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extended_stats.c File Reference
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/detoast.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/table.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext_data.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/progress.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "postmaster/autovacuum.h"
#include "statistics/extended_stats_internal.h"
#include "statistics/statistics.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/attoptcache.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/selfuncs.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
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Data Structures

struct  StatExtEntry
struct  AnlExprData


#define WIDTH_THRESHOLD   1024


typedef struct StatExtEntry StatExtEntry
typedef struct AnlExprData AnlExprData


static Listfetch_statentries_for_relation (Relation pg_statext, Oid relid)
static VacAttrStats ** lookup_var_attr_stats (Bitmapset *attrs, List *exprs, int nvacatts, VacAttrStats **vacatts)
static void statext_store (Oid statOid, bool inh, MVNDistinct *ndistinct, MVDependencies *dependencies, MCVList *mcv, Datum exprs, VacAttrStats **stats)
static int statext_compute_stattarget (int stattarget, int nattrs, VacAttrStats **stats)
static void compute_expr_stats (Relation onerel, AnlExprData *exprdata, int nexprs, HeapTuple *rows, int numrows)
static Datum serialize_expr_stats (AnlExprData *exprdata, int nexprs)
static Datum expr_fetch_func (VacAttrStatsP stats, int rownum, bool *isNull)
static AnlExprDatabuild_expr_data (List *exprs, int stattarget)
static StatsBuildDatamake_build_data (Relation rel, StatExtEntry *stat, int numrows, HeapTuple *rows, VacAttrStats **stats, int stattarget)
void BuildRelationExtStatistics (Relation onerel, bool inh, double totalrows, int numrows, HeapTuple *rows, int natts, VacAttrStats **vacattrstats)
int ComputeExtStatisticsRows (Relation onerel, int natts, VacAttrStats **vacattrstats)
bool statext_is_kind_built (HeapTuple htup, char type)
static VacAttrStatsexamine_attribute (Node *expr)
static VacAttrStatsexamine_expression (Node *expr, int stattarget)
MultiSortSupport multi_sort_init (int ndims)
void multi_sort_add_dimension (MultiSortSupport mss, int sortdim, Oid oper, Oid collation)
int multi_sort_compare (const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
int multi_sort_compare_dim (int dim, const SortItem *a, const SortItem *b, MultiSortSupport mss)
int multi_sort_compare_dims (int start, int end, const SortItem *a, const SortItem *b, MultiSortSupport mss)
int compare_scalars_simple (const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
int compare_datums_simple (Datum a, Datum b, SortSupport ssup)
AttrNumberbuild_attnums_array (Bitmapset *attrs, int nexprs, int *numattrs)
SortItembuild_sorted_items (StatsBuildData *data, int *nitems, MultiSortSupport mss, int numattrs, AttrNumber *attnums)
bool has_stats_of_kind (List *stats, char requiredkind)
static int stat_find_expression (StatisticExtInfo *stat, Node *expr)
static bool stat_covers_expressions (StatisticExtInfo *stat, List *exprs, Bitmapset **expr_idxs)
StatisticExtInfochoose_best_statistics (List *stats, char requiredkind, bool inh, Bitmapset **clause_attnums, List **clause_exprs, int nclauses)
static bool statext_is_compatible_clause_internal (PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause, Index relid, Bitmapset **attnums, List **exprs)
static bool statext_is_compatible_clause (PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause, Index relid, Bitmapset **attnums, List **exprs)
static Selectivity statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity (PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, RelOptInfo *rel, Bitmapset **estimatedclauses, bool is_or)
Selectivity statext_clauselist_selectivity (PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, RelOptInfo *rel, Bitmapset **estimatedclauses, bool is_or)
bool examine_opclause_args (List *args, Node **exprp, Const **cstp, bool *expronleftp)
HeapTuple statext_expressions_load (Oid stxoid, bool inh, int idx)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define WIDTH_THRESHOLD   1024

Definition at line 58 of file extended_stats.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnlExprData

typedef struct AnlExprData AnlExprData

◆ StatExtEntry

typedef struct StatExtEntry StatExtEntry

Function Documentation

◆ build_attnums_array()

AttrNumber * build_attnums_array ( Bitmapset attrs,
int  nexprs,
int *  numattrs 

Definition at line 938 of file extended_stats.c.

940 int i,
941 j;
942 AttrNumber *attnums;
943 int num = bms_num_members(attrs);
945 if (numattrs)
946 *numattrs = num;
948 /* build attnums from the bitmapset */
949 attnums = (AttrNumber *) palloc(sizeof(AttrNumber) * num);
950 i = 0;
951 j = -1;
952 while ((j = bms_next_member(attrs, j)) >= 0)
953 {
954 int attnum = (j - nexprs);
956 /*
957 * Make sure the bitmap contains only user-defined attributes. As
958 * bitmaps can't contain negative values, this can be violated in two
959 * ways. Firstly, the bitmap might contain 0 as a member, and secondly
960 * the integer value might be larger than MaxAttrNumber.
961 */
964 Assert(attnum >= (-nexprs));
966 attnums[i++] = (AttrNumber) attnum;
968 /* protect against overflows */
969 Assert(i <= num);
970 }
972 return attnums;
int16 AttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:21
#define AttributeNumberIsValid(attributeNumber)
Definition: attnum.h:34
#define MaxAttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:24
int bms_next_member(const Bitmapset *a, int prevbit)
Definition: bitmapset.c:1306
int bms_num_members(const Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:751
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:815
int j
Definition: isn.c:73
int i
Definition: isn.c:72
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317
int16 attnum
Definition: pg_attribute.h:74

References Assert, attnum, AttributeNumberIsValid, bms_next_member(), bms_num_members(), i, j, MaxAttrNumber, and palloc().

◆ build_expr_data()

static AnlExprData * build_expr_data ( List exprs,
int  stattarget 

Definition at line 2266 of file extended_stats.c.

2268 int idx;
2269 int nexprs = list_length(exprs);
2270 AnlExprData *exprdata;
2271 ListCell *lc;
2273 exprdata = (AnlExprData *) palloc0(nexprs * sizeof(AnlExprData));
2275 idx = 0;
2276 foreach(lc, exprs)
2277 {
2278 Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
2279 AnlExprData *thisdata = &exprdata[idx];
2281 thisdata->expr = expr;
2282 thisdata->vacattrstat = examine_expression(expr, stattarget);
2283 idx++;
2284 }
2286 return exprdata;
Definition: _int_op.c:259
static VacAttrStats * examine_expression(Node *expr, int stattarget)
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
#define lfirst(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:172
static int list_length(const List *l)
Definition: pg_list.h:152
VacAttrStats * vacattrstat
Definition: nodes.h:129

References examine_expression(), AnlExprData::expr, idx(), lfirst, list_length(), palloc0(), and AnlExprData::vacattrstat.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics().

◆ build_sorted_items()

SortItem * build_sorted_items ( StatsBuildData data,
int *  nitems,
MultiSortSupport  mss,
int  numattrs,
AttrNumber attnums 

Definition at line 983 of file extended_stats.c.

987 int i,
988 j,
989 len,
990 nrows;
991 int nvalues = data->numrows * numattrs;
994 Datum *values;
995 bool *isnull;
996 char *ptr;
997 int *typlen;
999 /* Compute the total amount of memory we need (both items and values). */
1000 len = data->numrows * sizeof(SortItem) + nvalues * (sizeof(Datum) + sizeof(bool));
1002 /* Allocate the memory and split it into the pieces. */
1003 ptr = palloc0(len);
1005 /* items to sort */
1006 items = (SortItem *) ptr;
1007 ptr += data->numrows * sizeof(SortItem);
1009 /* values and null flags */
1010 values = (Datum *) ptr;
1011 ptr += nvalues * sizeof(Datum);
1013 isnull = (bool *) ptr;
1014 ptr += nvalues * sizeof(bool);
1016 /* make sure we consumed the whole buffer exactly */
1017 Assert((ptr - (char *) items) == len);
1019 /* fix the pointers to Datum and bool arrays */
1020 nrows = 0;
1021 for (i = 0; i < data->numrows; i++)
1022 {
1023 items[nrows].values = &values[nrows * numattrs];
1024 items[nrows].isnull = &isnull[nrows * numattrs];
1026 nrows++;
1027 }
1029 /* build a local cache of typlen for all attributes */
1030 typlen = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * data->nattnums);
1031 for (i = 0; i < data->nattnums; i++)
1032 typlen[i] = get_typlen(data->stats[i]->attrtypid);
1034 nrows = 0;
1035 for (i = 0; i < data->numrows; i++)
1036 {
1037 bool toowide = false;
1039 /* load the values/null flags from sample rows */
1040 for (j = 0; j < numattrs; j++)
1041 {
1042 Datum value;
1043 bool isnull;
1044 int attlen;
1045 AttrNumber attnum = attnums[j];
1047 int idx;
1049 /* match attnum to the pre-calculated data */
1050 for (idx = 0; idx < data->nattnums; idx++)
1051 {
1052 if (attnum == data->attnums[idx])
1053 break;
1054 }
1056 Assert(idx < data->nattnums);
1058 value = data->values[idx][i];
1059 isnull = data->nulls[idx][i];
1060 attlen = typlen[idx];
1062 /*
1063 * If this is a varlena value, check if it's too wide and if yes
1064 * then skip the whole item. Otherwise detoast the value.
1065 *
1066 * XXX It may happen that we've already detoasted some preceding
1067 * values for the current item. We don't bother to cleanup those
1068 * on the assumption that those are small (below WIDTH_THRESHOLD)
1069 * and will be discarded at the end of analyze.
1070 */
1071 if ((!isnull) && (attlen == -1))
1072 {
1074 {
1075 toowide = true;
1076 break;
1077 }
1080 }
1082 items[nrows].values[j] = value;
1083 items[nrows].isnull[j] = isnull;
1084 }
1086 if (toowide)
1087 continue;
1089 nrows++;
1090 }
1092 /* store the actual number of items (ignoring the too-wide ones) */
1093 *nitems = nrows;
1095 /* all items were too wide */
1096 if (nrows == 0)
1097 {
1098 /* everything is allocated as a single chunk */
1099 pfree(items);
1100 return NULL;
1101 }
1103 /* do the sort, using the multi-sort */
1104 qsort_interruptible(items, nrows, sizeof(SortItem),
1105 multi_sort_compare, mss);
1107 return items;
static Datum values[MAXATTR]
Definition: bootstrap.c:151
Size toast_raw_datum_size(Datum value)
Definition: detoast.c:545
int multi_sort_compare(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
struct SortItem SortItem
#define PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datum)
Definition: fmgr.h:240
#define nitems(x)
Definition: indent.h:31
static struct @162 value
int16 get_typlen(Oid typid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:2224
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
int16 attlen
Definition: pg_attribute.h:59
const void size_t len
const void * data
void qsort_interruptible(void *base, size_t nel, size_t elsize, qsort_arg_comparator cmp, void *arg)
static Datum PointerGetDatum(const void *X)
Definition: postgres.h:327
uintptr_t Datum
Definition: postgres.h:69
static ItemArray items
Definition: test_tidstore.c:48

References Assert, attlen, attnum, data, get_typlen(), i, idx(), items, j, len, multi_sort_compare(), nitems, palloc(), palloc0(), pfree(), PG_DETOAST_DATUM, PointerGetDatum(), qsort_interruptible(), toast_raw_datum_size(), value, values, and WIDTH_THRESHOLD.

Referenced by dependency_degree(), and statext_mcv_build().

◆ BuildRelationExtStatistics()

void BuildRelationExtStatistics ( Relation  onerel,
bool  inh,
double  totalrows,
int  numrows,
HeapTuple rows,
int  natts,
VacAttrStats **  vacattrstats 

Definition at line 111 of file extended_stats.c.

115 Relation pg_stext;
116 ListCell *lc;
117 List *statslist;
118 MemoryContext cxt;
119 MemoryContext oldcxt;
120 int64 ext_cnt;
122 /* Do nothing if there are no columns to analyze. */
123 if (!natts)
124 return;
126 /* the list of stats has to be allocated outside the memory context */
127 pg_stext = table_open(StatisticExtRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
128 statslist = fetch_statentries_for_relation(pg_stext, RelationGetRelid(onerel));
130 /* memory context for building each statistics object */
132 "BuildRelationExtStatistics",
134 oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(cxt);
136 /* report this phase */
137 if (statslist != NIL)
138 {
139 const int index[] = {
142 };
143 const int64 val[] = {
145 list_length(statslist)
146 };
149 }
151 ext_cnt = 0;
152 foreach(lc, statslist)
153 {
155 MVNDistinct *ndistinct = NULL;
156 MVDependencies *dependencies = NULL;
157 MCVList *mcv = NULL;
158 Datum exprstats = (Datum) 0;
159 VacAttrStats **stats;
160 ListCell *lc2;
161 int stattarget;
164 /*
165 * Check if we can build these stats based on the column analyzed. If
166 * not, report this fact (except in autovacuum) and move on.
167 */
168 stats = lookup_var_attr_stats(stat->columns, stat->exprs,
169 natts, vacattrstats);
170 if (!stats)
171 {
175 errmsg("statistics object \"%s.%s\" could not be computed for relation \"%s.%s\"",
176 stat->schema, stat->name,
177 get_namespace_name(onerel->rd_rel->relnamespace),
179 errtable(onerel)));
180 continue;
181 }
183 /* compute statistics target for this statistics object */
184 stattarget = statext_compute_stattarget(stat->stattarget,
185 bms_num_members(stat->columns),
186 stats);
188 /*
189 * Don't rebuild statistics objects with statistics target set to 0
190 * (we just leave the existing values around, just like we do for
191 * regular per-column statistics).
192 */
193 if (stattarget == 0)
194 continue;
196 /* evaluate expressions (if the statistics object has any) */
197 data = make_build_data(onerel, stat, numrows, rows, stats, stattarget);
199 /* compute statistic of each requested type */
200 foreach(lc2, stat->types)
201 {
202 char t = (char) lfirst_int(lc2);
205 ndistinct = statext_ndistinct_build(totalrows, data);
206 else if (t == STATS_EXT_DEPENDENCIES)
207 dependencies = statext_dependencies_build(data);
208 else if (t == STATS_EXT_MCV)
209 mcv = statext_mcv_build(data, totalrows, stattarget);
210 else if (t == STATS_EXT_EXPRESSIONS)
211 {
212 AnlExprData *exprdata;
213 int nexprs;
215 /* should not happen, thanks to checks when defining stats */
216 if (!stat->exprs)
217 elog(ERROR, "requested expression stats, but there are no expressions");
219 exprdata = build_expr_data(stat->exprs, stattarget);
220 nexprs = list_length(stat->exprs);
222 compute_expr_stats(onerel, exprdata, nexprs, rows, numrows);
224 exprstats = serialize_expr_stats(exprdata, nexprs);
225 }
226 }
228 /* store the statistics in the catalog */
229 statext_store(stat->statOid, inh,
230 ndistinct, dependencies, mcv, exprstats, stats);
232 /* for reporting progress */
234 ++ext_cnt);
236 /* free the data used for building this statistics object */
238 }
240 MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
243 list_free(statslist);
245 table_close(pg_stext, RowExclusiveLock);
void pgstat_progress_update_param(int index, int64 val)
void pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(int nparam, const int *index, const int64 *val)
int64_t int64
Definition: c.h:485
MVDependencies * statext_dependencies_build(StatsBuildData *data)
Definition: dependencies.c:348
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define WARNING
Definition: elog.h:36
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
static AnlExprData * build_expr_data(List *exprs, int stattarget)
static VacAttrStats ** lookup_var_attr_stats(Bitmapset *attrs, List *exprs, int nvacatts, VacAttrStats **vacatts)
static StatsBuildData * make_build_data(Relation rel, StatExtEntry *stat, int numrows, HeapTuple *rows, VacAttrStats **stats, int stattarget)
static List * fetch_statentries_for_relation(Relation pg_statext, Oid relid)
static void statext_store(Oid statOid, bool inh, MVNDistinct *ndistinct, MVDependencies *dependencies, MCVList *mcv, Datum exprs, VacAttrStats **stats)
static int statext_compute_stattarget(int stattarget, int nattrs, VacAttrStats **stats)
static void compute_expr_stats(Relation onerel, AnlExprData *exprdata, int nexprs, HeapTuple *rows, int numrows)
static Datum serialize_expr_stats(AnlExprData *exprdata, int nexprs)
long val
Definition: informix.c:689
void list_free(List *list)
Definition: list.c:1546
#define RowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:38
char * get_namespace_name(Oid nspid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:3393
MCVList * statext_mcv_build(StatsBuildData *data, double totalrows, int stattarget)
Definition: mcv.c:180
void MemoryContextReset(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:383
MemoryContext CurrentMemoryContext
Definition: mcxt.c:143
void MemoryContextDelete(MemoryContext context)
Definition: mcxt.c:454
#define AllocSetContextCreate
Definition: memutils.h:129
Definition: memutils.h:160
#define AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess()
Definition: miscadmin.h:381
MVNDistinct * statext_ndistinct_build(double totalrows, StatsBuildData *data)
Definition: mvdistinct.c:88
static MemoryContext MemoryContextSwitchTo(MemoryContext context)
Definition: palloc.h:124
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
#define lfirst_int(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:173
Definition: progress.h:46
Definition: progress.h:42
Definition: progress.h:56
Definition: progress.h:45
#define RelationGetRelid(relation)
Definition: rel.h:512
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:546
int errtable(Relation rel)
Definition: relcache.c:5972
Definition: pg_list.h:54
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111
Definition: type.h:96
void table_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:126
Relation table_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:40

References ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES, AllocSetContextCreate, AmAutoVacuumWorkerProcess, bms_num_members(), build_expr_data(), compute_expr_stats(), CurrentMemoryContext, data, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, errtable(), fetch_statentries_for_relation(), get_namespace_name(), lfirst, lfirst_int, list_free(), list_length(), lookup_var_attr_stats(), make_build_data(), MemoryContextDelete(), MemoryContextReset(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NIL, pgstat_progress_update_multi_param(), pgstat_progress_update_param(), PROGRESS_ANALYZE_EXT_STATS_COMPUTED, PROGRESS_ANALYZE_EXT_STATS_TOTAL, PROGRESS_ANALYZE_PHASE, PROGRESS_ANALYZE_PHASE_COMPUTE_EXT_STATS, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetRelid, RowExclusiveLock, serialize_expr_stats(), statext_compute_stattarget(), statext_dependencies_build(), statext_mcv_build(), statext_ndistinct_build(), statext_store(), table_close(), table_open(), val, and WARNING.

Referenced by do_analyze_rel().

◆ choose_best_statistics()

StatisticExtInfo * choose_best_statistics ( List stats,
char  requiredkind,
bool  inh,
Bitmapset **  clause_attnums,
List **  clause_exprs,
int  nclauses 

Definition at line 1206 of file extended_stats.c.

1210 ListCell *lc;
1211 StatisticExtInfo *best_match = NULL;
1212 int best_num_matched = 2; /* goal #1: maximize */
1213 int best_match_keys = (STATS_MAX_DIMENSIONS + 1); /* goal #2: minimize */
1215 foreach(lc, stats)
1216 {
1217 int i;
1219 Bitmapset *matched_attnums = NULL;
1220 Bitmapset *matched_exprs = NULL;
1221 int num_matched;
1222 int numkeys;
1224 /* skip statistics that are not of the correct type */
1225 if (info->kind != requiredkind)
1226 continue;
1228 /* skip statistics with mismatching inheritance flag */
1229 if (info->inherit != inh)
1230 continue;
1232 /*
1233 * Collect attributes and expressions in remaining (unestimated)
1234 * clauses fully covered by this statistic object.
1235 *
1236 * We know already estimated clauses have both clause_attnums and
1237 * clause_exprs set to NULL. We leave the pointers NULL if already
1238 * estimated, or we reset them to NULL after estimating the clause.
1239 */
1240 for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++)
1241 {
1242 Bitmapset *expr_idxs = NULL;
1244 /* ignore incompatible/estimated clauses */
1245 if (!clause_attnums[i] && !clause_exprs[i])
1246 continue;
1248 /* ignore clauses that are not covered by this object */
1249 if (!bms_is_subset(clause_attnums[i], info->keys) ||
1250 !stat_covers_expressions(info, clause_exprs[i], &expr_idxs))
1251 continue;
1253 /* record attnums and indexes of expressions covered */
1254 matched_attnums = bms_add_members(matched_attnums, clause_attnums[i]);
1255 matched_exprs = bms_add_members(matched_exprs, expr_idxs);
1256 }
1258 num_matched = bms_num_members(matched_attnums) + bms_num_members(matched_exprs);
1260 bms_free(matched_attnums);
1261 bms_free(matched_exprs);
1263 /*
1264 * save the actual number of keys in the stats so that we can choose
1265 * the narrowest stats with the most matching keys.
1266 */
1267 numkeys = bms_num_members(info->keys) + list_length(info->exprs);
1269 /*
1270 * Use this object when it increases the number of matched attributes
1271 * and expressions or when it matches the same number of attributes
1272 * and expressions but these stats have fewer keys than any previous
1273 * match.
1274 */
1275 if (num_matched > best_num_matched ||
1276 (num_matched == best_num_matched && numkeys < best_match_keys))
1277 {
1278 best_match = info;
1279 best_num_matched = num_matched;
1280 best_match_keys = numkeys;
1281 }
1282 }
1284 return best_match;
bool bms_is_subset(const Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b)
Definition: bitmapset.c:412
void bms_free(Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:239
Bitmapset * bms_add_members(Bitmapset *a, const Bitmapset *b)
Definition: bitmapset.c:917
static bool stat_covers_expressions(StatisticExtInfo *stat, List *exprs, Bitmapset **expr_idxs)
Definition: statistics.h:19
Bitmapset * keys
Definition: pathnodes.h:1313

References bms_add_members(), bms_free(), bms_is_subset(), bms_num_members(), StatisticExtInfo::exprs, i, StatisticExtInfo::inherit, StatisticExtInfo::keys, StatisticExtInfo::kind, lfirst, list_length(), stat_covers_expressions(), and STATS_MAX_DIMENSIONS.

Referenced by statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity().

◆ compare_datums_simple()

int compare_datums_simple ( Datum  a,
Datum  b,
SortSupport  ssup 

Definition at line 924 of file extended_stats.c.

926 return ApplySortComparator(a, false, b, false, ssup);
int b
Definition: isn.c:69
int a
Definition: isn.c:68
static int ApplySortComparator(Datum datum1, bool isNull1, Datum datum2, bool isNull2, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.h:200

References a, ApplySortComparator(), and b.

Referenced by compare_scalars_simple(), and statext_mcv_serialize().

◆ compare_scalars_simple()

int compare_scalars_simple ( const void *  a,
const void *  b,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 916 of file extended_stats.c.

918 return compare_datums_simple(*(Datum *) a,
919 *(Datum *) b,
920 (SortSupport) arg);
int compare_datums_simple(Datum a, Datum b, SortSupport ssup)
void * arg

References a, arg, b, and compare_datums_simple().

Referenced by statext_mcv_serialize().

◆ compute_expr_stats()

static void compute_expr_stats ( Relation  onerel,
AnlExprData exprdata,
int  nexprs,
HeapTuple rows,
int  numrows 

Definition at line 2107 of file extended_stats.c.

2110 MemoryContext expr_context,
2111 old_context;
2112 int ind,
2113 i;
2116 "Analyze Expression",
2118 old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(expr_context);
2120 for (ind = 0; ind < nexprs; ind++)
2121 {
2122 AnlExprData *thisdata = &exprdata[ind];
2123 VacAttrStats *stats = thisdata->vacattrstat;
2124 Node *expr = thisdata->expr;
2125 TupleTableSlot *slot;
2126 EState *estate;
2127 ExprContext *econtext;
2128 Datum *exprvals;
2129 bool *exprnulls;
2130 ExprState *exprstate;
2131 int tcnt;
2133 /* Are we still in the main context? */
2134 Assert(CurrentMemoryContext == expr_context);
2136 /*
2137 * Need an EState for evaluation of expressions. Create it in the
2138 * per-expression context to be sure it gets cleaned up at the bottom
2139 * of the loop.
2140 */
2141 estate = CreateExecutorState();
2142 econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);
2144 /* Set up expression evaluation state */
2145 exprstate = ExecPrepareExpr((Expr *) expr, estate);
2147 /* Need a slot to hold the current heap tuple, too */
2151 /* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */
2152 econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
2154 /* Compute and save expression values */
2155 exprvals = (Datum *) palloc(numrows * sizeof(Datum));
2156 exprnulls = (bool *) palloc(numrows * sizeof(bool));
2158 tcnt = 0;
2159 for (i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
2160 {
2161 Datum datum;
2162 bool isnull;
2164 /*
2165 * Reset the per-tuple context each time, to reclaim any cruft
2166 * left behind by evaluating the statistics expressions.
2167 */
2168 ResetExprContext(econtext);
2170 /* Set up for expression evaluation */
2171 ExecStoreHeapTuple(rows[i], slot, false);
2173 /*
2174 * Evaluate the expression. We do this in the per-tuple context so
2175 * as not to leak memory, and then copy the result into the
2176 * context created at the beginning of this function.
2177 */
2178 datum = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exprstate,
2179 GetPerTupleExprContext(estate),
2180 &isnull);
2181 if (isnull)
2182 {
2183 exprvals[tcnt] = (Datum) 0;
2184 exprnulls[tcnt] = true;
2185 }
2186 else
2187 {
2188 /* Make sure we copy the data into the context. */
2189 Assert(CurrentMemoryContext == expr_context);
2191 exprvals[tcnt] = datumCopy(datum,
2192 stats->attrtype->typbyval,
2193 stats->attrtype->typlen);
2194 exprnulls[tcnt] = false;
2195 }
2197 tcnt++;
2198 }
2200 /*
2201 * Now we can compute the statistics for the expression columns.
2202 *
2203 * XXX Unlike compute_index_stats we don't need to switch and reset
2204 * memory contexts here, because we're only computing stats for a
2205 * single expression (and not iterating over many indexes), so we just
2206 * do it in expr_context. Note that compute_stats copies the result
2207 * into stats->anl_context, so it does not disappear.
2208 */
2209 if (tcnt > 0)
2210 {
2211 AttributeOpts *aopt =
2212 get_attribute_options(onerel->rd_id, stats->tupattnum);
2214 stats->exprvals = exprvals;
2215 stats->exprnulls = exprnulls;
2216 stats->rowstride = 1;
2217 stats->compute_stats(stats,
2219 tcnt,
2220 tcnt);
2222 /*
2223 * If the n_distinct option is specified, it overrides the above
2224 * computation.
2225 */
2226 if (aopt != NULL && aopt->n_distinct != 0.0)
2227 stats->stadistinct = aopt->n_distinct;
2228 }
2230 /* And clean up */
2231 MemoryContextSwitchTo(expr_context);
2234 FreeExecutorState(estate);
2235 MemoryContextReset(expr_context);
2236 }
2238 MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
2239 MemoryContextDelete(expr_context);
AttributeOpts * get_attribute_options(Oid attrelid, int attnum)
Definition: attoptcache.c:131
Datum datumCopy(Datum value, bool typByVal, int typLen)
Definition: datum.c:132
ExprState * ExecPrepareExpr(Expr *node, EState *estate)
Definition: execExpr.c:765
TupleTableSlot * MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleDesc tupdesc, const TupleTableSlotOps *tts_ops)
Definition: execTuples.c:1425
void ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
Definition: execTuples.c:1441
const TupleTableSlotOps TTSOpsHeapTuple
Definition: execTuples.c:85
TupleTableSlot * ExecStoreHeapTuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleTableSlot *slot, bool shouldFree)
Definition: execTuples.c:1539
void FreeExecutorState(EState *estate)
Definition: execUtils.c:192
EState * CreateExecutorState(void)
Definition: execUtils.c:88
#define GetPerTupleExprContext(estate)
Definition: executor.h:563
#define ResetExprContext(econtext)
Definition: executor.h:557
static Datum ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext, bool *isNull)
Definition: executor.h:361
static Datum expr_fetch_func(VacAttrStatsP stats, int rownum, bool *isNull)
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:538
float8 n_distinct
Definition: attoptcache.h:22
TupleTableSlot * ecxt_scantuple
Definition: execnodes.h:267
Oid rd_id
Definition: rel.h:113
Form_pg_type attrtype
Definition: vacuum.h:128
int tupattnum
Definition: vacuum.h:171
int rowstride
Definition: vacuum.h:176
bool * exprnulls
Definition: vacuum.h:175
Datum * exprvals
Definition: vacuum.h:174
float4 stadistinct
Definition: vacuum.h:147
AnalyzeAttrComputeStatsFunc compute_stats
Definition: vacuum.h:136

References ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES, AllocSetContextCreate, Assert, VacAttrStats::attrtype, VacAttrStats::compute_stats, CreateExecutorState(), CurrentMemoryContext, datumCopy(), ExprContext::ecxt_scantuple, ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(), ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(), ExecPrepareExpr(), ExecStoreHeapTuple(), AnlExprData::expr, expr_fetch_func(), VacAttrStats::exprnulls, VacAttrStats::exprvals, FreeExecutorState(), get_attribute_options(), GetPerTupleExprContext, i, MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(), MemoryContextDelete(), MemoryContextReset(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), AttributeOpts::n_distinct, palloc(), RelationData::rd_id, RelationGetDescr, ResetExprContext, VacAttrStats::rowstride, VacAttrStats::stadistinct, TTSOpsHeapTuple, VacAttrStats::tupattnum, and AnlExprData::vacattrstat.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics().

◆ ComputeExtStatisticsRows()

int ComputeExtStatisticsRows ( Relation  onerel,
int  natts,
VacAttrStats **  vacattrstats 

Definition at line 262 of file extended_stats.c.

265 Relation pg_stext;
266 ListCell *lc;
267 List *lstats;
268 MemoryContext cxt;
269 MemoryContext oldcxt;
270 int result = 0;
272 /* If there are no columns to analyze, just return 0. */
273 if (!natts)
274 return 0;
277 "ComputeExtStatisticsRows",
279 oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(cxt);
281 pg_stext = table_open(StatisticExtRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
282 lstats = fetch_statentries_for_relation(pg_stext, RelationGetRelid(onerel));
284 foreach(lc, lstats)
285 {
287 int stattarget;
288 VacAttrStats **stats;
289 int nattrs = bms_num_members(stat->columns);
291 /*
292 * Check if we can build this statistics object based on the columns
293 * analyzed. If not, ignore it (don't report anything, we'll do that
294 * during the actual build BuildRelationExtStatistics).
295 */
296 stats = lookup_var_attr_stats(stat->columns, stat->exprs,
297 natts, vacattrstats);
299 if (!stats)
300 continue;
302 /*
303 * Compute statistics target, based on what's set for the statistic
304 * object itself, and for its attributes.
305 */
306 stattarget = statext_compute_stattarget(stat->stattarget,
307 nattrs, stats);
309 /* Use the largest value for all statistics objects. */
310 if (stattarget > result)
311 result = stattarget;
312 }
314 table_close(pg_stext, RowExclusiveLock);
316 MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
319 /* compute sample size based on the statistics target */
320 return (300 * result);

References ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES, AllocSetContextCreate, bms_num_members(), CurrentMemoryContext, fetch_statentries_for_relation(), lfirst, lookup_var_attr_stats(), MemoryContextDelete(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), RelationGetRelid, RowExclusiveLock, statext_compute_stattarget(), table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by do_analyze_rel().

◆ examine_attribute()

static VacAttrStats * examine_attribute ( Node expr)

Definition at line 525 of file extended_stats.c.

527 HeapTuple typtuple;
528 VacAttrStats *stats;
529 int i;
530 bool ok;
532 /*
533 * Create the VacAttrStats struct.
534 */
535 stats = (VacAttrStats *) palloc0(sizeof(VacAttrStats));
536 stats->attstattarget = -1;
538 /*
539 * When analyzing an expression, believe the expression tree's type not
540 * the column datatype --- the latter might be the opckeytype storage type
541 * of the opclass, which is not interesting for our purposes. (Note: if
542 * we did anything with non-expression statistics columns, we'd need to
543 * figure out where to get the correct type info from, but for now that's
544 * not a problem.) It's not clear whether anyone will care about the
545 * typmod, but we store that too just in case.
546 */
547 stats->attrtypid = exprType(expr);
548 stats->attrtypmod = exprTypmod(expr);
549 stats->attrcollid = exprCollation(expr);
551 typtuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(TYPEOID,
553 if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typtuple))
554 elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", stats->attrtypid);
555 stats->attrtype = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typtuple);
557 /*
558 * We don't actually analyze individual attributes, so no need to set the
559 * memory context.
560 */
561 stats->anl_context = NULL;
564 /*
565 * The fields describing the stats->stavalues[n] element types default to
566 * the type of the data being analyzed, but the type-specific typanalyze
567 * function can change them if it wants to store something else.
568 */
569 for (i = 0; i < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; i++)
570 {
571 stats->statypid[i] = stats->attrtypid;
572 stats->statyplen[i] = stats->attrtype->typlen;
573 stats->statypbyval[i] = stats->attrtype->typbyval;
574 stats->statypalign[i] = stats->attrtype->typalign;
575 }
577 /*
578 * Call the type-specific typanalyze function. If none is specified, use
579 * std_typanalyze().
580 */
581 if (OidIsValid(stats->attrtype->typanalyze))
582 ok = DatumGetBool(OidFunctionCall1(stats->attrtype->typanalyze,
583 PointerGetDatum(stats)));
584 else
585 ok = std_typanalyze(stats);
587 if (!ok || stats->compute_stats == NULL || stats->minrows <= 0)
588 {
589 heap_freetuple(typtuple);
590 pfree(stats);
591 return NULL;
592 }
594 return stats;
#define InvalidAttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:23
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:732
bool std_typanalyze(VacAttrStats *stats)
Definition: analyze.c:1885
#define OidFunctionCall1(functionId, arg1)
Definition: fmgr.h:679
void heap_freetuple(HeapTuple htup)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1435
#define HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)
Definition: htup.h:78
static void * GETSTRUCT(const HeapTupleData *tuple)
Definition: htup_details.h:728
Oid exprType(const Node *expr)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:42
int32 exprTypmod(const Node *expr)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:301
Oid exprCollation(const Node *expr)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:821
Definition: pg_statistic.h:127
FormData_pg_type * Form_pg_type
Definition: pg_type.h:261
static bool DatumGetBool(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:95
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:257
int32 attrtypmod
Definition: vacuum.h:127
MemoryContext anl_context
Definition: vacuum.h:130
Definition: vacuum.h:162
char statypalign[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:165
Oid attrtypid
Definition: vacuum.h:126
int minrows
Definition: vacuum.h:137
int attstattarget
Definition: vacuum.h:125
bool statypbyval[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:164
int16 statyplen[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:163
Oid attrcollid
Definition: vacuum.h:129
#define SearchSysCacheCopy1(cacheId, key1)
Definition: syscache.h:91

References VacAttrStats::anl_context, VacAttrStats::attrcollid, VacAttrStats::attrtype, VacAttrStats::attrtypid, VacAttrStats::attrtypmod, VacAttrStats::attstattarget, VacAttrStats::compute_stats, DatumGetBool(), elog, ERROR, exprCollation(), exprType(), exprTypmod(), GETSTRUCT(), heap_freetuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, i, InvalidAttrNumber, VacAttrStats::minrows, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidFunctionCall1, OidIsValid, palloc0(), pfree(), PointerGetDatum(), SearchSysCacheCopy1, STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS, VacAttrStats::statypalign, VacAttrStats::statypbyval, VacAttrStats::statypid, VacAttrStats::statyplen, std_typanalyze(), and VacAttrStats::tupattnum.

Referenced by lookup_var_attr_stats().

◆ examine_expression()

static VacAttrStats * examine_expression ( Node expr,
int  stattarget 

Definition at line 604 of file extended_stats.c.

606 HeapTuple typtuple;
607 VacAttrStats *stats;
608 int i;
609 bool ok;
611 Assert(expr != NULL);
613 /*
614 * Create the VacAttrStats struct.
615 */
616 stats = (VacAttrStats *) palloc0(sizeof(VacAttrStats));
618 /*
619 * We can't have statistics target specified for the expression, so we
620 * could use either the default_statistics_target, or the target computed
621 * for the extended statistics. The second option seems more reasonable.
622 */
623 stats->attstattarget = stattarget;
625 /*
626 * When analyzing an expression, believe the expression tree's type.
627 */
628 stats->attrtypid = exprType(expr);
629 stats->attrtypmod = exprTypmod(expr);
631 /*
632 * We don't allow collation to be specified in CREATE STATISTICS, so we
633 * have to use the collation specified for the expression. It's possible
634 * to specify the collation in the expression "(col COLLATE "en_US")" in
635 * which case exprCollation() does the right thing.
636 */
637 stats->attrcollid = exprCollation(expr);
639 typtuple = SearchSysCacheCopy1(TYPEOID,
641 if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typtuple))
642 elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", stats->attrtypid);
644 stats->attrtype = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typtuple);
645 stats->anl_context = CurrentMemoryContext; /* XXX should be using
646 * something else? */
649 /*
650 * The fields describing the stats->stavalues[n] element types default to
651 * the type of the data being analyzed, but the type-specific typanalyze
652 * function can change them if it wants to store something else.
653 */
654 for (i = 0; i < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; i++)
655 {
656 stats->statypid[i] = stats->attrtypid;
657 stats->statyplen[i] = stats->attrtype->typlen;
658 stats->statypbyval[i] = stats->attrtype->typbyval;
659 stats->statypalign[i] = stats->attrtype->typalign;
660 }
662 /*
663 * Call the type-specific typanalyze function. If none is specified, use
664 * std_typanalyze().
665 */
666 if (OidIsValid(stats->attrtype->typanalyze))
667 ok = DatumGetBool(OidFunctionCall1(stats->attrtype->typanalyze,
668 PointerGetDatum(stats)));
669 else
670 ok = std_typanalyze(stats);
672 if (!ok || stats->compute_stats == NULL || stats->minrows <= 0)
673 {
674 heap_freetuple(typtuple);
675 pfree(stats);
676 return NULL;
677 }
679 return stats;

References VacAttrStats::anl_context, Assert, VacAttrStats::attrcollid, VacAttrStats::attrtype, VacAttrStats::attrtypid, VacAttrStats::attrtypmod, VacAttrStats::attstattarget, VacAttrStats::compute_stats, CurrentMemoryContext, DatumGetBool(), elog, ERROR, exprCollation(), exprType(), exprTypmod(), GETSTRUCT(), heap_freetuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, i, InvalidAttrNumber, VacAttrStats::minrows, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidFunctionCall1, OidIsValid, palloc0(), pfree(), PointerGetDatum(), SearchSysCacheCopy1, STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS, VacAttrStats::statypalign, VacAttrStats::statypbyval, VacAttrStats::statypid, VacAttrStats::statyplen, std_typanalyze(), and VacAttrStats::tupattnum.

Referenced by build_expr_data(), and make_build_data().

◆ examine_opclause_args()

bool examine_opclause_args ( List args,
Node **  exprp,
Const **  cstp,
bool *  expronleftp 

Definition at line 2052 of file extended_stats.c.

2055 Node *expr;
2056 Const *cst;
2057 bool expronleft;
2058 Node *leftop,
2059 *rightop;
2061 /* enforced by statext_is_compatible_clause_internal */
2062 Assert(list_length(args) == 2);
2064 leftop = linitial(args);
2065 rightop = lsecond(args);
2067 /* strip RelabelType from either side of the expression */
2068 if (IsA(leftop, RelabelType))
2069 leftop = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg;
2071 if (IsA(rightop, RelabelType))
2072 rightop = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg;
2074 if (IsA(rightop, Const))
2075 {
2076 expr = (Node *) leftop;
2077 cst = (Const *) rightop;
2078 expronleft = true;
2079 }
2080 else if (IsA(leftop, Const))
2081 {
2082 expr = (Node *) rightop;
2083 cst = (Const *) leftop;
2084 expronleft = false;
2085 }
2086 else
2087 return false;
2089 /* return pointers to the extracted parts if requested */
2090 if (exprp)
2091 *exprp = expr;
2093 if (cstp)
2094 *cstp = cst;
2096 if (expronleftp)
2097 *expronleftp = expronleft;
2099 return true;
#define IsA(nodeptr, _type_)
Definition: nodes.h:158
#define linitial(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:178
#define lsecond(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:183

References arg, generate_unaccent_rules::args, Assert, IsA, linitial, list_length(), and lsecond.

Referenced by mcv_get_match_bitmap(), and statext_is_compatible_clause_internal().

◆ expr_fetch_func()

static Datum expr_fetch_func ( VacAttrStatsP  stats,
int  rownum,
bool *  isNull 

Definition at line 2250 of file extended_stats.c.

2252 int i;
2254 /* exprvals and exprnulls are already offset for proper column */
2255 i = rownum * stats->rowstride;
2256 *isNull = stats->exprnulls[i];
2257 return stats->exprvals[i];

References VacAttrStats::exprnulls, VacAttrStats::exprvals, i, and VacAttrStats::rowstride.

Referenced by compute_expr_stats().

◆ fetch_statentries_for_relation()

static List * fetch_statentries_for_relation ( Relation  pg_statext,
Oid  relid 

Definition at line 419 of file extended_stats.c.

421 SysScanDesc scan;
422 ScanKeyData skey;
423 HeapTuple htup;
424 List *result = NIL;
426 /*
427 * Prepare to scan pg_statistic_ext for entries having stxrelid = this
428 * rel.
429 */
430 ScanKeyInit(&skey,
431 Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxrelid,
432 BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
433 ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
435 scan = systable_beginscan(pg_statext, StatisticExtRelidIndexId, true,
436 NULL, 1, &skey);
438 while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan)))
439 {
440 StatExtEntry *entry;
441 Datum datum;
442 bool isnull;
443 int i;
444 ArrayType *arr;
445 char *enabled;
446 Form_pg_statistic_ext staForm;
447 List *exprs = NIL;
449 entry = palloc0(sizeof(StatExtEntry));
450 staForm = (Form_pg_statistic_ext) GETSTRUCT(htup);
451 entry->statOid = staForm->oid;
452 entry->schema = get_namespace_name(staForm->stxnamespace);
453 entry->name = pstrdup(NameStr(staForm->stxname));
454 for (i = 0; i < staForm->stxkeys.dim1; i++)
455 {
456 entry->columns = bms_add_member(entry->columns,
457 staForm->stxkeys.values[i]);
458 }
460 datum = SysCacheGetAttr(STATEXTOID, htup, Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxstattarget, &isnull);
461 entry->stattarget = isnull ? -1 : DatumGetInt16(datum);
463 /* decode the stxkind char array into a list of chars */
464 datum = SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(STATEXTOID, htup,
465 Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxkind);
466 arr = DatumGetArrayTypeP(datum);
467 if (ARR_NDIM(arr) != 1 ||
468 ARR_HASNULL(arr) ||
470 elog(ERROR, "stxkind is not a 1-D char array");
471 enabled = (char *) ARR_DATA_PTR(arr);
472 for (i = 0; i < ARR_DIMS(arr)[0]; i++)
473 {
474 Assert((enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_NDISTINCT) ||
475 (enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_DEPENDENCIES) ||
476 (enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_MCV) ||
477 (enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_EXPRESSIONS));
478 entry->types = lappend_int(entry->types, (int) enabled[i]);
479 }
481 /* decode expression (if any) */
482 datum = SysCacheGetAttr(STATEXTOID, htup,
483 Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxexprs, &isnull);
485 if (!isnull)
486 {
487 char *exprsString;
489 exprsString = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
490 exprs = (List *) stringToNode(exprsString);
492 pfree(exprsString);
494 /*
495 * Run the expressions through eval_const_expressions. This is not
496 * just an optimization, but is necessary, because the planner
497 * will be comparing them to similarly-processed qual clauses, and
498 * may fail to detect valid matches without this. We must not use
499 * canonicalize_qual, however, since these aren't qual
500 * expressions.
501 */
502 exprs = (List *) eval_const_expressions(NULL, (Node *) exprs);
504 /* May as well fix opfuncids too */
505 fix_opfuncids((Node *) exprs);
506 }
508 entry->exprs = exprs;
510 result = lappend(result, entry);
511 }
513 systable_endscan(scan);
515 return result;
#define ARR_NDIM(a)
Definition: array.h:290
#define ARR_DATA_PTR(a)
Definition: array.h:322
#define DatumGetArrayTypeP(X)
Definition: array.h:261
#define ARR_ELEMTYPE(a)
Definition: array.h:292
#define ARR_DIMS(a)
Definition: array.h:294
#define ARR_HASNULL(a)
Definition: array.h:291
Bitmapset * bms_add_member(Bitmapset *a, int x)
Definition: bitmapset.c:815
#define TextDatumGetCString(d)
Definition: builtins.h:98
#define NameStr(name)
Definition: c.h:703
Node * eval_const_expressions(PlannerInfo *root, Node *node)
Definition: clauses.c:2254
void systable_endscan(SysScanDesc sysscan)
Definition: genam.c:606
HeapTuple systable_getnext(SysScanDesc sysscan)
Definition: genam.c:513
SysScanDesc systable_beginscan(Relation heapRelation, Oid indexId, bool indexOK, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, ScanKey key)
Definition: genam.c:387
List * lappend(List *list, void *datum)
Definition: list.c:339
List * lappend_int(List *list, int datum)
Definition: list.c:357
char * pstrdup(const char *in)
Definition: mcxt.c:1696
void fix_opfuncids(Node *node)
Definition: nodeFuncs.c:1841
FormData_pg_statistic_ext * Form_pg_statistic_ext
static int16 DatumGetInt16(Datum X)
Definition: postgres.h:167
void * stringToNode(const char *str)
Definition: read.c:90
void ScanKeyInit(ScanKey entry, AttrNumber attributeNumber, StrategyNumber strategy, RegProcedure procedure, Datum argument)
Definition: scankey.c:76
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:31
Bitmapset * columns
Datum SysCacheGetAttr(int cacheId, HeapTuple tup, AttrNumber attributeNumber, bool *isNull)
Definition: syscache.c:600
Datum SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(int cacheId, HeapTuple tup, AttrNumber attributeNumber)
Definition: syscache.c:631

References ARR_DATA_PTR, ARR_DIMS, ARR_ELEMTYPE, ARR_HASNULL, ARR_NDIM, Assert, bms_add_member(), BTEqualStrategyNumber, StatExtEntry::columns, DatumGetArrayTypeP, DatumGetInt16(), elog, ERROR, eval_const_expressions(), StatExtEntry::exprs, fix_opfuncids(), get_namespace_name(), GETSTRUCT(), HeapTupleIsValid, i, lappend(), lappend_int(), StatExtEntry::name, NameStr, NIL, ObjectIdGetDatum(), palloc0(), pfree(), pstrdup(), ScanKeyInit(), StatExtEntry::schema, StatExtEntry::statOid, StatExtEntry::stattarget, stringToNode(), SysCacheGetAttr(), SysCacheGetAttrNotNull(), systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), TextDatumGetCString, and StatExtEntry::types.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics(), and ComputeExtStatisticsRows().

◆ has_stats_of_kind()

bool has_stats_of_kind ( List stats,
char  requiredkind 

Definition at line 1115 of file extended_stats.c.

1117 ListCell *l;
1119 foreach(l, stats)
1120 {
1123 if (stat->kind == requiredkind)
1124 return true;
1125 }
1127 return false;

References lfirst.

Referenced by dependencies_clauselist_selectivity(), and statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity().

◆ lookup_var_attr_stats()

static VacAttrStats ** lookup_var_attr_stats ( Bitmapset attrs,
List exprs,
int  nvacatts,
VacAttrStats **  vacatts 

Definition at line 690 of file extended_stats.c.

693 int i = 0;
694 int x = -1;
695 int natts;
696 VacAttrStats **stats;
697 ListCell *lc;
699 natts = bms_num_members(attrs) + list_length(exprs);
701 stats = (VacAttrStats **) palloc(natts * sizeof(VacAttrStats *));
703 /* lookup VacAttrStats info for the requested columns (same attnum) */
704 while ((x = bms_next_member(attrs, x)) >= 0)
705 {
706 int j;
708 stats[i] = NULL;
709 for (j = 0; j < nvacatts; j++)
710 {
711 if (x == vacatts[j]->tupattnum)
712 {
713 stats[i] = vacatts[j];
714 break;
715 }
716 }
718 if (!stats[i])
719 {
720 /*
721 * Looks like stats were not gathered for one of the columns
722 * required. We'll be unable to build the extended stats without
723 * this column.
724 */
725 pfree(stats);
726 return NULL;
727 }
729 i++;
730 }
732 /* also add info for expressions */
733 foreach(lc, exprs)
734 {
735 Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
737 stats[i] = examine_attribute(expr);
739 /*
740 * XXX We need tuple descriptor later, and we just grab it from
741 * stats[0]->tupDesc (see e.g. statext_mcv_build). But as coded
742 * examine_attribute does not set that, so just grab it from the first
743 * vacatts element.
744 */
745 stats[i]->tupDesc = vacatts[0]->tupDesc;
747 i++;
748 }
750 return stats;
static VacAttrStats * examine_attribute(Node *expr)
int x
Definition: isn.c:70
TupleDesc tupDesc
Definition: vacuum.h:173

References bms_next_member(), bms_num_members(), examine_attribute(), i, j, lfirst, list_length(), palloc(), pfree(), VacAttrStats::tupDesc, and x.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics(), and ComputeExtStatisticsRows().

◆ make_build_data()

static StatsBuildData * make_build_data ( Relation  rel,
StatExtEntry stat,
int  numrows,
HeapTuple rows,
VacAttrStats **  stats,
int  stattarget 

Definition at line 2468 of file extended_stats.c.

2471 /* evaluated expressions */
2472 StatsBuildData *result;
2473 char *ptr;
2474 Size len;
2476 int i;
2477 int k;
2478 int idx;
2479 TupleTableSlot *slot;
2480 EState *estate;
2481 ExprContext *econtext;
2482 List *exprstates = NIL;
2483 int nkeys = bms_num_members(stat->columns) + list_length(stat->exprs);
2484 ListCell *lc;
2486 /* allocate everything as a single chunk, so we can free it easily */
2487 len = MAXALIGN(sizeof(StatsBuildData));
2488 len += MAXALIGN(sizeof(AttrNumber) * nkeys); /* attnums */
2489 len += MAXALIGN(sizeof(VacAttrStats *) * nkeys); /* stats */
2491 /* values */
2492 len += MAXALIGN(sizeof(Datum *) * nkeys);
2493 len += nkeys * MAXALIGN(sizeof(Datum) * numrows);
2495 /* nulls */
2496 len += MAXALIGN(sizeof(bool *) * nkeys);
2497 len += nkeys * MAXALIGN(sizeof(bool) * numrows);
2499 ptr = palloc(len);
2501 /* set the pointers */
2502 result = (StatsBuildData *) ptr;
2503 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(StatsBuildData));
2505 /* attnums */
2506 result->attnums = (AttrNumber *) ptr;
2507 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(AttrNumber) * nkeys);
2509 /* stats */
2510 result->stats = (VacAttrStats **) ptr;
2511 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(VacAttrStats *) * nkeys);
2513 /* values */
2514 result->values = (Datum **) ptr;
2515 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(Datum *) * nkeys);
2517 /* nulls */
2518 result->nulls = (bool **) ptr;
2519 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(bool *) * nkeys);
2521 for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
2522 {
2523 result->values[i] = (Datum *) ptr;
2524 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(Datum) * numrows);
2526 result->nulls[i] = (bool *) ptr;
2527 ptr += MAXALIGN(sizeof(bool) * numrows);
2528 }
2530 Assert((ptr - (char *) result) == len);
2532 /* we have it allocated, so let's fill the values */
2533 result->nattnums = nkeys;
2534 result->numrows = numrows;
2536 /* fill the attribute info - first attributes, then expressions */
2537 idx = 0;
2538 k = -1;
2539 while ((k = bms_next_member(stat->columns, k)) >= 0)
2540 {
2541 result->attnums[idx] = k;
2542 result->stats[idx] = stats[idx];
2544 idx++;
2545 }
2547 k = -1;
2548 foreach(lc, stat->exprs)
2549 {
2550 Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
2552 result->attnums[idx] = k;
2553 result->stats[idx] = examine_expression(expr, stattarget);
2555 idx++;
2556 k--;
2557 }
2559 /* first extract values for all the regular attributes */
2560 for (i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
2561 {
2562 idx = 0;
2563 k = -1;
2564 while ((k = bms_next_member(stat->columns, k)) >= 0)
2565 {
2566 result->values[idx][i] = heap_getattr(rows[i], k,
2567 result->stats[idx]->tupDesc,
2568 &result->nulls[idx][i]);
2570 idx++;
2571 }
2572 }
2574 /* Need an EState for evaluation expressions. */
2575 estate = CreateExecutorState();
2576 econtext = GetPerTupleExprContext(estate);
2578 /* Need a slot to hold the current heap tuple, too */
2582 /* Arrange for econtext's scan tuple to be the tuple under test */
2583 econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
2585 /* Set up expression evaluation state */
2586 exprstates = ExecPrepareExprList(stat->exprs, estate);
2588 for (i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
2589 {
2590 /*
2591 * Reset the per-tuple context each time, to reclaim any cruft left
2592 * behind by evaluating the statistics object expressions.
2593 */
2594 ResetExprContext(econtext);
2596 /* Set up for expression evaluation */
2597 ExecStoreHeapTuple(rows[i], slot, false);
2599 idx = bms_num_members(stat->columns);
2600 foreach(lc, exprstates)
2601 {
2602 Datum datum;
2603 bool isnull;
2604 ExprState *exprstate = (ExprState *) lfirst(lc);
2606 /*
2607 * XXX This probably leaks memory. Maybe we should use
2608 * ExecEvalExprSwitchContext but then we need to copy the result
2609 * somewhere else.
2610 */
2611 datum = ExecEvalExpr(exprstate,
2612 GetPerTupleExprContext(estate),
2613 &isnull);
2614 if (isnull)
2615 {
2616 result->values[idx][i] = (Datum) 0;
2617 result->nulls[idx][i] = true;
2618 }
2619 else
2620 {
2621 result->values[idx][i] = (Datum) datum;
2622 result->nulls[idx][i] = false;
2623 }
2625 idx++;
2626 }
2627 }
2630 FreeExecutorState(estate);
2632 return result;
Definition: c.h:768
size_t Size
Definition: c.h:562
List * ExecPrepareExprList(List *nodes, EState *estate)
Definition: execExpr.c:839
static Datum ExecEvalExpr(ExprState *state, ExprContext *econtext, bool *isNull)
Definition: executor.h:346
static Datum heap_getattr(HeapTuple tup, int attnum, TupleDesc tupleDesc, bool *isnull)
Definition: htup_details.h:903
VacAttrStats ** stats

References Assert, StatsBuildData::attnums, bms_next_member(), bms_num_members(), CreateExecutorState(), ExprContext::ecxt_scantuple, examine_expression(), ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(), ExecEvalExpr(), ExecPrepareExprList(), ExecStoreHeapTuple(), FreeExecutorState(), GetPerTupleExprContext, heap_getattr(), i, idx(), len, lfirst, list_length(), MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(), MAXALIGN, StatsBuildData::nattnums, NIL, StatsBuildData::nulls, StatsBuildData::numrows, palloc(), RelationGetDescr, ResetExprContext, StatsBuildData::stats, TTSOpsHeapTuple, VacAttrStats::tupDesc, and StatsBuildData::values.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics().

◆ multi_sort_add_dimension()

void multi_sort_add_dimension ( MultiSortSupport  mss,
int  sortdim,
Oid  oper,
Oid  collation 

Definition at line 848 of file extended_stats.c.

851 SortSupport ssup = &mss->ssup[sortdim];
854 ssup->ssup_collation = collation;
855 ssup->ssup_nulls_first = false;
Operator oper(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId, bool noError, int location)
Definition: parse_oper.c:370
void PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(Oid orderingOp, SortSupport ssup)
Definition: sortsupport.c:134
bool ssup_nulls_first
Definition: sortsupport.h:75
MemoryContext ssup_cxt
Definition: sortsupport.h:66

References CurrentMemoryContext, oper(), PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(), MultiSortSupportData::ssup, SortSupportData::ssup_collation, SortSupportData::ssup_cxt, and SortSupportData::ssup_nulls_first.

Referenced by build_mss(), dependency_degree(), and ndistinct_for_combination().

◆ multi_sort_compare()

int multi_sort_compare ( const void *  a,
const void *  b,
void *  arg 

Definition at line 862 of file extended_stats.c.

865 SortItem *ia = (SortItem *) a;
866 SortItem *ib = (SortItem *) b;
867 int i;
869 for (i = 0; i < mss->ndims; i++)
870 {
871 int compare;
874 ib->values[i], ib->isnull[i],
875 &mss->ssup[i]);
877 if (compare != 0)
878 return compare;
879 }
881 /* equal by default */
882 return 0;
MultiSortSupportData * MultiSortSupport
static int compare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
Definition: geqo_pool.c:145

References a, ApplySortComparator(), arg, b, compare(), i, SortItem::isnull, MultiSortSupportData::ndims, MultiSortSupportData::ssup, and SortItem::values.

Referenced by build_distinct_groups(), build_sorted_items(), count_distinct_groups(), ndistinct_for_combination(), and statext_mcv_build().

◆ multi_sort_compare_dim()

int multi_sort_compare_dim ( int  dim,
const SortItem a,
const SortItem b,
MultiSortSupport  mss 

Definition at line 887 of file extended_stats.c.

890 return ApplySortComparator(a->values[dim], a->isnull[dim],
891 b->values[dim], b->isnull[dim],
892 &mss->ssup[dim]);

References a, ApplySortComparator(), b, and MultiSortSupportData::ssup.

Referenced by dependency_degree().

◆ multi_sort_compare_dims()

int multi_sort_compare_dims ( int  start,
int  end,
const SortItem a,
const SortItem b,
MultiSortSupport  mss 

Definition at line 896 of file extended_stats.c.

900 int dim;
902 for (dim = start; dim <= end; dim++)
903 {
904 int r = ApplySortComparator(a->values[dim], a->isnull[dim],
905 b->values[dim], b->isnull[dim],
906 &mss->ssup[dim]);
908 if (r != 0)
909 return r;
910 }
912 return 0;
return str start

References a, ApplySortComparator(), b, MultiSortSupportData::ssup, and start.

Referenced by dependency_degree().

◆ multi_sort_init()

MultiSortSupport multi_sort_init ( int  ndims)

Definition at line 829 of file extended_stats.c.

833 Assert(ndims >= 2);
835 mss = (MultiSortSupport) palloc0(offsetof(MultiSortSupportData, ssup)
836 + sizeof(SortSupportData) * ndims);
838 mss->ndims = ndims;
840 return mss;
struct SortSupportData SortSupportData

References Assert, MultiSortSupportData::ndims, and palloc0().

Referenced by build_mss(), dependency_degree(), and ndistinct_for_combination().

◆ serialize_expr_stats()

static Datum serialize_expr_stats ( AnlExprData exprdata,
int  nexprs 

Definition at line 2291 of file extended_stats.c.

2293 int exprno;
2294 Oid typOid;
2295 Relation sd;
2297 ArrayBuildState *astate = NULL;
2299 sd = table_open(StatisticRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
2301 /* lookup OID of composite type for pg_statistic */
2302 typOid = get_rel_type_id(StatisticRelationId);
2303 if (!OidIsValid(typOid))
2304 ereport(ERROR,
2306 errmsg("relation \"%s\" does not have a composite type",
2307 "pg_statistic")));
2309 for (exprno = 0; exprno < nexprs; exprno++)
2310 {
2311 int i,
2312 k;
2313 VacAttrStats *stats = exprdata[exprno].vacattrstat;
2315 Datum values[Natts_pg_statistic];
2316 bool nulls[Natts_pg_statistic];
2317 HeapTuple stup;
2319 if (!stats->stats_valid)
2320 {
2321 astate = accumArrayResult(astate,
2322 (Datum) 0,
2323 true,
2324 typOid,
2326 continue;
2327 }
2329 /*
2330 * Construct a new pg_statistic tuple
2331 */
2332 for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_statistic; ++i)
2333 {
2334 nulls[i] = false;
2335 }
2337 values[Anum_pg_statistic_starelid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
2338 values[Anum_pg_statistic_staattnum - 1] = Int16GetDatum(InvalidAttrNumber);
2339 values[Anum_pg_statistic_stainherit - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false);
2340 values[Anum_pg_statistic_stanullfrac - 1] = Float4GetDatum(stats->stanullfrac);
2341 values[Anum_pg_statistic_stawidth - 1] = Int32GetDatum(stats->stawidth);
2342 values[Anum_pg_statistic_stadistinct - 1] = Float4GetDatum(stats->stadistinct);
2343 i = Anum_pg_statistic_stakind1 - 1;
2344 for (k = 0; k < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; k++)
2345 {
2346 values[i++] = Int16GetDatum(stats->stakind[k]); /* stakindN */
2347 }
2348 i = Anum_pg_statistic_staop1 - 1;
2349 for (k = 0; k < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; k++)
2350 {
2351 values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(stats->staop[k]); /* staopN */
2352 }
2353 i = Anum_pg_statistic_stacoll1 - 1;
2354 for (k = 0; k < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; k++)
2355 {
2356 values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(stats->stacoll[k]); /* stacollN */
2357 }
2358 i = Anum_pg_statistic_stanumbers1 - 1;
2359 for (k = 0; k < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; k++)
2360 {
2361 int nnum = stats->numnumbers[k];
2363 if (nnum > 0)
2364 {
2365 int n;
2366 Datum *numdatums = (Datum *) palloc(nnum * sizeof(Datum));
2367 ArrayType *arry;
2369 for (n = 0; n < nnum; n++)
2370 numdatums[n] = Float4GetDatum(stats->stanumbers[k][n]);
2371 arry = construct_array_builtin(numdatums, nnum, FLOAT4OID);
2372 values[i++] = PointerGetDatum(arry); /* stanumbersN */
2373 }
2374 else
2375 {
2376 nulls[i] = true;
2377 values[i++] = (Datum) 0;
2378 }
2379 }
2380 i = Anum_pg_statistic_stavalues1 - 1;
2381 for (k = 0; k < STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS; k++)
2382 {
2383 if (stats->numvalues[k] > 0)
2384 {
2385 ArrayType *arry;
2387 arry = construct_array(stats->stavalues[k],
2388 stats->numvalues[k],
2389 stats->statypid[k],
2390 stats->statyplen[k],
2391 stats->statypbyval[k],
2392 stats->statypalign[k]);
2393 values[i++] = PointerGetDatum(arry); /* stavaluesN */
2394 }
2395 else
2396 {
2397 nulls[i] = true;
2398 values[i++] = (Datum) 0;
2399 }
2400 }
2402 stup = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(sd), values, nulls);
2404 astate = accumArrayResult(astate,
2406 false,
2407 typOid,
2409 }
2413 return makeArrayResult(astate, CurrentMemoryContext);
ArrayBuildState * accumArrayResult(ArrayBuildState *astate, Datum dvalue, bool disnull, Oid element_type, MemoryContext rcontext)
Definition: arrayfuncs.c:5350
ArrayType * construct_array(Datum *elems, int nelems, Oid elmtype, int elmlen, bool elmbyval, char elmalign)
Definition: arrayfuncs.c:3361
ArrayType * construct_array_builtin(Datum *elems, int nelems, Oid elmtype)
Definition: arrayfuncs.c:3381
Datum makeArrayResult(ArrayBuildState *astate, MemoryContext rcontext)
Definition: arrayfuncs.c:5420
HeapTuple heap_form_tuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, const Datum *values, const bool *isnull)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1117
Datum heap_copy_tuple_as_datum(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1081
Oid get_rel_type_id(Oid relid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:2006
static Datum Float4GetDatum(float4 X)
Definition: postgres.h:480
static Datum Int16GetDatum(int16 X)
Definition: postgres.h:177
static Datum BoolGetDatum(bool X)
Definition: postgres.h:107
static Datum Int32GetDatum(int32 X)
Definition: postgres.h:217
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:37
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:32
bool stats_valid
Definition: vacuum.h:144
float4 stanullfrac
Definition: vacuum.h:145
int16 stakind[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:148
Definition: vacuum.h:149
Definition: vacuum.h:150
float4 * stanumbers[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:152
int32 stawidth
Definition: vacuum.h:146
int numvalues[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:153
Datum * stavalues[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:154
int numnumbers[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS]
Definition: vacuum.h:151

References accumArrayResult(), BoolGetDatum(), construct_array(), construct_array_builtin(), CurrentMemoryContext, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, Float4GetDatum(), get_rel_type_id(), heap_copy_tuple_as_datum(), heap_form_tuple(), i, Int16GetDatum(), Int32GetDatum(), InvalidAttrNumber, InvalidOid, makeArrayResult(), VacAttrStats::numnumbers, VacAttrStats::numvalues, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, palloc(), PointerGetDatum(), RelationGetDescr, RowExclusiveLock, VacAttrStats::stacoll, VacAttrStats::stadistinct, VacAttrStats::stakind, VacAttrStats::stanullfrac, VacAttrStats::stanumbers, VacAttrStats::staop, STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS, VacAttrStats::stats_valid, VacAttrStats::statypalign, VacAttrStats::statypbyval, VacAttrStats::statypid, VacAttrStats::statyplen, VacAttrStats::stavalues, VacAttrStats::stawidth, table_close(), table_open(), AnlExprData::vacattrstat, and values.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics().

◆ stat_covers_expressions()

static bool stat_covers_expressions ( StatisticExtInfo stat,
List exprs,
Bitmapset **  expr_idxs 

Definition at line 1165 of file extended_stats.c.

1168 ListCell *lc;
1170 foreach(lc, exprs)
1171 {
1172 Node *expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
1173 int expr_idx;
1175 expr_idx = stat_find_expression(stat, expr);
1176 if (expr_idx == -1)
1177 return false;
1179 if (expr_idxs != NULL)
1180 *expr_idxs = bms_add_member(*expr_idxs, expr_idx);
1181 }
1183 /* If we reach here, all expressions are covered */
1184 return true;
static int stat_find_expression(StatisticExtInfo *stat, Node *expr)

References bms_add_member(), lfirst, and stat_find_expression().

Referenced by choose_best_statistics(), and statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity().

◆ stat_find_expression()

static int stat_find_expression ( StatisticExtInfo stat,
Node expr 

Definition at line 1138 of file extended_stats.c.

1140 ListCell *lc;
1141 int idx;
1143 idx = 0;
1144 foreach(lc, stat->exprs)
1145 {
1146 Node *stat_expr = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
1148 if (equal(stat_expr, expr))
1149 return idx;
1150 idx++;
1151 }
1153 /* Expression not found */
1154 return -1;
bool equal(const void *a, const void *b)
Definition: equalfuncs.c:223

References equal(), idx(), and lfirst.

Referenced by stat_covers_expressions().

◆ statext_clauselist_selectivity()

Selectivity statext_clauselist_selectivity ( PlannerInfo root,
List clauses,
int  varRelid,
JoinType  jointype,
SpecialJoinInfo sjinfo,
RelOptInfo rel,
Bitmapset **  estimatedclauses,
bool  is_or 

Definition at line 2001 of file extended_stats.c.

2006 Selectivity sel;
2008 /* First, try estimating clauses using a multivariate MCV list. */
2009 sel = statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity(root, clauses, varRelid, jointype,
2010 sjinfo, rel, estimatedclauses, is_or);
2012 /*
2013 * Functional dependencies only work for clauses connected by AND, so for
2014 * OR clauses we're done.
2015 */
2016 if (is_or)
2017 return sel;
2019 /*
2020 * Then, apply functional dependencies on the remaining clauses by calling
2021 * dependencies_clauselist_selectivity. Pass 'estimatedclauses' so the
2022 * function can properly skip clauses already estimated above.
2023 *
2024 * The reasoning for applying dependencies last is that the more complex
2025 * stats can track more complex correlations between the attributes, and
2026 * so may be considered more reliable.
2027 *
2028 * For example, MCV list can give us an exact selectivity for values in
2029 * two columns, while functional dependencies can only provide information
2030 * about the overall strength of the dependency.
2031 */
2032 sel *= dependencies_clauselist_selectivity(root, clauses, varRelid,
2033 jointype, sjinfo, rel,
2034 estimatedclauses);
2036 return sel;
Selectivity dependencies_clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, RelOptInfo *rel, Bitmapset **estimatedclauses)
static Selectivity statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, RelOptInfo *rel, Bitmapset **estimatedclauses, bool is_or)
double Selectivity
Definition: nodes.h:250
tree ctl root
Definition: radixtree.h:1857

References dependencies_clauselist_selectivity(), root, and statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity().

Referenced by clauselist_selectivity_ext(), and clauselist_selectivity_or().

◆ statext_compute_stattarget()

static int statext_compute_stattarget ( int  stattarget,
int  nattrs,
VacAttrStats **  stats 

Definition at line 344 of file extended_stats.c.

346 int i;
348 /*
349 * If there's statistics target set for the statistics object, use it. It
350 * may be set to 0 which disables building of that statistic.
351 */
352 if (stattarget >= 0)
353 return stattarget;
355 /*
356 * The target for the statistics object is set to -1, in which case we
357 * look at the maximum target set for any of the attributes the object is
358 * defined on.
359 */
360 for (i = 0; i < nattrs; i++)
361 {
362 /* keep the maximum statistics target */
363 if (stats[i]->attstattarget > stattarget)
364 stattarget = stats[i]->attstattarget;
365 }
367 /*
368 * If the value is still negative (so neither the statistics object nor
369 * any of the columns have custom statistics target set), use the global
370 * default target.
371 */
372 if (stattarget < 0)
373 stattarget = default_statistics_target;
375 /* As this point we should have a valid statistics target. */
376 Assert((stattarget >= 0) && (stattarget <= MAX_STATISTICS_TARGET));
378 return stattarget;
int default_statistics_target
Definition: analyze.c:71
Definition: vacuum.h:323

References Assert, VacAttrStats::attstattarget, default_statistics_target, i, and MAX_STATISTICS_TARGET.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics(), and ComputeExtStatisticsRows().

◆ statext_expressions_load()

HeapTuple statext_expressions_load ( Oid  stxoid,
bool  inh,
int  idx 

Definition at line 2421 of file extended_stats.c.

2423 bool isnull;
2424 Datum value;
2425 HeapTuple htup;
2427 HeapTupleHeader td;
2428 HeapTupleData tmptup;
2429 HeapTuple tup;
2431 htup = SearchSysCache2(STATEXTDATASTXOID,
2432 ObjectIdGetDatum(stxoid), BoolGetDatum(inh));
2433 if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htup))
2434 elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for statistics object %u", stxoid);
2436 value = SysCacheGetAttr(STATEXTDATASTXOID, htup,
2437 Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdexpr, &isnull);
2438 if (isnull)
2439 elog(ERROR,
2440 "requested statistics kind \"%c\" is not yet built for statistics object %u",
2449 /* Build a temporary HeapTuple control structure */
2451 ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(tmptup.t_self));
2452 tmptup.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
2453 tmptup.t_data = td;
2455 tup = heap_copytuple(&tmptup);
2457 ReleaseSysCache(htup);
2459 return tup;
void deconstruct_expanded_array(ExpandedArrayHeader *eah)
ExpandedArrayHeader * DatumGetExpandedArray(Datum d)
#define DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(X)
Definition: fmgr.h:295
HeapTuple heap_copytuple(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: heaptuple.c:778
static uint32 HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(const HeapTupleHeaderData *tup)
Definition: htup_details.h:492
static void ItemPointerSetInvalid(ItemPointerData *pointer)
Definition: itemptr.h:184
Datum * dvalues
Definition: array.h:146
ItemPointerData t_self
Definition: htup.h:65
uint32 t_len
Definition: htup.h:64
HeapTupleHeader t_data
Definition: htup.h:68
Oid t_tableOid
Definition: htup.h:66
void ReleaseSysCache(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: syscache.c:269
HeapTuple SearchSysCache2(int cacheId, Datum key1, Datum key2)
Definition: syscache.c:232

References BoolGetDatum(), DatumGetExpandedArray(), DatumGetHeapTupleHeader, deconstruct_expanded_array(), ExpandedArrayHeader::dvalues, elog, ERROR, heap_copytuple(), HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(), HeapTupleIsValid, idx(), InvalidOid, ItemPointerSetInvalid(), ObjectIdGetDatum(), ReleaseSysCache(), SearchSysCache2(), SysCacheGetAttr(), HeapTupleData::t_data, HeapTupleData::t_len, HeapTupleData::t_self, HeapTupleData::t_tableOid, and value.

Referenced by examine_variable().

◆ statext_is_compatible_clause()

static bool statext_is_compatible_clause ( PlannerInfo root,
Node clause,
Index  relid,
Bitmapset **  attnums,
List **  exprs 

Definition at line 1569 of file extended_stats.c.

1572 RangeTblEntry *rte = root->simple_rte_array[relid];
1573 RelOptInfo *rel = root->simple_rel_array[relid];
1574 RestrictInfo *rinfo;
1575 int clause_relid;
1576 Oid userid;
1578 /*
1579 * Special-case handling for bare BoolExpr AND clauses, because the
1580 * restrictinfo machinery doesn't build RestrictInfos on top of AND
1581 * clauses.
1582 */
1583 if (is_andclause(clause))
1584 {
1585 BoolExpr *expr = (BoolExpr *) clause;
1586 ListCell *lc;
1588 /*
1589 * Check that each sub-clause is compatible. We expect these to be
1590 * RestrictInfos.
1591 */
1592 foreach(lc, expr->args)
1593 {
1595 relid, attnums, exprs))
1596 return false;
1597 }
1599 return true;
1600 }
1602 /* Otherwise it must be a RestrictInfo. */
1603 if (!IsA(clause, RestrictInfo))
1604 return false;
1605 rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) clause;
1607 /* Pseudoconstants are not really interesting here. */
1608 if (rinfo->pseudoconstant)
1609 return false;
1611 /* Clauses referencing other varnos are incompatible. */
1612 if (!bms_get_singleton_member(rinfo->clause_relids, &clause_relid) ||
1613 clause_relid != relid)
1614 return false;
1616 /* Check the clause and determine what attributes it references. */
1618 relid, attnums, exprs))
1619 return false;
1621 /*
1622 * Check that the user has permission to read all required attributes.
1623 */
1624 userid = OidIsValid(rel->userid) ? rel->userid : GetUserId();
1626 /* Table-level SELECT privilege is sufficient for all columns */
1627 if (pg_class_aclcheck(rte->relid, userid, ACL_SELECT) != ACLCHECK_OK)
1628 {
1629 Bitmapset *clause_attnums = NULL;
1630 int attnum = -1;
1632 /*
1633 * We have to check per-column privileges. *attnums has the attnums
1634 * for individual Vars we saw, but there may also be Vars within
1635 * subexpressions in *exprs. We can use pull_varattnos() to extract
1636 * those, but there's an impedance mismatch: attnums returned by
1637 * pull_varattnos() are offset by FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber,
1638 * while attnums within *attnums aren't. Convert *attnums to the
1639 * offset style so we can combine the results.
1640 */
1641 while ((attnum = bms_next_member(*attnums, attnum)) >= 0)
1642 {
1643 clause_attnums =
1644 bms_add_member(clause_attnums,
1646 }
1648 /* Now merge attnums from *exprs into clause_attnums */
1649 if (*exprs != NIL)
1650 pull_varattnos((Node *) *exprs, relid, &clause_attnums);
1652 attnum = -1;
1653 while ((attnum = bms_next_member(clause_attnums, attnum)) >= 0)
1654 {
1655 /* Undo the offset */
1658 if (attno == InvalidAttrNumber)
1659 {
1660 /* Whole-row reference, so must have access to all columns */
1661 if (pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(rte->relid, userid, ACL_SELECT,
1663 return false;
1664 }
1665 else
1666 {
1667 if (pg_attribute_aclcheck(rte->relid, attno, userid,
1669 return false;
1670 }
1671 }
1672 }
1674 /* If we reach here, the clause is OK */
1675 return true;
Definition: acl.h:183
Definition: acl.h:176
AclResult pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(Oid table_oid, Oid roleid, AclMode mode, AclMaskHow how)
Definition: aclchk.c:3878
AclResult pg_attribute_aclcheck(Oid table_oid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid roleid, AclMode mode)
Definition: aclchk.c:3836
AclResult pg_class_aclcheck(Oid table_oid, Oid roleid, AclMode mode)
Definition: aclchk.c:4007
bool bms_get_singleton_member(const Bitmapset *a, int *member)
Definition: bitmapset.c:715
static bool statext_is_compatible_clause_internal(PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause, Index relid, Bitmapset **attnums, List **exprs)
static bool statext_is_compatible_clause(PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause, Index relid, Bitmapset **attnums, List **exprs)
Oid GetUserId(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:517
static bool is_andclause(const void *clause)
Definition: nodeFuncs.h:107
#define ACL_SELECT
Definition: parsenodes.h:77
List * args
Definition: primnodes.h:957
Oid userid
Definition: pathnodes.h:985
Expr * clause
Definition: pathnodes.h:2594
#define FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber
Definition: sysattr.h:27
void pull_varattnos(Node *node, Index varno, Bitmapset **varattnos)
Definition: var.c:296

References ACL_SELECT, ACLCHECK_OK, ACLMASK_ALL, BoolExpr::args, attnum, bms_add_member(), bms_get_singleton_member(), bms_next_member(), RestrictInfo::clause, FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber, GetUserId(), InvalidAttrNumber, is_andclause(), IsA, lfirst, NIL, OidIsValid, pg_attribute_aclcheck(), pg_attribute_aclcheck_all(), pg_class_aclcheck(), pull_varattnos(), RangeTblEntry::relid, root, statext_is_compatible_clause(), statext_is_compatible_clause_internal(), and RelOptInfo::userid.

Referenced by statext_is_compatible_clause(), and statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity().

◆ statext_is_compatible_clause_internal()

static bool statext_is_compatible_clause_internal ( PlannerInfo root,
Node clause,
Index  relid,
Bitmapset **  attnums,
List **  exprs 

Definition at line 1325 of file extended_stats.c.

1329 /* Look inside any binary-compatible relabeling (as in examine_variable) */
1330 if (IsA(clause, RelabelType))
1331 clause = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) clause)->arg;
1333 /* plain Var references (boolean Vars or recursive checks) */
1334 if (IsA(clause, Var))
1335 {
1336 Var *var = (Var *) clause;
1338 /* Ensure var is from the correct relation */
1339 if (var->varno != relid)
1340 return false;
1342 /* we also better ensure the Var is from the current level */
1343 if (var->varlevelsup > 0)
1344 return false;
1346 /*
1347 * Also reject system attributes and whole-row Vars (we don't allow
1348 * stats on those).
1349 */
1351 return false;
1353 /* OK, record the attnum for later permissions checks. */
1354 *attnums = bms_add_member(*attnums, var->varattno);
1356 return true;
1357 }
1359 /* (Var/Expr op Const) or (Const op Var/Expr) */
1360 if (is_opclause(clause))
1361 {
1362 RangeTblEntry *rte = root->simple_rte_array[relid];
1363 OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) clause;
1364 Node *clause_expr;
1366 /* Only expressions with two arguments are considered compatible. */
1367 if (list_length(expr->args) != 2)
1368 return false;
1370 /* Check if the expression has the right shape */
1371 if (!examine_opclause_args(expr->args, &clause_expr, NULL, NULL))
1372 return false;
1374 /*
1375 * If it's not one of the supported operators ("=", "<", ">", etc.),
1376 * just ignore the clause, as it's not compatible with MCV lists.
1377 *
1378 * This uses the function for estimating selectivity, not the operator
1379 * directly (a bit awkward, but well ...).
1380 */
1381 switch (get_oprrest(expr->opno))
1382 {
1383 case F_EQSEL:
1384 case F_NEQSEL:
1385 case F_SCALARLTSEL:
1386 case F_SCALARLESEL:
1387 case F_SCALARGTSEL:
1388 case F_SCALARGESEL:
1389 /* supported, will continue with inspection of the Var/Expr */
1390 break;
1392 default:
1393 /* other estimators are considered unknown/unsupported */
1394 return false;
1395 }
1397 /*
1398 * If there are any securityQuals on the RTE from security barrier
1399 * views or RLS policies, then the user may not have access to all the
1400 * table's data, and we must check that the operator is leakproof.
1401 *
1402 * If the operator is leaky, then we must ignore this clause for the
1403 * purposes of estimating with MCV lists, otherwise the operator might
1404 * reveal values from the MCV list that the user doesn't have
1405 * permission to see.
1406 */
1407 if (rte->securityQuals != NIL &&
1409 return false;
1411 /* Check (Var op Const) or (Const op Var) clauses by recursing. */
1412 if (IsA(clause_expr, Var))
1413 return statext_is_compatible_clause_internal(root, clause_expr,
1414 relid, attnums, exprs);
1416 /* Otherwise we have (Expr op Const) or (Const op Expr). */
1417 *exprs = lappend(*exprs, clause_expr);
1418 return true;
1419 }
1421 /* Var/Expr IN Array */
1422 if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr))
1423 {
1424 RangeTblEntry *rte = root->simple_rte_array[relid];
1425 ScalarArrayOpExpr *expr = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) clause;
1426 Node *clause_expr;
1427 bool expronleft;
1429 /* Only expressions with two arguments are considered compatible. */
1430 if (list_length(expr->args) != 2)
1431 return false;
1433 /* Check if the expression has the right shape (one Var, one Const) */
1434 if (!examine_opclause_args(expr->args, &clause_expr, NULL, &expronleft))
1435 return false;
1437 /* We only support Var on left, Const on right */
1438 if (!expronleft)
1439 return false;
1441 /*
1442 * If it's not one of the supported operators ("=", "<", ">", etc.),
1443 * just ignore the clause, as it's not compatible with MCV lists.
1444 *
1445 * This uses the function for estimating selectivity, not the operator
1446 * directly (a bit awkward, but well ...).
1447 */
1448 switch (get_oprrest(expr->opno))
1449 {
1450 case F_EQSEL:
1451 case F_NEQSEL:
1452 case F_SCALARLTSEL:
1453 case F_SCALARLESEL:
1454 case F_SCALARGTSEL:
1455 case F_SCALARGESEL:
1456 /* supported, will continue with inspection of the Var/Expr */
1457 break;
1459 default:
1460 /* other estimators are considered unknown/unsupported */
1461 return false;
1462 }
1464 /*
1465 * If there are any securityQuals on the RTE from security barrier
1466 * views or RLS policies, then the user may not have access to all the
1467 * table's data, and we must check that the operator is leakproof.
1468 *
1469 * If the operator is leaky, then we must ignore this clause for the
1470 * purposes of estimating with MCV lists, otherwise the operator might
1471 * reveal values from the MCV list that the user doesn't have
1472 * permission to see.
1473 */
1474 if (rte->securityQuals != NIL &&
1476 return false;
1478 /* Check Var IN Array clauses by recursing. */
1479 if (IsA(clause_expr, Var))
1480 return statext_is_compatible_clause_internal(root, clause_expr,
1481 relid, attnums, exprs);
1483 /* Otherwise we have Expr IN Array. */
1484 *exprs = lappend(*exprs, clause_expr);
1485 return true;
1486 }
1488 /* AND/OR/NOT clause */
1489 if (is_andclause(clause) ||
1490 is_orclause(clause) ||
1491 is_notclause(clause))
1492 {
1493 /*
1494 * AND/OR/NOT-clauses are supported if all sub-clauses are supported
1495 *
1496 * Perhaps we could improve this by handling mixed cases, when some of
1497 * the clauses are supported and some are not. Selectivity for the
1498 * supported subclauses would be computed using extended statistics,
1499 * and the remaining clauses would be estimated using the traditional
1500 * algorithm (product of selectivities).
1501 *
1502 * It however seems overly complex, and in a way we already do that
1503 * because if we reject the whole clause as unsupported here, it will
1504 * be eventually passed to clauselist_selectivity() which does exactly
1505 * this (split into supported/unsupported clauses etc).
1506 */
1507 BoolExpr *expr = (BoolExpr *) clause;
1508 ListCell *lc;
1510 foreach(lc, expr->args)
1511 {
1512 /*
1513 * If we find an incompatible clause in the arguments, treat the
1514 * whole clause as incompatible.
1515 */
1517 (Node *) lfirst(lc),
1518 relid, attnums, exprs))
1519 return false;
1520 }
1522 return true;
1523 }
1525 /* Var/Expr IS NULL */
1526 if (IsA(clause, NullTest))
1527 {
1528 NullTest *nt = (NullTest *) clause;
1530 /* Check Var IS NULL clauses by recursing. */
1531 if (IsA(nt->arg, Var))
1533 relid, attnums, exprs);
1535 /* Otherwise we have Expr IS NULL. */
1536 *exprs = lappend(*exprs, nt->arg);
1537 return true;
1538 }
1540 /*
1541 * Treat any other expressions as bare expressions to be matched against
1542 * expressions in statistics objects.
1543 */
1544 *exprs = lappend(*exprs, clause);
1545 return true;
#define AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(attributeNumber)
Definition: attnum.h:41
bool examine_opclause_args(List *args, Node **exprp, Const **cstp, bool *expronleftp)
RegProcedure get_oprrest(Oid opno)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1584
RegProcedure get_opcode(Oid opno)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1312
bool get_func_leakproof(Oid funcid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1864
static bool is_orclause(const void *clause)
Definition: nodeFuncs.h:116
static bool is_opclause(const void *clause)
Definition: nodeFuncs.h:76
static bool is_notclause(const void *clause)
Definition: nodeFuncs.h:125
Expr * arg
Definition: primnodes.h:1963
Oid opno
Definition: primnodes.h:835
List * args
Definition: primnodes.h:853
Definition: primnodes.h:262
AttrNumber varattno
Definition: primnodes.h:274
int varno
Definition: primnodes.h:269
Index varlevelsup
Definition: primnodes.h:294

References arg, NullTest::arg, OpExpr::args, ScalarArrayOpExpr::args, BoolExpr::args, AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr, bms_add_member(), examine_opclause_args(), get_func_leakproof(), get_opcode(), get_oprrest(), is_andclause(), is_notclause(), is_opclause(), is_orclause(), IsA, lappend(), lfirst, list_length(), NIL, OpExpr::opno, ScalarArrayOpExpr::opno, root, statext_is_compatible_clause_internal(), Var::varattno, Var::varlevelsup, and Var::varno.

Referenced by statext_is_compatible_clause(), and statext_is_compatible_clause_internal().

◆ statext_is_kind_built()

bool statext_is_kind_built ( HeapTuple  htup,
char  type 

Definition at line 386 of file extended_stats.c.

390 switch (type)
391 {
393 attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdndistinct;
394 break;
397 attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxddependencies;
398 break;
400 case STATS_EXT_MCV:
401 attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdmcv;
402 break;
405 attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdexpr;
406 break;
408 default:
409 elog(ERROR, "unexpected statistics type requested: %d", type);
410 }
412 return !heap_attisnull(htup, attnum, NULL);
bool heap_attisnull(HeapTuple tup, int attnum, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
Definition: heaptuple.c:456
const char * type

References attnum, elog, ERROR, heap_attisnull(), and type.

Referenced by get_relation_statistics_worker().

◆ statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity()

static Selectivity statext_mcv_clauselist_selectivity ( PlannerInfo root,
List clauses,
int  varRelid,
JoinType  jointype,
SpecialJoinInfo sjinfo,
RelOptInfo rel,
Bitmapset **  estimatedclauses,
bool  is_or 

Definition at line 1713 of file extended_stats.c.

1718 ListCell *l;
1719 Bitmapset **list_attnums; /* attnums extracted from the clause */
1720 List **list_exprs; /* expressions matched to any statistic */
1721 int listidx;
1722 Selectivity sel = (is_or) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
1725 /* check if there's any stats that might be useful for us. */
1726 if (!has_stats_of_kind(rel->statlist, STATS_EXT_MCV))
1727 return sel;
1729 list_attnums = (Bitmapset **) palloc(sizeof(Bitmapset *) *
1730 list_length(clauses));
1732 /* expressions extracted from complex expressions */
1733 list_exprs = (List **) palloc(sizeof(Node *) * list_length(clauses));
1735 /*
1736 * Pre-process the clauses list to extract the attnums and expressions
1737 * seen in each item. We need to determine if there are any clauses which
1738 * will be useful for selectivity estimations with extended stats. Along
1739 * the way we'll record all of the attnums and expressions for each clause
1740 * in lists which we'll reference later so we don't need to repeat the
1741 * same work again.
1742 *
1743 * We also skip clauses that we already estimated using different types of
1744 * statistics (we treat them as incompatible).
1745 */
1746 listidx = 0;
1747 foreach(l, clauses)
1748 {
1749 Node *clause = (Node *) lfirst(l);
1750 Bitmapset *attnums = NULL;
1751 List *exprs = NIL;
1753 if (!bms_is_member(listidx, *estimatedclauses) &&
1754 statext_is_compatible_clause(root, clause, rel->relid, &attnums, &exprs))
1755 {
1756 list_attnums[listidx] = attnums;
1757 list_exprs[listidx] = exprs;
1758 }
1759 else
1760 {
1761 list_attnums[listidx] = NULL;
1762 list_exprs[listidx] = NIL;
1763 }
1765 listidx++;
1766 }
1768 /* apply as many extended statistics as possible */
1769 while (true)
1770 {
1772 List *stat_clauses;
1773 Bitmapset *simple_clauses;
1775 /* find the best suited statistics object for these attnums */
1776 stat = choose_best_statistics(rel->statlist, STATS_EXT_MCV, rte->inh,
1777 list_attnums, list_exprs,
1778 list_length(clauses));
1780 /*
1781 * if no (additional) matching stats could be found then we've nothing
1782 * to do
1783 */
1784 if (!stat)
1785 break;
1787 /* Ensure choose_best_statistics produced an expected stats type. */
1788 Assert(stat->kind == STATS_EXT_MCV);
1790 /* now filter the clauses to be estimated using the selected MCV */
1791 stat_clauses = NIL;
1793 /* record which clauses are simple (single column or expression) */
1794 simple_clauses = NULL;
1796 listidx = -1;
1797 foreach(l, clauses)
1798 {
1799 /* Increment the index before we decide if to skip the clause. */
1800 listidx++;
1802 /*
1803 * Ignore clauses from which we did not extract any attnums or
1804 * expressions (this needs to be consistent with what we do in
1805 * choose_best_statistics).
1806 *
1807 * This also eliminates already estimated clauses - both those
1808 * estimated before and during applying extended statistics.
1809 *
1810 * XXX This check is needed because both bms_is_subset and
1811 * stat_covers_expressions return true for empty attnums and
1812 * expressions.
1813 */
1814 if (!list_attnums[listidx] && !list_exprs[listidx])
1815 continue;
1817 /*
1818 * The clause was not estimated yet, and we've extracted either
1819 * attnums or expressions from it. Ignore it if it's not fully
1820 * covered by the chosen statistics object.
1821 *
1822 * We need to check both attributes and expressions, and reject if
1823 * either is not covered.
1824 */
1825 if (!bms_is_subset(list_attnums[listidx], stat->keys) ||
1826 !stat_covers_expressions(stat, list_exprs[listidx], NULL))
1827 continue;
1829 /*
1830 * Now we know the clause is compatible (we have either attnums or
1831 * expressions extracted from it), and was not estimated yet.
1832 */
1834 /* record simple clauses (single column or expression) */
1835 if ((list_attnums[listidx] == NULL &&
1836 list_length(list_exprs[listidx]) == 1) ||
1837 (list_exprs[listidx] == NIL &&
1838 bms_membership(list_attnums[listidx]) == BMS_SINGLETON))
1839 simple_clauses = bms_add_member(simple_clauses,
1840 list_length(stat_clauses));
1842 /* add clause to list and mark it as estimated */
1843 stat_clauses = lappend(stat_clauses, (Node *) lfirst(l));
1844 *estimatedclauses = bms_add_member(*estimatedclauses, listidx);
1846 /*
1847 * Reset the pointers, so that choose_best_statistics knows this
1848 * clause was estimated and does not consider it again.
1849 */
1850 bms_free(list_attnums[listidx]);
1851 list_attnums[listidx] = NULL;
1853 list_free(list_exprs[listidx]);
1854 list_exprs[listidx] = NULL;
1855 }
1857 if (is_or)
1858 {
1859 bool *or_matches = NULL;
1860 Selectivity simple_or_sel = 0.0,
1861 stat_sel = 0.0;
1862 MCVList *mcv_list;
1864 /* Load the MCV list stored in the statistics object */
1865 mcv_list = statext_mcv_load(stat->statOid, rte->inh);
1867 /*
1868 * Compute the selectivity of the ORed list of clauses covered by
1869 * this statistics object by estimating each in turn and combining
1870 * them using the formula P(A OR B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A AND B).
1871 * This allows us to use the multivariate MCV stats to better
1872 * estimate the individual terms and their overlap.
1873 *
1874 * Each time we iterate this formula, the clause "A" above is
1875 * equal to all the clauses processed so far, combined with "OR".
1876 */
1877 listidx = 0;
1878 foreach(l, stat_clauses)
1879 {
1880 Node *clause = (Node *) lfirst(l);
1881 Selectivity simple_sel,
1882 overlap_simple_sel,
1883 mcv_sel,
1884 mcv_basesel,
1885 overlap_mcvsel,
1886 overlap_basesel,
1887 mcv_totalsel,
1888 clause_sel,
1889 overlap_sel;
1891 /*
1892 * "Simple" selectivity of the next clause and its overlap
1893 * with any of the previous clauses. These are our initial
1894 * estimates of P(B) and P(A AND B), assuming independence of
1895 * columns/clauses.
1896 */
1897 simple_sel = clause_selectivity_ext(root, clause, varRelid,
1898 jointype, sjinfo, false);
1900 overlap_simple_sel = simple_or_sel * simple_sel;
1902 /*
1903 * New "simple" selectivity of all clauses seen so far,
1904 * assuming independence.
1905 */
1906 simple_or_sel += simple_sel - overlap_simple_sel;
1907 CLAMP_PROBABILITY(simple_or_sel);
1909 /*
1910 * Multi-column estimate of this clause using MCV statistics,
1911 * along with base and total selectivities, and corresponding
1912 * selectivities for the overlap term P(A AND B).
1913 */
1914 mcv_sel = mcv_clause_selectivity_or(root, stat, mcv_list,
1915 clause, &or_matches,
1916 &mcv_basesel,
1917 &overlap_mcvsel,
1918 &overlap_basesel,
1919 &mcv_totalsel);
1921 /*
1922 * Combine the simple and multi-column estimates.
1923 *
1924 * If this clause is a simple single-column clause, then we
1925 * just use the simple selectivity estimate for it, since the
1926 * multi-column statistics are unlikely to improve on that
1927 * (and in fact could make it worse). For the overlap, we
1928 * always make use of the multi-column statistics.
1929 */
1930 if (bms_is_member(listidx, simple_clauses))
1931 clause_sel = simple_sel;
1932 else
1933 clause_sel = mcv_combine_selectivities(simple_sel,
1934 mcv_sel,
1935 mcv_basesel,
1936 mcv_totalsel);
1938 overlap_sel = mcv_combine_selectivities(overlap_simple_sel,
1939 overlap_mcvsel,
1940 overlap_basesel,
1941 mcv_totalsel);
1943 /* Factor these into the result for this statistics object */
1944 stat_sel += clause_sel - overlap_sel;
1945 CLAMP_PROBABILITY(stat_sel);
1947 listidx++;
1948 }
1950 /*
1951 * Factor the result for this statistics object into the overall
1952 * result. We treat the results from each separate statistics
1953 * object as independent of one another.
1954 */
1955 sel = sel + stat_sel - sel * stat_sel;
1956 }
1957 else /* Implicitly-ANDed list of clauses */
1958 {
1959 Selectivity simple_sel,
1960 mcv_sel,
1961 mcv_basesel,
1962 mcv_totalsel,
1963 stat_sel;
1965 /*
1966 * "Simple" selectivity, i.e. without any extended statistics,
1967 * essentially assuming independence of the columns/clauses.
1968 */
1969 simple_sel = clauselist_selectivity_ext(root, stat_clauses,
1970 varRelid, jointype,
1971 sjinfo, false);
1973 /*
1974 * Multi-column estimate using MCV statistics, along with base and
1975 * total selectivities.
1976 */
1977 mcv_sel = mcv_clauselist_selectivity(root, stat, stat_clauses,
1978 varRelid, jointype, sjinfo,
1979 rel, &mcv_basesel,
1980 &mcv_totalsel);
1982 /* Combine the simple and multi-column estimates. */
1983 stat_sel = mcv_combine_selectivities(simple_sel,
1984 mcv_sel,
1985 mcv_basesel,
1986 mcv_totalsel);
1988 /* Factor this into the overall result */
1989 sel *= stat_sel;
1990 }
1991 }
1993 return sel;
bool bms_is_member(int x, const Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:510
BMS_Membership bms_membership(const Bitmapset *a)
Definition: bitmapset.c:781
Definition: bitmapset.h:72
Selectivity clause_selectivity_ext(PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, bool use_extended_stats)
Definition: clausesel.c:684
Selectivity clauselist_selectivity_ext(PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, bool use_extended_stats)
Definition: clausesel.c:117
bool has_stats_of_kind(List *stats, char requiredkind)
StatisticExtInfo * choose_best_statistics(List *stats, char requiredkind, bool inh, Bitmapset **clause_attnums, List **clause_exprs, int nclauses)
Selectivity mcv_clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, StatisticExtInfo *stat, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, RelOptInfo *rel, Selectivity *basesel, Selectivity *totalsel)
Definition: mcv.c:2048
MCVList * statext_mcv_load(Oid mvoid, bool inh)
Definition: mcv.c:558
Selectivity mcv_combine_selectivities(Selectivity simple_sel, Selectivity mcv_sel, Selectivity mcv_basesel, Selectivity mcv_totalsel)
Definition: mcv.c:2006
Selectivity mcv_clause_selectivity_or(PlannerInfo *root, StatisticExtInfo *stat, MCVList *mcv, Node *clause, bool **or_matches, Selectivity *basesel, Selectivity *overlap_mcvsel, Selectivity *overlap_basesel, Selectivity *totalsel)
Definition: mcv.c:2126
#define planner_rt_fetch(rti, root)
Definition: pathnodes.h:589
Definition: selfuncs.h:63
Index relid
Definition: pathnodes.h:937
List * statlist
Definition: pathnodes.h:965
#define stat
Definition: win32_port.h:274

References Assert, bms_add_member(), bms_free(), bms_is_member(), bms_is_subset(), bms_membership(), BMS_SINGLETON, choose_best_statistics(), CLAMP_PROBABILITY, clause_selectivity_ext(), clauselist_selectivity_ext(), has_stats_of_kind(), RangeTblEntry::inh, lappend(), lfirst, list_free(), list_length(), mcv_clause_selectivity_or(), mcv_clauselist_selectivity(), mcv_combine_selectivities(), NIL, palloc(), planner_rt_fetch, RelOptInfo::relid, root, stat, stat_covers_expressions(), statext_is_compatible_clause(), statext_mcv_load(), and RelOptInfo::statlist.

Referenced by statext_clauselist_selectivity().

◆ statext_store()

static void statext_store ( Oid  statOid,
bool  inh,
MVNDistinct ndistinct,
MVDependencies dependencies,
MCVList mcv,
Datum  exprs,
VacAttrStats **  stats 

Definition at line 759 of file extended_stats.c.

763 Relation pg_stextdata;
764 HeapTuple stup;
765 Datum values[Natts_pg_statistic_ext_data];
766 bool nulls[Natts_pg_statistic_ext_data];
768 pg_stextdata = table_open(StatisticExtDataRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
770 memset(nulls, true, sizeof(nulls));
771 memset(values, 0, sizeof(values));
773 /* basic info */
774 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(statOid);
775 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid - 1] = false;
777 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdinherit - 1] = BoolGetDatum(inh);
778 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdinherit - 1] = false;
780 /*
781 * Construct a new pg_statistic_ext_data tuple, replacing the calculated
782 * stats.
783 */
784 if (ndistinct != NULL)
785 {
788 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdndistinct - 1] = (data == NULL);
789 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdndistinct - 1] = PointerGetDatum(data);
790 }
792 if (dependencies != NULL)
793 {
796 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxddependencies - 1] = (data == NULL);
797 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxddependencies - 1] = PointerGetDatum(data);
798 }
799 if (mcv != NULL)
800 {
801 bytea *data = statext_mcv_serialize(mcv, stats);
803 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdmcv - 1] = (data == NULL);
804 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdmcv - 1] = PointerGetDatum(data);
805 }
806 if (exprs != (Datum) 0)
807 {
808 nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdexpr - 1] = false;
809 values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_data_stxdexpr - 1] = exprs;
810 }
812 /*
813 * Delete the old tuple if it exists, and insert a new one. It's easier
814 * than trying to update or insert, based on various conditions.
815 */
816 RemoveStatisticsDataById(statOid, inh);
818 /* form and insert a new tuple */
819 stup = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_stextdata), values, nulls);
820 CatalogTupleInsert(pg_stextdata, stup);
822 heap_freetuple(stup);
824 table_close(pg_stextdata, RowExclusiveLock);
bytea * statext_dependencies_serialize(MVDependencies *dependencies)
Definition: dependencies.c:444
void CatalogTupleInsert(Relation heapRel, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: indexing.c:233
bytea * statext_mcv_serialize(MCVList *mcvlist, VacAttrStats **stats)
Definition: mcv.c:621
bytea * statext_ndistinct_serialize(MVNDistinct *ndistinct)
Definition: mvdistinct.c:179
void RemoveStatisticsDataById(Oid statsOid, bool inh)
Definition: statscmds.c:740
Definition: c.h:644

References BoolGetDatum(), CatalogTupleInsert(), data, heap_form_tuple(), heap_freetuple(), ObjectIdGetDatum(), PointerGetDatum(), RelationGetDescr, RemoveStatisticsDataById(), RowExclusiveLock, statext_dependencies_serialize(), statext_mcv_serialize(), statext_ndistinct_serialize(), table_close(), table_open(), and values.

Referenced by BuildRelationExtStatistics().