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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * planmain.c
4  * Routines to plan a single query
5  *
6  * What's in a name, anyway? The top-level entry point of the planner/
7  * optimizer is over in planner.c, not here as you might think from the
8  * file name. But this is the main code for planning a basic join operation,
9  * shorn of features like subselects, inheritance, aggregates, grouping,
10  * and so on. (Those are the things planner.c deals with.)
11  *
12  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
13  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
14  *
15  *
17  * src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c
18  *
19  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
20  */
21 #include "postgres.h"
23 #include "optimizer/appendinfo.h"
24 #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
25 #include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
26 #include "optimizer/orclauses.h"
27 #include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
28 #include "optimizer/paths.h"
29 #include "optimizer/placeholder.h"
30 #include "optimizer/planmain.h"
33 /*
34  * query_planner
35  * Generate a path (that is, a simplified plan) for a basic query,
36  * which may involve joins but not any fancier features.
37  *
38  * Since query_planner does not handle the toplevel processing (grouping,
39  * sorting, etc) it cannot select the best path by itself. Instead, it
40  * returns the RelOptInfo for the top level of joining, and the caller
41  * (grouping_planner) can choose among the surviving paths for the rel.
42  *
43  * root describes the query to plan
44  * qp_callback is a function to compute query_pathkeys once it's safe to do so
45  * qp_extra is optional extra data to pass to qp_callback
46  *
47  * Note: the PlannerInfo node also includes a query_pathkeys field, which
48  * tells query_planner the sort order that is desired in the final output
49  * plan. This value is *not* available at call time, but is computed by
50  * qp_callback once we have completed merging the query's equivalence classes.
51  * (We cannot construct canonical pathkeys until that's done.)
52  */
53 RelOptInfo *
55  query_pathkeys_callback qp_callback, void *qp_extra)
56 {
57  Query *parse = root->parse;
58  List *joinlist;
59  RelOptInfo *final_rel;
61  /*
62  * Init planner lists to empty.
63  *
64  * NOTE: append_rel_list was set up by subquery_planner, so do not touch
65  * here.
66  */
67  root->join_rel_list = NIL;
68  root->join_rel_hash = NULL;
69  root->join_rel_level = NULL;
70  root->join_cur_level = 0;
71  root->canon_pathkeys = NIL;
72  root->left_join_clauses = NIL;
73  root->right_join_clauses = NIL;
74  root->full_join_clauses = NIL;
75  root->join_info_list = NIL;
76  root->placeholder_list = NIL;
77  root->placeholder_array = NULL;
78  root->placeholder_array_size = 0;
79  root->fkey_list = NIL;
80  root->initial_rels = NIL;
82  /*
83  * Set up arrays for accessing base relations and AppendRelInfos.
84  */
87  /*
88  * In the trivial case where the jointree is a single RTE_RESULT relation,
89  * bypass all the rest of this function and just make a RelOptInfo and its
90  * one access path. This is worth optimizing because it applies for
91  * common cases like "SELECT expression" and "INSERT ... VALUES()".
92  */
93  Assert(parse->jointree->fromlist != NIL);
94  if (list_length(parse->jointree->fromlist) == 1)
95  {
96  Node *jtnode = (Node *) linitial(parse->jointree->fromlist);
98  if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))
99  {
100  int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;
101  RangeTblEntry *rte = root->simple_rte_array[varno];
103  Assert(rte != NULL);
104  if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RESULT)
105  {
106  /* Make the RelOptInfo for it directly */
107  final_rel = build_simple_rel(root, varno, NULL);
109  /*
110  * If query allows parallelism in general, check whether the
111  * quals are parallel-restricted. (We need not check
112  * final_rel->reltarget because it's empty at this point.
113  * Anything parallel-restricted in the query tlist will be
114  * dealt with later.) We should always do this in a subquery,
115  * since it might be useful to use the subquery in parallel
116  * paths in the parent level. At top level this is normally
117  * not worth the cycles, because a Result-only plan would
118  * never be interesting to parallelize. However, if
119  * debug_parallel_query is on, then we want to execute the
120  * Result in a parallel worker if possible, so we must check.
121  */
122  if (root->glob->parallelModeOK &&
123  (root->query_level > 1 ||
125  final_rel->consider_parallel =
126  is_parallel_safe(root, parse->jointree->quals);
128  /*
129  * The only path for it is a trivial Result path. We cheat a
130  * bit here by using a GroupResultPath, because that way we
131  * can just jam the quals into it without preprocessing them.
132  * (But, if you hold your head at the right angle, a FROM-less
133  * SELECT is a kind of degenerate-grouping case, so it's not
134  * that much of a cheat.)
135  */
136  add_path(final_rel, (Path *)
137  create_group_result_path(root, final_rel,
138  final_rel->reltarget,
139  (List *) parse->jointree->quals));
141  /* Select cheapest path (pretty easy in this case...) */
142  set_cheapest(final_rel);
144  /*
145  * We don't need to run generate_base_implied_equalities, but
146  * we do need to pretend that EC merging is complete.
147  */
148  root->ec_merging_done = true;
150  /*
151  * We still are required to call qp_callback, in case it's
152  * something like "SELECT 2+2 ORDER BY 1".
153  */
154  (*qp_callback) (root, qp_extra);
156  return final_rel;
157  }
158  }
159  }
161  /*
162  * Construct RelOptInfo nodes for all base relations used in the query.
163  * Appendrel member relations ("other rels") will be added later.
164  *
165  * Note: the reason we find the baserels by searching the jointree, rather
166  * than scanning the rangetable, is that the rangetable may contain RTEs
167  * for rels not actively part of the query, for example views. We don't
168  * want to make RelOptInfos for them.
169  */
170  add_base_rels_to_query(root, (Node *) parse->jointree);
172  /*
173  * Examine the targetlist and join tree, adding entries to baserel
174  * targetlists for all referenced Vars, and generating PlaceHolderInfo
175  * entries for all referenced PlaceHolderVars. Restrict and join clauses
176  * are added to appropriate lists belonging to the mentioned relations. We
177  * also build EquivalenceClasses for provably equivalent expressions. The
178  * SpecialJoinInfo list is also built to hold information about join order
179  * restrictions. Finally, we form a target joinlist for make_one_rel() to
180  * work from.
181  */
182  build_base_rel_tlists(root, root->processed_tlist);
188  joinlist = deconstruct_jointree(root);
190  /*
191  * Reconsider any postponed outer-join quals now that we have built up
192  * equivalence classes. (This could result in further additions or
193  * mergings of classes.)
194  */
197  /*
198  * If we formed any equivalence classes, generate additional restriction
199  * clauses as appropriate. (Implied join clauses are formed on-the-fly
200  * later.)
201  */
204  /*
205  * We have completed merging equivalence sets, so it's now possible to
206  * generate pathkeys in canonical form; so compute query_pathkeys and
207  * other pathkeys fields in PlannerInfo.
208  */
209  (*qp_callback) (root, qp_extra);
211  /*
212  * Examine any "placeholder" expressions generated during subquery pullup.
213  * Make sure that the Vars they need are marked as needed at the relevant
214  * join level. This must be done before join removal because it might
215  * cause Vars or placeholders to be needed above a join when they weren't
216  * so marked before.
217  */
220  /*
221  * Remove any useless outer joins. Ideally this would be done during
222  * jointree preprocessing, but the necessary information isn't available
223  * until we've built baserel data structures and classified qual clauses.
224  */
225  joinlist = remove_useless_joins(root, joinlist);
227  /*
228  * Also, reduce any semijoins with unique inner rels to plain inner joins.
229  * Likewise, this can't be done until now for lack of needed info.
230  */
233  /*
234  * Now distribute "placeholders" to base rels as needed. This has to be
235  * done after join removal because removal could change whether a
236  * placeholder is evaluable at a base rel.
237  */
240  /*
241  * Construct the lateral reference sets now that we have finalized
242  * PlaceHolderVar eval levels.
243  */
246  /*
247  * Match foreign keys to equivalence classes and join quals. This must be
248  * done after finalizing equivalence classes, and it's useful to wait till
249  * after join removal so that we can skip processing foreign keys
250  * involving removed relations.
251  */
254  /*
255  * Look for join OR clauses that we can extract single-relation
256  * restriction OR clauses from.
257  */
260  /*
261  * Now expand appendrels by adding "otherrels" for their children. We
262  * delay this to the end so that we have as much information as possible
263  * available for each baserel, including all restriction clauses. That
264  * let us prune away partitions that don't satisfy a restriction clause.
265  * Also note that some information such as lateral_relids is propagated
266  * from baserels to otherrels here, so we must have computed it already.
267  */
270  /*
271  * Distribute any UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE row identity variables to the target
272  * relations. This can't be done till we've finished expansion of
273  * appendrels.
274  */
277  /*
278  * Ready to do the primary planning.
279  */
280  final_rel = make_one_rel(root, joinlist);
282  /* Check that we got at least one usable path */
283  if (!final_rel || !final_rel->cheapest_total_path ||
284  final_rel->cheapest_total_path->param_info != NULL)
285  elog(ERROR, "failed to construct the join relation");
287  return final_rel;
288 }
RelOptInfo * make_one_rel(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist)
Definition: allpaths.c:171
List * remove_useless_joins(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist)
Definition: analyzejoins.c:65
void reduce_unique_semijoins(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: analyzejoins.c:718
void distribute_row_identity_vars(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: appendinfo.c:969
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:849
bool is_parallel_safe(PlannerInfo *root, Node *node)
Definition: clauses.c:753
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
void generate_base_implied_equalities(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: equivclass.c:1032
void reconsider_outer_join_clauses(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: equivclass.c:2001
List * deconstruct_jointree(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: initsplan.c:843
void match_foreign_keys_to_quals(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: initsplan.c:3350
void find_lateral_references(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: initsplan.c:417
void add_base_rels_to_query(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode)
Definition: initsplan.c:157
void build_base_rel_tlists(PlannerInfo *root, List *final_tlist)
Definition: initsplan.c:234
void add_other_rels_to_query(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: initsplan.c:195
void create_lateral_join_info(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: initsplan.c:604
#define IsA(nodeptr, _type_)
Definition: nodes.h:158
Definition: optimizer.h:106
void extract_restriction_or_clauses(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: orclauses.c:75
Definition: parsenodes.h:1025
GroupResultPath * create_group_result_path(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, PathTarget *target, List *havingqual)
Definition: pathnode.c:1586
void set_cheapest(RelOptInfo *parent_rel)
Definition: pathnode.c:269
void add_path(RelOptInfo *parent_rel, Path *new_path)
Definition: pathnode.c:461
static int list_length(const List *l)
Definition: pg_list.h:152
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
#define linitial(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:178
void add_placeholders_to_base_rels(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: placeholder.c:356
void fix_placeholder_input_needed_levels(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: placeholder.c:300
void find_placeholders_in_jointree(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: placeholder.c:185
RelOptInfo * query_planner(PlannerInfo *root, query_pathkeys_callback qp_callback, void *qp_extra)
Definition: planmain.c:54
void(* query_pathkeys_callback)(PlannerInfo *root, void *extra)
Definition: planmain.h:25
int debug_parallel_query
Definition: planner.c:68
tree ctl root
Definition: radixtree.h:1886
static struct subre * parse(struct vars *v, int stopper, int type, struct state *init, struct state *final)
Definition: regcomp.c:715
void setup_simple_rel_arrays(PlannerInfo *root)
Definition: relnode.c:94
RelOptInfo * build_simple_rel(PlannerInfo *root, int relid, RelOptInfo *parent)
Definition: relnode.c:192
Definition: pg_list.h:54
Definition: nodes.h:129
RTEKind rtekind
Definition: parsenodes.h:1047
struct PathTarget * reltarget
Definition: pathnodes.h:893
bool consider_parallel
Definition: pathnodes.h:887
struct Path * cheapest_total_path
Definition: pathnodes.h:902