PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
miscadmin.h File Reference
#include <signal.h>
#include "datatype/timestamp.h"
#include "pgtime.h"
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#define InvalidPid   (-1)
#define INTERRUPTS_PENDING_CONDITION()    (unlikely(InterruptPending))
#define HOLD_INTERRUPTS()   (InterruptHoldoffCount++)
#define HOLD_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS()   (QueryCancelHoldoffCount++)
#define START_CRIT_SECTION()   (CritSectionCount++)
#define USE_ISO_DATES   1
#define USE_SQL_DATES   2
#define USE_GERMAN_DATES   3
#define USE_XSD_DATES   4
#define DATEORDER_YMD   0
#define DATEORDER_DMY   1
#define DATEORDER_MDY   2
#define INTSTYLE_ISO_8601   3
#define MAXTZLEN   10 /* max TZ name len, not counting tr. null */
#define MIN_BAS_VAC_RING_SIZE_KB   128
#define MAX_BAS_VAC_RING_SIZE_KB   (16 * 1024 * 1024)
#define SECURITY_NOFORCE_RLS   0x0004
#define AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER)
#define AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_AUTOVAC_WORKER)
#define AmBackgroundWorkerProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_BG_WORKER)
#define AmWalSenderProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_WAL_SENDER)
#define AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_SLOTSYNC_WORKER)
#define AmArchiverProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_ARCHIVER)
#define AmBackgroundWriterProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_BG_WRITER)
#define AmCheckpointerProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_CHECKPOINTER)
#define AmStartupProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_STARTUP)
#define AmWalReceiverProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_WAL_RECEIVER)
#define AmWalSummarizerProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_WAL_SUMMARIZER)
#define AmWalWriterProcess()   (MyBackendType == B_WAL_WRITER)
#define IsBootstrapProcessingMode()   (Mode == BootstrapProcessing)
#define IsInitProcessingMode()   (Mode == InitProcessing)
#define IsNormalProcessingMode()   (Mode == NormalProcessing)
#define GetProcessingMode()   Mode
#define SetProcessingMode(mode)
#define INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS   0x0001


typedef char * pg_stack_base_t
typedef enum BackendType BackendType
typedef enum ProcessingMode ProcessingMode
typedef void(* shmem_request_hook_type) (void)


enum  BackendType {
enum  ProcessingMode { BootstrapProcessing , InitProcessing , NormalProcessing }


void ProcessInterrupts (void)
pg_stack_base_t set_stack_base (void)
void restore_stack_base (pg_stack_base_t base)
void check_stack_depth (void)
bool stack_is_too_deep (void)
void PreventCommandIfReadOnly (const char *cmdname)
void PreventCommandIfParallelMode (const char *cmdname)
void PreventCommandDuringRecovery (const char *cmdname)
void InitPostmasterChild (void)
void InitStandaloneProcess (const char *argv0)
void InitProcessLocalLatch (void)
void SwitchToSharedLatch (void)
void SwitchBackToLocalLatch (void)
const char * GetBackendTypeDesc (BackendType backendType)
void SetDatabasePath (const char *path)
void checkDataDir (void)
void SetDataDir (const char *dir)
void ChangeToDataDir (void)
char * GetUserNameFromId (Oid roleid, bool noerr)
Oid GetUserId (void)
Oid GetOuterUserId (void)
Oid GetSessionUserId (void)
Oid GetAuthenticatedUserId (void)
void GetUserIdAndSecContext (Oid *userid, int *sec_context)
void SetUserIdAndSecContext (Oid userid, int sec_context)
bool InLocalUserIdChange (void)
bool InSecurityRestrictedOperation (void)
bool InNoForceRLSOperation (void)
void GetUserIdAndContext (Oid *userid, bool *sec_def_context)
void SetUserIdAndContext (Oid userid, bool sec_def_context)
void InitializeSessionUserId (const char *rolename, Oid roleid, bool bypass_login_check)
void InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone (void)
void SetSessionAuthorization (Oid userid, bool is_superuser)
Oid GetCurrentRoleId (void)
void SetCurrentRoleId (Oid roleid, bool is_superuser)
void InitializeSystemUser (const char *authn_id, const char *auth_method)
const char * GetSystemUser (void)
bool superuser (void)
bool superuser_arg (Oid roleid)
void pg_split_opts (char **argv, int *argcp, const char *optstr)
void InitializeMaxBackends (void)
void InitPostgres (const char *in_dbname, Oid dboid, const char *username, Oid useroid, bits32 flags, char *out_dbname)
void BaseInit (void)
void CreateDataDirLockFile (bool amPostmaster)
void CreateSocketLockFile (const char *socketfile, bool amPostmaster, const char *socketDir)
void TouchSocketLockFiles (void)
void AddToDataDirLockFile (int target_line, const char *str)
bool RecheckDataDirLockFile (void)
void ValidatePgVersion (const char *path)
void process_shared_preload_libraries (void)
void process_session_preload_libraries (void)
void process_shmem_requests (void)
void pg_bindtextdomain (const char *domain)
bool has_rolreplication (Oid roleid)
Size EstimateClientConnectionInfoSpace (void)
void SerializeClientConnectionInfo (Size maxsize, char *start_address)
void RestoreClientConnectionInfo (char *conninfo)
size_t get_hash_memory_limit (void)


PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t InterruptPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t QueryCancelPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ProcDiePending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t TransactionTimeoutPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleSessionTimeoutPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ProcSignalBarrierPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t LogMemoryContextPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t CheckClientConnectionPending
PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ClientConnectionLost
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 InterruptHoldoffCount
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 QueryCancelHoldoffCount
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 CritSectionCount
PGDLLIMPORT pid_t PostmasterPid
PGDLLIMPORT bool IsPostmasterEnvironment
PGDLLIMPORT bool IsUnderPostmaster
PGDLLIMPORT bool IsBinaryUpgrade
PGDLLIMPORT bool ExitOnAnyError
PGDLLIMPORT char * DataDir
PGDLLIMPORT int data_directory_mode
PGDLLIMPORT int MaxBackends
PGDLLIMPORT int MaxConnections
PGDLLIMPORT int max_worker_processes
PGDLLIMPORT int max_parallel_workers
PGDLLIMPORT int commit_timestamp_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int multixact_member_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int multixact_offset_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int notify_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int serializable_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int subtransaction_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT int transaction_buffers
PGDLLIMPORT pg_time_t MyStartTime
PGDLLIMPORT TimestampTz MyStartTimestamp
PGDLLIMPORT struct PortMyProcPort
PGDLLIMPORT struct LatchMyLatch
PGDLLIMPORT int32 MyCancelKey
PGDLLIMPORT char OutputFileName []
PGDLLIMPORT char my_exec_path []
PGDLLIMPORT char pkglib_path []
PGDLLIMPORT Oid MyDatabaseTableSpace
PGDLLIMPORT bool MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers
PGDLLIMPORT int IntervalStyle
PGDLLIMPORT bool enableFsync
PGDLLIMPORT bool allowSystemTableMods
PGDLLIMPORT int work_mem
PGDLLIMPORT double hash_mem_multiplier
PGDLLIMPORT int maintenance_work_mem
PGDLLIMPORT int max_parallel_maintenance_workers
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumBufferUsageLimit
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageHit
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageMiss
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageDirty
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostLimit
PGDLLIMPORT double VacuumCostDelay
PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageHit
PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageMiss
PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageDirty
PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostBalance
PGDLLIMPORT bool VacuumCostActive
PGDLLIMPORT char * DatabasePath
PGDLLIMPORT BackendType MyBackendType
PGDLLIMPORT ProcessingMode Mode
PGDLLIMPORT bool IgnoreSystemIndexes
PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress
PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shared_preload_libraries_done
PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shmem_requests_in_progress
PGDLLIMPORT char * session_preload_libraries_string
PGDLLIMPORT char * shared_preload_libraries_string
PGDLLIMPORT char * local_preload_libraries_string
PGDLLIMPORT shmem_request_hook_type shmem_request_hook

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ AmArchiverProcess

#define AmArchiverProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_ARCHIVER)

Definition at line 379 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess

#define AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER)

Definition at line 374 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess

#define AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_AUTOVAC_WORKER)

Definition at line 375 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmBackgroundWorkerProcess

#define AmBackgroundWorkerProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_BG_WORKER)

Definition at line 376 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmBackgroundWriterProcess

#define AmBackgroundWriterProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_BG_WRITER)

Definition at line 380 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmCheckpointerProcess

#define AmCheckpointerProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_CHECKPOINTER)

Definition at line 381 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess

#define AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_SLOTSYNC_WORKER)

Definition at line 378 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmStartupProcess

#define AmStartupProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_STARTUP)

Definition at line 382 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmWalReceiverProcess

#define AmWalReceiverProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_WAL_RECEIVER)

Definition at line 383 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmWalSenderProcess

#define AmWalSenderProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_WAL_SENDER)

Definition at line 377 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmWalSummarizerProcess

#define AmWalSummarizerProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_WAL_SUMMARIZER)

Definition at line 384 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ AmWalWriterProcess

#define AmWalWriterProcess ( )    (MyBackendType == B_WAL_WRITER)

Definition at line 385 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 370 of file miscadmin.h.


do { \
ProcessInterrupts(); \
} while(0)
Definition: miscadmin.h:113

Definition at line 122 of file miscadmin.h.


#define DATEORDER_DMY   1

Definition at line 242 of file miscadmin.h.


#define DATEORDER_MDY   2

Definition at line 243 of file miscadmin.h.


#define DATEORDER_YMD   0

Definition at line 241 of file miscadmin.h.


#define END_CRIT_SECTION ( )
do { \
Assert(CritSectionCount > 0); \
CritSectionCount--; \
} while(0)
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 CritSectionCount
Definition: globals.c:44

Definition at line 151 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ GetProcessingMode

#define GetProcessingMode ( )    Mode

Definition at line 458 of file miscadmin.h.


#define HOLD_CANCEL_INTERRUPTS ( )    (QueryCancelHoldoffCount++)

Definition at line 141 of file miscadmin.h.


#define HOLD_INTERRUPTS ( )    (InterruptHoldoffCount++)

Definition at line 133 of file miscadmin.h.


#define INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS   0x0001

Definition at line 476 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 477 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 478 of file miscadmin.h.


QueryCancelHoldoffCount == 0)
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 InterruptHoldoffCount
Definition: globals.c:42

Definition at line 129 of file miscadmin.h.


#define INTERRUPTS_PENDING_CONDITION ( )     (unlikely(InterruptPending))

Definition at line 113 of file miscadmin.h.


#define INTSTYLE_ISO_8601   3

Definition at line 258 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 255 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 256 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 257 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ InvalidPid

#define InvalidPid   (-1)

Definition at line 32 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ IsBootstrapProcessingMode

#define IsBootstrapProcessingMode ( )    (Mode == BootstrapProcessing)

Definition at line 454 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ IsInitProcessingMode

#define IsInitProcessingMode ( )    (Mode == InitProcessing)

Definition at line 455 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ IsNormalProcessingMode

#define IsNormalProcessingMode ( )    (Mode == NormalProcessing)

Definition at line 456 of file miscadmin.h.


#define MAX_BAS_VAC_RING_SIZE_KB   (16 * 1024 * 1024)

Definition at line 277 of file miscadmin.h.


#define MAXTZLEN   10 /* max TZ name len, not counting tr. null */

Definition at line 262 of file miscadmin.h.


#define MIN_BAS_VAC_RING_SIZE_KB   128

Definition at line 276 of file miscadmin.h.


do { \
Assert(QueryCancelHoldoffCount > 0); \
QueryCancelHoldoffCount--; \
} while(0)
PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 QueryCancelHoldoffCount
Definition: globals.c:43

Definition at line 143 of file miscadmin.h.


do { \
Assert(InterruptHoldoffCount > 0); \
InterruptHoldoffCount--; \
} while(0)

Definition at line 135 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 314 of file miscadmin.h.


#define SECURITY_NOFORCE_RLS   0x0004

Definition at line 316 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 315 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ SetProcessingMode

#define SetProcessingMode (   mode)
do { \
Assert((mode) == BootstrapProcessing || \
(mode) == InitProcessing || \
Mode = (mode); \
} while(0)
@ NormalProcessing
Definition: miscadmin.h:449
@ InitProcessing
Definition: miscadmin.h:448
@ BootstrapProcessing
Definition: miscadmin.h:447
static PgChecksumMode mode
Definition: pg_checksums.c:56

Definition at line 460 of file miscadmin.h.


#define START_CRIT_SECTION ( )    (CritSectionCount++)

Definition at line 149 of file miscadmin.h.


#define USE_GERMAN_DATES   3

Definition at line 237 of file miscadmin.h.


#define USE_ISO_DATES   1

Definition at line 235 of file miscadmin.h.



Definition at line 234 of file miscadmin.h.


#define USE_SQL_DATES   2

Definition at line 236 of file miscadmin.h.


#define USE_XSD_DATES   4

Definition at line 238 of file miscadmin.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BackendType

typedef enum BackendType BackendType

◆ pg_stack_base_t

typedef char* pg_stack_base_t

Definition at line 296 of file miscadmin.h.

◆ ProcessingMode

◆ shmem_request_hook_type

typedef void(* shmem_request_hook_type) (void)

Definition at line 509 of file miscadmin.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BackendType


Definition at line 333 of file miscadmin.h.

334 {
335  B_INVALID = 0,
337  /* Backends and other backend-like processes */
347  /*
348  * Auxiliary processes. These have PGPROC entries, but they are not
349  * attached to any particular database. There can be only one of each of
350  * these running at a time.
351  *
352  * If you modify these, make sure to update NUM_AUXILIARY_PROCS and the
353  * glossary in the docs.
354  */
363  /*
364  * Logger is not connected to shared memory and does not have a PGPROC
365  * entry.
366  */
367  B_LOGGER,
368 } BackendType;
Definition: miscadmin.h:334
Definition: miscadmin.h:360
Definition: miscadmin.h:361
Definition: miscadmin.h:359
Definition: miscadmin.h:357
Definition: miscadmin.h:342
Definition: miscadmin.h:367
Definition: miscadmin.h:358
Definition: miscadmin.h:341
Definition: miscadmin.h:335
Definition: miscadmin.h:345
Definition: miscadmin.h:356
Definition: miscadmin.h:338
Definition: miscadmin.h:355
Definition: miscadmin.h:339
Definition: miscadmin.h:343
Definition: miscadmin.h:340

◆ ProcessingMode


Definition at line 445 of file miscadmin.h.

446 {
447  BootstrapProcessing, /* bootstrap creation of template database */
448  InitProcessing, /* initializing system */
449  NormalProcessing, /* normal processing */
Definition: miscadmin.h:446

Function Documentation

◆ AddToDataDirLockFile()

void AddToDataDirLockFile ( int  target_line,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 1511 of file miscinit.c.

1512 {
1513  int fd;
1514  int len;
1515  int lineno;
1516  char *srcptr;
1517  char *destptr;
1518  char srcbuffer[BLCKSZ];
1519  char destbuffer[BLCKSZ];
1521  fd = open(DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY, 0);
1522  if (fd < 0)
1523  {
1524  ereport(LOG,
1526  errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m",
1528  return;
1529  }
1530  pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_LOCK_FILE_ADDTODATADIR_READ);
1531  len = read(fd, srcbuffer, sizeof(srcbuffer) - 1);
1533  if (len < 0)
1534  {
1535  ereport(LOG,
1537  errmsg("could not read from file \"%s\": %m",
1539  close(fd);
1540  return;
1541  }
1542  srcbuffer[len] = '\0';
1544  /*
1545  * Advance over lines we are not supposed to rewrite, then copy them to
1546  * destbuffer.
1547  */
1548  srcptr = srcbuffer;
1549  for (lineno = 1; lineno < target_line; lineno++)
1550  {
1551  char *eol = strchr(srcptr, '\n');
1553  if (eol == NULL)
1554  break; /* not enough lines in file yet */
1555  srcptr = eol + 1;
1556  }
1557  memcpy(destbuffer, srcbuffer, srcptr - srcbuffer);
1558  destptr = destbuffer + (srcptr - srcbuffer);
1560  /*
1561  * Fill in any missing lines before the target line, in case lines are
1562  * added to the file out of order.
1563  */
1564  for (; lineno < target_line; lineno++)
1565  {
1566  if (destptr < destbuffer + sizeof(destbuffer))
1567  *destptr++ = '\n';
1568  }
1570  /*
1571  * Write or rewrite the target line.
1572  */
1573  snprintf(destptr, destbuffer + sizeof(destbuffer) - destptr, "%s\n", str);
1574  destptr += strlen(destptr);
1576  /*
1577  * If there are more lines in the old file, append them to destbuffer.
1578  */
1579  if ((srcptr = strchr(srcptr, '\n')) != NULL)
1580  {
1581  srcptr++;
1582  snprintf(destptr, destbuffer + sizeof(destbuffer) - destptr, "%s",
1583  srcptr);
1584  }
1586  /*
1587  * And rewrite the data. Since we write in a single kernel call, this
1588  * update should appear atomic to onlookers.
1589  */
1590  len = strlen(destbuffer);
1591  errno = 0;
1592  pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_LOCK_FILE_ADDTODATADIR_WRITE);
1593  if (pg_pwrite(fd, destbuffer, len, 0) != len)
1594  {
1596  /* if write didn't set errno, assume problem is no disk space */
1597  if (errno == 0)
1598  errno = ENOSPC;
1599  ereport(LOG,
1601  errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m",
1603  close(fd);
1604  return;
1605  }
1607  pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_LOCK_FILE_ADDTODATADIR_SYNC);
1608  if (pg_fsync(fd) != 0)
1609  {
1610  ereport(LOG,
1612  errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m",
1614  }
1616  if (close(fd) != 0)
1617  {
1618  ereport(LOG,
1620  errmsg("could not write to file \"%s\": %m",
1622  }
1623 }
#define PG_BINARY
Definition: c.h:1273
int errcode_for_file_access(void)
Definition: elog.c:876
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define LOG
Definition: elog.h:31
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
int pg_fsync(int fd)
Definition: fd.c:386
const char * str
#define close(a)
Definition: win32.h:12
#define read(a, b, c)
Definition: win32.h:13
Definition: miscinit.c:59
const void size_t len
#define pg_pwrite
Definition: port.h:226
#define snprintf
Definition: port.h:238
static int fd(const char *x, int i)
Definition: preproc-init.c:105
static void pgstat_report_wait_start(uint32 wait_event_info)
Definition: wait_event.h:85
static void pgstat_report_wait_end(void)
Definition: wait_event.h:101

References close, DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, ereport, errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg(), fd(), len, LOG, PG_BINARY, pg_fsync(), pg_pwrite, pgstat_report_wait_end(), pgstat_report_wait_start(), read, snprintf, and str.

Referenced by InternalIpcMemoryCreate(), PostmasterMain(), process_pm_child_exit(), process_pm_pmsignal(), and process_pm_shutdown_request().

◆ BaseInit()

void BaseInit ( void  )

Definition at line 602 of file postinit.c.

603 {
604  Assert(MyProc != NULL);
606  /*
607  * Initialize our input/output/debugging file descriptors.
608  */
609  DebugFileOpen();
611  /*
612  * Initialize file access. Done early so other subsystems can access
613  * files.
614  */
615  InitFileAccess();
617  /*
618  * Initialize statistics reporting. This needs to happen early to ensure
619  * that pgstat's shutdown callback runs after the shutdown callbacks of
620  * all subsystems that can produce stats (like e.g. transaction commits
621  * can).
622  */
625  /* Do local initialization of storage and buffer managers */
626  InitSync();
627  smgrinit();
630  /*
631  * Initialize temporary file access after pgstat, so that the temporary
632  * file shutdown hook can report temporary file statistics.
633  */
636  /*
637  * Initialize local buffers for WAL record construction, in case we ever
638  * try to insert XLOG.
639  */
640  InitXLogInsert();
642  /*
643  * Initialize replication slots after pgstat. The exit hook might need to
644  * drop ephemeral slots, which in turn triggers stats reporting.
645  */
647 }
void InitBufferPoolAccess(void)
Definition: bufmgr.c:3588
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:858
void DebugFileOpen(void)
Definition: elog.c:2091
void InitFileAccess(void)
Definition: fd.c:903
void InitTemporaryFileAccess(void)
Definition: fd.c:933
void pgstat_initialize(void)
Definition: pgstat.c:580
void ReplicationSlotInitialize(void)
Definition: slot.c:224
void smgrinit(void)
Definition: smgr.c:154
Definition: proc.c:66
void InitSync(void)
Definition: sync.c:124
void InitXLogInsert(void)
Definition: xloginsert.c:1348

References Assert, DebugFileOpen(), InitBufferPoolAccess(), InitFileAccess(), InitSync(), InitTemporaryFileAccess(), InitXLogInsert(), MyProc, pgstat_initialize(), ReplicationSlotInitialize(), and smgrinit().

Referenced by AutoVacWorkerMain(), AuxiliaryProcessMainCommon(), BackgroundWorkerMain(), BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresMain(), and ReplSlotSyncWorkerMain().

◆ ChangeToDataDir()

void ChangeToDataDir ( void  )

Definition at line 454 of file miscinit.c.

455 {
456  Assert(DataDir);
458  if (chdir(DataDir) < 0)
459  ereport(FATAL,
461  errmsg("could not change directory to \"%s\": %m",
462  DataDir)));
463 }
#define FATAL
Definition: elog.h:41
char * DataDir
Definition: globals.c:69

References Assert, DataDir, ereport, errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg(), and FATAL.

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ check_stack_depth()

void check_stack_depth ( void  )

Definition at line 3530 of file postgres.c.

3531 {
3532  if (stack_is_too_deep())
3533  {
3534  ereport(ERROR,
3536  errmsg("stack depth limit exceeded"),
3537  errhint("Increase the configuration parameter \"max_stack_depth\" (currently %dkB), "
3538  "after ensuring the platform's stack depth limit is adequate.",
3539  max_stack_depth)));
3540  }
3541 }
int errhint(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1317
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
int max_stack_depth
Definition: postgres.c:98
bool stack_is_too_deep(void)
Definition: postgres.c:3544

References ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, max_stack_depth, and stack_is_too_deep().

Referenced by _jumbleNode(), AlterTypeRecurse(), apply_scanjoin_target_to_paths(), ATExecAddColumn(), ATExecAlterConstrRecurse(), ATExecDropColumn(), CheckAttributeType(), checkCond(), clean_NOT_intree(), clean_stopword_intree(), cntsize(), contains_required_value(), convertJsonbValue(), copyObjectImpl(), Cover(), create_plan_recurse(), datum_to_json_internal(), datum_to_jsonb_internal(), dofindsubquery(), emit_jsp_gin_entries(), equal(), eval_const_expressions_mutator(), EventTriggerInvoke(), ExecEndNode(), ExecEvalSubPlan(), ExecInitExprRec(), ExecInitNode(), ExecMakeFunctionResultSet(), ExecProcNodeFirst(), ExecShutdownNode_walker(), execute(), executeAnyItem(), executeBoolItem(), executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), expand_partitioned_rtentry(), expression_tree_mutator_impl(), expression_tree_walker_impl(), extract_jsp_bool_expr(), fillQT(), find_composite_type_dependencies(), find_matching_subplans_recurse(), findDependentObjects(), findoprnd(), findoprnd_recurse(), flatten_grouping_sets(), flattenJsonPathParseItem(), FreePageManagerDumpBtree(), freetree(), generate_partition_qual(), generate_partitionwise_join_paths(), get_query_def(), get_rels_with_domain(), get_rule_expr(), get_setop_query(), get_steps_using_prefix_recurse(), gistSplit(), hash_range(), hash_range_extended(), hash_record(), hash_record_extended(), hk_depth_search(), infix(), inline_set_returning_function(), int_query_opr_selec(), is_simple_union_all_recurse(), JsonbDeepContains(), lseg_inside_poly(), ltree_execute(), makepol(), maketree(), MatchText(), MultiExecProcNode(), outNode(), p_ishost(), p_isURLPath(), parse_array(), parse_object(), parseNodeString(), plainnode(), planstate_tree_walker_impl(), plperl_hash_from_tuple(), plperl_sv_to_datum(), PLy_input_setup_func(), PLy_output_setup_func(), populate_array_dim_jsonb(), populate_record_field(), printJsonPathItem(), pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse(), pull_up_subqueries_recurse(), QT2QTN(), QTNBinary(), QTNClearFlags(), QTNCopy(), QTNFree(), QTNodeCompare(), QTNSort(), QTNTernary(), range_cmp(), range_in(), range_out(), range_recv(), range_send(), raw_expression_tree_walker_impl(), record_cmp(), record_eq(), record_in(), record_out(), record_recv(), record_send(), recurse_set_operations(), regex_selectivity_sub(), relation_is_updatable(), resolve_special_varno(), set_append_rel_size(), setPath(), split_array(), SplitToVariants(), standard_ProcessUtility(), transformExprRecurse(), transformFromClauseItem(), transformSetOperationTree(), traverse_lacons(), try_partitionwise_join(), TS_execute_locations_recurse(), TS_execute_recurse(), TS_phrase_execute(), tsquery_opr_selec(), and tsquery_requires_match().

◆ checkDataDir()

void checkDataDir ( void  )

Definition at line 341 of file miscinit.c.

342 {
343  struct stat stat_buf;
345  Assert(DataDir);
347  if (stat(DataDir, &stat_buf) != 0)
348  {
349  if (errno == ENOENT)
350  ereport(FATAL,
352  errmsg("data directory \"%s\" does not exist",
353  DataDir)));
354  else
355  ereport(FATAL,
357  errmsg("could not read permissions of directory \"%s\": %m",
358  DataDir)));
359  }
361  /* eventual chdir would fail anyway, but let's test ... */
362  if (!S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode))
363  ereport(FATAL,
365  errmsg("specified data directory \"%s\" is not a directory",
366  DataDir)));
368  /*
369  * Check that the directory belongs to my userid; if not, reject.
370  *
371  * This check is an essential part of the interlock that prevents two
372  * postmasters from starting in the same directory (see CreateLockFile()).
373  * Do not remove or weaken it.
374  *
375  * XXX can we safely enable this check on Windows?
376  */
377 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
378  if (stat_buf.st_uid != geteuid())
379  ereport(FATAL,
381  errmsg("data directory \"%s\" has wrong ownership",
382  DataDir),
383  errhint("The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory.")));
384 #endif
386  /*
387  * Check if the directory has correct permissions. If not, reject.
388  *
389  * Only two possible modes are allowed, 0700 and 0750. The latter mode
390  * indicates that group read/execute should be allowed on all newly
391  * created files and directories.
392  *
393  * XXX temporarily suppress check when on Windows, because there may not
394  * be proper support for Unix-y file permissions. Need to think of a
395  * reasonable check to apply on Windows.
396  */
397 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
398  if (stat_buf.st_mode & PG_MODE_MASK_GROUP)
399  ereport(FATAL,
401  errmsg("data directory \"%s\" has invalid permissions",
402  DataDir),
403  errdetail("Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) or u=rwx,g=rx (0750).")));
404 #endif
406  /*
407  * Reset creation modes and mask based on the mode of the data directory.
408  *
409  * The mask was set earlier in startup to disallow group permissions on
410  * newly created files and directories. However, if group read/execute
411  * are present on the data directory then modify the create modes and mask
412  * to allow group read/execute on newly created files and directories and
413  * set the data_directory_mode GUC.
414  *
415  * Suppress when on Windows, because there may not be proper support for
416  * Unix-y file permissions.
417  */
418 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
419  SetDataDirectoryCreatePerm(stat_buf.st_mode);
421  umask(pg_mode_mask);
423 #endif
425  /* Check for PG_VERSION */
427 }
int errdetail(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1203
void SetDataDirectoryCreatePerm(int dataDirMode)
Definition: file_perm.c:34
int pg_mode_mask
Definition: file_perm.c:25
int pg_dir_create_mode
Definition: file_perm.c:18
Definition: file_perm.h:29
int data_directory_mode
Definition: globals.c:75
void ValidatePgVersion(const char *path)
Definition: miscinit.c:1710
#define stat
Definition: win32_port.h:284
#define S_ISDIR(m)
Definition: win32_port.h:325

References Assert, data_directory_mode, DataDir, ereport, errcode(), errcode_for_file_access(), errdetail(), errhint(), errmsg(), FATAL, pg_dir_create_mode, pg_mode_mask, PG_MODE_MASK_GROUP, S_ISDIR, SetDataDirectoryCreatePerm(), stat::st_mode, stat::st_uid, stat, and ValidatePgVersion().

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ CreateDataDirLockFile()

void CreateDataDirLockFile ( bool  amPostmaster)

Definition at line 1455 of file miscinit.c.

1456 {
1457  CreateLockFile(DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, amPostmaster, "", true, DataDir);
1458 }
static void CreateLockFile(const char *filename, bool amPostmaster, const char *socketDir, bool isDDLock, const char *refName)
Definition: miscinit.c:1150

References CreateLockFile(), DataDir, and DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE.

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ CreateSocketLockFile()

void CreateSocketLockFile ( const char *  socketfile,
bool  amPostmaster,
const char *  socketDir 

Definition at line 1464 of file miscinit.c.

1466 {
1467  char lockfile[MAXPGPATH];
1469  snprintf(lockfile, sizeof(lockfile), "%s.lock", socketfile);
1470  CreateLockFile(lockfile, amPostmaster, socketDir, false, socketfile);
1471 }

References CreateLockFile(), MAXPGPATH, and snprintf.

Referenced by Lock_AF_UNIX().

◆ EstimateClientConnectionInfoSpace()

Size EstimateClientConnectionInfoSpace ( void  )

Definition at line 1027 of file miscinit.c.

1028 {
1029  Size size = 0;
1036  return size;
1037 }
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
ClientConnectionInfo MyClientConnectionInfo
Definition: miscinit.c:1010
Size add_size(Size s1, Size s2)
Definition: shmem.c:493
static pg_noinline void Size size
Definition: slab.c:607
const char * authn_id
Definition: libpq-be.h:103

References add_size(), ClientConnectionInfo::authn_id, MyClientConnectionInfo, and size.

Referenced by InitializeParallelDSM().

◆ get_hash_memory_limit()

size_t get_hash_memory_limit ( void  )

Definition at line 3595 of file nodeHash.c.

3596 {
3597  double mem_limit;
3599  /* Do initial calculation in double arithmetic */
3600  mem_limit = (double) work_mem * hash_mem_multiplier * 1024.0;
3602  /* Clamp in case it doesn't fit in size_t */
3603  mem_limit = Min(mem_limit, (double) SIZE_MAX);
3605  return (size_t) mem_limit;
3606 }
#define Min(x, y)
Definition: c.h:1004
double hash_mem_multiplier
Definition: globals.c:130
int work_mem
Definition: globals.c:129

References hash_mem_multiplier, Min, and work_mem.

Referenced by BuildTupleHashTableExt(), choose_hashed_setop(), consider_groupingsets_paths(), cost_memoize_rescan(), create_unique_path(), ExecChooseHashTableSize(), ExecInitMemoize(), ExecParallelHashIncreaseNumBatches(), final_cost_hashjoin(), hash_agg_set_limits(), hash_choose_num_partitions(), subpath_is_hashable(), and subplan_is_hashable().

◆ GetAuthenticatedUserId()

Oid GetAuthenticatedUserId ( void  )

Definition at line 583 of file miscinit.c.

584 {
586  return AuthenticatedUserId;
587 }
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:775
static Oid AuthenticatedUserId
Definition: miscinit.c:494

References Assert, AuthenticatedUserId, and OidIsValid.

Referenced by check_session_authorization(), and InitializeParallelDSM().

◆ GetBackendTypeDesc()

const char* GetBackendTypeDesc ( BackendType  backendType)

Definition at line 263 of file miscinit.c.

264 {
265  const char *backendDesc = "unknown process type";
267  switch (backendType)
268  {
269  case B_INVALID:
270  backendDesc = "not initialized";
271  break;
272  case B_ARCHIVER:
273  backendDesc = "archiver";
274  break;
276  backendDesc = "autovacuum launcher";
277  break;
279  backendDesc = "autovacuum worker";
280  break;
281  case B_BACKEND:
282  backendDesc = "client backend";
283  break;
284  case B_BG_WORKER:
285  backendDesc = "background worker";
286  break;
287  case B_BG_WRITER:
288  backendDesc = "background writer";
289  break;
291  backendDesc = "checkpointer";
292  break;
293  case B_LOGGER:
294  backendDesc = "logger";
295  break;
297  backendDesc = "slotsync worker";
298  break;
300  backendDesc = "standalone backend";
301  break;
302  case B_STARTUP:
303  backendDesc = "startup";
304  break;
305  case B_WAL_RECEIVER:
306  backendDesc = "walreceiver";
307  break;
308  case B_WAL_SENDER:
309  backendDesc = "walsender";
310  break;
312  backendDesc = "walsummarizer";
313  break;
314  case B_WAL_WRITER:
315  backendDesc = "walwriter";
316  break;
317  }
319  return backendDesc;
320 }


Referenced by BackendInitialize(), get_backend_type_for_log(), init_ps_display(), pg_stat_get_activity(), and pg_stat_get_io().

◆ GetCurrentRoleId()

Oid GetCurrentRoleId ( void  )

Definition at line 924 of file miscinit.c.

925 {
926  if (SetRoleIsActive)
927  return OuterUserId;
928  else
929  return InvalidOid;
930 }
static Oid OuterUserId
Definition: miscinit.c:496
static bool SetRoleIsActive
Definition: miscinit.c:506
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:36

References InvalidOid, OuterUserId, and SetRoleIsActive.

Referenced by InitializeParallelDSM(), and show_role().

◆ GetOuterUserId()

Oid GetOuterUserId ( void  )

Definition at line 525 of file miscinit.c.

526 {
528  return OuterUserId;
529 }

References Assert, OidIsValid, and OuterUserId.

Referenced by DropRole(), and RenameRole().

◆ GetSessionUserId()

Oid GetSessionUserId ( void  )

Definition at line 548 of file miscinit.c.

549 {
551  return SessionUserId;
552 }
static Oid SessionUserId
Definition: miscinit.c:495

References Assert, OidIsValid, and SessionUserId.

Referenced by check_role(), DropRole(), get_rolespec_oid(), get_rolespec_tuple(), InitPostgres(), pgstat_bestart(), RenameRole(), and session_user().

◆ GetSystemUser()

const char* GetSystemUser ( void  )

Definition at line 574 of file miscinit.c.

575 {
576  return SystemUser;
577 }
static const char * SystemUser
Definition: miscinit.c:498

References SystemUser.

Referenced by system_user().

◆ GetUserId()

Oid GetUserId ( void  )

Definition at line 514 of file miscinit.c.

515 {
517  return CurrentUserId;
518 }
static Oid CurrentUserId
Definition: miscinit.c:497

References Assert, CurrentUserId, and OidIsValid.

Referenced by AggregateCreate(), AlterCollation(), AlterDatabase(), AlterDatabaseOwner(), AlterDatabaseRefreshColl(), AlterDatabaseSet(), AlterEventTrigger(), AlterEventTriggerOwner_internal(), AlterExtensionNamespace(), AlterForeignServer(), AlterForeignServerOwner_internal(), AlterFunction(), AlterObjectNamespace_internal(), AlterObjectOwner_internal(), AlterObjectRename_internal(), AlterOperator(), AlterOpFamilyAdd(), AlterPublication(), AlterPublicationOwner_internal(), AlterRole(), AlterRoleSet(), AlterSchemaOwner_internal(), AlterStatistics(), AlterSubscription(), AlterSubscriptionOwner_internal(), AlterSystemSetConfigFile(), AlterTableMoveAll(), AlterTableSpaceOptions(), AlterTSConfiguration(), AlterTSDictionary(), AlterType(), AlterTypeNamespace_oid(), AlterTypeOwner(), ATExecChangeOwner(), ATPrepAlterColumnType(), ATPrepSetTableSpace(), ATSimplePermissions(), bbsink_server_new(), be_lo_unlink(), binary_upgrade_create_empty_extension(), binary_upgrade_logical_slot_has_caught_up(), brin_desummarize_range(), BuildCachedPlan(), BuildDescForRelation(), BuildIndexValueDescription(), calculate_database_size(), calculate_tablespace_size(), call_pltcl_start_proc(), check_enable_rls(), check_search_path(), check_temp_tablespaces(), CheckCachedPlan(), checkDomainOwner(), checkEnumOwner(), checkFkeyPermissions(), CheckFunctionValidatorAccess(), CheckMyDatabase(), checkPartition(), CheckSlotPermissions(), CommentObject(), compile_plperl_function(), compile_pltcl_function(), CompleteCachedPlan(), compute_return_type(), ConfigOptionIsVisible(), convert_and_check_filename(), CreateCast(), CreateConversionCommand(), createdb(), CreateEventTrigger(), CreateExtensionInternal(), CreateForeignDataWrapper(), CreateForeignServer(), CreateForeignTable(), CreateFunction(), CreateOpFamily(), CreateProceduralLanguage(), CreatePublication(), CreateRole(), CreateStatistics(), CreateSubscription(), CreateTableSpace(), CreateTransform(), CreateTriggerFiringOn(), current_user(), currtid_internal(), currval_oid(), DefineAggregate(), DefineCollation(), DefineDomain(), DefineEnum(), DefineIndex(), DefineOpClass(), DefineOperator(), DefineOpFamily(), DefineQueryRewrite(), DefineRange(), DefineRelation(), DefineTSConfiguration(), DefineTSDictionary(), DefineType(), do_setval(), DoCopy(), dropdb(), DropOwnedObjects(), DropRole(), DropSubscription(), DropTableSpace(), emit_audit_message(), EnableDisableRule(), examine_simple_variable(), examine_variable(), ExecAlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt(), ExecAlterExtensionContentsStmt(), ExecAlterExtensionStmt(), ExecAlterObjectDependsStmt(), ExecBuildGroupingEqual(), ExecBuildParamSetEqual(), ExecBuildSlotPartitionKeyDescription(), ExecBuildSlotValueDescription(), ExecCheckOneRelPerms(), ExecGetResultRelCheckAsUser(), ExecGrant_Attribute(), ExecGrant_common(), ExecGrant_Largeobject(), ExecGrant_Parameter(), ExecGrant_Relation(), ExecInitAgg(), ExecInitExprRec(), ExecInitFunc(), ExecInitWindowAgg(), ExecReindex(), ExecSecLabelStmt(), execute_extension_script(), ExecuteCallStmt(), ExecuteDoStmt(), ExecuteGrantStmt(), ExecuteTruncateGuts(), extension_is_trusted(), file_fdw_validator(), findRangeCanonicalFunction(), findRangeSubtypeDiffFunction(), FinishPreparedTransaction(), fmgr_security_definer(), get_connect_string(), get_other_operator(), get_rel_from_relname(), get_rolespec_oid(), get_rolespec_tuple(), get_row_security_policies(), get_tables_to_cluster(), get_tables_to_cluster_partitioned(), GetConfigOptionValues(), gin_clean_pending_list(), GrantRole(), HandleFunctionRequest(), has_any_column_privilege_id(), has_any_column_privilege_name(), has_column_privilege_id_attnum(), has_column_privilege_id_name(), has_column_privilege_name_attnum(), has_column_privilege_name_name(), has_database_privilege_id(), has_database_privilege_name(), has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege_id(), has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege_name(), has_function_privilege_id(), has_function_privilege_name(), has_language_privilege_id(), has_language_privilege_name(), has_parameter_privilege_name(), has_schema_privilege_id(), has_schema_privilege_name(), has_sequence_privilege_id(), has_sequence_privilege_name(), has_server_privilege_id(), has_server_privilege_name(), has_table_privilege_id(), has_table_privilege_name(), has_tablespace_privilege_id(), has_tablespace_privilege_name(), has_type_privilege_id(), has_type_privilege_name(), have_createdb_privilege(), have_createrole_privilege(), heap_force_common(), ImportForeignSchema(), init_sexpr(), InitializeSearchPath(), InitPostgres(), InitTempTableNamespace(), inline_function(), inline_set_returning_function(), insert_username(), interpret_function_parameter_list(), inv_create(), inv_open(), LargeObjectCreate(), lastval(), LockViewRecurse(), LogicalRepSyncTableStart(), lookup_agg_function(), LookupCreationNamespace(), LookupExplicitNamespace(), MergeAttributes(), movedb(), nextval_internal(), OperatorCreate(), OperatorShellMake(), pg_has_role_id(), pg_has_role_name(), pg_import_system_collations(), pg_prewarm(), pg_sequence_last_value(), pg_sequence_parameters(), pg_signal_backend(), pg_stat_get_wal_receiver(), pg_stat_get_wal_senders(), pg_stat_statements_internal(), pgrowlocks(), pgss_store(), pgstat_get_backend_current_activity(), pltcl_fetch_interp(), postgresBeginDirectModify(), postgresBeginForeignScan(), postgresExecForeignTruncate(), postgresGetForeignRelSize(), postgresImportForeignSchema(), PrepareTempTablespaces(), PrepareTransaction(), PublicationAddTables(), RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation(), RangeVarCallbackForDropRelation(), RangeVarCallbackForLockTable(), RangeVarCallbackForPolicy(), RangeVarCallbackForReindexIndex(), RangeVarCallbackForRenameRule(), RangeVarCallbackForRenameTrigger(), RangeVarCallbackMaintainsTable(), RangeVarCallbackOwnsRelation(), RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(), ReassignOwnedObjects(), recomputeNamespacePath(), REGRESS_exec_check_perms(), REGRESS_object_access_hook(), REGRESS_object_access_hook_str(), REGRESS_utility_command(), ReindexMultipleInternal(), ReindexMultipleTables(), RemoveObjects(), renameatt_check(), RenameDatabase(), RenameRole(), RenameSchema(), RenameTableSpace(), RenameType(), RevalidateCachedQuery(), RI_Initial_Check(), ri_ReportViolation(), select_perl_context(), set_config_option(), set_foreign_rel_properties(), shell_check_detail(), standard_ProcessUtility(), statext_is_compatible_clause(), superuser(), TargetPrivilegesCheck(), TerminateOtherDBBackends(), transformTableLikeClause(), truncate_check_perms(), user_mapping_ddl_aclcheck(), vacuum_is_permitted_for_relation(), validate_option_array_item(), ValidateJoinEstimator(), ValidateOperatorReference(), and ValidateRestrictionEstimator().

◆ GetUserIdAndContext()

void GetUserIdAndContext ( Oid userid,
bool sec_def_context 

Definition at line 684 of file miscinit.c.

685 {
686  *userid = CurrentUserId;
687  *sec_def_context = InLocalUserIdChange();
688 }
bool InLocalUserIdChange(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:653

References CurrentUserId, and InLocalUserIdChange().

◆ GetUserIdAndSecContext()

◆ GetUserNameFromId()

char* GetUserNameFromId ( Oid  roleid,
bool  noerr 

Definition at line 980 of file miscinit.c.

981 {
982  HeapTuple tuple;
983  char *result;
985  tuple = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(roleid));
986  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
987  {
988  if (!noerr)
989  ereport(ERROR,
991  errmsg("invalid role OID: %u", roleid)));
992  result = NULL;
993  }
994  else
995  {
996  result = pstrdup(NameStr(((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->rolname));
997  ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
998  }
999  return result;
1000 }
#define NameStr(name)
Definition: c.h:746
#define HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)
Definition: htup.h:78
Definition: htup_details.h:653
char * pstrdup(const char *in)
Definition: mcxt.c:1696
NameData rolname
Definition: pg_authid.h:34
FormData_pg_authid * Form_pg_authid
Definition: pg_authid.h:56
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:252
void ReleaseSysCache(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: syscache.c:266
HeapTuple SearchSysCache1(int cacheId, Datum key1)
Definition: syscache.c:218

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, NameStr, ObjectIdGetDatum(), pstrdup(), ReleaseSysCache(), rolname, and SearchSysCache1().

Referenced by AddRoleMems(), check_can_set_role(), check_object_ownership(), check_role_grantor(), check_role_membership_authorization(), current_user(), DelRoleMems(), DropOwnedObjects(), execute_extension_script(), getObjectDescription(), getObjectIdentityParts(), insert_username(), LogicalRepSyncTableStart(), ReassignOwnedObjects(), regroleout(), session_user(), SwitchToUntrustedUser(), and TargetPrivilegesCheck().

◆ has_rolreplication()

bool has_rolreplication ( Oid  roleid)

Definition at line 711 of file miscinit.c.

712 {
713  bool result = false;
714  HeapTuple utup;
716  /* Superusers bypass all permission checking. */
717  if (superuser_arg(roleid))
718  return true;
720  utup = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(roleid));
721  if (HeapTupleIsValid(utup))
722  {
723  result = ((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(utup))->rolreplication;
724  ReleaseSysCache(utup);
725  }
726  return result;
727 }
bool rolreplication
Definition: pg_authid.h:40
bool superuser_arg(Oid roleid)
Definition: superuser.c:56

References GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum(), ReleaseSysCache(), rolreplication, SearchSysCache1(), and superuser_arg().

Referenced by AlterRole(), binary_upgrade_logical_slot_has_caught_up(), CheckSlotPermissions(), CreateRole(), and InitPostgres().

◆ InitializeMaxBackends()

void InitializeMaxBackends ( void  )

Definition at line 575 of file postinit.c.

576 {
577  Assert(MaxBackends == 0);
579  /* the extra unit accounts for the autovacuum launcher */
584  ereport(ERROR,
586  errmsg("too many server processes configured"),
587  errdetail("\"max_connections\" (%d) plus \"autovacuum_max_workers\" (%d) plus \"max_worker_processes\" (%d) plus \"max_wal_senders\" (%d) must be less than %d.",
591 }
int autovacuum_max_workers
Definition: autovacuum.c:118
int MaxConnections
Definition: globals.c:141
int MaxBackends
Definition: globals.c:144
int max_worker_processes
Definition: globals.c:142
Definition: postmaster.h:103
int max_wal_senders
Definition: walsender.c:121

References Assert, autovacuum_max_workers, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, MAX_BACKENDS, max_wal_senders, max_worker_processes, MaxBackends, and MaxConnections.

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ InitializeSessionUserId()

void InitializeSessionUserId ( const char *  rolename,
Oid  roleid,
bool  bypass_login_check 

Definition at line 733 of file miscinit.c.

734 {
735  HeapTuple roleTup;
736  Form_pg_authid rform;
737  char *rname;
738  bool is_superuser;
740  /*
741  * Don't do scans if we're bootstrapping, none of the system catalogs
742  * exist yet, and they should be owned by postgres anyway.
743  */
746  /* call only once */
749  /*
750  * Make sure syscache entries are flushed for recent catalog changes. This
751  * allows us to find roles that were created on-the-fly during
752  * authentication.
753  */
756  if (rolename != NULL)
757  {
758  roleTup = SearchSysCache1(AUTHNAME, PointerGetDatum(rolename));
759  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(roleTup))
760  ereport(FATAL,
762  errmsg("role \"%s\" does not exist", rolename)));
763  }
764  else
765  {
766  roleTup = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(roleid));
767  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(roleTup))
768  ereport(FATAL,
770  errmsg("role with OID %u does not exist", roleid)));
771  }
773  rform = (Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(roleTup);
774  roleid = rform->oid;
775  rname = NameStr(rform->rolname);
777  AuthenticatedUserId = roleid;
778  is_superuser = rform->rolsuper;
780  /* This sets OuterUserId/CurrentUserId too */
783  /* Also mark our PGPROC entry with the authenticated user id */
784  /* (We assume this is an atomic store so no lock is needed) */
785  MyProc->roleId = roleid;
787  /*
788  * These next checks are not enforced when in standalone mode, so that
789  * there is a way to recover from sillinesses like "UPDATE pg_authid SET
790  * rolcanlogin = false;".
791  */
792  if (IsUnderPostmaster)
793  {
794  /*
795  * Is role allowed to login at all?
796  */
797  if (!bypass_login_check && !rform->rolcanlogin)
798  ereport(FATAL,
800  errmsg("role \"%s\" is not permitted to log in",
801  rname)));
803  /*
804  * Check connection limit for this role.
805  *
806  * There is a race condition here --- we create our PGPROC before
807  * checking for other PGPROCs. If two backends did this at about the
808  * same time, they might both think they were over the limit, while
809  * ideally one should succeed and one fail. Getting that to work
810  * exactly seems more trouble than it is worth, however; instead we
811  * just document that the connection limit is approximate.
812  */
813  if (rform->rolconnlimit >= 0 &&
814  !is_superuser &&
815  CountUserBackends(roleid) > rform->rolconnlimit)
816  ereport(FATAL,
818  errmsg("too many connections for role \"%s\"",
819  rname)));
820  }
822  /* Record username and superuser status as GUC settings too */
823  SetConfigOption("session_authorization", rname,
825  SetConfigOption("is_superuser",
826  is_superuser ? "on" : "off",
829  ReleaseSysCache(roleTup);
830 }
bool IsUnderPostmaster
Definition: globals.c:118
void SetConfigOption(const char *name, const char *value, GucContext context, GucSource source)
Definition: guc.c:4282
Definition: guc.h:110
Definition: guc.h:119
Definition: guc.h:69
Definition: guc.h:73
void AcceptInvalidationMessages(void)
Definition: inval.c:806
#define IsBootstrapProcessingMode()
Definition: miscadmin.h:454
static void SetSessionUserId(Oid userid, bool is_superuser)
Definition: miscinit.c:556
static bool is_superuser(Archive *fout)
Definition: pg_dump.c:4721
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:322
int CountUserBackends(Oid roleid)
Definition: procarray.c:3704
Oid roleId
Definition: proc.h:203

References AcceptInvalidationMessages(), Assert, AuthenticatedUserId, CountUserBackends(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), FATAL, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, is_superuser(), IsBootstrapProcessingMode, IsUnderPostmaster, MyProc, NameStr, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, PGC_BACKEND, PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, PGC_S_OVERRIDE, PointerGetDatum(), ReleaseSysCache(), PGPROC::roleId, SearchSysCache1(), SetConfigOption(), and SetSessionUserId().

Referenced by InitPostgres().

◆ InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone()

void InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone ( void  )

Definition at line 837 of file miscinit.c.

838 {
839  /*
840  * This function should only be called in single-user mode, in autovacuum
841  * workers, in slot sync worker and in background workers.
842  */
846  /* call only once */
849  AuthenticatedUserId = BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID;
850  SetSessionUserId(BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID, true);
852  /*
853  * XXX This should set SetConfigOption("session_authorization"), too.
854  * Since we don't, C code will get NULL, and current_setting() will get an
855  * empty string.
856  */
857  SetConfigOption("is_superuser", "on",
859 }
#define AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess()
Definition: miscadmin.h:375
#define AmBackgroundWorkerProcess()
Definition: miscadmin.h:376
#define AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess()
Definition: miscadmin.h:378

References AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess, AmBackgroundWorkerProcess, AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess, Assert, AuthenticatedUserId, IsUnderPostmaster, OidIsValid, PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, SetConfigOption(), and SetSessionUserId().

Referenced by InitPostgres().

◆ InitializeSystemUser()

void InitializeSystemUser ( const char *  authn_id,
const char *  auth_method 

Definition at line 867 of file miscinit.c.

868 {
869  char *system_user;
871  /* call only once */
872  Assert(SystemUser == NULL);
874  /*
875  * InitializeSystemUser should be called only when authn_id is not NULL,
876  * meaning that auth_method is valid.
877  */
878  Assert(authn_id != NULL);
880  system_user = psprintf("%s:%s", auth_method, authn_id);
882  /* Store SystemUser in long-lived storage */
885 }
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
MemoryContext TopMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:149
char * MemoryContextStrdup(MemoryContext context, const char *string)
Definition: mcxt.c:1683
Datum system_user(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: miscinit.c:891
char * psprintf(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: psprintf.c:46

References Assert, MemoryContextStrdup(), pfree(), psprintf(), system_user(), SystemUser, and TopMemoryContext.

Referenced by InitPostgres(), and ParallelWorkerMain().

◆ InitPostgres()

void InitPostgres ( const char *  in_dbname,
Oid  dboid,
const char *  username,
Oid  useroid,
bits32  flags,
char *  out_dbname 

Definition at line 693 of file postinit.c.

697 {
698  bool bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();
699  bool am_superuser;
700  char *fullpath;
701  char dbname[NAMEDATALEN];
702  int nfree = 0;
704  elog(DEBUG3, "InitPostgres");
706  /*
707  * Add my PGPROC struct to the ProcArray.
708  *
709  * Once I have done this, I am visible to other backends!
710  */
713  /*
714  * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
715  * per-backend data.
716  */
717  SharedInvalBackendInit(false);
719  ProcSignalInit();
721  /*
722  * Also set up timeout handlers needed for backend operation. We need
723  * these in every case except bootstrap.
724  */
725  if (!bootstrap)
726  {
737  }
739  /*
740  * If this is either a bootstrap process or a standalone backend, start up
741  * the XLOG machinery, and register to have it closed down at exit. In
742  * other cases, the startup process is responsible for starting up the
743  * XLOG machinery, and the checkpointer for closing it down.
744  */
745  if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
746  {
747  /*
748  * We don't yet have an aux-process resource owner, but StartupXLOG
749  * and ShutdownXLOG will need one. Hence, create said resource owner
750  * (and register a callback to clean it up after ShutdownXLOG runs).
751  */
754  StartupXLOG();
755  /* Release (and warn about) any buffer pins leaked in StartupXLOG */
757  /* Reset CurrentResourceOwner to nothing for the moment */
758  CurrentResourceOwner = NULL;
760  /*
761  * Use before_shmem_exit() so that ShutdownXLOG() can rely on DSM
762  * segments etc to work (which in turn is required for pgstats).
763  */
766  }
768  /*
769  * Initialize the relation cache and the system catalog caches. Note that
770  * no catalog access happens here; we only set up the hashtable structure.
771  * We must do this before starting a transaction because transaction abort
772  * would try to touch these hashtables.
773  */
776  InitPlanCache();
778  /* Initialize portal manager */
781  /* Initialize status reporting */
782  pgstat_beinit();
784  /*
785  * Load relcache entries for the shared system catalogs. This must create
786  * at least entries for pg_database and catalogs used for authentication.
787  */
790  /*
791  * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup. This is the
792  * one of the first before_shmem_exit callbacks we register; thus, this
793  * will be one the last things we do before low-level modules like the
794  * buffer manager begin to close down. We need to have this in place
795  * before we begin our first transaction --- if we fail during the
796  * initialization transaction, as is entirely possible, we need the
797  * AbortTransaction call to clean up.
798  */
801  /* The autovacuum launcher is done here */
803  {
804  /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
805  pgstat_bestart();
807  return;
808  }
810  /*
811  * Start a new transaction here before first access to db, and get a
812  * snapshot. We don't have a use for the snapshot itself, but we're
813  * interested in the secondary effect that it sets RecentGlobalXmin. (This
814  * is critical for anything that reads heap pages, because HOT may decide
815  * to prune them even if the process doesn't attempt to modify any
816  * tuples.)
817  *
818  * FIXME: This comment is inaccurate / the code buggy. A snapshot that is
819  * not pushed/active does not reliably prevent HOT pruning (->xmin could
820  * e.g. be cleared when cache invalidations are processed).
821  */
822  if (!bootstrap)
823  {
824  /* statement_timestamp must be set for timeouts to work correctly */
828  /*
829  * transaction_isolation will have been set to the default by the
830  * above. If the default is "serializable", and we are in hot
831  * standby, we will fail if we don't change it to something lower.
832  * Fortunately, "read committed" is plenty good enough.
833  */
836  (void) GetTransactionSnapshot();
837  }
839  /*
840  * Perform client authentication if necessary, then figure out our
841  * postgres user ID, and see if we are a superuser.
842  *
843  * In standalone mode, autovacuum worker processes and slot sync worker
844  * process, we use a fixed ID, otherwise we figure it out from the
845  * authenticated user name.
846  */
848  {
850  am_superuser = true;
851  }
852  else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
853  {
855  am_superuser = true;
856  if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneRole())
859  errmsg("no roles are defined in this database system"),
860  errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" SUPERUSER;.",
861  username != NULL ? username : "postgres")));
862  }
863  else if (AmBackgroundWorkerProcess())
864  {
865  if (username == NULL && !OidIsValid(useroid))
866  {
868  am_superuser = true;
869  }
870  else
871  {
873  (flags & INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ROLE_LOGIN) != 0);
874  am_superuser = superuser();
875  }
876  }
877  else
878  {
879  /* normal multiuser case */
880  Assert(MyProcPort != NULL);
882  InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid, false);
883  /* ensure that auth_method is actually valid, aka authn_id is not NULL */
887  am_superuser = superuser();
888  }
890  /*
891  * Binary upgrades only allowed super-user connections
892  */
893  if (IsBinaryUpgrade && !am_superuser)
894  {
895  ereport(FATAL,
897  errmsg("must be superuser to connect in binary upgrade mode")));
898  }
900  /*
901  * The last few connection slots are reserved for superusers and roles
902  * with privileges of pg_use_reserved_connections. Replication
903  * connections are drawn from slots reserved with max_wal_senders and are
904  * not limited by max_connections, superuser_reserved_connections, or
905  * reserved_connections.
906  *
907  * Note: At this point, the new backend has already claimed a proc struct,
908  * so we must check whether the number of free slots is strictly less than
909  * the reserved connection limits.
910  */
911  if (!am_superuser && !am_walsender &&
914  {
915  if (nfree < SuperuserReservedConnections)
916  ereport(FATAL,
918  errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for roles with the %s attribute",
919  "SUPERUSER")));
921  if (!has_privs_of_role(GetUserId(), ROLE_PG_USE_RESERVED_CONNECTIONS))
922  ereport(FATAL,
924  errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for roles with privileges of the \"%s\" role",
925  "pg_use_reserved_connections")));
926  }
928  /* Check replication permissions needed for walsender processes. */
929  if (am_walsender)
930  {
931  Assert(!bootstrap);
934  ereport(FATAL,
936  errmsg("permission denied to start WAL sender"),
937  errdetail("Only roles with the %s attribute may start a WAL sender process.",
938  "REPLICATION")));
939  }
941  /*
942  * If this is a plain walsender only supporting physical replication, we
943  * don't want to connect to any particular database. Just finish the
944  * backend startup by processing any options from the startup packet, and
945  * we're done.
946  */
948  {
949  /* process any options passed in the startup packet */
950  if (MyProcPort != NULL)
951  process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
953  /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
954  if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
955  pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
957  /* initialize client encoding */
960  /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
961  pgstat_bestart();
963  /* close the transaction we started above */
966  return;
967  }
969  /*
970  * Set up the global variables holding database id and default tablespace.
971  * But note we won't actually try to touch the database just yet.
972  *
973  * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
974  * the db's entry in pg_database.
975  */
976  if (bootstrap)
977  {
978  dboid = Template1DbOid;
979  MyDatabaseTableSpace = DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID;
980  }
981  else if (in_dbname != NULL)
982  {
983  HeapTuple tuple;
984  Form_pg_database dbform;
986  tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(in_dbname);
987  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
988  ereport(FATAL,
990  errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname)));
991  dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
992  dboid = dbform->oid;
993  }
994  else if (!OidIsValid(dboid))
995  {
996  /*
997  * If this is a background worker not bound to any particular
998  * database, we're done now. Everything that follows only makes sense
999  * if we are bound to a specific database. We do need to close the
1000  * transaction we started before returning.
1001  */
1002  if (!bootstrap)
1003  {
1004  pgstat_bestart();
1006  }
1007  return;
1008  }
1010  /*
1011  * Now, take a writer's lock on the database we are trying to connect to.
1012  * If there is a concurrently running DROP DATABASE on that database, this
1013  * will block us until it finishes (and has committed its update of
1014  * pg_database).
1015  *
1016  * Note that the lock is not held long, only until the end of this startup
1017  * transaction. This is OK since we will advertise our use of the
1018  * database in the ProcArray before dropping the lock (in fact, that's the
1019  * next thing to do). Anyone trying a DROP DATABASE after this point will
1020  * see us in the array once they have the lock. Ordering is important for
1021  * this because we don't want to advertise ourselves as being in this
1022  * database until we have the lock; otherwise we create what amounts to a
1023  * deadlock with CountOtherDBBackends().
1024  *
1025  * Note: use of RowExclusiveLock here is reasonable because we envision
1026  * our session as being a concurrent writer of the database. If we had a
1027  * way of declaring a session as being guaranteed-read-only, we could use
1028  * AccessShareLock for such sessions and thereby not conflict against
1030  */
1031  if (!bootstrap)
1032  LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, dboid, 0, RowExclusiveLock);
1034  /*
1035  * Recheck pg_database to make sure the target database hasn't gone away.
1036  * If there was a concurrent DROP DATABASE, this ensures we will die
1037  * cleanly without creating a mess.
1038  */
1039  if (!bootstrap)
1040  {
1041  HeapTuple tuple;
1042  Form_pg_database datform;
1044  tuple = GetDatabaseTupleByOid(dboid);
1045  if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
1046  datform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
1048  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
1049  (in_dbname && namestrcmp(&datform->datname, in_dbname)))
1050  {
1051  if (in_dbname)
1052  ereport(FATAL,
1054  errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname),
1055  errdetail("It seems to have just been dropped or renamed.")));
1056  else
1057  ereport(FATAL,
1059  errmsg("database %u does not exist", dboid)));
1060  }
1062  strlcpy(dbname, NameStr(datform->datname), sizeof(dbname));
1064  if (database_is_invalid_form(datform))
1065  {
1066  ereport(FATAL,
1068  errmsg("cannot connect to invalid database \"%s\"", dbname),
1069  errhint("Use DROP DATABASE to drop invalid databases."));
1070  }
1072  MyDatabaseTableSpace = datform->dattablespace;
1073  MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers = datform->dathasloginevt;
1074  /* pass the database name back to the caller */
1075  if (out_dbname)
1076  strcpy(out_dbname, dbname);
1077  }
1079  /*
1080  * Now that we rechecked, we are certain to be connected to a database and
1081  * thus can set MyDatabaseId.
1082  *
1083  * It is important that MyDatabaseId only be set once we are sure that the
1084  * target database can no longer be concurrently dropped or renamed. For
1085  * example, without this guarantee, pgstat_update_dbstats() could create
1086  * entries for databases that were just dropped in the pgstat shutdown
1087  * callback, which could confuse other code paths like the autovacuum
1088  * scheduler.
1089  */
1090  MyDatabaseId = dboid;
1092  /*
1093  * Now we can mark our PGPROC entry with the database ID.
1094  *
1095  * We assume this is an atomic store so no lock is needed; though actually
1096  * things would work fine even if it weren't atomic. Anyone searching the
1097  * ProcArray for this database's ID should hold the database lock, so they
1098  * would not be executing concurrently with this store. A process looking
1099  * for another database's ID could in theory see a chance match if it read
1100  * a partially-updated databaseId value; but as long as all such searches
1101  * wait and retry, as in CountOtherDBBackends(), they will certainly see
1102  * the correct value on their next try.
1103  */
1106  /*
1107  * We established a catalog snapshot while reading pg_authid and/or
1108  * pg_database; but until we have set up MyDatabaseId, we won't react to
1109  * incoming sinval messages for unshared catalogs, so we won't realize it
1110  * if the snapshot has been invalidated. Assume it's no good anymore.
1111  */
1114  /*
1115  * Now we should be able to access the database directory safely. Verify
1116  * it's there and looks reasonable.
1117  */
1120  if (!bootstrap)
1121  {
1122  if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
1123  {
1124  if (errno == ENOENT)
1125  ereport(FATAL,
1127  errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
1128  dbname),
1129  errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
1130  fullpath)));
1131  else
1132  ereport(FATAL,
1134  errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",
1135  fullpath)));
1136  }
1138  ValidatePgVersion(fullpath);
1139  }
1141  SetDatabasePath(fullpath);
1142  pfree(fullpath);
1144  /*
1145  * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
1146  *
1147  * Load relcache entries for the system catalogs. This must create at
1148  * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.
1149  */
1152  /* set up ACL framework (so CheckMyDatabase can check permissions) */
1153  initialize_acl();
1155  /*
1156  * Re-read the pg_database row for our database, check permissions and set
1157  * up database-specific GUC settings. We can't do this until all the
1158  * database-access infrastructure is up. (Also, it wants to know if the
1159  * user is a superuser, so the above stuff has to happen first.)
1160  */
1161  if (!bootstrap)
1162  CheckMyDatabase(dbname, am_superuser,
1163  (flags & INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ALLOW_CONNS) != 0);
1165  /*
1166  * Now process any command-line switches and any additional GUC variable
1167  * settings passed in the startup packet. We couldn't do this before
1168  * because we didn't know if client is a superuser.
1169  */
1170  if (MyProcPort != NULL)
1171  process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);
1173  /* Process pg_db_role_setting options */
1176  /* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
1177  if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
1178  pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);
1180  /*
1181  * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
1182  * selected the active user and gotten the right GUC settings.
1183  */
1185  /* set default namespace search path */
1188  /* initialize client encoding */
1191  /* Initialize this backend's session state. */
1194  /*
1195  * If this is an interactive session, load any libraries that should be
1196  * preloaded at backend start. Since those are determined by GUCs, this
1197  * can't happen until GUC settings are complete, but we want it to happen
1198  * during the initial transaction in case anything that requires database
1199  * access needs to be done.
1200  */
1201  if ((flags & INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS) != 0)
1204  /* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
1205  if (!bootstrap)
1206  pgstat_bestart();
1208  /* close the transaction we started above */
1209  if (!bootstrap)
1211 }
void initialize_acl(void)
Definition: acl.c:4890
bool has_privs_of_role(Oid member, Oid role)
Definition: acl.c:5134
void pgstat_beinit(void)
void pgstat_bestart(void)
bool database_is_invalid_form(Form_pg_database datform)
Definition: dbcommands.c:3190
#define DEBUG3
Definition: elog.h:28
#define WARNING
Definition: elog.h:36
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:224
bool MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers
Definition: globals.c:96
bool IsBinaryUpgrade
Definition: globals.c:119
Oid MyDatabaseTableSpace
Definition: globals.c:94
struct Port * MyProcPort
Definition: globals.c:50
Oid MyDatabaseId
Definition: globals.c:92
const char * hba_authname(UserAuth auth_method)
Definition: hba.c:3061
static char * username
Definition: initdb.c:153
void before_shmem_exit(pg_on_exit_callback function, Datum arg)
Definition: ipc.c:337
void LockSharedObject(Oid classid, Oid objid, uint16 objsubid, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: lmgr.c:1073
#define RowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:38
void InitializeClientEncoding(void)
Definition: mbutils.c:281
Definition: miscadmin.h:476
#define AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess()
Definition: miscadmin.h:374
Definition: miscadmin.h:478
Definition: miscadmin.h:477
void InitializeSessionUserId(const char *rolename, Oid roleid, bool bypass_login_check)
Definition: miscinit.c:733
void InitializeSystemUser(const char *authn_id, const char *auth_method)
Definition: miscinit.c:867
void InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:837
void process_session_preload_libraries(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:1857
Oid GetUserId(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:514
Oid GetSessionUserId(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:548
void SetDatabasePath(const char *path)
Definition: miscinit.c:328
bool has_rolreplication(Oid roleid)
Definition: miscinit.c:711
int namestrcmp(Name name, const char *str)
Definition: name.c:247
void InitializeSearchPath(void)
Definition: namespace.c:4721
FormData_pg_database * Form_pg_database
Definition: pg_database.h:96
void pgstat_before_server_shutdown(int code, Datum arg)
Definition: pgstat.c:505
void InitPlanCache(void)
Definition: plancache.c:155
size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz)
Definition: strlcpy.c:45
void EnablePortalManager(void)
Definition: portalmem.c:104
int PostAuthDelay
Definition: postgres.c:101
static void ShutdownPostgres(int code, Datum arg)
Definition: postinit.c:1317
static void IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1374
static void LockTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1356
static void IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1390
static void process_settings(Oid databaseid, Oid roleid)
Definition: postinit.c:1283
static void IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1382
static void process_startup_options(Port *port, bool am_superuser)
Definition: postinit.c:1218
static void StatementTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1334
static void CheckMyDatabase(const char *name, bool am_superuser, bool override_allow_connections)
Definition: postinit.c:313
static bool ThereIsAtLeastOneRole(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1409
static void PerformAuthentication(Port *port)
Definition: postinit.c:190
static void ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1398
static HeapTuple GetDatabaseTuple(const char *dbname)
Definition: postinit.c:101
static HeapTuple GetDatabaseTupleByOid(Oid dboid)
Definition: postinit.c:144
static void TransactionTimeoutHandler(void)
Definition: postinit.c:1366
int ReservedConnections
Definition: postmaster.c:217
int SuperuserReservedConnections
Definition: postmaster.c:216
short access
Definition: preproc-type.c:36
void ProcSignalInit(void)
Definition: procsignal.c:158
void RelationCacheInitializePhase3(void)
Definition: relcache.c:4097
void RelationCacheInitialize(void)
Definition: relcache.c:3992
void RelationCacheInitializePhase2(void)
Definition: relcache.c:4038
char * GetDatabasePath(Oid dbOid, Oid spcOid)
Definition: relpath.c:110
void ReleaseAuxProcessResources(bool isCommit)
Definition: resowner.c:1002
ResourceOwner CurrentResourceOwner
Definition: resowner.c:165
void CreateAuxProcessResourceOwner(void)
Definition: resowner.c:982
void InitializeSession(void)
Definition: session.c:54
void pg_usleep(long microsec)
Definition: signal.c:53
void SharedInvalBackendInit(bool sendOnly)
Definition: sinvaladt.c:272
Snapshot GetTransactionSnapshot(void)
Definition: snapmgr.c:216
void InvalidateCatalogSnapshot(void)
Definition: snapmgr.c:422
bool HaveNFreeProcs(int n, int *nfree)
Definition: proc.c:687
void CheckDeadLockAlert(void)
Definition: proc.c:1840
void InitProcessPhase2(void)
Definition: proc.c:488
char * dbname
Definition: streamutil.c:52
UserAuth auth_method
Definition: libpq-be.h:109
Oid databaseId
Definition: proc.h:202
bool superuser(void)
Definition: superuser.c:46
void InitCatalogCache(void)
Definition: syscache.c:107
TimeoutId RegisterTimeout(TimeoutId id, timeout_handler_proc handler)
Definition: timeout.c:505
Definition: timeout.h:35
Definition: timeout.h:33
Definition: timeout.h:28
Definition: timeout.h:29
Definition: timeout.h:27
Definition: timeout.h:34
Definition: timeout.h:36
Definition: timeout.h:37
bool am_walsender
Definition: walsender.c:115
bool am_db_walsender
Definition: walsender.c:118
void StartTransactionCommand(void)
Definition: xact.c:3033
int XactIsoLevel
Definition: xact.c:77
void SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp(void)
Definition: xact.c:912
void CommitTransactionCommand(void)
Definition: xact.c:3131
Definition: xact.h:37
void StartupXLOG(void)
Definition: xlog.c:5387
void ShutdownXLOG(int code, Datum arg)
Definition: xlog.c:6539

References am_db_walsender, am_walsender, AmAutoVacuumLauncherProcess, AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess, AmBackgroundWorkerProcess, AmLogicalSlotSyncWorkerProcess, Assert, ClientConnectionInfo::auth_method, ClientConnectionInfo::authn_id, before_shmem_exit(), CheckDeadLockAlert(), CheckMyDatabase(), CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT, ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(), CommitTransactionCommand(), CreateAuxProcessResourceOwner(), CurrentResourceOwner, database_is_invalid_form(), PGPROC::databaseId, dbname, DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, DEBUG3, elog, EnablePortalManager(), ereport, errcode(), errcode_for_file_access(), errdetail(), errhint(), errmsg(), FATAL, GetDatabasePath(), GetDatabaseTuple(), GetDatabaseTupleByOid(), GetSessionUserId(), GETSTRUCT, GetTransactionSnapshot(), GetUserId(), has_privs_of_role(), has_rolreplication(), HaveNFreeProcs(), hba_authname(), HeapTupleIsValid, IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION_SESSION_TIMEOUT, IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT, IDLE_STATS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(), IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(), IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(), INIT_PG_LOAD_SESSION_LIBS, INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ALLOW_CONNS, INIT_PG_OVERRIDE_ROLE_LOGIN, InitCatalogCache(), initialize_acl(), InitializeClientEncoding(), InitializeSearchPath(), InitializeSession(), InitializeSessionUserId(), InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone(), InitializeSystemUser(), InitPlanCache(), InitProcessPhase2(), InvalidateCatalogSnapshot(), IsBinaryUpgrade, IsBootstrapProcessingMode, IsUnderPostmaster, LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockSharedObject(), LockTimeoutHandler(), MyClientConnectionInfo, MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers, MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace, MyProc, MyProcPort, NAMEDATALEN, NameStr, namestrcmp(), OidIsValid, PerformAuthentication(), pfree(), pg_usleep(), pgstat_before_server_shutdown(), pgstat_beinit(), pgstat_bestart(), PostAuthDelay, process_session_preload_libraries(), process_settings(), process_startup_options(), ProcSignalInit(), RegisterTimeout(), RelationCacheInitialize(), RelationCacheInitializePhase2(), RelationCacheInitializePhase3(), ReleaseAuxProcessResources(), ReservedConnections, RowExclusiveLock, SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp(), SetDatabasePath(), SharedInvalBackendInit(), ShutdownPostgres(), ShutdownXLOG(), StartTransactionCommand(), StartupXLOG(), STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, StatementTimeoutHandler(), strlcpy(), superuser(), SuperuserReservedConnections, ThereIsAtLeastOneRole(), TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, TransactionTimeoutHandler(), username, ValidatePgVersion(), WARNING, XACT_READ_COMMITTED, and XactIsoLevel.

Referenced by AutoVacWorkerMain(), BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection(), BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid(), BootstrapModeMain(), PostgresMain(), and ReplSlotSyncWorkerMain().

◆ InitPostmasterChild()

void InitPostmasterChild ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file miscinit.c.

96 {
97  IsUnderPostmaster = true; /* we are a postmaster subprocess now */
99  /*
100  * Start our win32 signal implementation. This has to be done after we
101  * read the backend variables, because we need to pick up the signal pipe
102  * from the parent process.
103  */
104 #ifdef WIN32
106 #endif
108  /*
109  * Set reference point for stack-depth checking. This might seem
110  * redundant in !EXEC_BACKEND builds, but it's better to keep the depth
111  * logic the same with and without that build option.
112  */
113  (void) set_stack_base();
117  /*
118  * make sure stderr is in binary mode before anything can possibly be
119  * written to it, in case it's actually the syslogger pipe, so the pipe
120  * chunking protocol isn't disturbed. Non-logpipe data gets translated on
121  * redirection (e.g. via pg_ctl -l) anyway.
122  */
123 #ifdef WIN32
124  _setmode(fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY);
125 #endif
127  /* We don't want the postmaster's proc_exit() handlers */
128  on_exit_reset();
130  /* In EXEC_BACKEND case we will not have inherited BlockSig etc values */
131 #ifdef EXEC_BACKEND
132  pqinitmask();
133 #endif
135  /* Initialize process-local latch support */
140  /*
141  * If possible, make this process a group leader, so that the postmaster
142  * can signal any child processes too. Not all processes will have
143  * children, but for consistency we make all postmaster child processes do
144  * this.
145  */
146 #ifdef HAVE_SETSID
147  if (setsid() < 0)
148  elog(FATAL, "setsid() failed: %m");
149 #endif
151  /*
152  * Every postmaster child process is expected to respond promptly to
153  * SIGQUIT at all times. Therefore we centrally remove SIGQUIT from
154  * BlockSig and install a suitable signal handler. (Client-facing
155  * processes may choose to replace this default choice of handler with
156  * quickdie().) All other blockable signals remain blocked for now.
157  */
160  sigdelset(&BlockSig, SIGQUIT);
161  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
163  /* Request a signal if the postmaster dies, if possible. */
166  /* Don't give the pipe to subprograms that we execute. */
167 #ifndef WIN32
168  if (fcntl(postmaster_alive_fds[POSTMASTER_FD_WATCH], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)
169  ereport(FATAL,
171  errmsg_internal("could not set postmaster death monitoring pipe to FD_CLOEXEC mode: %m")));
172 #endif
173 }
void pqinitmask(void)
Definition: pqsignal.c:41
sigset_t BlockSig
Definition: pqsignal.c:23
int errcode_for_socket_access(void)
Definition: elog.c:953
int errmsg_internal(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1157
void SignalHandlerForCrashExit(SIGNAL_ARGS)
Definition: interrupt.c:73
void on_exit_reset(void)
Definition: ipc.c:416
void InitializeLatchWaitSet(void)
Definition: latch.c:346
void InitializeLatchSupport(void)
Definition: latch.c:232
void InitProcessLocalLatch(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:241
void PostmasterDeathSignalInit(void)
Definition: pmsignal.c:437
pqsigfunc pqsignal(int signo, pqsigfunc func)
pg_stack_base_t set_stack_base(void)
Definition: postgres.c:3480
void InitProcessGlobals(void)
Definition: postmaster.c:2032
int postmaster_alive_fds[2]
Definition: postmaster.c:479
Definition: postmaster.h:52
void pgwin32_signal_initialize(void)
Definition: signal.c:79
#define SIGQUIT
Definition: win32_port.h:169

References BlockSig, elog, ereport, errcode_for_socket_access(), errmsg_internal(), FATAL, InitializeLatchSupport(), InitializeLatchWaitSet(), InitProcessGlobals(), InitProcessLocalLatch(), IsUnderPostmaster, on_exit_reset(), pgwin32_signal_initialize(), postmaster_alive_fds, POSTMASTER_FD_WATCH, PostmasterDeathSignalInit(), pqinitmask(), pqsignal(), set_stack_base(), SignalHandlerForCrashExit(), and SIGQUIT.

Referenced by postmaster_child_launch().

◆ InitProcessLocalLatch()

void InitProcessLocalLatch ( void  )

Definition at line 241 of file miscinit.c.

242 {
245 }
struct Latch * MyLatch
Definition: globals.c:61
void InitLatch(Latch *latch)
Definition: latch.c:394
static Latch LocalLatchData
Definition: miscinit.c:68

References InitLatch(), LocalLatchData, and MyLatch.

Referenced by InitPostmasterChild(), InitStandaloneProcess(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ InitStandaloneProcess()

void InitStandaloneProcess ( const char *  argv0)

Definition at line 181 of file miscinit.c.

182 {
187  /*
188  * Start our win32 signal implementation
189  */
190 #ifdef WIN32
192 #endif
196  /* Initialize process-local latch support */
201  /*
202  * For consistency with InitPostmasterChild, initialize signal mask here.
203  * But we don't unblock SIGQUIT or provide a default handler for it.
204  */
205  pqinitmask();
206  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &BlockSig, NULL);
208  /* Compute paths, no postmaster to inherit from */
209  if (my_exec_path[0] == '\0')
210  {
211  if (find_my_exec(argv0, my_exec_path) < 0)
212  elog(FATAL, "%s: could not locate my own executable path",
213  argv0);
214  }
216  if (pkglib_path[0] == '\0')
218 }
int find_my_exec(const char *argv0, char *retpath)
Definition: exec.c:160
char pkglib_path[MAXPGPATH]
Definition: globals.c:80
bool IsPostmasterEnvironment
Definition: globals.c:117
char my_exec_path[MAXPGPATH]
Definition: globals.c:79
BackendType MyBackendType
Definition: miscinit.c:63
static char * argv0
Definition: pg_ctl.c:93
void get_pkglib_path(const char *my_exec_path, char *ret_path)
Definition: path.c:878

References argv0, Assert, B_STANDALONE_BACKEND, BlockSig, elog, FATAL, find_my_exec(), get_pkglib_path(), InitializeLatchSupport(), InitializeLatchWaitSet(), InitProcessGlobals(), InitProcessLocalLatch(), IsPostmasterEnvironment, my_exec_path, MyBackendType, pgwin32_signal_initialize(), pkglib_path, and pqinitmask().

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), and PostgresSingleUserMain().

◆ InLocalUserIdChange()

bool InLocalUserIdChange ( void  )

Definition at line 653 of file miscinit.c.

654 {
656 }
Definition: miscadmin.h:314

References SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE, and SecurityRestrictionContext.

Referenced by GetUserIdAndContext(), and set_config_with_handle().

◆ InNoForceRLSOperation()

bool InNoForceRLSOperation ( void  )

Definition at line 671 of file miscinit.c.

672 {
674 }
Definition: miscadmin.h:316

References SECURITY_NOFORCE_RLS, and SecurityRestrictionContext.

Referenced by check_enable_rls().

◆ InSecurityRestrictedOperation()

bool InSecurityRestrictedOperation ( void  )

◆ pg_bindtextdomain()

void pg_bindtextdomain ( const char *  domain)

Definition at line 1880 of file miscinit.c.

1881 {
1882 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
1883  if (my_exec_path[0] != '\0')
1884  {
1885  char locale_path[MAXPGPATH];
1887  get_locale_path(my_exec_path, locale_path);
1888  bindtextdomain(domain, locale_path);
1889  pg_bind_textdomain_codeset(domain);
1890  }
1891 #endif
1892 }
void get_locale_path(const char *my_exec_path, char *ret_path)
Definition: path.c:887

References get_locale_path(), MAXPGPATH, and my_exec_path.

Referenced by _PG_init().

◆ pg_split_opts()

void pg_split_opts ( char **  argv,
int *  argcp,
const char *  optstr 

Definition at line 517 of file postinit.c.

518 {
519  StringInfoData s;
521  initStringInfo(&s);
523  while (*optstr)
524  {
525  bool last_was_escape = false;
527  resetStringInfo(&s);
529  /* skip over leading space */
530  while (isspace((unsigned char) *optstr))
531  optstr++;
533  if (*optstr == '\0')
534  break;
536  /*
537  * Parse a single option, stopping at the first space, unless it's
538  * escaped.
539  */
540  while (*optstr)
541  {
542  if (isspace((unsigned char) *optstr) && !last_was_escape)
543  break;
545  if (!last_was_escape && *optstr == '\\')
546  last_was_escape = true;
547  else
548  {
549  last_was_escape = false;
550  appendStringInfoChar(&s, *optstr);
551  }
553  optstr++;
554  }
556  /* now store the option in the next argv[] position */
557  argv[(*argcp)++] = pstrdup(;
558  }
560  pfree(;
561 }
void resetStringInfo(StringInfo str)
Definition: stringinfo.c:78
void appendStringInfoChar(StringInfo str, char ch)
Definition: stringinfo.c:194
void initStringInfo(StringInfo str)
Definition: stringinfo.c:59

References appendStringInfoChar(), StringInfoData::data, initStringInfo(), pfree(), pstrdup(), and resetStringInfo().

Referenced by process_startup_options().

◆ PreventCommandDuringRecovery()

void PreventCommandDuringRecovery ( const char *  cmdname)

Definition at line 441 of file utility.c.

442 {
443  if (RecoveryInProgress())
444  ereport(ERROR,
446  /* translator: %s is name of a SQL command, eg CREATE */
447  errmsg("cannot execute %s during recovery",
448  cmdname)));
449 }
bool RecoveryInProgress(void)
Definition: xlog.c:6290

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, and RecoveryInProgress().

Referenced by pg_current_xact_id(), pg_notify(), and standard_ProcessUtility().

◆ PreventCommandIfParallelMode()

void PreventCommandIfParallelMode ( const char *  cmdname)

Definition at line 422 of file utility.c.

423 {
424  if (IsInParallelMode())
425  ereport(ERROR,
427  /* translator: %s is name of a SQL command, eg CREATE */
428  errmsg("cannot execute %s during a parallel operation",
429  cmdname)));
430 }
bool IsInParallelMode(void)
Definition: xact.c:1087

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, and IsInParallelMode().

Referenced by do_setval(), ExecCheckXactReadOnly(), nextval_internal(), and standard_ProcessUtility().

◆ PreventCommandIfReadOnly()

void PreventCommandIfReadOnly ( const char *  cmdname)

Definition at line 404 of file utility.c.

405 {
406  if (XactReadOnly)
407  ereport(ERROR,
409  /* translator: %s is name of a SQL command, eg CREATE */
410  errmsg("cannot execute %s in a read-only transaction",
411  cmdname)));
412 }
bool XactReadOnly
Definition: xact.c:80

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, and XactReadOnly.

Referenced by be_lo_creat(), be_lo_create(), be_lo_from_bytea(), be_lo_open(), be_lo_put(), be_lo_truncate(), be_lo_truncate64(), be_lo_unlink(), be_lowrite(), do_setval(), DoCopy(), ExecCheckXactReadOnly(), lo_import_internal(), nextval_internal(), and standard_ProcessUtility().

◆ process_session_preload_libraries()

void process_session_preload_libraries ( void  )

Definition at line 1857 of file miscinit.c.

1858 {
1860  "session_preload_libraries",
1861  false);
1863  "local_preload_libraries",
1864  true);
1865 }
char * session_preload_libraries_string
Definition: miscinit.c:1773
char * local_preload_libraries_string
Definition: miscinit.c:1775
static void load_libraries(const char *libraries, const char *gucname, bool restricted)
Definition: miscinit.c:1791

References load_libraries(), local_preload_libraries_string, and session_preload_libraries_string.

Referenced by InitPostgres().

◆ process_shared_preload_libraries()

void process_shared_preload_libraries ( void  )

Definition at line 1843 of file miscinit.c.

1844 {
1847  "shared_preload_libraries",
1848  false);
1851 }
bool process_shared_preload_libraries_done
Definition: miscinit.c:1779
char * shared_preload_libraries_string
Definition: miscinit.c:1774
bool process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress
Definition: miscinit.c:1778

References load_libraries(), process_shared_preload_libraries_done, process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress, and shared_preload_libraries_string.

Referenced by PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ process_shmem_requests()

void process_shmem_requests ( void  )

Definition at line 1871 of file miscinit.c.

1872 {
1874  if (shmem_request_hook)
1877 }
bool process_shmem_requests_in_progress
Definition: miscinit.c:1782
shmem_request_hook_type shmem_request_hook
Definition: miscinit.c:1781

References process_shmem_requests_in_progress, and shmem_request_hook.

Referenced by PostgresSingleUserMain(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ ProcessInterrupts()

void ProcessInterrupts ( void  )

Definition at line 3243 of file postgres.c.

3244 {
3245  /* OK to accept any interrupts now? */
3246  if (InterruptHoldoffCount != 0 || CritSectionCount != 0)
3247  return;
3248  InterruptPending = false;
3250  if (ProcDiePending)
3251  {
3252  ProcDiePending = false;
3253  QueryCancelPending = false; /* ProcDie trumps QueryCancel */
3254  LockErrorCleanup();
3255  /* As in quickdie, don't risk sending to client during auth */
3259  ereport(FATAL,
3261  errmsg("canceling authentication due to timeout")));
3262  else if (AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
3263  ereport(FATAL,
3265  errmsg("terminating autovacuum process due to administrator command")));
3266  else if (IsLogicalWorker())
3267  ereport(FATAL,
3269  errmsg("terminating logical replication worker due to administrator command")));
3270  else if (IsLogicalLauncher())
3271  {
3272  ereport(DEBUG1,
3273  (errmsg_internal("logical replication launcher shutting down")));
3275  /*
3276  * The logical replication launcher can be stopped at any time.
3277  * Use exit status 1 so the background worker is restarted.
3278  */
3279  proc_exit(1);
3280  }
3281  else if (AmBackgroundWorkerProcess())
3282  ereport(FATAL,
3284  errmsg("terminating background worker \"%s\" due to administrator command",
3286  else
3287  ereport(FATAL,
3289  errmsg("terminating connection due to administrator command")));
3290  }
3293  {
3296  /*
3297  * Check for lost connection and re-arm, if still configured, but not
3298  * if we've arrived back at DoingCommandRead state. We don't want to
3299  * wake up idle sessions, and they already know how to detect lost
3300  * connections.
3301  */
3303  {
3304  if (!pq_check_connection())
3305  ClientConnectionLost = true;
3306  else
3309  }
3310  }
3313  {
3314  QueryCancelPending = false; /* lost connection trumps QueryCancel */
3315  LockErrorCleanup();
3316  /* don't send to client, we already know the connection to be dead. */
3318  ereport(FATAL,
3320  errmsg("connection to client lost")));
3321  }
3323  /*
3324  * Don't allow query cancel interrupts while reading input from the
3325  * client, because we might lose sync in the FE/BE protocol. (Die
3326  * interrupts are OK, because we won't read any further messages from the
3327  * client in that case.)
3328  *
3329  * See similar logic in ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts().
3330  */
3332  {
3333  /*
3334  * Re-arm InterruptPending so that we process the cancel request as
3335  * soon as we're done reading the message. (XXX this is seriously
3336  * ugly: it complicates INTERRUPTS_CAN_BE_PROCESSED(), and it means we
3337  * can't use that macro directly as the initial test in this function,
3338  * meaning that this code also creates opportunities for other bugs to
3339  * appear.)
3340  */
3341  InterruptPending = true;
3342  }
3343  else if (QueryCancelPending)
3344  {
3345  bool lock_timeout_occurred;
3346  bool stmt_timeout_occurred;
3348  QueryCancelPending = false;
3350  /*
3351  * If LOCK_TIMEOUT and STATEMENT_TIMEOUT indicators are both set, we
3352  * need to clear both, so always fetch both.
3353  */
3354  lock_timeout_occurred = get_timeout_indicator(LOCK_TIMEOUT, true);
3355  stmt_timeout_occurred = get_timeout_indicator(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, true);
3357  /*
3358  * If both were set, we want to report whichever timeout completed
3359  * earlier; this ensures consistent behavior if the machine is slow
3360  * enough that the second timeout triggers before we get here. A tie
3361  * is arbitrarily broken in favor of reporting a lock timeout.
3362  */
3363  if (lock_timeout_occurred && stmt_timeout_occurred &&
3365  lock_timeout_occurred = false; /* report stmt timeout */
3367  if (lock_timeout_occurred)
3368  {
3369  LockErrorCleanup();
3370  ereport(ERROR,
3372  errmsg("canceling statement due to lock timeout")));
3373  }
3374  if (stmt_timeout_occurred)
3375  {
3376  LockErrorCleanup();
3377  ereport(ERROR,
3379  errmsg("canceling statement due to statement timeout")));
3380  }
3382  {
3383  LockErrorCleanup();
3384  ereport(ERROR,
3386  errmsg("canceling autovacuum task")));
3387  }
3389  /*
3390  * If we are reading a command from the client, just ignore the cancel
3391  * request --- sending an extra error message won't accomplish
3392  * anything. Otherwise, go ahead and throw the error.
3393  */
3394  if (!DoingCommandRead)
3395  {
3396  LockErrorCleanup();
3397  ereport(ERROR,
3399  errmsg("canceling statement due to user request")));
3400  }
3401  }
3407  {
3408  /*
3409  * If the GUC has been reset to zero, ignore the signal. This is
3410  * important because the GUC update itself won't disable any pending
3411  * interrupt. We need to unset the flag before the injection point,
3412  * otherwise we could loop in interrupts checking.
3413  */
3416  {
3417  INJECTION_POINT("idle-in-transaction-session-timeout");
3418  ereport(FATAL,
3420  errmsg("terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout")));
3421  }
3422  }
3425  {
3426  /* As above, ignore the signal if the GUC has been reset to zero. */
3427  TransactionTimeoutPending = false;
3428  if (TransactionTimeout > 0)
3429  {
3430  INJECTION_POINT("transaction-timeout");
3431  ereport(FATAL,
3433  errmsg("terminating connection due to transaction timeout")));
3434  }
3435  }
3438  {
3439  /* As above, ignore the signal if the GUC has been reset to zero. */
3440  IdleSessionTimeoutPending = false;
3441  if (IdleSessionTimeout > 0)
3442  {
3443  INJECTION_POINT("idle-session-timeout");
3444  ereport(FATAL,
3446  errmsg("terminating connection due to idle-session timeout")));
3447  }
3448  }
3450  /*
3451  * If there are pending stats updates and we currently are truly idle
3452  * (matching the conditions in PostgresMain(), report stats now.
3453  */
3456  {
3458  pgstat_report_stat(true);
3459  }
3472 }
volatile sig_atomic_t ParallelApplyMessagePending
void HandleParallelApplyMessages(void)
void HandleParallelMessages(void)
Definition: parallel.c:1027
volatile sig_atomic_t ParallelMessagePending
Definition: parallel.c:115
bool IsLogicalWorker(void)
Definition: worker.c:4724
@ DestRemote
Definition: dest.h:89
@ DestNone
Definition: dest.h:87
#define DEBUG1
Definition: elog.h:30
volatile sig_atomic_t IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending
Definition: globals.c:41
volatile sig_atomic_t LogMemoryContextPending
Definition: globals.c:40
volatile sig_atomic_t ProcSignalBarrierPending
Definition: globals.c:39
volatile sig_atomic_t InterruptPending
Definition: globals.c:31
volatile sig_atomic_t IdleSessionTimeoutPending
Definition: globals.c:38
volatile uint32 QueryCancelHoldoffCount
Definition: globals.c:43
volatile sig_atomic_t IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending
Definition: globals.c:36
volatile uint32 InterruptHoldoffCount
Definition: globals.c:42
volatile sig_atomic_t TransactionTimeoutPending
Definition: globals.c:37
volatile sig_atomic_t ClientConnectionLost
Definition: globals.c:35
volatile uint32 CritSectionCount
Definition: globals.c:44
volatile sig_atomic_t QueryCancelPending
Definition: globals.c:32
volatile sig_atomic_t ProcDiePending
Definition: globals.c:33
volatile sig_atomic_t CheckClientConnectionPending
Definition: globals.c:34
#define INJECTION_POINT(name)
void proc_exit(int code)
Definition: ipc.c:104
bool IsLogicalLauncher(void)
Definition: launcher.c:1249
void ProcessLogMemoryContextInterrupt(void)
Definition: mcxt.c:1289
long pgstat_report_stat(bool force)
Definition: pgstat.c:622
int client_connection_check_interval
Definition: postgres.c:104
CommandDest whereToSendOutput
Definition: postgres.c:90
static volatile sig_atomic_t RecoveryConflictPending
Definition: postgres.c:166
static bool DoingCommandRead
Definition: postgres.c:144
static void ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts(void)
Definition: postgres.c:3204
bool ClientAuthInProgress
Definition: postmaster.c:350
BackgroundWorker * MyBgworkerEntry
Definition: postmaster.c:185
bool pq_check_connection(void)
Definition: pqcomm.c:2054
void ProcessProcSignalBarrier(void)
Definition: procsignal.c:464
int IdleSessionTimeout
Definition: proc.c:62
int IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout
Definition: proc.c:60
int TransactionTimeout
Definition: proc.c:61
void LockErrorCleanup(void)
Definition: proc.c:730
char bgw_type[BGW_MAXLEN]
Definition: bgworker.h:92
void enable_timeout_after(TimeoutId id, int delay_ms)
Definition: timeout.c:560
TimestampTz get_timeout_finish_time(TimeoutId id)
Definition: timeout.c:827
bool get_timeout_indicator(TimeoutId id, bool reset_indicator)
Definition: timeout.c:793
bool IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock(void)
Definition: xact.c:4976

References AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess, AmBackgroundWorkerProcess, BackgroundWorker::bgw_type, CheckClientConnectionPending, client_connection_check_interval, CLIENT_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIMEOUT, ClientAuthInProgress, ClientConnectionLost, CritSectionCount, DEBUG1, DestNone, DestRemote, DoingCommandRead, enable_timeout_after(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), errmsg_internal(), ERROR, FATAL, get_timeout_finish_time(), get_timeout_indicator(), HandleParallelApplyMessages(), HandleParallelMessages(), IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout, IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending, IdleSessionTimeout, IdleSessionTimeoutPending, IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending, INJECTION_POINT, InterruptHoldoffCount, InterruptPending, IsLogicalLauncher(), IsLogicalWorker(), IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock(), LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockErrorCleanup(), LogMemoryContextPending, MyBgworkerEntry, ParallelApplyMessagePending, ParallelMessagePending, pgstat_report_stat(), pq_check_connection(), proc_exit(), ProcDiePending, ProcessLogMemoryContextInterrupt(), ProcessProcSignalBarrier(), ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupts(), ProcSignalBarrierPending, QueryCancelHoldoffCount, QueryCancelPending, RecoveryConflictPending, STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, TransactionTimeout, TransactionTimeoutPending, and whereToSendOutput.

Referenced by die().

◆ RecheckDataDirLockFile()

bool RecheckDataDirLockFile ( void  )

Definition at line 1638 of file miscinit.c.

1639 {
1640  int fd;
1641  int len;
1642  long file_pid;
1643  char buffer[BLCKSZ];
1645  fd = open(DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, O_RDWR | PG_BINARY, 0);
1646  if (fd < 0)
1647  {
1648  /*
1649  * There are many foreseeable false-positive error conditions. For
1650  * safety, fail only on enumerated clearly-something-is-wrong
1651  * conditions.
1652  */
1653  switch (errno)
1654  {
1655  case ENOENT:
1656  case ENOTDIR:
1657  /* disaster */
1658  ereport(LOG,
1660  errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m",
1662  return false;
1663  default:
1664  /* non-fatal, at least for now */
1665  ereport(LOG,
1667  errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m; continuing anyway",
1669  return true;
1670  }
1671  }
1672  pgstat_report_wait_start(WAIT_EVENT_LOCK_FILE_RECHECKDATADIR_READ);
1673  len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
1675  if (len < 0)
1676  {
1677  ereport(LOG,
1679  errmsg("could not read from file \"%s\": %m",
1681  close(fd);
1682  return true; /* treat read failure as nonfatal */
1683  }
1684  buffer[len] = '\0';
1685  close(fd);
1686  file_pid = atol(buffer);
1687  if (file_pid == getpid())
1688  return true; /* all is well */
1690  /* Trouble: someone's overwritten the lock file */
1691  ereport(LOG,
1692  (errmsg("lock file \"%s\" contains wrong PID: %ld instead of %ld",
1693  DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, file_pid, (long) getpid())));
1694  return false;
1695 }

References close, DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, ereport, errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg(), fd(), len, LOG, PG_BINARY, pgstat_report_wait_end(), pgstat_report_wait_start(), and read.

Referenced by ServerLoop().

◆ restore_stack_base()

void restore_stack_base ( pg_stack_base_t  base)

Definition at line 3513 of file postgres.c.

3514 {
3515  stack_base_ptr = base;
3516 }
static char * stack_base_ptr
Definition: postgres.c:131

References stack_base_ptr.

◆ RestoreClientConnectionInfo()

void RestoreClientConnectionInfo ( char *  conninfo)

Definition at line 1075 of file miscinit.c.

1076 {
1077  SerializedClientConnectionInfo serialized;
1079  memcpy(&serialized, conninfo, sizeof(serialized));
1081  /* Copy the fields back into place */
1085  if (serialized.authn_id_len >= 0)
1086  {
1087  char *authn_id;
1089  authn_id = conninfo + sizeof(serialized);
1091  authn_id);
1092  }
1093 }

References SerializedClientConnectionInfo::auth_method, ClientConnectionInfo::auth_method, ClientConnectionInfo::authn_id, SerializedClientConnectionInfo::authn_id_len, MemoryContextStrdup(), MyClientConnectionInfo, and TopMemoryContext.

Referenced by ParallelWorkerMain().

◆ SerializeClientConnectionInfo()

void SerializeClientConnectionInfo ( Size  maxsize,
char *  start_address 

Definition at line 1043 of file miscinit.c.

1044 {
1045  SerializedClientConnectionInfo serialized = {0};
1047  serialized.authn_id_len = -1;
1051  serialized.authn_id_len = strlen(MyClientConnectionInfo.authn_id);
1053  /* Copy serialized representation to buffer */
1054  Assert(maxsize >= sizeof(serialized));
1055  memcpy(start_address, &serialized, sizeof(serialized));
1057  maxsize -= sizeof(serialized);
1058  start_address += sizeof(serialized);
1060  /* Copy authn_id into the space after the struct */
1061  if (serialized.authn_id_len >= 0)
1062  {
1063  Assert(maxsize >= (serialized.authn_id_len + 1));
1064  memcpy(start_address,
1066  /* include the NULL terminator to ease deserialization */
1067  serialized.authn_id_len + 1);
1068  }
1069 }

References Assert, SerializedClientConnectionInfo::auth_method, ClientConnectionInfo::auth_method, ClientConnectionInfo::authn_id, SerializedClientConnectionInfo::authn_id_len, and MyClientConnectionInfo.

Referenced by InitializeParallelDSM().

◆ set_stack_base()

pg_stack_base_t set_stack_base ( void  )

Definition at line 3480 of file postgres.c.

3481 {
3483  char stack_base;
3484 #endif
3485  pg_stack_base_t old;
3487  old = stack_base_ptr;
3489  /*
3490  * Set up reference point for stack depth checking. On recent gcc we use
3491  * __builtin_frame_address() to avoid a warning about storing a local
3492  * variable's address in a long-lived variable.
3493  */
3495  stack_base_ptr = __builtin_frame_address(0);
3496 #else
3497  stack_base_ptr = &stack_base;
3498 #endif
3500  return old;
3501 }
char * pg_stack_base_t
Definition: miscadmin.h:296

References stack_base_ptr.

Referenced by InitPostmasterChild(), and PostmasterMain().

◆ SetCurrentRoleId()

void SetCurrentRoleId ( Oid  roleid,
bool  is_superuser 

Definition at line 945 of file miscinit.c.

946 {
947  /*
948  * Get correct info if it's SET ROLE NONE
949  *
950  * If SessionUserId hasn't been set yet, just do nothing --- the eventual
951  * SetSessionUserId call will fix everything. This is needed since we
952  * will get called during GUC initialization.
953  */
954  if (!OidIsValid(roleid))
955  {
957  return;
959  roleid = SessionUserId;
962  SetRoleIsActive = false;
963  }
964  else
965  SetRoleIsActive = true;
967  SetOuterUserId(roleid);
969  SetConfigOption("is_superuser",
970  is_superuser ? "on" : "off",
972 }
static void SetOuterUserId(Oid userid)
Definition: miscinit.c:533
static bool SessionUserIsSuperuser
Definition: miscinit.c:501

References is_superuser(), OidIsValid, PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, SessionUserId, SessionUserIsSuperuser, SetConfigOption(), SetOuterUserId(), and SetRoleIsActive.

Referenced by assign_role(), and ParallelWorkerMain().

◆ SetDatabasePath()

void SetDatabasePath ( const char *  path)

Definition at line 328 of file miscinit.c.

329 {
330  /* This should happen only once per process */
333 }
char * DatabasePath
Definition: globals.c:102

References Assert, DatabasePath, MemoryContextStrdup(), and TopMemoryContext.

Referenced by InitPostgres().

◆ SetDataDir()

void SetDataDir ( const char *  dir)

Definition at line 434 of file miscinit.c.

435 {
436  char *new;
438  Assert(dir);
440  /* If presented path is relative, convert to absolute */
441  new = make_absolute_path(dir);
443  free(DataDir);
444  DataDir = new;
445 }
#define free(a)
Definition: header.h:65
char * make_absolute_path(const char *path)
Definition: path.c:729

References Assert, DataDir, free, and make_absolute_path().

Referenced by SelectConfigFiles().

◆ SetSessionAuthorization()

void SetSessionAuthorization ( Oid  userid,
bool  is_superuser 

Definition at line 908 of file miscinit.c.

909 {
912  SetConfigOption("is_superuser",
913  is_superuser ? "on" : "off",
915 }

References is_superuser(), PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, SetConfigOption(), and SetSessionUserId().

Referenced by assign_session_authorization().

◆ SetUserIdAndContext()

void SetUserIdAndContext ( Oid  userid,
bool  sec_def_context 

Definition at line 691 of file miscinit.c.

692 {
693  /* We throw the same error SET ROLE would. */
695  ereport(ERROR,
697  errmsg("cannot set parameter \"%s\" within security-restricted operation",
698  "role")));
699  CurrentUserId = userid;
700  if (sec_def_context)
702  else
704 }
bool InSecurityRestrictedOperation(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:662

References CurrentUserId, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, InSecurityRestrictedOperation(), SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE, and SecurityRestrictionContext.

◆ SetUserIdAndSecContext()

◆ stack_is_too_deep()

bool stack_is_too_deep ( void  )

Definition at line 3544 of file postgres.c.

3545 {
3546  char stack_top_loc;
3547  long stack_depth;
3549  /*
3550  * Compute distance from reference point to my local variables
3551  */
3552  stack_depth = (long) (stack_base_ptr - &stack_top_loc);
3554  /*
3555  * Take abs value, since stacks grow up on some machines, down on others
3556  */
3557  if (stack_depth < 0)
3558  stack_depth = -stack_depth;
3560  /*
3561  * Trouble?
3562  *
3563  * The test on stack_base_ptr prevents us from erroring out if called
3564  * during process setup or in a non-backend process. Logically it should
3565  * be done first, but putting it here avoids wasting cycles during normal
3566  * cases.
3567  */
3568  if (stack_depth > max_stack_depth_bytes &&
3569  stack_base_ptr != NULL)
3570  return true;
3572  return false;
3573 }
static long max_stack_depth_bytes
Definition: postgres.c:125

References max_stack_depth_bytes, and stack_base_ptr.

Referenced by check_stack_depth(), MemoryContextStatsInternal(), rstacktoodeep(), and ShowTransactionStateRec().

◆ superuser()

bool superuser ( void  )

Definition at line 46 of file superuser.c.

47 {
48  return superuser_arg(GetUserId());
49 }

References GetUserId(), and superuser_arg().

Referenced by AlterForeignDataWrapper(), AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner_internal(), AlterForeignServerOwner_internal(), AlterFunction(), AlterObjectNamespace_internal(), AlterObjectOwner_internal(), AlterObjectRename_internal(), AlterOpFamily(), AlterPublicationOwner_internal(), AlterRole(), AlterRoleSet(), AlterSubscription(), AlterSubscriptionOwner_internal(), AlterSystemSetConfigFile(), AlterType(), AlterTypeOwner(), ATExecChangeOwner(), brin_metapage_info(), brin_page_items(), brin_page_type(), brin_revmap_data(), bt_metap(), bt_multi_page_stats(), bt_page_items_bytea(), bt_page_items_internal(), bt_page_stats_internal(), check_encoding_locale_matches(), CheckAlterPublication(), CreateAccessMethod(), CreateCast(), CreateEventTrigger(), CreateForeignDataWrapper(), CreateFunction(), CreateProceduralLanguage(), CreatePublication(), CreateRole(), CreateSubscription(), CreateTableSpace(), dblink_connstr_check(), dblink_security_check(), DefineAggregate(), DefineOpClass(), DefineOpFamily(), DefineTSParser(), DefineTSTemplate(), DefineType(), DropRole(), dummy_object_relabel(), EnableDisableTrigger(), ExecSetVariableStmt(), execute_extension_script(), ExecuteDoStmt(), fmgr_security_definer(), fsm_page_contents(), get_raw_page_internal(), gin_leafpage_items(), gin_metapage_info(), gin_page_opaque_info(), gist_page_items(), gist_page_items_bytea(), gist_page_opaque_info(), GUCArrayReset(), hash_bitmap_info(), hash_metapage_info(), hash_page_items(), hash_page_stats(), hash_page_type(), have_createdb_privilege(), heap_page_items(), heap_tuple_infomask_flags(), InitPostgres(), interpret_func_support(), main(), page_checksum_internal(), page_header(), pg_buffercache_evict(), pg_import_system_collations(), pg_nextoid(), pg_relpages(), pg_relpagesbyid(), pg_signal_backend(), pg_stop_making_pinned_objects(), pgstat_get_backend_current_activity(), pgstatginindex(), pgstatindex(), pgstatindexbyid(), pgstattuple(), pgstattuple_approx(), pgstattuplebyid(), postgres_fdw_validator(), ProcedureCreate(), regress_setenv(), RenameRole(), sepgsql_restorecon(), set_config_by_name(), SetPGVariable(), standard_ProcessUtility(), TerminateOtherDBBackends(), tuple_data_split(), validate_option_array_item(), and wait_pid().

◆ superuser_arg()

bool superuser_arg ( Oid  roleid)

Definition at line 56 of file superuser.c.

57 {
58  bool result;
59  HeapTuple rtup;
61  /* Quick out for cache hit */
62  if (OidIsValid(last_roleid) && last_roleid == roleid)
63  return last_roleid_is_super;
65  /* Special escape path in case you deleted all your users. */
66  if (!IsUnderPostmaster && roleid == BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID)
67  return true;
69  /* OK, look up the information in pg_authid */
70  rtup = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(roleid));
71  if (HeapTupleIsValid(rtup))
72  {
73  result = ((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(rtup))->rolsuper;
74  ReleaseSysCache(rtup);
75  }
76  else
77  {
78  /* Report "not superuser" for invalid roleids */
79  result = false;
80  }
82  /* If first time through, set up callback for cache flushes */
84  {
87  (Datum) 0);
89  }
91  /* Cache the result for next time */
92  last_roleid = roleid;
93  last_roleid_is_super = result;
95  return result;
96 }
void CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(int cacheid, SyscacheCallbackFunction func, Datum arg)
Definition: inval.c:1516
bool rolsuper
Definition: pg_authid.h:35
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
static Oid last_roleid
Definition: superuser.c:35
static bool roleid_callback_registered
Definition: superuser.c:37
static void RoleidCallback(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue)
Definition: superuser.c:103
static bool last_roleid_is_super
Definition: superuser.c:36

References CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(), GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, IsUnderPostmaster, last_roleid, last_roleid_is_super, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, ReleaseSysCache(), roleid_callback_registered, RoleidCallback(), rolsuper, and SearchSysCache1().

Referenced by AlterEventTriggerOwner_internal(), AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner_internal(), AlterPublicationOwner_internal(), check_conn_params(), check_object_ownership(), check_role_grantor(), check_role_membership_authorization(), check_session_authorization(), CreateRole(), CreateSubscription(), DropSubscription(), emit_audit_message(), GetSubscription(), has_bypassrls_privilege(), has_createrole_privilege(), has_privs_of_role(), has_rolreplication(), is_admin_of_role(), is_member_of_role(), LockGXact(), member_can_set_role(), object_aclmask_ext(), object_ownercheck(), pg_class_aclmask_ext(), pg_largeobject_aclmask_snapshot(), pg_namespace_aclmask_ext(), pg_parameter_acl_aclmask(), pg_parameter_aclmask(), pg_signal_backend(), pg_type_aclmask_ext(), pgfdw_security_check(), REGRESS_exec_check_perms(), REGRESS_object_access_hook(), REGRESS_object_access_hook_str(), REGRESS_utility_command(), select_best_grantor(), superuser(), and TerminateOtherDBBackends().

◆ SwitchBackToLocalLatch()

void SwitchBackToLocalLatch ( void  )

Definition at line 248 of file miscinit.c.

249 {
251  Assert(MyProc != NULL && MyLatch == &MyProc->procLatch);
255  if (FeBeWaitSet)
257  MyLatch);
259  SetLatch(MyLatch);
260 }
void ModifyWaitEvent(WaitEventSet *set, int pos, uint32 events, Latch *latch)
Definition: latch.c:1049
void SetLatch(Latch *latch)
Definition: latch.c:632
#define WL_LATCH_SET
Definition: latch.h:127
#define FeBeWaitSetLatchPos
Definition: libpq.h:64
WaitEventSet * FeBeWaitSet
Definition: pqcomm.c:166
Latch procLatch
Definition: proc.h:164

References Assert, FeBeWaitSet, FeBeWaitSetLatchPos, LocalLatchData, ModifyWaitEvent(), MyLatch, MyProc, PGPROC::procLatch, SetLatch(), and WL_LATCH_SET.

Referenced by AuxiliaryProcKill(), and ProcKill().

◆ SwitchToSharedLatch()

void SwitchToSharedLatch ( void  )

Definition at line 221 of file miscinit.c.

222 {
224  Assert(MyProc != NULL);
228  if (FeBeWaitSet)
230  MyLatch);
232  /*
233  * Set the shared latch as the local one might have been set. This
234  * shouldn't normally be necessary as code is supposed to check the
235  * condition before waiting for the latch, but a bit care can't hurt.
236  */
237  SetLatch(MyLatch);
238 }

References Assert, FeBeWaitSet, FeBeWaitSetLatchPos, LocalLatchData, ModifyWaitEvent(), MyLatch, MyProc, PGPROC::procLatch, SetLatch(), and WL_LATCH_SET.

Referenced by InitAuxiliaryProcess(), and InitProcess().

◆ TouchSocketLockFiles()

void TouchSocketLockFiles ( void  )

Definition at line 1482 of file miscinit.c.

1483 {
1484  ListCell *l;
1486  foreach(l, lock_files)
1487  {
1488  char *socketLockFile = (char *) lfirst(l);
1490  /* No need to touch the data directory lock file, we trust */
1491  if (strcmp(socketLockFile, DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE) == 0)
1492  continue;
1494  /* we just ignore any error here */
1495  (void) utime(socketLockFile, NULL);
1496  }
1497 }
static List * lock_files
Definition: miscinit.c:66
#define lfirst(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:172

References DIRECTORY_LOCK_FILE, lfirst, and lock_files.

Referenced by ServerLoop().

◆ ValidatePgVersion()

void ValidatePgVersion ( const char *  path)

Definition at line 1710 of file miscinit.c.

1711 {
1712  char full_path[MAXPGPATH];
1713  FILE *file;
1714  int ret;
1715  long file_major;
1716  long my_major;
1717  char *endptr;
1718  char file_version_string[64];
1719  const char *my_version_string = PG_VERSION;
1721  my_major = strtol(my_version_string, &endptr, 10);
1723  snprintf(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/PG_VERSION", path);
1725  file = AllocateFile(full_path, "r");
1726  if (!file)
1727  {
1728  if (errno == ENOENT)
1729  ereport(FATAL,
1731  errmsg("\"%s\" is not a valid data directory",
1732  path),
1733  errdetail("File \"%s\" is missing.", full_path)));
1734  else
1735  ereport(FATAL,
1737  errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m", full_path)));
1738  }
1740  file_version_string[0] = '\0';
1741  ret = fscanf(file, "%63s", file_version_string);
1742  file_major = strtol(file_version_string, &endptr, 10);
1744  if (ret != 1 || endptr == file_version_string)
1745  ereport(FATAL,
1747  errmsg("\"%s\" is not a valid data directory",
1748  path),
1749  errdetail("File \"%s\" does not contain valid data.",
1750  full_path),
1751  errhint("You might need to initdb.")));
1753  FreeFile(file);
1755  if (my_major != file_major)
1756  ereport(FATAL,
1758  errmsg("database files are incompatible with server"),
1759  errdetail("The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version %s, "
1760  "which is not compatible with this version %s.",
1761  file_version_string, my_version_string)));
1762 }
FILE * AllocateFile(const char *name, const char *mode)
Definition: fd.c:2583
int FreeFile(FILE *file)
Definition: fd.c:2781

References AllocateFile(), ereport, errcode(), errcode_for_file_access(), errdetail(), errhint(), errmsg(), FATAL, FreeFile(), MAXPGPATH, and snprintf.

Referenced by checkDataDir(), and InitPostgres().

Variable Documentation

◆ allowSystemTableMods

◆ CheckClientConnectionPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t CheckClientConnectionPending

Definition at line 34 of file globals.c.

Referenced by ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(), and ProcessInterrupts().

◆ ClientConnectionLost

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ClientConnectionLost

Definition at line 35 of file globals.c.

Referenced by internal_flush_buffer(), and ProcessInterrupts().

◆ commit_timestamp_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int commit_timestamp_buffers

Definition at line 163 of file globals.c.

Referenced by CommitTsShmemBuffers(), and CommitTsShmemInit().

◆ CritSectionCount

◆ data_directory_mode

PGDLLIMPORT int data_directory_mode

Definition at line 75 of file globals.c.

Referenced by checkDataDir(), RetrieveDataDirCreatePerm(), and show_data_directory_mode().

◆ DatabasePath

◆ DataDir

◆ DateOrder


◆ DateStyle

◆ enableFsync

◆ ExitOnAnyError

PGDLLIMPORT bool ExitOnAnyError

Definition at line 121 of file globals.c.

Referenced by BeginInternalSubTransaction(), errstart(), and HandleCheckpointerInterrupts().

◆ hash_mem_multiplier

PGDLLIMPORT double hash_mem_multiplier

Definition at line 130 of file globals.c.

Referenced by get_hash_memory_limit().

◆ IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutPending

Definition at line 36 of file globals.c.

Referenced by IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(), and ProcessInterrupts().

◆ IdleSessionTimeoutPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleSessionTimeoutPending

Definition at line 38 of file globals.c.

Referenced by IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(), and ProcessInterrupts().

◆ IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutPending

Definition at line 41 of file globals.c.

Referenced by IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(), and ProcessInterrupts().

◆ IgnoreSystemIndexes

◆ InterruptHoldoffCount

◆ InterruptPending

◆ IntervalStyle

PGDLLIMPORT int IntervalStyle

◆ IsBinaryUpgrade

◆ IsPostmasterEnvironment

◆ IsUnderPostmaster

PGDLLIMPORT bool IsUnderPostmaster

Definition at line 118 of file globals.c.

Referenced by _PG_init(), AdvanceNextFullTransactionIdPastXid(), AutoVacuumShmemInit(), AuxiliaryProcessMainCommon(), BackgroundWorkerShmemInit(), bootstrap_signals(), BootstrapModeMain(), BTreeShmemInit(), CheckMyDatabase(), CheckRecoveryConsistency(), CommitTsShmemInit(), createdb(), CreateLWLocks(), CreateOrAttachShmemStructs(), CreateRestartPoint(), CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores(), DebugFileOpen(), dsm_attach(), dsm_backend_startup(), dsm_create(), dsm_impl_pin_segment(), dsm_impl_posix_resize(), dsm_impl_unpin_segment(), dsm_postmaster_startup(), EventTriggerDDLCommandEnd(), EventTriggerDDLCommandStart(), EventTriggerOnLogin(), EventTriggerSQLDrop(), EventTriggerTableRewrite(), ForwardSyncRequest(), get_slru_entry(), GetNewMultiXactId(), GetNewTransactionId(), GetQuitSignalReason(), HandleStartupProcInterrupts(), init_ps_display(), InitAuxiliaryProcess(), InitializeLatchSupport(), InitializeLatchWaitSet(), InitializeSessionUserId(), InitializeSessionUserIdStandalone(), InitPostgres(), InitPostmasterChild(), InitPredicateLocks(), InitProcess(), InitSync(), InjectionPointShmemInit(), LWLockAcquire(), MaintainLatestCompletedXidRecovery(), MultiXactShmemInit(), parallel_vacuum_compute_workers(), PerformRecoveryXLogAction(), PerformWalRecovery(), PGSemaphoreCreate(), PGSharedMemoryNoReAttach(), PGSharedMemoryReAttach(), pgss_shmem_startup(), pgstat_fetch_entry(), pgstat_flush_wal(), pgstat_read_statsfile(), pgstat_report_autovac(), pgstat_report_recovery_conflict(), pgstat_shutdown_hook(), pgstat_write_statsfile(), plan_create_index_workers(), PostgresMain(), PostgresSingleUserMain(), postmaster_child_launch(), process_postgres_switches(), process_settings(), ProcessConfigFileInternal(), ProcKill(), readRecoverySignalFile(), RegisterBackgroundWorker(), RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(), ReplicationSlotAcquire(), SendPostmasterSignal(), SerialInit(), set_config_sourcefile(), set_config_with_handle(), SetMultiXactIdLimit(), SetTransactionIdLimit(), ShmemInitStruct(), SimpleLruInit(), standard_planner(), start_xact_command(), StatsShmemInit(), superuser_arg(), SyncScanShmemInit(), TwoPhaseShmemInit(), vacuum_delay_point(), VarsupShmemInit(), verify_dictoptions(), WaitLatch(), WaitLatchOrSocket(), XLogArchiveNotify(), XLogPageRead(), XLogPrefetchIncrement(), XLogRecGetFullXid(), and XLogWrite().

◆ local_preload_libraries_string

PGDLLIMPORT char* local_preload_libraries_string

Definition at line 1775 of file miscinit.c.

Referenced by process_session_preload_libraries().

◆ LogMemoryContextPending

◆ maintenance_work_mem

◆ max_parallel_maintenance_workers

PGDLLIMPORT int max_parallel_maintenance_workers

Definition at line 132 of file globals.c.

Referenced by parallel_vacuum_compute_workers(), and plan_create_index_workers().

◆ max_parallel_workers

PGDLLIMPORT int max_parallel_workers

Definition at line 143 of file globals.c.

Referenced by RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker().

◆ max_worker_processes

◆ MaxBackends

◆ MaxConnections

◆ Mode

Definition at line 61 of file miscinit.c.

◆ multixact_member_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int multixact_member_buffers

Definition at line 164 of file globals.c.

Referenced by MultiXactShmemInit(), and MultiXactShmemSize().

◆ multixact_offset_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int multixact_offset_buffers

Definition at line 165 of file globals.c.

Referenced by MultiXactShmemInit(), and MultiXactShmemSize().

◆ my_exec_path

◆ MyBackendType

◆ MyCancelKey

PGDLLIMPORT int32 MyCancelKey

◆ MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers

PGDLLIMPORT bool MyDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers

Definition at line 96 of file globals.c.

Referenced by EventTriggerOnLogin(), and InitPostgres().

◆ MyDatabaseId


Definition at line 92 of file globals.c.

Referenced by AfterTriggerSetState(), AlterDatabase(), AlterObjectRename_internal(), AlterPublicationOwner_internal(), AlterSchemaOwner_internal(), AlterSubscription(), AlterSubscriptionOwner(), AlterSubscriptionOwner_internal(), asyncQueueNotificationToEntry(), asyncQueueProcessPageEntries(), ATExecDetachPartition(), AutoVacuumRequestWork(), CacheInvalidateCatalog(), CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(), CacheInvalidateRelcache(), CacheInvalidateRelcacheByTuple(), check_default_table_access_method(), check_default_tablespace(), check_default_text_search_config(), check_temp_tablespaces(), CheckLogicalDecodingRequirements(), CheckMyDatabase(), checkSharedDependencies(), checkTempNamespaceStatus(), classIdGetDbId(), ComputeXidHorizons(), ConditionalLockDatabaseObject(), CreateDecodingContext(), CreateInitDecodingContext(), CreatePublication(), CreateSchemaCommand(), CreateSubscription(), current_database(), database_to_xml_internal(), DeconstructQualifiedName(), do_analyze_rel(), do_autovacuum(), dropdb(), DropSubscription(), EventTriggerOnLogin(), Exec_ListenPreCommit(), exec_object_restorecon(), exec_replication_command(), ExecuteTruncateGuts(), ExpandColumnRefStar(), ExportSnapshot(), extension_is_trusted(), find_funcstat_entry(), find_tabstat_entry(), get_subscription_oid(), GetCurrentVirtualXIDs(), GetNewRelFileNumber(), GetRunningTransactionData(), heap_vacuum_rel(), IdentifySystem(), ImportSnapshot(), initialize_acl(), InitializeParallelDSM(), InitPostgres(), InitTempTableNamespace(), InitWalSenderSlot(), libpqrcv_exec(), LocalExecuteInvalidationMessage(), LockApplyTransactionForSession(), LockDatabaseFrozenIds(), LockDatabaseObject(), LockGXact(), logical_heap_rewrite_flush_mappings(), logical_rewrite_log_mapping(), LogLogicalMessage(), LogStandbyInvalidations(), map_sql_catalog_to_xmlschema_types(), map_sql_schema_to_xmlschema_types(), map_sql_table_to_xmlschema(), map_sql_type_to_xml_name(), match_db_entries(), movedb(), perform_relmap_update(), perform_work_item(), pg_collation_actual_version(), pg_namespace_aclmask_ext(), pg_relation_filepath(), pg_stat_reset_single_function_counters(), pg_stat_reset_single_table_counters(), pgss_store(), pgstat_bestart(), pgstat_build_snapshot(), pgstat_copy_relation_stats(), pgstat_create_function(), pgstat_create_relation(), pgstat_drop_function(), pgstat_drop_relation(), pgstat_fetch_stat_funcentry(), pgstat_fetch_stat_tabentry_ext(), pgstat_init_function_usage(), pgstat_prep_database_pending(), pgstat_prep_relation_pending(), pgstat_report_analyze(), pgstat_report_checksum_failure(), pgstat_report_connect(), pgstat_report_deadlock(), pgstat_report_disconnect(), pgstat_report_recovery_conflict(), pgstat_report_tempfile(), pgstat_report_vacuum(), pgstat_reset_counters(), pgstat_reset_database_timestamp(), pgstat_shutdown_hook(), pgstat_update_dbstats(), PostgresMain(), PrepareToInvalidateCacheTuple(), PrepareTransaction(), ProcArrayInstallImportedXmin(), ProcArrayInstallRestoredXmin(), RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(), RangeVarGetCreationNamespace(), RangeVarGetRelidExtended(), read_stream_begin_impl(), ReindexMultipleTables(), RelationInitLockInfo(), RelationInitPhysicalAddr(), RelationMapFinishBootstrap(), RenameDatabase(), RenameSchema(), ReplicationSlotCreate(), roles_is_member_of(), ScanPgRelation(), sepgsql_schema_post_create(), SetDatabaseHasLoginEventTriggers(), SetLocktagRelationOid(), shdepDropOwned(), shdepReassignOwned(), SignalBackends(), transformColumnRef(), UnlockApplyTransactionForSession(), UnlockDatabaseObject(), UpdateLogicalMappings(), vac_truncate_clog(), vac_update_datfrozenxid(), vacuum_is_permitted_for_relation(), XactLogAbortRecord(), and XactLogCommitRecord().

◆ MyDatabaseTableSpace

◆ MyLatch

PGDLLIMPORT struct Latch* MyLatch

Definition at line 61 of file globals.c.

Referenced by ApplyLauncherMain(), autoprewarm_main(), avl_sigusr2_handler(), BackgroundWriterMain(), be_tls_open_server(), CheckDeadLockAlert(), CheckpointerMain(), CheckpointWriteDelay(), ClientCheckTimeoutHandler(), ConditionVariableTimedSleep(), ConfigurePostmasterWaitSet(), copy_read_data(), die(), do_pg_backup_stop(), gather_readnext(), handle_pm_child_exit_signal(), handle_pm_pmsignal_signal(), handle_pm_reload_request_signal(), handle_pm_shutdown_request_signal(), handle_sig_alarm(), HandleCatchupInterrupt(), HandleNotifyInterrupt(), HandleParallelApplyMessageInterrupt(), HandleParallelMessageInterrupt(), IdleInTransactionSessionTimeoutHandler(), IdleSessionTimeoutHandler(), IdleStatsUpdateTimeoutHandler(), InitializeLatchWaitSet(), InitProcessLocalLatch(), lazy_truncate_heap(), libpqrcv_connect(), libpqrcv_PQgetResult(), libpqsrv_cancel(), libpqsrv_connect_internal(), libpqsrv_get_result(), LogicalParallelApplyLoop(), logicalrep_worker_stop_internal(), LogicalRepApplyLoop(), mq_putmessage(), pa_send_data(), pa_wait_for_xact_state(), pg_promote(), pg_sleep(), pg_wait_until_termination(), pgarch_MainLoop(), pgarch_waken_stop(), pgfdw_get_cleanup_result(), pq_check_connection(), pq_init(), ProcessClientReadInterrupt(), ProcessClientWriteInterrupt(), ProcessPendingWrites(), procsignal_sigusr1_handler(), ProcSleep(), ProcWaitForSignal(), read_or_wait(), ReqCheckpointHandler(), secure_open_gssapi(), secure_read(), secure_write(), ServerLoop(), shm_mq_receive_bytes(), shm_mq_send_bytes(), shm_mq_wait_internal(), ShutDownSlotSync(), SignalHandlerForConfigReload(), SignalHandlerForShutdownRequest(), sigUsr1Handler(), StatementCancelHandler(), summarizer_wait_for_wal(), SwitchBackToLocalLatch(), SwitchToSharedLatch(), SyncRepWaitForLSN(), SysLoggerMain(), test_shm_mq_pipelined(), throttle(), TransactionTimeoutHandler(), wait_for_relation_state_change(), wait_for_slot_activity(), wait_for_worker_state_change(), wait_for_workers_to_become_ready(), WaitForBackgroundWorkerShutdown(), WaitForBackgroundWorkerStartup(), WaitForParallelWorkersToAttach(), WaitForParallelWorkersToFinish(), WaitForReplicationWorkerAttach(), WalRcvWaitForStartPosition(), WalReceiverMain(), WalSndLastCycleHandler(), WalSndLoop(), WalSndWaitForWal(), WalSummarizerMain(), WalWriterMain(), and worker_spi_main().

◆ MyPMChildSlot

◆ MyProcPid


Definition at line 46 of file globals.c.

Referenced by AddWaitEventToSet(), ApplyLauncherMain(), apw_detach_shmem(), apw_dump_now(), apw_load_buffers(), apw_start_database_worker(), apw_start_leader_worker(), Async_Listen(), Async_Unlisten(), Async_UnlistenAll(), asyncQueueNotificationToEntry(), asyncQueueReadAllNotifications(), ATExecMergePartitions(), ATExecSplitPartition(), autoprewarm_main(), basic_archive_file(), CheckpointerMain(), CleanupProcSignalState(), DisownLatch(), Exec_ListenPreCommit(), Exec_UnlistenAllCommit(), Exec_UnlistenCommit(), ExportSnapshot(), FileSetInit(), get_backend_type_for_log(), GetSerializableTransactionSnapshotInt(), HandleWalSndInitStopping(), InitAuxiliaryProcess(), initialize_prng(), InitializeLatchSupport(), InitializeParallelDSM(), InitLatch(), InitPostmasterDeathWatchHandle(), InitProcess(), InitProcessGlobals(), InitWalSenderSlot(), injection_point_allowed(), injection_points_attach(), InvalidatePossiblyObsoleteSlot(), IsLogicalLauncher(), LaunchParallelWorkers(), llvm_compile_module(), LockTimeoutHandler(), log_status_format(), logicalrep_worker_launch(), ModifyWaitEvent(), OpenTemporaryFileInTablespace(), OwnLatch(), pg_backend_pid(), pgstat_bestart(), PostgresMain(), PostmasterMain(), proc_exit(), process_pgfdw_appname(), ProcessLogMemoryContextInterrupt(), ProcSignalInit(), ProcSleep(), ReplicationOriginExitCleanup(), ReplicationSlotAcquire(), ReplicationSlotCleanup(), ReplicationSlotCreate(), ReplicationSlotsDropDBSlots(), replorigin_session_setup(), ReplSlotSyncWorkerMain(), ResetLatch(), ServerLoop(), SetLatch(), setup_background_workers(), SharedInvalBackendInit(), SignalBackends(), SnapBuildSerialize(), StatementTimeoutHandler(), WalRcvDie(), WalReceiverMain(), worker_spi_launch(), write_csvlog(), write_jsonlog(), write_pipe_chunks(), and write_relcache_init_file().

◆ MyProcPort

◆ MyStartTime

◆ MyStartTimestamp

PGDLLIMPORT TimestampTz MyStartTimestamp

◆ NBuffers


Definition at line 140 of file globals.c.

◆ notify_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int notify_buffers

Definition at line 166 of file globals.c.

Referenced by AsyncShmemInit(), and AsyncShmemSize().

◆ OutputFileName

PGDLLIMPORT char OutputFileName[]

Definition at line 77 of file globals.c.

Referenced by BootstrapModeMain(), DebugFileOpen(), and process_postgres_switches().

◆ pkglib_path

◆ PostmasterPid

◆ ProcDiePending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t ProcDiePending

◆ process_shared_preload_libraries_done

PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shared_preload_libraries_done

◆ process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress

PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress

◆ process_shmem_requests_in_progress

PGDLLIMPORT bool process_shmem_requests_in_progress

◆ ProcSignalBarrierPending

◆ QueryCancelHoldoffCount

PGDLLIMPORT volatile uint32 QueryCancelHoldoffCount

Definition at line 43 of file globals.c.

Referenced by errfinish(), ProcessInterrupts(), and ProcessRecoveryConflictInterrupt().

◆ QueryCancelPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t QueryCancelPending

◆ serializable_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int serializable_buffers

Definition at line 167 of file globals.c.

Referenced by PredicateLockShmemSize(), and SerialInit().

◆ session_preload_libraries_string

PGDLLIMPORT char* session_preload_libraries_string

Definition at line 1773 of file miscinit.c.

Referenced by process_session_preload_libraries().

◆ shared_preload_libraries_string

PGDLLIMPORT char* shared_preload_libraries_string

Definition at line 1774 of file miscinit.c.

Referenced by process_shared_preload_libraries().

◆ shmem_request_hook

PGDLLIMPORT shmem_request_hook_type shmem_request_hook

Definition at line 1781 of file miscinit.c.

Referenced by _PG_init(), and process_shmem_requests().

◆ subtransaction_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int subtransaction_buffers

Definition at line 168 of file globals.c.

Referenced by SUBTRANSShmemBuffers(), and SUBTRANSShmemInit().

◆ transaction_buffers

PGDLLIMPORT int transaction_buffers

Definition at line 169 of file globals.c.

Referenced by CLOGShmemBuffers(), and CLOGShmemInit().

◆ TransactionTimeoutPending

PGDLLIMPORT volatile sig_atomic_t TransactionTimeoutPending

Definition at line 37 of file globals.c.

Referenced by ProcessInterrupts(), and TransactionTimeoutHandler().

◆ VacuumBufferUsageLimit

PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumBufferUsageLimit

Definition at line 147 of file globals.c.

Referenced by do_autovacuum(), and ExecVacuum().

◆ VacuumCostActive

◆ VacuumCostBalance

◆ VacuumCostDelay

PGDLLIMPORT double VacuumCostDelay

Definition at line 153 of file globals.c.

Referenced by VacuumUpdateCosts().

◆ VacuumCostLimit

PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostLimit

Definition at line 152 of file globals.c.

Referenced by AutoVacuumUpdateCostLimit(), and VacuumUpdateCosts().

◆ VacuumCostPageDirty

PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageDirty

Definition at line 151 of file globals.c.

Referenced by MarkBufferDirty(), and MarkBufferDirtyHint().

◆ VacuumCostPageHit

PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageHit

Definition at line 149 of file globals.c.

Referenced by PinBufferForBlock().

◆ VacuumCostPageMiss

PGDLLIMPORT int VacuumCostPageMiss

Definition at line 150 of file globals.c.

Referenced by WaitReadBuffers().

◆ VacuumPageDirty

PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageDirty

◆ VacuumPageHit

PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageHit

Definition at line 155 of file globals.c.

Referenced by do_analyze_rel(), parallel_vacuum_main(), PinBufferForBlock(), and vacuum().

◆ VacuumPageMiss

PGDLLIMPORT int64 VacuumPageMiss

Definition at line 156 of file globals.c.

Referenced by do_analyze_rel(), parallel_vacuum_main(), vacuum(), and WaitReadBuffers().

◆ work_mem