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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * parsenodes.h
4  * definitions for parse tree nodes
5  *
6  * Many of the node types used in parsetrees include a "location" field.
7  * This is a byte (not character) offset in the original source text, to be
8  * used for positioning an error cursor when there is an error related to
9  * the node. Access to the original source text is needed to make use of
10  * the location. At the topmost (statement) level, we also provide a
11  * statement length, likewise measured in bytes, for convenience in
12  * identifying statement boundaries in multi-statement source strings.
13  *
14  *
15  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
16  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
17  *
18  * src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
19  *
20  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
21  */
22 #ifndef PARSENODES_H
23 #define PARSENODES_H
25 #include "common/relpath.h"
26 #include "nodes/bitmapset.h"
27 #include "nodes/lockoptions.h"
28 #include "nodes/primnodes.h"
29 #include "nodes/value.h"
30 #include "partitioning/partdefs.h"
33 /* Possible sources of a Query */
34 typedef enum QuerySource
35 {
36  QSRC_ORIGINAL, /* original parsetree (explicit query) */
37  QSRC_PARSER, /* added by parse analysis (now unused) */
38  QSRC_INSTEAD_RULE, /* added by unconditional INSTEAD rule */
39  QSRC_QUAL_INSTEAD_RULE, /* added by conditional INSTEAD rule */
40  QSRC_NON_INSTEAD_RULE, /* added by non-INSTEAD rule */
43 /* Sort ordering options for ORDER BY and CREATE INDEX */
44 typedef enum SortByDir
45 {
49  SORTBY_USING, /* not allowed in CREATE INDEX ... */
52 typedef enum SortByNulls
53 {
59 /* Options for [ ALL | DISTINCT ] */
60 typedef enum SetQuantifier
61 {
67 /*
68  * Grantable rights are encoded so that we can OR them together in a bitmask.
69  * The present representation of AclItem limits us to 32 distinct rights,
70  * even though AclMode is defined as uint64. See utils/acl.h.
71  *
72  * Caution: changing these codes breaks stored ACLs, hence forces initdb.
73  */
74 typedef uint64 AclMode; /* a bitmask of privilege bits */
76 #define ACL_INSERT (1<<0) /* for relations */
77 #define ACL_SELECT (1<<1)
78 #define ACL_UPDATE (1<<2)
79 #define ACL_DELETE (1<<3)
80 #define ACL_TRUNCATE (1<<4)
81 #define ACL_REFERENCES (1<<5)
82 #define ACL_TRIGGER (1<<6)
83 #define ACL_EXECUTE (1<<7) /* for functions */
84 #define ACL_USAGE (1<<8) /* for various object types */
85 #define ACL_CREATE (1<<9) /* for namespaces and databases */
86 #define ACL_CREATE_TEMP (1<<10) /* for databases */
87 #define ACL_CONNECT (1<<11) /* for databases */
88 #define ACL_SET (1<<12) /* for configuration parameters */
89 #define ACL_ALTER_SYSTEM (1<<13) /* for configuration parameters */
90 #define ACL_MAINTAIN (1<<14) /* for relations */
91 #define N_ACL_RIGHTS 15 /* 1 plus the last 1<<x */
92 #define ACL_NO_RIGHTS 0
93 /* Currently, SELECT ... FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE requires UPDATE privileges */
97 /*****************************************************************************
98  * Query Tree
99  *****************************************************************************/
101 /*
102  * Query -
103  * Parse analysis turns all statements into a Query tree
104  * for further processing by the rewriter and planner.
105  *
106  * Utility statements (i.e. non-optimizable statements) have the
107  * utilityStmt field set, and the rest of the Query is mostly dummy.
108  *
109  * Planning converts a Query tree into a Plan tree headed by a PlannedStmt
110  * node --- the Query structure is not used by the executor.
111  *
112  * All the fields ignored for the query jumbling are not semantically
113  * significant (such as alias names), as is ignored anything that can
114  * be deduced from child nodes (else we'd just be double-hashing that
115  * piece of information).
116  */
117 typedef struct Query
118 {
121  CmdType commandType; /* select|insert|update|delete|merge|utility */
123  /* where did I come from? */
124  QuerySource querySource pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
126  /*
127  * query identifier (can be set by plugins); ignored for equal, as it
128  * might not be set; also not stored. This is the result of the query
129  * jumble, hence ignored.
130  */
131  uint64 queryId pg_node_attr(equal_ignore, query_jumble_ignore, read_write_ignore, read_as(0));
133  /* do I set the command result tag? */
134  bool canSetTag pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
136  Node *utilityStmt; /* non-null if commandType == CMD_UTILITY */
138  /*
139  * rtable index of target relation for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE; 0 for
140  * SELECT. This is ignored in the query jumble as unrelated to the
141  * compilation of the query ID.
142  */
143  int resultRelation pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
145  /* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
146  bool hasAggs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
147  /* has window functions in tlist */
148  bool hasWindowFuncs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
149  /* has set-returning functions in tlist */
150  bool hasTargetSRFs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
151  /* has subquery SubLink */
152  bool hasSubLinks pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
153  /* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */
154  bool hasDistinctOn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
155  /* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */
156  bool hasRecursive pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
158  bool hasModifyingCTE pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
159  /* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE was specified */
160  bool hasForUpdate pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
161  /* rewriter has applied some RLS policy */
162  bool hasRowSecurity pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
163  /* is a RETURN statement */
164  bool isReturn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
166  List *cteList; /* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */
168  List *rtable; /* list of range table entries */
170  /*
171  * list of RTEPermissionInfo nodes for the rtable entries having
172  * perminfoindex > 0
173  */
174  List *rteperminfos pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
175  FromExpr *jointree; /* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses);
176  * also USING clause for MERGE */
178  List *mergeActionList; /* list of actions for MERGE (only) */
180  /*
181  * rtable index of target relation for MERGE to pull data. Initially, this
182  * is the same as resultRelation, but after query rewriting, if the target
183  * relation is a trigger-updatable view, this is the index of the expanded
184  * view subquery, whereas resultRelation is the index of the target view.
185  */
186  int mergeTargetRelation pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
188  /* join condition between source and target for MERGE */
191  List *targetList; /* target list (of TargetEntry) */
193  /* OVERRIDING clause */
194  OverridingKind override pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
196  OnConflictExpr *onConflict; /* ON CONFLICT DO [NOTHING | UPDATE] */
198  List *returningList; /* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */
200  List *groupClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
201  bool groupDistinct; /* is the group by clause distinct? */
203  List *groupingSets; /* a list of GroupingSet's if present */
205  Node *havingQual; /* qualifications applied to groups */
207  List *windowClause; /* a list of WindowClause's */
209  List *distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
211  List *sortClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
213  Node *limitOffset; /* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */
214  Node *limitCount; /* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */
215  LimitOption limitOption; /* limit type */
217  List *rowMarks; /* a list of RowMarkClause's */
219  Node *setOperations; /* set-operation tree if this is top level of
220  * a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */
222  /*
223  * A list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query depends on to be
224  * semantically valid
225  */
226  List *constraintDeps pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
228  /* a list of WithCheckOption's (added during rewrite) */
229  List *withCheckOptions pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
231  /*
232  * The following two fields identify the portion of the source text string
233  * containing this query. They are typically only populated in top-level
234  * Queries, not in sub-queries. When not set, they might both be zero, or
235  * both be -1 meaning "unknown".
236  */
237  /* start location, or -1 if unknown */
239  /* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
240  ParseLoc stmt_len pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
244 /****************************************************************************
245  * Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
246  *
247  * Most of these node types appear in raw parsetrees output by the grammar,
248  * and get transformed to something else by the analyzer. A few of them
249  * are used as-is in transformed querytrees.
250  ****************************************************************************/
252 /*
253  * TypeName - specifies a type in definitions
254  *
255  * For TypeName structures generated internally, it is often easier to
256  * specify the type by OID than by name. If "names" is NIL then the
257  * actual type OID is given by typeOid, otherwise typeOid is unused.
258  * Similarly, if "typmods" is NIL then the actual typmod is expected to
259  * be prespecified in typemod, otherwise typemod is unused.
260  *
261  * If pct_type is true, then names is actually a field name and we look up
262  * the type of that field. Otherwise (the normal case), names is a type
263  * name possibly qualified with schema and database name.
264  */
265 typedef struct TypeName
266 {
268  List *names; /* qualified name (list of String nodes) */
269  Oid typeOid; /* type identified by OID */
270  bool setof; /* is a set? */
271  bool pct_type; /* %TYPE specified? */
272  List *typmods; /* type modifier expression(s) */
273  int32 typemod; /* prespecified type modifier */
274  List *arrayBounds; /* array bounds */
275  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
278 /*
279  * ColumnRef - specifies a reference to a column, or possibly a whole tuple
280  *
281  * The "fields" list must be nonempty. It can contain String nodes
282  * (representing names) and A_Star nodes (representing occurrence of a '*').
283  * Currently, A_Star must appear only as the last list element --- the grammar
284  * is responsible for enforcing this!
285  *
286  * Note: any container subscripting or selection of fields from composite columns
287  * is represented by an A_Indirection node above the ColumnRef. However,
288  * for simplicity in the normal case, initial field selection from a table
289  * name is represented within ColumnRef and not by adding A_Indirection.
290  */
291 typedef struct ColumnRef
292 {
294  List *fields; /* field names (String nodes) or A_Star */
295  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
298 /*
299  * ParamRef - specifies a $n parameter reference
300  */
301 typedef struct ParamRef
302 {
304  int number; /* the number of the parameter */
305  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
308 /*
309  * A_Expr - infix, prefix, and postfix expressions
310  */
311 typedef enum A_Expr_Kind
312 {
313  AEXPR_OP, /* normal operator */
314  AEXPR_OP_ANY, /* scalar op ANY (array) */
315  AEXPR_OP_ALL, /* scalar op ALL (array) */
316  AEXPR_DISTINCT, /* IS DISTINCT FROM - name must be "=" */
317  AEXPR_NOT_DISTINCT, /* IS NOT DISTINCT FROM - name must be "=" */
318  AEXPR_NULLIF, /* NULLIF - name must be "=" */
319  AEXPR_IN, /* [NOT] IN - name must be "=" or "<>" */
320  AEXPR_LIKE, /* [NOT] LIKE - name must be "~~" or "!~~" */
321  AEXPR_ILIKE, /* [NOT] ILIKE - name must be "~~*" or "!~~*" */
322  AEXPR_SIMILAR, /* [NOT] SIMILAR - name must be "~" or "!~" */
323  AEXPR_BETWEEN, /* name must be "BETWEEN" */
324  AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN, /* name must be "NOT BETWEEN" */
325  AEXPR_BETWEEN_SYM, /* name must be "BETWEEN SYMMETRIC" */
329 typedef struct A_Expr
330 {
331  pg_node_attr(custom_read_write)
333  NodeTag type;
334  A_Expr_Kind kind; /* see above */
335  List *name; /* possibly-qualified name of operator */
336  Node *lexpr; /* left argument, or NULL if none */
337  Node *rexpr; /* right argument, or NULL if none */
338  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
341 /*
342  * A_Const - a literal constant
343  *
344  * Value nodes are inline for performance. You can treat 'val' as a node,
345  * as in IsA(&val, Integer). 'val' is not valid if isnull is true.
346  */
347 union ValUnion
348 {
355 };
357 typedef struct A_Const
358 {
359  pg_node_attr(custom_copy_equal, custom_read_write, custom_query_jumble)
361  NodeTag type;
362  union ValUnion val;
363  bool isnull; /* SQL NULL constant */
364  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
367 /*
368  * TypeCast - a CAST expression
369  */
370 typedef struct TypeCast
371 {
373  Node *arg; /* the expression being casted */
374  TypeName *typeName; /* the target type */
375  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
378 /*
379  * CollateClause - a COLLATE expression
380  */
381 typedef struct CollateClause
382 {
384  Node *arg; /* input expression */
385  List *collname; /* possibly-qualified collation name */
386  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
389 /*
390  * RoleSpec - a role name or one of a few special values.
391  */
392 typedef enum RoleSpecType
393 {
394  ROLESPEC_CSTRING, /* role name is stored as a C string */
398  ROLESPEC_PUBLIC, /* role name is "public" */
401 typedef struct RoleSpec
402 {
404  RoleSpecType roletype; /* Type of this rolespec */
405  char *rolename; /* filled only for ROLESPEC_CSTRING */
406  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
409 /*
410  * FuncCall - a function or aggregate invocation
411  *
412  * agg_order (if not NIL) indicates we saw 'foo(... ORDER BY ...)', or if
413  * agg_within_group is true, it was 'foo(...) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ...)'.
414  * agg_star indicates we saw a 'foo(*)' construct, while agg_distinct
415  * indicates we saw 'foo(DISTINCT ...)'. In any of these cases, the
416  * construct *must* be an aggregate call. Otherwise, it might be either an
417  * aggregate or some other kind of function. However, if FILTER or OVER is
418  * present it had better be an aggregate or window function.
419  *
420  * Normally, you'd initialize this via makeFuncCall() and then only change the
421  * parts of the struct its defaults don't match afterwards, as needed.
422  */
423 typedef struct FuncCall
424 {
426  List *funcname; /* qualified name of function */
427  List *args; /* the arguments (list of exprs) */
428  List *agg_order; /* ORDER BY (list of SortBy) */
429  Node *agg_filter; /* FILTER clause, if any */
430  struct WindowDef *over; /* OVER clause, if any */
431  bool agg_within_group; /* ORDER BY appeared in WITHIN GROUP */
432  bool agg_star; /* argument was really '*' */
433  bool agg_distinct; /* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */
434  bool func_variadic; /* last argument was labeled VARIADIC */
435  CoercionForm funcformat; /* how to display this node */
436  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
439 /*
440  * A_Star - '*' representing all columns of a table or compound field
441  *
442  * This can appear within ColumnRef.fields, A_Indirection.indirection, and
443  * ResTarget.indirection lists.
444  */
445 typedef struct A_Star
446 {
450 /*
451  * A_Indices - array subscript or slice bounds ([idx] or [lidx:uidx])
452  *
453  * In slice case, either or both of lidx and uidx can be NULL (omitted).
454  * In non-slice case, uidx holds the single subscript and lidx is always NULL.
455  */
456 typedef struct A_Indices
457 {
459  bool is_slice; /* true if slice (i.e., colon present) */
460  Node *lidx; /* slice lower bound, if any */
461  Node *uidx; /* subscript, or slice upper bound if any */
464 /*
465  * A_Indirection - select a field and/or array element from an expression
466  *
467  * The indirection list can contain A_Indices nodes (representing
468  * subscripting), String nodes (representing field selection --- the
469  * string value is the name of the field to select), and A_Star nodes
470  * (representing selection of all fields of a composite type).
471  * For example, a complex selection operation like
472  * (foo).field1[42][7].field2
473  * would be represented with a single A_Indirection node having a 4-element
474  * indirection list.
475  *
476  * Currently, A_Star must appear only as the last list element --- the grammar
477  * is responsible for enforcing this!
478  */
479 typedef struct A_Indirection
480 {
482  Node *arg; /* the thing being selected from */
483  List *indirection; /* subscripts and/or field names and/or * */
486 /*
487  * A_ArrayExpr - an ARRAY[] construct
488  */
489 typedef struct A_ArrayExpr
490 {
492  List *elements; /* array element expressions */
493  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
496 /*
497  * ResTarget -
498  * result target (used in target list of pre-transformed parse trees)
499  *
500  * In a SELECT target list, 'name' is the column label from an
501  * 'AS ColumnLabel' clause, or NULL if there was none, and 'val' is the
502  * value expression itself. The 'indirection' field is not used.
503  *
504  * INSERT uses ResTarget in its target-column-names list. Here, 'name' is
505  * the name of the destination column, 'indirection' stores any subscripts
506  * attached to the destination, and 'val' is not used.
507  *
508  * In an UPDATE target list, 'name' is the name of the destination column,
509  * 'indirection' stores any subscripts attached to the destination, and
510  * 'val' is the expression to assign.
511  *
512  * See A_Indirection for more info about what can appear in 'indirection'.
513  */
514 typedef struct ResTarget
515 {
517  char *name; /* column name or NULL */
518  List *indirection; /* subscripts, field names, and '*', or NIL */
519  Node *val; /* the value expression to compute or assign */
520  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
523 /*
524  * MultiAssignRef - element of a row source expression for UPDATE
525  *
526  * In an UPDATE target list, when we have SET (a,b,c) = row-valued-expression,
527  * we generate separate ResTarget items for each of a,b,c. Their "val" trees
528  * are MultiAssignRef nodes numbered 1..n, linking to a common copy of the
529  * row-valued-expression (which parse analysis will process only once, when
530  * handling the MultiAssignRef with colno=1).
531  */
532 typedef struct MultiAssignRef
533 {
535  Node *source; /* the row-valued expression */
536  int colno; /* column number for this target (1..n) */
537  int ncolumns; /* number of targets in the construct */
540 /*
541  * SortBy - for ORDER BY clause
542  */
543 typedef struct SortBy
544 {
546  Node *node; /* expression to sort on */
547  SortByDir sortby_dir; /* ASC/DESC/USING/default */
548  SortByNulls sortby_nulls; /* NULLS FIRST/LAST */
549  List *useOp; /* name of op to use, if SORTBY_USING */
550  ParseLoc location; /* operator location, or -1 if none/unknown */
553 /*
554  * WindowDef - raw representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses
555  *
556  * For entries in a WINDOW list, "name" is the window name being defined.
557  * For OVER clauses, we use "name" for the "OVER window" syntax, or "refname"
558  * for the "OVER (window)" syntax, which is subtly different --- the latter
559  * implies overriding the window frame clause.
560  */
561 typedef struct WindowDef
562 {
564  char *name; /* window's own name */
565  char *refname; /* referenced window name, if any */
566  List *partitionClause; /* PARTITION BY expression list */
567  List *orderClause; /* ORDER BY (list of SortBy) */
568  int frameOptions; /* frame_clause options, see below */
569  Node *startOffset; /* expression for starting bound, if any */
570  Node *endOffset; /* expression for ending bound, if any */
571  ParseLoc location; /* parse location, or -1 if none/unknown */
574 /*
575  * frameOptions is an OR of these bits. The NONDEFAULT and BETWEEN bits are
576  * used so that ruleutils.c can tell which properties were specified and
577  * which were defaulted; the correct behavioral bits must be set either way.
578  * The START_foo and END_foo options must come in pairs of adjacent bits for
579  * the convenience of gram.y, even though some of them are useless/invalid.
580  */
581 #define FRAMEOPTION_NONDEFAULT 0x00001 /* any specified? */
582 #define FRAMEOPTION_RANGE 0x00002 /* RANGE behavior */
583 #define FRAMEOPTION_ROWS 0x00004 /* ROWS behavior */
584 #define FRAMEOPTION_GROUPS 0x00008 /* GROUPS behavior */
585 #define FRAMEOPTION_BETWEEN 0x00010 /* BETWEEN given? */
586 #define FRAMEOPTION_START_UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING 0x00020 /* start is U. P. */
587 #define FRAMEOPTION_END_UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING 0x00040 /* (disallowed) */
588 #define FRAMEOPTION_START_UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING 0x00080 /* (disallowed) */
589 #define FRAMEOPTION_END_UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING 0x00100 /* end is U. F. */
590 #define FRAMEOPTION_START_CURRENT_ROW 0x00200 /* start is C. R. */
591 #define FRAMEOPTION_END_CURRENT_ROW 0x00400 /* end is C. R. */
592 #define FRAMEOPTION_START_OFFSET_PRECEDING 0x00800 /* start is O. P. */
593 #define FRAMEOPTION_END_OFFSET_PRECEDING 0x01000 /* end is O. P. */
594 #define FRAMEOPTION_START_OFFSET_FOLLOWING 0x02000 /* start is O. F. */
595 #define FRAMEOPTION_END_OFFSET_FOLLOWING 0x04000 /* end is O. F. */
596 #define FRAMEOPTION_EXCLUDE_CURRENT_ROW 0x08000 /* omit C.R. */
597 #define FRAMEOPTION_EXCLUDE_GROUP 0x10000 /* omit C.R. & peers */
598 #define FRAMEOPTION_EXCLUDE_TIES 0x20000 /* omit C.R.'s peers */
612 /*
613  * RangeSubselect - subquery appearing in a FROM clause
614  */
615 typedef struct RangeSubselect
616 {
618  bool lateral; /* does it have LATERAL prefix? */
619  Node *subquery; /* the untransformed sub-select clause */
620  Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
623 /*
624  * RangeFunction - function call appearing in a FROM clause
625  *
626  * functions is a List because we use this to represent the construct
627  * ROWS FROM(func1(...), func2(...), ...). Each element of this list is a
628  * two-element sublist, the first element being the untransformed function
629  * call tree, and the second element being a possibly-empty list of ColumnDef
630  * nodes representing any columndef list attached to that function within the
631  * ROWS FROM() syntax.
632  *
633  * alias and coldeflist represent any alias and/or columndef list attached
634  * at the top level. (We disallow coldeflist appearing both here and
635  * per-function, but that's checked in parse analysis, not by the grammar.)
636  */
637 typedef struct RangeFunction
638 {
640  bool lateral; /* does it have LATERAL prefix? */
641  bool ordinality; /* does it have WITH ORDINALITY suffix? */
642  bool is_rowsfrom; /* is result of ROWS FROM() syntax? */
643  List *functions; /* per-function information, see above */
644  Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
645  List *coldeflist; /* list of ColumnDef nodes to describe result
646  * of function returning RECORD */
649 /*
650  * RangeTableFunc - raw form of "table functions" such as XMLTABLE
651  *
652  * Note: JSON_TABLE is also a "table function", but it uses JsonTable node,
653  * not RangeTableFunc.
654  */
655 typedef struct RangeTableFunc
656 {
658  bool lateral; /* does it have LATERAL prefix? */
659  Node *docexpr; /* document expression */
660  Node *rowexpr; /* row generator expression */
661  List *namespaces; /* list of namespaces as ResTarget */
662  List *columns; /* list of RangeTableFuncCol */
663  Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
664  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
667 /*
668  * RangeTableFuncCol - one column in a RangeTableFunc->columns
669  *
670  * If for_ordinality is true (FOR ORDINALITY), then the column is an int4
671  * column and the rest of the fields are ignored.
672  */
673 typedef struct RangeTableFuncCol
674 {
676  char *colname; /* name of generated column */
677  TypeName *typeName; /* type of generated column */
678  bool for_ordinality; /* does it have FOR ORDINALITY? */
679  bool is_not_null; /* does it have NOT NULL? */
680  Node *colexpr; /* column filter expression */
681  Node *coldefexpr; /* column default value expression */
682  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
685 /*
686  * RangeTableSample - TABLESAMPLE appearing in a raw FROM clause
687  *
688  * This node, appearing only in raw parse trees, represents
689  * <relation> TABLESAMPLE <method> (<params>) REPEATABLE (<num>)
690  * Currently, the <relation> can only be a RangeVar, but we might in future
691  * allow RangeSubselect and other options. Note that the RangeTableSample
692  * is wrapped around the node representing the <relation>, rather than being
693  * a subfield of it.
694  */
695 typedef struct RangeTableSample
696 {
698  Node *relation; /* relation to be sampled */
699  List *method; /* sampling method name (possibly qualified) */
700  List *args; /* argument(s) for sampling method */
701  Node *repeatable; /* REPEATABLE expression, or NULL if none */
702  ParseLoc location; /* method name location, or -1 if unknown */
705 /*
706  * ColumnDef - column definition (used in various creates)
707  *
708  * If the column has a default value, we may have the value expression
709  * in either "raw" form (an untransformed parse tree) or "cooked" form
710  * (a post-parse-analysis, executable expression tree), depending on
711  * how this ColumnDef node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance
712  * from an existing relation). We should never have both in the same node!
713  *
714  * Similarly, we may have a COLLATE specification in either raw form
715  * (represented as a CollateClause with arg==NULL) or cooked form
716  * (the collation's OID).
717  *
718  * The constraints list may contain a CONSTR_DEFAULT item in a raw
719  * parsetree produced by gram.y, but transformCreateStmt will remove
720  * the item and set raw_default instead. CONSTR_DEFAULT items
721  * should not appear in any subsequent processing.
722  */
723 typedef struct ColumnDef
724 {
726  char *colname; /* name of column */
727  TypeName *typeName; /* type of column */
728  char *compression; /* compression method for column */
729  int inhcount; /* number of times column is inherited */
730  bool is_local; /* column has local (non-inherited) def'n */
731  bool is_not_null; /* NOT NULL constraint specified? */
732  bool is_from_type; /* column definition came from table type */
733  char storage; /* attstorage setting, or 0 for default */
734  char *storage_name; /* attstorage setting name or NULL for default */
735  Node *raw_default; /* default value (untransformed parse tree) */
736  Node *cooked_default; /* default value (transformed expr tree) */
737  char identity; /* attidentity setting */
738  RangeVar *identitySequence; /* to store identity sequence name for
740  char generated; /* attgenerated setting */
741  CollateClause *collClause; /* untransformed COLLATE spec, if any */
742  Oid collOid; /* collation OID (InvalidOid if not set) */
743  List *constraints; /* other constraints on column */
744  List *fdwoptions; /* per-column FDW options */
745  ParseLoc location; /* parse location, or -1 if none/unknown */
748 /*
749  * TableLikeClause - CREATE TABLE ( ... LIKE ... ) clause
750  */
751 typedef struct TableLikeClause
752 {
755  bits32 options; /* OR of TableLikeOption flags */
756  Oid relationOid; /* If table has been looked up, its OID */
759 typedef enum TableLikeOption
760 {
773 /*
774  * IndexElem - index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX, and in ON CONFLICT)
775  *
776  * For a plain index attribute, 'name' is the name of the table column to
777  * index, and 'expr' is NULL. For an index expression, 'name' is NULL and
778  * 'expr' is the expression tree.
779  */
780 typedef struct IndexElem
781 {
783  char *name; /* name of attribute to index, or NULL */
784  Node *expr; /* expression to index, or NULL */
785  char *indexcolname; /* name for index column; NULL = default */
786  List *collation; /* name of collation; NIL = default */
787  List *opclass; /* name of desired opclass; NIL = default */
788  List *opclassopts; /* opclass-specific options, or NIL */
789  SortByDir ordering; /* ASC/DESC/default */
790  SortByNulls nulls_ordering; /* FIRST/LAST/default */
793 /*
794  * DefElem - a generic "name = value" option definition
795  *
796  * In some contexts the name can be qualified. Also, certain SQL commands
797  * allow a SET/ADD/DROP action to be attached to option settings, so it's
798  * convenient to carry a field for that too. (Note: currently, it is our
799  * practice that the grammar allows namespace and action only in statements
800  * where they are relevant; C code can just ignore those fields in other
801  * statements.)
802  */
803 typedef enum DefElemAction
804 {
805  DEFELEM_UNSPEC, /* no action given */
811 typedef struct DefElem
812 {
814  char *defnamespace; /* NULL if unqualified name */
815  char *defname;
816  Node *arg; /* typically Integer, Float, String, or
817  * TypeName */
818  DefElemAction defaction; /* unspecified action, or SET/ADD/DROP */
819  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
822 /*
823  * LockingClause - raw representation of FOR [NO KEY] UPDATE/[KEY] SHARE
824  * options
825  *
826  * Note: lockedRels == NIL means "all relations in query". Otherwise it
827  * is a list of RangeVar nodes. (We use RangeVar mainly because it carries
828  * a location field --- currently, parse analysis insists on unqualified
829  * names in LockingClause.)
830  */
831 typedef struct LockingClause
832 {
834  List *lockedRels; /* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE relations */
836  LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy; /* NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED */
839 /*
840  * XMLSERIALIZE (in raw parse tree only)
841  */
842 typedef struct XmlSerialize
843 {
845  XmlOptionType xmloption; /* DOCUMENT or CONTENT */
848  bool indent; /* [NO] INDENT */
849  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
852 /* Partitioning related definitions */
854 /*
855  * PartitionElem - parse-time representation of a single partition key
856  *
857  * expr can be either a raw expression tree or a parse-analyzed expression.
858  * We don't store these on-disk, though.
859  */
860 typedef struct PartitionElem
861 {
863  char *name; /* name of column to partition on, or NULL */
864  Node *expr; /* expression to partition on, or NULL */
865  List *collation; /* name of collation; NIL = default */
866  List *opclass; /* name of desired opclass; NIL = default */
867  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
870 typedef enum PartitionStrategy
871 {
877 /*
878  * PartitionSpec - parse-time representation of a partition key specification
879  *
880  * This represents the key space we will be partitioning on.
881  */
882 typedef struct PartitionSpec
883 {
886  List *partParams; /* List of PartitionElems */
887  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
890 /*
891  * PartitionBoundSpec - a partition bound specification
892  *
893  * This represents the portion of the partition key space assigned to a
894  * particular partition. These are stored on disk in pg_class.relpartbound.
895  */
897 {
900  char strategy; /* see PARTITION_STRATEGY codes above */
901  bool is_default; /* is it a default partition bound? */
903  /* Partitioning info for HASH strategy: */
904  int modulus;
907  /* Partitioning info for LIST strategy: */
908  List *listdatums; /* List of Consts (or A_Consts in raw tree) */
910  /* Partitioning info for RANGE strategy: */
911  List *lowerdatums; /* List of PartitionRangeDatums */
912  List *upperdatums; /* List of PartitionRangeDatums */
914  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
915 };
917 /*
918  * PartitionRangeDatum - one of the values in a range partition bound
919  *
920  * This can be MINVALUE, MAXVALUE or a specific bounded value.
921  */
923 {
924  PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MINVALUE = -1, /* less than any other value */
925  PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_VALUE = 0, /* a specific (bounded) value */
926  PARTITION_RANGE_DATUM_MAXVALUE = 1, /* greater than any other value */
929 typedef struct PartitionRangeDatum
930 {
934  Node *value; /* Const (or A_Const in raw tree), if kind is
937  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
940 /*
941  * PartitionDesc - info about single partition for ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION command
942  */
943 typedef struct SinglePartitionSpec
944 {
947  RangeVar *name; /* name of partition */
948  PartitionBoundSpec *bound; /* FOR VALUES, if attaching */
951 /*
952  * PartitionCmd - info for ALTER TABLE/INDEX ATTACH/DETACH PARTITION commands
953  */
954 typedef struct PartitionCmd
955 {
957  RangeVar *name; /* name of partition to attach/detach */
958  PartitionBoundSpec *bound; /* FOR VALUES, if attaching */
959  List *partlist; /* list of partitions, for MERGE/SPLIT
960  * PARTITION command */
964 /****************************************************************************
965  * Nodes for a Query tree
966  ****************************************************************************/
968 /*--------------------
969  * RangeTblEntry -
970  * A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
971  *
972  * A range table entry may represent a plain relation, a sub-select in
973  * FROM, or the result of a JOIN clause. (Only explicit JOIN syntax
974  * produces an RTE, not the implicit join resulting from multiple FROM
975  * items. This is because we only need the RTE to deal with SQL features
976  * like outer joins and join-output-column aliasing.) Other special
977  * RTE types also exist, as indicated by RTEKind.
978  *
979  * Note that we consider RTE_RELATION to cover anything that has a pg_class
980  * entry. relkind distinguishes the sub-cases.
981  *
982  * alias is an Alias node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
983  * FROM expression, or NULL if no clause.
984  *
985  * eref is the table reference name and column reference names (either
986  * real or aliases). Note that system columns (OID etc) are not included
987  * in the column list.
988  * eref->aliasname is required to be present, and should generally be used
989  * to identify the RTE for error messages etc.
990  *
991  * In RELATION RTEs, the colnames in both alias and eref are indexed by
992  * physical attribute number; this means there must be colname entries for
993  * dropped columns. When building an RTE we insert empty strings ("") for
994  * dropped columns. Note however that a stored rule may have nonempty
995  * colnames for columns dropped since the rule was created (and for that
996  * matter the colnames might be out of date due to column renamings).
997  * The same comments apply to FUNCTION RTEs when a function's return type
998  * is a named composite type.
999  *
1000  * In JOIN RTEs, the colnames in both alias and eref are one-to-one with
1001  * joinaliasvars entries. A JOIN RTE will omit columns of its inputs when
1002  * those columns are known to be dropped at parse time. Again, however,
1003  * a stored rule might contain entries for columns dropped since the rule
1004  * was created. (This is only possible for columns not actually referenced
1005  * in the rule.) When loading a stored rule, we replace the joinaliasvars
1006  * items for any such columns with null pointers. (We can't simply delete
1007  * them from the joinaliasvars list, because that would affect the attnums
1008  * of Vars referencing the rest of the list.)
1009  *
1010  * inFromCl marks those range variables that are listed in the FROM clause.
1011  * It's false for RTEs that are added to a query behind the scenes, such
1012  * as the NEW and OLD variables for a rule, or the subqueries of a UNION.
1013  * This flag is not used during parsing (except in transformLockingClause,
1014  * q.v.); the parser now uses a separate "namespace" data structure to
1015  * control visibility. But it is needed by ruleutils.c to determine
1016  * whether RTEs should be shown in decompiled queries.
1017  *
1018  * securityQuals is a list of security barrier quals (boolean expressions),
1019  * to be tested in the listed order before returning a row from the
1020  * relation. It is always NIL in parser output. Entries are added by the
1021  * rewriter to implement security-barrier views and/or row-level security.
1022  * Note that the planner turns each boolean expression into an implicitly
1023  * AND'ed sublist, as is its usual habit with qualification expressions.
1024  *--------------------
1025  */
1026 typedef enum RTEKind
1027 {
1028  RTE_RELATION, /* ordinary relation reference */
1029  RTE_SUBQUERY, /* subquery in FROM */
1030  RTE_JOIN, /* join */
1031  RTE_FUNCTION, /* function in FROM */
1032  RTE_TABLEFUNC, /* TableFunc(.., column list) */
1033  RTE_VALUES, /* VALUES (<exprlist>), (<exprlist>), ... */
1034  RTE_CTE, /* common table expr (WITH list element) */
1035  RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE, /* tuplestore, e.g. for AFTER triggers */
1036  RTE_RESULT, /* RTE represents an empty FROM clause; such
1037  * RTEs are added by the planner, they're not
1038  * present during parsing or rewriting */
1041 typedef struct RangeTblEntry
1042 {
1043  pg_node_attr(custom_read_write)
1045  NodeTag type;
1047  /*
1048  * Fields valid in all RTEs:
1049  *
1050  * put alias + eref first to make dump more legible
1051  */
1052  /* user-written alias clause, if any */
1053  Alias *alias pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1054  /* expanded reference names */
1055  Alias *eref pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1057  RTEKind rtekind; /* see above */
1059  /*
1060  * Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else zero):
1061  *
1062  * inh is true for relation references that should be expanded to include
1063  * inheritance children, if the rel has any. In the parser, this will
1064  * only be true for RTE_RELATION entries. The planner also uses this
1065  * field to mark RTE_SUBQUERY entries that contain UNION ALL queries that
1066  * it has flattened into pulled-up subqueries (creating a structure much
1067  * like the effects of inheritance).
1068  *
1069  * rellockmode is really LOCKMODE, but it's declared int to avoid having
1070  * to include lock-related headers here. It must be RowExclusiveLock if
1071  * the RTE is an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE target, else RowShareLock if
1072  * the RTE is a SELECT FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE target, else AccessShareLock.
1073  *
1074  * Note: in some cases, rule expansion may result in RTEs that are marked
1075  * with RowExclusiveLock even though they are not the target of the
1076  * current query; this happens if a DO ALSO rule simply scans the original
1077  * target table. We leave such RTEs with their original lockmode so as to
1078  * avoid getting an additional, lesser lock.
1079  *
1080  * perminfoindex is 1-based index of the RTEPermissionInfo belonging to
1081  * this RTE in the containing struct's list of same; 0 if permissions need
1082  * not be checked for this RTE.
1083  *
1084  * As a special case, relid, relkind, rellockmode, and perminfoindex can
1085  * also be set (nonzero) in an RTE_SUBQUERY RTE. This occurs when we
1086  * convert an RTE_RELATION RTE naming a view into an RTE_SUBQUERY
1087  * containing the view's query. We still need to perform run-time locking
1088  * and permission checks on the view, even though it's not directly used
1089  * in the query anymore, and the most expedient way to do that is to
1090  * retain these fields from the old state of the RTE.
1091  *
1092  * As a special case, RTE_NAMEDTUPLESTORE can also set relid to indicate
1093  * that the tuple format of the tuplestore is the same as the referenced
1094  * relation. This allows plans referencing AFTER trigger transition
1095  * tables to be invalidated if the underlying table is altered.
1096  */
1097  /* OID of the relation */
1099  /* inheritance requested? */
1100  bool inh;
1101  /* relation kind (see pg_class.relkind) */
1102  char relkind pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1103  /* lock level that query requires on the rel */
1104  int rellockmode pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1105  /* index of RTEPermissionInfo entry, or 0 */
1106  Index perminfoindex pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1107  /* sampling info, or NULL */
1110  /*
1111  * Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
1112  */
1113  /* the sub-query */
1115  /* is from security_barrier view? */
1116  bool security_barrier pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1118  /*
1119  * Fields valid for a join RTE (else NULL/zero):
1120  *
1121  * joinaliasvars is a list of (usually) Vars corresponding to the columns
1122  * of the join result. An alias Var referencing column K of the join
1123  * result can be replaced by the K'th element of joinaliasvars --- but to
1124  * simplify the task of reverse-listing aliases correctly, we do not do
1125  * that until planning time. In detail: an element of joinaliasvars can
1126  * be a Var of one of the join's input relations, or such a Var with an
1127  * implicit coercion to the join's output column type, or a COALESCE
1128  * expression containing the two input column Vars (possibly coerced).
1129  * Elements beyond the first joinmergedcols entries are always just Vars,
1130  * and are never referenced from elsewhere in the query (that is, join
1131  * alias Vars are generated only for merged columns). We keep these
1132  * entries only because they're needed in expandRTE() and similar code.
1133  *
1134  * Vars appearing within joinaliasvars are marked with varnullingrels sets
1135  * that describe the nulling effects of this join and lower ones. This is
1136  * essential for FULL JOIN cases, because the COALESCE expression only
1137  * describes the semantics correctly if its inputs have been nulled by the
1138  * join. For other cases, it allows expandRTE() to generate a valid
1139  * representation of the join's output without consulting additional
1140  * parser state.
1141  *
1142  * Within a Query loaded from a stored rule, it is possible for non-merged
1143  * joinaliasvars items to be null pointers, which are placeholders for
1144  * (necessarily unreferenced) columns dropped since the rule was made.
1145  * Also, once planning begins, joinaliasvars items can be almost anything,
1146  * as a result of subquery-flattening substitutions.
1147  *
1148  * joinleftcols is an integer list of physical column numbers of the left
1149  * join input rel that are included in the join; likewise joinrighttcols
1150  * for the right join input rel. (Which rels those are can be determined
1151  * from the associated JoinExpr.) If the join is USING/NATURAL, then the
1152  * first joinmergedcols entries in each list identify the merged columns.
1153  * The merged columns come first in the join output, then remaining
1154  * columns of the left input, then remaining columns of the right.
1155  *
1156  * Note that input columns could have been dropped after creation of a
1157  * stored rule, if they are not referenced in the query (in particular,
1158  * merged columns could not be dropped); this is not accounted for in
1159  * joinleftcols/joinrighttcols.
1160  */
1162  /* number of merged (JOIN USING) columns */
1163  int joinmergedcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1164  /* list of alias-var expansions */
1165  List *joinaliasvars pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1166  /* left-side input column numbers */
1167  List *joinleftcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1168  /* right-side input column numbers */
1169  List *joinrightcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1171  /*
1172  * join_using_alias is an alias clause attached directly to JOIN/USING. It
1173  * is different from the alias field (below) in that it does not hide the
1174  * range variables of the tables being joined.
1175  */
1176  Alias *join_using_alias pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1178  /*
1179  * Fields valid for a function RTE (else NIL/zero):
1180  *
1181  * When funcordinality is true, the eref->colnames list includes an alias
1182  * for the ordinality column. The ordinality column is otherwise
1183  * implicit, and must be accounted for "by hand" in places such as
1184  * expandRTE().
1185  */
1186  /* list of RangeTblFunction nodes */
1188  /* is this called WITH ORDINALITY? */
1191  /*
1192  * Fields valid for a TableFunc RTE (else NULL):
1193  */
1196  /*
1197  * Fields valid for a values RTE (else NIL):
1198  */
1199  /* list of expression lists */
1202  /*
1203  * Fields valid for a CTE RTE (else NULL/zero):
1204  */
1205  /* name of the WITH list item */
1206  char *ctename;
1207  /* number of query levels up */
1209  /* is this a recursive self-reference? */
1210  bool self_reference pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1212  /*
1213  * Fields valid for CTE, VALUES, ENR, and TableFunc RTEs (else NIL):
1214  *
1215  * We need these for CTE RTEs so that the types of self-referential
1216  * columns are well-defined. For VALUES RTEs, storing these explicitly
1217  * saves having to re-determine the info by scanning the values_lists. For
1218  * ENRs, we store the types explicitly here (we could get the information
1219  * from the catalogs if 'relid' was supplied, but we'd still need these
1220  * for TupleDesc-based ENRs, so we might as well always store the type
1221  * info here). For TableFuncs, these fields are redundant with data in
1222  * the TableFunc node, but keeping them here allows some code sharing with
1223  * the other cases.
1224  *
1225  * For ENRs only, we have to consider the possibility of dropped columns.
1226  * A dropped column is included in these lists, but it will have zeroes in
1227  * all three lists (as well as an empty-string entry in eref). Testing
1228  * for zero coltype is the standard way to detect a dropped column.
1229  */
1230  /* OID list of column type OIDs */
1231  List *coltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1232  /* integer list of column typmods */
1233  List *coltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1234  /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
1235  List *colcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1237  /*
1238  * Fields valid for ENR RTEs (else NULL/zero):
1239  */
1240  /* name of ephemeral named relation */
1241  char *enrname;
1242  /* estimated or actual from caller */
1243  Cardinality enrtuples pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1245  /*
1246  * Fields valid in all RTEs:
1247  */
1248  /* was LATERAL specified? */
1249  bool lateral pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1250  /* present in FROM clause? */
1251  bool inFromCl pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1252  /* security barrier quals to apply, if any */
1253  List *securityQuals pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1256 /*
1257  * RTEPermissionInfo
1258  * Per-relation information for permission checking. Added to the Query
1259  * node by the parser when adding the corresponding RTE to the query
1260  * range table and subsequently editorialized on by the rewriter if
1261  * needed after rule expansion.
1262  *
1263  * Only the relations directly mentioned in the query are checked for
1264  * access permissions by the core executor, so only their RTEPermissionInfos
1265  * are present in the Query. However, extensions may want to check inheritance
1266  * children too, depending on the value of rte->inh, so it's copied in 'inh'
1267  * for their perusal.
1268  *
1269  * requiredPerms and checkAsUser specify run-time access permissions checks
1270  * to be performed at query startup. The user must have *all* of the
1271  * permissions that are OR'd together in requiredPerms (never 0!). If
1272  * checkAsUser is not zero, then do the permissions checks using the access
1273  * rights of that user, not the current effective user ID. (This allows rules
1274  * to act as setuid gateways.)
1275  *
1276  * For SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE permissions, if the user doesn't have table-wide
1277  * permissions then it is sufficient to have the permissions on all columns
1278  * identified in selectedCols (for SELECT) and/or insertedCols and/or
1279  * updatedCols (INSERT with ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE may have all 3).
1280  * selectedCols, insertedCols and updatedCols are bitmapsets, which cannot have
1281  * negative integer members, so we subtract FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber
1282  * from column numbers before storing them in these fields. A whole-row Var
1283  * reference is represented by setting the bit for InvalidAttrNumber.
1284  *
1285  * updatedCols is also used in some other places, for example, to determine
1286  * which triggers to fire and in FDWs to know which changed columns they need
1287  * to ship off.
1288  */
1289 typedef struct RTEPermissionInfo
1290 {
1293  Oid relid; /* relation OID */
1294  bool inh; /* separately check inheritance children? */
1295  AclMode requiredPerms; /* bitmask of required access permissions */
1296  Oid checkAsUser; /* if valid, check access as this role */
1297  Bitmapset *selectedCols; /* columns needing SELECT permission */
1298  Bitmapset *insertedCols; /* columns needing INSERT permission */
1299  Bitmapset *updatedCols; /* columns needing UPDATE permission */
1302 /*
1303  * RangeTblFunction -
1304  * RangeTblEntry subsidiary data for one function in a FUNCTION RTE.
1305  *
1306  * If the function had a column definition list (required for an
1307  * otherwise-unspecified RECORD result), funccolnames lists the names given
1308  * in the definition list, funccoltypes lists their declared column types,
1309  * funccoltypmods lists their typmods, funccolcollations their collations.
1310  * Otherwise, those fields are NIL.
1311  *
1312  * Notice we don't attempt to store info about the results of functions
1313  * returning named composite types, because those can change from time to
1314  * time. We do however remember how many columns we thought the type had
1315  * (including dropped columns!), so that we can successfully ignore any
1316  * columns added after the query was parsed.
1317  *
1318  * The query jumbling only needs to track the function expression.
1319  */
1320 typedef struct RangeTblFunction
1321 {
1324  Node *funcexpr; /* expression tree for func call */
1325  /* number of columns it contributes to RTE */
1326  int funccolcount pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1327  /* These fields record the contents of a column definition list, if any: */
1328  /* column names (list of String) */
1329  List *funccolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1330  /* OID list of column type OIDs */
1331  List *funccoltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1332  /* integer list of column typmods */
1333  List *funccoltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1334  /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
1335  List *funccolcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1337  /* This is set during planning for use by the executor: */
1338  /* PARAM_EXEC Param IDs affecting this func */
1339  Bitmapset *funcparams pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1342 /*
1343  * TableSampleClause - TABLESAMPLE appearing in a transformed FROM clause
1344  *
1345  * Unlike RangeTableSample, this is a subnode of the relevant RangeTblEntry.
1346  */
1347 typedef struct TableSampleClause
1348 {
1350  Oid tsmhandler; /* OID of the tablesample handler function */
1351  List *args; /* tablesample argument expression(s) */
1352  Expr *repeatable; /* REPEATABLE expression, or NULL if none */
1355 /*
1356  * WithCheckOption -
1357  * representation of WITH CHECK OPTION checks to be applied to new tuples
1358  * when inserting/updating an auto-updatable view, or RLS WITH CHECK
1359  * policies to be applied when inserting/updating a relation with RLS.
1360  */
1361 typedef enum WCOKind
1362 {
1363  WCO_VIEW_CHECK, /* WCO on an auto-updatable view */
1371 typedef struct WithCheckOption
1372 {
1374  WCOKind kind; /* kind of WCO */
1375  char *relname; /* name of relation that specified the WCO */
1376  char *polname; /* name of RLS policy being checked */
1377  Node *qual; /* constraint qual to check */
1378  bool cascaded; /* true for a cascaded WCO on a view */
1381 /*
1382  * SortGroupClause -
1383  * representation of ORDER BY, GROUP BY, PARTITION BY,
1385  *
1386  * You might think that ORDER BY is only interested in defining ordering,
1387  * and GROUP/DISTINCT are only interested in defining equality. However,
1388  * one way to implement grouping is to sort and then apply a "uniq"-like
1389  * filter. So it's also interesting to keep track of possible sort operators
1390  * for GROUP/DISTINCT, and in particular to try to sort for the grouping
1391  * in a way that will also yield a requested ORDER BY ordering. So we need
1392  * to be able to compare ORDER BY and GROUP/DISTINCT lists, which motivates
1393  * the decision to give them the same representation.
1394  *
1395  * tleSortGroupRef must match ressortgroupref of exactly one entry of the
1396  * query's targetlist; that is the expression to be sorted or grouped by.
1397  * eqop is the OID of the equality operator.
1398  * sortop is the OID of the ordering operator (a "<" or ">" operator),
1399  * or InvalidOid if not available.
1400  * nulls_first means about what you'd expect. If sortop is InvalidOid
1401  * then nulls_first is meaningless and should be set to false.
1402  * hashable is true if eqop is hashable (note this condition also depends
1403  * on the datatype of the input expression).
1404  *
1405  * In an ORDER BY item, all fields must be valid. (The eqop isn't essential
1406  * here, but it's cheap to get it along with the sortop, and requiring it
1407  * to be valid eases comparisons to grouping items.) Note that this isn't
1408  * actually enough information to determine an ordering: if the sortop is
1409  * collation-sensitive, a collation OID is needed too. We don't store the
1410  * collation in SortGroupClause because it's not available at the time the
1411  * parser builds the SortGroupClause; instead, consult the exposed collation
1412  * of the referenced targetlist expression to find out what it is.
1413  *
1414  * In a grouping item, eqop must be valid. If the eqop is a btree equality
1415  * operator, then sortop should be set to a compatible ordering operator.
1416  * We prefer to set eqop/sortop/nulls_first to match any ORDER BY item that
1417  * the query presents for the same tlist item. If there is none, we just
1418  * use the default ordering op for the datatype.
1419  *
1420  * If the tlist item's type has a hash opclass but no btree opclass, then
1421  * we will set eqop to the hash equality operator, sortop to InvalidOid,
1422  * and nulls_first to false. A grouping item of this kind can only be
1423  * implemented by hashing, and of course it'll never match an ORDER BY item.
1424  *
1425  * The hashable flag is provided since we generally have the requisite
1426  * information readily available when the SortGroupClause is constructed,
1427  * and it's relatively expensive to get it again later. Note there is no
1428  * need for a "sortable" flag since OidIsValid(sortop) serves the purpose.
1429  *
1430  * A query might have both ORDER BY and DISTINCT (or DISTINCT ON) clauses.
1431  * In SELECT DISTINCT, the distinctClause list is as long or longer than the
1432  * sortClause list, while in SELECT DISTINCT ON it's typically shorter.
1433  * The two lists must match up to the end of the shorter one --- the parser
1434  * rearranges the distinctClause if necessary to make this true. (This
1435  * restriction ensures that only one sort step is needed to both satisfy the
1436  * ORDER BY and set up for the Unique step. This is semantically necessary
1437  * for DISTINCT ON, and presents no real drawback for DISTINCT.)
1438  */
1439 typedef struct SortGroupClause
1440 {
1442  Index tleSortGroupRef; /* reference into targetlist */
1443  Oid eqop; /* the equality operator ('=' op) */
1444  Oid sortop; /* the ordering operator ('<' op), or 0 */
1445  bool nulls_first; /* do NULLs come before normal values? */
1446  /* can eqop be implemented by hashing? */
1447  bool hashable pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1450 /*
1451  * GroupingSet -
1452  * representation of CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS clauses
1453  *
1454  * In a Query with grouping sets, the groupClause contains a flat list of
1455  * SortGroupClause nodes for each distinct expression used. The actual
1456  * structure of the GROUP BY clause is given by the groupingSets tree.
1457  *
1458  * In the raw parser output, GroupingSet nodes (of all types except SIMPLE
1459  * which is not used) are potentially mixed in with the expressions in the
1460  * groupClause of the SelectStmt. (An expression can't contain a GroupingSet,
1461  * but a list may mix GroupingSet and expression nodes.) At this stage, the
1462  * content of each node is a list of expressions, some of which may be RowExprs
1463  * which represent sublists rather than actual row constructors, and nested
1464  * GroupingSet nodes where legal in the grammar. The structure directly
1465  * reflects the query syntax.
1466  *
1467  * In parse analysis, the transformed expressions are used to build the tlist
1468  * and groupClause list (of SortGroupClause nodes), and the groupingSets tree
1469  * is eventually reduced to a fixed format:
1470  *
1471  * EMPTY nodes represent (), and obviously have no content
1472  *
1473  * SIMPLE nodes represent a list of one or more expressions to be treated as an
1474  * atom by the enclosing structure; the content is an integer list of
1475  * ressortgroupref values (see SortGroupClause)
1476  *
1477  * CUBE and ROLLUP nodes contain a list of one or more SIMPLE nodes.
1478  *
1479  * SETS nodes contain a list of EMPTY, SIMPLE, CUBE or ROLLUP nodes, but after
1480  * parse analysis they cannot contain more SETS nodes; enough of the syntactic
1481  * transforms of the spec have been applied that we no longer have arbitrarily
1482  * deep nesting (though we still preserve the use of cube/rollup).
1483  *
1484  * Note that if the groupingSets tree contains no SIMPLE nodes (only EMPTY
1485  * nodes at the leaves), then the groupClause will be empty, but this is still
1486  * an aggregation query (similar to using aggs or HAVING without GROUP BY).
1487  *
1488  * As an example, the following clause:
1489  *
1490  * GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((a,b), CUBE(c,(d,e)))
1491  *
1492  * looks like this after raw parsing:
1493  *
1494  * SETS( RowExpr(a,b) , CUBE( c, RowExpr(d,e) ) )
1495  *
1496  * and parse analysis converts it to:
1497  *
1498  * SETS( SIMPLE(1,2), CUBE( SIMPLE(3), SIMPLE(4,5) ) )
1499  */
1500 typedef enum GroupingSetKind
1501 {
1509 typedef struct GroupingSet
1510 {
1512  GroupingSetKind kind pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1517 /*
1518  * WindowClause -
1519  * transformed representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses
1520  *
1521  * A parsed Query's windowClause list contains these structs. "name" is set
1522  * if the clause originally came from WINDOW, and is NULL if it originally
1523  * was an OVER clause (but note that we collapse out duplicate OVERs).
1524  * partitionClause and orderClause are lists of SortGroupClause structs.
1525  * partitionClause is sanitized by the query planner to remove any columns or
1526  * expressions belonging to redundant PathKeys.
1527  * If we have RANGE with offset PRECEDING/FOLLOWING, the semantics of that are
1528  * specified by startInRangeFunc/inRangeColl/inRangeAsc/inRangeNullsFirst
1529  * for the start offset, or endInRangeFunc/inRange* for the end offset.
1530  * winref is an ID number referenced by WindowFunc nodes; it must be unique
1531  * among the members of a Query's windowClause list.
1532  * When refname isn't null, the partitionClause is always copied from there;
1533  * the orderClause might or might not be copied (see copiedOrder); the framing
1534  * options are never copied, per spec.
1535  *
1536  * The information relevant for the query jumbling is the partition clause
1537  * type and its bounds.
1538  */
1539 typedef struct WindowClause
1540 {
1542  /* window name (NULL in an OVER clause) */
1543  char *name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1544  /* referenced window name, if any */
1545  char *refname pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1546  List *partitionClause; /* PARTITION BY list */
1547  /* ORDER BY list */
1549  int frameOptions; /* frame_clause options, see WindowDef */
1550  Node *startOffset; /* expression for starting bound, if any */
1551  Node *endOffset; /* expression for ending bound, if any */
1552  /* in_range function for startOffset */
1553  Oid startInRangeFunc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1554  /* in_range function for endOffset */
1555  Oid endInRangeFunc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1556  /* collation for in_range tests */
1557  Oid inRangeColl pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1558  /* use ASC sort order for in_range tests? */
1559  bool inRangeAsc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1560  /* nulls sort first for in_range tests? */
1561  bool inRangeNullsFirst pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1562  Index winref; /* ID referenced by window functions */
1563  /* did we copy orderClause from refname? */
1564  bool copiedOrder pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1567 /*
1568  * RowMarkClause -
1569  * parser output representation of FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clauses
1570  *
1571  * Query.rowMarks contains a separate RowMarkClause node for each relation
1572  * identified as a FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE target. If one of these clauses
1573  * is applied to a subquery, we generate RowMarkClauses for all normal and
1574  * subquery rels in the subquery, but they are marked pushedDown = true to
1575  * distinguish them from clauses that were explicitly written at this query
1576  * level. Also, Query.hasForUpdate tells whether there were explicit FOR
1577  * UPDATE/SHARE/KEY SHARE clauses in the current query level.
1578  */
1579 typedef struct RowMarkClause
1580 {
1582  Index rti; /* range table index of target relation */
1584  LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy; /* NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED */
1585  bool pushedDown; /* pushed down from higher query level? */
1588 /*
1589  * WithClause -
1590  * representation of WITH clause
1591  *
1592  * Note: WithClause does not propagate into the Query representation;
1593  * but CommonTableExpr does.
1594  */
1595 typedef struct WithClause
1596 {
1598  List *ctes; /* list of CommonTableExprs */
1599  bool recursive; /* true = WITH RECURSIVE */
1600  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1603 /*
1604  * InferClause -
1605  * ON CONFLICT unique index inference clause
1606  *
1607  * Note: InferClause does not propagate into the Query representation.
1608  */
1609 typedef struct InferClause
1610 {
1612  List *indexElems; /* IndexElems to infer unique index */
1613  Node *whereClause; /* qualification (partial-index predicate) */
1614  char *conname; /* Constraint name, or NULL if unnamed */
1615  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1618 /*
1619  * OnConflictClause -
1620  * representation of ON CONFLICT clause
1621  *
1622  * Note: OnConflictClause does not propagate into the Query representation.
1623  */
1624 typedef struct OnConflictClause
1625 {
1627  OnConflictAction action; /* DO NOTHING or UPDATE? */
1628  InferClause *infer; /* Optional index inference clause */
1629  List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
1630  Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
1631  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1634 /*
1635  * CommonTableExpr -
1636  * representation of WITH list element
1637  */
1639 typedef enum CTEMaterialize
1640 {
1641  CTEMaterializeDefault, /* no option specified */
1642  CTEMaterializeAlways, /* MATERIALIZED */
1643  CTEMaterializeNever, /* NOT MATERIALIZED */
1646 typedef struct CTESearchClause
1647 {
1655 typedef struct CTECycleClause
1656 {
1664  /* These fields are set during parse analysis: */
1665  Oid cycle_mark_type; /* common type of _value and _default */
1668  Oid cycle_mark_neop; /* <> operator for type */
1671 typedef struct CommonTableExpr
1672 {
1675  /*
1676  * Query name (never qualified). The string name is included in the query
1677  * jumbling because RTE_CTE RTEs need it.
1678  */
1679  char *ctename;
1680  /* optional list of column names */
1681  List *aliascolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1682  CTEMaterialize ctematerialized; /* is this an optimization fence? */
1683  /* SelectStmt/InsertStmt/etc before parse analysis, Query afterwards: */
1684  Node *ctequery; /* the CTE's subquery */
1685  CTESearchClause *search_clause pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1686  CTECycleClause *cycle_clause pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1687  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1688  /* These fields are set during parse analysis: */
1689  /* is this CTE actually recursive? */
1690  bool cterecursive pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1692  /*
1693  * Number of RTEs referencing this CTE (excluding internal
1694  * self-references), irrelevant for query jumbling.
1695  */
1696  int cterefcount pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1697  /* list of output column names */
1698  List *ctecolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1699  /* OID list of output column type OIDs */
1700  List *ctecoltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1701  /* integer list of output column typmods */
1702  List *ctecoltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1703  /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
1704  List *ctecolcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
1707 /* Convenience macro to get the output tlist of a CTE's query */
1708 #define GetCTETargetList(cte) \
1709  (AssertMacro(IsA((cte)->ctequery, Query)), \
1710  ((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->commandType == CMD_SELECT ? \
1711  ((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->targetList : \
1712  ((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->returningList)
1714 /*
1715  * MergeWhenClause -
1716  * raw parser representation of a WHEN clause in a MERGE statement
1717  *
1718  * This is transformed into MergeAction by parse analysis
1719  */
1720 typedef struct MergeWhenClause
1721 {
1723  MergeMatchKind matchKind; /* MATCHED/NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE/TARGET */
1724  CmdType commandType; /* INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/DO NOTHING */
1725  OverridingKind override; /* OVERRIDING clause */
1726  Node *condition; /* WHEN conditions (raw parser) */
1727  List *targetList; /* INSERT/UPDATE targetlist */
1728  /* the following members are only used in INSERT actions */
1729  List *values; /* VALUES to INSERT, or NULL */
1732 /*
1733  * TriggerTransition -
1734  * representation of transition row or table naming clause
1735  *
1736  * Only transition tables are initially supported in the syntax, and only for
1737  * AFTER triggers, but other permutations are accepted by the parser so we can
1738  * give a meaningful message from C code.
1739  */
1740 typedef struct TriggerTransition
1741 {
1743  char *name;
1744  bool isNew;
1745  bool isTable;
1748 /* Nodes for SQL/JSON support */
1750 /*
1751  * JsonOutput -
1752  * representation of JSON output clause (RETURNING type [FORMAT format])
1753  */
1754 typedef struct JsonOutput
1755 {
1757  TypeName *typeName; /* RETURNING type name, if specified */
1758  JsonReturning *returning; /* RETURNING FORMAT clause and type Oids */
1761 /*
1762  * JsonArgument -
1763  * representation of argument from JSON PASSING clause
1764  */
1765 typedef struct JsonArgument
1766 {
1768  JsonValueExpr *val; /* argument value expression */
1769  char *name; /* argument name */
1772 /*
1773  * JsonQuotes -
1774  * representation of [KEEP|OMIT] QUOTES clause for JSON_QUERY()
1775  */
1776 typedef enum JsonQuotes
1777 {
1778  JS_QUOTES_UNSPEC, /* unspecified */
1783 /*
1784  * JsonFuncExpr -
1785  * untransformed representation of function expressions for
1786  * SQL/JSON query functions
1787  */
1788 typedef struct JsonFuncExpr
1789 {
1791  JsonExprOp op; /* expression type */
1792  char *column_name; /* JSON_TABLE() column name or NULL if this is
1793  * not for a JSON_TABLE() */
1794  JsonValueExpr *context_item; /* context item expression */
1795  Node *pathspec; /* JSON path specification expression */
1796  List *passing; /* list of PASSING clause arguments, if any */
1797  JsonOutput *output; /* output clause, if specified */
1798  JsonBehavior *on_empty; /* ON EMPTY behavior */
1799  JsonBehavior *on_error; /* ON ERROR behavior */
1800  JsonWrapper wrapper; /* array wrapper behavior (JSON_QUERY only) */
1801  JsonQuotes quotes; /* omit or keep quotes? (JSON_QUERY only) */
1802  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1805 /*
1806  * JsonTablePathSpec
1807  * untransformed specification of JSON path expression with an optional
1808  * name
1809  */
1810 typedef struct JsonTablePathSpec
1811 {
1815  char *name;
1817  ParseLoc location; /* location of 'string' */
1820 /*
1821  * JsonTable -
1822  * untransformed representation of JSON_TABLE
1823  */
1824 typedef struct JsonTable
1825 {
1827  JsonValueExpr *context_item; /* context item expression */
1828  JsonTablePathSpec *pathspec; /* JSON path specification */
1829  List *passing; /* list of PASSING clause arguments, if any */
1830  List *columns; /* list of JsonTableColumn */
1831  JsonBehavior *on_error; /* ON ERROR behavior */
1832  Alias *alias; /* table alias in FROM clause */
1833  bool lateral; /* does it have LATERAL prefix? */
1834  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1837 /*
1838  * JsonTableColumnType -
1839  * enumeration of JSON_TABLE column types
1840  */
1842 {
1850 /*
1851  * JsonTableColumn -
1852  * untransformed representation of JSON_TABLE column
1853  */
1854 typedef struct JsonTableColumn
1855 {
1857  JsonTableColumnType coltype; /* column type */
1858  char *name; /* column name */
1859  TypeName *typeName; /* column type name */
1860  JsonTablePathSpec *pathspec; /* JSON path specification */
1861  JsonFormat *format; /* JSON format clause, if specified */
1862  JsonWrapper wrapper; /* WRAPPER behavior for formatted columns */
1863  JsonQuotes quotes; /* omit or keep quotes on scalar strings? */
1864  List *columns; /* nested columns */
1865  JsonBehavior *on_empty; /* ON EMPTY behavior */
1866  JsonBehavior *on_error; /* ON ERROR behavior */
1867  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1870 /*
1871  * JsonKeyValue -
1872  * untransformed representation of JSON object key-value pair for
1874  */
1875 typedef struct JsonKeyValue
1876 {
1878  Expr *key; /* key expression */
1879  JsonValueExpr *value; /* JSON value expression */
1882 /*
1883  * JsonParseExpr -
1884  * untransformed representation of JSON()
1885  */
1886 typedef struct JsonParseExpr
1887 {
1889  JsonValueExpr *expr; /* string expression */
1890  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1891  bool unique_keys; /* WITH UNIQUE KEYS? */
1892  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1895 /*
1896  * JsonScalarExpr -
1897  * untransformed representation of JSON_SCALAR()
1898  */
1899 typedef struct JsonScalarExpr
1900 {
1902  Expr *expr; /* scalar expression */
1903  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1904  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1907 /*
1908  * JsonSerializeExpr -
1909  * untransformed representation of JSON_SERIALIZE() function
1910  */
1911 typedef struct JsonSerializeExpr
1912 {
1914  JsonValueExpr *expr; /* json value expression */
1915  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1916  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1919 /*
1920  * JsonObjectConstructor -
1921  * untransformed representation of JSON_OBJECT() constructor
1922  */
1924 {
1926  List *exprs; /* list of JsonKeyValue pairs */
1927  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1928  bool absent_on_null; /* skip NULL values? */
1929  bool unique; /* check key uniqueness? */
1930  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1933 /*
1934  * JsonArrayConstructor -
1935  * untransformed representation of JSON_ARRAY(element,...) constructor
1936  */
1937 typedef struct JsonArrayConstructor
1938 {
1940  List *exprs; /* list of JsonValueExpr elements */
1941  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1942  bool absent_on_null; /* skip NULL elements? */
1943  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1946 /*
1947  * JsonArrayQueryConstructor -
1948  * untransformed representation of JSON_ARRAY(subquery) constructor
1949  */
1951 {
1953  Node *query; /* subquery */
1954  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if specified */
1955  JsonFormat *format; /* FORMAT clause for subquery, if specified */
1956  bool absent_on_null; /* skip NULL elements? */
1957  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1960 /*
1961  * JsonAggConstructor -
1962  * common fields of untransformed representation of
1964  */
1965 typedef struct JsonAggConstructor
1966 {
1968  JsonOutput *output; /* RETURNING clause, if any */
1969  Node *agg_filter; /* FILTER clause, if any */
1970  List *agg_order; /* ORDER BY clause, if any */
1971  struct WindowDef *over; /* OVER clause, if any */
1972  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
1975 /*
1976  * JsonObjectAgg -
1977  * untransformed representation of JSON_OBJECTAGG()
1978  */
1979 typedef struct JsonObjectAgg
1980 {
1982  JsonAggConstructor *constructor; /* common fields */
1983  JsonKeyValue *arg; /* object key-value pair */
1984  bool absent_on_null; /* skip NULL values? */
1985  bool unique; /* check key uniqueness? */
1988 /*
1989  * JsonArrayAgg -
1990  * untransformed representation of JSON_ARRAYAGG()
1991  */
1992 typedef struct JsonArrayAgg
1993 {
1995  JsonAggConstructor *constructor; /* common fields */
1996  JsonValueExpr *arg; /* array element expression */
1997  bool absent_on_null; /* skip NULL elements? */
2001 /*****************************************************************************
2002  * Raw Grammar Output Statements
2003  *****************************************************************************/
2005 /*
2006  * RawStmt --- container for any one statement's raw parse tree
2007  *
2008  * Parse analysis converts a raw parse tree headed by a RawStmt node into
2009  * an analyzed statement headed by a Query node. For optimizable statements,
2010  * the conversion is complex. For utility statements, the parser usually just
2011  * transfers the raw parse tree (sans RawStmt) into the utilityStmt field of
2012  * the Query node, and all the useful work happens at execution time.
2013  *
2014  * stmt_location/stmt_len identify the portion of the source text string
2015  * containing this raw statement (useful for multi-statement strings).
2016  *
2017  * This is irrelevant for query jumbling, as this is not used in parsed
2018  * queries.
2019  */
2020 typedef struct RawStmt
2021 {
2022  pg_node_attr(no_query_jumble)
2024  NodeTag type;
2025  Node *stmt; /* raw parse tree */
2026  ParseLoc stmt_location; /* start location, or -1 if unknown */
2027  ParseLoc stmt_len; /* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
2030 /*****************************************************************************
2031  * Optimizable Statements
2032  *****************************************************************************/
2034 /* ----------------------
2035  * Insert Statement
2036  *
2037  * The source expression is represented by SelectStmt for both the
2038  * SELECT and VALUES cases. If selectStmt is NULL, then the query
2040  * ----------------------
2041  */
2042 typedef struct InsertStmt
2043 {
2045  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to insert into */
2046  List *cols; /* optional: names of the target columns */
2047  Node *selectStmt; /* the source SELECT/VALUES, or NULL */
2048  OnConflictClause *onConflictClause; /* ON CONFLICT clause */
2049  List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
2050  WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
2051  OverridingKind override; /* OVERRIDING clause */
2054 /* ----------------------
2055  * Delete Statement
2056  * ----------------------
2057  */
2058 typedef struct DeleteStmt
2059 {
2061  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to delete from */
2062  List *usingClause; /* optional using clause for more tables */
2063  Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
2064  List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
2065  WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
2068 /* ----------------------
2069  * Update Statement
2070  * ----------------------
2071  */
2072 typedef struct UpdateStmt
2073 {
2075  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to update */
2076  List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
2077  Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
2078  List *fromClause; /* optional from clause for more tables */
2079  List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
2080  WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
2083 /* ----------------------
2084  * Merge Statement
2085  * ----------------------
2086  */
2087 typedef struct MergeStmt
2088 {
2090  RangeVar *relation; /* target relation to merge into */
2091  Node *sourceRelation; /* source relation */
2092  Node *joinCondition; /* join condition between source and target */
2093  List *mergeWhenClauses; /* list of MergeWhenClause(es) */
2094  List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
2095  WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
2098 /* ----------------------
2099  * Select Statement
2100  *
2101  * A "simple" SELECT is represented in the output of gram.y by a single
2102  * SelectStmt node; so is a VALUES construct. A query containing set
2103  * operators (UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT) is represented by a tree of SelectStmt
2104  * nodes, in which the leaf nodes are component SELECTs and the internal nodes
2105  * represent UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Using the same node
2106  * type for both leaf and internal nodes allows gram.y to stick ORDER BY,
2107  * LIMIT, etc, clause values into a SELECT statement without worrying
2108  * whether it is a simple or compound SELECT.
2109  * ----------------------
2110  */
2111 typedef enum SetOperation
2112 {
2119 typedef struct SelectStmt
2120 {
2123  /*
2124  * These fields are used only in "leaf" SelectStmts.
2125  */
2126  List *distinctClause; /* NULL, list of DISTINCT ON exprs, or
2127  * lcons(NIL,NIL) for all (SELECT DISTINCT) */
2128  IntoClause *intoClause; /* target for SELECT INTO */
2129  List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
2130  List *fromClause; /* the FROM clause */
2131  Node *whereClause; /* WHERE qualification */
2132  List *groupClause; /* GROUP BY clauses */
2133  bool groupDistinct; /* Is this GROUP BY DISTINCT? */
2134  Node *havingClause; /* HAVING conditional-expression */
2135  List *windowClause; /* WINDOW window_name AS (...), ... */
2137  /*
2138  * In a "leaf" node representing a VALUES list, the above fields are all
2139  * null, and instead this field is set. Note that the elements of the
2140  * sublists are just expressions, without ResTarget decoration. Also note
2141  * that a list element can be DEFAULT (represented as a SetToDefault
2142  * node), regardless of the context of the VALUES list. It's up to parse
2143  * analysis to reject that where not valid.
2144  */
2145  List *valuesLists; /* untransformed list of expression lists */
2147  /*
2148  * These fields are used in both "leaf" SelectStmts and upper-level
2149  * SelectStmts.
2150  */
2151  List *sortClause; /* sort clause (a list of SortBy's) */
2152  Node *limitOffset; /* # of result tuples to skip */
2153  Node *limitCount; /* # of result tuples to return */
2154  LimitOption limitOption; /* limit type */
2155  List *lockingClause; /* FOR UPDATE (list of LockingClause's) */
2156  WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
2158  /*
2159  * These fields are used only in upper-level SelectStmts.
2160  */
2161  SetOperation op; /* type of set op */
2162  bool all; /* ALL specified? */
2163  struct SelectStmt *larg; /* left child */
2164  struct SelectStmt *rarg; /* right child */
2165  /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
2169 /* ----------------------
2170  * Set Operation node for post-analysis query trees
2171  *
2172  * After parse analysis, a SELECT with set operations is represented by a
2173  * top-level Query node containing the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its
2174  * range table. Its setOperations field shows the tree of set operations,
2175  * with leaf SelectStmt nodes replaced by RangeTblRef nodes, and internal
2176  * nodes replaced by SetOperationStmt nodes. Information about the output
2177  * column types is added, too. (Note that the child nodes do not necessarily
2178  * produce these types directly, but we've checked that their output types
2179  * can be coerced to the output column type.) Also, if it's not UNION ALL,
2180  * information about the types' sort/group semantics is provided in the form
2181  * of a SortGroupClause list (same representation as, eg, DISTINCT).
2182  * The resolved common column collations are provided too; but note that if
2183  * it's not UNION ALL, it's okay for a column to not have a common collation,
2184  * so a member of the colCollations list could be InvalidOid even though the
2185  * column has a collatable type.
2186  * ----------------------
2187  */
2188 typedef struct SetOperationStmt
2189 {
2191  SetOperation op; /* type of set op */
2192  bool all; /* ALL specified? */
2193  Node *larg; /* left child */
2194  Node *rarg; /* right child */
2195  /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
2197  /* Fields derived during parse analysis (irrelevant for query jumbling): */
2198  /* OID list of output column type OIDs */
2199  List *colTypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
2200  /* integer list of output column typmods */
2201  List *colTypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
2202  /* OID list of output column collation OIDs */
2203  List *colCollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
2204  /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
2205  List *groupClauses pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
2206  /* groupClauses is NIL if UNION ALL, but must be set otherwise */
2210 /*
2211  * RETURN statement (inside SQL function body)
2212  */
2213 typedef struct ReturnStmt
2214 {
2220 /* ----------------------
2221  * PL/pgSQL Assignment Statement
2222  *
2223  * Like SelectStmt, this is transformed into a SELECT Query.
2224  * However, the targetlist of the result looks more like an UPDATE.
2225  * ----------------------
2226  */
2227 typedef struct PLAssignStmt
2228 {
2231  char *name; /* initial column name */
2232  List *indirection; /* subscripts and field names, if any */
2233  int nnames; /* number of names to use in ColumnRef */
2234  SelectStmt *val; /* the PL/pgSQL expression to assign */
2235  ParseLoc location; /* name's token location, or -1 if unknown */
2239 /*****************************************************************************
2240  * Other Statements (no optimizations required)
2241  *
2242  * These are not touched by parser/analyze.c except to put them into
2243  * the utilityStmt field of a Query. This is eventually passed to
2244  * ProcessUtility (by-passing rewriting and planning). Some of the
2245  * statements do need attention from parse analysis, and this is
2246  * done by routines in parser/parse_utilcmd.c after ProcessUtility
2247  * receives the command for execution.
2248  * DECLARE CURSOR, EXPLAIN, and CREATE TABLE AS are special cases:
2249  * they contain optimizable statements, which get processed normally
2250  * by parser/analyze.c.
2251  *****************************************************************************/
2253 /*
2254  * When a command can act on several kinds of objects with only one
2255  * parse structure required, use these constants to designate the
2256  * object type. Note that commands typically don't support all the types.
2257  */
2259 typedef enum ObjectType
2260 {
2265  OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE, /* type's attribute, when distinct from column */
2315 /* ----------------------
2316  * Create Schema Statement
2317  *
2318  * NOTE: the schemaElts list contains raw parsetrees for component statements
2319  * of the schema, such as CREATE TABLE, GRANT, etc. These are analyzed and
2320  * executed after the schema itself is created.
2321  * ----------------------
2322  */
2323 typedef struct CreateSchemaStmt
2324 {
2326  char *schemaname; /* the name of the schema to create */
2327  RoleSpec *authrole; /* the owner of the created schema */
2328  List *schemaElts; /* schema components (list of parsenodes) */
2329  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if schema already exists? */
2332 typedef enum DropBehavior
2333 {
2334  DROP_RESTRICT, /* drop fails if any dependent objects */
2335  DROP_CASCADE, /* remove dependent objects too */
2338 /* ----------------------
2339  * Alter Table
2340  * ----------------------
2341  */
2342 typedef struct AlterTableStmt
2343 {
2345  RangeVar *relation; /* table to work on */
2346  List *cmds; /* list of subcommands */
2347  ObjectType objtype; /* type of object */
2348  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if table missing */
2351 typedef enum AlterTableType
2352 {
2353  AT_AddColumn, /* add column */
2354  AT_AddColumnToView, /* implicitly via CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW */
2355  AT_ColumnDefault, /* alter column default */
2356  AT_CookedColumnDefault, /* add a pre-cooked column default */
2357  AT_DropNotNull, /* alter column drop not null */
2358  AT_SetNotNull, /* alter column set not null */
2359  AT_SetExpression, /* alter column set expression */
2360  AT_DropExpression, /* alter column drop expression */
2361  AT_CheckNotNull, /* check column is already marked not null */
2362  AT_SetStatistics, /* alter column set statistics */
2363  AT_SetOptions, /* alter column set ( options ) */
2364  AT_ResetOptions, /* alter column reset ( options ) */
2365  AT_SetStorage, /* alter column set storage */
2366  AT_SetCompression, /* alter column set compression */
2367  AT_DropColumn, /* drop column */
2368  AT_AddIndex, /* add index */
2369  AT_ReAddIndex, /* internal to commands/tablecmds.c */
2370  AT_AddConstraint, /* add constraint */
2371  AT_ReAddConstraint, /* internal to commands/tablecmds.c */
2372  AT_ReAddDomainConstraint, /* internal to commands/tablecmds.c */
2373  AT_AlterConstraint, /* alter constraint */
2374  AT_ValidateConstraint, /* validate constraint */
2375  AT_AddIndexConstraint, /* add constraint using existing index */
2376  AT_DropConstraint, /* drop constraint */
2377  AT_ReAddComment, /* internal to commands/tablecmds.c */
2378  AT_AlterColumnType, /* alter column type */
2379  AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions, /* alter column OPTIONS (...) */
2380  AT_ChangeOwner, /* change owner */
2381  AT_ClusterOn, /* CLUSTER ON */
2382  AT_DropCluster, /* SET WITHOUT CLUSTER */
2383  AT_SetLogged, /* SET LOGGED */
2384  AT_SetUnLogged, /* SET UNLOGGED */
2385  AT_DropOids, /* SET WITHOUT OIDS */
2386  AT_SetAccessMethod, /* SET ACCESS METHOD */
2387  AT_SetTableSpace, /* SET TABLESPACE */
2388  AT_SetRelOptions, /* SET (...) -- AM specific parameters */
2389  AT_ResetRelOptions, /* RESET (...) -- AM specific parameters */
2390  AT_ReplaceRelOptions, /* replace reloption list in its entirety */
2391  AT_EnableTrig, /* ENABLE TRIGGER name */
2392  AT_EnableAlwaysTrig, /* ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER name */
2393  AT_EnableReplicaTrig, /* ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER name */
2394  AT_DisableTrig, /* DISABLE TRIGGER name */
2395  AT_EnableTrigAll, /* ENABLE TRIGGER ALL */
2396  AT_DisableTrigAll, /* DISABLE TRIGGER ALL */
2397  AT_EnableTrigUser, /* ENABLE TRIGGER USER */
2398  AT_DisableTrigUser, /* DISABLE TRIGGER USER */
2399  AT_EnableRule, /* ENABLE RULE name */
2400  AT_EnableAlwaysRule, /* ENABLE ALWAYS RULE name */
2401  AT_EnableReplicaRule, /* ENABLE REPLICA RULE name */
2402  AT_DisableRule, /* DISABLE RULE name */
2403  AT_AddInherit, /* INHERIT parent */
2404  AT_DropInherit, /* NO INHERIT parent */
2405  AT_AddOf, /* OF <type_name> */
2406  AT_DropOf, /* NOT OF */
2407  AT_ReplicaIdentity, /* REPLICA IDENTITY */
2408  AT_EnableRowSecurity, /* ENABLE ROW SECURITY */
2409  AT_DisableRowSecurity, /* DISABLE ROW SECURITY */
2410  AT_ForceRowSecurity, /* FORCE ROW SECURITY */
2411  AT_NoForceRowSecurity, /* NO FORCE ROW SECURITY */
2412  AT_GenericOptions, /* OPTIONS (...) */
2413  AT_AttachPartition, /* ATTACH PARTITION */
2414  AT_DetachPartition, /* DETACH PARTITION */
2415  AT_DetachPartitionFinalize, /* DETACH PARTITION FINALIZE */
2416  AT_SplitPartition, /* SPLIT PARTITION */
2417  AT_MergePartitions, /* MERGE PARTITIONS */
2418  AT_AddIdentity, /* ADD IDENTITY */
2419  AT_SetIdentity, /* SET identity column options */
2420  AT_DropIdentity, /* DROP IDENTITY */
2421  AT_ReAddStatistics, /* internal to commands/tablecmds.c */
2424 typedef struct ReplicaIdentityStmt
2425 {
2428  char *name;
2431 typedef struct AlterTableCmd /* one subcommand of an ALTER TABLE */
2432 {
2434  AlterTableType subtype; /* Type of table alteration to apply */
2435  char *name; /* column, constraint, or trigger to act on,
2436  * or tablespace, access method */
2437  int16 num; /* attribute number for columns referenced by
2438  * number */
2440  Node *def; /* definition of new column, index,
2441  * constraint, or parent table */
2442  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE for DROP cases */
2443  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if missing? */
2444  bool recurse; /* exec-time recursion */
2448 /* ----------------------
2449  * Alter Collation
2450  * ----------------------
2451  */
2452 typedef struct AlterCollationStmt
2453 {
2459 /* ----------------------
2460  * Alter Domain
2461  *
2462  * The fields are used in different ways by the different variants of
2463  * this command.
2464  * ----------------------
2465  */
2466 typedef struct AlterDomainStmt
2467 {
2469  char subtype; /*------------
2470  * T = alter column default
2471  * N = alter column drop not null
2472  * O = alter column set not null
2473  * C = add constraint
2474  * X = drop constraint
2475  *------------
2476  */
2477  List *typeName; /* domain to work on */
2478  char *name; /* column or constraint name to act on */
2479  Node *def; /* definition of default or constraint */
2480  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE for DROP cases */
2481  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if missing? */
2485 /* ----------------------
2486  * Grant|Revoke Statement
2487  * ----------------------
2488  */
2489 typedef enum GrantTargetType
2490 {
2491  ACL_TARGET_OBJECT, /* grant on specific named object(s) */
2492  ACL_TARGET_ALL_IN_SCHEMA, /* grant on all objects in given schema(s) */
2496 typedef struct GrantStmt
2497 {
2499  bool is_grant; /* true = GRANT, false = REVOKE */
2500  GrantTargetType targtype; /* type of the grant target */
2501  ObjectType objtype; /* kind of object being operated on */
2502  List *objects; /* list of RangeVar nodes, ObjectWithArgs
2503  * nodes, or plain names (as String values) */
2504  List *privileges; /* list of AccessPriv nodes */
2505  /* privileges == NIL denotes ALL PRIVILEGES */
2506  List *grantees; /* list of RoleSpec nodes */
2507  bool grant_option; /* grant or revoke grant option */
2509  DropBehavior behavior; /* drop behavior (for REVOKE) */
2512 /*
2513  * ObjectWithArgs represents a function/procedure/operator name plus parameter
2514  * identification.
2515  *
2516  * objargs includes only the types of the input parameters of the object.
2517  * In some contexts, that will be all we have, and it's enough to look up
2518  * objects according to the traditional Postgres rules (i.e., when only input
2519  * arguments matter).
2520  *
2521  * objfuncargs, if not NIL, carries the full specification of the parameter
2522  * list, including parameter mode annotations.
2523  *
2524  * Some grammar productions can set args_unspecified = true instead of
2525  * providing parameter info. In this case, lookup will succeed only if
2526  * the object name is unique. Note that otherwise, NIL parameter lists
2527  * mean zero arguments.
2528  */
2529 typedef struct ObjectWithArgs
2530 {
2532  List *objname; /* qualified name of function/operator */
2533  List *objargs; /* list of Typename nodes (input args only) */
2534  List *objfuncargs; /* list of FunctionParameter nodes */
2535  bool args_unspecified; /* argument list was omitted? */
2538 /*
2539  * An access privilege, with optional list of column names
2540  * priv_name == NULL denotes ALL PRIVILEGES (only used with a column list)
2541  * cols == NIL denotes "all columns"
2542  * Note that simple "ALL PRIVILEGES" is represented as a NIL list, not
2543  * an AccessPriv with both fields null.
2544  */
2545 typedef struct AccessPriv
2546 {
2548  char *priv_name; /* string name of privilege */
2549  List *cols; /* list of String */
2552 /* ----------------------
2553  * Grant/Revoke Role Statement
2554  *
2555  * Note: because of the parsing ambiguity with the GRANT <privileges>
2556  * statement, granted_roles is a list of AccessPriv; the execution code
2557  * should complain if any column lists appear. grantee_roles is a list
2558  * of role names, as String values.
2559  * ----------------------
2560  */
2561 typedef struct GrantRoleStmt
2562 {
2564  List *granted_roles; /* list of roles to be granted/revoked */
2565  List *grantee_roles; /* list of member roles to add/delete */
2566  bool is_grant; /* true = GRANT, false = REVOKE */
2567  List *opt; /* options e.g. WITH GRANT OPTION */
2568  RoleSpec *grantor; /* set grantor to other than current role */
2569  DropBehavior behavior; /* drop behavior (for REVOKE) */
2572 /* ----------------------
2573  * Alter Default Privileges Statement
2574  * ----------------------
2575  */
2577 {
2579  List *options; /* list of DefElem */
2580  GrantStmt *action; /* GRANT/REVOKE action (with objects=NIL) */
2583 /* ----------------------
2584  * Copy Statement
2585  *
2586  * We support "COPY relation FROM file", "COPY relation TO file", and
2587  * "COPY (query) TO file". In any given CopyStmt, exactly one of "relation"
2588  * and "query" must be non-NULL.
2589  * ----------------------
2590  */
2591 typedef struct CopyStmt
2592 {
2594  RangeVar *relation; /* the relation to copy */
2595  Node *query; /* the query (SELECT or DML statement with
2596  * RETURNING) to copy, as a raw parse tree */
2597  List *attlist; /* List of column names (as Strings), or NIL
2598  * for all columns */
2599  bool is_from; /* TO or FROM */
2600  bool is_program; /* is 'filename' a program to popen? */
2601  char *filename; /* filename, or NULL for STDIN/STDOUT */
2602  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
2603  Node *whereClause; /* WHERE condition (or NULL) */
2606 /* ----------------------
2607  * SET Statement (includes RESET)
2608  *
2609  * "SET var TO DEFAULT" and "RESET var" are semantically equivalent, but we
2610  * preserve the distinction in VariableSetKind for CreateCommandTag().
2611  * ----------------------
2612  */
2613 typedef enum VariableSetKind
2614 {
2615  VAR_SET_VALUE, /* SET var = value */
2618  VAR_SET_MULTI, /* special case for SET TRANSACTION ... */
2619  VAR_RESET, /* RESET var */
2623 typedef struct VariableSetStmt
2624 {
2627  char *name; /* variable to be set */
2628  List *args; /* List of A_Const nodes */
2629  bool is_local; /* SET LOCAL? */
2632 /* ----------------------
2633  * Show Statement
2634  * ----------------------
2635  */
2636 typedef struct VariableShowStmt
2637 {
2639  char *name;
2642 /* ----------------------
2643  * Create Table Statement
2644  *
2645  * NOTE: in the raw gram.y output, ColumnDef and Constraint nodes are
2646  * intermixed in tableElts, and constraints is NIL. After parse analysis,
2647  * tableElts contains just ColumnDefs, and constraints contains just
2648  * Constraint nodes (in fact, only CONSTR_CHECK nodes, in the present
2649  * implementation).
2650  * ----------------------
2651  */
2653 typedef struct CreateStmt
2654 {
2656  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to create */
2657  List *tableElts; /* column definitions (list of ColumnDef) */
2658  List *inhRelations; /* relations to inherit from (list of
2659  * RangeVar) */
2660  PartitionBoundSpec *partbound; /* FOR VALUES clause */
2661  PartitionSpec *partspec; /* PARTITION BY clause */
2662  TypeName *ofTypename; /* OF typename */
2663  List *constraints; /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
2664  List *options; /* options from WITH clause */
2665  OnCommitAction oncommit; /* what do we do at COMMIT? */
2666  char *tablespacename; /* table space to use, or NULL */
2667  char *accessMethod; /* table access method */
2668  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
2671 /* ----------
2672  * Definitions for constraints in CreateStmt
2673  *
2674  * Note that column defaults are treated as a type of constraint,
2675  * even though that's a bit odd semantically.
2676  *
2677  * For constraints that use expressions (CONSTR_CHECK, CONSTR_DEFAULT)
2678  * we may have the expression in either "raw" form (an untransformed
2679  * parse tree) or "cooked" form (the nodeToString representation of
2680  * an executable expression tree), depending on how this Constraint
2681  * node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance from an existing
2682  * relation). We should never have both in the same node!
2683  *
2684  * FKCONSTR_ACTION_xxx values are stored into pg_constraint.confupdtype
2685  * and pg_constraint.confdeltype columns; FKCONSTR_MATCH_xxx values are
2686  * stored into pg_constraint.confmatchtype. Changing the code values may
2687  * require an initdb!
2688  *
2689  * If skip_validation is true then we skip checking that the existing rows
2690  * in the table satisfy the constraint, and just install the catalog entries
2691  * for the constraint. A new FK constraint is marked as valid iff
2692  * initially_valid is true. (Usually skip_validation and initially_valid
2693  * are inverses, but we can set both true if the table is known empty.)
2694  *
2695  * Constraint attributes (DEFERRABLE etc) are initially represented as
2696  * separate Constraint nodes for simplicity of parsing. parse_utilcmd.c makes
2697  * a pass through the constraints list to insert the info into the appropriate
2698  * Constraint node.
2699  * ----------
2700  */
2702 typedef enum ConstrType /* types of constraints */
2703 {
2704  CONSTR_NULL, /* not standard SQL, but a lot of people
2705  * expect it */
2715  CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE, /* attributes for previous constraint node */
2721 /* Foreign key action codes */
2728 /* Foreign key matchtype codes */
2729 #define FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL 'f'
2731 #define FKCONSTR_MATCH_SIMPLE 's'
2733 typedef struct Constraint
2734 {
2736  ConstrType contype; /* see above */
2737  char *conname; /* Constraint name, or NULL if unnamed */
2738  bool deferrable; /* DEFERRABLE? */
2739  bool initdeferred; /* INITIALLY DEFERRED? */
2740  bool skip_validation; /* skip validation of existing rows? */
2741  bool initially_valid; /* mark the new constraint as valid? */
2742  bool is_no_inherit; /* is constraint non-inheritable? */
2743  Node *raw_expr; /* CHECK or DEFAULT expression, as
2744  * untransformed parse tree */
2745  char *cooked_expr; /* CHECK or DEFAULT expression, as
2746  * nodeToString representation */
2747  char generated_when; /* ALWAYS or BY DEFAULT */
2748  int inhcount; /* initial inheritance count to apply, for
2749  * "raw" NOT NULL constraints */
2750  bool nulls_not_distinct; /* null treatment for UNIQUE constraints */
2751  List *keys; /* String nodes naming referenced key
2752  * column(s); for UNIQUE/PK/NOT NULL */
2753  List *including; /* String nodes naming referenced nonkey
2754  * column(s); for UNIQUE/PK */
2755  List *exclusions; /* list of (IndexElem, operator name) pairs;
2756  * for exclusion constraints */
2757  List *options; /* options from WITH clause */
2758  char *indexname; /* existing index to use; otherwise NULL */
2759  char *indexspace; /* index tablespace; NULL for default */
2760  bool reset_default_tblspc; /* reset default_tablespace prior to
2761  * creating the index */
2762  char *access_method; /* index access method; NULL for default */
2763  Node *where_clause; /* partial index predicate */
2765  /* Fields used for FOREIGN KEY constraints: */
2766  RangeVar *pktable; /* Primary key table */
2767  List *fk_attrs; /* Attributes of foreign key */
2768  List *pk_attrs; /* Corresponding attrs in PK table */
2769  char fk_matchtype; /* FULL, PARTIAL, SIMPLE */
2770  char fk_upd_action; /* ON UPDATE action */
2771  char fk_del_action; /* ON DELETE action */
2772  List *fk_del_set_cols; /* ON DELETE SET NULL/DEFAULT (col1, col2) */
2773  List *old_conpfeqop; /* pg_constraint.conpfeqop of my former self */
2774  Oid old_pktable_oid; /* pg_constraint.confrelid of my former
2775  * self */
2777  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
2780 /* ----------------------
2781  * Create/Drop Table Space Statements
2782  * ----------------------
2783  */
2785 typedef struct CreateTableSpaceStmt
2786 {
2790  char *location;
2794 typedef struct DropTableSpaceStmt
2795 {
2798  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if missing? */
2802 {
2806  bool isReset;
2810 {
2813  ObjectType objtype; /* Object type to move */
2814  List *roles; /* List of roles to move objects of */
2816  bool nowait;
2819 /* ----------------------
2820  * Create/Alter Extension Statements
2821  * ----------------------
2822  */
2824 typedef struct CreateExtensionStmt
2825 {
2827  char *extname;
2828  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
2829  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
2832 /* Only used for ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE; later might need an action field */
2833 typedef struct AlterExtensionStmt
2834 {
2836  char *extname;
2837  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
2841 {
2843  char *extname; /* Extension's name */
2844  int action; /* +1 = add object, -1 = drop object */
2845  ObjectType objtype; /* Object's type */
2846  Node *object; /* Qualified name of the object */
2849 /* ----------------------
2850  * Create/Alter FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER Statements
2851  * ----------------------
2852  */
2854 typedef struct CreateFdwStmt
2855 {
2857  char *fdwname; /* foreign-data wrapper name */
2858  List *func_options; /* HANDLER/VALIDATOR options */
2859  List *options; /* generic options to FDW */
2862 typedef struct AlterFdwStmt
2863 {
2865  char *fdwname; /* foreign-data wrapper name */
2866  List *func_options; /* HANDLER/VALIDATOR options */
2867  List *options; /* generic options to FDW */
2870 /* ----------------------
2871  * Create/Alter FOREIGN SERVER Statements
2872  * ----------------------
2873  */
2876 {
2878  char *servername; /* server name */
2879  char *servertype; /* optional server type */
2880  char *version; /* optional server version */
2881  char *fdwname; /* FDW name */
2882  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
2883  List *options; /* generic options to server */
2887 {
2889  char *servername; /* server name */
2890  char *version; /* optional server version */
2891  List *options; /* generic options to server */
2892  bool has_version; /* version specified */
2895 /* ----------------------
2896  * Create FOREIGN TABLE Statement
2897  * ----------------------
2898  */
2901 {
2903  char *servername;
2907 /* ----------------------
2908  * Create/Drop USER MAPPING Statements
2909  * ----------------------
2910  */
2913 {
2915  RoleSpec *user; /* user role */
2916  char *servername; /* server name */
2917  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
2918  List *options; /* generic options to server */
2921 typedef struct AlterUserMappingStmt
2922 {
2924  RoleSpec *user; /* user role */
2925  char *servername; /* server name */
2926  List *options; /* generic options to server */
2929 typedef struct DropUserMappingStmt
2930 {
2932  RoleSpec *user; /* user role */
2933  char *servername; /* server name */
2934  bool missing_ok; /* ignore missing mappings */
2937 /* ----------------------
2938  * Import Foreign Schema Statement
2939  * ----------------------
2940  */
2943 {
2944  FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_ALL, /* all relations wanted */
2945  FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_LIMIT_TO, /* include only listed tables in import */
2946  FDW_IMPORT_SCHEMA_EXCEPT, /* exclude listed tables from import */
2950 {
2952  char *server_name; /* FDW server name */
2953  char *remote_schema; /* remote schema name to query */
2954  char *local_schema; /* local schema to create objects in */
2955  ImportForeignSchemaType list_type; /* type of table list */
2956  List *table_list; /* List of RangeVar */
2957  List *options; /* list of options to pass to FDW */
2960 /*----------------------
2961  * Create POLICY Statement
2962  *----------------------
2963  */
2964 typedef struct CreatePolicyStmt
2965 {
2967  char *policy_name; /* Policy's name */
2968  RangeVar *table; /* the table name the policy applies to */
2969  char *cmd_name; /* the command name the policy applies to */
2970  bool permissive; /* restrictive or permissive policy */
2971  List *roles; /* the roles associated with the policy */
2972  Node *qual; /* the policy's condition */
2973  Node *with_check; /* the policy's WITH CHECK condition. */
2976 /*----------------------
2977  * Alter POLICY Statement
2978  *----------------------
2979  */
2980 typedef struct AlterPolicyStmt
2981 {
2983  char *policy_name; /* Policy's name */
2984  RangeVar *table; /* the table name the policy applies to */
2985  List *roles; /* the roles associated with the policy */
2986  Node *qual; /* the policy's condition */
2987  Node *with_check; /* the policy's WITH CHECK condition. */
2990 /*----------------------
2991  * Create ACCESS METHOD Statement
2992  *----------------------
2993  */
2994 typedef struct CreateAmStmt
2995 {
2997  char *amname; /* access method name */
2998  List *handler_name; /* handler function name */
2999  char amtype; /* type of access method */
3002 /* ----------------------
3003  * Create TRIGGER Statement
3004  * ----------------------
3005  */
3006 typedef struct CreateTrigStmt
3007 {
3009  bool replace; /* replace trigger if already exists */
3010  bool isconstraint; /* This is a constraint trigger */
3011  char *trigname; /* TRIGGER's name */
3012  RangeVar *relation; /* relation trigger is on */
3013  List *funcname; /* qual. name of function to call */
3014  List *args; /* list of String or NIL */
3015  bool row; /* ROW/STATEMENT */
3016  /* timing uses the TRIGGER_TYPE bits defined in catalog/pg_trigger.h */
3017  int16 timing; /* BEFORE, AFTER, or INSTEAD */
3018  /* events uses the TRIGGER_TYPE bits defined in catalog/pg_trigger.h */
3019  int16 events; /* "OR" of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE */
3020  List *columns; /* column names, or NIL for all columns */
3021  Node *whenClause; /* qual expression, or NULL if none */
3022  /* explicitly named transition data */
3023  List *transitionRels; /* TriggerTransition nodes, or NIL if none */
3024  /* The remaining fields are only used for constraint triggers */
3025  bool deferrable; /* [NOT] DEFERRABLE */
3026  bool initdeferred; /* INITIALLY {DEFERRED|IMMEDIATE} */
3027  RangeVar *constrrel; /* opposite relation, if RI trigger */
3030 /* ----------------------
3031  * Create EVENT TRIGGER Statement
3032  * ----------------------
3033  */
3034 typedef struct CreateEventTrigStmt
3035 {
3037  char *trigname; /* TRIGGER's name */
3038  char *eventname; /* event's identifier */
3039  List *whenclause; /* list of DefElems indicating filtering */
3040  List *funcname; /* qual. name of function to call */
3043 /* ----------------------
3044  * Alter EVENT TRIGGER Statement
3045  * ----------------------
3046  */
3047 typedef struct AlterEventTrigStmt
3048 {
3050  char *trigname; /* TRIGGER's name */
3051  char tgenabled; /* trigger's firing configuration WRT
3052  * session_replication_role */
3055 /* ----------------------
3056  * Create LANGUAGE Statements
3057  * ----------------------
3058  */
3059 typedef struct CreatePLangStmt
3060 {
3062  bool replace; /* T => replace if already exists */
3063  char *plname; /* PL name */
3064  List *plhandler; /* PL call handler function (qual. name) */
3065  List *plinline; /* optional inline function (qual. name) */
3066  List *plvalidator; /* optional validator function (qual. name) */
3067  bool pltrusted; /* PL is trusted */
3070 /* ----------------------
3071  * Create/Alter/Drop Role Statements
3072  *
3073  * Note: these node types are also used for the backwards-compatible
3074  * Create/Alter/Drop User/Group statements. In the ALTER and DROP cases
3075  * there's really no need to distinguish what the original spelling was,
3076  * but for CREATE we mark the type because the defaults vary.
3077  * ----------------------
3078  */
3079 typedef enum RoleStmtType
3080 {
3086 typedef struct CreateRoleStmt
3087 {
3089  RoleStmtType stmt_type; /* ROLE/USER/GROUP */
3090  char *role; /* role name */
3091  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3094 typedef struct AlterRoleStmt
3095 {
3097  RoleSpec *role; /* role */
3098  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3099  int action; /* +1 = add members, -1 = drop members */
3102 typedef struct AlterRoleSetStmt
3103 {
3105  RoleSpec *role; /* role */
3106  char *database; /* database name, or NULL */
3107  VariableSetStmt *setstmt; /* SET or RESET subcommand */
3110 typedef struct DropRoleStmt
3111 {
3113  List *roles; /* List of roles to remove */
3114  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if a role is missing? */
3117 /* ----------------------
3118  * {Create|Alter} SEQUENCE Statement
3119  * ----------------------
3120  */
3122 typedef struct CreateSeqStmt
3123 {
3125  RangeVar *sequence; /* the sequence to create */
3127  Oid ownerId; /* ID of owner, or InvalidOid for default */
3129  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
3132 typedef struct AlterSeqStmt
3133 {
3135  RangeVar *sequence; /* the sequence to alter */
3138  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if a role is missing? */
3141 /* ----------------------
3142  * Create {Aggregate|Operator|Type} Statement
3143  * ----------------------
3144  */
3145 typedef struct DefineStmt
3146 {
3148  ObjectType kind; /* aggregate, operator, type */
3149  bool oldstyle; /* hack to signal old CREATE AGG syntax */
3150  List *defnames; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3151  List *args; /* a list of TypeName (if needed) */
3152  List *definition; /* a list of DefElem */
3153  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
3154  bool replace; /* replace if already exists? */
3157 /* ----------------------
3158  * Create Domain Statement
3159  * ----------------------
3160  */
3161 typedef struct CreateDomainStmt
3162 {
3164  List *domainname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3165  TypeName *typeName; /* the base type */
3166  CollateClause *collClause; /* untransformed COLLATE spec, if any */
3167  List *constraints; /* constraints (list of Constraint nodes) */
3170 /* ----------------------
3171  * Create Operator Class Statement
3172  * ----------------------
3173  */
3174 typedef struct CreateOpClassStmt
3175 {
3177  List *opclassname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3178  List *opfamilyname; /* qualified name (ditto); NIL if omitted */
3179  char *amname; /* name of index AM opclass is for */
3180  TypeName *datatype; /* datatype of indexed column */
3181  List *items; /* List of CreateOpClassItem nodes */
3182  bool isDefault; /* Should be marked as default for type? */
3189 typedef struct CreateOpClassItem
3190 {
3192  int itemtype; /* see codes above */
3193  ObjectWithArgs *name; /* operator or function name and args */
3194  int number; /* strategy num or support proc num */
3195  List *order_family; /* only used for ordering operators */
3196  List *class_args; /* amproclefttype/amprocrighttype or
3197  * amoplefttype/amoprighttype */
3198  /* fields used for a storagetype item: */
3199  TypeName *storedtype; /* datatype stored in index */
3202 /* ----------------------
3203  * Create Operator Family Statement
3204  * ----------------------
3205  */
3206 typedef struct CreateOpFamilyStmt
3207 {
3209  List *opfamilyname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3210  char *amname; /* name of index AM opfamily is for */
3213 /* ----------------------
3214  * Alter Operator Family Statement
3215  * ----------------------
3216  */
3217 typedef struct AlterOpFamilyStmt
3218 {
3220  List *opfamilyname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3221  char *amname; /* name of index AM opfamily is for */
3222  bool isDrop; /* ADD or DROP the items? */
3223  List *items; /* List of CreateOpClassItem nodes */
3226 /* ----------------------
3227  * Drop Table|Sequence|View|Index|Type|Domain|Conversion|Schema Statement
3228  * ----------------------
3229  */
3231 typedef struct DropStmt
3232 {
3234  List *objects; /* list of names */
3235  ObjectType removeType; /* object type */
3236  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE behavior */
3237  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if object is missing? */
3238  bool concurrent; /* drop index concurrently? */
3241 /* ----------------------
3242  * Truncate Table Statement
3243  * ----------------------
3244  */
3245 typedef struct TruncateStmt
3246 {
3248  List *relations; /* relations (RangeVars) to be truncated */
3249  bool restart_seqs; /* restart owned sequences? */
3250  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE behavior */
3253 /* ----------------------
3254  * Comment On Statement
3255  * ----------------------
3256  */
3257 typedef struct CommentStmt
3258 {
3260  ObjectType objtype; /* Object's type */
3261  Node *object; /* Qualified name of the object */
3262  char *comment; /* Comment to insert, or NULL to remove */
3265 /* ----------------------
3266  * SECURITY LABEL Statement
3267  * ----------------------
3268  */
3269 typedef struct SecLabelStmt
3270 {
3272  ObjectType objtype; /* Object's type */
3273  Node *object; /* Qualified name of the object */
3274  char *provider; /* Label provider (or NULL) */
3275  char *label; /* New security label to be assigned */
3278 /* ----------------------
3279  * Declare Cursor Statement
3280  *
3281  * The "query" field is initially a raw parse tree, and is converted to a
3282  * Query node during parse analysis. Note that rewriting and planning
3283  * of the query are always postponed until execution.
3284  * ----------------------
3285  */
3286 #define CURSOR_OPT_BINARY 0x0001 /* BINARY */
3287 #define CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL 0x0002 /* SCROLL explicitly given */
3288 #define CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL 0x0004 /* NO SCROLL explicitly given */
3290 #define CURSOR_OPT_ASENSITIVE 0x0010 /* ASENSITIVE */
3291 #define CURSOR_OPT_HOLD 0x0020 /* WITH HOLD */
3292 /* these planner-control flags do not correspond to any SQL grammar: */
3293 #define CURSOR_OPT_FAST_PLAN 0x0100 /* prefer fast-start plan */
3294 #define CURSOR_OPT_GENERIC_PLAN 0x0200 /* force use of generic plan */
3295 #define CURSOR_OPT_CUSTOM_PLAN 0x0400 /* force use of custom plan */
3296 #define CURSOR_OPT_PARALLEL_OK 0x0800 /* parallel mode OK */
3298 typedef struct DeclareCursorStmt
3299 {
3301  char *portalname; /* name of the portal (cursor) */
3302  int options; /* bitmask of options (see above) */
3303  Node *query; /* the query (see comments above) */
3306 /* ----------------------
3307  * Close Portal Statement
3308  * ----------------------
3309  */
3310 typedef struct ClosePortalStmt
3311 {
3313  char *portalname; /* name of the portal (cursor) */
3314  /* NULL means CLOSE ALL */
3317 /* ----------------------
3318  * Fetch Statement (also Move)
3319  * ----------------------
3320  */
3321 typedef enum FetchDirection
3322 {
3323  /* for these, howMany is how many rows to fetch; FETCH_ALL means ALL */
3326  /* for these, howMany indicates a position; only one row is fetched */
3331 #define FETCH_ALL LONG_MAX
3333 typedef struct FetchStmt
3334 {
3336  FetchDirection direction; /* see above */
3337  long howMany; /* number of rows, or position argument */
3338  char *portalname; /* name of portal (cursor) */
3339  bool ismove; /* true if MOVE */
3342 /* ----------------------
3343  * Create Index Statement
3344  *
3345  * This represents creation of an index and/or an associated constraint.
3346  * If isconstraint is true, we should create a pg_constraint entry along
3347  * with the index. But if indexOid isn't InvalidOid, we are not creating an
3348  * index, just a UNIQUE/PKEY constraint using an existing index. isconstraint
3349  * must always be true in this case, and the fields describing the index
3350  * properties are empty.
3351  * ----------------------
3352  */
3353 typedef struct IndexStmt
3354 {
3356  char *idxname; /* name of new index, or NULL for default */
3357  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to build index on */
3358  char *accessMethod; /* name of access method (eg. btree) */
3359  char *tableSpace; /* tablespace, or NULL for default */
3360  List *indexParams; /* columns to index: a list of IndexElem */
3361  List *indexIncludingParams; /* additional columns to index: a list
3362  * of IndexElem */
3363  List *options; /* WITH clause options: a list of DefElem */
3364  Node *whereClause; /* qualification (partial-index predicate) */
3365  List *excludeOpNames; /* exclusion operator names, or NIL if none */
3366  char *idxcomment; /* comment to apply to index, or NULL */
3367  Oid indexOid; /* OID of an existing index, if any */
3368  RelFileNumber oldNumber; /* relfilenumber of existing storage, if any */
3369  SubTransactionId oldCreateSubid; /* rd_createSubid of oldNumber */
3370  SubTransactionId oldFirstRelfilelocatorSubid; /* rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid
3371  * of oldNumber */
3372  bool unique; /* is index unique? */
3373  bool nulls_not_distinct; /* null treatment for UNIQUE constraints */
3374  bool primary; /* is index a primary key? */
3375  bool isconstraint; /* is it for a pkey/unique constraint? */
3376  bool deferrable; /* is the constraint DEFERRABLE? */
3377  bool initdeferred; /* is the constraint INITIALLY DEFERRED? */
3378  bool transformed; /* true when transformIndexStmt is finished */
3379  bool concurrent; /* should this be a concurrent index build? */
3380  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if index already exists? */
3381  bool reset_default_tblspc; /* reset default_tablespace prior to
3382  * executing */
3385 /* ----------------------
3386  * Create Statistics Statement
3387  * ----------------------
3388  */
3389 typedef struct CreateStatsStmt
3390 {
3392  List *defnames; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3393  List *stat_types; /* stat types (list of String) */
3394  List *exprs; /* expressions to build statistics on */
3395  List *relations; /* rels to build stats on (list of RangeVar) */
3396  char *stxcomment; /* comment to apply to stats, or NULL */
3397  bool transformed; /* true when transformStatsStmt is finished */
3398  bool if_not_exists; /* do nothing if stats name already exists */
3401 /*
3402  * StatsElem - statistics parameters (used in CREATE STATISTICS)
3403  *
3404  * For a plain attribute, 'name' is the name of the referenced table column
3405  * and 'expr' is NULL. For an expression, 'name' is NULL and 'expr' is the
3406  * expression tree.
3407  */
3408 typedef struct StatsElem
3409 {
3411  char *name; /* name of attribute to index, or NULL */
3412  Node *expr; /* expression to index, or NULL */
3416 /* ----------------------
3417  * Alter Statistics Statement
3418  * ----------------------
3419  */
3420 typedef struct AlterStatsStmt
3421 {
3423  List *defnames; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3424  Node *stxstattarget; /* statistics target */
3425  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if statistics object is missing */
3428 /* ----------------------
3429  * Create Function Statement
3430  * ----------------------
3431  */
3432 typedef struct CreateFunctionStmt
3433 {
3435  bool is_procedure; /* it's really CREATE PROCEDURE */
3436  bool replace; /* T => replace if already exists */
3437  List *funcname; /* qualified name of function to create */
3438  List *parameters; /* a list of FunctionParameter */
3439  TypeName *returnType; /* the return type */
3440  List *options; /* a list of DefElem */
3445 {
3446  /* the assigned enum values appear in pg_proc, don't change 'em! */
3447  FUNC_PARAM_IN = 'i', /* input only */
3448  FUNC_PARAM_OUT = 'o', /* output only */
3449  FUNC_PARAM_INOUT = 'b', /* both */
3450  FUNC_PARAM_VARIADIC = 'v', /* variadic (always input) */
3451  FUNC_PARAM_TABLE = 't', /* table function output column */
3452  /* this is not used in pg_proc: */
3453  FUNC_PARAM_DEFAULT = 'd', /* default; effectively same as IN */
3456 typedef struct FunctionParameter
3457 {
3459  char *name; /* parameter name, or NULL if not given */
3460  TypeName *argType; /* TypeName for parameter type */
3461  FunctionParameterMode mode; /* IN/OUT/etc */
3462  Node *defexpr; /* raw default expr, or NULL if not given */
3465 typedef struct AlterFunctionStmt
3466 {
3469  ObjectWithArgs *func; /* name and args of function */
3470  List *actions; /* list of DefElem */
3473 /* ----------------------
3474  * DO Statement
3475  *
3476  * DoStmt is the raw parser output, InlineCodeBlock is the execution-time API
3477  * ----------------------
3478  */
3479 typedef struct DoStmt
3480 {
3482  List *args; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3485 typedef struct InlineCodeBlock
3486 {
3487  pg_node_attr(nodetag_only) /* this is not a member of parse trees */
3489  NodeTag type;
3490  char *source_text; /* source text of anonymous code block */
3491  Oid langOid; /* OID of selected language */
3492  bool langIsTrusted; /* trusted property of the language */
3493  bool atomic; /* atomic execution context */
3496 /* ----------------------
3497  * CALL statement
3498  *
3499  * OUT-mode arguments are removed from the transformed funcexpr. The outargs
3500  * list contains copies of the expressions for all output arguments, in the
3501  * order of the procedure's declared arguments. (outargs is never evaluated,
3502  * but is useful to the caller as a reference for what to assign to.)
3503  * The transformed call state is not relevant in the query jumbling, only the
3504  * function call is.
3505  * ----------------------
3506  */
3507 typedef struct CallStmt
3508 {
3510  /* from the parser */
3511  FuncCall *funccall pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
3512  /* transformed call, with only input args */
3514  /* transformed output-argument expressions */
3518 typedef struct CallContext
3519 {
3520  pg_node_attr(nodetag_only) /* this is not a member of parse trees */
3522  NodeTag type;
3523  bool atomic;
3526 /* ----------------------
3527  * Alter Object Rename Statement
3528  * ----------------------
3529  */
3530 typedef struct RenameStmt
3531 {
3533  ObjectType renameType; /* OBJECT_TABLE, OBJECT_COLUMN, etc */
3534  ObjectType relationType; /* if column name, associated relation type */
3535  RangeVar *relation; /* in case it's a table */
3536  Node *object; /* in case it's some other object */
3537  char *subname; /* name of contained object (column, rule,
3538  * trigger, etc) */
3539  char *newname; /* the new name */
3540  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE behavior */
3541  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if missing? */
3544 /* ----------------------
3545  * ALTER object DEPENDS ON EXTENSION extname
3546  * ----------------------
3547  */
3549 {
3551  ObjectType objectType; /* OBJECT_FUNCTION, OBJECT_TRIGGER, etc */
3552  RangeVar *relation; /* in case a table is involved */
3553  Node *object; /* name of the object */
3554  String *extname; /* extension name */
3555  bool remove; /* set true to remove dep rather than add */
3558 /* ----------------------
3559  * ALTER object SET SCHEMA Statement
3560  * ----------------------
3561  */
3563 {
3565  ObjectType objectType; /* OBJECT_TABLE, OBJECT_TYPE, etc */
3566  RangeVar *relation; /* in case it's a table */
3567  Node *object; /* in case it's some other object */
3568  char *newschema; /* the new schema */
3569  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if missing? */
3572 /* ----------------------
3573  * Alter Object Owner Statement
3574  * ----------------------
3575  */
3576 typedef struct AlterOwnerStmt
3577 {
3579  ObjectType objectType; /* OBJECT_TABLE, OBJECT_TYPE, etc */
3580  RangeVar *relation; /* in case it's a table */
3581  Node *object; /* in case it's some other object */
3582  RoleSpec *newowner; /* the new owner */
3585 /* ----------------------
3586  * Alter Operator Set ( this-n-that )
3587  * ----------------------
3588  */
3589 typedef struct AlterOperatorStmt
3590 {
3592  ObjectWithArgs *opername; /* operator name and argument types */
3593  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3596 /* ------------------------
3597  * Alter Type Set ( this-n-that )
3598  * ------------------------
3599  */
3600 typedef struct AlterTypeStmt
3601 {
3603  List *typeName; /* type name (possibly qualified) */
3604  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3607 /* ----------------------
3608  * Create Rule Statement
3609  * ----------------------
3610  */
3611 typedef struct RuleStmt
3612 {
3614  RangeVar *relation; /* relation the rule is for */
3615  char *rulename; /* name of the rule */
3616  Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
3617  CmdType event; /* SELECT, INSERT, etc */
3618  bool instead; /* is a 'do instead'? */
3619  List *actions; /* the action statements */
3620  bool replace; /* OR REPLACE */
3623 /* ----------------------
3624  * Notify Statement
3625  * ----------------------
3626  */
3627 typedef struct NotifyStmt
3628 {
3630  char *conditionname; /* condition name to notify */
3631  char *payload; /* the payload string, or NULL if none */
3634 /* ----------------------
3635  * Listen Statement
3636  * ----------------------
3637  */
3638 typedef struct ListenStmt
3639 {
3641  char *conditionname; /* condition name to listen on */
3644 /* ----------------------
3645  * Unlisten Statement
3646  * ----------------------
3647  */
3648 typedef struct UnlistenStmt
3649 {
3651  char *conditionname; /* name to unlisten on, or NULL for all */
3654 /* ----------------------
3655  * {Begin|Commit|Rollback} Transaction Statement
3656  * ----------------------
3657  */
3659 {
3661  TRANS_STMT_START, /* semantically identical to BEGIN */
3672 typedef struct TransactionStmt
3673 {
3675  TransactionStmtKind kind; /* see above */
3676  List *options; /* for BEGIN/START commands */
3677  /* for savepoint commands */
3678  char *savepoint_name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
3679  /* for two-phase-commit related commands */
3680  char *gid pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
3681  bool chain; /* AND CHAIN option */
3682  /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
3683  ParseLoc location pg_node_attr(query_jumble_location);
3686 /* ----------------------
3687  * Create Type Statement, composite types
3688  * ----------------------
3689  */
3690 typedef struct CompositeTypeStmt
3691 {
3693  RangeVar *typevar; /* the composite type to be created */
3694  List *coldeflist; /* list of ColumnDef nodes */
3697 /* ----------------------
3698  * Create Type Statement, enum types
3699  * ----------------------
3700  */
3701 typedef struct CreateEnumStmt
3702 {
3704  List *typeName; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3705  List *vals; /* enum values (list of String) */
3708 /* ----------------------
3709  * Create Type Statement, range types
3710  * ----------------------
3711  */
3712 typedef struct CreateRangeStmt
3713 {
3715  List *typeName; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3716  List *params; /* range parameters (list of DefElem) */
3719 /* ----------------------
3720  * Alter Type Statement, enum types
3721  * ----------------------
3722  */
3723 typedef struct AlterEnumStmt
3724 {
3726  List *typeName; /* qualified name (list of String) */
3727  char *oldVal; /* old enum value's name, if renaming */
3728  char *newVal; /* new enum value's name */
3729  char *newValNeighbor; /* neighboring enum value, if specified */
3730  bool newValIsAfter; /* place new enum value after neighbor? */
3731  bool skipIfNewValExists; /* no error if new already exists? */
3734 /* ----------------------
3735  * Create View Statement
3736  * ----------------------
3737  */
3738 typedef enum ViewCheckOption
3739 {
3745 typedef struct ViewStmt
3746 {
3748  RangeVar *view; /* the view to be created */
3749  List *aliases; /* target column names */
3750  Node *query; /* the SELECT query (as a raw parse tree) */
3751  bool replace; /* replace an existing view? */
3752  List *options; /* options from WITH clause */
3753  ViewCheckOption withCheckOption; /* WITH CHECK OPTION */
3756 /* ----------------------
3757  * Load Statement
3758  * ----------------------
3759  */
3760 typedef struct LoadStmt
3761 {
3763  char *filename; /* file to load */
3766 /* ----------------------
3767  * Createdb Statement
3768  * ----------------------
3769  */
3770 typedef struct CreatedbStmt
3771 {
3773  char *dbname; /* name of database to create */
3774  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3777 /* ----------------------
3778  * Alter Database
3779  * ----------------------
3780  */
3781 typedef struct AlterDatabaseStmt
3782 {
3784  char *dbname; /* name of database to alter */
3785  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
3789 {
3791  char *dbname;
3794 typedef struct AlterDatabaseSetStmt
3795 {
3797  char *dbname; /* database name */
3798  VariableSetStmt *setstmt; /* SET or RESET subcommand */
3801 /* ----------------------
3802  * Dropdb Statement
3803  * ----------------------
3804  */
3805 typedef struct DropdbStmt
3806 {
3808  char *dbname; /* database to drop */
3809  bool missing_ok; /* skip error if db is missing? */
3810  List *options; /* currently only FORCE is supported */
3813 /* ----------------------
3814  * Alter System Statement
3815  * ----------------------
3816  */
3817 typedef struct AlterSystemStmt
3818 {
3820  VariableSetStmt *setstmt; /* SET subcommand */
3823 /* ----------------------
3824  * Cluster Statement (support pbrown's cluster index implementation)
3825  * ----------------------
3826  */
3827 typedef struct ClusterStmt
3828 {
3830  RangeVar *relation; /* relation being indexed, or NULL if all */
3831  char *indexname; /* original index defined */
3832  List *params; /* list of DefElem nodes */
3835 /* ----------------------
3836  * Vacuum and Analyze Statements
3837  *
3838  * Even though these are nominally two statements, it's convenient to use
3839  * just one node type for both.
3840  * ----------------------
3841  */
3842 typedef struct VacuumStmt
3843 {
3845  List *options; /* list of DefElem nodes */
3846  List *rels; /* list of VacuumRelation, or NIL for all */
3847  bool is_vacuumcmd; /* true for VACUUM, false for ANALYZE */
3850 /*
3851  * Info about a single target table of VACUUM/ANALYZE.
3852  *
3853  * If the OID field is set, it always identifies the table to process.
3854  * Then the relation field can be NULL; if it isn't, it's used only to report
3855  * failure to open/lock the relation.
3856  */
3857 typedef struct VacuumRelation
3858 {
3860  RangeVar *relation; /* table name to process, or NULL */
3861  Oid oid; /* table's OID; InvalidOid if not looked up */
3862  List *va_cols; /* list of column names, or NIL for all */
3865 /* ----------------------
3866  * Explain Statement
3867  *
3868  * The "query" field is initially a raw parse tree, and is converted to a
3869  * Query node during parse analysis. Note that rewriting and planning
3870  * of the query are always postponed until execution.
3871  * ----------------------
3872  */
3873 typedef struct ExplainStmt
3874 {
3876  Node *query; /* the query (see comments above) */
3877  List *options; /* list of DefElem nodes */
3880 /* ----------------------
3881  * CREATE TABLE AS Statement (a/k/a SELECT INTO)
3882  *
3883  * A query written as CREATE TABLE AS will produce this node type natively.
3884  * A query written as SELECT ... INTO will be transformed to this form during
3885  * parse analysis.
3886  * A query written as CREATE MATERIALIZED view will produce this node type,
3887  * during parse analysis, since it needs all the same data.
3888  *
3889  * The "query" field is handled similarly to EXPLAIN, though note that it
3890  * can be a SELECT or an EXECUTE, but not other DML statements.
3891  * ----------------------
3892  */
3893 typedef struct CreateTableAsStmt
3894 {
3896  Node *query; /* the query (see comments above) */
3897  IntoClause *into; /* destination table */
3898  ObjectType objtype; /* OBJECT_TABLE or OBJECT_MATVIEW */
3899  bool is_select_into; /* it was written as SELECT INTO */
3900  bool if_not_exists; /* just do nothing if it already exists? */
3903 /* ----------------------
3905  * ----------------------
3906  */
3907 typedef struct RefreshMatViewStmt
3908 {
3910  bool concurrent; /* allow concurrent access? */
3911  bool skipData; /* true for WITH NO DATA */
3912  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to insert into */
3915 /* ----------------------
3916  * Checkpoint Statement
3917  * ----------------------
3918  */
3919 typedef struct CheckPointStmt
3920 {
3924 /* ----------------------
3925  * Discard Statement
3926  * ----------------------
3927  */
3929 typedef enum DiscardMode
3930 {
3937 typedef struct DiscardStmt
3938 {
3943 /* ----------------------
3944  * LOCK Statement
3945  * ----------------------
3946  */
3947 typedef struct LockStmt
3948 {
3950  List *relations; /* relations to lock */
3951  int mode; /* lock mode */
3952  bool nowait; /* no wait mode */
3955 /* ----------------------
3956  * SET CONSTRAINTS Statement
3957  * ----------------------
3958  */
3959 typedef struct ConstraintsSetStmt
3960 {
3962  List *constraints; /* List of names as RangeVars */
3963  bool deferred;
3966 /* ----------------------
3967  * REINDEX Statement
3968  * ----------------------
3969  */
3970 typedef enum ReindexObjectType
3971 {
3973  REINDEX_OBJECT_TABLE, /* table or materialized view */
3975  REINDEX_OBJECT_SYSTEM, /* system catalogs */
3976  REINDEX_OBJECT_DATABASE, /* database */
3979 typedef struct ReindexStmt
3980 {
3983  * etc. */
3984  RangeVar *relation; /* Table or index to reindex */
3985  const char *name; /* name of database to reindex */
3986  List *params; /* list of DefElem nodes */
3989 /* ----------------------
3990  * CREATE CONVERSION Statement
3991  * ----------------------
3992  */
3993 typedef struct CreateConversionStmt
3994 {
3996  List *conversion_name; /* Name of the conversion */
3997  char *for_encoding_name; /* source encoding name */
3998  char *to_encoding_name; /* destination encoding name */
3999  List *func_name; /* qualified conversion function name */
4000  bool def; /* is this a default conversion? */
4003 /* ----------------------
4004  * CREATE CAST Statement
4005  * ----------------------
4006  */
4007 typedef struct CreateCastStmt
4008 {
4014  bool inout;
4017 /* ----------------------
4018  * CREATE TRANSFORM Statement
4019  * ----------------------
4020  */
4021 typedef struct CreateTransformStmt
4022 {
4024  bool replace;
4026  char *lang;
4031 /* ----------------------
4032  * PREPARE Statement
4033  * ----------------------
4034  */
4035 typedef struct PrepareStmt
4036 {
4038  char *name; /* Name of plan, arbitrary */
4039  List *argtypes; /* Types of parameters (List of TypeName) */
4040  Node *query; /* The query itself (as a raw parsetree) */
4044 /* ----------------------
4045  * EXECUTE Statement
4046  * ----------------------
4047  */
4049 typedef struct ExecuteStmt
4050 {
4052  char *name; /* The name of the plan to execute */
4053  List *params; /* Values to assign to parameters */
4057 /* ----------------------
4058  * DEALLOCATE Statement
4059  * ----------------------
4060  */
4061 typedef struct DeallocateStmt
4062 {
4064  /* The name of the plan to remove, NULL if DEALLOCATE ALL */
4065  char *name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
4067  /*
4068  * True if DEALLOCATE ALL. This is redundant with "name == NULL", but we
4069  * make it a separate field so that exactly this condition (and not the
4070  * precise name) will be accounted for in query jumbling.
4071  */
4072  bool isall;
4073  /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
4074  ParseLoc location pg_node_attr(query_jumble_location);
4077 /*
4078  * DROP OWNED statement
4079  */
4080 typedef struct DropOwnedStmt
4081 {
4087 /*
4088  * REASSIGN OWNED statement
4089  */
4090 typedef struct ReassignOwnedStmt
4091 {
4097 /*
4098  * TS Dictionary stmts: DefineStmt, RenameStmt and DropStmt are default
4099  */
4101 {
4103  List *dictname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
4104  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
4107 /*
4108  * TS Configuration stmts: DefineStmt, RenameStmt and DropStmt are default
4109  */
4110 typedef enum AlterTSConfigType
4111 {
4120 {
4122  AlterTSConfigType kind; /* ALTER_TSCONFIG_ADD_MAPPING, etc */
4123  List *cfgname; /* qualified name (list of String) */
4125  /*
4126  * dicts will be non-NIL if ADD/ALTER MAPPING was specified. If dicts is
4127  * NIL, but tokentype isn't, DROP MAPPING was specified.
4128  */
4129  List *tokentype; /* list of String */
4130  List *dicts; /* list of list of String */
4131  bool override; /* if true - remove old variant */
4132  bool replace; /* if true - replace dictionary by another */
4133  bool missing_ok; /* for DROP - skip error if missing? */
4136 typedef struct PublicationTable
4137 {
4139  RangeVar *relation; /* relation to be published */
4140  Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
4141  List *columns; /* List of columns in a publication table */
4144 /*
4145  * Publication object type
4146  */
4148 {
4149  PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLE, /* A table */
4150  PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_SCHEMA, /* All tables in schema */
4151  PUBLICATIONOBJ_TABLES_IN_CUR_SCHEMA, /* All tables in first element of
4152  * search_path */
4153  PUBLICATIONOBJ_CONTINUATION, /* Continuation of previous type */
4156 typedef struct PublicationObjSpec
4157 {
4159  PublicationObjSpecType pubobjtype; /* type of this publication object */
4160  char *name;
4162  ParseLoc location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
4166 {
4168  char *pubname; /* Name of the publication */
4169  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
4170  List *pubobjects; /* Optional list of publication objects */
4171  bool for_all_tables; /* Special publication for all tables in db */
4175 {
4176  AP_AddObjects, /* add objects to publication */
4177  AP_DropObjects, /* remove objects from publication */
4178  AP_SetObjects, /* set list of objects */
4181 typedef struct AlterPublicationStmt
4182 {
4184  char *pubname; /* Name of the publication */
4186  /* parameters used for ALTER PUBLICATION ... WITH */
4187  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
4189  /*
4190  * Parameters used for ALTER PUBLICATION ... ADD/DROP/SET publication
4191  * objects.
4192  */
4193  List *pubobjects; /* Optional list of publication objects */
4194  bool for_all_tables; /* Special publication for all tables in db */
4195  AlterPublicationAction action; /* What action to perform with the given
4196  * objects */
4200 {
4202  char *subname; /* Name of the subscription */
4203  char *conninfo; /* Connection string to publisher */
4204  List *publication; /* One or more publication to subscribe to */
4205  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
4209 {
4221 {
4223  AlterSubscriptionType kind; /* ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION_OPTIONS, etc */
4224  char *subname; /* Name of the subscription */
4225  char *conninfo; /* Connection string to publisher */
4226  List *publication; /* One or more publication to subscribe to */
4227  List *options; /* List of DefElem nodes */
4230 typedef struct DropSubscriptionStmt
4231 {
4233  char *subname; /* Name of the subscription */
4234  bool missing_ok; /* Skip error if missing? */
4235  DropBehavior behavior; /* RESTRICT or CASCADE behavior */
4238 #endif /* PARSENODES_H */
#define PG_INT32_MAX
Definition: c.h:589
signed short int16
Definition: c.h:493
uint32 SubTransactionId
Definition: c.h:656
signed int int32
Definition: c.h:494
uint32 bits32
Definition: c.h:515
unsigned int Index
Definition: c.h:614
Definition: lockoptions.h:37
Definition: lockoptions.h:22
Definition: nodes.h:417
double Cardinality
Definition: nodes.h:252
Definition: nodes.h:263
Definition: nodes.h:27
Definition: nodes.h:430
int ParseLoc
Definition: nodes.h:240
Definition: nodes.h:288
struct AlterDatabaseRefreshCollStmt AlterDatabaseRefreshCollStmt
struct LoadStmt LoadStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:393
Definition: parsenodes.h:396
Definition: parsenodes.h:394
Definition: parsenodes.h:397
Definition: parsenodes.h:395
Definition: parsenodes.h:398
struct DropSubscriptionStmt DropSubscriptionStmt
struct CreateEnumStmt CreateEnumStmt
struct RoleSpec RoleSpec
struct CreateFunctionStmt CreateFunctionStmt
struct AlterOwnerStmt AlterOwnerStmt
struct ReturnStmt ReturnStmt
struct CreateAmStmt CreateAmStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:4209
Definition: parsenodes.h:4216
Definition: parsenodes.h:4214
Definition: parsenodes.h:4212
Definition: parsenodes.h:4215
Definition: parsenodes.h:4217
Definition: parsenodes.h:4210
Definition: parsenodes.h:4211
Definition: parsenodes.h:4213
struct TableLikeClause TableLikeClause
struct AlterSystemStmt AlterSystemStmt
struct CopyStmt CopyStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3659
Definition: parsenodes.h:3666
Definition: parsenodes.h:3661
Definition: parsenodes.h:3664
Definition: parsenodes.h:3660
Definition: parsenodes.h:3663
Definition: parsenodes.h:3668
Definition: parsenodes.h:3662
Definition: parsenodes.h:3669
Definition: parsenodes.h:3667
Definition: parsenodes.h:3665
struct GrantRoleStmt GrantRoleStmt
struct AlterTSDictionaryStmt AlterTSDictionaryStmt
struct OnConflictClause OnConflictClause
struct JsonTablePathSpec JsonTablePathSpec
struct AlterOperatorStmt AlterOperatorStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:1362
Definition: parsenodes.h:1367
Definition: parsenodes.h:1366
Definition: parsenodes.h:1364
Definition: parsenodes.h:1363
Definition: parsenodes.h:1365
Definition: parsenodes.h:1368
struct RangeTblFunction RangeTblFunction
struct JsonScalarExpr JsonScalarExpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:1842
Definition: parsenodes.h:1846
Definition: parsenodes.h:1843
Definition: parsenodes.h:1847
Definition: parsenodes.h:1845
Definition: parsenodes.h:1844
struct JsonArrayAgg JsonArrayAgg
struct A_Indirection A_Indirection
struct XmlSerialize XmlSerialize
Definition: parsenodes.h:53
Definition: parsenodes.h:54
Definition: parsenodes.h:56
Definition: parsenodes.h:55
struct DeallocateStmt DeallocateStmt
struct CreateSeqStmt CreateSeqStmt
struct DropTableSpaceStmt DropTableSpaceStmt
struct CreateExtensionStmt CreateExtensionStmt
struct A_Indices A_Indices
struct CreateTableSpaceStmt CreateTableSpaceStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:1501
Definition: parsenodes.h:1505
Definition: parsenodes.h:1503
Definition: parsenodes.h:1504
Definition: parsenodes.h:1506
Definition: parsenodes.h:1502
struct ReassignOwnedStmt ReassignOwnedStmt
struct ParamRef ParamRef
struct VacuumStmt VacuumStmt
struct NotifyStmt NotifyStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:2112
Definition: parsenodes.h:2115
Definition: parsenodes.h:2114
Definition: parsenodes.h:2116
Definition: parsenodes.h:2113
struct TriggerTransition TriggerTransition
struct ClusterStmt ClusterStmt
struct MergeStmt MergeStmt
struct SelectStmt SelectStmt
struct DropdbStmt DropdbStmt
uint64 AclMode
Definition: parsenodes.h:74
struct FunctionParameter FunctionParameter
struct UnlistenStmt UnlistenStmt
struct InsertStmt InsertStmt
struct AlterFunctionStmt AlterFunctionStmt
struct StatsElem StatsElem
struct AlterRoleSetStmt AlterRoleSetStmt
struct CreateOpFamilyStmt CreateOpFamilyStmt
struct CreatePublicationStmt CreatePublicationStmt
struct InlineCodeBlock InlineCodeBlock
struct CreateDomainStmt CreateDomainStmt
struct AlterDomainStmt AlterDomainStmt
struct AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt
struct CreateStatsStmt CreateStatsStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:1777
Definition: parsenodes.h:1779
Definition: parsenodes.h:1778
Definition: parsenodes.h:1780
struct JsonOutput JsonOutput
struct UpdateStmt UpdateStmt
struct AlterObjectDependsStmt AlterObjectDependsStmt
struct IndexElem IndexElem
struct AlterCollationStmt AlterCollationStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:312
Definition: parsenodes.h:323
Definition: parsenodes.h:318
Definition: parsenodes.h:317
Definition: parsenodes.h:325
Definition: parsenodes.h:326
Definition: parsenodes.h:321
Definition: parsenodes.h:319
Definition: parsenodes.h:324
Definition: parsenodes.h:316
Definition: parsenodes.h:322
Definition: parsenodes.h:320
Definition: parsenodes.h:313
Definition: parsenodes.h:314
Definition: parsenodes.h:315
Definition: parsenodes.h:3445
Definition: parsenodes.h:3447
Definition: parsenodes.h:3453
Definition: parsenodes.h:3448
Definition: parsenodes.h:3449
Definition: parsenodes.h:3451
Definition: parsenodes.h:3450
struct CreateForeignTableStmt CreateForeignTableStmt
struct CreateOpClassStmt CreateOpClassStmt
struct JsonObjectConstructor JsonObjectConstructor
Definition: parsenodes.h:4111
Definition: parsenodes.h:4113
Definition: parsenodes.h:4115
Definition: parsenodes.h:4114
Definition: parsenodes.h:4112
Definition: parsenodes.h:4116
struct AlterForeignServerStmt AlterForeignServerStmt
struct ColumnDef ColumnDef
struct CreatedbStmt CreatedbStmt
struct RTEPermissionInfo RTEPermissionInfo
struct AlterEventTrigStmt AlterEventTrigStmt
struct IndexStmt IndexStmt
struct PartitionCmd PartitionCmd
Definition: parsenodes.h:4148
Definition: parsenodes.h:4151
Definition: parsenodes.h:4150
Definition: parsenodes.h:4149
Definition: parsenodes.h:4153
struct JsonArrayConstructor JsonArrayConstructor
Definition: parsenodes.h:871
Definition: parsenodes.h:874
Definition: parsenodes.h:872
Definition: parsenodes.h:873
Definition: parsenodes.h:2943
Definition: parsenodes.h:2945
Definition: parsenodes.h:2944
Definition: parsenodes.h:2946
struct AlterRoleStmt AlterRoleStmt
struct MergeWhenClause MergeWhenClause
struct WindowDef WindowDef
struct CommentStmt CommentStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:4175
@ AP_DropObjects
Definition: parsenodes.h:4177
@ AP_SetObjects
Definition: parsenodes.h:4178
@ AP_AddObjects
Definition: parsenodes.h:4176
struct JsonArgument JsonArgument
struct Query Query
struct JsonArrayQueryConstructor JsonArrayQueryConstructor
Definition: parsenodes.h:35
Definition: parsenodes.h:40
Definition: parsenodes.h:37
Definition: parsenodes.h:39
Definition: parsenodes.h:36
Definition: parsenodes.h:38
struct WithClause WithClause
struct AlterObjectSchemaStmt AlterObjectSchemaStmt
struct SinglePartitionSpec SinglePartitionSpec
struct MultiAssignRef MultiAssignRef
struct ImportForeignSchemaStmt ImportForeignSchemaStmt
struct ReindexStmt ReindexStmt
struct CreateSubscriptionStmt CreateSubscriptionStmt
struct JsonTableColumn JsonTableColumn
struct A_Const A_Const
struct DeleteStmt DeleteStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:1027
Definition: parsenodes.h:1030
Definition: parsenodes.h:1034
Definition: parsenodes.h:1035
Definition: parsenodes.h:1033
Definition: parsenodes.h:1029
Definition: parsenodes.h:1036
Definition: parsenodes.h:1031
Definition: parsenodes.h:1032
Definition: parsenodes.h:1028
struct AlterSubscriptionStmt AlterSubscriptionStmt
struct AlterStatsStmt AlterStatsStmt
struct AlterPublicationStmt AlterPublicationStmt
struct RangeFunction RangeFunction
struct PLAssignStmt PLAssignStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:804
Definition: parsenodes.h:805
Definition: parsenodes.h:808
Definition: parsenodes.h:806
Definition: parsenodes.h:807
struct ColumnRef ColumnRef
Definition: parsenodes.h:2703
Definition: parsenodes.h:2714
Definition: parsenodes.h:2717
Definition: parsenodes.h:2708
Definition: parsenodes.h:2712
Definition: parsenodes.h:2716
Definition: parsenodes.h:2707
Definition: parsenodes.h:2706
Definition: parsenodes.h:2718
Definition: parsenodes.h:2710
Definition: parsenodes.h:2704
Definition: parsenodes.h:2709
Definition: parsenodes.h:2713
Definition: parsenodes.h:2715
Definition: parsenodes.h:2711
Definition: parsenodes.h:923
Definition: parsenodes.h:926
Definition: parsenodes.h:925
Definition: parsenodes.h:924
struct GroupingSet GroupingSet
struct CreatePolicyStmt CreatePolicyStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3322
Definition: parsenodes.h:3328
Definition: parsenodes.h:3327
Definition: parsenodes.h:3324
Definition: parsenodes.h:3325
Definition: parsenodes.h:2614
Definition: parsenodes.h:2616
Definition: parsenodes.h:2619
Definition: parsenodes.h:2618
Definition: parsenodes.h:2615
Definition: parsenodes.h:2617
Definition: parsenodes.h:2620
Definition: parsenodes.h:2333
Definition: parsenodes.h:2335
Definition: parsenodes.h:2334
Definition: parsenodes.h:2260
Definition: parsenodes.h:2275
Definition: parsenodes.h:2277
Definition: parsenodes.h:2308
Definition: parsenodes.h:2268
Definition: parsenodes.h:2311
Definition: parsenodes.h:2261
Definition: parsenodes.h:2285
Definition: parsenodes.h:2272
Definition: parsenodes.h:2262
Definition: parsenodes.h:2284
Definition: parsenodes.h:2297
Definition: parsenodes.h:2289
Definition: parsenodes.h:2286
Definition: parsenodes.h:2279
Definition: parsenodes.h:2306
Definition: parsenodes.h:2287
Definition: parsenodes.h:2273
Definition: parsenodes.h:2267
Definition: parsenodes.h:2303
Definition: parsenodes.h:2294
Definition: parsenodes.h:2295
Definition: parsenodes.h:2283
Definition: parsenodes.h:2292
Definition: parsenodes.h:2290
Definition: parsenodes.h:2276
Definition: parsenodes.h:2281
Definition: parsenodes.h:2271
Definition: parsenodes.h:2270
Definition: parsenodes.h:2298
Definition: parsenodes.h:2309
Definition: parsenodes.h:2282
Definition: parsenodes.h:2263
Definition: parsenodes.h:2293
Definition: parsenodes.h:2278
Definition: parsenodes.h:2307
Definition: parsenodes.h:2265
Definition: parsenodes.h:2291
Definition: parsenodes.h:2296
Definition: parsenodes.h:2269
Definition: parsenodes.h:2264
Definition: parsenodes.h:2302
Definition: parsenodes.h:2312
Definition: parsenodes.h:2288
Definition: parsenodes.h:2310
Definition: parsenodes.h:2280
Definition: parsenodes.h:2301
Definition: parsenodes.h:2274
Definition: parsenodes.h:2299
Definition: parsenodes.h:2300
Definition: parsenodes.h:2266
Definition: parsenodes.h:2305
Definition: parsenodes.h:2304
struct ListenStmt ListenStmt
struct A_Star A_Star
struct PublicationObjSpec PublicationObjSpec
struct AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt
struct CreateRoleStmt CreateRoleStmt
struct AlterTableCmd AlterTableCmd
struct RangeTableSample RangeTableSample
struct DropUserMappingStmt DropUserMappingStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3971
Definition: parsenodes.h:3976
Definition: parsenodes.h:3972
Definition: parsenodes.h:3974
Definition: parsenodes.h:3975
Definition: parsenodes.h:3973
struct CreateForeignServerStmt CreateForeignServerStmt
struct LockingClause LockingClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2352
@ AT_AddIndexConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2375
@ AT_MergePartitions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2417
@ AT_DropOf
Definition: parsenodes.h:2406
@ AT_CheckNotNull
Definition: parsenodes.h:2361
@ AT_SetOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2363
@ AT_DropIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2420
@ AT_DisableTrigUser
Definition: parsenodes.h:2398
@ AT_DropNotNull
Definition: parsenodes.h:2357
@ AT_AddOf
Definition: parsenodes.h:2405
@ AT_ResetOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2364
@ AT_ReplicaIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2407
@ AT_ReplaceRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2390
@ AT_EnableRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2408
@ AT_AddColumnToView
Definition: parsenodes.h:2354
@ AT_ResetRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2389
@ AT_EnableReplicaTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2393
@ AT_DropOids
Definition: parsenodes.h:2385
@ AT_SetIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2419
@ AT_ReAddStatistics
Definition: parsenodes.h:2421
@ AT_SetUnLogged
Definition: parsenodes.h:2384
@ AT_DisableTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2394
@ AT_SetCompression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2366
@ AT_DropExpression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2360
@ AT_AddIndex
Definition: parsenodes.h:2368
@ AT_EnableReplicaRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2401
@ AT_ReAddIndex
Definition: parsenodes.h:2369
@ AT_DropConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2376
@ AT_SetNotNull
Definition: parsenodes.h:2358
@ AT_ClusterOn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2381
@ AT_AddIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2418
@ AT_ForceRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2410
@ AT_EnableAlwaysRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2400
@ AT_SetAccessMethod
Definition: parsenodes.h:2386
@ AT_AlterColumnType
Definition: parsenodes.h:2378
@ AT_DetachPartitionFinalize
Definition: parsenodes.h:2415
@ AT_AddInherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2403
@ AT_ReAddDomainConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2372
@ AT_EnableTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2391
@ AT_DropColumn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2367
@ AT_ReAddComment
Definition: parsenodes.h:2377
@ AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2379
@ AT_DisableTrigAll
Definition: parsenodes.h:2396
@ AT_EnableRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2399
@ AT_NoForceRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2411
@ AT_DetachPartition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2414
@ AT_SetStatistics
Definition: parsenodes.h:2362
@ AT_AttachPartition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2413
@ AT_AddConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2370
@ AT_DropInherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2404
@ AT_EnableAlwaysTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2392
@ AT_SetLogged
Definition: parsenodes.h:2383
@ AT_SetStorage
Definition: parsenodes.h:2365
@ AT_DisableRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2402
@ AT_DisableRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2409
@ AT_SetRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2388
@ AT_ChangeOwner
Definition: parsenodes.h:2380
@ AT_EnableTrigUser
Definition: parsenodes.h:2397
@ AT_SetExpression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2359
@ AT_ReAddConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2371
@ AT_SetTableSpace
Definition: parsenodes.h:2387
@ AT_GenericOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2412
@ AT_ColumnDefault
Definition: parsenodes.h:2355
@ AT_CookedColumnDefault
Definition: parsenodes.h:2356
@ AT_AlterConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2373
@ AT_EnableTrigAll
Definition: parsenodes.h:2395
@ AT_SplitPartition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2416
@ AT_DropCluster
Definition: parsenodes.h:2382
@ AT_ValidateConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2374
@ AT_AddColumn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2353
struct WithCheckOption WithCheckOption
struct LockStmt LockStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:2490
Definition: parsenodes.h:2493
Definition: parsenodes.h:2491
Definition: parsenodes.h:2492
struct CreateEventTrigStmt CreateEventTrigStmt
struct JsonObjectAgg JsonObjectAgg
struct DropOwnedStmt DropOwnedStmt
struct VariableShowStmt VariableShowStmt
struct CreateTransformStmt CreateTransformStmt
struct AlterUserMappingStmt AlterUserMappingStmt
struct PartitionRangeDatum PartitionRangeDatum
struct A_ArrayExpr A_ArrayExpr
struct JsonFuncExpr JsonFuncExpr
struct RangeTableFunc RangeTableFunc
struct InferClause InferClause
struct RangeSubselect RangeSubselect
struct DropStmt DropStmt
struct CreateOpClassItem CreateOpClassItem
struct PrepareStmt PrepareStmt
struct AlterOpFamilyStmt AlterOpFamilyStmt
struct ConstraintsSetStmt ConstraintsSetStmt
struct JsonParseExpr JsonParseExpr
struct GrantStmt GrantStmt
struct A_Expr A_Expr
struct SetOperationStmt SetOperationStmt
struct SortBy SortBy
struct ViewStmt ViewStmt
struct CreateTrigStmt CreateTrigStmt
struct CTECycleClause CTECycleClause
struct VacuumRelation VacuumRelation
struct RenameStmt RenameStmt
struct DefineStmt DefineStmt
struct CreateStmt CreateStmt
struct CreateSchemaStmt CreateSchemaStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3930
Definition: parsenodes.h:3931
Definition: parsenodes.h:3932
Definition: parsenodes.h:3933
Definition: parsenodes.h:3934
struct VariableSetStmt VariableSetStmt
struct JsonAggConstructor JsonAggConstructor
struct RawStmt RawStmt
struct CommonTableExpr CommonTableExpr
struct TableSampleClause TableSampleClause
struct AlterPolicyStmt AlterPolicyStmt
struct CreateConversionStmt CreateConversionStmt
struct ResTarget ResTarget
struct DropRoleStmt DropRoleStmt
struct DiscardStmt DiscardStmt
struct JsonKeyValue JsonKeyValue
struct AlterExtensionStmt AlterExtensionStmt
struct AlterTableStmt AlterTableStmt
struct TypeCast TypeCast
struct PartitionElem PartitionElem
struct ClosePortalStmt ClosePortalStmt
struct AccessPriv AccessPriv
struct Constraint Constraint
struct CreatePLangStmt CreatePLangStmt
struct CreateRangeStmt CreateRangeStmt
struct CreateUserMappingStmt CreateUserMappingStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:45
Definition: parsenodes.h:49
Definition: parsenodes.h:48
Definition: parsenodes.h:47
Definition: parsenodes.h:46
struct AlterDatabaseSetStmt AlterDatabaseSetStmt
struct AlterTableMoveAllStmt AlterTableMoveAllStmt
struct AlterSeqStmt AlterSeqStmt
struct PublicationTable PublicationTable
struct RowMarkClause RowMarkClause
struct CreateTableAsStmt CreateTableAsStmt
struct TransactionStmt TransactionStmt
struct CreateFdwStmt CreateFdwStmt
struct DeclareCursorStmt DeclareCursorStmt
struct ExecuteStmt ExecuteStmt
struct WindowClause WindowClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:3080
Definition: parsenodes.h:3081
Definition: parsenodes.h:3082
Definition: parsenodes.h:3083
struct RuleStmt RuleStmt
struct SecLabelStmt SecLabelStmt
struct AlterTSConfigurationStmt AlterTSConfigurationStmt
struct AlterDatabaseStmt AlterDatabaseStmt
struct AlterExtensionContentsStmt AlterExtensionContentsStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:760
Definition: parsenodes.h:761
Definition: parsenodes.h:765
Definition: parsenodes.h:766
Definition: parsenodes.h:762
Definition: parsenodes.h:769
Definition: parsenodes.h:770
Definition: parsenodes.h:767
Definition: parsenodes.h:764
Definition: parsenodes.h:768
Definition: parsenodes.h:763
struct TypeName TypeName
struct AlterEnumStmt AlterEnumStmt
struct CreateCastStmt CreateCastStmt
struct CheckPointStmt CheckPointStmt
struct RefreshMatViewStmt RefreshMatViewStmt
struct CallStmt CallStmt
struct TruncateStmt TruncateStmt
struct DefElem DefElem
struct AlterFdwStmt AlterFdwStmt
struct RangeTblEntry RangeTblEntry
Definition: parsenodes.h:61
Definition: parsenodes.h:63
Definition: parsenodes.h:64
Definition: parsenodes.h:62
Definition: parsenodes.h:3739
Definition: parsenodes.h:3740
Definition: parsenodes.h:3742
Definition: parsenodes.h:3741
struct FuncCall FuncCall
struct RangeTableFuncCol RangeTableFuncCol
struct SortGroupClause SortGroupClause
struct CollateClause CollateClause
struct ExplainStmt ExplainStmt
struct AlterTypeStmt AlterTypeStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:1640
@ CTEMaterializeNever
Definition: parsenodes.h:1643
@ CTEMaterializeAlways
Definition: parsenodes.h:1642
@ CTEMaterializeDefault
Definition: parsenodes.h:1641
struct CallContext CallContext
struct ObjectWithArgs ObjectWithArgs
struct ReplicaIdentityStmt ReplicaIdentityStmt
struct DoStmt DoStmt
struct CompositeTypeStmt CompositeTypeStmt
struct JsonTable JsonTable
struct FetchStmt FetchStmt
struct JsonSerializeExpr JsonSerializeExpr
struct PartitionSpec PartitionSpec
struct CTESearchClause CTESearchClause
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
Definition: primnodes.h:1591
Definition: primnodes.h:1745
Definition: primnodes.h:56
Definition: primnodes.h:1797
Definition: primnodes.h:733
Definition: primnodes.h:26
Definition: primnodes.h:1991
Definition: primnodes.h:713
Oid RelFileNumber
Definition: relpath.h:25
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:491
List * elements
Definition: parsenodes.h:492
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:493
bool isnull
Definition: parsenodes.h:363
union ValUnion val
Definition: parsenodes.h:362
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:364
pg_node_attr(custom_copy_equal, custom_read_write, custom_query_jumble) NodeTag type
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:338
Node * lexpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:336
pg_node_attr(custom_read_write) NodeTag type
List * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:335
A_Expr_Kind kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:334
Node * rexpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:337
bool is_slice
Definition: parsenodes.h:459
Node * uidx
Definition: parsenodes.h:461
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:458
Node * lidx
Definition: parsenodes.h:460
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:481
List * indirection
Definition: parsenodes.h:483
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:447
char * priv_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:2548
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2547
List * cols
Definition: parsenodes.h:2549
VariableSetStmt * setstmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3798
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:2480
char * newValNeighbor
Definition: parsenodes.h:3729
List * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:3726
bool skipIfNewValExists
Definition: parsenodes.h:3731
bool newValIsAfter
Definition: parsenodes.h:3730
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3725
List * func_options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2866
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2867
char * fdwname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2865
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2864
ObjectWithArgs * func
Definition: parsenodes.h:3469
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3468
ObjectWithArgs * opername
Definition: parsenodes.h:3592
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3580
RoleSpec * newowner
Definition: parsenodes.h:3582
ObjectType objectType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3579
char * policy_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:2983
RangeVar * table
Definition: parsenodes.h:2984
AlterPublicationAction action
Definition: parsenodes.h:4195
RoleSpec * role
Definition: parsenodes.h:3105
VariableSetStmt * setstmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3107
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3098
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3096
RoleSpec * role
Definition: parsenodes.h:3097
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3136
RangeVar * sequence
Definition: parsenodes.h:3135
bool for_identity
Definition: parsenodes.h:3137
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3134
Node * stxstattarget
Definition: parsenodes.h:3424
AlterSubscriptionType kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:4223
VariableSetStmt * setstmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:3820
AlterTSConfigType kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:4122
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2433
RoleSpec * newowner
Definition: parsenodes.h:2439
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:2442
AlterTableType subtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2434
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2345
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2347
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3604
List * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:3603
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3602
Definition: value.h:56
char * cycle_path_column
Definition: parsenodes.h:1662
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1663
Node * cycle_mark_default
Definition: parsenodes.h:1661
Oid cycle_mark_collation
Definition: parsenodes.h:1667
List * cycle_col_list
Definition: parsenodes.h:1658
char * cycle_mark_column
Definition: parsenodes.h:1659
Node * cycle_mark_value
Definition: parsenodes.h:1660
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1652
char * search_seq_column
Definition: parsenodes.h:1651
bool search_breadth_first
Definition: parsenodes.h:1650
List * search_col_list
Definition: parsenodes.h:1649
pg_node_attr(nodetag_only) NodeTag type
FuncExpr * funcexpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:3513
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3509
List * outargs
Definition: parsenodes.h:3515
FuncCall *funccall pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
char * indexname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3831
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3830
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3829
List * params
Definition: parsenodes.h:3832
List * collname
Definition: parsenodes.h:385
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:386
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:383
bool is_not_null
Definition: parsenodes.h:731
CollateClause * collClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:741
char identity
Definition: parsenodes.h:737
RangeVar * identitySequence
Definition: parsenodes.h:738
List * constraints
Definition: parsenodes.h:743
Node * cooked_default
Definition: parsenodes.h:736
char * storage_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:734
int inhcount
Definition: parsenodes.h:729
char * colname
Definition: parsenodes.h:726
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:727
char generated
Definition: parsenodes.h:740
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:725
bool is_from_type
Definition: parsenodes.h:732
List * fdwoptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:744
Node * raw_default
Definition: parsenodes.h:735
char storage
Definition: parsenodes.h:733
Oid collOid
Definition: parsenodes.h:742
bool is_local
Definition: parsenodes.h:730
char * compression
Definition: parsenodes.h:728
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:745
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:295
List * fields
Definition: parsenodes.h:294
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:293
char * comment
Definition: parsenodes.h:3262
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3260
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3259
Node * object
Definition: parsenodes.h:3261
int cterefcount pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
CTEMaterialize ctematerialized
Definition: parsenodes.h:1682
List *aliascolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *ctecolcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
CTECycleClause *cycle_clause pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1687
List *ctecoltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *ctecolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *ctecoltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool cterecursive pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
CTESearchClause *search_clause pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
RangeVar * typevar
Definition: parsenodes.h:3693
bool initdeferred
Definition: parsenodes.h:2739
List * exclusions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2755
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:2777
bool reset_default_tblspc
Definition: parsenodes.h:2760
List * keys
Definition: parsenodes.h:2751
List * pk_attrs
Definition: parsenodes.h:2768
List * fk_del_set_cols
Definition: parsenodes.h:2772
Node * where_clause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2763
char * indexname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2758
char * indexspace
Definition: parsenodes.h:2759
ConstrType contype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2736
char * access_method
Definition: parsenodes.h:2762
Oid old_pktable_oid
Definition: parsenodes.h:2774
bool is_no_inherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2742
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2757
char fk_upd_action
Definition: parsenodes.h:2770
List * old_conpfeqop
Definition: parsenodes.h:2773
char fk_matchtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2769
bool nulls_not_distinct
Definition: parsenodes.h:2750
char * cooked_expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:2745
bool initially_valid
Definition: parsenodes.h:2741
bool skip_validation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2740
bool deferrable
Definition: parsenodes.h:2738
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2735
Node * raw_expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:2743
char * conname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2737
char generated_when
Definition: parsenodes.h:2747
RangeVar * pktable
Definition: parsenodes.h:2766
List * including
Definition: parsenodes.h:2753
char fk_del_action
Definition: parsenodes.h:2771
List * fk_attrs
Definition: parsenodes.h:2767
bool is_program
Definition: parsenodes.h:2600
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2594
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2602
bool is_from
Definition: parsenodes.h:2599
char * filename
Definition: parsenodes.h:2601
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2593
List * attlist
Definition: parsenodes.h:2597
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2603
Node * query
Definition: parsenodes.h:2595
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2996
List * handler_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:2998
char * amname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2997
TypeName * sourcetype
Definition: parsenodes.h:4010
TypeName * targettype
Definition: parsenodes.h:4011
CoercionContext context
Definition: parsenodes.h:4013
ObjectWithArgs * func
Definition: parsenodes.h:4012
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:3165
CollateClause * collClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:3166
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2856
List * func_options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2858
char * fdwname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2857
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2859
TypeName * returnType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3439
ObjectWithArgs * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:3193
TypeName * storedtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3199
TypeName * datatype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3180
List * plvalidator
Definition: parsenodes.h:3066
RangeVar * table
Definition: parsenodes.h:2968
RoleStmtType stmt_type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3089
RoleSpec * authrole
Definition: parsenodes.h:2327
bool if_not_exists
Definition: parsenodes.h:3129
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3126
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3124
RangeVar * sequence
Definition: parsenodes.h:3125
List * tableElts
Definition: parsenodes.h:2657
TypeName * ofTypename
Definition: parsenodes.h:2662
OnCommitAction oncommit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2665
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:2664
bool if_not_exists
Definition: parsenodes.h:2668
List * inhRelations
Definition: parsenodes.h:2658
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2656
char * tablespacename
Definition: parsenodes.h:2666
PartitionSpec * partspec
Definition: parsenodes.h:2661
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2655
PartitionBoundSpec * partbound
Definition: parsenodes.h:2660
char * accessMethod
Definition: parsenodes.h:2667
List * constraints
Definition: parsenodes.h:2663
IntoClause * into
Definition: parsenodes.h:3897
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3898
ObjectWithArgs * tosql
Definition: parsenodes.h:4028
TypeName * type_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:4025
ObjectWithArgs * fromsql
Definition: parsenodes.h:4027
Node * whenClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:3021
List * transitionRels
Definition: parsenodes.h:3023
RangeVar * constrrel
Definition: parsenodes.h:3027
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3012
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3772
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3774
char * dbname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3773
char *name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
ParseLoc location pg_node_attr(query_jumble_location)
char * defnamespace
Definition: parsenodes.h:814
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:813
DefElemAction defaction
Definition: parsenodes.h:818
char * defname
Definition: parsenodes.h:815
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:819
Node * arg
Definition: parsenodes.h:816
bool oldstyle
Definition: parsenodes.h:3149
List * definition
Definition: parsenodes.h:3152
List * defnames
Definition: parsenodes.h:3150
List * args
Definition: parsenodes.h:3151
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3147
ObjectType kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:3148
bool replace
Definition: parsenodes.h:3154
bool if_not_exists
Definition: parsenodes.h:3153
WithClause * withClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2065
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2063
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2061
List * usingClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2062
List * returningList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2064
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2060
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3939
DiscardMode target
Definition: parsenodes.h:3940
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3481
List * args
Definition: parsenodes.h:3482
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:4084
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:4082
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3112
List * roles
Definition: parsenodes.h:3113
bool missing_ok
Definition: parsenodes.h:3237
List * objects
Definition: parsenodes.h:3234
ObjectType removeType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3235
bool concurrent
Definition: parsenodes.h:3238
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:3236
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3233
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:4235
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3810
char * dbname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3808
bool missing_ok
Definition: parsenodes.h:3809
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3807
List * params
Definition: parsenodes.h:4053
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:4051
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:4052
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3875
Node * query
Definition: parsenodes.h:3876
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3877
long howMany
Definition: parsenodes.h:3337
bool ismove
Definition: parsenodes.h:3339
FetchDirection direction
Definition: parsenodes.h:3336
char * portalname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3338
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3335
Definition: value.h:48
bool agg_within_group
Definition: parsenodes.h:431
CoercionForm funcformat
Definition: parsenodes.h:435
Node * agg_filter
Definition: parsenodes.h:429
List * agg_order
Definition: parsenodes.h:428
List * funcname
Definition: parsenodes.h:426
List * args
Definition: parsenodes.h:427
bool agg_star
Definition: parsenodes.h:432
bool agg_distinct
Definition: parsenodes.h:433
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:425
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:436
bool func_variadic
Definition: parsenodes.h:434
struct WindowDef * over
Definition: parsenodes.h:430
TypeName * argType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3460
FunctionParameterMode mode
Definition: parsenodes.h:3461
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:2569
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2563
RoleSpec * grantor
Definition: parsenodes.h:2568
List * grantee_roles
Definition: parsenodes.h:2565
List * granted_roles
Definition: parsenodes.h:2564
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2501
bool is_grant
Definition: parsenodes.h:2499
List * objects
Definition: parsenodes.h:2502
bool grant_option
Definition: parsenodes.h:2507
List * grantees
Definition: parsenodes.h:2506
List * privileges
Definition: parsenodes.h:2504
GrantTargetType targtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2500
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2498
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:2509
RoleSpec * grantor
Definition: parsenodes.h:2508
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1511
List * content
Definition: parsenodes.h:1513
GroupingSetKind kind pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1514
ImportForeignSchemaType list_type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2955
Node * expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:784
SortByDir ordering
Definition: parsenodes.h:789
List * opclassopts
Definition: parsenodes.h:788
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:782
char * indexcolname
Definition: parsenodes.h:785
SortByNulls nulls_ordering
Definition: parsenodes.h:790
List * opclass
Definition: parsenodes.h:787
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:783
List * collation
Definition: parsenodes.h:786
bool unique
Definition: parsenodes.h:3372
bool reset_default_tblspc
Definition: parsenodes.h:3381
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3355
bool deferrable
Definition: parsenodes.h:3376
List * indexParams
Definition: parsenodes.h:3360
Oid indexOid
Definition: parsenodes.h:3367
bool initdeferred
Definition: parsenodes.h:3377
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3357
SubTransactionId oldFirstRelfilelocatorSubid
Definition: parsenodes.h:3370
bool transformed
Definition: parsenodes.h:3378
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3363
char * tableSpace
Definition: parsenodes.h:3359
SubTransactionId oldCreateSubid
Definition: parsenodes.h:3369
bool isconstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:3375
List * excludeOpNames
Definition: parsenodes.h:3365
bool nulls_not_distinct
Definition: parsenodes.h:3373
bool concurrent
Definition: parsenodes.h:3379
char * idxname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3356
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:3364
bool if_not_exists
Definition: parsenodes.h:3380
char * accessMethod
Definition: parsenodes.h:3358
char * idxcomment
Definition: parsenodes.h:3366
RelFileNumber oldNumber
Definition: parsenodes.h:3368
bool primary
Definition: parsenodes.h:3374
List * indexIncludingParams
Definition: parsenodes.h:3361
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1611
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1615
char * conname
Definition: parsenodes.h:1614
List * indexElems
Definition: parsenodes.h:1612
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:1613
pg_node_attr(nodetag_only) NodeTag type
char * source_text
Definition: parsenodes.h:3490
OnConflictClause * onConflictClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2048
Node * selectStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:2047
WithClause * withClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2050
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2044
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2045
List * cols
Definition: parsenodes.h:2046
List * returningList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2049
Definition: value.h:29
struct WindowDef * over
Definition: parsenodes.h:1971
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1968
JsonValueExpr * val
Definition: parsenodes.h:1768
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1767
bool absent_on_null
Definition: parsenodes.h:1997
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1994
JsonValueExpr * arg
Definition: parsenodes.h:1996
JsonAggConstructor * constructor
Definition: parsenodes.h:1995
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1941
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1797
char * column_name
Definition: parsenodes.h:1792
JsonWrapper wrapper
Definition: parsenodes.h:1800
JsonQuotes quotes
Definition: parsenodes.h:1801
JsonExprOp op
Definition: parsenodes.h:1791
List * passing
Definition: parsenodes.h:1796
JsonBehavior * on_empty
Definition: parsenodes.h:1798
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1802
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1790
Node * pathspec
Definition: parsenodes.h:1795
JsonBehavior * on_error
Definition: parsenodes.h:1799
JsonValueExpr * context_item
Definition: parsenodes.h:1794
JsonValueExpr * value
Definition: parsenodes.h:1879
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1877
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1981
JsonAggConstructor * constructor
Definition: parsenodes.h:1982
JsonKeyValue * arg
Definition: parsenodes.h:1983
bool absent_on_null
Definition: parsenodes.h:1984
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1927
JsonReturning * returning
Definition: parsenodes.h:1758
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:1757
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1756
JsonValueExpr * expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:1889
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1892
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1890
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1888
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1904
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1903
JsonOutput * output
Definition: parsenodes.h:1915
JsonValueExpr * expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:1914
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1867
JsonTableColumnType coltype
Definition: parsenodes.h:1857
JsonBehavior * on_empty
Definition: parsenodes.h:1865
JsonWrapper wrapper
Definition: parsenodes.h:1862
JsonBehavior * on_error
Definition: parsenodes.h:1866
JsonQuotes quotes
Definition: parsenodes.h:1863
JsonFormat * format
Definition: parsenodes.h:1861
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:1859
JsonTablePathSpec * pathspec
Definition: parsenodes.h:1860
ParseLoc name_location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1816
JsonBehavior * on_error
Definition: parsenodes.h:1831
List * columns
Definition: parsenodes.h:1830
JsonTablePathSpec * pathspec
Definition: parsenodes.h:1828
Alias * alias
Definition: parsenodes.h:1832
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1826
bool lateral
Definition: parsenodes.h:1833
List * passing
Definition: parsenodes.h:1829
JsonValueExpr * context_item
Definition: parsenodes.h:1827
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1834
Definition: pg_list.h:54
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3640
char * conditionname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3641
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3762
char * filename
Definition: parsenodes.h:3763
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3949
bool nowait
Definition: parsenodes.h:3952
List * relations
Definition: parsenodes.h:3950
List * lockedRels
Definition: parsenodes.h:834
LockClauseStrength strength
Definition: parsenodes.h:835
LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy
Definition: parsenodes.h:836
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:833
Node * sourceRelation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2091
List * mergeWhenClauses
Definition: parsenodes.h:2093
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2090
Node * joinCondition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2092
List * returningList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2094
WithClause * withClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2095
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2089
CmdType commandType
Definition: parsenodes.h:1724
MergeMatchKind matchKind
Definition: parsenodes.h:1723
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:534
Definition: nodes.h:129
char * payload
Definition: parsenodes.h:3631
char * conditionname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3630
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3629
List * objfuncargs
Definition: parsenodes.h:2534
bool args_unspecified
Definition: parsenodes.h:2535
InferClause * infer
Definition: parsenodes.h:1628
OnConflictAction action
Definition: parsenodes.h:1627
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1631
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2229
SelectStmt * val
Definition: parsenodes.h:2234
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:2235
List * indirection
Definition: parsenodes.h:2232
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:305
int number
Definition: parsenodes.h:304
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:303
PartitionBoundSpec * bound
Definition: parsenodes.h:958
List * partlist
Definition: parsenodes.h:959
bool concurrent
Definition: parsenodes.h:961
RangeVar * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:957
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:956
List * collation
Definition: parsenodes.h:865
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:867
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:862
List * opclass
Definition: parsenodes.h:866
PartitionRangeDatumKind kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:933
List * partParams
Definition: parsenodes.h:886
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:884
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:887
PartitionStrategy strategy
Definition: parsenodes.h:885
List * argtypes
Definition: parsenodes.h:4039
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:4037
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:4038
Node * query
Definition: parsenodes.h:4040
PublicationObjSpecType pubobjtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:4159
PublicationTable * pubtable
Definition: parsenodes.h:4161
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:4139
List * rowMarks
Definition: parsenodes.h:217
int mergeTargetRelation pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool hasAggs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool groupDistinct
Definition: parsenodes.h:201
bool hasRecursive pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * mergeJoinCondition
Definition: parsenodes.h:189
Node * limitCount
Definition: parsenodes.h:214
List *constraintDeps pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
FromExpr * jointree
Definition: parsenodes.h:175
List * returningList
Definition: parsenodes.h:198
bool canSetTag pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * setOperations
Definition: parsenodes.h:219
bool hasSubLinks pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * cteList
Definition: parsenodes.h:166
List *rteperminfos pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
OnConflictExpr * onConflict
Definition: parsenodes.h:196
OverridingKind override pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * groupClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:200
bool hasTargetSRFs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
int resultRelation pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * havingQual
Definition: parsenodes.h:205
List * rtable
Definition: parsenodes.h:168
ParseLoc stmt_len pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool hasDistinctOn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * limitOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:213
bool isReturn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
uint64 queryId pg_node_attr(equal_ignore, query_jumble_ignore, read_write_ignore, read_as(0))
bool hasWindowFuncs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
CmdType commandType
Definition: parsenodes.h:121
LimitOption limitOption
Definition: parsenodes.h:215
Node * utilityStmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:136
List * mergeActionList
Definition: parsenodes.h:178
bool hasModifyingCTE pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:119
List * windowClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:207
List * targetList
Definition: parsenodes.h:191
List * groupingSets
Definition: parsenodes.h:203
List * distinctClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:209
List *withCheckOptions pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool hasForUpdate pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * sortClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:211
ParseLoc stmt_location
Definition: parsenodes.h:238
bool hasRowSecurity pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
QuerySource querySource pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Bitmapset * selectedCols
Definition: parsenodes.h:1297
AclMode requiredPerms
Definition: parsenodes.h:1295
Bitmapset * insertedCols
Definition: parsenodes.h:1298
Bitmapset * updatedCols
Definition: parsenodes.h:1299
Alias * alias
Definition: parsenodes.h:644
bool is_rowsfrom
Definition: parsenodes.h:642
List * coldeflist
Definition: parsenodes.h:645
List * functions
Definition: parsenodes.h:643
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:639
Node * subquery
Definition: parsenodes.h:619
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:617
Alias * alias
Definition: parsenodes.h:620
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:682
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:677
List * namespaces
Definition: parsenodes.h:661
Node * docexpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:659
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:664
Node * rowexpr
Definition: parsenodes.h:660
List * columns
Definition: parsenodes.h:662
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:657
Alias * alias
Definition: parsenodes.h:663
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:702
List *joinaliasvars pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *securityQuals pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Cardinality enrtuples pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
char * ctename
Definition: parsenodes.h:1206
TableFunc * tablefunc
Definition: parsenodes.h:1194
Index ctelevelsup
Definition: parsenodes.h:1208
bool inFromCl pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool lateral pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *colcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool security_barrier pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool funcordinality
Definition: parsenodes.h:1189
List *coltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
struct TableSampleClause * tablesample
Definition: parsenodes.h:1108
Query * subquery
Definition: parsenodes.h:1114
List *joinrightcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Alias *alias pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * values_lists
Definition: parsenodes.h:1200
char * enrname
Definition: parsenodes.h:1241
JoinType jointype
Definition: parsenodes.h:1161
List *coltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *joinleftcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
int rellockmode pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
pg_node_attr(custom_read_write) NodeTag type
char relkind pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * functions
Definition: parsenodes.h:1187
int joinmergedcols pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Alias *join_using_alias pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Index perminfoindex pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool self_reference pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Alias *eref pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
RTEKind rtekind
Definition: parsenodes.h:1057
Bitmapset *funcparams pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *funccoltypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
int funccolcount pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *funccolcollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *funccoltypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *funccolnames pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
ParseLoc stmt_location
Definition: parsenodes.h:2026
ParseLoc stmt_len
Definition: parsenodes.h:2027
pg_node_attr(no_query_jumble) NodeTag type
Node * stmt
Definition: parsenodes.h:2025
RoleSpec * newrole
Definition: parsenodes.h:4094
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3912
const char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:3985
ReindexObjectType kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:3982
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3984
List * params
Definition: parsenodes.h:3986
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3981
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3535
bool missing_ok
Definition: parsenodes.h:3541
ObjectType relationType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3534
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:3540
ObjectType renameType
Definition: parsenodes.h:3533
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3532
char * newname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3539
char * subname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3537
Node * object
Definition: parsenodes.h:3536
Node * val
Definition: parsenodes.h:519
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:520
List * indirection
Definition: parsenodes.h:518
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:517
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:516
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2215
Node * returnval
Definition: parsenodes.h:2216
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:406
RoleSpecType roletype
Definition: parsenodes.h:404
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:403
char * rolename
Definition: parsenodes.h:405
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1581
LockClauseStrength strength
Definition: parsenodes.h:1583
LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy
Definition: parsenodes.h:1584
char * rulename
Definition: parsenodes.h:3615
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:3616
bool instead
Definition: parsenodes.h:3618
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3614
bool replace
Definition: parsenodes.h:3620
CmdType event
Definition: parsenodes.h:3617
List * actions
Definition: parsenodes.h:3619
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3613
ObjectType objtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:3272
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3271
Node * object
Definition: parsenodes.h:3273
char * provider
Definition: parsenodes.h:3274
char * label
Definition: parsenodes.h:3275
LimitOption limitOption
Definition: parsenodes.h:2154
List * sortClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2151
List * targetList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2129
IntoClause * intoClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2128
Node * limitOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:2152
bool groupDistinct
Definition: parsenodes.h:2133
List * fromClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2130
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2121
List * groupClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2132
Node * havingClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2134
List * lockingClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2155
Node * limitCount
Definition: parsenodes.h:2153
List * windowClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2135
List * distinctClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2126
List * valuesLists
Definition: parsenodes.h:2145
struct SelectStmt * larg
Definition: parsenodes.h:2163
struct SelectStmt * rarg
Definition: parsenodes.h:2164
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2131
SetOperation op
Definition: parsenodes.h:2161
WithClause * withClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2156
List *groupClauses pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *colTypes pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List *colCollations pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
SetOperation op
Definition: parsenodes.h:2191
List *colTypmods pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
PartitionBoundSpec * bound
Definition: parsenodes.h:948
SortByNulls sortby_nulls
Definition: parsenodes.h:548
Node * node
Definition: parsenodes.h:546
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:545
List * useOp
Definition: parsenodes.h:549
SortByDir sortby_dir
Definition: parsenodes.h:547
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:550
bool hashable pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Index tleSortGroupRef
Definition: parsenodes.h:1442
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3410
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:3411
Node * expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:3412
Definition: value.h:64
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:754
char *savepoint_name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
TransactionStmtKind kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:3675
char *gid pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
ParseLoc location pg_node_attr(query_jumble_location)
List * relations
Definition: parsenodes.h:3248
DropBehavior behavior
Definition: parsenodes.h:3250
bool restart_seqs
Definition: parsenodes.h:3249
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3247
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:374
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:375
Node * arg
Definition: parsenodes.h:373
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:372
bool setof
Definition: parsenodes.h:270
Oid typeOid
Definition: parsenodes.h:269
bool pct_type
Definition: parsenodes.h:271
List * names
Definition: parsenodes.h:268
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:267
List * arrayBounds
Definition: parsenodes.h:274
int32 typemod
Definition: parsenodes.h:273
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:275
List * typmods
Definition: parsenodes.h:272
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3650
char * conditionname
Definition: parsenodes.h:3651
List * targetList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2076
List * returningList
Definition: parsenodes.h:2079
List * fromClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2078
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:2074
Node * whereClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2077
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2075
WithClause * withClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:2080
RangeVar * relation
Definition: parsenodes.h:3860
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3844
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3845
bool is_vacuumcmd
Definition: parsenodes.h:3847
List * rels
Definition: parsenodes.h:3846
VariableSetKind kind
Definition: parsenodes.h:2626
bool replace
Definition: parsenodes.h:3751
List * options
Definition: parsenodes.h:3752
Node * query
Definition: parsenodes.h:3750
List * aliases
Definition: parsenodes.h:3749
RangeVar * view
Definition: parsenodes.h:3748
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:3747
ViewCheckOption withCheckOption
Definition: parsenodes.h:3753
bool inRangeNullsFirst pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
bool inRangeAsc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * startOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:1550
char *refname pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Oid inRangeColl pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
List * partitionClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:1546
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1541
bool copiedOrder pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
char *name pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Oid startInRangeFunc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Oid endInRangeFunc pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore)
Node * endOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:1551
List * orderClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:1548
List * orderClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:567
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:571
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:563
List * partitionClause
Definition: parsenodes.h:566
Node * startOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:569
char * refname
Definition: parsenodes.h:565
Node * endOffset
Definition: parsenodes.h:570
int frameOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:568
char * name
Definition: parsenodes.h:564
List * ctes
Definition: parsenodes.h:1598
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:1597
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:1600
bool recursive
Definition: parsenodes.h:1599
ParseLoc location
Definition: parsenodes.h:849
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:847
Node * expr
Definition: parsenodes.h:846
NodeTag type
Definition: parsenodes.h:844
XmlOptionType xmloption
Definition: parsenodes.h:845
BitString bsval
Definition: parsenodes.h:354
Node node
Definition: parsenodes.h:349
Float fval
Definition: parsenodes.h:351
String sval
Definition: parsenodes.h:353
Boolean boolval
Definition: parsenodes.h:352
Integer ival
Definition: parsenodes.h:350
const char * type
const char * name