PostgreSQL Source Code  git master
tablecmds.c File Reference
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attmap.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/gist.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/heapam_xlog.h"
#include "access/multixact.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "access/tableam.h"
#include "access/toast_compression.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "access/xlog.h"
#include "access/xloginsert.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/objectaccess.h"
#include "catalog/partition.h"
#include "catalog/pg_am.h"
#include "catalog/pg_attrdef.h"
#include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
#include "catalog/pg_constraint.h"
#include "catalog/pg_depend.h"
#include "catalog/pg_foreign_table.h"
#include "catalog/pg_inherits.h"
#include "catalog/pg_largeobject.h"
#include "catalog/pg_namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_opclass.h"
#include "catalog/pg_policy.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_publication_rel.h"
#include "catalog/pg_rewrite.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_trigger.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "catalog/storage.h"
#include "catalog/storage_xlog.h"
#include "catalog/toasting.h"
#include "commands/cluster.h"
#include "commands/comment.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/event_trigger.h"
#include "commands/sequence.h"
#include "commands/tablecmds.h"
#include "commands/tablespace.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "commands/typecmds.h"
#include "commands/user.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "common/int.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "foreign/foreign.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_collate.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
#include "parser/parse_utilcmd.h"
#include "parser/parser.h"
#include "partitioning/partbounds.h"
#include "partitioning/partdesc.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteDefine.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/lock.h"
#include "storage/predicate.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "tcop/utility.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/inval.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/partcache.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/ruleutils.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/timestamp.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
#include "utils/usercontext.h"
Include dependency graph for tablecmds.c:

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Data Structures

struct  OnCommitItem
struct  AlteredTableInfo
struct  NewConstraint
struct  NewColumnValue
struct  dropmsgstrings
struct  DropRelationCallbackState
struct  ForeignTruncateInfo
struct  AttachIndexCallbackState


#define AT_NUM_PASSES   (AT_PASS_MISC + 1)
#define ATT_TABLE   0x0001
#define ATT_VIEW   0x0002
#define ATT_MATVIEW   0x0004
#define ATT_INDEX   0x0008
#define ATT_COMPOSITE_TYPE   0x0010
#define ATT_FOREIGN_TABLE   0x0020
#define ATT_PARTITIONED_INDEX   0x0040
#define ATT_SEQUENCE   0x0080
#define ATT_PARTITIONED_TABLE   0x0100
#define child_dependency_type(child_is_partition)    ((child_is_partition) ? DEPENDENCY_AUTO : DEPENDENCY_NORMAL)


typedef struct OnCommitItem OnCommitItem
typedef enum AlterTablePass AlterTablePass
typedef struct AlteredTableInfo AlteredTableInfo
typedef struct NewConstraint NewConstraint
typedef struct NewColumnValue NewColumnValue
typedef struct ForeignTruncateInfo ForeignTruncateInfo
typedef enum addFkConstraintSides addFkConstraintSides


enum  AlterTablePass {
enum  addFkConstraintSides { addFkReferencedSide , addFkReferencingSide , addFkBothSides }


static void truncate_check_rel (Oid relid, Form_pg_class reltuple)
static void truncate_check_perms (Oid relid, Form_pg_class reltuple)
static void truncate_check_activity (Relation rel)
static void RangeVarCallbackForTruncate (const RangeVar *relation, Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg)
static ListMergeAttributes (List *columns, const List *supers, char relpersistence, bool is_partition, List **supconstr, List **supnotnulls)
static ListMergeCheckConstraint (List *constraints, const char *name, Node *expr)
static void MergeChildAttribute (List *inh_columns, int exist_attno, int newcol_attno, const ColumnDef *newdef)
static ColumnDefMergeInheritedAttribute (List *inh_columns, int exist_attno, const ColumnDef *newdef)
static void MergeAttributesIntoExisting (Relation child_rel, Relation parent_rel, bool ispartition)
static void MergeConstraintsIntoExisting (Relation child_rel, Relation parent_rel)
static void StoreCatalogInheritance (Oid relationId, List *supers, bool child_is_partition)
static void StoreCatalogInheritance1 (Oid relationId, Oid parentOid, int32 seqNumber, Relation inhRelation, bool child_is_partition)
static int findAttrByName (const char *attributeName, const List *columns)
static void AlterIndexNamespaces (Relation classRel, Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
static void AlterSeqNamespaces (Relation classRel, Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAlterConstraint (Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static bool ATExecAlterConstrRecurse (Constraint *cmdcon, Relation conrel, Relation tgrel, Relation rel, HeapTuple contuple, List **otherrelids, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecValidateConstraint (List **wqueue, Relation rel, char *constrName, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static int transformColumnNameList (Oid relId, List *colList, int16 *attnums, Oid *atttypids, Oid *attcollids)
static int transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey (Relation pkrel, Oid *indexOid, List **attnamelist, int16 *attnums, Oid *atttypids, Oid *attcollids, Oid *opclasses, bool *pk_has_without_overlaps)
static Oid transformFkeyCheckAttrs (Relation pkrel, int numattrs, int16 *attnums, bool with_period, Oid *opclasses, bool *pk_has_without_overlaps)
static void checkFkeyPermissions (Relation rel, int16 *attnums, int natts)
static CoercionPathType findFkeyCast (Oid targetTypeId, Oid sourceTypeId, Oid *funcid)
static void validateForeignKeyConstraint (char *conname, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid pkindOid, Oid constraintOid, bool hasperiod)
static void CheckAlterTableIsSafe (Relation rel)
static void ATController (AlterTableStmt *parsetree, Relation rel, List *cmds, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATPrepCmd (List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATRewriteCatalogs (List **wqueue, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATExecCmd (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTablePass cur_pass, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static AlterTableCmdATParseTransformCmd (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTablePass cur_pass, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATRewriteTables (AlterTableStmt *parsetree, List **wqueue, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATRewriteTable (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Oid OIDNewHeap, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static AlteredTableInfoATGetQueueEntry (List **wqueue, Relation rel)
static void ATSimplePermissions (AlterTableType cmdtype, Relation rel, int allowed_targets)
static void ATSimpleRecursion (List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void ATCheckPartitionsNotInUse (Relation rel, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATTypedTableRecursion (List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static Listfind_typed_table_dependencies (Oid typeOid, const char *typeName, DropBehavior behavior)
static void ATPrepAddColumn (List **wqueue, Relation rel, bool recurse, bool recursing, bool is_view, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddColumn (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd **cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTablePass cur_pass, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static bool check_for_column_name_collision (Relation rel, const char *colname, bool if_not_exists)
static void add_column_datatype_dependency (Oid relid, int32 attnum, Oid typid)
static void add_column_collation_dependency (Oid relid, int32 attnum, Oid collid)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDropNotNull (Relation rel, const char *colName, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void set_attnotnull (List **wqueue, Relation rel, AttrNumber attnum, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetNotNull (List **wqueue, Relation rel, char *constrname, char *colName, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static bool NotNullImpliedByRelConstraints (Relation rel, Form_pg_attribute attr)
static bool ConstraintImpliedByRelConstraint (Relation scanrel, List *testConstraint, List *provenConstraint)
static ObjectAddress ATExecColumnDefault (Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *newDefault, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecCookedColumnDefault (Relation rel, AttrNumber attnum, Node *newDefault)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIdentity (Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *def, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool recurse, bool recursing)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetIdentity (Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *def, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool recurse, bool recursing)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDropIdentity (Relation rel, const char *colName, bool missing_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool recurse, bool recursing)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetExpression (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *newExpr, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPrepDropExpression (Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDropExpression (Relation rel, const char *colName, bool missing_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetStatistics (Relation rel, const char *colName, int16 colNum, Node *newValue, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetOptions (Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *options, bool isReset, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetStorage (Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *newValue, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPrepDropColumn (List **wqueue, Relation rel, bool recurse, bool recursing, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDropColumn (List **wqueue, Relation rel, const char *colName, DropBehavior behavior, bool recurse, bool recursing, bool missing_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode, ObjectAddresses *addrs)
static void ATPrepAddPrimaryKey (List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIndex (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, IndexStmt *stmt, bool is_rebuild, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddStatistics (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, CreateStatsStmt *stmt, bool is_rebuild, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddConstraint (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, Constraint *newConstraint, bool recurse, bool is_readd, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static char * ChooseForeignKeyConstraintNameAddition (List *colnames)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIndexConstraint (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, IndexStmt *stmt, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATAddCheckNNConstraint (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, Constraint *constr, bool recurse, bool recursing, bool is_readd, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATAddForeignKeyConstraint (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, Constraint *fkconstraint, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void validateFkOnDeleteSetColumns (int numfks, const int16 *fkattnums, int numfksetcols, const int16 *fksetcolsattnums, List *fksetcols)
static ObjectAddress addFkConstraint (addFkConstraintSides fkside, char *constraintname, Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool is_internal, bool with_period)
static void addFkRecurseReferenced (Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool old_check_ok, Oid parentDelTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, bool with_period)
static void addFkRecurseReferencing (List **wqueue, Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool old_check_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, bool with_period)
static void CloneForeignKeyConstraints (List **wqueue, Relation parentRel, Relation partitionRel)
static void CloneFkReferenced (Relation parentRel, Relation partitionRel)
static void CloneFkReferencing (List **wqueue, Relation parentRel, Relation partRel)
static void createForeignKeyCheckTriggers (Oid myRelOid, Oid refRelOid, Constraint *fkconstraint, Oid constraintOid, Oid indexOid, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Oid *insertTrigOid, Oid *updateTrigOid)
static void createForeignKeyActionTriggers (Relation rel, Oid refRelOid, Constraint *fkconstraint, Oid constraintOid, Oid indexOid, Oid parentDelTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Oid *deleteTrigOid, Oid *updateTrigOid)
static bool tryAttachPartitionForeignKey (ForeignKeyCacheInfo *fk, Oid partRelid, Oid parentConstrOid, int numfks, AttrNumber *mapped_conkey, AttrNumber *confkey, Oid *conpfeqop, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Relation trigrel)
static void GetForeignKeyActionTriggers (Relation trigrel, Oid conoid, Oid confrelid, Oid conrelid, Oid *deleteTriggerOid, Oid *updateTriggerOid)
static void GetForeignKeyCheckTriggers (Relation trigrel, Oid conoid, Oid confrelid, Oid conrelid, Oid *insertTriggerOid, Oid *updateTriggerOid)
static void ATExecDropConstraint (Relation rel, const char *constrName, DropBehavior behavior, bool recurse, bool missing_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress dropconstraint_internal (Relation rel, HeapTuple constraintTup, DropBehavior behavior, bool recurse, bool recursing, bool missing_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPrepAlterColumnType (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, bool recurse, bool recursing, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static bool ATColumnChangeRequiresRewrite (Node *expr, AttrNumber varattno)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAlterColumnType (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void RememberAllDependentForRebuilding (AlteredTableInfo *tab, AlterTableType subtype, Relation rel, AttrNumber attnum, const char *colName)
static void RememberConstraintForRebuilding (Oid conoid, AlteredTableInfo *tab)
static void RememberIndexForRebuilding (Oid indoid, AlteredTableInfo *tab)
static void RememberStatisticsForRebuilding (Oid stxoid, AlteredTableInfo *tab)
static void ATPostAlterTypeCleanup (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPostAlterTypeParse (Oid oldId, Oid oldRelId, Oid refRelId, char *cmd, List **wqueue, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool rewrite)
static void RebuildConstraintComment (AlteredTableInfo *tab, AlterTablePass pass, Oid objid, Relation rel, List *domname, const char *conname)
static void TryReuseIndex (Oid oldId, IndexStmt *stmt)
static void TryReuseForeignKey (Oid oldId, Constraint *con)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAlterColumnGenericOptions (Relation rel, const char *colName, List *options, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void change_owner_fix_column_acls (Oid relationOid, Oid oldOwnerId, Oid newOwnerId)
static void change_owner_recurse_to_sequences (Oid relationOid, Oid newOwnerId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecClusterOn (Relation rel, const char *indexName, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecDropCluster (Relation rel, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPrepSetAccessMethod (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, const char *amname)
static void ATExecSetAccessMethodNoStorage (Relation rel, Oid newAccessMethodId)
static void ATPrepChangePersistence (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, bool toLogged)
static void ATPrepSetTableSpace (AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, const char *tablespacename, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecSetTableSpace (Oid tableOid, Oid newTableSpace, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecSetTableSpaceNoStorage (Relation rel, Oid newTableSpace)
static void ATExecSetRelOptions (Relation rel, List *defList, AlterTableType operation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecEnableDisableTrigger (Relation rel, const char *trigname, char fires_when, bool skip_system, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecEnableDisableRule (Relation rel, const char *rulename, char fires_when, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATPrepAddInherit (Relation child_rel)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddInherit (Relation child_rel, RangeVar *parent, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDropInherit (Relation rel, RangeVar *parent, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void drop_parent_dependency (Oid relid, Oid refclassid, Oid refobjid, DependencyType deptype)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddOf (Relation rel, const TypeName *ofTypename, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecDropOf (Relation rel, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecReplicaIdentity (Relation rel, ReplicaIdentityStmt *stmt, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void ATExecGenericOptions (Relation rel, List *options)
static void ATExecSetRowSecurity (Relation rel, bool rls)
static void ATExecForceNoForceRowSecurity (Relation rel, bool force_rls)
static ObjectAddress ATExecSetCompression (Relation rel, const char *column, Node *newValue, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static void index_copy_data (Relation rel, RelFileLocator newrlocator)
static const char * storage_name (char c)
static void RangeVarCallbackForDropRelation (const RangeVar *rel, Oid relOid, Oid oldRelOid, void *arg)
static void RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation (const RangeVar *rv, Oid relid, Oid oldrelid, void *arg)
static PartitionSpectransformPartitionSpec (Relation rel, PartitionSpec *partspec)
static void ComputePartitionAttrs (ParseState *pstate, Relation rel, List *partParams, AttrNumber *partattrs, List **partexprs, Oid *partopclass, Oid *partcollation, PartitionStrategy strategy)
static void CreateInheritance (Relation child_rel, Relation parent_rel, bool ispartition)
static void RemoveInheritance (Relation child_rel, Relation parent_rel, bool expect_detached)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAttachPartition (List **wqueue, Relation rel, PartitionCmd *cmd, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
static void AttachPartitionEnsureIndexes (List **wqueue, Relation rel, Relation attachrel)
static void QueuePartitionConstraintValidation (List **wqueue, Relation scanrel, List *partConstraint, bool validate_default)
static void CloneRowTriggersToPartition (Relation parent, Relation partition)
static void DetachAddConstraintIfNeeded (List **wqueue, Relation partRel)
static void DropClonedTriggersFromPartition (Oid partitionId)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDetachPartition (List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, RangeVar *name, bool concurrent)
static void DetachPartitionFinalize (Relation rel, Relation partRel, bool concurrent, Oid defaultPartOid)
static ObjectAddress ATExecDetachPartitionFinalize (Relation rel, RangeVar *name)
static ObjectAddress ATExecAttachPartitionIdx (List **wqueue, Relation parentIdx, RangeVar *name)
static void validatePartitionedIndex (Relation partedIdx, Relation partedTbl)
static void refuseDupeIndexAttach (Relation parentIdx, Relation partIdx, Relation partitionTbl)
static void verifyPartitionIndexNotNull (IndexInfo *iinfo, Relation partIdx)
static ListGetParentedForeignKeyRefs (Relation partition)
static void ATDetachCheckNoForeignKeyRefs (Relation partition)
static char GetAttributeCompression (Oid atttypid, const char *compression)
static char GetAttributeStorage (Oid atttypid, const char *storagemode)
ObjectAddress DefineRelation (CreateStmt *stmt, char relkind, Oid ownerId, ObjectAddress *typaddress, const char *queryString)
TupleDesc BuildDescForRelation (const List *columns)
static void DropErrorMsgNonExistent (RangeVar *rel, char rightkind, bool missing_ok)
static void DropErrorMsgWrongType (const char *relname, char wrongkind, char rightkind)
void RemoveRelations (DropStmt *drop)
void ExecuteTruncate (TruncateStmt *stmt)
void ExecuteTruncateGuts (List *explicit_rels, List *relids, List *relids_logged, DropBehavior behavior, bool restart_seqs, bool run_as_table_owner)
void SetRelationHasSubclass (Oid relationId, bool relhassubclass)
bool CheckRelationTableSpaceMove (Relation rel, Oid newTableSpaceId)
void SetRelationTableSpace (Relation rel, Oid newTableSpaceId, RelFileNumber newRelFilenumber)
static void renameatt_check (Oid myrelid, Form_pg_class classform, bool recursing)
static AttrNumber renameatt_internal (Oid myrelid, const char *oldattname, const char *newattname, bool recurse, bool recursing, int expected_parents, DropBehavior behavior)
static void RangeVarCallbackForRenameAttribute (const RangeVar *rv, Oid relid, Oid oldrelid, void *arg)
ObjectAddress renameatt (RenameStmt *stmt)
static ObjectAddress rename_constraint_internal (Oid myrelid, Oid mytypid, const char *oldconname, const char *newconname, bool recurse, bool recursing, int expected_parents)
ObjectAddress RenameConstraint (RenameStmt *stmt)
ObjectAddress RenameRelation (RenameStmt *stmt)
void RenameRelationInternal (Oid myrelid, const char *newrelname, bool is_internal, bool is_index)
void ResetRelRewrite (Oid myrelid)
void CheckTableNotInUse (Relation rel, const char *stmt)
Oid AlterTableLookupRelation (AlterTableStmt *stmt, LOCKMODE lockmode)
void AlterTable (AlterTableStmt *stmt, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
void AlterTableInternal (Oid relid, List *cmds, bool recurse)
LOCKMODE AlterTableGetLockLevel (List *cmds)
static const char * alter_table_type_to_string (AlterTableType cmdtype)
void find_composite_type_dependencies (Oid typeOid, Relation origRelation, const char *origTypeName)
void check_of_type (HeapTuple typetuple)
static void SetIndexStorageProperties (Relation rel, Relation attrelation, AttrNumber attnum, bool setstorage, char newstorage, bool setcompression, char newcompression, LOCKMODE lockmode)
static Oid CreateFKCheckTrigger (Oid myRelOid, Oid refRelOid, Constraint *fkconstraint, Oid constraintOid, Oid indexOid, Oid parentTrigOid, bool on_insert)
static void RememberReplicaIdentityForRebuilding (Oid indoid, AlteredTableInfo *tab)
static void RememberClusterOnForRebuilding (Oid indoid, AlteredTableInfo *tab)
void ATExecChangeOwner (Oid relationOid, Oid newOwnerId, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Oid AlterTableMoveAll (AlterTableMoveAllStmt *stmt)
static char * decompile_conbin (HeapTuple contup, TupleDesc tupdesc)
static bool constraints_equivalent (HeapTuple a, HeapTuple b, TupleDesc tupleDesc)
static void MarkInheritDetached (Relation child_rel, Relation parent_rel)
static void relation_mark_replica_identity (Relation rel, char ri_type, Oid indexOid, bool is_internal)
ObjectAddress AlterTableNamespace (AlterObjectSchemaStmt *stmt, Oid *oldschema)
void AlterTableNamespaceInternal (Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid nspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
void AlterRelationNamespaceInternal (Relation classRel, Oid relOid, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, bool hasDependEntry, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
void register_on_commit_action (Oid relid, OnCommitAction action)
void remove_on_commit_action (Oid relid)
void PreCommit_on_commit_actions (void)
void AtEOXact_on_commit_actions (bool isCommit)
void AtEOSubXact_on_commit_actions (bool isCommit, SubTransactionId mySubid, SubTransactionId parentSubid)
void RangeVarCallbackMaintainsTable (const RangeVar *relation, Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg)
void RangeVarCallbackOwnsRelation (const RangeVar *relation, Oid relId, Oid oldRelId, void *arg)
bool PartConstraintImpliedByRelConstraint (Relation scanrel, List *partConstraint)
static void RangeVarCallbackForAttachIndex (const RangeVar *rv, Oid relOid, Oid oldRelOid, void *arg)


static Liston_commits = NIL
static const struct dropmsgstrings dropmsgstringarray []

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AT_NUM_PASSES   (AT_PASS_MISC + 1)

Definition at line 166 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_COMPOSITE_TYPE   0x0010

Definition at line 332 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_FOREIGN_TABLE   0x0020

Definition at line 333 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_INDEX   0x0008

Definition at line 331 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_MATVIEW   0x0004

Definition at line 330 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_PARTITIONED_INDEX   0x0040

Definition at line 334 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_PARTITIONED_TABLE   0x0100

Definition at line 336 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_SEQUENCE   0x0080

Definition at line 335 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_TABLE   0x0001

Definition at line 328 of file tablecmds.c.


#define ATT_VIEW   0x0002

Definition at line 329 of file tablecmds.c.

◆ child_dependency_type

#define child_dependency_type (   child_is_partition)     ((child_is_partition) ? DEPENDENCY_AUTO : DEPENDENCY_NORMAL)

Definition at line 365 of file tablecmds.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ addFkConstraintSides

◆ AlteredTableInfo

◆ AlterTablePass

◆ ForeignTruncateInfo

◆ NewColumnValue

◆ NewConstraint

typedef struct NewConstraint NewConstraint

◆ OnCommitItem

typedef struct OnCommitItem OnCommitItem

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ addFkConstraintSides


Definition at line 353 of file tablecmds.c.

354 {
Definition: tablecmds.c:354
@ addFkReferencingSide
Definition: tablecmds.c:356
@ addFkBothSides
Definition: tablecmds.c:357
@ addFkReferencedSide
Definition: tablecmds.c:355

◆ AlterTablePass


Definition at line 148 of file tablecmds.c.

149 {
150  AT_PASS_UNSET = -1, /* UNSET will cause ERROR */
151  AT_PASS_DROP, /* DROP (all flavors) */
155  AT_PASS_OLD_INDEX, /* re-add existing indexes */
156  AT_PASS_OLD_CONSTR, /* re-add existing constraints */
157  /* We could support a RENAME COLUMN pass here, but not currently used */
158  AT_PASS_ADD_CONSTR, /* ADD constraints (initial examination) */
159  AT_PASS_COL_ATTRS, /* set column attributes, eg NOT NULL */
160  AT_PASS_ADD_INDEXCONSTR, /* ADD index-based constraints */
161  AT_PASS_ADD_INDEX, /* ADD indexes */
162  AT_PASS_ADD_OTHERCONSTR, /* ADD other constraints, defaults */
163  AT_PASS_MISC, /* other stuff */
Definition: tablecmds.c:149
Definition: tablecmds.c:158
Definition: tablecmds.c:162
Definition: tablecmds.c:156
Definition: tablecmds.c:153
Definition: tablecmds.c:155
Definition: tablecmds.c:152
Definition: tablecmds.c:160
Definition: tablecmds.c:151
Definition: tablecmds.c:163
Definition: tablecmds.c:159
Definition: tablecmds.c:154
Definition: tablecmds.c:161
Definition: tablecmds.c:150

Function Documentation

◆ add_column_collation_dependency()

static void add_column_collation_dependency ( Oid  relid,
int32  attnum,
Oid  collid 

Definition at line 7532 of file tablecmds.c.

7533 {
7534  ObjectAddress myself,
7535  referenced;
7537  /* We know the default collation is pinned, so don't bother recording it */
7538  if (OidIsValid(collid) && collid != DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID)
7539  {
7540  myself.classId = RelationRelationId;
7541  myself.objectId = relid;
7542  myself.objectSubId = attnum;
7543  referenced.classId = CollationRelationId;
7544  referenced.objectId = collid;
7545  referenced.objectSubId = 0;
7546  recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL);
7547  }
7548 }
#define OidIsValid(objectId)
Definition: c.h:729
Oid collid
Definition: dependency.h:33
int16 attnum
Definition: pg_attribute.h:74
void recordDependencyOn(const ObjectAddress *depender, const ObjectAddress *referenced, DependencyType behavior)
Definition: pg_depend.c:45

References attnum, ObjectAddress::classId, collid, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, OidIsValid, and recordDependencyOn().

Referenced by ATExecAddColumn(), and ATExecAlterColumnType().

◆ add_column_datatype_dependency()

static void add_column_datatype_dependency ( Oid  relid,
int32  attnum,
Oid  typid 

Definition at line 7514 of file tablecmds.c.

7515 {
7516  ObjectAddress myself,
7517  referenced;
7519  myself.classId = RelationRelationId;
7520  myself.objectId = relid;
7521  myself.objectSubId = attnum;
7522  referenced.classId = TypeRelationId;
7523  referenced.objectId = typid;
7524  referenced.objectSubId = 0;
7525  recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL);
7526 }

References attnum, ObjectAddress::classId, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, and recordDependencyOn().

Referenced by ATExecAddColumn(), and ATExecAlterColumnType().

◆ addFkConstraint()

static ObjectAddress addFkConstraint ( addFkConstraintSides  fkside,
char *  constraintname,
Constraint fkconstraint,
Relation  rel,
Relation  pkrel,
Oid  indexOid,
Oid  parentConstr,
int  numfks,
int16 pkattnum,
int16 fkattnum,
Oid pfeqoperators,
Oid ppeqoperators,
Oid ffeqoperators,
int  numfkdelsetcols,
int16 fkdelsetcols,
bool  is_internal,
bool  with_period 

Definition at line 10353 of file tablecmds.c.

10360 {
10361  ObjectAddress address;
10362  Oid constrOid;
10363  char *conname;
10364  bool conislocal;
10365  int16 coninhcount;
10366  bool connoinherit;
10368  /*
10369  * Verify relkind for each referenced partition. At the top level, this
10370  * is redundant with a previous check, but we need it when recursing.
10371  */
10372  if (pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
10373  pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
10374  ereport(ERROR,
10376  errmsg("referenced relation \"%s\" is not a table",
10377  RelationGetRelationName(pkrel))));
10379  /*
10380  * Caller supplies us with a constraint name; however, it may be used in
10381  * this partition, so come up with a different one in that case.
10382  */
10384  RelationGetRelid(rel),
10385  constraintname))
10388  "fkey",
10389  RelationGetNamespace(rel), NIL);
10390  else
10391  conname = constraintname;
10393  if (fkconstraint->conname == NULL)
10394  fkconstraint->conname = pstrdup(conname);
10396  if (OidIsValid(parentConstr))
10397  {
10398  conislocal = false;
10399  coninhcount = 1;
10400  connoinherit = false;
10401  }
10402  else
10403  {
10404  conislocal = true;
10405  coninhcount = 0;
10407  /*
10408  * always inherit for partitioned tables, never for legacy inheritance
10409  */
10410  connoinherit = rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE;
10411  }
10413  /*
10414  * Record the FK constraint in pg_constraint.
10415  */
10416  constrOid = CreateConstraintEntry(conname,
10417  RelationGetNamespace(rel),
10419  fkconstraint->deferrable,
10420  fkconstraint->initdeferred,
10421  fkconstraint->initially_valid,
10422  parentConstr,
10423  RelationGetRelid(rel),
10424  fkattnum,
10425  numfks,
10426  numfks,
10427  InvalidOid, /* not a domain constraint */
10428  indexOid,
10429  RelationGetRelid(pkrel),
10430  pkattnum,
10431  pfeqoperators,
10432  ppeqoperators,
10433  ffeqoperators,
10434  numfks,
10435  fkconstraint->fk_upd_action,
10436  fkconstraint->fk_del_action,
10437  fkdelsetcols,
10438  numfkdelsetcols,
10439  fkconstraint->fk_matchtype,
10440  NULL, /* no exclusion constraint */
10441  NULL, /* no check constraint */
10442  NULL,
10443  conislocal, /* islocal */
10444  coninhcount, /* inhcount */
10445  connoinherit, /* conNoInherit */
10446  with_period, /* conPeriod */
10447  is_internal); /* is_internal */
10449  ObjectAddressSet(address, ConstraintRelationId, constrOid);
10451  /*
10452  * In partitioning cases, create the dependency entries for this
10453  * constraint. (For non-partitioned cases, relevant entries were created
10454  * by CreateConstraintEntry.)
10455  *
10456  * On the referenced side, we need the constraint to have an internal
10457  * dependency on its parent constraint; this means that this constraint
10458  * cannot be dropped on its own -- only through the parent constraint. It
10459  * also means the containing partition cannot be dropped on its own, but
10460  * it can be detached, at which point this dependency is removed (after
10461  * verifying that no rows are referenced via this FK.)
10462  *
10463  * When processing the referencing side, we link the constraint via the
10464  * special partitioning dependencies: the parent constraint is the primary
10465  * dependent, and the partition on which the foreign key exists is the
10466  * secondary dependency. That way, this constraint is dropped if either
10467  * of these objects is.
10468  *
10469  * Note that this is only necessary for the subsidiary pg_constraint rows
10470  * in partitions; the topmost row doesn't need any of this.
10471  */
10472  if (OidIsValid(parentConstr))
10473  {
10474  ObjectAddress referenced;
10476  ObjectAddressSet(referenced, ConstraintRelationId, parentConstr);
10478  Assert(fkside != addFkBothSides);
10479  if (fkside == addFkReferencedSide)
10480  recordDependencyOn(&address, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL);
10481  else
10482  {
10483  recordDependencyOn(&address, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI);
10484  ObjectAddressSet(referenced, RelationRelationId, RelationGetRelid(rel));
10485  recordDependencyOn(&address, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC);
10486  }
10487  }
10489  /* make new constraint visible, in case we add more */
10492  return address;
10493 }
#define Assert(condition)
Definition: c.h:812
int16_t int16
Definition: c.h:480
Definition: dependency.h:35
Definition: dependency.h:36
Definition: dependency.h:37
int errcode(int sqlerrcode)
Definition: elog.c:853
int errmsg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1070
#define ERROR
Definition: elog.h:39
#define ereport(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:149
char * pstrdup(const char *in)
Definition: mcxt.c:1696
#define ObjectAddressSet(addr, class_id, object_id)
Definition: objectaddress.h:40
char * ChooseConstraintName(const char *name1, const char *name2, const char *label, Oid namespaceid, List *others)
bool ConstraintNameIsUsed(ConstraintCategory conCat, Oid objId, const char *conname)
Oid CreateConstraintEntry(const char *constraintName, Oid constraintNamespace, char constraintType, bool isDeferrable, bool isDeferred, bool isValidated, Oid parentConstrId, Oid relId, const int16 *constraintKey, int constraintNKeys, int constraintNTotalKeys, Oid domainId, Oid indexRelId, Oid foreignRelId, const int16 *foreignKey, const Oid *pfEqOp, const Oid *ppEqOp, const Oid *ffEqOp, int foreignNKeys, char foreignUpdateType, char foreignDeleteType, const int16 *fkDeleteSetCols, int numFkDeleteSetCols, char foreignMatchType, const Oid *exclOp, Node *conExpr, const char *conBin, bool conIsLocal, int16 conInhCount, bool conNoInherit, bool conPeriod, bool is_internal)
Definition: pg_constraint.c:51
#define NIL
Definition: pg_list.h:68
#define InvalidOid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:36
unsigned int Oid
Definition: postgres_ext.h:31
#define RelationGetRelid(relation)
Definition: rel.h:505
#define RelationGetRelationName(relation)
Definition: rel.h:539
#define RelationGetNamespace(relation)
Definition: rel.h:546
bool initdeferred
Definition: parsenodes.h:2759
char fk_upd_action
Definition: parsenodes.h:2791
char fk_matchtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2790
bool initially_valid
Definition: parsenodes.h:2761
bool deferrable
Definition: parsenodes.h:2758
char * conname
Definition: parsenodes.h:2757
char fk_del_action
Definition: parsenodes.h:2792
List * fk_attrs
Definition: parsenodes.h:2786
Form_pg_class rd_rel
Definition: rel.h:111
static char * ChooseForeignKeyConstraintNameAddition(List *colnames)
Definition: tablecmds.c:9506
void CommandCounterIncrement(void)
Definition: xact.c:1099

References addFkBothSides, addFkReferencedSide, Assert, ChooseConstraintName(), ChooseForeignKeyConstraintNameAddition(), CommandCounterIncrement(), Constraint::conname, CONSTRAINT_RELATION, ConstraintNameIsUsed(), CreateConstraintEntry(), Constraint::deferrable, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI, DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, Constraint::fk_attrs, Constraint::fk_del_action, Constraint::fk_matchtype, Constraint::fk_upd_action, Constraint::initdeferred, Constraint::initially_valid, InvalidOid, NIL, ObjectAddressSet, OidIsValid, pstrdup(), RelationData::rd_rel, recordDependencyOn(), RelationGetNamespace, RelationGetRelationName, and RelationGetRelid.

Referenced by addFkRecurseReferenced(), addFkRecurseReferencing(), ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(), CloneFkReferenced(), and CloneFkReferencing().

◆ addFkRecurseReferenced()

static void addFkRecurseReferenced ( Constraint fkconstraint,
Relation  rel,
Relation  pkrel,
Oid  indexOid,
Oid  parentConstr,
int  numfks,
int16 pkattnum,
int16 fkattnum,
Oid pfeqoperators,
Oid ppeqoperators,
Oid ffeqoperators,
int  numfkdelsetcols,
int16 fkdelsetcols,
bool  old_check_ok,
Oid  parentDelTrigger,
Oid  parentUpdTrigger,
bool  with_period 

Definition at line 10528 of file tablecmds.c.

10537 {
10538  Oid deleteTriggerOid,
10539  updateTriggerOid;
10544  /*
10545  * Create the action triggers that enforce the constraint.
10546  */
10548  fkconstraint,
10549  parentConstr, indexOid,
10550  parentDelTrigger, parentUpdTrigger,
10551  &deleteTriggerOid, &updateTriggerOid);
10553  /*
10554  * If the referenced table is partitioned, recurse on ourselves to handle
10555  * each partition. We need one pg_constraint row created for each
10556  * partition in addition to the pg_constraint row for the parent table.
10557  */
10558  if (pkrel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
10559  {
10560  PartitionDesc pd = RelationGetPartitionDesc(pkrel, true);
10562  for (int i = 0; i < pd->nparts; i++)
10563  {
10564  Relation partRel;
10565  AttrMap *map;
10566  AttrNumber *mapped_pkattnum;
10567  Oid partIndexId;
10568  ObjectAddress address;
10570  /* XXX would it be better to acquire these locks beforehand? */
10571  partRel = table_open(pd->oids[i], ShareRowExclusiveLock);
10573  /*
10574  * Map the attribute numbers in the referenced side of the FK
10575  * definition to match the partition's column layout.
10576  */
10578  RelationGetDescr(pkrel),
10579  false);
10580  if (map)
10581  {
10582  mapped_pkattnum = palloc(sizeof(AttrNumber) * numfks);
10583  for (int j = 0; j < numfks; j++)
10584  mapped_pkattnum[j] = map->attnums[pkattnum[j] - 1];
10585  }
10586  else
10587  mapped_pkattnum = pkattnum;
10589  /* Determine the index to use at this level */
10590  partIndexId = index_get_partition(partRel, indexOid);
10591  if (!OidIsValid(partIndexId))
10592  elog(ERROR, "index for %u not found in partition %s",
10593  indexOid, RelationGetRelationName(partRel));
10595  /* Create entry at this level ... */
10597  fkconstraint->conname, fkconstraint, rel,
10598  partRel, partIndexId, parentConstr,
10599  numfks, mapped_pkattnum,
10600  fkattnum, pfeqoperators, ppeqoperators,
10601  ffeqoperators, numfkdelsetcols,
10602  fkdelsetcols, true, with_period);
10603  /* ... and recurse to our children */
10604  addFkRecurseReferenced(fkconstraint, rel, partRel,
10605  partIndexId, address.objectId, numfks,
10606  mapped_pkattnum, fkattnum,
10607  pfeqoperators, ppeqoperators, ffeqoperators,
10608  numfkdelsetcols, fkdelsetcols,
10609  old_check_ok,
10610  deleteTriggerOid, updateTriggerOid,
10611  with_period);
10613  /* Done -- clean up (but keep the lock) */
10614  table_close(partRel, NoLock);
10615  if (map)
10616  {
10617  pfree(mapped_pkattnum);
10618  free_attrmap(map);
10619  }
10620  }
10621  }
10622 }
void free_attrmap(AttrMap *map)
Definition: attmap.c:56
AttrMap * build_attrmap_by_name_if_req(TupleDesc indesc, TupleDesc outdesc, bool missing_ok)
Definition: attmap.c:263
int16 AttrNumber
Definition: attnum.h:21
#define elog(elevel,...)
Definition: elog.h:225
int j
Definition: isn.c:73
int i
Definition: isn.c:72
bool CheckRelationLockedByMe(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool orstronger)
Definition: lmgr.c:329
#define NoLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:34
#define ShareRowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:41
void pfree(void *pointer)
Definition: mcxt.c:1521
void * palloc(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1317
PartitionDesc RelationGetPartitionDesc(Relation rel, bool omit_detached)
Definition: partdesc.c:71
Oid index_get_partition(Relation partition, Oid indexId)
Definition: partition.c:176
#define RelationGetDescr(relation)
Definition: rel.h:531
Definition: attmap.h:35
AttrNumber * attnums
Definition: attmap.h:36
void table_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:126
Relation table_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:40
static void createForeignKeyActionTriggers(Relation rel, Oid refRelOid, Constraint *fkconstraint, Oid constraintOid, Oid indexOid, Oid parentDelTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Oid *deleteTrigOid, Oid *updateTrigOid)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12682
static ObjectAddress addFkConstraint(addFkConstraintSides fkside, char *constraintname, Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool is_internal, bool with_period)
Definition: tablecmds.c:10353
static void addFkRecurseReferenced(Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool old_check_ok, Oid parentDelTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, bool with_period)
Definition: tablecmds.c:10528

References addFkConstraint(), addFkReferencedSide, Assert, AttrMap::attnums, build_attrmap_by_name_if_req(), CheckRelationLockedByMe(), Constraint::conname, createForeignKeyActionTriggers(), elog, ERROR, free_attrmap(), i, index_get_partition(), j, NoLock, PartitionDescData::nparts, ObjectAddress::objectId, OidIsValid, PartitionDescData::oids, palloc(), pfree(), RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetDescr, RelationGetPartitionDesc(), RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetRelid, ShareRowExclusiveLock, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(), CloneFkReferenced(), and DetachPartitionFinalize().

◆ addFkRecurseReferencing()

static void addFkRecurseReferencing ( List **  wqueue,
Constraint fkconstraint,
Relation  rel,
Relation  pkrel,
Oid  indexOid,
Oid  parentConstr,
int  numfks,
int16 pkattnum,
int16 fkattnum,
Oid pfeqoperators,
Oid ppeqoperators,
Oid ffeqoperators,
int  numfkdelsetcols,
int16 fkdelsetcols,
bool  old_check_ok,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
Oid  parentInsTrigger,
Oid  parentUpdTrigger,
bool  with_period 

Definition at line 10663 of file tablecmds.c.

10671 {
10672  Oid insertTriggerOid,
10673  updateTriggerOid;
10675  Assert(OidIsValid(parentConstr));
10679  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
10680  ereport(ERROR,
10682  errmsg("foreign key constraints are not supported on foreign tables")));
10684  /*
10685  * Add the check triggers to it and, if necessary, schedule it to be
10686  * checked in Phase 3.
10687  *
10688  * If the relation is partitioned, drill down to do it to its partitions.
10689  */
10691  RelationGetRelid(pkrel),
10692  fkconstraint,
10693  parentConstr,
10694  indexOid,
10695  parentInsTrigger, parentUpdTrigger,
10696  &insertTriggerOid, &updateTriggerOid);
10698  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION)
10699  {
10700  /*
10701  * Tell Phase 3 to check that the constraint is satisfied by existing
10702  * rows. We can skip this during table creation, when requested
10703  * explicitly by specifying NOT VALID in an ADD FOREIGN KEY command,
10704  * and when we're recreating a constraint following a SET DATA TYPE
10705  * operation that did not impugn its validity.
10706  */
10707  if (wqueue && !old_check_ok && !fkconstraint->skip_validation)
10708  {
10709  NewConstraint *newcon;
10710  AlteredTableInfo *tab;
10712  tab = ATGetQueueEntry(wqueue, rel);
10714  newcon = (NewConstraint *) palloc0(sizeof(NewConstraint));
10715  newcon->name = get_constraint_name(parentConstr);
10716  newcon->contype = CONSTR_FOREIGN;
10717  newcon->refrelid = RelationGetRelid(pkrel);
10718  newcon->refindid = indexOid;
10719  newcon->conid = parentConstr;
10720  newcon->conwithperiod = fkconstraint->fk_with_period;
10721  newcon->qual = (Node *) fkconstraint;
10723  tab->constraints = lappend(tab->constraints, newcon);
10724  }
10725  }
10726  else if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
10727  {
10728  PartitionDesc pd = RelationGetPartitionDesc(rel, true);
10729  Relation trigrel;
10731  /*
10732  * Triggers of the foreign keys will be manipulated a bunch of times
10733  * in the loop below. To avoid repeatedly opening/closing the trigger
10734  * catalog relation, we open it here and pass it to the subroutines
10735  * called below.
10736  */
10737  trigrel = table_open(TriggerRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
10739  /*
10740  * Recurse to take appropriate action on each partition; either we
10741  * find an existing constraint to reparent to ours, or we create a new
10742  * one.
10743  */
10744  for (int i = 0; i < pd->nparts; i++)
10745  {
10746  Oid partitionId = pd->oids[i];
10747  Relation partition = table_open(partitionId, lockmode);
10748  List *partFKs;
10749  AttrMap *attmap;
10750  AttrNumber mapped_fkattnum[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
10751  bool attached;
10752  ObjectAddress address;
10753  ListCell *cell;
10755  CheckAlterTableIsSafe(partition);
10757  attmap = build_attrmap_by_name(RelationGetDescr(partition),
10758  RelationGetDescr(rel),
10759  false);
10760  for (int j = 0; j < numfks; j++)
10761  mapped_fkattnum[j] = attmap->attnums[fkattnum[j] - 1];
10763  /* Check whether an existing constraint can be repurposed */
10764  partFKs = copyObject(RelationGetFKeyList(partition));
10765  attached = false;
10766  foreach(cell, partFKs)
10767  {
10768  ForeignKeyCacheInfo *fk;
10770  fk = lfirst_node(ForeignKeyCacheInfo, cell);
10772  partitionId,
10773  parentConstr,
10774  numfks,
10775  mapped_fkattnum,
10776  pkattnum,
10777  pfeqoperators,
10778  insertTriggerOid,
10779  updateTriggerOid,
10780  trigrel))
10781  {
10782  attached = true;
10783  break;
10784  }
10785  }
10786  if (attached)
10787  {
10788  table_close(partition, NoLock);
10789  continue;
10790  }
10792  /*
10793  * No luck finding a good constraint to reuse; create our own.
10794  */
10796  fkconstraint->conname, fkconstraint,
10797  partition, pkrel, indexOid, parentConstr,
10798  numfks, pkattnum,
10799  mapped_fkattnum, pfeqoperators,
10800  ppeqoperators, ffeqoperators,
10801  numfkdelsetcols, fkdelsetcols, true,
10802  with_period);
10804  /* call ourselves to finalize the creation and we're done */
10805  addFkRecurseReferencing(wqueue, fkconstraint, partition, pkrel,
10806  indexOid,
10807  address.objectId,
10808  numfks,
10809  pkattnum,
10810  mapped_fkattnum,
10811  pfeqoperators,
10812  ppeqoperators,
10813  ffeqoperators,
10814  numfkdelsetcols,
10815  fkdelsetcols,
10816  old_check_ok,
10817  lockmode,
10818  insertTriggerOid,
10819  updateTriggerOid,
10820  with_period);
10822  table_close(partition, NoLock);
10823  }
10825  table_close(trigrel, RowExclusiveLock);
10826  }
10827 }
AttrMap * build_attrmap_by_name(TupleDesc indesc, TupleDesc outdesc, bool missing_ok)
Definition: attmap.c:177
List * lappend(List *list, void *datum)
Definition: list.c:339
#define RowExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:38
char * get_constraint_name(Oid conoid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1081
void * palloc0(Size size)
Definition: mcxt.c:1347
#define copyObject(obj)
Definition: nodes.h:224
Definition: parsenodes.h:2734
#define lfirst_node(type, lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:176
List * RelationGetFKeyList(Relation relation)
Definition: relcache.c:4657
List * constraints
Definition: tablecmds.c:187
bool fk_with_period
Definition: parsenodes.h:2788
bool skip_validation
Definition: parsenodes.h:2760
Definition: pg_list.h:54
char * name
Definition: tablecmds.c:216
ConstrType contype
Definition: tablecmds.c:217
bool conwithperiod
Definition: tablecmds.c:220
Node * qual
Definition: tablecmds.c:222
Definition: nodes.h:129
static AlteredTableInfo * ATGetQueueEntry(List **wqueue, Relation rel)
Definition: tablecmds.c:6410
static void addFkRecurseReferencing(List **wqueue, Constraint *fkconstraint, Relation rel, Relation pkrel, Oid indexOid, Oid parentConstr, int numfks, int16 *pkattnum, int16 *fkattnum, Oid *pfeqoperators, Oid *ppeqoperators, Oid *ffeqoperators, int numfkdelsetcols, int16 *fkdelsetcols, bool old_check_ok, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, bool with_period)
Definition: tablecmds.c:10663
static void CheckAlterTableIsSafe(Relation rel)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4362
static bool tryAttachPartitionForeignKey(ForeignKeyCacheInfo *fk, Oid partRelid, Oid parentConstrOid, int numfks, AttrNumber *mapped_conkey, AttrNumber *confkey, Oid *conpfeqop, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Relation trigrel)
Definition: tablecmds.c:11328
static void createForeignKeyCheckTriggers(Oid myRelOid, Oid refRelOid, Constraint *fkconstraint, Oid constraintOid, Oid indexOid, Oid parentInsTrigger, Oid parentUpdTrigger, Oid *insertTrigOid, Oid *updateTrigOid)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12819

References addFkConstraint(), addFkReferencingSide, Assert, ATGetQueueEntry(), AttrMap::attnums, build_attrmap_by_name(), CheckAlterTableIsSafe(), CheckRelationLockedByMe(), NewConstraint::conid, Constraint::conname, CONSTR_FOREIGN, AlteredTableInfo::constraints, NewConstraint::contype, NewConstraint::conwithperiod, copyObject, createForeignKeyCheckTriggers(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, Constraint::fk_with_period, get_constraint_name(), i, INDEX_MAX_KEYS, j, lappend(), lfirst_node, NewConstraint::name, NoLock, PartitionDescData::nparts, ObjectAddress::objectId, OidIsValid, PartitionDescData::oids, palloc0(), NewConstraint::qual, RelationData::rd_rel, NewConstraint::refindid, NewConstraint::refrelid, RelationGetDescr, RelationGetFKeyList(), RelationGetPartitionDesc(), RelationGetRelid, RowExclusiveLock, ShareRowExclusiveLock, Constraint::skip_validation, table_close(), table_open(), and tryAttachPartitionForeignKey().

Referenced by ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(), and CloneFkReferencing().

◆ alter_table_type_to_string()

static const char* alter_table_type_to_string ( AlterTableType  cmdtype)

Definition at line 6444 of file tablecmds.c.

6445 {
6446  switch (cmdtype)
6447  {
6448  case AT_AddColumn:
6449  case AT_AddColumnToView:
6450  return "ADD COLUMN";
6451  case AT_ColumnDefault:
6453  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET DEFAULT";
6454  case AT_DropNotNull:
6455  return "ALTER COLUMN ... DROP NOT NULL";
6456  case AT_SetNotNull:
6457  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET NOT NULL";
6458  case AT_SetExpression:
6460  case AT_DropExpression:
6462  case AT_SetStatistics:
6464  case AT_SetOptions:
6465  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET";
6466  case AT_ResetOptions:
6467  return "ALTER COLUMN ... RESET";
6468  case AT_SetStorage:
6469  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET STORAGE";
6470  case AT_SetCompression:
6472  case AT_DropColumn:
6473  return "DROP COLUMN";
6474  case AT_AddIndex:
6475  case AT_ReAddIndex:
6476  return NULL; /* not real grammar */
6477  case AT_AddConstraint:
6478  case AT_ReAddConstraint:
6480  case AT_AddIndexConstraint:
6481  return "ADD CONSTRAINT";
6482  case AT_AlterConstraint:
6483  return "ALTER CONSTRAINT";
6484  case AT_ValidateConstraint:
6486  case AT_DropConstraint:
6487  return "DROP CONSTRAINT";
6488  case AT_ReAddComment:
6489  return NULL; /* not real grammar */
6490  case AT_AlterColumnType:
6491  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET DATA TYPE";
6493  return "ALTER COLUMN ... OPTIONS";
6494  case AT_ChangeOwner:
6495  return "OWNER TO";
6496  case AT_ClusterOn:
6497  return "CLUSTER ON";
6498  case AT_DropCluster:
6499  return "SET WITHOUT CLUSTER";
6500  case AT_SetAccessMethod:
6501  return "SET ACCESS METHOD";
6502  case AT_SetLogged:
6503  return "SET LOGGED";
6504  case AT_SetUnLogged:
6505  return "SET UNLOGGED";
6506  case AT_DropOids:
6507  return "SET WITHOUT OIDS";
6508  case AT_SetTableSpace:
6509  return "SET TABLESPACE";
6510  case AT_SetRelOptions:
6511  return "SET";
6512  case AT_ResetRelOptions:
6513  return "RESET";
6514  case AT_ReplaceRelOptions:
6515  return NULL; /* not real grammar */
6516  case AT_EnableTrig:
6517  return "ENABLE TRIGGER";
6518  case AT_EnableAlwaysTrig:
6520  case AT_EnableReplicaTrig:
6522  case AT_DisableTrig:
6523  return "DISABLE TRIGGER";
6524  case AT_EnableTrigAll:
6525  return "ENABLE TRIGGER ALL";
6526  case AT_DisableTrigAll:
6527  return "DISABLE TRIGGER ALL";
6528  case AT_EnableTrigUser:
6529  return "ENABLE TRIGGER USER";
6530  case AT_DisableTrigUser:
6531  return "DISABLE TRIGGER USER";
6532  case AT_EnableRule:
6533  return "ENABLE RULE";
6534  case AT_EnableAlwaysRule:
6535  return "ENABLE ALWAYS RULE";
6536  case AT_EnableReplicaRule:
6537  return "ENABLE REPLICA RULE";
6538  case AT_DisableRule:
6539  return "DISABLE RULE";
6540  case AT_AddInherit:
6541  return "INHERIT";
6542  case AT_DropInherit:
6543  return "NO INHERIT";
6544  case AT_AddOf:
6545  return "OF";
6546  case AT_DropOf:
6547  return "NOT OF";
6548  case AT_ReplicaIdentity:
6549  return "REPLICA IDENTITY";
6550  case AT_EnableRowSecurity:
6551  return "ENABLE ROW SECURITY";
6552  case AT_DisableRowSecurity:
6553  return "DISABLE ROW SECURITY";
6554  case AT_ForceRowSecurity:
6555  return "FORCE ROW SECURITY";
6556  case AT_NoForceRowSecurity:
6557  return "NO FORCE ROW SECURITY";
6558  case AT_GenericOptions:
6559  return "OPTIONS";
6560  case AT_AttachPartition:
6561  return "ATTACH PARTITION";
6562  case AT_DetachPartition:
6563  return "DETACH PARTITION";
6566  case AT_AddIdentity:
6567  return "ALTER COLUMN ... ADD IDENTITY";
6568  case AT_SetIdentity:
6569  return "ALTER COLUMN ... SET";
6570  case AT_DropIdentity:
6571  return "ALTER COLUMN ... DROP IDENTITY";
6572  case AT_ReAddStatistics:
6573  return NULL; /* not real grammar */
6574  }
6576  return NULL;
6577 }
@ AT_AddIndexConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2381
@ AT_DropOf
Definition: parsenodes.h:2412
@ AT_SetOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2369
@ AT_DropIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2424
@ AT_DisableTrigUser
Definition: parsenodes.h:2404
@ AT_DropNotNull
Definition: parsenodes.h:2364
@ AT_AddOf
Definition: parsenodes.h:2411
@ AT_ResetOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2370
@ AT_ReplicaIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2413
@ AT_ReplaceRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2396
@ AT_EnableRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2414
@ AT_AddColumnToView
Definition: parsenodes.h:2361
@ AT_ResetRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2395
@ AT_EnableReplicaTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2399
@ AT_DropOids
Definition: parsenodes.h:2391
@ AT_SetIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2423
@ AT_ReAddStatistics
Definition: parsenodes.h:2425
@ AT_SetUnLogged
Definition: parsenodes.h:2390
@ AT_DisableTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2400
@ AT_SetCompression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2372
@ AT_DropExpression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2367
@ AT_AddIndex
Definition: parsenodes.h:2374
@ AT_EnableReplicaRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2407
@ AT_ReAddIndex
Definition: parsenodes.h:2375
@ AT_DropConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2382
@ AT_SetNotNull
Definition: parsenodes.h:2365
@ AT_ClusterOn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2387
@ AT_AddIdentity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2422
@ AT_ForceRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2416
@ AT_EnableAlwaysRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2406
@ AT_SetAccessMethod
Definition: parsenodes.h:2392
@ AT_AlterColumnType
Definition: parsenodes.h:2384
@ AT_DetachPartitionFinalize
Definition: parsenodes.h:2421
@ AT_AddInherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2409
@ AT_ReAddDomainConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2378
@ AT_EnableTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2397
@ AT_DropColumn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2373
@ AT_ReAddComment
Definition: parsenodes.h:2383
@ AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2385
@ AT_DisableTrigAll
Definition: parsenodes.h:2402
@ AT_EnableRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2405
@ AT_NoForceRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2417
@ AT_DetachPartition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2420
@ AT_SetStatistics
Definition: parsenodes.h:2368
@ AT_AttachPartition
Definition: parsenodes.h:2419
@ AT_AddConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2376
@ AT_DropInherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2410
@ AT_EnableAlwaysTrig
Definition: parsenodes.h:2398
@ AT_SetLogged
Definition: parsenodes.h:2389
@ AT_SetStorage
Definition: parsenodes.h:2371
@ AT_DisableRule
Definition: parsenodes.h:2408
@ AT_DisableRowSecurity
Definition: parsenodes.h:2415
@ AT_SetRelOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2394
@ AT_ChangeOwner
Definition: parsenodes.h:2386
@ AT_EnableTrigUser
Definition: parsenodes.h:2403
@ AT_SetExpression
Definition: parsenodes.h:2366
@ AT_ReAddConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2377
@ AT_SetTableSpace
Definition: parsenodes.h:2393
@ AT_GenericOptions
Definition: parsenodes.h:2418
@ AT_ColumnDefault
Definition: parsenodes.h:2362
@ AT_CookedColumnDefault
Definition: parsenodes.h:2363
@ AT_AlterConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2379
@ AT_EnableTrigAll
Definition: parsenodes.h:2401
@ AT_DropCluster
Definition: parsenodes.h:2388
@ AT_ValidateConstraint
Definition: parsenodes.h:2380
@ AT_AddColumn
Definition: parsenodes.h:2360

References AT_AddColumn, AT_AddColumnToView, AT_AddConstraint, AT_AddIdentity, AT_AddIndex, AT_AddIndexConstraint, AT_AddInherit, AT_AddOf, AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions, AT_AlterColumnType, AT_AlterConstraint, AT_AttachPartition, AT_ChangeOwner, AT_ClusterOn, AT_ColumnDefault, AT_CookedColumnDefault, AT_DetachPartition, AT_DetachPartitionFinalize, AT_DisableRowSecurity, AT_DisableRule, AT_DisableTrig, AT_DisableTrigAll, AT_DisableTrigUser, AT_DropCluster, AT_DropColumn, AT_DropConstraint, AT_DropExpression, AT_DropIdentity, AT_DropInherit, AT_DropNotNull, AT_DropOf, AT_DropOids, AT_EnableAlwaysRule, AT_EnableAlwaysTrig, AT_EnableReplicaRule, AT_EnableReplicaTrig, AT_EnableRowSecurity, AT_EnableRule, AT_EnableTrig, AT_EnableTrigAll, AT_EnableTrigUser, AT_ForceRowSecurity, AT_GenericOptions, AT_NoForceRowSecurity, AT_ReAddComment, AT_ReAddConstraint, AT_ReAddDomainConstraint, AT_ReAddIndex, AT_ReAddStatistics, AT_ReplaceRelOptions, AT_ReplicaIdentity, AT_ResetOptions, AT_ResetRelOptions, AT_SetAccessMethod, AT_SetCompression, AT_SetExpression, AT_SetIdentity, AT_SetLogged, AT_SetNotNull, AT_SetOptions, AT_SetRelOptions, AT_SetStatistics, AT_SetStorage, AT_SetTableSpace, AT_SetUnLogged, and AT_ValidateConstraint.

Referenced by ATSimplePermissions().

◆ AlterIndexNamespaces()

static void AlterIndexNamespaces ( Relation  classRel,
Relation  rel,
Oid  oldNspOid,
Oid  newNspOid,
ObjectAddresses objsMoved 

Definition at line 17894 of file tablecmds.c.

17896 {
17897  List *indexList;
17898  ListCell *l;
17900  indexList = RelationGetIndexList(rel);
17902  foreach(l, indexList)
17903  {
17904  Oid indexOid = lfirst_oid(l);
17905  ObjectAddress thisobj;
17907  thisobj.classId = RelationRelationId;
17908  thisobj.objectId = indexOid;
17909  thisobj.objectSubId = 0;
17911  /*
17912  * Note: currently, the index will not have its own dependency on the
17913  * namespace, so we don't need to do changeDependencyFor(). There's no
17914  * row type in pg_type, either.
17915  *
17916  * XXX this objsMoved test may be pointless -- surely we have a single
17917  * dependency link from a relation to each index?
17918  */
17919  if (!object_address_present(&thisobj, objsMoved))
17920  {
17921  AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(classRel, indexOid,
17922  oldNspOid, newNspOid,
17923  false, objsMoved);
17924  add_exact_object_address(&thisobj, objsMoved);
17925  }
17926  }
17928  list_free(indexList);
17929 }
bool object_address_present(const ObjectAddress *object, const ObjectAddresses *addrs)
Definition: dependency.c:2593
void add_exact_object_address(const ObjectAddress *object, ObjectAddresses *addrs)
Definition: dependency.c:2533
void list_free(List *list)
Definition: list.c:1546
#define lfirst_oid(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:174
List * RelationGetIndexList(Relation relation)
Definition: relcache.c:4766
void AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(Relation classRel, Oid relOid, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, bool hasDependEntry, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
Definition: tablecmds.c:17817

References add_exact_object_address(), AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(), ObjectAddress::classId, lfirst_oid, list_free(), object_address_present(), ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectAddress::objectSubId, and RelationGetIndexList().

Referenced by AlterTableNamespaceInternal().

◆ AlterRelationNamespaceInternal()

void AlterRelationNamespaceInternal ( Relation  classRel,
Oid  relOid,
Oid  oldNspOid,
Oid  newNspOid,
bool  hasDependEntry,
ObjectAddresses objsMoved 

Definition at line 17817 of file tablecmds.c.

17821 {
17822  HeapTuple classTup;
17823  Form_pg_class classForm;
17824  ObjectAddress thisobj;
17825  bool already_done = false;
17827  /* no rel lock for relkind=c so use LOCKTAG_TUPLE */
17828  classTup = SearchSysCacheLockedCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid));
17829  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTup))
17830  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relOid);
17831  classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTup);
17833  Assert(classForm->relnamespace == oldNspOid);
17835  thisobj.classId = RelationRelationId;
17836  thisobj.objectId = relOid;
17837  thisobj.objectSubId = 0;
17839  /*
17840  * If the object has already been moved, don't move it again. If it's
17841  * already in the right place, don't move it, but still fire the object
17842  * access hook.
17843  */
17844  already_done = object_address_present(&thisobj, objsMoved);
17845  if (!already_done && oldNspOid != newNspOid)
17846  {
17847  ItemPointerData otid = classTup->t_self;
17849  /* check for duplicate name (more friendly than unique-index failure) */
17850  if (get_relname_relid(NameStr(classForm->relname),
17851  newNspOid) != InvalidOid)
17852  ereport(ERROR,
17854  errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists in schema \"%s\"",
17855  NameStr(classForm->relname),
17856  get_namespace_name(newNspOid))));
17858  /* classTup is a copy, so OK to scribble on */
17859  classForm->relnamespace = newNspOid;
17861  CatalogTupleUpdate(classRel, &otid, classTup);
17862  UnlockTuple(classRel, &otid, InplaceUpdateTupleLock);
17865  /* Update dependency on schema if caller said so */
17866  if (hasDependEntry &&
17867  changeDependencyFor(RelationRelationId,
17868  relOid,
17869  NamespaceRelationId,
17870  oldNspOid,
17871  newNspOid) != 1)
17872  elog(ERROR, "could not change schema dependency for relation \"%s\"",
17873  NameStr(classForm->relname));
17874  }
17875  else
17876  UnlockTuple(classRel, &classTup->t_self, InplaceUpdateTupleLock);
17877  if (!already_done)
17878  {
17879  add_exact_object_address(&thisobj, objsMoved);
17881  InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(RelationRelationId, relOid, 0);
17882  }
17884  heap_freetuple(classTup);
17885 }
#define NameStr(name)
Definition: c.h:700
void heap_freetuple(HeapTuple htup)
Definition: heaptuple.c:1434
#define HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)
Definition: htup.h:78
Definition: htup_details.h:653
void CatalogTupleUpdate(Relation heapRel, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple tup)
Definition: indexing.c:313
void UnlockTuple(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: lmgr.c:594
#define InplaceUpdateTupleLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:48
char * get_namespace_name(Oid nspid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:3366
Oid get_relname_relid(const char *relname, Oid relnamespace)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1885
#define InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(classId, objectId, subId)
Definition: objectaccess.h:197
FormData_pg_class * Form_pg_class
Definition: pg_class.h:153
long changeDependencyFor(Oid classId, Oid objectId, Oid refClassId, Oid oldRefObjectId, Oid newRefObjectId)
Definition: pg_depend.c:457
static Datum ObjectIdGetDatum(Oid X)
Definition: postgres.h:252
ItemPointerData t_self
Definition: htup.h:65
HeapTuple SearchSysCacheLockedCopy1(int cacheId, Datum key1)
Definition: syscache.c:404

References add_exact_object_address(), Assert, CatalogTupleUpdate(), changeDependencyFor(), ObjectAddress::classId, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_namespace_name(), get_relname_relid(), GETSTRUCT, heap_freetuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, InplaceUpdateTupleLock, InvalidOid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, NameStr, object_address_present(), ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectIdGetDatum(), ObjectAddress::objectSubId, SearchSysCacheLockedCopy1(), HeapTupleData::t_self, and UnlockTuple().

Referenced by AlterIndexNamespaces(), AlterSeqNamespaces(), AlterTableNamespaceInternal(), and AlterTypeNamespaceInternal().

◆ AlterSeqNamespaces()

static void AlterSeqNamespaces ( Relation  classRel,
Relation  rel,
Oid  oldNspOid,
Oid  newNspOid,
ObjectAddresses objsMoved,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 17939 of file tablecmds.c.

17942 {
17943  Relation depRel;
17944  SysScanDesc scan;
17945  ScanKeyData key[2];
17946  HeapTuple tup;
17948  /*
17949  * SERIAL sequences are those having an auto dependency on one of the
17950  * table's columns (we don't care *which* column, exactly).
17951  */
17952  depRel = table_open(DependRelationId, AccessShareLock);
17954  ScanKeyInit(&key[0],
17955  Anum_pg_depend_refclassid,
17956  BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
17957  ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationRelationId));
17958  ScanKeyInit(&key[1],
17959  Anum_pg_depend_refobjid,
17960  BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
17962  /* we leave refobjsubid unspecified */
17964  scan = systable_beginscan(depRel, DependReferenceIndexId, true,
17965  NULL, 2, key);
17967  while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = systable_getnext(scan)))
17968  {
17969  Form_pg_depend depForm = (Form_pg_depend) GETSTRUCT(tup);
17970  Relation seqRel;
17972  /* skip dependencies other than auto dependencies on columns */
17973  if (depForm->refobjsubid == 0 ||
17974  depForm->classid != RelationRelationId ||
17975  depForm->objsubid != 0 ||
17976  !(depForm->deptype == DEPENDENCY_AUTO || depForm->deptype == DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL))
17977  continue;
17979  /* Use relation_open just in case it's an index */
17980  seqRel = relation_open(depForm->objid, lockmode);
17982  /* skip non-sequence relations */
17983  if (RelationGetForm(seqRel)->relkind != RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
17984  {
17985  /* No need to keep the lock */
17986  relation_close(seqRel, lockmode);
17987  continue;
17988  }
17990  /* Fix the pg_class and pg_depend entries */
17991  AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(classRel, depForm->objid,
17992  oldNspOid, newNspOid,
17993  true, objsMoved);
17995  /*
17996  * Sequences used to have entries in pg_type, but no longer do. If we
17997  * ever re-instate that, we'll need to move the pg_type entry to the
17998  * new namespace, too (using AlterTypeNamespaceInternal).
17999  */
18000  Assert(RelationGetForm(seqRel)->reltype == InvalidOid);
18002  /* Now we can close it. Keep the lock till end of transaction. */
18003  relation_close(seqRel, NoLock);
18004  }
18006  systable_endscan(scan);
18009 }
Definition: dependency.h:34
void systable_endscan(SysScanDesc sysscan)
Definition: genam.c:606
HeapTuple systable_getnext(SysScanDesc sysscan)
Definition: genam.c:513
SysScanDesc systable_beginscan(Relation heapRelation, Oid indexId, bool indexOK, Snapshot snapshot, int nkeys, ScanKey key)
Definition: genam.c:387
#define AccessShareLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:36
FormData_pg_depend * Form_pg_depend
Definition: pg_depend.h:72
#define RelationGetForm(relation)
Definition: rel.h:499
void ScanKeyInit(ScanKey entry, AttrNumber attributeNumber, StrategyNumber strategy, RegProcedure procedure, Datum argument)
Definition: scankey.c:76
void relation_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: relation.c:205
Relation relation_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: relation.c:47
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:31

References AccessShareLock, AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(), Assert, BTEqualStrategyNumber, DEPENDENCY_AUTO, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL, GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, InvalidOid, sort-test::key, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum(), relation_close(), relation_open(), RelationGetForm, RelationGetRelid, ScanKeyInit(), systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), and table_open().

Referenced by AlterTableNamespaceInternal().

◆ AlterTable()

void AlterTable ( AlterTableStmt stmt,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
AlterTableUtilityContext context 

Definition at line 4447 of file tablecmds.c.

4449 {
4450  Relation rel;
4452  /* Caller is required to provide an adequate lock. */
4453  rel = relation_open(context->relid, NoLock);
4455  CheckAlterTableIsSafe(rel);
4457  ATController(stmt, rel, stmt->cmds, stmt->relation->inh, lockmode, context);
4458 }
#define stmt
Definition: indent_codes.h:59
tree context
Definition: radixtree.h:1835
static void ATController(AlterTableStmt *parsetree, Relation rel, List *cmds, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4783

References ATController(), CheckAlterTableIsSafe(), context, NoLock, relation_open(), and stmt.

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ AlterTableGetLockLevel()

LOCKMODE AlterTableGetLockLevel ( List cmds)

Definition at line 4521 of file tablecmds.c.

4522 {
4523  /*
4524  * This only works if we read catalog tables using MVCC snapshots.
4525  */
4526  ListCell *lcmd;
4529  foreach(lcmd, cmds)
4530  {
4531  AlterTableCmd *cmd = (AlterTableCmd *) lfirst(lcmd);
4532  LOCKMODE cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock; /* default for compiler */
4534  switch (cmd->subtype)
4535  {
4536  /*
4537  * These subcommands rewrite the heap, so require full locks.
4538  */
4539  case AT_AddColumn: /* may rewrite heap, in some cases and visible
4540  * to SELECT */
4541  case AT_SetAccessMethod: /* must rewrite heap */
4542  case AT_SetTableSpace: /* must rewrite heap */
4543  case AT_AlterColumnType: /* must rewrite heap */
4544  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4545  break;
4547  /*
4548  * These subcommands may require addition of toast tables. If
4549  * we add a toast table to a table currently being scanned, we
4550  * might miss data added to the new toast table by concurrent
4551  * insert transactions.
4552  */
4553  case AT_SetStorage: /* may add toast tables, see
4554  * ATRewriteCatalogs() */
4555  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4556  break;
4558  /*
4559  * Removing constraints can affect SELECTs that have been
4560  * optimized assuming the constraint holds true. See also
4561  * CloneFkReferenced.
4562  */
4563  case AT_DropConstraint: /* as DROP INDEX */
4564  case AT_DropNotNull: /* may change some SQL plans */
4565  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4566  break;
4568  /*
4569  * Subcommands that may be visible to concurrent SELECTs
4570  */
4571  case AT_DropColumn: /* change visible to SELECT */
4572  case AT_AddColumnToView: /* CREATE VIEW */
4573  case AT_DropOids: /* used to equiv to DropColumn */
4574  case AT_EnableAlwaysRule: /* may change SELECT rules */
4575  case AT_EnableReplicaRule: /* may change SELECT rules */
4576  case AT_EnableRule: /* may change SELECT rules */
4577  case AT_DisableRule: /* may change SELECT rules */
4578  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4579  break;
4581  /*
4582  * Changing owner may remove implicit SELECT privileges
4583  */
4584  case AT_ChangeOwner: /* change visible to SELECT */
4585  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4586  break;
4588  /*
4589  * Changing foreign table options may affect optimization.
4590  */
4591  case AT_GenericOptions:
4593  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4594  break;
4596  /*
4597  * These subcommands affect write operations only.
4598  */
4599  case AT_EnableTrig:
4600  case AT_EnableAlwaysTrig:
4601  case AT_EnableReplicaTrig:
4602  case AT_EnableTrigAll:
4603  case AT_EnableTrigUser:
4604  case AT_DisableTrig:
4605  case AT_DisableTrigAll:
4606  case AT_DisableTrigUser:
4607  cmd_lockmode = ShareRowExclusiveLock;
4608  break;
4610  /*
4611  * These subcommands affect write operations only. XXX
4612  * Theoretically, these could be ShareRowExclusiveLock.
4613  */
4614  case AT_ColumnDefault:
4616  case AT_AlterConstraint:
4617  case AT_AddIndex: /* from ADD CONSTRAINT */
4618  case AT_AddIndexConstraint:
4619  case AT_ReplicaIdentity:
4620  case AT_SetNotNull:
4621  case AT_EnableRowSecurity:
4622  case AT_DisableRowSecurity:
4623  case AT_ForceRowSecurity:
4624  case AT_NoForceRowSecurity:
4625  case AT_AddIdentity:
4626  case AT_DropIdentity:
4627  case AT_SetIdentity:
4628  case AT_SetExpression:
4629  case AT_DropExpression:
4630  case AT_SetCompression:
4631  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4632  break;
4634  case AT_AddConstraint:
4635  case AT_ReAddConstraint: /* becomes AT_AddConstraint */
4636  case AT_ReAddDomainConstraint: /* becomes AT_AddConstraint */
4637  if (IsA(cmd->def, Constraint))
4638  {
4639  Constraint *con = (Constraint *) cmd->def;
4641  switch (con->contype)
4642  {
4644  case CONSTR_PRIMARY:
4645  case CONSTR_UNIQUE:
4647  /*
4648  * Cases essentially the same as CREATE INDEX. We
4649  * could reduce the lock strength to ShareLock if
4650  * we can work out how to allow concurrent catalog
4651  * updates. XXX Might be set down to
4652  * ShareRowExclusiveLock but requires further
4653  * analysis.
4654  */
4655  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4656  break;
4657  case CONSTR_FOREIGN:
4659  /*
4660  * We add triggers to both tables when we add a
4661  * Foreign Key, so the lock level must be at least
4662  * as strong as CREATE TRIGGER.
4663  */
4664  cmd_lockmode = ShareRowExclusiveLock;
4665  break;
4667  default:
4668  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4669  }
4670  }
4671  break;
4673  /*
4674  * These subcommands affect inheritance behaviour. Queries
4675  * started before us will continue to see the old inheritance
4676  * behaviour, while queries started after we commit will see
4677  * new behaviour. No need to prevent reads or writes to the
4678  * subtable while we hook it up though. Changing the TupDesc
4679  * may be a problem, so keep highest lock.
4680  */
4681  case AT_AddInherit:
4682  case AT_DropInherit:
4683  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4684  break;
4686  /*
4687  * These subcommands affect implicit row type conversion. They
4688  * have affects similar to CREATE/DROP CAST on queries. don't
4689  * provide for invalidating parse trees as a result of such
4690  * changes, so we keep these at AccessExclusiveLock.
4691  */
4692  case AT_AddOf:
4693  case AT_DropOf:
4694  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4695  break;
4697  /*
4698  * Only used by CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW which must conflict
4699  * with an SELECTs currently using the view.
4700  */
4701  case AT_ReplaceRelOptions:
4702  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4703  break;
4705  /*
4706  * These subcommands affect general strategies for performance
4707  * and maintenance, though don't change the semantic results
4708  * from normal data reads and writes. Delaying an ALTER TABLE
4709  * behind currently active writes only delays the point where
4710  * the new strategy begins to take effect, so there is no
4711  * benefit in waiting. In this case the minimum restriction
4712  * applies: we don't currently allow concurrent catalog
4713  * updates.
4714  */
4715  case AT_SetStatistics: /* Uses MVCC in getTableAttrs() */
4716  case AT_ClusterOn: /* Uses MVCC in getIndexes() */
4717  case AT_DropCluster: /* Uses MVCC in getIndexes() */
4718  case AT_SetOptions: /* Uses MVCC in getTableAttrs() */
4719  case AT_ResetOptions: /* Uses MVCC in getTableAttrs() */
4720  cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
4721  break;
4723  case AT_SetLogged:
4724  case AT_SetUnLogged:
4725  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4726  break;
4728  case AT_ValidateConstraint: /* Uses MVCC in getConstraints() */
4729  cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
4730  break;
4732  /*
4733  * Rel options are more complex than first appears. Options
4734  * are set here for tables, views and indexes; for historical
4735  * reasons these can all be used with ALTER TABLE, so we can't
4736  * decide between them using the basic grammar.
4737  */
4738  case AT_SetRelOptions: /* Uses MVCC in getIndexes() and
4739  * getTables() */
4740  case AT_ResetRelOptions: /* Uses MVCC in getIndexes() and
4741  * getTables() */
4742  cmd_lockmode = AlterTableGetRelOptionsLockLevel((List *) cmd->def);
4743  break;
4745  case AT_AttachPartition:
4746  cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
4747  break;
4749  case AT_DetachPartition:
4750  if (((PartitionCmd *) cmd->def)->concurrent)
4751  cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
4752  else
4753  cmd_lockmode = AccessExclusiveLock;
4754  break;
4757  cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
4758  break;
4760  default: /* oops */
4761  elog(ERROR, "unrecognized alter table type: %d",
4762  (int) cmd->subtype);
4763  break;
4764  }
4766  /*
4767  * Take the greatest lockmode from any subcommand
4768  */
4769  if (cmd_lockmode > lockmode)
4770  lockmode = cmd_lockmode;
4771  }
4773  return lockmode;
4774 }
Definition: lockdefs.h:26
#define AccessExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:43
#define ShareUpdateExclusiveLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:39
#define IsA(nodeptr, _type_)
Definition: nodes.h:158
Definition: parsenodes.h:2732
Definition: parsenodes.h:2733
Definition: parsenodes.h:2731
#define lfirst(lc)
Definition: pg_list.h:172
LOCKMODE AlterTableGetRelOptionsLockLevel(List *defList)
Definition: reloptions.c:2108
AlterTableType subtype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2438
ConstrType contype
Definition: parsenodes.h:2756

References AccessExclusiveLock, AlterTableGetRelOptionsLockLevel(), AT_AddColumn, AT_AddColumnToView, AT_AddConstraint, AT_AddIdentity, AT_AddIndex, AT_AddIndexConstraint, AT_AddInherit, AT_AddOf, AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions, AT_AlterColumnType, AT_AlterConstraint, AT_AttachPartition, AT_ChangeOwner, AT_ClusterOn, AT_ColumnDefault, AT_CookedColumnDefault, AT_DetachPartition, AT_DetachPartitionFinalize, AT_DisableRowSecurity, AT_DisableRule, AT_DisableTrig, AT_DisableTrigAll, AT_DisableTrigUser, AT_DropCluster, AT_DropColumn, AT_DropConstraint, AT_DropExpression, AT_DropIdentity, AT_DropInherit, AT_DropNotNull, AT_DropOf, AT_DropOids, AT_EnableAlwaysRule, AT_EnableAlwaysTrig, AT_EnableReplicaRule, AT_EnableReplicaTrig, AT_EnableRowSecurity, AT_EnableRule, AT_EnableTrig, AT_EnableTrigAll, AT_EnableTrigUser, AT_ForceRowSecurity, AT_GenericOptions, AT_NoForceRowSecurity, AT_ReAddConstraint, AT_ReAddDomainConstraint, AT_ReplaceRelOptions, AT_ReplicaIdentity, AT_ResetOptions, AT_ResetRelOptions, AT_SetAccessMethod, AT_SetCompression, AT_SetExpression, AT_SetIdentity, AT_SetLogged, AT_SetNotNull, AT_SetOptions, AT_SetRelOptions, AT_SetStatistics, AT_SetStorage, AT_SetTableSpace, AT_SetUnLogged, AT_ValidateConstraint, CONSTR_EXCLUSION, CONSTR_FOREIGN, CONSTR_PRIMARY, CONSTR_UNIQUE, Constraint::contype, AlterTableCmd::def, elog, ERROR, IsA, lfirst, ShareRowExclusiveLock, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, and AlterTableCmd::subtype.

Referenced by AlterTableInternal(), and ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ AlterTableInternal()

void AlterTableInternal ( Oid  relid,
List cmds,
bool  recurse 

Definition at line 4476 of file tablecmds.c.

4477 {
4478  Relation rel;
4479  LOCKMODE lockmode = AlterTableGetLockLevel(cmds);
4481  rel = relation_open(relid, lockmode);
4485  ATController(NULL, rel, cmds, recurse, lockmode, NULL);
4486 }
void EventTriggerAlterTableRelid(Oid objectId)
LOCKMODE AlterTableGetLockLevel(List *cmds)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4521

References AlterTableGetLockLevel(), ATController(), EventTriggerAlterTableRelid(), and relation_open().

Referenced by AlterTableMoveAll(), and DefineVirtualRelation().

◆ AlterTableLookupRelation()

Oid AlterTableLookupRelation ( AlterTableStmt stmt,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 4388 of file tablecmds.c.

4389 {
4390  return RangeVarGetRelidExtended(stmt->relation, lockmode,
4391  stmt->missing_ok ? RVR_MISSING_OK : 0,
4393  stmt);
4394 }
Oid RangeVarGetRelidExtended(const RangeVar *relation, LOCKMODE lockmode, uint32 flags, RangeVarGetRelidCallback callback, void *callback_arg)
Definition: namespace.c:441
Definition: namespace.h:72
static void RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation(const RangeVar *rv, Oid relid, Oid oldrelid, void *arg)
Definition: tablecmds.c:18349

References RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation(), RangeVarGetRelidExtended(), RVR_MISSING_OK, and stmt.

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ AlterTableMoveAll()

Oid AlterTableMoveAll ( AlterTableMoveAllStmt stmt)

Definition at line 15771 of file tablecmds.c.

15772 {
15773  List *relations = NIL;
15774  ListCell *l;
15775  ScanKeyData key[1];
15776  Relation rel;
15777  TableScanDesc scan;
15778  HeapTuple tuple;
15779  Oid orig_tablespaceoid;
15780  Oid new_tablespaceoid;
15781  List *role_oids = roleSpecsToIds(stmt->roles);
15783  /* Ensure we were not asked to move something we can't */
15784  if (stmt->objtype != OBJECT_TABLE && stmt->objtype != OBJECT_INDEX &&
15785  stmt->objtype != OBJECT_MATVIEW)
15786  ereport(ERROR,
15788  errmsg("only tables, indexes, and materialized views exist in tablespaces")));
15790  /* Get the orig and new tablespace OIDs */
15791  orig_tablespaceoid = get_tablespace_oid(stmt->orig_tablespacename, false);
15792  new_tablespaceoid = get_tablespace_oid(stmt->new_tablespacename, false);
15794  /* Can't move shared relations in to or out of pg_global */
15795  /* This is also checked by ATExecSetTableSpace, but nice to stop earlier */
15796  if (orig_tablespaceoid == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID ||
15797  new_tablespaceoid == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
15798  ereport(ERROR,
15800  errmsg("cannot move relations in to or out of pg_global tablespace")));
15802  /*
15803  * Must have CREATE rights on the new tablespace, unless it is the
15804  * database default tablespace (which all users implicitly have CREATE
15805  * rights on).
15806  */
15807  if (OidIsValid(new_tablespaceoid) && new_tablespaceoid != MyDatabaseTableSpace)
15808  {
15809  AclResult aclresult;
15811  aclresult = object_aclcheck(TableSpaceRelationId, new_tablespaceoid, GetUserId(),
15812  ACL_CREATE);
15813  if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
15814  aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_TABLESPACE,
15815  get_tablespace_name(new_tablespaceoid));
15816  }
15818  /*
15819  * Now that the checks are done, check if we should set either to
15820  * InvalidOid because it is our database's default tablespace.
15821  */
15822  if (orig_tablespaceoid == MyDatabaseTableSpace)
15823  orig_tablespaceoid = InvalidOid;
15825  if (new_tablespaceoid == MyDatabaseTableSpace)
15826  new_tablespaceoid = InvalidOid;
15828  /* no-op */
15829  if (orig_tablespaceoid == new_tablespaceoid)
15830  return new_tablespaceoid;
15832  /*
15833  * Walk the list of objects in the tablespace and move them. This will
15834  * only find objects in our database, of course.
15835  */
15836  ScanKeyInit(&key[0],
15837  Anum_pg_class_reltablespace,
15838  BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
15839  ObjectIdGetDatum(orig_tablespaceoid));
15841  rel = table_open(RelationRelationId, AccessShareLock);
15842  scan = table_beginscan_catalog(rel, 1, key);
15843  while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
15844  {
15845  Form_pg_class relForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
15846  Oid relOid = relForm->oid;
15848  /*
15849  * Do not move objects in pg_catalog as part of this, if an admin
15850  * really wishes to do so, they can issue the individual ALTER
15851  * commands directly.
15852  *
15853  * Also, explicitly avoid any shared tables, temp tables, or TOAST
15854  * (TOAST will be moved with the main table).
15855  */
15856  if (IsCatalogNamespace(relForm->relnamespace) ||
15857  relForm->relisshared ||
15858  isAnyTempNamespace(relForm->relnamespace) ||
15859  IsToastNamespace(relForm->relnamespace))
15860  continue;
15862  /* Only move the object type requested */
15863  if ((stmt->objtype == OBJECT_TABLE &&
15864  relForm->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
15865  relForm->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) ||
15866  (stmt->objtype == OBJECT_INDEX &&
15867  relForm->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX &&
15868  relForm->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX) ||
15869  (stmt->objtype == OBJECT_MATVIEW &&
15870  relForm->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW))
15871  continue;
15873  /* Check if we are only moving objects owned by certain roles */
15874  if (role_oids != NIL && !list_member_oid(role_oids, relForm->relowner))
15875  continue;
15877  /*
15878  * Handle permissions-checking here since we are locking the tables
15879  * and also to avoid doing a bunch of work only to fail part-way. Note
15880  * that permissions will also be checked by AlterTableInternal().
15881  *
15882  * Caller must be considered an owner on the table to move it.
15883  */
15884  if (!object_ownercheck(RelationRelationId, relOid, GetUserId()))
15886  NameStr(relForm->relname));
15888  if (stmt->nowait &&
15890  ereport(ERROR,
15891  (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_IN_USE),
15892  errmsg("aborting because lock on relation \"%s.%s\" is not available",
15893  get_namespace_name(relForm->relnamespace),
15894  NameStr(relForm->relname))));
15895  else
15898  /* Add to our list of objects to move */
15899  relations = lappend_oid(relations, relOid);
15900  }
15902  table_endscan(scan);
15905  if (relations == NIL)
15906  ereport(NOTICE,
15907  (errcode(ERRCODE_NO_DATA_FOUND),
15908  errmsg("no matching relations in tablespace \"%s\" found",
15909  orig_tablespaceoid == InvalidOid ? "(database default)" :
15910  get_tablespace_name(orig_tablespaceoid))));
15912  /* Everything is locked, loop through and move all of the relations. */
15913  foreach(l, relations)
15914  {
15915  List *cmds = NIL;
15918  cmd->subtype = AT_SetTableSpace;
15919  cmd->name = stmt->new_tablespacename;
15921  cmds = lappend(cmds, cmd);
15924  /* OID is set by AlterTableInternal */
15925  AlterTableInternal(lfirst_oid(l), cmds, false);
15927  }
15929  return new_tablespaceoid;
15930 }
Definition: acl.h:182
Definition: acl.h:183
Definition: acl.h:185
void aclcheck_error(AclResult aclerr, ObjectType objtype, const char *objectname)
Definition: aclchk.c:2622
AclResult object_aclcheck(Oid classid, Oid objectid, Oid roleid, AclMode mode)
Definition: aclchk.c:3810
bool object_ownercheck(Oid classid, Oid objectid, Oid roleid)
Definition: aclchk.c:4064
char * get_tablespace_name(Oid spc_oid)
Definition: tablespace.c:1472
Oid get_tablespace_oid(const char *tablespacename, bool missing_ok)
Definition: tablespace.c:1426
bool IsToastNamespace(Oid namespaceId)
Definition: catalog.c:230
bool IsCatalogNamespace(Oid namespaceId)
Definition: catalog.c:212
#define NOTICE
Definition: elog.h:35
void EventTriggerAlterTableStart(Node *parsetree)
void EventTriggerAlterTableEnd(void)
Oid MyDatabaseTableSpace
Definition: globals.c:95
HeapTuple heap_getnext(TableScanDesc sscan, ScanDirection direction)
Definition: heapam.c:1243
List * lappend_oid(List *list, Oid datum)
Definition: list.c:375
bool list_member_oid(const List *list, Oid datum)
Definition: list.c:722
bool ConditionalLockRelationOid(Oid relid, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: lmgr.c:150
void LockRelationOid(Oid relid, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: lmgr.c:107
char get_rel_relkind(Oid relid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:2003
Oid GetUserId(void)
Definition: miscinit.c:524
bool isAnyTempNamespace(Oid namespaceId)
Definition: namespace.c:3687
#define makeNode(_type_)
Definition: nodes.h:155
ObjectType get_relkind_objtype(char relkind)
Definition: parsenodes.h:2291
Definition: parsenodes.h:2310
Definition: parsenodes.h:2288
Definition: parsenodes.h:2309
#define ACL_CREATE
Definition: parsenodes.h:85
@ ForwardScanDirection
Definition: sdir.h:28
TableScanDesc table_beginscan_catalog(Relation relation, int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key)
Definition: tableam.c:112
static void table_endscan(TableScanDesc scan)
Definition: tableam.h:1028
void AlterTableInternal(Oid relid, List *cmds, bool recurse)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4476
List * roleSpecsToIds(List *memberNames)
Definition: user.c:1652

References AccessExclusiveLock, AccessShareLock, ACL_CREATE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACLCHECK_OK, AlterTableInternal(), AT_SetTableSpace, BTEqualStrategyNumber, ConditionalLockRelationOid(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, EventTriggerAlterTableEnd(), EventTriggerAlterTableStart(), ForwardScanDirection, get_namespace_name(), get_rel_relkind(), get_relkind_objtype(), get_tablespace_name(), get_tablespace_oid(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), heap_getnext(), InvalidOid, isAnyTempNamespace(), IsCatalogNamespace(), IsToastNamespace(), sort-test::key, lappend(), lappend_oid(), lfirst_oid, list_member_oid(), LockRelationOid(), makeNode, MyDatabaseTableSpace, AlterTableCmd::name, NameStr, NIL, NOTICE, object_aclcheck(), OBJECT_INDEX, OBJECT_MATVIEW, object_ownercheck(), OBJECT_TABLE, OBJECT_TABLESPACE, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, roleSpecsToIds(), ScanKeyInit(), stmt, AlterTableCmd::subtype, table_beginscan_catalog(), table_close(), table_endscan(), and table_open().

Referenced by ProcessUtilitySlow().

◆ AlterTableNamespace()

ObjectAddress AlterTableNamespace ( AlterObjectSchemaStmt stmt,
Oid oldschema 

Definition at line 17709 of file tablecmds.c.

17710 {
17711  Relation rel;
17712  Oid relid;
17713  Oid oldNspOid;
17714  Oid nspOid;
17715  RangeVar *newrv;
17716  ObjectAddresses *objsMoved;
17717  ObjectAddress myself;
17720  stmt->missing_ok ? RVR_MISSING_OK : 0,
17722  stmt);
17724  if (!OidIsValid(relid))
17725  {
17726  ereport(NOTICE,
17727  (errmsg("relation \"%s\" does not exist, skipping",
17728  stmt->relation->relname)));
17729  return InvalidObjectAddress;
17730  }
17732  rel = relation_open(relid, NoLock);
17734  oldNspOid = RelationGetNamespace(rel);
17736  /* If it's an owned sequence, disallow moving it by itself. */
17737  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
17738  {
17739  Oid tableId;
17740  int32 colId;
17742  if (sequenceIsOwned(relid, DEPENDENCY_AUTO, &tableId, &colId) ||
17743  sequenceIsOwned(relid, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL, &tableId, &colId))
17744  ereport(ERROR,
17746  errmsg("cannot move an owned sequence into another schema"),
17747  errdetail("Sequence \"%s\" is linked to table \"%s\".",
17749  get_rel_name(tableId))));
17750  }
17752  /* Get and lock schema OID and check its permissions. */
17753  newrv = makeRangeVar(stmt->newschema, RelationGetRelationName(rel), -1);
17754  nspOid = RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(newrv, NoLock, NULL);
17756  /* common checks on switching namespaces */
17757  CheckSetNamespace(oldNspOid, nspOid);
17759  objsMoved = new_object_addresses();
17760  AlterTableNamespaceInternal(rel, oldNspOid, nspOid, objsMoved);
17761  free_object_addresses(objsMoved);
17763  ObjectAddressSet(myself, RelationRelationId, relid);
17765  if (oldschema)
17766  *oldschema = oldNspOid;
17768  /* close rel, but keep lock until commit */
17769  relation_close(rel, NoLock);
17771  return myself;
17772 }
int32_t int32
Definition: c.h:481
ObjectAddresses * new_object_addresses(void)
Definition: dependency.c:2487
void free_object_addresses(ObjectAddresses *addrs)
Definition: dependency.c:2773
int errdetail(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1203
char * get_rel_name(Oid relid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1928
RangeVar * makeRangeVar(char *schemaname, char *relname, int location)
Definition: makefuncs.c:424
Oid RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(RangeVar *relation, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid *existing_relation_id)
Definition: namespace.c:739
void CheckSetNamespace(Oid oldNspOid, Oid nspOid)
Definition: namespace.c:3459
const ObjectAddress InvalidObjectAddress
bool sequenceIsOwned(Oid seqId, char deptype, Oid *tableId, int32 *colId)
Definition: pg_depend.c:828
void AlterTableNamespaceInternal(Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid nspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
Definition: tablecmds.c:17780

References AccessExclusiveLock, AlterTableNamespaceInternal(), CheckSetNamespace(), DEPENDENCY_AUTO, DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, free_object_addresses(), get_rel_name(), InvalidObjectAddress, makeRangeVar(), new_object_addresses(), NoLock, NOTICE, ObjectAddressSet, OidIsValid, RangeVarCallbackForAlterRelation(), RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(), RangeVarGetRelidExtended(), RelationData::rd_rel, relation_close(), relation_open(), RelationGetNamespace, RelationGetRelationName, RVR_MISSING_OK, sequenceIsOwned(), and stmt.

Referenced by ExecAlterObjectSchemaStmt().

◆ AlterTableNamespaceInternal()

void AlterTableNamespaceInternal ( Relation  rel,
Oid  oldNspOid,
Oid  nspOid,
ObjectAddresses objsMoved 

Definition at line 17780 of file tablecmds.c.

17782 {
17783  Relation classRel;
17785  Assert(objsMoved != NULL);
17787  /* OK, modify the pg_class row and pg_depend entry */
17788  classRel = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
17790  AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(classRel, RelationGetRelid(rel), oldNspOid,
17791  nspOid, true, objsMoved);
17793  /* Fix the table's row type too, if it has one */
17794  if (OidIsValid(rel->rd_rel->reltype))
17795  AlterTypeNamespaceInternal(rel->rd_rel->reltype, nspOid,
17796  false, /* isImplicitArray */
17797  false, /* ignoreDependent */
17798  false, /* errorOnTableType */
17799  objsMoved);
17801  /* Fix other dependent stuff */
17802  AlterIndexNamespaces(classRel, rel, oldNspOid, nspOid, objsMoved);
17803  AlterSeqNamespaces(classRel, rel, oldNspOid, nspOid,
17804  objsMoved, AccessExclusiveLock);
17805  AlterConstraintNamespaces(RelationGetRelid(rel), oldNspOid, nspOid,
17806  false, objsMoved);
17808  table_close(classRel, RowExclusiveLock);
17809 }
void AlterConstraintNamespaces(Oid ownerId, Oid oldNspId, Oid newNspId, bool isType, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
static void AlterSeqNamespaces(Relation classRel, Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: tablecmds.c:17939
static void AlterIndexNamespaces(Relation classRel, Relation rel, Oid oldNspOid, Oid newNspOid, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
Definition: tablecmds.c:17894
Oid AlterTypeNamespaceInternal(Oid typeOid, Oid nspOid, bool isImplicitArray, bool ignoreDependent, bool errorOnTableType, ObjectAddresses *objsMoved)
Definition: typecmds.c:4166

References AccessExclusiveLock, AlterConstraintNamespaces(), AlterIndexNamespaces(), AlterRelationNamespaceInternal(), AlterSeqNamespaces(), AlterTypeNamespaceInternal(), Assert, OidIsValid, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelid, RowExclusiveLock, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by AlterObjectNamespace_oid(), and AlterTableNamespace().

◆ ATAddCheckNNConstraint()

static ObjectAddress ATAddCheckNNConstraint ( List **  wqueue,
AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
Constraint constr,
bool  recurse,
bool  recursing,
bool  is_readd,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 9548 of file tablecmds.c.

9551 {
9552  List *newcons;
9553  ListCell *lcon;
9554  List *children;
9555  ListCell *child;
9558  /* Guard against stack overflow due to overly deep inheritance tree. */
9561  /* At top level, permission check was done in ATPrepCmd, else do it */
9562  if (recursing)
9566  /*
9567  * Call AddRelationNewConstraints to do the work, making sure it works on
9568  * a copy of the Constraint so transformExpr can't modify the original. It
9569  * returns a list of cooked constraints.
9570  *
9571  * If the constraint ends up getting merged with a pre-existing one, it's
9572  * omitted from the returned list, which is what we want: we do not need
9573  * to do any validation work. That can only happen at child tables,
9574  * though, since we disallow merging at the top level.
9575  */
9576  newcons = AddRelationNewConstraints(rel, NIL,
9577  list_make1(copyObject(constr)),
9578  recursing || is_readd, /* allow_merge */
9579  !recursing, /* is_local */
9580  is_readd, /* is_internal */
9581  NULL); /* queryString not available
9582  * here */
9584  /* we don't expect more than one constraint here */
9585  Assert(list_length(newcons) <= 1);
9587  /* Add each to-be-validated constraint to Phase 3's queue */
9588  foreach(lcon, newcons)
9589  {
9590  CookedConstraint *ccon = (CookedConstraint *) lfirst(lcon);
9592  if (!ccon->skip_validation && ccon->contype != CONSTR_NOTNULL)
9593  {
9594  NewConstraint *newcon;
9596  newcon = (NewConstraint *) palloc0(sizeof(NewConstraint));
9597  newcon->name = ccon->name;
9598  newcon->contype = ccon->contype;
9599  newcon->qual = ccon->expr;
9601  tab->constraints = lappend(tab->constraints, newcon);
9602  }
9604  /* Save the actually assigned name if it was defaulted */
9605  if (constr->conname == NULL)
9606  constr->conname = ccon->name;
9608  /*
9609  * If adding a not-null constraint, set the pg_attribute flag and tell
9610  * phase 3 to verify existing rows, if needed.
9611  */
9612  if (constr->contype == CONSTR_NOTNULL)
9613  set_attnotnull(wqueue, rel, ccon->attnum, lockmode);
9615  ObjectAddressSet(address, ConstraintRelationId, ccon->conoid);
9616  }
9618  /* At this point we must have a locked-down name to use */
9619  Assert(newcons == NIL || constr->conname != NULL);
9621  /* Advance command counter in case same table is visited multiple times */
9624  /*
9625  * If the constraint got merged with an existing constraint, we're done.
9626  * We mustn't recurse to child tables in this case, because they've
9627  * already got the constraint, and visiting them again would lead to an
9628  * incorrect value for coninhcount.
9629  */
9630  if (newcons == NIL)
9631  return address;
9633  /*
9634  * If adding a NO INHERIT constraint, no need to find our children.
9635  */
9636  if (constr->is_no_inherit)
9637  return address;
9639  /*
9640  * Propagate to children as appropriate. Unlike most other ALTER
9641  * routines, we have to do this one level of recursion at a time; we can't
9642  * use find_all_inheritors to do it in one pass.
9643  */
9644  children =
9647  /*
9648  * Check if ONLY was specified with ALTER TABLE. If so, allow the
9649  * constraint creation only if there are no children currently. Error out
9650  * otherwise.
9651  */
9652  if (!recurse && children != NIL)
9653  ereport(ERROR,
9655  errmsg("constraint must be added to child tables too")));
9657  /*
9658  * Recurse to create the constraint on each child.
9659  */
9660  foreach(child, children)
9661  {
9662  Oid childrelid = lfirst_oid(child);
9663  Relation childrel;
9664  AlteredTableInfo *childtab;
9666  /* find_inheritance_children already got lock */
9667  childrel = table_open(childrelid, NoLock);
9668  CheckAlterTableIsSafe(childrel);
9670  /* Find or create work queue entry for this table */
9671  childtab = ATGetQueueEntry(wqueue, childrel);
9673  /* Recurse to this child */
9674  ATAddCheckNNConstraint(wqueue, childtab, childrel,
9675  constr, recurse, true, is_readd, lockmode);
9677  table_close(childrel, NoLock);
9678  }
9680  return address;
9681 }
List * AddRelationNewConstraints(Relation rel, List *newColDefaults, List *newConstraints, bool allow_merge, bool is_local, bool is_internal, const char *queryString)
Definition: heap.c:2319
Definition: parsenodes.h:2726
List * find_inheritance_children(Oid parentrelId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: pg_inherits.c:58
static int list_length(const List *l)
Definition: pg_list.h:152
#define list_make1(x1)
Definition: pg_list.h:212
void check_stack_depth(void)
Definition: postgres.c:3574
bool is_no_inherit
Definition: parsenodes.h:2762
Oid conoid
Definition: heap.h:39
char * name
Definition: heap.h:40
AttrNumber attnum
Definition: heap.h:41
bool skip_validation
Definition: heap.h:43
ConstrType contype
Definition: heap.h:37
Node * expr
Definition: heap.h:42
#define ATT_TABLE
Definition: tablecmds.c:328
static void set_attnotnull(List **wqueue, Relation rel, AttrNumber attnum, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: tablecmds.c:7653
static ObjectAddress ATAddCheckNNConstraint(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, Constraint *constr, bool recurse, bool recursing, bool is_readd, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: tablecmds.c:9548
static void ATSimplePermissions(AlterTableType cmdtype, Relation rel, int allowed_targets)
Definition: tablecmds.c:6587
Definition: tablecmds.c:333
Definition: tablecmds.c:336

References AddRelationNewConstraints(), Assert, AT_AddConstraint, ATGetQueueEntry(), ATSimplePermissions(), ATT_FOREIGN_TABLE, ATT_PARTITIONED_TABLE, ATT_TABLE, CookedConstraint::attnum, check_stack_depth(), CheckAlterTableIsSafe(), CommandCounterIncrement(), Constraint::conname, CookedConstraint::conoid, CONSTR_NOTNULL, AlteredTableInfo::constraints, NewConstraint::contype, CookedConstraint::contype, Constraint::contype, copyObject, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, CookedConstraint::expr, find_inheritance_children(), InvalidObjectAddress, Constraint::is_no_inherit, lappend(), lfirst, lfirst_oid, list_length(), list_make1, NewConstraint::name, CookedConstraint::name, NIL, NoLock, ObjectAddressSet, palloc0(), NewConstraint::qual, RelationGetRelid, set_attnotnull(), CookedConstraint::skip_validation, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by ATExecAddConstraint(), and DetachAddConstraintIfNeeded().

◆ ATAddForeignKeyConstraint()

static ObjectAddress ATAddForeignKeyConstraint ( List **  wqueue,
AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
Constraint fkconstraint,
bool  recurse,
bool  recursing,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 9699 of file tablecmds.c.

9702 {
9703  Relation pkrel;
9704  int16 pkattnum[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9705  int16 fkattnum[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9706  Oid pktypoid[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9707  Oid fktypoid[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9708  Oid pkcolloid[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9709  Oid fkcolloid[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9710  Oid opclasses[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9711  Oid pfeqoperators[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9712  Oid ppeqoperators[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9713  Oid ffeqoperators[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9714  int16 fkdelsetcols[INDEX_MAX_KEYS] = {0};
9715  bool with_period;
9716  bool pk_has_without_overlaps;
9717  int i;
9718  int numfks,
9719  numpks,
9720  numfkdelsetcols;
9721  Oid indexOid;
9722  bool old_check_ok;
9723  ObjectAddress address;
9724  ListCell *old_pfeqop_item = list_head(fkconstraint->old_conpfeqop);
9726  /*
9727  * Grab ShareRowExclusiveLock on the pk table, so that someone doesn't
9728  * delete rows out from under us.
9729  */
9730  if (OidIsValid(fkconstraint->old_pktable_oid))
9731  pkrel = table_open(fkconstraint->old_pktable_oid, ShareRowExclusiveLock);
9732  else
9733  pkrel = table_openrv(fkconstraint->pktable, ShareRowExclusiveLock);
9735  /*
9736  * Validity checks (permission checks wait till we have the column
9737  * numbers)
9738  */
9739  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
9740  {
9741  if (!recurse)
9742  ereport(ERROR,
9744  errmsg("cannot use ONLY for foreign key on partitioned table \"%s\" referencing relation \"%s\"",
9746  RelationGetRelationName(pkrel))));
9747  if (fkconstraint->skip_validation && !fkconstraint->initially_valid)
9748  ereport(ERROR,
9750  errmsg("cannot add NOT VALID foreign key on partitioned table \"%s\" referencing relation \"%s\"",
9752  RelationGetRelationName(pkrel)),
9753  errdetail("This feature is not yet supported on partitioned tables.")));
9754  }
9756  if (pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
9757  pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
9758  ereport(ERROR,
9760  errmsg("referenced relation \"%s\" is not a table",
9761  RelationGetRelationName(pkrel))));
9763  if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(pkrel))
9764  ereport(ERROR,
9766  errmsg("permission denied: \"%s\" is a system catalog",
9767  RelationGetRelationName(pkrel))));
9769  /*
9770  * References from permanent or unlogged tables to temp tables, and from
9771  * permanent tables to unlogged tables, are disallowed because the
9772  * referenced data can vanish out from under us. References from temp
9773  * tables to any other table type are also disallowed, because other
9774  * backends might need to run the RI triggers on the perm table, but they
9775  * can't reliably see tuples in the local buffers of other backends.
9776  */
9777  switch (rel->rd_rel->relpersistence)
9778  {
9780  if (!RelationIsPermanent(pkrel))
9781  ereport(ERROR,
9783  errmsg("constraints on permanent tables may reference only permanent tables")));
9784  break;
9786  if (!RelationIsPermanent(pkrel)
9787  && pkrel->rd_rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED)
9788  ereport(ERROR,
9790  errmsg("constraints on unlogged tables may reference only permanent or unlogged tables")));
9791  break;
9793  if (pkrel->rd_rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
9794  ereport(ERROR,
9796  errmsg("constraints on temporary tables may reference only temporary tables")));
9797  if (!pkrel->rd_islocaltemp || !rel->rd_islocaltemp)
9798  ereport(ERROR,
9800  errmsg("constraints on temporary tables must involve temporary tables of this session")));
9801  break;
9802  }
9804  /*
9805  * Look up the referencing attributes to make sure they exist, and record
9806  * their attnums and type and collation OIDs.
9807  */
9809  fkconstraint->fk_attrs,
9810  fkattnum, fktypoid, fkcolloid);
9811  with_period = fkconstraint->fk_with_period || fkconstraint->pk_with_period;
9812  if (with_period && !fkconstraint->fk_with_period)
9813  ereport(ERROR,
9815  errmsg("foreign key uses PERIOD on the referenced table but not the referencing table"));
9817  numfkdelsetcols = transformColumnNameList(RelationGetRelid(rel),
9818  fkconstraint->fk_del_set_cols,
9819  fkdelsetcols, NULL, NULL);
9820  validateFkOnDeleteSetColumns(numfks, fkattnum,
9821  numfkdelsetcols, fkdelsetcols,
9822  fkconstraint->fk_del_set_cols);
9824  /*
9825  * If the attribute list for the referenced table was omitted, lookup the
9826  * definition of the primary key and use it. Otherwise, validate the
9827  * supplied attribute list. In either case, discover the index OID and
9828  * index opclasses, and the attnums and type and collation OIDs of the
9829  * attributes.
9830  */
9831  if (fkconstraint->pk_attrs == NIL)
9832  {
9833  numpks = transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(pkrel, &indexOid,
9834  &fkconstraint->pk_attrs,
9835  pkattnum, pktypoid, pkcolloid,
9836  opclasses, &pk_has_without_overlaps);
9838  /* If the primary key uses WITHOUT OVERLAPS, the fk must use PERIOD */
9839  if (pk_has_without_overlaps && !fkconstraint->fk_with_period)
9840  ereport(ERROR,
9842  errmsg("foreign key uses PERIOD on the referenced table but not the referencing table"));
9843  }
9844  else
9845  {
9846  numpks = transformColumnNameList(RelationGetRelid(pkrel),
9847  fkconstraint->pk_attrs,
9848  pkattnum, pktypoid, pkcolloid);
9850  /* Since we got pk_attrs, one should be a period. */
9851  if (with_period && !fkconstraint->pk_with_period)
9852  ereport(ERROR,
9854  errmsg("foreign key uses PERIOD on the referencing table but not the referenced table"));
9856  /* Look for an index matching the column list */
9857  indexOid = transformFkeyCheckAttrs(pkrel, numpks, pkattnum,
9858  with_period, opclasses, &pk_has_without_overlaps);
9859  }
9861  /*
9862  * If the referenced primary key has WITHOUT OVERLAPS, the foreign key
9863  * must use PERIOD.
9864  */
9865  if (pk_has_without_overlaps && !with_period)
9866  ereport(ERROR,
9868  errmsg("foreign key must use PERIOD when referencing a primary using WITHOUT OVERLAPS"));
9870  /*
9871  * Now we can check permissions.
9872  */
9873  checkFkeyPermissions(pkrel, pkattnum, numpks);
9875  /*
9876  * Check some things for generated columns.
9877  */
9878  for (i = 0; i < numfks; i++)
9879  {
9880  char attgenerated = TupleDescAttr(RelationGetDescr(rel), fkattnum[i] - 1)->attgenerated;
9882  if (attgenerated)
9883  {
9884  /*
9885  * Check restrictions on UPDATE/DELETE actions, per SQL standard
9886  */
9887  if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL ||
9888  fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT ||
9889  fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE)
9890  ereport(ERROR,
9891  (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
9892  errmsg("invalid %s action for foreign key constraint containing generated column",
9893  "ON UPDATE")));
9894  if (fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL ||
9895  fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT)
9896  ereport(ERROR,
9897  (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
9898  errmsg("invalid %s action for foreign key constraint containing generated column",
9899  "ON DELETE")));
9900  }
9901  }
9903  /*
9904  * Some actions are currently unsupported for foreign keys using PERIOD.
9905  */
9906  if (fkconstraint->fk_with_period)
9907  {
9908  if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE ||
9909  fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL ||
9910  fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT)
9911  ereport(ERROR,
9913  errmsg("unsupported %s action for foreign key constraint using PERIOD",
9914  "ON UPDATE"));
9916  if (fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE ||
9917  fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL ||
9918  fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT)
9919  ereport(ERROR,
9921  errmsg("unsupported %s action for foreign key constraint using PERIOD",
9922  "ON DELETE"));
9923  }
9925  /*
9926  * Look up the equality operators to use in the constraint.
9927  *
9928  * Note that we have to be careful about the difference between the actual
9929  * PK column type and the opclass' declared input type, which might be
9930  * only binary-compatible with it. The declared opcintype is the right
9931  * thing to probe pg_amop with.
9932  */
9933  if (numfks != numpks)
9934  ereport(ERROR,
9936  errmsg("number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree")));
9938  /*
9939  * On the strength of a previous constraint, we might avoid scanning
9940  * tables to validate this one. See below.
9941  */
9942  old_check_ok = (fkconstraint->old_conpfeqop != NIL);
9943  Assert(!old_check_ok || numfks == list_length(fkconstraint->old_conpfeqop));
9945  for (i = 0; i < numpks; i++)
9946  {
9947  Oid pktype = pktypoid[i];
9948  Oid fktype = fktypoid[i];
9949  Oid fktyped;
9950  Oid pkcoll = pkcolloid[i];
9951  Oid fkcoll = fkcolloid[i];
9952  HeapTuple cla_ht;
9953  Form_pg_opclass cla_tup;
9954  Oid amid;
9955  Oid opfamily;
9956  Oid opcintype;
9957  Oid pfeqop;
9958  Oid ppeqop;
9959  Oid ffeqop;
9960  int16 eqstrategy;
9961  Oid pfeqop_right;
9963  /* We need several fields out of the pg_opclass entry */
9964  cla_ht = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclasses[i]));
9965  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(cla_ht))
9966  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", opclasses[i]);
9967  cla_tup = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(cla_ht);
9968  amid = cla_tup->opcmethod;
9969  opfamily = cla_tup->opcfamily;
9970  opcintype = cla_tup->opcintype;
9971  ReleaseSysCache(cla_ht);
9973  if (with_period)
9974  {
9975  StrategyNumber rtstrategy;
9976  bool for_overlaps = with_period && i == numpks - 1;
9978  /*
9979  * GiST indexes are required to support temporal foreign keys
9980  * because they combine equals and overlaps.
9981  */
9982  if (amid != GIST_AM_OID)
9983  elog(ERROR, "only GiST indexes are supported for temporal foreign keys");
9985  rtstrategy = for_overlaps ? RTOverlapStrategyNumber : RTEqualStrategyNumber;
9987  /*
9988  * An opclass can use whatever strategy numbers it wants, so we
9989  * ask the opclass what number it actually uses instead of our RT*
9990  * constants.
9991  */
9992  eqstrategy = GistTranslateStratnum(opclasses[i], rtstrategy);
9993  if (eqstrategy == InvalidStrategy)
9994  {
9995  HeapTuple tuple;
9997  tuple = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclasses[i]));
9998  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
9999  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator class %u", opclasses[i]);
10001  ereport(ERROR,
10003  for_overlaps
10004  ? errmsg("could not identify an overlaps operator for foreign key")
10005  : errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for foreign key"),
10006  errdetail("Could not translate strategy number %d for operator class \"%s\" for access method \"%s\".",
10007  rtstrategy, NameStr(((Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->opcname), "gist"));
10008  }
10009  }
10010  else
10011  {
10012  /*
10013  * Check it's a btree; currently this can never fail since no
10014  * other index AMs support unique indexes. If we ever did have
10015  * other types of unique indexes, we'd need a way to determine
10016  * which operator strategy number is equality. (We could use
10017  * something like GistTranslateStratnum.)
10018  */
10019  if (amid != BTREE_AM_OID)
10020  elog(ERROR, "only b-tree indexes are supported for foreign keys");
10021  eqstrategy = BTEqualStrategyNumber;
10022  }
10024  /*
10025  * There had better be a primary equality operator for the index.
10026  * We'll use it for PK = PK comparisons.
10027  */
10028  ppeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, opcintype, opcintype,
10029  eqstrategy);
10031  if (!OidIsValid(ppeqop))
10032  elog(ERROR, "missing operator %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u",
10033  eqstrategy, opcintype, opcintype, opfamily);
10035  /*
10036  * Are there equality operators that take exactly the FK type? Assume
10037  * we should look through any domain here.
10038  */
10039  fktyped = getBaseType(fktype);
10041  pfeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, opcintype, fktyped,
10042  eqstrategy);
10043  if (OidIsValid(pfeqop))
10044  {
10045  pfeqop_right = fktyped;
10046  ffeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, fktyped, fktyped,
10047  eqstrategy);
10048  }
10049  else
10050  {
10051  /* keep compiler quiet */
10052  pfeqop_right = InvalidOid;
10053  ffeqop = InvalidOid;
10054  }
10056  if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
10057  {
10058  /*
10059  * Otherwise, look for an implicit cast from the FK type to the
10060  * opcintype, and if found, use the primary equality operator.
10061  * This is a bit tricky because opcintype might be a polymorphic
10062  * type such as ANYARRAY or ANYENUM; so what we have to test is
10063  * whether the two actual column types can be concurrently cast to
10064  * that type. (Otherwise, we'd fail to reject combinations such
10065  * as int[] and point[].)
10066  */
10067  Oid input_typeids[2];
10068  Oid target_typeids[2];
10070  input_typeids[0] = pktype;
10071  input_typeids[1] = fktype;
10072  target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
10073  target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
10074  if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
10076  {
10077  pfeqop = ffeqop = ppeqop;
10078  pfeqop_right = opcintype;
10079  }
10080  }
10082  if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
10083  ereport(ERROR,
10085  errmsg("foreign key constraint \"%s\" cannot be implemented",
10086  fkconstraint->conname),
10087  errdetail("Key columns \"%s\" of the referencing table and \"%s\" of the referenced table "
10088  "are of incompatible types: %s and %s.",
10089  strVal(list_nth(fkconstraint->fk_attrs, i)),
10090  strVal(list_nth(fkconstraint->pk_attrs, i)),
10091  format_type_be(fktype),
10092  format_type_be(pktype))));
10094  /*
10095  * This shouldn't be possible, but better check to make sure we have a
10096  * consistent state for the check below.
10097  */
10098  if ((OidIsValid(pkcoll) && !OidIsValid(fkcoll)) || (!OidIsValid(pkcoll) && OidIsValid(fkcoll)))
10099  elog(ERROR, "key columns are not both collatable");
10101  if (OidIsValid(pkcoll) && OidIsValid(fkcoll))
10102  {
10103  bool pkcolldet;
10104  bool fkcolldet;
10106  pkcolldet = get_collation_isdeterministic(pkcoll);
10107  fkcolldet = get_collation_isdeterministic(fkcoll);
10109  /*
10110  * SQL requires that both collations are the same. This is
10111  * because we need a consistent notion of equality on both
10112  * columns. We relax this by allowing different collations if
10113  * they are both deterministic. (This is also for backward
10114  * compatibility, because PostgreSQL has always allowed this.)
10115  */
10116  if ((!pkcolldet || !fkcolldet) && pkcoll != fkcoll)
10117  ereport(ERROR,
10119  errmsg("foreign key constraint \"%s\" cannot be implemented", fkconstraint->conname),
10120  errdetail("Key columns \"%s\" of the referencing table and \"%s\" of the referenced table "
10121  "have incompatible collations: \"%s\" and \"%s\". "
10122  "If either collation is nondeterministic, then both collations have to be the same.",
10123  strVal(list_nth(fkconstraint->fk_attrs, i)),
10124  strVal(list_nth(fkconstraint->pk_attrs, i)),
10125  get_collation_name(fkcoll),
10126  get_collation_name(pkcoll))));
10127  }
10129  if (old_check_ok)
10130  {
10131  /*
10132  * When a pfeqop changes, revalidate the constraint. We could
10133  * permit intra-opfamily changes, but that adds subtle complexity
10134  * without any concrete benefit for core types. We need not
10135  * assess ppeqop or ffeqop, which RI_Initial_Check() does not use.
10136  */
10137  old_check_ok = (pfeqop == lfirst_oid(old_pfeqop_item));
10138  old_pfeqop_item = lnext(fkconstraint->old_conpfeqop,
10139  old_pfeqop_item);
10140  }
10141  if (old_check_ok)
10142  {
10143  Oid old_fktype;
10144  Oid new_fktype;
10145  CoercionPathType old_pathtype;
10146  CoercionPathType new_pathtype;
10147  Oid old_castfunc;
10148  Oid new_castfunc;
10149  Oid old_fkcoll;
10150  Oid new_fkcoll;
10152  fkattnum[i] - 1);
10154  /*
10155  * Identify coercion pathways from each of the old and new FK-side
10156  * column types to the right (foreign) operand type of the pfeqop.
10157  * We may assume that pg_constraint.conkey is not changing.
10158  */
10159  old_fktype = attr->atttypid;
10160  new_fktype = fktype;
10161  old_pathtype = findFkeyCast(pfeqop_right, old_fktype,
10162  &old_castfunc);
10163  new_pathtype = findFkeyCast(pfeqop_right, new_fktype,
10164  &new_castfunc);
10166  old_fkcoll = attr->attcollation;
10167  new_fkcoll = fkcoll;
10169  /*
10170  * Upon a change to the cast from the FK column to its pfeqop
10171  * operand, revalidate the constraint. For this evaluation, a
10172  * binary coercion cast is equivalent to no cast at all. While
10173  * type implementors should design implicit casts with an eye
10174  * toward consistency of operations like equality, we cannot
10175  * assume here that they have done so.
10176  *
10177  * A function with a polymorphic argument could change behavior
10178  * arbitrarily in response to get_fn_expr_argtype(). Therefore,
10179  * when the cast destination is polymorphic, we only avoid
10180  * revalidation if the input type has not changed at all. Given
10181  * just the core data types and operator classes, this requirement
10182  * prevents no would-be optimizations.
10183  *
10184  * If the cast converts from a base type to a domain thereon, then
10185  * that domain type must be the opcintype of the unique index.
10186  * Necessarily, the primary key column must then be of the domain
10187  * type. Since the constraint was previously valid, all values on
10188  * the foreign side necessarily exist on the primary side and in
10189  * turn conform to the domain. Consequently, we need not treat
10190  * domains specially here.
10191  *
10192  * If the collation changes, revalidation is required, unless both
10193  * collations are deterministic, because those share the same
10194  * notion of equality (because texteq reduces to bitwise
10195  * equality).
10196  *
10197  * We need not directly consider the PK type. It's necessarily
10198  * binary coercible to the opcintype of the unique index column,
10199  * and ri_triggers.c will only deal with PK datums in terms of
10200  * that opcintype. Changing the opcintype also changes pfeqop.
10201  */
10202  old_check_ok = (new_pathtype == old_pathtype &&
10203  new_castfunc == old_castfunc &&
10204  (!IsPolymorphicType(pfeqop_right) ||
10205  new_fktype == old_fktype) &&
10206  (new_fkcoll == old_fkcoll ||
10207  (get_collation_isdeterministic(old_fkcoll) && get_collation_isdeterministic(new_fkcoll))));
10208  }
10210  pfeqoperators[i] = pfeqop;
10211  ppeqoperators[i] = ppeqop;
10212  ffeqoperators[i] = ffeqop;
10213  }
10215  /*
10216  * For FKs with PERIOD we need additional operators to check whether the
10217  * referencing row's range is contained by the aggregated ranges of the
10218  * referenced row(s). For rangetypes and multirangetypes this is
10219  * fk.periodatt <@ range_agg(pk.periodatt). Those are the only types we
10220  * support for now. FKs will look these up at "runtime", but we should
10221  * make sure the lookup works here, even if we don't use the values.
10222  */
10223  if (with_period)
10224  {
10225  Oid periodoperoid;
10226  Oid aggedperiodoperoid;
10228  FindFKPeriodOpers(opclasses[numpks - 1], &periodoperoid, &aggedperiodoperoid);
10229  }
10231  /* First, create the constraint catalog entry itself. */
10232  address = addFkConstraint(addFkBothSides,
10233  fkconstraint->conname, fkconstraint, rel, pkrel,
10234  indexOid,
10235  InvalidOid, /* no parent constraint */
10236  numfks,
10237  pkattnum,
10238  fkattnum,
10239  pfeqoperators,
10240  ppeqoperators,
10241  ffeqoperators,
10242  numfkdelsetcols,
10243  fkdelsetcols,
10244  false,
10245  with_period);
10247  /* Next process the action triggers at the referenced side and recurse */
10248  addFkRecurseReferenced(fkconstraint, rel, pkrel,
10249  indexOid,
10250  address.objectId,
10251  numfks,
10252  pkattnum,
10253  fkattnum,
10254  pfeqoperators,
10255  ppeqoperators,
10256  ffeqoperators,
10257  numfkdelsetcols,
10258  fkdelsetcols,
10259  old_check_ok,
10261  with_period);
10263  /* Lastly create the check triggers at the referencing side and recurse */
10264  addFkRecurseReferencing(wqueue, fkconstraint, rel, pkrel,
10265  indexOid,
10266  address.objectId,
10267  numfks,
10268  pkattnum,
10269  fkattnum,
10270  pfeqoperators,
10271  ppeqoperators,
10272  ffeqoperators,
10273  numfkdelsetcols,
10274  fkdelsetcols,
10275  old_check_ok,
10276  lockmode,
10278  with_period);
10280  /*
10281  * Done. Close pk table, but keep lock until we've committed.
10282  */
10283  table_close(pkrel, NoLock);
10285  return address;
10286 }
bool IsSystemRelation(Relation relation)
Definition: catalog.c:73
char * format_type_be(Oid type_oid)
Definition: format_type.c:343
StrategyNumber GistTranslateStratnum(Oid opclass, StrategyNumber strat)
Definition: gistutil.c:1081
bool allowSystemTableMods
Definition: globals.c:129
Oid get_opfamily_member(Oid opfamily, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype, int16 strategy)
Definition: lsyscache.c:166
char * get_collation_name(Oid colloid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1035
bool get_collation_isdeterministic(Oid colloid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:1054
Oid getBaseType(Oid typid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:2521
bool can_coerce_type(int nargs, const Oid *input_typeids, const Oid *target_typeids, CoercionContext ccontext)
Definition: parse_coerce.c:556
Definition: parse_coerce.h:25
Definition: parsenodes.h:2746
Definition: parsenodes.h:2744
Definition: parsenodes.h:2745
FormData_pg_attribute * Form_pg_attribute
Definition: pg_attribute.h:209
void FindFKPeriodOpers(Oid opclass, Oid *containedbyoperoid, Oid *aggedcontainedbyoperoid)
static ListCell * list_head(const List *l)
Definition: pg_list.h:128
static void * list_nth(const List *list, int n)
Definition: pg_list.h:299
static ListCell * lnext(const List *l, const ListCell *c)
Definition: pg_list.h:343
FormData_pg_opclass * Form_pg_opclass
Definition: pg_opclass.h:83
Definition: primnodes.h:714
#define RelationIsPermanent(relation)
Definition: rel.h:617
uint16 StrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:22
#define RTOverlapStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:53
#define RTEqualStrategyNumber
Definition: stratnum.h:68
#define InvalidStrategy
Definition: stratnum.h:24
TupleDesc oldDesc
Definition: tablecmds.c:173
List * pk_attrs
Definition: parsenodes.h:2787
List * fk_del_set_cols
Definition: parsenodes.h:2793
Oid old_pktable_oid
Definition: parsenodes.h:2795
List * old_conpfeqop
Definition: parsenodes.h:2794
bool pk_with_period
Definition: parsenodes.h:2789
RangeVar * pktable
Definition: parsenodes.h:2785
bool rd_islocaltemp
Definition: rel.h:61
void ReleaseSysCache(HeapTuple tuple)
Definition: syscache.c:269
HeapTuple SearchSysCache1(int cacheId, Datum key1)
Definition: syscache.c:221
Relation table_openrv(const RangeVar *relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: table.c:83
static CoercionPathType findFkeyCast(Oid targetTypeId, Oid sourceTypeId, Oid *funcid)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12461
static Oid transformFkeyCheckAttrs(Relation pkrel, int numattrs, int16 *attnums, bool with_period, Oid *opclasses, bool *pk_has_without_overlaps)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12310
static void checkFkeyPermissions(Relation rel, int16 *attnums, int natts)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12490
static void validateFkOnDeleteSetColumns(int numfks, const int16 *fkattnums, int numfksetcols, const int16 *fksetcolsattnums, List *fksetcols)
Definition: tablecmds.c:10294
static int transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(Relation pkrel, Oid *indexOid, List **attnamelist, int16 *attnums, Oid *atttypids, Oid *attcollids, Oid *opclasses, bool *pk_has_without_overlaps)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12207
static int transformColumnNameList(Oid relId, List *colList, int16 *attnums, Oid *atttypids, Oid *attcollids)
Definition: tablecmds.c:12152
#define TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, i)
Definition: tupdesc.h:92
#define strVal(v)
Definition: value.h:82

References addFkBothSides, addFkConstraint(), addFkRecurseReferenced(), addFkRecurseReferencing(), allowSystemTableMods, Assert, BTEqualStrategyNumber, can_coerce_type(), checkFkeyPermissions(), COERCION_IMPLICIT, Constraint::conname, elog, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, findFkeyCast(), FindFKPeriodOpers(), Constraint::fk_attrs, Constraint::fk_del_action, Constraint::fk_del_set_cols, Constraint::fk_upd_action, Constraint::fk_with_period, FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE, FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT, FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL, format_type_be(), get_collation_isdeterministic(), get_collation_name(), get_opfamily_member(), getBaseType(), GETSTRUCT, GistTranslateStratnum(), HeapTupleIsValid, i, INDEX_MAX_KEYS, Constraint::initially_valid, InvalidOid, InvalidStrategy, IsSystemRelation(), lfirst_oid, list_head(), list_length(), list_nth(), lnext(), NameStr, NIL, NoLock, ObjectAddress::objectId, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, Constraint::old_conpfeqop, Constraint::old_pktable_oid, AlteredTableInfo::oldDesc, Constraint::pk_attrs, Constraint::pk_with_period, Constraint::pktable, RelationData::rd_islocaltemp, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetDescr, RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetRelid, RelationIsPermanent, ReleaseSysCache(), RTEqualStrategyNumber, RTOverlapStrategyNumber, SearchSysCache1(), ShareRowExclusiveLock, Constraint::skip_validation, strVal, table_close(), table_open(), table_openrv(), transformColumnNameList(), transformFkeyCheckAttrs(), transformFkeyGetPrimaryKey(), TupleDescAttr, and validateFkOnDeleteSetColumns().

Referenced by ATExecAddConstraint().

◆ ATCheckPartitionsNotInUse()

static void ATCheckPartitionsNotInUse ( Relation  rel,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 6709 of file tablecmds.c.

6710 {
6711  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
6712  {
6713  List *inh;
6714  ListCell *cell;
6716  inh = find_all_inheritors(RelationGetRelid(rel), lockmode, NULL);
6717  /* first element is the parent rel; must ignore it */
6718  for_each_from(cell, inh, 1)
6719  {
6720  Relation childrel;
6722  /* find_all_inheritors already got lock */
6723  childrel = table_open(lfirst_oid(cell), NoLock);
6724  CheckAlterTableIsSafe(childrel);
6725  table_close(childrel, NoLock);
6726  }
6727  list_free(inh);
6728  }
6729 }
List * find_all_inheritors(Oid parentrelId, LOCKMODE lockmode, List **numparents)
Definition: pg_inherits.c:255
#define for_each_from(cell, lst, N)
Definition: pg_list.h:414

References CheckAlterTableIsSafe(), find_all_inheritors(), for_each_from, lfirst_oid, list_free(), NoLock, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelid, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by ATPrepCmd().

◆ ATColumnChangeRequiresRewrite()

static bool ATColumnChangeRequiresRewrite ( Node expr,
AttrNumber  varattno 

Definition at line 13492 of file tablecmds.c.

13493 {
13494  Assert(expr != NULL);
13496  for (;;)
13497  {
13498  /* only one varno, so no need to check that */
13499  if (IsA(expr, Var) && ((Var *) expr)->varattno == varattno)
13500  return false;
13501  else if (IsA(expr, RelabelType))
13502  expr = (Node *) ((RelabelType *) expr)->arg;
13503  else if (IsA(expr, CoerceToDomain))
13504  {
13505  CoerceToDomain *d = (CoerceToDomain *) expr;
13508  return true;
13509  expr = (Node *) d->arg;
13510  }
13511  else if (IsA(expr, FuncExpr))
13512  {
13513  FuncExpr *f = (FuncExpr *) expr;
13515  switch (f->funcid)
13516  {
13520  return true;
13521  else
13522  expr = linitial(f->args);
13523  break;
13524  default:
13525  return true;
13526  }
13527  }
13528  else
13529  return true;
13530  }
13531 }
bool TimestampTimestampTzRequiresRewrite(void)
Definition: timestamp.c:6282
void * arg
#define linitial(l)
Definition: pg_list.h:178
Oid funcid
Definition: primnodes.h:750
List * args
Definition: primnodes.h:768
Definition: primnodes.h:248
bool DomainHasConstraints(Oid type_id)
Definition: typcache.c:1487

References arg, CoerceToDomain::arg, FuncExpr::args, Assert, DomainHasConstraints(), FuncExpr::funcid, IsA, linitial, CoerceToDomain::resulttype, and TimestampTimestampTzRequiresRewrite().

Referenced by ATPrepAlterColumnType().

◆ ATController()

static void ATController ( AlterTableStmt parsetree,
Relation  rel,
List cmds,
bool  recurse,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
AlterTableUtilityContext context 

Definition at line 4783 of file tablecmds.c.

4786 {
4787  List *wqueue = NIL;
4788  ListCell *lcmd;
4790  /* Phase 1: preliminary examination of commands, create work queue */
4791  foreach(lcmd, cmds)
4792  {
4793  AlterTableCmd *cmd = (AlterTableCmd *) lfirst(lcmd);
4795  ATPrepCmd(&wqueue, rel, cmd, recurse, false, lockmode, context);
4796  }
4798  /* Close the relation, but keep lock until commit */
4799  relation_close(rel, NoLock);
4801  /* Phase 2: update system catalogs */
4802  ATRewriteCatalogs(&wqueue, lockmode, context);
4804  /* Phase 3: scan/rewrite tables as needed, and run afterStmts */
4805  ATRewriteTables(parsetree, &wqueue, lockmode, context);
4806 }
static void ATRewriteCatalogs(List **wqueue, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:5213
static void ATPrepCmd(List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4818
static void ATRewriteTables(AlterTableStmt *parsetree, List **wqueue, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:5747

References ATPrepCmd(), ATRewriteCatalogs(), ATRewriteTables(), context, lfirst, NIL, NoLock, and relation_close().

Referenced by AlterTable(), and AlterTableInternal().

◆ ATDetachCheckNoForeignKeyRefs()

static void ATDetachCheckNoForeignKeyRefs ( Relation  partition)

Definition at line 20692 of file tablecmds.c.

20693 {
20694  List *constraints;
20695  ListCell *cell;
20697  constraints = GetParentedForeignKeyRefs(partition);
20699  foreach(cell, constraints)
20700  {
20701  Oid constrOid = lfirst_oid(cell);
20702  HeapTuple tuple;
20703  Form_pg_constraint constrForm;
20704  Relation rel;
20705  Trigger trig = {0};
20707  tuple = SearchSysCache1(CONSTROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(constrOid));
20708  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
20709  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for constraint %u", constrOid);
20710  constrForm = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
20712  Assert(OidIsValid(constrForm->conparentid));
20713  Assert(constrForm->confrelid == RelationGetRelid(partition));
20715  /* prevent data changes into the referencing table until commit */
20716  rel = table_open(constrForm->conrelid, ShareLock);
20718  trig.tgoid = InvalidOid;
20719  trig.tgname = NameStr(constrForm->conname);
20721  trig.tgisinternal = true;
20722  trig.tgconstrrelid = RelationGetRelid(partition);
20723  trig.tgconstrindid = constrForm->conindid;
20724  trig.tgconstraint = constrForm->oid;
20725  trig.tgdeferrable = false;
20726  trig.tginitdeferred = false;
20727  /* we needn't fill in remaining fields */
20729  RI_PartitionRemove_Check(&trig, rel, partition);
20731  ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
20733  table_close(rel, NoLock);
20734  }
20735 }
#define ShareLock
Definition: lockdefs.h:40
FormData_pg_constraint * Form_pg_constraint
void RI_PartitionRemove_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
Definition: ri_triggers.c:1723
char tgenabled
Definition: reltrigger.h:30
Oid tgoid
Definition: reltrigger.h:25
Oid tgconstrindid
Definition: reltrigger.h:34
Oid tgconstraint
Definition: reltrigger.h:35
Oid tgconstrrelid
Definition: reltrigger.h:33
char * tgname
Definition: reltrigger.h:27
bool tgdeferrable
Definition: reltrigger.h:36
bool tginitdeferred
Definition: reltrigger.h:37
bool tgisinternal
Definition: reltrigger.h:31
static List * GetParentedForeignKeyRefs(Relation partition)
Definition: tablecmds.c:20639
Definition: trigger.h:149

References Assert, elog, ERROR, GetParentedForeignKeyRefs(), GETSTRUCT, HeapTupleIsValid, InvalidOid, lfirst_oid, NameStr, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum(), OidIsValid, RelationGetRelid, ReleaseSysCache(), RI_PartitionRemove_Check(), SearchSysCache1(), ShareLock, table_close(), table_open(), Trigger::tgconstraint, Trigger::tgconstrindid, Trigger::tgconstrrelid, Trigger::tgdeferrable, Trigger::tgenabled, Trigger::tginitdeferred, Trigger::tgisinternal, Trigger::tgname, Trigger::tgoid, and TRIGGER_FIRES_ON_ORIGIN.

Referenced by ATExecDetachPartition().

◆ AtEOSubXact_on_commit_actions()

void AtEOSubXact_on_commit_actions ( bool  isCommit,
SubTransactionId  mySubid,
SubTransactionId  parentSubid 

Definition at line 18222 of file tablecmds.c.

18224 {
18225  ListCell *cur_item;
18227  foreach(cur_item, on_commits)
18228  {
18229  OnCommitItem *oc = (OnCommitItem *) lfirst(cur_item);
18231  if (!isCommit && oc->creating_subid == mySubid)
18232  {
18233  /* cur_item must be removed */
18235  pfree(oc);
18236  }
18237  else
18238  {
18239  /* cur_item must be preserved */
18240  if (oc->creating_subid == mySubid)
18241  oc->creating_subid = parentSubid;
18242  if (oc->deleting_subid == mySubid)
18243  oc->deleting_subid = isCommit ? parentSubid : InvalidSubTransactionId;
18244  }
18245  }
18246 }
#define InvalidSubTransactionId
Definition: c.h:612
#define foreach_delete_current(lst, var_or_cell)
Definition: pg_list.h:391
SubTransactionId creating_subid
Definition: tablecmds.c:127
SubTransactionId deleting_subid
Definition: tablecmds.c:128
static List * on_commits
Definition: tablecmds.c:131

References OnCommitItem::creating_subid, OnCommitItem::deleting_subid, foreach_delete_current, InvalidSubTransactionId, lfirst, on_commits, and pfree().

Referenced by AbortSubTransaction(), and CommitSubTransaction().

◆ AtEOXact_on_commit_actions()

void AtEOXact_on_commit_actions ( bool  isCommit)

Definition at line 18190 of file tablecmds.c.

18191 {
18192  ListCell *cur_item;
18194  foreach(cur_item, on_commits)
18195  {
18196  OnCommitItem *oc = (OnCommitItem *) lfirst(cur_item);
18198  if (isCommit ? oc->deleting_subid != InvalidSubTransactionId :
18200  {
18201  /* cur_item must be removed */
18203  pfree(oc);
18204  }
18205  else
18206  {
18207  /* cur_item must be preserved */
18210  }
18211  }
18212 }

References OnCommitItem::creating_subid, OnCommitItem::deleting_subid, foreach_delete_current, InvalidSubTransactionId, lfirst, on_commits, and pfree().

Referenced by AbortTransaction(), CommitTransaction(), and PrepareTransaction().

◆ ATExecAddColumn()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddColumn ( List **  wqueue,
AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
AlterTableCmd **  cmd,
bool  recurse,
bool  recursing,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
AlterTablePass  cur_pass,
AlterTableUtilityContext context 

Definition at line 7065 of file tablecmds.c.

7069 {
7070  Oid myrelid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
7071  ColumnDef *colDef = castNode(ColumnDef, (*cmd)->def);
7072  bool if_not_exists = (*cmd)->missing_ok;
7073  Relation pgclass,
7074  attrdesc;
7075  HeapTuple reltup;
7076  Form_pg_class relform;
7077  Form_pg_attribute attribute;
7078  int newattnum;
7079  char relkind;
7080  Expr *defval;
7081  List *children;
7082  ListCell *child;
7083  AlterTableCmd *childcmd;
7084  ObjectAddress address;
7085  TupleDesc tupdesc;
7087  /* since this function recurses, it could be driven to stack overflow */
7090  /* At top level, permission check was done in ATPrepCmd, else do it */
7091  if (recursing)
7092  ATSimplePermissions((*cmd)->subtype, rel,
7095  if (rel->rd_rel->relispartition && !recursing)
7096  ereport(ERROR,
7098  errmsg("cannot add column to a partition")));
7100  attrdesc = table_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
7102  /*
7103  * Are we adding the column to a recursion child? If so, check whether to
7104  * merge with an existing definition for the column. If we do merge, we
7105  * must not recurse. Children will already have the column, and recursing
7106  * into them would mess up attinhcount.
7107  */
7108  if (colDef->inhcount > 0)
7109  {
7110  HeapTuple tuple;
7112  /* Does child already have a column by this name? */
7113  tuple = SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(myrelid, colDef->colname);
7114  if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
7115  {
7116  Form_pg_attribute childatt = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
7117  Oid ctypeId;
7118  int32 ctypmod;
7119  Oid ccollid;
7121  /* Child column must match on type, typmod, and collation */
7122  typenameTypeIdAndMod(NULL, colDef->typeName, &ctypeId, &ctypmod);
7123  if (ctypeId != childatt->atttypid ||
7124  ctypmod != childatt->atttypmod)
7125  ereport(ERROR,
7127  errmsg("child table \"%s\" has different type for column \"%s\"",
7128  RelationGetRelationName(rel), colDef->colname)));
7129  ccollid = GetColumnDefCollation(NULL, colDef, ctypeId);
7130  if (ccollid != childatt->attcollation)
7131  ereport(ERROR,
7133  errmsg("child table \"%s\" has different collation for column \"%s\"",
7134  RelationGetRelationName(rel), colDef->colname),
7135  errdetail("\"%s\" versus \"%s\"",
7136  get_collation_name(ccollid),
7137  get_collation_name(childatt->attcollation))));
7139  /* Bump the existing child att's inhcount */
7140  if (pg_add_s16_overflow(childatt->attinhcount, 1,
7141  &childatt->attinhcount))
7142  ereport(ERROR,
7144  errmsg("too many inheritance parents"));
7145  CatalogTupleUpdate(attrdesc, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
7147  heap_freetuple(tuple);
7149  /* Inform the user about the merge */
7150  ereport(NOTICE,
7151  (errmsg("merging definition of column \"%s\" for child \"%s\"",
7152  colDef->colname, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
7154  table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
7156  /* Make the child column change visible */
7159  return InvalidObjectAddress;
7160  }
7161  }
7163  /* skip if the name already exists and if_not_exists is true */
7164  if (!check_for_column_name_collision(rel, colDef->colname, if_not_exists))
7165  {
7166  table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
7167  return InvalidObjectAddress;
7168  }
7170  /*
7171  * Okay, we need to add the column, so go ahead and do parse
7172  * transformation. This can result in queueing up, or even immediately
7173  * executing, subsidiary operations (such as creation of unique indexes);
7174  * so we mustn't do it until we have made the if_not_exists check.
7175  *
7176  * When recursing, the command was already transformed and we needn't do
7177  * so again. Also, if context isn't given we can't transform. (That
7178  * currently happens only for AT_AddColumnToView; we expect that view.c
7179  * passed us a ColumnDef that doesn't need work.)
7180  */
7181  if (context != NULL && !recursing)
7182  {
7183  *cmd = ATParseTransformCmd(wqueue, tab, rel, *cmd, recurse, lockmode,
7184  cur_pass, context);
7185  Assert(*cmd != NULL);
7186  colDef = castNode(ColumnDef, (*cmd)->def);
7187  }
7189  /*
7190  * Regular inheritance children are independent enough not to inherit the
7191  * identity column from parent hence cannot recursively add identity
7192  * column if the table has inheritance children.
7193  *
7194  * Partitions, on the other hand, are integral part of a partitioned table
7195  * and inherit identity column. Hence propagate identity column down the
7196  * partition hierarchy.
7197  */
7198  if (colDef->identity &&
7199  recurse &&
7200  rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&
7201  find_inheritance_children(myrelid, NoLock) != NIL)
7202  ereport(ERROR,
7204  errmsg("cannot recursively add identity column to table that has child tables")));
7206  pgclass = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
7208  reltup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid));
7209  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
7210  elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", myrelid);
7211  relform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup);
7212  relkind = relform->relkind;
7214  /* Determine the new attribute's number */
7215  newattnum = relform->relnatts + 1;
7216  if (newattnum > MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
7217  ereport(ERROR,
7219  errmsg("tables can have at most %d columns",
7222  /*
7223  * Construct new attribute's pg_attribute entry.
7224  */
7225  tupdesc = BuildDescForRelation(list_make1(colDef));
7227  attribute = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, 0);
7229  /* Fix up attribute number */
7230  attribute->attnum = newattnum;
7232  /* make sure datatype is legal for a column */
7233  CheckAttributeType(NameStr(attribute->attname), attribute->atttypid, attribute->attcollation,
7234  list_make1_oid(rel->rd_rel->reltype),
7235  0);
7237  InsertPgAttributeTuples(attrdesc, tupdesc, myrelid, NULL, NULL);
7239  table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
7241  /*
7242  * Update pg_class tuple as appropriate
7243  */
7244  relform->relnatts = newattnum;
7246  CatalogTupleUpdate(pgclass, &reltup->t_self, reltup);
7248  heap_freetuple(reltup);
7250  /* Post creation hook for new attribute */
7251  InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(RelationRelationId, myrelid, newattnum);
7253  table_close(pgclass, RowExclusiveLock);
7255  /* Make the attribute's catalog entry visible */
7258  /*
7259  * Store the DEFAULT, if any, in the catalogs
7260  */
7261  if (colDef->raw_default)
7262  {
7263  RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;
7265  rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
7266  rawEnt->attnum = attribute->attnum;
7267  rawEnt->raw_default = copyObject(colDef->raw_default);
7269  /*
7270  * Attempt to skip a complete table rewrite by storing the specified
7271  * DEFAULT value outside of the heap. This may be disabled inside
7272  * AddRelationNewConstraints if the optimization cannot be applied.
7273  */
7274  rawEnt->missingMode = (!colDef->generated);
7276  rawEnt->generated = colDef->generated;
7278  /*
7279  * This function is intended for CREATE TABLE, so it processes a
7280  * _list_ of defaults, but we just do one.
7281  */
7283  false, true, false, NULL);
7285  /* Make the additional catalog changes visible */
7288  /*
7289  * Did the request for a missing value work? If not we'll have to do a
7290  * rewrite
7291  */
7292  if (!rawEnt->missingMode)
7294  }
7296  /*
7297  * Tell Phase 3 to fill in the default expression, if there is one.
7298  *
7299  * If there is no default, Phase 3 doesn't have to do anything, because
7300  * that effectively means that the default is NULL. The heap tuple access
7301  * routines always check for attnum > # of attributes in tuple, and return
7302  * NULL if so, so without any modification of the tuple data we will get
7303  * the effect of NULL values in the new column.
7304  *
7305  * An exception occurs when the new column is of a domain type: the domain
7306  * might have a not-null constraint, or a check constraint that indirectly
7307  * rejects nulls. If there are any domain constraints then we construct
7308  * an explicit NULL default value that will be passed through
7309  * CoerceToDomain processing. (This is a tad inefficient, since it causes
7310  * rewriting the table which we really don't have to do, but the present
7311  * design of domain processing doesn't offer any simple way of checking
7312  * the constraints more directly.)
7313  *
7314  * Note: we use build_column_default, and not just the cooked default
7315  * returned by AddRelationNewConstraints, so that the right thing happens
7316  * when a datatype's default applies.
7317  *
7318  * Note: it might seem that this should happen at the end of Phase 2, so
7319  * that the effects of subsequent subcommands can be taken into account.
7320  * It's intentional that we do it now, though. The new column should be
7321  * filled according to what is said in the ADD COLUMN subcommand, so that
7322  * the effects are the same as if this subcommand had been run by itself
7323  * and the later subcommands had been issued in new ALTER TABLE commands.
7324  *
7325  * We can skip this entirely for relations without storage, since Phase 3
7326  * is certainly not going to touch them. System attributes don't have
7327  * interesting defaults, either.
7328  */
7329  if (RELKIND_HAS_STORAGE(relkind))
7330  {
7331  /*
7332  * For an identity column, we can't use build_column_default(),
7333  * because the sequence ownership isn't set yet. So do it manually.
7334  */
7335  if (colDef->identity)
7336  {
7339  nve->seqid = RangeVarGetRelid(colDef->identitySequence, NoLock, false);
7340  nve->typeId = attribute->atttypid;
7342  defval = (Expr *) nve;
7344  /* must do a rewrite for identity columns */
7346  }
7347  else
7348  defval = (Expr *) build_column_default(rel, attribute->attnum);
7350  if (!defval && DomainHasConstraints(attribute->atttypid))
7351  {
7352  Oid baseTypeId;
7353  int32 baseTypeMod;
7354  Oid baseTypeColl;
7356  baseTypeMod = attribute->atttypmod;
7357  baseTypeId = getBaseTypeAndTypmod(attribute->atttypid, &baseTypeMod);
7358  baseTypeColl = get_typcollation(baseTypeId);
7359  defval = (Expr *) makeNullConst(baseTypeId, baseTypeMod, baseTypeColl);
7360  defval = (Expr *) coerce_to_target_type(NULL,
7361  (Node *) defval,
7362  baseTypeId,
7363  attribute->atttypid,
7364  attribute->atttypmod,
7367  -1);
7368  if (defval == NULL) /* should not happen */
7369  elog(ERROR, "failed to coerce base type to domain");
7370  }
7372  if (defval)
7373  {
7377  newval->attnum = attribute->attnum;
7378  newval->expr = expression_planner(defval);
7379  newval->is_generated = (colDef->generated != '\0');
7381  tab->newvals = lappend(tab->newvals, newval);
7382  }
7384  if (DomainHasConstraints(attribute->atttypid))
7387  if (!TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, attribute->attnum - 1)->atthasmissing)
7388  {
7389  /*
7390  * If the new column is NOT NULL, and there is no missing value,
7391  * tell Phase 3 it needs to check for NULLs.
7392  */
7393  tab->verify_new_notnull |= colDef->is_not_null;
7394  }
7395  }
7397  /*
7398  * Add needed dependency entries for the new column.
7399  */
7400  add_column_datatype_dependency(myrelid, newattnum, attribute->atttypid);
7401  add_column_collation_dependency(myrelid, newattnum, attribute->attcollation);
7403  /*
7404  * Propagate to children as appropriate. Unlike most other ALTER
7405  * routines, we have to do this one level of recursion at a time; we can't
7406  * use find_all_inheritors to do it in one pass.
7407  */
7408  children =
7411  /*
7412  * If we are told not to recurse, there had better not be any child
7413  * tables; else the addition would put them out of step.
7414  */
7415  if (children && !recurse)
7416  ereport(ERROR,
7418  errmsg("column must be added to child tables too")));
7420  /* Children should see column as singly inherited */
7421  if (!recursing)
7422  {
7423  childcmd = copyObject(*cmd);
7424  colDef = castNode(ColumnDef, childcmd->def);
7425  colDef->inhcount = 1;
7426  colDef->is_local = false;
7427  }
7428  else
7429  childcmd = *cmd; /* no need to copy again */
7431  foreach(child, children)
7432  {
7433  Oid childrelid = lfirst_oid(child);
7434  Relation childrel;
7435  AlteredTableInfo *childtab;
7437  /* find_inheritance_children already got lock */
7438  childrel = table_open(childrelid, NoLock);
7439  CheckAlterTableIsSafe(childrel);
7441  /* Find or create work queue entry for this table */
7442  childtab = ATGetQueueEntry(wqueue, childrel);
7444  /* Recurse to child; return value is ignored */
7445  ATExecAddColumn(wqueue, childtab, childrel,
7446  &childcmd, recurse, true,
7447  lockmode, cur_pass, context);
7449  table_close(childrel, NoLock);
7450  }
7452  ObjectAddressSubSet(address, RelationRelationId, myrelid, newattnum);
7453  return address;
7454 }
Definition: event_trigger.h:41
#define newval
void CheckAttributeType(const char *attname, Oid atttypid, Oid attcollation, List *containing_rowtypes, int flags)
Definition: heap.c:548
void InsertPgAttributeTuples(Relation pg_attribute_rel, TupleDesc tupdesc, Oid new_rel_oid, const FormExtraData_pg_attribute tupdesc_extra[], CatalogIndexState indstate)
Definition: heap.c:702
#define MaxHeapAttributeNumber
Definition: htup_details.h:48
static bool pg_add_s16_overflow(int16 a, int16 b, int16 *result)
Definition: int.h:67
Oid get_typcollation(Oid typid)
Definition: lsyscache.c:3056
Oid getBaseTypeAndTypmod(Oid typid, int32 *typmod)
Definition: lsyscache.c:2538
Const * makeNullConst(Oid consttype, int32 consttypmod, Oid constcollid)
Definition: makefuncs.c:339
#define RangeVarGetRelid(relation, lockmode, missing_ok)
Definition: namespace.h:80
#define castNode(_type_, nodeptr)
Definition: nodes.h:176
#define InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(classId, objectId, subId)
Definition: objectaccess.h:173
#define ObjectAddressSubSet(addr, class_id, object_id, object_sub_id)
Definition: objectaddress.h:33
Node * coerce_to_target_type(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, Oid exprtype, Oid targettype, int32 targettypmod, CoercionContext ccontext, CoercionForm cformat, int location)
Definition: parse_coerce.c:78
void typenameTypeIdAndMod(ParseState *pstate, const TypeName *typeName, Oid *typeid_p, int32 *typmod_p)
Definition: parse_type.c:310
Oid GetColumnDefCollation(ParseState *pstate, const ColumnDef *coldef, Oid typeOid)
Definition: parse_type.c:540
#define list_make1_oid(x1)
Definition: pg_list.h:242
Expr * expression_planner(Expr *expr)
Definition: planner.c:6735
Definition: primnodes.h:736
Definition: primnodes.h:715
Node * build_column_default(Relation rel, int attrno)
bool verify_new_notnull
Definition: tablecmds.c:190
bool is_not_null
Definition: parsenodes.h:733
char identity
Definition: parsenodes.h:739
RangeVar * identitySequence
Definition: parsenodes.h:740
char * colname
Definition: parsenodes.h:728
TypeName * typeName
Definition: parsenodes.h:729
char generated
Definition: parsenodes.h:742
Node * raw_default
Definition: parsenodes.h:737
bool is_local
Definition: parsenodes.h:732
int16 inhcount
Definition: parsenodes.h:731
Node * raw_default
Definition: heap.h:30
AttrNumber attnum
Definition: heap.h:29
char generated
Definition: heap.h:32
bool missingMode
Definition: heap.h:31
TupleDesc rd_att
Definition: rel.h:112
HeapTuple SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(Oid relid, const char *attname)
Definition: syscache.c:503
#define SearchSysCacheCopy1(cacheId, key1)
Definition: syscache.h:91
static void add_column_datatype_dependency(Oid relid, int32 attnum, Oid typid)
Definition: tablecmds.c:7514
static void add_column_collation_dependency(Oid relid, int32 attnum, Oid collid)
Definition: tablecmds.c:7532
TupleDesc BuildDescForRelation(const List *columns)
Definition: tablecmds.c:1328
static AlterTableCmd * ATParseTransformCmd(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd, bool recurse, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTablePass cur_pass, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:5620
static bool check_for_column_name_collision(Relation rel, const char *colname, bool if_not_exists)
Definition: tablecmds.c:7461
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddColumn(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd **cmd, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode, AlterTablePass cur_pass, AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
Definition: tablecmds.c:7065

References add_column_collation_dependency(), add_column_datatype_dependency(), AddRelationNewConstraints(), Assert, AT_REWRITE_DEFAULT_VAL, ATGetQueueEntry(), ATParseTransformCmd(), ATSimplePermissions(), ATT_FOREIGN_TABLE, ATT_PARTITIONED_TABLE, ATT_TABLE, RawColumnDefault::attnum, build_column_default(), BuildDescForRelation(), castNode, CatalogTupleUpdate(), check_for_column_name_collision(), check_stack_depth(), CheckAlterTableIsSafe(), CheckAttributeType(), COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, coerce_to_target_type(), COERCION_ASSIGNMENT, ColumnDef::colname, CommandCounterIncrement(), context, copyObject, AlterTableCmd::def, DomainHasConstraints(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, expression_planner(), find_inheritance_children(), RawColumnDefault::generated, ColumnDef::generated, get_collation_name(), get_typcollation(), getBaseTypeAndTypmod(), GetColumnDefCollation(), GETSTRUCT, heap_freetuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, ColumnDef::identity, ColumnDef::identitySequence, ColumnDef::inhcount, InsertPgAttributeTuples(), InvalidObjectAddress, InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, ColumnDef::is_local, ColumnDef::is_not_null, lappend(), lfirst_oid, list_make1, list_make1_oid, makeNode, makeNullConst(), MaxHeapAttributeNumber, RawColumnDefault::missingMode, NameStr, newval, AlteredTableInfo::newvals, NIL, NoLock, NOTICE, ObjectAddressSubSet, ObjectIdGetDatum(), palloc(), palloc0(), pg_add_s16_overflow(), RangeVarGetRelid, RawColumnDefault::raw_default, ColumnDef::raw_default, RelationData::rd_att, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetRelid, AlteredTableInfo::rewrite, RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCacheCopy1, SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(), NextValueExpr::seqid, HeapTupleData::t_self, table_close(), table_open(), TupleDescAttr, NextValueExpr::typeId, ColumnDef::typeName, typenameTypeIdAndMod(), and AlteredTableInfo::verify_new_notnull.

Referenced by ATExecCmd().

◆ ATExecAddConstraint()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddConstraint ( List **  wqueue,
AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
Constraint newConstraint,
bool  recurse,
bool  is_readd,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 9432 of file tablecmds.c.

9435 {
9438  Assert(IsA(newConstraint, Constraint));
9440  /*
9441  * Currently, we only expect to see CONSTR_CHECK, CONSTR_NOTNULL and
9442  * CONSTR_FOREIGN nodes arriving here (see the preprocessing done in
9443  * parse_utilcmd.c).
9444  */
9445  switch (newConstraint->contype)
9446  {
9447  case CONSTR_CHECK:
9448  case CONSTR_NOTNULL:
9449  address =
9450  ATAddCheckNNConstraint(wqueue, tab, rel,
9451  newConstraint, recurse, false, is_readd,
9452  lockmode);
9453  break;
9455  case CONSTR_FOREIGN:
9457  /*
9458  * Assign or validate constraint name
9459  */
9460  if (newConstraint->conname)
9461  {
9463  RelationGetRelid(rel),
9464  newConstraint->conname))
9465  ereport(ERROR,
9467  errmsg("constraint \"%s\" for relation \"%s\" already exists",
9468  newConstraint->conname,
9469  RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
9470  }
9471  else
9472  newConstraint->conname =
9475  "fkey",
9476  RelationGetNamespace(rel),
9477  NIL);
9479  address = ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(wqueue, tab, rel,
9480  newConstraint,
9481  recurse, false,
9482  lockmode);
9483  break;
9485  default:
9486  elog(ERROR, "unrecognized constraint type: %d",
9487  (int) newConstraint->contype);
9488  }
9490  return address;
9491 }
Definition: parsenodes.h:2730
Definition: streamutil.c:30
static ObjectAddress ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel, Constraint *fkconstraint, bool recurse, bool recursing, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: tablecmds.c:9699

References Assert, ATAddCheckNNConstraint(), ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(), ChooseConstraintName(), ChooseForeignKeyConstraintNameAddition(), Constraint::conname, CONSTR_CHECK, CONSTR_FOREIGN, CONSTR_NOTNULL, CONSTRAINT_RELATION, ConstraintNameIsUsed(), Constraint::contype, elog, ereport, errcode(), ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT, errmsg(), ERROR, Constraint::fk_attrs, InvalidObjectAddress, IsA, NIL, RelationGetNamespace, RelationGetRelationName, and RelationGetRelid.

Referenced by ATExecCmd().

◆ ATExecAddIdentity()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIdentity ( Relation  rel,
const char *  colName,
Node def,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
bool  recurse,
bool  recursing 

Definition at line 8034 of file tablecmds.c.

8036 {
8037  Relation attrelation;
8038  HeapTuple tuple;
8039  Form_pg_attribute attTup;
8041  ObjectAddress address;
8042  ColumnDef *cdef = castNode(ColumnDef, def);
8043  bool ispartitioned;
8045  ispartitioned = (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE);
8046  if (ispartitioned && !recurse)
8047  ereport(ERROR,
8049  errmsg("cannot add identity to a column of only the partitioned table"),
8050  errhint("Do not specify the ONLY keyword.")));
8052  if (rel->rd_rel->relispartition && !recursing)
8053  ereport(ERROR,
8055  errmsg("cannot add identity to a column of a partition"));
8057  attrelation = table_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
8059  tuple = SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(RelationGetRelid(rel), colName);
8060  if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
8061  ereport(ERROR,
8063  errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist",
8064  colName, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
8065  attTup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
8066  attnum = attTup->attnum;
8068  /* Can't alter a system attribute */
8069  if (attnum <= 0)
8070  ereport(ERROR,
8072  errmsg("cannot alter system column \"%s\"",
8073  colName)));
8075  /*
8076  * Creating a column as identity implies NOT NULL, so adding the identity
8077  * to an existing column that is not NOT NULL would create a state that
8078  * cannot be reproduced without contortions.
8079  */
8080  if (!attTup->attnotnull)
8081  ereport(ERROR,
8083  errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" must be declared NOT NULL before identity can be added",
8084  colName, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
8086  if (attTup->attidentity)
8087  ereport(ERROR,
8089  errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" is already an identity column",
8090  colName, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
8092  if (attTup->atthasdef)
8093  ereport(ERROR,
8095  errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" already has a default value",
8096  colName, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));
8098  attTup->attidentity = cdef->identity;
8099  CatalogTupleUpdate(attrelation, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
8101  InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(RelationRelationId,
8102  RelationGetRelid(rel),
8103  attTup->attnum);
8104  ObjectAddressSubSet(address, RelationRelationId,
8105  RelationGetRelid(rel), attnum);
8106  heap_freetuple(tuple);
8108  table_close(attrelation, RowExclusiveLock);
8110  /*
8111  * Recurse to propagate the identity column to partitions. Identity is
8112  * not inherited in regular inheritance children.
8113  */
8114  if (recurse && ispartitioned)
8115  {
8116  List *children;
8117  ListCell *lc;
8119  children = find_inheritance_children(RelationGetRelid(rel), lockmode);
8121  foreach(lc, children)
8122  {
8123  Relation childrel;
8125  childrel = table_open(lfirst_oid(lc), NoLock);
8126  ATExecAddIdentity(childrel, colName, def, lockmode, recurse, true);
8127  table_close(childrel, NoLock);
8128  }
8129  }
8131  return address;
8132 }
int errhint(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: elog.c:1317
static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIdentity(Relation rel, const char *colName, Node *def, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool recurse, bool recursing)
Definition: tablecmds.c:8034

References attnum, castNode, CatalogTupleUpdate(), ereport, errcode(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, find_inheritance_children(), GETSTRUCT, heap_freetuple(), HeapTupleIsValid, ColumnDef::identity, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, lfirst_oid, NoLock, ObjectAddressSubSet, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelationName, RelationGetRelid, RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(), HeapTupleData::t_self, table_close(), and table_open().

Referenced by ATExecCmd().

◆ ATExecAddIndex()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIndex ( AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
IndexStmt stmt,
bool  is_rebuild,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 9256 of file tablecmds.c.

9258 {
9259  bool check_rights;
9260  bool skip_build;
9261  bool quiet;
9262  ObjectAddress address;
9264  Assert(IsA(stmt, IndexStmt));
9265  Assert(!stmt->concurrent);
9267  /* The IndexStmt has already been through transformIndexStmt */
9268  Assert(stmt->transformed);
9270  /* suppress schema rights check when rebuilding existing index */
9271  check_rights = !is_rebuild;
9272  /* skip index build if phase 3 will do it or we're reusing an old one */
9273  skip_build = tab->rewrite > 0 || RelFileNumberIsValid(stmt->oldNumber);
9274  /* suppress notices when rebuilding existing index */
9275  quiet = is_rebuild;
9277  address = DefineIndex(RelationGetRelid(rel),
9278  stmt,
9279  InvalidOid, /* no predefined OID */
9280  InvalidOid, /* no parent index */
9281  InvalidOid, /* no parent constraint */
9282  -1, /* total_parts unknown */
9283  true, /* is_alter_table */
9284  check_rights,
9285  false, /* check_not_in_use - we did it already */
9286  skip_build,
9287  quiet);
9289  /*
9290  * If TryReuseIndex() stashed a relfilenumber for us, we used it for the
9291  * new index instead of building from scratch. Restore associated fields.
9292  * This may store InvalidSubTransactionId in both fields, in which case
9293  * relcache.c will assume it can rebuild the relcache entry. Hence, do
9294  * this after the CCI that made catalog rows visible to any rebuild. The
9295  * DROP of the old edition of this index will have scheduled the storage
9296  * for deletion at commit, so cancel that pending deletion.
9297  */
9298  if (RelFileNumberIsValid(stmt->oldNumber))
9299  {
9300  Relation irel = index_open(address.objectId, NoLock);
9302  irel->rd_createSubid = stmt->oldCreateSubid;
9303  irel->rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid = stmt->oldFirstRelfilelocatorSubid;
9304  RelationPreserveStorage(irel->rd_locator, true);
9305  index_close(irel, NoLock);
9306  }
9308  return address;
9309 }
void index_close(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: indexam.c:177
Relation index_open(Oid relationId, LOCKMODE lockmode)
Definition: indexam.c:133
ObjectAddress DefineIndex(Oid tableId, IndexStmt *stmt, Oid indexRelationId, Oid parentIndexId, Oid parentConstraintId, int total_parts, bool is_alter_table, bool check_rights, bool check_not_in_use, bool skip_build, bool quiet)
Definition: indexcmds.c:543
#define RelFileNumberIsValid(relnumber)
Definition: relpath.h:27
void RelationPreserveStorage(RelFileLocator rlocator, bool atCommit)
Definition: storage.c:251
SubTransactionId rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid
Definition: rel.h:106
SubTransactionId rd_createSubid
Definition: rel.h:103
RelFileLocator rd_locator
Definition: rel.h:57

References Assert, DefineIndex(), index_close(), index_open(), InvalidOid, IsA, NoLock, ObjectAddress::objectId, RelationData::rd_createSubid, RelationData::rd_firstRelfilelocatorSubid, RelationData::rd_locator, RelationGetRelid, RelationPreserveStorage(), RelFileNumberIsValid, AlteredTableInfo::rewrite, and stmt.

Referenced by ATExecCmd().

◆ ATExecAddIndexConstraint()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddIndexConstraint ( AlteredTableInfo tab,
Relation  rel,
IndexStmt stmt,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 9340 of file tablecmds.c.

9342 {
9343  Oid index_oid = stmt->indexOid;
9344  Relation indexRel;
9345  char *indexName;
9346  IndexInfo *indexInfo;
9347  char *constraintName;
9348  char constraintType;
9349  ObjectAddress address;
9350  bits16 flags;
9352  Assert(IsA(stmt, IndexStmt));
9353  Assert(OidIsValid(index_oid));
9354  Assert(stmt->isconstraint);
9356  /*
9357  * Doing this on partitioned tables is not a simple feature to implement,
9358  * so let's punt for now.
9359  */
9360  if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
9361  ereport(ERROR,
9363  errmsg("ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT USING INDEX is not supported on partitioned tables")));
9365  indexRel = index_open(index_oid, AccessShareLock);
9367  indexName = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(indexRel));
9369  indexInfo = BuildIndexInfo(indexRel);
9371  /* this should have been checked at parse time */
9372  if (!indexInfo->ii_Unique)
9373  elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" is not unique", indexName);
9375  /*
9376  * Determine name to assign to constraint. We require a constraint to
9377  * have the same name as the underlying index; therefore, use the index's
9378  * existing name as the default constraint name, and if the user
9379  * explicitly gives some other name for the constraint, rename the index
9380  * to match.
9381  */
9382  constraintName = stmt->idxname;
9383  if (constraintName == NULL)
9384  constraintName = indexName;
9385  else if (strcmp(constraintName, indexName) != 0)
9386  {
9387  ereport(NOTICE,
9388  (errmsg("ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT USING INDEX will rename index \"%s\" to \"%s\"",
9389  indexName, constraintName)));
9390  RenameRelationInternal(index_oid, constraintName, false, true);
9391  }
9393  /* Extra checks needed if making primary key */
9394  if (stmt->primary)
9395  index_check_primary_key(rel, indexInfo, true, stmt);
9397  /* Note we currently don't support EXCLUSION constraints here */
9398  if (stmt->primary)
9399  constraintType = CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY;
9400  else
9401  constraintType = CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE;
9403  /* Create the catalog entries for the constraint */
9406  (stmt->initdeferred ? INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_INIT_DEFERRED : 0) |
9407  (stmt->deferrable ? INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_DEFERRABLE : 0) |
9408  (stmt->primary ? INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_MARK_AS_PRIMARY : 0);
9410  address = index_constraint_create(rel,
9411  index_oid,
9412  InvalidOid,
9413  indexInfo,
9414  constraintName,
9415  constraintType,
9416  flags,
9418  false); /* is_internal */
9420  index_close(indexRel, NoLock);
9422  return address;
9423 }
uint16 bits16
Definition: c.h:493
void index_check_primary_key(Relation heapRel, const IndexInfo *indexInfo, bool is_alter_table, const IndexStmt *stmt)
Definition: index.c:201
ObjectAddress index_constraint_create(Relation heapRelation, Oid indexRelationId, Oid parentConstraintId, const IndexInfo *indexInfo, const char *constraintName, char constraintType, bits16 constr_flags, bool allow_system_table_mods, bool is_internal)
Definition: index.c:1883
IndexInfo * BuildIndexInfo(Relation index)
Definition: index.c:2425
Definition: index.h:94
Definition: index.h:95
Definition: index.h:92
Definition: index.h:91
Definition: index.h:93
bool ii_Unique
Definition: execnodes.h:199
void RenameRelationInternal(Oid myrelid, const char *newrelname, bool is_internal, bool is_index)
Definition: tablecmds.c:4183

References AccessShareLock, allowSystemTableMods, Assert, BuildIndexInfo(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, IndexInfo::ii_Unique, index_check_primary_key(), index_close(), INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_DEFERRABLE, INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_INIT_DEFERRED, INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_MARK_AS_PRIMARY, INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_REMOVE_OLD_DEPS, INDEX_CONSTR_CREATE_UPDATE_INDEX, index_constraint_create(), index_open(), InvalidOid, IsA, NoLock, NOTICE, OidIsValid, pstrdup(), RelationData::rd_rel, RelationGetRelationName, RenameRelationInternal(), and stmt.

Referenced by ATExecCmd().

◆ ATExecAddInherit()

static ObjectAddress ATExecAddInherit ( Relation  child_rel,
RangeVar parent,
LOCKMODE  lockmode 

Definition at line 16047 of file tablecmds.c.

16048 {
16049  Relation parent_rel;
16050  List *children;
16051  ObjectAddress address;
16052  const char *trigger_name;
16054  /*
16055  * A self-exclusive lock is needed here. See the similar case in
16056  * MergeAttributes() for a full explanation.
16057  */
16058  parent_rel = table_openrv(parent, ShareUpdateExclusiveLock);
16060  /*
16061  * Must be owner of both parent and child -- child was checked by
16062  * ATSimplePermissions call in ATPrepCmd
16063  */
16064  ATSimplePermissions(AT_AddInherit, parent_rel,
16067  /* Permanent rels cannot inherit from temporary ones */
16068  if (parent_rel->rd_rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP &&
16069  child_rel->rd_rel->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
16070  ereport(ERROR,
16072  errmsg("cannot inherit from temporary relation \"%s\"",
16073  RelationGetRelationName(parent_rel))));
16075  /* If parent rel is temp, it must belong to this session */
16076  if (parent_rel->rd_rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP &&
16077  !parent_rel->rd_islocaltemp)
16078  ereport(ERROR,
16080  errmsg("cannot inherit from temporary relation of another session")));
16082  /* Ditto for the child */
16083  if (child_rel->rd_rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP &&
16084  !child_rel->rd_islocaltemp)
16085  ereport(ERROR,
16087  errmsg("cannot inherit to temporary relation of another session")));
16089  /* Prevent partitioned tables from becoming inheritance parents */
16090  if (parent_rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
16091  ereport(ERROR,
16093  errmsg("cannot inherit from partitioned table \"%s\"",
16094  parent->relname)));
16096  /* Likewise for partitions */
16097  if (parent_rel->rd_rel->relispartition)
16098  ereport(ERROR,
16100  errmsg("cannot inherit from a partition")));
16102  /*
16103  * Prevent circularity by seeing if proposed parent inherits from child.
16104  * (In particular, this disallows making a rel inherit from itself.)
16105  *
16106  * This is not completely bulletproof because of race conditions: in
16107  * multi-level inheritance trees, someone else could concurrently be