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heaptoast.h File Reference
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#define MaximumBytesPerTuple(tuplesPerPage)
#define TOAST_INDEX_TARGET   (MaxHeapTupleSize / 16)
#define EXTERN_TUPLES_PER_PAGE   4 /* tweak only this */


HeapTuple heap_toast_insert_or_update (Relation rel, HeapTuple newtup, HeapTuple oldtup, int options)
void heap_toast_delete (Relation rel, HeapTuple oldtup, bool is_speculative)
HeapTuple toast_flatten_tuple (HeapTuple tup, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
Datum toast_flatten_tuple_to_datum (HeapTupleHeader tup, uint32 tup_len, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
HeapTuple toast_build_flattened_tuple (TupleDesc tupleDesc, Datum *values, bool *isnull)
void heap_fetch_toast_slice (Relation toastrel, Oid valueid, int32 attrsize, int32 sliceoffset, int32 slicelength, struct varlena *result)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 82 of file heaptoast.h.


#define EXTERN_TUPLES_PER_PAGE   4 /* tweak only this */

Definition at line 80 of file heaptoast.h.

◆ MaximumBytesPerTuple

#define MaximumBytesPerTuple (   tuplesPerPage)
MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData + (tuplesPerPage) * sizeof(ItemIdData))) \
/ (tuplesPerPage))
#define SizeOfPageHeaderData
Definition: bufpage.h:217
Definition: c.h:780
Definition: c.h:768

Definition at line 23 of file heaptoast.h.


#define TOAST_INDEX_TARGET   (MaxHeapTupleSize / 16)

Definition at line 68 of file heaptoast.h.


MAXALIGN(SizeofHeapTupleHeader) - \
sizeof(Oid) - \
sizeof(int32) - \
int32_t int32
Definition: c.h:484
Definition: heaptoast.h:82
#define SizeofHeapTupleHeader
Definition: htup_details.h:185
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:32

Definition at line 84 of file heaptoast.h.



Definition at line 50 of file heaptoast.h.



Definition at line 61 of file heaptoast.h.



Definition at line 48 of file heaptoast.h.



Definition at line 46 of file heaptoast.h.



Definition at line 59 of file heaptoast.h.

Function Documentation

◆ heap_fetch_toast_slice()

void heap_fetch_toast_slice ( Relation  toastrel,
Oid  valueid,
int32  attrsize,
int32  sliceoffset,
int32  slicelength,
struct varlena result 

Definition at line 626 of file heaptoast.c.

630 Relation *toastidxs;
631 ScanKeyData toastkey[3];
632 TupleDesc toasttupDesc = toastrel->rd_att;
633 int nscankeys;
634 SysScanDesc toastscan;
635 HeapTuple ttup;
636 int32 expectedchunk;
637 int32 totalchunks = ((attrsize - 1) / TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) + 1;
638 int startchunk;
639 int endchunk;
640 int num_indexes;
641 int validIndex;
643 /* Look for the valid index of toast relation */
644 validIndex = toast_open_indexes(toastrel,
646 &toastidxs,
647 &num_indexes);
649 startchunk = sliceoffset / TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
650 endchunk = (sliceoffset + slicelength - 1) / TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
651 Assert(endchunk <= totalchunks);
653 /* Set up a scan key to fetch from the index. */
654 ScanKeyInit(&toastkey[0],
655 (AttrNumber) 1,
656 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
657 ObjectIdGetDatum(valueid));
659 /*
660 * No additional condition if fetching all chunks. Otherwise, use an
661 * equality condition for one chunk, and a range condition otherwise.
662 */
663 if (startchunk == 0 && endchunk == totalchunks - 1)
664 nscankeys = 1;
665 else if (startchunk == endchunk)
666 {
667 ScanKeyInit(&toastkey[1],
668 (AttrNumber) 2,
669 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT4EQ,
670 Int32GetDatum(startchunk));
671 nscankeys = 2;
672 }
673 else
674 {
675 ScanKeyInit(&toastkey[1],
676 (AttrNumber) 2,
678 Int32GetDatum(startchunk));
679 ScanKeyInit(&toastkey[2],
680 (AttrNumber) 2,
682 Int32GetDatum(endchunk));
683 nscankeys = 3;
684 }
686 /* Prepare for scan */
687 toastscan = systable_beginscan_ordered(toastrel, toastidxs[validIndex],
688 get_toast_snapshot(), nscankeys, toastkey);
690 /*
691 * Read the chunks by index
692 *
693 * The index is on (valueid, chunkidx) so they will come in order
694 */
695 expectedchunk = startchunk;
696 while ((ttup = systable_getnext_ordered(toastscan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
697 {
698 int32 curchunk;
700 bool isnull;
701 char *chunkdata;
702 int32 chunksize;
703 int32 expected_size;
704 int32 chcpystrt;
705 int32 chcpyend;
707 /*
708 * Have a chunk, extract the sequence number and the data
709 */
710 curchunk = DatumGetInt32(fastgetattr(ttup, 2, toasttupDesc, &isnull));
711 Assert(!isnull);
712 chunk = DatumGetPointer(fastgetattr(ttup, 3, toasttupDesc, &isnull));
713 Assert(!isnull);
715 {
716 chunksize = VARSIZE(chunk) - VARHDRSZ;
717 chunkdata = VARDATA(chunk);
718 }
719 else if (VARATT_IS_SHORT(chunk))
720 {
721 /* could happen due to heap_form_tuple doing its thing */
722 chunksize = VARSIZE_SHORT(chunk) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
723 chunkdata = VARDATA_SHORT(chunk);
724 }
725 else
726 {
727 /* should never happen */
728 elog(ERROR, "found toasted toast chunk for toast value %u in %s",
729 valueid, RelationGetRelationName(toastrel));
730 chunksize = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */
731 chunkdata = NULL;
732 }
734 /*
735 * Some checks on the data we've found
736 */
737 if (curchunk != expectedchunk)
740 errmsg_internal("unexpected chunk number %d (expected %d) for toast value %u in %s",
741 curchunk, expectedchunk, valueid,
742 RelationGetRelationName(toastrel))));
743 if (curchunk > endchunk)
746 errmsg_internal("unexpected chunk number %d (out of range %d..%d) for toast value %u in %s",
747 curchunk,
748 startchunk, endchunk, valueid,
749 RelationGetRelationName(toastrel))));
750 expected_size = curchunk < totalchunks - 1 ? TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE
751 : attrsize - ((totalchunks - 1) * TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
752 if (chunksize != expected_size)
755 errmsg_internal("unexpected chunk size %d (expected %d) in chunk %d of %d for toast value %u in %s",
756 chunksize, expected_size,
757 curchunk, totalchunks, valueid,
758 RelationGetRelationName(toastrel))));
760 /*
761 * Copy the data into proper place in our result
762 */
763 chcpystrt = 0;
764 chcpyend = chunksize - 1;
765 if (curchunk == startchunk)
766 chcpystrt = sliceoffset % TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
767 if (curchunk == endchunk)
768 chcpyend = (sliceoffset + slicelength - 1) % TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
770 memcpy(VARDATA(result) +
771 (curchunk * TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE - sliceoffset) + chcpystrt,
772 chunkdata + chcpystrt,
773 (chcpyend - chcpystrt) + 1);
775 expectedchunk++;
776 }
778 /*
779 * Final checks that we successfully fetched the datum
780 */
781 if (expectedchunk != (endchunk + 1))
784 errmsg_internal("missing chunk number %d for toast value %u in %s",
785 expectedchunk, valueid,
786 RelationGetRelationName(toastrel))));
788 /* End scan and close indexes. */
789 systable_endscan_ordered(toastscan);
790 toast_close_indexes(toastidxs, num_indexes, AccessShareLock);
int16 AttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:21
char * Pointer
Definition: c.h:479
#define VARHDRSZ
Definition: c.h:649
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:815
int errmsg_internal(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1157
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
SysScanDesc systable_beginscan_ordered(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, ScanKey key)
Definition: genam.c:653
void systable_endscan_ordered(SysScanDesc sysscan)
Definition: genam.c:760
HeapTuple systable_getnext_ordered(SysScanDesc sysscan, ScanDirection direction)
Definition: genam.c:735
uint64 chunk
Definition: heaptoast.h:84
static Datum fastgetattr(HeapTuple tup, int attnum, TupleDesc tupleDesc, bool *isnull)
Definition: htup_details.h:749
#define AccessShareLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:36
Definition: pg_basebackup.c:41
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:257
static Pointer DatumGetPointer(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:317
static Datum Int32GetDatum(int32 X)
Definition: postgres.h:217
static int32 DatumGetInt32(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:207
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
void ScanKeyInit(ScanKey entry, AttrNumber attributeNumber, StrategyNumber strategy, RegProcedure procedure, Datum argument)
Definition: scankey.c:76
@ ForwardScanDirection
Definition: sdir.h:28
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:31
#define BTLessEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:30
#define BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:32
TupleDesc rd_att
Definition: rel.h:112
void toast_close_indexes(Relation *toastidxs, int num_indexes, LOCKMODE lock)
int toast_open_indexes(Relation toastrel, LOCKMODE lock, Relation **toastidxs, int *num_indexes)
Snapshot get_toast_snapshot(void)
Definition: varatt.h:255
Definition: varatt.h:281
Definition: varatt.h:303
Definition: varatt.h:302
#define VARDATA(PTR)
Definition: varatt.h:278
#define VARSIZE(PTR)
Definition: varatt.h:279
Definition: varatt.h:282

References AccessShareLock, Assert, BTEqualStrategyNumber, BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber, BTLessEqualStrategyNumber, chunk, DatumGetInt32(), DatumGetPointer(), elog, ereport, errcode(), ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED, errmsg_internal(), ERROR, fastgetattr(), ForwardScanDirection, get_toast_snapshot(), Int32GetDatum(), ObjectIdGetDatum(), RelationData::rd_att, RelationGetRelationName, ScanKeyInit(), systable_beginscan_ordered(), systable_endscan_ordered(), systable_getnext_ordered(), toast_close_indexes(), TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, toast_open_indexes(), VARATT_IS_EXTENDED, VARATT_IS_SHORT, VARDATA, VARDATA_SHORT, VARHDRSZ, VARHDRSZ_SHORT, VARSIZE, and VARSIZE_SHORT.

◆ heap_toast_delete()

void heap_toast_delete ( Relation  rel,
HeapTuple  oldtup,
bool  is_speculative 

Definition at line 43 of file heaptoast.c.

45 TupleDesc tupleDesc;
46 Datum toast_values[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
47 bool toast_isnull[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
49 /*
50 * We should only ever be called for tuples of plain relations or
51 * materialized views --- recursing on a toast rel is bad news.
52 */
53 Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
54 rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW);
56 /*
57 * Get the tuple descriptor and break down the tuple into fields.
58 *
59 * NOTE: it's debatable whether to use heap_deform_tuple() here or just
60 * heap_getattr() only the varlena columns. The latter could win if there
61 * are few varlena columns and many non-varlena ones. However,
62 * heap_deform_tuple costs only O(N) while the heap_getattr way would cost
63 * O(N^2) if there are many varlena columns, so it seems better to err on
64 * the side of linear cost. (We won't even be here unless there's at
65 * least one varlena column, by the way.)
66 */
67 tupleDesc = rel->rd_att;
69 Assert(tupleDesc->natts <= MaxHeapAttributeNumber);
70 heap_deform_tuple(oldtup, tupleDesc, toast_values, toast_isnull);
72 /* Do the real work. */
73 toast_delete_external(rel, toast_values, toast_isnull, is_speculative);
void heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc, Datum *values, bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1346
#define MaxHeapAttributeNumber
Definition: htup_details.h:48
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:69
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111
void toast_delete_external(Relation rel, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull, bool is_speculative)
Definition: toast_helper.c:318

References Assert, heap_deform_tuple(), MaxHeapAttributeNumber, TupleDescData::natts, RelationData::rd_att, RelationData::rd_rel, and toast_delete_external().

Referenced by heap_abort_speculative(), and heap_delete().

◆ heap_toast_insert_or_update()

HeapTuple heap_toast_insert_or_update ( Relation  rel,
HeapTuple  newtup,
HeapTuple  oldtup,
int  options 

Definition at line 96 of file heaptoast.c.

99 HeapTuple result_tuple;
100 TupleDesc tupleDesc;
101 int numAttrs;
103 Size maxDataLen;
104 Size hoff;
106 bool toast_isnull[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
107 bool toast_oldisnull[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
108 Datum toast_values[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
109 Datum toast_oldvalues[MaxHeapAttributeNumber];
113 /*
114 * Ignore the INSERT_SPECULATIVE option. Speculative insertions/super
115 * deletions just normally insert/delete the toast values. It seems
116 * easiest to deal with that here, instead on, potentially, multiple
117 * callers.
118 */
121 /*
122 * We should only ever be called for tuples of plain relations or
123 * materialized views --- recursing on a toast rel is bad news.
124 */
125 Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
126 rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW);
128 /*
129 * Get the tuple descriptor and break down the tuple(s) into fields.
130 */
131 tupleDesc = rel->rd_att;
132 numAttrs = tupleDesc->natts;
134 Assert(numAttrs <= MaxHeapAttributeNumber);
135 heap_deform_tuple(newtup, tupleDesc, toast_values, toast_isnull);
136 if (oldtup != NULL)
137 heap_deform_tuple(oldtup, tupleDesc, toast_oldvalues, toast_oldisnull);
139 /* ----------
140 * Prepare for toasting
141 * ----------
142 */
143 ttc.ttc_rel = rel;
144 ttc.ttc_values = toast_values;
145 ttc.ttc_isnull = toast_isnull;
146 if (oldtup == NULL)
147 {
148 ttc.ttc_oldvalues = NULL;
149 ttc.ttc_oldisnull = NULL;
150 }
151 else
152 {
153 ttc.ttc_oldvalues = toast_oldvalues;
154 ttc.ttc_oldisnull = toast_oldisnull;
155 }
156 ttc.ttc_attr = toast_attr;
157 toast_tuple_init(&ttc);
159 /* ----------
160 * Compress and/or save external until data fits into target length
161 *
162 * 1: Inline compress attributes with attstorage EXTENDED, and store very
163 * large attributes with attstorage EXTENDED or EXTERNAL external
164 * immediately
165 * 2: Store attributes with attstorage EXTENDED or EXTERNAL external
166 * 3: Inline compress attributes with attstorage MAIN
167 * 4: Store attributes with attstorage MAIN external
168 * ----------
169 */
171 /* compute header overhead --- this should match heap_form_tuple() */
173 if ((ttc.ttc_flags & TOAST_HAS_NULLS) != 0)
174 hoff += BITMAPLEN(numAttrs);
175 hoff = MAXALIGN(hoff);
176 /* now convert to a limit on the tuple data size */
177 maxDataLen = RelationGetToastTupleTarget(rel, TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET) - hoff;
179 /*
180 * Look for attributes with attstorage EXTENDED to compress. Also find
181 * large attributes with attstorage EXTENDED or EXTERNAL, and store them
182 * external.
183 */
184 while (heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
185 toast_values, toast_isnull) > maxDataLen)
186 {
187 int biggest_attno;
189 biggest_attno = toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(&ttc, true, false);
190 if (biggest_attno < 0)
191 break;
193 /*
194 * Attempt to compress it inline, if it has attstorage EXTENDED
195 */
196 if (TupleDescAttr(tupleDesc, biggest_attno)->attstorage == TYPSTORAGE_EXTENDED)
197 toast_tuple_try_compression(&ttc, biggest_attno);
198 else
199 {
200 /*
201 * has attstorage EXTERNAL, ignore on subsequent compression
202 * passes
203 */
204 toast_attr[biggest_attno].tai_colflags |= TOASTCOL_INCOMPRESSIBLE;
205 }
207 /*
208 * If this value is by itself more than maxDataLen (after compression
209 * if any), push it out to the toast table immediately, if possible.
210 * This avoids uselessly compressing other fields in the common case
211 * where we have one long field and several short ones.
212 *
213 * XXX maybe the threshold should be less than maxDataLen?
214 */
215 if (toast_attr[biggest_attno].tai_size > maxDataLen &&
216 rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
217 toast_tuple_externalize(&ttc, biggest_attno, options);
218 }
220 /*
221 * Second we look for attributes of attstorage EXTENDED or EXTERNAL that
222 * are still inline, and make them external. But skip this if there's no
223 * toast table to push them to.
224 */
225 while (heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
226 toast_values, toast_isnull) > maxDataLen &&
227 rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
228 {
229 int biggest_attno;
231 biggest_attno = toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(&ttc, false, false);
232 if (biggest_attno < 0)
233 break;
234 toast_tuple_externalize(&ttc, biggest_attno, options);
235 }
237 /*
238 * Round 3 - this time we take attributes with storage MAIN into
239 * compression
240 */
241 while (heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
242 toast_values, toast_isnull) > maxDataLen)
243 {
244 int biggest_attno;
246 biggest_attno = toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(&ttc, true, true);
247 if (biggest_attno < 0)
248 break;
250 toast_tuple_try_compression(&ttc, biggest_attno);
251 }
253 /*
254 * Finally we store attributes of type MAIN externally. At this point we
255 * increase the target tuple size, so that MAIN attributes aren't stored
256 * externally unless really necessary.
257 */
258 maxDataLen = TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET_MAIN - hoff;
260 while (heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
261 toast_values, toast_isnull) > maxDataLen &&
262 rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
263 {
264 int biggest_attno;
266 biggest_attno = toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(&ttc, false, true);
267 if (biggest_attno < 0)
268 break;
270 toast_tuple_externalize(&ttc, biggest_attno, options);
271 }
273 /*
274 * In the case we toasted any values, we need to build a new heap tuple
275 * with the changed values.
276 */
277 if ((ttc.ttc_flags & TOAST_NEEDS_CHANGE) != 0)
278 {
279 HeapTupleHeader olddata = newtup->t_data;
280 HeapTupleHeader new_data;
281 int32 new_header_len;
282 int32 new_data_len;
283 int32 new_tuple_len;
285 /*
286 * Calculate the new size of the tuple.
287 *
288 * Note: we used to assume here that the old tuple's t_hoff must equal
289 * the new_header_len value, but that was incorrect. The old tuple
290 * might have a smaller-than-current natts, if there's been an ALTER
291 * TABLE ADD COLUMN since it was stored; and that would lead to a
292 * different conclusion about the size of the null bitmap, or even
293 * whether there needs to be one at all.
294 */
295 new_header_len = SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
296 if ((ttc.ttc_flags & TOAST_HAS_NULLS) != 0)
297 new_header_len += BITMAPLEN(numAttrs);
298 new_header_len = MAXALIGN(new_header_len);
299 new_data_len = heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
300 toast_values, toast_isnull);
301 new_tuple_len = new_header_len + new_data_len;
303 /*
304 * Allocate and zero the space needed, and fill HeapTupleData fields.
305 */
306 result_tuple = (HeapTuple) palloc0(HEAPTUPLESIZE + new_tuple_len);
307 result_tuple->t_len = new_tuple_len;
308 result_tuple->t_self = newtup->t_self;
309 result_tuple->t_tableOid = newtup->t_tableOid;
310 new_data = (HeapTupleHeader) ((char *) result_tuple + HEAPTUPLESIZE);
311 result_tuple->t_data = new_data;
313 /*
314 * Copy the existing tuple header, but adjust natts and t_hoff.
315 */
316 memcpy(new_data, olddata, SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
317 HeapTupleHeaderSetNatts(new_data, numAttrs);
318 new_data->t_hoff = new_header_len;
320 /* Copy over the data, and fill the null bitmap if needed */
321 heap_fill_tuple(tupleDesc,
322 toast_values,
323 toast_isnull,
324 (char *) new_data + new_header_len,
325 new_data_len,
326 &(new_data->t_infomask),
327 ((ttc.ttc_flags & TOAST_HAS_NULLS) != 0) ?
328 new_data->t_bits : NULL);
329 }
330 else
331 result_tuple = newtup;
335 return result_tuple;
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:562
Definition: heaptoast.h:50
Definition: heaptoast.h:61
Size heap_compute_data_size(TupleDesc tupleDesc, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:219
void heap_fill_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDesc, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull, char *data, Size data_size, uint16 *infomask, bits8 *bit)
Definition: heaptuple.c:401
Definition: htup.h:73
HeapTupleData * HeapTuple
Definition: htup.h:71
HeapTupleHeaderData * HeapTupleHeader
Definition: htup.h:23
Definition: htup_details.h:545
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetNatts(tup, natts)
Definition: htup_details.h:532
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
char attstorage
Definition: pg_attribute.h:108
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:37
#define RelationGetToastTupleTarget(relation, defaulttarg)
Definition: rel.h:355
ItemPointerData t_self
Definition: htup.h:65
uint32 t_len
Definition: htup.h:64
HeapTupleHeader t_data
Definition: htup.h:68
Oid t_tableOid
Definition: htup.h:66
Definition: htup_details.h:178
uint8 tai_colflags
Definition: toast_helper.h:34
ToastAttrInfo * ttc_attr
Definition: toast_helper.h:62
Datum * ttc_oldvalues
Definition: toast_helper.h:52
void toast_tuple_init(ToastTupleContext *ttc)
Definition: toast_helper.c:41
void toast_tuple_try_compression(ToastTupleContext *ttc, int attribute)
Definition: toast_helper.c:227
void toast_tuple_externalize(ToastTupleContext *ttc, int attribute, int options)
Definition: toast_helper.c:256
void toast_tuple_cleanup(ToastTupleContext *ttc)
Definition: toast_helper.c:275
int toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(ToastTupleContext *ttc, bool for_compression, bool check_main)
Definition: toast_helper.c:181
Definition: toast_helper.h:81
Definition: toast_helper.h:80
Definition: toast_helper.h:102
static FormData_pg_attribute * TupleDescAttr(TupleDesc tupdesc, int i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:153

References Assert, attstorage, BITMAPLEN, heap_compute_data_size(), heap_deform_tuple(), heap_fill_tuple(), HeapTupleHeaderSetNatts, HEAPTUPLESIZE, InvalidOid, MAXALIGN, MaxHeapAttributeNumber, TupleDescData::natts, palloc0(), RelationData::rd_att, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetToastTupleTarget, SizeofHeapTupleHeader, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_bits, HeapTupleData::t_data, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_hoff, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_infomask, HeapTupleData::t_len, HeapTupleData::t_self, HeapTupleData::t_tableOid, ToastAttrInfo::tai_colflags, TOAST_HAS_NULLS, TOAST_NEEDS_CHANGE, toast_tuple_cleanup(), toast_tuple_externalize(), toast_tuple_find_biggest_attribute(), toast_tuple_init(), TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET, TOAST_TUPLE_TARGET_MAIN, toast_tuple_try_compression(), TOASTCOL_INCOMPRESSIBLE, ToastTupleContext::ttc_attr, ToastTupleContext::ttc_flags, ToastTupleContext::ttc_isnull, ToastTupleContext::ttc_oldisnull, ToastTupleContext::ttc_oldvalues, ToastTupleContext::ttc_rel, ToastTupleContext::ttc_values, and TupleDescAttr().

Referenced by heap_prepare_insert(), heap_update(), and raw_heap_insert().

◆ toast_build_flattened_tuple()

HeapTuple toast_build_flattened_tuple ( TupleDesc  tupleDesc,
Datum values,
bool *  isnull 

Definition at line 563 of file heaptoast.c.

567 HeapTuple new_tuple;
568 int numAttrs = tupleDesc->natts;
569 int num_to_free;
570 int i;
571 Datum new_values[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
572 Pointer freeable_values[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
574 /*
575 * We can pass the caller's isnull array directly to heap_form_tuple, but
576 * we potentially need to modify the values array.
577 */
578 Assert(numAttrs <= MaxTupleAttributeNumber);
579 memcpy(new_values, values, numAttrs * sizeof(Datum));
581 num_to_free = 0;
582 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
583 {
584 /*
585 * Look at non-null varlena attributes
586 */
587 if (!isnull[i] && TupleDescCompactAttr(tupleDesc, i)->attlen == -1)
588 {
589 struct varlena *new_value;
591 new_value = (struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(new_values[i]);
592 if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL(new_value))
593 {
594 new_value = detoast_external_attr(new_value);
595 new_values[i] = PointerGetDatum(new_value);
596 freeable_values[num_to_free++] = (Pointer) new_value;
597 }
598 }
599 }
601 /*
602 * Form the reconfigured tuple.
603 */
604 new_tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupleDesc, new_values, isnull);
606 /*
607 * Free allocated temp values
608 */
609 for (i = 0; i < num_to_free; i++)
610 pfree(freeable_values[i]);
612 return new_tuple;
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:151
struct varlena * detoast_external_attr(struct varlena *attr)
Definition: detoast.c:45
HeapTuple heap_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1117
#define MaxTupleAttributeNumber
Definition: htup_details.h:34
int i
Definition: isn.c:72
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
int16 attlen
Definition: pg_attribute.h:59
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:327
Definition: c.h:644
static CompactAttribute * TupleDescCompactAttr(TupleDesc tupdesc, int i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:168
Definition: varatt.h:289

References Assert, attlen, DatumGetPointer(), detoast_external_attr(), heap_form_tuple(), i, MaxTupleAttributeNumber, TupleDescData::natts, pfree(), PointerGetDatum(), TupleDescCompactAttr(), values, and VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL.

Referenced by ExecEvalWholeRowVar().

◆ toast_flatten_tuple()

HeapTuple toast_flatten_tuple ( HeapTuple  tup,
TupleDesc  tupleDesc 

Definition at line 350 of file heaptoast.c.

352 HeapTuple new_tuple;
353 int numAttrs = tupleDesc->natts;
354 int i;
355 Datum toast_values[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
356 bool toast_isnull[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
357 bool toast_free[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
359 /*
360 * Break down the tuple into fields.
361 */
362 Assert(numAttrs <= MaxTupleAttributeNumber);
363 heap_deform_tuple(tup, tupleDesc, toast_values, toast_isnull);
365 memset(toast_free, 0, numAttrs * sizeof(bool));
367 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
368 {
369 /*
370 * Look at non-null varlena attributes
371 */
372 if (!toast_isnull[i] && TupleDescCompactAttr(tupleDesc, i)->attlen == -1)
373 {
374 struct varlena *new_value;
376 new_value = (struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(toast_values[i]);
377 if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL(new_value))
378 {
379 new_value = detoast_external_attr(new_value);
380 toast_values[i] = PointerGetDatum(new_value);
381 toast_free[i] = true;
382 }
383 }
384 }
386 /*
387 * Form the reconfigured tuple.
388 */
389 new_tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupleDesc, toast_values, toast_isnull);
391 /*
392 * Be sure to copy the tuple's identity fields. We also make a point of
393 * copying visibility info, just in case anybody looks at those fields in
394 * a syscache entry.
395 */
396 new_tuple->t_self = tup->t_self;
397 new_tuple->t_tableOid = tup->t_tableOid;
399 new_tuple->t_data->t_choice = tup->t_data->t_choice;
400 new_tuple->t_data->t_ctid = tup->t_data->t_ctid;
401 new_tuple->t_data->t_infomask &= ~HEAP_XACT_MASK;
402 new_tuple->t_data->t_infomask |=
404 new_tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~HEAP2_XACT_MASK;
405 new_tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 |=
408 /*
409 * Free allocated temp values
410 */
411 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
412 if (toast_free[i])
413 pfree(DatumGetPointer(toast_values[i]));
415 return new_tuple;
Definition: htup_details.h:279
Definition: htup_details.h:215
union HeapTupleHeaderData::@47 t_choice
ItemPointerData t_ctid
Definition: htup_details.h:161

References Assert, attlen, DatumGetPointer(), detoast_external_attr(), HEAP2_XACT_MASK, heap_deform_tuple(), heap_form_tuple(), HEAP_XACT_MASK, i, MaxTupleAttributeNumber, TupleDescData::natts, pfree(), PointerGetDatum(), HeapTupleHeaderData::t_choice, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_ctid, HeapTupleData::t_data, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_infomask, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_infomask2, HeapTupleData::t_self, HeapTupleData::t_tableOid, TupleDescCompactAttr(), and VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL.

Referenced by CatalogCacheCreateEntry(), expanded_record_set_tuple(), and ExtractReplicaIdentity().

◆ toast_flatten_tuple_to_datum()

Datum toast_flatten_tuple_to_datum ( HeapTupleHeader  tup,
uint32  tup_len,
TupleDesc  tupleDesc 

Definition at line 449 of file heaptoast.c.

453 HeapTupleHeader new_data;
454 int32 new_header_len;
455 int32 new_data_len;
456 int32 new_tuple_len;
457 HeapTupleData tmptup;
458 int numAttrs = tupleDesc->natts;
459 int i;
460 bool has_nulls = false;
461 Datum toast_values[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
462 bool toast_isnull[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
463 bool toast_free[MaxTupleAttributeNumber];
465 /* Build a temporary HeapTuple control structure */
466 tmptup.t_len = tup_len;
467 ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(tmptup.t_self));
468 tmptup.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
469 tmptup.t_data = tup;
471 /*
472 * Break down the tuple into fields.
473 */
474 Assert(numAttrs <= MaxTupleAttributeNumber);
475 heap_deform_tuple(&tmptup, tupleDesc, toast_values, toast_isnull);
477 memset(toast_free, 0, numAttrs * sizeof(bool));
479 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
480 {
481 /*
482 * Look at non-null varlena attributes
483 */
484 if (toast_isnull[i])
485 has_nulls = true;
486 else if (TupleDescCompactAttr(tupleDesc, i)->attlen == -1)
487 {
488 struct varlena *new_value;
490 new_value = (struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(toast_values[i]);
491 if (VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL(new_value) ||
492 VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED(new_value))
493 {
494 new_value = detoast_attr(new_value);
495 toast_values[i] = PointerGetDatum(new_value);
496 toast_free[i] = true;
497 }
498 }
499 }
501 /*
502 * Calculate the new size of the tuple.
503 *
504 * This should match the reconstruction code in
505 * heap_toast_insert_or_update.
506 */
507 new_header_len = SizeofHeapTupleHeader;
508 if (has_nulls)
509 new_header_len += BITMAPLEN(numAttrs);
510 new_header_len = MAXALIGN(new_header_len);
511 new_data_len = heap_compute_data_size(tupleDesc,
512 toast_values, toast_isnull);
513 new_tuple_len = new_header_len + new_data_len;
515 new_data = (HeapTupleHeader) palloc0(new_tuple_len);
517 /*
518 * Copy the existing tuple header, but adjust natts and t_hoff.
519 */
520 memcpy(new_data, tup, SizeofHeapTupleHeader);
521 HeapTupleHeaderSetNatts(new_data, numAttrs);
522 new_data->t_hoff = new_header_len;
524 /* Set the composite-Datum header fields correctly */
525 HeapTupleHeaderSetDatumLength(new_data, new_tuple_len);
526 HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(new_data, tupleDesc->tdtypeid);
527 HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(new_data, tupleDesc->tdtypmod);
529 /* Copy over the data, and fill the null bitmap if needed */
530 heap_fill_tuple(tupleDesc,
531 toast_values,
532 toast_isnull,
533 (char *) new_data + new_header_len,
534 new_data_len,
535 &(new_data->t_infomask),
536 has_nulls ? new_data->t_bits : NULL);
538 /*
539 * Free allocated temp values
540 */
541 for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++)
542 if (toast_free[i])
543 pfree(DatumGetPointer(toast_values[i]));
545 return PointerGetDatum(new_data);
struct varlena * detoast_attr(struct varlena *attr)
Definition: detoast.c:116
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(tup, typmod)
Definition: htup_details.h:471
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetDatumLength(tup, len)
Definition: htup_details.h:453
#define HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(tup, typeid)
Definition: htup_details.h:461
static void ItemPointerSetInvalid(ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:184
int32 tdtypmod
Definition: tupdesc.h:132
Oid tdtypeid
Definition: tupdesc.h:131
Definition: varatt.h:288

References Assert, attlen, BITMAPLEN, DatumGetPointer(), detoast_attr(), heap_compute_data_size(), heap_deform_tuple(), heap_fill_tuple(), HeapTupleHeaderSetDatumLength, HeapTupleHeaderSetNatts, HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId, HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod, i, InvalidOid, ItemPointerSetInvalid(), MAXALIGN, MaxTupleAttributeNumber, TupleDescData::natts, palloc0(), pfree(), PointerGetDatum(), SizeofHeapTupleHeader, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_bits, HeapTupleData::t_data, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_hoff, HeapTupleHeaderData::t_infomask, HeapTupleData::t_len, HeapTupleData::t_self, HeapTupleData::t_tableOid, TupleDescData::tdtypeid, TupleDescData::tdtypmod, TupleDescCompactAttr(), VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED, and VARATT_IS_EXTERNAL.

Referenced by heap_copy_tuple_as_datum(), and HeapTupleHeaderGetDatum().