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execReplication.c File Reference
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/gist.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeModifyTable.h"
#include "replication/conflict.h"
#include "replication/logicalrelation.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
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static bool tuples_equal (TupleTableSlot *slot1, TupleTableSlot *slot2, TypeCacheEntry **eq)
StrategyNumber get_equal_strategy_number (Oid opclass)
static int build_replindex_scan_key (ScanKey skey, Relation rel, Relation idxrel, TupleTableSlot *searchslot)
static bool should_refetch_tuple (TM_Result res, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
bool RelationFindReplTupleByIndex (Relation rel, Oid idxoid, LockTupleMode lockmode, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *outslot)
bool RelationFindReplTupleSeq (Relation rel, LockTupleMode lockmode, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *outslot)
static bool FindConflictTuple (ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, Oid conflictindex, TupleTableSlot *slot, TupleTableSlot **conflictslot)
static void CheckAndReportConflict (ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, ConflictType type, List *recheckIndexes, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *remoteslot)
void ExecSimpleRelationInsert (ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot)
void ExecSimpleRelationUpdate (ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *slot)
void ExecSimpleRelationDelete (ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate, TupleTableSlot *searchslot)
void CheckCmdReplicaIdentity (Relation rel, CmdType cmd)
void CheckSubscriptionRelkind (char relkind, const char *nspname, const char *relname)

Function Documentation

◆ build_replindex_scan_key()

static int build_replindex_scan_key ( ScanKey  skey,
Relation  rel,
Relation  idxrel,
TupleTableSlot searchslot 

Definition at line 84 of file execReplication.c.

87 int index_attoff;
88 int skey_attoff = 0;
89 Datum indclassDatum;
90 oidvector *opclass;
91 int2vector *indkey = &idxrel->rd_index->indkey;
93 indclassDatum = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(INDEXRELID, idxrel->rd_indextuple,
94 Anum_pg_index_indclass);
95 opclass = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(indclassDatum);
97 /* Build scankey for every non-expression attribute in the index. */
98 for (index_attoff = 0; index_attoff < IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(idxrel);
99 index_attoff++)
100 {
101 Oid operator;
102 Oid optype;
103 Oid opfamily;
104 RegProcedure regop;
105 int table_attno = indkey->values[index_attoff];
106 StrategyNumber eq_strategy;
108 if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(table_attno))
109 {
110 /*
111 * XXX: Currently, we don't support expressions in the scan key,
112 * see code below.
113 */
114 continue;
115 }
117 /*
118 * Load the operator info. We need this to get the equality operator
119 * function for the scan key.
120 */
121 optype = get_opclass_input_type(opclass->values[index_attoff]);
122 opfamily = get_opclass_family(opclass->values[index_attoff]);
123 eq_strategy = get_equal_strategy_number(opclass->values[index_attoff]);
124 if (!eq_strategy)
125 elog(ERROR, "missing equal strategy for opclass %u", opclass->values[index_attoff]);
127 operator = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, optype,
128 optype,
129 eq_strategy);
131 if (!OidIsValid(operator))
132 elog(ERROR, "missing operator %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u",
133 eq_strategy, optype, optype, opfamily);
135 regop = get_opcode(operator);
137 /* Initialize the scankey. */
138 ScanKeyInit(&skey[skey_attoff],
139 index_attoff + 1,
140 eq_strategy,
141 regop,
142 searchslot->tts_values[table_attno - 1]);
144 skey[skey_attoff].sk_collation = idxrel->rd_indcollation[index_attoff];
146 /* Check for null value. */
147 if (searchslot->tts_isnull[table_attno - 1])
148 skey[skey_attoff].sk_flags |= (SK_ISNULL | SK_SEARCHNULL);
150 skey_attoff++;
151 }
153 /* There must always be at least one attribute for the index scan. */
154 Assert(skey_attoff > 0);
156 return skey_attoff;
#define AttributeNumberIsValid(attributeNumber)
Definition: attnum.h:34
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:815
regproc RegProcedure
Definition: c.h:607
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:732
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
StrategyNumber get_equal_strategy_number(Oid opclass)
Oid get_opclass_input_type(Oid opclass)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1212
Oid get_opclass_family(Oid opclass)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1190
RegProcedure get_opcode(Oid opno)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1285
Oid get_opfamily_member(Oid opfamily, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype, int16 strategy)
Definition: lsyscache.c:166
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:69
static Pointer DatumGetPointer(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:317
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:32
#define IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes(relation)
Definition: rel.h:524
void ScanKeyInit(ScanKey entry, AttrNumber attributeNumber, StrategyNumber strategy, RegProcedure procedure, Datum argument)
Definition: scankey.c:76
Definition: skey.h:121
#define SK_ISNULL
Definition: skey.h:115
uint16 StrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:22
struct HeapTupleData * rd_indextuple
Definition: rel.h:194
Form_pg_index rd_index
Definition: rel.h:192
Oid * rd_indcollation
Definition: rel.h:217
int sk_flags
Definition: skey.h:66
Oid sk_collation
Definition: skey.h:70
bool * tts_isnull
Definition: tuptable.h:127
Datum * tts_values
Definition: tuptable.h:125
Definition: c.h:672
Definition: c.h:679
Definition: c.h:683
Definition: c.h:690
Datum SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(int cacheId, HeapTuple tup, AttrNumber attributeNumber)
Definition: syscache.c:631

References Assert, AttributeNumberIsValid, DatumGetPointer(), elog, ERROR, get_equal_strategy_number(), get_opclass_family(), get_opclass_input_type(), get_opcode(), get_opfamily_member(), IndexRelationGetNumberOfKeyAttributes, OidIsValid, RelationData::rd_indcollation, RelationData::rd_index, RelationData::rd_indextuple, ScanKeyInit(), ScanKeyData::sk_collation, ScanKeyData::sk_flags, SK_ISNULL, SK_SEARCHNULL, SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(), TupleTableSlot::tts_isnull, TupleTableSlot::tts_values, int2vector::values, and oidvector::values.

Referenced by RelationFindReplTupleByIndex().

◆ CheckAndReportConflict()

static void CheckAndReportConflict ( ResultRelInfo resultRelInfo,
EState estate,
ConflictType  type,
List recheckIndexes,
TupleTableSlot searchslot,
TupleTableSlot remoteslot 

Definition at line 524 of file execReplication.c.

528 /* Check all the unique indexes for a conflict */
529 foreach_oid(uniqueidx, resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes)
530 {
531 TupleTableSlot *conflictslot;
533 if (list_member_oid(recheckIndexes, uniqueidx) &&
534 FindConflictTuple(resultRelInfo, estate, uniqueidx, remoteslot,
535 &conflictslot))
536 {
537 RepOriginId origin;
538 TimestampTz committs;
539 TransactionId xmin;
541 GetTupleTransactionInfo(conflictslot, &xmin, &origin, &committs);
542 ReportApplyConflict(estate, resultRelInfo, ERROR, type,
543 searchslot, conflictslot, remoteslot,
544 uniqueidx, xmin, origin, committs);
545 }
546 }
uint32 TransactionId
Definition: c.h:609
void ReportApplyConflict(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, int elevel, ConflictType type, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *localslot, TupleTableSlot *remoteslot, Oid indexoid, TransactionId localxmin, RepOriginId localorigin, TimestampTz localts)
Definition: conflict.c:107
bool GetTupleTransactionInfo(TupleTableSlot *localslot, TransactionId *xmin, RepOriginId *localorigin, TimestampTz *localts)
Definition: conflict.c:61
int64 TimestampTz
Definition: timestamp.h:39
static bool FindConflictTuple(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, Oid conflictindex, TupleTableSlot *slot, TupleTableSlot **conflictslot)
bool list_member_oid(const List *list, Oid datum)
Definition: list.c:722
#define foreach_oid(var, lst)
Definition: pg_list.h:471
List * ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes
Definition: execnodes.h:566
const char * type
uint16 RepOriginId
Definition: xlogdefs.h:65

References ERROR, FindConflictTuple(), foreach_oid, GetTupleTransactionInfo(), list_member_oid(), ReportApplyConflict(), ResultRelInfo::ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes, and type.

Referenced by ExecSimpleRelationInsert(), and ExecSimpleRelationUpdate().

◆ CheckCmdReplicaIdentity()

void CheckCmdReplicaIdentity ( Relation  rel,
CmdType  cmd 

Definition at line 761 of file execReplication.c.

763 PublicationDesc pubdesc;
765 /*
766 * Skip checking the replica identity for partitioned tables, because the
767 * operations are actually performed on the leaf partitions.
768 */
769 if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
770 return;
772 /* We only need to do checks for UPDATE and DELETE. */
773 if (cmd != CMD_UPDATE && cmd != CMD_DELETE)
774 return;
776 /*
777 * It is only safe to execute UPDATE/DELETE if the relation does not
778 * publish UPDATEs or DELETEs, or all the following conditions are
779 * satisfied:
780 *
781 * 1. All columns, referenced in the row filters from publications which
782 * the relation is in, are valid - i.e. when all referenced columns are
783 * part of REPLICA IDENTITY.
784 *
785 * 2. All columns, referenced in the column lists are valid - i.e. when
786 * all columns referenced in the REPLICA IDENTITY are covered by the
787 * column list.
788 *
789 * 3. All generated columns in REPLICA IDENTITY of the relation, are valid
790 * - i.e. when all these generated columns are published.
791 *
792 * XXX We could optimize it by first checking whether any of the
793 * publications have a row filter or column list for this relation, or if
794 * the relation contains a generated column. If none of these exist and
795 * the relation has replica identity then we can avoid building the
796 * descriptor but as this happens only one time it doesn't seem worth the
797 * additional complexity.
798 */
799 RelationBuildPublicationDesc(rel, &pubdesc);
800 if (cmd == CMD_UPDATE && !pubdesc.rf_valid_for_update)
803 errmsg("cannot update table \"%s\"",
805 errdetail("Column used in the publication WHERE expression is not part of the replica identity.")));
806 else if (cmd == CMD_UPDATE && !pubdesc.cols_valid_for_update)
809 errmsg("cannot update table \"%s\"",
811 errdetail("Column list used by the publication does not cover the replica identity.")));
812 else if (cmd == CMD_UPDATE && !pubdesc.gencols_valid_for_update)
815 errmsg("cannot update table \"%s\"",
817 errdetail("Replica identity must not contain unpublished generated columns.")));
818 else if (cmd == CMD_DELETE && !pubdesc.rf_valid_for_delete)
821 errmsg("cannot delete from table \"%s\"",
823 errdetail("Column used in the publication WHERE expression is not part of the replica identity.")));
824 else if (cmd == CMD_DELETE && !pubdesc.cols_valid_for_delete)
827 errmsg("cannot delete from table \"%s\"",
829 errdetail("Column list used by the publication does not cover the replica identity.")));
830 else if (cmd == CMD_DELETE && !pubdesc.gencols_valid_for_delete)
833 errmsg("cannot delete from table \"%s\"",
835 errdetail("Replica identity must not contain unpublished generated columns.")));
837 /* If relation has replica identity we are always good. */
839 return;
841 /* REPLICA IDENTITY FULL is also good for UPDATE/DELETE. */
842 if (rel->rd_rel->relreplident == REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL)
843 return;
845 /*
846 * This is UPDATE/DELETE and there is no replica identity.
847 *
848 * Check if the table publishes UPDATES or DELETES.
849 */
850 if (cmd == CMD_UPDATE && pubdesc.pubactions.pubupdate)
853 errmsg("cannot update table \"%s\" because it does not have a replica identity and publishes updates",
855 errhint("To enable updating the table, set REPLICA IDENTITY using ALTER TABLE.")));
856 else if (cmd == CMD_DELETE && pubdesc.pubactions.pubdelete)
859 errmsg("cannot delete from table \"%s\" because it does not have a replica identity and publishes deletes",
861 errhint("To enable deleting from the table, set REPLICA IDENTITY using ALTER TABLE.")));
int errdetail(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1203
int errhint(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1317
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
Definition: nodes.h:268
Definition: nodes.h:266
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
void RelationBuildPublicationDesc(Relation relation, PublicationDesc *pubdesc)
Definition: relcache.c:5714
Oid RelationGetReplicaIndex(Relation relation)
Definition: relcache.c:4992
PublicationActions pubactions
bool gencols_valid_for_update
bool cols_valid_for_update
bool gencols_valid_for_delete
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111

References CMD_DELETE, CMD_UPDATE, PublicationDesc::cols_valid_for_delete, PublicationDesc::cols_valid_for_update, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, PublicationDesc::gencols_valid_for_delete, PublicationDesc::gencols_valid_for_update, OidIsValid, PublicationDesc::pubactions, PublicationActions::pubdelete, PublicationActions::pubupdate, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationBuildPublicationDesc(), RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetReplicaIndex(), PublicationDesc::rf_valid_for_delete, and PublicationDesc::rf_valid_for_update.

Referenced by CheckValidResultRel(), ExecSimpleRelationDelete(), ExecSimpleRelationInsert(), and ExecSimpleRelationUpdate().

◆ CheckSubscriptionRelkind()

void CheckSubscriptionRelkind ( char  relkind,
const char *  nspname,
const char *  relname 

Definition at line 871 of file execReplication.c.

874 if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION && relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
877 errmsg("cannot use relation \"%s.%s\" as logical replication target",
878 nspname, relname),
int errdetail_relkind_not_supported(char relkind)
Definition: pg_class.c:24
NameData relname
Definition: pg_class.h:38

References ereport, errcode(), errdetail_relkind_not_supported(), errmsg(), ERROR, and relname.

Referenced by AlterSubscription_refresh(), apply_handle_tuple_routing(), CreateSubscription(), and logicalrep_rel_open().

◆ ExecSimpleRelationDelete()

void ExecSimpleRelationDelete ( ResultRelInfo resultRelInfo,
EState estate,
EPQState epqstate,
TupleTableSlot searchslot 

Definition at line 728 of file execReplication.c.

732 bool skip_tuple = false;
733 Relation rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
734 ItemPointer tid = &searchslot->tts_tid;
738 /* BEFORE ROW DELETE Triggers */
739 if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
740 resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_delete_before_row)
741 {
742 skip_tuple = !ExecBRDeleteTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
743 tid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
744 }
746 if (!skip_tuple)
747 {
748 /* OK, delete the tuple */
749 simple_table_tuple_delete(rel, tid, estate->es_snapshot);
751 /* AFTER ROW DELETE Triggers */
752 ExecARDeleteTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
753 tid, NULL, NULL, false);
754 }
void CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(Relation rel, CmdType cmd)
Snapshot es_snapshot
Definition: execnodes.h:648
Relation ri_RelationDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:474
TriggerDesc * ri_TrigDesc
Definition: execnodes.h:507
bool trig_delete_before_row
Definition: reltrigger.h:66
ItemPointerData tts_tid
Definition: tuptable.h:129
void simple_table_tuple_delete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: tableam.c:290
void ExecARDeleteTriggers(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, ItemPointer tupleid, HeapTuple fdw_trigtuple, TransitionCaptureState *transition_capture, bool is_crosspart_update)
Definition: trigger.c:2776
bool ExecBRDeleteTriggers(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, ItemPointer tupleid, HeapTuple fdw_trigtuple, TupleTableSlot **epqslot, TM_Result *tmresult, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
Definition: trigger.c:2685

References CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(), CMD_DELETE, EState::es_snapshot, ExecARDeleteTriggers(), ExecBRDeleteTriggers(), ResultRelInfo::ri_RelationDesc, ResultRelInfo::ri_TrigDesc, simple_table_tuple_delete(), TriggerDesc::trig_delete_before_row, and TupleTableSlot::tts_tid.

Referenced by apply_handle_delete_internal(), and apply_handle_tuple_routing().

◆ ExecSimpleRelationInsert()

void ExecSimpleRelationInsert ( ResultRelInfo resultRelInfo,
EState estate,
TupleTableSlot slot 

Definition at line 556 of file execReplication.c.

559 bool skip_tuple = false;
560 Relation rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
562 /* For now we support only tables. */
563 Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
567 /* BEFORE ROW INSERT Triggers */
568 if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
569 resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row)
570 {
571 if (!ExecBRInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot))
572 skip_tuple = true; /* "do nothing" */
573 }
575 if (!skip_tuple)
576 {
577 List *recheckIndexes = NIL;
578 List *conflictindexes;
579 bool conflict = false;
581 /* Compute stored generated columns */
582 if (rel->rd_att->constr &&
584 ExecComputeStoredGenerated(resultRelInfo, estate, slot,
587 /* Check the constraints of the tuple */
588 if (rel->rd_att->constr)
589 ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);
590 if (rel->rd_rel->relispartition)
591 ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);
593 /* OK, store the tuple and create index entries for it */
594 simple_table_tuple_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, slot);
596 conflictindexes = resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes;
598 if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
599 recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(resultRelInfo,
600 slot, estate, false,
601 conflictindexes ? true : false,
602 &conflict,
603 conflictindexes, false);
605 /*
606 * Checks the conflict indexes to fetch the conflicting local tuple
607 * and reports the conflict. We perform this check here, instead of
608 * performing an additional index scan before the actual insertion and
609 * reporting the conflict if any conflicting tuples are found. This is
610 * to avoid the overhead of executing the extra scan for each INSERT
611 * operation, even when no conflict arises, which could introduce
612 * significant overhead to replication, particularly in cases where
613 * conflicts are rare.
614 *
615 * XXX OTOH, this could lead to clean-up effort for dead tuples added
616 * in heap and index in case of conflicts. But as conflicts shouldn't
617 * be a frequent thing so we preferred to save the performance
618 * overhead of extra scan before each insertion.
619 */
620 if (conflict)
621 CheckAndReportConflict(resultRelInfo, estate, CT_INSERT_EXISTS,
622 recheckIndexes, NULL, slot);
624 /* AFTER ROW INSERT Triggers */
625 ExecARInsertTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo, slot,
626 recheckIndexes, NULL);
628 /*
629 * XXX we should in theory pass a TransitionCaptureState object to the
630 * above to capture transition tuples, but after statement triggers
631 * don't actually get fired by replication yet anyway
632 */
634 list_free(recheckIndexes);
635 }
Definition: conflict.h:27
List * ExecInsertIndexTuples(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, bool update, bool noDupErr, bool *specConflict, List *arbiterIndexes, bool onlySummarizing)
Definition: execIndexing.c:303
bool ExecPartitionCheck(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, bool emitError)
Definition: execMain.c:1806
void ExecConstraints(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
Definition: execMain.c:1930
static void CheckAndReportConflict(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, ConflictType type, List *recheckIndexes, TupleTableSlot *searchslot, TupleTableSlot *remoteslot)
void list_free(List *list)
Definition: list.c:1546
void ExecComputeStoredGenerated(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, EState *estate, TupleTableSlot *slot, CmdType cmdtype)
Definition: nodes.h:267
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
Definition: pg_list.h:54
TupleDesc rd_att
Definition: rel.h:112
int ri_NumIndices
Definition: execnodes.h:477
bool trig_insert_before_row
Definition: reltrigger.h:56
bool has_generated_stored
Definition: tupdesc.h:46
TupleConstr * constr
Definition: tupdesc.h:134
void simple_table_tuple_insert(Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tableam.c:276
bool ExecBRInsertTriggers(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: trigger.c:2460
void ExecARInsertTriggers(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, List *recheckIndexes, TransitionCaptureState *transition_capture)
Definition: trigger.c:2536

References Assert, CheckAndReportConflict(), CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(), CMD_INSERT, TupleDescData::constr, CT_INSERT_EXISTS, ExecARInsertTriggers(), ExecBRInsertTriggers(), ExecComputeStoredGenerated(), ExecConstraints(), ExecInsertIndexTuples(), ExecPartitionCheck(), TupleConstr::has_generated_stored, list_free(), NIL, RelationData::rd_att, RelationData::rd_rel, ResultRelInfo::ri_NumIndices, ResultRelInfo::ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes, ResultRelInfo::ri_RelationDesc, ResultRelInfo::ri_TrigDesc, simple_table_tuple_insert(), and TriggerDesc::trig_insert_before_row.

Referenced by apply_handle_insert_internal().

◆ ExecSimpleRelationUpdate()

void ExecSimpleRelationUpdate ( ResultRelInfo resultRelInfo,
EState estate,
EPQState epqstate,
TupleTableSlot searchslot,
TupleTableSlot slot 

Definition at line 645 of file execReplication.c.

649 bool skip_tuple = false;
650 Relation rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
651 ItemPointer tid = &(searchslot->tts_tid);
653 /*
654 * We support only non-system tables, with
655 * check_publication_add_relation() accountable.
656 */
657 Assert(rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION);
662 /* BEFORE ROW UPDATE Triggers */
663 if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
664 resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_update_before_row)
665 {
666 if (!ExecBRUpdateTriggers(estate, epqstate, resultRelInfo,
667 tid, NULL, slot, NULL, NULL))
668 skip_tuple = true; /* "do nothing" */
669 }
671 if (!skip_tuple)
672 {
673 List *recheckIndexes = NIL;
674 TU_UpdateIndexes update_indexes;
675 List *conflictindexes;
676 bool conflict = false;
678 /* Compute stored generated columns */
679 if (rel->rd_att->constr &&
681 ExecComputeStoredGenerated(resultRelInfo, estate, slot,
684 /* Check the constraints of the tuple */
685 if (rel->rd_att->constr)
686 ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate);
687 if (rel->rd_rel->relispartition)
688 ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);
690 simple_table_tuple_update(rel, tid, slot, estate->es_snapshot,
691 &update_indexes);
693 conflictindexes = resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes;
695 if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0 && (update_indexes != TU_None))
696 recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(resultRelInfo,
697 slot, estate, true,
698 conflictindexes ? true : false,
699 &conflict, conflictindexes,
700 (update_indexes == TU_Summarizing));
702 /*
703 * Refer to the comments above the call to CheckAndReportConflict() in
704 * ExecSimpleRelationInsert to understand why this check is done at
705 * this point.
706 */
707 if (conflict)
708 CheckAndReportConflict(resultRelInfo, estate, CT_UPDATE_EXISTS,
709 recheckIndexes, searchslot, slot);
711 /* AFTER ROW UPDATE Triggers */
712 ExecARUpdateTriggers(estate, resultRelInfo,
714 tid, NULL, slot,
715 recheckIndexes, NULL, false);
717 list_free(recheckIndexes);
718 }
bool IsCatalogRelation(Relation relation)
Definition: catalog.c:103
Definition: conflict.h:33
bool trig_update_before_row
Definition: reltrigger.h:61
void simple_table_tuple_update(Relation rel, ItemPointer otid, TupleTableSlot *slot, Snapshot snapshot, TU_UpdateIndexes *update_indexes)
Definition: tableam.c:335
Definition: tableam.h:117
@ TU_Summarizing
Definition: tableam.h:125
@ TU_None
Definition: tableam.h:119
bool ExecBRUpdateTriggers(EState *estate, EPQState *epqstate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, ItemPointer tupleid, HeapTuple fdw_trigtuple, TupleTableSlot *newslot, TM_Result *tmresult, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
Definition: trigger.c:2936
void ExecARUpdateTriggers(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *relinfo, ResultRelInfo *src_partinfo, ResultRelInfo *dst_partinfo, ItemPointer tupleid, HeapTuple fdw_trigtuple, TupleTableSlot *newslot, List *recheckIndexes, TransitionCaptureState *transition_capture, bool is_crosspart_update)
Definition: trigger.c:3099

References Assert, CheckAndReportConflict(), CheckCmdReplicaIdentity(), CMD_UPDATE, TupleDescData::constr, CT_UPDATE_EXISTS, EState::es_snapshot, ExecARUpdateTriggers(), ExecBRUpdateTriggers(), ExecComputeStoredGenerated(), ExecConstraints(), ExecInsertIndexTuples(), ExecPartitionCheck(), TupleConstr::has_generated_stored, IsCatalogRelation(), list_free(), NIL, RelationData::rd_att, RelationData::rd_rel, ResultRelInfo::ri_NumIndices, ResultRelInfo::ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes, ResultRelInfo::ri_RelationDesc, ResultRelInfo::ri_TrigDesc, simple_table_tuple_update(), TriggerDesc::trig_update_before_row, TupleTableSlot::tts_tid, TU_None, and TU_Summarizing.

Referenced by apply_handle_tuple_routing(), and apply_handle_update_internal().

◆ FindConflictTuple()

static bool FindConflictTuple ( ResultRelInfo resultRelInfo,
EState estate,
Oid  conflictindex,
TupleTableSlot slot,
TupleTableSlot **  conflictslot 

Definition at line 476 of file execReplication.c.

480 Relation rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
481 ItemPointerData conflictTid;
482 TM_FailureData tmfd;
485 *conflictslot = NULL;
488 if (ExecCheckIndexConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate,
489 &conflictTid, &slot->tts_tid,
490 list_make1_oid(conflictindex)))
491 {
492 if (*conflictslot)
493 ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(*conflictslot);
495 *conflictslot = NULL;
496 return false;
497 }
499 *conflictslot = table_slot_create(rel, NULL);
503 res = table_tuple_lock(rel, &conflictTid, GetLatestSnapshot(),
504 *conflictslot,
505 GetCurrentCommandId(false),
508 0 /* don't follow updates */ ,
509 &tmfd);
513 if (should_refetch_tuple(res, &tmfd))
514 goto retry;
516 return true;
bool ExecCheckIndexConstraints(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate, ItemPointer conflictTid, ItemPointer tupleid, List *arbiterIndexes)
Definition: execIndexing.c:536
static bool should_refetch_tuple(TM_Result res, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
void ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: execTuples.c:1441
@ LockWaitBlock
Definition: lockoptions.h:39
@ LockTupleShare
Definition: lockoptions.h:54
#define list_make1_oid(x1)
Definition: pg_list.h:242
Snapshot GetLatestSnapshot(void)
Definition: snapmgr.c:283
void PushActiveSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: snapmgr.c:610
void PopActiveSnapshot(void)
Definition: snapmgr.c:703
TupleTableSlot * table_slot_create(Relation relation, List **reglist)
Definition: tableam.c:91
Definition: tableam.h:79
static TM_Result table_tuple_lock(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, Snapshot snapshot, TupleTableSlot *slot, CommandId cid, LockTupleMode mode, LockWaitPolicy wait_policy, uint8 flags, TM_FailureData *tmfd)
Definition: tableam.h:1585
CommandId GetCurrentCommandId(bool used)
Definition: xact.c:828

References ExecCheckIndexConstraints(), ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(), GetCurrentCommandId(), GetLatestSnapshot(), list_make1_oid, LockTupleShare, LockWaitBlock, PopActiveSnapshot(), PushActiveSnapshot(), res, ResultRelInfo::ri_RelationDesc, should_refetch_tuple(), table_slot_create(), table_tuple_lock(), and TupleTableSlot::tts_tid.

Referenced by CheckAndReportConflict().

◆ get_equal_strategy_number()

StrategyNumber get_equal_strategy_number ( Oid  opclass)

Definition at line 46 of file execReplication.c.

48 Oid am = get_opclass_method(opclass);
49 int ret;
51 switch (am)
52 {
53 case BTREE_AM_OID:
55 break;
56 case HASH_AM_OID:
58 break;
59 case GIST_AM_OID:
60 ret = GistTranslateStratnum(opclass, COMPARE_EQ);
61 break;
62 default:
63 ret = InvalidStrategy;
64 break;
65 }
67 return ret;
StrategyNumber GistTranslateStratnum(Oid opclass, CompareType cmptype)
Definition: gistutil.c:1098
Oid get_opclass_method(Oid opclass)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1260
Definition: primnodes.h:1473
#define InvalidStrategy
Definition: stratnum.h:24
#define HTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:41
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:31

References BTEqualStrategyNumber, COMPARE_EQ, get_opclass_method(), GistTranslateStratnum(), HTEqualStrategyNumber, and InvalidStrategy.

Referenced by build_replindex_scan_key(), and IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull().

◆ RelationFindReplTupleByIndex()

bool RelationFindReplTupleByIndex ( Relation  rel,
Oid  idxoid,
LockTupleMode  lockmode,
TupleTableSlot searchslot,
TupleTableSlot outslot 

Definition at line 211 of file execReplication.c.

217 int skey_attoff;
218 IndexScanDesc scan;
219 SnapshotData snap;
220 TransactionId xwait;
221 Relation idxrel;
222 bool found;
223 TypeCacheEntry **eq = NULL;
224 bool isIdxSafeToSkipDuplicates;
226 /* Open the index. */
227 idxrel = index_open(idxoid, RowExclusiveLock);
229 isIdxSafeToSkipDuplicates = (GetRelationIdentityOrPK(rel) == idxoid);
231 InitDirtySnapshot(snap);
233 /* Build scan key. */
234 skey_attoff = build_replindex_scan_key(skey, rel, idxrel, searchslot);
236 /* Start an index scan. */
237 scan = index_beginscan(rel, idxrel, &snap, skey_attoff, 0);
240 found = false;
242 index_rescan(scan, skey, skey_attoff, NULL, 0);
244 /* Try to find the tuple */
245 while (index_getnext_slot(scan, ForwardScanDirection, outslot))
246 {
247 /*
248 * Avoid expensive equality check if the index is primary key or
249 * replica identity index.
250 */
251 if (!isIdxSafeToSkipDuplicates)
252 {
253 if (eq == NULL)
254 eq = palloc0(sizeof(*eq) * outslot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts);
256 if (!tuples_equal(outslot, searchslot, eq))
257 continue;
258 }
260 ExecMaterializeSlot(outslot);
262 xwait = TransactionIdIsValid(snap.xmin) ?
263 snap.xmin : snap.xmax;
265 /*
266 * If the tuple is locked, wait for locking transaction to finish and
267 * retry.
268 */
269 if (TransactionIdIsValid(xwait))
270 {
271 XactLockTableWait(xwait, NULL, NULL, XLTW_None);
272 goto retry;
273 }
275 /* Found our tuple and it's not locked */
276 found = true;
277 break;
278 }
280 /* Found tuple, try to lock it in the lockmode. */
281 if (found)
282 {
283 TM_FailureData tmfd;
288 res = table_tuple_lock(rel, &(outslot->tts_tid), GetLatestSnapshot(),
289 outslot,
290 GetCurrentCommandId(false),
291 lockmode,
293 0 /* don't follow updates */ ,
294 &tmfd);
298 if (should_refetch_tuple(res, &tmfd))
299 goto retry;
300 }
302 index_endscan(scan);
304 /* Don't release lock until commit. */
305 index_close(idxrel, NoLock);
307 return found;
static bool tuples_equal(TupleTableSlot *slot1, TupleTableSlot *slot2, TypeCacheEntry **eq)
static int build_replindex_scan_key(ScanKey skey, Relation rel, Relation idxrel, TupleTableSlot *searchslot)
bool index_getnext_slot(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: indexam.c:675
void index_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: indexam.c:177
IndexScanDesc index_beginscan(Relation heapRelation, Relation indexRelation, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, int norderbys)
Definition: indexam.c:256
void index_endscan(IndexScanDesc scan)
Definition: indexam.c:378
Relation index_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: indexam.c:133
void index_rescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey keys, int nkeys, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
Definition: indexam.c:352
void XactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid, Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid, XLTW_Oper oper)
Definition: lmgr.c:656
@ XLTW_None
Definition: lmgr.h:26
#define NoLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:34
#define RowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:38
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
@ ForwardScanDirection
Definition: sdir.h:28
#define InitDirtySnapshot(snapshotdata)
Definition: snapmgr.h:42
Oid GetRelationIdentityOrPK(Relation rel)
Definition: relation.c:887
TransactionId xmin
Definition: snapshot.h:153
TransactionId xmax
Definition: snapshot.h:154
TupleDesc tts_tupleDescriptor
Definition: tuptable.h:123
#define TransactionIdIsValid(xid)
Definition: transam.h:41
static void ExecMaterializeSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuptable.h:472

References build_replindex_scan_key(), ExecMaterializeSlot(), ForwardScanDirection, GetCurrentCommandId(), GetLatestSnapshot(), GetRelationIdentityOrPK(), index_beginscan(), index_close(), index_endscan(), index_getnext_slot(), INDEX_MAX_KEYS, index_open(), index_rescan(), InitDirtySnapshot, LockWaitBlock, TupleDescData::natts, NoLock, palloc0(), PopActiveSnapshot(), PushActiveSnapshot(), res, RowExclusiveLock, should_refetch_tuple(), table_tuple_lock(), TransactionIdIsValid, TupleTableSlot::tts_tid, TupleTableSlot::tts_tupleDescriptor, tuples_equal(), XactLockTableWait(), XLTW_None, SnapshotData::xmax, and SnapshotData::xmin.

Referenced by FindReplTupleInLocalRel().

◆ RelationFindReplTupleSeq()

bool RelationFindReplTupleSeq ( Relation  rel,
LockTupleMode  lockmode,
TupleTableSlot searchslot,
TupleTableSlot outslot 

Definition at line 387 of file execReplication.c.

390 TupleTableSlot *scanslot;
391 TableScanDesc scan;
392 SnapshotData snap;
393 TypeCacheEntry **eq;
394 TransactionId xwait;
395 bool found;
400 eq = palloc0(sizeof(*eq) * outslot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts);
402 /* Start a heap scan. */
403 InitDirtySnapshot(snap);
404 scan = table_beginscan(rel, &snap, 0, NULL);
405 scanslot = table_slot_create(rel, NULL);
408 found = false;
410 table_rescan(scan, NULL);
412 /* Try to find the tuple */
413 while (table_scan_getnextslot(scan, ForwardScanDirection, scanslot))
414 {
415 if (!tuples_equal(scanslot, searchslot, eq))
416 continue;
418 found = true;
419 ExecCopySlot(outslot, scanslot);
421 xwait = TransactionIdIsValid(snap.xmin) ?
422 snap.xmin : snap.xmax;
424 /*
425 * If the tuple is locked, wait for locking transaction to finish and
426 * retry.
427 */
428 if (TransactionIdIsValid(xwait))
429 {
430 XactLockTableWait(xwait, NULL, NULL, XLTW_None);
431 goto retry;
432 }
434 /* Found our tuple and it's not locked */
435 break;
436 }
438 /* Found tuple, try to lock it in the lockmode. */
439 if (found)
440 {
441 TM_FailureData tmfd;
446 res = table_tuple_lock(rel, &(outslot->tts_tid), GetLatestSnapshot(),
447 outslot,
448 GetCurrentCommandId(false),
449 lockmode,
451 0 /* don't follow updates */ ,
452 &tmfd);
456 if (should_refetch_tuple(res, &tmfd))
457 goto retry;
458 }
460 table_endscan(scan);
463 return found;
Definition: c.h:204
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
static TableScanDesc table_beginscan(Relation rel, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key)
Definition: tableam.h:912
static void table_endscan(TableScanDesc scan)
Definition: tableam.h:1024
static void table_rescan(TableScanDesc scan, struct ScanKeyData *key)
Definition: tableam.h:1033
static bool table_scan_getnextslot(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction, TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tableam.h:1060
bool equalTupleDescs(TupleDesc tupdesc1, TupleDesc tupdesc2)
Definition: tupdesc.c:566
static TupleTableSlot * ExecCopySlot(TupleTableSlot *dstslot, TupleTableSlot *srcslot)
Definition: tuptable.h:509

References Assert, equalTupleDescs(), ExecCopySlot(), ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(), ForwardScanDirection, GetCurrentCommandId(), GetLatestSnapshot(), InitDirtySnapshot, LockWaitBlock, TupleDescData::natts, palloc0(), PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY, PopActiveSnapshot(), PushActiveSnapshot(), RelationGetDescr, res, should_refetch_tuple(), table_beginscan(), table_endscan(), table_rescan(), table_scan_getnextslot(), table_slot_create(), table_tuple_lock(), TransactionIdIsValid, TupleTableSlot::tts_tid, TupleTableSlot::tts_tupleDescriptor, tuples_equal(), XactLockTableWait(), XLTW_None, SnapshotData::xmax, and SnapshotData::xmin.

Referenced by FindReplTupleInLocalRel().

◆ should_refetch_tuple()

static bool should_refetch_tuple ( TM_Result  res,
TM_FailureData tmfd 

Definition at line 166 of file execReplication.c.

168 bool refetch = false;
170 switch (res)
171 {
172 case TM_Ok:
173 break;
174 case TM_Updated:
175 /* XXX: Improve handling here */
177 ereport(LOG,
179 errmsg("tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update, retrying")));
180 else
181 ereport(LOG,
183 errmsg("concurrent update, retrying")));
184 refetch = true;
185 break;
186 case TM_Deleted:
187 /* XXX: Improve handling here */
188 ereport(LOG,
190 errmsg("concurrent delete, retrying")));
191 refetch = true;
192 break;
193 case TM_Invisible:
194 elog(ERROR, "attempted to lock invisible tuple");
195 break;
196 default:
197 elog(ERROR, "unexpected table_tuple_lock status: %u", res);
198 break;
199 }
201 return refetch;
#define LOG
Definition: elog.h:31
static bool ItemPointerIndicatesMovedPartitions(const ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:197
Definition: pgbench.c:76
ItemPointerData ctid
Definition: tableam.h:149
@ TM_Ok
Definition: tableam.h:84
@ TM_Deleted
Definition: tableam.h:99
@ TM_Updated
Definition: tableam.h:96
@ TM_Invisible
Definition: tableam.h:87

References TM_FailureData::ctid, elog, ereport, errcode(), ERRCODE_T_R_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE, errmsg(), ERROR, ItemPointerIndicatesMovedPartitions(), LOG, res, TM_Deleted, TM_Invisible, TM_Ok, and TM_Updated.

Referenced by FindConflictTuple(), RelationFindReplTupleByIndex(), and RelationFindReplTupleSeq().

◆ tuples_equal()

static bool tuples_equal ( TupleTableSlot slot1,
TupleTableSlot slot2,
TypeCacheEntry **  eq 

Definition at line 314 of file execReplication.c.

317 int attrnum;
320 slot2->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts);
322 slot_getallattrs(slot1);
323 slot_getallattrs(slot2);
325 /* Check equality of the attributes. */
326 for (attrnum = 0; attrnum < slot1->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts; attrnum++)
327 {
329 TypeCacheEntry *typentry;
331 att = TupleDescAttr(slot1->tts_tupleDescriptor, attrnum);
333 /*
334 * Ignore dropped and generated columns as the publisher doesn't send
335 * those
336 */
337 if (att->attisdropped || att->attgenerated)
338 continue;
340 /*
341 * If one value is NULL and other is not, then they are certainly not
342 * equal
343 */
344 if (slot1->tts_isnull[attrnum] != slot2->tts_isnull[attrnum])
345 return false;
347 /*
348 * If both are NULL, they can be considered equal.
349 */
350 if (slot1->tts_isnull[attrnum] || slot2->tts_isnull[attrnum])
351 continue;
353 typentry = eq[attrnum];
354 if (typentry == NULL)
355 {
356 typentry = lookup_type_cache(att->atttypid,
358 if (!OidIsValid(typentry->eq_opr_finfo.fn_oid))
361 errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for type %s",
362 format_type_be(att->atttypid))));
363 eq[attrnum] = typentry;
364 }
367 att->attcollation,
368 slot1->tts_values[attrnum],
369 slot2->tts_values[attrnum])))
370 return false;
371 }
373 return true;
Datum FunctionCall2Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1, Datum arg2)
Definition: fmgr.c:1149
char * format_type_be(Oid type_oid)
Definition: format_type.c:343
FormData_pg_attribute * Form_pg_attribute
Definition: pg_attribute.h:200
static bool DatumGetBool(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:95
Oid fn_oid
Definition: fmgr.h:59
FmgrInfo eq_opr_finfo
Definition: typcache.h:75
static FormData_pg_attribute * TupleDescAttr(TupleDesc tupdesc, int i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:153
static void slot_getallattrs(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: tuptable.h:368
TypeCacheEntry * lookup_type_cache(Oid type_id, int flags)
Definition: typcache.c:386
Definition: typcache.h:142

References Assert, DatumGetBool(), TypeCacheEntry::eq_opr_finfo, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, FmgrInfo::fn_oid, format_type_be(), FunctionCall2Coll(), lookup_type_cache(), TupleDescData::natts, OidIsValid, slot_getallattrs(), TupleTableSlot::tts_isnull, TupleTableSlot::tts_tupleDescriptor, TupleTableSlot::tts_values, TupleDescAttr(), and TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO.

Referenced by RelationFindReplTupleByIndex(), and RelationFindReplTupleSeq().