2646  bool all_first; /* true if the scan is starting */
2647  bool partition_spooled; /* true if all tuples in current partition
2648  * have been spooled into tuplestore */
2649  bool more_partitions; /* true if there's more partitions after
2650  * this one */
2651  bool framehead_valid; /* true if frameheadpos is known up to
2652  * date for current row */
2653  bool frametail_valid; /* true if frametailpos is known up to
2654  * date for current row */
2655  bool grouptail_valid; /* true if grouptailpos is known up to
2656  * date for current row */
2658  TupleTableSlot *first_part_slot; /* first tuple of current or next
2659  * partition */
2660  TupleTableSlot *framehead_slot; /* first tuple of current frame */
2661  TupleTableSlot *frametail_slot; /* first tuple after current frame */
2663  /* temporary slots for tuples fetched back from tuplestore */
2669 /* ----------------
2670  * UniqueState information
2671  *
2672  * Unique nodes are used "on top of" sort nodes to discard
2673  * duplicate tuples returned from the sort phase. Basically
2674  * all it does is compare the current tuple from the subplan
2675  * with the previously fetched tuple (stored in its result slot).
2676  * If the two are identical in all interesting fields, then
2677  * we just fetch another tuple from the sort and try again.
2678  * ----------------
2679  */
2680 typedef struct UniqueState
2681 {
2682  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2683  ExprState *eqfunction; /* tuple equality qual */
2686 /* ----------------
2687  * GatherState information
2688  *
2689  * Gather nodes launch 1 or more parallel workers, run a subplan
2690  * in those workers, and collect the results.
2691  * ----------------
2692  */
2693 typedef struct GatherState
2694 {
2695  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2696  bool initialized; /* workers launched? */
2697  bool need_to_scan_locally; /* need to read from local plan? */
2698  int64 tuples_needed; /* tuple bound, see ExecSetTupleBound */
2699  /* these fields are set up once: */
2702  /* all remaining fields are reinitialized during a rescan: */
2703  int nworkers_launched; /* original number of workers */
2704  int nreaders; /* number of still-active workers */
2705  int nextreader; /* next one to try to read from */
2706  struct TupleQueueReader **reader; /* array with nreaders active entries */
2709 /* ----------------
2710  * GatherMergeState information
2711  *
2712  * Gather merge nodes launch 1 or more parallel workers, run a
2713  * subplan which produces sorted output in each worker, and then
2714  * merge the results into a single sorted stream.
2715  * ----------------
2716  */
2717 struct GMReaderTupleBuffer; /* private in nodeGatherMerge.c */
2719 typedef struct GatherMergeState
2720 {
2721  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2722  bool initialized; /* workers launched? */
2723  bool gm_initialized; /* gather_merge_init() done? */
2724  bool need_to_scan_locally; /* need to read from local plan? */
2725  int64 tuples_needed; /* tuple bound, see ExecSetTupleBound */
2726  /* these fields are set up once: */
2727  TupleDesc tupDesc; /* descriptor for subplan result tuples */
2728  int gm_nkeys; /* number of sort columns */
2729  SortSupport gm_sortkeys; /* array of length gm_nkeys */
2731  /* all remaining fields are reinitialized during a rescan */
2732  /* (but the arrays are not reallocated, just cleared) */
2733  int nworkers_launched; /* original number of workers */
2734  int nreaders; /* number of active workers */
2735  TupleTableSlot **gm_slots; /* array with nreaders+1 entries */
2736  struct TupleQueueReader **reader; /* array with nreaders active entries */
2737  struct GMReaderTupleBuffer *gm_tuple_buffers; /* nreaders tuple buffers */
2738  struct binaryheap *gm_heap; /* binary heap of slot indices */
2741 /* ----------------
2742  * Values displayed by EXPLAIN ANALYZE
2743  * ----------------
2744  */
2745 typedef struct HashInstrumentation
2746 {
2747  int nbuckets; /* number of buckets at end of execution */
2748  int nbuckets_original; /* planned number of buckets */
2749  int nbatch; /* number of batches at end of execution */
2750  int nbatch_original; /* planned number of batches */
2751  Size space_peak; /* peak memory usage in bytes */
2754 /* ----------------
2755  * Shared memory container for per-worker hash information
2756  * ----------------
2757  */
2758 typedef struct SharedHashInfo
2759 {
2764 /* ----------------
2765  * HashState information
2766  * ----------------
2767  */
2768 typedef struct HashState
2769 {
2770  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2771  HashJoinTable hashtable; /* hash table for the hashjoin */
2772  List *hashkeys; /* list of ExprState nodes */
2774  /*
2775  * In a parallelized hash join, the leader retains a pointer to the
2776  * shared-memory stats area in its shared_info field, and then copies the
2777  * shared-memory info back to local storage before DSM shutdown. The
2778  * shared_info field remains NULL in workers, or in non-parallel joins.
2779  */
2782  /*
2783  * If we are collecting hash stats, this points to an initially-zeroed
2784  * collection area, which could be either local storage or in shared
2785  * memory; either way it's for just one process.
2786  */
2789  /* Parallel hash state. */
2793 /* ----------------
2794  * SetOpState information
2795  *
2796  * Even in "sorted" mode, SetOp nodes are more complex than a simple
2797  * Unique, since we have to count how many duplicates to return. But
2798  * we also support hashing, so this is really more like a cut-down
2799  * form of Agg.
2800  * ----------------
2801  */
2802 /* this struct is private in nodeSetOp.c: */
2805 typedef struct SetOpState
2806 {
2807  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2808  ExprState *eqfunction; /* equality comparator */
2809  Oid *eqfuncoids; /* per-grouping-field equality fns */
2810  FmgrInfo *hashfunctions; /* per-grouping-field hash fns */
2811  bool setop_done; /* indicates completion of output scan */
2812  long numOutput; /* number of dups left to output */
2813  /* these fields are used in SETOP_SORTED mode: */
2814  SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup; /* per-group working state */
2815  HeapTuple grp_firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple of current group */
2816  /* these fields are used in SETOP_HASHED mode: */
2817  TupleHashTable hashtable; /* hash table with one entry per group */
2818  MemoryContext tableContext; /* memory context containing hash table */
2819  bool table_filled; /* hash table filled yet? */
2820  TupleHashIterator hashiter; /* for iterating through hash table */
2823 /* ----------------
2824  * LockRowsState information
2825  *
2826  * LockRows nodes are used to enforce FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE locking.
2827  * ----------------
2828  */
2829 typedef struct LockRowsState
2830 {
2831  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2832  List *lr_arowMarks; /* List of ExecAuxRowMarks */
2833  EPQState lr_epqstate; /* for evaluating EvalPlanQual rechecks */
2836 /* ----------------
2837  * LimitState information
2838  *
2839  * Limit nodes are used to enforce LIMIT/OFFSET clauses.
2840  * They just select the desired subrange of their subplan's output.
2841  *
2842  * offset is the number of initial tuples to skip (0 does nothing).
2843  * count is the number of tuples to return after skipping the offset tuples.
2844  * If no limit count was specified, count is undefined and noCount is true.
2845  * When lstate == LIMIT_INITIAL, offset/count/noCount haven't been set yet.
2846  * ----------------
2847  */
2848 typedef enum
2849 {
2850  LIMIT_INITIAL, /* initial state for LIMIT node */
2851  LIMIT_RESCAN, /* rescan after recomputing parameters */
2852  LIMIT_EMPTY, /* there are no returnable rows */
2853  LIMIT_INWINDOW, /* have returned a row in the window */
2854  LIMIT_WINDOWEND_TIES, /* have returned a tied row */
2855  LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF, /* at EOF of subplan (within window) */
2856  LIMIT_WINDOWEND, /* stepped off end of window */
2857  LIMIT_WINDOWSTART, /* stepped off beginning of window */
2858 } LimitStateCond;
2860 typedef struct LimitState
2861 {
2862  PlanState ps; /* its first field is NodeTag */
2863  ExprState *limitOffset; /* OFFSET parameter, or NULL if none */
2864  ExprState *limitCount; /* COUNT parameter, or NULL if none */
2865  LimitOption limitOption; /* limit specification type */
2866  int64 offset; /* current OFFSET value */
2867  int64 count; /* current COUNT, if any */
2868  bool noCount; /* if true, ignore count */
2869  LimitStateCond lstate; /* state machine status, as above */
2870  int64 position; /* 1-based index of last tuple returned */
2871  TupleTableSlot *subSlot; /* tuple last obtained from subplan */
2872  ExprState *eqfunction; /* tuple equality qual in case of WITH TIES
2873  * option */
2874  TupleTableSlot *last_slot; /* slot for evaluation of ties */
2877 #endif /* EXECNODES_H */
int16 AttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:21
int Buffer
Definition: buf.h:23
unsigned short uint16
Definition: c.h:505
unsigned int uint32
Definition: c.h:506
signed short int16
Definition: c.h:493
Definition: c.h:398
unsigned char bool
Definition: c.h:456
uint32 bits32
Definition: c.h:515
unsigned int Index
Definition: c.h:614
unsigned char uint8
Definition: c.h:504
uint32 CommandId
Definition: c.h:666
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
uint64 dsa_pointer
Definition: dsa.h:62
void(* ExprContextCallbackFunction)(Datum arg)
Definition: execnodes.h:217
struct WindowStatePerAggData * WindowStatePerAgg
Definition: execnodes.h:2569
struct IndexScanState IndexScanState
struct ExprContext ExprContext
struct ModifyTableState ModifyTableState
struct ResultState ResultState
struct SubPlanState SubPlanState
struct SharedIncrementalSortInfo SharedIncrementalSortInfo
struct CteScanState CteScanState
TupleTableSlot *(* ExecProcNodeMtd)(struct PlanState *pstate)
Definition: execnodes.h:1101
struct UniqueState UniqueState
struct SetOpState SetOpState
struct SharedMemoizeInfo SharedMemoizeInfo
struct HashState HashState
struct MemoizeState MemoizeState
struct IndexOnlyScanState IndexOnlyScanState
Definition: execnodes.h:2406
Definition: execnodes.h:2409
Definition: execnodes.h:2408
Definition: execnodes.h:2410
Definition: execnodes.h:2407
struct EPQState EPQState
struct GatherMergeState GatherMergeState
struct LimitState LimitState
struct ExprState ExprState
Definition: execnodes.h:2575
Definition: execnodes.h:2578
Definition: execnodes.h:2577
Definition: execnodes.h:2576
Definition: execnodes.h:2579
struct JunkFilter JunkFilter
struct ResultRelInfo ResultRelInfo
struct CustomScanState CustomScanState
struct OnConflictSetState OnConflictSetState
struct BitmapOrState BitmapOrState
struct IncrementalSortInfo IncrementalSortInfo
struct WindowFuncExprState WindowFuncExprState
struct HashJoinState HashJoinState
struct HashJoinTableData * HashJoinTable
Definition: execnodes.h:2211
struct SeqScanState SeqScanState
struct HashJoinTupleData * HashJoinTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2210
struct TupleHashEntryData * TupleHashEntry
Definition: execnodes.h:796
struct SortState SortState
struct BitmapAndState BitmapAndState
struct AggState AggState
Definition: execnodes.h:1776
Definition: execnodes.h:1777
Definition: execnodes.h:1779
Definition: execnodes.h:1778
struct NestLoopState NestLoopState
struct MemoizeInstrumentation MemoizeInstrumentation
struct SharedBitmapHeapInstrumentation SharedBitmapHeapInstrumentation
struct SetExprState SetExprState
struct GroupState GroupState
struct BitmapHeapScanInstrumentation BitmapHeapScanInstrumentation
struct MaterialState MaterialState
struct WindowStatePerFuncData * WindowStatePerFunc
Definition: execnodes.h:2568
struct ExprContext_CB ExprContext_CB
struct TidRangeScanState TidRangeScanState
struct AggStatePerHashData * AggStatePerHash
Definition: execnodes.h:2485
struct TupleHashTableData * TupleHashTable
Definition: execnodes.h:797
struct SampleScanState SampleScanState
Definition: execnodes.h:2849
Definition: execnodes.h:2854
Definition: execnodes.h:2856
Definition: execnodes.h:2853
Definition: execnodes.h:2855
Definition: execnodes.h:2857
Definition: execnodes.h:2852
Definition: execnodes.h:2850
Definition: execnodes.h:2851
struct GatherState GatherState
struct MergeJoinClauseData * MergeJoinClause
Definition: execnodes.h:2158
struct ParallelBitmapHeapState ParallelBitmapHeapState
struct MergeJoinState MergeJoinState
struct SetOpStatePerGroupData * SetOpStatePerGroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2803
Definition: execnodes.h:302
@ ExprSingleResult
Definition: execnodes.h:303
@ ExprMultipleResult
Definition: execnodes.h:304
@ ExprEndResult
Definition: execnodes.h:305
struct AggStatePerGroupData * AggStatePerGroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2483
struct ForeignScanState ForeignScanState
struct FunctionScanState FunctionScanState
struct AggStatePerPhaseData * AggStatePerPhase
Definition: execnodes.h:2484
struct WindowAggState WindowAggState
struct AggStatePerTransData * AggStatePerTrans
Definition: execnodes.h:2482
struct NamedTuplestoreScanState NamedTuplestoreScanState
struct SubqueryScanState SubqueryScanState
Definition: execnodes.h:999
Definition: execnodes.h:1001
Definition: execnodes.h:1000
struct TableFuncScanState TableFuncScanState
struct RecursiveUnionState RecursiveUnionState
struct TupleHashEntryData TupleHashEntryData
struct SharedSortInfo SharedSortInfo
struct ScanState ScanState
tuplehash_iterator TupleHashIterator
Definition: execnodes.h:835
struct MergeActionState MergeActionState
struct AggregateInstrumentation AggregateInstrumentation
struct TidScanState TidScanState
struct SharedHashInfo SharedHashInfo
struct ProjectSetState ProjectSetState
struct IncrementalSortState IncrementalSortState
struct JsonExprState JsonExprState
struct ReturnSetInfo ReturnSetInfo
struct AggStatePerAggData * AggStatePerAgg
Definition: execnodes.h:2481
Definition: execnodes.h:315
@ SFRM_Materialize_Preferred
Definition: execnodes.h:319
@ SFRM_ValuePerCall
Definition: execnodes.h:316
@ SFRM_Materialize_Random
Definition: execnodes.h:318
@ SFRM_Materialize
Definition: execnodes.h:317
struct IndexInfo IndexInfo
struct ProjectionInfo ProjectionInfo
struct EState EState
struct DomainConstraintState DomainConstraintState
struct PresortedKeyData PresortedKeyData
struct HashInstrumentation HashInstrumentation
struct AsyncRequest AsyncRequest
struct IncrementalSortGroupInfo IncrementalSortGroupInfo
struct TupleHashTableData TupleHashTableData
struct JoinState JoinState
struct WorkTableScanState WorkTableScanState
struct BitmapHeapScanState BitmapHeapScanState
struct BitmapIndexScanState BitmapIndexScanState
struct SharedAggInfo SharedAggInfo
struct LockRowsState LockRowsState
struct ExecRowMark ExecRowMark
struct MergeAppendState MergeAppendState
Datum(* ExprStateEvalFunc)(struct ExprState *expression, struct ExprContext *econtext, bool *isNull)
Definition: execnodes.h:70
struct ExecAuxRowMark ExecAuxRowMark
struct ValuesScanState ValuesScanState
Definition: lockoptions.h:37
Definition: lockoptions.h:22
Definition: nodes.h:263
Definition: nodes.h:353
Definition: nodes.h:27
Definition: nodes.h:375
Definition: nodes.h:430
Definition: nodes.h:288
uint16 OffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:24
void * arg
Definition: plannodes.h:1328
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
Definition: primnodes.h:1997
int slock_t
Definition: s_lock.h:670
Definition: sdir.h:25
MemoryContext hash_metacxt
Definition: execnodes.h:2531
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2489
Tuplesortstate * sort_out
Definition: execnodes.h:2522
uint64 hash_disk_used
Definition: execnodes.h:2549
AggStatePerGroup * all_pergroups
Definition: execnodes.h:2558
AggStatePerGroup * hash_pergroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2553
AggStatePerPhase phase
Definition: execnodes.h:2495
List * aggs
Definition: execnodes.h:2490
ExprContext * tmpcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2502
int max_colno_needed
Definition: execnodes.h:2516
int hash_planned_partitions
Definition: execnodes.h:2543
HeapTuple grp_firstTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2527
Size hash_mem_limit
Definition: execnodes.h:2541
ExprContext * curaggcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2504
AggStatePerTrans curpertrans
Definition: execnodes.h:2507
bool table_filled
Definition: execnodes.h:2529
AggStatePerTrans pertrans
Definition: execnodes.h:2499
int current_set
Definition: execnodes.h:2512
struct LogicalTapeSet * hash_tapeset
Definition: execnodes.h:2532
AggStrategy aggstrategy
Definition: execnodes.h:2493
int numtrans
Definition: execnodes.h:2492
ExprContext * hashcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2500
AggSplit aggsplit
Definition: execnodes.h:2494
int projected_set
Definition: execnodes.h:2510
SharedAggInfo * shared_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2560
uint64 hash_ngroups_limit
Definition: execnodes.h:2542
bool input_done
Definition: execnodes.h:2508
AggStatePerPhase phases
Definition: execnodes.h:2520
List * all_grouped_cols
Definition: execnodes.h:2514
bool hash_spill_mode
Definition: execnodes.h:2539
AggStatePerGroup * pergroups
Definition: execnodes.h:2525
AggStatePerHash perhash
Definition: execnodes.h:2552
Size hash_mem_peak
Definition: execnodes.h:2546
double hashentrysize
Definition: execnodes.h:2545
int numphases
Definition: execnodes.h:2496
uint64 hash_ngroups_current
Definition: execnodes.h:2547
int hash_batches_used
Definition: execnodes.h:2550
Tuplesortstate * sort_in
Definition: execnodes.h:2521
TupleTableSlot * hash_spill_wslot
Definition: execnodes.h:2536
AggStatePerAgg curperagg
Definition: execnodes.h:2505
struct HashAggSpill * hash_spills
Definition: execnodes.h:2533
TupleTableSlot * sort_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2523
bool hash_ever_spilled
Definition: execnodes.h:2538
int numaggs
Definition: execnodes.h:2491
int num_hashes
Definition: execnodes.h:2530
AggStatePerAgg peragg
Definition: execnodes.h:2498
List * hash_batches
Definition: execnodes.h:2537
TupleTableSlot * hash_spill_rslot
Definition: execnodes.h:2535
int maxsets
Definition: execnodes.h:2519
ExprContext ** aggcontexts
Definition: execnodes.h:2501
Bitmapset * colnos_needed
Definition: execnodes.h:2515
int current_phase
Definition: execnodes.h:2497
bool all_cols_needed
Definition: execnodes.h:2517
bool agg_done
Definition: execnodes.h:2509
Bitmapset * grouped_cols
Definition: execnodes.h:2513
struct PartitionPruneState * as_prune_state
Definition: execnodes.h:1458
Bitmapset * as_valid_asyncplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1461
Bitmapset * as_needrequest
Definition: execnodes.h:1451
bool as_syncdone
Definition: execnodes.h:1448
AsyncRequest ** as_asyncrequests
Definition: execnodes.h:1445
bool as_begun
Definition: execnodes.h:1442
Bitmapset * as_asyncplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1443
int as_whichplan
Definition: execnodes.h:1441
int as_nasyncresults
Definition: execnodes.h:1447
struct WaitEventSet * as_eventset
Definition: execnodes.h:1452
PlanState ** appendplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1439
int as_first_partial_plan
Definition: execnodes.h:1454
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1438
int as_nasyncremain
Definition: execnodes.h:1450
ParallelAppendState * as_pstate
Definition: execnodes.h:1456
Bitmapset * as_valid_subplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1460
Size pstate_len
Definition: execnodes.h:1457
TupleTableSlot ** as_asyncresults
Definition: execnodes.h:1446
int as_nasyncplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1444
bool as_valid_subplans_identified
Definition: execnodes.h:1459
struct PlanState * requestor
Definition: execnodes.h:603
TupleTableSlot * result
Definition: execnodes.h:608
bool request_complete
Definition: execnodes.h:607
int request_index
Definition: execnodes.h:605
bool callback_pending
Definition: execnodes.h:606
struct PlanState * requestee
Definition: execnodes.h:604
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1526
PlanState ** bitmapplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1527
ParallelBitmapHeapState * pstate
Definition: execnodes.h:1855
ExprState * bitmapqualorig
Definition: execnodes.h:1842
BitmapHeapScanInstrumentation stats
Definition: execnodes.h:1847
TBMIterateResult * tbmres
Definition: execnodes.h:1845
TBMIterator * tbmiterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1844
SharedBitmapHeapInstrumentation * sinstrument
Definition: execnodes.h:1856
TIDBitmap * tbm
Definition: execnodes.h:1843
TBMIterator * prefetch_iterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1848
TBMSharedIterator * shared_prefetch_iterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1854
TBMSharedIterator * shared_tbmiterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1853
ExprContext * biss_RuntimeContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1744
IndexArrayKeyInfo * biss_ArrayKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1741
IndexRuntimeKeyInfo * biss_RuntimeKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1739
TIDBitmap * biss_result
Definition: execnodes.h:1736
struct ScanKeyData * biss_ScanKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1737
struct IndexScanDescData * biss_ScanDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1746
Relation biss_RelationDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1745
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1537
PlanState ** bitmapplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1538
Tuplestorestate * cte_table
Definition: execnodes.h:2020
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2013
PlanState * cteplanstate
Definition: execnodes.h:2016
struct CteScanState * leader
Definition: execnodes.h:2018
const struct TupleTableSlotOps * slotOps
Definition: execnodes.h:2096
const struct CustomExecMethods * methods
Definition: execnodes.h:2095
List * custom_ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2093
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2090
DomainConstraintType constrainttype
Definition: execnodes.h:1007
ExprState * check_exprstate
Definition: execnodes.h:1010
ExecAuxRowMark ** relsubs_rowmark
Definition: execnodes.h:1291
TupleTableSlot * origslot
Definition: execnodes.h:1279
TupleTableSlot ** relsubs_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:1263
Plan * plan
Definition: execnodes.h:1270
int epqParam
Definition: execnodes.h:1253
bool * relsubs_blocked
Definition: execnodes.h:1307
EState * parentestate
Definition: execnodes.h:1252
EState * recheckestate
Definition: execnodes.h:1284
PlanState * recheckplanstate
Definition: execnodes.h:1309
List * resultRelations
Definition: execnodes.h:1254
List * arowMarks
Definition: execnodes.h:1271
List * tuple_table
Definition: execnodes.h:1262
bool * relsubs_done
Definition: execnodes.h:1298
uint64 es_processed
Definition: execnodes.h:671
struct dsa_area * es_query_dsa
Definition: execnodes.h:704
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:620
struct ExecRowMark ** es_rowmarks
Definition: execnodes.h:630
List * es_tuple_routing_result_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:655
int es_top_eflags
Definition: execnodes.h:676
struct JitContext * es_jit
Definition: execnodes.h:716
int es_instrument
Definition: execnodes.h:677
PlannedStmt * es_plannedstmt
Definition: execnodes.h:633
QueryEnvironment * es_queryEnv
Definition: execnodes.h:664
ResultRelInfo ** es_result_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:642
struct JitInstrumentation * es_jit_worker_instr
Definition: execnodes.h:717
ParamExecData * es_param_exec_vals
Definition: execnodes.h:662
uint64 es_total_processed
Definition: execnodes.h:673
List * es_range_table
Definition: execnodes.h:626
List * es_rteperminfos
Definition: execnodes.h:632
List * es_exprcontexts
Definition: execnodes.h:680
ParamListInfo es_param_list_info
Definition: execnodes.h:661
bool es_finished
Definition: execnodes.h:678
List * es_insert_pending_result_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:723
MemoryContext es_query_cxt
Definition: execnodes.h:667
List * es_tupleTable
Definition: execnodes.h:669
ScanDirection es_direction
Definition: execnodes.h:623
struct EPQState * es_epq_active
Definition: execnodes.h:699
PartitionDirectory es_partition_directory
Definition: execnodes.h:649
List * es_trig_target_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:658
int es_jit_flags
Definition: execnodes.h:715
List * es_opened_result_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:645
bool es_use_parallel_mode
Definition: execnodes.h:701
Relation * es_relations
Definition: execnodes.h:628
List * es_subplanstates
Definition: execnodes.h:682
ExprContext * es_per_tuple_exprcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:691
CommandId es_output_cid
Definition: execnodes.h:639
Index es_range_table_size
Definition: execnodes.h:627
List * es_insert_pending_modifytables
Definition: execnodes.h:724
const char * es_sourceText
Definition: execnodes.h:634
Snapshot es_snapshot
Definition: execnodes.h:624
List * es_auxmodifytables
Definition: execnodes.h:684
JunkFilter * es_junkFilter
Definition: execnodes.h:636
Snapshot es_crosscheck_snapshot
Definition: execnodes.h:625
AttrNumber wholeAttNo
Definition: execnodes.h:776
ExecRowMark * rowmark
Definition: execnodes.h:773
AttrNumber toidAttNo
Definition: execnodes.h:775
AttrNumber ctidAttNo
Definition: execnodes.h:774
Index rowmarkId
Definition: execnodes.h:753
ItemPointerData curCtid
Definition: execnodes.h:758
LockClauseStrength strength
Definition: execnodes.h:755
Index rti
Definition: execnodes.h:751
bool ermActive
Definition: execnodes.h:757
Index prti
Definition: execnodes.h:752
Relation relation
Definition: execnodes.h:749
LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy
Definition: execnodes.h:756
void * ermExtra
Definition: execnodes.h:759
RowMarkType markType
Definition: execnodes.h:754
struct ExprContext_CB * next
Definition: execnodes.h:221
Datum domainValue_datum
Definition: execnodes.h:286
ParamListInfo ecxt_param_list_info
Definition: execnodes.h:267
MemoryContext ecxt_per_tuple_memory
Definition: execnodes.h:263
TupleTableSlot * ecxt_innertuple
Definition: execnodes.h:257
ParamExecData * ecxt_param_exec_vals
Definition: execnodes.h:266
Datum * ecxt_aggvalues
Definition: execnodes.h:274
bool caseValue_isNull
Definition: execnodes.h:282
TupleTableSlot * ecxt_scantuple
Definition: execnodes.h:255
Datum caseValue_datum
Definition: execnodes.h:280
bool * ecxt_aggnulls
Definition: execnodes.h:276
MemoryContext ecxt_per_query_memory
Definition: execnodes.h:262
ExprContext_CB * ecxt_callbacks
Definition: execnodes.h:294
bool domainValue_isNull
Definition: execnodes.h:288
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:251
struct EState * ecxt_estate
Definition: execnodes.h:291
TupleTableSlot * ecxt_outertuple
Definition: execnodes.h:259
Expr * expr
Definition: execnodes.h:111
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:80
Datum resvalue
Definition: execnodes.h:91
struct ExprEvalStep * steps
Definition: execnodes.h:102
int steps_alloc
Definition: execnodes.h:122
bool resnull
Definition: execnodes.h:89
ExprStateEvalFunc evalfunc
Definition: execnodes.h:108
Datum * innermost_domainval
Definition: execnodes.h:131
bool * innermost_domainnull
Definition: execnodes.h:132
TupleTableSlot * resultslot
Definition: execnodes.h:97
ParamListInfo ext_params
Definition: execnodes.h:126
void * evalfunc_private
Definition: execnodes.h:114
uint8 flags
Definition: execnodes.h:82
struct PlanState * parent
Definition: execnodes.h:125
bool * innermost_casenull
Definition: execnodes.h:129
Datum * innermost_caseval
Definition: execnodes.h:128
int steps_len
Definition: execnodes.h:121
ErrorSaveContext * escontext
Definition: execnodes.h:138
Definition: fmgr.h:57
struct FdwRoutine * fdwroutine
Definition: execnodes.h:2069
ExprState * fdw_recheck_quals
Definition: execnodes.h:2065
ResultRelInfo * resultRelInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:2067
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2064
struct FunctionScanPerFuncState * funcstates
Definition: execnodes.h:1936
MemoryContext argcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:1937
struct ParallelExecutorInfo * pei
Definition: execnodes.h:2730
TupleDesc tupDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:2727
struct TupleQueueReader ** reader
Definition: execnodes.h:2736
SortSupport gm_sortkeys
Definition: execnodes.h:2729
struct GMReaderTupleBuffer * gm_tuple_buffers
Definition: execnodes.h:2737
TupleTableSlot ** gm_slots
Definition: execnodes.h:2735
bool need_to_scan_locally
Definition: execnodes.h:2724
struct binaryheap * gm_heap
Definition: execnodes.h:2738
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2721
bool initialized
Definition: execnodes.h:2696
TupleTableSlot * funnel_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2700
struct ParallelExecutorInfo * pei
Definition: execnodes.h:2701
int nextreader
Definition: execnodes.h:2705
int nworkers_launched
Definition: execnodes.h:2703
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2695
struct TupleQueueReader ** reader
Definition: execnodes.h:2706
int64 tuples_needed
Definition: execnodes.h:2698
bool need_to_scan_locally
Definition: execnodes.h:2697
ExprState * eqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2443
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2442
bool grp_done
Definition: execnodes.h:2444
Definition: dynahash.c:220
HashJoinTuple hj_CurTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2224
int hj_CurSkewBucketNo
Definition: execnodes.h:2223
List * hj_OuterHashKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:2217
TupleTableSlot * hj_NullOuterTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2227
TupleTableSlot * hj_OuterTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2225
bool hj_OuterNotEmpty
Definition: execnodes.h:2232
TupleTableSlot * hj_NullInnerTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2228
List * hj_HashOperators
Definition: execnodes.h:2218
ExprState * hashclauses
Definition: execnodes.h:2216
JoinState js
Definition: execnodes.h:2215
TupleTableSlot * hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2229
bool hj_MatchedOuter
Definition: execnodes.h:2231
uint32 hj_CurHashValue
Definition: execnodes.h:2221
List * hj_Collations
Definition: execnodes.h:2219
int hj_CurBucketNo
Definition: execnodes.h:2222
HashJoinTable hj_HashTable
Definition: execnodes.h:2220
TupleTableSlot * hj_HashTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2226
struct ParallelHashJoinState * parallel_state
Definition: execnodes.h:2790
HashJoinTable hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:2771
List * hashkeys
Definition: execnodes.h:2772
SharedHashInfo * shared_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2780
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2770
HashInstrumentation * hinstrument
Definition: execnodes.h:2787
IncrementalSortGroupInfo prefixsortGroupInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:2388
IncrementalSortGroupInfo fullsortGroupInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:2387
Tuplesortstate * prefixsort_state
Definition: execnodes.h:2423
TupleTableSlot * group_pivot
Definition: execnodes.h:2430
TupleTableSlot * transfer_tuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2431
Tuplesortstate * fullsort_state
Definition: execnodes.h:2422
SharedIncrementalSortInfo * shared_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2433
IncrementalSortExecutionStatus execution_status
Definition: execnodes.h:2420
PresortedKeyData * presorted_keys
Definition: execnodes.h:2425
IncrementalSortInfo incsort_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2427
Datum * elem_values
Definition: execnodes.h:1618
ExprState * array_expr
Definition: execnodes.h:1615
struct ScanKeyData * scan_key
Definition: execnodes.h:1614
bool ii_Unique
Definition: execnodes.h:197
uint16 * ii_ExclusionStrats
Definition: execnodes.h:193
bool ii_BrokenHotChain
Definition: execnodes.h:203
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:183
int ii_NumIndexAttrs
Definition: execnodes.h:184
void * ii_AmCache
Definition: execnodes.h:207
bool ii_CheckedUnchanged
Definition: execnodes.h:200
Oid * ii_UniqueOps
Definition: execnodes.h:194
ExprState * ii_PredicateState
Definition: execnodes.h:190
Oid * ii_ExclusionOps
Definition: execnodes.h:191
bool ii_NullsNotDistinct
Definition: execnodes.h:198
int ii_ParallelWorkers
Definition: execnodes.h:205
bool ii_Concurrent
Definition: execnodes.h:202
uint16 * ii_UniqueStrats
Definition: execnodes.h:196
int ii_NumIndexKeyAttrs
Definition: execnodes.h:185
List * ii_ExpressionsState
Definition: execnodes.h:188
List * ii_Expressions
Definition: execnodes.h:187
bool ii_IndexUnchanged
Definition: execnodes.h:201
Oid * ii_ExclusionProcs
Definition: execnodes.h:192
Oid ii_Am
Definition: execnodes.h:206
AttrNumber ii_IndexAttrNumbers[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]
Definition: execnodes.h:186
bool ii_Summarizing
Definition: execnodes.h:204
Oid * ii_UniqueProcs
Definition: execnodes.h:195
MemoryContext ii_Context
Definition: execnodes.h:208
bool ii_ReadyForInserts
Definition: execnodes.h:199
List * ii_Predicate
Definition: execnodes.h:189
TupleTableSlot * ioss_TableSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:1710
bool ioss_RuntimeKeysReady
Definition: execnodes.h:1706
struct ScanKeyData * ioss_ScanKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1700
ExprState * recheckqual
Definition: execnodes.h:1699
struct ScanKeyData * ioss_OrderByKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1702
struct IndexScanDescData * ioss_ScanDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1709
ExprContext * ioss_RuntimeContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1707
AttrNumber * ioss_NameCStringAttNums
Definition: execnodes.h:1713
Relation ioss_RelationDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1708
IndexRuntimeKeyInfo * ioss_RuntimeKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1704
ExprState * key_expr
Definition: execnodes.h:1608
struct ScanKeyData * scan_key
Definition: execnodes.h:1607
bool iss_ReachedEnd
Definition: execnodes.h:1666
List * indexorderbyorig
Definition: execnodes.h:1652
bool * iss_OrderByTypByVals
Definition: execnodes.h:1670
int iss_NumRuntimeKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1658
struct IndexScanDescData * iss_ScanDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1662
ExprState * indexqualorig
Definition: execnodes.h:1651
Relation iss_RelationDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1661
pairingheap * iss_ReorderQueue
Definition: execnodes.h:1665
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:1650
bool * iss_OrderByNulls
Definition: execnodes.h:1668
bool iss_RuntimeKeysReady
Definition: execnodes.h:1659
SortSupport iss_SortSupport
Definition: execnodes.h:1669
struct ScanKeyData * iss_ScanKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1653
int iss_NumOrderByKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1656
ExprContext * iss_RuntimeContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1660
struct ScanKeyData * iss_OrderByKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1655
Datum * iss_OrderByValues
Definition: execnodes.h:1667
int16 * iss_OrderByTypLens
Definition: execnodes.h:1671
IndexRuntimeKeyInfo * iss_RuntimeKeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1657
Definition: jit.h:58
JoinType jointype
Definition: execnodes.h:2113
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2112
ExprState * joinqual
Definition: execnodes.h:2116
bool single_match
Definition: execnodes.h:2114
int jump_eval_coercion
Definition: execnodes.h:1058
NullableDatum empty
Definition: execnodes.h:1044
FunctionCallInfo input_fcinfo
Definition: execnodes.h:1072
JsonExpr * jsexpr
Definition: execnodes.h:1022
NullableDatum error
Definition: execnodes.h:1041
NullableDatum pathspec
Definition: execnodes.h:1028
ErrorSaveContext escontext
Definition: execnodes.h:1081
NullableDatum formatted_expr
Definition: execnodes.h:1025
TupleDesc jf_cleanTupType
Definition: execnodes.h:395
TupleTableSlot * jf_resultSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:397
AttrNumber * jf_cleanMap
Definition: execnodes.h:396
List * jf_targetList
Definition: execnodes.h:394
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:393
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2862
ExprState * limitOffset
Definition: execnodes.h:2863
ExprState * limitCount
Definition: execnodes.h:2864
LimitOption limitOption
Definition: execnodes.h:2865
bool noCount
Definition: execnodes.h:2868
int64 position
Definition: execnodes.h:2870
TupleTableSlot * last_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2874
int64 offset
Definition: execnodes.h:2866
ExprState * eqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2872
int64 count
Definition: execnodes.h:2867
LimitStateCond lstate
Definition: execnodes.h:2869
TupleTableSlot * subSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2871
Definition: pg_list.h:54
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2831
List * lr_arowMarks
Definition: execnodes.h:2832
EPQState lr_epqstate
Definition: execnodes.h:2833
bool eof_underlying
Definition: execnodes.h:2254
Tuplestorestate * tuplestorestate
Definition: execnodes.h:2255
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2252
TupleDesc hashkeydesc
Definition: execnodes.h:2300
uint64 mem_used
Definition: execnodes.h:2308
FmgrInfo * hashfunctions
Definition: execnodes.h:2306
Oid * collations
Definition: execnodes.h:2307
TupleTableSlot * probeslot
Definition: execnodes.h:2302
SharedMemoizeInfo * shared_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2323
struct MemoizeEntry * entry
Definition: execnodes.h:2316
ExprState * cache_eq_expr
Definition: execnodes.h:2303
MemoizeInstrumentation stats
Definition: execnodes.h:2322
bool singlerow
Definition: execnodes.h:2318
dlist_head lru_list
Definition: execnodes.h:2311
MemoryContext tableContext
Definition: execnodes.h:2310
bool binary_mode
Definition: execnodes.h:2320
Bitmapset * keyparamids
Definition: execnodes.h:2324
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2296
uint64 mem_limit
Definition: execnodes.h:2309
ExprState ** param_exprs
Definition: execnodes.h:2304
struct memoize_hash * hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:2299
TupleTableSlot * tableslot
Definition: execnodes.h:2301
struct MemoizeTuple * last_tuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2312
MergeAction * mas_action
Definition: execnodes.h:425
ProjectionInfo * mas_proj
Definition: execnodes.h:426
ExprState * mas_whenqual
Definition: execnodes.h:428
PlanState ** mergeplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1483
SortSupport ms_sortkeys
Definition: execnodes.h:1486
Bitmapset * ms_valid_subplans
Definition: execnodes.h:1491
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1482
struct binaryheap * ms_heap
Definition: execnodes.h:1488
TupleTableSlot ** ms_slots
Definition: execnodes.h:1487
struct PartitionPruneState * ms_prune_state
Definition: execnodes.h:1490
bool mj_MatchedOuter
Definition: execnodes.h:2171
bool mj_SkipMarkRestore
Definition: execnodes.h:2166
bool mj_ConstFalseJoin
Definition: execnodes.h:2168
TupleTableSlot * mj_MarkedTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2175
TupleTableSlot * mj_NullInnerTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2177
ExprContext * mj_InnerEContext
Definition: execnodes.h:2179
TupleTableSlot * mj_NullOuterTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2176
bool mj_ExtraMarks
Definition: execnodes.h:2167
MergeJoinClause mj_Clauses
Definition: execnodes.h:2164
bool mj_MatchedInner
Definition: execnodes.h:2172
TupleTableSlot * mj_InnerTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2174
ExprContext * mj_OuterEContext
Definition: execnodes.h:2178
JoinState js
Definition: execnodes.h:2162
TupleTableSlot * mj_OuterTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2173
CmdType operation
Definition: execnodes.h:1355
TupleTableSlot * mt_merge_pending_not_matched
Definition: execnodes.h:1409
ResultRelInfo * resultRelInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:1359
double mt_merge_deleted
Definition: execnodes.h:1414
struct PartitionTupleRouting * mt_partition_tuple_routing
Definition: execnodes.h:1390
double mt_merge_inserted
Definition: execnodes.h:1412
TupleTableSlot * mt_root_tuple_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:1387
EPQState mt_epqstate
Definition: execnodes.h:1369
int mt_merge_subcommands
Definition: execnodes.h:1399
double mt_merge_updated
Definition: execnodes.h:1413
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1354
HTAB * mt_resultOidHash
Definition: execnodes.h:1381
ResultRelInfo * rootResultRelInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:1367
struct TransitionCaptureState * mt_transition_capture
Definition: execnodes.h:1393
struct TransitionCaptureState * mt_oc_transition_capture
Definition: execnodes.h:1396
MergeActionState * mt_merge_action
Definition: execnodes.h:1402
Tuplestorestate * relation
Definition: execnodes.h:2039
TupleTableSlot * nl_NullInnerTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:2132
bool nl_NeedNewOuter
Definition: execnodes.h:2130
JoinState js
Definition: execnodes.h:2129
bool nl_MatchedOuter
Definition: execnodes.h:2131
Definition: nodes.h:129
TupleTableSlot * oc_ProjSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:410
TupleTableSlot * oc_Existing
Definition: execnodes.h:409
ExprState * oc_WhereClause
Definition: execnodes.h:412
ProjectionInfo * oc_ProjInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:411
SharedBitmapState state
Definition: execnodes.h:1801
dsa_pointer tbmiterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1796
ConditionVariable cv
Definition: execnodes.h:1802
dsa_pointer prefetch_iterator
Definition: execnodes.h:1797
bool inneropsset
Definition: execnodes.h:1200
const TupleTableSlotOps * resultops
Definition: execnodes.h:1193
bool outeropsset
Definition: execnodes.h:1199
struct SharedJitInstrumentation * worker_jit_instrument
Definition: execnodes.h:1130
Instrumentation * instrument
Definition: execnodes.h:1126
ExecProcNodeMtd ExecProcNodeReal
Definition: execnodes.h:1123
const TupleTableSlotOps * outerops
Definition: execnodes.h:1191
const TupleTableSlotOps * innerops
Definition: execnodes.h:1192
bool resultopsset
Definition: execnodes.h:1201
struct PlanState * righttree
Definition: execnodes.h:1139
ExprState * qual
Definition: execnodes.h:1137
const TupleTableSlotOps * scanops
Definition: execnodes.h:1190
Plan * plan
Definition: execnodes.h:1116
bool outeropsfixed
Definition: execnodes.h:1195
List * subPlan
Definition: execnodes.h:1143
TupleDesc ps_ResultTupleDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1153
WorkerInstrumentation * worker_instrument
Definition: execnodes.h:1127
pg_node_attr(abstract) NodeTag type
List * initPlan
Definition: execnodes.h:1141
Bitmapset * chgParam
Definition: execnodes.h:1148
bool scanopsset
Definition: execnodes.h:1198
ExprContext * ps_ExprContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1155
TupleTableSlot * ps_ResultTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:1154
TupleDesc scandesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1165
ProjectionInfo * ps_ProjInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:1156
bool scanopsfixed
Definition: execnodes.h:1194
bool async_capable
Definition: execnodes.h:1158
bool resultopsfixed
Definition: execnodes.h:1197
struct PlanState * lefttree
Definition: execnodes.h:1138
bool inneropsfixed
Definition: execnodes.h:1196
ExecProcNodeMtd ExecProcNode
Definition: execnodes.h:1122
OffsetNumber attno
Definition: execnodes.h:2339
FmgrInfo flinfo
Definition: execnodes.h:2337
FunctionCallInfo fcinfo
Definition: execnodes.h:2338
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1334
MemoryContext argcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:1339
bool pending_srf_tuples
Definition: execnodes.h:1338
ExprDoneCond * elemdone
Definition: execnodes.h:1336
ExprState pi_state
Definition: execnodes.h:362
ExprContext * pi_exprContext
Definition: execnodes.h:364
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:360
MemoryContext tempContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1515
MemoryContext tableContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1517
Tuplestorestate * working_table
Definition: execnodes.h:1510
FmgrInfo * hashfunctions
Definition: execnodes.h:1514
Tuplestorestate * intermediate_table
Definition: execnodes.h:1511
TupleHashTable hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:1516
TupleConversionMap * ri_RootToChildMap
Definition: execnodes.h:568
TupleTableSlot * ri_PartitionTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:583
bool ri_projectNewInfoValid
Definition: execnodes.h:483
OnConflictSetState * ri_onConflict
Definition: execnodes.h:545
int ri_NumIndices
Definition: execnodes.h:459
List * ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes
Definition: execnodes.h:542
struct ResultRelInfo * ri_RootResultRelInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:582
ExprState ** ri_ConstraintExprs
Definition: execnodes.h:525
ExprState * ri_PartitionCheckExpr
Definition: execnodes.h:554
Instrumentation * ri_TrigInstrument
Definition: execnodes.h:495
TupleTableSlot ** ri_Slots
Definition: execnodes.h:515
ExprState * ri_MergeJoinCondition
Definition: execnodes.h:551
Relation ri_RelationDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:456
RelationPtr ri_IndexRelationDescs
Definition: execnodes.h:462
TupleTableSlot * ri_ReturningSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:498
int ri_NumSlotsInitialized
Definition: execnodes.h:513
List * ri_WithCheckOptions
Definition: execnodes.h:519
TupleTableSlot * ri_oldTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:481
bool ri_RootToChildMapValid
Definition: execnodes.h:569
struct CopyMultiInsertBuffer * ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer
Definition: execnodes.h:586
TriggerDesc * ri_TrigDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:486
Bitmapset * ri_extraUpdatedCols
Definition: execnodes.h:474
Index ri_RangeTableIndex
Definition: execnodes.h:453
ExprState ** ri_GeneratedExprsI
Definition: execnodes.h:528
TupleConversionMap * ri_ChildToRootMap
Definition: execnodes.h:562
void * ri_FdwState
Definition: execnodes.h:506
bool ri_ChildToRootMapValid
Definition: execnodes.h:563
int ri_NumGeneratedNeededU
Definition: execnodes.h:533
List * ri_MergeActions[NUM_MERGE_MATCH_KINDS]
Definition: execnodes.h:548
List * ri_ancestorResultRels
Definition: execnodes.h:592
TupleTableSlot * ri_newTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:479
List * ri_WithCheckOptionExprs
Definition: execnodes.h:522
ProjectionInfo * ri_projectNew
Definition: execnodes.h:477
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:450
ProjectionInfo * ri_projectReturning
Definition: execnodes.h:539
ExprState ** ri_GeneratedExprsU
Definition: execnodes.h:529
struct FdwRoutine * ri_FdwRoutine
Definition: execnodes.h:503
ExprState ** ri_TrigWhenExprs
Definition: execnodes.h:492
List * ri_returningList
Definition: execnodes.h:536
FmgrInfo * ri_TrigFunctions
Definition: execnodes.h:489
TupleTableSlot ** ri_PlanSlots
Definition: execnodes.h:516
bool ri_usesFdwDirectModify
Definition: execnodes.h:509
AttrNumber ri_RowIdAttNo
Definition: execnodes.h:471
IndexInfo ** ri_IndexRelationInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:465
TupleTableSlot * ri_TrigNewSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:500
int ri_NumGeneratedNeededI
Definition: execnodes.h:532
int ri_BatchSize
Definition: execnodes.h:514
TupleTableSlot * ri_TrigOldSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:499
ExprState * resconstantqual
Definition: execnodes.h:1320
bool rs_done
Definition: execnodes.h:1321
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1319
bool rs_checkqual
Definition: execnodes.h:1322
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:330
SetFunctionReturnMode returnMode
Definition: execnodes.h:336
ExprContext * econtext
Definition: execnodes.h:332
TupleDesc setDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:340
Tuplestorestate * setResult
Definition: execnodes.h:339
TupleDesc expectedDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:333
int allowedModes
Definition: execnodes.h:334
ExprDoneCond isDone
Definition: execnodes.h:337
ExprState * repeatable
Definition: execnodes.h:1587
void * tsm_state
Definition: execnodes.h:1590
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:1585
struct TsmRoutine * tsmroutine
Definition: execnodes.h:1589
Relation ss_currentRelation
Definition: execnodes.h:1564
TupleTableSlot * ss_ScanTupleSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:1566
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:1563
struct TableScanDescData * ss_currentScanDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:1565
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:1575
Size pscan_len
Definition: execnodes.h:1576
Expr * expr
Definition: execnodes.h:890
FunctionCallInfo fcinfo
Definition: execnodes.h:950
TupleTableSlot * funcResultSlot
Definition: execnodes.h:913
Tuplestorestate * funcResultStore
Definition: execnodes.h:912
bool funcReturnsSet
Definition: execnodes.h:926
bool shutdown_reg
Definition: execnodes.h:943
bool funcReturnsTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:920
ExprState * elidedFuncState
Definition: execnodes.h:898
TupleDesc funcResultDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:919
FmgrInfo func
Definition: execnodes.h:905
List * args
Definition: execnodes.h:891
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:889
bool setArgsValid
Definition: execnodes.h:935
long numOutput
Definition: execnodes.h:2812
HeapTuple grp_firstTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:2815
SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2814
ExprState * eqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2808
TupleHashIterator hashiter
Definition: execnodes.h:2820
bool table_filled
Definition: execnodes.h:2819
MemoryContext tableContext
Definition: execnodes.h:2818
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2807
Oid * eqfuncoids
Definition: execnodes.h:2809
TupleHashTable hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:2817
FmgrInfo * hashfunctions
Definition: execnodes.h:2810
bool setop_done
Definition: execnodes.h:2811
bool sort_Done
Definition: execnodes.h:2362
bool am_worker
Definition: execnodes.h:2366
int64 bound_Done
Definition: execnodes.h:2364
bool bounded_Done
Definition: execnodes.h:2363
void * tuplesortstate
Definition: execnodes.h:2365
bool randomAccess
Definition: execnodes.h:2359
SharedSortInfo * shared_info
Definition: execnodes.h:2368
bool datumSort
Definition: execnodes.h:2367
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2358
bool bounded
Definition: execnodes.h:2360
int64 bound
Definition: execnodes.h:2361
TupleHashTable hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:971
ExprState * cur_eq_comp
Definition: execnodes.h:988
FmgrInfo * tab_eq_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:985
MemoryContext hashtablecxt
Definition: execnodes.h:975
Oid * tab_eq_funcoids
Definition: execnodes.h:981
NodeTag type
Definition: execnodes.h:959
ExprContext * innerecontext
Definition: execnodes.h:977
FmgrInfo * tab_hash_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:984
FmgrInfo * cur_eq_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:987
List * args
Definition: execnodes.h:964
MemoryContext hashtempcxt
Definition: execnodes.h:976
HeapTuple curTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:965
FmgrInfo * lhs_hash_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:986
AttrNumber * keyColIdx
Definition: execnodes.h:980
struct PlanState * planstate
Definition: execnodes.h:961
TupleDesc descRight
Definition: execnodes.h:968
SubPlan * subplan
Definition: execnodes.h:960
ProjectionInfo * projLeft
Definition: execnodes.h:969
ProjectionInfo * projRight
Definition: execnodes.h:970
bool havenullrows
Definition: execnodes.h:974
ExprState * testexpr
Definition: execnodes.h:963
struct PlanState * parent
Definition: execnodes.h:962
Oid * tab_collations
Definition: execnodes.h:983
TupleHashTable hashnulls
Definition: execnodes.h:972
bool havehashrows
Definition: execnodes.h:973
Datum curArray
Definition: execnodes.h:966
PlanState * subplan
Definition: execnodes.h:1907
MemoryContext perTableCxt
Definition: execnodes.h:1997
Tuplestorestate * tupstore
Definition: execnodes.h:1998
Bitmapset * notnulls
Definition: execnodes.h:1991
const struct TableFuncRoutine * routine
Definition: execnodes.h:1993
ExprState * rowexpr
Definition: execnodes.h:1984
FmgrInfo * in_functions
Definition: execnodes.h:1994
List * passingvalexprs
Definition: execnodes.h:1988
ExprState * docexpr
Definition: execnodes.h:1983
ItemPointerData trss_maxtid
Definition: execnodes.h:1893
List * trss_tidexprs
Definition: execnodes.h:1891
ItemPointerData trss_mintid
Definition: execnodes.h:1892
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:1871
bool tss_isCurrentOf
Definition: execnodes.h:1873
ItemPointerData * tss_TidList
Definition: execnodes.h:1876
List * tss_tidexprs
Definition: execnodes.h:1872
MinimalTuple firstTuple
Definition: execnodes.h:801
AttrNumber * keyColIdx
Definition: execnodes.h:819
FmgrInfo * tab_hash_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:820
tuplehash_hash * hashtab
Definition: execnodes.h:817
MemoryContext tempcxt
Definition: execnodes.h:824
ExprState * tab_eq_func
Definition: execnodes.h:821
TupleTableSlot * tableslot
Definition: execnodes.h:826
ExprContext * exprcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:832
MemoryContext tablecxt
Definition: execnodes.h:823
TupleTableSlot * inputslot
Definition: execnodes.h:828
ExprState * cur_eq_func
Definition: execnodes.h:830
FmgrInfo * in_hash_funcs
Definition: execnodes.h:829
PlanState ps
Definition: execnodes.h:2682
ExprState * eqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2683
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:1966
List ** exprlists
Definition: execnodes.h:1968
List ** exprstatelists
Definition: execnodes.h:1969
ExprContext * rowcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:1967
ExprState * endOffset
Definition: execnodes.h:2613
MemoryContext aggcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2632
ScanState ss
Definition: execnodes.h:2585
int64 aggregatedbase
Definition: execnodes.h:2607
int64 frametailgroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2627
int64 frameheadgroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2626
WindowStatePerAgg peragg
Definition: execnodes.h:2593
MemoryContext partcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2631
FmgrInfo endInRangeFunc
Definition: execnodes.h:2619
TupleTableSlot * framehead_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2660
bool frametail_valid
Definition: execnodes.h:2653
bool partition_spooled
Definition: execnodes.h:2647
FmgrInfo startInRangeFunc
Definition: execnodes.h:2618
int64 spooled_rows
Definition: execnodes.h:2601
int64 frameheadpos
Definition: execnodes.h:2603
bool more_partitions
Definition: execnodes.h:2649
Datum startOffsetValue
Definition: execnodes.h:2614
int64 grouptailpos
Definition: execnodes.h:2629
int64 currentgroup
Definition: execnodes.h:2625
TupleTableSlot * frametail_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2661
ExprState * ordEqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2595
ExprState * runcondition
Definition: execnodes.h:2636
TupleTableSlot * temp_slot_2
Definition: execnodes.h:2666
Tuplestorestate * buffer
Definition: execnodes.h:2596
WindowAggStatus status
Definition: execnodes.h:2609
TupleTableSlot * agg_row_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2664
struct WindowObjectData * agg_winobj
Definition: execnodes.h:2606
WindowStatePerFunc perfunc
Definition: execnodes.h:2592
bool framehead_valid
Definition: execnodes.h:2651
int64 groupheadpos
Definition: execnodes.h:2628
MemoryContext curaggcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2633
bool inRangeNullsFirst
Definition: execnodes.h:2622
bool grouptail_valid
Definition: execnodes.h:2655
Datum endOffsetValue
Definition: execnodes.h:2615
int64 currentpos
Definition: execnodes.h:2602
ExprState * partEqfunction
Definition: execnodes.h:2594
int64 frametailpos
Definition: execnodes.h:2604
ExprState * startOffset
Definition: execnodes.h:2612
TupleTableSlot * first_part_slot
Definition: execnodes.h:2658
int64 aggregatedupto
Definition: execnodes.h:2608
ExprContext * tmpcontext
Definition: execnodes.h:2634
TupleTableSlot * temp_slot_1
Definition: execnodes.h:2665
bool use_pass_through
Definition: execnodes.h:2641
WindowFunc * wfunc
Definition: execnodes.h:871
ExprState * aggfilter
Definition: execnodes.h:873
RecursiveUnionState * rustate
Definition: execnodes.h:2053
Definition: dsa.c:348
Definition: regguts.h:323
const char * type