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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * nodeRecursiveunion.c
4  * routines to handle RecursiveUnion nodes.
5  *
6  * To implement UNION (without ALL), we need a hashtable that stores tuples
7  * already seen. The hash key is computed from the grouping columns.
8  *
9  *
10  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
11  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
12  *
13  *
15  * src/backend/executor/nodeRecursiveunion.c
16  *
17  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  */
19 #include "postgres.h"
21 #include "executor/executor.h"
23 #include "miscadmin.h"
24 #include "utils/memutils.h"
28 /*
29  * Initialize the hash table to empty.
30  */
31 static void
33 {
34  RecursiveUnion *node = (RecursiveUnion *) rustate->ps.plan;
37  Assert(node->numCols > 0);
38  Assert(node->numGroups > 0);
40  rustate->hashtable = BuildTupleHashTableExt(&rustate->ps,
41  desc,
42  node->numCols,
43  node->dupColIdx,
44  rustate->eqfuncoids,
45  rustate->hashfunctions,
46  node->dupCollations,
47  node->numGroups,
48  0,
49  rustate->ps.state->es_query_cxt,
50  rustate->tableContext,
51  rustate->tempContext,
52  false);
53 }
56 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
57  * ExecRecursiveUnion(node)
58  *
59  * Scans the recursive query sequentially and returns the next
60  * qualifying tuple.
61  *
62  * 1. evaluate non recursive term and assign the result to RT
63  *
64  * 2. execute recursive terms
65  *
66  * 2.1 WT := RT
67  * 2.2 while WT is not empty repeat 2.3 to 2.6. if WT is empty returns RT
68  * 2.3 replace the name of recursive term with WT
69  * 2.4 evaluate the recursive term and store into WT
70  * 2.5 append WT to RT
71  * 2.6 go back to 2.2
72  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
73  */
74 static TupleTableSlot *
76 {
81  TupleTableSlot *slot;
82  bool isnew;
86  /* 1. Evaluate non-recursive term */
87  if (!node->recursing)
88  {
89  for (;;)
90  {
91  slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
92  if (TupIsNull(slot))
93  break;
94  if (plan->numCols > 0)
95  {
96  /* Find or build hashtable entry for this tuple's group */
97  LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashtable, slot, &isnew, NULL);
98  /* Must reset temp context after each hashtable lookup */
100  /* Ignore tuple if already seen */
101  if (!isnew)
102  continue;
103  }
104  /* Each non-duplicate tuple goes to the working table ... */
106  /* ... and to the caller */
107  return slot;
108  }
109  node->recursing = true;
110  }
112  /* 2. Execute recursive term */
113  for (;;)
114  {
115  slot = ExecProcNode(innerPlan);
116  if (TupIsNull(slot))
117  {
118  Tuplestorestate *swaptemp;
120  /* Done if there's nothing in the intermediate table */
121  if (node->intermediate_empty)
122  break;
124  /*
125  * Now we let the intermediate table become the work table. We
126  * need a fresh intermediate table, so delete the tuples from the
127  * current working table and use that as the new intermediate
128  * table. This saves a round of free/malloc from creating a new
129  * tuple store.
130  */
133  swaptemp = node->working_table;
134  node->working_table = node->intermediate_table;
135  node->intermediate_table = swaptemp;
137  /* mark the intermediate table as empty */
138  node->intermediate_empty = true;
140  /* reset the recursive term */
141  innerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(innerPlan->chgParam,
142  plan->wtParam);
144  /* and continue fetching from recursive term */
145  continue;
146  }
148  if (plan->numCols > 0)
149  {
150  /* Find or build hashtable entry for this tuple's group */
151  LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashtable, slot, &isnew, NULL);
152  /* Must reset temp context after each hashtable lookup */
154  /* Ignore tuple if already seen */
155  if (!isnew)
156  continue;
157  }
159  /* Else, tuple is good; stash it in intermediate table ... */
160  node->intermediate_empty = false;
162  /* ... and return it */
163  return slot;
164  }
166  return NULL;
167 }
169 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
170  * ExecInitRecursiveUnion
171  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
172  */
174 ExecInitRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnion *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
175 {
176  RecursiveUnionState *rustate;
177  ParamExecData *prmdata;
179  /* check for unsupported flags */
180  Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));
182  /*
183  * create state structure
184  */
185  rustate = makeNode(RecursiveUnionState);
186  rustate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
187  rustate->ps.state = estate;
190  rustate->eqfuncoids = NULL;
191  rustate->hashfunctions = NULL;
192  rustate->hashtable = NULL;
193  rustate->tempContext = NULL;
194  rustate->tableContext = NULL;
196  /* initialize processing state */
197  rustate->recursing = false;
198  rustate->intermediate_empty = true;
199  rustate->working_table = tuplestore_begin_heap(false, false, work_mem);
200  rustate->intermediate_table = tuplestore_begin_heap(false, false, work_mem);
202  /*
203  * If hashing, we need a per-tuple memory context for comparisons, and a
204  * longer-lived context to store the hash table. The table can't just be
205  * kept in the per-query context because we want to be able to throw it
206  * away when rescanning.
207  */
208  if (node->numCols > 0)
209  {
210  rustate->tempContext =
212  "RecursiveUnion",
214  rustate->tableContext =
216  "RecursiveUnion hash table",
218  }
220  /*
221  * Make the state structure available to descendant WorkTableScan nodes
222  * via the Param slot reserved for it.
223  */
224  prmdata = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[node->wtParam]);
225  Assert(prmdata->execPlan == NULL);
226  prmdata->value = PointerGetDatum(rustate);
227  prmdata->isnull = false;
229  /*
230  * Miscellaneous initialization
231  *
232  * RecursiveUnion plans don't have expression contexts because they never
233  * call ExecQual or ExecProject.
234  */
235  Assert(node->plan.qual == NIL);
237  /*
238  * RecursiveUnion nodes still have Result slots, which hold pointers to
239  * tuples, so we have to initialize them.
240  */
241  ExecInitResultTypeTL(&rustate->ps);
243  /*
244  * Initialize result tuple type. (Note: we have to set up the result type
245  * before initializing child nodes, because nodeWorktablescan.c expects it
246  * to be valid.)
247  */
248  rustate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL;
250  /*
251  * initialize child nodes
252  */
253  outerPlanState(rustate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);
254  innerPlanState(rustate) = ExecInitNode(innerPlan(node), estate, eflags);
256  /*
257  * If hashing, precompute fmgr lookup data for inner loop, and create the
258  * hash table.
259  */
260  if (node->numCols > 0)
261  {
263  node->dupOperators,
264  &rustate->eqfuncoids,
265  &rustate->hashfunctions);
266  build_hash_table(rustate);
267  }
269  return rustate;
270 }
272 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
273  * ExecEndRecursiveUnion
274  *
275  * frees any storage allocated through C routines.
276  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
277  */
278 void
280 {
281  /* Release tuplestores */
285  /* free subsidiary stuff including hashtable */
286  if (node->tempContext)
288  if (node->tableContext)
291  /*
292  * close down subplans
293  */
296 }
298 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
299  * ExecReScanRecursiveUnion
300  *
301  * Rescans the relation.
302  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
303  */
304 void
306 {
311  /*
312  * Set recursive term's chgParam to tell it that we'll modify the working
313  * table and therefore it has to rescan.
314  */
315  innerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(innerPlan->chgParam, plan->wtParam);
317  /*
318  * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by
319  * first ExecProcNode. Because of above, we only have to do this to the
320  * non-recursive term.
321  */
322  if (outerPlan->chgParam == NULL)
325  /* Release any hashtable storage */
326  if (node->tableContext)
329  /* Empty hashtable if needed */
330  if (plan->numCols > 0)
333  /* reset processing state */
334  node->recursing = false;
335  node->intermediate_empty = true;
338 }
Bitmapset * bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x)
Definition: bitmapset.c:815
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:812
void ExecReScan(PlanState *node)
Definition: execAmi.c:76
void execTuplesHashPrepare(int numCols, const Oid *eqOperators, Oid **eqFuncOids, FmgrInfo **hashFunctions)
Definition: execGrouping.c:97
TupleHashEntry LookupTupleHashEntry(TupleHashTable hashtable, TupleTableSlot *slot, bool *isnew, uint32 *hash)
Definition: execGrouping.c:315
TupleHashTable BuildTupleHashTableExt(PlanState *parent, TupleDesc inputDesc, int numCols, AttrNumber *keyColIdx, const Oid *eqfuncoids, FmgrInfo *hashfunctions, Oid *collations, long nbuckets, Size additionalsize, MemoryContext metacxt, MemoryContext tablecxt, MemoryContext tempcxt, bool use_variable_hash_iv)
Definition: execGrouping.c:155
void ResetTupleHashTable(TupleHashTable hashtable)
Definition: execGrouping.c:294
void ExecEndNode(PlanState *node)
Definition: execProcnode.c:562
PlanState * ExecInitNode(Plan *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
Definition: execProcnode.c:142
void ExecInitResultTypeTL(PlanState *planstate)
Definition: execTuples.c:1842
TupleDesc ExecGetResultType(PlanState *planstate)
Definition: execUtils.c:495
#define outerPlanState(node)
Definition: execnodes.h:1222
#define innerPlanState(node)
Definition: execnodes.h:1221
Definition: executor.h:68
Definition: executor.h:69
static TupleTableSlot * ExecProcNode(PlanState *node)
Definition: executor.h:272
int work_mem
Definition: globals.c:130
void MemoryContextReset(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:383
MemoryContext CurrentMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:143
void MemoryContextDelete(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:454
#define AllocSetContextCreate
Definition: memutils.h:129
Definition: memutils.h:160
Definition: miscadmin.h:122
static void build_hash_table(RecursiveUnionState *rustate)
void ExecEndRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnionState *node)
RecursiveUnionState * ExecInitRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnion *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
static TupleTableSlot * ExecRecursiveUnion(PlanState *pstate)
void ExecReScanRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnionState *node)
#define makeNode(_type_)
Definition: nodes.h:155
#define castNode(_type_, nodeptr)
Definition: nodes.h:176
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
#define plan(x)
Definition: pg_regress.c:161
#define innerPlan(node)
Definition: plannodes.h:182
#define outerPlan(node)
Definition: plannodes.h:183
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:322
ParamExecData * es_param_exec_vals
Definition: execnodes.h:670
MemoryContext es_query_cxt
Definition: execnodes.h:675
bool isnull
Definition: params.h:150
Datum value
Definition: params.h:149
void * execPlan
Definition: params.h:148
Plan * plan
Definition: execnodes.h:1126
EState * state
Definition: execnodes.h:1128
ProjectionInfo * ps_ProjInfo
Definition: execnodes.h:1166
ExecProcNodeMtd ExecProcNode
Definition: execnodes.h:1132
List * qual
Definition: plannodes.h:154
MemoryContext tempContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1525
MemoryContext tableContext
Definition: execnodes.h:1527
Tuplestorestate * working_table
Definition: execnodes.h:1520
FmgrInfo * hashfunctions
Definition: execnodes.h:1524
Tuplestorestate * intermediate_table
Definition: execnodes.h:1521
TupleHashTable hashtable
Definition: execnodes.h:1526
void tuplestore_puttupleslot(Tuplestorestate *state, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuplestore.c:742
void tuplestore_clear(Tuplestorestate *state)
Definition: tuplestore.c:430
Tuplestorestate * tuplestore_begin_heap(bool randomAccess, bool interXact, int maxKBytes)
Definition: tuplestore.c:330
void tuplestore_end(Tuplestorestate *state)
Definition: tuplestore.c:492
#define TupIsNull(slot)
Definition: tuptable.h:306