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spgist_private.h File Reference
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/spgist.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
#include "nodes/tidbitmap.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "utils/geo_decls.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
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Data Structures

struct  SpGistOptions
struct  SpGistPageOpaqueData
struct  SpGistLastUsedPage
struct  SpGistLUPCache
struct  SpGistMetaPageData
struct  SpGistTypeDesc
struct  SpGistState
struct  SpGistSearchItem
struct  SpGistScanOpaqueData
struct  SpGistCache
struct  SpGistInnerTupleData
struct  SpGistLeafTupleData
struct  SpGistDeadTupleData


#define SpGistGetFillFactor(relation)
#define SpGistGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation)    (BLCKSZ * (100 - SpGistGetFillFactor(relation)) / 100)
#define spgKeyColumn   0
#define spgFirstIncludeColumn   1
#define SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO   (0) /* metapage */
#define SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO   (1) /* root for normal entries */
#define SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO   (2) /* root for null-value entries */
#define SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno)    ((blkno) == SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO || (blkno) == SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO)
#define SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno)    ((BlockNumber) (blkno) <= (BlockNumber) SPGIST_LAST_FIXED_BLKNO)
#define SPGIST_META   (1<<0)
#define SPGIST_LEAF   (1<<2)
#define SPGIST_NULLS   (1<<3)
#define SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)   ((SpGistPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page))
#define SpGistPageIsMeta(page)   (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_META)
#define SpGistPageIsDeleted(page)   (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_DELETED)
#define SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)   (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_LEAF)
#define SpGistPageStoresNulls(page)   (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_NULLS)
#define SPGIST_PAGE_ID   0xFF82
#define SpGistPageGetMeta(p)    ((SpGistMetaPageData *) PageGetContents(p))
#define SizeOfSpGistSearchItem(n_distances)    (offsetof(SpGistSearchItem, distances) + sizeof(double) * (n_distances))
#define SPGIST_LIVE   0 /* normal live tuple (either inner or leaf) */
#define SPGIST_REDIRECT   1 /* temporary redirection placeholder */
#define SPGIST_DEAD   2 /* dead, cannot be removed because of links */
#define SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER   3 /* placeholder, used to preserve offsets */
#define SGITHDRSZ   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistInnerTupleData))
#define _SGITDATA(x)   (((char *) (x)) + SGITHDRSZ)
#define SGITDATAPTR(x)   ((x)->prefixSize ? _SGITDATA(x) : NULL)
#define SGITDATUM(x, s)
#define SGITNODEPTR(x)   ((SpGistNodeTuple) (_SGITDATA(x) + (x)->prefixSize))
#define SGITITERATE(x, i, nt)
#define SGNTHDRSZ   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistNodeTupleData))
#define SGNTDATAPTR(x)   (((char *) (x)) + SGNTHDRSZ)
#define SGNTDATUM(x, s)
#define SGLT_GET_NEXTOFFSET(spgLeafTuple)    ((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0x3FFF)
#define SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK(spgLeafTuple)    (((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0x8000) ? true : false)
#define SGLT_SET_NEXTOFFSET(spgLeafTuple, offsetNumber)
#define SGLT_SET_HASNULLMASK(spgLeafTuple, hasnulls)
#define SGLTHDRSZ(hasnulls)
#define SGLTDATAPTR(x)   (((char *) (x)) + SGLTHDRSZ(SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK(x)))
#define SGLTDATUM(x, s)
#define SGDTSIZE   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistDeadTupleData))
#define SpGistPageGetFreeSpace(p, n)
#define STORE_STATE(s, d)
#define GBUF_LEAF   0x03
#define GBUF_INNER_PARITY(x)   ((x) % 3)
#define GBUF_NULLS   0x04
#define GBUF_PARITY_MASK   0x03
#define GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags)   (((flags) & GBUF_PARITY_MASK) == GBUF_LEAF)
#define GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags)   ((flags) & GBUF_NULLS)


typedef struct SpGistOptions SpGistOptions
typedef struct SpGistPageOpaqueData SpGistPageOpaqueData
typedef SpGistPageOpaqueDataSpGistPageOpaque
typedef struct SpGistLastUsedPage SpGistLastUsedPage
typedef struct SpGistLUPCache SpGistLUPCache
typedef struct SpGistMetaPageData SpGistMetaPageData
typedef struct SpGistLeafTupleDataSpGistLeafTuple
typedef struct SpGistTypeDesc SpGistTypeDesc
typedef struct SpGistState SpGistState
typedef struct SpGistSearchItem SpGistSearchItem
typedef struct SpGistScanOpaqueData SpGistScanOpaqueData
typedef SpGistScanOpaqueDataSpGistScanOpaque
typedef struct SpGistCache SpGistCache
typedef struct SpGistInnerTupleData SpGistInnerTupleData
typedef SpGistInnerTupleDataSpGistInnerTuple
typedef IndexTupleData SpGistNodeTupleData
typedef SpGistNodeTupleDataSpGistNodeTuple
typedef struct SpGistLeafTupleData SpGistLeafTupleData
typedef struct SpGistDeadTupleData SpGistDeadTupleData
typedef SpGistDeadTupleDataSpGistDeadTuple


SpGistCachespgGetCache (Relation index)
TupleDesc getSpGistTupleDesc (Relation index, SpGistTypeDesc *keyType)
void initSpGistState (SpGistState *state, Relation index)
Buffer SpGistNewBuffer (Relation index)
void SpGistUpdateMetaPage (Relation index)
Buffer SpGistGetBuffer (Relation index, int flags, int needSpace, bool *isNew)
void SpGistSetLastUsedPage (Relation index, Buffer buffer)
void SpGistInitPage (Page page, uint16 f)
void SpGistInitBuffer (Buffer b, uint16 f)
void SpGistInitMetapage (Page page)
unsigned int SpGistGetInnerTypeSize (SpGistTypeDesc *att, Datum datum)
Size SpGistGetLeafTupleSize (TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *datums, const bool *isnulls)
SpGistLeafTuple spgFormLeafTuple (SpGistState *state, ItemPointer heapPtr, const Datum *datums, const bool *isnulls)
SpGistNodeTuple spgFormNodeTuple (SpGistState *state, Datum label, bool isnull)
SpGistInnerTuple spgFormInnerTuple (SpGistState *state, bool hasPrefix, Datum prefix, int nNodes, SpGistNodeTuple *nodes)
SpGistDeadTuple spgFormDeadTuple (SpGistState *state, int tupstate, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum)
void spgDeformLeafTuple (SpGistLeafTuple tup, TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, Datum *datums, bool *isnulls, bool keyColumnIsNull)
DatumspgExtractNodeLabels (SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple)
OffsetNumber SpGistPageAddNewItem (SpGistState *state, Page page, Item item, Size size, OffsetNumber *startOffset, bool errorOK)
bool spgproperty (Oid index_oid, int attno, IndexAMProperty prop, const char *propname, bool *res, bool *isnull)
void spgUpdateNodeLink (SpGistInnerTuple tup, int nodeN, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offset)
void spgPageIndexMultiDelete (SpGistState *state, Page page, OffsetNumber *itemnos, int nitems, int firststate, int reststate, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum)
bool spgdoinsert (Relation index, SpGistState *state, ItemPointer heapPtr, Datum *datums, bool *isnulls)
double * spg_key_orderbys_distances (Datum key, bool isLeaf, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
BOXbox_copy (BOX *orig)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _SGITDATA (   x)    (((char *) (x)) + SGITHDRSZ)

Definition at line 311 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_INNER_PARITY (   x)    ((x) % 3)

Definition at line 483 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_LEAF   0x03

Definition at line 482 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_NULLS   0x04

Definition at line 484 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_PARITY_MASK   0x03

Definition at line 486 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_REQ_LEAF (   flags)    (((flags) & GBUF_PARITY_MASK) == GBUF_LEAF)

Definition at line 487 of file spgist_private.h.


#define GBUF_REQ_NULLS (   flags)    ((flags) & GBUF_NULLS)

Definition at line 488 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGDTSIZE   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistDeadTupleData))

Definition at line 437 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGITDATAPTR (   x)    ((x)->prefixSize ? _SGITDATA(x) : NULL)

Definition at line 312 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGITDATUM (   x,
((x)->prefixSize ? \
((s)->attPrefixType.attbyval ? \
*(Datum *) _SGITDATA(x) : \
PointerGetDatum(_SGITDATA(x))) \
: (Datum) 0)
int x
Definition: isn.c:70
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:69
#define _SGITDATA(x)

Definition at line 313 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGITHDRSZ   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistInnerTupleData))

Definition at line 310 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGITITERATE (   x,
for ((i) = 0, (nt) = SGITNODEPTR(x); \
(i) < (x)->nNodes; \
(i)++, (nt) = (SpGistNodeTuple) (((char *) (nt)) + IndexTupleSize(nt)))
int i
Definition: isn.c:72
#define IndexTupleSize(itup)
Definition: itup.h:70
SpGistNodeTupleData * SpGistNodeTuple
#define SGITNODEPTR(x)

Definition at line 321 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 306 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 307 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 308 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGITNODEPTR (   x)    ((SpGistNodeTuple) (_SGITDATA(x) + (x)->prefixSize))

Definition at line 318 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK (   spgLeafTuple)     (((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0x8000) ? true : false)

Definition at line 396 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLT_GET_NEXTOFFSET (   spgLeafTuple)     ((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0x3FFF)

Definition at line 394 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLT_SET_HASNULLMASK (   spgLeafTuple,
((spgLeafTuple)->t_info = \
((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0x7FFF) | ((hasnulls) ? 0x8000 : 0))

Definition at line 401 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLT_SET_NEXTOFFSET (   spgLeafTuple,
((spgLeafTuple)->t_info = \
((spgLeafTuple)->t_info & 0xC000) | ((offsetNumber) & 0x3FFF))

Definition at line 398 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLTDATAPTR (   x)    (((char *) (x)) + SGLTHDRSZ(SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK(x)))

Definition at line 409 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLTDATUM (   x,
(s)->attLeafType.attbyval, \
#define SGLTDATAPTR(x)
static Datum fetch_att(const void *T, bool attbyval, int attlen)
Definition: tupmacs.h:53

Definition at line 410 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGLTHDRSZ (   hasnulls)
((hasnulls) ? MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistLeafTupleData) + \
Definition: c.h:768

Definition at line 405 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGNTDATAPTR (   x)    (((char *) (x)) + SGNTHDRSZ)

Definition at line 340 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGNTDATUM (   x,
((s)->attLabelType.attbyval ? \
*(Datum *) SGNTDATAPTR(x) : \
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:327
#define SGNTDATAPTR(x)

Definition at line 341 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SGNTHDRSZ   MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistNodeTupleData))

Definition at line 339 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SizeOfSpGistSearchItem

#define SizeOfSpGistSearchItem (   n_distances)     (offsetof(SpGistSearchItem, distances) + sizeof(double) * (n_distances))

Definition at line 182 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ spgFirstIncludeColumn

#define spgFirstIncludeColumn   1

Definition at line 44 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 105 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_DEAD   2 /* dead, cannot be removed because of links */

Definition at line 273 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 494 of file spgist_private.h.


(1<<1) /* never set, but keep for backwards
* compatibility */

Definition at line 73 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 50 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_LEAF   (1<<2)

Definition at line 74 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_LIVE   0 /* normal live tuple (either inner or leaf) */

Definition at line 271 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 121 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_META   (1<<0)

Definition at line 72 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO   (0) /* metapage */

Definition at line 47 of file spgist_private.h.



Definition at line 493 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO   (2) /* root for null-value entries */

Definition at line 49 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_NULLS   (1<<3)

Definition at line 75 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SizeOfPageHeaderData
Definition: bufpage.h:217
Definition: c.h:780

Definition at line 447 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_PAGE_ID   0xFF82

Definition at line 91 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER   3 /* placeholder, used to preserve offsets */

Definition at line 274 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_REDIRECT   1 /* temporary redirection placeholder */

Definition at line 272 of file spgist_private.h.


#define SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO   (1) /* root for normal entries */

Definition at line 48 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistBlockIsFixed

#define SpGistBlockIsFixed (   blkno)     ((BlockNumber) (blkno) <= (BlockNumber) SPGIST_LAST_FIXED_BLKNO)

Definition at line 54 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistBlockIsRoot

#define SpGistBlockIsRoot (   blkno)     ((blkno) == SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO || (blkno) == SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO)

Definition at line 52 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistGetFillFactor

#define SpGistGetFillFactor (   relation)
(AssertMacro(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX && \
relation->rd_rel->relam == SPGIST_AM_OID), \
(relation)->rd_options ? \
((SpGistOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->fillfactor : \
#define AssertMacro(condition)
Definition: c.h:816

Definition at line 32 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistGetTargetPageFreeSpace

#define SpGistGetTargetPageFreeSpace (   relation)     (BLCKSZ * (100 - SpGistGetFillFactor(relation)) / 100)

Definition at line 38 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageGetFreeSpace

#define SpGistPageGetFreeSpace (   p,
Min(SpGistPageGetOpaque(p)->nPlaceholder, n) * \
(SGDTSIZE + sizeof(ItemIdData)))
Size PageGetExactFreeSpace(const PageData *page)
Definition: bufpage.c:947
struct ItemIdData ItemIdData
#define SGDTSIZE
#define SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)

Definition at line 456 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageGetMeta

#define SpGistPageGetMeta (   p)     ((SpGistMetaPageData *) PageGetContents(p))

Definition at line 123 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageGetOpaque

#define SpGistPageGetOpaque (   page)    ((SpGistPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page))

Definition at line 77 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageIsDeleted

#define SpGistPageIsDeleted (   page)    (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_DELETED)

Definition at line 79 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageIsLeaf

#define SpGistPageIsLeaf (   page)    (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_LEAF)

Definition at line 80 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageIsMeta

#define SpGistPageIsMeta (   page)    (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_META)

Definition at line 78 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageStoresNulls

#define SpGistPageStoresNulls (   page)    (SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->flags & SPGIST_NULLS)

Definition at line 81 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ spgKeyColumn

#define spgKeyColumn   0

Definition at line 43 of file spgist_private.h.


#define STORE_STATE (   s,
do { \
(d).redirectXid = (s)->redirectXid; \
(d).isBuild = (s)->isBuild; \
} while(0)

Definition at line 465 of file spgist_private.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SpGistCache

typedef struct SpGistCache SpGistCache

◆ SpGistDeadTuple

Definition at line 435 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistDeadTupleData

◆ SpGistInnerTuple

Definition at line 303 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistInnerTupleData

◆ SpGistLastUsedPage

◆ SpGistLeafTuple

Definition at line 131 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistLeafTupleData

◆ SpGistLUPCache

◆ SpGistMetaPageData

◆ SpGistNodeTuple

Definition at line 337 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistNodeTupleData

Definition at line 335 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistOptions

typedef struct SpGistOptions SpGistOptions

◆ SpGistPageOpaque

Definition at line 69 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistPageOpaqueData

◆ SpGistScanOpaque

Definition at line 244 of file spgist_private.h.

◆ SpGistScanOpaqueData

◆ SpGistSearchItem

◆ SpGistState

typedef struct SpGistState SpGistState

◆ SpGistTypeDesc

Function Documentation

◆ box_copy()

BOX * box_copy ( BOX orig)

Definition at line 82 of file spgproc.c.

84 BOX *result = palloc(sizeof(BOX));
86 *result = *orig;
87 return result;
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317
Definition: geo_decls.h:141

References palloc().

Referenced by spg_kd_inner_consistent(), and spg_quad_inner_consistent().

◆ getSpGistTupleDesc()

TupleDesc getSpGistTupleDesc ( Relation  index,
SpGistTypeDesc keyType 

Definition at line 310 of file spgutils.c.

312 TupleDesc outTupDesc;
315 if (keyType->type ==
317 outTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(index);
318 else
319 {
321 att = TupleDescAttr(outTupDesc, spgKeyColumn);
322 /* It's sufficient to update the type-dependent fields of the column */
323 att->atttypid = keyType->type;
324 att->atttypmod = -1;
325 att->attlen = keyType->attlen;
326 att->attbyval = keyType->attbyval;
327 att->attalign = keyType->attalign;
328 att->attstorage = keyType->attstorage;
329 /* We shouldn't need to bother with making these valid: */
330 att->attcompression = InvalidCompressionMethod;
331 att->attcollation = InvalidOid;
332 /* In case we changed typlen, we'd better reset following offsets */
333 for (int i = spgFirstIncludeColumn; i < outTupDesc->natts; i++)
334 TupleDescCompactAttr(outTupDesc, i)->attcacheoff = -1;
337 }
338 return outTupDesc;
FormData_pg_attribute * Form_pg_attribute
Definition: pg_attribute.h:200
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:37
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
#define spgFirstIncludeColumn
#define spgKeyColumn
int32 attcacheoff
Definition: tupdesc.h:69
Definition: type.h:96
#define InvalidCompressionMethod
TupleDesc CreateTupleDescCopy(TupleDesc tupdesc)
Definition: tupdesc.c:234
void populate_compact_attribute(TupleDesc tupdesc, int attnum)
Definition: tupdesc.c:107
static FormData_pg_attribute * TupleDescAttr(TupleDesc tupdesc, int i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:153
static CompactAttribute * TupleDescCompactAttr(TupleDesc tupdesc, int i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:168

References SpGistTypeDesc::attalign, SpGistTypeDesc::attbyval, CompactAttribute::attcacheoff, SpGistTypeDesc::attlen, SpGistTypeDesc::attstorage, CreateTupleDescCopy(), i, InvalidCompressionMethod, InvalidOid, TupleDescData::natts, populate_compact_attribute(), RelationGetDescr, spgFirstIncludeColumn, spgKeyColumn, TupleDescAttr(), TupleDescCompactAttr(), and SpGistTypeDesc::type.

Referenced by initSpGistState(), and spgbeginscan().

◆ initSpGistState()

void initSpGistState ( SpGistState state,
Relation  index 

Definition at line 343 of file spgutils.c.

345 SpGistCache *cache;
347 state->index = index;
349 /* Get cached static information about index */
350 cache = spgGetCache(index);
352 state->config = cache->config;
353 state->attType = cache->attType;
354 state->attLeafType = cache->attLeafType;
355 state->attPrefixType = cache->attPrefixType;
356 state->attLabelType = cache->attLabelType;
358 /* Ensure we have a valid descriptor for leaf tuples */
359 state->leafTupDesc = getSpGistTupleDesc(state->index, &state->attLeafType);
361 /* Make workspace for constructing dead tuples */
362 state->deadTupleStorage = palloc0(SGDTSIZE);
364 /*
365 * Set horizon XID to use in redirection tuples. Use our own XID if we
366 * have one, else use InvalidTransactionId. The latter case can happen in
367 * VACUUM or REINDEX CONCURRENTLY, and in neither case would it be okay to
368 * force an XID to be assigned. VACUUM won't create any redirection
369 * tuples anyway, but REINDEX CONCURRENTLY can. Fortunately, REINDEX
370 * CONCURRENTLY doesn't mark the index valid until the end, so there could
371 * never be any concurrent scans "in flight" to a redirection tuple it has
372 * inserted. And it locks out VACUUM until the end, too. So it's okay
373 * for VACUUM to immediately expire a redirection tuple that contains an
374 * invalid xid.
375 */
376 state->redirectXid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny();
378 /* Assume we're not in an index build (spgbuild will override) */
379 state->isBuild = false;
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
TupleDesc getSpGistTupleDesc(Relation index, SpGistTypeDesc *keyType)
Definition: spgutils.c:310
SpGistCache * spgGetCache(Relation index)
Definition: spgutils.c:183
SpGistTypeDesc attPrefixType
SpGistTypeDesc attLeafType
SpGistTypeDesc attType
spgConfigOut config
SpGistTypeDesc attLabelType
Definition: regguts.h:323
TransactionId GetTopTransactionIdIfAny(void)
Definition: xact.c:440

References SpGistCache::attLabelType, SpGistCache::attLeafType, SpGistCache::attPrefixType, SpGistCache::attType, SpGistCache::config, getSpGistTupleDesc(), GetTopTransactionIdIfAny(), palloc0(), SGDTSIZE, and spgGetCache().

Referenced by spgbeginscan(), spgbuild(), spginsert(), and spgvacuumscan().

◆ spg_key_orderbys_distances()

double * spg_key_orderbys_distances ( Datum  key,
bool  isLeaf,
ScanKey  orderbys,
int  norderbys 

Definition at line 63 of file spgproc.c.

66 int sk_num;
67 double *distances = (double *) palloc(norderbys * sizeof(double)),
68 *distance = distances;
70 for (sk_num = 0; sk_num < norderbys; ++sk_num, ++orderbys, ++distance)
71 {
72 Point *point = DatumGetPointP(orderbys->sk_argument);
74 *distance = isLeaf ? point_point_distance(point, DatumGetPointP(key))
76 }
78 return distances;
static Point * DatumGetPointP(Datum X)
Definition: geo_decls.h:176
static BOX * DatumGetBoxP(Datum X)
Definition: geo_decls.h:234
#define point_point_distance(p1, p2)
Definition: spgproc.c:25
static double point_box_distance(Point *point, BOX *box)
Definition: spgproc.c:31

References DatumGetBoxP(), DatumGetPointP(), sort-test::key, palloc(), point_box_distance(), point_point_distance, and ScanKeyData::sk_argument.

Referenced by spg_box_quad_leaf_consistent(), spg_kd_inner_consistent(), spg_quad_inner_consistent(), and spg_quad_leaf_consistent().

◆ spgDeformLeafTuple()

void spgDeformLeafTuple ( SpGistLeafTuple  tup,
TupleDesc  tupleDescriptor,
Datum datums,
bool *  isnulls,
bool  keyColumnIsNull 

Definition at line 1110 of file spgutils.c.

1113 bool hasNullsMask = SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK(tup);
1114 char *tp; /* ptr to tuple data */
1115 bits8 *bp; /* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
1117 if (keyColumnIsNull && tupleDescriptor->natts == 1)
1118 {
1119 /*
1120 * Trivial case: there is only the key attribute and we're in a nulls
1121 * tree. The hasNullsMask bit in the tuple header should not be set
1122 * (and thus we can't use index_deform_tuple_internal), but
1123 * nonetheless the result is NULL.
1124 *
1125 * Note: currently this is dead code, because noplace calls this when
1126 * there is only the key attribute. But we should cover the case.
1127 */
1128 Assert(!hasNullsMask);
1130 datums[spgKeyColumn] = (Datum) 0;
1131 isnulls[spgKeyColumn] = true;
1132 return;
1133 }
1135 tp = (char *) tup + SGLTHDRSZ(hasNullsMask);
1136 bp = (bits8 *) ((char *) tup + sizeof(SpGistLeafTupleData));
1138 index_deform_tuple_internal(tupleDescriptor,
1139 datums, isnulls,
1140 tp, bp, hasNullsMask);
1142 /*
1143 * Key column isnull value from the tuple should be consistent with
1144 * keyColumnIsNull flag from the caller.
1145 */
1146 Assert(keyColumnIsNull == isnulls[spgKeyColumn]);
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:815
uint8 bits8
Definition: c.h:495
void index_deform_tuple_internal(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, Datum *values, bool *isnull, char *tp, bits8 *bp, int hasnulls)
Definition: indextuple.c:479
#define SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK(spgLeafTuple)
#define SGLTHDRSZ(hasnulls)
struct SpGistLeafTupleData SpGistLeafTupleData

References Assert, index_deform_tuple_internal(), TupleDescData::natts, SGLT_GET_HASNULLMASK, SGLTHDRSZ, and spgKeyColumn.

Referenced by doPickSplit(), and storeGettuple().

◆ spgdoinsert()

bool spgdoinsert ( Relation  index,
SpGistState state,
ItemPointer  heapPtr,
Datum datums,
bool *  isnulls 

Definition at line 1914 of file spgdoinsert.c.

1917 bool result = true;
1918 TupleDesc leafDescriptor = state->leafTupDesc;
1919 bool isnull = isnulls[spgKeyColumn];
1920 int level = 0;
1921 Datum leafDatums[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
1922 int leafSize;
1923 int bestLeafSize;
1924 int numNoProgressCycles = 0;
1925 SPPageDesc current,
1926 parent;
1927 FmgrInfo *procinfo = NULL;
1929 /*
1930 * Look up FmgrInfo of the user-defined choose function once, to save
1931 * cycles in the loop below.
1932 */
1933 if (!isnull)
1936 /*
1937 * Prepare the leaf datum to insert.
1938 *
1939 * If an optional "compress" method is provided, then call it to form the
1940 * leaf key datum from the input datum. Otherwise, store the input datum
1941 * as is. Since we don't use index_form_tuple in this AM, we have to make
1942 * sure value to be inserted is not toasted; FormIndexDatum doesn't
1943 * guarantee that. But we assume the "compress" method to return an
1944 * untoasted value.
1945 */
1946 if (!isnull)
1947 {
1949 {
1950 FmgrInfo *compressProcinfo = NULL;
1952 compressProcinfo = index_getprocinfo(index, 1, SPGIST_COMPRESS_PROC);
1953 leafDatums[spgKeyColumn] =
1954 FunctionCall1Coll(compressProcinfo,
1955 index->rd_indcollation[spgKeyColumn],
1956 datums[spgKeyColumn]);
1957 }
1958 else
1959 {
1960 Assert(state->attLeafType.type == state->attType.type);
1962 if (state->attType.attlen == -1)
1963 leafDatums[spgKeyColumn] =
1965 else
1966 leafDatums[spgKeyColumn] = datums[spgKeyColumn];
1967 }
1968 }
1969 else
1970 leafDatums[spgKeyColumn] = (Datum) 0;
1972 /* Likewise, ensure that any INCLUDE values are not toasted */
1973 for (int i = spgFirstIncludeColumn; i < leafDescriptor->natts; i++)
1974 {
1975 if (!isnulls[i])
1976 {
1977 if (TupleDescCompactAttr(leafDescriptor, i)->attlen == -1)
1978 leafDatums[i] = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datums[i]));
1979 else
1980 leafDatums[i] = datums[i];
1981 }
1982 else
1983 leafDatums[i] = (Datum) 0;
1984 }
1986 /*
1987 * Compute space needed for a leaf tuple containing the given data.
1988 */
1989 leafSize = SpGistGetLeafTupleSize(leafDescriptor, leafDatums, isnulls);
1990 /* Account for an item pointer, too */
1991 leafSize += sizeof(ItemIdData);
1993 /*
1994 * If it isn't gonna fit, and the opclass can't reduce the datum size by
1995 * suffixing, bail out now rather than doing a lot of useless work.
1996 */
1997 if (leafSize > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY &&
1998 (isnull || !state->config.longValuesOK))
1999 ereport(ERROR,
2001 errmsg("index row size %zu exceeds maximum %zu for index \"%s\"",
2002 leafSize - sizeof(ItemIdData),
2005 errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed.")));
2006 bestLeafSize = leafSize;
2008 /* Initialize "current" to the appropriate root page */
2009 current.blkno = isnull ? SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO : SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
2010 current.buffer = InvalidBuffer;
2011 = NULL;
2012 current.offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
2013 current.node = -1;
2015 /* "parent" is invalid for the moment */
2016 parent.blkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
2017 parent.buffer = InvalidBuffer;
2018 = NULL;
2019 parent.offnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
2020 parent.node = -1;
2022 /*
2023 * Before entering the loop, try to clear any pending interrupt condition.
2024 * If a query cancel is pending, we might as well accept it now not later;
2025 * while if a non-canceling condition is pending, servicing it here avoids
2026 * having to restart the insertion and redo all the work so far.
2027 */
2030 for (;;)
2031 {
2032 bool isNew = false;
2034 /*
2035 * Bail out if query cancel is pending. We must have this somewhere
2036 * in the loop since a broken opclass could produce an infinite
2037 * picksplit loop. However, because we'll be holding buffer lock(s)
2038 * after the first iteration, ProcessInterrupts() wouldn't be able to
2039 * throw a cancel error here. Hence, if we see that an interrupt is
2040 * pending, break out of the loop and deal with the situation below.
2041 * Set result = false because we must restart the insertion if the
2042 * interrupt isn't a query-cancel-or-die case.
2043 */
2045 {
2046 result = false;
2047 break;
2048 }
2050 if (current.blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
2051 {
2052 /*
2053 * Create a leaf page. If leafSize is too large to fit on a page,
2054 * we won't actually use the page yet, but it simplifies the API
2055 * for doPickSplit to always have a leaf page at hand; so just
2056 * quietly limit our request to a page size.
2057 */
2058 current.buffer =
2060 GBUF_LEAF | (isnull ? GBUF_NULLS : 0),
2061 Min(leafSize, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY),
2062 &isNew);
2063 current.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(current.buffer);
2064 }
2065 else if (parent.buffer == InvalidBuffer)
2066 {
2067 /* we hold no parent-page lock, so no deadlock is possible */
2068 current.buffer = ReadBuffer(index, current.blkno);
2070 }
2071 else if (current.blkno != parent.blkno)
2072 {
2073 /* descend to a new child page */
2074 current.buffer = ReadBuffer(index, current.blkno);
2076 /*
2077 * Attempt to acquire lock on child page. We must beware of
2078 * deadlock against another insertion process descending from that
2079 * page to our parent page (see README). If we fail to get lock,
2080 * abandon the insertion and tell our caller to start over.
2081 *
2082 * XXX this could be improved, because failing to get lock on a
2083 * buffer is not proof of a deadlock situation; the lock might be
2084 * held by a reader, or even just background writer/checkpointer
2085 * process. Perhaps it'd be worth retrying after sleeping a bit?
2086 */
2087 if (!ConditionalLockBuffer(current.buffer))
2088 {
2089 ReleaseBuffer(current.buffer);
2091 return false;
2092 }
2093 }
2094 else
2095 {
2096 /* inner tuple can be stored on the same page as parent one */
2097 current.buffer = parent.buffer;
2098 }
2099 = BufferGetPage(current.buffer);
2101 /* should not arrive at a page of the wrong type */
2102 if (isnull ? !SpGistPageStoresNulls( :
2103 SpGistPageStoresNulls(
2104 elog(ERROR, "SPGiST index page %u has wrong nulls flag",
2105 current.blkno);
2107 if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(
2108 {
2109 SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple;
2110 int nToSplit,
2111 sizeToSplit;
2113 leafTuple = spgFormLeafTuple(state, heapPtr, leafDatums, isnulls);
2114 if (leafTuple->size + sizeof(ItemIdData) <=
2115 SpGistPageGetFreeSpace(, 1))
2116 {
2117 /* it fits on page, so insert it and we're done */
2118 addLeafTuple(index, state, leafTuple,
2119 &current, &parent, isnull, isNew);
2120 break;
2121 }
2122 else if ((sizeToSplit =
2123 checkSplitConditions(index, state, &current,
2124 &nToSplit)) < SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY / 2 &&
2125 nToSplit < 64 &&
2126 leafTuple->size + sizeof(ItemIdData) + sizeToSplit <= SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY)
2127 {
2128 /*
2129 * the amount of data is pretty small, so just move the whole
2130 * chain to another leaf page rather than splitting it.
2131 */
2132 Assert(!isNew);
2133 moveLeafs(index, state, &current, &parent, leafTuple, isnull);
2134 break; /* we're done */
2135 }
2136 else
2137 {
2138 /* picksplit */
2139 if (doPickSplit(index, state, &current, &parent,
2140 leafTuple, level, isnull, isNew))
2141 break; /* doPickSplit installed new tuples */
2143 /* leaf tuple will not be inserted yet */
2144 pfree(leafTuple);
2146 /*
2147 * current now describes new inner tuple, go insert into it
2148 */
2149 Assert(!SpGistPageIsLeaf(;
2150 goto process_inner_tuple;
2151 }
2152 }
2153 else /* non-leaf page */
2154 {
2155 /*
2156 * Apply the opclass choose function to figure out how to insert
2157 * the given datum into the current inner tuple.
2158 */
2159 SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple;
2160 spgChooseIn in;
2161 spgChooseOut out;
2163 /*
2164 * spgAddNode and spgSplitTuple cases will loop back to here to
2165 * complete the insertion operation. Just in case the choose
2166 * function is broken and produces add or split requests
2167 * repeatedly, check for query cancel (see comments above).
2168 */
2169 process_inner_tuple:
2171 {
2172 result = false;
2173 break;
2174 }
2176 innerTuple = (SpGistInnerTuple) PageGetItem(,
2177 PageGetItemId(, current.offnum));
2179 in.datum = datums[spgKeyColumn];
2180 in.leafDatum = leafDatums[spgKeyColumn];
2181 in.level = level;
2182 in.allTheSame = innerTuple->allTheSame;
2183 in.hasPrefix = (innerTuple->prefixSize > 0);
2184 in.prefixDatum = SGITDATUM(innerTuple, state);
2185 in.nNodes = innerTuple->nNodes;
2186 in.nodeLabels = spgExtractNodeLabels(state, innerTuple);
2188 memset(&out, 0, sizeof(out));
2190 if (!isnull)
2191 {
2192 /* use user-defined choose method */
2193 FunctionCall2Coll(procinfo,
2194 index->rd_indcollation[0],
2195 PointerGetDatum(&in),
2196 PointerGetDatum(&out));
2197 }
2198 else
2199 {
2200 /* force "match" action (to insert to random subnode) */
2202 }
2204 if (innerTuple->allTheSame)
2205 {
2206 /*
2207 * It's not allowed to do an AddNode at an allTheSame tuple.
2208 * Opclass must say "match", in which case we choose a random
2209 * one of the nodes to descend into, or "split".
2210 */
2211 if (out.resultType == spgAddNode)
2212 elog(ERROR, "cannot add a node to an allTheSame inner tuple");
2213 else if (out.resultType == spgMatchNode)
2214 out.result.matchNode.nodeN =
2216 0, innerTuple->nNodes - 1);
2217 }
2219 switch (out.resultType)
2220 {
2221 case spgMatchNode:
2222 /* Descend to N'th child node */
2223 spgMatchNodeAction(index, state, innerTuple,
2224 &current, &parent,
2225 out.result.matchNode.nodeN);
2226 /* Adjust level as per opclass request */
2227 level += out.result.matchNode.levelAdd;
2228 /* Replace leafDatum and recompute leafSize */
2229 if (!isnull)
2230 {
2231 leafDatums[spgKeyColumn] = out.result.matchNode.restDatum;
2232 leafSize = SpGistGetLeafTupleSize(leafDescriptor,
2233 leafDatums, isnulls);
2234 leafSize += sizeof(ItemIdData);
2235 }
2237 /*
2238 * Check new tuple size; fail if it can't fit, unless the
2239 * opclass says it can handle the situation by suffixing.
2240 *
2241 * However, the opclass can only shorten the leaf datum,
2242 * which may not be enough to ever make the tuple fit,
2243 * since INCLUDE columns might alone use more than a page.
2244 * Depending on the opclass' behavior, that could lead to
2245 * an infinite loop --- spgtextproc.c, for example, will
2246 * just repeatedly generate an empty-string leaf datum
2247 * once it runs out of data. Actual bugs in opclasses
2248 * might cause infinite looping, too. To detect such a
2249 * loop, check to see if we are making progress by
2250 * reducing the leafSize in each pass. This is a bit
2251 * tricky though. Because of alignment considerations,
2252 * the total tuple size might not decrease on every pass.
2253 * Also, there are edge cases where the choose method
2254 * might seem to not make progress for a cycle or two.
2255 * Somewhat arbitrarily, we allow up to 10 no-progress
2256 * iterations before failing. (This limit should be more
2257 * than MAXALIGN, to accommodate opclasses that trim one
2258 * byte from the leaf datum per pass.)
2259 */
2260 if (leafSize > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY)
2261 {
2262 bool ok = false;
2264 if (state->config.longValuesOK && !isnull)
2265 {
2266 if (leafSize < bestLeafSize)
2267 {
2268 ok = true;
2269 bestLeafSize = leafSize;
2270 numNoProgressCycles = 0;
2271 }
2272 else if (++numNoProgressCycles < 10)
2273 ok = true;
2274 }
2275 if (!ok)
2276 ereport(ERROR,
2278 errmsg("index row size %zu exceeds maximum %zu for index \"%s\"",
2279 leafSize - sizeof(ItemIdData),
2282 errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed.")));
2283 }
2285 /*
2286 * Loop around and attempt to insert the new leafDatum at
2287 * "current" (which might reference an existing child
2288 * tuple, or might be invalid to force us to find a new
2289 * page for the tuple).
2290 */
2291 break;
2292 case spgAddNode:
2293 /* AddNode is not sensible if nodes don't have labels */
2294 if (in.nodeLabels == NULL)
2295 elog(ERROR, "cannot add a node to an inner tuple without node labels");
2296 /* Add node to inner tuple, per request */
2297 spgAddNodeAction(index, state, innerTuple,
2298 &current, &parent,
2299 out.result.addNode.nodeN,
2302 /*
2303 * Retry insertion into the enlarged node. We assume that
2304 * we'll get a MatchNode result this time.
2305 */
2306 goto process_inner_tuple;
2307 break;
2308 case spgSplitTuple:
2309 /* Split inner tuple, per request */
2310 spgSplitNodeAction(index, state, innerTuple,
2311 &current, &out);
2313 /* Retry insertion into the split node */
2314 goto process_inner_tuple;
2315 break;
2316 default:
2317 elog(ERROR, "unrecognized SPGiST choose result: %d",
2318 (int) out.resultType);
2319 break;
2320 }
2321 }
2322 } /* end loop */
2324 /*
2325 * Release any buffers we're still holding. Beware of possibility that
2326 * current and parent reference same buffer.
2327 */
2328 if (current.buffer != InvalidBuffer)
2329 {
2331 UnlockReleaseBuffer(current.buffer);
2332 }
2333 if (parent.buffer != InvalidBuffer &&
2334 parent.buffer != current.buffer)
2335 {
2338 }
2340 /*
2341 * We do not support being called while some outer function is holding a
2342 * buffer lock (or any other reason to postpone query cancels). If that
2343 * were the case, telling the caller to retry would create an infinite
2344 * loop.
2345 */
2348 /*
2349 * Finally, check for interrupts again. If there was a query cancel,
2350 * ProcessInterrupts() will be able to throw the error here. If it was
2351 * some other kind of interrupt that can just be cleared, return false to
2352 * tell our caller to retry.
2353 */
2356 return result;
#define InvalidBlockNumber
Definition: block.h:33
#define InvalidBuffer
Definition: buf.h:25
BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:3724
bool ConditionalLockBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5126
void ReleaseBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4866
void UnlockReleaseBuffer(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4883
void LockBuffer(Buffer buffer, int mode)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5100
Buffer ReadBuffer(Relation reln, BlockNumber blockNum)
Definition: bufmgr.c:746
static Page BufferGetPage(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:396
Definition: bufmgr.h:191
static Item PageGetItem(const PageData *page, const ItemIdData *itemId)
Definition: bufpage.h:354
static ItemId PageGetItemId(Page page, OffsetNumber offsetNumber)
Definition: bufpage.h:244
#define Min(x, y)
Definition: c.h:961
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:732
int errhint(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1317
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
Datum FunctionCall2Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1, Datum arg2)
Definition: fmgr.c:1149
Datum FunctionCall1Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1)
Definition: fmgr.c:1129
#define PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datum)
Definition: fmgr.h:240
FmgrInfo * index_getprocinfo(Relation irel, AttrNumber attnum, uint16 procnum)
Definition: indexam.c:862
RegProcedure index_getprocid(Relation irel, AttrNumber attnum, uint16 procnum)
Definition: indexam.c:828
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
Definition: miscadmin.h:129
Definition: miscadmin.h:122
Definition: miscadmin.h:113
#define InvalidOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:26
#define FirstOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:27
uint64 pg_prng_uint64_range(pg_prng_state *state, uint64 rmin, uint64 rmax)
Definition: pg_prng.c:144
pg_prng_state pg_global_prng_state
Definition: pg_prng.c:34
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
static void spgAddNodeAction(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple, SPPageDesc *current, SPPageDesc *parent, int nodeN, Datum nodeLabel)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:1513
static void spgSplitNodeAction(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple, SPPageDesc *current, spgChooseOut *out)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:1715
static void spgMatchNodeAction(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple, SPPageDesc *current, SPPageDesc *parent, int nodeN)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:1459
static bool doPickSplit(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SPPageDesc *current, SPPageDesc *parent, SpGistLeafTuple newLeafTuple, int level, bool isNulls, bool isNew)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:677
static void moveLeafs(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SPPageDesc *current, SPPageDesc *parent, SpGistLeafTuple newLeafTuple, bool isNulls)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:387
static int checkSplitConditions(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SPPageDesc *current, int *nToSplit)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:333
static void addLeafTuple(Relation index, SpGistState *state, SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple, SPPageDesc *current, SPPageDesc *parent, bool isNulls, bool isNew)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:203
Definition: spgist.h:28
Definition: spgist.h:24
@ spgMatchNode
Definition: spgist.h:69
@ spgAddNode
Definition: spgist.h:70
@ spgSplitTuple
Definition: spgist.h:71
#define GBUF_NULLS
SpGistInnerTupleData * SpGistInnerTuple
#define SpGistPageStoresNulls(page)
#define SGITDATUM(x, s)
#define GBUF_LEAF
#define SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)
#define SpGistPageGetFreeSpace(p, n)
Datum * spgExtractNodeLabels(SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple)
Definition: spgutils.c:1155
SpGistLeafTuple spgFormLeafTuple(SpGistState *state, ItemPointer heapPtr, const Datum *datums, const bool *isnulls)
Definition: spgutils.c:866
Buffer SpGistGetBuffer(Relation index, int flags, int needSpace, bool *isNew)
Definition: spgutils.c:564
void SpGistSetLastUsedPage(Relation index, Buffer buffer)
Definition: spgutils.c:668
Size SpGistGetLeafTupleSize(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *datums, const bool *isnulls)
Definition: spgutils.c:813
int16 attlen
Definition: tupdesc.h:70
Definition: fmgr.h:57
Buffer buffer
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:39
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:41
BlockNumber blkno
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:38
unsigned int prefixSize
unsigned int allTheSame
Datum * nodeLabels
Definition: spgist.h:64
bool hasPrefix
Definition: spgist.h:61
Datum prefixDatum
Definition: spgist.h:62
int nNodes
Definition: spgist.h:63
Datum datum
Definition: spgist.h:55
int level
Definition: spgist.h:57
Datum leafDatum
Definition: spgist.h:56
bool allTheSame
Definition: spgist.h:60
spgChooseResultType resultType
Definition: spgist.h:76
int levelAdd
Definition: spgist.h:82
Datum nodeLabel
Definition: spgist.h:87
Datum restDatum
Definition: spgist.h:83
int nodeN
Definition: spgist.h:81
struct spgChooseOut::@51::@53 addNode
struct spgChooseOut::@51::@52 matchNode
union spgChooseOut::@51 result

References addLeafTuple(), spgChooseOut::addNode, spgChooseIn::allTheSame, SpGistInnerTupleData::allTheSame, Assert, CompactAttribute::attlen, SPPageDesc::blkno, SPPageDesc::buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, checkSplitConditions(), ConditionalLockBuffer(), spgChooseIn::datum, doPickSplit(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, FirstOffsetNumber, FunctionCall1Coll(), FunctionCall2Coll(), GBUF_LEAF, GBUF_NULLS, spgChooseIn::hasPrefix, i, index_getprocid(), index_getprocinfo(), INDEX_MAX_KEYS, INTERRUPTS_CAN_BE_PROCESSED, INTERRUPTS_PENDING_CONDITION, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBuffer, InvalidOffsetNumber, spgChooseIn::leafDatum, spgChooseIn::level, spgChooseOut::levelAdd, LockBuffer(), spgChooseOut::matchNode, Min, moveLeafs(), TupleDescData::natts, spgChooseIn::nNodes, SpGistInnerTupleData::nNodes, SPPageDesc::node, spgChooseOut::nodeLabel, spgChooseIn::nodeLabels, spgChooseOut::nodeN, SPPageDesc::offnum, OidIsValid, SPPageDesc::page, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), pfree(), PG_DETOAST_DATUM, pg_global_prng_state, pg_prng_uint64_range(), PointerGetDatum(), spgChooseIn::prefixDatum, SpGistInnerTupleData::prefixSize, ReadBuffer(), RelationGetRelationName, ReleaseBuffer(), spgChooseOut::restDatum, spgChooseOut::result, spgChooseOut::resultType, SGITDATUM, SpGistLeafTupleData::size, spgAddNode, spgAddNodeAction(), spgExtractNodeLabels(), spgFirstIncludeColumn, spgFormLeafTuple(), SPGIST_CHOOSE_PROC, SPGIST_COMPRESS_PROC, SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY, SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO, SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistGetLeafTupleSize(), SpGistPageGetFreeSpace, SpGistPageIsLeaf, SpGistPageStoresNulls, SpGistSetLastUsedPage(), spgKeyColumn, spgMatchNode, spgMatchNodeAction(), spgSplitNodeAction(), spgSplitTuple, TupleDescCompactAttr(), and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by spginsert(), and spgistBuildCallback().

◆ spgExtractNodeLabels()

Datum * spgExtractNodeLabels ( SpGistState state,
SpGistInnerTuple  innerTuple 

Definition at line 1155 of file spgutils.c.

1157 Datum *nodeLabels;
1158 int i;
1159 SpGistNodeTuple node;
1161 /* Either all the labels must be NULL, or none. */
1162 node = SGITNODEPTR(innerTuple);
1163 if (IndexTupleHasNulls(node))
1164 {
1165 SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node)
1166 {
1167 if (!IndexTupleHasNulls(node))
1168 elog(ERROR, "some but not all node labels are null in SPGiST inner tuple");
1169 }
1170 /* They're all null, so just return NULL */
1171 return NULL;
1172 }
1173 else
1174 {
1175 nodeLabels = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * innerTuple->nNodes);
1176 SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node)
1177 {
1178 if (IndexTupleHasNulls(node))
1179 elog(ERROR, "some but not all node labels are null in SPGiST inner tuple");
1180 nodeLabels[i] = SGNTDATUM(node, state);
1181 }
1182 return nodeLabels;
1183 }
#define IndexTupleHasNulls(itup)
Definition: itup.h:71
#define SGITITERATE(x, i, nt)
#define SGNTDATUM(x, s)

References elog, ERROR, i, IndexTupleHasNulls, SpGistInnerTupleData::nNodes, palloc(), SGITITERATE, SGITNODEPTR, and SGNTDATUM.

Referenced by spgdoinsert(), and spgInitInnerConsistentIn().

◆ spgFormDeadTuple()

SpGistDeadTuple spgFormDeadTuple ( SpGistState state,
int  tupstate,
BlockNumber  blkno,
OffsetNumber  offnum 

Definition at line 1080 of file spgutils.c.

1083 SpGistDeadTuple tuple = (SpGistDeadTuple) state->deadTupleStorage;
1085 tuple->tupstate = tupstate;
1086 tuple->size = SGDTSIZE;
1089 if (tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT)
1090 {
1091 ItemPointerSet(&tuple->pointer, blkno, offnum);
1092 tuple->xid = state->redirectXid;
1093 }
1094 else
1095 {
1097 tuple->xid = InvalidTransactionId;
1098 }
1100 return tuple;
static void ItemPointerSet(ItemPointerData *pointer, BlockNumber blockNumber, OffsetNumber offNum)
Definition: itemptr.h:135
static void ItemPointerSetInvalid(ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:184
SpGistDeadTupleData * SpGistDeadTuple
#define SGLT_SET_NEXTOFFSET(spgLeafTuple, offsetNumber)
unsigned int tupstate
ItemPointerData pointer
#define InvalidTransactionId
Definition: transam.h:31

References InvalidOffsetNumber, InvalidTransactionId, ItemPointerSet(), ItemPointerSetInvalid(), SpGistDeadTupleData::pointer, SGDTSIZE, SGLT_SET_NEXTOFFSET, SpGistDeadTupleData::size, SPGIST_REDIRECT, SpGistDeadTupleData::tupstate, and SpGistDeadTupleData::xid.

Referenced by spgAddNodeAction(), spgPageIndexMultiDelete(), and spgRedoAddNode().

◆ spgFormInnerTuple()

SpGistInnerTuple spgFormInnerTuple ( SpGistState state,
bool  hasPrefix,
Datum  prefix,
int  nNodes,
SpGistNodeTuple nodes 

Definition at line 997 of file spgutils.c.

1000 SpGistInnerTuple tup;
1001 unsigned int size;
1002 unsigned int prefixSize;
1003 int i;
1004 char *ptr;
1006 /* Compute size needed */
1007 if (hasPrefix)
1008 prefixSize = SpGistGetInnerTypeSize(&state->attPrefixType, prefix);
1009 else
1010 prefixSize = 0;
1012 size = SGITHDRSZ + prefixSize;
1014 /* Note: we rely on node tuple sizes to be maxaligned already */
1015 for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
1016 size += IndexTupleSize(nodes[i]);
1018 /*
1019 * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later. This
1020 * test is unnecessary given current tuple layouts, but let's be safe.
1021 */
1022 if (size < SGDTSIZE)
1023 size = SGDTSIZE;
1025 /*
1026 * Inner tuple should be small enough to fit on a page
1027 */
1028 if (size > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY - sizeof(ItemIdData))
1029 ereport(ERROR,
1031 errmsg("SP-GiST inner tuple size %zu exceeds maximum %zu",
1032 (Size) size,
1034 errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed.")));
1036 /*
1037 * Check for overflow of header fields --- probably can't fail if the
1038 * above succeeded, but let's be paranoid
1039 */
1040 if (size > SGITMAXSIZE ||
1041 prefixSize > SGITMAXPREFIXSIZE ||
1042 nNodes > SGITMAXNNODES)
1043 elog(ERROR, "SPGiST inner tuple header field is too small");
1045 /* OK, form the tuple */
1046 tup = (SpGistInnerTuple) palloc0(size);
1048 tup->nNodes = nNodes;
1049 tup->prefixSize = prefixSize;
1050 tup->size = size;
1052 if (hasPrefix)
1053 memcpyInnerDatum(SGITDATAPTR(tup), &state->attPrefixType, prefix);
1055 ptr = (char *) SGITNODEPTR(tup);
1057 for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
1058 {
1059 SpGistNodeTuple node = nodes[i];
1061 memcpy(ptr, node, IndexTupleSize(node));
1062 ptr += IndexTupleSize(node);
1063 }
1065 return tup;
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:562
static pg_noinline void Size size
Definition: slab.c:607
#define SGITDATAPTR(x)
static void memcpyInnerDatum(void *target, SpGistTypeDesc *att, Datum datum)
Definition: spgutils.c:792
unsigned int SpGistGetInnerTypeSize(SpGistTypeDesc *att, Datum datum)
Definition: spgutils.c:774

References elog, ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, i, IndexTupleSize, memcpyInnerDatum(), SpGistInnerTupleData::nNodes, palloc0(), SpGistInnerTupleData::prefixSize, SGDTSIZE, SGITDATAPTR, SGITHDRSZ, SGITMAXNNODES, SGITMAXPREFIXSIZE, SGITMAXSIZE, SGITNODEPTR, size, SpGistInnerTupleData::size, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY, and SpGistGetInnerTypeSize().

Referenced by addNode(), doPickSplit(), and spgSplitNodeAction().

◆ spgFormLeafTuple()

SpGistLeafTuple spgFormLeafTuple ( SpGistState state,
ItemPointer  heapPtr,
const Datum datums,
const bool *  isnulls 

Definition at line 866 of file spgutils.c.

869 SpGistLeafTuple tup;
870 TupleDesc tupleDescriptor = state->leafTupDesc;
871 Size size;
872 Size hoff;
873 Size data_size;
874 bool needs_null_mask = false;
875 int natts = tupleDescriptor->natts;
876 char *tp; /* ptr to tuple data */
877 uint16 tupmask = 0; /* unused heap_fill_tuple output */
879 /*
880 * Decide whether we need a nulls bitmask.
881 *
882 * If there is only a key attribute (natts == 1), never use a bitmask, for
883 * compatibility with the pre-v14 layout of leaf tuples. Otherwise, we
884 * need one if any attribute is null.
885 */
886 if (natts > 1)
887 {
888 for (int i = 0; i < natts; i++)
889 {
890 if (isnulls[i])
891 {
892 needs_null_mask = true;
893 break;
894 }
895 }
896 }
898 /*
899 * Calculate size of the data part; same as for heap tuples.
900 */
901 data_size = heap_compute_data_size(tupleDescriptor, datums, isnulls);
903 /*
904 * Compute total size.
905 */
906 hoff = SGLTHDRSZ(needs_null_mask);
907 size = hoff + data_size;
908 size = MAXALIGN(size);
910 /*
911 * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later. This test
912 * is unnecessary when there are any non-null attributes, but be safe.
913 */
914 if (size < SGDTSIZE)
915 size = SGDTSIZE;
917 /* OK, form the tuple */
920 tup->size = size;
922 tup->heapPtr = *heapPtr;
924 tp = (char *) tup + hoff;
926 if (needs_null_mask)
927 {
928 bits8 *bp; /* ptr to null bitmap in tuple */
930 /* Set nullmask presence bit in SpGistLeafTuple header */
931 SGLT_SET_HASNULLMASK(tup, true);
932 /* Fill the data area and null mask */
933 bp = (bits8 *) ((char *) tup + sizeof(SpGistLeafTupleData));
934 heap_fill_tuple(tupleDescriptor, datums, isnulls, tp, data_size,
935 &tupmask, bp);
936 }
937 else if (natts > 1 || !isnulls[spgKeyColumn])
938 {
939 /* Fill data area only */
940 heap_fill_tuple(tupleDescriptor, datums, isnulls, tp, data_size,
941 &tupmask, (bits8 *) NULL);
942 }
943 /* otherwise we have no data, nor a bitmap, to fill */
945 return tup;
uint16_t uint16
Definition: c.h:487
Size heap_compute_data_size(TupleDesc tupleDesc, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:219
void heap_fill_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDesc, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull, char *data, Size data_size, uint16 *infomask, bits8 *bit)
Definition: heaptuple.c:401
#define SGLT_SET_HASNULLMASK(spgLeafTuple, hasnulls)
struct SpGistLeafTupleData * SpGistLeafTuple
ItemPointerData heapPtr

References heap_compute_data_size(), heap_fill_tuple(), SpGistLeafTupleData::heapPtr, i, InvalidOffsetNumber, MAXALIGN, TupleDescData::natts, palloc0(), SGDTSIZE, SGLT_SET_HASNULLMASK, SGLT_SET_NEXTOFFSET, SGLTHDRSZ, size, SpGistLeafTupleData::size, and spgKeyColumn.

Referenced by doPickSplit(), and spgdoinsert().

◆ spgFormNodeTuple()

SpGistNodeTuple spgFormNodeTuple ( SpGistState state,
Datum  label,
bool  isnull 

Definition at line 955 of file spgutils.c.

957 SpGistNodeTuple tup;
958 unsigned int size;
959 unsigned short infomask = 0;
961 /* compute space needed (note result is already maxaligned) */
962 size = SGNTHDRSZ;
963 if (!isnull)
964 size += SpGistGetInnerTypeSize(&state->attLabelType, label);
966 /*
967 * Here we make sure that the size will fit in the field reserved for it
968 * in t_info.
969 */
970 if ((size & INDEX_SIZE_MASK) != size)
973 errmsg("index row requires %zu bytes, maximum size is %zu",
978 if (isnull)
979 infomask |= INDEX_NULL_MASK;
980 /* we don't bother setting the INDEX_VAR_MASK bit */
981 infomask |= size;
982 tup->t_info = infomask;
984 /* The TID field will be filled in later */
987 if (!isnull)
988 memcpyInnerDatum(SGNTDATAPTR(tup), &state->attLabelType, label);
990 return tup;
Definition: itup.h:68
Definition: itup.h:65
static char * label
ItemPointerData t_tid
Definition: itup.h:37
unsigned short t_info
Definition: itup.h:49

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, INDEX_NULL_MASK, INDEX_SIZE_MASK, ItemPointerSetInvalid(), label, memcpyInnerDatum(), palloc0(), SGNTDATAPTR, SGNTHDRSZ, size, SpGistGetInnerTypeSize(), IndexTupleData::t_info, and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by addNode(), doPickSplit(), and spgSplitNodeAction().

◆ spgGetCache()

SpGistCache * spgGetCache ( Relation  index)

Definition at line 183 of file spgutils.c.

185 SpGistCache *cache;
187 if (index->rd_amcache == NULL)
188 {
189 Oid atttype;
190 spgConfigIn in;
191 FmgrInfo *procinfo;
193 cache = MemoryContextAllocZero(index->rd_indexcxt,
194 sizeof(SpGistCache));
196 /* SPGiST must have one key column and can also have INCLUDE columns */
200 /*
201 * Get the actual (well, nominal) data type of the key column. We
202 * pass this to the opclass config function so that polymorphic
203 * opclasses are possible.
204 */
205 atttype = GetIndexInputType(index, spgKeyColumn + 1);
207 /* Call the config function to get config info for the opclass */
208 in.attType = atttype;
211 FunctionCall2Coll(procinfo,
212 index->rd_indcollation[spgKeyColumn],
213 PointerGetDatum(&in),
214 PointerGetDatum(&cache->config));
216 /*
217 * If leafType isn't specified, use the declared index column type,
218 * which index.c will have derived from the opclass's opcintype.
219 * (Although we now make spgvalidate.c warn if these aren't the same,
220 * old user-defined opclasses may not set the STORAGE parameter
221 * correctly, so believe leafType if it's given.)
222 */
223 if (!OidIsValid(cache->config.leafType))
224 {
225 cache->config.leafType =
228 /*
229 * If index column type is binary-coercible to atttype (for
230 * example, it's a domain over atttype), treat it as plain atttype
231 * to avoid thinking we need to compress.
232 */
233 if (cache->config.leafType != atttype &&
234 IsBinaryCoercible(cache->config.leafType, atttype))
235 cache->config.leafType = atttype;
236 }
238 /* Get the information we need about each relevant datatype */
239 fillTypeDesc(&cache->attType, atttype);
241 if (cache->config.leafType != atttype)
242 {
246 errmsg("compress method must be defined when leaf type is different from input type")));
248 fillTypeDesc(&cache->attLeafType, cache->config.leafType);
249 }
250 else
251 {
252 /* Save lookups in this common case */
253 cache->attLeafType = cache->attType;
254 }
257 fillTypeDesc(&cache->attLabelType, cache->config.labelType);
259 /*
260 * Finally, if it's a real index (not a partitioned one), get the
261 * lastUsedPages data from the metapage
262 */
263 if (index->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX)
264 {
265 Buffer metabuffer;
266 SpGistMetaPageData *metadata;
269 LockBuffer(metabuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
271 metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuffer));
273 if (metadata->magicNumber != SPGIST_MAGIC_NUMBER)
274 elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" is not an SP-GiST index",
277 cache->lastUsedPages = metadata->lastUsedPages;
279 UnlockReleaseBuffer(metabuffer);
280 }
282 index->rd_amcache = cache;
283 }
284 else
285 {
286 /* assume it's up to date */
287 cache = (SpGistCache *) index->rd_amcache;
288 }
290 return cache;
int Buffer
Definition: buf.h:23
Definition: bufmgr.h:190
void * MemoryContextAllocZero(MemoryContext context, Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1215
bool IsBinaryCoercible(Oid srctype, Oid targettype)
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:32
#define IndexRelationGetNumberOfAttributes(relation)
Definition: rel.h:517
#define IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(relation)
Definition: rel.h:524
Definition: spgist.h:23
#define SpGistPageGetMeta(p)
static Oid GetIndexInputType(Relation index, AttrNumber indexcol)
Definition: spgutils.c:116
static void fillTypeDesc(SpGistTypeDesc *desc, Oid type)
Definition: spgutils.c:161
SpGistLUPCache lastUsedPages
SpGistLUPCache lastUsedPages
Oid attType
Definition: spgist.h:38
Oid leafType
Definition: spgist.h:45
Oid labelType
Definition: spgist.h:44
Oid prefixType
Definition: spgist.h:43

References Assert, SpGistCache::attLabelType, SpGistCache::attLeafType, SpGistCache::attPrefixType, spgConfigIn::attType, SpGistCache::attType, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE, BufferGetPage(), SpGistCache::config, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, fillTypeDesc(), FunctionCall2Coll(), GetIndexInputType(), index_getprocid(), index_getprocinfo(), INDEX_MAX_KEYS, IndexRelationGetNumberOfAttributes, IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes, IsBinaryCoercible(), spgConfigOut::labelType, SpGistMetaPageData::lastUsedPages, SpGistCache::lastUsedPages, spgConfigOut::leafType, LockBuffer(), SpGistMetaPageData::magicNumber, MemoryContextAllocZero(), OidIsValid, PointerGetDatum(), spgConfigOut::prefixType, ReadBuffer(), RelationGetDescr, RelationGetRelationName, SPGIST_COMPRESS_PROC, SPGIST_CONFIG_PROC, SPGIST_MAGIC_NUMBER, SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO, SpGistPageGetMeta, spgKeyColumn, TupleDescAttr(), and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by allocNewBuffer(), initSpGistState(), spgcanreturn(), SpGistGetBuffer(), and SpGistSetLastUsedPage().

◆ SpGistGetBuffer()

Buffer SpGistGetBuffer ( Relation  index,
int  flags,
int  needSpace,
bool *  isNew 

Definition at line 564 of file spgutils.c.

566 SpGistCache *cache = spgGetCache(index);
569 /* Bail out if even an empty page wouldn't meet the demand */
570 if (needSpace > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY)
571 elog(ERROR, "desired SPGiST tuple size is too big");
573 /*
574 * If possible, increase the space request to include relation's
575 * fillfactor. This ensures that when we add unrelated tuples to a page,
576 * we try to keep 100-fillfactor% available for adding tuples that are
577 * related to the ones already on it. But fillfactor mustn't cause an
578 * error for requests that would otherwise be legal.
579 */
581 needSpace = Min(needSpace, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY);
583 /* Get the cache entry for this flags setting */
584 lup = GET_LUP(cache, flags);
586 /* If we have nothing cached, just turn it over to allocNewBuffer */
587 if (lup->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
588 {
589 *isNew = true;
590 return allocNewBuffer(index, flags);
591 }
593 /* fixed pages should never be in cache */
596 /* If cached freeSpace isn't enough, don't bother looking at the page */
597 if (lup->freeSpace >= needSpace)
598 {
599 Buffer buffer;
600 Page page;
602 buffer = ReadBuffer(index, lup->blkno);
604 if (!ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer))
605 {
606 /*
607 * buffer is locked by another process, so return a new buffer
608 */
609 ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
610 *isNew = true;
611 return allocNewBuffer(index, flags);
612 }
614 page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
616 if (PageIsNew(page) || SpGistPageIsDeleted(page) || PageIsEmpty(page))
617 {
618 /* OK to initialize the page */
619 uint16 pageflags = 0;
621 if (GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags))
622 pageflags |= SPGIST_LEAF;
623 if (GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags))
624 pageflags |= SPGIST_NULLS;
625 SpGistInitBuffer(buffer, pageflags);
626 lup->freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page) - needSpace;
627 *isNew = true;
628 return buffer;
629 }
631 /*
632 * Check that page is of right type and has enough space. We must
633 * recheck this since our cache isn't necessarily up to date.
634 */
635 if ((GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags) ? SpGistPageIsLeaf(page) : !SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) &&
637 {
638 int freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page);
640 if (freeSpace >= needSpace)
641 {
642 /* Success, update freespace info and return the buffer */
643 lup->freeSpace = freeSpace - needSpace;
644 *isNew = false;
645 return buffer;
646 }
647 }
649 /*
650 * fallback to allocation of new buffer
651 */
652 UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer);
653 }
655 /* No success with cache, so return a new buffer */
656 *isNew = true;
657 return allocNewBuffer(index, flags);
static bool PageIsEmpty(const PageData *page)
Definition: bufpage.h:224
static bool PageIsNew(const PageData *page)
Definition: bufpage.h:234
PageData * Page
Definition: bufpage.h:82
#define SpGistGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation)
#define SpGistPageIsDeleted(page)
#define GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags)
#define SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno)
#define GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags)
void SpGistInitBuffer(Buffer b, uint16 f)
Definition: spgutils.c:717
static Buffer allocNewBuffer(Relation index, int flags)
Definition: spgutils.c:508
#define GET_LUP(c, f)
Definition: spgutils.c:485

References allocNewBuffer(), Assert, SpGistLastUsedPage::blkno, BufferGetPage(), ConditionalLockBuffer(), elog, ERROR, SpGistLastUsedPage::freeSpace, GBUF_REQ_LEAF, GBUF_REQ_NULLS, GET_LUP, InvalidBlockNumber, Min, PageGetExactFreeSpace(), PageIsEmpty(), PageIsNew(), ReadBuffer(), ReleaseBuffer(), spgGetCache(), SPGIST_LEAF, SPGIST_NULLS, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY, SpGistBlockIsFixed, SpGistGetTargetPageFreeSpace, SpGistInitBuffer(), SpGistPageIsDeleted, SpGistPageIsLeaf, SpGistPageStoresNulls, and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by doPickSplit(), moveLeafs(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgdoinsert(), and spgSplitNodeAction().

◆ SpGistGetInnerTypeSize()

unsigned int SpGistGetInnerTypeSize ( SpGistTypeDesc att,
Datum  datum 

Definition at line 774 of file spgutils.c.

776 unsigned int size;
778 if (att->attbyval)
779 size = sizeof(Datum);
780 else if (att->attlen > 0)
781 size = att->attlen;
782 else
783 size = VARSIZE_ANY(datum);
785 return MAXALIGN(size);
Definition: varatt.h:311

References SpGistTypeDesc::attbyval, SpGistTypeDesc::attlen, MAXALIGN, size, and VARSIZE_ANY.

Referenced by spgFormInnerTuple(), and spgFormNodeTuple().

◆ SpGistGetLeafTupleSize()

Size SpGistGetLeafTupleSize ( TupleDesc  tupleDescriptor,
const Datum datums,
const bool *  isnulls 

Definition at line 813 of file spgutils.c.

816 Size size;
817 Size data_size;
818 bool needs_null_mask = false;
819 int natts = tupleDescriptor->natts;
821 /*
822 * Decide whether we need a nulls bitmask.
823 *
824 * If there is only a key attribute (natts == 1), never use a bitmask, for
825 * compatibility with the pre-v14 layout of leaf tuples. Otherwise, we
826 * need one if any attribute is null.
827 */
828 if (natts > 1)
829 {
830 for (int i = 0; i < natts; i++)
831 {
832 if (isnulls[i])
833 {
834 needs_null_mask = true;
835 break;
836 }
837 }
838 }
840 /*
841 * Calculate size of the data part; same as for heap tuples.
842 */
843 data_size = heap_compute_data_size(tupleDescriptor, datums, isnulls);
845 /*
846 * Compute total size.
847 */
848 size = SGLTHDRSZ(needs_null_mask);
849 size += data_size;
850 size = MAXALIGN(size);
852 /*
853 * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later. This test
854 * is unnecessary when there are any non-null attributes, but be safe.
855 */
856 if (size < SGDTSIZE)
857 size = SGDTSIZE;
859 return size;

References heap_compute_data_size(), i, MAXALIGN, TupleDescData::natts, SGDTSIZE, SGLTHDRSZ, and size.

Referenced by spgdoinsert().

◆ SpGistInitBuffer()

void SpGistInitBuffer ( Buffer  b,
uint16  f 

Definition at line 717 of file spgutils.c.

719 Assert(BufferGetPageSize(b) == BLCKSZ);
static Size BufferGetPageSize(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:385
int b
Definition: isn.c:69
void SpGistInitPage(Page page, uint16 f)
Definition: spgutils.c:703

References Assert, b, BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), and SpGistInitPage().

Referenced by allocNewBuffer(), doPickSplit(), spgbuild(), SpGistGetBuffer(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), and spgRedoSplitTuple().

◆ SpGistInitMetapage()

void SpGistInitMetapage ( Page  page)

Definition at line 727 of file spgutils.c.

729 SpGistMetaPageData *metadata;
730 int i;
733 metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(page);
734 memset(metadata, 0, sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData));
737 /* initialize last-used-page cache to empty */
738 for (i = 0; i < SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES; i++)
741 /*
742 * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata. This is essential,
743 * because without doing so, metadata will be lost if xlog.c compresses
744 * the page.
745 */
746 ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower =
747 ((char *) metadata + sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData)) - (char *) page;
SpGistLastUsedPage cachedPage[SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES]

References SpGistLastUsedPage::blkno, SpGistLUPCache::cachedPage, i, InvalidBlockNumber, SpGistMetaPageData::lastUsedPages, SpGistMetaPageData::magicNumber, SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES, SPGIST_MAGIC_NUMBER, SPGIST_META, SpGistInitPage(), and SpGistPageGetMeta.

Referenced by spgbuild(), and spgbuildempty().

◆ SpGistInitPage()

void SpGistInitPage ( Page  page,
uint16  f 

Definition at line 703 of file spgutils.c.

705 SpGistPageOpaque opaque;
707 PageInit(page, BLCKSZ, sizeof(SpGistPageOpaqueData));
708 opaque = SpGistPageGetOpaque(page);
709 opaque->flags = f;
void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize)
Definition: bufpage.c:42

References SpGistPageOpaqueData::flags, PageInit(), SpGistPageOpaqueData::spgist_page_id, SPGIST_PAGE_ID, and SpGistPageGetOpaque.

Referenced by spgbuildempty(), SpGistInitBuffer(), and SpGistInitMetapage().

◆ SpGistNewBuffer()

Buffer SpGistNewBuffer ( Relation  index)

Definition at line 389 of file spgutils.c.

391 Buffer buffer;
393 /* First, try to get a page from FSM */
394 for (;;)
395 {
398 if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
399 break; /* nothing known to FSM */
401 /*
402 * The fixed pages shouldn't ever be listed in FSM, but just in case
403 * one is, ignore it.
404 */
405 if (SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno))
406 continue;
408 buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
410 /*
411 * We have to guard against the possibility that someone else already
412 * recycled this page; the buffer may be locked if so.
413 */
414 if (ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer))
415 {
416 Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
418 if (PageIsNew(page))
419 return buffer; /* OK to use, if never initialized */
421 if (SpGistPageIsDeleted(page) || PageIsEmpty(page))
422 return buffer; /* OK to use */
425 }
427 /* Can't use it, so release buffer and try again */
428 ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
429 }
434 return buffer;
uint32 BlockNumber
Definition: block.h:31
Buffer ExtendBufferedRel(BufferManagerRelation bmr, ForkNumber forkNum, BufferAccessStrategy strategy, uint32 flags)
Definition: bufmgr.c:846
Definition: bufmgr.h:189
Definition: bufmgr.h:86
#define BMR_REL(p_rel)
Definition: bufmgr.h:107
BlockNumber GetFreeIndexPage(Relation rel)
Definition: indexfsm.c:38
Definition: relpath.h:58

References BMR_REL, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), ConditionalLockBuffer(), EB_LOCK_FIRST, ExtendBufferedRel(), GetFreeIndexPage(), InvalidBlockNumber, LockBuffer(), MAIN_FORKNUM, PageIsEmpty(), PageIsNew(), ReadBuffer(), ReleaseBuffer(), SpGistBlockIsFixed, and SpGistPageIsDeleted.

Referenced by allocNewBuffer(), and spgbuild().

◆ SpGistPageAddNewItem()

OffsetNumber SpGistPageAddNewItem ( SpGistState state,
Page  page,
Item  item,
Size  size,
OffsetNumber startOffset,
bool  errorOK 

Definition at line 1198 of file spgutils.c.

1203 maxoff,
1204 offnum;
1206 if (opaque->nPlaceholder > 0 &&
1208 {
1209 /* Try to replace a placeholder */
1210 maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
1211 offnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
1213 for (;;)
1214 {
1215 if (startOffset && *startOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber)
1216 i = *startOffset;
1217 else
1219 for (; i <= maxoff; i++)
1220 {
1222 PageGetItemId(page, i));
1224 if (it->tupstate == SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER)
1225 {
1226 offnum = i;
1227 break;
1228 }
1229 }
1231 /* Done if we found a placeholder */
1232 if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber)
1233 break;
1235 if (startOffset && *startOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber)
1236 {
1237 /* Hint was no good, re-search from beginning */
1238 *startOffset = InvalidOffsetNumber;
1239 continue;
1240 }
1242 /* Hmm, no placeholder found? */
1243 opaque->nPlaceholder = 0;
1244 break;
1245 }
1247 if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber)
1248 {
1249 /* Replace the placeholder tuple */
1250 PageIndexTupleDelete(page, offnum);
1252 offnum = PageAddItem(page, item, size, offnum, false, false);
1254 /*
1255 * We should not have failed given the size check at the top of
1256 * the function, but test anyway. If we did fail, we must PANIC
1257 * because we've already deleted the placeholder tuple, and
1258 * there's no other way to keep the damage from getting to disk.
1259 */
1260 if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber)
1261 {
1262 Assert(opaque->nPlaceholder > 0);
1263 opaque->nPlaceholder--;
1264 if (startOffset)
1265 *startOffset = offnum + 1;
1266 }
1267 else
1268 elog(PANIC, "failed to add item of size %zu to SPGiST index page",
1269 size);
1271 return offnum;
1272 }
1273 }
1275 /* No luck in replacing a placeholder, so just add it to the page */
1276 offnum = PageAddItem(page, item, size,
1277 InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false);
1279 if (offnum == InvalidOffsetNumber && !errorOK)
1280 elog(ERROR, "failed to add item of size %zu to SPGiST index page",
1281 size);
1283 return offnum;
void PageIndexTupleDelete(Page page, OffsetNumber offnum)
Definition: bufpage.c:1041
#define PageAddItem(page, item, size, offsetNumber, overwrite, is_heap)
Definition: bufpage.h:471
static OffsetNumber PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(const PageData *page)
Definition: bufpage.h:372
#define PANIC
Definition: elog.h:42
uint16 OffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:24

References Assert, elog, ERROR, FirstOffsetNumber, i, InvalidOffsetNumber, MAXALIGN, SpGistPageOpaqueData::nPlaceholder, PageAddItem, PageGetExactFreeSpace(), PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), PageIndexTupleDelete(), PANIC, SGDTSIZE, size, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, SpGistPageGetOpaque, and SpGistDeadTupleData::tupstate.

Referenced by addLeafTuple(), doPickSplit(), moveLeafs(), spgAddNodeAction(), and spgSplitNodeAction().

◆ SpGistSetLastUsedPage()

void SpGistSetLastUsedPage ( Relation  index,
Buffer  buffer 

Definition at line 668 of file spgutils.c.

670 SpGistCache *cache = spgGetCache(index);
672 int freeSpace;
673 Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
674 BlockNumber blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
675 int flags;
677 /* Never enter fixed pages (root pages) in cache, though */
678 if (SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno))
679 return;
681 if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page))
682 flags = GBUF_LEAF;
683 else
684 flags = GBUF_INNER_PARITY(blkno);
685 if (SpGistPageStoresNulls(page))
686 flags |= GBUF_NULLS;
688 lup = GET_LUP(cache, flags);
690 freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page);
691 if (lup->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber || lup->blkno == blkno ||
692 lup->freeSpace < freeSpace)
693 {
694 lup->blkno = blkno;
695 lup->freeSpace = freeSpace;
696 }

References SpGistLastUsedPage::blkno, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), SpGistLastUsedPage::freeSpace, GBUF_INNER_PARITY, GBUF_LEAF, GBUF_NULLS, GET_LUP, InvalidBlockNumber, PageGetExactFreeSpace(), spgGetCache(), SpGistBlockIsFixed, SpGistPageIsLeaf, and SpGistPageStoresNulls.

Referenced by doPickSplit(), moveLeafs(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgdoinsert(), spgMatchNodeAction(), spgprocesspending(), spgSplitNodeAction(), and spgvacuumpage().

◆ SpGistUpdateMetaPage()

void SpGistUpdateMetaPage ( Relation  index)

Definition at line 445 of file spgutils.c.

447 SpGistCache *cache = (SpGistCache *) index->rd_amcache;
449 if (cache != NULL)
450 {
451 Buffer metabuffer;
455 if (ConditionalLockBuffer(metabuffer))
456 {
457 Page metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuffer);
458 SpGistMetaPageData *metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(metapage);
460 metadata->lastUsedPages = cache->lastUsedPages;
462 /*
463 * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata. This is
464 * essential, because without doing so, metadata will be lost if
465 * xlog.c compresses the page. (We must do this here because
466 * pre-v11 versions of PG did not set the metapage's pd_lower
467 * correctly, so a pg_upgraded index might contain the wrong
468 * value.)
469 */
470 ((PageHeader) metapage)->pd_lower =
471 ((char *) metadata + sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData)) - (char *) metapage;
473 MarkBufferDirty(metabuffer);
474 UnlockReleaseBuffer(metabuffer);
475 }
476 else
477 {
478 ReleaseBuffer(metabuffer);
479 }
480 }
void MarkBufferDirty(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:2532
PageHeaderData * PageHeader
Definition: bufpage.h:174
Definition: isn.c:76

References BufferGetPage(), ConditionalLockBuffer(), if(), SpGistMetaPageData::lastUsedPages, SpGistCache::lastUsedPages, MarkBufferDirty(), ReadBuffer(), ReleaseBuffer(), SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO, SpGistPageGetMeta, and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by spgbuild(), spginsert(), and spgvacuumscan().

◆ spgPageIndexMultiDelete()

void spgPageIndexMultiDelete ( SpGistState state,
Page  page,
OffsetNumber itemnos,
int  nitems,
int  firststate,
int  reststate,
BlockNumber  blkno,
OffsetNumber  offnum 

Definition at line 131 of file spgdoinsert.c.

136 OffsetNumber firstItem;
138 SpGistDeadTuple tuple = NULL;
139 int i;
141 if (nitems == 0)
142 return; /* nothing to do */
144 /*
145 * For efficiency we want to use PageIndexMultiDelete, which requires the
146 * targets to be listed in sorted order, so we have to sort the itemnos
147 * array. (This also greatly simplifies the math for reinserting the
148 * replacement tuples.) However, we must not scribble on the caller's
149 * array, so we have to make a copy.
150 */
151 memcpy(sortednos, itemnos, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * nitems);
152 if (nitems > 1)
153 qsort(sortednos, nitems, sizeof(OffsetNumber), cmpOffsetNumbers);
155 PageIndexMultiDelete(page, sortednos, nitems);
157 firstItem = itemnos[0];
159 for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
160 {
161 OffsetNumber itemno = sortednos[i];
162 int tupstate;
164 tupstate = (itemno == firstItem) ? firststate : reststate;
165 if (tuple == NULL || tuple->tupstate != tupstate)
166 tuple = spgFormDeadTuple(state, tupstate, blkno, offnum);
168 if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) tuple, tuple->size,
169 itemno, false, false) != itemno)
170 elog(ERROR, "failed to add item of size %u to SPGiST index page",
171 tuple->size);
173 if (tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT)
174 SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->nRedirection++;
175 else if (tupstate == SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER)
176 SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->nPlaceholder++;
177 }
void PageIndexMultiDelete(Page page, OffsetNumber *itemnos, int nitems)
Definition: bufpage.c:1150
#define nitems(x)
Definition: indent.h:31
Pointer Item
Definition: item.h:17
#define MaxIndexTuplesPerPage
Definition: itup.h:167
#define qsort(a, b, c, d)
Definition: port.h:474
static int cmpOffsetNumbers(const void *a, const void *b)
Definition: spgdoinsert.c:112
SpGistDeadTuple spgFormDeadTuple(SpGistState *state, int tupstate, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum)
Definition: spgutils.c:1080

References cmpOffsetNumbers(), elog, ERROR, i, MaxIndexTuplesPerPage, nitems, PageAddItem, PageIndexMultiDelete(), qsort, SpGistDeadTupleData::size, spgFormDeadTuple(), SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, SPGIST_REDIRECT, SpGistPageGetOpaque, and SpGistDeadTupleData::tupstate.

Referenced by doPickSplit(), moveLeafs(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), spgRedoVacuumLeaf(), and vacuumLeafPage().

◆ spgproperty()

bool spgproperty ( Oid  index_oid,
int  attno,
IndexAMProperty  prop,
const char *  propname,
bool *  res,
bool *  isnull 

Definition at line 1293 of file spgutils.c.

1297 Oid opclass,
1298 opfamily,
1299 opcintype;
1300 CatCList *catlist;
1301 int i;
1303 /* Only answer column-level inquiries */
1304 if (attno == 0)
1305 return false;
1307 switch (prop)
1308 {
1310 break;
1311 default:
1312 return false;
1313 }
1315 /*
1316 * Currently, SP-GiST distance-ordered scans require that there be a
1317 * distance operator in the opclass with the default types. So we assume
1318 * that if such an operator exists, then there's a reason for it.
1319 */
1321 /* First we need to know the column's opclass. */
1322 opclass = get_index_column_opclass(index_oid, attno);
1323 if (!OidIsValid(opclass))
1324 {
1325 *isnull = true;
1326 return true;
1327 }
1329 /* Now look up the opclass family and input datatype. */
1330 if (!get_opclass_opfamily_and_input_type(opclass, &opfamily, &opcintype))
1331 {
1332 *isnull = true;
1333 return true;
1334 }
1336 /* And now we can check whether the operator is provided. */
1337 catlist = SearchSysCacheList1(AMOPSTRATEGY,
1338 ObjectIdGetDatum(opfamily));
1340 *res = false;
1342 for (i = 0; i < catlist->n_members; i++)
1343 {
1344 HeapTuple amoptup = &catlist->members[i]->tuple;
1345 Form_pg_amop amopform = (Form_pg_amop) GETSTRUCT(amoptup);
1347 if (amopform->amoppurpose == AMOP_ORDER &&
1348 (amopform->amoplefttype == opcintype ||
1349 amopform->amoprighttype == opcintype) &&
1350 opfamily_can_sort_type(amopform->amopsortfamily,
1351 get_op_rettype(amopform->amopopr)))
1352 {
1353 *res = true;
1354 break;
1355 }
1356 }
1358 ReleaseSysCacheList(catlist);
1360 *isnull = false;
1362 return true;
Definition: amapi.h:42
bool opfamily_can_sort_type(Oid opfamilyoid, Oid datatypeoid)
Definition: amvalidate.c:271
Definition: htup_details.h:653
bool get_opclass_opfamily_and_input_type(Oid opclass, Oid *opfamily, Oid *opcintype)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1235
Oid get_op_rettype(Oid opno)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1333
Oid get_index_column_opclass(Oid index_oid, int attno)
Definition: lsyscache.c:3512
FormData_pg_amop * Form_pg_amop
Definition: pg_amop.h:88
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:257
Definition: catcache.h:180
int n_members
Definition: catcache.h:178
HeapTupleData tuple
Definition: catcache.h:123
#define ReleaseSysCacheList(x)
Definition: syscache.h:134
#define SearchSysCacheList1(cacheId, key1)
Definition: syscache.h:127

References AMPROP_DISTANCE_ORDERABLE, get_index_column_opclass(), get_op_rettype(), get_opclass_opfamily_and_input_type(), GETSTRUCT, i, catclist::members, catclist::n_members, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, opfamily_can_sort_type(), ReleaseSysCacheList, res, SearchSysCacheList1, and catctup::tuple.

Referenced by spghandler().

◆ spgUpdateNodeLink()

void spgUpdateNodeLink ( SpGistInnerTuple  tup,
int  nodeN,
BlockNumber  blkno,
OffsetNumber  offset 

Definition at line 52 of file spgdoinsert.c.

55 int i;
56 SpGistNodeTuple node;
58 SGITITERATE(tup, i, node)
59 {
60 if (i == nodeN)
61 {
62 ItemPointerSet(&node->t_tid, blkno, offset);
63 return;
64 }
65 }
67 elog(ERROR, "failed to find requested node %d in SPGiST inner tuple",
68 nodeN);

References elog, ERROR, i, ItemPointerSet(), SGITITERATE, and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by saveNodeLink(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), and spgSplitNodeAction().