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hash.h File Reference
#include "access/amapi.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/sdir.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
#include "common/hashfn.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/lockdefs.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
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Data Structures

struct  HashPageOpaqueData
struct  HashScanPosItem
struct  HashScanPosData
struct  HashScanOpaqueData
struct  HashMetaPageData
struct  HashOptions


#define InvalidBucket   ((Bucket) 0xFFFFFFFF)
#define BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, B)    ((BlockNumber) ((B) + ((B) ? (metap)->hashm_spares[_hash_spareindex((B)+1)-1] : 0)) + 1)
#define LH_UNUSED_PAGE   (0)
#define LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE   (1 << 0)
#define LH_BUCKET_PAGE   (1 << 1)
#define LH_BITMAP_PAGE   (1 << 2)
#define LH_META_PAGE   (1 << 3)
#define LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED   (1 << 4)
#define LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT   (1 << 5)
#define LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES   (1 << 7)
#define HashPageGetOpaque(page)   ((HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page))
#define H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP(opaque)   (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP) != 0)
#define H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(opaque)   (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT) != 0)
#define H_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED(opaque)   (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED) != 0)
#define H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES(opaque)   (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES) != 0)
#define HASHO_PAGE_ID   0xFF80
#define HashScanPosIsPinned(scanpos)
#define HashScanPosIsValid(scanpos)
#define HashScanPosInvalidate(scanpos)
#define HASH_METAPAGE   0 /* metapage is always block 0 */
#define HASH_MAGIC   0x6440640
#define HASH_VERSION   4
#define HASH_MAX_BITMAPS   Min(BLCKSZ / 8, 1024)
#define HashGetFillFactor(relation)
#define HashGetTargetPageUsage(relation)    (BLCKSZ * HashGetFillFactor(relation) / 100)
#define HashMaxItemSize(page)
#define BYTE_TO_BIT   3 /* 2^3 bits/byte */
#define ALL_SET   ((uint32) ~0)
#define BMPGSZ_BYTE(metap)   ((metap)->hashm_bmsize)
#define BMPGSZ_BIT(metap)   ((metap)->hashm_bmsize << BYTE_TO_BIT)
#define BMPG_SHIFT(metap)   ((metap)->hashm_bmshift)
#define BMPG_MASK(metap)   (BMPGSZ_BIT(metap) - 1)
#define HashPageGetBitmap(page)    ((uint32 *) PageGetContents(page))
#define HashGetMaxBitmapSize(page)
#define HashPageGetMeta(page)    ((HashMetaPage) PageGetContents(page))
#define BITS_PER_MAP   32 /* Number of bits in uint32 */
#define CLRBIT(A, N)   ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] &= ~(1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))
#define SETBIT(A, N)   ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] |= (1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))
#define ISSET(A, N)   ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] & (1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))
#define HASH_NOLOCK   (-1)
#define HASHNProcs   3


typedef uint32 Bucket
typedef struct HashPageOpaqueData HashPageOpaqueData
typedef HashPageOpaqueDataHashPageOpaque
typedef struct HashScanPosItem HashScanPosItem
typedef struct HashScanPosData HashScanPosData
typedef struct HashScanOpaqueData HashScanOpaqueData
typedef HashScanOpaqueDataHashScanOpaque
typedef struct HashMetaPageData HashMetaPageData
typedef HashMetaPageDataHashMetaPage
typedef struct HashOptions HashOptions
typedef struct HSpool HSpool


IndexBuildResulthashbuild (Relation heap, Relation index, struct IndexInfo *indexInfo)
void hashbuildempty (Relation index)
bool hashinsert (Relation rel, Datum *values, bool *isnull, ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel, IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique, bool indexUnchanged, struct IndexInfo *indexInfo)
bool hashgettuple (IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
int64 hashgetbitmap (IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
IndexScanDesc hashbeginscan (Relation rel, int nkeys, int norderbys)
void hashrescan (IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys)
void hashendscan (IndexScanDesc scan)
IndexBulkDeleteResulthashbulkdelete (IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats, IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
IndexBulkDeleteResulthashvacuumcleanup (IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats)
byteahashoptions (Datum reloptions, bool validate)
bool hashvalidate (Oid opclassoid)
void hashadjustmembers (Oid opfamilyoid, Oid opclassoid, List *operators, List *functions)
void _hash_doinsert (Relation rel, IndexTuple itup, Relation heapRel, bool sorted)
OffsetNumber _hash_pgaddtup (Relation rel, Buffer buf, Size itemsize, IndexTuple itup, bool appendtup)
void _hash_pgaddmultitup (Relation rel, Buffer buf, IndexTuple *itups, OffsetNumber *itup_offsets, uint16 nitups)
Buffer _hash_addovflpage (Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer buf, bool retain_pin)
BlockNumber _hash_freeovflpage (Relation rel, Buffer bucketbuf, Buffer ovflbuf, Buffer wbuf, IndexTuple *itups, OffsetNumber *itup_offsets, Size *tups_size, uint16 nitups, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
void _hash_initbitmapbuffer (Buffer buf, uint16 bmsize, bool initpage)
void _hash_squeezebucket (Relation rel, Bucket bucket, BlockNumber bucket_blkno, Buffer bucket_buf, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
uint32 _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno (HashMetaPage metap, BlockNumber ovflblkno)
Buffer _hash_getbuf (Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access, int flags)
Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup (Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int flags)
HashMetaPage _hash_getcachedmetap (Relation rel, Buffer *metabuf, bool force_refresh)
Buffer _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey (Relation rel, uint32 hashkey, int access, HashMetaPage *cachedmetap)
Buffer _hash_getinitbuf (Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno)
void _hash_initbuf (Buffer buf, uint32 max_bucket, uint32 num_bucket, uint32 flag, bool initpage)
Buffer _hash_getnewbuf (Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, ForkNumber forkNum)
Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_strategy (Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access, int flags, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
void _hash_relbuf (Relation rel, Buffer buf)
void _hash_dropbuf (Relation rel, Buffer buf)
void _hash_dropscanbuf (Relation rel, HashScanOpaque so)
uint32 _hash_init (Relation rel, double num_tuples, ForkNumber forkNum)
void _hash_init_metabuffer (Buffer buf, double num_tuples, RegProcedure procid, uint16 ffactor, bool initpage)
void _hash_pageinit (Page page, Size size)
void _hash_expandtable (Relation rel, Buffer metabuf)
void _hash_finish_split (Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer obuf, Bucket obucket, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
bool _hash_next (IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
bool _hash_first (IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
HSpool_h_spoolinit (Relation heap, Relation index, uint32 num_buckets)
void _h_spooldestroy (HSpool *hspool)
void _h_spool (HSpool *hspool, ItemPointer self, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
void _h_indexbuild (HSpool *hspool, Relation heapRel)
bool _hash_checkqual (IndexScanDesc scan, IndexTuple itup)
uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey (Relation rel, Datum key)
uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey_type (Relation rel, Datum key, Oid keytype)
Bucket _hash_hashkey2bucket (uint32 hashkey, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
uint32 _hash_spareindex (uint32 num_bucket)
uint32 _hash_get_totalbuckets (uint32 splitpoint_phase)
void _hash_checkpage (Relation rel, Buffer buf, int flags)
uint32 _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey (IndexTuple itup)
bool _hash_convert_tuple (Relation index, Datum *user_values, bool *user_isnull, Datum *index_values, bool *index_isnull)
OffsetNumber _hash_binsearch (Page page, uint32 hash_value)
OffsetNumber _hash_binsearch_last (Page page, uint32 hash_value)
BlockNumber _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket (Relation rel, Bucket new_bucket)
BlockNumber _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket (Relation rel, Bucket old_bucket)
Bucket _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket (Relation rel, Bucket old_bucket, uint32 lowmask, uint32 maxbucket)
void _hash_kill_items (IndexScanDesc scan)
void hashbucketcleanup (Relation rel, Bucket cur_bucket, Buffer bucket_buf, BlockNumber bucket_blkno, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask, double *tuples_removed, double *num_index_tuples, bool split_cleanup, IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ALL_SET   ((uint32) ~0)

Definition at line 302 of file hash.h.


#define BITS_PER_MAP   32 /* Number of bits in uint32 */

Definition at line 329 of file hash.h.


#define BMPG_MASK (   metap)    (BMPGSZ_BIT(metap) - 1)

Definition at line 314 of file hash.h.


#define BMPG_SHIFT (   metap)    ((metap)->hashm_bmshift)

Definition at line 313 of file hash.h.


#define BMPGSZ_BIT (   metap)    ((metap)->hashm_bmsize << BYTE_TO_BIT)

Definition at line 312 of file hash.h.


#define BMPGSZ_BYTE (   metap)    ((metap)->hashm_bmsize)

Definition at line 311 of file hash.h.


#define BUCKET_TO_BLKNO (   metap,
)     ((BlockNumber) ((B) + ((B) ? (metap)->hashm_spares[_hash_spareindex((B)+1)-1] : 0)) + 1)

Definition at line 39 of file hash.h.


#define BYTE_TO_BIT   3 /* 2^3 bits/byte */

Definition at line 301 of file hash.h.


#define CLRBIT (   A,
)    ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] &= ~(1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))

Definition at line 332 of file hash.h.


#define H_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED (   opaque)    (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED) != 0)

Definition at line 92 of file hash.h.


#define H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT (   opaque)    (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT) != 0)

Definition at line 91 of file hash.h.


#define H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES (   opaque)    (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES) != 0)

Definition at line 93 of file hash.h.


#define H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP (   opaque)    (((opaque)->hasho_flag & LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP) != 0)

Definition at line 90 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 296 of file hash.h.


#define HASH_MAGIC   0x6440640

Definition at line 200 of file hash.h.


#define HASH_MAX_BITMAPS   Min(BLCKSZ / 8, 1024)

Definition at line 230 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 238 of file hash.h.


Definition: hash.h:235
Definition: hash.h:233
Definition: hash.h:238

Definition at line 239 of file hash.h.


#define HASH_METAPAGE   0 /* metapage is always block 0 */

Definition at line 198 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 295 of file hash.h.


#define HASH_NOLOCK   (-1)

Definition at line 341 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 339 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 235 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 232 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 234 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 233 of file hash.h.


#define HASH_VERSION   4

Definition at line 201 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 340 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 356 of file hash.h.

◆ HashGetFillFactor

#define HashGetFillFactor (   relation)
(AssertMacro(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX && \
relation->rd_rel->relam == HASH_AM_OID), \
(relation)->rd_options ? \
((HashOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->fillfactor : \
#define AssertMacro(condition)
Definition: c.h:859

Definition at line 275 of file hash.h.

◆ HashGetMaxBitmapSize

#define HashGetMaxBitmapSize (   page)
(PageGetPageSize((Page) page) - \
Pointer Page
Definition: bufpage.h:81
static Size PageGetPageSize(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:276
#define SizeOfPageHeaderData
Definition: bufpage.h:216
Definition: c.h:811

Definition at line 319 of file hash.h.

◆ HashGetTargetPageUsage

#define HashGetTargetPageUsage (   relation)     (BLCKSZ * HashGetFillFactor(relation) / 100)

Definition at line 281 of file hash.h.

◆ HashMaxItemSize

#define HashMaxItemSize (   page)
sizeof(ItemIdData) - \
Definition: c.h:823

Definition at line 287 of file hash.h.

◆ HASHNProcs

#define HASHNProcs   3

Definition at line 358 of file hash.h.


#define HASHO_PAGE_ID   0xFF80

Definition at line 101 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 357 of file hash.h.

◆ HashPageGetBitmap

#define HashPageGetBitmap (   page)     ((uint32 *) PageGetContents(page))

Definition at line 316 of file hash.h.

◆ HashPageGetMeta

#define HashPageGetMeta (   page)     ((HashMetaPage) PageGetContents(page))

Definition at line 323 of file hash.h.

◆ HashPageGetOpaque

#define HashPageGetOpaque (   page)    ((HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page))

Definition at line 88 of file hash.h.

◆ HashScanPosInvalidate

#define HashScanPosInvalidate (   scanpos)
do { \
(scanpos).buf = InvalidBuffer; \
(scanpos).currPage = InvalidBlockNumber; \
(scanpos).nextPage = InvalidBlockNumber; \
(scanpos).prevPage = InvalidBlockNumber; \
(scanpos).firstItem = 0; \
(scanpos).lastItem = 0; \
(scanpos).itemIndex = 0; \
} while (0)
#define InvalidBlockNumber
Definition: block.h:33
#define InvalidBuffer
Definition: buf.h:25
static char * buf
Definition: pg_test_fsync.c:73

Definition at line 144 of file hash.h.

◆ HashScanPosIsPinned

#define HashScanPosIsPinned (   scanpos)
( \
AssertMacro(BlockNumberIsValid((scanpos).currPage) || \
!BufferIsValid((scanpos).buf)), \
BufferIsValid((scanpos).buf) \
static bool BlockNumberIsValid(BlockNumber blockNumber)
Definition: block.h:71
static bool BufferIsValid(Buffer bufnum)
Definition: bufmgr.h:351

Definition at line 130 of file hash.h.

◆ HashScanPosIsValid

#define HashScanPosIsValid (   scanpos)
( \
AssertMacro(BlockNumberIsValid((scanpos).currPage) || \
!BufferIsValid((scanpos).buf)), \
BlockNumberIsValid((scanpos).currPage) \

Definition at line 137 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 355 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 293 of file hash.h.

◆ InvalidBucket

#define InvalidBucket   ((Bucket) 0xFFFFFFFF)

Definition at line 37 of file hash.h.


#define ISSET (   A,
)    ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] & (1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))

Definition at line 334 of file hash.h.


#define LH_BITMAP_PAGE   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 56 of file hash.h.


#define LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 58 of file hash.h.


#define LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 59 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 60 of file hash.h.


#define LH_BUCKET_PAGE   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 55 of file hash.h.


#define LH_META_PAGE   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 57 of file hash.h.


#define LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 54 of file hash.h.


#define LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 61 of file hash.h.



Definition at line 63 of file hash.h.


#define LH_UNUSED_PAGE   (0)

Definition at line 53 of file hash.h.


#define SETBIT (   A,
)    ((A)[(N)/BITS_PER_MAP] |= (1<<((N)%BITS_PER_MAP)))

Definition at line 333 of file hash.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Bucket

typedef uint32 Bucket

Definition at line 35 of file hash.h.

◆ HashMetaPage

Definition at line 267 of file hash.h.

◆ HashMetaPageData

◆ HashOptions

typedef struct HashOptions HashOptions

◆ HashPageOpaque

Definition at line 86 of file hash.h.

◆ HashPageOpaqueData

◆ HashScanOpaque

Definition at line 192 of file hash.h.

◆ HashScanOpaqueData

◆ HashScanPosData

◆ HashScanPosItem

◆ HSpool

typedef struct HSpool HSpool

Definition at line 446 of file hash.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _h_indexbuild()

void _h_indexbuild ( HSpool hspool,
Relation  heapRel 

Definition at line 120 of file hashsort.c.

121 {
122  IndexTuple itup;
123  int64 tups_done = 0;
125  uint32 hashkey = 0;
126 #endif
130  while ((itup = tuplesort_getindextuple(hspool->sortstate, true)) != NULL)
131  {
132  /*
133  * Technically, it isn't critical that hash keys be found in sorted
134  * order, since this sorting is only used to increase locality of
135  * access as a performance optimization. It still seems like a good
136  * idea to test tuplesort.c's handling of hash index tuple sorts
137  * through an assertion, though.
138  */
140  uint32 lasthashkey = hashkey;
143  hspool->max_buckets, hspool->high_mask,
144  hspool->low_mask);
145  Assert(hashkey >= lasthashkey);
146 #endif
148  /* the tuples are sorted by hashkey, so pass 'sorted' as true */
149  _hash_doinsert(hspool->index, itup, heapRel, true);
151  /* allow insertion phase to be interrupted, and track progress */
155  ++tups_done);
156  }
157 }
void pgstat_progress_update_param(int index, int64 val)
unsigned int uint32
Definition: c.h:506
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:858
void _hash_doinsert(Relation rel, IndexTuple itup, Relation heapRel, bool sorted)
Definition: hashinsert.c:38
uint32 _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(IndexTuple itup)
Definition: hashutil.c:291
Bucket _hash_hashkey2bucket(uint32 hashkey, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
Definition: hashutil.c:125
Definition: miscadmin.h:122
Definition: progress.h:88
uint32 low_mask
Definition: hashsort.c:51
Tuplesortstate * sortstate
Definition: hashsort.c:41
uint32 high_mask
Definition: hashsort.c:50
uint32 max_buckets
Definition: hashsort.c:52
Relation index
Definition: hashsort.c:42
void tuplesort_performsort(Tuplesortstate *state)
Definition: tuplesort.c:1363
IndexTuple tuplesort_getindextuple(Tuplesortstate *state, bool forward)

References _hash_doinsert(), _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), _hash_hashkey2bucket(), Assert, CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, HSpool::high_mask, HSpool::index, HSpool::low_mask, HSpool::max_buckets, pgstat_progress_update_param(), PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_DONE, HSpool::sortstate, tuplesort_getindextuple(), and tuplesort_performsort().

Referenced by hashbuild().

◆ _h_spool()

void _h_spool ( HSpool hspool,
ItemPointer  self,
const Datum values,
const bool isnull 

Definition at line 109 of file hashsort.c.

110 {
112  self, values, isnull);
113 }
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:150
void tuplesort_putindextuplevalues(Tuplesortstate *state, Relation rel, ItemPointer self, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)

References HSpool::index, HSpool::sortstate, tuplesort_putindextuplevalues(), and values.

Referenced by hashbuildCallback().

◆ _h_spooldestroy()

void _h_spooldestroy ( HSpool hspool)

Definition at line 99 of file hashsort.c.

100 {
101  tuplesort_end(hspool->sortstate);
102  pfree(hspool);
103 }
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
void tuplesort_end(Tuplesortstate *state)
Definition: tuplesort.c:951

References pfree(), HSpool::sortstate, and tuplesort_end().

Referenced by hashbuild().

◆ _h_spoolinit()

HSpool* _h_spoolinit ( Relation  heap,
Relation  index,
uint32  num_buckets 

Definition at line 60 of file hashsort.c.

61 {
62  HSpool *hspool = (HSpool *) palloc0(sizeof(HSpool));
64  hspool->index = index;
66  /*
67  * Determine the bitmask for hash code values. Since there are currently
68  * num_buckets buckets in the index, the appropriate mask can be computed
69  * as follows.
70  *
71  * NOTE : This hash mask calculation should be in sync with similar
72  * calculation in _hash_init_metabuffer.
73  */
74  hspool->high_mask = pg_nextpower2_32(num_buckets + 1) - 1;
75  hspool->low_mask = (hspool->high_mask >> 1);
76  hspool->max_buckets = num_buckets - 1;
78  /*
79  * We size the sort area as maintenance_work_mem rather than work_mem to
80  * speed index creation. This should be OK since a single backend can't
81  * run multiple index creations in parallel.
82  */
84  index,
85  hspool->high_mask,
86  hspool->low_mask,
87  hspool->max_buckets,
89  NULL,
92  return hspool;
93 }
int maintenance_work_mem
Definition: globals.c:132
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
static uint32 pg_nextpower2_32(uint32 num)
Definition: pg_bitutils.h:189
Definition: type.h:95
Definition: tuplesort.h:93
Tuplesortstate * tuplesort_begin_index_hash(Relation heapRel, Relation indexRel, uint32 high_mask, uint32 low_mask, uint32 max_buckets, int workMem, SortCoordinate coordinate, int sortopt)

References HSpool::high_mask, HSpool::index, HSpool::low_mask, maintenance_work_mem, HSpool::max_buckets, palloc0(), pg_nextpower2_32(), HSpool::sortstate, tuplesort_begin_index_hash(), and TUPLESORT_NONE.

Referenced by hashbuild().

◆ _hash_addovflpage()

Buffer _hash_addovflpage ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  metabuf,
Buffer  buf,
bool  retain_pin 

Definition at line 112 of file hashovfl.c.

113 {
114  Buffer ovflbuf;
115  Page page;
116  Page ovflpage;
117  HashPageOpaque pageopaque;
118  HashPageOpaque ovflopaque;
119  HashMetaPage metap;
120  Buffer mapbuf = InvalidBuffer;
121  Buffer newmapbuf = InvalidBuffer;
122  BlockNumber blkno;
123  uint32 orig_firstfree;
124  uint32 splitnum;
125  uint32 *freep = NULL;
126  uint32 max_ovflpg;
127  uint32 bit;
128  uint32 bitmap_page_bit;
129  uint32 first_page;
130  uint32 last_bit;
131  uint32 last_page;
132  uint32 i,
133  j;
134  bool page_found = false;
136  /*
137  * Write-lock the tail page. Here, we need to maintain locking order such
138  * that, first acquire the lock on tail page of bucket, then on meta page
139  * to find and lock the bitmap page and if it is found, then lock on meta
140  * page is released, then finally acquire the lock on new overflow buffer.
141  * We need this locking order to avoid deadlock with backends that are
142  * doing inserts.
143  *
144  * Note: We could have avoided locking many buffers here if we made two
145  * WAL records for acquiring an overflow page (one to allocate an overflow
146  * page and another to add it to overflow bucket chain). However, doing
147  * so can leak an overflow page, if the system crashes after allocation.
148  * Needless to say, it is better to have a single record from a
149  * performance point of view as well.
150  */
153  /* probably redundant... */
156  /* loop to find current tail page, in case someone else inserted too */
157  for (;;)
158  {
159  BlockNumber nextblkno;
161  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
162  pageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
163  nextblkno = pageopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
165  if (!BlockNumberIsValid(nextblkno))
166  break;
168  /* we assume we do not need to write the unmodified page */
169  if (retain_pin)
170  {
171  /* pin will be retained only for the primary bucket page */
172  Assert((pageopaque->hasho_flag & LH_PAGE_TYPE) == LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
174  }
175  else
176  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
178  retain_pin = false;
180  buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, nextblkno, HASH_WRITE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
181  }
183  /* Get exclusive lock on the meta page */
186  _hash_checkpage(rel, metabuf, LH_META_PAGE);
187  metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
189  /* start search at hashm_firstfree */
190  orig_firstfree = metap->hashm_firstfree;
191  first_page = orig_firstfree >> BMPG_SHIFT(metap);
192  bit = orig_firstfree & BMPG_MASK(metap);
193  i = first_page;
194  j = bit / BITS_PER_MAP;
195  bit &= ~(BITS_PER_MAP - 1);
197  /* outer loop iterates once per bitmap page */
198  for (;;)
199  {
200  BlockNumber mapblkno;
201  Page mappage;
202  uint32 last_inpage;
204  /* want to end search with the last existing overflow page */
205  splitnum = metap->hashm_ovflpoint;
206  max_ovflpg = metap->hashm_spares[splitnum] - 1;
207  last_page = max_ovflpg >> BMPG_SHIFT(metap);
208  last_bit = max_ovflpg & BMPG_MASK(metap);
210  if (i > last_page)
211  break;
213  Assert(i < metap->hashm_nmaps);
214  mapblkno = metap->hashm_mapp[i];
216  if (i == last_page)
217  last_inpage = last_bit;
218  else
219  last_inpage = BMPGSZ_BIT(metap) - 1;
221  /* Release exclusive lock on metapage while reading bitmap page */
222  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
224  mapbuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, mapblkno, HASH_WRITE, LH_BITMAP_PAGE);
225  mappage = BufferGetPage(mapbuf);
226  freep = HashPageGetBitmap(mappage);
228  for (; bit <= last_inpage; j++, bit += BITS_PER_MAP)
229  {
230  if (freep[j] != ALL_SET)
231  {
232  page_found = true;
234  /* Reacquire exclusive lock on the meta page */
237  /* convert bit to bit number within page */
238  bit += _hash_firstfreebit(freep[j]);
239  bitmap_page_bit = bit;
241  /* convert bit to absolute bit number */
242  bit += (i << BMPG_SHIFT(metap));
243  /* Calculate address of the recycled overflow page */
244  blkno = bitno_to_blkno(metap, bit);
246  /* Fetch and init the recycled page */
247  ovflbuf = _hash_getinitbuf(rel, blkno);
249  goto found;
250  }
251  }
253  /* No free space here, try to advance to next map page */
254  _hash_relbuf(rel, mapbuf);
255  mapbuf = InvalidBuffer;
256  i++;
257  j = 0; /* scan from start of next map page */
258  bit = 0;
260  /* Reacquire exclusive lock on the meta page */
262  }
264  /*
265  * No free pages --- have to extend the relation to add an overflow page.
266  * First, check to see if we have to add a new bitmap page too.
267  */
268  if (last_bit == (uint32) (BMPGSZ_BIT(metap) - 1))
269  {
270  /*
271  * We create the new bitmap page with all pages marked "in use".
272  * Actually two pages in the new bitmap's range will exist
273  * immediately: the bitmap page itself, and the following page which
274  * is the one we return to the caller. Both of these are correctly
275  * marked "in use". Subsequent pages do not exist yet, but it is
276  * convenient to pre-mark them as "in use" too.
277  */
278  bit = metap->hashm_spares[splitnum];
280  /* metapage already has a write lock */
281  if (metap->hashm_nmaps >= HASH_MAX_BITMAPS)
282  ereport(ERROR,
284  errmsg("out of overflow pages in hash index \"%s\"",
285  RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
287  newmapbuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, bitno_to_blkno(metap, bit), MAIN_FORKNUM);
288  }
289  else
290  {
291  /*
292  * Nothing to do here; since the page will be past the last used page,
293  * we know its bitmap bit was preinitialized to "in use".
294  */
295  }
297  /* Calculate address of the new overflow page */
298  bit = BufferIsValid(newmapbuf) ?
299  metap->hashm_spares[splitnum] + 1 : metap->hashm_spares[splitnum];
300  blkno = bitno_to_blkno(metap, bit);
302  /*
303  * Fetch the page with _hash_getnewbuf to ensure smgr's idea of the
304  * relation length stays in sync with ours. XXX It's annoying to do this
305  * with metapage write lock held; would be better to use a lock that
306  * doesn't block incoming searches.
307  *
308  * It is okay to hold two buffer locks here (one on tail page of bucket
309  * and other on new overflow page) since there cannot be anyone else
310  * contending for access to ovflbuf.
311  */
312  ovflbuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, blkno, MAIN_FORKNUM);
314 found:
316  /*
317  * Do the update. No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged. We want to
318  * log the changes for bitmap page and overflow page together to avoid
319  * loss of pages in case the new page is added.
320  */
323  if (page_found)
324  {
325  Assert(BufferIsValid(mapbuf));
327  /* mark page "in use" in the bitmap */
328  SETBIT(freep, bitmap_page_bit);
329  MarkBufferDirty(mapbuf);
330  }
331  else
332  {
333  /* update the count to indicate new overflow page is added */
334  metap->hashm_spares[splitnum]++;
336  if (BufferIsValid(newmapbuf))
337  {
338  _hash_initbitmapbuffer(newmapbuf, metap->hashm_bmsize, false);
339  MarkBufferDirty(newmapbuf);
341  /* add the new bitmap page to the metapage's list of bitmaps */
342  metap->hashm_mapp[metap->hashm_nmaps] = BufferGetBlockNumber(newmapbuf);
343  metap->hashm_nmaps++;
344  metap->hashm_spares[splitnum]++;
345  }
347  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
349  /*
350  * for new overflow page, we don't need to explicitly set the bit in
351  * bitmap page, as by default that will be set to "in use".
352  */
353  }
355  /*
356  * Adjust hashm_firstfree to avoid redundant searches. But don't risk
357  * changing it if someone moved it while we were searching bitmap pages.
358  */
359  if (metap->hashm_firstfree == orig_firstfree)
360  {
361  metap->hashm_firstfree = bit + 1;
362  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
363  }
365  /* initialize new overflow page */
366  ovflpage = BufferGetPage(ovflbuf);
367  ovflopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(ovflpage);
369  ovflopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
370  ovflopaque->hasho_bucket = pageopaque->hasho_bucket;
371  ovflopaque->hasho_flag = LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE;
372  ovflopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;
374  MarkBufferDirty(ovflbuf);
376  /* logically chain overflow page to previous page */
377  pageopaque->hasho_nextblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(ovflbuf);
381  /* XLOG stuff */
382  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
383  {
384  XLogRecPtr recptr;
385  xl_hash_add_ovfl_page xlrec;
387  xlrec.bmpage_found = page_found;
388  xlrec.bmsize = metap->hashm_bmsize;
390  XLogBeginInsert();
391  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashAddOvflPage);
394  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) &pageopaque->hasho_bucket, sizeof(Bucket));
398  if (BufferIsValid(mapbuf))
399  {
401  XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &bitmap_page_bit, sizeof(uint32));
402  }
404  if (BufferIsValid(newmapbuf))
405  XLogRegisterBuffer(3, newmapbuf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);
407  XLogRegisterBuffer(4, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
408  XLogRegisterBufData(4, (char *) &metap->hashm_firstfree, sizeof(uint32));
410  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_ADD_OVFL_PAGE);
412  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(ovflbuf), recptr);
413  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf), recptr);
415  if (BufferIsValid(mapbuf))
416  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(mapbuf), recptr);
418  if (BufferIsValid(newmapbuf))
419  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(newmapbuf), recptr);
421  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
422  }
426  if (retain_pin)
428  else
429  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
431  if (BufferIsValid(mapbuf))
432  _hash_relbuf(rel, mapbuf);
434  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
436  if (BufferIsValid(newmapbuf))
437  _hash_relbuf(rel, newmapbuf);
439  return ovflbuf;
440 }
uint32 BlockNumber
Definition: block.h:31
#define SETBIT(x, i)
Definition: blutils.c:32
int Buffer
Definition: buf.h:23
BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:3706
void MarkBufferDirty(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:2514
void LockBuffer(Buffer buffer, int mode)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5140
Definition: bufmgr.h:189
static Page BufferGetPage(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:400
Definition: bufmgr.h:191
static void PageSetLSN(Page page, XLogRecPtr lsn)
Definition: bufpage.h:391
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
#define HashPageGetOpaque(page)
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: hash.h:55
Definition: hash.h:230
#define BMPG_MASK(metap)
Definition: hash.h:314
#define HASH_WRITE
Definition: hash.h:340
#define BITS_PER_MAP
Definition: hash.h:329
#define HashPageGetBitmap(page)
Definition: hash.h:316
#define LH_META_PAGE
Definition: hash.h:57
Definition: hash.h:101
#define HashPageGetMeta(page)
Definition: hash.h:323
#define BMPGSZ_BIT(metap)
Definition: hash.h:312
#define LH_PAGE_TYPE
Definition: hash.h:63
uint32 Bucket
Definition: hash.h:35
#define ALL_SET
Definition: hash.h:302
Definition: hash.h:56
#define BMPG_SHIFT(metap)
Definition: hash.h:313
Definition: hash.h:54
#define SizeOfHashAddOvflPage
Definition: hash_xlog.h:80
Definition: hash_xlog.h:30
static uint32 _hash_firstfreebit(uint32 map)
Definition: hashovfl.c:448
void _hash_initbitmapbuffer(Buffer buf, uint16 bmsize, bool initpage)
Definition: hashovfl.c:777
static BlockNumber bitno_to_blkno(HashMetaPage metap, uint32 ovflbitnum)
Definition: hashovfl.c:35
Buffer _hash_getinitbuf(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno)
Definition: hashpage.c:135
void _hash_relbuf(Relation rel, Buffer buf)
Definition: hashpage.c:266
Buffer _hash_getbuf(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access, int flags)
Definition: hashpage.c:70
Buffer _hash_getnewbuf(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, ForkNumber forkNum)
Definition: hashpage.c:198
void _hash_checkpage(Relation rel, Buffer buf, int flags)
Definition: hashutil.c:210
int j
Definition: isn.c:74
int i
Definition: isn.c:73
Definition: miscadmin.h:149
Definition: miscadmin.h:151
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
#define RelationNeedsWAL(relation)
Definition: rel.h:628
Definition: relpath.h:58
BlockNumber hashm_mapp[HASH_MAX_BITMAPS]
Definition: hash.h:264
uint32 hashm_spares[HASH_MAX_SPLITPOINTS]
Definition: hash.h:262
uint32 hashm_firstfree
Definition: hash.h:259
uint16 hashm_bmsize
Definition: hash.h:251
uint32 hashm_ovflpoint
Definition: hash.h:257
uint32 hashm_nmaps
Definition: hash.h:260
BlockNumber hasho_nextblkno
Definition: hash.h:80
uint16 hasho_flag
Definition: hash.h:82
BlockNumber hasho_prevblkno
Definition: hash.h:79
uint16 hasho_page_id
Definition: hash.h:83
Bucket hasho_bucket
Definition: hash.h:81
Definition: varbit.c:391
uint64 XLogRecPtr
Definition: xlogdefs.h:21
void XLogRegisterBufData(uint8 block_id, const char *data, uint32 len)
Definition: xloginsert.c:405
XLogRecPtr XLogInsert(RmgrId rmid, uint8 info)
Definition: xloginsert.c:474
void XLogRegisterData(const char *data, uint32 len)
Definition: xloginsert.c:364
void XLogRegisterBuffer(uint8 block_id, Buffer buffer, uint8 flags)
Definition: xloginsert.c:242
void XLogBeginInsert(void)
Definition: xloginsert.c:149
Definition: xloginsert.h:34
Definition: xloginsert.h:33

References _hash_checkpage(), _hash_firstfreebit(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_initbitmapbuffer(), _hash_relbuf(), ALL_SET, Assert, bit(), bitno_to_blkno(), BITS_PER_MAP, BlockNumberIsValid(), xl_hash_add_ovfl_page::bmpage_found, BMPG_MASK, BMPG_SHIFT, BMPGSZ_BIT, xl_hash_add_ovfl_page::bmsize, buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), BufferIsValid(), END_CRIT_SECTION, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, HASH_MAX_BITMAPS, HASH_WRITE, HashMetaPageData::hashm_bmsize, HashMetaPageData::hashm_firstfree, HashMetaPageData::hashm_mapp, HashMetaPageData::hashm_nmaps, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ovflpoint, HashMetaPageData::hashm_spares, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetBitmap, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, i, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBuffer, j, LH_BITMAP_PAGE, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_META_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LH_PAGE_TYPE, LockBuffer(), MAIN_FORKNUM, MarkBufferDirty(), PageSetLSN(), REGBUF_STANDARD, REGBUF_WILL_INIT, RelationGetRelationName, RelationNeedsWAL, SETBIT, SizeOfHashAddOvflPage, START_CRIT_SECTION, XLOG_HASH_ADD_OVFL_PAGE, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by _hash_doinsert(), and _hash_splitbucket().

◆ _hash_binsearch()

OffsetNumber _hash_binsearch ( Page  page,
uint32  hash_value 

Definition at line 350 of file hashutil.c.

351 {
355  /* Loop invariant: lower <= desired place <= upper */
356  upper = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) + 1;
359  while (upper > lower)
360  {
361  OffsetNumber off;
362  IndexTuple itup;
363  uint32 hashkey;
365  off = (upper + lower) / 2;
368  itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, off));
369  hashkey = _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup);
370  if (hashkey < hash_value)
371  lower = off + 1;
372  else
373  upper = off;
374  }
376  return lower;
377 }
static Item PageGetItem(Page page, ItemId itemId)
Definition: bufpage.h:354
static ItemId PageGetItemId(Page page, OffsetNumber offsetNumber)
Definition: bufpage.h:243
static OffsetNumber PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:372
IndexTupleData * IndexTuple
Definition: itup.h:53
#define OffsetNumberIsValid(offsetNumber)
Definition: off.h:39
uint16 OffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:24
#define FirstOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:27
Definition: oracle_compat.c:49
Definition: oracle_compat.c:80

References _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), Assert, FirstOffsetNumber, lower(), OffsetNumberIsValid, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), and upper().

Referenced by _hash_pgaddmultitup(), _hash_pgaddtup(), and _hash_readpage().

◆ _hash_binsearch_last()

OffsetNumber _hash_binsearch_last ( Page  page,
uint32  hash_value 

Definition at line 388 of file hashutil.c.

389 {
393  /* Loop invariant: lower <= desired place <= upper */
395  lower = FirstOffsetNumber - 1;
397  while (upper > lower)
398  {
399  IndexTuple itup;
400  OffsetNumber off;
401  uint32 hashkey;
403  off = (upper + lower + 1) / 2;
406  itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, off));
407  hashkey = _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup);
408  if (hashkey > hash_value)
409  upper = off - 1;
410  else
411  lower = off;
412  }
414  return lower;
415 }

References _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), Assert, FirstOffsetNumber, lower(), OffsetNumberIsValid, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), and upper().

Referenced by _hash_readpage().

◆ _hash_checkpage()

void _hash_checkpage ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  buf,
int  flags 

Definition at line 210 of file hashutil.c.

211 {
212  Page page = BufferGetPage(buf);
214  /*
215  * ReadBuffer verifies that every newly-read page passes
216  * PageHeaderIsValid, which means it either contains a reasonably sane
217  * page header or is all-zero. We have to defend against the all-zero
218  * case, however.
219  */
220  if (PageIsNew(page))
221  ereport(ERROR,
223  errmsg("index \"%s\" contains unexpected zero page at block %u",
226  errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));
228  /*
229  * Additionally check that the special area looks sane.
230  */
231  if (PageGetSpecialSize(page) != MAXALIGN(sizeof(HashPageOpaqueData)))
232  ereport(ERROR,
234  errmsg("index \"%s\" contains corrupted page at block %u",
237  errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));
239  if (flags)
240  {
241  HashPageOpaque opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
243  if ((opaque->hasho_flag & flags) == 0)
244  ereport(ERROR,
246  errmsg("index \"%s\" contains corrupted page at block %u",
249  errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));
250  }
252  /*
253  * When checking the metapage, also verify magic number and version.
254  */
255  if (flags == LH_META_PAGE)
256  {
257  HashMetaPage metap = HashPageGetMeta(page);
259  if (metap->hashm_magic != HASH_MAGIC)
260  ereport(ERROR,
262  errmsg("index \"%s\" is not a hash index",
263  RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
265  if (metap->hashm_version != HASH_VERSION)
266  ereport(ERROR,
268  errmsg("index \"%s\" has wrong hash version",
270  errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));
271  }
272 }
static bool PageIsNew(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:233
static uint16 PageGetSpecialSize(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:316
int errhint(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1317
Definition: hash.h:201
#define HASH_MAGIC
Definition: hash.h:200
uint32 hashm_version
Definition: hash.h:247
uint32 hashm_magic
Definition: hash.h:246

References buf, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, HASH_MAGIC, HASH_VERSION, HashMetaPageData::hashm_magic, HashMetaPageData::hashm_version, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, LH_META_PAGE, MAXALIGN, PageGetSpecialSize(), PageIsNew(), and RelationGetRelationName.

Referenced by _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_expandtable(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_pgaddmultitup(), _hash_pgaddtup(), _hash_readpage(), and hashbulkdelete().

◆ _hash_checkqual()

bool _hash_checkqual ( IndexScanDesc  scan,
IndexTuple  itup 

Definition at line 31 of file hashutil.c.

32 {
33  /*
34  * Currently, we can't check any of the scan conditions since we do not
35  * have the original index entry value to supply to the sk_func. Always
36  * return true; we expect that hashgettuple already set the recheck flag
37  * to make the main indexscan code do it.
38  */
39 #ifdef NOT_USED
40  TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(scan->indexRelation);
41  ScanKey key = scan->keyData;
42  int scanKeySize = scan->numberOfKeys;
44  while (scanKeySize > 0)
45  {
46  Datum datum;
47  bool isNull;
48  Datum test;
50  datum = index_getattr(itup,
51  key->sk_attno,
52  tupdesc,
53  &isNull);
55  /* assume sk_func is strict */
56  if (isNull)
57  return false;
58  if (key->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
59  return false;
61  test = FunctionCall2Coll(&key->sk_func, key->sk_collation,
62  datum, key->sk_argument);
64  if (!DatumGetBool(test))
65  return false;
67  key++;
68  scanKeySize--;
69  }
70 #endif
72  return true;
73 }
Datum FunctionCall2Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1, Datum arg2)
Definition: fmgr.c:1149
static Datum index_getattr(IndexTuple tup, int attnum, TupleDesc tupleDesc, bool *isnull)
Definition: itup.h:117
static bool DatumGetBool(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:90
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:64
static void test(void)
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
#define SK_ISNULL
Definition: skey.h:115
struct ScanKeyData * keyData
Definition: relscan.h:122
Relation indexRelation
Definition: relscan.h:118

References DatumGetBool(), FunctionCall2Coll(), index_getattr(), IndexScanDescData::indexRelation, sort-test::key, IndexScanDescData::keyData, IndexScanDescData::numberOfKeys, RelationGetDescr, SK_ISNULL, and test().

Referenced by _hash_load_qualified_items().

◆ _hash_convert_tuple()

bool _hash_convert_tuple ( Relation  index,
Datum user_values,
bool user_isnull,
Datum index_values,
bool index_isnull 

Definition at line 318 of file hashutil.c.

321 {
322  uint32 hashkey;
324  /*
325  * We do not insert null values into hash indexes. This is okay because
326  * the only supported search operator is '=', and we assume it is strict.
327  */
328  if (user_isnull[0])
329  return false;
331  hashkey = _hash_datum2hashkey(index, user_values[0]);
332  index_values[0] = UInt32GetDatum(hashkey);
333  index_isnull[0] = false;
334  return true;
335 }
uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey(Relation rel, Datum key)
Definition: hashutil.c:82
static Datum UInt32GetDatum(uint32 X)
Definition: postgres.h:232

References _hash_datum2hashkey(), and UInt32GetDatum().

Referenced by hashbuildCallback(), and hashinsert().

◆ _hash_datum2hashkey()

uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey ( Relation  rel,
Datum  key 

Definition at line 82 of file hashutil.c.

83 {
84  FmgrInfo *procinfo;
85  Oid collation;
87  /* XXX assumes index has only one attribute */
88  procinfo = index_getprocinfo(rel, 1, HASHSTANDARD_PROC);
89  collation = rel->rd_indcollation[0];
91  return DatumGetUInt32(FunctionCall1Coll(procinfo, collation, key));
92 }
Datum FunctionCall1Coll(FmgrInfo *flinfo, Oid collation, Datum arg1)
Definition: fmgr.c:1129
Definition: hash.h:355
FmgrInfo * index_getprocinfo(Relation irel, AttrNumber attnum, uint16 procnum)
Definition: indexam.c:860
static uint32 DatumGetUInt32(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:222
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
Definition: fmgr.h:57
Oid * rd_indcollation
Definition: rel.h:217

References DatumGetUInt32(), FunctionCall1Coll(), HASHSTANDARD_PROC, index_getprocinfo(), sort-test::key, and RelationData::rd_indcollation.

Referenced by _hash_convert_tuple(), and _hash_first().

◆ _hash_datum2hashkey_type()

uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey_type ( Relation  rel,
Datum  key,
Oid  keytype 

Definition at line 102 of file hashutil.c.

103 {
104  RegProcedure hash_proc;
105  Oid collation;
107  /* XXX assumes index has only one attribute */
108  hash_proc = get_opfamily_proc(rel->rd_opfamily[0],
109  keytype,
110  keytype,
112  if (!RegProcedureIsValid(hash_proc))
113  elog(ERROR, "missing support function %d(%u,%u) for index \"%s\"",
114  HASHSTANDARD_PROC, keytype, keytype,
116  collation = rel->rd_indcollation[0];
118  return DatumGetUInt32(OidFunctionCall1Coll(hash_proc, collation, key));
119 }
#define RegProcedureIsValid(p)
Definition: c.h:777
regproc RegProcedure
Definition: c.h:650
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
Datum OidFunctionCall1Coll(Oid functionId, Oid collation, Datum arg1)
Definition: fmgr.c:1411
Oid get_opfamily_proc(Oid opfamily, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype, int16 procnum)
Definition: lsyscache.c:796
Oid * rd_opfamily
Definition: rel.h:207

References DatumGetUInt32(), elog, ERROR, get_opfamily_proc(), HASHSTANDARD_PROC, sort-test::key, OidFunctionCall1Coll(), RelationData::rd_indcollation, RelationData::rd_opfamily, RegProcedureIsValid, and RelationGetRelationName.

Referenced by _hash_first().

◆ _hash_doinsert()

void _hash_doinsert ( Relation  rel,
IndexTuple  itup,
Relation  heapRel,
bool  sorted 

Definition at line 38 of file hashinsert.c.

39 {
41  Buffer bucket_buf;
42  Buffer metabuf;
43  HashMetaPage metap;
44  HashMetaPage usedmetap = NULL;
45  Page metapage;
46  Page page;
47  HashPageOpaque pageopaque;
48  Size itemsz;
49  bool do_expand;
50  uint32 hashkey;
51  Bucket bucket;
52  OffsetNumber itup_off;
54  /*
55  * Get the hash key for the item (it's stored in the index tuple itself).
56  */
57  hashkey = _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup);
59  /* compute item size too */
60  itemsz = IndexTupleSize(itup);
61  itemsz = MAXALIGN(itemsz); /* be safe, PageAddItem will do this but we
62  * need to be consistent */
64 restart_insert:
66  /*
67  * Read the metapage. We don't lock it yet; HashMaxItemSize() will
68  * examine pd_pagesize_version, but that can't change so we can examine it
69  * without a lock.
70  */
72  metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
74  /*
75  * Check whether the item can fit on a hash page at all. (Eventually, we
76  * ought to try to apply TOAST methods if not.) Note that at this point,
77  * itemsz doesn't include the ItemId.
78  *
79  * XXX this is useless code if we are only storing hash keys.
80  */
81  if (itemsz > HashMaxItemSize(metapage))
82  ereport(ERROR,
84  errmsg("index row size %zu exceeds hash maximum %zu",
85  itemsz, HashMaxItemSize(metapage)),
86  errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed.")));
88  /* Lock the primary bucket page for the target bucket. */
90  &usedmetap);
91  Assert(usedmetap != NULL);
95  /* remember the primary bucket buffer to release the pin on it at end. */
96  bucket_buf = buf;
98  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
99  pageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
100  bucket = pageopaque->hasho_bucket;
102  /*
103  * If this bucket is in the process of being split, try to finish the
104  * split before inserting, because that might create room for the
105  * insertion to proceed without allocating an additional overflow page.
106  * It's only interesting to finish the split if we're trying to insert
107  * into the bucket from which we're removing tuples (the "old" bucket),
108  * not if we're trying to insert into the bucket into which tuples are
109  * being moved (the "new" bucket).
110  */
111  if (H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(pageopaque) && IsBufferCleanupOK(buf))
112  {
113  /* release the lock on bucket buffer, before completing the split. */
116  _hash_finish_split(rel, metabuf, buf, bucket,
117  usedmetap->hashm_maxbucket,
118  usedmetap->hashm_highmask,
119  usedmetap->hashm_lowmask);
121  /* release the pin on old and meta buffer. retry for insert. */
122  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf);
123  _hash_dropbuf(rel, metabuf);
124  goto restart_insert;
125  }
127  /* Do the insertion */
128  while (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < itemsz)
129  {
130  BlockNumber nextblkno;
132  /*
133  * Check if current page has any DEAD tuples. If yes, delete these
134  * tuples and see if we can get a space for the new item to be
135  * inserted before moving to the next page in the bucket chain.
136  */
137  if (H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES(pageopaque))
138  {
140  if (IsBufferCleanupOK(buf))
141  {
142  _hash_vacuum_one_page(rel, heapRel, metabuf, buf);
144  if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) >= itemsz)
145  break; /* OK, now we have enough space */
146  }
147  }
149  /*
150  * no space on this page; check for an overflow page
151  */
152  nextblkno = pageopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
154  if (BlockNumberIsValid(nextblkno))
155  {
156  /*
157  * ovfl page exists; go get it. if it doesn't have room, we'll
158  * find out next pass through the loop test above. we always
159  * release both the lock and pin if this is an overflow page, but
160  * only the lock if this is the primary bucket page, since the pin
161  * on the primary bucket must be retained throughout the scan.
162  */
163  if (buf != bucket_buf)
164  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
165  else
167  buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, nextblkno, HASH_WRITE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
168  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
169  }
170  else
171  {
172  /*
173  * we're at the end of the bucket chain and we haven't found a
174  * page with enough room. allocate a new overflow page.
175  */
177  /* release our write lock without modifying buffer */
180  /* chain to a new overflow page */
181  buf = _hash_addovflpage(rel, metabuf, buf, (buf == bucket_buf));
182  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
184  /* should fit now, given test above */
185  Assert(PageGetFreeSpace(page) >= itemsz);
186  }
187  pageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
188  Assert((pageopaque->hasho_flag & LH_PAGE_TYPE) == LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
189  Assert(pageopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
190  }
192  /*
193  * Write-lock the metapage so we can increment the tuple count. After
194  * incrementing it, check to see if it's time for a split.
195  */
198  /* Do the update. No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
201  /* found page with enough space, so add the item here */
202  itup_off = _hash_pgaddtup(rel, buf, itemsz, itup, sorted);
205  /* metapage operations */
206  metap = HashPageGetMeta(metapage);
207  metap->hashm_ntuples += 1;
209  /* Make sure this stays in sync with _hash_expandtable() */
210  do_expand = metap->hashm_ntuples >
211  (double) metap->hashm_ffactor * (metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1);
213  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
215  /* XLOG stuff */
216  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
217  {
218  xl_hash_insert xlrec;
219  XLogRecPtr recptr;
221  xlrec.offnum = itup_off;
223  XLogBeginInsert();
224  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashInsert);
226  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
229  XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup));
231  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_INSERT);
233  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf), recptr);
234  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
235  }
239  /* drop lock on metapage, but keep pin */
240  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
242  /*
243  * Release the modified page and ensure to release the pin on primary
244  * page.
245  */
246  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
247  if (buf != bucket_buf)
248  _hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_buf);
250  /* Attempt to split if a split is needed */
251  if (do_expand)
252  _hash_expandtable(rel, metabuf);
254  /* Finally drop our pin on the metapage */
255  _hash_dropbuf(rel, metabuf);
256 }
bool IsBufferCleanupOK(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5437
Size PageGetFreeSpace(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.c:907
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:605
Definition: hash.h:341
#define H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(opaque)
Definition: hash.h:91
Definition: hash.h:198
#define H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES(opaque)
Definition: hash.h:93
#define HashMaxItemSize(page)
Definition: hash.h:287
#define SizeOfHashInsert
Definition: hash_xlog.h:61
Definition: hash_xlog.h:29
OffsetNumber _hash_pgaddtup(Relation rel, Buffer buf, Size itemsize, IndexTuple itup, bool appendtup)
Definition: hashinsert.c:274
static void _hash_vacuum_one_page(Relation rel, Relation hrel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer buf)
Definition: hashinsert.c:370
Buffer _hash_addovflpage(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer buf, bool retain_pin)
Definition: hashovfl.c:112
void _hash_dropbuf(Relation rel, Buffer buf)
Definition: hashpage.c:277
void _hash_finish_split(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer obuf, Bucket obucket, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
Definition: hashpage.c:1356
Buffer _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(Relation rel, uint32 hashkey, int access, HashMetaPage *cachedmetap)
Definition: hashpage.c:1559
void _hash_expandtable(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf)
Definition: hashpage.c:614
#define IndexTupleSize(itup)
Definition: itup.h:70
void CheckForSerializableConflictIn(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, BlockNumber blkno)
Definition: predicate.c:4321
uint32 hashm_lowmask
Definition: hash.h:256
uint32 hashm_maxbucket
Definition: hash.h:254
double hashm_ntuples
Definition: hash.h:248
uint32 hashm_highmask
Definition: hash.h:255
uint16 hashm_ffactor
Definition: hash.h:249
OffsetNumber offnum
Definition: hash_xlog.h:58

References _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_expandtable(), _hash_finish_split(), _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_pgaddtup(), _hash_relbuf(), _hash_vacuum_one_page(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), CheckForSerializableConflictIn(), END_CRIT_SECTION, ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT, H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_NOLOCK, HASH_WRITE, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ffactor, HashMetaPageData::hashm_highmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_lowmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ntuples, HashMaxItemSize, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, IndexTupleSize, InvalidBuffer, IsBufferCleanupOK(), LH_META_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LH_PAGE_TYPE, LockBuffer(), MarkBufferDirty(), MAXALIGN, xl_hash_insert::offnum, PageGetFreeSpace(), PageSetLSN(), REGBUF_STANDARD, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashInsert, START_CRIT_SECTION, XLOG_HASH_INSERT, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by _h_indexbuild(), hashbuildCallback(), and hashinsert().

◆ _hash_dropbuf()

void _hash_dropbuf ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  buf 

◆ _hash_dropscanbuf()

void _hash_dropscanbuf ( Relation  rel,
HashScanOpaque  so 

Definition at line 289 of file hashpage.c.

290 {
291  /* release pin we hold on primary bucket page */
292  if (BufferIsValid(so->hashso_bucket_buf) &&
293  so->hashso_bucket_buf != so->currPos.buf)
297  /* release pin we hold on primary bucket page of bucket being split */
303  /* release any pin we still hold */
304  if (BufferIsValid(so->currPos.buf))
305  _hash_dropbuf(rel, so->currPos.buf);
306  so->currPos.buf = InvalidBuffer;
308  /* reset split scan */
309  so->hashso_buc_populated = false;
310  so->hashso_buc_split = false;
311 }
bool hashso_buc_split
Definition: hash.h:180
HashScanPosData currPos
Definition: hash.h:189
bool hashso_buc_populated
Definition: hash.h:174
Buffer hashso_split_bucket_buf
Definition: hash.h:171
Buffer hashso_bucket_buf
Definition: hash.h:164
Buffer buf
Definition: hash.h:111

References _hash_dropbuf(), HashScanPosData::buf, BufferIsValid(), HashScanOpaqueData::currPos, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_populated, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_split, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_bucket_buf, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_split_bucket_buf, and InvalidBuffer.

Referenced by _hash_next(), hashendscan(), and hashrescan().

◆ _hash_expandtable()

void _hash_expandtable ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  metabuf 

Definition at line 614 of file hashpage.c.

615 {
616  HashMetaPage metap;
617  Bucket old_bucket;
618  Bucket new_bucket;
619  uint32 spare_ndx;
620  BlockNumber start_oblkno;
621  BlockNumber start_nblkno;
622  Buffer buf_nblkno;
623  Buffer buf_oblkno;
624  Page opage;
625  Page npage;
626  HashPageOpaque oopaque;
627  HashPageOpaque nopaque;
628  uint32 maxbucket;
629  uint32 highmask;
630  uint32 lowmask;
631  bool metap_update_masks = false;
632  bool metap_update_splitpoint = false;
634 restart_expand:
636  /*
637  * Write-lock the meta page. It used to be necessary to acquire a
638  * heavyweight lock to begin a split, but that is no longer required.
639  */
642  _hash_checkpage(rel, metabuf, LH_META_PAGE);
643  metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
645  /*
646  * Check to see if split is still needed; someone else might have already
647  * done one while we waited for the lock.
648  *
649  * Make sure this stays in sync with _hash_doinsert()
650  */
651  if (metap->hashm_ntuples <=
652  (double) metap->hashm_ffactor * (metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1))
653  goto fail;
655  /*
656  * Can't split anymore if maxbucket has reached its maximum possible
657  * value.
658  *
659  * Ideally we'd allow bucket numbers up to UINT_MAX-1 (no higher because
660  * the calculation maxbucket+1 mustn't overflow). Currently we restrict
661  * to half that to prevent failure of pg_ceil_log2_32() and insufficient
662  * space in hashm_spares[]. It's moot anyway because an index with 2^32
663  * buckets would certainly overflow BlockNumber and hence
664  * _hash_alloc_buckets() would fail, but if we supported buckets smaller
665  * than a disk block then this would be an independent constraint.
666  *
667  * If you change this, see also the maximum initial number of buckets in
668  * _hash_init().
669  */
670  if (metap->hashm_maxbucket >= (uint32) 0x7FFFFFFE)
671  goto fail;
673  /*
674  * Determine which bucket is to be split, and attempt to take cleanup lock
675  * on the old bucket. If we can't get the lock, give up.
676  *
677  * The cleanup lock protects us not only against other backends, but
678  * against our own backend as well.
679  *
680  * The cleanup lock is mainly to protect the split from concurrent
681  * inserts. See src/backend/access/hash/README, Lock Definitions for
682  * further details. Due to this locking restriction, if there is any
683  * pending scan, the split will give up which is not good, but harmless.
684  */
685  new_bucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1;
687  old_bucket = (new_bucket & metap->hashm_lowmask);
689  start_oblkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, old_bucket);
691  buf_oblkno = _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup(rel, start_oblkno, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
692  if (!buf_oblkno)
693  goto fail;
695  opage = BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno);
696  oopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(opage);
698  /*
699  * We want to finish the split from a bucket as there is no apparent
700  * benefit by not doing so and it will make the code complicated to finish
701  * the split that involves multiple buckets considering the case where new
702  * split also fails. We don't need to consider the new bucket for
703  * completing the split here as it is not possible that a re-split of new
704  * bucket starts when there is still a pending split from old bucket.
705  */
706  if (H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(oopaque))
707  {
708  /*
709  * Copy bucket mapping info now; refer the comment in code below where
710  * we copy this information before calling _hash_splitbucket to see
711  * why this is okay.
712  */
713  maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
714  highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
715  lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;
717  /*
718  * Release the lock on metapage and old_bucket, before completing the
719  * split.
720  */
721  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
722  LockBuffer(buf_oblkno, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
724  _hash_finish_split(rel, metabuf, buf_oblkno, old_bucket, maxbucket,
725  highmask, lowmask);
727  /* release the pin on old buffer and retry for expand. */
728  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
730  goto restart_expand;
731  }
733  /*
734  * Clean the tuples remained from the previous split. This operation
735  * requires cleanup lock and we already have one on the old bucket, so
736  * let's do it. We also don't want to allow further splits from the bucket
737  * till the garbage of previous split is cleaned. This has two
738  * advantages; first, it helps in avoiding the bloat due to garbage and
739  * second is, during cleanup of bucket, we are always sure that the
740  * garbage tuples belong to most recently split bucket. On the contrary,
741  * if we allow cleanup of bucket after meta page is updated to indicate
742  * the new split and before the actual split, the cleanup operation won't
743  * be able to decide whether the tuple has been moved to the newly created
744  * bucket and ended up deleting such tuples.
745  */
746  if (H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP(oopaque))
747  {
748  /*
749  * Copy bucket mapping info now; refer to the comment in code below
750  * where we copy this information before calling _hash_splitbucket to
751  * see why this is okay.
752  */
753  maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
754  highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
755  lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;
757  /* Release the metapage lock. */
758  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
760  hashbucketcleanup(rel, old_bucket, buf_oblkno, start_oblkno, NULL,
761  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask, NULL, NULL, true,
762  NULL, NULL);
764  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
766  goto restart_expand;
767  }
769  /*
770  * There shouldn't be any active scan on new bucket.
771  *
772  * Note: it is safe to compute the new bucket's blkno here, even though we
773  * may still need to update the BUCKET_TO_BLKNO mapping. This is because
774  * the current value of hashm_spares[hashm_ovflpoint] correctly shows
775  * where we are going to put a new splitpoint's worth of buckets.
776  */
777  start_nblkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, new_bucket);
779  /*
780  * If the split point is increasing we need to allocate a new batch of
781  * bucket pages.
782  */
783  spare_ndx = _hash_spareindex(new_bucket + 1);
784  if (spare_ndx > metap->hashm_ovflpoint)
785  {
786  uint32 buckets_to_add;
788  Assert(spare_ndx == metap->hashm_ovflpoint + 1);
790  /*
791  * We treat allocation of buckets as a separate WAL-logged action.
792  * Even if we fail after this operation, won't leak bucket pages;
793  * rather, the next split will consume this space. In any case, even
794  * without failure we don't use all the space in one split operation.
795  */
796  buckets_to_add = _hash_get_totalbuckets(spare_ndx) - new_bucket;
797  if (!_hash_alloc_buckets(rel, start_nblkno, buckets_to_add))
798  {
799  /* can't split due to BlockNumber overflow */
800  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
801  goto fail;
802  }
803  }
805  /*
806  * Physically allocate the new bucket's primary page. We want to do this
807  * before changing the metapage's mapping info, in case we can't get the
808  * disk space.
809  *
810  * XXX It doesn't make sense to call _hash_getnewbuf first, zeroing the
811  * buffer, and then only afterwards check whether we have a cleanup lock.
812  * However, since no scan can be accessing the buffer yet, any concurrent
813  * accesses will just be from processes like the bgwriter or checkpointer
814  * which don't care about its contents, so it doesn't really matter.
815  */
816  buf_nblkno = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, start_nblkno, MAIN_FORKNUM);
817  if (!IsBufferCleanupOK(buf_nblkno))
818  {
819  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
820  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf_nblkno);
821  goto fail;
822  }
824  /*
825  * Since we are scribbling on the pages in the shared buffers, establish a
826  * critical section. Any failure in this next code leaves us with a big
827  * problem: the metapage is effectively corrupt but could get written back
828  * to disk.
829  */
832  /*
833  * Okay to proceed with split. Update the metapage bucket mapping info.
834  */
835  metap->hashm_maxbucket = new_bucket;
837  if (new_bucket > metap->hashm_highmask)
838  {
839  /* Starting a new doubling */
840  metap->hashm_lowmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
841  metap->hashm_highmask = new_bucket | metap->hashm_lowmask;
842  metap_update_masks = true;
843  }
845  /*
846  * If the split point is increasing we need to adjust the hashm_spares[]
847  * array and hashm_ovflpoint so that future overflow pages will be created
848  * beyond this new batch of bucket pages.
849  */
850  if (spare_ndx > metap->hashm_ovflpoint)
851  {
852  metap->hashm_spares[spare_ndx] = metap->hashm_spares[metap->hashm_ovflpoint];
853  metap->hashm_ovflpoint = spare_ndx;
854  metap_update_splitpoint = true;
855  }
857  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
859  /*
860  * Copy bucket mapping info now; this saves re-accessing the meta page
861  * inside _hash_splitbucket's inner loop. Note that once we drop the
862  * split lock, other splits could begin, so these values might be out of
863  * date before _hash_splitbucket finishes. That's okay, since all it
864  * needs is to tell which of these two buckets to map hashkeys into.
865  */
866  maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
867  highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
868  lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;
870  opage = BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno);
871  oopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(opage);
873  /*
874  * Mark the old bucket to indicate that split is in progress. (At
875  * operation end, we will clear the split-in-progress flag.) Also, for a
876  * primary bucket page, hasho_prevblkno stores the number of buckets that
877  * existed as of the last split, so we must update that value here.
878  */
879  oopaque->hasho_flag |= LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT;
880  oopaque->hasho_prevblkno = maxbucket;
882  MarkBufferDirty(buf_oblkno);
884  npage = BufferGetPage(buf_nblkno);
886  /*
887  * initialize the new bucket's primary page and mark it to indicate that
888  * split is in progress.
889  */
890  nopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(npage);
891  nopaque->hasho_prevblkno = maxbucket;
893  nopaque->hasho_bucket = new_bucket;
895  nopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;
897  MarkBufferDirty(buf_nblkno);
899  /* XLOG stuff */
900  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
901  {
903  XLogRecPtr recptr;
905  xlrec.new_bucket = maxbucket;
906  xlrec.old_bucket_flag = oopaque->hasho_flag;
907  xlrec.new_bucket_flag = nopaque->hasho_flag;
908  xlrec.flags = 0;
910  XLogBeginInsert();
912  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buf_oblkno, REGBUF_STANDARD);
913  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, buf_nblkno, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);
914  XLogRegisterBuffer(2, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
916  if (metap_update_masks)
917  {
919  XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_lowmask, sizeof(uint32));
920  XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_highmask, sizeof(uint32));
921  }
923  if (metap_update_splitpoint)
924  {
926  XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_ovflpoint,
927  sizeof(uint32));
929  (char *) &metap->hashm_spares[metap->hashm_ovflpoint],
930  sizeof(uint32));
931  }
933  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashSplitAllocPage);
937  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno), recptr);
938  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf_nblkno), recptr);
939  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
940  }
944  /* drop lock, but keep pin */
945  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
947  /* Relocate records to the new bucket */
948  _hash_splitbucket(rel, metabuf,
949  old_bucket, new_bucket,
950  buf_oblkno, buf_nblkno, NULL,
951  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask);
953  /* all done, now release the pins on primary buckets. */
954  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
955  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_nblkno);
957  return;
959  /* Here if decide not to split or fail to acquire old bucket lock */
960 fail:
962  /* We didn't write the metapage, so just drop lock */
963  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
964 }
void hashbucketcleanup(Relation rel, Bucket cur_bucket, Buffer bucket_buf, BlockNumber bucket_blkno, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask, double *tuples_removed, double *num_index_tuples, bool split_cleanup, IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
Definition: hash.c:684
Definition: hash.h:58
#define BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, B)
Definition: hash.h:39
#define H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP(opaque)
Definition: hash.h:90
Definition: hash.h:59
Definition: hash_xlog.h:31
#define SizeOfHashSplitAllocPage
Definition: hash_xlog.h:100
Definition: hash_xlog.h:46
Definition: hash_xlog.h:45
Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int flags)
Definition: hashpage.c:96
static void _hash_splitbucket(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Bucket obucket, Bucket nbucket, Buffer obuf, Buffer nbuf, HTAB *htab, uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
Definition: hashpage.c:1073
static bool _hash_alloc_buckets(Relation rel, BlockNumber firstblock, uint32 nblocks)
Definition: hashpage.c:992
uint32 _hash_spareindex(uint32 num_bucket)
Definition: hashutil.c:142
uint32 _hash_get_totalbuckets(uint32 splitpoint_phase)
Definition: hashutil.c:174

References _hash_alloc_buckets(), _hash_checkpage(), _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_finish_split(), _hash_get_totalbuckets(), _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup(), _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), _hash_spareindex(), _hash_splitbucket(), Assert, BUCKET_TO_BLKNO, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), END_CRIT_SECTION, xl_hash_split_allocate_page::flags, H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT, H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP, hashbucketcleanup(), HashMetaPageData::hashm_ffactor, HashMetaPageData::hashm_highmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_lowmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ntuples, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ovflpoint, HashMetaPageData::hashm_spares, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, InvalidBlockNumber, IsBufferCleanupOK(), LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED, LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_META_PAGE, LockBuffer(), MAIN_FORKNUM, MarkBufferDirty(), xl_hash_split_allocate_page::new_bucket, xl_hash_split_allocate_page::new_bucket_flag, xl_hash_split_allocate_page::old_bucket_flag, PageSetLSN(), REGBUF_STANDARD, REGBUF_WILL_INIT, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashSplitAllocPage, START_CRIT_SECTION, XLH_SPLIT_META_UPDATE_MASKS, XLH_SPLIT_META_UPDATE_SPLITPOINT, XLOG_HASH_SPLIT_ALLOCATE_PAGE, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by _hash_doinsert().

◆ _hash_finish_split()

void _hash_finish_split ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  metabuf,
Buffer  obuf,
Bucket  obucket,
uint32  maxbucket,
uint32  highmask,
uint32  lowmask 

Definition at line 1356 of file hashpage.c.

1358 {
1359  HASHCTL hash_ctl;
1360  HTAB *tidhtab;
1361  Buffer bucket_nbuf = InvalidBuffer;
1362  Buffer nbuf;
1363  Page npage;
1364  BlockNumber nblkno;
1365  BlockNumber bucket_nblkno;
1366  HashPageOpaque npageopaque;
1367  Bucket nbucket;
1368  bool found;
1370  /* Initialize hash tables used to track TIDs */
1371  hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(ItemPointerData);
1372  hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ItemPointerData);
1373  hash_ctl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
1375  tidhtab =
1376  hash_create("bucket ctids",
1377  256, /* arbitrary initial size */
1378  &hash_ctl,
1381  bucket_nblkno = nblkno = _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(rel, obucket);
1383  /*
1384  * Scan the new bucket and build hash table of TIDs
1385  */
1386  for (;;)
1387  {
1388  OffsetNumber noffnum;
1389  OffsetNumber nmaxoffnum;
1391  nbuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, nblkno, HASH_READ,
1394  /* remember the primary bucket buffer to acquire cleanup lock on it. */
1395  if (nblkno == bucket_nblkno)
1396  bucket_nbuf = nbuf;
1398  npage = BufferGetPage(nbuf);
1399  npageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(npage);
1401  /* Scan each tuple in new page */
1402  nmaxoffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(npage);
1403  for (noffnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
1404  noffnum <= nmaxoffnum;
1405  noffnum = OffsetNumberNext(noffnum))
1406  {
1407  IndexTuple itup;
1409  /* Fetch the item's TID and insert it in hash table. */
1410  itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(npage,
1411  PageGetItemId(npage, noffnum));
1413  (void) hash_search(tidhtab, &itup->t_tid, HASH_ENTER, &found);
1415  Assert(!found);
1416  }
1418  nblkno = npageopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
1420  /*
1421  * release our write lock without modifying buffer and ensure to
1422  * retain the pin on primary bucket.
1423  */
1424  if (nbuf == bucket_nbuf)
1426  else
1427  _hash_relbuf(rel, nbuf);
1429  /* Exit loop if no more overflow pages in new bucket */
1430  if (!BlockNumberIsValid(nblkno))
1431  break;
1432  }
1434  /*
1435  * Conditionally get the cleanup lock on old and new buckets to perform
1436  * the split operation. If we don't get the cleanup locks, silently give
1437  * up and next insertion on old bucket will try again to complete the
1438  * split.
1439  */
1441  {
1442  hash_destroy(tidhtab);
1443  return;
1444  }
1445  if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(bucket_nbuf))
1446  {
1448  hash_destroy(tidhtab);
1449  return;
1450  }
1452  npage = BufferGetPage(bucket_nbuf);
1453  npageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(npage);
1454  nbucket = npageopaque->hasho_bucket;
1456  _hash_splitbucket(rel, metabuf, obucket,
1457  nbucket, obuf, bucket_nbuf, tidhtab,
1458  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask);
1460  _hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_nbuf);
1461  hash_destroy(tidhtab);
1462 }
bool ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.c:5381
void hash_destroy(HTAB *hashp)
Definition: dynahash.c:865
void * hash_search(HTAB *hashp, const void *keyPtr, HASHACTION action, bool *foundPtr)
Definition: dynahash.c:955
HTAB * hash_create(const char *tabname, long nelem, const HASHCTL *info, int flags)
Definition: dynahash.c:352
#define HASH_READ
Definition: hash.h:339
BlockNumber _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(Relation rel, Bucket old_bucket)
Definition: hashutil.c:461
Definition: hsearch.h:114
Definition: hsearch.h:102
#define HASH_ELEM
Definition: hsearch.h:95
#define HASH_BLOBS
Definition: hsearch.h:97
struct ItemPointerData ItemPointerData
MemoryContext CurrentMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:143
#define OffsetNumberNext(offsetNumber)
Definition: off.h:52
Size keysize
Definition: hsearch.h:75
Size entrysize
Definition: hsearch.h:76
MemoryContext hcxt
Definition: hsearch.h:86
Definition: dynahash.c:220
ItemPointerData t_tid
Definition: itup.h:37

References _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), _hash_splitbucket(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), CurrentMemoryContext, HASHCTL::entrysize, FirstOffsetNumber, HASH_BLOBS, HASH_CONTEXT, hash_create(), hash_destroy(), HASH_ELEM, HASH_ENTER, HASH_READ, hash_search(), HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageGetOpaque, HASHCTL::hcxt, InvalidBuffer, HASHCTL::keysize, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LockBuffer(), OffsetNumberNext, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by _hash_doinsert(), and _hash_expandtable().

◆ _hash_first()

bool _hash_first ( IndexScanDesc  scan,
ScanDirection  dir 

Definition at line 288 of file hashsearch.c.

289 {
290  Relation rel = scan->indexRelation;
291  HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
292  ScanKey cur;
293  uint32 hashkey;
294  Bucket bucket;
295  Buffer buf;
296  Page page;
297  HashPageOpaque opaque;
298  HashScanPosItem *currItem;
302  /*
303  * We do not support hash scans with no index qualification, because we
304  * would have to read the whole index rather than just one bucket. That
305  * creates a whole raft of problems, since we haven't got a practical way
306  * to lock all the buckets against splits or compactions.
307  */
308  if (scan->numberOfKeys < 1)
309  ereport(ERROR,
311  errmsg("hash indexes do not support whole-index scans")));
313  /* There may be more than one index qual, but we hash only the first */
314  cur = &scan->keyData[0];
316  /* We support only single-column hash indexes */
317  Assert(cur->sk_attno == 1);
318  /* And there's only one operator strategy, too */
319  Assert(cur->sk_strategy == HTEqualStrategyNumber);
321  /*
322  * If the constant in the index qual is NULL, assume it cannot match any
323  * items in the index.
324  */
325  if (cur->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
326  return false;
328  /*
329  * Okay to compute the hash key. We want to do this before acquiring any
330  * locks, in case a user-defined hash function happens to be slow.
331  *
332  * If scankey operator is not a cross-type comparison, we can use the
333  * cached hash function; otherwise gotta look it up in the catalogs.
334  *
335  * We support the convention that sk_subtype == InvalidOid means the
336  * opclass input type; this is a hack to simplify life for ScanKeyInit().
337  */
338  if (cur->sk_subtype == rel->rd_opcintype[0] ||
339  cur->sk_subtype == InvalidOid)
340  hashkey = _hash_datum2hashkey(rel, cur->sk_argument);
341  else
342  hashkey = _hash_datum2hashkey_type(rel, cur->sk_argument,
343  cur->sk_subtype);
345  so->hashso_sk_hash = hashkey;
347  buf = _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(rel, hashkey, HASH_READ, NULL);
349  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
350  opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
351  bucket = opaque->hasho_bucket;
353  so->hashso_bucket_buf = buf;
355  /*
356  * If a bucket split is in progress, then while scanning the bucket being
357  * populated, we need to skip tuples that were copied from bucket being
358  * split. We also need to maintain a pin on the bucket being split to
359  * ensure that split-cleanup work done by vacuum doesn't remove tuples
360  * from it till this scan is done. We need to maintain a pin on the
361  * bucket being populated to ensure that vacuum doesn't squeeze that
362  * bucket till this scan is complete; otherwise, the ordering of tuples
363  * can't be maintained during forward and backward scans. Here, we have
364  * to be cautious about locking order: first, acquire the lock on bucket
365  * being split; then, release the lock on it but not the pin; then,
366  * acquire a lock on bucket being populated and again re-verify whether
367  * the bucket split is still in progress. Acquiring the lock on bucket
368  * being split first ensures that the vacuum waits for this scan to
369  * finish.
370  */
371  if (H_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED(opaque))
372  {
373  BlockNumber old_blkno;
374  Buffer old_buf;
376  old_blkno = _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket(rel, bucket);
378  /*
379  * release the lock on new bucket and re-acquire it after acquiring
380  * the lock on old bucket.
381  */
384  old_buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, old_blkno, HASH_READ, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
386  /*
387  * remember the split bucket buffer so as to use it later for
388  * scanning.
389  */
390  so->hashso_split_bucket_buf = old_buf;
391  LockBuffer(old_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
394  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
395  opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
396  Assert(opaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
398  if (H_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED(opaque))
399  so->hashso_buc_populated = true;
400  else
401  {
404  }
405  }
407  /* If a backwards scan is requested, move to the end of the chain */
408  if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
409  {
410  /*
411  * Backward scans that start during split needs to start from end of
412  * bucket being split.
413  */
414  while (BlockNumberIsValid(opaque->hasho_nextblkno) ||
416  _hash_readnext(scan, &buf, &page, &opaque);
417  }
419  /* remember which buffer we have pinned, if any */
421  so->currPos.buf = buf;
423  /* Now find all the tuples satisfying the qualification from a page */
424  if (!_hash_readpage(scan, &buf, dir))
425  return false;
427  /* OK, itemIndex says what to return */
428  currItem = &so->currPos.items[so->currPos.itemIndex];
429  scan->xs_heaptid = currItem->heapTid;
431  /* if we're here, _hash_readpage found a valid tuples */
432  return true;
433 }
#define BufferIsInvalid(buffer)
Definition: buf.h:31
Definition: bufmgr.h:190
struct cursor * cur
Definition: ecpg.c:28
Definition: hash.h:92
HashScanOpaqueData * HashScanOpaque
Definition: hash.h:192
static void _hash_readnext(IndexScanDesc scan, Buffer *bufp, Page *pagep, HashPageOpaque *opaquep)
Definition: hashsearch.c:131
static bool _hash_readpage(IndexScanDesc scan, Buffer *bufP, ScanDirection dir)
Definition: hashsearch.c:446
BlockNumber _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket(Relation rel, Bucket new_bucket)
Definition: hashutil.c:422
uint32 _hash_datum2hashkey_type(Relation rel, Datum key, Oid keytype)
Definition: hashutil.c:102
#define pgstat_count_index_scan(rel)
Definition: pgstat.h:658
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:36
void PredicateLockPage(Relation relation, BlockNumber blkno, Snapshot snapshot)
Definition: predicate.c:2584
#define ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction)
Definition: sdir.h:50
#define HTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:41
uint32 hashso_sk_hash
Definition: hash.h:161
HashScanPosItem items[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]
Definition: hash.h:127
int itemIndex
Definition: hash.h:125
ItemPointerData xs_heaptid
Definition: relscan.h:147
struct SnapshotData * xs_snapshot
Definition: relscan.h:119
Oid * rd_opcintype
Definition: rel.h:208

References _hash_datum2hashkey(), _hash_datum2hashkey_type(), _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket(), _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_readnext(), _hash_readpage(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), buf, HashScanPosData::buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), BufferIsInvalid, cur, HashScanOpaqueData::currPos, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, H_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED, HASH_READ, HashPageGetOpaque, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_populated, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_split, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_bucket_buf, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_sk_hash, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_split_bucket_buf, HTEqualStrategyNumber, IndexScanDescData::indexRelation, InvalidBuffer, InvalidOid, HashScanPosData::itemIndex, HashScanPosData::items, IndexScanDescData::keyData, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LockBuffer(), IndexScanDescData::numberOfKeys, IndexScanDescData::opaque, pgstat_count_index_scan, PredicateLockPage(), RelationData::rd_opcintype, ScanDirectionIsBackward, SK_ISNULL, IndexScanDescData::xs_heaptid, and IndexScanDescData::xs_snapshot.

Referenced by hashgetbitmap(), and hashgettuple().

◆ _hash_freeovflpage()

BlockNumber _hash_freeovflpage ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  bucketbuf,
Buffer  ovflbuf,
Buffer  wbuf,
IndexTuple itups,
OffsetNumber itup_offsets,
Size tups_size,
uint16  nitups,
BufferAccessStrategy  bstrategy 

Definition at line 490 of file hashovfl.c.

494 {
495  HashMetaPage metap;
496  Buffer metabuf;
497  Buffer mapbuf;
498  BlockNumber ovflblkno;
499  BlockNumber prevblkno;
500  BlockNumber blkno;
501  BlockNumber nextblkno;
502  BlockNumber writeblkno;
503  HashPageOpaque ovflopaque;
504  Page ovflpage;
505  Page mappage;
506  uint32 *freep;
507  uint32 ovflbitno;
508  int32 bitmappage,
509  bitmapbit;
511  Buffer prevbuf = InvalidBuffer;
512  Buffer nextbuf = InvalidBuffer;
513  bool update_metap = false;
515  /* Get information from the doomed page */
516  _hash_checkpage(rel, ovflbuf, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
517  ovflblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(ovflbuf);
518  ovflpage = BufferGetPage(ovflbuf);
519  ovflopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(ovflpage);
520  nextblkno = ovflopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
521  prevblkno = ovflopaque->hasho_prevblkno;
522  writeblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(wbuf);
523  bucket = ovflopaque->hasho_bucket;
525  /*
526  * Fix up the bucket chain. this is a doubly-linked list, so we must fix
527  * up the bucket chain members behind and ahead of the overflow page being
528  * deleted. Concurrency issues are avoided by using lock chaining as
529  * described atop hashbucketcleanup.
530  */
531  if (BlockNumberIsValid(prevblkno))
532  {
533  if (prevblkno == writeblkno)
534  prevbuf = wbuf;
535  else
536  prevbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
537  prevblkno,
540  bstrategy);
541  }
542  if (BlockNumberIsValid(nextblkno))
543  nextbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
544  nextblkno,
547  bstrategy);
549  /* Note: bstrategy is intentionally not used for metapage and bitmap */
551  /* Read the metapage so we can determine which bitmap page to use */
553  metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
555  /* Identify which bit to set */
556  ovflbitno = _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno(metap, ovflblkno);
558  bitmappage = ovflbitno >> BMPG_SHIFT(metap);
559  bitmapbit = ovflbitno & BMPG_MASK(metap);
561  if (bitmappage >= metap->hashm_nmaps)
562  elog(ERROR, "invalid overflow bit number %u", ovflbitno);
563  blkno = metap->hashm_mapp[bitmappage];
565  /* Release metapage lock while we access the bitmap page */
566  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
568  /* read the bitmap page to clear the bitmap bit */
569  mapbuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, HASH_WRITE, LH_BITMAP_PAGE);
570  mappage = BufferGetPage(mapbuf);
571  freep = HashPageGetBitmap(mappage);
572  Assert(ISSET(freep, bitmapbit));
574  /* Get write-lock on metapage to update firstfree */
577  /* This operation needs to log multiple tuples, prepare WAL for that */
578  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
583  /*
584  * we have to insert tuples on the "write" page, being careful to preserve
585  * hashkey ordering. (If we insert many tuples into the same "write" page
586  * it would be worth qsort'ing them).
587  */
588  if (nitups > 0)
589  {
590  _hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);
591  MarkBufferDirty(wbuf);
592  }
594  /*
595  * Reinitialize the freed overflow page. Just zeroing the page won't
596  * work, because WAL replay routines expect pages to be initialized. See
597  * explanation of RBM_NORMAL mode atop XLogReadBufferExtended. We are
598  * careful to make the special space valid here so that tools like
599  * pageinspect won't get confused.
600  */
601  _hash_pageinit(ovflpage, BufferGetPageSize(ovflbuf));
603  ovflopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(ovflpage);
605  ovflopaque->hasho_prevblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
606  ovflopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
607  ovflopaque->hasho_bucket = InvalidBucket;
608  ovflopaque->hasho_flag = LH_UNUSED_PAGE;
609  ovflopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;
611  MarkBufferDirty(ovflbuf);
613  if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf))
614  {
615  Page prevpage = BufferGetPage(prevbuf);
616  HashPageOpaque prevopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(prevpage);
618  Assert(prevopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
619  prevopaque->hasho_nextblkno = nextblkno;
620  MarkBufferDirty(prevbuf);
621  }
622  if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
623  {
624  Page nextpage = BufferGetPage(nextbuf);
625  HashPageOpaque nextopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(nextpage);
627  Assert(nextopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
628  nextopaque->hasho_prevblkno = prevblkno;
629  MarkBufferDirty(nextbuf);
630  }
632  /* Clear the bitmap bit to indicate that this overflow page is free */
633  CLRBIT(freep, bitmapbit);
634  MarkBufferDirty(mapbuf);
636  /* if this is now the first free page, update hashm_firstfree */
637  if (ovflbitno < metap->hashm_firstfree)
638  {
639  metap->hashm_firstfree = ovflbitno;
640  update_metap = true;
641  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
642  }
644  /* XLOG stuff */
645  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
646  {
647  xl_hash_squeeze_page xlrec;
648  XLogRecPtr recptr;
649  int i;
650  bool mod_wbuf = false;
652  xlrec.prevblkno = prevblkno;
653  xlrec.nextblkno = nextblkno;
654  xlrec.ntups = nitups;
655  xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == bucketbuf);
656  xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == prevbuf);
658  XLogBeginInsert();
659  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashSqueezePage);
661  /*
662  * bucket buffer was not changed, but still needs to be registered to
663  * ensure that we can acquire a cleanup lock on it during replay.
664  */
665  if (!xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt)
666  {
669  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucketbuf, flags);
670  }
672  if (xlrec.ntups > 0)
673  {
676  /* Remember that wbuf is modified. */
677  mod_wbuf = true;
679  XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itup_offsets,
680  nitups * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
681  for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
682  XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itups[i], tups_size[i]);
683  }
684  else if (xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt || xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
685  {
686  uint8 wbuf_flags;
688  /*
689  * A write buffer needs to be registered even if no tuples are
690  * added to it to ensure that we can acquire a cleanup lock on it
691  * if it is the same as primary bucket buffer or update the
692  * nextblkno if it is same as the previous bucket buffer.
693  */
694  Assert(xlrec.ntups == 0);
696  wbuf_flags = REGBUF_STANDARD;
697  if (!xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
698  {
699  wbuf_flags |= REGBUF_NO_CHANGE;
700  }
701  else
702  {
703  /* Remember that wbuf is modified. */
704  mod_wbuf = true;
705  }
706  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, wbuf, wbuf_flags);
707  }
709  XLogRegisterBuffer(2, ovflbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
711  /*
712  * If prevpage and the writepage (block in which we are moving tuples
713  * from overflow) are same, then no need to separately register
714  * prevpage. During replay, we can directly update the nextblock in
715  * writepage.
716  */
717  if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && !xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
718  XLogRegisterBuffer(3, prevbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
720  if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
721  XLogRegisterBuffer(4, nextbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
724  XLogRegisterBufData(5, (char *) &bitmapbit, sizeof(uint32));
726  if (update_metap)
727  {
728  XLogRegisterBuffer(6, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
729  XLogRegisterBufData(6, (char *) &metap->hashm_firstfree, sizeof(uint32));
730  }
732  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_SQUEEZE_PAGE);
734  /* Set LSN iff wbuf is modified. */
735  if (mod_wbuf)
736  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(wbuf), recptr);
738  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(ovflbuf), recptr);
740  if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && !xlrec.is_prev_bucket_same_wrt)
741  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(prevbuf), recptr);
742  if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
743  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(nextbuf), recptr);
745  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(mapbuf), recptr);
747  if (update_metap)
748  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
749  }
753  /* release previous bucket if it is not same as write bucket */
754  if (BufferIsValid(prevbuf) && prevblkno != writeblkno)
755  _hash_relbuf(rel, prevbuf);
757  if (BufferIsValid(ovflbuf))
758  _hash_relbuf(rel, ovflbuf);
760  if (BufferIsValid(nextbuf))
761  _hash_relbuf(rel, nextbuf);
763  _hash_relbuf(rel, mapbuf);
764  _hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
766  return nextblkno;
767 }
#define CLRBIT(x, i)
Definition: blutils.c:31
static Size BufferGetPageSize(Buffer buffer)
Definition: bufmgr.h:389
signed int int32
Definition: c.h:494
Definition: c.h:182
unsigned char uint8
Definition: c.h:504
Definition: hash.h:53
#define ISSET(A, N)
Definition: hash.h:334
#define InvalidBucket
Definition: hash.h:37
Definition: hash_xlog.h:22
Definition: hash_xlog.h:35
#define SizeOfHashSqueezePage
Definition: hash_xlog.h:167
void _hash_pgaddmultitup(Relation rel, Buffer buf, IndexTuple *itups, OffsetNumber *itup_offsets, uint16 nitups)
Definition: hashinsert.c:331
uint32 _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno(HashMetaPage metap, BlockNumber ovflblkno)
Definition: hashovfl.c:62
void _hash_pageinit(Page page, Size size)
Definition: hashpage.c:596
Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access, int flags, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
Definition: hashpage.c:239
BlockNumber prevblkno
Definition: hash_xlog.h:155
bool is_prim_bucket_same_wrt
Definition: hash_xlog.h:158
bool is_prev_bucket_same_wrt
Definition: hash_xlog.h:161
BlockNumber nextblkno
Definition: hash_xlog.h:156
void XLogEnsureRecordSpace(int max_block_id, int ndatas)
Definition: xloginsert.c:175
Definition: xloginsert.h:36
Definition: xloginsert.h:32

References _hash_checkpage(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno(), _hash_pageinit(), _hash_pgaddmultitup(), _hash_relbuf(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), BMPG_MASK, BMPG_SHIFT, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), BufferIsValid(), CLRBIT, elog, END_CRIT_SECTION, ERROR, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ, HASH_WRITE, HASH_XLOG_FREE_OVFL_BUFS, HashMetaPageData::hashm_firstfree, HashMetaPageData::hashm_mapp, HashMetaPageData::hashm_nmaps, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetBitmap, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, i, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBucket, InvalidBuffer, xl_hash_squeeze_page::is_prev_bucket_same_wrt, xl_hash_squeeze_page::is_prim_bucket_same_wrt, ISSET, LH_BITMAP_PAGE, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_META_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LH_UNUSED_PAGE, LockBuffer(), MarkBufferDirty(), xl_hash_squeeze_page::nextblkno, xl_hash_squeeze_page::ntups, PageSetLSN(), PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY, xl_hash_squeeze_page::prevblkno, REGBUF_NO_CHANGE, REGBUF_NO_IMAGE, REGBUF_STANDARD, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashSqueezePage, START_CRIT_SECTION, XLOG_HASH_SQUEEZE_PAGE, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogEnsureRecordSpace(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by _hash_squeezebucket().

◆ _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey()

uint32 _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey ( IndexTuple  itup)

Definition at line 291 of file hashutil.c.

292 {
293  char *attp;
295  /*
296  * We assume the hash key is the first attribute and can't be null, so
297  * this can be done crudely but very very cheaply ...
298  */
299  attp = (char *) itup + IndexInfoFindDataOffset(itup->t_info);
300  return *((uint32 *) attp);
301 }
static Size IndexInfoFindDataOffset(unsigned short t_info)
Definition: itup.h:98
unsigned short t_info
Definition: itup.h:49

References IndexInfoFindDataOffset(), and IndexTupleData::t_info.

Referenced by _h_indexbuild(), _hash_binsearch(), _hash_binsearch_last(), _hash_doinsert(), _hash_load_qualified_items(), _hash_pgaddmultitup(), _hash_pgaddtup(), _hash_splitbucket(), hash_page_items(), and hashbucketcleanup().

◆ _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket()

BlockNumber _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket ( Relation  rel,
Bucket  old_bucket 

Definition at line 461 of file hashutil.c.

462 {
463  Bucket new_bucket;
464  Buffer metabuf;
465  HashMetaPage metap;
466  BlockNumber blkno;
469  metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
471  new_bucket = _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(rel, old_bucket,
472  metap->hashm_lowmask,
473  metap->hashm_maxbucket);
474  blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, new_bucket);
476  _hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
478  return blkno;
479 }
Bucket _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(Relation rel, Bucket old_bucket, uint32 lowmask, uint32 maxbucket)
Definition: hashutil.c:494

References _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), BUCKET_TO_BLKNO, BufferGetPage(), HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ, HashMetaPageData::hashm_lowmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashPageGetMeta, and LH_META_PAGE.

Referenced by _hash_finish_split().

◆ _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket()

Bucket _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket ( Relation  rel,
Bucket  old_bucket,
uint32  lowmask,
uint32  maxbucket 

Definition at line 494 of file hashutil.c.

496 {
497  Bucket new_bucket;
499  new_bucket = CALC_NEW_BUCKET(old_bucket, lowmask);
500  if (new_bucket > maxbucket)
501  {
502  lowmask = lowmask >> 1;
503  new_bucket = CALC_NEW_BUCKET(old_bucket, lowmask);
504  }
506  return new_bucket;
507 }
#define CALC_NEW_BUCKET(old_bucket, lowmask)
Definition: hashutil.c:24


Referenced by _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(), and hashbucketcleanup().

◆ _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket()

BlockNumber _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket ( Relation  rel,
Bucket  new_bucket 

Definition at line 422 of file hashutil.c.

423 {
424  Bucket old_bucket;
425  uint32 mask;
426  Buffer metabuf;
427  HashMetaPage metap;
428  BlockNumber blkno;
430  /*
431  * To get the old bucket from the current bucket, we need a mask to modulo
432  * into lower half of table. This mask is stored in meta page as
433  * hashm_lowmask, but here we can't rely on the same, because we need a
434  * value of lowmask that was prevalent at the time when bucket split was
435  * started. Masking the most significant bit of new bucket would give us
436  * old bucket.
437  */
438  mask = (((uint32) 1) << pg_leftmost_one_pos32(new_bucket)) - 1;
439  old_bucket = new_bucket & mask;
442  metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));
444  blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, old_bucket);
446  _hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
448  return blkno;
449 }
static int pg_leftmost_one_pos32(uint32 word)
Definition: pg_bitutils.h:41

References _hash_getbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), BUCKET_TO_BLKNO, BufferGetPage(), HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ, HashPageGetMeta, LH_META_PAGE, and pg_leftmost_one_pos32().

Referenced by _hash_first().

◆ _hash_get_totalbuckets()

uint32 _hash_get_totalbuckets ( uint32  splitpoint_phase)

Definition at line 174 of file hashutil.c.

175 {
176  uint32 splitpoint_group;
177  uint32 total_buckets;
178  uint32 phases_within_splitpoint_group;
180  if (splitpoint_phase < HASH_SPLITPOINT_GROUPS_WITH_ONE_PHASE)
181  return (1 << splitpoint_phase);
183  /* get splitpoint's group */
185  splitpoint_group +=
186  ((splitpoint_phase - HASH_SPLITPOINT_GROUPS_WITH_ONE_PHASE) >>
189  /* account for buckets before splitpoint_group */
190  total_buckets = (1 << (splitpoint_group - 1));
192  /* account for buckets within splitpoint_group */
193  phases_within_splitpoint_group =
194  (((splitpoint_phase - HASH_SPLITPOINT_GROUPS_WITH_ONE_PHASE) &
195  HASH_SPLITPOINT_PHASE_MASK) + 1); /* from 0-based to 1-based */
196  total_buckets +=
197  (((1 << (splitpoint_group - 1)) >> HASH_SPLITPOINT_PHASE_BITS) *
198  phases_within_splitpoint_group);
200  return total_buckets;
201 }
Definition: hash.h:234
Definition: hash.h:232


Referenced by _hash_expandtable(), _hash_init_metabuffer(), _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno(), and bitno_to_blkno().

◆ _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey()

Buffer _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey ( Relation  rel,
uint32  hashkey,
int  access,
HashMetaPage cachedmetap 

Definition at line 1559 of file hashpage.c.

1561 {
1562  HashMetaPage metap;
1563  Buffer buf;
1564  Buffer metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
1565  Page page;
1566  Bucket bucket;
1567  BlockNumber blkno;
1568  HashPageOpaque opaque;
1570  /* We read from target bucket buffer, hence locking is must. */
1573  metap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, false);
1574  Assert(metap != NULL);
1576  /*
1577  * Loop until we get a lock on the correct target bucket.
1578  */
1579  for (;;)
1580  {
1581  /*
1582  * Compute the target bucket number, and convert to block number.
1583  */
1584  bucket = _hash_hashkey2bucket(hashkey,
1585  metap->hashm_maxbucket,
1586  metap->hashm_highmask,
1587  metap->hashm_lowmask);
1589  blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, bucket);
1591  /* Fetch the primary bucket page for the bucket */
1592  buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, access, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
1593  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
1594  opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
1595  Assert(opaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
1598  /*
1599  * If this bucket hasn't been split, we're done.
1600  */
1601  if (opaque->hasho_prevblkno <= metap->hashm_maxbucket)
1602  break;
1604  /* Drop lock on this buffer, update cached metapage, and retry. */
1605  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
1606  metap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
1607  Assert(metap != NULL);
1608  }
1610  if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
1611  _hash_dropbuf(rel, metabuf);
1613  if (cachedmetap)
1614  *cachedmetap = metap;
1616  return buf;
1617 }
HashMetaPage _hash_getcachedmetap(Relation rel, Buffer *metabuf, bool force_refresh)
Definition: hashpage.c:1501
short access
Definition: preproc-type.c:36

References _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getcachedmetap(), _hash_hashkey2bucket(), _hash_relbuf(), Assert, BUCKET_TO_BLKNO, buf, BufferGetPage(), BufferIsValid(), HASH_READ, HASH_WRITE, HashMetaPageData::hashm_highmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_lowmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetOpaque, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBuffer, and LH_BUCKET_PAGE.

Referenced by _hash_doinsert(), and _hash_first().

◆ _hash_getbuf()

Buffer _hash_getbuf ( Relation  rel,
BlockNumber  blkno,
int  access,
int  flags 

Definition at line 70 of file hashpage.c.

71 {
72  Buffer buf;
74  if (blkno == P_NEW)
75  elog(ERROR, "hash AM does not use P_NEW");
77  buf = ReadBuffer(rel, blkno);
79  if (access != HASH_NOLOCK)
82  /* ref count and lock type are correct */
84  _hash_checkpage(rel, buf, flags);
86  return buf;
87 }
Buffer ReadBuffer(Relation reln, BlockNumber blockNum)
Definition: bufmgr.c:746
#define P_NEW
Definition: bufmgr.h:184

References _hash_checkpage(), buf, elog, ERROR, HASH_NOLOCK, LockBuffer(), P_NEW, and ReadBuffer().

Referenced by _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_doinsert(), _hash_finish_split(), _hash_first(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(), _hash_get_oldblock_from_newbucket(), _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(), _hash_getcachedmetap(), _hash_kill_items(), _hash_next(), _hash_readnext(), _hash_readprev(), _hash_splitbucket(), hash_bitmap_info(), hashbulkdelete(), and pgstathashindex().

◆ _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup()

Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup ( Relation  rel,
BlockNumber  blkno,
int  flags 

Definition at line 96 of file hashpage.c.

97 {
98  Buffer buf;
100  if (blkno == P_NEW)
101  elog(ERROR, "hash AM does not use P_NEW");
103  buf = ReadBuffer(rel, blkno);
106  {
108  return InvalidBuffer;
109  }
111  /* ref count and lock type are correct */
113  _hash_checkpage(rel, buf, flags);
115  return buf;
116 }

References _hash_checkpage(), buf, ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), elog, ERROR, InvalidBuffer, P_NEW, ReadBuffer(), and ReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by _hash_expandtable().

◆ _hash_getbuf_with_strategy()

Buffer _hash_getbuf_with_strategy ( Relation  rel,
BlockNumber  blkno,
int  access,
int  flags,
BufferAccessStrategy  bstrategy 

Definition at line 239 of file hashpage.c.

242 {
243  Buffer buf;
245  if (blkno == P_NEW)
246  elog(ERROR, "hash AM does not use P_NEW");
248  buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, bstrategy);
250  if (access != HASH_NOLOCK)
253  /* ref count and lock type are correct */
255  _hash_checkpage(rel, buf, flags);
257  return buf;
258 }
Buffer ReadBufferExtended(Relation reln, ForkNumber forkNum, BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode, BufferAccessStrategy strategy)
Definition: bufmgr.c:793
Definition: bufmgr.h:45

References _hash_checkpage(), buf, elog, ERROR, HASH_NOLOCK, LockBuffer(), MAIN_FORKNUM, P_NEW, RBM_NORMAL, and ReadBufferExtended().

Referenced by _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_squeezebucket(), hashbucketcleanup(), and pgstat_hash_page().

◆ _hash_getcachedmetap()

HashMetaPage _hash_getcachedmetap ( Relation  rel,
Buffer metabuf,
bool  force_refresh 

Definition at line 1501 of file hashpage.c.

1502 {
1503  Page page;
1505  Assert(metabuf);
1506  if (force_refresh || rel->rd_amcache == NULL)
1507  {
1508  char *cache = NULL;
1510  /*
1511  * It's important that we don't set rd_amcache to an invalid value.
1512  * Either MemoryContextAlloc or _hash_getbuf could fail, so don't
1513  * install a pointer to the newly-allocated storage in the actual
1514  * relcache entry until both have succeeded.
1515  */
1516  if (rel->rd_amcache == NULL)
1517  cache = MemoryContextAlloc(rel->rd_indexcxt,
1518  sizeof(HashMetaPageData));
1520  /* Read the metapage. */
1521  if (BufferIsValid(*metabuf))
1522  LockBuffer(*metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
1523  else
1524  *metabuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ,
1525  LH_META_PAGE);
1526  page = BufferGetPage(*metabuf);
1528  /* Populate the cache. */
1529  if (rel->rd_amcache == NULL)
1530  rel->rd_amcache = cache;
1531  memcpy(rel->rd_amcache, HashPageGetMeta(page),
1532  sizeof(HashMetaPageData));
1534  /* Release metapage lock, but keep the pin. */
1535  LockBuffer(*metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
1536  }
1538  return (HashMetaPage) rel->rd_amcache;
1539 }
void * MemoryContextAlloc(MemoryContext context, Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1181
void * rd_amcache
Definition: rel.h:229
MemoryContext rd_indexcxt
Definition: rel.h:204

References _hash_getbuf(), Assert, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), BufferIsValid(), HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_READ, HashPageGetMeta, LH_META_PAGE, LockBuffer(), MemoryContextAlloc(), RelationData::rd_amcache, and RelationData::rd_indexcxt.

Referenced by _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(), and hashbulkdelete().

◆ _hash_getinitbuf()

Buffer _hash_getinitbuf ( Relation  rel,
BlockNumber  blkno 

Definition at line 135 of file hashpage.c.

136 {
137  Buffer buf;
139  if (blkno == P_NEW)
140  elog(ERROR, "hash AM does not use P_NEW");
143  NULL);
145  /* ref count and lock type are correct */
147  /* initialize the page */
150  return buf;
151 }
Definition: bufmgr.h:46

References _hash_pageinit(), buf, BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), elog, ERROR, MAIN_FORKNUM, P_NEW, RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK, and ReadBufferExtended().

Referenced by _hash_addovflpage().

◆ _hash_getnewbuf()

Buffer _hash_getnewbuf ( Relation  rel,
BlockNumber  blkno,
ForkNumber  forkNum 

Definition at line 198 of file hashpage.c.

199 {
200  BlockNumber nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(rel, forkNum);
201  Buffer buf;
203  if (blkno == P_NEW)
204  elog(ERROR, "hash AM does not use P_NEW");
205  if (blkno > nblocks)
206  elog(ERROR, "access to noncontiguous page in hash index \"%s\"",
209  /* smgr insists we explicitly extend the relation */
210  if (blkno == nblocks)
211  {
212  buf = ExtendBufferedRel(BMR_REL(rel), forkNum, NULL,
214  if (BufferGetBlockNumber(buf) != blkno)
215  elog(ERROR, "unexpected hash relation size: %u, should be %u",
216  BufferGetBlockNumber(buf), blkno);
217  }
218  else
219  {
220  buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, forkNum, blkno, RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK,
221  NULL);
222  }
224  /* ref count and lock type are correct */
226  /* initialize the page */
229  return buf;
230 }
Buffer ExtendBufferedRel(BufferManagerRelation bmr, ForkNumber forkNum, BufferAccessStrategy strategy, uint32 flags)
Definition: bufmgr.c:846
BlockNumber RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(Relation relation, ForkNumber forkNum)
Definition: bufmgr.c:3905
Definition: bufmgr.h:74
Definition: bufmgr.h:86
#define BMR_REL(p_rel)
Definition: bufmgr.h:107

References _hash_pageinit(), BMR_REL, buf, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), EB_LOCK_FIRST, EB_SKIP_EXTENSION_LOCK, elog, ERROR, ExtendBufferedRel(), P_NEW, RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK, ReadBufferExtended(), RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(), and RelationGetRelationName.

Referenced by _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_expandtable(), and _hash_init().

◆ _hash_hashkey2bucket()

Bucket _hash_hashkey2bucket ( uint32  hashkey,
uint32  maxbucket,
uint32  highmask,
uint32  lowmask 

Definition at line 125 of file hashutil.c.

127 {
128  Bucket bucket;
130  bucket = hashkey & highmask;
131  if (bucket > maxbucket)
132  bucket = bucket & lowmask;
134  return bucket;
135 }

Referenced by _h_indexbuild(), _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(), _hash_splitbucket(), comparetup_index_hash(), and hashbucketcleanup().

◆ _hash_init()

uint32 _hash_init ( Relation  rel,
double  num_tuples,
ForkNumber  forkNum 

Definition at line 327 of file hashpage.c.

328 {
329  Buffer metabuf;
330  Buffer buf;
331  Buffer bitmapbuf;
332  Page pg;
333  HashMetaPage metap;
334  RegProcedure procid;
335  int32 data_width;
336  int32 item_width;
337  int32 ffactor;
338  uint32 num_buckets;
339  uint32 i;
340  bool use_wal;
342  /* safety check */
343  if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(rel, forkNum) != 0)
344  elog(ERROR, "cannot initialize non-empty hash index \"%s\"",
347  /*
348  * WAL log creation of pages if the relation is persistent, or this is the
349  * init fork. Init forks for unlogged relations always need to be WAL
350  * logged.
351  */
352  use_wal = RelationNeedsWAL(rel) || forkNum == INIT_FORKNUM;
354  /*
355  * Determine the target fill factor (in tuples per bucket) for this index.
356  * The idea is to make the fill factor correspond to pages about as full
357  * as the user-settable fillfactor parameter says. We can compute it
358  * exactly since the index datatype (i.e. uint32 hash key) is fixed-width.
359  */
360  data_width = sizeof(uint32);
361  item_width = MAXALIGN(sizeof(IndexTupleData)) + MAXALIGN(data_width) +
362  sizeof(ItemIdData); /* include the line pointer */
363  ffactor = HashGetTargetPageUsage(rel) / item_width;
364  /* keep to a sane range */
365  if (ffactor < 10)
366  ffactor = 10;
368  procid = index_getprocid(rel, 1, HASHSTANDARD_PROC);
370  /*
371  * We initialize the metapage, the first N bucket pages, and the first
372  * bitmap page in sequence, using _hash_getnewbuf to cause smgrextend()
373  * calls to occur. This ensures that the smgr level has the right idea of
374  * the physical index length.
375  *
376  * Critical section not required, because on error the creation of the
377  * whole relation will be rolled back.
378  */
379  metabuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, forkNum);
380  _hash_init_metabuffer(metabuf, num_tuples, procid, ffactor, false);
381  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
383  pg = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
384  metap = HashPageGetMeta(pg);
386  /* XLOG stuff */
387  if (use_wal)
388  {
390  XLogRecPtr recptr;
392  xlrec.num_tuples = num_tuples;
393  xlrec.procid = metap->hashm_procid;
394  xlrec.ffactor = metap->hashm_ffactor;
396  XLogBeginInsert();
397  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashInitMetaPage);
400  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_INIT_META_PAGE);
402  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
403  }
405  num_buckets = metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1;
407  /*
408  * Release buffer lock on the metapage while we initialize buckets.
409  * Otherwise, we'll be in interrupt holdoff and the CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS
410  * won't accomplish anything. It's a bad idea to hold buffer locks for
411  * long intervals in any case, since that can block the bgwriter.
412  */
413  LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
415  /*
416  * Initialize and WAL Log the first N buckets
417  */
418  for (i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
419  {
420  BlockNumber blkno;
422  /* Allow interrupts, in case N is huge */
425  blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, i);
426  buf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, blkno, forkNum);
430  if (use_wal)
431  log_newpage(&rel->rd_locator,
432  forkNum,
433  blkno,
435  true);
436  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
437  }
439  /* Now reacquire buffer lock on metapage */
442  /*
443  * Initialize bitmap page
444  */
445  bitmapbuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, num_buckets + 1, forkNum);
446  _hash_initbitmapbuffer(bitmapbuf, metap->hashm_bmsize, false);
447  MarkBufferDirty(bitmapbuf);
449  /* add the new bitmap page to the metapage's list of bitmaps */
450  /* metapage already has a write lock */
451  if (metap->hashm_nmaps >= HASH_MAX_BITMAPS)
452  ereport(ERROR,
454  errmsg("out of overflow pages in hash index \"%s\"",
455  RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
457  metap->hashm_mapp[metap->hashm_nmaps] = num_buckets + 1;
459  metap->hashm_nmaps++;
460  MarkBufferDirty(metabuf);
462  /* XLOG stuff */
463  if (use_wal)
464  {
466  XLogRecPtr recptr;
468  xlrec.bmsize = metap->hashm_bmsize;
470  XLogBeginInsert();
471  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashInitBitmapPage);
472  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bitmapbuf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);
474  /*
475  * This is safe only because nobody else can be modifying the index at
476  * this stage; it's only visible to the transaction that is creating
477  * it.
478  */
479  XLogRegisterBuffer(1, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
483  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(bitmapbuf), recptr);
484  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);
485  }
487  /* all done */
488  _hash_relbuf(rel, bitmapbuf);
489  _hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
491  return num_buckets;
492 }
#define HashGetTargetPageUsage(relation)
Definition: hash.h:281
#define SizeOfHashInitBitmapPage
Definition: hash_xlog.h:233
Definition: hash_xlog.h:28
Definition: hash_xlog.h:27
#define SizeOfHashInitMetaPage
Definition: hash_xlog.h:217
void _hash_initbuf(Buffer buf, uint32 max_bucket, uint32 num_bucket, uint32 flag, bool initpage)
Definition: hashpage.c:157
void _hash_init_metabuffer(Buffer buf, double num_tuples, RegProcedure procid, uint16 ffactor, bool initpage)
Definition: hashpage.c:498
RegProcedure index_getprocid(Relation irel, AttrNumber attnum, uint16 procnum)
Definition: indexam.c:826
struct ItemIdData ItemIdData
Definition: relpath.h:61
RegProcedure hashm_procid
Definition: hash.h:261
RelFileLocator rd_locator
Definition: rel.h:57
RegProcedure procid
Definition: hash_xlog.h:213
XLogRecPtr log_newpage(RelFileLocator *rlocator, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber blkno, Page page, bool page_std)
Definition: xloginsert.c:1143

References _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_init_metabuffer(), _hash_initbitmapbuffer(), _hash_initbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), xl_hash_init_bitmap_page::bmsize, BUCKET_TO_BLKNO, buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, xl_hash_init_meta_page::ffactor, HASH_MAX_BITMAPS, HASH_METAPAGE, HashGetTargetPageUsage, HashMetaPageData::hashm_bmsize, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ffactor, HashMetaPageData::hashm_mapp, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashMetaPageData::hashm_nmaps, HashMetaPageData::hashm_procid, HashPageGetMeta, HASHSTANDARD_PROC, i, index_getprocid(), INIT_FORKNUM, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LockBuffer(), log_newpage(), MarkBufferDirty(), MAXALIGN, xl_hash_init_meta_page::num_tuples, PageSetLSN(), xl_hash_init_meta_page::procid, RelationData::rd_locator, REGBUF_STANDARD, REGBUF_WILL_INIT, RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(), RelationGetRelationName, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashInitBitmapPage, SizeOfHashInitMetaPage, XLOG_HASH_INIT_BITMAP_PAGE, XLOG_HASH_INIT_META_PAGE, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by hashbuild(), and hashbuildempty().

◆ _hash_init_metabuffer()

void _hash_init_metabuffer ( Buffer  buf,
double  num_tuples,
RegProcedure  procid,
uint16  ffactor,
bool  initpage 

Definition at line 498 of file hashpage.c.

500 {
501  HashMetaPage metap;
502  HashPageOpaque pageopaque;
503  Page page;
504  double dnumbuckets;
505  uint32 num_buckets;
506  uint32 spare_index;
507  uint32 lshift;
509  /*
510  * Choose the number of initial bucket pages to match the fill factor
511  * given the estimated number of tuples. We round up the result to the
512  * total number of buckets which has to be allocated before using its
513  * hashm_spares element. However always force at least 2 bucket pages. The
514  * upper limit is determined by considerations explained in
515  * _hash_expandtable().
516  */
517  dnumbuckets = num_tuples / ffactor;
518  if (dnumbuckets <= 2.0)
519  num_buckets = 2;
520  else if (dnumbuckets >= (double) 0x40000000)
521  num_buckets = 0x40000000;
522  else
523  num_buckets = _hash_get_totalbuckets(_hash_spareindex(dnumbuckets));
525  spare_index = _hash_spareindex(num_buckets);
526  Assert(spare_index < HASH_MAX_SPLITPOINTS);
528  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
529  if (initpage)
532  pageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
533  pageopaque->hasho_prevblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
534  pageopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
535  pageopaque->hasho_bucket = InvalidBucket;
536  pageopaque->hasho_flag = LH_META_PAGE;
537  pageopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;
539  metap = HashPageGetMeta(page);
541  metap->hashm_magic = HASH_MAGIC;
542  metap->hashm_version = HASH_VERSION;
543  metap->hashm_ntuples = 0;
544  metap->hashm_nmaps = 0;
545  metap->hashm_ffactor = ffactor;
546  metap->hashm_bsize = HashGetMaxBitmapSize(page);
548  /* find largest bitmap array size that will fit in page size */
549  lshift = pg_leftmost_one_pos32(metap->hashm_bsize);
550  Assert(lshift > 0);
551  metap->hashm_bmsize = 1 << lshift;
552  metap->hashm_bmshift = lshift + BYTE_TO_BIT;
553  Assert((1 << BMPG_SHIFT(metap)) == (BMPG_MASK(metap) + 1));
555  /*
556  * Label the index with its primary hash support function's OID. This is
557  * pretty useless for normal operation (in fact, hashm_procid is not used
558  * anywhere), but it might be handy for forensic purposes so we keep it.
559  */
560  metap->hashm_procid = procid;
562  /*
563  * We initialize the index with N buckets, 0 .. N-1, occupying physical
564  * blocks 1 to N. The first freespace bitmap page is in block N+1.
565  */
566  metap->hashm_maxbucket = num_buckets - 1;
568  /*
569  * Set highmask as next immediate ((2 ^ x) - 1), which should be
570  * sufficient to cover num_buckets.
571  */
572  metap->hashm_highmask = pg_nextpower2_32(num_buckets + 1) - 1;
573  metap->hashm_lowmask = (metap->hashm_highmask >> 1);
575  MemSet(metap->hashm_spares, 0, sizeof(metap->hashm_spares));
576  MemSet(metap->hashm_mapp, 0, sizeof(metap->hashm_mapp));
578  /* Set up mapping for one spare page after the initial splitpoints */
579  metap->hashm_spares[spare_index] = 1;
580  metap->hashm_ovflpoint = spare_index;
581  metap->hashm_firstfree = 0;
583  /*
584  * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata. This is essential,
585  * because without doing so, metadata will be lost if xlog.c compresses
586  * the page.
587  */
588  ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower =
589  ((char *) metap + sizeof(HashMetaPageData)) - (char *) page;
590 }
PageHeaderData * PageHeader
Definition: bufpage.h:173
#define MemSet(start, val, len)
Definition: c.h:1020
Definition: hash.h:239
#define BYTE_TO_BIT
Definition: hash.h:301
#define HashGetMaxBitmapSize(page)
Definition: hash.h:319
uint16 hashm_bsize
Definition: hash.h:250
uint16 hashm_bmshift
Definition: hash.h:253

References _hash_get_totalbuckets(), _hash_pageinit(), _hash_spareindex(), Assert, BMPG_MASK, BMPG_SHIFT, buf, BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), BYTE_TO_BIT, HASH_MAGIC, HASH_MAX_SPLITPOINTS, HASH_VERSION, HashGetMaxBitmapSize, HashMetaPageData::hashm_bmshift, HashMetaPageData::hashm_bmsize, HashMetaPageData::hashm_bsize, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ffactor, HashMetaPageData::hashm_firstfree, HashMetaPageData::hashm_highmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_lowmask, HashMetaPageData::hashm_magic, HashMetaPageData::hashm_mapp, HashMetaPageData::hashm_maxbucket, HashMetaPageData::hashm_nmaps, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ntuples, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ovflpoint, HashMetaPageData::hashm_procid, HashMetaPageData::hashm_spares, HashMetaPageData::hashm_version, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetMeta, HashPageGetOpaque, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBucket, LH_META_PAGE, MemSet, pg_leftmost_one_pos32(), and pg_nextpower2_32().

Referenced by _hash_init(), and hash_xlog_init_meta_page().

◆ _hash_initbitmapbuffer()

void _hash_initbitmapbuffer ( Buffer  buf,
uint16  bmsize,
bool  initpage 

Definition at line 777 of file hashovfl.c.

778 {
779  Page pg;
780  HashPageOpaque op;
781  uint32 *freep;
783  pg = BufferGetPage(buf);
785  /* initialize the page */
786  if (initpage)
789  /* initialize the page's special space */
790  op = HashPageGetOpaque(pg);
797  /* set all of the bits to 1 */
798  freep = HashPageGetBitmap(pg);
799  memset(freep, 0xFF, bmsize);
801  /*
802  * Set pd_lower just past the end of the bitmap page data. We could even
803  * set pd_lower equal to pd_upper, but this is more precise and makes the
804  * page look compressible to xlog.c.
805  */
806  ((PageHeader) pg)->pd_lower = ((char *) freep + bmsize) - (char *) pg;
807 }

References _hash_pageinit(), buf, BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetBitmap, HashPageGetOpaque, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBucket, and LH_BITMAP_PAGE.

Referenced by _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_init(), hash_xlog_add_ovfl_page(), and hash_xlog_init_bitmap_page().

◆ _hash_initbuf()

void _hash_initbuf ( Buffer  buf,
uint32  max_bucket,
uint32  num_bucket,
uint32  flag,
bool  initpage 

Definition at line 157 of file hashpage.c.

159 {
160  HashPageOpaque pageopaque;
161  Page page;
163  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
165  /* initialize the page */
166  if (initpage)
169  pageopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
171  /*
172  * Set hasho_prevblkno with current hashm_maxbucket. This value will be
173  * used to validate cached HashMetaPageData. See
174  * _hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey().
175  */
176  pageopaque->hasho_prevblkno = max_bucket;
177  pageopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
178  pageopaque->hasho_bucket = num_bucket;
179  pageopaque->hasho_flag = flag;
180  pageopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;
181 }
char * flag(int b)
Definition: test-ctype.c:33

References _hash_pageinit(), buf, BufferGetPage(), BufferGetPageSize(), flag(), HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_page_id, HASHO_PAGE_ID, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetOpaque, and InvalidBlockNumber.

Referenced by _hash_init(), hash_xlog_add_ovfl_page(), and hash_xlog_split_allocate_page().

◆ _hash_kill_items()

void _hash_kill_items ( IndexScanDesc  scan)

Definition at line 536 of file hashutil.c.

537 {
538  HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
539  Relation rel = scan->indexRelation;
540  BlockNumber blkno;
541  Buffer buf;
542  Page page;
543  HashPageOpaque opaque;
544  OffsetNumber offnum,
545  maxoff;
546  int numKilled = so->numKilled;
547  int i;
548  bool killedsomething = false;
549  bool havePin = false;
551  Assert(so->numKilled > 0);
552  Assert(so->killedItems != NULL);
555  /*
556  * Always reset the scan state, so we don't look for same items on other
557  * pages.
558  */
559  so->numKilled = 0;
561  blkno = so->currPos.currPage;
562  if (HashScanPosIsPinned(so->currPos))
563  {
564  /*
565  * We already have pin on this buffer, so, all we need to do is
566  * acquire lock on it.
567  */
568  havePin = true;
569  buf = so->currPos.buf;
571  }
572  else
573  buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, HASH_READ, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
575  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
576  opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
577  maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
579  for (i = 0; i < numKilled; i++)
580  {
581  int itemIndex = so->killedItems[i];
582  HashScanPosItem *currItem = &so->currPos.items[itemIndex];
584  offnum = currItem->indexOffset;
586  Assert(itemIndex >= so->currPos.firstItem &&
587  itemIndex <= so->currPos.lastItem);
589  while (offnum <= maxoff)
590  {
591  ItemId iid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
592  IndexTuple ituple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
594  if (ItemPointerEquals(&ituple->t_tid, &currItem->heapTid))
595  {
596  /* found the item */
597  ItemIdMarkDead(iid);
598  killedsomething = true;
599  break; /* out of inner search loop */
600  }
601  offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum);
602  }
603  }
605  /*
606  * Since this can be redone later if needed, mark as dirty hint. Whenever
607  * we mark anything LP_DEAD, we also set the page's
608  * LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES flag, which is likewise just a hint.
609  */
610  if (killedsomething)
611  {
612  opaque->hasho_flag |= LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES;
613  MarkBufferDirtyHint(buf, true);
614  }
616  if (so->hashso_bucket_buf == so->currPos.buf ||
617  havePin)
619  else
620  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
621 }
void MarkBufferDirtyHint(Buffer buffer, bool buffer_std)
Definition: bufmgr.c:4970
#define HashScanPosIsPinned(scanpos)
Definition: hash.h:130
#define HashScanPosIsValid(scanpos)
Definition: hash.h:137
Definition: hash.h:61
#define ItemIdMarkDead(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:179
bool ItemPointerEquals(ItemPointer pointer1, ItemPointer pointer2)
Definition: itemptr.c:35
int * killedItems
Definition: hash.h:182
BlockNumber currPage
Definition: hash.h:112
int firstItem
Definition: hash.h:123
ItemPointerData heapTid
Definition: hash.h:105
OffsetNumber indexOffset
Definition: hash.h:106

References _hash_getbuf(), _hash_relbuf(), Assert, buf, HashScanPosData::buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), HashScanPosData::currPage, HashScanOpaqueData::currPos, HashScanPosData::firstItem, HASH_READ, HashPageGetOpaque, HashScanPosIsPinned, HashScanPosIsValid, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_bucket_buf, HashScanPosItem::heapTid, i, HashScanPosItem::indexOffset, IndexScanDescData::indexRelation, ItemIdMarkDead, ItemPointerEquals(), HashScanPosData::items, HashScanOpaqueData::killedItems, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES, LockBuffer(), MarkBufferDirtyHint(), HashScanOpaqueData::numKilled, OffsetNumberNext, IndexScanDescData::opaque, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by _hash_next(), _hash_readpage(), hashendscan(), and hashrescan().

◆ _hash_next()

bool _hash_next ( IndexScanDesc  scan,
ScanDirection  dir 

Definition at line 48 of file hashsearch.c.

49 {
50  Relation rel = scan->indexRelation;
52  HashScanPosItem *currItem;
53  BlockNumber blkno;
54  Buffer buf;
55  bool end_of_scan = false;
57  /*
58  * Advance to the next tuple on the current page; or if done, try to read
59  * data from the next or previous page based on the scan direction. Before
60  * moving to the next or previous page make sure that we deal with all the
61  * killed items.
62  */
64  {
65  if (++so->currPos.itemIndex > so->currPos.lastItem)
66  {
67  if (so->numKilled > 0)
68  _hash_kill_items(scan);
70  blkno = so->currPos.nextPage;
71  if (BlockNumberIsValid(blkno))
72  {
74  if (!_hash_readpage(scan, &buf, dir))
75  end_of_scan = true;
76  }
77  else
78  end_of_scan = true;
79  }
80  }
81  else
82  {
83  if (--so->currPos.itemIndex < so->currPos.firstItem)
84  {
85  if (so->numKilled > 0)
86  _hash_kill_items(scan);
88  blkno = so->currPos.prevPage;
89  if (BlockNumberIsValid(blkno))
90  {
91  buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, HASH_READ,
94  /*
95  * We always maintain the pin on bucket page for whole scan
96  * operation, so releasing the additional pin we have acquired
97  * here.
98  */
99  if (buf == so->hashso_bucket_buf ||
101  _hash_dropbuf(rel, buf);
103  if (!_hash_readpage(scan, &buf, dir))
104  end_of_scan = true;
105  }
106  else
107  end_of_scan = true;
108  }
109  }
111  if (end_of_scan)
112  {
113  _hash_dropscanbuf(rel, so);
115  return false;
116  }
118  /* OK, itemIndex says what to return */
119  currItem = &so->currPos.items[so->currPos.itemIndex];
120  scan->xs_heaptid = currItem->heapTid;
122  return true;
123 }
#define HashScanPosInvalidate(scanpos)
Definition: hash.h:144
void _hash_dropscanbuf(Relation rel, HashScanOpaque so)
Definition: hashpage.c:289
void _hash_kill_items(IndexScanDesc scan)
Definition: hashutil.c:536
Definition: isn.c:77
#define ScanDirectionIsForward(direction)
Definition: sdir.h:64
BlockNumber prevPage
Definition: hash.h:114
BlockNumber nextPage
Definition: hash.h:113
int lastItem
Definition: hash.h:124

References _hash_dropbuf(), _hash_dropscanbuf(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_kill_items(), _hash_readpage(), BlockNumberIsValid(), buf, HashScanOpaqueData::currPos, HashScanPosData::firstItem, HASH_READ, HashScanPosInvalidate, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_bucket_buf, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_split_bucket_buf, if(), IndexScanDescData::indexRelation, HashScanPosData::itemIndex, HashScanPosData::items, HashScanPosData::lastItem, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, HashScanPosData::nextPage, HashScanOpaqueData::numKilled, IndexScanDescData::opaque, HashScanPosData::prevPage, ScanDirectionIsForward, and IndexScanDescData::xs_heaptid.

Referenced by hashgetbitmap(), and hashgettuple().

◆ _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno()

uint32 _hash_ovflblkno_to_bitno ( HashMetaPage  metap,
BlockNumber  ovflblkno 

Definition at line 62 of file hashovfl.c.

63 {
64  uint32 splitnum = metap->hashm_ovflpoint;
65  uint32 i;
66  uint32 bitnum;
68  /* Determine the split number containing this page */
69  for (i = 1; i <= splitnum; i++)
70  {
71  if (ovflblkno <= (BlockNumber) _hash_get_totalbuckets(i))
72  break; /* oops */
73  bitnum = ovflblkno - _hash_get_totalbuckets(i);
75  /*
76  * bitnum has to be greater than number of overflow page added in
77  * previous split point. The overflow page at this splitnum (i) if any
78  * should start from (_hash_get_totalbuckets(i) +
79  * metap->hashm_spares[i - 1] + 1).
80  */
81  if (bitnum > metap->hashm_spares[i - 1] &&
82  bitnum <= metap->hashm_spares[i])
83  return bitnum - 1; /* -1 to convert 1-based to 0-based */
84  }
86  ereport(ERROR,
88  errmsg("invalid overflow block number %u", ovflblkno)));
89  return 0; /* keep compiler quiet */
90 }

References _hash_get_totalbuckets(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, HashMetaPageData::hashm_ovflpoint, HashMetaPageData::hashm_spares, and i.

Referenced by _hash_freeovflpage(), and hash_bitmap_info().

◆ _hash_pageinit()

void _hash_pageinit ( Page  page,
Size  size 

Definition at line 596 of file hashpage.c.

597 {
598  PageInit(page, size, sizeof(HashPageOpaqueData));
599 }
void PageInit(Page page, Size pageSize, Size specialSize)
Definition: bufpage.c:42
static pg_noinline void Size size
Definition: slab.c:607

References PageInit(), and size.

Referenced by _hash_alloc_buckets(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_init_metabuffer(), _hash_initbitmapbuffer(), _hash_initbuf(), and hash_xlog_squeeze_page().

◆ _hash_pgaddmultitup()

void _hash_pgaddmultitup ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  buf,
IndexTuple itups,
OffsetNumber itup_offsets,
uint16  nitups 

Definition at line 331 of file hashinsert.c.

333 {
334  OffsetNumber itup_off;
335  Page page;
336  uint32 hashkey;
337  int i;
340  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
342  for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
343  {
344  Size itemsize;
346  itemsize = IndexTupleSize(itups[i]);
347  itemsize = MAXALIGN(itemsize);
349  /* Find where to insert the tuple (preserving page's hashkey ordering) */
350  hashkey = _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itups[i]);
351  itup_off = _hash_binsearch(page, hashkey);
353  itup_offsets[i] = itup_off;
355  if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) itups[i], itemsize, itup_off, false, false)
357  elog(ERROR, "failed to add index item to \"%s\"",
359  }
360 }
#define PageAddItem(page, item, size, offsetNumber, overwrite, is_heap)
Definition: bufpage.h:471
OffsetNumber _hash_binsearch(Page page, uint32 hash_value)
Definition: hashutil.c:350
Pointer Item
Definition: item.h:17
#define InvalidOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:26

References _hash_binsearch(), _hash_checkpage(), _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), buf, BufferGetPage(), elog, ERROR, i, IndexTupleSize, InvalidOffsetNumber, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, MAXALIGN, PageAddItem, and RelationGetRelationName.

Referenced by _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_splitbucket(), and _hash_squeezebucket().

◆ _hash_pgaddtup()

OffsetNumber _hash_pgaddtup ( Relation  rel,
Buffer  buf,
Size  itemsize,
IndexTuple  itup,
bool  appendtup 

Definition at line 274 of file hashinsert.c.

276 {
277  OffsetNumber itup_off;
278  Page page;
281  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
283  /*
284  * Find where to insert the tuple (preserving page's hashkey ordering). If
285  * 'appendtup' is true then we just insert it at the end.
286  */
287  if (appendtup)
288  {
289  itup_off = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) + 1;
292  /* ensure this tuple's hashkey is >= the final existing tuple */
293  if (PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) > 0)
294  {
295  IndexTuple lasttup;
296  ItemId itemid;
298  itemid = PageGetItemId(page, PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page));
299  lasttup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
303  }
304 #endif
305  }
306  else
307  {
308  uint32 hashkey = _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup);
310  itup_off = _hash_binsearch(page, hashkey);
311  }
313  if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, itemsize, itup_off, false, false)
315  elog(ERROR, "failed to add index item to \"%s\"",
318  return itup_off;
319 }

References _hash_binsearch(), _hash_checkpage(), _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), Assert, buf, BufferGetPage(), elog, ERROR, InvalidOffsetNumber, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, PageAddItem, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), and RelationGetRelationName.

Referenced by _hash_doinsert().

◆ _hash_relbuf()

◆ _hash_spareindex()

uint32 _hash_spareindex ( uint32  num_bucket)

Definition at line 142 of file hashutil.c.

143 {
144  uint32 splitpoint_group;
145  uint32 splitpoint_phases;
147  splitpoint_group = pg_ceil_log2_32(num_bucket);
149  if (splitpoint_group < HASH_SPLITPOINT_GROUPS_WITH_ONE_PHASE)
150  return splitpoint_group;
152  /* account for single-phase groups */
155  /* account for multi-phase groups before splitpoint_group */
156  splitpoint_phases +=
157  ((splitpoint_group - HASH_SPLITPOINT_GROUPS_WITH_ONE_PHASE) <<
160  /* account for phases within current group */
161  splitpoint_phases +=
162  (((num_bucket - 1) >>
163  (splitpoint_group - (HASH_SPLITPOINT_PHASE_BITS + 1))) &
164  HASH_SPLITPOINT_PHASE_MASK); /* to 0-based value. */
166  return splitpoint_phases;
167 }
static uint32 pg_ceil_log2_32(uint32 num)
Definition: pg_bitutils.h:258


Referenced by _hash_expandtable(), and _hash_init_metabuffer().

◆ _hash_squeezebucket()

void _hash_squeezebucket ( Relation  rel,
Bucket  bucket,
BlockNumber  bucket_blkno,
Buffer  bucket_buf,
BufferAccessStrategy  bstrategy 

Definition at line 842 of file hashovfl.c.

847 {
848  BlockNumber wblkno;
849  BlockNumber rblkno;
850  Buffer wbuf;
851  Buffer rbuf;
852  Page wpage;
853  Page rpage;
854  HashPageOpaque wopaque;
855  HashPageOpaque ropaque;
857  /*
858  * start squeezing into the primary bucket page.
859  */
860  wblkno = bucket_blkno;
861  wbuf = bucket_buf;
862  wpage = BufferGetPage(wbuf);
863  wopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(wpage);
865  /*
866  * if there aren't any overflow pages, there's nothing to squeeze. caller
867  * is responsible for releasing the pin on primary bucket page.
868  */
869  if (!BlockNumberIsValid(wopaque->hasho_nextblkno))
870  {
872  return;
873  }
875  /*
876  * Find the last page in the bucket chain by starting at the base bucket
877  * page and working forward. Note: we assume that a hash bucket chain is
878  * usually smaller than the buffer ring being used by VACUUM, else using
879  * the access strategy here would be counterproductive.
880  */
881  rbuf = InvalidBuffer;
882  ropaque = wopaque;
883  do
884  {
885  rblkno = ropaque->hasho_nextblkno;
886  if (rbuf != InvalidBuffer)
887  _hash_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
888  rbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
889  rblkno,
892  bstrategy);
893  rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
894  ropaque = HashPageGetOpaque(rpage);
895  Assert(ropaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
896  } while (BlockNumberIsValid(ropaque->hasho_nextblkno));
898  /*
899  * squeeze the tuples.
900  */
901  for (;;)
902  {
903  OffsetNumber roffnum;
904  OffsetNumber maxroffnum;
905  OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
907  Size tups_size[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
908  OffsetNumber itup_offsets[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
909  uint16 ndeletable = 0;
910  uint16 nitups = 0;
911  Size all_tups_size = 0;
912  int i;
913  bool retain_pin = false;
915 readpage:
916  /* Scan each tuple in "read" page */
917  maxroffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(rpage);
918  for (roffnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
919  roffnum <= maxroffnum;
920  roffnum = OffsetNumberNext(roffnum))
921  {
922  IndexTuple itup;
923  Size itemsz;
925  /* skip dead tuples */
926  if (ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(rpage, roffnum)))
927  continue;
929  itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(rpage,
930  PageGetItemId(rpage, roffnum));
931  itemsz = IndexTupleSize(itup);
932  itemsz = MAXALIGN(itemsz);
934  /*
935  * Walk up the bucket chain, looking for a page big enough for
936  * this item and all other accumulated items. Exit if we reach
937  * the read page.
938  */
939  while (PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(wpage, nitups + 1) < (all_tups_size + itemsz))
940  {
941  Buffer next_wbuf = InvalidBuffer;
942  bool tups_moved = false;
944  Assert(!PageIsEmpty(wpage));
946  if (wblkno == bucket_blkno)
947  retain_pin = true;
949  wblkno = wopaque->hasho_nextblkno;
950  Assert(BlockNumberIsValid(wblkno));
952  /* don't need to move to next page if we reached the read page */
953  if (wblkno != rblkno)
954  next_wbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
955  wblkno,
958  bstrategy);
960  if (nitups > 0)
961  {
962  Assert(nitups == ndeletable);
964  /*
965  * This operation needs to log multiple tuples, prepare
966  * WAL for that.
967  */
968  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
969  XLogEnsureRecordSpace(0, 3 + nitups);
973  /*
974  * we have to insert tuples on the "write" page, being
975  * careful to preserve hashkey ordering. (If we insert
976  * many tuples into the same "write" page it would be
977  * worth qsort'ing them).
978  */
979  _hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);
980  MarkBufferDirty(wbuf);
982  /* Delete tuples we already moved off read page */
983  PageIndexMultiDelete(rpage, deletable, ndeletable);
984  MarkBufferDirty(rbuf);
986  /* XLOG stuff */
987  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
988  {
989  XLogRecPtr recptr;
992  xlrec.ntups = nitups;
993  xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt = (wbuf == bucket_buf);
995  XLogBeginInsert();
998  /*
999  * bucket buffer was not changed, but still needs to
1000  * be registered to ensure that we can acquire a
1001  * cleanup lock on it during replay.
1002  */
1003  if (!xlrec.is_prim_bucket_same_wrt)
1004  {
1007  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, flags);
1008  }
1011  XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itup_offsets,
1012  nitups * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
1013  for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
1014  XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) itups[i], tups_size[i]);
1017  XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) deletable,
1018  ndeletable * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
1022  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(wbuf), recptr);
1023  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(rbuf), recptr);
1024  }
1028  tups_moved = true;
1029  }
1031  /*
1032  * release the lock on previous page after acquiring the lock
1033  * on next page
1034  */
1035  if (retain_pin)
1037  else
1038  _hash_relbuf(rel, wbuf);
1040  /* nothing more to do if we reached the read page */
1041  if (rblkno == wblkno)
1042  {
1043  _hash_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
1044  return;
1045  }
1047  wbuf = next_wbuf;
1048  wpage = BufferGetPage(wbuf);
1049  wopaque = HashPageGetOpaque(wpage);
1050  Assert(wopaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
1051  retain_pin = false;
1053  /* be tidy */
1054  for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
1055  pfree(itups[i]);
1056  nitups = 0;
1057  all_tups_size = 0;
1058  ndeletable = 0;
1060  /*
1061  * after moving the tuples, rpage would have been compacted,
1062  * so we need to rescan it.
1063  */
1064  if (tups_moved)
1065  goto readpage;
1066  }
1068  /* remember tuple for deletion from "read" page */
1069  deletable[ndeletable++] = roffnum;
1071  /*
1072  * we need a copy of index tuples as they can be freed as part of
1073  * overflow page, however we need them to write a WAL record in
1074  * _hash_freeovflpage.
1075  */
1076  itups[nitups] = CopyIndexTuple(itup);
1077  tups_size[nitups++] = itemsz;
1078  all_tups_size += itemsz;
1079  }
1081  /*
1082  * If we reach here, there are no live tuples on the "read" page ---
1083  * it was empty when we got to it, or we moved them all. So we can
1084  * just free the page without bothering with deleting tuples
1085  * individually. Then advance to the previous "read" page.
1086  *
1087  * Tricky point here: if our read and write pages are adjacent in the
1088  * bucket chain, our write lock on wbuf will conflict with
1089  * _hash_freeovflpage's attempt to update the sibling links of the
1090  * removed page. In that case, we don't need to lock it again.
1091  */
1092  rblkno = ropaque->hasho_prevblkno;
1093  Assert(BlockNumberIsValid(rblkno));
1095  /* free this overflow page (releases rbuf) */
1096  _hash_freeovflpage(rel, bucket_buf, rbuf, wbuf, itups, itup_offsets,
1097  tups_size, nitups, bstrategy);
1099  /* be tidy */
1100  for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
1101  pfree(itups[i]);
1103  /* are we freeing the page adjacent to wbuf? */
1104  if (rblkno == wblkno)
1105  {
1106  /* retain the pin on primary bucket page till end of bucket scan */
1107  if (wblkno == bucket_blkno)
1109  else
1110  _hash_relbuf(rel, wbuf);
1111  return;
1112  }
1114  rbuf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel,
1115  rblkno,
1118  bstrategy);
1119  rpage = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
1120  ropaque = HashPageGetOpaque(rpage);
1121  Assert(ropaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
1122  }
1124  /* NOTREACHED */
1125 }
Size PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(Page page, int ntups)
Definition: bufpage.c:934
void PageIndexMultiDelete(Page page, OffsetNumber *itemnos, int nitems)
Definition: bufpage.c:1161
static bool PageIsEmpty(Page page)
Definition: bufpage.h:223
unsigned short uint16
Definition: c.h:505
#define SizeOfHashMovePageContents
Definition: hash_xlog.h:138
Definition: hash_xlog.h:34
BlockNumber _hash_freeovflpage(Relation rel, Buffer bucketbuf, Buffer ovflbuf, Buffer wbuf, IndexTuple *itups, OffsetNumber *itup_offsets, Size *tups_size, uint16 nitups, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
Definition: hashovfl.c:490
IndexTuple CopyIndexTuple(IndexTuple source)
Definition: indextuple.c:547
#define ItemIdIsDead(itemId)
Definition: itemid.h:113
#define MaxIndexTuplesPerPage
Definition: itup.h:165
#define MaxOffsetNumber
Definition: off.h:28

References _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_pgaddmultitup(), _hash_relbuf(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), CopyIndexTuple(), END_CRIT_SECTION, FirstOffsetNumber, HASH_WRITE, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_bucket, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_prevblkno, HashPageGetOpaque, i, IndexTupleSize, InvalidBuffer, xl_hash_move_page_contents::is_prim_bucket_same_wrt, ItemIdIsDead, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LockBuffer(), MarkBufferDirty(), MAXALIGN, MaxIndexTuplesPerPage, MaxOffsetNumber, xl_hash_move_page_contents::ntups, OffsetNumberNext, PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(), PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), PageIndexMultiDelete(), PageIsEmpty(), PageSetLSN(), pfree(), REGBUF_NO_CHANGE, REGBUF_NO_IMAGE, REGBUF_STANDARD, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashMovePageContents, START_CRIT_SECTION, XLOG_HASH_MOVE_PAGE_CONTENTS, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogEnsureRecordSpace(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by hashbucketcleanup().

◆ hashadjustmembers()

void hashadjustmembers ( Oid  opfamilyoid,
Oid  opclassoid,
List operators,
List functions 

Definition at line 272 of file hashvalidate.c.

276 {
277  Oid opcintype;
278  ListCell *lc;
280  /*
281  * Hash operators and required support functions are always "loose"
282  * members of the opfamily if they are cross-type. If they are not
283  * cross-type, we prefer to tie them to the appropriate opclass ... but if
284  * the user hasn't created one, we can't do that, and must fall back to
285  * using the opfamily dependency. (We mustn't force creation of an
286  * opclass in such a case, as leaving an incomplete opclass laying about
287  * would be bad. Throwing an error is another undesirable alternative.)
288  *
289  * This behavior results in a bit of a dump/reload hazard, in that the
290  * order of restoring objects could affect what dependencies we end up
291  * with. pg_dump's existing behavior will preserve the dependency choices
292  * in most cases, but not if a cross-type operator has been bound tightly
293  * into an opclass. That's a mistake anyway, so silently "fixing" it
294  * isn't awful.
295  *
296  * Optional support functions are always "loose" family members.
297  *
298  * To avoid repeated lookups, we remember the most recently used opclass's
299  * input type.
300  */
301  if (OidIsValid(opclassoid))
302  {
303  /* During CREATE OPERATOR CLASS, need CCI to see the pg_opclass row */
305  opcintype = get_opclass_input_type(opclassoid);
306  }
307  else
308  opcintype = InvalidOid;
310  /*
311  * We handle operators and support functions almost identically, so rather
312  * than duplicate this code block, just join the lists.
313  */
314  foreach(lc, list_concat_copy(operators, functions))
315  {
316  OpFamilyMember *op = (OpFamilyMember *) lfirst(lc);
318  if (op->is_func && op->number != HASHSTANDARD_PROC)
319  {
320  /* Optional support proc, so always a soft family dependency */
321  op->ref_is_hard = false;
322  op->ref_is_family = true;
323  op->refobjid = opfamilyoid;
324  }
325  else if (op->lefttype != op->righttype)
326  {
327  /* Cross-type, so always a soft family dependency */
328  op->ref_is_hard = false;
329  op->ref_is_family = true;
330  op->refobjid = opfamilyoid;
331  }
332  else
333  {
334  /* Not cross-type; is there a suitable opclass? */
335  if (op->lefttype != opcintype)
336  {
337  /* Avoid repeating this expensive lookup, even if it fails */
338  opcintype = op->lefttype;
339  opclassoid = opclass_for_family_datatype(HASH_AM_OID,
340  opfamilyoid,
341  opcintype);
342  }
343  if (OidIsValid(opclassoid))
344  {
345  /* Hard dependency on opclass */
346  op->ref_is_hard = true;
347  op->ref_is_family = false;
348  op->refobjid = opclassoid;
349  }
350  else
351  {
352  /* We're stuck, so make a soft dependency on the opfamily */
353  op->ref_is_hard = false;
354  op->ref_is_family = true;
355  op->refobjid = opfamilyoid;
356  }
357  }
358  }
359 }
Oid opclass_for_family_datatype(Oid amoid, Oid opfamilyoid, Oid datatypeoid)
Definition: amvalidate.c:236
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:775
List * list_concat_copy(const List *list1, const List *list2)
Definition: list.c:598
Oid get_opclass_input_type(Oid opclass)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1212
#define lfirst(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:172
static const struct fns functions
Definition: regcomp.c:356
Oid refobjid
Definition: amapi.h:90
Oid lefttype
Definition: amapi.h:85
bool ref_is_family
Definition: amapi.h:89
Oid righttype
Definition: amapi.h:86
int number
Definition: amapi.h:84
bool is_func
Definition: amapi.h:82
bool ref_is_hard
Definition: amapi.h:88
void CommandCounterIncrement(void)
Definition: xact.c:1099

References CommandCounterIncrement(), functions, get_opclass_input_type(), HASHSTANDARD_PROC, InvalidOid, OpFamilyMember::is_func, OpFamilyMember::lefttype, lfirst, list_concat_copy(), OpFamilyMember::number, OidIsValid, opclass_for_family_datatype(), OpFamilyMember::ref_is_family, OpFamilyMember::ref_is_hard, OpFamilyMember::refobjid, and OpFamilyMember::righttype.

Referenced by hashhandler().

◆ hashbeginscan()

IndexScanDesc hashbeginscan ( Relation  rel,
int  nkeys,
int  norderbys 

Definition at line 368 of file hash.c.

369 {
370  IndexScanDesc scan;
371  HashScanOpaque so;
373  /* no order by operators allowed */
374  Assert(norderbys == 0);
376  scan = RelationGetIndexScan(rel, nkeys, norderbys);
378  so = (HashScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(HashScanOpaqueData));
383  so->hashso_buc_populated = false;
384  so->hashso_buc_split = false;
386  so->killedItems = NULL;
387  so->numKilled = 0;
389  scan->opaque = so;
391  return scan;
392 }
IndexScanDesc RelationGetIndexScan(Relation indexRelation, int nkeys, int norderbys)
Definition: genam.c:78
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317

References Assert, HashScanOpaqueData::currPos, HashScanPosInvalidate, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_populated, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_buc_split, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_bucket_buf, HashScanOpaqueData::hashso_split_bucket_buf, InvalidBuffer, HashScanOpaqueData::killedItems, HashScanOpaqueData::numKilled, IndexScanDescData::opaque, palloc(), and RelationGetIndexScan().

Referenced by hashhandler().

◆ hashbucketcleanup()

void hashbucketcleanup ( Relation  rel,
Bucket  cur_bucket,
Buffer  bucket_buf,
BlockNumber  bucket_blkno,
BufferAccessStrategy  bstrategy,
uint32  maxbucket,
uint32  highmask,
uint32  lowmask,
double *  tuples_removed,
double *  num_index_tuples,
bool  split_cleanup,
IndexBulkDeleteCallback  callback,
void *  callback_state 

Definition at line 684 of file hash.c.

690 {
691  BlockNumber blkno;
692  Buffer buf;
694  bool bucket_dirty = false;
696  blkno = bucket_blkno;
697  buf = bucket_buf;
699  if (split_cleanup)
700  new_bucket = _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(rel, cur_bucket,
701  lowmask, maxbucket);
703  /* Scan each page in bucket */
704  for (;;)
705  {
706  HashPageOpaque opaque;
707  OffsetNumber offno;
708  OffsetNumber maxoffno;
709  Buffer next_buf;
710  Page page;
711  OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
712  int ndeletable = 0;
713  bool retain_pin = false;
714  bool clear_dead_marking = false;
718  page = BufferGetPage(buf);
719  opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
721  /* Scan each tuple in page */
722  maxoffno = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
723  for (offno = FirstOffsetNumber;
724  offno <= maxoffno;
725  offno = OffsetNumberNext(offno))
726  {
727  ItemPointer htup;
728  IndexTuple itup;
729  Bucket bucket;
730  bool kill_tuple = false;
732  itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,
733  PageGetItemId(page, offno));
734  htup = &(itup->t_tid);
736  /*
737  * To remove the dead tuples, we strictly want to rely on results
738  * of callback function. refer btvacuumpage for detailed reason.
739  */
740  if (callback && callback(htup, callback_state))
741  {
742  kill_tuple = true;
743  if (tuples_removed)
744  *tuples_removed += 1;
745  }
746  else if (split_cleanup)
747  {
748  /* delete the tuples that are moved by split. */
750  maxbucket,
751  highmask,
752  lowmask);
753  /* mark the item for deletion */
754  if (bucket != cur_bucket)
755  {
756  /*
757  * We expect tuples to either belong to current bucket or
758  * new_bucket. This is ensured because we don't allow
759  * further splits from bucket that contains garbage. See
760  * comments in _hash_expandtable.
761  */
762  Assert(bucket == new_bucket);
763  kill_tuple = true;
764  }
765  }
767  if (kill_tuple)
768  {
769  /* mark the item for deletion */
770  deletable[ndeletable++] = offno;
771  }
772  else
773  {
774  /* we're keeping it, so count it */
775  if (num_index_tuples)
776  *num_index_tuples += 1;
777  }
778  }
780  /* retain the pin on primary bucket page till end of bucket scan */
781  if (blkno == bucket_blkno)
782  retain_pin = true;
783  else
784  retain_pin = false;
786  blkno = opaque->hasho_nextblkno;
788  /*
789  * Apply deletions, advance to next page and write page if needed.
790  */
791  if (ndeletable > 0)
792  {
793  /* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
796  PageIndexMultiDelete(page, deletable, ndeletable);
797  bucket_dirty = true;
799  /*
800  * Let us mark the page as clean if vacuum removes the DEAD tuples
801  * from an index page. We do this by clearing
803  */
804  if (tuples_removed && *tuples_removed > 0 &&
805  H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES(opaque))
806  {
808  clear_dead_marking = true;
809  }
813  /* XLOG stuff */
814  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
815  {
816  xl_hash_delete xlrec;
817  XLogRecPtr recptr;
819  xlrec.clear_dead_marking = clear_dead_marking;
820  xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page = (buf == bucket_buf);
822  XLogBeginInsert();
823  XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashDelete);
825  /*
826  * bucket buffer was not changed, but still needs to be
827  * registered to ensure that we can acquire a cleanup lock on
828  * it during replay.
829  */
830  if (!xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page)
831  {
834  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, flags);
835  }
838  XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) deletable,
839  ndeletable * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
841  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_DELETE);
842  PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf), recptr);
843  }
846  }
848  /* bail out if there are no more pages to scan. */
849  if (!BlockNumberIsValid(blkno))
850  break;
852  next_buf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel, blkno, HASH_WRITE,
854  bstrategy);
856  /*
857  * release the lock on previous page after acquiring the lock on next
858  * page
859  */
860  if (retain_pin)
862  else
863  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
865  buf = next_buf;
866  }
868  /*
869  * lock the bucket page to clear the garbage flag and squeeze the bucket.
870  * if the current buffer is same as bucket buffer, then we already have
871  * lock on bucket page.
872  */
873  if (buf != bucket_buf)
874  {
875  _hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
876  LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
877  }
879  /*
880  * Clear the garbage flag from bucket after deleting the tuples that are
881  * moved by split. We purposefully clear the flag before squeeze bucket,
882  * so that after restart, vacuum shouldn't again try to delete the moved
883  * by split tuples.
884  */
885  if (split_cleanup)
886  {
887  HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
888  Page page;
890  page = BufferGetPage(bucket_buf);
891  bucket_opaque = HashPageGetOpaque(page);
893  /* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */
896  bucket_opaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP;
897  MarkBufferDirty(bucket_buf);
899  /* XLOG stuff */
900  if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
901  {
902  XLogRecPtr recptr;
904  XLogBeginInsert();
905  XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
907  recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_SPLIT_CLEANUP);
908  PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
909  }
912  }
914  /*
915  * If we have deleted anything, try to compact free space. For squeezing
916  * the bucket, we must have a cleanup lock, else it can impact the
917  * ordering of tuples for a scan that has started before it.
918  */
919  if (bucket_dirty && IsBufferCleanupOK(bucket_buf))
920  _hash_squeezebucket(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_blkno, bucket_buf,
921  bstrategy);
922  else
923  LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
924 }
Definition: hash.h:60
Definition: hash_xlog.h:37
#define SizeOfHashDelete
Definition: hash_xlog.h:186
Definition: hash_xlog.h:36
void _hash_squeezebucket(Relation rel, Bucket bucket, BlockNumber bucket_blkno, Buffer bucket_buf, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
Definition: hashovfl.c:842
bool clear_dead_marking
Definition: hash_xlog.h:180
bool is_primary_bucket_page
Definition: hash_xlog.h:182
static void callback(struct sockaddr *addr, struct sockaddr *mask, void *unused)
Definition: test_ifaddrs.c:46
void vacuum_delay_point(void)
Definition: vacuum.c:2337

References _hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(), _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_hashkey2bucket(), _hash_relbuf(), _hash_squeezebucket(), Assert, BlockNumberIsValid(), buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferGetPage(), callback(), xl_hash_delete::clear_dead_marking, END_CRIT_SECTION, FirstOffsetNumber, H_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES, HASH_WRITE, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_flag, HashPageOpaqueData::hasho_nextblkno, HashPageGetOpaque, InvalidBucket, xl_hash_delete::is_primary_bucket_page, IsBufferCleanupOK(), LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE, LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES, LockBuffer(), MarkBufferDirty(), MaxOffsetNumber, OffsetNumberNext, PageGetItem(), PageGetItemId(), PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(), PageIndexMultiDelete(), PageSetLSN(), PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY, REGBUF_NO_CHANGE, REGBUF_NO_IMAGE, REGBUF_STANDARD, RelationNeedsWAL, SizeOfHashDelete, START_CRIT_SECTION, IndexTupleData::t_tid, vacuum_delay_point(), XLOG_HASH_DELETE, XLOG_HASH_SPLIT_CLEANUP, XLogBeginInsert(), XLogInsert(), XLogRegisterBufData(), XLogRegisterBuffer(), and XLogRegisterData().

Referenced by _hash_expandtable(), _hash_splitbucket(), and hashbulkdelete().

◆ hashbuild()

IndexBuildResult* hashbuild ( Relation  heap,
Relation  index,
struct IndexInfo indexInfo 

Definition at line 116 of file hash.c.

117 {
118  IndexBuildResult *result;
119  BlockNumber relpages;
120  double reltuples;
121  double allvisfrac;
122  uint32 num_buckets;
123  long sort_threshold;
124  HashBuildState buildstate;
126  /*
127  * We expect to be called exactly once for any index relation. If that's
128  * not the case, big trouble's what we have.
129  */
131  elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" already contains data",
134  /* Estimate the number of rows currently present in the table */
135  estimate_rel_size(heap, NULL, &relpages, &reltuples, &allvisfrac);
137  /* Initialize the hash index metadata page and initial buckets */
138  num_buckets = _hash_init(index, reltuples, MAIN_FORKNUM);
140  /*
141  * If we just insert the tuples into the index in scan order, then
142  * (assuming their hash codes are pretty random) there will be no locality
143  * of access to the index, and if the index is bigger than available RAM
144  * then we'll thrash horribly. To prevent that scenario, we can sort the
145  * tuples by (expected) bucket number. However, such a sort is useless
146  * overhead when the index does fit in RAM. We choose to sort if the
147  * initial index size exceeds maintenance_work_mem, or the number of
148  * buffers usable for the index, whichever is less. (Limiting by the
149  * number of buffers should reduce thrashing between PG buffers and kernel
150  * buffers, which seems useful even if no physical I/O results. Limiting
151  * by maintenance_work_mem is useful to allow easy testing of the sort
152  * code path, and may be useful to DBAs as an additional control knob.)
153  *
154  * NOTE: this test will need adjustment if a bucket is ever different from
155  * one page. Also, "initial index size" accounting does not include the
156  * metapage, nor the first bitmap page.
157  */
158  sort_threshold = (maintenance_work_mem * 1024L) / BLCKSZ;
159  if (index->rd_rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
160  sort_threshold = Min(sort_threshold, NBuffers);
161  else
162  sort_threshold = Min(sort_threshold, NLocBuffer);
164  if (num_buckets >= (uint32) sort_threshold)
165  buildstate.spool = _h_spoolinit(heap, index, num_buckets);
166  else
167  buildstate.spool = NULL;
169  /* prepare to build the index */
170  buildstate.indtuples = 0;
171  buildstate.heapRel = heap;
173  /* do the heap scan */
174  reltuples = table_index_build_scan(heap, index, indexInfo, true, true,
176  (void *) &buildstate, NULL);
178  buildstate.indtuples);
180  if (buildstate.spool)
181  {
182  /* sort the tuples and insert them into the index */
183  _h_indexbuild(buildstate.spool, buildstate.heapRel);
184  _h_spooldestroy(buildstate.spool);
185  }
187  /*
188  * Return statistics
189  */
190  result = (IndexBuildResult *) palloc(sizeof(IndexBuildResult));
192  result->heap_tuples = reltuples;
193  result->index_tuples = buildstate.indtuples;
195  return result;
196 }
#define RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(reln)
Definition: bufmgr.h:273
#define Min(x, y)
Definition: c.h:1004
int NBuffers
Definition: globals.c:141
static void hashbuildCallback(Relation index, ItemPointer tid, Datum *values, bool *isnull, bool tupleIsAlive, void *state)
Definition: hash.c:211
uint32 _hash_init(Relation rel, double num_tuples, ForkNumber forkNum)
Definition: hashpage.c:327
void _h_indexbuild(HSpool *hspool, Relation heapRel)
Definition: hashsort.c:120
HSpool * _h_spoolinit(Relation heap, Relation index, uint32 num_buckets)
Definition: hashsort.c:60
void _h_spooldestroy(HSpool *hspool)
Definition: hashsort.c:99
int NLocBuffer
Definition: localbuf.c:42
void estimate_rel_size(Relation rel, int32 *attr_widths, BlockNumber *pages, double *tuples, double *allvisfrac)
Definition: plancat.c:1066
Definition: progress.h:87
HSpool * spool
Definition: hash.c:39
Relation heapRel
Definition: hash.c:41
double indtuples
Definition: hash.c:40
double heap_tuples
Definition: genam.h:32
double index_tuples
Definition: genam.h:33
static double table_index_build_scan(Relation table_rel, Relation index_rel, struct IndexInfo *index_info, bool allow_sync, bool progress, IndexBuildCallback callback, void *callback_state, TableScanDesc scan)
Definition: tableam.h:1775

References _h_indexbuild(), _h_spooldestroy(), _h_spoolinit(), _hash_init(), elog, ERROR, estimate_rel_size(), hashbuildCallback(), IndexBuildResult::heap_tuples, HashBuildState::heapRel, IndexBuildResult::index_tuples, HashBuildState::indtuples, MAIN_FORKNUM, maintenance_work_mem, Min, NBuffers, NLocBuffer, palloc(), pgstat_progress_update_param(), PROGRESS_CREATEIDX_TUPLES_TOTAL, RelationGetNumberOfBlocks, RelationGetRelationName, HashBuildState::spool, and table_index_build_scan().

Referenced by hashhandler().

◆ hashbuildempty()

void hashbuildempty ( Relation  index)

Definition at line 202 of file hash.c.

203 {
205 }

References _hash_init(), and INIT_FORKNUM.

Referenced by hashhandler().

◆ hashbulkdelete()

IndexBulkDeleteResult* hashbulkdelete ( IndexVacuumInfo info,
IndexBulkDeleteResult stats,
IndexBulkDeleteCallback  callback,
void *  callback_state 

Definition at line 459 of file hash.c.

461 {
462  Relation rel = info->index;
463  double tuples_removed;
464  double num_index_tuples;
465  double orig_