PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
numeric.c File Reference
#include "postgres.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "common/hashfn.h"
#include "common/int.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "lib/hyperloglog.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "nodes/supportnodes.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/numeric.h"
#include "utils/pg_lsn.h"
#include "utils/sortsupport.h"
Include dependency graph for numeric.c:

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Data Structures

struct  NumericShort
struct  NumericLong
union  NumericChoice
struct  NumericData
struct  NumericVar
struct  generate_series_numeric_fctx
struct  NumericSortSupport
struct  NumericSumAccum
struct  NumericAggState
struct  Int8TransTypeData


#define NBASE   10000
#define HALF_NBASE   5000
#define DEC_DIGITS   4 /* decimal digits per NBASE digit */
#define MUL_GUARD_DIGITS   2 /* these are measured in NBASE digits */
#define DIV_GUARD_DIGITS   4
#define NUMERIC_SIGN_MASK   0xC000
#define NUMERIC_POS   0x0000
#define NUMERIC_NEG   0x4000
#define NUMERIC_SHORT   0x8000
#define NUMERIC_SPECIAL   0xC000
#define NUMERIC_FLAGBITS(n)   ((n)->choice.n_header & NUMERIC_SIGN_MASK)
#define NUMERIC_HDRSZ   (VARHDRSZ + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(int16))
#define NUMERIC_HDRSZ_SHORT   (VARHDRSZ + sizeof(uint16))
#define NUMERIC_HEADER_IS_SHORT(n)   (((n)->choice.n_header & 0x8000) != 0)
#define NUMERIC_EXT_SIGN_MASK   0xF000 /* high bits plus NaN/Inf flag bits */
#define NUMERIC_NAN   0xC000
#define NUMERIC_PINF   0xD000
#define NUMERIC_NINF   0xF000
#define NUMERIC_INF_SIGN_MASK   0x2000
#define NUMERIC_EXT_FLAGBITS(n)   ((n)->choice.n_header & NUMERIC_EXT_SIGN_MASK)
#define NUMERIC_IS_NAN(n)   ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_NAN)
#define NUMERIC_IS_PINF(n)   ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_PINF)
#define NUMERIC_IS_NINF(n)   ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_NINF)
#define NUMERIC_IS_INF(n)    (((n)->choice.n_header & ~NUMERIC_INF_SIGN_MASK) == NUMERIC_PINF)
#define NUMERIC_SHORT_SIGN_MASK   0x2000
#define NUMERIC_SIGN(n)
#define NumericAbbrevGetDatum(X)   ((Datum) (X))
#define DatumGetNumericAbbrev(X)   ((int32) (X))
#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_NAN   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(PG_INT32_MIN)
#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_PINF   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(-PG_INT32_MAX)
#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_NINF   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(PG_INT32_MAX)
#define dump_numeric(s, n)
#define dump_var(s, v)
#define digitbuf_alloc(ndigits)    ((NumericDigit *) palloc((ndigits) * sizeof(NumericDigit)))
#define digitbuf_free(buf)
#define init_var(v)   memset(v, 0, sizeof(NumericVar))
#define NUMERIC_DIGITS(num)
#define NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num)    ((VARSIZE(num) - NUMERIC_HEADER_SIZE(num)) / sizeof(NumericDigit))
#define NUMERIC_CAN_BE_SHORT(scale, weight)
#define NA_TOTAL_COUNT(na)    ((na)->N + (na)->NaNcount + (na)->pInfcount + (na)->nInfcount)
#define makePolyNumAggState   makeNumericAggState
#define makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext   makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext


typedef int16 NumericDigit
typedef struct NumericVar NumericVar
typedef struct NumericSumAccum NumericSumAccum
typedef struct NumericAggState NumericAggState
typedef NumericAggState PolyNumAggState
typedef struct Int8TransTypeData Int8TransTypeData


static void alloc_var (NumericVar *var, int ndigits)
static void free_var (NumericVar *var)
static void zero_var (NumericVar *var)
static bool set_var_from_str (const char *str, const char *cp, NumericVar *dest, const char **endptr, Node *escontext)
static bool set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str (const char *str, const char *cp, int sign, int base, NumericVar *dest, const char **endptr, Node *escontext)
static void set_var_from_num (Numeric num, NumericVar *dest)
static void init_var_from_num (Numeric num, NumericVar *dest)
static void set_var_from_var (const NumericVar *value, NumericVar *dest)
static char * get_str_from_var (const NumericVar *var)
static char * get_str_from_var_sci (const NumericVar *var, int rscale)
static void numericvar_serialize (StringInfo buf, const NumericVar *var)
static void numericvar_deserialize (StringInfo buf, NumericVar *var)
static Numeric duplicate_numeric (Numeric num)
static Numeric make_result (const NumericVar *var)
static Numeric make_result_opt_error (const NumericVar *var, bool *have_error)
static bool apply_typmod (NumericVar *var, int32 typmod, Node *escontext)
static bool apply_typmod_special (Numeric num, int32 typmod, Node *escontext)
static bool numericvar_to_int32 (const NumericVar *var, int32 *result)
static bool numericvar_to_int64 (const NumericVar *var, int64 *result)
static void int64_to_numericvar (int64 val, NumericVar *var)
static bool numericvar_to_uint64 (const NumericVar *var, uint64 *result)
static double numericvar_to_double_no_overflow (const NumericVar *var)
static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert (Datum original_datum, SortSupport ssup)
static bool numeric_abbrev_abort (int memtupcount, SortSupport ssup)
static int numeric_fast_cmp (Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
static int numeric_cmp_abbrev (Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert_var (const NumericVar *var, NumericSortSupport *nss)
static int cmp_numerics (Numeric num1, Numeric num2)
static int cmp_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
static int cmp_var_common (const NumericDigit *var1digits, int var1ndigits, int var1weight, int var1sign, const NumericDigit *var2digits, int var2ndigits, int var2weight, int var2sign)
static void add_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void sub_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void mul_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
static void mul_var_short (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void div_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
static void div_var_fast (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
static void div_var_int (const NumericVar *var, int ival, int ival_weight, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
static int select_div_scale (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
static void mod_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void div_mod_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *quot, NumericVar *rem)
static void ceil_var (const NumericVar *var, NumericVar *result)
static void floor_var (const NumericVar *var, NumericVar *result)
static void gcd_var (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void sqrt_var (const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
static void exp_var (const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
static int estimate_ln_dweight (const NumericVar *var)
static void ln_var (const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
static void log_var (const NumericVar *base, const NumericVar *num, NumericVar *result)
static void power_var (const NumericVar *base, const NumericVar *exp, NumericVar *result)
static void power_var_int (const NumericVar *base, int exp, int exp_dscale, NumericVar *result)
static void power_ten_int (int exp, NumericVar *result)
static void random_var (pg_prng_state *state, const NumericVar *rmin, const NumericVar *rmax, NumericVar *result)
static int cmp_abs (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
static int cmp_abs_common (const NumericDigit *var1digits, int var1ndigits, int var1weight, const NumericDigit *var2digits, int var2ndigits, int var2weight)
static void add_abs (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void sub_abs (const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
static void round_var (NumericVar *var, int rscale)
static void trunc_var (NumericVar *var, int rscale)
static void strip_var (NumericVar *var)
static void compute_bucket (Numeric operand, Numeric bound1, Numeric bound2, const NumericVar *count_var, NumericVar *result_var)
static void accum_sum_add (NumericSumAccum *accum, const NumericVar *val)
static void accum_sum_rescale (NumericSumAccum *accum, const NumericVar *val)
static void accum_sum_carry (NumericSumAccum *accum)
static void accum_sum_reset (NumericSumAccum *accum)
static void accum_sum_final (NumericSumAccum *accum, NumericVar *result)
static void accum_sum_copy (NumericSumAccum *dst, NumericSumAccum *src)
static void accum_sum_combine (NumericSumAccum *accum, NumericSumAccum *accum2)
Datum numeric_in (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_out (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
bool numeric_is_nan (Numeric num)
bool numeric_is_inf (Numeric num)
static bool numeric_is_integral (Numeric num)
static int32 make_numeric_typmod (int precision, int scale)
static bool is_valid_numeric_typmod (int32 typmod)
static int numeric_typmod_precision (int32 typmod)
static int numeric_typmod_scale (int32 typmod)
int32 numeric_maximum_size (int32 typmod)
char * numeric_out_sci (Numeric num, int scale)
char * numeric_normalize (Numeric num)
Datum numeric_recv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_send (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_support (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numerictypmodin (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numerictypmodout (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_abs (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_uminus (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_uplus (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
static int numeric_sign_internal (Numeric num)
Datum numeric_sign (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_round (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_trunc (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_ceil (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_floor (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum generate_series_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum generate_series_step_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum width_bucket_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_sortsupport (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_cmp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_eq (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_ne (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_gt (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_ge (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_lt (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_le (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum in_range_numeric_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum hash_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum hash_numeric_extended (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_add (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric numeric_add_opt_error (Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_sub (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric numeric_sub_opt_error (Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_mul (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric numeric_mul_opt_error (Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_div (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric numeric_div_opt_error (Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_div_trunc (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_mod (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric numeric_mod_opt_error (Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_inc (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_smaller (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_larger (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_gcd (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_lcm (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_fac (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_sqrt (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_exp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_ln (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_log (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_power (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_scale (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
static int get_min_scale (NumericVar *var)
Datum numeric_min_scale (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_trim_scale (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Numeric random_numeric (pg_prng_state *state, Numeric rmin, Numeric rmax)
Numeric int64_to_numeric (int64 val)
Numeric int64_div_fast_to_numeric (int64 val1, int log10val2)
Datum int4_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
int32 numeric_int4_opt_error (Numeric num, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_int4 (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
int64 numeric_int8_opt_error (Numeric num, bool *have_error)
Datum numeric_int8 (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_int2 (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum float8_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_float8 (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_float8_no_overflow (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum float4_numeric (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_float4 (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_pg_lsn (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
static NumericAggStatemakeNumericAggState (FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, bool calcSumX2)
static NumericAggStatemakeNumericAggStateCurrentContext (bool calcSumX2)
static void do_numeric_accum (NumericAggState *state, Numeric newval)
static bool do_numeric_discard (NumericAggState *state, Numeric newval)
Datum numeric_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_combine (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_avg_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_avg_combine (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_avg_serialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_avg_deserialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_serialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_deserialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_combine (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_serialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_deserialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg_combine (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg_serialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg_deserialize (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_avg (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_avg (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
static Numeric numeric_stddev_internal (NumericAggState *state, bool variance, bool sample, bool *is_null)
Datum numeric_var_samp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_stddev_samp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_var_pop (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_stddev_pop (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_var_samp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_stddev_samp (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_var_pop (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum numeric_poly_stddev_pop (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_avg_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_avg_accum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_avg_combine (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2_avg_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int4_avg_accum_inv (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int8_avg (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Datum int2int4_sum (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
static int xdigit_value (char dig)


static const NumericDigit const_zero_data [1] = {0}
static const NumericVar const_zero
static const NumericDigit const_one_data [1] = {1}
static const NumericVar const_one
static const NumericVar const_minus_one
static const NumericDigit const_two_data [1] = {2}
static const NumericVar const_two
static const NumericDigit const_zero_point_nine_data [1] = {9000}
static const NumericVar const_zero_point_nine
static const NumericDigit const_one_point_one_data [2] = {1, 1000}
static const NumericVar const_one_point_one
static const NumericVar const_nan
static const NumericVar const_pinf
static const NumericVar const_ninf
static const int round_powers [4] = {0, 1000, 100, 10}

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ DatumGetNumericAbbrev

#define DatumGetNumericAbbrev (   X)    ((int32) (X))

Definition at line 410 of file numeric.c.


#define DEC_DIGITS   4 /* decimal digits per NBASE digit */

Definition at line 97 of file numeric.c.

◆ digitbuf_alloc

#define digitbuf_alloc (   ndigits)     ((NumericDigit *) palloc((ndigits) * sizeof(NumericDigit)))

Definition at line 483 of file numeric.c.

◆ digitbuf_free

#define digitbuf_free (   buf)
do { \
if ((buf) != NULL) \
pfree(buf); \
} while (0)
static char * buf
Definition: pg_test_fsync.c:73

Definition at line 485 of file numeric.c.


#define DIV_GUARD_DIGITS   4

Definition at line 99 of file numeric.c.

◆ dump_numeric

#define dump_numeric (   s,

Definition at line 479 of file numeric.c.

◆ dump_var

#define dump_var (   s,

Definition at line 480 of file numeric.c.


#define HALF_NBASE   5000

Definition at line 96 of file numeric.c.

◆ init_var

#define init_var (   v)    memset(v, 0, sizeof(NumericVar))

Definition at line 491 of file numeric.c.

◆ makePolyNumAggState

#define makePolyNumAggState   makeNumericAggState

Definition at line 5549 of file numeric.c.

◆ makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext

#define makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext   makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext

Definition at line 5550 of file numeric.c.


#define MUL_GUARD_DIGITS   2 /* these are measured in NBASE digits */

Definition at line 98 of file numeric.c.


#define NA_TOTAL_COUNT (   na)     ((na)->N + (na)->NaNcount + (na)->pInfcount + (na)->nInfcount)

Definition at line 4813 of file numeric.c.


#define NBASE   10000

Definition at line 95 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 401 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_NAN   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(PG_INT32_MIN)

Definition at line 411 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_NINF   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(PG_INT32_MAX)

Definition at line 413 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_ABBREV_PINF   NumericAbbrevGetDatum(-PG_INT32_MAX)

Definition at line 412 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_CAN_BE_SHORT (   scale,
Definition: numeric.c:216
Definition: numeric.c:221
Definition: numeric.c:220
static int scale
Definition: pgbench.c:181

Definition at line 497 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_DIGITS (   num)
(num)->choice.n_short.n_data : (num)->choice.n_long.n_data)
Definition: numeric.c:182

Definition at line 493 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_DSCALE (   n)
((n)->choice.n_short.n_header & NUMERIC_SHORT_DSCALE_MASK) \
: ((n)->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale & NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK))
Definition: numeric.c:233
Definition: numeric.c:214
Definition: numeric.c:215

Definition at line 242 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 233 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 234 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_EXT_FLAGBITS (   n)    ((n)->choice.n_header & NUMERIC_EXT_SIGN_MASK)

Definition at line 202 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_EXT_SIGN_MASK   0xF000 /* high bits plus NaN/Inf flag bits */

Definition at line 196 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_FLAGBITS (   n)    ((n)->choice.n_header & NUMERIC_SIGN_MASK)

Definition at line 170 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_HDRSZ   (VARHDRSZ + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(int16))

Definition at line 174 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_HDRSZ_SHORT   (VARHDRSZ + sizeof(uint16))

Definition at line 175 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_HEADER_IS_SHORT (   n)    (((n)->choice.n_header & 0x8000) != 0)

Definition at line 182 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_HEADER_SIZE (   n)
(VARHDRSZ + sizeof(uint16) + \
(NUMERIC_HEADER_IS_SHORT(n) ? 0 : sizeof(int16)))
unsigned short uint16
Definition: c.h:505
signed short int16
Definition: c.h:493
#define VARHDRSZ
Definition: c.h:692

Definition at line 183 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_INF_SIGN_MASK   0x2000

Definition at line 200 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_IS_INF (   n)     (((n)->choice.n_header & ~NUMERIC_INF_SIGN_MASK) == NUMERIC_PINF)

Definition at line 206 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_IS_NAN (   n)    ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_NAN)

Definition at line 203 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_IS_NINF (   n)    ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_NINF)

Definition at line 205 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_IS_PINF (   n)    ((n)->choice.n_header == NUMERIC_PINF)

Definition at line 204 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 171 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 172 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_NAN   0xC000

Definition at line 197 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_NDIGITS (   num)     ((VARSIZE(num) - NUMERIC_HEADER_SIZE(num)) / sizeof(NumericDigit))

Definition at line 495 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_NEG   0x4000

Definition at line 166 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_NINF   0xF000

Definition at line 199 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_PINF   0xD000

Definition at line 198 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_POS   0x0000

Definition at line 165 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_SHORT   0x8000

Definition at line 167 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 214 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 216 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 215 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_SHORT_SIGN_MASK   0x2000

Definition at line 213 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 219 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 220 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 221 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 218 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_SIGN (   n)
(((n)->choice.n_short.n_header & NUMERIC_SHORT_SIGN_MASK) ? \
Definition: numeric.c:172
Definition: numeric.c:170
Definition: numeric.c:213
Definition: numeric.c:171
Definition: numeric.c:165

Definition at line 236 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_SIGN_MASK   0xC000

Definition at line 164 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_SPECIAL   0xC000

Definition at line 168 of file numeric.c.


#define NUMERIC_WEIGHT (   n)
(((n)->choice.n_short.n_header & NUMERIC_SHORT_WEIGHT_SIGN_MASK ? \
| ((n)->choice.n_short.n_header & NUMERIC_SHORT_WEIGHT_MASK)) \
: ((n)->choice.n_long.n_weight))
Definition: numeric.c:219
Definition: numeric.c:218

Definition at line 246 of file numeric.c.



Definition at line 257 of file numeric.c.

◆ NumericAbbrevGetDatum

#define NumericAbbrevGetDatum (   X)    ((Datum) (X))

Definition at line 409 of file numeric.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Int8TransTypeData

◆ NumericAggState

◆ NumericDigit

Definition at line 101 of file numeric.c.

◆ NumericSumAccum

◆ NumericVar

typedef struct NumericVar NumericVar

◆ PolyNumAggState

Definition at line 5548 of file numeric.c.

Function Documentation

◆ accum_sum_add()

static void accum_sum_add ( NumericSumAccum accum,
const NumericVar val 

Definition at line 12196 of file numeric.c.

12197 {
12198  int32 *accum_digits;
12199  int i,
12200  val_i;
12201  int val_ndigits;
12202  NumericDigit *val_digits;
12204  /*
12205  * If we have accumulated too many values since the last carry
12206  * propagation, do it now, to avoid overflowing. (We could allow more
12207  * than NBASE - 1, if we reserved two extra digits, rather than one, for
12208  * carry propagation. But even with NBASE - 1, this needs to be done so
12209  * seldom, that the performance difference is negligible.)
12210  */
12211  if (accum->num_uncarried == NBASE - 1)
12212  accum_sum_carry(accum);
12214  /*
12215  * Adjust the weight or scale of the old value, so that it can accommodate
12216  * the new value.
12217  */
12218  accum_sum_rescale(accum, val);
12220  /* */
12221  if (val->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
12222  accum_digits = accum->pos_digits;
12223  else
12224  accum_digits = accum->neg_digits;
12226  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in loop */
12227  val_ndigits = val->ndigits;
12228  val_digits = val->digits;
12230  i = accum->weight - val->weight;
12231  for (val_i = 0; val_i < val_ndigits; val_i++)
12232  {
12233  accum_digits[i] += (int32) val_digits[val_i];
12234  i++;
12235  }
12237  accum->num_uncarried++;
12238 }
static void accum_sum_carry(NumericSumAccum *accum)
Definition: numeric.c:12244
int16 NumericDigit
Definition: numeric.c:101
#define NBASE
Definition: numeric.c:95
static void accum_sum_rescale(NumericSumAccum *accum, const NumericVar *val)
Definition: numeric.c:12317
signed int int32
Definition: c.h:494
long val
Definition: informix.c:670
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
int32 * pos_digits
Definition: numeric.c:384
int num_uncarried
Definition: numeric.c:382
int32 * neg_digits
Definition: numeric.c:385

References accum_sum_carry(), accum_sum_rescale(), i, NBASE, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, NumericSumAccum::num_uncarried, NUMERIC_POS, NumericSumAccum::pos_digits, val, and NumericSumAccum::weight.

Referenced by accum_sum_combine(), do_numeric_accum(), do_numeric_discard(), int8_avg_deserialize(), numeric_avg_deserialize(), numeric_deserialize(), and numeric_poly_deserialize().

◆ accum_sum_carry()

static void accum_sum_carry ( NumericSumAccum accum)

Definition at line 12244 of file numeric.c.

12245 {
12246  int i;
12247  int ndigits;
12248  int32 *dig;
12249  int32 carry;
12250  int32 newdig = 0;
12252  /*
12253  * If no new values have been added since last carry propagation, nothing
12254  * to do.
12255  */
12256  if (accum->num_uncarried == 0)
12257  return;
12259  /*
12260  * We maintain that the weight of the accumulator is always one larger
12261  * than needed to hold the current value, before carrying, to make sure
12262  * there is enough space for the possible extra digit when carry is
12263  * propagated. We cannot expand the buffer here, unless we require
12264  * callers of accum_sum_final() to switch to the right memory context.
12265  */
12266  Assert(accum->pos_digits[0] == 0 && accum->neg_digits[0] == 0);
12268  ndigits = accum->ndigits;
12270  /* Propagate carry in the positive sum */
12271  dig = accum->pos_digits;
12272  carry = 0;
12273  for (i = ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
12274  {
12275  newdig = dig[i] + carry;
12276  if (newdig >= NBASE)
12277  {
12278  carry = newdig / NBASE;
12279  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
12280  }
12281  else
12282  carry = 0;
12283  dig[i] = newdig;
12284  }
12285  /* Did we use up the digit reserved for carry propagation? */
12286  if (newdig > 0)
12287  accum->have_carry_space = false;
12289  /* And the same for the negative sum */
12290  dig = accum->neg_digits;
12291  carry = 0;
12292  for (i = ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
12293  {
12294  newdig = dig[i] + carry;
12295  if (newdig >= NBASE)
12296  {
12297  carry = newdig / NBASE;
12298  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
12299  }
12300  else
12301  carry = 0;
12302  dig[i] = newdig;
12303  }
12304  if (newdig > 0)
12305  accum->have_carry_space = false;
12307  accum->num_uncarried = 0;
12308 }
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:858
bool have_carry_space
Definition: numeric.c:383

References Assert, NumericSumAccum::have_carry_space, i, NBASE, NumericSumAccum::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, NumericSumAccum::num_uncarried, and NumericSumAccum::pos_digits.

Referenced by accum_sum_add(), and accum_sum_final().

◆ accum_sum_combine()

static void accum_sum_combine ( NumericSumAccum accum,
NumericSumAccum accum2 

Definition at line 12474 of file numeric.c.

12475 {
12476  NumericVar tmp_var;
12478  init_var(&tmp_var);
12480  accum_sum_final(accum2, &tmp_var);
12481  accum_sum_add(accum, &tmp_var);
12483  free_var(&tmp_var);
12484 }
static void accum_sum_final(NumericSumAccum *accum, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:12406
static void free_var(NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:6973
static void accum_sum_add(NumericSumAccum *accum, const NumericVar *val)
Definition: numeric.c:12196
#define init_var(v)
Definition: numeric.c:491

References accum_sum_add(), accum_sum_final(), free_var(), and init_var.

Referenced by int8_avg_combine(), numeric_avg_combine(), numeric_combine(), and numeric_poly_combine().

◆ accum_sum_copy()

static void accum_sum_copy ( NumericSumAccum dst,
NumericSumAccum src 

Definition at line 12457 of file numeric.c.

12458 {
12459  dst->pos_digits = palloc(src->ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12460  dst->neg_digits = palloc(src->ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12462  memcpy(dst->pos_digits, src->pos_digits, src->ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12463  memcpy(dst->neg_digits, src->neg_digits, src->ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12464  dst->num_uncarried = src->num_uncarried;
12465  dst->ndigits = src->ndigits;
12466  dst->weight = src->weight;
12467  dst->dscale = src->dscale;
12468 }
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317

References NumericSumAccum::dscale, NumericSumAccum::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, NumericSumAccum::num_uncarried, palloc(), NumericSumAccum::pos_digits, and NumericSumAccum::weight.

Referenced by int8_avg_combine(), numeric_avg_combine(), numeric_combine(), and numeric_poly_combine().

◆ accum_sum_final()

static void accum_sum_final ( NumericSumAccum accum,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 12406 of file numeric.c.

12407 {
12408  int i;
12409  NumericVar pos_var;
12410  NumericVar neg_var;
12412  if (accum->ndigits == 0)
12413  {
12414  set_var_from_var(&const_zero, result);
12415  return;
12416  }
12418  /* Perform final carry */
12419  accum_sum_carry(accum);
12421  /* Create NumericVars representing the positive and negative sums */
12422  init_var(&pos_var);
12423  init_var(&neg_var);
12425  pos_var.ndigits = neg_var.ndigits = accum->ndigits;
12426  pos_var.weight = neg_var.weight = accum->weight;
12427  pos_var.dscale = neg_var.dscale = accum->dscale;
12428  pos_var.sign = NUMERIC_POS;
12429  neg_var.sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
12431  pos_var.buf = pos_var.digits = digitbuf_alloc(accum->ndigits);
12432  neg_var.buf = neg_var.digits = digitbuf_alloc(accum->ndigits);
12434  for (i = 0; i < accum->ndigits; i++)
12435  {
12436  Assert(accum->pos_digits[i] < NBASE);
12437  pos_var.digits[i] = (int16) accum->pos_digits[i];
12439  Assert(accum->neg_digits[i] < NBASE);
12440  neg_var.digits[i] = (int16) accum->neg_digits[i];
12441  }
12443  /* And add them together */
12444  add_var(&pos_var, &neg_var, result);
12446  /* Remove leading/trailing zeroes */
12447  strip_var(result);
12448 }
static void add_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:8435
Definition: numeric.c:166
#define digitbuf_alloc(ndigits)
Definition: numeric.c:483
static const NumericVar const_zero
Definition: numeric.c:422
static void set_var_from_var(const NumericVar *value, NumericVar *dest)
Definition: numeric.c:7472
static void strip_var(NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:12139
int ndigits
Definition: numeric.c:312
NumericDigit * digits
Definition: numeric.c:317
int dscale
Definition: numeric.c:315
int sign
Definition: numeric.c:314
NumericDigit * buf
Definition: numeric.c:316
int weight
Definition: numeric.c:313

References accum_sum_carry(), add_var(), Assert, NumericVar::buf, const_zero, digitbuf_alloc, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, NumericSumAccum::dscale, i, init_var, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericSumAccum::pos_digits, set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), NumericVar::weight, and NumericSumAccum::weight.

Referenced by accum_sum_combine(), int8_avg_serialize(), numeric_avg(), numeric_avg_serialize(), numeric_poly_serialize(), numeric_serialize(), numeric_stddev_internal(), and numeric_sum().

◆ accum_sum_rescale()

static void accum_sum_rescale ( NumericSumAccum accum,
const NumericVar val 

Definition at line 12317 of file numeric.c.

12318 {
12319  int old_weight = accum->weight;
12320  int old_ndigits = accum->ndigits;
12321  int accum_ndigits;
12322  int accum_weight;
12323  int accum_rscale;
12324  int val_rscale;
12326  accum_weight = old_weight;
12327  accum_ndigits = old_ndigits;
12329  /*
12330  * Does the new value have a larger weight? If so, enlarge the buffers,
12331  * and shift the existing value to the new weight, by adding leading
12332  * zeros.
12333  *
12334  * We enforce that the accumulator always has a weight one larger than
12335  * needed for the inputs, so that we have space for an extra digit at the
12336  * final carry-propagation phase, if necessary.
12337  */
12338  if (val->weight >= accum_weight)
12339  {
12340  accum_weight = val->weight + 1;
12341  accum_ndigits = accum_ndigits + (accum_weight - old_weight);
12342  }
12344  /*
12345  * Even though the new value is small, we might've used up the space
12346  * reserved for the carry digit in the last call to accum_sum_carry(). If
12347  * so, enlarge to make room for another one.
12348  */
12349  else if (!accum->have_carry_space)
12350  {
12351  accum_weight++;
12352  accum_ndigits++;
12353  }
12355  /* Is the new value wider on the right side? */
12356  accum_rscale = accum_ndigits - accum_weight - 1;
12357  val_rscale = val->ndigits - val->weight - 1;
12358  if (val_rscale > accum_rscale)
12359  accum_ndigits = accum_ndigits + (val_rscale - accum_rscale);
12361  if (accum_ndigits != old_ndigits ||
12362  accum_weight != old_weight)
12363  {
12364  int32 *new_pos_digits;
12365  int32 *new_neg_digits;
12366  int weightdiff;
12368  weightdiff = accum_weight - old_weight;
12370  new_pos_digits = palloc0(accum_ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12371  new_neg_digits = palloc0(accum_ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12373  if (accum->pos_digits)
12374  {
12375  memcpy(&new_pos_digits[weightdiff], accum->pos_digits,
12376  old_ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12377  pfree(accum->pos_digits);
12379  memcpy(&new_neg_digits[weightdiff], accum->neg_digits,
12380  old_ndigits * sizeof(int32));
12381  pfree(accum->neg_digits);
12382  }
12384  accum->pos_digits = new_pos_digits;
12385  accum->neg_digits = new_neg_digits;
12387  accum->weight = accum_weight;
12388  accum->ndigits = accum_ndigits;
12390  Assert(accum->pos_digits[0] == 0 && accum->neg_digits[0] == 0);
12391  accum->have_carry_space = true;
12392  }
12394  if (val->dscale > accum->dscale)
12395  accum->dscale = val->dscale;
12396 }
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347

References Assert, NumericSumAccum::dscale, NumericSumAccum::have_carry_space, NumericSumAccum::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, palloc0(), pfree(), NumericSumAccum::pos_digits, val, and NumericSumAccum::weight.

Referenced by accum_sum_add().

◆ accum_sum_reset()

static void accum_sum_reset ( NumericSumAccum accum)

Definition at line 12180 of file numeric.c.

12181 {
12182  int i;
12184  accum->dscale = 0;
12185  for (i = 0; i < accum->ndigits; i++)
12186  {
12187  accum->pos_digits[i] = 0;
12188  accum->neg_digits[i] = 0;
12189  }
12190 }

References NumericSumAccum::dscale, i, NumericSumAccum::ndigits, NumericSumAccum::neg_digits, and NumericSumAccum::pos_digits.

Referenced by do_numeric_discard().

◆ add_abs()

static void add_abs ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11804 of file numeric.c.

11805 {
11806  NumericDigit *res_buf;
11807  NumericDigit *res_digits;
11808  int res_ndigits;
11809  int res_weight;
11810  int res_rscale,
11811  rscale1,
11812  rscale2;
11813  int res_dscale;
11814  int i,
11815  i1,
11816  i2;
11817  int carry = 0;
11819  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in inner loop */
11820  int var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
11821  int var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
11822  NumericDigit *var1digits = var1->digits;
11823  NumericDigit *var2digits = var2->digits;
11825  res_weight = Max(var1->weight, var2->weight) + 1;
11827  res_dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
11829  /* Note: here we are figuring rscale in base-NBASE digits */
11830  rscale1 = var1->ndigits - var1->weight - 1;
11831  rscale2 = var2->ndigits - var2->weight - 1;
11832  res_rscale = Max(rscale1, rscale2);
11834  res_ndigits = res_rscale + res_weight + 1;
11835  if (res_ndigits <= 0)
11836  res_ndigits = 1;
11838  res_buf = digitbuf_alloc(res_ndigits + 1);
11839  res_buf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for later rounding */
11840  res_digits = res_buf + 1;
11842  i1 = res_rscale + var1->weight + 1;
11843  i2 = res_rscale + var2->weight + 1;
11844  for (i = res_ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
11845  {
11846  i1--;
11847  i2--;
11848  if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < var1ndigits)
11849  carry += var1digits[i1];
11850  if (i2 >= 0 && i2 < var2ndigits)
11851  carry += var2digits[i2];
11853  if (carry >= NBASE)
11854  {
11855  res_digits[i] = carry - NBASE;
11856  carry = 1;
11857  }
11858  else
11859  {
11860  res_digits[i] = carry;
11861  carry = 0;
11862  }
11863  }
11865  Assert(carry == 0); /* else we failed to allow for carry out */
11867  digitbuf_free(result->buf);
11868  result->ndigits = res_ndigits;
11869  result->buf = res_buf;
11870  result->digits = res_digits;
11871  result->weight = res_weight;
11872  result->dscale = res_dscale;
11874  /* Remove leading/trailing zeroes */
11875  strip_var(result);
11876 }
#define digitbuf_free(buf)
Definition: numeric.c:485
#define Max(x, y)
Definition: numeric.c:13

References Assert, NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, Max, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, strip_var(), and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by add_var(), and sub_var().

◆ add_var()

static void add_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 8435 of file numeric.c.

8436 {
8437  /*
8438  * Decide on the signs of the two variables what to do
8439  */
8440  if (var1->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8441  {
8442  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8443  {
8444  /*
8445  * Both are positive result = +(ABS(var1) + ABS(var2))
8446  */
8447  add_abs(var1, var2, result);
8448  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8449  }
8450  else
8451  {
8452  /*
8453  * var1 is positive, var2 is negative Must compare absolute values
8454  */
8455  switch (cmp_abs(var1, var2))
8456  {
8457  case 0:
8458  /* ----------
8459  * ABS(var1) == ABS(var2)
8460  * result = ZERO
8461  * ----------
8462  */
8463  zero_var(result);
8464  result->dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
8465  break;
8467  case 1:
8468  /* ----------
8469  * ABS(var1) > ABS(var2)
8470  * result = +(ABS(var1) - ABS(var2))
8471  * ----------
8472  */
8473  sub_abs(var1, var2, result);
8474  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8475  break;
8477  case -1:
8478  /* ----------
8479  * ABS(var1) < ABS(var2)
8480  * result = -(ABS(var2) - ABS(var1))
8481  * ----------
8482  */
8483  sub_abs(var2, var1, result);
8484  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8485  break;
8486  }
8487  }
8488  }
8489  else
8490  {
8491  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8492  {
8493  /* ----------
8494  * var1 is negative, var2 is positive
8495  * Must compare absolute values
8496  * ----------
8497  */
8498  switch (cmp_abs(var1, var2))
8499  {
8500  case 0:
8501  /* ----------
8502  * ABS(var1) == ABS(var2)
8503  * result = ZERO
8504  * ----------
8505  */
8506  zero_var(result);
8507  result->dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
8508  break;
8510  case 1:
8511  /* ----------
8512  * ABS(var1) > ABS(var2)
8513  * result = -(ABS(var1) - ABS(var2))
8514  * ----------
8515  */
8516  sub_abs(var1, var2, result);
8517  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8518  break;
8520  case -1:
8521  /* ----------
8522  * ABS(var1) < ABS(var2)
8523  * result = +(ABS(var2) - ABS(var1))
8524  * ----------
8525  */
8526  sub_abs(var2, var1, result);
8527  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8528  break;
8529  }
8530  }
8531  else
8532  {
8533  /* ----------
8534  * Both are negative
8535  * result = -(ABS(var1) + ABS(var2))
8536  * ----------
8537  */
8538  add_abs(var1, var2, result);
8539  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8540  }
8541  }
8542 }
static void sub_abs(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11889
static void add_abs(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11804
static void zero_var(NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:6989
static int cmp_abs(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
Definition: numeric.c:11726

References add_abs(), cmp_abs(), NumericVar::dscale, Max, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, sub_abs(), and zero_var().

Referenced by accum_sum_final(), ceil_var(), compute_bucket(), div_mod_var(), exp_var(), generate_series_step_numeric(), in_range_numeric_numeric(), ln_var(), numeric_add_opt_error(), numeric_inc(), random_var(), set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), sqrt_var(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ alloc_var()

static void alloc_var ( NumericVar var,
int  ndigits 

Definition at line 6957 of file numeric.c.

6958 {
6959  digitbuf_free(var->buf);
6960  var->buf = digitbuf_alloc(ndigits + 1);
6961  var->buf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for rounding */
6962  var->digits = var->buf + 1;
6963  var->ndigits = ndigits;
6964 }

References NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, and NumericVar::ndigits.

Referenced by div_var(), div_var_fast(), int64_to_numericvar(), mul_var(), numeric_recv(), numericvar_deserialize(), random_var(), set_var_from_num(), set_var_from_str(), and sqrt_var().

◆ apply_typmod()

static bool apply_typmod ( NumericVar var,
int32  typmod,
Node escontext 

Definition at line 7911 of file numeric.c.

7912 {
7913  int precision;
7914  int scale;
7915  int maxdigits;
7916  int ddigits;
7917  int i;
7919  /* Do nothing if we have an invalid typmod */
7920  if (!is_valid_numeric_typmod(typmod))
7921  return true;
7923  precision = numeric_typmod_precision(typmod);
7924  scale = numeric_typmod_scale(typmod);
7925  maxdigits = precision - scale;
7927  /* Round to target scale (and set var->dscale) */
7928  round_var(var, scale);
7930  /* but don't allow var->dscale to be negative */
7931  if (var->dscale < 0)
7932  var->dscale = 0;
7934  /*
7935  * Check for overflow - note we can't do this before rounding, because
7936  * rounding could raise the weight. Also note that the var's weight could
7937  * be inflated by leading zeroes, which will be stripped before storage
7938  * but perhaps might not have been yet. In any case, we must recognize a
7939  * true zero, whose weight doesn't mean anything.
7940  */
7941  ddigits = (var->weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS;
7942  if (ddigits > maxdigits)
7943  {
7944  /* Determine true weight; and check for all-zero result */
7945  for (i = 0; i < var->ndigits; i++)
7946  {
7947  NumericDigit dig = var->digits[i];
7949  if (dig)
7950  {
7951  /* Adjust for any high-order decimal zero digits */
7952 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
7953  if (dig < 10)
7954  ddigits -= 3;
7955  else if (dig < 100)
7956  ddigits -= 2;
7957  else if (dig < 1000)
7958  ddigits -= 1;
7959 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
7960  if (dig < 10)
7961  ddigits -= 1;
7962 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
7963  /* no adjustment */
7964 #else
7965 #error unsupported NBASE
7966 #endif
7967  if (ddigits > maxdigits)
7968  ereturn(escontext, false,
7970  errmsg("numeric field overflow"),
7971  errdetail("A field with precision %d, scale %d must round to an absolute value less than %s%d.",
7972  precision, scale,
7973  /* Display 10^0 as 1 */
7974  maxdigits ? "10^" : "",
7975  maxdigits ? maxdigits : 1
7976  )));
7977  break;
7978  }
7979  ddigits -= DEC_DIGITS;
7980  }
7981  }
7983  return true;
7984 }
static bool is_valid_numeric_typmod(int32 typmod)
Definition: numeric.c:916
static int numeric_typmod_scale(int32 typmod)
Definition: numeric.c:942
static int numeric_typmod_precision(int32 typmod)
Definition: numeric.c:927
static void round_var(NumericVar *var, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:11971
#define DEC_DIGITS
Definition: numeric.c:97
int errdetail(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1203
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ereturn(context, dummy_value,...)
Definition: elog.h:276
int maxdigits
Definition: informix.c:671

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, ereturn, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), i, is_valid_numeric_typmod(), maxdigits, NumericVar::ndigits, numeric_typmod_precision(), numeric_typmod_scale(), round_var(), scale, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric(), numeric_in(), and numeric_recv().

◆ apply_typmod_special()

static bool apply_typmod_special ( Numeric  num,
int32  typmod,
Node escontext 

Definition at line 7996 of file numeric.c.

7997 {
7998  int precision;
7999  int scale;
8001  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num)); /* caller error if not */
8003  /*
8004  * NaN is allowed regardless of the typmod; that's rather dubious perhaps,
8005  * but it's a longstanding behavior. Inf is rejected if we have any
8006  * typmod restriction, since an infinity shouldn't be claimed to fit in
8007  * any finite number of digits.
8008  */
8009  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
8010  return true;
8012  /* Do nothing if we have a default typmod (-1) */
8013  if (!is_valid_numeric_typmod(typmod))
8014  return true;
8016  precision = numeric_typmod_precision(typmod);
8017  scale = numeric_typmod_scale(typmod);
8019  ereturn(escontext, false,
8021  errmsg("numeric field overflow"),
8022  errdetail("A field with precision %d, scale %d cannot hold an infinite value.",
8023  precision, scale)));
8024 }
#define NUMERIC_IS_NAN(n)
Definition: numeric.c:203

References Assert, ereturn, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), is_valid_numeric_typmod(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_typmod_precision(), numeric_typmod_scale(), and scale.

Referenced by numeric(), numeric_in(), and numeric_recv().

◆ ceil_var()

static void ceil_var ( const NumericVar var,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 10165 of file numeric.c.

10166 {
10167  NumericVar tmp;
10169  init_var(&tmp);
10170  set_var_from_var(var, &tmp);
10172  trunc_var(&tmp, 0);
10174  if (var->sign == NUMERIC_POS && cmp_var(var, &tmp) != 0)
10175  add_var(&tmp, &const_one, &tmp);
10177  set_var_from_var(&tmp, result);
10178  free_var(&tmp);
10179 }
static void trunc_var(NumericVar *var, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:12077
static int cmp_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
Definition: numeric.c:8377
static const NumericVar const_one
Definition: numeric.c:426

References add_var(), cmp_var(), const_one, free_var(), init_var, NUMERIC_POS, set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, and trunc_var().

Referenced by numeric_ceil().

◆ cmp_abs()

static int cmp_abs ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2 

Definition at line 11726 of file numeric.c.

11727 {
11728  return cmp_abs_common(var1->digits, var1->ndigits, var1->weight,
11729  var2->digits, var2->ndigits, var2->weight);
11730 }
static int cmp_abs_common(const NumericDigit *var1digits, int var1ndigits, int var1weight, const NumericDigit *var2digits, int var2ndigits, int var2weight)
Definition: numeric.c:11740

References cmp_abs_common(), NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::ndigits, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by add_var(), div_mod_var(), gcd_var(), and sub_var().

◆ cmp_abs_common()

static int cmp_abs_common ( const NumericDigit var1digits,
int  var1ndigits,
int  var1weight,
const NumericDigit var2digits,
int  var2ndigits,
int  var2weight 

Definition at line 11740 of file numeric.c.

11742 {
11743  int i1 = 0;
11744  int i2 = 0;
11746  /* Check any digits before the first common digit */
11748  while (var1weight > var2weight && i1 < var1ndigits)
11749  {
11750  if (var1digits[i1++] != 0)
11751  return 1;
11752  var1weight--;
11753  }
11754  while (var2weight > var1weight && i2 < var2ndigits)
11755  {
11756  if (var2digits[i2++] != 0)
11757  return -1;
11758  var2weight--;
11759  }
11761  /* At this point, either w1 == w2 or we've run out of digits */
11763  if (var1weight == var2weight)
11764  {
11765  while (i1 < var1ndigits && i2 < var2ndigits)
11766  {
11767  int stat = var1digits[i1++] - var2digits[i2++];
11769  if (stat)
11770  {
11771  if (stat > 0)
11772  return 1;
11773  return -1;
11774  }
11775  }
11776  }
11778  /*
11779  * At this point, we've run out of digits on one side or the other; so any
11780  * remaining nonzero digits imply that side is larger
11781  */
11782  while (i1 < var1ndigits)
11783  {
11784  if (var1digits[i1++] != 0)
11785  return 1;
11786  }
11787  while (i2 < var2ndigits)
11788  {
11789  if (var2digits[i2++] != 0)
11790  return -1;
11791  }
11793  return 0;
11794 }

Referenced by cmp_abs(), and cmp_var_common().

◆ cmp_numerics()

static int cmp_numerics ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2 

Definition at line 2509 of file numeric.c.

2510 {
2511  int result;
2513  /*
2514  * We consider all NANs to be equal and larger than any non-NAN (including
2515  * Infinity). This is somewhat arbitrary; the important thing is to have
2516  * a consistent sort order.
2517  */
2518  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num1))
2519  {
2520  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1))
2521  {
2522  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
2523  result = 0; /* NAN = NAN */
2524  else
2525  result = 1; /* NAN > non-NAN */
2526  }
2527  else if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
2528  {
2529  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
2530  result = -1; /* PINF < NAN */
2531  else if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
2532  result = 0; /* PINF = PINF */
2533  else
2534  result = 1; /* PINF > anything else */
2535  }
2536  else /* num1 must be NINF */
2537  {
2538  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2))
2539  result = 0; /* NINF = NINF */
2540  else
2541  result = -1; /* NINF < anything else */
2542  }
2543  }
2544  else if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
2545  {
2546  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2))
2547  result = 1; /* normal > NINF */
2548  else
2549  result = -1; /* normal < NAN or PINF */
2550  }
2551  else
2552  {
2553  result = cmp_var_common(NUMERIC_DIGITS(num1), NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num1),
2556  NUMERIC_WEIGHT(num2), NUMERIC_SIGN(num2));
2557  }
2559  return result;
2560 }
#define NUMERIC_SIGN(n)
Definition: numeric.c:236
#define NUMERIC_IS_PINF(n)
Definition: numeric.c:204
#define NUMERIC_IS_NINF(n)
Definition: numeric.c:205
Definition: numeric.c:246
#define NUMERIC_DIGITS(num)
Definition: numeric.c:493
#define NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num)
Definition: numeric.c:495
static int cmp_var_common(const NumericDigit *var1digits, int var1ndigits, int var1weight, int var1sign, const NumericDigit *var2digits, int var2ndigits, int var2weight, int var2sign)
Definition: numeric.c:8392


Referenced by numeric_cmp(), numeric_eq(), numeric_fast_cmp(), numeric_ge(), numeric_gt(), numeric_larger(), numeric_le(), numeric_lt(), numeric_ne(), numeric_smaller(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ cmp_var()

static int cmp_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2 

◆ cmp_var_common()

static int cmp_var_common ( const NumericDigit var1digits,
int  var1ndigits,
int  var1weight,
int  var1sign,
const NumericDigit var2digits,
int  var2ndigits,
int  var2weight,
int  var2sign 

Definition at line 8392 of file numeric.c.

8396 {
8397  if (var1ndigits == 0)
8398  {
8399  if (var2ndigits == 0)
8400  return 0;
8401  if (var2sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
8402  return 1;
8403  return -1;
8404  }
8405  if (var2ndigits == 0)
8406  {
8407  if (var1sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8408  return 1;
8409  return -1;
8410  }
8412  if (var1sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8413  {
8414  if (var2sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
8415  return 1;
8416  return cmp_abs_common(var1digits, var1ndigits, var1weight,
8417  var2digits, var2ndigits, var2weight);
8418  }
8420  if (var2sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8421  return -1;
8423  return cmp_abs_common(var2digits, var2ndigits, var2weight,
8424  var1digits, var1ndigits, var1weight);
8425 }

References cmp_abs_common(), NUMERIC_NEG, and NUMERIC_POS.

Referenced by cmp_numerics(), and cmp_var().

◆ compute_bucket()

static void compute_bucket ( Numeric  operand,
Numeric  bound1,
Numeric  bound2,
const NumericVar count_var,
NumericVar result_var 

Definition at line 1934 of file numeric.c.

1936 {
1937  NumericVar bound1_var;
1938  NumericVar bound2_var;
1939  NumericVar operand_var;
1941  init_var_from_num(bound1, &bound1_var);
1942  init_var_from_num(bound2, &bound2_var);
1943  init_var_from_num(operand, &operand_var);
1945  /*
1946  * Per spec, bound1 is inclusive and bound2 is exclusive, and so we have
1947  * bound1 <= operand < bound2 or bound1 >= operand > bound2. Either way,
1948  * the result is ((operand - bound1) * count) / (bound2 - bound1) + 1,
1949  * where the quotient is computed using floor division (i.e., division to
1950  * zero decimal places with truncation), which guarantees that the result
1951  * is in the range [1, count]. Reversing the bounds doesn't affect the
1952  * computation, because the signs cancel out when dividing.
1953  */
1954  sub_var(&operand_var, &bound1_var, &operand_var);
1955  sub_var(&bound2_var, &bound1_var, &bound2_var);
1957  mul_var(&operand_var, count_var, &operand_var,
1958  operand_var.dscale + count_var->dscale);
1959  div_var(&operand_var, &bound2_var, result_var, 0, false);
1960  add_var(result_var, &const_one, result_var);
1962  free_var(&bound1_var);
1963  free_var(&bound2_var);
1964  free_var(&operand_var);
1965 }
static void sub_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:8552
static void init_var_from_num(Numeric num, NumericVar *dest)
Definition: numeric.c:7455
static void mul_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:8673
static void div_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
Definition: numeric.c:9097

References add_var(), const_one, div_var(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var_from_num(), mul_var(), and sub_var().

Referenced by width_bucket_numeric().

◆ div_mod_var()

static void div_mod_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar quot,
NumericVar rem 

Definition at line 10095 of file numeric.c.

10097 {
10098  NumericVar q;
10099  NumericVar r;
10101  init_var(&q);
10102  init_var(&r);
10104  /*
10105  * Use div_var_fast() to get an initial estimate for the integer quotient.
10106  * This might be inaccurate (per the warning in div_var_fast's comments),
10107  * but we can correct it below.
10108  */
10109  div_var_fast(var1, var2, &q, 0, false);
10111  /* Compute initial estimate of remainder using the quotient estimate. */
10112  mul_var(var2, &q, &r, var2->dscale);
10113  sub_var(var1, &r, &r);
10115  /*
10116  * Adjust the results if necessary --- the remainder should have the same
10117  * sign as var1, and its absolute value should be less than the absolute
10118  * value of var2.
10119  */
10120  while (r.ndigits != 0 && r.sign != var1->sign)
10121  {
10122  /* The absolute value of the quotient is too large */
10123  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
10124  {
10125  sub_var(&q, &const_one, &q);
10126  add_var(&r, var2, &r);
10127  }
10128  else
10129  {
10130  add_var(&q, &const_one, &q);
10131  sub_var(&r, var2, &r);
10132  }
10133  }
10135  while (cmp_abs(&r, var2) >= 0)
10136  {
10137  /* The absolute value of the quotient is too small */
10138  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
10139  {
10140  add_var(&q, &const_one, &q);
10141  sub_var(&r, var2, &r);
10142  }
10143  else
10144  {
10145  sub_var(&q, &const_one, &q);
10146  add_var(&r, var2, &r);
10147  }
10148  }
10150  set_var_from_var(&q, quot);
10151  set_var_from_var(&r, rem);
10153  free_var(&q);
10154  free_var(&r);
10155 }
static void div_var_fast(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
Definition: numeric.c:9405

References add_var(), cmp_abs(), const_one, div_var_fast(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, mul_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, and sub_var().

Referenced by sqrt_var().

◆ div_var()

static void div_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale,
bool  round 

Definition at line 9097 of file numeric.c.

9099 {
9100  int div_ndigits;
9101  int res_ndigits;
9102  int res_sign;
9103  int res_weight;
9104  int carry;
9105  int borrow;
9106  int divisor1;
9107  int divisor2;
9108  NumericDigit *dividend;
9109  NumericDigit *divisor;
9110  NumericDigit *res_digits;
9111  int i;
9112  int j;
9114  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in inner loop */
9115  int var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
9116  int var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
9118  /*
9119  * First of all division by zero check; we must not be handed an
9120  * unnormalized divisor.
9121  */
9122  if (var2ndigits == 0 || var2->digits[0] == 0)
9123  ereport(ERROR,
9125  errmsg("division by zero")));
9127  /*
9128  * If the divisor has just one or two digits, delegate to div_var_int(),
9129  * which uses fast short division.
9130  *
9131  * Similarly, on platforms with 128-bit integer support, delegate to
9132  * div_var_int64() for divisors with three or four digits.
9133  */
9134  if (var2ndigits <= 2)
9135  {
9136  int idivisor;
9137  int idivisor_weight;
9139  idivisor = var2->digits[0];
9140  idivisor_weight = var2->weight;
9141  if (var2ndigits == 2)
9142  {
9143  idivisor = idivisor * NBASE + var2->digits[1];
9144  idivisor_weight--;
9145  }
9146  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
9147  idivisor = -idivisor;
9149  div_var_int(var1, idivisor, idivisor_weight, result, rscale, round);
9150  return;
9151  }
9152 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
9153  if (var2ndigits <= 4)
9154  {
9155  int64 idivisor;
9156  int idivisor_weight;
9158  idivisor = var2->digits[0];
9159  idivisor_weight = var2->weight;
9160  for (i = 1; i < var2ndigits; i++)
9161  {
9162  idivisor = idivisor * NBASE + var2->digits[i];
9163  idivisor_weight--;
9164  }
9165  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
9166  idivisor = -idivisor;
9168  div_var_int64(var1, idivisor, idivisor_weight, result, rscale, round);
9169  return;
9170  }
9171 #endif
9173  /*
9174  * Otherwise, perform full long division.
9175  */
9177  /* Result zero check */
9178  if (var1ndigits == 0)
9179  {
9180  zero_var(result);
9181  result->dscale = rscale;
9182  return;
9183  }
9185  /*
9186  * Determine the result sign, weight and number of digits to calculate.
9187  * The weight figured here is correct if the emitted quotient has no
9188  * leading zero digits; otherwise strip_var() will fix things up.
9189  */
9190  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
9191  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
9192  else
9193  res_sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
9194  res_weight = var1->weight - var2->weight;
9195  /* The number of accurate result digits we need to produce: */
9196  res_ndigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
9197  /* ... but always at least 1 */
9198  res_ndigits = Max(res_ndigits, 1);
9199  /* If rounding needed, figure one more digit to ensure correct result */
9200  if (round)
9201  res_ndigits++;
9203  /*
9204  * The working dividend normally requires res_ndigits + var2ndigits
9205  * digits, but make it at least var1ndigits so we can load all of var1
9206  * into it. (There will be an additional digit dividend[0] in the
9207  * dividend space, but for consistency with Knuth's notation we don't
9208  * count that in div_ndigits.)
9209  */
9210  div_ndigits = res_ndigits + var2ndigits;
9211  div_ndigits = Max(div_ndigits, var1ndigits);
9213  /*
9214  * We need a workspace with room for the working dividend (div_ndigits+1
9215  * digits) plus room for the possibly-normalized divisor (var2ndigits
9216  * digits). It is convenient also to have a zero at divisor[0] with the
9217  * actual divisor data in divisor[1 .. var2ndigits]. Transferring the
9218  * digits into the workspace also allows us to realloc the result (which
9219  * might be the same as either input var) before we begin the main loop.
9220  * Note that we use palloc0 to ensure that divisor[0], dividend[0], and
9221  * any additional dividend positions beyond var1ndigits, start out 0.
9222  */
9223  dividend = (NumericDigit *)
9224  palloc0((div_ndigits + var2ndigits + 2) * sizeof(NumericDigit));
9225  divisor = dividend + (div_ndigits + 1);
9226  memcpy(dividend + 1, var1->digits, var1ndigits * sizeof(NumericDigit));
9227  memcpy(divisor + 1, var2->digits, var2ndigits * sizeof(NumericDigit));
9229  /*
9230  * Now we can realloc the result to hold the generated quotient digits.
9231  */
9232  alloc_var(result, res_ndigits);
9233  res_digits = result->digits;
9235  /*
9236  * The full multiple-place algorithm is taken from Knuth volume 2,
9237  * Algorithm 4.3.1D.
9238  *
9239  * We need the first divisor digit to be >= NBASE/2. If it isn't, make it
9240  * so by scaling up both the divisor and dividend by the factor "d". (The
9241  * reason for allocating dividend[0] above is to leave room for possible
9242  * carry here.)
9243  */
9244  if (divisor[1] < HALF_NBASE)
9245  {
9246  int d = NBASE / (divisor[1] + 1);
9248  carry = 0;
9249  for (i = var2ndigits; i > 0; i--)
9250  {
9251  carry += divisor[i] * d;
9252  divisor[i] = carry % NBASE;
9253  carry = carry / NBASE;
9254  }
9255  Assert(carry == 0);
9256  carry = 0;
9257  /* at this point only var1ndigits of dividend can be nonzero */
9258  for (i = var1ndigits; i >= 0; i--)
9259  {
9260  carry += dividend[i] * d;
9261  dividend[i] = carry % NBASE;
9262  carry = carry / NBASE;
9263  }
9264  Assert(carry == 0);
9265  Assert(divisor[1] >= HALF_NBASE);
9266  }
9267  /* First 2 divisor digits are used repeatedly in main loop */
9268  divisor1 = divisor[1];
9269  divisor2 = divisor[2];
9271  /*
9272  * Begin the main loop. Each iteration of this loop produces the j'th
9273  * quotient digit by dividing dividend[j .. j + var2ndigits] by the
9274  * divisor; this is essentially the same as the common manual procedure
9275  * for long division.
9276  */
9277  for (j = 0; j < res_ndigits; j++)
9278  {
9279  /* Estimate quotient digit from the first two dividend digits */
9280  int next2digits = dividend[j] * NBASE + dividend[j + 1];
9281  int qhat;
9283  /*
9284  * If next2digits are 0, then quotient digit must be 0 and there's no
9285  * need to adjust the working dividend. It's worth testing here to
9286  * fall out ASAP when processing trailing zeroes in a dividend.
9287  */
9288  if (next2digits == 0)
9289  {
9290  res_digits[j] = 0;
9291  continue;
9292  }
9294  if (dividend[j] == divisor1)
9295  qhat = NBASE - 1;
9296  else
9297  qhat = next2digits / divisor1;
9299  /*
9300  * Adjust quotient digit if it's too large. Knuth proves that after
9301  * this step, the quotient digit will be either correct or just one
9302  * too large. (Note: it's OK to use dividend[j+2] here because we
9303  * know the divisor length is at least 2.)
9304  */
9305  while (divisor2 * qhat >
9306  (next2digits - qhat * divisor1) * NBASE + dividend[j + 2])
9307  qhat--;
9309  /* As above, need do nothing more when quotient digit is 0 */
9310  if (qhat > 0)
9311  {
9312  NumericDigit *dividend_j = &dividend[j];
9314  /*
9315  * Multiply the divisor by qhat, and subtract that from the
9316  * working dividend. The multiplication and subtraction are
9317  * folded together here, noting that qhat <= NBASE (since it might
9318  * be one too large), and so the intermediate result "tmp_result"
9319  * is in the range [-NBASE^2, NBASE - 1], and "borrow" is in the
9320  * range [0, NBASE].
9321  */
9322  borrow = 0;
9323  for (i = var2ndigits; i >= 0; i--)
9324  {
9325  int tmp_result;
9327  tmp_result = dividend_j[i] - borrow - divisor[i] * qhat;
9328  borrow = (NBASE - 1 - tmp_result) / NBASE;
9329  dividend_j[i] = tmp_result + borrow * NBASE;
9330  }
9332  /*
9333  * If we got a borrow out of the top dividend digit, then indeed
9334  * qhat was one too large. Fix it, and add back the divisor to
9335  * correct the working dividend. (Knuth proves that this will
9336  * occur only about 3/NBASE of the time; hence, it's a good idea
9337  * to test this code with small NBASE to be sure this section gets
9338  * exercised.)
9339  */
9340  if (borrow)
9341  {
9342  qhat--;
9343  carry = 0;
9344  for (i = var2ndigits; i >= 0; i--)
9345  {
9346  carry += dividend_j[i] + divisor[i];
9347  if (carry >= NBASE)
9348  {
9349  dividend_j[i] = carry - NBASE;
9350  carry = 1;
9351  }
9352  else
9353  {
9354  dividend_j[i] = carry;
9355  carry = 0;
9356  }
9357  }
9358  /* A carry should occur here to cancel the borrow above */
9359  Assert(carry == 1);
9360  }
9361  }
9363  /* And we're done with this quotient digit */
9364  res_digits[j] = qhat;
9365  }
9367  pfree(dividend);
9369  /*
9370  * Finally, round or truncate the result to the requested precision.
9371  */
9372  result->weight = res_weight;
9373  result->sign = res_sign;
9375  /* Round or truncate to target rscale (and set result->dscale) */
9376  if (round)
9377  round_var(result, rscale);
9378  else
9379  trunc_var(result, rscale);
9381  /* Strip leading and trailing zeroes */
9382  strip_var(result);
9383 }
static void div_var_int(const NumericVar *var, int ival, int ival_weight, NumericVar *result, int rscale, bool round)
Definition: numeric.c:9769
static void alloc_var(NumericVar *var, int ndigits)
Definition: numeric.c:6957
#define HALF_NBASE
Definition: numeric.c:96
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
int j
Definition: isn.c:74

References alloc_var(), Assert, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, div_var_int(), NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, HALF_NBASE, i, j, Max, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, palloc0(), pfree(), round_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), trunc_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by compute_bucket(), get_str_from_var_sci(), mod_var(), numeric_div_opt_error(), numeric_div_trunc(), numeric_lcm(), numeric_stddev_internal(), and power_var_int().

◆ div_var_fast()

static void div_var_fast ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale,
bool  round 

Definition at line 9405 of file numeric.c.

9407 {
9408  int div_ndigits;
9409  int load_ndigits;
9410  int res_sign;
9411  int res_weight;
9412  int *div;
9413  int qdigit;
9414  int carry;
9415  int maxdiv;
9416  int newdig;
9417  NumericDigit *res_digits;
9418  double fdividend,
9419  fdivisor,
9420  fdivisorinverse,
9421  fquotient;
9422  int qi;
9423  int i;
9425  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in inner loop */
9426  int var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
9427  int var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
9428  NumericDigit *var1digits = var1->digits;
9429  NumericDigit *var2digits = var2->digits;
9431  /*
9432  * First of all division by zero check; we must not be handed an
9433  * unnormalized divisor.
9434  */
9435  if (var2ndigits == 0 || var2digits[0] == 0)
9436  ereport(ERROR,
9438  errmsg("division by zero")));
9440  /*
9441  * If the divisor has just one or two digits, delegate to div_var_int(),
9442  * which uses fast short division.
9443  *
9444  * Similarly, on platforms with 128-bit integer support, delegate to
9445  * div_var_int64() for divisors with three or four digits.
9446  */
9447  if (var2ndigits <= 2)
9448  {
9449  int idivisor;
9450  int idivisor_weight;
9452  idivisor = var2->digits[0];
9453  idivisor_weight = var2->weight;
9454  if (var2ndigits == 2)
9455  {
9456  idivisor = idivisor * NBASE + var2->digits[1];
9457  idivisor_weight--;
9458  }
9459  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
9460  idivisor = -idivisor;
9462  div_var_int(var1, idivisor, idivisor_weight, result, rscale, round);
9463  return;
9464  }
9465 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
9466  if (var2ndigits <= 4)
9467  {
9468  int64 idivisor;
9469  int idivisor_weight;
9471  idivisor = var2->digits[0];
9472  idivisor_weight = var2->weight;
9473  for (i = 1; i < var2ndigits; i++)
9474  {
9475  idivisor = idivisor * NBASE + var2->digits[i];
9476  idivisor_weight--;
9477  }
9478  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
9479  idivisor = -idivisor;
9481  div_var_int64(var1, idivisor, idivisor_weight, result, rscale, round);
9482  return;
9483  }
9484 #endif
9486  /*
9487  * Otherwise, perform full long division.
9488  */
9490  /* Result zero check */
9491  if (var1ndigits == 0)
9492  {
9493  zero_var(result);
9494  result->dscale = rscale;
9495  return;
9496  }
9498  /*
9499  * Determine the result sign, weight and number of digits to calculate
9500  */
9501  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
9502  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
9503  else
9504  res_sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
9505  res_weight = var1->weight - var2->weight + 1;
9506  /* The number of accurate result digits we need to produce: */
9507  div_ndigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
9508  /* Add guard digits for roundoff error */
9509  div_ndigits += DIV_GUARD_DIGITS;
9510  if (div_ndigits < DIV_GUARD_DIGITS)
9511  div_ndigits = DIV_GUARD_DIGITS;
9513  /*
9514  * We do the arithmetic in an array "div[]" of signed int's. Since
9515  * INT_MAX is noticeably larger than NBASE*NBASE, this gives us headroom
9516  * to avoid normalizing carries immediately.
9517  *
9518  * We start with div[] containing one zero digit followed by the
9519  * dividend's digits (plus appended zeroes to reach the desired precision
9520  * including guard digits). Each step of the main loop computes an
9521  * (approximate) quotient digit and stores it into div[], removing one
9522  * position of dividend space. A final pass of carry propagation takes
9523  * care of any mistaken quotient digits.
9524  *
9525  * Note that div[] doesn't necessarily contain all of the digits from the
9526  * dividend --- the desired precision plus guard digits might be less than
9527  * the dividend's precision. This happens, for example, in the square
9528  * root algorithm, where we typically divide a 2N-digit number by an
9529  * N-digit number, and only require a result with N digits of precision.
9530  */
9531  div = (int *) palloc0((div_ndigits + 1) * sizeof(int));
9532  load_ndigits = Min(div_ndigits, var1ndigits);
9533  for (i = 0; i < load_ndigits; i++)
9534  div[i + 1] = var1digits[i];
9536  /*
9537  * We estimate each quotient digit using floating-point arithmetic, taking
9538  * the first four digits of the (current) dividend and divisor. This must
9539  * be float to avoid overflow. The quotient digits will generally be off
9540  * by no more than one from the exact answer.
9541  */
9542  fdivisor = (double) var2digits[0];
9543  for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
9544  {
9545  fdivisor *= NBASE;
9546  if (i < var2ndigits)
9547  fdivisor += (double) var2digits[i];
9548  }
9549  fdivisorinverse = 1.0 / fdivisor;
9551  /*
9552  * maxdiv tracks the maximum possible absolute value of any div[] entry;
9553  * when this threatens to exceed INT_MAX, we take the time to propagate
9554  * carries. Furthermore, we need to ensure that overflow doesn't occur
9555  * during the carry propagation passes either. The carry values may have
9556  * an absolute value as high as INT_MAX/NBASE + 1, so really we must
9557  * normalize when digits threaten to exceed INT_MAX - INT_MAX/NBASE - 1.
9558  *
9559  * To avoid overflow in maxdiv itself, it represents the max absolute
9560  * value divided by NBASE-1, ie, at the top of the loop it is known that
9561  * no div[] entry has an absolute value exceeding maxdiv * (NBASE-1).
9562  *
9563  * Actually, though, that holds good only for div[] entries after div[qi];
9564  * the adjustment done at the bottom of the loop may cause div[qi + 1] to
9565  * exceed the maxdiv limit, so that div[qi] in the next iteration is
9566  * beyond the limit. This does not cause problems, as explained below.
9567  */
9568  maxdiv = 1;
9570  /*
9571  * Outer loop computes next quotient digit, which will go into div[qi]
9572  */
9573  for (qi = 0; qi < div_ndigits; qi++)
9574  {
9575  /* Approximate the current dividend value */
9576  fdividend = (double) div[qi];
9577  for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
9578  {
9579  fdividend *= NBASE;
9580  if (qi + i <= div_ndigits)
9581  fdividend += (double) div[qi + i];
9582  }
9583  /* Compute the (approximate) quotient digit */
9584  fquotient = fdividend * fdivisorinverse;
9585  qdigit = (fquotient >= 0.0) ? ((int) fquotient) :
9586  (((int) fquotient) - 1); /* truncate towards -infinity */
9588  if (qdigit != 0)
9589  {
9590  /* Do we need to normalize now? */
9591  maxdiv += abs(qdigit);
9592  if (maxdiv > (INT_MAX - INT_MAX / NBASE - 1) / (NBASE - 1))
9593  {
9594  /*
9595  * Yes, do it. Note that if var2ndigits is much smaller than
9596  * div_ndigits, we can save a significant amount of effort
9597  * here by noting that we only need to normalise those div[]
9598  * entries touched where prior iterations subtracted multiples
9599  * of the divisor.
9600  */
9601  carry = 0;
9602  for (i = Min(qi + var2ndigits - 2, div_ndigits); i > qi; i--)
9603  {
9604  newdig = div[i] + carry;
9605  if (newdig < 0)
9606  {
9607  carry = -((-newdig - 1) / NBASE) - 1;
9608  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
9609  }
9610  else if (newdig >= NBASE)
9611  {
9612  carry = newdig / NBASE;
9613  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
9614  }
9615  else
9616  carry = 0;
9617  div[i] = newdig;
9618  }
9619  newdig = div[qi] + carry;
9620  div[qi] = newdig;
9622  /*
9623  * All the div[] digits except possibly div[qi] are now in the
9624  * range 0..NBASE-1. We do not need to consider div[qi] in
9625  * the maxdiv value anymore, so we can reset maxdiv to 1.
9626  */
9627  maxdiv = 1;
9629  /*
9630  * Recompute the quotient digit since new info may have
9631  * propagated into the top four dividend digits
9632  */
9633  fdividend = (double) div[qi];
9634  for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
9635  {
9636  fdividend *= NBASE;
9637  if (qi + i <= div_ndigits)
9638  fdividend += (double) div[qi + i];
9639  }
9640  /* Compute the (approximate) quotient digit */
9641  fquotient = fdividend * fdivisorinverse;
9642  qdigit = (fquotient >= 0.0) ? ((int) fquotient) :
9643  (((int) fquotient) - 1); /* truncate towards -infinity */
9644  maxdiv += abs(qdigit);
9645  }
9647  /*
9648  * Subtract off the appropriate multiple of the divisor.
9649  *
9650  * The digits beyond div[qi] cannot overflow, because we know they
9651  * will fall within the maxdiv limit. As for div[qi] itself, note
9652  * that qdigit is approximately trunc(div[qi] / vardigits[0]),
9653  * which would make the new value simply div[qi] mod vardigits[0].
9654  * The lower-order terms in qdigit can change this result by not
9655  * more than about twice INT_MAX/NBASE, so overflow is impossible.
9656  *
9657  * This inner loop is the performance bottleneck for division, so
9658  * code it in the same way as the inner loop of mul_var() so that
9659  * it can be auto-vectorized. We cast qdigit to NumericDigit
9660  * before multiplying to allow the compiler to generate more
9661  * efficient code (using 16-bit multiplication), which is safe
9662  * since we know that the quotient digit is off by at most one, so
9663  * there is no overflow risk.
9664  */
9665  if (qdigit != 0)
9666  {
9667  int istop = Min(var2ndigits, div_ndigits - qi + 1);
9668  int *div_qi = &div[qi];
9670  for (i = 0; i < istop; i++)
9671  div_qi[i] -= ((NumericDigit) qdigit) * var2digits[i];
9672  }
9673  }
9675  /*
9676  * The dividend digit we are about to replace might still be nonzero.
9677  * Fold it into the next digit position.
9678  *
9679  * There is no risk of overflow here, although proving that requires
9680  * some care. Much as with the argument for div[qi] not overflowing,
9681  * if we consider the first two terms in the numerator and denominator
9682  * of qdigit, we can see that the final value of div[qi + 1] will be
9683  * approximately a remainder mod (vardigits[0]*NBASE + vardigits[1]).
9684  * Accounting for the lower-order terms is a bit complicated but ends
9685  * up adding not much more than INT_MAX/NBASE to the possible range.
9686  * Thus, div[qi + 1] cannot overflow here, and in its role as div[qi]
9687  * in the next loop iteration, it can't be large enough to cause
9688  * overflow in the carry propagation step (if any), either.
9689  *
9690  * But having said that: div[qi] can be more than INT_MAX/NBASE, as
9691  * noted above, which means that the product div[qi] * NBASE *can*
9692  * overflow. When that happens, adding it to div[qi + 1] will always
9693  * cause a canceling overflow so that the end result is correct. We
9694  * could avoid the intermediate overflow by doing the multiplication
9695  * and addition in int64 arithmetic, but so far there appears no need.
9696  */
9697  div[qi + 1] += div[qi] * NBASE;
9699  div[qi] = qdigit;
9700  }
9702  /*
9703  * Approximate and store the last quotient digit (div[div_ndigits])
9704  */
9705  fdividend = (double) div[qi];
9706  for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
9707  fdividend *= NBASE;
9708  fquotient = fdividend * fdivisorinverse;
9709  qdigit = (fquotient >= 0.0) ? ((int) fquotient) :
9710  (((int) fquotient) - 1); /* truncate towards -infinity */
9711  div[qi] = qdigit;
9713  /*
9714  * Because the quotient digits might be off by one, some of them might be
9715  * -1 or NBASE at this point. The represented value is correct in a
9716  * mathematical sense, but it doesn't look right. We do a final carry
9717  * propagation pass to normalize the digits, which we combine with storing
9718  * the result digits into the output. Note that this is still done at
9719  * full precision w/guard digits.
9720  */
9721  alloc_var(result, div_ndigits + 1);
9722  res_digits = result->digits;
9723  carry = 0;
9724  for (i = div_ndigits; i >= 0; i--)
9725  {
9726  newdig = div[i] + carry;
9727  if (newdig < 0)
9728  {
9729  carry = -((-newdig - 1) / NBASE) - 1;
9730  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
9731  }
9732  else if (newdig >= NBASE)
9733  {
9734  carry = newdig / NBASE;
9735  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
9736  }
9737  else
9738  carry = 0;
9739  res_digits[i] = newdig;
9740  }
9741  Assert(carry == 0);
9743  pfree(div);
9745  /*
9746  * Finally, round the result to the requested precision.
9747  */
9748  result->weight = res_weight;
9749  result->sign = res_sign;
9751  /* Round to target rscale (and set result->dscale) */
9752  if (round)
9753  round_var(result, rscale);
9754  else
9755  trunc_var(result, rscale);
9757  /* Strip leading and trailing zeroes */
9758  strip_var(result);
9759 }
Definition: numeric.c:99
#define Min(x, y)
Definition: numeric.c:14

References alloc_var(), Assert, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, DIV_GUARD_DIGITS, div_var_int(), NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, i, Min, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, palloc0(), pfree(), round_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), trunc_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by div_mod_var(), ln_var(), log_var(), and power_var_int().

◆ div_var_int()

static void div_var_int ( const NumericVar var,
int  ival,
int  ival_weight,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale,
bool  round 

Definition at line 9769 of file numeric.c.

9771 {
9772  NumericDigit *var_digits = var->digits;
9773  int var_ndigits = var->ndigits;
9774  int res_sign;
9775  int res_weight;
9776  int res_ndigits;
9777  NumericDigit *res_buf;
9778  NumericDigit *res_digits;
9779  uint32 divisor;
9780  int i;
9782  /* Guard against division by zero */
9783  if (ival == 0)
9784  ereport(ERROR,
9786  errmsg("division by zero"));
9788  /* Result zero check */
9789  if (var_ndigits == 0)
9790  {
9791  zero_var(result);
9792  result->dscale = rscale;
9793  return;
9794  }
9796  /*
9797  * Determine the result sign, weight and number of digits to calculate.
9798  * The weight figured here is correct if the emitted quotient has no
9799  * leading zero digits; otherwise strip_var() will fix things up.
9800  */
9801  if (var->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
9802  res_sign = ival > 0 ? NUMERIC_POS : NUMERIC_NEG;
9803  else
9804  res_sign = ival > 0 ? NUMERIC_NEG : NUMERIC_POS;
9805  res_weight = var->weight - ival_weight;
9806  /* The number of accurate result digits we need to produce: */
9807  res_ndigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
9808  /* ... but always at least 1 */
9809  res_ndigits = Max(res_ndigits, 1);
9810  /* If rounding needed, figure one more digit to ensure correct result */
9811  if (round)
9812  res_ndigits++;
9814  res_buf = digitbuf_alloc(res_ndigits + 1);
9815  res_buf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for later rounding */
9816  res_digits = res_buf + 1;
9818  /*
9819  * Now compute the quotient digits. This is the short division algorithm
9820  * described in Knuth volume 2, section 4.3.1 exercise 16, except that we
9821  * allow the divisor to exceed the internal base.
9822  *
9823  * In this algorithm, the carry from one digit to the next is at most
9824  * divisor - 1. Therefore, while processing the next digit, carry may
9825  * become as large as divisor * NBASE - 1, and so it requires a 64-bit
9826  * integer if this exceeds UINT_MAX.
9827  */
9828  divisor = abs(ival);
9830  if (divisor <= UINT_MAX / NBASE)
9831  {
9832  /* carry cannot overflow 32 bits */
9833  uint32 carry = 0;
9835  for (i = 0; i < res_ndigits; i++)
9836  {
9837  carry = carry * NBASE + (i < var_ndigits ? var_digits[i] : 0);
9838  res_digits[i] = (NumericDigit) (carry / divisor);
9839  carry = carry % divisor;
9840  }
9841  }
9842  else
9843  {
9844  /* carry may exceed 32 bits */
9845  uint64 carry = 0;
9847  for (i = 0; i < res_ndigits; i++)
9848  {
9849  carry = carry * NBASE + (i < var_ndigits ? var_digits[i] : 0);
9850  res_digits[i] = (NumericDigit) (carry / divisor);
9851  carry = carry % divisor;
9852  }
9853  }
9855  /* Store the quotient in result */
9856  digitbuf_free(result->buf);
9857  result->ndigits = res_ndigits;
9858  result->buf = res_buf;
9859  result->digits = res_digits;
9860  result->weight = res_weight;
9861  result->sign = res_sign;
9863  /* Round or truncate to target rscale (and set result->dscale) */
9864  if (round)
9865  round_var(result, rscale);
9866  else
9867  trunc_var(result, rscale);
9869  /* Strip leading/trailing zeroes */
9870  strip_var(result);
9871 }
unsigned int uint32
Definition: c.h:506

References NumericVar::buf, DEC_DIGITS, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, i, Max, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, round_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), trunc_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by div_var(), div_var_fast(), exp_var(), and ln_var().

◆ do_numeric_accum()

static void do_numeric_accum ( NumericAggState state,
Numeric  newval 

Definition at line 4861 of file numeric.c.

4862 {
4863  NumericVar X;
4864  NumericVar X2;
4865  MemoryContext old_context;
4867  /* Count NaN/infinity inputs separately from all else */
4869  {
4870  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(newval))
4871  state->pInfcount++;
4872  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(newval))
4873  state->nInfcount++;
4874  else
4875  state->NaNcount++;
4876  return;
4877  }
4879  /* load processed number in short-lived context */
4882  /*
4883  * Track the highest input dscale that we've seen, to support inverse
4884  * transitions (see do_numeric_discard).
4885  */
4886  if (X.dscale > state->maxScale)
4887  {
4888  state->maxScale = X.dscale;
4889  state->maxScaleCount = 1;
4890  }
4891  else if (X.dscale == state->maxScale)
4892  state->maxScaleCount++;
4894  /* if we need X^2, calculate that in short-lived context */
4895  if (state->calcSumX2)
4896  {
4897  init_var(&X2);
4898  mul_var(&X, &X, &X2, X.dscale * 2);
4899  }
4901  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
4902  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(state->agg_context);
4904  state->N++;
4906  /* Accumulate sums */
4907  accum_sum_add(&(state->sumX), &X);
4909  if (state->calcSumX2)
4910  accum_sum_add(&(state->sumX2), &X2);
4912  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
4913 }
#define newval
Definition: regguts.h:323

References accum_sum_add(), NumericVar::dscale, init_var, init_var_from_num(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), mul_var(), newval, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, and NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL.

Referenced by int2_accum(), int4_accum(), int8_accum(), int8_avg_accum(), numeric_accum(), and numeric_avg_accum().

◆ do_numeric_discard()

static bool do_numeric_discard ( NumericAggState state,
Numeric  newval 

Definition at line 4931 of file numeric.c.

4932 {
4933  NumericVar X;
4934  NumericVar X2;
4935  MemoryContext old_context;
4937  /* Count NaN/infinity inputs separately from all else */
4939  {
4940  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(newval))
4941  state->pInfcount--;
4942  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(newval))
4943  state->nInfcount--;
4944  else
4945  state->NaNcount--;
4946  return true;
4947  }
4949  /* load processed number in short-lived context */
4952  /*
4953  * state->sumX's dscale is the maximum dscale of any of the inputs.
4954  * Removing the last input with that dscale would require us to recompute
4955  * the maximum dscale of the *remaining* inputs, which we cannot do unless
4956  * no more non-NaN inputs remain at all. So we report a failure instead,
4957  * and force the aggregation to be redone from scratch.
4958  */
4959  if (X.dscale == state->maxScale)
4960  {
4961  if (state->maxScaleCount > 1 || state->maxScale == 0)
4962  {
4963  /*
4964  * Some remaining inputs have same dscale, or dscale hasn't gotten
4965  * above zero anyway
4966  */
4967  state->maxScaleCount--;
4968  }
4969  else if (state->N == 1)
4970  {
4971  /* No remaining non-NaN inputs at all, so reset maxScale */
4972  state->maxScale = 0;
4973  state->maxScaleCount = 0;
4974  }
4975  else
4976  {
4977  /* Correct new maxScale is uncertain, must fail */
4978  return false;
4979  }
4980  }
4982  /* if we need X^2, calculate that in short-lived context */
4983  if (state->calcSumX2)
4984  {
4985  init_var(&X2);
4986  mul_var(&X, &X, &X2, X.dscale * 2);
4987  }
4989  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
4990  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(state->agg_context);
4992  if (state->N-- > 1)
4993  {
4994  /* Negate X, to subtract it from the sum */
4995  X.sign = (X.sign == NUMERIC_POS ? NUMERIC_NEG : NUMERIC_POS);
4996  accum_sum_add(&(state->sumX), &X);
4998  if (state->calcSumX2)
4999  {
5000  /* Negate X^2. X^2 is always positive */
5001  X2.sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
5002  accum_sum_add(&(state->sumX2), &X2);
5003  }
5004  }
5005  else
5006  {
5007  /* Zero the sums */
5008  Assert(state->N == 0);
5010  accum_sum_reset(&state->sumX);
5011  if (state->calcSumX2)
5012  accum_sum_reset(&state->sumX2);
5013  }
5015  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5017  return true;
5018 }
static void accum_sum_reset(NumericSumAccum *accum)
Definition: numeric.c:12180

References accum_sum_add(), accum_sum_reset(), Assert, NumericVar::dscale, init_var, init_var_from_num(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), mul_var(), newval, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, and NumericVar::sign.

Referenced by int2_accum_inv(), int4_accum_inv(), int8_accum_inv(), int8_avg_accum_inv(), and numeric_accum_inv().

◆ duplicate_numeric()

static Numeric duplicate_numeric ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 7767 of file numeric.c.

7768 {
7769  Numeric res;
7771  res = (Numeric) palloc(VARSIZE(num));
7772  memcpy(res, num, VARSIZE(num));
7773  return res;
7774 }
struct NumericData * Numeric
Definition: numeric.h:54
#define VARSIZE(PTR)
Definition: varatt.h:279

References palloc(), res, and VARSIZE.

Referenced by numeric(), numeric_abs(), numeric_ceil(), numeric_exp(), numeric_floor(), numeric_inc(), numeric_ln(), numeric_mod_opt_error(), numeric_round(), numeric_sqrt(), numeric_trim_scale(), numeric_trunc(), numeric_uminus(), and numeric_uplus().

◆ estimate_ln_dweight()

static int estimate_ln_dweight ( const NumericVar var)

Definition at line 10891 of file numeric.c.

10892 {
10893  int ln_dweight;
10895  /* Caller should fail on ln(negative), but for the moment return zero */
10896  if (var->sign != NUMERIC_POS)
10897  return 0;
10899  if (cmp_var(var, &const_zero_point_nine) >= 0 &&
10900  cmp_var(var, &const_one_point_one) <= 0)
10901  {
10902  /*
10903  * 0.9 <= var <= 1.1
10904  *
10905  * ln(var) has a negative weight (possibly very large). To get a
10906  * reasonably accurate result, estimate it using ln(1+x) ~= x.
10907  */
10908  NumericVar x;
10910  init_var(&x);
10911  sub_var(var, &const_one, &x);
10913  if (x.ndigits > 0)
10914  {
10915  /* Use weight of most significant decimal digit of x */
10916  ln_dweight = x.weight * DEC_DIGITS + (int) log10(x.digits[0]);
10917  }
10918  else
10919  {
10920  /* x = 0. Since ln(1) = 0 exactly, we don't need extra digits */
10921  ln_dweight = 0;
10922  }
10924  free_var(&x);
10925  }
10926  else
10927  {
10928  /*
10929  * Estimate the logarithm using the first couple of digits from the
10930  * input number. This will give an accurate result whenever the input
10931  * is not too close to 1.
10932  */
10933  if (var->ndigits > 0)
10934  {
10935  int digits;
10936  int dweight;
10937  double ln_var;
10939  digits = var->digits[0];
10940  dweight = var->weight * DEC_DIGITS;
10942  if (var->ndigits > 1)
10943  {
10944  digits = digits * NBASE + var->digits[1];
10945  dweight -= DEC_DIGITS;
10946  }
10948  /*----------
10949  * We have var ~= digits * 10^dweight
10950  * so ln(var) ~= ln(digits) + dweight * ln(10)
10951  *----------
10952  */
10953  ln_var = log((double) digits) + dweight * 2.302585092994046;
10954  ln_dweight = (int) log10(fabs(ln_var));
10955  }
10956  else
10957  {
10958  /* Caller should fail on ln(0), but for the moment return zero */
10959  ln_dweight = 0;
10960  }
10961  }
10963  return ln_dweight;
10964 }
static const NumericVar const_zero_point_nine
Definition: numeric.c:443
static const NumericVar const_one_point_one
Definition: numeric.c:453
static void ln_var(const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:10973
int digits
Definition: informix.c:672
int x
Definition: isn.c:71

References cmp_var(), const_one, const_one_point_one, const_zero_point_nine, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, digits, free_var(), init_var, ln_var(), NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, sub_var(), NumericVar::weight, and x.

Referenced by log_var(), numeric_ln(), and power_var().

◆ exp_var()

static void exp_var ( const NumericVar arg,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 10762 of file numeric.c.

10763 {
10764  NumericVar x;
10765  NumericVar elem;
10766  int ni;
10767  double val;
10768  int dweight;
10769  int ndiv2;
10770  int sig_digits;
10771  int local_rscale;
10773  init_var(&x);
10774  init_var(&elem);
10776  set_var_from_var(arg, &x);
10778  /*
10779  * Estimate the dweight of the result using floating point arithmetic, so
10780  * that we can choose an appropriate local rscale for the calculation.
10781  */
10784  /* Guard against overflow/underflow */
10785  /* If you change this limit, see also power_var()'s limit */
10786  if (fabs(val) >= NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE * 3)
10787  {
10788  if (val > 0)
10789  ereport(ERROR,
10791  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
10792  zero_var(result);
10793  result->dscale = rscale;
10794  return;
10795  }
10797  /* decimal weight = log10(e^x) = x * log10(e) */
10798  dweight = (int) (val * 0.434294481903252);
10800  /*
10801  * Reduce x to the range -0.01 <= x <= 0.01 (approximately) by dividing by
10802  * 2^ndiv2, to improve the convergence rate of the Taylor series.
10803  *
10804  * Note that the overflow check above ensures that fabs(x) < 6000, which
10805  * means that ndiv2 <= 20 here.
10806  */
10807  if (fabs(val) > 0.01)
10808  {
10809  ndiv2 = 1;
10810  val /= 2;
10812  while (fabs(val) > 0.01)
10813  {
10814  ndiv2++;
10815  val /= 2;
10816  }
10818  local_rscale = x.dscale + ndiv2;
10819  div_var_int(&x, 1 << ndiv2, 0, &x, local_rscale, true);
10820  }
10821  else
10822  ndiv2 = 0;
10824  /*
10825  * Set the scale for the Taylor series expansion. The final result has
10826  * (dweight + rscale + 1) significant digits. In addition, we have to
10827  * raise the Taylor series result to the power 2^ndiv2, which introduces
10828  * an error of up to around log10(2^ndiv2) digits, so work with this many
10829  * extra digits of precision (plus a few more for good measure).
10830  */
10831  sig_digits = 1 + dweight + rscale + (int) (ndiv2 * 0.301029995663981);
10832  sig_digits = Max(sig_digits, 0) + 8;
10834  local_rscale = sig_digits - 1;
10836  /*
10837  * Use the Taylor series
10838  *
10839  * exp(x) = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ...
10840  *
10841  * Given the limited range of x, this should converge reasonably quickly.
10842  * We run the series until the terms fall below the local_rscale limit.
10843  */
10844  add_var(&const_one, &x, result);
10846  mul_var(&x, &x, &elem, local_rscale);
10847  ni = 2;
10848  div_var_int(&elem, ni, 0, &elem, local_rscale, true);
10850  while (elem.ndigits != 0)
10851  {
10852  add_var(result, &elem, result);
10854  mul_var(&elem, &x, &elem, local_rscale);
10855  ni++;
10856  div_var_int(&elem, ni, 0, &elem, local_rscale, true);
10857  }
10859  /*
10860  * Compensate for the argument range reduction. Since the weight of the
10861  * result doubles with each multiplication, we can reduce the local rscale
10862  * as we proceed.
10863  */
10864  while (ndiv2-- > 0)
10865  {
10866  local_rscale = sig_digits - result->weight * 2 * DEC_DIGITS;
10867  local_rscale = Max(local_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
10868  mul_var(result, result, result, local_rscale);
10869  }
10871  /* Round to requested rscale */
10872  round_var(result, rscale);
10874  free_var(&x);
10875  free_var(&elem);
10876 }
static double numericvar_to_double_no_overflow(const NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:8345
Definition: numeric.h:43
Definition: numeric.h:41
void * arg

References add_var(), arg, const_one, DEC_DIGITS, div_var_int(), NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, Max, mul_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, numericvar_to_double_no_overflow(), round_var(), set_var_from_var(), val, NumericVar::weight, x, and zero_var().

Referenced by numeric_exp(), and power_var().

◆ float4_numeric()

Datum float4_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4691 of file numeric.c.

4692 {
4694  Numeric res;
4695  NumericVar result;
4696  char buf[FLT_DIG + 100];
4697  const char *endptr;
4699  if (isnan(val))
4702  if (isinf(val))
4703  {
4704  if (val < 0)
4706  else
4708  }
4710  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*g", FLT_DIG, val);
4712  init_var(&result);
4714  /* Assume we need not worry about leading/trailing spaces */
4715  (void) set_var_from_str(buf, buf, &result, &endptr, NULL);
4717  res = make_result(&result);
4719  free_var(&result);
4722 }
static const NumericVar const_pinf
Definition: numeric.c:459
static const NumericVar const_ninf
Definition: numeric.c:462
static bool set_var_from_str(const char *str, const char *cp, NumericVar *dest, const char **endptr, Node *escontext)
Definition: numeric.c:7016
static Numeric make_result(const NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:7895
static const NumericVar const_nan
Definition: numeric.c:456
float float4
Definition: c.h:629
#define PG_GETARG_FLOAT4(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:281
Definition: numeric.h:80
#define snprintf
Definition: port.h:238

References buf, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, free_var(), init_var, make_result(), PG_GETARG_FLOAT4, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, set_var_from_str(), snprintf, and val.

Referenced by JsonItemFromDatum().

◆ float8_numeric()

Datum float8_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4597 of file numeric.c.

4598 {
4600  Numeric res;
4601  NumericVar result;
4602  char buf[DBL_DIG + 100];
4603  const char *endptr;
4605  if (isnan(val))
4608  if (isinf(val))
4609  {
4610  if (val < 0)
4612  else
4614  }
4616  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*g", DBL_DIG, val);
4618  init_var(&result);
4620  /* Assume we need not worry about leading/trailing spaces */
4621  (void) set_var_from_str(buf, buf, &result, &endptr, NULL);
4623  res = make_result(&result);
4625  free_var(&result);
4628 }
double float8
Definition: c.h:630
#define PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:282

References buf, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, free_var(), init_var, make_result(), PG_GETARG_FLOAT8, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, set_var_from_str(), snprintf, and val.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), JsonItemFromDatum(), and SV_to_JsonbValue().

◆ floor_var()

static void floor_var ( const NumericVar var,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 10189 of file numeric.c.

10190 {
10191  NumericVar tmp;
10193  init_var(&tmp);
10194  set_var_from_var(var, &tmp);
10196  trunc_var(&tmp, 0);
10198  if (var->sign == NUMERIC_NEG && cmp_var(var, &tmp) != 0)
10199  sub_var(&tmp, &const_one, &tmp);
10201  set_var_from_var(&tmp, result);
10202  free_var(&tmp);
10203 }

References cmp_var(), const_one, free_var(), init_var, NUMERIC_NEG, set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, sub_var(), and trunc_var().

Referenced by numeric_floor().

◆ free_var()

static void free_var ( NumericVar var)

Definition at line 6973 of file numeric.c.

6974 {
6975  digitbuf_free(var->buf);
6976  var->buf = NULL;
6977  var->digits = NULL;
6978  var->sign = NUMERIC_NAN;
6979 }
Definition: numeric.c:197

References NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NUMERIC_NAN, and NumericVar::sign.

Referenced by accum_sum_combine(), ceil_var(), compute_bucket(), div_mod_var(), estimate_ln_dweight(), exp_var(), float4_numeric(), float8_numeric(), floor_var(), gcd_var(), get_str_from_var_sci(), in_range_numeric_numeric(), int64_div_fast_to_numeric(), int64_to_numeric(), int8_avg_deserialize(), int8_avg_serialize(), ln_var(), log_var(), mod_var(), numeric(), numeric_add_opt_error(), numeric_avg(), numeric_avg_deserialize(), numeric_avg_serialize(), numeric_ceil(), numeric_deserialize(), numeric_div_opt_error(), numeric_div_trunc(), numeric_exp(), numeric_fac(), numeric_floor(), numeric_gcd(), numeric_in(), numeric_inc(), numeric_lcm(), numeric_ln(), numeric_log(), numeric_min_scale(), numeric_mod_opt_error(), numeric_mul_opt_error(), numeric_poly_avg(), numeric_poly_deserialize(), numeric_poly_serialize(), numeric_poly_sum(), numeric_power(), numeric_recv(), numeric_round(), numeric_serialize(), numeric_sqrt(), numeric_stddev_internal(), numeric_sub_opt_error(), numeric_sum(), numeric_trim_scale(), numeric_trunc(), numericvar_to_int64(), numericvar_to_uint64(), power_var(), power_var_int(), random_numeric(), random_var(), set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), sqrt_var(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ gcd_var()

static void gcd_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 10212 of file numeric.c.

10213 {
10214  int res_dscale;
10215  int cmp;
10216  NumericVar tmp_arg;
10217  NumericVar mod;
10219  res_dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
10221  /*
10222  * Arrange for var1 to be the number with the greater absolute value.
10223  *
10224  * This would happen automatically in the loop below, but avoids an
10225  * expensive modulo operation.
10226  */
10227  cmp = cmp_abs(var1, var2);
10228  if (cmp < 0)
10229  {
10230  const NumericVar *tmp = var1;
10232  var1 = var2;
10233  var2 = tmp;
10234  }
10236  /*
10237  * Also avoid the taking the modulo if the inputs have the same absolute
10238  * value, or if the smaller input is zero.
10239  */
10240  if (cmp == 0 || var2->ndigits == 0)
10241  {
10242  set_var_from_var(var1, result);
10243  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
10244  result->dscale = res_dscale;
10245  return;
10246  }
10248  init_var(&tmp_arg);
10249  init_var(&mod);
10251  /* Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD */
10252  set_var_from_var(var1, &tmp_arg);
10253  set_var_from_var(var2, result);
10255  for (;;)
10256  {
10257  /* this loop can take a while, so allow it to be interrupted */
10260  mod_var(&tmp_arg, result, &mod);
10261  if (mod.ndigits == 0)
10262  break;
10263  set_var_from_var(result, &tmp_arg);
10264  set_var_from_var(&mod, result);
10265  }
10266  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
10267  result->dscale = res_dscale;
10269  free_var(&tmp_arg);
10270  free_var(&mod);
10271 }
static void mod_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:10066
Definition: miscadmin.h:122
static int cmp(const chr *x, const chr *y, size_t len)
Definition: regc_locale.c:743

References CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, cmp(), cmp_abs(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, Max, mod_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, set_var_from_var(), and NumericVar::sign.

Referenced by numeric_gcd(), and numeric_lcm().

◆ generate_series_numeric()

Datum generate_series_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1703 of file numeric.c.

1704 {
1705  return generate_series_step_numeric(fcinfo);
1706 }
Datum generate_series_step_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:1709

References generate_series_step_numeric().

◆ generate_series_step_numeric()

Datum generate_series_step_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1709 of file numeric.c.

1710 {
1712  FuncCallContext *funcctx;
1713  MemoryContext oldcontext;
1715  if (SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL())
1716  {
1717  Numeric start_num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1718  Numeric stop_num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
1719  NumericVar steploc = const_one;
1721  /* Reject NaN and infinities in start and stop values */
1722  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(start_num))
1723  {
1724  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(start_num))
1725  ereport(ERROR,
1727  errmsg("start value cannot be NaN")));
1728  else
1729  ereport(ERROR,
1731  errmsg("start value cannot be infinity")));
1732  }
1733  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(stop_num))
1734  {
1735  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(stop_num))
1736  ereport(ERROR,
1738  errmsg("stop value cannot be NaN")));
1739  else
1740  ereport(ERROR,
1742  errmsg("stop value cannot be infinity")));
1743  }
1745  /* see if we were given an explicit step size */
1746  if (PG_NARGS() == 3)
1747  {
1748  Numeric step_num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(2);
1750  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(step_num))
1751  {
1752  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(step_num))
1753  ereport(ERROR,
1755  errmsg("step size cannot be NaN")));
1756  else
1757  ereport(ERROR,
1759  errmsg("step size cannot be infinity")));
1760  }
1762  init_var_from_num(step_num, &steploc);
1764  if (cmp_var(&steploc, &const_zero) == 0)
1765  ereport(ERROR,
1767  errmsg("step size cannot equal zero")));
1768  }
1770  /* create a function context for cross-call persistence */
1771  funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
1773  /*
1774  * Switch to memory context appropriate for multiple function calls.
1775  */
1776  oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
1778  /* allocate memory for user context */
1779  fctx = (generate_series_numeric_fctx *)
1782  /*
1783  * Use fctx to keep state from call to call. Seed current with the
1784  * original start value. We must copy the start_num and stop_num
1785  * values rather than pointing to them, since we may have detoasted
1786  * them in the per-call context.
1787  */
1788  init_var(&fctx->current);
1789  init_var(&fctx->stop);
1790  init_var(&fctx->step);
1792  set_var_from_num(start_num, &fctx->current);
1793  set_var_from_num(stop_num, &fctx->stop);
1794  set_var_from_var(&steploc, &fctx->step);
1796  funcctx->user_fctx = fctx;
1797  MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
1798  }
1800  /* stuff done on every call of the function */
1801  funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
1803  /*
1804  * Get the saved state and use current state as the result of this
1805  * iteration.
1806  */
1807  fctx = funcctx->user_fctx;
1809  if ((fctx->step.sign == NUMERIC_POS &&
1810  cmp_var(&fctx->current, &fctx->stop) <= 0) ||
1811  (fctx->step.sign == NUMERIC_NEG &&
1812  cmp_var(&fctx->current, &fctx->stop) >= 0))
1813  {
1814  Numeric result = make_result(&fctx->current);
1816  /* switch to memory context appropriate for iteration calculation */
1817  oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
1819  /* increment current in preparation for next iteration */
1820  add_var(&fctx->current, &fctx->step, &fctx->current);
1821  MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
1823  /* do when there is more left to send */
1824  SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, NumericGetDatum(result));
1825  }
1826  else
1827  /* do when there is no more left */
1828  SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
1829 }
static void set_var_from_num(Numeric num, NumericVar *dest)
Definition: numeric.c:7424
#define PG_NARGS()
Definition: fmgr.h:203
Definition: funcapi.h:304
Definition: funcapi.h:308
#define SRF_RETURN_NEXT(_funcctx, _result)
Definition: funcapi.h:310
Definition: funcapi.h:306
#define SRF_RETURN_DONE(_funcctx)
Definition: funcapi.h:328
Definition: numeric.h:78
static Datum NumericGetDatum(Numeric X)
Definition: numeric.h:73
void * user_fctx
Definition: funcapi.h:82
MemoryContext multi_call_memory_ctx
Definition: funcapi.h:101

References add_var(), cmp_var(), const_one, const_zero, generate_series_numeric_fctx::current, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), FuncCallContext::multi_call_memory_ctx, NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericGetDatum(), palloc(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_NARGS, set_var_from_num(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT, SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL, SRF_PERCALL_SETUP, SRF_RETURN_DONE, SRF_RETURN_NEXT, generate_series_numeric_fctx::step, generate_series_numeric_fctx::stop, and FuncCallContext::user_fctx.

Referenced by generate_series_numeric().

◆ get_min_scale()

static int get_min_scale ( NumericVar var)

Definition at line 4140 of file numeric.c.

4141 {
4142  int min_scale;
4143  int last_digit_pos;
4145  /*
4146  * Ordinarily, the input value will be "stripped" so that the last
4147  * NumericDigit is nonzero. But we don't want to get into an infinite
4148  * loop if it isn't, so explicitly find the last nonzero digit.
4149  */
4150  last_digit_pos = var->ndigits - 1;
4151  while (last_digit_pos >= 0 &&
4152  var->digits[last_digit_pos] == 0)
4153  last_digit_pos--;
4155  if (last_digit_pos >= 0)
4156  {
4157  /* compute min_scale assuming that last ndigit has no zeroes */
4158  min_scale = (last_digit_pos - var->weight) * DEC_DIGITS;
4160  /*
4161  * We could get a negative result if there are no digits after the
4162  * decimal point. In this case the min_scale must be zero.
4163  */
4164  if (min_scale > 0)
4165  {
4166  /*
4167  * Reduce min_scale if trailing digit(s) in last NumericDigit are
4168  * zero.
4169  */
4170  NumericDigit last_digit = var->digits[last_digit_pos];
4172  while (last_digit % 10 == 0)
4173  {
4174  min_scale--;
4175  last_digit /= 10;
4176  }
4177  }
4178  else
4179  min_scale = 0;
4180  }
4181  else
4182  min_scale = 0; /* result if input is zero */
4184  return min_scale;
4185 }

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::ndigits, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_min_scale(), and numeric_trim_scale().

◆ get_str_from_var()

static char * get_str_from_var ( const NumericVar var)

Definition at line 7498 of file numeric.c.

7499 {
7500  int dscale;
7501  char *str;
7502  char *cp;
7503  char *endcp;
7504  int i;
7505  int d;
7506  NumericDigit dig;
7508 #if DEC_DIGITS > 1
7509  NumericDigit d1;
7510 #endif
7512  dscale = var->dscale;
7514  /*
7515  * Allocate space for the result.
7516  *
7517  * i is set to the # of decimal digits before decimal point. dscale is the
7518  * # of decimal digits we will print after decimal point. We may generate
7519  * as many as DEC_DIGITS-1 excess digits at the end, and in addition we
7520  * need room for sign, decimal point, null terminator.
7521  */
7522  i = (var->weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS;
7523  if (i <= 0)
7524  i = 1;
7526  str = palloc(i + dscale + DEC_DIGITS + 2);
7527  cp = str;
7529  /*
7530  * Output a dash for negative values
7531  */
7532  if (var->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
7533  *cp++ = '-';
7535  /*
7536  * Output all digits before the decimal point
7537  */
7538  if (var->weight < 0)
7539  {
7540  d = var->weight + 1;
7541  *cp++ = '0';
7542  }
7543  else
7544  {
7545  for (d = 0; d <= var->weight; d++)
7546  {
7547  dig = (d < var->ndigits) ? var->digits[d] : 0;
7548  /* In the first digit, suppress extra leading decimal zeroes */
7549 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
7550  {
7551  bool putit = (d > 0);
7553  d1 = dig / 1000;
7554  dig -= d1 * 1000;
7555  putit |= (d1 > 0);
7556  if (putit)
7557  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7558  d1 = dig / 100;
7559  dig -= d1 * 100;
7560  putit |= (d1 > 0);
7561  if (putit)
7562  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7563  d1 = dig / 10;
7564  dig -= d1 * 10;
7565  putit |= (d1 > 0);
7566  if (putit)
7567  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7568  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7569  }
7570 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
7571  d1 = dig / 10;
7572  dig -= d1 * 10;
7573  if (d1 > 0 || d > 0)
7574  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7575  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7576 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
7577  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7578 #else
7579 #error unsupported NBASE
7580 #endif
7581  }
7582  }
7584  /*
7585  * If requested, output a decimal point and all the digits that follow it.
7586  * We initially put out a multiple of DEC_DIGITS digits, then truncate if
7587  * needed.
7588  */
7589  if (dscale > 0)
7590  {
7591  *cp++ = '.';
7592  endcp = cp + dscale;
7593  for (i = 0; i < dscale; d++, i += DEC_DIGITS)
7594  {
7595  dig = (d >= 0 && d < var->ndigits) ? var->digits[d] : 0;
7596 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
7597  d1 = dig / 1000;
7598  dig -= d1 * 1000;
7599  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7600  d1 = dig / 100;
7601  dig -= d1 * 100;
7602  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7603  d1 = dig / 10;
7604  dig -= d1 * 10;
7605  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7606  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7607 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
7608  d1 = dig / 10;
7609  dig -= d1 * 10;
7610  *cp++ = d1 + '0';
7611  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7612 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
7613  *cp++ = dig + '0';
7614 #else
7615 #error unsupported NBASE
7616 #endif
7617  }
7618  cp = endcp;
7619  }
7621  /*
7622  * terminate the string and return it
7623  */
7624  *cp = '\0';
7625  return str;
7626 }
const char * str
static void error(void)
Definition: sql-dyntest.c:147

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, palloc(), NumericVar::sign, str, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by get_str_from_var_sci(), numeric_normalize(), numeric_out(), and numericvar_to_double_no_overflow().

◆ get_str_from_var_sci()

static char * get_str_from_var_sci ( const NumericVar var,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 7651 of file numeric.c.

7652 {
7653  int32 exponent;
7654  NumericVar tmp_var;
7655  size_t len;
7656  char *str;
7657  char *sig_out;
7659  if (rscale < 0)
7660  rscale = 0;
7662  /*
7663  * Determine the exponent of this number in normalised form.
7664  *
7665  * This is the exponent required to represent the number with only one
7666  * significant digit before the decimal place.
7667  */
7668  if (var->ndigits > 0)
7669  {
7670  exponent = (var->weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS;
7672  /*
7673  * Compensate for leading decimal zeroes in the first numeric digit by
7674  * decrementing the exponent.
7675  */
7676  exponent -= DEC_DIGITS - (int) log10(var->digits[0]);
7677  }
7678  else
7679  {
7680  /*
7681  * If var has no digits, then it must be zero.
7682  *
7683  * Zero doesn't technically have a meaningful exponent in normalised
7684  * notation, but we just display the exponent as zero for consistency
7685  * of output.
7686  */
7687  exponent = 0;
7688  }
7690  /*
7691  * Divide var by 10^exponent to get the significand, rounding to rscale
7692  * decimal digits in the process.
7693  */
7694  init_var(&tmp_var);
7696  power_ten_int(exponent, &tmp_var);
7697  div_var(var, &tmp_var, &tmp_var, rscale, true);
7698  sig_out = get_str_from_var(&tmp_var);
7700  free_var(&tmp_var);
7702  /*
7703  * Allocate space for the result.
7704  *
7705  * In addition to the significand, we need room for the exponent
7706  * decoration ("e"), the sign of the exponent, up to 10 digits for the
7707  * exponent itself, and of course the null terminator.
7708  */
7709  len = strlen(sig_out) + 13;
7710  str = palloc(len);
7711  snprintf(str, len, "%se%+03d", sig_out, exponent);
7713  pfree(sig_out);
7715  return str;
7716 }
static char * get_str_from_var(const NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:7498
static void power_ten_int(int exp, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11518
const void size_t len

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, div_var(), free_var(), get_str_from_var(), init_var, len, NumericVar::ndigits, palloc(), pfree(), power_ten_int(), snprintf, str, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_out_sci().

◆ hash_numeric()

Datum hash_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2701 of file numeric.c.

2702 {
2704  Datum digit_hash;
2705  Datum result;
2706  int weight;
2707  int start_offset;
2708  int end_offset;
2709  int i;
2710  int hash_len;
2713  /* If it's NaN or infinity, don't try to hash the rest of the fields */
2714  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(key))
2715  PG_RETURN_UINT32(0);
2717  weight = NUMERIC_WEIGHT(key);
2718  start_offset = 0;
2719  end_offset = 0;
2721  /*
2722  * Omit any leading or trailing zeros from the input to the hash. The
2723  * numeric implementation *should* guarantee that leading and trailing
2724  * zeros are suppressed, but we're paranoid. Note that we measure the
2725  * starting and ending offsets in units of NumericDigits, not bytes.
2726  */
2728  for (i = 0; i < NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key); i++)
2729  {
2730  if (digits[i] != (NumericDigit) 0)
2731  break;
2733  start_offset++;
2735  /*
2736  * The weight is effectively the # of digits before the decimal point,
2737  * so decrement it for each leading zero we skip.
2738  */
2739  weight--;
2740  }
2742  /*
2743  * If there are no non-zero digits, then the value of the number is zero,
2744  * regardless of any other fields.
2745  */
2746  if (NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) == start_offset)
2747  PG_RETURN_UINT32(-1);
2749  for (i = NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
2750  {
2751  if (digits[i] != (NumericDigit) 0)
2752  break;
2754  end_offset++;
2755  }
2757  /* If we get here, there should be at least one non-zero digit */
2758  Assert(start_offset + end_offset < NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key));
2760  /*
2761  * Note that we don't hash on the Numeric's scale, since two numerics can
2762  * compare equal but have different scales. We also don't hash on the
2763  * sign, although we could: since a sign difference implies inequality,
2764  * this shouldn't affect correctness.
2765  */
2766  hash_len = NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) - start_offset - end_offset;
2767  digit_hash = hash_any((unsigned char *) (NUMERIC_DIGITS(key) + start_offset),
2768  hash_len * sizeof(NumericDigit));
2770  /* Mix in the weight, via XOR */
2771  result = digit_hash ^ weight;
2773  PG_RETURN_DATUM(result);
2774 }
#define PG_RETURN_UINT32(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:355
#define PG_RETURN_DATUM(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:353
static Datum hash_any(const unsigned char *k, int keylen)
Definition: hashfn.h:31
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64


Referenced by JsonbHashScalarValue().

◆ hash_numeric_extended()

Datum hash_numeric_extended ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2781 of file numeric.c.

2782 {
2784  uint64 seed = PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
2785  Datum digit_hash;
2786  Datum result;
2787  int weight;
2788  int start_offset;
2789  int end_offset;
2790  int i;
2791  int hash_len;
2794  /* If it's NaN or infinity, don't try to hash the rest of the fields */
2795  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(key))
2796  PG_RETURN_UINT64(seed);
2798  weight = NUMERIC_WEIGHT(key);
2799  start_offset = 0;
2800  end_offset = 0;
2803  for (i = 0; i < NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key); i++)
2804  {
2805  if (digits[i] != (NumericDigit) 0)
2806  break;
2808  start_offset++;
2810  weight--;
2811  }
2813  if (NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) == start_offset)
2814  PG_RETURN_UINT64(seed - 1);
2816  for (i = NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
2817  {
2818  if (digits[i] != (NumericDigit) 0)
2819  break;
2821  end_offset++;
2822  }
2824  Assert(start_offset + end_offset < NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key));
2826  hash_len = NUMERIC_NDIGITS(key) - start_offset - end_offset;
2827  digit_hash = hash_any_extended((unsigned char *) (NUMERIC_DIGITS(key)
2828  + start_offset),
2829  hash_len * sizeof(NumericDigit),
2830  seed);
2832  result = UInt64GetDatum(DatumGetUInt64(digit_hash) ^ weight);
2834  PG_RETURN_DATUM(result);
2835 }
#define PG_GETARG_INT64(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:283
#define PG_RETURN_UINT64(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:369
static Datum hash_any_extended(const unsigned char *k, int keylen, uint64 seed)
Definition: hashfn.h:37
static uint64 DatumGetUInt64(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:419
static Datum UInt64GetDatum(uint64 X)
Definition: postgres.h:436

References Assert, DatumGetUInt64(), digits, hash_any_extended(), i, sort-test::key, NUMERIC_DIGITS, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_NDIGITS, NUMERIC_WEIGHT, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_DATUM, PG_RETURN_UINT64, and UInt64GetDatum().

Referenced by JsonbHashScalarValueExtended().

◆ in_range_numeric_numeric()

Datum in_range_numeric_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2566 of file numeric.c.

2567 {
2569  Numeric base = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2570  Numeric offset = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(2);
2571  bool sub = PG_GETARG_BOOL(3);
2572  bool less = PG_GETARG_BOOL(4);
2573  bool result;
2575  /*
2576  * Reject negative (including -Inf) or NaN offset. Negative is per spec,
2577  * and NaN is because appropriate semantics for that seem non-obvious.
2578  */
2579  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(offset) ||
2580  NUMERIC_IS_NINF(offset) ||
2581  NUMERIC_SIGN(offset) == NUMERIC_NEG)
2582  ereport(ERROR,
2584  errmsg("invalid preceding or following size in window function")));
2586  /*
2587  * Deal with cases where val and/or base is NaN, following the rule that
2588  * NaN sorts after non-NaN (cf cmp_numerics). The offset cannot affect
2589  * the conclusion.
2590  */
2591  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(val))
2592  {
2593  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(base))
2594  result = true; /* NAN = NAN */
2595  else
2596  result = !less; /* NAN > non-NAN */
2597  }
2598  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(base))
2599  {
2600  result = less; /* non-NAN < NAN */
2601  }
2603  /*
2604  * Deal with infinite offset (necessarily +Inf, at this point).
2605  */
2606  else if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(offset))
2607  {
2608  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_PINF(offset));
2609  if (sub ? NUMERIC_IS_PINF(base) : NUMERIC_IS_NINF(base))
2610  {
2611  /*
2612  * base +/- offset would produce NaN, so return true for any val
2613  * (see in_range_float8_float8() for reasoning).
2614  */
2615  result = true;
2616  }
2617  else if (sub)
2618  {
2619  /* base - offset must be -inf */
2620  if (less)
2621  result = NUMERIC_IS_NINF(val); /* only -inf is <= sum */
2622  else
2623  result = true; /* any val is >= sum */
2624  }
2625  else
2626  {
2627  /* base + offset must be +inf */
2628  if (less)
2629  result = true; /* any val is <= sum */
2630  else
2631  result = NUMERIC_IS_PINF(val); /* only +inf is >= sum */
2632  }
2633  }
2635  /*
2636  * Deal with cases where val and/or base is infinite. The offset, being
2637  * now known finite, cannot affect the conclusion.
2638  */
2639  else if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(val))
2640  {
2641  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(val))
2642  {
2643  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(base))
2644  result = true; /* PINF = PINF */
2645  else
2646  result = !less; /* PINF > any other non-NAN */
2647  }
2648  else /* val must be NINF */
2649  {
2650  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(base))
2651  result = true; /* NINF = NINF */
2652  else
2653  result = less; /* NINF < anything else */
2654  }
2655  }
2656  else if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(base))
2657  {
2658  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(base))
2659  result = !less; /* normal > NINF */
2660  else
2661  result = less; /* normal < PINF */
2662  }
2663  else
2664  {
2665  /*
2666  * Otherwise go ahead and compute base +/- offset. While it's
2667  * possible for this to overflow the numeric format, it's unlikely
2668  * enough that we don't take measures to prevent it.
2669  */
2670  NumericVar valv;
2671  NumericVar basev;
2672  NumericVar offsetv;
2673  NumericVar sum;
2675  init_var_from_num(val, &valv);
2676  init_var_from_num(base, &basev);
2677  init_var_from_num(offset, &offsetv);
2678  init_var(&sum);
2680  if (sub)
2681  sub_var(&basev, &offsetv, &sum);
2682  else
2683  add_var(&basev, &offsetv, &sum);
2685  if (less)
2686  result = (cmp_var(&valv, &sum) <= 0);
2687  else
2688  result = (cmp_var(&valv, &sum) >= 0);
2690  free_var(&sum);
2691  }
2693  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(val, 0);
2694  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(base, 1);
2695  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(offset, 2);
2697  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2698 }
#define PG_FREE_IF_COPY(ptr, n)
Definition: fmgr.h:260
#define PG_GETARG_BOOL(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:274
#define PG_RETURN_BOOL(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:359

References add_var(), Assert, cmp_var(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_SIGN, PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_BOOL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_BOOL, sub_var(), and val.

◆ init_var_from_num()

◆ int2_accum()

Datum int2_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5554 of file numeric.c.

5555 {
5558  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5560  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5561  if (state == NULL)
5562  state = makePolyNumAggState(fcinfo, true);
5564  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5565  {
5566 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5567  do_int128_accum(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT16(1));
5568 #else
5570 #endif
5571  }
5574 }
#define makePolyNumAggState
Definition: numeric.c:5549
Numeric int64_to_numeric(int64 val)
Definition: numeric.c:4287
static void do_numeric_accum(NumericAggState *state, Numeric newval)
Definition: numeric.c:4861
Definition: fmgr.h:276
#define PG_ARGISNULL(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:209
Definition: fmgr.h:361
#define PG_GETARG_INT16(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:271

References do_numeric_accum(), int64_to_numeric(), makePolyNumAggState, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT16, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int2_accum_inv()

Datum int2_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5978 of file numeric.c.

5979 {
5982  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5984  /* Should not get here with no state */
5985  if (state == NULL)
5986  elog(ERROR, "int2_accum_inv called with NULL state");
5988  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5989  {
5990 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5991  do_int128_discard(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT16(1));
5992 #else
5993  /* Should never fail, all inputs have dscale 0 */
5995  elog(ERROR, "do_numeric_discard failed unexpectedly");
5996 #endif
5997  }
6000 }
static bool do_numeric_discard(NumericAggState *state, Numeric newval)
Definition: numeric.c:4931
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:224

References do_numeric_discard(), elog, ERROR, int64_to_numeric(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT16, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int2_avg_accum()

Datum int2_avg_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6661 of file numeric.c.

6662 {
6663  ArrayType *transarray;
6665  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6667  /*
6668  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6669  * parameter in-place to reduce palloc overhead. Otherwise we need to make
6670  * a copy of it before scribbling on it.
6671  */
6672  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6673  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6674  else
6675  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
6677  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6678  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6679  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6681  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6682  transdata->count++;
6683  transdata->sum += newval;
6685  PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(transarray);
6686 }
Definition: array.h:264
Definition: array.h:263
#define ARR_DATA_PTR(a)
Definition: array.h:322
Definition: array.h:265
#define ARR_SIZE(a)
Definition: array.h:289
Definition: array.h:310
#define ARR_HASNULL(a)
Definition: array.h:291
int AggCheckCallContext(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, MemoryContext *aggcontext)
Definition: nodeAgg.c:4511


◆ int2_avg_accum_inv()

Datum int2_avg_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6748 of file numeric.c.

6749 {
6750  ArrayType *transarray;
6752  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6754  /*
6755  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6756  * parameter in-place to reduce palloc overhead. Otherwise we need to make
6757  * a copy of it before scribbling on it.
6758  */
6759  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6760  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6761  else
6762  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
6764  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6765  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6766  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6768  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6769  transdata->count--;
6770  transdata->sum -= newval;
6772  PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(transarray);
6773 }


◆ int2_numeric()

Datum int2_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4548 of file numeric.c.

4549 {
4550  int16 val = PG_GETARG_INT16(0);
4553 }

References int64_to_numeric(), PG_GETARG_INT16, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and val.

Referenced by JsonItemFromDatum().

◆ int2_sum()

Datum int2_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6512 of file numeric.c.

6513 {
6514  int64 newval;
6516  if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
6517  {
6518  /* No non-null input seen so far... */
6519  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6520  PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* still no non-null */
6521  /* This is the first non-null input. */
6522  newval = (int64) PG_GETARG_INT16(1);
6524  }
6526  /*
6527  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6528  * parameter in-place to avoid palloc overhead. If not, we need to return
6529  * the new value of the transition variable. (If int8 is pass-by-value,
6530  * then of course this is useless as well as incorrect, so just ifdef it
6531  * out.)
6532  */
6533 #ifndef USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL /* controls int8 too */
6534  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6535  {
6536  int64 *oldsum = (int64 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6538  /* Leave the running sum unchanged in the new input is null */
6539  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6540  *oldsum = *oldsum + (int64) PG_GETARG_INT16(1);
6542  PG_RETURN_POINTER(oldsum);
6543  }
6544  else
6545 #endif
6546  {
6547  int64 oldsum = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
6549  /* Leave sum unchanged if new input is null. */
6550  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6551  PG_RETURN_INT64(oldsum);
6553  /* OK to do the addition. */
6554  newval = oldsum + (int64) PG_GETARG_INT16(1);
6557  }
6558 }
#define PG_RETURN_INT64(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:368
#define PG_RETURN_NULL()
Definition: fmgr.h:345


◆ int2int4_sum()

Datum int2int4_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6831 of file numeric.c.

6832 {
6833  ArrayType *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6834  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6836  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6837  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6838  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6839  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6841  /* SQL defines SUM of no values to be NULL */
6842  if (transdata->count == 0)
6845  PG_RETURN_DATUM(Int64GetDatumFast(transdata->sum));
6846 }
#define Int64GetDatumFast(X)
Definition: postgres.h:554


◆ int4_accum()

Datum int4_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5577 of file numeric.c.

5578 {
5581  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5583  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5584  if (state == NULL)
5585  state = makePolyNumAggState(fcinfo, true);
5587  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5588  {
5589 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5590  do_int128_accum(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT32(1));
5591 #else
5593 #endif
5594  }
5597 }
#define PG_GETARG_INT32(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:269

References do_numeric_accum(), int64_to_numeric(), makePolyNumAggState, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int4_accum_inv()

Datum int4_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6003 of file numeric.c.

6004 {
6007  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6009  /* Should not get here with no state */
6010  if (state == NULL)
6011  elog(ERROR, "int4_accum_inv called with NULL state");
6013  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6014  {
6015 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6016  do_int128_discard(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT32(1));
6017 #else
6018  /* Should never fail, all inputs have dscale 0 */
6020  elog(ERROR, "do_numeric_discard failed unexpectedly");
6021 #endif
6022  }
6025 }

References do_numeric_discard(), elog, ERROR, int64_to_numeric(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int4_avg_accum()

Datum int4_avg_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6689 of file numeric.c.

6690 {
6691  ArrayType *transarray;
6693  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6695  /*
6696  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6697  * parameter in-place to reduce palloc overhead. Otherwise we need to make
6698  * a copy of it before scribbling on it.
6699  */
6700  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6701  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6702  else
6703  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
6705  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6706  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6707  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6709  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6710  transdata->count++;
6711  transdata->sum += newval;
6713  PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(transarray);
6714 }


◆ int4_avg_accum_inv()

Datum int4_avg_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6776 of file numeric.c.

6777 {
6778  ArrayType *transarray;
6780  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6782  /*
6783  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6784  * parameter in-place to reduce palloc overhead. Otherwise we need to make
6785  * a copy of it before scribbling on it.
6786  */
6787  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6788  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6789  else
6790  transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P_COPY(0);
6792  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6793  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6794  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6796  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6797  transdata->count--;
6798  transdata->sum -= newval;
6800  PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(transarray);
6801 }


◆ int4_avg_combine()

Datum int4_avg_combine ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6717 of file numeric.c.

6718 {
6719  ArrayType *transarray1;
6720  ArrayType *transarray2;
6721  Int8TransTypeData *state1;
6722  Int8TransTypeData *state2;
6724  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6725  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
6727  transarray1 = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6728  transarray2 = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
6730  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray1) ||
6731  ARR_SIZE(transarray1) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6732  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6734  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray2) ||
6735  ARR_SIZE(transarray2) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6736  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6738  state1 = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray1);
6739  state2 = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray2);
6741  state1->count += state2->count;
6742  state1->sum += state2->sum;
6744  PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(transarray1);
6745 }

References AggCheckCallContext(), ARR_DATA_PTR, ARR_HASNULL, ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS, ARR_SIZE, Int8TransTypeData::count, elog, ERROR, PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P, PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P, and Int8TransTypeData::sum.

◆ int4_numeric()

Datum int4_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4393 of file numeric.c.

4394 {
4395  int32 val = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);
4398 }

References int64_to_numeric(), PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and val.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and JsonItemFromDatum().

◆ int4_sum()

Datum int4_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6561 of file numeric.c.

6562 {
6563  int64 newval;
6565  if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
6566  {
6567  /* No non-null input seen so far... */
6568  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6569  PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* still no non-null */
6570  /* This is the first non-null input. */
6571  newval = (int64) PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
6573  }
6575  /*
6576  * If we're invoked as an aggregate, we can cheat and modify our first
6577  * parameter in-place to avoid palloc overhead. If not, we need to return
6578  * the new value of the transition variable. (If int8 is pass-by-value,
6579  * then of course this is useless as well as incorrect, so just ifdef it
6580  * out.)
6581  */
6582 #ifndef USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL /* controls int8 too */
6583  if (AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
6584  {
6585  int64 *oldsum = (int64 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6587  /* Leave the running sum unchanged in the new input is null */
6588  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6589  *oldsum = *oldsum + (int64) PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
6591  PG_RETURN_POINTER(oldsum);
6592  }
6593  else
6594 #endif
6595  {
6596  int64 oldsum = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
6598  /* Leave sum unchanged if new input is null. */
6599  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6600  PG_RETURN_INT64(oldsum);
6602  /* OK to do the addition. */
6603  newval = oldsum + (int64) PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
6606  }
6607 }


◆ int64_div_fast_to_numeric()

Numeric int64_div_fast_to_numeric ( int64  val1,
int  log10val2 

Definition at line 4308 of file numeric.c.

4309 {
4310  Numeric res;
4311  NumericVar result;
4312  int rscale;
4313  int w;
4314  int m;
4316  init_var(&result);
4318  /* result scale */
4319  rscale = log10val2 < 0 ? 0 : log10val2;
4321  /* how much to decrease the weight by */
4322  w = log10val2 / DEC_DIGITS;
4323  /* how much is left to divide by */
4324  m = log10val2 % DEC_DIGITS;
4325  if (m < 0)
4326  {
4327  m += DEC_DIGITS;
4328  w--;
4329  }
4331  /*
4332  * If there is anything left to divide by (10^m with 0 < m < DEC_DIGITS),
4333  * multiply the dividend by 10^(DEC_DIGITS - m), and shift the weight by
4334  * one more.
4335  */
4336  if (m > 0)
4337  {
4338 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
4339  static const int pow10[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000};
4340 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
4341  static const int pow10[] = {1, 10};
4342 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
4343  static const int pow10[] = {1};
4344 #else
4345 #error unsupported NBASE
4346 #endif
4347  int64 factor = pow10[DEC_DIGITS - m];
4348  int64 new_val1;
4350  StaticAssertDecl(lengthof(pow10) == DEC_DIGITS, "mismatch with DEC_DIGITS");
4352  if (unlikely(pg_mul_s64_overflow(val1, factor, &new_val1)))
4353  {
4354 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
4355  /* do the multiplication using 128-bit integers */
4356  int128 tmp;
4358  tmp = (int128) val1 * (int128) factor;
4360  int128_to_numericvar(tmp, &result);
4361 #else
4362  /* do the multiplication using numerics */
4363  NumericVar tmp;
4365  init_var(&tmp);
4367  int64_to_numericvar(val1, &result);
4368  int64_to_numericvar(factor, &tmp);
4369  mul_var(&result, &tmp, &result, 0);
4371  free_var(&tmp);
4372 #endif
4373  }
4374  else
4375  int64_to_numericvar(new_val1, &result);
4377  w++;
4378  }
4379  else
4380  int64_to_numericvar(val1, &result);
4382  result.weight -= w;
4383  result.dscale = rscale;
4385  res = make_result(&result);
4387  free_var(&result);
4389  return res;
4390 }
static void int64_to_numericvar(int64 val, NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:8108
#define unlikely(x)
Definition: c.h:311
#define lengthof(array)
Definition: c.h:788
#define StaticAssertDecl(condition, errmessage)
Definition: c.h:936
static bool pg_mul_s64_overflow(int64 a, int64 b, int64 *result)
Definition: int.h:219

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), lengthof, make_result(), mul_var(), pg_mul_s64_overflow(), res, StaticAssertDecl, unlikely, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by interval_part_common(), time_part_common(), timestamp_part_common(), timestamptz_part_common(), and timetz_part_common().

◆ int64_to_numeric()

◆ int64_to_numericvar()

static void int64_to_numericvar ( int64  val,
NumericVar var 

Definition at line 8108 of file numeric.c.

8109 {
8110  uint64 uval,
8111  newuval;
8112  NumericDigit *ptr;
8113  int ndigits;
8115  /* int64 can require at most 19 decimal digits; add one for safety */
8116  alloc_var(var, 20 / DEC_DIGITS);
8117  if (val < 0)
8118  {
8119  var->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8120  uval = -val;
8121  }
8122  else
8123  {
8124  var->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8125  uval = val;
8126  }
8127  var->dscale = 0;
8128  if (val == 0)
8129  {
8130  var->ndigits = 0;
8131  var->weight = 0;
8132  return;
8133  }
8134  ptr = var->digits + var->ndigits;
8135  ndigits = 0;
8136  do
8137  {
8138  ptr--;
8139  ndigits++;
8140  newuval = uval / NBASE;
8141  *ptr = uval - newuval * NBASE;
8142  uval = newuval;
8143  } while (uval);
8144  var->digits = ptr;
8145  var->ndigits = ndigits;
8146  var->weight = ndigits - 1;
8147 }

References alloc_var(), DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, val, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by int64_div_fast_to_numeric(), int64_to_numeric(), numeric_fac(), numeric_stddev_internal(), set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), sqrt_var(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ int8_accum()

Datum int8_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5600 of file numeric.c.

5601 {
5604  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5606  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5607  if (state == NULL)
5608  state = makeNumericAggState(fcinfo, true);
5610  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5614 }
static NumericAggState * makeNumericAggState(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, bool calcSumX2)
Definition: numeric.c:4821

References do_numeric_accum(), int64_to_numeric(), makeNumericAggState(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int8_accum_inv()

Datum int8_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6028 of file numeric.c.

6029 {
6032  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6034  /* Should not get here with no state */
6035  if (state == NULL)
6036  elog(ERROR, "int8_accum_inv called with NULL state");
6038  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6039  {
6040  /* Should never fail, all inputs have dscale 0 */
6042  elog(ERROR, "do_numeric_discard failed unexpectedly");
6043  }
6046 }

References do_numeric_discard(), elog, ERROR, int64_to_numeric(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int8_avg()

Datum int8_avg ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6804 of file numeric.c.

6805 {
6806  ArrayType *transarray = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
6807  Int8TransTypeData *transdata;
6808  Datum countd,
6809  sumd;
6811  if (ARR_HASNULL(transarray) ||
6812  ARR_SIZE(transarray) != ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(1) + sizeof(Int8TransTypeData))
6813  elog(ERROR, "expected 2-element int8 array");
6814  transdata = (Int8TransTypeData *) ARR_DATA_PTR(transarray);
6816  /* SQL defines AVG of no values to be NULL */
6817  if (transdata->count == 0)
6820  countd = NumericGetDatum(int64_to_numeric(transdata->count));
6821  sumd = NumericGetDatum(int64_to_numeric(transdata->sum));
6824 }
Datum numeric_div(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:3128
#define DirectFunctionCall2(func, arg1, arg2)
Definition: fmgr.h:644

References ARR_DATA_PTR, ARR_HASNULL, ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS, ARR_SIZE, Int8TransTypeData::count, DirectFunctionCall2, elog, ERROR, int64_to_numeric(), numeric_div(), NumericGetDatum(), PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P, PG_RETURN_DATUM, PG_RETURN_NULL, and Int8TransTypeData::sum.

◆ int8_avg_accum()

Datum int8_avg_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5796 of file numeric.c.

5797 {
5800  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5802  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5803  if (state == NULL)
5804  state = makePolyNumAggState(fcinfo, false);
5806  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5807  {
5808 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5809  do_int128_accum(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT64(1));
5810 #else
5812 #endif
5813  }
5816 }

References do_numeric_accum(), int64_to_numeric(), makePolyNumAggState, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int8_avg_accum_inv()

Datum int8_avg_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6049 of file numeric.c.

6050 {
6053  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6055  /* Should not get here with no state */
6056  if (state == NULL)
6057  elog(ERROR, "int8_avg_accum_inv called with NULL state");
6059  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6060  {
6061 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6062  do_int128_discard(state, (int128) PG_GETARG_INT64(1));
6063 #else
6064  /* Should never fail, all inputs have dscale 0 */
6066  elog(ERROR, "do_numeric_discard failed unexpectedly");
6067 #endif
6068  }
6071 }

References do_numeric_discard(), elog, ERROR, int64_to_numeric(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ int8_avg_combine()

Datum int8_avg_combine ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5823 of file numeric.c.

5824 {
5825  PolyNumAggState *state1;
5826  PolyNumAggState *state2;
5827  MemoryContext agg_context;
5828  MemoryContext old_context;
5830  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, &agg_context))
5831  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5833  state1 = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5834  state2 = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
5836  if (state2 == NULL)
5837  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5839  /* manually copy all fields from state2 to state1 */
5840  if (state1 == NULL)
5841  {
5842  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5844  state1 = makePolyNumAggState(fcinfo, false);
5845  state1->N = state2->N;
5847 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5848  state1->sumX = state2->sumX;
5849 #else
5850  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5851 #endif
5852  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5854  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5855  }
5857  if (state2->N > 0)
5858  {
5859  state1->N += state2->N;
5861 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5862  state1->sumX += state2->sumX;
5863 #else
5864  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
5865  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5867  /* Accumulate sums */
5868  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5870  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5871 #endif
5873  }
5874  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5875 }
static void accum_sum_combine(NumericSumAccum *accum, NumericSumAccum *accum2)
Definition: numeric.c:12474
static void accum_sum_copy(NumericSumAccum *dst, NumericSumAccum *src)
Definition: numeric.c:12457
NumericSumAccum sumX
Definition: numeric.c:4803

References accum_sum_combine(), accum_sum_copy(), AggCheckCallContext(), elog, ERROR, makePolyNumAggState, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NumericAggState::N, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, and NumericAggState::sumX.

◆ int8_avg_deserialize()

Datum int8_avg_deserialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5932 of file numeric.c.

5933 {
5934  bytea *sstate;
5935  PolyNumAggState *result;
5937  NumericVar tmp_var;
5939  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5940  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5942  sstate = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP(0);
5944  init_var(&tmp_var);
5946  /*
5947  * Initialize a StringInfo so that we can "receive" it using the standard
5948  * recv-function infrastructure.
5949  */
5951  VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(sstate));
5953  result = makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext(false);
5955  /* N */
5956  result->N = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5958  /* sumX */
5959  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5960 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5961  numericvar_to_int128(&tmp_var, &result->sumX);
5962 #else
5963  accum_sum_add(&result->sumX, &tmp_var);
5964 #endif
5966  pq_getmsgend(&buf);
5968  free_var(&tmp_var);
5970  PG_RETURN_POINTER(result);
5971 }
static void numericvar_deserialize(StringInfo buf, NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:7744
#define makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext
Definition: numeric.c:5550
Definition: fmgr.h:308
void pq_getmsgend(StringInfo msg)
Definition: pqformat.c:635
int64 pq_getmsgint64(StringInfo msg)
Definition: pqformat.c:453
static void initReadOnlyStringInfo(StringInfo str, char *data, int len)
Definition: stringinfo.h:130
Definition: c.h:687
Definition: varatt.h:324
Definition: varatt.h:317

References accum_sum_add(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, initReadOnlyStringInfo(), makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext, NumericAggState::N, numericvar_deserialize(), PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP, PG_RETURN_POINTER, pq_getmsgend(), pq_getmsgint64(), NumericAggState::sumX, VARDATA_ANY, and VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR.

◆ int8_avg_serialize()

Datum int8_avg_serialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5883 of file numeric.c.

5884 {
5887  bytea *result;
5888  NumericVar tmp_var;
5890  /* Ensure we disallow calling when not in aggregate context */
5891  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5892  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5896  /*
5897  * If the platform supports int128 then sumX will be a 128 integer type.
5898  * Here we'll convert that into a numeric type so that the combine state
5899  * is in the same format for both int128 enabled machines and machines
5900  * which don't support that type. The logic here is that one day we might
5901  * like to send these over to another server for further processing and we
5902  * want a standard format to work with.
5903  */
5905  init_var(&tmp_var);
5907  pq_begintypsend(&buf);
5909  /* N */
5910  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->N);
5912  /* sumX */
5913 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5914  int128_to_numericvar(state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5915 #else
5916  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5917 #endif
5918  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5920  result = pq_endtypsend(&buf);
5922  free_var(&tmp_var);
5924  PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(result);
5925 }
static void numericvar_serialize(StringInfo buf, const NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:7728
#define PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:371
void pq_begintypsend(StringInfo buf)
Definition: pqformat.c:326
bytea * pq_endtypsend(StringInfo buf)
Definition: pqformat.c:346
static void pq_sendint64(StringInfo buf, uint64 i)
Definition: pqformat.h:152

References accum_sum_final(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, numericvar_serialize(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P, pq_begintypsend(), pq_endtypsend(), and pq_sendint64().

◆ int8_numeric()

Datum int8_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4481 of file numeric.c.

4482 {
4483  int64 val = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
4486 }

References int64_to_numeric(), PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and val.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and JsonItemFromDatum().

◆ int8_sum()

Datum int8_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6613 of file numeric.c.

6614 {
6615  Numeric oldsum;
6617  if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
6618  {
6619  /* No non-null input seen so far... */
6620  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6621  PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* still no non-null */
6622  /* This is the first non-null input. */
6624  }
6626  /*
6627  * Note that we cannot special-case the aggregate case here, as we do for
6628  * int2_sum and int4_sum: numeric is of variable size, so we cannot modify
6629  * our first parameter in-place.
6630  */
6632  oldsum = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
6634  /* Leave sum unchanged if new input is null. */
6635  if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
6636  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(oldsum);
6638  /* OK to do the addition. */
6640  NumericGetDatum(oldsum),
6642 }
Datum numeric_add(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:2852

References DirectFunctionCall2, int64_to_numeric(), numeric_add(), NumericGetDatum(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_DATUM, PG_RETURN_NULL, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

◆ is_valid_numeric_typmod()

static bool is_valid_numeric_typmod ( int32  typmod)

Definition at line 916 of file numeric.c.

917 {
918  return typmod >= (int32) VARHDRSZ;
919 }

References VARHDRSZ.

Referenced by apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), numeric(), numeric_maximum_size(), numeric_support(), and numerictypmodout().

◆ ln_var()

static void ln_var ( const NumericVar arg,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 10973 of file numeric.c.

10974 {
10975  NumericVar x;
10976  NumericVar xx;
10977  int ni;
10978  NumericVar elem;
10979  NumericVar fact;
10980  int nsqrt;
10981  int local_rscale;
10982  int cmp;
10984  cmp = cmp_var(arg, &const_zero);
10985  if (cmp == 0)
10986  ereport(ERROR,
10988  errmsg("cannot take logarithm of zero")));
10989  else if (cmp < 0)
10990  ereport(ERROR,
10992  errmsg("cannot take logarithm of a negative number")));
10994  init_var(&x);
10995  init_var(&xx);
10996  init_var(&elem);
10997  init_var(&fact);
10999  set_var_from_var(arg, &x);
11000  set_var_from_var(&const_two, &fact);
11002  /*
11003  * Reduce input into range 0.9 < x < 1.1 with repeated sqrt() operations.
11004  *
11005  * The final logarithm will have up to around rscale+6 significant digits.
11006  * Each sqrt() will roughly halve the weight of x, so adjust the local
11007  * rscale as we work so that we keep this many significant digits at each
11008  * step (plus a few more for good measure).
11009  *
11010  * Note that we allow local_rscale < 0 during this input reduction
11011  * process, which implies rounding before the decimal point. sqrt_var()
11012  * explicitly supports this, and it significantly reduces the work
11013  * required to reduce very large inputs to the required range. Once the
11014  * input reduction is complete, x.weight will be 0 and its display scale
11015  * will be non-negative again.
11016  */
11017  nsqrt = 0;
11018  while (cmp_var(&x, &const_zero_point_nine) <= 0)
11019  {
11020  local_rscale = rscale - x.weight * DEC_DIGITS / 2 + 8;
11021  sqrt_var(&x, &x, local_rscale);
11022  mul_var(&fact, &const_two, &fact, 0);
11023  nsqrt++;
11024  }
11025  while (cmp_var(&x, &const_one_point_one) >= 0)
11026  {
11027  local_rscale = rscale - x.weight * DEC_DIGITS / 2 + 8;
11028  sqrt_var(&x, &x, local_rscale);
11029  mul_var(&fact, &const_two, &fact, 0);
11030  nsqrt++;
11031  }
11033  /*
11034  * We use the Taylor series for 0.5 * ln((1+z)/(1-z)),
11035  *
11036  * z + z^3/3 + z^5/5 + ...
11037  *
11038  * where z = (x-1)/(x+1) is in the range (approximately) -0.053 .. 0.048
11039  * due to the above range-reduction of x.
11040  *
11041  * The convergence of this is not as fast as one would like, but is
11042  * tolerable given that z is small.
11043  *
11044  * The Taylor series result will be multiplied by 2^(nsqrt+1), which has a
11045  * decimal weight of (nsqrt+1) * log10(2), so work with this many extra
11046  * digits of precision (plus a few more for good measure).
11047  */
11048  local_rscale = rscale + (int) ((nsqrt + 1) * 0.301029995663981) + 8;
11050  sub_var(&x, &const_one, result);
11051  add_var(&x, &const_one, &elem);
11052  div_var_fast(result, &elem, result, local_rscale, true);
11053  set_var_from_var(result, &xx);
11054  mul_var(result, result, &x, local_rscale);
11056  ni = 1;
11058  for (;;)
11059  {
11060  ni += 2;
11061  mul_var(&xx, &x, &xx, local_rscale);
11062  div_var_int(&xx, ni, 0, &elem, local_rscale, true);
11064  if (elem.ndigits == 0)
11065  break;
11067  add_var(result, &elem, result);
11069  if (elem.weight < (result->weight - local_rscale * 2 / DEC_DIGITS))
11070  break;
11071  }
11073  /* Compensate for argument range reduction, round to requested rscale */
11074  mul_var(result, &fact, result, rscale);
11076  free_var(&x);
11077  free_var(&xx);
11078  free_var(&elem);
11079  free_var(&fact);
11080 }
static const NumericVar const_two
Definition: numeric.c:433
static void sqrt_var(const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:10282

References add_var(), arg, cmp(), cmp_var(), const_one, const_one_point_one, const_two, const_zero, const_zero_point_nine, DEC_DIGITS, div_var_fast(), div_var_int(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, mul_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, set_var_from_var(), sqrt_var(), sub_var(), NumericVar::weight, and x.

Referenced by estimate_ln_dweight(), log_var(), numeric_ln(), and power_var().

◆ log_var()

static void log_var ( const NumericVar base,
const NumericVar num,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11091 of file numeric.c.

11092 {
11093  NumericVar ln_base;
11094  NumericVar ln_num;
11095  int ln_base_dweight;
11096  int ln_num_dweight;
11097  int result_dweight;
11098  int rscale;
11099  int ln_base_rscale;
11100  int ln_num_rscale;
11102  init_var(&ln_base);
11103  init_var(&ln_num);
11105  /* Estimated dweights of ln(base), ln(num) and the final result */
11106  ln_base_dweight = estimate_ln_dweight(base);
11107  ln_num_dweight = estimate_ln_dweight(num);
11108  result_dweight = ln_num_dweight - ln_base_dweight;
11110  /*
11111  * Select the scale of the result so that it will have at least
11112  * NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits and is not less than either
11113  * input's display scale.
11114  */
11115  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - result_dweight;
11116  rscale = Max(rscale, base->dscale);
11117  rscale = Max(rscale, num->dscale);
11118  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11119  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11121  /*
11122  * Set the scales for ln(base) and ln(num) so that they each have more
11123  * significant digits than the final result.
11124  */
11125  ln_base_rscale = rscale + result_dweight - ln_base_dweight + 8;
11126  ln_base_rscale = Max(ln_base_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11128  ln_num_rscale = rscale + result_dweight - ln_num_dweight + 8;
11129  ln_num_rscale = Max(ln_num_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11131  /* Form natural logarithms */
11132  ln_var(base, &ln_base, ln_base_rscale);
11133  ln_var(num, &ln_num, ln_num_rscale);
11135  /* Divide and round to the required scale */
11136  div_var_fast(&ln_num, &ln_base, result, rscale, true);
11138  free_var(&ln_num);
11139  free_var(&ln_base);
11140 }
static int estimate_ln_dweight(const NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:10891
Definition: numeric.h:40
Definition: numeric.h:50

References div_var_fast(), NumericVar::dscale, estimate_ln_dweight(), free_var(), init_var, ln_var(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, and NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS.

Referenced by numeric_log().

◆ make_numeric_typmod()

static int32 make_numeric_typmod ( int  precision,
int  scale 

Definition at line 907 of file numeric.c.

908 {
909  return ((precision << 16) | (scale & 0x7ff)) + VARHDRSZ;
910 }

References scale, and VARHDRSZ.

Referenced by numerictypmodin().

◆ make_result()

◆ make_result_opt_error()

static Numeric make_result_opt_error ( const NumericVar var,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 7786 of file numeric.c.

7787 {
7788  Numeric result;
7789  NumericDigit *digits = var->digits;
7790  int weight = var->weight;
7791  int sign = var->sign;
7792  int n;
7793  Size len;
7795  if (have_error)
7796  *have_error = false;
7799  {
7800  /*
7801  * Verify valid special value. This could be just an Assert, perhaps,
7802  * but it seems worthwhile to expend a few cycles to ensure that we
7803  * never write any nonzero reserved bits to disk.
7804  */
7805  if (!(sign == NUMERIC_NAN ||
7806  sign == NUMERIC_PINF ||
7807  sign == NUMERIC_NINF))
7808  elog(ERROR, "invalid numeric sign value 0x%x", sign);
7810  result = (Numeric) palloc(NUMERIC_HDRSZ_SHORT);
7813  result->choice.n_header = sign;
7814  /* the header word is all we need */
7816  dump_numeric("make_result()", result);
7817  return result;
7818  }
7820  n = var->ndigits;
7822  /* truncate leading zeroes */
7823  while (n > 0 && *digits == 0)
7824  {
7825  digits++;
7826  weight--;
7827  n--;
7828  }
7829  /* truncate trailing zeroes */
7830  while (n > 0 && digits[n - 1] == 0)
7831  n--;
7833  /* If zero result, force to weight=0 and positive sign */
7834  if (n == 0)
7835  {
7836  weight = 0;
7837  sign = NUMERIC_POS;
7838  }
7840  /* Build the result */
7841  if (NUMERIC_CAN_BE_SHORT(var->dscale, weight))
7842  {
7843  len = NUMERIC_HDRSZ_SHORT + n * sizeof(NumericDigit);
7844  result = (Numeric) palloc(len);
7845  SET_VARSIZE(result, len);
7846  result->choice.n_short.n_header =
7850  | (weight < 0 ? NUMERIC_SHORT_WEIGHT_SIGN_MASK : 0)
7851  | (weight & NUMERIC_SHORT_WEIGHT_MASK);
7852  }
7853  else
7854  {
7855  len = NUMERIC_HDRSZ + n * sizeof(NumericDigit);
7856  result = (Numeric) palloc(len);
7857  SET_VARSIZE(result, len);
7858  result->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale =
7859  sign | (var->dscale & NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK);
7860  result->choice.n_long.n_weight = weight;
7861  }
7863  Assert(NUMERIC_NDIGITS(result) == n);
7864  if (n > 0)
7865  memcpy(NUMERIC_DIGITS(result), digits, n * sizeof(NumericDigit));
7867  /* Check for overflow of int16 fields */
7868  if (NUMERIC_WEIGHT(result) != weight ||
7869  NUMERIC_DSCALE(result) != var->dscale)
7870  {
7871  if (have_error)
7872  {
7873  *have_error = true;
7874  return NULL;
7875  }
7876  else
7877  {
7878  ereport(ERROR,
7880  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
7881  }
7882  }
7884  dump_numeric("make_result()", result);
7885  return result;
7886 }
#define dump_numeric(s, n)
Definition: numeric.c:479
#define NUMERIC_CAN_BE_SHORT(scale, weight)
Definition: numeric.c:497
Definition: numeric.c:175
Definition: numeric.c:199
Definition: numeric.c:167
Definition: numeric.c:174
Definition: numeric.c:168
Definition: numeric.c:164
Definition: numeric.c:198
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
char sign
Definition: informix.c:674
union NumericChoice choice
Definition: numeric.c:156
uint16 n_header
Definition: numeric.c:148
#define SET_VARSIZE(PTR, len)
Definition: varatt.h:305


Referenced by make_result(), numeric_add_opt_error(), numeric_div_opt_error(), numeric_in(), numeric_mod_opt_error(), numeric_mul_opt_error(), and numeric_sub_opt_error().

◆ makeNumericAggState()

static NumericAggState* makeNumericAggState ( FunctionCallInfo  fcinfo,
bool  calcSumX2 

Definition at line 4821 of file numeric.c.

4822 {
4824  MemoryContext agg_context;
4825  MemoryContext old_context;
4827  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, &agg_context))
4828  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
4830  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
4833  state->calcSumX2 = calcSumX2;
4834  state->agg_context = agg_context;
4836  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
4838  return state;
4839 }

References AggCheckCallContext(), elog, ERROR, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), and palloc0().

Referenced by int8_accum(), numeric_accum(), and numeric_avg_accum().

◆ makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext()

static NumericAggState* makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext ( bool  calcSumX2)

Definition at line 4846 of file numeric.c.

4847 {
4851  state->calcSumX2 = calcSumX2;
4852  state->agg_context = CurrentMemoryContext;
4854  return state;
4855 }
MemoryContext CurrentMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:143

References CurrentMemoryContext, and palloc0().

Referenced by numeric_avg_combine(), numeric_avg_deserialize(), numeric_combine(), and numeric_deserialize().

◆ mod_var()

static void mod_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 10066 of file numeric.c.

10067 {
10068  NumericVar tmp;
10070  init_var(&tmp);
10072  /* ---------
10073  * We do this using the equation
10074  * mod(x,y) = x - trunc(x/y)*y
10075  * div_var can be persuaded to give us trunc(x/y) directly.
10076  * ----------
10077  */
10078  div_var(var1, var2, &tmp, 0, false);
10080  mul_var(var2, &tmp, &tmp, var2->dscale);
10082  sub_var(var1, &tmp, result);
10084  free_var(&tmp);
10085 }

References div_var(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, mul_var(), and sub_var().

Referenced by gcd_var(), and numeric_mod_opt_error().

◆ mul_var()

static void mul_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 8673 of file numeric.c.

8675 {
8676  int res_ndigits;
8677  int res_sign;
8678  int res_weight;
8679  int maxdigits;
8680  int *dig;
8681  int carry;
8682  int maxdig;
8683  int newdig;
8684  int var1ndigits;
8685  int var2ndigits;
8686  NumericDigit *var1digits;
8687  NumericDigit *var2digits;
8688  NumericDigit *res_digits;
8689  int i,
8690  i1,
8691  i2;
8693  /*
8694  * Arrange for var1 to be the shorter of the two numbers. This improves
8695  * performance because the inner multiplication loop is much simpler than
8696  * the outer loop, so it's better to have a smaller number of iterations
8697  * of the outer loop. This also reduces the number of times that the
8698  * accumulator array needs to be normalized.
8699  */
8700  if (var1->ndigits > var2->ndigits)
8701  {
8702  const NumericVar *tmp = var1;
8704  var1 = var2;
8705  var2 = tmp;
8706  }
8708  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in inner loop */
8709  var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
8710  var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
8711  var1digits = var1->digits;
8712  var2digits = var2->digits;
8714  if (var1ndigits == 0)
8715  {
8716  /* one or both inputs is zero; so is result */
8717  zero_var(result);
8718  result->dscale = rscale;
8719  return;
8720  }
8722  /*
8723  * If var1 has 1-4 digits and the exact result was requested, delegate to
8724  * mul_var_short() which uses a faster direct multiplication algorithm.
8725  */
8726  if (var1ndigits <= 4 && rscale == var1->dscale + var2->dscale)
8727  {
8728  mul_var_short(var1, var2, result);
8729  return;
8730  }
8732  /* Determine result sign and (maximum possible) weight */
8733  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
8734  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8735  else
8736  res_sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8737  res_weight = var1->weight + var2->weight + 2;
8739  /*
8740  * Determine the number of result digits to compute. If the exact result
8741  * would have more than rscale fractional digits, truncate the computation
8742  * with MUL_GUARD_DIGITS guard digits, i.e., ignore input digits that
8743  * would only contribute to the right of that. (This will give the exact
8744  * rounded-to-rscale answer unless carries out of the ignored positions
8745  * would have propagated through more than MUL_GUARD_DIGITS digits.)
8746  *
8747  * Note: an exact computation could not produce more than var1ndigits +
8748  * var2ndigits digits, but we allocate one extra output digit in case
8749  * rscale-driven rounding produces a carry out of the highest exact digit.
8750  */
8751  res_ndigits = var1ndigits + var2ndigits + 1;
8752  maxdigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS +
8754  res_ndigits = Min(res_ndigits, maxdigits);
8756  if (res_ndigits < 3)
8757  {
8758  /* All input digits will be ignored; so result is zero */
8759  zero_var(result);
8760  result->dscale = rscale;
8761  return;
8762  }
8764  /*
8765  * We do the arithmetic in an array "dig[]" of signed int's. Since
8766  * INT_MAX is noticeably larger than NBASE*NBASE, this gives us headroom
8767  * to avoid normalizing carries immediately.
8768  *
8769  * maxdig tracks the maximum possible value of any dig[] entry; when this
8770  * threatens to exceed INT_MAX, we take the time to propagate carries.
8771  * Furthermore, we need to ensure that overflow doesn't occur during the
8772  * carry propagation passes either. The carry values could be as much as
8773  * INT_MAX/NBASE, so really we must normalize when digits threaten to
8774  * exceed INT_MAX - INT_MAX/NBASE.
8775  *
8776  * To avoid overflow in maxdig itself, it actually represents the max
8777  * possible value divided by NBASE-1, ie, at the top of the loop it is
8778  * known that no dig[] entry exceeds maxdig * (NBASE-1).
8779  */
8780  dig = (int *) palloc0(res_ndigits * sizeof(int));
8781  maxdig = 0;
8783  /*
8784  * The least significant digits of var1 should be ignored if they don't
8785  * contribute directly to the first res_ndigits digits of the result that
8786  * we are computing.
8787  *
8788  * Digit i1 of var1 and digit i2 of var2 are multiplied and added to digit
8789  * i1+i2+2 of the accumulator array, so we need only consider digits of
8790  * var1 for which i1 <= res_ndigits - 3.
8791  */
8792  for (i1 = Min(var1ndigits - 1, res_ndigits - 3); i1 >= 0; i1--)
8793  {
8794  NumericDigit var1digit = var1digits[i1];
8796  if (var1digit == 0)
8797  continue;
8799  /* Time to normalize? */
8800  maxdig += var1digit;
8801  if (maxdig > (INT_MAX - INT_MAX / NBASE) / (NBASE - 1))
8802  {
8803  /* Yes, do it */
8804  carry = 0;
8805  for (i = res_ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
8806  {
8807  newdig = dig[i] + carry;
8808  if (newdig >= NBASE)
8809  {
8810  carry = newdig / NBASE;
8811  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
8812  }
8813  else
8814  carry = 0;
8815  dig[i] = newdig;
8816  }
8817  Assert(carry == 0);
8818  /* Reset maxdig to indicate new worst-case */
8819  maxdig = 1 + var1digit;
8820  }
8822  /*
8823  * Add the appropriate multiple of var2 into the accumulator.
8824  *
8825  * As above, digits of var2 can be ignored if they don't contribute,
8826  * so we only include digits for which i1+i2+2 < res_ndigits.
8827  *
8828  * This inner loop is the performance bottleneck for multiplication,
8829  * so we want to keep it simple enough so that it can be
8830  * auto-vectorized. Accordingly, process the digits left-to-right
8831  * even though schoolbook multiplication would suggest right-to-left.
8832  * Since we aren't propagating carries in this loop, the order does
8833  * not matter.
8834  */
8835  {
8836  int i2limit = Min(var2ndigits, res_ndigits - i1 - 2);
8837  int *dig_i1_2 = &dig[i1 + 2];
8839  for (i2 = 0; i2 < i2limit; i2++)
8840  dig_i1_2[i2] += var1digit * var2digits[i2];
8841  }
8842  }
8844  /*
8845  * Now we do a final carry propagation pass to normalize the result, which
8846  * we combine with storing the result digits into the output. Note that
8847  * this is still done at full precision w/guard digits.
8848  */
8849  alloc_var(result, res_ndigits);
8850  res_digits = result->digits;
8851  carry = 0;
8852  for (i = res_ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
8853  {
8854  newdig = dig[i] + carry;
8855  if (newdig >= NBASE)
8856  {
8857  carry = newdig / NBASE;
8858  newdig -= carry * NBASE;
8859  }
8860  else
8861  carry = 0;
8862  res_digits[i] = newdig;
8863  }
8864  Assert(carry == 0);
8866  pfree(dig);
8868  /*
8869  * Finally, round the result to the requested precision.
8870  */
8871  result->weight = res_weight;
8872  result->sign = res_sign;
8874  /* Round to target rscale (and set result->dscale) */
8875  round_var(result, rscale);
8877  /* Strip leading and trailing zeroes */
8878  strip_var(result);
8879 }
static void mul_var_short(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:8890
Definition: numeric.c:98

References alloc_var(), Assert, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, maxdigits, Min, MUL_GUARD_DIGITS, mul_var_short(), NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, palloc0(), pfree(), round_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by compute_bucket(), div_mod_var(), do_numeric_accum(), do_numeric_discard(), exp_var(), int64_div_fast_to_numeric(), ln_var(), mod_var(), numeric_fac(), numeric_lcm(), numeric_mul_opt_error(), numeric_stddev_internal(), power_var(), power_var_int(), set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), and sqrt_var().

◆ mul_var_short()

static void mul_var_short ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 8890 of file numeric.c.

8892 {
8893  int var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
8894  int var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
8895  NumericDigit *var1digits = var1->digits;
8896  NumericDigit *var2digits = var2->digits;
8897  int res_sign;
8898  int res_weight;
8899  int res_ndigits;
8900  NumericDigit *res_buf;
8901  NumericDigit *res_digits;
8902  uint32 carry;
8903  uint32 term;
8905  /* Check preconditions */
8906  Assert(var1ndigits >= 1);
8907  Assert(var1ndigits <= 4);
8908  Assert(var2ndigits >= var1ndigits);
8910  /*
8911  * Determine the result sign, weight, and number of digits to calculate.
8912  * The weight figured here is correct if the product has no leading zero
8913  * digits; otherwise strip_var() will fix things up. Note that, unlike
8914  * mul_var(), we do not need to allocate an extra output digit, because we
8915  * are not rounding here.
8916  */
8917  if (var1->sign == var2->sign)
8918  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8919  else
8920  res_sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8921  res_weight = var1->weight + var2->weight + 1;
8922  res_ndigits = var1ndigits + var2ndigits;
8924  /* Allocate result digit array */
8925  res_buf = digitbuf_alloc(res_ndigits + 1);
8926  res_buf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for later rounding */
8927  res_digits = res_buf + 1;
8929  /*
8930  * Compute the result digits in reverse, in one pass, propagating the
8931  * carry up as we go. The i'th result digit consists of the sum of the
8932  * products var1digits[i1] * var2digits[i2] for which i = i1 + i2 + 1.
8933  */
8934  switch (var1ndigits)
8935  {
8936  case 1:
8937  /* ---------
8938  * 1-digit case:
8939  * var1ndigits = 1
8940  * var2ndigits >= 1
8941  * res_ndigits = var2ndigits + 1
8942  * ----------
8943  */
8944  carry = 0;
8945  for (int i = res_ndigits - 2; i >= 0; i--)
8946  {
8947  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[i] + carry;
8948  res_digits[i + 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8949  carry = term / NBASE;
8950  }
8951  res_digits[0] = (NumericDigit) carry;
8952  break;
8954  case 2:
8955  /* ---------
8956  * 2-digit case:
8957  * var1ndigits = 2
8958  * var2ndigits >= 2
8959  * res_ndigits = var2ndigits + 2
8960  * ----------
8961  */
8962  /* last result digit and carry */
8963  term = (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 3];
8964  res_digits[res_ndigits - 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8965  carry = term / NBASE;
8967  /* remaining digits, except for the first two */
8968  for (int i = res_ndigits - 3; i >= 1; i--)
8969  {
8970  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[i] +
8971  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[i - 1] + carry;
8972  res_digits[i + 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8973  carry = term / NBASE;
8974  }
8976  /* first two digits */
8977  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[0] + carry;
8978  res_digits[1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8979  res_digits[0] = (NumericDigit) (term / NBASE);
8980  break;
8982  case 3:
8983  /* ---------
8984  * 3-digit case:
8985  * var1ndigits = 3
8986  * var2ndigits >= 3
8987  * res_ndigits = var2ndigits + 3
8988  * ----------
8989  */
8990  /* last two result digits */
8991  term = (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 4];
8992  res_digits[res_ndigits - 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8993  carry = term / NBASE;
8995  term = (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 4] +
8996  (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 5] + carry;
8997  res_digits[res_ndigits - 2] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
8998  carry = term / NBASE;
9000  /* remaining digits, except for the first three */
9001  for (int i = res_ndigits - 4; i >= 2; i--)
9002  {
9003  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[i] +
9004  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[i - 1] +
9005  (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[i - 2] + carry;
9006  res_digits[i + 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9007  carry = term / NBASE;
9008  }
9010  /* first three digits */
9011  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[1] +
9012  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[0] + carry;
9013  res_digits[2] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9014  carry = term / NBASE;
9016  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[0] + carry;
9017  res_digits[1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9018  res_digits[0] = (NumericDigit) (term / NBASE);
9019  break;
9021  case 4:
9022  /* ---------
9023  * 4-digit case:
9024  * var1ndigits = 4
9025  * var2ndigits >= 4
9026  * res_ndigits = var2ndigits + 4
9027  * ----------
9028  */
9029  /* last three result digits */
9030  term = (uint32) var1digits[3] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 5];
9031  res_digits[res_ndigits - 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9032  carry = term / NBASE;
9034  term = (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 5] +
9035  (uint32) var1digits[3] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 6] + carry;
9036  res_digits[res_ndigits - 2] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9037  carry = term / NBASE;
9039  term = (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 5] +
9040  (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 6] +
9041  (uint32) var1digits[3] * var2digits[res_ndigits - 7] + carry;
9042  res_digits[res_ndigits - 3] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9043  carry = term / NBASE;
9045  /* remaining digits, except for the first four */
9046  for (int i = res_ndigits - 5; i >= 3; i--)
9047  {
9048  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[i] +
9049  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[i - 1] +
9050  (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[i - 2] +
9051  (uint32) var1digits[3] * var2digits[i - 3] + carry;
9052  res_digits[i + 1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9053  carry = term / NBASE;
9054  }
9056  /* first four digits */
9057  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[2] +
9058  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[1] +
9059  (uint32) var1digits[2] * var2digits[0] + carry;
9060  res_digits[3] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9061  carry = term / NBASE;
9063  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[1] +
9064  (uint32) var1digits[1] * var2digits[0] + carry;
9065  res_digits[2] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9066  carry = term / NBASE;
9068  term = (uint32) var1digits[0] * var2digits[0] + carry;
9069  res_digits[1] = (NumericDigit) (term % NBASE);
9070  res_digits[0] = (NumericDigit) (term / NBASE);
9071  break;
9072  }
9074  /* Store the product in result */
9075  digitbuf_free(result->buf);
9076  result->ndigits = res_ndigits;
9077  result->buf = res_buf;
9078  result->digits = res_digits;
9079  result->weight = res_weight;
9080  result->sign = res_sign;
9081  result->dscale = var1->dscale + var2->dscale;
9083  /* Strip leading and trailing zeroes */
9084  strip_var(result);
9085 }

References Assert, NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by mul_var().

◆ numeric()

Definition at line 1246 of file numeric.c.

1247 {
1248  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1249  int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
1250  Numeric new;
1251  int precision;
1252  int scale;
1253  int ddigits;
1254  int maxdigits;
1255  int dscale;
1256  NumericVar var;
1258  /*
1259  * Handle NaN and infinities: if apply_typmod_special doesn't complain,
1260  * just return a copy of the input.
1261  */
1262  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1263  {
1264  (void) apply_typmod_special(num, typmod, NULL);
1266  }
1268  /*
1269  * If the value isn't a valid type modifier, simply return a copy of the
1270  * input value
1271  */
1272  if (!is_valid_numeric_typmod(typmod))
1275  /*
1276  * Get the precision and scale out of the typmod value
1277  */
1278  precision = numeric_typmod_precision(typmod);
1279  scale = numeric_typmod_scale(typmod);
1280  maxdigits = precision - scale;
1282  /* The target display scale is non-negative */
1283  dscale = Max(scale, 0);
1285  /*
1286  * If the number is certainly in bounds and due to the target scale no
1287  * rounding could be necessary, just make a copy of the input and modify
1288  * its scale fields, unless the larger scale forces us to abandon the
1289  * short representation. (Note we assume the existing dscale is
1290  * honest...)
1291  */
1292  ddigits = (NUMERIC_WEIGHT(num) + 1) * DEC_DIGITS;
1293  if (ddigits <= maxdigits && scale >= NUMERIC_DSCALE(num)
1295  || !NUMERIC_IS_SHORT(num)))
1296  {
1297  new = duplicate_numeric(num);
1298  if (NUMERIC_IS_SHORT(num))
1299  new->choice.n_short.n_header =
1301  | (dscale << NUMERIC_SHORT_DSCALE_SHIFT);
1302  else
1303  new->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale = NUMERIC_SIGN(new) |
1304  ((uint16) dscale & NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK);
1306  }
1308  /*
1309  * We really need to fiddle with things - unpack the number into a
1310  * variable and let apply_typmod() do it.
1311  */
1312  init_var(&var);
1314  set_var_from_num(num, &var);
1315  (void) apply_typmod(&var, typmod, NULL);
1316  new = make_result(&var);
1318  free_var(&var);
1321 }
static Numeric duplicate_numeric(Numeric num)
Definition: numeric.c:7767
static bool apply_typmod_special(Numeric num, int32 typmod, Node *escontext)
Definition: numeric.c:7996
static bool apply_typmod(NumericVar *var, int32 typmod, Node *escontext)
Definition: numeric.c:7911
uint16 n_header
Definition: numeric.c:135
struct NumericShort n_short
Definition: numeric.c:150

References apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), NumericData::choice, DEC_DIGITS, duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), init_var, is_valid_numeric_typmod(), make_result(), Max, maxdigits, NumericShort::n_header, NumericChoice::n_short, NUMERIC_CAN_BE_SHORT, NUMERIC_DSCALE, NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK, NUMERIC_IS_SHORT, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_SHORT_DSCALE_MASK, NUMERIC_SHORT_DSCALE_SHIFT, NUMERIC_SIGN, numeric_typmod_precision(), numeric_typmod_scale(), NUMERIC_WEIGHT, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, scale, and set_var_from_num().

Referenced by ecpg_set_compat_sqlda(), and ecpg_set_native_sqlda().

◆ numeric_abbrev_abort()

static bool numeric_abbrev_abort ( int  memtupcount,
SortSupport  ssup 

Definition at line 2112 of file numeric.c.

2113 {
2114  NumericSortSupport *nss = ssup->ssup_extra;
2115  double abbr_card;
2117  if (memtupcount < 10000 || nss->input_count < 10000 || !nss->estimating)
2118  return false;
2120  abbr_card = estimateHyperLogLog(&nss->abbr_card);
2122  /*
2123  * If we have >100k distinct values, then even if we were sorting many
2124  * billion rows we'd likely still break even, and the penalty of undoing
2125  * that many rows of abbrevs would probably not be worth it. Stop even
2126  * counting at that point.
2127  */
2128  if (abbr_card > 100000.0)
2129  {
2130 #ifdef TRACE_SORT
2131  if (trace_sort)
2132  elog(LOG,
2133  "numeric_abbrev: estimation ends at cardinality %f"
2134  " after " INT64_FORMAT " values (%d rows)",
2135  abbr_card, nss->input_count, memtupcount);
2136 #endif
2137  nss->estimating = false;
2138  return false;
2139  }
2141  /*
2142  * Target minimum cardinality is 1 per ~10k of non-null inputs. (The
2143  * break even point is somewhere between one per 100k rows, where
2144  * abbreviation has a very slight penalty, and 1 per 10k where it wins by
2145  * a measurable percentage.) We use the relatively pessimistic 10k
2146  * threshold, and add a 0.5 row fudge factor, because it allows us to
2147  * abort earlier on genuinely pathological data where we've had exactly
2148  * one abbreviated value in the first 10k (non-null) rows.
2149  */
2150  if (abbr_card < nss->input_count / 10000.0 + 0.5)
2151  {
2152 #ifdef TRACE_SORT
2153  if (trace_sort)
2154  elog(LOG,
2155  "numeric_abbrev: aborting abbreviation at cardinality %f"
2156  " below threshold %f after " INT64_FORMAT " values (%d rows)",
2157  abbr_card, nss->input_count / 10000.0 + 0.5,
2158  nss->input_count, memtupcount);
2159 #endif
2160  return true;
2161  }
2163 #ifdef TRACE_SORT
2164  if (trace_sort)
2165  elog(LOG,
2166  "numeric_abbrev: cardinality %f"
2167  " after " INT64_FORMAT " values (%d rows)",
2168  abbr_card, nss->input_count, memtupcount);
2169 #endif
2171  return false;
2172 }
#define INT64_FORMAT
Definition: c.h:548
#define LOG
Definition: elog.h:31
double estimateHyperLogLog(hyperLogLogState *cState)
Definition: hyperloglog.c:186
hyperLogLogState abbr_card
Definition: numeric.c:343
void * ssup_extra
Definition: sortsupport.h:87
bool trace_sort
Definition: tuplesort.c:125

References NumericSortSupport::abbr_card, elog, estimateHyperLogLog(), NumericSortSupport::estimating, NumericSortSupport::input_count, INT64_FORMAT, LOG, SortSupportData::ssup_extra, and trace_sort.

Referenced by numeric_sortsupport().

◆ numeric_abbrev_convert()

static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert ( Datum  original_datum,
SortSupport  ssup 

Definition at line 2050 of file numeric.c.

2051 {
2052  NumericSortSupport *nss = ssup->ssup_extra;
2053  void *original_varatt = PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(original_datum);
2054  Numeric value;
2055  Datum result;
2057  nss->input_count += 1;
2059  /*
2060  * This is to handle packed datums without needing a palloc/pfree cycle;
2061  * we keep and reuse a buffer large enough to handle any short datum.
2062  */
2063  if (VARATT_IS_SHORT(original_varatt))
2064  {
2065  void *buf = nss->buf;
2066  Size sz = VARSIZE_SHORT(original_varatt) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
2070  SET_VARSIZE(buf, VARHDRSZ + sz);
2071  memcpy(VARDATA(buf), VARDATA_SHORT(original_varatt), sz);
2073  value = (Numeric) buf;
2074  }
2075  else
2076  value = (Numeric) original_varatt;
2079  {
2080  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(value))
2081  result = NUMERIC_ABBREV_PINF;
2082  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(value))
2083  result = NUMERIC_ABBREV_NINF;
2084  else
2085  result = NUMERIC_ABBREV_NAN;
2086  }
2087  else
2088  {
2089  NumericVar var;
2091  init_var_from_num(value, &var);
2093  result = numeric_abbrev_convert_var(&var, nss);
2094  }
2096  /* should happen only for external/compressed toasts */
2097  if ((Pointer) original_varatt != DatumGetPointer(original_datum))
2098  pfree(original_varatt);
2100  return result;
2101 }
static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert_var(const NumericVar *var, NumericSortSupport *nss)
Definition: numeric.c:412
Definition: numeric.c:411
Definition: numeric.c:413
char * Pointer
Definition: c.h:483
Definition: fmgr.h:248
static struct @155 value
static Pointer DatumGetPointer(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:312
Definition: varatt.h:255
Definition: varatt.h:281
Definition: varatt.h:302
#define VARDATA(PTR)
Definition: varatt.h:278
Definition: varatt.h:257
Definition: varatt.h:282

References Assert, NumericSortSupport::buf, buf, DatumGetPointer(), init_var_from_num(), NumericSortSupport::input_count, numeric_abbrev_convert_var(), NUMERIC_ABBREV_NAN, NUMERIC_ABBREV_NINF, NUMERIC_ABBREV_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, pfree(), PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED, SET_VARSIZE, SortSupportData::ssup_extra, value, VARATT_IS_SHORT, VARATT_SHORT_MAX, VARDATA, VARDATA_SHORT, VARHDRSZ, VARHDRSZ_SHORT, and VARSIZE_SHORT.

Referenced by numeric_sortsupport().

◆ numeric_abbrev_convert_var()

static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert_var ( const NumericVar var,
NumericSortSupport nss 

Referenced by numeric_abbrev_convert().

◆ numeric_abs()

Datum numeric_abs ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1393 of file numeric.c.

1394 {
1395  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1396  Numeric res;
1398  /*
1399  * Do it the easy way directly on the packed format
1400  */
1401  res = duplicate_numeric(num);
1403  if (NUMERIC_IS_SHORT(num))
1404  res->choice.n_short.n_header =
1406  else if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1407  {
1408  /* This changes -Inf to Inf, and doesn't affect NaN */
1409  res->choice.n_short.n_header =
1411  }
1412  else
1413  res->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale = NUMERIC_POS | NUMERIC_DSCALE(num);
1416 }
Definition: numeric.c:200

References NumericData::choice, duplicate_numeric(), NumericShort::n_header, NumericChoice::n_short, NUMERIC_DSCALE, NUMERIC_INF_SIGN_MASK, NUMERIC_IS_SHORT, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_POS, NUMERIC_SHORT_SIGN_MASK, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and numeric_absolute().

◆ numeric_accum()

Datum numeric_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5024 of file numeric.c.

5025 {
5028  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5030  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5031  if (state == NULL)
5032  state = makeNumericAggState(fcinfo, true);
5034  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5038 }

References do_numeric_accum(), makeNumericAggState(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ numeric_accum_inv()

Datum numeric_accum_inv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5435 of file numeric.c.

5436 {
5439  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5441  /* Should not get here with no state */
5442  if (state == NULL)
5443  elog(ERROR, "numeric_accum_inv called with NULL state");
5445  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5446  {
5447  /* If we fail to perform the inverse transition, return NULL */
5450  }
5453 }


◆ numeric_add()

Datum numeric_add ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2852 of file numeric.c.

2853 {
2854  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2855  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2856  Numeric res;
2858  res = numeric_add_opt_error(num1, num2, NULL);
2861 }
Numeric numeric_add_opt_error(Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:2871

References numeric_add_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by int8_sum(), numeric_half_rounded(), and pg_lsn_pli().

◆ numeric_add_opt_error()

Numeric numeric_add_opt_error ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 2871 of file numeric.c.

2872 {
2873  NumericVar arg1;
2874  NumericVar arg2;
2875  NumericVar result;
2876  Numeric res;
2878  /*
2879  * Handle NaN and infinities
2880  */
2882  {
2883  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
2884  return make_result(&const_nan);
2885  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
2886  {
2887  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2))
2888  return make_result(&const_nan); /* Inf + -Inf */
2889  else
2890  return make_result(&const_pinf);
2891  }
2892  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1))
2893  {
2894  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
2895  return make_result(&const_nan); /* -Inf + Inf */
2896  else
2897  return make_result(&const_ninf);
2898  }
2899  /* by here, num1 must be finite, so num2 is not */
2900  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
2901  return make_result(&const_pinf);
2902  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2));
2903  return make_result(&const_ninf);
2904  }
2906  /*
2907  * Unpack the values, let add_var() compute the result and return it.
2908  */
2909  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
2910  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
2912  init_var(&result);
2913  add_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
2915  res = make_result_opt_error(&result, have_error);
2917  free_var(&result);
2919  return res;
2920 }

References add_var(), Assert, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, and res.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), interval_part_common(), numeric_add(), timestamp_part_common(), and timestamptz_part_common().

◆ numeric_avg()

Datum numeric_avg ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6132 of file numeric.c.

6133 {
6135  Datum N_datum;
6136  Datum sumX_datum;
6137  NumericVar sumX_var;
6139  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6141  /* If there were no non-null inputs, return NULL */
6142  if (state == NULL || NA_TOTAL_COUNT(state) == 0)
6145  if (state->NaNcount > 0) /* there was at least one NaN input */
6148  /* adding plus and minus infinities gives NaN */
6149  if (state->pInfcount > 0 && state->nInfcount > 0)
6151  if (state->pInfcount > 0)
6153  if (state->nInfcount > 0)
6156  N_datum = NumericGetDatum(int64_to_numeric(state->N));
6158  init_var(&sumX_var);
6159  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &sumX_var);
6160  sumX_datum = NumericGetDatum(make_result(&sumX_var));
6161  free_var(&sumX_var);
6163  PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_div, sumX_datum, N_datum));
6164 }
#define NA_TOTAL_COUNT(na)
Definition: numeric.c:4813

References accum_sum_final(), const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, DirectFunctionCall2, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numeric(), make_result(), NA_TOTAL_COUNT, numeric_div(), NumericGetDatum(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_DATUM, PG_RETURN_NULL, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

Referenced by numeric_poly_avg().

◆ numeric_avg_accum()

Datum numeric_avg_accum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5116 of file numeric.c.

5117 {
5120  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5122  /* Create the state data on the first call */
5123  if (state == NULL)
5124  state = makeNumericAggState(fcinfo, false);
5126  if (!PG_ARGISNULL(1))
5130 }

References do_numeric_accum(), makeNumericAggState(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_GETARG_POINTER, and PG_RETURN_POINTER.

◆ numeric_avg_combine()

Datum numeric_avg_combine ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5136 of file numeric.c.

5137 {
5138  NumericAggState *state1;
5139  NumericAggState *state2;
5140  MemoryContext agg_context;
5141  MemoryContext old_context;
5143  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, &agg_context))
5144  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5146  state1 = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5147  state2 = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
5149  if (state2 == NULL)
5150  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5152  /* manually copy all fields from state2 to state1 */
5153  if (state1 == NULL)
5154  {
5155  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5157  state1 = makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(false);
5158  state1->N = state2->N;
5159  state1->NaNcount = state2->NaNcount;
5160  state1->pInfcount = state2->pInfcount;
5161  state1->nInfcount = state2->nInfcount;
5162  state1->maxScale = state2->maxScale;
5163  state1->maxScaleCount = state2->maxScaleCount;
5165  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5167  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5169  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5170  }
5172  state1->N += state2->N;
5173  state1->NaNcount += state2->NaNcount;
5174  state1->pInfcount += state2->pInfcount;
5175  state1->nInfcount += state2->nInfcount;
5177  if (state2->N > 0)
5178  {
5179  /*
5180  * These are currently only needed for moving aggregates, but let's do
5181  * the right thing anyway...
5182  */
5183  if (state2->maxScale > state1->maxScale)
5184  {
5185  state1->maxScale = state2->maxScale;
5186  state1->maxScaleCount = state2->maxScaleCount;
5187  }
5188  else if (state2->maxScale == state1->maxScale)
5189  state1->maxScaleCount += state2->maxScaleCount;
5191  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
5192  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5194  /* Accumulate sums */
5195  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5197  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5198  }
5199  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5200 }
static NumericAggState * makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(bool calcSumX2)
Definition: numeric.c:4846
int64 NaNcount
Definition: numeric.c:4808
int64 nInfcount
Definition: numeric.c:4810
int64 maxScaleCount
Definition: numeric.c:4806
int64 pInfcount
Definition: numeric.c:4809

References accum_sum_combine(), accum_sum_copy(), AggCheckCallContext(), elog, ERROR, makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(), NumericAggState::maxScale, NumericAggState::maxScaleCount, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NumericAggState::N, NumericAggState::NaNcount, NumericAggState::nInfcount, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, NumericAggState::pInfcount, and NumericAggState::sumX.

◆ numeric_avg_deserialize()

Datum numeric_avg_deserialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5260 of file numeric.c.

5261 {
5262  bytea *sstate;
5263  NumericAggState *result;
5265  NumericVar tmp_var;
5267  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5268  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5270  sstate = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP(0);
5272  init_var(&tmp_var);
5274  /*
5275  * Initialize a StringInfo so that we can "receive" it using the standard
5276  * recv-function infrastructure.
5277  */
5279  VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(sstate));
5281  result = makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(false);
5283  /* N */
5284  result->N = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5286  /* sumX */
5287  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5288  accum_sum_add(&(result->sumX), &tmp_var);
5290  /* maxScale */
5291  result->maxScale = pq_getmsgint(&buf, 4);
5293  /* maxScaleCount */
5294  result->maxScaleCount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5296  /* NaNcount */
5297  result->NaNcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5299  /* pInfcount */
5300  result->pInfcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5302  /* nInfcount */
5303  result->nInfcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5305  pq_getmsgend(&buf);
5307  free_var(&tmp_var);
5309  PG_RETURN_POINTER(result);
5310 }
unsigned int pq_getmsgint(StringInfo msg, int b)
Definition: pqformat.c:415

References accum_sum_add(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, initReadOnlyStringInfo(), makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(), NumericAggState::maxScale, NumericAggState::maxScaleCount, NumericAggState::N, NumericAggState::NaNcount, NumericAggState::nInfcount, numericvar_deserialize(), PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP, PG_RETURN_POINTER, NumericAggState::pInfcount, pq_getmsgend(), pq_getmsgint(), pq_getmsgint64(), NumericAggState::sumX, VARDATA_ANY, and VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR.

◆ numeric_avg_serialize()

Datum numeric_avg_serialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5208 of file numeric.c.

5209 {
5212  bytea *result;
5213  NumericVar tmp_var;
5215  /* Ensure we disallow calling when not in aggregate context */
5216  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5217  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5221  init_var(&tmp_var);
5223  pq_begintypsend(&buf);
5225  /* N */
5226  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->N);
5228  /* sumX */
5229  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5230  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5232  /* maxScale */
5233  pq_sendint32(&buf, state->maxScale);
5235  /* maxScaleCount */
5236  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->maxScaleCount);
5238  /* NaNcount */
5239  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->NaNcount);
5241  /* pInfcount */
5242  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->pInfcount);
5244  /* nInfcount */
5245  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->nInfcount);
5247  result = pq_endtypsend(&buf);
5249  free_var(&tmp_var);
5251  PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(result);
5252 }
static void pq_sendint32(StringInfo buf, uint32 i)
Definition: pqformat.h:144

References accum_sum_final(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, numericvar_serialize(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P, pq_begintypsend(), pq_endtypsend(), pq_sendint32(), and pq_sendint64().

◆ numeric_ceil()

Datum numeric_ceil ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1647 of file numeric.c.

1648 {
1649  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1650  Numeric res;
1651  NumericVar result;
1653  /*
1654  * Handle NaN and infinities
1655  */
1656  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1659  init_var_from_num(num, &result);
1660  ceil_var(&result, &result);
1662  res = make_result(&result);
1663  free_var(&result);
1666 }
static void ceil_var(const NumericVar *var, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:10165

References ceil_var(), duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget().

◆ numeric_cmp()

Datum numeric_cmp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2403 of file numeric.c.

2404 {
2405  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2406  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2407  int result;
2409  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2);
2411  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2412  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2414  PG_RETURN_INT32(result);
2415 }
static int cmp_numerics(Numeric num1, Numeric num2)
Definition: numeric.c:2509
#define PG_RETURN_INT32(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:354

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_INT32.

Referenced by compareJsonbScalarValue(), compareNumeric(), gbt_numeric_cmp(), and gin_numeric_cmp().

◆ numeric_cmp_abbrev()

static int numeric_cmp_abbrev ( Datum  x,
Datum  y,
SortSupport  ssup 

Definition at line 2207 of file numeric.c.

2208 {
2209  /*
2210  * NOTE WELL: this is intentionally backwards, because the abbreviation is
2211  * negated relative to the original value, to handle NaN/infinity cases.
2212  */
2214  return 1;
2216  return -1;
2217  return 0;
2218 }
#define DatumGetNumericAbbrev(X)
Definition: numeric.c:410
int y
Definition: isn.c:72

References DatumGetNumericAbbrev, x, and y.

Referenced by numeric_sortsupport().

◆ numeric_combine()

Datum numeric_combine ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5044 of file numeric.c.

5045 {
5046  NumericAggState *state1;
5047  NumericAggState *state2;
5048  MemoryContext agg_context;
5049  MemoryContext old_context;
5051  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, &agg_context))
5052  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5054  state1 = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5055  state2 = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
5057  if (state2 == NULL)
5058  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5060  /* manually copy all fields from state2 to state1 */
5061  if (state1 == NULL)
5062  {
5063  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5065  state1 = makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(true);
5066  state1->N = state2->N;
5067  state1->NaNcount = state2->NaNcount;
5068  state1->pInfcount = state2->pInfcount;
5069  state1->nInfcount = state2->nInfcount;
5070  state1->maxScale = state2->maxScale;
5071  state1->maxScaleCount = state2->maxScaleCount;
5073  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5074  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX2, &state2->sumX2);
5076  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5078  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5079  }
5081  state1->N += state2->N;
5082  state1->NaNcount += state2->NaNcount;
5083  state1->pInfcount += state2->pInfcount;
5084  state1->nInfcount += state2->nInfcount;
5086  if (state2->N > 0)
5087  {
5088  /*
5089  * These are currently only needed for moving aggregates, but let's do
5090  * the right thing anyway...
5091  */
5092  if (state2->maxScale > state1->maxScale)
5093  {
5094  state1->maxScale = state2->maxScale;
5095  state1->maxScaleCount = state2->maxScaleCount;
5096  }
5097  else if (state2->maxScale == state1->maxScale)
5098  state1->maxScaleCount += state2->maxScaleCount;
5100  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
5101  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5103  /* Accumulate sums */
5104  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5105  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX2, &state2->sumX2);
5107  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5108  }
5109  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5110 }
NumericSumAccum sumX2
Definition: numeric.c:4804

References accum_sum_combine(), accum_sum_copy(), AggCheckCallContext(), elog, ERROR, makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(), NumericAggState::maxScale, NumericAggState::maxScaleCount, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NumericAggState::N, NumericAggState::NaNcount, NumericAggState::nInfcount, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, NumericAggState::pInfcount, NumericAggState::sumX, and NumericAggState::sumX2.

◆ numeric_deserialize()

Datum numeric_deserialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5374 of file numeric.c.

5375 {
5376  bytea *sstate;
5377  NumericAggState *result;
5379  NumericVar tmp_var;
5381  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5382  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5384  sstate = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP(0);
5386  init_var(&tmp_var);
5388  /*
5389  * Initialize a StringInfo so that we can "receive" it using the standard
5390  * recv-function infrastructure.
5391  */
5393  VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(sstate));
5395  result = makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(false);
5397  /* N */
5398  result->N = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5400  /* sumX */
5401  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5402  accum_sum_add(&(result->sumX), &tmp_var);
5404  /* sumX2 */
5405  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5406  accum_sum_add(&(result->sumX2), &tmp_var);
5408  /* maxScale */
5409  result->maxScale = pq_getmsgint(&buf, 4);
5411  /* maxScaleCount */
5412  result->maxScaleCount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5414  /* NaNcount */
5415  result->NaNcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5417  /* pInfcount */
5418  result->pInfcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5420  /* nInfcount */
5421  result->nInfcount = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5423  pq_getmsgend(&buf);
5425  free_var(&tmp_var);
5427  PG_RETURN_POINTER(result);
5428 }

References accum_sum_add(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, initReadOnlyStringInfo(), makeNumericAggStateCurrentContext(), NumericAggState::maxScale, NumericAggState::maxScaleCount, NumericAggState::N, NumericAggState::NaNcount, NumericAggState::nInfcount, numericvar_deserialize(), PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP, PG_RETURN_POINTER, NumericAggState::pInfcount, pq_getmsgend(), pq_getmsgint(), pq_getmsgint64(), NumericAggState::sumX, NumericAggState::sumX2, VARDATA_ANY, and VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR.

◆ numeric_div()

Datum numeric_div ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3128 of file numeric.c.

3129 {
3130  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3131  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3132  Numeric res;
3134  res = numeric_div_opt_error(num1, num2, NULL);
3137 }
Numeric numeric_div_opt_error(Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:3148

References numeric_div_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by cash_numeric(), gbt_numeric_penalty(), int8_avg(), numeric_avg(), and numeric_poly_avg().

◆ numeric_div_opt_error()

Numeric numeric_div_opt_error ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 3148 of file numeric.c.

3149 {
3150  NumericVar arg1;
3151  NumericVar arg2;
3152  NumericVar result;
3153  Numeric res;
3154  int rscale;
3156  if (have_error)
3157  *have_error = false;
3159  /*
3160  * Handle NaN and infinities
3161  */
3163  {
3164  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3165  return make_result(&const_nan);
3166  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
3167  {
3168  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
3169  return make_result(&const_nan); /* Inf / [-]Inf */
3170  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3171  {
3172  case 0:
3173  if (have_error)
3174  {
3175  *have_error = true;
3176  return NULL;
3177  }
3178  ereport(ERROR,
3180  errmsg("division by zero")));
3181  break;
3182  case 1:
3183  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3184  case -1:
3185  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3186  }
3187  Assert(false);
3188  }
3189  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1))
3190  {
3191  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
3192  return make_result(&const_nan); /* -Inf / [-]Inf */
3193  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3194  {
3195  case 0:
3196  if (have_error)
3197  {
3198  *have_error = true;
3199  return NULL;
3200  }
3201  ereport(ERROR,
3203  errmsg("division by zero")));
3204  break;
3205  case 1:
3206  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3207  case -1:
3208  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3209  }
3210  Assert(false);
3211  }
3212  /* by here, num1 must be finite, so num2 is not */
3214  /*
3215  * POSIX would have us return zero or minus zero if num1 is zero, and
3216  * otherwise throw an underflow error. But the numeric type doesn't
3217  * really do underflow, so let's just return zero.
3218  */
3219  return make_result(&const_zero);
3220  }
3222  /*
3223  * Unpack the arguments
3224  */
3225  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3226  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3228  init_var(&result);
3230  /*
3231  * Select scale for division result
3232  */
3233  rscale = select_div_scale(&arg1, &arg2);
3235  /*
3236  * If "have_error" is provided, check for division by zero here
3237  */
3238  if (have_error && (arg2.ndigits == 0 || arg2.digits[0] == 0))
3239  {
3240  *have_error = true;
3241  return NULL;
3242  }
3244  /*
3245  * Do the divide and return the result
3246  */
3247  div_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result, rscale, true);
3249  res = make_result_opt_error(&result, have_error);
3251  free_var(&result);
3253  return res;
3254 }
static int numeric_sign_internal(Numeric num)
Definition: numeric.c:1478
static int select_div_scale(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2)
Definition: numeric.c:9997

References Assert, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, const_zero, NumericVar::digits, div_var(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_sign_internal(), res, and select_div_scale().

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), numeric_div(), timestamp_part_common(), and timestamptz_part_common().

◆ numeric_div_trunc()

Datum numeric_div_trunc ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3263 of file numeric.c.

3264 {
3265  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3266  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3267  NumericVar arg1;
3268  NumericVar arg2;
3269  NumericVar result;
3270  Numeric res;
3272  /*
3273  * Handle NaN and infinities
3274  */
3276  {
3277  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3279  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
3280  {
3281  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
3282  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(make_result(&const_nan)); /* Inf / [-]Inf */
3283  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3284  {
3285  case 0:
3286  ereport(ERROR,
3288  errmsg("division by zero")));
3289  break;
3290  case 1:
3292  case -1:
3294  }
3295  Assert(false);
3296  }
3297  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1))
3298  {
3299  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
3300  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(make_result(&const_nan)); /* -Inf / [-]Inf */
3301  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3302  {
3303  case 0:
3304  ereport(ERROR,
3306  errmsg("division by zero")));
3307  break;
3308  case 1:
3310  case -1:
3312  }
3313  Assert(false);
3314  }
3315  /* by here, num1 must be finite, so num2 is not */
3317  /*
3318  * POSIX would have us return zero or minus zero if num1 is zero, and
3319  * otherwise throw an underflow error. But the numeric type doesn't
3320  * really do underflow, so let's just return zero.
3321  */
3323  }
3325  /*
3326  * Unpack the arguments
3327  */
3328  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3329  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3331  init_var(&result);
3333  /*
3334  * Do the divide and return the result
3335  */
3336  div_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result, 0, false);
3338  res = make_result(&result);
3340  free_var(&result);
3343 }

References Assert, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, const_zero, div_var(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_sign_internal(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_half_rounded(), and numeric_truncated_divide().

◆ numeric_eq()

Datum numeric_eq ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2419 of file numeric.c.

2420 {
2421  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2422  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2423  bool result;
2425  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) == 0;
2427  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2428  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2430  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2431 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

Referenced by equalsJsonbScalarValue(), and gbt_numeric_eq().

◆ numeric_exp()

Datum numeric_exp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3752 of file numeric.c.

3753 {
3754  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3755  Numeric res;
3756  NumericVar arg;
3757  NumericVar result;
3758  int rscale;
3759  double val;
3761  /*
3762  * Handle NaN and infinities
3763  */
3764  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
3765  {
3766  /* Per POSIX, exp(-Inf) is zero */
3767  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
3769  /* For NAN or PINF, just duplicate the input */
3771  }
3773  /*
3774  * Unpack the argument and determine the result scale. We choose a scale
3775  * to give at least NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits; but in any
3776  * case not less than the input's dscale.
3777  */
3778  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
3780  init_var(&result);
3782  /* convert input to float8, ignoring overflow */
3785  /*
3786  * log10(result) = num * log10(e), so this is approximately the decimal
3787  * weight of the result:
3788  */
3789  val *= 0.434294481903252;
3791  /* limit to something that won't cause integer overflow */
3795  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - (int) val;
3796  rscale = Max(rscale, arg.dscale);
3797  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3798  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3800  /*
3801  * Let exp_var() do the calculation and return the result.
3802  */
3803  exp_var(&arg, &result, rscale);
3805  res = make_result(&result);
3807  free_var(&result);
3810 }
static void exp_var(const NumericVar *arg, NumericVar *result, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:10762

References arg, const_zero, duplicate_numeric(), exp_var(), free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, numericvar_to_double_no_overflow(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, and val.

◆ numeric_fac()

Datum numeric_fac ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3628 of file numeric.c.

3629 {
3630  int64 num = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
3631  Numeric res;
3632  NumericVar fact;
3633  NumericVar result;
3635  if (num < 0)
3636  ereport(ERROR,
3638  errmsg("factorial of a negative number is undefined")));
3639  if (num <= 1)
3640  {
3643  }
3644  /* Fail immediately if the result would overflow */
3645  if (num > 32177)
3646  ereport(ERROR,
3648  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
3650  init_var(&fact);
3651  init_var(&result);
3653  int64_to_numericvar(num, &result);
3655  for (num = num - 1; num > 1; num--)
3656  {
3657  /* this loop can take awhile, so allow it to be interrupted */
3660  int64_to_numericvar(num, &fact);
3662  mul_var(&result, &fact, &result, 0);
3663  }
3665  res = make_result(&result);
3667  free_var(&fact);
3668  free_var(&result);
3671 }

References CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, const_one, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), make_result(), mul_var(), PG_GETARG_INT64, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_fast_cmp()

static int numeric_fast_cmp ( Datum  x,
Datum  y,
SortSupport  ssup 

Definition at line 2185 of file numeric.c.

2186 {
2187  Numeric nx = DatumGetNumeric(x);
2188  Numeric ny = DatumGetNumeric(y);
2189  int result;
2191  result = cmp_numerics(nx, ny);
2193  if ((Pointer) nx != DatumGetPointer(x))
2194  pfree(nx);
2195  if ((Pointer) ny != DatumGetPointer(y))
2196  pfree(ny);
2198  return result;
2199 }
static Numeric DatumGetNumeric(Datum X)
Definition: numeric.h:61

References cmp_numerics(), DatumGetNumeric(), DatumGetPointer(), pfree(), x, and y.

Referenced by numeric_sortsupport().

◆ numeric_float4()

Datum numeric_float4 ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4726 of file numeric.c.

4727 {
4728  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4729  char *tmp;
4730  Datum result;
4732  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4733  {
4734  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
4736  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
4738  else
4740  }
4743  NumericGetDatum(num)));
4747  pfree(tmp);
4749  PG_RETURN_DATUM(result);
4750 }
Datum numeric_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:816
Datum float4in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: float.c:165
static float4 get_float4_infinity(void)
Definition: float.h:74
static float4 get_float4_nan(void)
Definition: float.h:111
#define DirectFunctionCall1(func, arg1)
Definition: fmgr.h:642
#define PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:366
static char * DatumGetCString(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:335
static Datum CStringGetDatum(const char *X)
Definition: postgres.h:350

References CStringGetDatum(), DatumGetCString(), DirectFunctionCall1, float4in(), get_float4_infinity(), get_float4_nan(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_out(), NumericGetDatum(), pfree(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_DATUM, and PG_RETURN_FLOAT4.

Referenced by jsonb_float4().

◆ numeric_float8()

Datum numeric_float8 ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4632 of file numeric.c.

4633 {
4634  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4635  char *tmp;
4636  Datum result;
4638  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4639  {
4640  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
4642  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
4644  else
4646  }
4649  NumericGetDatum(num)));
4653  pfree(tmp);
4655  PG_RETURN_DATUM(result);
4656 }
Datum float8in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: float.c:365
static float8 get_float8_infinity(void)
Definition: float.h:94
static float8 get_float8_nan(void)
Definition: float.h:123
#define PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:367

References CStringGetDatum(), DatumGetCString(), DirectFunctionCall1, float8in(), get_float8_infinity(), get_float8_nan(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_out(), NumericGetDatum(), pfree(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_DATUM, and PG_RETURN_FLOAT8.

Referenced by brin_minmax_multi_distance_numeric(), jsonb_float8(), and numrange_subdiff().

◆ numeric_float8_no_overflow()

Datum numeric_float8_no_overflow ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4665 of file numeric.c.

4666 {
4667  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4668  double val;
4670  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4671  {
4672  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
4673  val = HUGE_VAL;
4674  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
4675  val = -HUGE_VAL;
4676  else
4677  val = get_float8_nan();
4678  }
4679  else
4680  {
4681  NumericVar x;
4683  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
4685  }
4688 }

References get_float8_nan(), init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_double_no_overflow(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_FLOAT8, val, and x.

Referenced by convert_numeric_to_scalar(), and gbt_numeric_penalty().

◆ numeric_floor()

Datum numeric_floor ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1675 of file numeric.c.

1676 {
1677  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1678  Numeric res;
1679  NumericVar result;
1681  /*
1682  * Handle NaN and infinities
1683  */
1684  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1687  init_var_from_num(num, &result);
1688  floor_var(&result, &result);
1690  res = make_result(&result);
1691  free_var(&result);
1694 }
static void floor_var(const NumericVar *var, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:10189

References duplicate_numeric(), floor_var(), free_var(), init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget().

◆ numeric_gcd()

Datum numeric_gcd ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3525 of file numeric.c.

3526 {
3527  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3528  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3529  NumericVar arg1;
3530  NumericVar arg2;
3531  NumericVar result;
3532  Numeric res;
3534  /*
3535  * Handle NaN and infinities: we consider the result to be NaN in all such
3536  * cases.
3537  */
3541  /*
3542  * Unpack the arguments
3543  */
3544  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3545  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3547  init_var(&result);
3549  /*
3550  * Find the GCD and return the result
3551  */
3552  gcd_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
3554  res = make_result(&result);
3556  free_var(&result);
3559 }
static void gcd_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:10212

References const_nan, free_var(), gcd_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_ge()

Datum numeric_ge ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2464 of file numeric.c.

2465 {
2466  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2467  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2468  bool result;
2470  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) >= 0;
2472  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2473  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2475  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2476 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

Referenced by gbt_numeric_ge(), and numeric_half_rounded().

◆ numeric_gt()

Datum numeric_gt ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2449 of file numeric.c.

2450 {
2451  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2452  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2453  bool result;
2455  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) > 0;
2457  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2458  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2460  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2461 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

Referenced by gbt_numeric_gt(), and gbt_numeric_penalty().

◆ numeric_in()

Datum numeric_in ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 637 of file numeric.c.

638 {
639  char *str = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0);
640 #ifdef NOT_USED
641  Oid typelem = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
642 #endif
643  int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
644  Node *escontext = fcinfo->context;
645  Numeric res;
646  const char *cp;
647  const char *numstart;
648  int sign;
650  /* Skip leading spaces */
651  cp = str;
652  while (*cp)
653  {
654  if (!isspace((unsigned char) *cp))
655  break;
656  cp++;
657  }
659  /*
660  * Process the number's sign. This duplicates logic in set_var_from_str(),
661  * but it's worth doing here, since it simplifies the handling of
662  * infinities and non-decimal integers.
663  */
664  numstart = cp;
665  sign = NUMERIC_POS;
667  if (*cp == '+')
668  cp++;
669  else if (*cp == '-')
670  {
671  sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
672  cp++;
673  }
675  /*
676  * Check for NaN and infinities. We recognize the same strings allowed by
677  * float8in().
678  *
679  * Since all other legal inputs have a digit or a decimal point after the
680  * sign, we need only check for NaN/infinity if that's not the case.
681  */
682  if (!isdigit((unsigned char) *cp) && *cp != '.')
683  {
684  /*
685  * The number must be NaN or infinity; anything else can only be a
686  * syntax error. Note that NaN mustn't have a sign.
687  */
688  if (pg_strncasecmp(numstart, "NaN", 3) == 0)
689  {
691  cp = numstart + 3;
692  }
693  else if (pg_strncasecmp(cp, "Infinity", 8) == 0)
694  {
696  cp += 8;
697  }
698  else if (pg_strncasecmp(cp, "inf", 3) == 0)
699  {
701  cp += 3;
702  }
703  else
704  goto invalid_syntax;
706  /*
707  * Check for trailing junk; there should be nothing left but spaces.
708  *
709  * We intentionally do this check before applying the typmod because
710  * we would like to throw any trailing-junk syntax error before any
711  * semantic error resulting from apply_typmod_special().
712  */
713  while (*cp)
714  {
715  if (!isspace((unsigned char) *cp))
716  goto invalid_syntax;
717  cp++;
718  }
720  if (!apply_typmod_special(res, typmod, escontext))
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  /*
726  * We have a normal numeric value, which may be a non-decimal integer
727  * or a regular decimal number.
728  */
730  int base;
731  bool have_error;
733  init_var(&value);
735  /*
736  * Determine the number's base by looking for a non-decimal prefix
737  * indicator ("0x", "0o", or "0b").
738  */
739  if (cp[0] == '0')
740  {
741  switch (cp[1])
742  {
743  case 'x':
744  case 'X':
745  base = 16;
746  break;
747  case 'o':
748  case 'O':
749  base = 8;
750  break;
751  case 'b':
752  case 'B':
753  base = 2;
754  break;
755  default:
756  base = 10;
757  }
758  }
759  else
760  base = 10;
762  /* Parse the rest of the number and apply the sign */
763  if (base == 10)
764  {
765  if (!set_var_from_str(str, cp, &value, &cp, escontext))
767  value.sign = sign;
768  }
769  else
770  {
771  if (!set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(str, cp + 2, sign, base,
772  &value, &cp, escontext))
774  }
776  /*
777  * Should be nothing left but spaces. As above, throw any typmod error
778  * after finishing syntax check.
779  */
780  while (*cp)
781  {
782  if (!isspace((unsigned char) *cp))
783  goto invalid_syntax;
784  cp++;
785  }
787  if (!apply_typmod(&value, typmod, escontext))
790  res = make_result_opt_error(&value, &have_error);
792  if (have_error)
793  ereturn(escontext, (Datum) 0,
795  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
797  free_var(&value);
798  }
802 invalid_syntax:
803  ereturn(escontext, (Datum) 0,
805  errmsg("invalid input syntax for type %s: \"%s\"",
806  "numeric", str)));
807 }
static bool set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(const char *str, const char *cp, int sign, int base, NumericVar *dest, const char **endptr, Node *escontext)
Definition: numeric.c:7246
#define PG_GETARG_OID(n)
Definition: fmgr.h:275
Definition: fmgr.h:277
int pg_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
Definition: pgstrcasecmp.c:69
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
Definition: nodes.h:129

References apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, ereturn, errcode(), errmsg(), free_var(), init_var, make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, PG_GETARG_CSTRING, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_OID, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, pg_strncasecmp(), res, set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), set_var_from_str(), sign, str, and value.

Referenced by datum_to_jsonb_internal(), executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), extract_date(), hstore_to_jsonb_loose(), interval_part_common(), jsonb_in_scalar(), make_const(), numeric_to_number(), pg_lsn_mi(), pg_lsn_mii(), pg_lsn_pli(), pg_size_bytes(), pg_split_walfile_name(), pg_stat_get_activity(), pg_stat_get_wal(), pg_stat_statements_internal(), PLyNumber_ToJsonbValue(), ssl_client_serial(), SV_to_JsonbValue(), timestamp_part_common(), and timestamptz_part_common().

◆ numeric_inc()

Datum numeric_inc ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3441 of file numeric.c.

3442 {
3443  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3444  NumericVar arg;
3445  Numeric res;
3447  /*
3448  * Handle NaN and infinities
3449  */
3450  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
3453  /*
3454  * Compute the result and return it
3455  */
3456  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
3458  add_var(&arg, &const_one, &arg);
3460  res = make_result(&arg);
3462  free_var(&arg);
3465 }

References add_var(), arg, const_one, duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_int2()

Datum numeric_int2 ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4557 of file numeric.c.

4558 {
4559  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4560  NumericVar x;
4561  int64 val;
4562  int16 result;
4564  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4565  {
4566  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
4567  ereport(ERROR,
4569  errmsg("cannot convert NaN to %s", "smallint")));
4570  else
4571  ereport(ERROR,
4573  errmsg("cannot convert infinity to %s", "smallint")));
4574  }
4576  /* Convert to variable format and thence to int8 */
4577  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
4579  if (!numericvar_to_int64(&x, &val))
4580  ereport(ERROR,
4582  errmsg("smallint out of range")));
4585  ereport(ERROR,
4587  errmsg("smallint out of range")));
4589  /* Down-convert to int2 */
4590  result = (int16) val;
4592  PG_RETURN_INT16(result);
4593 }
static bool numericvar_to_int64(const NumericVar *var, int64 *result)
Definition: numeric.c:8033
#define PG_INT16_MIN
Definition: c.h:585
#define PG_INT16_MAX
Definition: c.h:586
#define PG_RETURN_INT16(x)
Definition: fmgr.h:356

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_int64(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_INT16_MAX, PG_INT16_MIN, PG_RETURN_INT16, unlikely, val, and x.

Referenced by jsonb_int2().

◆ numeric_int4()

Datum numeric_int4 ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4451 of file numeric.c.

4452 {
4453  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4456 }
int32 numeric_int4_opt_error(Numeric num, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:4401

References numeric_int4_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_INT32.

Referenced by jsonb_int4(), and numeric_to_char().

◆ numeric_int4_opt_error()

int32 numeric_int4_opt_error ( Numeric  num,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 4401 of file numeric.c.

4402 {
4403  NumericVar x;
4404  int32 result;
4406  if (have_error)
4407  *have_error = false;
4409  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4410  {
4411  if (have_error)
4412  {
4413  *have_error = true;
4414  return 0;
4415  }
4416  else
4417  {
4418  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
4419  ereport(ERROR,
4421  errmsg("cannot convert NaN to %s", "integer")));
4422  else
4423  ereport(ERROR,
4425  errmsg("cannot convert infinity to %s", "integer")));
4426  }
4427  }
4429  /* Convert to variable format, then convert to int4 */
4430  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
4432  if (!numericvar_to_int32(&x, &result))
4433  {
4434  if (have_error)
4435  {
4436  *have_error = true;
4437  return 0;
4438  }
4439  else
4440  {
4441  ereport(ERROR,
4443  errmsg("integer out of range")));
4444  }
4445  }
4447  return result;
4448 }
static bool numericvar_to_int32(const NumericVar *var, int32 *result)
Definition: numeric.c:4464

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_int32(), and x.

Referenced by executeDateTimeMethod(), executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), getArrayIndex(), and numeric_int4().

◆ numeric_int8()

Datum numeric_int8 ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4539 of file numeric.c.

4540 {
4541  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4544 }
int64 numeric_int8_opt_error(Numeric num, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:4489

References numeric_int8_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_INT64.

Referenced by jsonb_int8(), numeric_cash(), and pg_size_bytes().

◆ numeric_int8_opt_error()

int64 numeric_int8_opt_error ( Numeric  num,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 4489 of file numeric.c.

4490 {
4491  NumericVar x;
4492  int64 result;
4494  if (have_error)
4495  *have_error = false;
4497  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4498  {
4499  if (have_error)
4500  {
4501  *have_error = true;
4502  return 0;
4503  }
4504  else
4505  {
4506  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
4507  ereport(ERROR,
4509  errmsg("cannot convert NaN to %s", "bigint")));
4510  else
4511  ereport(ERROR,
4513  errmsg("cannot convert infinity to %s", "bigint")));
4514  }
4515  }
4517  /* Convert to variable format, then convert to int8 */
4518  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
4520  if (!numericvar_to_int64(&x, &result))
4521  {
4522  if (have_error)
4523  {
4524  *have_error = true;
4525  return 0;
4526  }
4527  else
4528  {
4529  ereport(ERROR,
4531  errmsg("bigint out of range")));
4532  }
4533  }
4535  return result;
4536 }

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_int64(), and x.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and numeric_int8().

◆ numeric_is_inf()

bool numeric_is_inf ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 862 of file numeric.c.

863 {
864  return NUMERIC_IS_INF(num);
865 }
#define NUMERIC_IS_INF(n)
Definition: numeric.c:206

References NUMERIC_IS_INF.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and PLyNumber_ToJsonbValue().

◆ numeric_is_integral()

static bool numeric_is_integral ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 873 of file numeric.c.

874 {
875  NumericVar arg;
877  /* Reject NaN, but infinities are considered integral */
878  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
879  {
880  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
881  return false;
882  return true;
883  }
885  /* Integral if there are no digits to the right of the decimal point */
886  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
888  return (arg.ndigits == 0 || arg.ndigits <= arg.weight + 1);
889 }

References arg, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, and NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL.

Referenced by numeric_power().

◆ numeric_is_nan()

bool numeric_is_nan ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 851 of file numeric.c.

852 {
853  return NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num);
854 }

References NUMERIC_IS_NAN.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), gbt_numeric_penalty(), pg_lsn_mii(), pg_lsn_pli(), and PLyNumber_ToJsonbValue().

◆ numeric_larger()

Datum numeric_larger ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3496 of file numeric.c.

3497 {
3498  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3499  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3501  /*
3502  * Use cmp_numerics so that this will agree with the comparison operators,
3503  * particularly as regards comparisons involving NaN.
3504  */
3505  if (cmp_numerics(num1, num2) > 0)
3506  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(num1);
3507  else
3508  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(num2);
3509 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

◆ numeric_lcm()

Datum numeric_lcm ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3568 of file numeric.c.

3569 {
3570  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3571  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3572  NumericVar arg1;
3573  NumericVar arg2;
3574  NumericVar result;
3575  Numeric res;
3577  /*
3578  * Handle NaN and infinities: we consider the result to be NaN in all such
3579  * cases.
3580  */
3584  /*
3585  * Unpack the arguments
3586  */
3587  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3588  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3590  init_var(&result);
3592  /*
3593  * Compute the result using lcm(x, y) = abs(x / gcd(x, y) * y), returning
3594  * zero if either input is zero.
3595  *
3596  * Note that the division is guaranteed to be exact, returning an integer
3597  * result, so the LCM is an integral multiple of both x and y. A display
3598  * scale of Min(x.dscale, y.dscale) would be sufficient to represent it,
3599  * but as with other numeric functions, we choose to return a result whose
3600  * display scale is no smaller than either input.
3601  */
3602  if (arg1.ndigits == 0 || arg2.ndigits == 0)
3603  set_var_from_var(&const_zero, &result);
3604  else
3605  {
3606  gcd_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
3607  div_var(&arg1, &result, &result, 0, false);
3608  mul_var(&arg2, &result, &result, arg2.dscale);
3609  result.sign = NUMERIC_POS;
3610  }
3612  result.dscale = Max(arg1.dscale, arg2.dscale);
3614  res = make_result(&result);
3616  free_var(&result);
3619 }

References const_nan, const_zero, div_var(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), gcd_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), Max, mul_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_POS, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, set_var_from_var(), and NumericVar::sign.

◆ numeric_le()

Datum numeric_le ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2494 of file numeric.c.

2495 {
2496  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2497  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2498  bool result;
2500  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) <= 0;
2502  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2503  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2505  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2506 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

Referenced by brin_minmax_multi_distance_numeric(), and gbt_numeric_le().

◆ numeric_ln()

Datum numeric_ln ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3819 of file numeric.c.

3820 {
3821  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3822  Numeric res;
3823  NumericVar arg;
3824  NumericVar result;
3825  int ln_dweight;
3826  int rscale;
3828  /*
3829  * Handle NaN and infinities
3830  */
3831  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
3832  {
3833  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
3834  ereport(ERROR,
3836  errmsg("cannot take logarithm of a negative number")));
3837  /* For NAN or PINF, just duplicate the input */
3839  }
3841  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
3842  init_var(&result);
3844  /* Estimated dweight of logarithm */
3845  ln_dweight = estimate_ln_dweight(&arg);
3847  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - ln_dweight;
3848  rscale = Max(rscale, arg.dscale);
3849  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3850  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3852  ln_var(&arg, &result, rscale);
3854  res = make_result(&result);
3856  free_var(&result);
3859 }

References arg, duplicate_numeric(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, estimate_ln_dweight(), free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), ln_var(), make_result(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_log()

Datum numeric_log ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3868 of file numeric.c.

3869 {
3870  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3871  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3872  Numeric res;
3873  NumericVar arg1;
3874  NumericVar arg2;
3875  NumericVar result;
3877  /*
3878  * Handle NaN and infinities
3879  */
3881  {
3882  int sign1,
3883  sign2;
3885  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3887  /* fail on negative inputs including -Inf, as log_var would */
3888  sign1 = numeric_sign_internal(num1);
3889  sign2 = numeric_sign_internal(num2);
3890  if (sign1 < 0 || sign2 < 0)
3891  ereport(ERROR,
3893  errmsg("cannot take logarithm of a negative number")));
3894  /* fail on zero inputs, as log_var would */
3895  if (sign1 == 0 || sign2 == 0)
3896  ereport(ERROR,
3898  errmsg("cannot take logarithm of zero")));
3899  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
3900  {
3901  /* log(Inf, Inf) reduces to Inf/Inf, so it's NaN */
3902  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
3904  /* log(Inf, finite-positive) is zero (we don't throw underflow) */
3906  }
3907  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2));
3908  /* log(finite-positive, Inf) is Inf */
3910  }
3912  /*
3913  * Initialize things
3914  */
3915  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3916  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3917  init_var(&result);
3919  /*
3920  * Call log_var() to compute and return the result; note it handles scale
3921  * selection itself.
3922  */
3923  log_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
3925  res = make_result(&result);
3927  free_var(&result);
3930 }
static void log_var(const NumericVar *base, const NumericVar *num, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11091

References Assert, const_nan, const_pinf, const_zero, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), log_var(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_sign_internal(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_lt()

Datum numeric_lt ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2479 of file numeric.c.

2480 {
2481  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2482  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2483  bool result;
2485  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) < 0;
2487  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2488  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2490  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2491 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

Referenced by gbt_numeric_lt(), and numeric_is_less().

◆ numeric_maximum_size()

int32 numeric_maximum_size ( int32  typmod)

Definition at line 953 of file numeric.c.

954 {
955  int precision;
956  int numeric_digits;
958  if (!is_valid_numeric_typmod(typmod))
959  return -1;
961  /* precision (ie, max # of digits) is in upper bits of typmod */
962  precision = numeric_typmod_precision(typmod);
964  /*
965  * This formula computes the maximum number of NumericDigits we could need
966  * in order to store the specified number of decimal digits. Because the
967  * weight is stored as a number of NumericDigits rather than a number of
968  * decimal digits, it's possible that the first NumericDigit will contain
969  * only a single decimal digit. Thus, the first two decimal digits can
970  * require two NumericDigits to store, but it isn't until we reach
971  * DEC_DIGITS + 2 decimal digits that we potentially need a third
972  * NumericDigit.
973  */
974  numeric_digits = (precision + 2 * (DEC_DIGITS - 1)) / DEC_DIGITS;
976  /*
977  * In most cases, the size of a numeric will be smaller than the value
978  * computed below, because the varlena header will typically get toasted
979  * down to a single byte before being stored on disk, and it may also be
980  * possible to use a short numeric header. But our job here is to compute
981  * the worst case.
982  */
983  return NUMERIC_HDRSZ + (numeric_digits * sizeof(NumericDigit));
984 }

References DEC_DIGITS, is_valid_numeric_typmod(), NUMERIC_HDRSZ, and numeric_typmod_precision().

Referenced by type_maximum_size().

◆ numeric_min_scale()

Datum numeric_min_scale ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4191 of file numeric.c.

4192 {
4193  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4194  NumericVar arg;
4195  int min_scale;
4197  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4200  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
4201  min_scale = get_min_scale(&arg);
4202  free_var(&arg);
4204  PG_RETURN_INT32(min_scale);
4205 }
static int get_min_scale(NumericVar *var)
Definition: numeric.c:4140

References arg, free_var(), get_min_scale(), init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_INT32, and PG_RETURN_NULL.

◆ numeric_mod()

Datum numeric_mod ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3352 of file numeric.c.

3353 {
3354  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3355  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3356  Numeric res;
3358  res = numeric_mod_opt_error(num1, num2, NULL);
3361 }
Numeric numeric_mod_opt_error(Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:3372

References numeric_mod_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_mod_opt_error()

Numeric numeric_mod_opt_error ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 3372 of file numeric.c.

3373 {
3374  Numeric res;
3375  NumericVar arg1;
3376  NumericVar arg2;
3377  NumericVar result;
3379  if (have_error)
3380  *have_error = false;
3382  /*
3383  * Handle NaN and infinities. We follow POSIX fmod() on this, except that
3384  * POSIX treats x-is-infinite and y-is-zero identically, raising EDOM and
3385  * returning NaN. We choose to throw error only for y-is-zero.
3386  */
3388  {
3389  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3390  return make_result(&const_nan);
3391  if (NUMERIC_IS_INF(num1))
3392  {
3393  if (numeric_sign_internal(num2) == 0)
3394  {
3395  if (have_error)
3396  {
3397  *have_error = true;
3398  return NULL;
3399  }
3400  ereport(ERROR,
3402  errmsg("division by zero")));
3403  }
3404  /* Inf % any nonzero = NaN */
3405  return make_result(&const_nan);
3406  }
3407  /* num2 must be [-]Inf; result is num1 regardless of sign of num2 */
3408  return duplicate_numeric(num1);
3409  }
3411  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3412  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3414  init_var(&result);
3416  /*
3417  * If "have_error" is provided, check for division by zero here
3418  */
3419  if (have_error && (arg2.ndigits == 0 || arg2.digits[0] == 0))
3420  {
3421  *have_error = true;
3422  return NULL;
3423  }
3425  mod_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
3427  res = make_result_opt_error(&result, NULL);
3429  free_var(&result);
3431  return res;
3432 }

References const_nan, NumericVar::digits, duplicate_numeric(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), mod_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_IS_INF, NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_sign_internal(), and res.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and numeric_mod().

◆ numeric_mul()

Datum numeric_mul ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3007 of file numeric.c.

3008 {
3009  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3010  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3011  Numeric res;
3013  res = numeric_mul_opt_error(num1, num2, NULL);
3016 }
Numeric numeric_mul_opt_error(Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:3027

References numeric_mul_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_cash(), numeric_to_char(), numeric_to_number(), and pg_size_bytes().

◆ numeric_mul_opt_error()

Numeric numeric_mul_opt_error ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 3027 of file numeric.c.

3028 {
3029  NumericVar arg1;
3030  NumericVar arg2;
3031  NumericVar result;
3032  Numeric res;
3034  /*
3035  * Handle NaN and infinities
3036  */
3038  {
3039  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3040  return make_result(&const_nan);
3041  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
3042  {
3043  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3044  {
3045  case 0:
3046  return make_result(&const_nan); /* Inf * 0 */
3047  case 1:
3048  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3049  case -1:
3050  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3051  }
3052  Assert(false);
3053  }
3054  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1))
3055  {
3056  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num2))
3057  {
3058  case 0:
3059  return make_result(&const_nan); /* -Inf * 0 */
3060  case 1:
3061  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3062  case -1:
3063  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3064  }
3065  Assert(false);
3066  }
3067  /* by here, num1 must be finite, so num2 is not */
3068  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
3069  {
3070  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num1))
3071  {
3072  case 0:
3073  return make_result(&const_nan); /* 0 * Inf */
3074  case 1:
3075  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3076  case -1:
3077  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3078  }
3079  Assert(false);
3080  }
3081  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2));
3082  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num1))
3083  {
3084  case 0:
3085  return make_result(&const_nan); /* 0 * -Inf */
3086  case 1:
3087  return make_result(&const_ninf);
3088  case -1:
3089  return make_result(&const_pinf);
3090  }
3091  Assert(false);
3092  }
3094  /*
3095  * Unpack the values, let mul_var() compute the result and return it.
3096  * Unlike add_var() and sub_var(), mul_var() will round its result. In the
3097  * case of numeric_mul(), which is invoked for the * operator on numerics,
3098  * we request exact representation for the product (rscale = sum(dscale of
3099  * arg1, dscale of arg2)). If the exact result has more digits after the
3100  * decimal point than can be stored in a numeric, we round it. Rounding
3101  * after computing the exact result ensures that the final result is
3102  * correctly rounded (rounding in mul_var() using a truncated product
3103  * would not guarantee this).
3104  */
3105  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3106  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3108  init_var(&result);
3109  mul_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result, arg1.dscale + arg2.dscale);
3111  if (result.dscale > NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX)
3112  round_var(&result, NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX);
3114  res = make_result_opt_error(&result, have_error);
3116  free_var(&result);
3118  return res;
3119 }
Definition: numeric.c:234

References Assert, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), mul_var(), NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX, NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numeric_sign_internal(), res, and round_var().

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), and numeric_mul().

◆ numeric_ne()

Datum numeric_ne ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2434 of file numeric.c.

2435 {
2436  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2437  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2438  bool result;
2440  result = cmp_numerics(num1, num2) != 0;
2442  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num1, 0);
2443  PG_FREE_IF_COPY(num2, 1);
2445  PG_RETURN_BOOL(result);
2446 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_FREE_IF_COPY, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_BOOL.

◆ numeric_normalize()

char* numeric_normalize ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 1026 of file numeric.c.

1027 {
1028  NumericVar x;
1029  char *str;
1030  int last;
1032  /*
1033  * Handle NaN and infinities
1034  */
1035  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1036  {
1037  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
1038  return pstrdup("Infinity");
1039  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
1040  return pstrdup("-Infinity");
1041  else
1042  return pstrdup("NaN");
1043  }
1045  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
1047  str = get_str_from_var(&x);
1049  /* If there's no decimal point, there's certainly nothing to remove. */
1050  if (strchr(str, '.') != NULL)
1051  {
1052  /*
1053  * Back up over trailing fractional zeroes. Since there is a decimal
1054  * point, this loop will terminate safely.
1055  */
1056  last = strlen(str) - 1;
1057  while (str[last] == '0')
1058  last--;
1060  /* We want to get rid of the decimal point too, if it's now last. */
1061  if (str[last] == '.')
1062  last--;
1064  /* Delete whatever we backed up over. */
1065  str[last + 1] = '\0';
1066  }
1068  return str;
1069 }
char * pstrdup(const char *in)
Definition: mcxt.c:1696

References get_str_from_var(), init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, pstrdup(), str, and x.

Referenced by make_scalar_key().

◆ numeric_out()

Datum numeric_out ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 816 of file numeric.c.

817 {
818  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
819  NumericVar x;
820  char *str;
822  /*
823  * Handle NaN and infinities
824  */
825  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
826  {
827  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
828  PG_RETURN_CSTRING(pstrdup("Infinity"));
829  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
830  PG_RETURN_CSTRING(pstrdup("-Infinity"));
831  else
832  PG_RETURN_CSTRING(pstrdup("NaN"));
833  }
835  /*
836  * Get the number in the variable format.
837  */
838  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
840  str = get_str_from_var(&x);
843 }
Definition: fmgr.h:362

References get_str_from_var(), init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_CSTRING, pstrdup(), str, and x.

Referenced by ExecGetJsonValueItemString(), executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), iterate_jsonb_values(), jsonb_put_escaped_value(), JsonbUnquote(), JsonbValue_to_SV(), JsonbValueAsText(), numeric_float4(), numeric_float8(), numeric_to_char(), numeric_to_cstring(), PLyDecimal_FromNumeric(), PLyObject_FromJsonbValue(), populate_scalar(), and printJsonPathItem().

◆ numeric_out_sci()

char* numeric_out_sci ( Numeric  num,
int  scale 

Definition at line 992 of file numeric.c.

993 {
994  NumericVar x;
995  char *str;
997  /*
998  * Handle NaN and infinities
999  */
1000  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1001  {
1002  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
1003  return pstrdup("Infinity");
1004  else if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
1005  return pstrdup("-Infinity");
1006  else
1007  return pstrdup("NaN");
1008  }
1010  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
1014  return str;
1015 }
static char * get_str_from_var_sci(const NumericVar *var, int rscale)
Definition: numeric.c:7651

References get_str_from_var_sci(), init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, pstrdup(), scale, str, and x.

Referenced by int8_to_char(), and numeric_to_char().

◆ numeric_pg_lsn()

Datum numeric_pg_lsn ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4754 of file numeric.c.

4755 {
4756  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4757  NumericVar x;
4758  XLogRecPtr result;
4760  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4761  {
4762  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
4763  ereport(ERROR,
4765  errmsg("cannot convert NaN to %s", "pg_lsn")));
4766  else
4767  ereport(ERROR,
4769  errmsg("cannot convert infinity to %s", "pg_lsn")));
4770  }
4772  /* Convert to variable format and thence to pg_lsn */
4773  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
4775  if (!numericvar_to_uint64(&x, (uint64 *) &result))
4776  ereport(ERROR,
4778  errmsg("pg_lsn out of range")));
4780  PG_RETURN_LSN(result);
4781 }
static bool numericvar_to_uint64(const NumericVar *var, uint64 *result)
Definition: numeric.c:8155
#define PG_RETURN_LSN(x)
Definition: pg_lsn.h:34
uint64 XLogRecPtr
Definition: xlogdefs.h:21

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, init_var_from_num(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_uint64(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_LSN, and x.

Referenced by pg_lsn_mii(), and pg_lsn_pli().

◆ numeric_poly_avg()

Datum numeric_poly_avg ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6102 of file numeric.c.

6103 {
6104 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6106  NumericVar result;
6107  Datum countd,
6108  sumd;
6110  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6112  /* If there were no non-null inputs, return NULL */
6113  if (state == NULL || state->N == 0)
6116  init_var(&result);
6118  int128_to_numericvar(state->sumX, &result);
6120  countd = NumericGetDatum(int64_to_numeric(state->N));
6121  sumd = NumericGetDatum(make_result(&result));
6123  free_var(&result);
6126 #else
6127  return numeric_avg(fcinfo);
6128 #endif
6129 }
Datum numeric_avg(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6132

References DirectFunctionCall2, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numeric(), make_result(), numeric_avg(), numeric_div(), NumericGetDatum(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_DATUM, and PG_RETURN_NULL.

◆ numeric_poly_combine()

Datum numeric_poly_combine ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5620 of file numeric.c.

5621 {
5622  PolyNumAggState *state1;
5623  PolyNumAggState *state2;
5624  MemoryContext agg_context;
5625  MemoryContext old_context;
5627  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, &agg_context))
5628  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5630  state1 = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
5631  state2 = PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
5633  if (state2 == NULL)
5634  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5636  /* manually copy all fields from state2 to state1 */
5637  if (state1 == NULL)
5638  {
5639  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5641  state1 = makePolyNumAggState(fcinfo, true);
5642  state1->N = state2->N;
5644 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5645  state1->sumX = state2->sumX;
5646  state1->sumX2 = state2->sumX2;
5647 #else
5648  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5649  accum_sum_copy(&state1->sumX2, &state2->sumX2);
5650 #endif
5652  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5654  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5655  }
5657  if (state2->N > 0)
5658  {
5659  state1->N += state2->N;
5661 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5662  state1->sumX += state2->sumX;
5663  state1->sumX2 += state2->sumX2;
5664 #else
5665  /* The rest of this needs to work in the aggregate context */
5666  old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(agg_context);
5668  /* Accumulate sums */
5669  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX, &state2->sumX);
5670  accum_sum_combine(&state1->sumX2, &state2->sumX2);
5672  MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
5673 #endif
5675  }
5676  PG_RETURN_POINTER(state1);
5677 }

References accum_sum_combine(), accum_sum_copy(), AggCheckCallContext(), elog, ERROR, makePolyNumAggState, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NumericAggState::N, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, NumericAggState::sumX, and NumericAggState::sumX2.

◆ numeric_poly_deserialize()

Datum numeric_poly_deserialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5743 of file numeric.c.

5744 {
5745  bytea *sstate;
5746  PolyNumAggState *result;
5748  NumericVar tmp_var;
5750  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5751  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5753  sstate = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP(0);
5755  init_var(&tmp_var);
5757  /*
5758  * Initialize a StringInfo so that we can "receive" it using the standard
5759  * recv-function infrastructure.
5760  */
5762  VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(sstate));
5764  result = makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext(false);
5766  /* N */
5767  result->N = pq_getmsgint64(&buf);
5769  /* sumX */
5770  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5771 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5772  numericvar_to_int128(&tmp_var, &result->sumX);
5773 #else
5774  accum_sum_add(&result->sumX, &tmp_var);
5775 #endif
5777  /* sumX2 */
5778  numericvar_deserialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5779 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5780  numericvar_to_int128(&tmp_var, &result->sumX2);
5781 #else
5782  accum_sum_add(&result->sumX2, &tmp_var);
5783 #endif
5785  pq_getmsgend(&buf);
5787  free_var(&tmp_var);
5789  PG_RETURN_POINTER(result);
5790 }

References accum_sum_add(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, initReadOnlyStringInfo(), makePolyNumAggStateCurrentContext, NumericAggState::N, numericvar_deserialize(), PG_GETARG_BYTEA_PP, PG_RETURN_POINTER, pq_getmsgend(), pq_getmsgint64(), NumericAggState::sumX, NumericAggState::sumX2, VARDATA_ANY, and VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR.

◆ numeric_poly_serialize()

Datum numeric_poly_serialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5685 of file numeric.c.

5686 {
5689  bytea *result;
5690  NumericVar tmp_var;
5692  /* Ensure we disallow calling when not in aggregate context */
5693  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5694  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5698  /*
5699  * If the platform supports int128 then sumX and sumX2 will be a 128 bit
5700  * integer type. Here we'll convert that into a numeric type so that the
5701  * combine state is in the same format for both int128 enabled machines
5702  * and machines which don't support that type. The logic here is that one
5703  * day we might like to send these over to another server for further
5704  * processing and we want a standard format to work with.
5705  */
5707  init_var(&tmp_var);
5709  pq_begintypsend(&buf);
5711  /* N */
5712  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->N);
5714  /* sumX */
5715 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5716  int128_to_numericvar(state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5717 #else
5718  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5719 #endif
5720  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5722  /* sumX2 */
5723 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
5724  int128_to_numericvar(state->sumX2, &tmp_var);
5725 #else
5726  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX2, &tmp_var);
5727 #endif
5728  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5730  result = pq_endtypsend(&buf);
5732  free_var(&tmp_var);
5734  PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(result);
5735 }

References accum_sum_final(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, numericvar_serialize(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P, pq_begintypsend(), pq_endtypsend(), and pq_sendint64().

◆ numeric_poly_stddev_pop()

Datum numeric_poly_stddev_pop ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6471 of file numeric.c.

6472 {
6473 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6475  Numeric res;
6476  bool is_null;
6478  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6480  res = numeric_poly_stddev_internal(state, false, false, &is_null);
6482  if (is_null)
6484  else
6486 #else
6487  return numeric_stddev_pop(fcinfo);
6488 #endif
6489 }
Datum numeric_stddev_pop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6345

References numeric_stddev_pop(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_poly_stddev_samp()

Datum numeric_poly_stddev_samp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6429 of file numeric.c.

6430 {
6431 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6433  Numeric res;
6434  bool is_null;
6436  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6438  res = numeric_poly_stddev_internal(state, false, true, &is_null);
6440  if (is_null)
6442  else
6444 #else
6445  return numeric_stddev_samp(fcinfo);
6446 #endif
6447 }
Datum numeric_stddev_samp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6311

References numeric_stddev_samp(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_poly_sum()

Datum numeric_poly_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6074 of file numeric.c.

6075 {
6076 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6078  Numeric res;
6079  NumericVar result;
6081  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6083  /* If there were no non-null inputs, return NULL */
6084  if (state == NULL || state->N == 0)
6087  init_var(&result);
6089  int128_to_numericvar(state->sumX, &result);
6091  res = make_result(&result);
6093  free_var(&result);
6096 #else
6097  return numeric_sum(fcinfo);
6098 #endif
6099 }
Datum numeric_sum(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6167

References free_var(), init_var, make_result(), numeric_sum(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_poly_var_pop()

Datum numeric_poly_var_pop ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6450 of file numeric.c.

6451 {
6452 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6454  Numeric res;
6455  bool is_null;
6457  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6459  res = numeric_poly_stddev_internal(state, true, false, &is_null);
6461  if (is_null)
6463  else
6465 #else
6466  return numeric_var_pop(fcinfo);
6467 #endif
6468 }
Datum numeric_var_pop(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6328


◆ numeric_poly_var_samp()

Datum numeric_poly_var_samp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6408 of file numeric.c.

6409 {
6410 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
6412  Numeric res;
6413  bool is_null;
6415  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (PolyNumAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6417  res = numeric_poly_stddev_internal(state, true, true, &is_null);
6419  if (is_null)
6421  else
6423 #else
6424  return numeric_var_samp(fcinfo);
6425 #endif
6426 }
Datum numeric_var_samp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Definition: numeric.c:6294


◆ numeric_power()

Datum numeric_power ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3939 of file numeric.c.

3940 {
3941  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3942  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3943  Numeric res;
3944  NumericVar arg1;
3945  NumericVar arg2;
3946  NumericVar result;
3947  int sign1,
3948  sign2;
3950  /*
3951  * Handle NaN and infinities
3952  */
3954  {
3955  /*
3956  * We follow the POSIX spec for pow(3), which says that NaN ^ 0 = 1,
3957  * and 1 ^ NaN = 1, while all other cases with NaN inputs yield NaN
3958  * (with no error).
3959  */
3960  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1))
3961  {
3962  if (!NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num2))
3963  {
3964  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
3965  if (cmp_var(&arg2, &const_zero) == 0)
3967  }
3969  }
3970  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
3971  {
3972  if (!NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num1))
3973  {
3974  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
3975  if (cmp_var(&arg1, &const_one) == 0)
3977  }
3979  }
3980  /* At least one input is infinite, but error rules still apply */
3981  sign1 = numeric_sign_internal(num1);
3982  sign2 = numeric_sign_internal(num2);
3983  if (sign1 == 0 && sign2 < 0)
3984  ereport(ERROR,
3986  errmsg("zero raised to a negative power is undefined")));
3987  if (sign1 < 0 && !numeric_is_integral(num2))
3988  ereport(ERROR,
3990  errmsg("a negative number raised to a non-integer power yields a complex result")));
3992  /*
3993  * POSIX gives this series of rules for pow(3) with infinite inputs:
3994  *
3995  * For any value of y, if x is +1, 1.0 shall be returned.
3996  */
3997  if (!NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num1))
3998  {
3999  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
4000  if (cmp_var(&arg1, &const_one) == 0)
4002  }
4004  /*
4005  * For any value of x, if y is [-]0, 1.0 shall be returned.
4006  */
4007  if (sign2 == 0)
4010  /*
4011  * For any odd integer value of y > 0, if x is [-]0, [-]0 shall be
4012  * returned. For y > 0 and not an odd integer, if x is [-]0, +0 shall
4013  * be returned. (Since we don't deal in minus zero, we need not
4014  * distinguish these two cases.)
4015  */
4016  if (sign1 == 0 && sign2 > 0)
4019  /*
4020  * If x is -1, and y is [-]Inf, 1.0 shall be returned.
4021  *
4022  * For |x| < 1, if y is -Inf, +Inf shall be returned.
4023  *
4024  * For |x| > 1, if y is -Inf, +0 shall be returned.
4025  *
4026  * For |x| < 1, if y is +Inf, +0 shall be returned.
4027  *
4028  * For |x| > 1, if y is +Inf, +Inf shall be returned.
4029  */
4030  if (NUMERIC_IS_INF(num2))
4031  {
4032  bool abs_x_gt_one;
4034  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num1))
4035  abs_x_gt_one = true; /* x is either Inf or -Inf */
4036  else
4037  {
4038  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
4039  if (cmp_var(&arg1, &const_minus_one) == 0)
4041  arg1.sign = NUMERIC_POS; /* now arg1 = abs(x) */
4042  abs_x_gt_one = (cmp_var(&arg1, &const_one) > 0);
4043  }
4044  if (abs_x_gt_one == (sign2 > 0))
4046  else
4048  }
4050  /*
4051  * For y < 0, if x is +Inf, +0 shall be returned.
4052  *
4053  * For y > 0, if x is +Inf, +Inf shall be returned.
4054  */
4055  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
4056  {
4057  if (sign2 > 0)
4059  else
4061  }
4063  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1));
4065  /*
4066  * For y an odd integer < 0, if x is -Inf, -0 shall be returned. For
4067  * y < 0 and not an odd integer, if x is -Inf, +0 shall be returned.
4068  * (Again, we need not distinguish these two cases.)
4069  */
4070  if (sign2 < 0)
4073  /*
4074  * For y an odd integer > 0, if x is -Inf, -Inf shall be returned. For
4075  * y > 0 and not an odd integer, if x is -Inf, +Inf shall be returned.
4076  */
4077  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
4078  if (arg2.ndigits > 0 && arg2.ndigits == arg2.weight + 1 &&
4079  (arg2.digits[arg2.ndigits - 1] & 1))
4081  else
4083  }
4085  /*
4086  * The SQL spec requires that we emit a particular SQLSTATE error code for
4087  * certain error conditions. Specifically, we don't return a
4088  * divide-by-zero error code for 0 ^ -1. Raising a negative number to a
4089  * non-integer power must produce the same error code, but that case is
4090  * handled in power_var().
4091  */
4092  sign1 = numeric_sign_internal(num1);
4093  sign2 = numeric_sign_internal(num2);
4095  if (sign1 == 0 && sign2 < 0)
4096  ereport(ERROR,
4098  errmsg("zero raised to a negative power is undefined")));
4100  /*
4101  * Initialize things
4102  */
4103  init_var(&result);
4104  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
4105  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
4107  /*
4108  * Call power_var() to compute and return the result; note it handles
4109  * scale selection itself.
4110  */
4111  power_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
4113  res = make_result(&result);
4115  free_var(&result);
4118 }
static bool numeric_is_integral(Numeric num)
Definition: numeric.c:873
static void power_var(const NumericVar *base, const NumericVar *exp, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11151
static const NumericVar const_minus_one
Definition: numeric.c:429

References Assert, cmp_var(), const_minus_one, const_nan, const_ninf, const_one, const_pinf, const_zero, NumericVar::digits, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_IS_INF, numeric_is_integral(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_POS, numeric_sign_internal(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, power_var(), res, NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_to_char(), and numeric_to_number().

◆ numeric_recv()

Datum numeric_recv ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1078 of file numeric.c.

1079 {
1082 #ifdef NOT_USED
1083  Oid typelem = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
1084 #endif
1085  int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
1086  NumericVar value;
1087  Numeric res;
1088  int len,
1089  i;
1091  init_var(&value);
1093  len = (uint16) pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(uint16));
1095  alloc_var(&value, len);
1097  value.weight = (int16) pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int16));
1098  /* we allow any int16 for weight --- OK? */
1100  value.sign = (uint16) pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(uint16));
1101  if (!(value.sign == NUMERIC_POS ||
1102  value.sign == NUMERIC_NEG ||
1103  value.sign == NUMERIC_NAN ||
1104  value.sign == NUMERIC_PINF ||
1105  value.sign == NUMERIC_NINF))
1106  ereport(ERROR,
1108  errmsg("invalid sign in external \"numeric\" value")));
1110  value.dscale = (uint16) pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(uint16));
1111  if ((value.dscale & NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK) != value.dscale)
1112  ereport(ERROR,
1114  errmsg("invalid scale in external \"numeric\" value")));
1116  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
1117  {
1118  NumericDigit d = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(NumericDigit));
1120  if (d < 0 || d >= NBASE)
1121  ereport(ERROR,
1123  errmsg("invalid digit in external \"numeric\" value")));
1124  value.digits[i] = d;
1125  }
1127  /*
1128  * If the given dscale would hide any digits, truncate those digits away.
1129  * We could alternatively throw an error, but that would take a bunch of
1130  * extra code (about as much as trunc_var involves), and it might cause
1131  * client compatibility issues. Be careful not to apply trunc_var to
1132  * special values, as it could do the wrong thing; we don't need it
1133  * anyway, since make_result will ignore all but the sign field.
1134  *
1135  * After doing that, be sure to check the typmod restriction.
1136  */
1137  if (value.sign == NUMERIC_POS ||
1138  value.sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
1139  {
1140  trunc_var(&value, value.dscale);
1142  (void) apply_typmod(&value, typmod, NULL);
1144  res = make_result(&value);
1145  }
1146  else
1147  {
1148  /* apply_typmod_special wants us to make the Numeric first */
1149  res = make_result(&value);
1151  (void) apply_typmod_special(res, typmod, NULL);
1152  }
1154  free_var(&value);
1157 }
StringInfoData * StringInfo
Definition: stringinfo.h:54

References alloc_var(), apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), buf, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), i, init_var, len, make_result(), NBASE, NUMERIC_DSCALE_MASK, NUMERIC_NAN, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_NINF, NUMERIC_PINF, NUMERIC_POS, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_OID, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, pq_getmsgint(), res, trunc_var(), and value.

◆ numeric_round()

Datum numeric_round ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1543 of file numeric.c.

1544 {
1545  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1547  Numeric res;
1548  NumericVar arg;
1550  /*
1551  * Handle NaN and infinities
1552  */
1553  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1556  /*
1557  * Limit the scale value to avoid possible overflow in calculations.
1558  *
1559  * These limits are based on the maximum number of digits a Numeric value
1560  * can have before and after the decimal point, but we must allow for one
1561  * extra digit before the decimal point, in case the most significant
1562  * digit rounds up; we must check if that causes Numeric overflow.
1563  */
1564  scale = Max(scale, -(NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX + 1) * DEC_DIGITS - 1);
1567  /*
1568  * Unpack the argument and round it at the proper digit position
1569  */
1570  init_var(&arg);
1571  set_var_from_num(num, &arg);
1573  round_var(&arg, scale);
1575  /* We don't allow negative output dscale */
1576  if (scale < 0)
1577  arg.dscale = 0;
1579  /*
1580  * Return the rounded result
1581  */
1582  res = make_result(&arg);
1584  free_var(&arg);
1586 }
Definition: numeric.c:257

References arg, DEC_DIGITS, duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), init_var, make_result(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, round_var(), scale, and set_var_from_num().

Referenced by cash_numeric(), numeric_to_char(), timestamp_part_common(), and timestamptz_part_common().

◆ numeric_scale()

Datum numeric_scale ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4126 of file numeric.c.

4127 {
4128  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4130  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4134 }


Referenced by cash_numeric(), and numeric_cash().

◆ numeric_send()

Datum numeric_send ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1163 of file numeric.c.

1164 {
1165  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1166  NumericVar x;
1168  int i;
1170  init_var_from_num(num, &x);
1172  pq_begintypsend(&buf);
1174  pq_sendint16(&buf, x.ndigits);
1175  pq_sendint16(&buf, x.weight);
1176  pq_sendint16(&buf, x.sign);
1177  pq_sendint16(&buf, x.dscale);
1178  for (i = 0; i < x.ndigits; i++)
1179  pq_sendint16(&buf, x.digits[i]);
1182 }
static void pq_sendint16(StringInfo buf, uint16 i)
Definition: pqformat.h:136

References buf, i, init_var_from_num(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P, pq_begintypsend(), pq_endtypsend(), pq_sendint16(), and x.

◆ numeric_serialize()

Datum numeric_serialize ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 5318 of file numeric.c.

5319 {
5322  bytea *result;
5323  NumericVar tmp_var;
5325  /* Ensure we disallow calling when not in aggregate context */
5326  if (!AggCheckCallContext(fcinfo, NULL))
5327  elog(ERROR, "aggregate function called in non-aggregate context");
5331  init_var(&tmp_var);
5333  pq_begintypsend(&buf);
5335  /* N */
5336  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->N);
5338  /* sumX */
5339  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &tmp_var);
5340  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5342  /* sumX2 */
5343  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX2, &tmp_var);
5344  numericvar_serialize(&buf, &tmp_var);
5346  /* maxScale */
5347  pq_sendint32(&buf, state->maxScale);
5349  /* maxScaleCount */
5350  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->maxScaleCount);
5352  /* NaNcount */
5353  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->NaNcount);
5355  /* pInfcount */
5356  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->pInfcount);
5358  /* nInfcount */
5359  pq_sendint64(&buf, state->nInfcount);
5361  result = pq_endtypsend(&buf);
5363  free_var(&tmp_var);
5365  PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(result);
5366 }

References accum_sum_final(), AggCheckCallContext(), buf, elog, ERROR, free_var(), init_var, numericvar_serialize(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P, pq_begintypsend(), pq_endtypsend(), pq_sendint32(), and pq_sendint64().

◆ numeric_sign()

Datum numeric_sign ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1510 of file numeric.c.

1511 {
1512  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1514  /*
1515  * Handle NaN (infinities can be handled normally)
1516  */
1517  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
1520  switch (numeric_sign_internal(num))
1521  {
1522  case 0:
1524  case 1:
1526  case -1:
1528  }
1530  Assert(false);
1531  return (Datum) 0;
1532 }

References Assert, const_minus_one, const_nan, const_one, const_zero, make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, numeric_sign_internal(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

◆ numeric_sign_internal()

static int numeric_sign_internal ( Numeric  num)

Definition at line 1478 of file numeric.c.

1479 {
1480  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1481  {
1482  Assert(!NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num));
1483  /* Must be Inf or -Inf */
1484  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num))
1485  return 1;
1486  else
1487  return -1;
1488  }
1490  /*
1491  * The packed format is known to be totally zero digit trimmed always. So
1492  * once we've eliminated specials, we can identify a zero by the fact that
1493  * there are no digits at all.
1494  */
1495  else if (NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num) == 0)
1496  return 0;
1497  else if (NUMERIC_SIGN(num) == NUMERIC_NEG)
1498  return -1;
1499  else
1500  return 1;
1501 }


Referenced by numeric_div_opt_error(), numeric_div_trunc(), numeric_log(), numeric_mod_opt_error(), numeric_mul_opt_error(), numeric_power(), and numeric_sign().

◆ numeric_smaller()

Datum numeric_smaller ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3474 of file numeric.c.

3475 {
3476  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3477  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
3479  /*
3480  * Use cmp_numerics so that this will agree with the comparison operators,
3481  * particularly as regards comparisons involving NaN.
3482  */
3483  if (cmp_numerics(num1, num2) < 0)
3484  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(num1);
3485  else
3486  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(num2);
3487 }

References cmp_numerics(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

◆ numeric_sortsupport()

Datum numeric_sortsupport ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2009 of file numeric.c.

2010 {
2013  ssup->comparator = numeric_fast_cmp;
2015  if (ssup->abbreviate)
2016  {
2017  NumericSortSupport *nss;
2018  MemoryContext oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(ssup->ssup_cxt);
2020  nss = palloc(sizeof(NumericSortSupport));
2022  /*
2023  * palloc a buffer for handling unaligned packed values in addition to
2024  * the support struct
2025  */
2026  nss->buf = palloc(VARATT_SHORT_MAX + VARHDRSZ + 1);
2028  nss->input_count = 0;
2029  nss->estimating = true;
2030  initHyperLogLog(&nss->abbr_card, 10);
2032  ssup->ssup_extra = nss;
2034  ssup->abbrev_full_comparator = ssup->comparator;
2039  MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
2040  }
2043 }
static bool numeric_abbrev_abort(int memtupcount, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: numeric.c:2112
static Datum numeric_abbrev_convert(Datum original_datum, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: numeric.c:2050
static int numeric_fast_cmp(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: numeric.c:2185
static int numeric_cmp_abbrev(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: numeric.c:2207
#define PG_RETURN_VOID()
Definition: fmgr.h:349
void initHyperLogLog(hyperLogLogState *cState, uint8 bwidth)
Definition: hyperloglog.c:66
struct SortSupportData * SortSupport
Definition: sortsupport.h:58
int(* comparator)(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.h:106
Datum(* abbrev_converter)(Datum original, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.h:172
MemoryContext ssup_cxt
Definition: sortsupport.h:66
int(* abbrev_full_comparator)(Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.h:191
bool(* abbrev_abort)(int memtupcount, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.h:182

References NumericSortSupport::abbr_card, SortSupportData::abbrev_abort, SortSupportData::abbrev_converter, SortSupportData::abbrev_full_comparator, SortSupportData::abbreviate, NumericSortSupport::buf, SortSupportData::comparator, NumericSortSupport::estimating, initHyperLogLog(), NumericSortSupport::input_count, MemoryContextSwitchTo(), numeric_abbrev_abort(), numeric_abbrev_convert(), numeric_cmp_abbrev(), numeric_fast_cmp(), palloc(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_VOID, SortSupportData::ssup_cxt, SortSupportData::ssup_extra, VARATT_SHORT_MAX, and VARHDRSZ.

◆ numeric_sqrt()

Datum numeric_sqrt ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 3680 of file numeric.c.

3681 {
3682  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
3683  Numeric res;
3684  NumericVar arg;
3685  NumericVar result;
3686  int sweight;
3687  int rscale;
3689  /*
3690  * Handle NaN and infinities
3691  */
3692  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
3693  {
3694  /* error should match that in sqrt_var() */
3695  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num))
3696  ereport(ERROR,
3698  errmsg("cannot take square root of a negative number")));
3699  /* For NAN or PINF, just duplicate the input */
3701  }
3703  /*
3704  * Unpack the argument and determine the result scale. We choose a scale
3705  * to give at least NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits; but in any
3706  * case not less than the input's dscale.
3707  */
3708  init_var_from_num(num, &arg);
3710  init_var(&result);
3712  /*
3713  * Assume the input was normalized, so arg.weight is accurate. The result
3714  * then has at least sweight = floor(arg.weight * DEC_DIGITS / 2 + 1)
3715  * digits before the decimal point. When DEC_DIGITS is even, we can save
3716  * a few cycles, since the division is exact and there is no need to round
3717  * towards negative infinity.
3718  */
3719 #if DEC_DIGITS == ((DEC_DIGITS / 2) * 2)
3720  sweight = arg.weight * DEC_DIGITS / 2 + 1;
3721 #else
3722  if (arg.weight >= 0)
3723  sweight = arg.weight * DEC_DIGITS / 2 + 1;
3724  else
3725  sweight = 1 - (1 - arg.weight * DEC_DIGITS) / 2;
3726 #endif
3728  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - sweight;
3729  rscale = Max(rscale, arg.dscale);
3730  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3731  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
3733  /*
3734  * Let sqrt_var() do the calculation and return the result.
3735  */
3736  sqrt_var(&arg, &result, rscale);
3738  res = make_result(&result);
3740  free_var(&result);
3743 }

References arg, DEC_DIGITS, duplicate_numeric(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, and sqrt_var().

◆ numeric_stddev_internal()

static Numeric numeric_stddev_internal ( NumericAggState state,
bool  variance,
bool  sample,
bool is_null 

Definition at line 6210 of file numeric.c.

6213 {
6214  Numeric res;
6215  NumericVar vN,
6216  vsumX,
6217  vsumX2,
6218  vNminus1;
6219  int64 totCount;
6220  int rscale;
6222  /*
6223  * Sample stddev and variance are undefined when N <= 1; population stddev
6224  * is undefined when N == 0. Return NULL in either case (note that NaNs
6225  * and infinities count as normal inputs for this purpose).
6226  */
6227  if (state == NULL || (totCount = NA_TOTAL_COUNT(state)) == 0)
6228  {
6229  *is_null = true;
6230  return NULL;
6231  }
6233  if (sample && totCount <= 1)
6234  {
6235  *is_null = true;
6236  return NULL;
6237  }
6239  *is_null = false;
6241  /*
6242  * Deal with NaN and infinity cases. By analogy to the behavior of the
6243  * float8 functions, any infinity input produces NaN output.
6244  */
6245  if (state->NaNcount > 0 || state->pInfcount > 0 || state->nInfcount > 0)
6246  return make_result(&const_nan);
6248  /* OK, normal calculation applies */
6249  init_var(&vN);
6250  init_var(&vsumX);
6251  init_var(&vsumX2);
6253  int64_to_numericvar(state->N, &vN);
6254  accum_sum_final(&(state->sumX), &vsumX);
6255  accum_sum_final(&(state->sumX2), &vsumX2);
6257  init_var(&vNminus1);
6258  sub_var(&vN, &const_one, &vNminus1);
6260  /* compute rscale for mul_var calls */
6261  rscale = vsumX.dscale * 2;
6263  mul_var(&vsumX, &vsumX, &vsumX, rscale); /* vsumX = sumX * sumX */
6264  mul_var(&vN, &vsumX2, &vsumX2, rscale); /* vsumX2 = N * sumX2 */
6265  sub_var(&vsumX2, &vsumX, &vsumX2); /* N * sumX2 - sumX * sumX */
6267  if (cmp_var(&vsumX2, &const_zero) <= 0)
6268  {
6269  /* Watch out for roundoff error producing a negative numerator */
6271  }
6272  else
6273  {
6274  if (sample)
6275  mul_var(&vN, &vNminus1, &vNminus1, 0); /* N * (N - 1) */
6276  else
6277  mul_var(&vN, &vN, &vNminus1, 0); /* N * N */
6278  rscale = select_div_scale(&vsumX2, &vNminus1);
6279  div_var(&vsumX2, &vNminus1, &vsumX, rscale, true); /* variance */
6280  if (!variance)
6281  sqrt_var(&vsumX, &vsumX, rscale); /* stddev */
6283  res = make_result(&vsumX);
6284  }
6286  free_var(&vNminus1);
6287  free_var(&vsumX);
6288  free_var(&vsumX2);
6290  return res;
6291 }

References accum_sum_final(), cmp_var(), const_nan, const_one, const_zero, div_var(), NumericVar::dscale, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), make_result(), mul_var(), NA_TOTAL_COUNT, res, select_div_scale(), sqrt_var(), and sub_var().

Referenced by numeric_stddev_pop(), numeric_stddev_samp(), numeric_var_pop(), and numeric_var_samp().

◆ numeric_stddev_pop()

Datum numeric_stddev_pop ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6345 of file numeric.c.

6346 {
6348  Numeric res;
6349  bool is_null;
6351  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6353  res = numeric_stddev_internal(state, false, false, &is_null);
6355  if (is_null)
6357  else
6359 }
static Numeric numeric_stddev_internal(NumericAggState *state, bool variance, bool sample, bool *is_null)
Definition: numeric.c:6210

References numeric_stddev_internal(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_poly_stddev_pop().

◆ numeric_stddev_samp()

Datum numeric_stddev_samp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6311 of file numeric.c.

6312 {
6314  Numeric res;
6315  bool is_null;
6317  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6319  res = numeric_stddev_internal(state, false, true, &is_null);
6321  if (is_null)
6323  else
6325 }

References numeric_stddev_internal(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_poly_stddev_samp().

◆ numeric_sub()

Datum numeric_sub ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 2929 of file numeric.c.

2930 {
2931  Numeric num1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
2932  Numeric num2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
2933  Numeric res;
2935  res = numeric_sub_opt_error(num1, num2, NULL);
2938 }
Numeric numeric_sub_opt_error(Numeric num1, Numeric num2, bool *have_error)
Definition: numeric.c:2949

References numeric_sub_opt_error(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by brin_minmax_multi_distance_numeric(), gbt_numeric_penalty(), numeric_half_rounded(), numrange_subdiff(), and pg_lsn_mii().

◆ numeric_sub_opt_error()

Numeric numeric_sub_opt_error ( Numeric  num1,
Numeric  num2,
bool have_error 

Definition at line 2949 of file numeric.c.

2950 {
2951  NumericVar arg1;
2952  NumericVar arg2;
2953  NumericVar result;
2954  Numeric res;
2956  /*
2957  * Handle NaN and infinities
2958  */
2960  {
2961  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num1) || NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num2))
2962  return make_result(&const_nan);
2963  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num1))
2964  {
2965  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
2966  return make_result(&const_nan); /* Inf - Inf */
2967  else
2968  return make_result(&const_pinf);
2969  }
2970  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num1))
2971  {
2972  if (NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2))
2973  return make_result(&const_nan); /* -Inf - -Inf */
2974  else
2975  return make_result(&const_ninf);
2976  }
2977  /* by here, num1 must be finite, so num2 is not */
2978  if (NUMERIC_IS_PINF(num2))
2979  return make_result(&const_ninf);
2980  Assert(NUMERIC_IS_NINF(num2));
2981  return make_result(&const_pinf);
2982  }
2984  /*
2985  * Unpack the values, let sub_var() compute the result and return it.
2986  */
2987  init_var_from_num(num1, &arg1);
2988  init_var_from_num(num2, &arg2);
2990  init_var(&result);
2991  sub_var(&arg1, &arg2, &result);
2993  res = make_result_opt_error(&result, have_error);
2995  free_var(&result);
2997  return res;
2998 }

References Assert, const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), make_result_opt_error(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_NINF, NUMERIC_IS_PINF, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, res, and sub_var().

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget(), numeric_sub(), timestamp_part_common(), and timestamptz_part_common().

◆ numeric_sum()

Datum numeric_sum ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6167 of file numeric.c.

6168 {
6170  NumericVar sumX_var;
6171  Numeric result;
6173  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6175  /* If there were no non-null inputs, return NULL */
6176  if (state == NULL || NA_TOTAL_COUNT(state) == 0)
6179  if (state->NaNcount > 0) /* there was at least one NaN input */
6182  /* adding plus and minus infinities gives NaN */
6183  if (state->pInfcount > 0 && state->nInfcount > 0)
6185  if (state->pInfcount > 0)
6187  if (state->nInfcount > 0)
6190  init_var(&sumX_var);
6191  accum_sum_final(&state->sumX, &sumX_var);
6192  result = make_result(&sumX_var);
6193  free_var(&sumX_var);
6195  PG_RETURN_NUMERIC(result);
6196 }

References accum_sum_final(), const_nan, const_ninf, const_pinf, free_var(), init_var, make_result(), NA_TOTAL_COUNT, PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

Referenced by numeric_poly_sum().

◆ numeric_support()

Datum numeric_support ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1196 of file numeric.c.

1197 {
1198  Node *rawreq = (Node *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
1199  Node *ret = NULL;
1201  if (IsA(rawreq, SupportRequestSimplify))
1202  {
1204  FuncExpr *expr = req->fcall;
1205  Node *typmod;
1207  Assert(list_length(expr->args) >= 2);
1209  typmod = (Node *) lsecond(expr->args);
1211  if (IsA(typmod, Const) && !((Const *) typmod)->constisnull)
1212  {
1213  Node *source = (Node *) linitial(expr->args);
1214  int32 old_typmod = exprTypmod(source);
1215  int32 new_typmod = DatumGetInt32(((Const *) typmod)->constvalue);
1216  int32 old_scale = numeric_typmod_scale(old_typmod);
1217  int32 new_scale = numeric_typmod_scale(new_typmod);
1218  int32 old_precision = numeric_typmod_precision(old_typmod);
1219  int32 new_precision = numeric_typmod_precision(new_typmod);
1221  /*
1222  * If new_typmod is invalid, the destination is unconstrained;
1223  * that's always OK. If old_typmod is valid, the source is
1224  * constrained, and we're OK if the scale is unchanged and the
1225  * precision is not decreasing. See further notes in function
1226  * header comment.
1227  */
1228  if (!is_valid_numeric_typmod(new_typmod) ||
1229  (is_valid_numeric_typmod(old_typmod) &&
1230  new_scale == old_scale && new_precision >= old_precision))
1231  ret = relabel_to_typmod(source, new_typmod);
1232  }
1233  }
1236 }
int32 exprTypmod(const Node *expr)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:298
Node * relabel_to_typmod(Node *expr, int32 typmod)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:684
#define IsA(nodeptr, _type_)
Definition: nodes.h:158
static int list_length(const List *l)
Definition: pg_list.h:152
#define linitial(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:178
#define lsecond(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:183
static rewind_source * source
Definition: pg_rewind.c:89
static int32 DatumGetInt32(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:202
List * args
Definition: primnodes.h:768

References FuncExpr::args, Assert, DatumGetInt32(), exprTypmod(), SupportRequestSimplify::fcall, is_valid_numeric_typmod(), IsA, linitial, list_length(), lsecond, numeric_typmod_precision(), numeric_typmod_scale(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, relabel_to_typmod(), and source.

◆ numeric_trim_scale()

Datum numeric_trim_scale ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 4211 of file numeric.c.

4212 {
4213  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
4214  Numeric res;
4215  NumericVar result;
4217  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
4220  init_var_from_num(num, &result);
4221  result.dscale = get_min_scale(&result);
4222  res = make_result(&result);
4223  free_var(&result);
4226 }

References NumericVar::dscale, duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), get_min_scale(), init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

◆ numeric_trunc()

Datum numeric_trunc ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1597 of file numeric.c.

1598 {
1599  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1601  Numeric res;
1602  NumericVar arg;
1604  /*
1605  * Handle NaN and infinities
1606  */
1607  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1610  /*
1611  * Limit the scale value to avoid possible overflow in calculations.
1612  *
1613  * These limits are based on the maximum number of digits a Numeric value
1614  * can have before and after the decimal point.
1615  */
1619  /*
1620  * Unpack the argument and truncate it at the proper digit position
1621  */
1622  init_var(&arg);
1623  set_var_from_num(num, &arg);
1625  trunc_var(&arg, scale);
1627  /* We don't allow negative output dscale */
1628  if (scale < 0)
1629  arg.dscale = 0;
1631  /*
1632  * Return the truncated result
1633  */
1634  res = make_result(&arg);
1636  free_var(&arg);
1638 }

References arg, DEC_DIGITS, duplicate_numeric(), free_var(), init_var, make_result(), Max, Min, NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX, PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, res, scale, set_var_from_num(), and trunc_var().

Referenced by getArrayIndex().

◆ numeric_typmod_precision()

static int numeric_typmod_precision ( int32  typmod)

Definition at line 927 of file numeric.c.

928 {
929  return ((typmod - VARHDRSZ) >> 16) & 0xffff;
930 }

References VARHDRSZ.

Referenced by apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), numeric(), numeric_maximum_size(), numeric_support(), and numerictypmodout().

◆ numeric_typmod_scale()

static int numeric_typmod_scale ( int32  typmod)

Definition at line 942 of file numeric.c.

943 {
944  return (((typmod - VARHDRSZ) & 0x7ff) ^ 1024) - 1024;
945 }

References VARHDRSZ.

Referenced by apply_typmod(), apply_typmod_special(), numeric(), numeric_support(), and numerictypmodout().

◆ numeric_uminus()

Datum numeric_uminus ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1420 of file numeric.c.

1421 {
1422  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1423  Numeric res;
1425  /*
1426  * Do it the easy way directly on the packed format
1427  */
1428  res = duplicate_numeric(num);
1430  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(num))
1431  {
1432  /* Flip the sign, if it's Inf or -Inf */
1433  if (!NUMERIC_IS_NAN(num))
1434  res->choice.n_short.n_header =
1436  }
1438  /*
1439  * The packed format is known to be totally zero digit trimmed always. So
1440  * once we've eliminated specials, we can identify a zero by the fact that
1441  * there are no digits at all. Do nothing to a zero.
1442  */
1443  else if (NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num) != 0)
1444  {
1445  /* Else, flip the sign */
1446  if (NUMERIC_IS_SHORT(num))
1447  res->choice.n_short.n_header =
1449  else if (NUMERIC_SIGN(num) == NUMERIC_POS)
1450  res->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale =
1452  else
1453  res->choice.n_long.n_sign_dscale =
1455  }
1458 }


Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget().

◆ numeric_uplus()

Datum numeric_uplus ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1462 of file numeric.c.

1463 {
1464  Numeric num = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1467 }

References duplicate_numeric(), PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, and PG_RETURN_NUMERIC.

Referenced by jsonb_agg_transfn_worker(), and jsonb_object_agg_transfn_worker().

◆ numeric_var_pop()

Datum numeric_var_pop ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6328 of file numeric.c.

6329 {
6331  Numeric res;
6332  bool is_null;
6334  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6336  res = numeric_stddev_internal(state, true, false, &is_null);
6338  if (is_null)
6340  else
6342 }

References numeric_stddev_internal(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_poly_var_pop().

◆ numeric_var_samp()

Datum numeric_var_samp ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 6294 of file numeric.c.

6295 {
6297  Numeric res;
6298  bool is_null;
6300  state = PG_ARGISNULL(0) ? NULL : (NumericAggState *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
6302  res = numeric_stddev_internal(state, true, true, &is_null);
6304  if (is_null)
6306  else
6308 }

References numeric_stddev_internal(), PG_ARGISNULL, PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_NULL, PG_RETURN_NUMERIC, and res.

Referenced by numeric_poly_var_samp().

◆ numerictypmodin()

Datum numerictypmodin ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1324 of file numeric.c.

1325 {
1327  int32 *tl;
1328  int n;
1329  int32 typmod;
1331  tl = ArrayGetIntegerTypmods(ta, &n);
1333  if (n == 2)
1334  {
1335  if (tl[0] < 1 || tl[0] > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
1336  ereport(ERROR,
1338  errmsg("NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d",
1339  tl[0], NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)));
1340  if (tl[1] < NUMERIC_MIN_SCALE || tl[1] > NUMERIC_MAX_SCALE)
1341  ereport(ERROR,
1343  errmsg("NUMERIC scale %d must be between %d and %d",
1345  typmod = make_numeric_typmod(tl[0], tl[1]);
1346  }
1347  else if (n == 1)
1348  {
1349  if (tl[0] < 1 || tl[0] > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
1350  ereport(ERROR,
1352  errmsg("NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d",
1353  tl[0], NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)));
1354  /* scale defaults to zero */
1355  typmod = make_numeric_typmod(tl[0], 0);
1356  }
1357  else
1358  {
1359  ereport(ERROR,
1361  errmsg("invalid NUMERIC type modifier")));
1362  typmod = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */
1363  }
1365  PG_RETURN_INT32(typmod);
1366 }
int32 * ArrayGetIntegerTypmods(ArrayType *arr, int *n)
Definition: arrayutils.c:233
static int32 make_numeric_typmod(int precision, int scale)
Definition: numeric.c:907
Definition: numeric.h:34
Definition: numeric.h:32
Definition: numeric.h:35

References ArrayGetIntegerTypmods(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, make_numeric_typmod(), NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION, NUMERIC_MAX_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SCALE, PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P, and PG_RETURN_INT32.

Referenced by executeItemOptUnwrapTarget().

◆ numerictypmodout()

Datum numerictypmodout ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1369 of file numeric.c.

1370 {
1371  int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);
1372  char *res = (char *) palloc(64);
1374  if (is_valid_numeric_typmod(typmod))
1375  snprintf(res, 64, "(%d,%d)",
1376  numeric_typmod_precision(typmod),
1377  numeric_typmod_scale(typmod));
1378  else
1379  *res = '\0';
1382 }

References is_valid_numeric_typmod(), numeric_typmod_precision(), numeric_typmod_scale(), palloc(), PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_RETURN_CSTRING, res, and snprintf.

◆ numericvar_deserialize()

static void numericvar_deserialize ( StringInfo  buf,
NumericVar var 

Definition at line 7744 of file numeric.c.

7745 {
7746  int len,
7747  i;
7749  len = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int32));
7751  alloc_var(var, len); /* sets var->ndigits */
7753  var->weight = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int32));
7754  var->sign = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int32));
7755  var->dscale = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int32));
7756  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
7757  var->digits[i] = pq_getmsgint(buf, sizeof(int16));
7758 }

References alloc_var(), buf, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, len, pq_getmsgint(), NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by int8_avg_deserialize(), numeric_avg_deserialize(), numeric_deserialize(), and numeric_poly_deserialize().

◆ numericvar_serialize()

static void numericvar_serialize ( StringInfo  buf,
const NumericVar var 

Definition at line 7728 of file numeric.c.

7729 {
7730  int i;
7732  pq_sendint32(buf, var->ndigits);
7733  pq_sendint32(buf, var->weight);
7734  pq_sendint32(buf, var->sign);
7735  pq_sendint32(buf, var->dscale);
7736  for (i = 0; i < var->ndigits; i++)
7737  pq_sendint16(buf, var->digits[i]);
7738 }

References buf, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, NumericVar::ndigits, pq_sendint16(), pq_sendint32(), NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by int8_avg_serialize(), numeric_avg_serialize(), numeric_poly_serialize(), and numeric_serialize().

◆ numericvar_to_double_no_overflow()

static double numericvar_to_double_no_overflow ( const NumericVar var)

Definition at line 8345 of file numeric.c.

8346 {
8347  char *tmp;
8348  double val;
8349  char *endptr;
8351  tmp = get_str_from_var(var);
8353  /* unlike float8in, we ignore ERANGE from strtod */
8354  val = strtod(tmp, &endptr);
8355  if (*endptr != '\0')
8356  {
8357  /* shouldn't happen ... */
8358  ereport(ERROR,
8360  errmsg("invalid input syntax for type %s: \"%s\"",
8361  "double precision", tmp)));
8362  }
8364  pfree(tmp);
8366  return val;
8367 }

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_str_from_var(), pfree(), and val.

Referenced by exp_var(), numeric_exp(), numeric_float8_no_overflow(), and power_var().

◆ numericvar_to_int32()

static bool numericvar_to_int32 ( const NumericVar var,
int32 result 

Definition at line 4464 of file numeric.c.

4465 {
4466  int64 val;
4468  if (!numericvar_to_int64(var, &val))
4469  return false;
4472  return false;
4474  /* Down-convert to int4 */
4475  *result = (int32) val;
4477  return true;
4478 }
#define PG_INT32_MAX
Definition: c.h:589
#define PG_INT32_MIN
Definition: c.h:588

References numericvar_to_int64(), PG_INT32_MAX, PG_INT32_MIN, unlikely, and val.

Referenced by numeric_int4_opt_error(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ numericvar_to_int64()

static bool numericvar_to_int64 ( const NumericVar var,
int64 *  result 

Definition at line 8033 of file numeric.c.

8034 {
8036  int ndigits;
8037  int weight;
8038  int i;
8039  int64 val;
8040  bool neg;
8041  NumericVar rounded;
8043  /* Round to nearest integer */
8044  init_var(&rounded);
8045  set_var_from_var(var, &rounded);
8046  round_var(&rounded, 0);
8048  /* Check for zero input */
8049  strip_var(&rounded);
8050  ndigits = rounded.ndigits;
8051  if (ndigits == 0)
8052  {
8053  *result = 0;
8054  free_var(&rounded);
8055  return true;
8056  }
8058  /*
8059  * For input like 10000000000, we must treat stripped digits as real. So
8060  * the loop assumes there are weight+1 digits before the decimal point.
8061  */
8062  weight = rounded.weight;
8063  Assert(weight >= 0 && ndigits <= weight + 1);
8065  /*
8066  * Construct the result. To avoid issues with converting a value
8067  * corresponding to INT64_MIN (which can't be represented as a positive 64
8068  * bit two's complement integer), accumulate value as a negative number.
8069  */
8070  digits = rounded.digits;
8071  neg = (rounded.sign == NUMERIC_NEG);
8072  val = -digits[0];
8073  for (i = 1; i <= weight; i++)
8074  {
8076  {
8077  free_var(&rounded);
8078  return false;
8079  }
8081  if (i < ndigits)
8082  {
8084  {
8085  free_var(&rounded);
8086  return false;
8087  }
8088  }
8089  }
8091  free_var(&rounded);
8093  if (!neg)
8094  {
8095  if (unlikely(val == PG_INT64_MIN))
8096  return false;
8097  val = -val;
8098  }
8099  *result = val;
8101  return true;
8102 }
#define PG_INT64_MIN
Definition: c.h:591
static bool pg_sub_s64_overflow(int64 a, int64 b, int64 *result)
Definition: int.h:188

References Assert, NumericVar::digits, digits, free_var(), i, init_var, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, PG_INT64_MIN, pg_mul_s64_overflow(), pg_sub_s64_overflow(), round_var(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), unlikely, val, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_int2(), numeric_int8_opt_error(), numericvar_to_int32(), and power_var().

◆ numericvar_to_uint64()

static bool numericvar_to_uint64 ( const NumericVar var,
uint64 *  result 

Definition at line 8155 of file numeric.c.

8156 {
8158  int ndigits;
8159  int weight;
8160  int i;
8161  uint64 val;
8162  NumericVar rounded;
8164  /* Round to nearest integer */
8165  init_var(&rounded);
8166  set_var_from_var(var, &rounded);
8167  round_var(&rounded, 0);
8169  /* Check for zero input */
8170  strip_var(&rounded);
8171  ndigits = rounded.ndigits;
8172  if (ndigits == 0)
8173  {
8174  *result = 0;
8175  free_var(&rounded);
8176  return true;
8177  }
8179  /* Check for negative input */
8180  if (rounded.sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
8181  {
8182  free_var(&rounded);
8183  return false;
8184  }
8186  /*
8187  * For input like 10000000000, we must treat stripped digits as real. So
8188  * the loop assumes there are weight+1 digits before the decimal point.
8189  */
8190  weight = rounded.weight;
8191  Assert(weight >= 0 && ndigits <= weight + 1);
8193  /* Construct the result */
8194  digits = rounded.digits;
8195  val = digits[0];
8196  for (i = 1; i <= weight; i++)
8197  {
8199  {
8200  free_var(&rounded);
8201  return false;
8202  }
8204  if (i < ndigits)
8205  {
8207  {
8208  free_var(&rounded);
8209  return false;
8210  }
8211  }
8212  }
8214  free_var(&rounded);
8216  *result = val;
8218  return true;
8219 }
static bool pg_add_u64_overflow(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 *result)
Definition: int.h:380
static bool pg_mul_u64_overflow(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 *result)
Definition: int.h:414

References Assert, NumericVar::digits, digits, free_var(), i, init_var, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, pg_add_u64_overflow(), pg_mul_u64_overflow(), round_var(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), unlikely, val, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_pg_lsn().

◆ power_ten_int()

static void power_ten_int ( int  exp,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11518 of file numeric.c.

11519 {
11520  /* Construct the result directly, starting from 10^0 = 1 */
11521  set_var_from_var(&const_one, result);
11523  /* Scale needed to represent the result exactly */
11524  result->dscale = exp < 0 ? -exp : 0;
11526  /* Base-NBASE weight of result and remaining exponent */
11527  if (exp >= 0)
11528  result->weight = exp / DEC_DIGITS;
11529  else
11530  result->weight = (exp + 1) / DEC_DIGITS - 1;
11532  exp -= result->weight * DEC_DIGITS;
11534  /* Final adjustment of the result's single NBASE digit */
11535  while (exp-- > 0)
11536  result->digits[0] *= 10;
11537 }

References const_one, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, set_var_from_var(), and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by get_str_from_var_sci().

◆ power_var()

static void power_var ( const NumericVar base,
const NumericVar exp,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11151 of file numeric.c.

11152 {
11153  int res_sign;
11154  NumericVar abs_base;
11155  NumericVar ln_base;
11156  NumericVar ln_num;
11157  int ln_dweight;
11158  int rscale;
11159  int sig_digits;
11160  int local_rscale;
11161  double val;
11163  /* If exp can be represented as an integer, use power_var_int */
11164  if (exp->ndigits == 0 || exp->ndigits <= exp->weight + 1)
11165  {
11166  /* exact integer, but does it fit in int? */
11167  int64 expval64;
11169  if (numericvar_to_int64(exp, &expval64))
11170  {
11171  if (expval64 >= PG_INT32_MIN && expval64 <= PG_INT32_MAX)
11172  {
11173  /* Okay, use power_var_int */
11174  power_var_int(base, (int) expval64, exp->dscale, result);
11175  return;
11176  }
11177  }
11178  }
11180  /*
11181  * This avoids log(0) for cases of 0 raised to a non-integer. 0 ^ 0 is
11182  * handled by power_var_int().
11183  */
11184  if (cmp_var(base, &const_zero) == 0)
11185  {
11186  set_var_from_var(&const_zero, result);
11187  result->dscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS; /* no need to round */
11188  return;
11189  }
11191  init_var(&abs_base);
11192  init_var(&ln_base);
11193  init_var(&ln_num);
11195  /*
11196  * If base is negative, insist that exp be an integer. The result is then
11197  * positive if exp is even and negative if exp is odd.
11198  */
11199  if (base->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
11200  {
11201  /*
11202  * Check that exp is an integer. This error code is defined by the
11203  * SQL standard, and matches other errors in numeric_power().
11204  */
11205  if (exp->ndigits > 0 && exp->ndigits > exp->weight + 1)
11206  ereport(ERROR,
11208  errmsg("a negative number raised to a non-integer power yields a complex result")));
11210  /* Test if exp is odd or even */
11211  if (exp->ndigits > 0 && exp->ndigits == exp->weight + 1 &&
11212  (exp->digits[exp->ndigits - 1] & 1))
11213  res_sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
11214  else
11215  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
11217  /* Then work with abs(base) below */
11218  set_var_from_var(base, &abs_base);
11219  abs_base.sign = NUMERIC_POS;
11220  base = &abs_base;
11221  }
11222  else
11223  res_sign = NUMERIC_POS;
11225  /*----------
11226  * Decide on the scale for the ln() calculation. For this we need an
11227  * estimate of the weight of the result, which we obtain by doing an
11228  * initial low-precision calculation of exp * ln(base).
11229  *
11230  * We want result = e ^ (exp * ln(base))
11231  * so result dweight = log10(result) = exp * ln(base) * log10(e)
11232  *
11233  * We also perform a crude overflow test here so that we can exit early if
11234  * the full-precision result is sure to overflow, and to guard against
11235  * integer overflow when determining the scale for the real calculation.
11236  * exp_var() supports inputs up to NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE * 3, so the
11237  * result will overflow if exp * ln(base) >= NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE * 3.
11238  * Since the values here are only approximations, we apply a small fuzz
11239  * factor to this overflow test and let exp_var() determine the exact
11240  * overflow threshold so that it is consistent for all inputs.
11241  *----------
11242  */
11243  ln_dweight = estimate_ln_dweight(base);
11245  /*
11246  * Set the scale for the low-precision calculation, computing ln(base) to
11247  * around 8 significant digits. Note that ln_dweight may be as small as
11248  * -NUMERIC_DSCALE_MAX, so the scale may exceed NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE
11249  * here.
11250  */
11251  local_rscale = 8 - ln_dweight;
11252  local_rscale = Max(local_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11254  ln_var(base, &ln_base, local_rscale);
11256  mul_var(&ln_base, exp, &ln_num, local_rscale);
11260  /* initial overflow/underflow test with fuzz factor */
11261  if (fabs(val) > NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE * 3.01)
11262  {
11263  if (val > 0)
11264  ereport(ERROR,
11266  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
11267  zero_var(result);
11269  return;
11270  }
11272  val *= 0.434294481903252; /* approximate decimal result weight */
11274  /* choose the result scale */
11275  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - (int) val;
11276  rscale = Max(rscale, base->dscale);
11277  rscale = Max(rscale, exp->dscale);
11278  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11279  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11281  /* significant digits required in the result */
11282  sig_digits = rscale + (int) val;
11283  sig_digits = Max(sig_digits, 0);
11285  /* set the scale for the real exp * ln(base) calculation */
11286  local_rscale = sig_digits - ln_dweight + 8;
11287  local_rscale = Max(local_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11289  /* and do the real calculation */
11291  ln_var(base, &ln_base, local_rscale);
11293  mul_var(&ln_base, exp, &ln_num, local_rscale);
11295  exp_var(&ln_num, result, rscale);
11297  if (res_sign == NUMERIC_NEG && result->ndigits > 0)
11298  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
11300  free_var(&ln_num);
11301  free_var(&ln_base);
11302  free_var(&abs_base);
11303 }
static void power_var_int(const NumericVar *base, int exp, int exp_dscale, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11313

References cmp_var(), const_zero, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, estimate_ln_dweight(), exp_var(), free_var(), init_var, ln_var(), Max, Min, mul_var(), NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MAX_RESULT_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, numericvar_to_double_no_overflow(), numericvar_to_int64(), PG_INT32_MAX, PG_INT32_MIN, power_var_int(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, val, NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by numeric_power().

◆ power_var_int()

static void power_var_int ( const NumericVar base,
int  exp,
int  exp_dscale,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11313 of file numeric.c.

11315 {
11316  double f;
11317  int p;
11318  int i;
11319  int rscale;
11320  int sig_digits;
11321  unsigned int mask;
11322  bool neg;
11323  NumericVar base_prod;
11324  int local_rscale;
11326  /*
11327  * Choose the result scale. For this we need an estimate of the decimal
11328  * weight of the result, which we obtain by approximating using double
11329  * precision arithmetic.
11330  *
11331  * We also perform crude overflow/underflow tests here so that we can exit
11332  * early if the result is sure to overflow/underflow, and to guard against
11333  * integer overflow when choosing the result scale.
11334  */
11335  if (base->ndigits != 0)
11336  {
11337  /*----------
11338  * Choose f (double) and p (int) such that base ~= f * 10^p.
11339  * Then log10(result) = log10(base^exp) ~= exp * (log10(f) + p).
11340  *----------
11341  */
11342  f = base->digits[0];
11343  p = base->weight * DEC_DIGITS;
11345  for (i = 1; i < base->ndigits && i * DEC_DIGITS < 16; i++)
11346  {
11347  f = f * NBASE + base->digits[i];
11348  p -= DEC_DIGITS;
11349  }
11351  f = exp * (log10(f) + p); /* approximate decimal result weight */
11352  }
11353  else
11354  f = 0; /* result is 0 or 1 (weight 0), or error */
11356  /* overflow/underflow tests with fuzz factors */
11357  if (f > (NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX + 1) * DEC_DIGITS)
11358  ereport(ERROR,
11360  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
11361  if (f + 1 < -NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE)
11362  {
11363  zero_var(result);
11365  return;
11366  }
11368  /*
11369  * Choose the result scale in the same way as power_var(), so it has at
11370  * least NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits and is not less than
11371  * either input's display scale.
11372  */
11373  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - (int) f;
11374  rscale = Max(rscale, base->dscale);
11375  rscale = Max(rscale, exp_dscale);
11376  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11377  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11379  /* Handle some common special cases, as well as corner cases */
11380  switch (exp)
11381  {
11382  case 0:
11384  /*
11385  * While 0 ^ 0 can be either 1 or indeterminate (error), we treat
11386  * it as 1 because most programming languages do this. SQL:2003
11387  * also requires a return value of 1.
11388  *
11389  */
11390  set_var_from_var(&const_one, result);
11391  result->dscale = rscale; /* no need to round */
11392  return;
11393  case 1:
11394  set_var_from_var(base, result);
11395  round_var(result, rscale);
11396  return;
11397  case -1:
11398  div_var(&const_one, base, result, rscale, true);
11399  return;
11400  case 2:
11401  mul_var(base, base, result, rscale);
11402  return;
11403  default:
11404  break;
11405  }
11407  /* Handle the special case where the base is zero */
11408  if (base->ndigits == 0)
11409  {
11410  if (exp < 0)
11411  ereport(ERROR,
11412  (errcode(ERRCODE_DIVISION_BY_ZERO),
11413  errmsg("division by zero")));
11414  zero_var(result);
11415  result->dscale = rscale;
11416  return;
11417  }
11419  /*
11420  * The general case repeatedly multiplies base according to the bit
11421  * pattern of exp.
11422  *
11423  * The local rscale used for each multiplication is varied to keep a fixed
11424  * number of significant digits, sufficient to give the required result
11425  * scale.
11426  */
11428  /*
11429  * Approximate number of significant digits in the result. Note that the
11430  * underflow test above, together with the choice of rscale, ensures that
11431  * this approximation is necessarily > 0.
11432  */
11433  sig_digits = 1 + rscale + (int) f;
11435  /*
11436  * The multiplications to produce the result may introduce an error of up
11437  * to around log10(abs(exp)) digits, so work with this many extra digits
11438  * of precision (plus a few more for good measure).
11439  */
11440  sig_digits += (int) log(fabs((double) exp)) + 8;
11442  /*
11443  * Now we can proceed with the multiplications.
11444  */
11445  neg = (exp < 0);
11446  mask = abs(exp);
11448  init_var(&base_prod);
11449  set_var_from_var(base, &base_prod);
11451  if (mask & 1)
11452  set_var_from_var(base, result);
11453  else
11454  set_var_from_var(&const_one, result);
11456  while ((mask >>= 1) > 0)
11457  {
11458  /*
11459  * Do the multiplications using rscales large enough to hold the
11460  * results to the required number of significant digits, but don't
11461  * waste time by exceeding the scales of the numbers themselves.
11462  */
11463  local_rscale = sig_digits - 2 * base_prod.weight * DEC_DIGITS;
11464  local_rscale = Min(local_rscale, 2 * base_prod.dscale);
11465  local_rscale = Max(local_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11467  mul_var(&base_prod, &base_prod, &base_prod, local_rscale);
11469  if (mask & 1)
11470  {
11471  local_rscale = sig_digits -
11472  (base_prod.weight + result->weight) * DEC_DIGITS;
11473  local_rscale = Min(local_rscale,
11474  base_prod.dscale + result->dscale);
11475  local_rscale = Max(local_rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
11477  mul_var(&base_prod, result, result, local_rscale);
11478  }
11480  /*
11481  * When abs(base) > 1, the number of digits to the left of the decimal
11482  * point in base_prod doubles at each iteration, so if exp is large we
11483  * could easily spend large amounts of time and memory space doing the
11484  * multiplications. But once the weight exceeds what will fit in
11485  * int16, the final result is guaranteed to overflow (or underflow, if
11486  * exp < 0), so we can give up before wasting too many cycles.
11487  */
11488  if (base_prod.weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX ||
11489  result->weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX)
11490  {
11491  /* overflow, unless neg, in which case result should be 0 */
11492  if (!neg)
11493  ereport(ERROR,
11495  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
11496  zero_var(result);
11497  neg = false;
11498  break;
11499  }
11500  }
11502  free_var(&base_prod);
11504  /* Compensate for input sign, and round to requested rscale */
11505  if (neg)
11506  div_var_fast(&const_one, result, result, rscale, true);
11507  else
11508  round_var(result, rscale);
11509 }

References const_one, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, div_var(), div_var_fast(), NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), i, init_var, Max, Min, mul_var(), NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX, round_var(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by power_var().

◆ random_numeric()

Numeric random_numeric ( pg_prng_state state,
Numeric  rmin,
Numeric  rmax 

Definition at line 4232 of file numeric.c.

4233 {
4234  NumericVar rmin_var;
4235  NumericVar rmax_var;
4236  NumericVar result;
4237  Numeric res;
4239  /* Range bounds must not be NaN/infinity */
4240  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(rmin))
4241  {
4242  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(rmin))
4243  ereport(ERROR,
4245  errmsg("lower bound cannot be NaN"));
4246  else
4247  ereport(ERROR,
4249  errmsg("lower bound cannot be infinity"));
4250  }
4251  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(rmax))
4252  {
4253  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(rmax))
4254  ereport(ERROR,
4256  errmsg("upper bound cannot be NaN"));
4257  else
4258  ereport(ERROR,
4260  errmsg("upper bound cannot be infinity"));
4261  }
4263  /* Return a random value in the range [rmin, rmax] */
4264  init_var_from_num(rmin, &rmin_var);
4265  init_var_from_num(rmax, &rmax_var);
4267  init_var(&result);
4269  random_var(state, &rmin_var, &rmax_var, &result);
4271  res = make_result(&result);
4273  free_var(&result);
4275  return res;
4276 }
static void random_var(pg_prng_state *state, const NumericVar *rmin, const NumericVar *rmax, NumericVar *result)
Definition: numeric.c:11543

References ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, init_var_from_num(), make_result(), NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, random_var(), and res.

Referenced by numeric_random().

◆ random_var()

static void random_var ( pg_prng_state state,
const NumericVar rmin,
const NumericVar rmax,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11543 of file numeric.c.

11545 {
11546  int rscale;
11547  NumericVar rlen;
11548  int res_ndigits;
11549  int n;
11550  int pow10;
11551  int i;
11552  uint64 rlen64;
11553  int rlen64_ndigits;
11555  rscale = Max(rmin->dscale, rmax->dscale);
11557  /* Compute rlen = rmax - rmin and check the range bounds */
11558  init_var(&rlen);
11559  sub_var(rmax, rmin, &rlen);
11561  if (rlen.sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
11562  ereport(ERROR,
11564  errmsg("lower bound must be less than or equal to upper bound"));
11566  /* Special case for an empty range */
11567  if (rlen.ndigits == 0)
11568  {
11569  set_var_from_var(rmin, result);
11570  result->dscale = rscale;
11571  free_var(&rlen);
11572  return;
11573  }
11575  /*
11576  * Otherwise, select a random value in the range [0, rlen = rmax - rmin],
11577  * and shift it to the required range by adding rmin.
11578  */
11580  /* Required result digits */
11581  res_ndigits = rlen.weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
11583  /*
11584  * To get the required rscale, the final result digit must be a multiple
11585  * of pow10 = 10^n, where n = (-rscale) mod DEC_DIGITS.
11586  */
11587  n = ((rscale + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS) * DEC_DIGITS - rscale;
11588  pow10 = 1;
11589  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
11590  pow10 *= 10;
11592  /*
11593  * To choose a random value uniformly from the range [0, rlen], we choose
11594  * from the slightly larger range [0, rlen2], where rlen2 is formed from
11595  * rlen by copying the first 4 NBASE digits, and setting all remaining
11596  * decimal digits to "9".
11597  *
11598  * Without loss of generality, we can ignore the weight of rlen2 and treat
11599  * it as a pure integer for the purposes of this discussion. The process
11600  * above gives rlen2 + 1 = rlen64 * 10^N, for some integer N, where rlen64
11601  * is a 64-bit integer formed from the first 4 NBASE digits copied from
11602  * rlen. Since this trivially factors into smaller pieces that fit in
11603  * 64-bit integers, the task of choosing a random value uniformly from the
11604  * rlen2 + 1 possible values in [0, rlen2] is much simpler.
11605  *
11606  * If the random value selected is too large, it is rejected, and we try
11607  * again until we get a result <= rlen, ensuring that the overall result
11608  * is uniform (no particular value is any more likely than any other).
11609  *
11610  * Since rlen64 holds 4 NBASE digits from rlen, it contains at least
11611  * DEC_DIGITS * 3 + 1 decimal digits (i.e., at least 13 decimal digits,
11612  * when DEC_DIGITS is 4). Therefore the probability of needing to reject
11613  * the value chosen and retry is less than 1e-13.
11614  */
11615  rlen64 = (uint64) rlen.digits[0];
11616  rlen64_ndigits = 1;
11617  while (rlen64_ndigits < res_ndigits && rlen64_ndigits < 4)
11618  {
11619  rlen64 *= NBASE;
11620  if (rlen64_ndigits < rlen.ndigits)
11621  rlen64 += rlen.digits[rlen64_ndigits];
11622  rlen64_ndigits++;
11623  }
11625  /* Loop until we get a result <= rlen */
11626  do
11627  {
11628  NumericDigit *res_digits;
11629  uint64 rand;
11630  int whole_ndigits;
11632  alloc_var(result, res_ndigits);
11633  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
11634  result->weight = rlen.weight;
11635  result->dscale = rscale;
11636  res_digits = result->digits;
11638  /*
11639  * Set the first rlen64_ndigits using a random value in [0, rlen64].
11640  *
11641  * If this is the whole result, and rscale is not a multiple of
11642  * DEC_DIGITS (pow10 from above is not 1), then we need this to be a
11643  * multiple of pow10.
11644  */
11645  if (rlen64_ndigits == res_ndigits && pow10 != 1)
11646  rand = pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0, rlen64 / pow10) * pow10;
11647  else
11648  rand = pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0, rlen64);
11650  for (i = rlen64_ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
11651  {
11652  res_digits[i] = (NumericDigit) (rand % NBASE);
11653  rand = rand / NBASE;
11654  }
11656  /*
11657  * Set the remaining digits to random values in range [0, NBASE),
11658  * noting that the last digit needs to be a multiple of pow10.
11659  */
11660  whole_ndigits = res_ndigits;
11661  if (pow10 != 1)
11662  whole_ndigits--;
11664  /* Set whole digits in groups of 4 for best performance */
11665  i = rlen64_ndigits;
11666  while (i < whole_ndigits - 3)
11667  {
11668  rand = pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0,
11669  (uint64) NBASE * NBASE * NBASE * NBASE - 1);
11670  res_digits[i++] = (NumericDigit) (rand % NBASE);
11671  rand = rand / NBASE;
11672  res_digits[i++] = (NumericDigit) (rand % NBASE);
11673  rand = rand / NBASE;
11674  res_digits[i++] = (NumericDigit) (rand % NBASE);
11675  rand = rand / NBASE;
11676  res_digits[i++] = (NumericDigit) rand;
11677  }
11679  /* Remaining whole digits */
11680  while (i < whole_ndigits)
11681  {
11682  rand = pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0, NBASE - 1);
11683  res_digits[i++] = (NumericDigit) rand;
11684  }
11686  /* Final partial digit (multiple of pow10) */
11687  if (i < res_ndigits)
11688  {
11689  rand = pg_prng_uint64_range(state, 0, NBASE / pow10 - 1) * pow10;
11690  res_digits[i] = (NumericDigit) rand;
11691  }
11693  /* Remove leading/trailing zeroes */
11694  strip_var(result);
11696  /* If result > rlen, try again */
11698  } while (cmp_var(result, &rlen) > 0);
11700  /* Offset the result to the required range */
11701  add_var(result, rmin, result);
11703  free_var(&rlen);
11704 }
uint64 pg_prng_uint64_range(pg_prng_state *state, uint64 rmin, uint64 rmax)
Definition: pg_prng.c:144

References add_var(), alloc_var(), cmp_var(), DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), i, init_var, Max, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, pg_prng_uint64_range(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, strip_var(), sub_var(), NumericVar::weight, and while().

Referenced by random_numeric().

◆ round_var()

static void round_var ( NumericVar var,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 11971 of file numeric.c.

11972 {
11973  NumericDigit *digits = var->digits;
11974  int di;
11975  int ndigits;
11976  int carry;
11978  var->dscale = rscale;
11980  /* decimal digits wanted */
11981  di = (var->weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS + rscale;
11983  /*
11984  * If di = 0, the value loses all digits, but could round up to 1 if its
11985  * first extra digit is >= 5. If di < 0 the result must be 0.
11986  */
11987  if (di < 0)
11988  {
11989  var->ndigits = 0;
11990  var->weight = 0;
11991  var->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
11992  }
11993  else
11994  {
11995  /* NBASE digits wanted */
11996  ndigits = (di + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
11998  /* 0, or number of decimal digits to keep in last NBASE digit */
11999  di %= DEC_DIGITS;
12001  if (ndigits < var->ndigits ||
12002  (ndigits == var->ndigits && di > 0))
12003  {
12004  var->ndigits = ndigits;
12006 #if DEC_DIGITS == 1
12007  /* di must be zero */
12008  carry = (digits[ndigits] >= HALF_NBASE) ? 1 : 0;
12009 #else
12010  if (di == 0)
12011  carry = (digits[ndigits] >= HALF_NBASE) ? 1 : 0;
12012  else
12013  {
12014  /* Must round within last NBASE digit */
12015  int extra,
12016  pow10;
12018 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
12019  pow10 = round_powers[di];
12020 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
12021  pow10 = 10;
12022 #else
12023 #error unsupported NBASE
12024 #endif
12025  extra = digits[--ndigits] % pow10;
12026  digits[ndigits] -= extra;
12027  carry = 0;
12028  if (extra >= pow10 / 2)
12029  {
12030  pow10 += digits[ndigits];
12031  if (pow10 >= NBASE)
12032  {
12033  pow10 -= NBASE;
12034  carry = 1;
12035  }
12036  digits[ndigits] = pow10;
12037  }
12038  }
12039 #endif
12041  /* Propagate carry if needed */
12042  while (carry)
12043  {
12044  carry += digits[--ndigits];
12045  if (carry >= NBASE)
12046  {
12047  digits[ndigits] = carry - NBASE;
12048  carry = 1;
12049  }
12050  else
12051  {
12052  digits[ndigits] = carry;
12053  carry = 0;
12054  }
12055  }
12057  if (ndigits < 0)
12058  {
12059  Assert(ndigits == -1); /* better not have added > 1 digit */
12060  Assert(var->digits > var->buf);
12061  var->digits--;
12062  var->ndigits++;
12063  var->weight++;
12064  }
12065  }
12066  }
12067 }
static const int round_powers[4]
Definition: numeric.c:466

References Assert, NumericVar::buf, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, digits, NumericVar::dscale, HALF_NBASE, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, round_powers, NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by apply_typmod(), div_var(), div_var_fast(), div_var_int(), exp_var(), mul_var(), numeric_mul_opt_error(), numeric_round(), numericvar_to_int64(), numericvar_to_uint64(), power_var_int(), and sqrt_var().

◆ select_div_scale()

static int select_div_scale ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2 

Definition at line 9997 of file numeric.c.

9998 {
9999  int weight1,
10000  weight2,
10001  qweight,
10002  i;
10003  NumericDigit firstdigit1,
10004  firstdigit2;
10005  int rscale;
10007  /*
10008  * The result scale of a division isn't specified in any SQL standard. For
10009  * PostgreSQL we select a result scale that will give at least
10010  * NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS significant digits, so that numeric gives a
10011  * result no less accurate than float8; but use a scale not less than
10012  * either input's display scale.
10013  */
10015  /* Get the actual (normalized) weight and first digit of each input */
10017  weight1 = 0; /* values to use if var1 is zero */
10018  firstdigit1 = 0;
10019  for (i = 0; i < var1->ndigits; i++)
10020  {
10021  firstdigit1 = var1->digits[i];
10022  if (firstdigit1 != 0)
10023  {
10024  weight1 = var1->weight - i;
10025  break;
10026  }
10027  }
10029  weight2 = 0; /* values to use if var2 is zero */
10030  firstdigit2 = 0;
10031  for (i = 0; i < var2->ndigits; i++)
10032  {
10033  firstdigit2 = var2->digits[i];
10034  if (firstdigit2 != 0)
10035  {
10036  weight2 = var2->weight - i;
10037  break;
10038  }
10039  }
10041  /*
10042  * Estimate weight of quotient. If the two first digits are equal, we
10043  * can't be sure, but assume that var1 is less than var2.
10044  */
10045  qweight = weight1 - weight2;
10046  if (firstdigit1 <= firstdigit2)
10047  qweight--;
10049  /* Select result scale */
10050  rscale = NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS - qweight * DEC_DIGITS;
10051  rscale = Max(rscale, var1->dscale);
10052  rscale = Max(rscale, var2->dscale);
10053  rscale = Max(rscale, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE);
10054  rscale = Min(rscale, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE);
10056  return rscale;
10057 }

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, Max, Min, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_MAX_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_DISPLAY_SCALE, NUMERIC_MIN_SIG_DIGITS, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by numeric_div_opt_error(), and numeric_stddev_internal().

◆ set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str()

static bool set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str ( const char *  str,
const char *  cp,
int  sign,
int  base,
NumericVar dest,
const char **  endptr,
Node escontext 

Definition at line 7246 of file numeric.c.

7249 {
7250  const char *firstdigit = cp;
7251  int64 tmp;
7252  int64 mul;
7253  NumericVar tmp_var;
7255  init_var(&tmp_var);
7257  zero_var(dest);
7259  /*
7260  * Process input digits in groups that fit in int64. Here "tmp" is the
7261  * value of the digits in the group, and "mul" is base^n, where n is the
7262  * number of digits in the group. Thus tmp < mul, and we must start a new
7263  * group when mul * base threatens to overflow PG_INT64_MAX.
7264  */
7265  tmp = 0;
7266  mul = 1;
7268  if (base == 16)
7269  {
7270  while (*cp)
7271  {
7272  if (isxdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7273  {
7274  if (mul > PG_INT64_MAX / 16)
7275  {
7276  /* Add the contribution from this group of digits */
7277  int64_to_numericvar(mul, &tmp_var);
7278  mul_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest, 0);
7279  int64_to_numericvar(tmp, &tmp_var);
7280  add_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest);
7282  /* Result will overflow if weight overflows int16 */
7283  if (dest->weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX)
7284  goto out_of_range;
7286  /* Begin a new group */
7287  tmp = 0;
7288  mul = 1;
7289  }
7291  tmp = tmp * 16 + xdigit_value(*cp++);
7292  mul = mul * 16;
7293  }
7294  else if (*cp == '_')
7295  {
7296  /* Underscore must be followed by more digits */
7297  cp++;
7298  if (!isxdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7299  goto invalid_syntax;
7300  }
7301  else
7302  break;
7303  }
7304  }
7305  else if (base == 8)
7306  {
7307  while (*cp)
7308  {
7309  if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '7')
7310  {
7311  if (mul > PG_INT64_MAX / 8)
7312  {
7313  /* Add the contribution from this group of digits */
7314  int64_to_numericvar(mul, &tmp_var);
7315  mul_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest, 0);
7316  int64_to_numericvar(tmp, &tmp_var);
7317  add_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest);
7319  /* Result will overflow if weight overflows int16 */
7320  if (dest->weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX)
7321  goto out_of_range;
7323  /* Begin a new group */
7324  tmp = 0;
7325  mul = 1;
7326  }
7328  tmp = tmp * 8 + (*cp++ - '0');
7329  mul = mul * 8;
7330  }
7331  else if (*cp == '_')
7332  {
7333  /* Underscore must be followed by more digits */
7334  cp++;
7335  if (*cp < '0' || *cp > '7')
7336  goto invalid_syntax;
7337  }
7338  else
7339  break;
7340  }
7341  }
7342  else if (base == 2)
7343  {
7344  while (*cp)
7345  {
7346  if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '1')
7347  {
7348  if (mul > PG_INT64_MAX / 2)
7349  {
7350  /* Add the contribution from this group of digits */
7351  int64_to_numericvar(mul, &tmp_var);
7352  mul_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest, 0);
7353  int64_to_numericvar(tmp, &tmp_var);
7354  add_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest);
7356  /* Result will overflow if weight overflows int16 */
7357  if (dest->weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX)
7358  goto out_of_range;
7360  /* Begin a new group */
7361  tmp = 0;
7362  mul = 1;
7363  }
7365  tmp = tmp * 2 + (*cp++ - '0');
7366  mul = mul * 2;
7367  }
7368  else if (*cp == '_')
7369  {
7370  /* Underscore must be followed by more digits */
7371  cp++;
7372  if (*cp < '0' || *cp > '1')
7373  goto invalid_syntax;
7374  }
7375  else
7376  break;
7377  }
7378  }
7379  else
7380  /* Should never happen; treat as invalid input */
7381  goto invalid_syntax;
7383  /* Check that we got at least one digit */
7384  if (unlikely(cp == firstdigit))
7385  goto invalid_syntax;
7387  /* Add the contribution from the final group of digits */
7388  int64_to_numericvar(mul, &tmp_var);
7389  mul_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest, 0);
7390  int64_to_numericvar(tmp, &tmp_var);
7391  add_var(dest, &tmp_var, dest);
7393  if (dest->weight > NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX)
7394  goto out_of_range;
7396  dest->sign = sign;
7398  free_var(&tmp_var);
7400  /* Return end+1 position for caller */
7401  *endptr = cp;
7403  return true;
7405 out_of_range:
7406  ereturn(escontext, false,
7408  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
7410 invalid_syntax:
7411  ereturn(escontext, false,
7413  errmsg("invalid input syntax for type %s: \"%s\"",
7414  "numeric", str)));
7415 }
static int xdigit_value(char dig)
Definition: numeric.c:7219
#define PG_INT64_MAX
Definition: c.h:592

References add_var(), generate_unaccent_rules::dest, ereturn, errcode(), errmsg(), free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), mul_var(), NUMERIC_WEIGHT_MAX, PG_INT64_MAX, sign, str, unlikely, xdigit_value(), and zero_var().

Referenced by numeric_in().

◆ set_var_from_num()

static void set_var_from_num ( Numeric  num,
NumericVar dest 

Definition at line 7424 of file numeric.c.

7425 {
7426  int ndigits;
7428  ndigits = NUMERIC_NDIGITS(num);
7430  alloc_var(dest, ndigits);
7432  dest->weight = NUMERIC_WEIGHT(num);
7433  dest->sign = NUMERIC_SIGN(num);
7434  dest->dscale = NUMERIC_DSCALE(num);
7436  memcpy(dest->digits, NUMERIC_DIGITS(num), ndigits * sizeof(NumericDigit));
7437 }

References alloc_var(), generate_unaccent_rules::dest, NUMERIC_DIGITS, NUMERIC_DSCALE, NUMERIC_NDIGITS, NUMERIC_SIGN, and NUMERIC_WEIGHT.

Referenced by generate_series_step_numeric(), numeric(), numeric_round(), and numeric_trunc().

◆ set_var_from_str()

static bool set_var_from_str ( const char *  str,
const char *  cp,
NumericVar dest,
const char **  endptr,
Node escontext 

Definition at line 7016 of file numeric.c.

7019 {
7020  bool have_dp = false;
7021  int i;
7022  unsigned char *decdigits;
7023  int sign = NUMERIC_POS;
7024  int dweight = -1;
7025  int ddigits;
7026  int dscale = 0;
7027  int weight;
7028  int ndigits;
7029  int offset;
7032  /*
7033  * We first parse the string to extract decimal digits and determine the
7034  * correct decimal weight. Then convert to NBASE representation.
7035  */
7036  switch (*cp)
7037  {
7038  case '+':
7039  sign = NUMERIC_POS;
7040  cp++;
7041  break;
7043  case '-':
7044  sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
7045  cp++;
7046  break;
7047  }
7049  if (*cp == '.')
7050  {
7051  have_dp = true;
7052  cp++;
7053  }
7055  if (!isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7056  goto invalid_syntax;
7058  decdigits = (unsigned char *) palloc(strlen(cp) + DEC_DIGITS * 2);
7060  /* leading padding for digit alignment later */
7061  memset(decdigits, 0, DEC_DIGITS);
7062  i = DEC_DIGITS;
7064  while (*cp)
7065  {
7066  if (isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7067  {
7068  decdigits[i++] = *cp++ - '0';
7069  if (!have_dp)
7070  dweight++;
7071  else
7072  dscale++;
7073  }
7074  else if (*cp == '.')
7075  {
7076  if (have_dp)
7077  goto invalid_syntax;
7078  have_dp = true;
7079  cp++;
7080  /* decimal point must not be followed by underscore */
7081  if (*cp == '_')
7082  goto invalid_syntax;
7083  }
7084  else if (*cp == '_')
7085  {
7086  /* underscore must be followed by more digits */
7087  cp++;
7088  if (!isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7089  goto invalid_syntax;
7090  }
7091  else
7092  break;
7093  }
7095  ddigits = i - DEC_DIGITS;
7096  /* trailing padding for digit alignment later */
7097  memset(decdigits + i, 0, DEC_DIGITS - 1);
7099  /* Handle exponent, if any */
7100  if (*cp == 'e' || *cp == 'E')
7101  {
7102  int64 exponent = 0;
7103  bool neg = false;
7105  /*
7106  * At this point, dweight and dscale can't be more than about
7107  * INT_MAX/2 due to the MaxAllocSize limit on string length, so
7108  * constraining the exponent similarly should be enough to prevent
7109  * integer overflow in this function. If the value is too large to
7110  * fit in storage format, make_result() will complain about it later;
7111  * for consistency use the same ereport errcode/text as make_result().
7112  */
7114  /* exponent sign */
7115  cp++;
7116  if (*cp == '+')
7117  cp++;
7118  else if (*cp == '-')
7119  {
7120  neg = true;
7121  cp++;
7122  }
7124  /* exponent digits */
7125  if (!isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7126  goto invalid_syntax;
7128  while (*cp)
7129  {
7130  if (isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7131  {
7132  exponent = exponent * 10 + (*cp++ - '0');
7133  if (exponent > PG_INT32_MAX / 2)
7134  goto out_of_range;
7135  }
7136  else if (*cp == '_')
7137  {
7138  /* underscore must be followed by more digits */
7139  cp++;
7140  if (!isdigit((unsigned char) *cp))
7141  goto invalid_syntax;
7142  }
7143  else
7144  break;
7145  }
7147  if (neg)
7148  exponent = -exponent;
7150  dweight += (int) exponent;
7151  dscale -= (int) exponent;
7152  if (dscale < 0)
7153  dscale = 0;
7154  }
7156  /*
7157  * Okay, convert pure-decimal representation to base NBASE. First we need
7158  * to determine the converted weight and ndigits. offset is the number of
7159  * decimal zeroes to insert before the first given digit to have a
7160  * correctly aligned first NBASE digit.
7161  */
7162  if (dweight >= 0)
7163  weight = (dweight + 1 + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS - 1;
7164  else
7165  weight = -((-dweight - 1) / DEC_DIGITS + 1);
7166  offset = (weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS - (dweight + 1);
7167  ndigits = (ddigits + offset + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
7169  alloc_var(dest, ndigits);
7170  dest->sign = sign;
7171  dest->weight = weight;
7172  dest->dscale = dscale;
7174  i = DEC_DIGITS - offset;
7175  digits = dest->digits;
7177  while (ndigits-- > 0)
7178  {
7179 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
7180  *digits++ = ((decdigits[i] * 10 + decdigits[i + 1]) * 10 +
7181  decdigits[i + 2]) * 10 + decdigits[i + 3];
7182 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
7183  *digits++ = decdigits[i] * 10 + decdigits[i + 1];
7184 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
7185  *digits++ = decdigits[i];
7186 #else
7187 #error unsupported NBASE
7188 #endif
7189  i += DEC_DIGITS;
7190  }
7192  pfree(decdigits);
7194  /* Strip any leading/trailing zeroes, and normalize weight if zero */
7195  strip_var(dest);
7197  /* Return end+1 position for caller */
7198  *endptr = cp;
7200  return true;
7202 out_of_range:
7203  ereturn(escontext, false,
7205  errmsg("value overflows numeric format")));
7207 invalid_syntax:
7208  ereturn(escontext, false,
7210  errmsg("invalid input syntax for type %s: \"%s\"",
7211  "numeric", str)));
7212 }

References alloc_var(), DEC_DIGITS, generate_unaccent_rules::dest, digits, ereturn, errcode(), errmsg(), i, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, palloc(), pfree(), PG_INT32_MAX, sign, str, and strip_var().

Referenced by float4_numeric(), float8_numeric(), and numeric_in().

◆ set_var_from_var()

static void set_var_from_var ( const NumericVar value,
NumericVar dest 

Definition at line 7472 of file numeric.c.

7473 {
7474  NumericDigit *newbuf;
7476  newbuf = digitbuf_alloc(value->ndigits + 1);
7477  newbuf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for rounding */
7478  if (value->ndigits > 0) /* else value->digits might be null */
7479  memcpy(newbuf + 1, value->digits,
7480  value->ndigits * sizeof(NumericDigit));
7482  digitbuf_free(dest->buf);
7484  memmove(dest, value, sizeof(NumericVar));
7485  dest->buf = newbuf;
7486  dest->digits = newbuf + 1;
7487 }

References generate_unaccent_rules::dest, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, and value.

Referenced by accum_sum_final(), ceil_var(), div_mod_var(), exp_var(), floor_var(), gcd_var(), generate_series_step_numeric(), ln_var(), numeric_lcm(), numericvar_to_int64(), numericvar_to_uint64(), power_ten_int(), power_var(), power_var_int(), random_var(), sqrt_var(), and width_bucket_numeric().

◆ sqrt_var()

static void sqrt_var ( const NumericVar arg,
NumericVar result,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 10282 of file numeric.c.

10283 {
10284  int stat;
10285  int res_weight;
10286  int res_ndigits;
10287  int src_ndigits;
10288  int step;
10289  int ndigits[32];
10290  int blen;
10291  int64 arg_int64;
10292  int src_idx;
10293  int64 s_int64;
10294  int64 r_int64;
10295  NumericVar s_var;
10296  NumericVar r_var;
10297  NumericVar a0_var;
10298  NumericVar a1_var;
10299  NumericVar q_var;
10300  NumericVar u_var;
10302  stat = cmp_var(arg, &const_zero);
10303  if (stat == 0)
10304  {
10305  zero_var(result);
10306  result->dscale = rscale;
10307  return;
10308  }
10310  /*
10311  * SQL2003 defines sqrt() in terms of power, so we need to emit the right
10312  * SQLSTATE error code if the operand is negative.
10313  */
10314  if (stat < 0)
10315  ereport(ERROR,
10317  errmsg("cannot take square root of a negative number")));
10319  init_var(&s_var);
10320  init_var(&r_var);
10321  init_var(&a0_var);
10322  init_var(&a1_var);
10323  init_var(&q_var);
10324  init_var(&u_var);
10326  /*
10327  * The result weight is half the input weight, rounded towards minus
10328  * infinity --- res_weight = floor(arg->weight / 2).
10329  */
10330  if (arg->weight >= 0)
10331  res_weight = arg->weight / 2;
10332  else
10333  res_weight = -((-arg->weight - 1) / 2 + 1);
10335  /*
10336  * Number of NBASE digits to compute. To ensure correct rounding, compute
10337  * at least 1 extra decimal digit. We explicitly allow rscale to be
10338  * negative here, but must always compute at least 1 NBASE digit. Thus
10339  * res_ndigits = res_weight + 1 + ceil((rscale + 1) / DEC_DIGITS) or 1.
10340  */
10341  if (rscale + 1 >= 0)
10342  res_ndigits = res_weight + 1 + (rscale + DEC_DIGITS) / DEC_DIGITS;
10343  else
10344  res_ndigits = res_weight + 1 - (-rscale - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
10345  res_ndigits = Max(res_ndigits, 1);
10347  /*
10348  * Number of source NBASE digits logically required to produce a result
10349  * with this precision --- every digit before the decimal point, plus 2
10350  * for each result digit after the decimal point (or minus 2 for each
10351  * result digit we round before the decimal point).
10352  */
10353  src_ndigits = arg->weight + 1 + (res_ndigits - res_weight - 1) * 2;
10354  src_ndigits = Max(src_ndigits, 1);
10356  /* ----------
10357  * From this point on, we treat the input and the result as integers and
10358  * compute the integer square root and remainder using the Karatsuba
10359  * Square Root algorithm, which may be written recursively as follows:
10360  *
10361  * SqrtRem(n = a3*b^3 + a2*b^2 + a1*b + a0):
10362  * [ for some base b, and coefficients a0,a1,a2,a3 chosen so that
10363  * 0 <= a0,a1,a2 < b and a3 >= b/4 ]
10364  * Let (s,r) = SqrtRem(a3*b + a2)
10365  * Let (q,u) = DivRem(r*b + a1, 2*s)
10366  * Let s = s*b + q
10367  * Let r = u*b + a0 - q^2
10368  * If r < 0 Then
10369  * Let r = r + s
10370  * Let s = s - 1
10371  * Let r = r + s
10372  * Return (s,r)
10373  *
10374  * See "Karatsuba Square Root", Paul Zimmermann, INRIA Research Report
10375  * RR-3805, November 1999. At the time of writing this was available
10376  * on the net at <>.
10377  *
10378  * The way to read the assumption "n = a3*b^3 + a2*b^2 + a1*b + a0" is
10379  * "choose a base b such that n requires at least four base-b digits to
10380  * express; then those digits are a3,a2,a1,a0, with a3 possibly larger
10381  * than b". For optimal performance, b should have approximately a
10382  * quarter the number of digits in the input, so that the outer square
10383  * root computes roughly twice as many digits as the inner one. For
10384  * simplicity, we choose b = NBASE^blen, an integer power of NBASE.
10385  *
10386  * We implement the algorithm iteratively rather than recursively, to
10387  * allow the working variables to be reused. With this approach, each
10388  * digit of the input is read precisely once --- src_idx tracks the number
10389  * of input digits used so far.
10390  *
10391  * The array ndigits[] holds the number of NBASE digits of the input that
10392  * will have been used at the end of each iteration, which roughly doubles
10393  * each time. Note that the array elements are stored in reverse order,
10394  * so if the final iteration requires src_ndigits = 37 input digits, the
10395  * array will contain [37,19,11,7,5,3], and we would start by computing
10396  * the square root of the 3 most significant NBASE digits.
10397  *
10398  * In each iteration, we choose blen to be the largest integer for which
10399  * the input number has a3 >= b/4, when written in the form above. In
10400  * general, this means blen = src_ndigits / 4 (truncated), but if
10401  * src_ndigits is a multiple of 4, that might lead to the coefficient a3
10402  * being less than b/4 (if the first input digit is less than NBASE/4), in
10403  * which case we choose blen = src_ndigits / 4 - 1. The number of digits
10404  * in the inner square root is then src_ndigits - 2*blen. So, for
10405  * example, if we have src_ndigits = 26 initially, the array ndigits[]
10406  * will be either [26,14,8,4] or [26,14,8,6,4], depending on the size of
10407  * the first input digit.
10408  *
10409  * Additionally, we can put an upper bound on the number of steps required
10410  * as follows --- suppose that the number of source digits is an n-bit
10411  * number in the range [2^(n-1), 2^n-1], then blen will be in the range
10412  * [2^(n-3)-1, 2^(n-2)-1] and the number of digits in the inner square
10413  * root will be in the range [2^(n-2), 2^(n-1)+1]. In the next step, blen
10414  * will be in the range [2^(n-4)-1, 2^(n-3)] and the number of digits in
10415  * the next inner square root will be in the range [2^(n-3), 2^(n-2)+1].
10416  * This pattern repeats, and in the worst case the array ndigits[] will
10417  * contain [2^n-1, 2^(n-1)+1, 2^(n-2)+1, ... 9, 5, 3], and the computation
10418  * will require n steps. Therefore, since all digit array sizes are
10419  * signed 32-bit integers, the number of steps required is guaranteed to
10420  * be less than 32.
10421  * ----------
10422  */
10423  step = 0;
10424  while ((ndigits[step] = src_ndigits) > 4)
10425  {
10426  /* Choose b so that a3 >= b/4, as described above */
10427  blen = src_ndigits / 4;
10428  if (blen * 4 == src_ndigits && arg->digits[0] < NBASE / 4)
10429  blen--;
10431  /* Number of digits in the next step (inner square root) */
10432  src_ndigits -= 2 * blen;
10433  step++;
10434  }
10436  /*
10437  * First iteration (innermost square root and remainder):
10438  *
10439  * Here src_ndigits <= 4, and the input fits in an int64. Its square root
10440  * has at most 9 decimal digits, so estimate it using double precision
10441  * arithmetic, which will in fact almost certainly return the correct
10442  * result with no further correction required.
10443  */
10444  arg_int64 = arg->digits[0];
10445  for (src_idx = 1; src_idx < src_ndigits; src_idx++)
10446  {
10447  arg_int64 *= NBASE;
10448  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10449  arg_int64 += arg->digits[src_idx];
10450  }
10452  s_int64 = (int64) sqrt((double) arg_int64);
10453  r_int64 = arg_int64 - s_int64 * s_int64;
10455  /*
10456  * Use Newton's method to correct the result, if necessary.
10457  *
10458  * This uses integer division with truncation to compute the truncated
10459  * integer square root by iterating using the formula x -> (x + n/x) / 2.
10460  * This is known to converge to isqrt(n), unless n+1 is a perfect square.
10461  * If n+1 is a perfect square, the sequence will oscillate between the two
10462  * values isqrt(n) and isqrt(n)+1, so we can be assured of convergence by
10463  * checking the remainder.
10464  */
10465  while (r_int64 < 0 || r_int64 > 2 * s_int64)
10466  {
10467  s_int64 = (s_int64 + arg_int64 / s_int64) / 2;
10468  r_int64 = arg_int64 - s_int64 * s_int64;
10469  }
10471  /*
10472  * Iterations with src_ndigits <= 8:
10473  *
10474  * The next 1 or 2 iterations compute larger (outer) square roots with
10475  * src_ndigits <= 8, so the result still fits in an int64 (even though the
10476  * input no longer does) and we can continue to compute using int64
10477  * variables to avoid more expensive numeric computations.
10478  *
10479  * It is fairly easy to see that there is no risk of the intermediate
10480  * values below overflowing 64-bit integers. In the worst case, the
10481  * previous iteration will have computed a 3-digit square root (of a
10482  * 6-digit input less than NBASE^6 / 4), so at the start of this
10483  * iteration, s will be less than NBASE^3 / 2 = 10^12 / 2, and r will be
10484  * less than 10^12. In this case, blen will be 1, so numer will be less
10485  * than 10^17, and denom will be less than 10^12 (and hence u will also be
10486  * less than 10^12). Finally, since q^2 = u*b + a0 - r, we can also be
10487  * sure that q^2 < 10^17. Therefore all these quantities fit comfortably
10488  * in 64-bit integers.
10489  */
10490  step--;
10491  while (step >= 0 && (src_ndigits = ndigits[step]) <= 8)
10492  {
10493  int b;
10494  int a0;
10495  int a1;
10496  int i;
10497  int64 numer;
10498  int64 denom;
10499  int64 q;
10500  int64 u;
10502  blen = (src_ndigits - src_idx) / 2;
10504  /* Extract a1 and a0, and compute b */
10505  a0 = 0;
10506  a1 = 0;
10507  b = 1;
10509  for (i = 0; i < blen; i++, src_idx++)
10510  {
10511  b *= NBASE;
10512  a1 *= NBASE;
10513  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10514  a1 += arg->digits[src_idx];
10515  }
10517  for (i = 0; i < blen; i++, src_idx++)
10518  {
10519  a0 *= NBASE;
10520  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10521  a0 += arg->digits[src_idx];
10522  }
10524  /* Compute (q,u) = DivRem(r*b + a1, 2*s) */
10525  numer = r_int64 * b + a1;
10526  denom = 2 * s_int64;
10527  q = numer / denom;
10528  u = numer - q * denom;
10530  /* Compute s = s*b + q and r = u*b + a0 - q^2 */
10531  s_int64 = s_int64 * b + q;
10532  r_int64 = u * b + a0 - q * q;
10534  if (r_int64 < 0)
10535  {
10536  /* s is too large by 1; set r += s, s--, r += s */
10537  r_int64 += s_int64;
10538  s_int64--;
10539  r_int64 += s_int64;
10540  }
10542  Assert(src_idx == src_ndigits); /* All input digits consumed */
10543  step--;
10544  }
10546  /*
10547  * On platforms with 128-bit integer support, we can further delay the
10548  * need to use numeric variables.
10549  */
10550 #ifdef HAVE_INT128
10551  if (step >= 0)
10552  {
10553  int128 s_int128;
10554  int128 r_int128;
10556  s_int128 = s_int64;
10557  r_int128 = r_int64;
10559  /*
10560  * Iterations with src_ndigits <= 16:
10561  *
10562  * The result fits in an int128 (even though the input doesn't) so we
10563  * use int128 variables to avoid more expensive numeric computations.
10564  */
10565  while (step >= 0 && (src_ndigits = ndigits[step]) <= 16)
10566  {
10567  int64 b;
10568  int64 a0;
10569  int64 a1;
10570  int64 i;
10571  int128 numer;
10572  int128 denom;
10573  int128 q;
10574  int128 u;
10576  blen = (src_ndigits - src_idx) / 2;
10578  /* Extract a1 and a0, and compute b */
10579  a0 = 0;
10580  a1 = 0;
10581  b = 1;
10583  for (i = 0; i < blen; i++, src_idx++)
10584  {
10585  b *= NBASE;
10586  a1 *= NBASE;
10587  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10588  a1 += arg->digits[src_idx];
10589  }
10591  for (i = 0; i < blen; i++, src_idx++)
10592  {
10593  a0 *= NBASE;
10594  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10595  a0 += arg->digits[src_idx];
10596  }
10598  /* Compute (q,u) = DivRem(r*b + a1, 2*s) */
10599  numer = r_int128 * b + a1;
10600  denom = 2 * s_int128;
10601  q = numer / denom;
10602  u = numer - q * denom;
10604  /* Compute s = s*b + q and r = u*b + a0 - q^2 */
10605  s_int128 = s_int128 * b + q;
10606  r_int128 = u * b + a0 - q * q;
10608  if (r_int128 < 0)
10609  {
10610  /* s is too large by 1; set r += s, s--, r += s */
10611  r_int128 += s_int128;
10612  s_int128--;
10613  r_int128 += s_int128;
10614  }
10616  Assert(src_idx == src_ndigits); /* All input digits consumed */
10617  step--;
10618  }
10620  /*
10621  * All remaining iterations require numeric variables. Convert the
10622  * integer values to NumericVar and continue. Note that in the final
10623  * iteration we don't need the remainder, so we can save a few cycles
10624  * there by not fully computing it.
10625  */
10626  int128_to_numericvar(s_int128, &s_var);
10627  if (step >= 0)
10628  int128_to_numericvar(r_int128, &r_var);
10629  }
10630  else
10631  {
10632  int64_to_numericvar(s_int64, &s_var);
10633  /* step < 0, so we certainly don't need r */
10634  }
10635 #else /* !HAVE_INT128 */
10636  int64_to_numericvar(s_int64, &s_var);
10637  if (step >= 0)
10638  int64_to_numericvar(r_int64, &r_var);
10639 #endif /* HAVE_INT128 */
10641  /*
10642  * The remaining iterations with src_ndigits > 8 (or 16, if have int128)
10643  * use numeric variables.
10644  */
10645  while (step >= 0)
10646  {
10647  int tmp_len;
10649  src_ndigits = ndigits[step];
10650  blen = (src_ndigits - src_idx) / 2;
10652  /* Extract a1 and a0 */
10653  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10654  {
10655  tmp_len = Min(blen, arg->ndigits - src_idx);
10656  alloc_var(&a1_var, tmp_len);
10657  memcpy(a1_var.digits, arg->digits + src_idx,
10658  tmp_len * sizeof(NumericDigit));
10659  a1_var.weight = blen - 1;
10660  a1_var.sign = NUMERIC_POS;
10661  a1_var.dscale = 0;
10662  strip_var(&a1_var);
10663  }
10664  else
10665  {
10666  zero_var(&a1_var);
10667  a1_var.dscale = 0;
10668  }
10669  src_idx += blen;
10671  if (src_idx < arg->ndigits)
10672  {
10673  tmp_len = Min(blen, arg->ndigits - src_idx);
10674  alloc_var(&a0_var, tmp_len);
10675  memcpy(a0_var.digits, arg->digits + src_idx,
10676  tmp_len * sizeof(NumericDigit));
10677  a0_var.weight = blen - 1;
10678  a0_var.sign = NUMERIC_POS;
10679  a0_var.dscale = 0;
10680  strip_var(&a0_var);
10681  }
10682  else
10683  {
10684  zero_var(&a0_var);
10685  a0_var.dscale = 0;
10686  }
10687  src_idx += blen;
10689  /* Compute (q,u) = DivRem(r*b + a1, 2*s) */
10690  set_var_from_var(&r_var, &q_var);
10691  q_var.weight += blen;
10692  add_var(&q_var, &a1_var, &q_var);
10693  add_var(&s_var, &s_var, &u_var);
10694  div_mod_var(&q_var, &u_var, &q_var, &u_var);
10696  /* Compute s = s*b + q */
10697  s_var.weight += blen;
10698  add_var(&s_var, &q_var, &s_var);
10700  /*
10701  * Compute r = u*b + a0 - q^2.
10702  *
10703  * In the final iteration, we don't actually need r; we just need to
10704  * know whether it is negative, so that we know whether to adjust s.
10705  * So instead of the final subtraction we can just compare.
10706  */
10707  u_var.weight += blen;
10708  add_var(&u_var, &a0_var, &u_var);
10709  mul_var(&q_var, &q_var, &q_var, 0);
10711  if (step > 0)
10712  {
10713  /* Need r for later iterations */
10714  sub_var(&u_var, &q_var, &r_var);
10715  if (r_var.sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
10716  {
10717  /* s is too large by 1; set r += s, s--, r += s */
10718  add_var(&r_var, &s_var, &r_var);
10719  sub_var(&s_var, &const_one, &s_var);
10720  add_var(&r_var, &s_var, &r_var);
10721  }
10722  }
10723  else
10724  {
10725  /* Don't need r anymore, except to test if s is too large by 1 */
10726  if (cmp_var(&u_var, &q_var) < 0)
10727  sub_var(&s_var, &const_one, &s_var);
10728  }
10730  Assert(src_idx == src_ndigits); /* All input digits consumed */
10731  step--;
10732  }
10734  /*
10735  * Construct the final result, rounding it to the requested precision.
10736  */
10737  set_var_from_var(&s_var, result);
10738  result->weight = res_weight;
10739  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
10741  /* Round to target rscale (and set result->dscale) */
10742  round_var(result, rscale);
10744  /* Strip leading and trailing zeroes */
10745  strip_var(result);
10747  free_var(&s_var);
10748  free_var(&r_var);
10749  free_var(&a0_var);
10750  free_var(&a1_var);
10751  free_var(&q_var);
10752  free_var(&u_var);
10753 }
static void div_mod_var(const NumericVar *var1, const NumericVar *var2, NumericVar *quot, NumericVar *rem)
Definition: numeric.c:10095
static const FormData_pg_attribute a1
Definition: heap.c:142
int b
Definition: isn.c:70
#define stat
Definition: win32_port.h:284

References a1, add_var(), alloc_var(), arg, Assert, b, cmp_var(), const_one, const_zero, DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, div_mod_var(), NumericVar::dscale, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), i, init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), Max, Min, mul_var(), NBASE, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, round_var(), set_var_from_var(), NumericVar::sign, stat, strip_var(), sub_var(), NumericVar::weight, and zero_var().

Referenced by ln_var(), numeric_sqrt(), and numeric_stddev_internal().

◆ strip_var()

static void strip_var ( NumericVar var)

Definition at line 12139 of file numeric.c.

12140 {
12141  NumericDigit *digits = var->digits;
12142  int ndigits = var->ndigits;
12144  /* Strip leading zeroes */
12145  while (ndigits > 0 && *digits == 0)
12146  {
12147  digits++;
12148  var->weight--;
12149  ndigits--;
12150  }
12152  /* Strip trailing zeroes */
12153  while (ndigits > 0 && digits[ndigits - 1] == 0)
12154  ndigits--;
12156  /* If it's zero, normalize the sign and weight */
12157  if (ndigits == 0)
12158  {
12159  var->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
12160  var->weight = 0;
12161  }
12163  var->digits = digits;
12164  var->ndigits = ndigits;
12165 }

References NumericVar::digits, digits, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by accum_sum_final(), add_abs(), div_var(), div_var_fast(), div_var_int(), mul_var(), mul_var_short(), numericvar_to_int64(), numericvar_to_uint64(), random_var(), set_var_from_str(), sqrt_var(), and sub_abs().

◆ sub_abs()

static void sub_abs ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 11889 of file numeric.c.

11890 {
11891  NumericDigit *res_buf;
11892  NumericDigit *res_digits;
11893  int res_ndigits;
11894  int res_weight;
11895  int res_rscale,
11896  rscale1,
11897  rscale2;
11898  int res_dscale;
11899  int i,
11900  i1,
11901  i2;
11902  int borrow = 0;
11904  /* copy these values into local vars for speed in inner loop */
11905  int var1ndigits = var1->ndigits;
11906  int var2ndigits = var2->ndigits;
11907  NumericDigit *var1digits = var1->digits;
11908  NumericDigit *var2digits = var2->digits;
11910  res_weight = var1->weight;
11912  res_dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
11914  /* Note: here we are figuring rscale in base-NBASE digits */
11915  rscale1 = var1->ndigits - var1->weight - 1;
11916  rscale2 = var2->ndigits - var2->weight - 1;
11917  res_rscale = Max(rscale1, rscale2);
11919  res_ndigits = res_rscale + res_weight + 1;
11920  if (res_ndigits <= 0)
11921  res_ndigits = 1;
11923  res_buf = digitbuf_alloc(res_ndigits + 1);
11924  res_buf[0] = 0; /* spare digit for later rounding */
11925  res_digits = res_buf + 1;
11927  i1 = res_rscale + var1->weight + 1;
11928  i2 = res_rscale + var2->weight + 1;
11929  for (i = res_ndigits - 1; i >= 0; i--)
11930  {
11931  i1--;
11932  i2--;
11933  if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < var1ndigits)
11934  borrow += var1digits[i1];
11935  if (i2 >= 0 && i2 < var2ndigits)
11936  borrow -= var2digits[i2];
11938  if (borrow < 0)
11939  {
11940  res_digits[i] = borrow + NBASE;
11941  borrow = -1;
11942  }
11943  else
11944  {
11945  res_digits[i] = borrow;
11946  borrow = 0;
11947  }
11948  }
11950  Assert(borrow == 0); /* else caller gave us var1 < var2 */
11952  digitbuf_free(result->buf);
11953  result->ndigits = res_ndigits;
11954  result->buf = res_buf;
11955  result->digits = res_digits;
11956  result->weight = res_weight;
11957  result->dscale = res_dscale;
11959  /* Remove leading/trailing zeroes */
11960  strip_var(result);
11961 }

References Assert, NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_alloc, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::dscale, i, Max, NBASE, NumericVar::ndigits, strip_var(), and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by add_var(), and sub_var().

◆ sub_var()

static void sub_var ( const NumericVar var1,
const NumericVar var2,
NumericVar result 

Definition at line 8552 of file numeric.c.

8553 {
8554  /*
8555  * Decide on the signs of the two variables what to do
8556  */
8557  if (var1->sign == NUMERIC_POS)
8558  {
8559  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
8560  {
8561  /* ----------
8562  * var1 is positive, var2 is negative
8563  * result = +(ABS(var1) + ABS(var2))
8564  * ----------
8565  */
8566  add_abs(var1, var2, result);
8567  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8568  }
8569  else
8570  {
8571  /* ----------
8572  * Both are positive
8573  * Must compare absolute values
8574  * ----------
8575  */
8576  switch (cmp_abs(var1, var2))
8577  {
8578  case 0:
8579  /* ----------
8580  * ABS(var1) == ABS(var2)
8581  * result = ZERO
8582  * ----------
8583  */
8584  zero_var(result);
8585  result->dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
8586  break;
8588  case 1:
8589  /* ----------
8590  * ABS(var1) > ABS(var2)
8591  * result = +(ABS(var1) - ABS(var2))
8592  * ----------
8593  */
8594  sub_abs(var1, var2, result);
8595  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8596  break;
8598  case -1:
8599  /* ----------
8600  * ABS(var1) < ABS(var2)
8601  * result = -(ABS(var2) - ABS(var1))
8602  * ----------
8603  */
8604  sub_abs(var2, var1, result);
8605  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8606  break;
8607  }
8608  }
8609  }
8610  else
8611  {
8612  if (var2->sign == NUMERIC_NEG)
8613  {
8614  /* ----------
8615  * Both are negative
8616  * Must compare absolute values
8617  * ----------
8618  */
8619  switch (cmp_abs(var1, var2))
8620  {
8621  case 0:
8622  /* ----------
8623  * ABS(var1) == ABS(var2)
8624  * result = ZERO
8625  * ----------
8626  */
8627  zero_var(result);
8628  result->dscale = Max(var1->dscale, var2->dscale);
8629  break;
8631  case 1:
8632  /* ----------
8633  * ABS(var1) > ABS(var2)
8634  * result = -(ABS(var1) - ABS(var2))
8635  * ----------
8636  */
8637  sub_abs(var1, var2, result);
8638  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8639  break;
8641  case -1:
8642  /* ----------
8643  * ABS(var1) < ABS(var2)
8644  * result = +(ABS(var2) - ABS(var1))
8645  * ----------
8646  */
8647  sub_abs(var2, var1, result);
8648  result->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
8649  break;
8650  }
8651  }
8652  else
8653  {
8654  /* ----------
8655  * var1 is negative, var2 is positive
8656  * result = -(ABS(var1) + ABS(var2))
8657  * ----------
8658  */
8659  add_abs(var1, var2, result);
8660  result->sign = NUMERIC_NEG;
8661  }
8662  }
8663 }

References add_abs(), cmp_abs(), NumericVar::dscale, Max, NUMERIC_NEG, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, sub_abs(), and zero_var().

Referenced by compute_bucket(), div_mod_var(), estimate_ln_dweight(), floor_var(), in_range_numeric_numeric(), ln_var(), mod_var(), numeric_stddev_internal(), numeric_sub_opt_error(), random_var(), and sqrt_var().

◆ trunc_var()

static void trunc_var ( NumericVar var,
int  rscale 

Definition at line 12077 of file numeric.c.

12078 {
12079  int di;
12080  int ndigits;
12082  var->dscale = rscale;
12084  /* decimal digits wanted */
12085  di = (var->weight + 1) * DEC_DIGITS + rscale;
12087  /*
12088  * If di <= 0, the value loses all digits.
12089  */
12090  if (di <= 0)
12091  {
12092  var->ndigits = 0;
12093  var->weight = 0;
12094  var->sign = NUMERIC_POS;
12095  }
12096  else
12097  {
12098  /* NBASE digits wanted */
12099  ndigits = (di + DEC_DIGITS - 1) / DEC_DIGITS;
12101  if (ndigits <= var->ndigits)
12102  {
12103  var->ndigits = ndigits;
12105 #if DEC_DIGITS == 1
12106  /* no within-digit stuff to worry about */
12107 #else
12108  /* 0, or number of decimal digits to keep in last NBASE digit */
12109  di %= DEC_DIGITS;
12111  if (di > 0)
12112  {
12113  /* Must truncate within last NBASE digit */
12114  NumericDigit *digits = var->digits;
12115  int extra,
12116  pow10;
12118 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
12119  pow10 = round_powers[di];
12120 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
12121  pow10 = 10;
12122 #else
12123 #error unsupported NBASE
12124 #endif
12125  extra = digits[--ndigits] % pow10;
12126  digits[ndigits] -= extra;
12127  }
12128 #endif
12129  }
12130  }
12131 }

References DEC_DIGITS, NumericVar::digits, digits, NumericVar::dscale, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, round_powers, NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by ceil_var(), div_var(), div_var_fast(), div_var_int(), floor_var(), numeric_recv(), and numeric_trunc().

◆ width_bucket_numeric()

Datum width_bucket_numeric ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS  )

Definition at line 1846 of file numeric.c.

1847 {
1848  Numeric operand = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
1849  Numeric bound1 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
1850  Numeric bound2 = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(2);
1851  int32 count = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
1852  NumericVar count_var;
1853  NumericVar result_var;
1854  int32 result;
1856  if (count <= 0)
1857  ereport(ERROR,
1859  errmsg("count must be greater than zero")));
1861  if (NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(operand) ||
1862  NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(bound1) ||
1863  NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL(bound2))
1864  {
1865  if (NUMERIC_IS_NAN(operand) ||
1866  NUMERIC_IS_NAN(bound1) ||
1867  NUMERIC_IS_NAN(bound2))
1868  ereport(ERROR,
1870  errmsg("operand, lower bound, and upper bound cannot be NaN")));
1871  /* We allow "operand" to be infinite; cmp_numerics will cope */
1872  if (NUMERIC_IS_INF(bound1) || NUMERIC_IS_INF(bound2))
1873  ereport(ERROR,
1875  errmsg("lower and upper bounds must be finite")));
1876  }
1878  init_var(&result_var);
1879  init_var(&count_var);
1881  /* Convert 'count' to a numeric, for ease of use later */
1882  int64_to_numericvar((int64) count, &count_var);
1884  switch (cmp_numerics(bound1, bound2))
1885  {
1886  case 0:
1887  ereport(ERROR,
1889  errmsg("lower bound cannot equal upper bound")));
1890  break;
1892  /* bound1 < bound2 */
1893  case -1:
1894  if (cmp_numerics(operand, bound1) < 0)
1895  set_var_from_var(&const_zero, &result_var);
1896  else if (cmp_numerics(operand, bound2) >= 0)
1897  add_var(&count_var, &const_one, &result_var);
1898  else
1899  compute_bucket(operand, bound1, bound2, &count_var,
1900  &result_var);
1901  break;
1903  /* bound1 > bound2 */
1904  case 1:
1905  if (cmp_numerics(operand, bound1) > 0)
1906  set_var_from_var(&const_zero, &result_var);
1907  else if (cmp_numerics(operand, bound2) <= 0)
1908  add_var(&count_var, &const_one, &result_var);
1909  else
1910  compute_bucket(operand, bound1, bound2, &count_var,
1911  &result_var);
1912  break;
1913  }
1915  /* if result exceeds the range of a legal int4, we ereport here */
1916  if (!numericvar_to_int32(&result_var, &result))
1917  ereport(ERROR,
1919  errmsg("integer out of range")));
1921  free_var(&count_var);
1922  free_var(&result_var);
1924  PG_RETURN_INT32(result);
1925 }
static void compute_bucket(Numeric operand, Numeric bound1, Numeric bound2, const NumericVar *count_var, NumericVar *result_var)
Definition: numeric.c:1934

References add_var(), cmp_numerics(), compute_bucket(), const_one, const_zero, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_var(), init_var, int64_to_numericvar(), NUMERIC_IS_INF, NUMERIC_IS_NAN, NUMERIC_IS_SPECIAL, numericvar_to_int32(), PG_GETARG_INT32, PG_GETARG_NUMERIC, PG_RETURN_INT32, and set_var_from_var().

◆ xdigit_value()

static int xdigit_value ( char  dig)

Definition at line 7219 of file numeric.c.

7220 {
7221  return dig >= '0' && dig <= '9' ? dig - '0' :
7222  dig >= 'a' && dig <= 'f' ? dig - 'a' + 10 :
7223  dig >= 'A' && dig <= 'F' ? dig - 'A' + 10 : -1;
7224 }

Referenced by set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str().

◆ zero_var()

static void zero_var ( NumericVar var)

Definition at line 6989 of file numeric.c.

6990 {
6991  digitbuf_free(var->buf);
6992  var->buf = NULL;
6993  var->digits = NULL;
6994  var->ndigits = 0;
6995  var->weight = 0; /* by convention; doesn't really matter */
6996  var->sign = NUMERIC_POS; /* anything but NAN... */
6997 }

References NumericVar::buf, digitbuf_free, NumericVar::digits, NumericVar::ndigits, NUMERIC_POS, NumericVar::sign, and NumericVar::weight.

Referenced by add_var(), div_var(), div_var_fast(), div_var_int(), exp_var(), mul_var(), power_var(), power_var_int(), set_var_from_non_decimal_integer_str(), sqrt_var(), and sub_var().

Variable Documentation

◆ const_minus_one

const NumericVar const_minus_one
Initial value:
static const NumericDigit const_one_data[1]
Definition: numeric.c:425

Definition at line 429 of file numeric.c.

Referenced by numeric_power(), and numeric_sign().

◆ const_nan

◆ const_ninf

◆ const_one

◆ const_one_data

const NumericDigit const_one_data[1] = {1}

Definition at line 425 of file numeric.c.

◆ const_one_point_one

const NumericVar const_one_point_one
Initial value:
static const NumericDigit const_one_point_one_data[2]
Definition: numeric.c:447

Definition at line 453 of file numeric.c.

Referenced by estimate_ln_dweight(), and ln_var().

◆ const_one_point_one_data

const NumericDigit const_one_point_one_data[2] = {1, 1000}

Definition at line 447 of file numeric.c.

◆ const_pinf

◆ const_two

const NumericVar const_two
Initial value:
static const NumericDigit const_two_data[1]
Definition: numeric.c:432

Definition at line 433 of file numeric.c.

Referenced by ln_var().

◆ const_two_data

const NumericDigit const_two_data[1] = {2}

Definition at line 432 of file numeric.c.

◆ const_zero

◆ const_zero_data

const NumericDigit const_zero_data[1] = {0}

Definition at line 421 of file numeric.c.

◆ const_zero_point_nine

const NumericVar const_zero_point_nine
Initial value:
static const NumericDigit const_zero_point_nine_data[1]
Definition: numeric.c:437

Definition at line 443 of file numeric.c.

Referenced by estimate_ln_dweight(), and ln_var().

◆ const_zero_point_nine_data

const NumericDigit const_zero_point_nine_data[1] = {9000}

Definition at line 437 of file numeric.c.

◆ round_powers

const int round_powers[4] = {0, 1000, 100, 10}

Definition at line 466 of file numeric.c.

Referenced by round_var(), and trunc_var().